What are blood thinning pills. List of blood thinners

Updated: 30.01.2019 12:37:35

Judge: Boris Kaganovich

*Overview of the best in the opinion of the editors of the site. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

This review will focus on drugs that are commonly referred to as "blood thinners". In Runet, there are numerous materials on this topic, in which you can find information about a variety of means. Such articles describe a variety of drugs that are intended not only to improve the fluidity, that is, the rheology of the blood, but also are folk remedies. Information is provided on substances derived from living structures (hirudin), on thinning medicines for the treatment of varicose veins based on plant components. Such a “free placement” of all these numerous, very different means, biological preparations and plant extracts into the group of “blood thinners” is not entirely correct.

In fact, there are quite a limited number of drugs with proven efficacy and systemic effects that fall into the category of so-called antiplatelet agents, or improve the rheological properties of the blood (improve its fluidity).

A little about the density of blood and its rheological properties

But before proceeding to the description of antiplatelet agents - these important prophylactically medicines that thin the blood and save hundreds of thousands of lives, you need to understand what “impaired fluidity” of blood is, and how such blood differs from “thick blood”.

There is such a simple laboratory indicator as hematocrit. Hematocrit is the percentage, volumetric ratio between the liquid part of the blood, or its plasma, and cells - uniform elements. The more this ratio is, the thicker the blood. This density can arise due to an absolute factor, for example, excessive reproduction of all blood cells with a normal amount of plasma (polycythemia vera, or Wakez's disease).

But much more often, the hematocrit rises due to a decrease in the amount of the liquid part of the blood and is called relative. For example, this is a severe intestinal infection with repeated diarrhea and vomiting, when the blood thickens due to fluid loss. There is also physiological dehydration. For example, long-term hard physical labor in a dry, hot climate and intense sweating.

Does the blood thicken during these processes? Of course it thickens. Are blood thinners needed in this case? Of course not. It is enough to restore the fluid balance that has been changed, and the blood will acquire the lost rheological properties. What then drugs are called means, diluting it? These are drugs from two groups: anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents.

  1. Anticoagulants, or drugs that inhibit blood clotting processes, are prescribed only by a doctor, and are not sold in pharmacies without a prescription. These include some tablet preparations, such as Warfarin, Phenylin. But much more often, such agents are used that are prescribed subcutaneously. This is heparin and its modifications, which belong to more modern low molecular weight fractions, for example, Fraxiparin. Since these drugs can cause a significant amount of self-medication side effects, these drugs will not be considered in this review.
  2. Drugs from the group of antiplatelet agents(thinning) reduce the adhesion of blood cells to each other (reduce their aggregation, and, above all, platelets). They prevent the formation of so-called sludges, or columns of blood cells, which are the "embryos" of blood clots. As is known, thrombosis underlies vascular accidents leading to death, such as heart attack and stroke.

Therefore, the general indications for the appointment of thinning agents there will be an increased risk of thrombosis, the presence of progressive varicose veins, certain forms of hypertension with a high risk of heart attack and stroke, atherosclerosis and elevated plasma cholesterol levels. A separate indication for the appointment of antiplatelet agents is the overall increased risk of heart attack and stroke in the population. So, the overwhelming majority of the male population of large cities in Russia after the age of 45 has such a risk, so if a man over 45 has a tendency to sedentary work, excessive body weight, he has bad habits and especially smoking, then he is shown a reception disaggregants.

In world practice, there are not many drugs from this group that have proven effectiveness, but each of them has been tested for many years on tens of thousands of volunteers and patients with a wide variety of pathologies, and they were included in the rating. It is opened by such a well-known drug as acetylsalicylic acid, colloquially called by one of the oldest trade names - "Aspirin".

Rating of the best drugs for blood thinning

Acetylsalicylic acid (Cardiomagnyl, Thrombo-Ass, ASA - Cardio, Aspirin-Cardio)

Acetylsalicylic acid is the ancestor of a large and very important group of drugs called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The first word - "non-steroidal" - means that they have nothing to do with steroid hormones, which have the strongest ability to suppress inflammation.

Acetylsalicylic acid is an artificially enhanced natural version of one of the salicylates, which was used in medicine earlier as an antipyretic. Most of all it was contained in the bark of the white willow (salicin), it is also found in raspberries. The artificial acetylsalicylic acid molecule is a much stronger substance.

During the 20th century, many different drugs from this group were created, such as Ibuprofen, Meloxicam, Nimesulide and others. All of them, to varying degrees, are able to suppress the development of inflammation, reduce pain, and have an antipyretic effect.

Along the way, it turned out that low doses of acetylsalicylic acid, which are not high enough to reduce high temperature, with planned and long-term use, it contributes to a significant reduction in the risk of thrombosis and the development of heart attacks and ischemic strokes. It was found that after a single dose of acetylsalicylic acid, the effect of improving blood fluidity persists for a whole week.

The mechanism of action is based on blocking the enzyme type 1 cyclooxygenase (COX-1). This leads to the launch of a cascade of processes: the synthesis of prostaglandins, thromboxane and other substances is blocked, and this leads to a decrease in aggregation, or adhesion of platelets to each other, and suppression of thrombosis induction. The establishment of this fact was a real gift for medicine. Over the decades, a lot of practical material has accumulated, and at present, the minimum dosage that can reduce the risk of developing vascular accidents when taken daily is 75 mg. The standard dosage fluctuates around 100 mg in terms of acetylsalicylic acid.

All heart "aspirins" are designed for long-term use, and are consumed before meals with plenty of fluids. The main indications, as mentioned above, are the prevention of acute myocardial infarction, secondary prevention of heart attacks and ischemic strokes. Cardiac "aspirin" is used to prevent thromboembolic complications after surgery and various interventions on the vessels. Indications for the use of ASA (acetylsalicylic acid) are very wide. These are diabetes mellitus and obesity, angina pectoris and the risk of developing vascular accidents. It is used in the presence of bad habits, and especially when smoking. The use of acetylsalicylic acid improves the condition of coronary implants, various grafts, including those after valve operations and after coronary artery bypass grafting.

Nevertheless, acetylsalicylic acid, even in such small dosages, but used for a long time, has its own contraindications. First of all, this is an exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, as well as erosive gastritis. These are conditions with a high risk of gastrointestinal bleeding, low blood clotting, hemorrhagic diathesis. In no case should it be used during pregnancy, lactation and persons under 18 years of age. Children taking acetylsalicylic acid is strictly prohibited due to the possible development of Reye's syndrome, even death, so children are prescribed either ibuprofen or paracetamol drugs to reduce fever and reduce inflammatory symptoms.

Aspirin is contraindicated in the so-called aspirin asthma, and recurrent nasal polyposis. It can not be used in severe renal and hepatic insufficiency. There are also a large number of relative contraindications, such as gout, hyperuricemia, the condition before surgery due to the possible development of bleeding.

Overdose symptoms may also occur, and they are especially dangerous in the elderly, therefore, only a doctor should prescribe ASA for long-term use.

Currently, a large number of low-dose acetylsalicylic acid varieties, the so-called "heart aspirins", are available in pharmacies. So, if we consider the popular dosage of 100 mg, then one package, designed for a monthly intake, and consisting of 30 tablets, has a different, but low cost, depending on the manufacturer. So:

  1. ASK - Cardio, a domestic manufacturer of Medisorb, will cost an average of 50 rubles;
  2. Aspicor of the domestic manufacturer CJSC Vertex in the same dosage and in the same quantity costs 56 rubles;
  3. Cardiac manufactured by CJSC Canonpharma Production - 60 rubles.

As you can see, the price of domestic drugs is about the same. If we consider an imported drug, for example, Thrombo - ACC in the same dosage and in the amount of 28 tablets produced by the Austrian company Lannacher, then its cost will be the same - 52 rubles. for packing.

About enteric forms and systemic action

Currently, the so-called "enteric forms" of acetylsalicylic acid, or blood-thinning tablets that bypass the stomach and dissolve only in the small intestine, are very popular on the pharmaceutical market. This fact is achieved by adding a special shell for the acetylsalicylic acid tablet, which consists of magnesium hydroxide. Everyone knows that this base is part of antacid preparations, and simply helps acetylsalicylic acid bypass the acidic environment of the stomach.

According to the manufacturers, such a device helps to reduce the risk of the most common side symptom - the occurrence of an increased risk of gastric bleeding, exacerbation of ulcerative and erosive processes in the gastric mucosa.

But in fact, it has been proven for quite a long time that the ulcerogenic, or gastric ulcer-promoting action of acetylsalicylic acid is a systemic effect. This means that ASA harms the stomach not only locally, being inside it, but having already passed through the entire gastrointestinal tract and absorbed into the blood. This means that relying only on local coverage when taking acetylsalicylic acid will be an insufficient way to protect against systemic side effects, and this can be regarded as an element of an advertising strategy.

Perhaps the most famous drug from this group will be Cardiomagnyl. You can also name such tools as Thrombital, Thrombomag, Fazostabil and so on. The price of these tablets is slightly higher than just tablets without a protective, acid-resistant shell. So, a package of Cardiomagnyl in 30 tablets of 75 mg, calculated for a month, averages 135 rubles.

Pros and cons of ASC

Whatever the disadvantages of acetylsalicylic acid, all the same, the benefits far outweigh all sorts of shortcomings (of course, if the appointment and administration of the drug is under medical supervision). The main disadvantages will be absolute contraindications - acute gastric ulcer, the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding, childhood and all those conditions that were listed above. Bleeding may develop if a tooth extraction and other manipulations are performed while taking aspirin. There is a fact of development of aspirin asthma, individual intolerance to this remedy and other conditions.

But still, taking into account all the contraindications and side effects, all these cases are significantly less than the number of patients who need to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, which includes millions of people. Acetylsalicylic acid tablets are inexpensive, well tolerated by the vast majority of patients, and are considered to be truly life-prolonging agents in the presence of cardiovascular risk factors.

Curantyl (dipyridamole)

Dipyridamole, or Curantyl, is the second drug from the group of antiplatelet agents for blood thinning with proven effectiveness, but it is prescribed somewhat less frequently than acetylsalicylic acid. And this is unjustified: the advertising of ASA is so strong that dipyridamole has “pushed into the shadows”. Curantil not only improves the rheological properties of blood and helps to reduce platelet aggregation, but also has other systemic hemodynamic effects. So, it dilates blood vessels, and this effect is especially noticeable on small coronary arteries and arterioles.

As a result, Curantil reduces the total peripheral vascular resistance, helps to lower blood pressure, and further contributes to the normalization of venous outflow. In the brain, it reduces the resistance of cerebral vessels, and in obstetrics and gynecology it can improve placental blood flow, especially in various threatening conditions. In addition, dipyridamole activates the immune system, and increases the activity of the interferon induction system. As a result, this substance has not only antiaggregatory, but also angioprotective and immunomodulatory effects.

Curantyl is prescribed in the same way as acetylsalicylic acid, in order to prevent arterial and venous thrombosis, thromboembolism, and microcirculation disorders. A special indication will be the prevention of pulmonary embolism after surgical interventions, after valvular operations. Curantil is shown as a remedy for stopping placental insufficiency in complicated pregnancy. For prevention, it is necessary to take Curantil at a dosage of 75 to 225 mg per day, dividing the daily dose into several doses. The agent as a vasodilator and for prevention is used for a long time, under the supervision of a physician.

A separate indication, and very unusual for thinners, would be the prevention of influenza and respiratory infections. viral infections. For this, the funds are used in a minimum dosage of 25 mg 2 times a day (on the same day). This dosage is used only once a week, for a month. That is, a person uses Curantyl for only 4 days per month.

The well-known German pharmaceutical company Berlin-Chemie, the Menarini group, produces Curantil. A package of 120 tablets with a dosage of 25 mg will cost an average of 650 rubles. If the patient is prescribed the minimum dosage of 75 mg per day, then this amount is enough for about a month and a half. If twice the dosage is needed, then this package may last only one month or even less. There are also domestic analogues, for example, dipyridamole, which is produced by the Obolenskoye pharmaceutical company. So, 120 tablets can be purchased at a price of only 387 rubles. This is, of course, a much smaller amount.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of dipyridamole, or Curantyl, will be the ability to use it as a vasodilator (vasodilator), which acetylsalicylic acid is deprived of. It should be administered to patients several times a day, and flexibility in the daily dose is important, which can range from 75 to 600 mg. The possibility of using it in obstetrics and gynecology is important, including not only for prophylactic, but also for therapeutic purposes.

Few experts prescribe dipyridamole as an antiviral or immunomodulatory substance, but, nevertheless, some experience has been gained in its use during periods of SARS and influenza epidemics. Of course, dipyridamole is considered a more expensive drug than the numerous trade names of acetylsalicylic acid, but at the same time it also “works” not only as a disaggregant. It not only affects the rheological properties of blood, but also improves hemodynamics in the cardiac, cerebral and placental vessels.

Of course, dipyridamole also has contraindications, such as acute heart attack, unstable angina, severe forms of hypertension and hypotension, hemorrhagic disorders and childhood. It is especially necessary to remember that coffee and tea, which are consumed in significant quantities, weaken the effect of Curantyl.

Plavix, Deplatt, Zilt, Clopigrant, Lopirel, Egitromb (clopidogrel)

Plavix, or clopidogrel (INN), will be a serious drug, and also belongs to antiplatelet agents, like ASA, which thins the blood. Naturally, the higher power and strength of Plavix will never push ASK to second and third positions. The fact is that aspirin is immeasurably cheaper, as well as widespread and safe to use. Clopidogrel, on the other hand, has a completely different mechanism of action, associated with an irreversible change in specific receptors on platelets.

Clopidogrel was first introduced into clinical practice in 1997, and was initially used in fairly serious cardiac patients. Indications for the appointment were acute coronary syndrome, including changes in the ECG, percutaneous coronary intervention, and other cases. Sufficiently high efficiency was noted in patients with unstable angina pectoris. In the outpatient clinic, it is important that a lot of experience has been gained in the use of clopidogrel in patients with atherosclerosis, in particular with chronic cerebral ischemia. Therefore, in the event that a patient has resistance to antithrombotic therapy, and aspirin alone cannot cope with improving the rheological properties of blood, then clopidogrel is the drug of choice or expansion of the regimen, especially if the cardiovascular system has already been compromised by myocardial infarction. or the presence of unstable angina.

One of the important advantages of clopidogrel over acetylsalicylic acid will be the ability to prescribe it to patients with unstable angina, which is based on vasospasm, and aspirin is contraindicated in this diagnosis.

It is important that Plavix can be used not only as monotherapy, but also together with acetylsalicylic acid, and even as part of triple antithrombotic therapy. Thus, Plavix was effective in such a complex combination as its combined use with acetylsalicylic acid and the anticoagulant Warfarin. This combination may be necessary in patients with atrial fibrillation and with prosthetic heart valves.

Typically, the standard dosage of Plavix in patients with atherosclerotic vascular changes who have recently had a heart attack or stroke is 75 mg per day. Already at this dosage, there is a statistically significant reduction in the risk of recurrent heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular death. It is important that the use of clopidogrel was associated with a significantly lower number of side effects, such as the development of gastrointestinal bleeding, compared with acetylsalicylic acid. It is necessary to take Plavix for a long time.

Currently, in the pharmacy you can buy both original medicines for thinning - Plavix manufactured by Sanofi, and generics. So, a package of Plavix with a dosage of 75 mg, designed for a monthly course, costs an average of 990 rubles. Indian generics, such as Clapitax, will cost half as much. Clopidogrel Canon, produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company CJSC Canonpharma Production, will cost 340 rubles. Perhaps this is one of the cheapest analogues in the domestic market.

Advantages and disadvantages

First of all, you need to remember that Plavix, or any clopidogrel, is a serious drug for compromised patients. It should not be taken simply by relatively young people with a low level of physical activity, overweight and bad habits. With prevention in this case, acetylsalicylic acid will do just fine. But patients with the development of systemic atherothrombosis, after various heart operations, who have had a heart attack or stroke, it is necessary to use this medicine for secondary prevention.

A very big plus is the fact that it is combined with acetylsalicylic acid, and for such persons it significantly reduces the risk of cardiac death when compared with a separate intake of ASA. The downside of clopidogrel is considered to be a rather high cost, and the need, against the background of its use, to regularly monitor various bleeding options, as well as monitor the functional state of the liver.

Trental, Agapurin, Vasonite (pentoxifylline)

Previous drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid and clopidogrel regulated blood clotting by changing the properties of platelets. Trental (Pentoxifylline INN) acts as a thinner in several ways. It reduces platelet aggregation, but it also affects red blood cells. It improves their ability to tolerate deformation, especially penetrating through small capillaries. Pentoxifylline reduces the concentration of fibrinogen, which regulates the rate of occurrence of blood clots, reduces the ability of adhesion, or adhesion, of white blood cells to the inner vascular wall. Therefore, as a result, the normalization of the rheological properties of the blood is complemented by an improvement in microcirculation and a vasodilating, or vasodilating effect.

Pentoxifylline is an active ingredient, and the mechanism of action of this compound is associated with a decrease in the activity of phosphodiesterase (PDE) in vascular muscle cells and in blood elements.

The great value of this drug is the improvement of capillary blood flow, or microcirculation, in areas with their violation. Therefore, pentoxifylline and its varieties are indicated for all vascular diseases that are accompanied by impaired capillary blood flow.

These are various trophic ulcers on the legs, including diabetes and severe stages of varicose veins. Pentoxifylline is prescribed for diabetic angiopathy, for various disorders of cerebral circulation. Most often, Trental is prescribed to patients with cerebral atherosclerosis, but it can also be used in people with post-traumatic and alcoholic encephalopathy, dizziness, and memory impairment. Trental is indicated in case of development of sensorineural hearing loss, with circulatory disorders in the retina. It is prescribed in outpatient practice in tablets of 100 mg, three times a day, followed by a gradual increase in dose by half. In this case, you can not use pentoxifylline more than 1200 mg per day in three doses, that is, a single dose should not exceed 400 mg. Treatment with small doses is also possible, especially in patients with low blood pressure. After all, Trental has a vasodilating effect, and can independently lower blood pressure. The duration of the course is set by the doctor.

Trental is produced by the manufacturer Sanofi-Aventis, and the average cost of a package of 60 tablets of 100 mg is 530 rubles. With an average dosage of 600 mg per day, such a package is enough for only 10 days, and the monthly cost of the course will be about 1600 rubles. Therefore, Trental cannot be considered a cheap remedy.

Advantages and disadvantages

A big plus of Trental will be the ability to influence the microcirculatory bed. This allows him to cope with rather complex conditions in which various trophic disorders occur. However, it is contraindicated in massive bleeding, various acute processes, such as heart attack and stroke, retinal hemorrhage. Do not use it in pregnant women, in nursing mothers and in children. There are many relative contraindications. One of them is the joint appointment of Trental with Clopidogrel, and acetylsalicylic acid. Unlike its predecessors, this remedy is not used with other drugs from the genus of antiplatelet agents. But, despite all the disadvantages, pentoxifylline is indispensable in large groups of patients who, in old age, suffer from chronic peripheral circulatory disorders, whether it is the lower limbs, the retina of the eye, or the microvasculature of the brain.

Wessel Due F, Angioflux (sulodexide)

Perhaps the last in the cohort of "big" drugs for blood thinning can be called Wessel Due F. Its active ingredient is sulodexide, and there are almost no analogues on the domestic pharmaceutical market. You can also find Angioflux, which is produced by the domestic company Sotex Pharma. The original Wessel Due F is produced by the Italian pharmaceutical company Alfa Wasserman. This blood thinning medicine is available in ampoules, in capsules of 250 units each, and a package of sulodexide in 50 capsules will cost from 2,700 rubles.

As you can see, sulodexide is very expensive for the average Russian consumer of drugs. Why is he so expensive? Sulodexide improves the rheological properties of blood, reduces thrombosis, protects blood vessels, and at the same time has an anticoagulant effect. That is, it acts not only on the cellular, platelet link, but also on plasma factors of hemostasis. Sulodexide is a natural compound of animal origin. It is secreted from the mucous membrane of the porcine intestine. The main component is a low molecular weight heparin-like fraction. Thus, the drug does not affect platelets, not their tendency to thrombosis, but shows a special affinity for certain coagulation factors: antithrombin III and heparin cofactor II.

Therefore, the antithrombotic effect is realized in completely different ways than that of acetylsalicylic acid, clopidogrel and pentoxifylline. Activation of the X factor of plasma coagulation is suppressed, the secretion of prostacyclin increases and the amount of fibrinogen decreases. That is why Wessel Due F is expensive: it acts gently, but at once on several links of hemostasis, both cellular and plasma. It is a disaggregant and anticoagulant "in one bottle".

Sulodexide is indicated for use in patients with a high risk of thrombosis: after a heart attack, with various forms of hypertensive encephalopathy complicated by atherosclerosis. Wessel Due F is indicated in complex therapy for patients with diabetes mellitus, hypertension and vascular dementia. This remedy is successfully used in persons with occlusive lesions of the arterial vessels of the lower extremities against the background of atherosclerosis and diabetes. A very important indication is the treatment of a particular complication called heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. It develops sometimes after taking heparin.

Initially, the drug is usually used intramuscularly for 2-3 weeks, and then inside, one capsule a day between meals for a month.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Wessel Due F can be considered its effectiveness and good tolerability. Overdoses are rare side effects are weakly expressed. The most common are various functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and allergic reactions. This drug, under the supervision of a physician, can be used in pregnant women and in nursing mothers, except for the 1st trimester of pregnancy. Hypersensitivity and increased bleeding, or the manifestation of hemorrhagic diathesis, can be considered a strict contraindication. Perhaps such mildness of action and a small number of contraindications is dictated by the natural origin of sulodexide. At the moment, Wessel Due F is an indispensable tool in the complex therapy of various thrombotic conditions, peripheral circulatory disorders, especially in cases where the patient has intolerance or contraindications to the appointment of acetylsalicylic acid and its analogues.

In conclusion, we can say that this rating of drugs for improving the indicators of the rheological properties of blood did not include drugs derived from leeches, drugs for the treatment of varicose veins based on hesperidin, diosmin and escin, many drugs based on medicinal plants and folk remedies for blood thinning . This rating included only those drugs that have a proven global effectiveness and a large clinical research base, and at the same time have a systemic effect.

Often situations arise when the blood begins to thicken, which becomes dangerous to health. In this case, specialists prescribe drugs to thin the blood. They will be discussed further.

Most people do not attach importance to the fact that a violation of the flow of fluid into the body can provoke various negative consequences. Specialists have identified several pathological processes that directly depend on blood viscosity:

The development of each of these diseases can not only provoke disability, but also end in death.

The appointment of any medication should be carried out only by the attending physician after carrying out diagnostic measures. In addition, throughout the entire period of treatment, it is necessary to regularly do tests to monitor the state of health.

It is important to remember that blood-thinning pills are not anti-clotting agents.. They are not able to dissolve already formed clots. However, due to their properties, it is possible to reduce the viscosity of thick blood and prevent the development of thrombosis.

What kind of medicine to take and in what dosage, the specialist decides in each case individually. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age category of the patient, the severity of the condition and many other factors.

All drugs that prevent thrombosis are divided into two groups:

Medicines of the second type, in turn, are classified into:

  • indirect drugs that are used as prophylaxis after a stroke or myocardial infarction;
  • direct action, used during temporary therapeutic measures under the control of laboratory studies.

All medications aimed at thinning the blood, first of all, must be taken in order to provide first aid to the body. The pathological process itself can be eliminated only as a result of the treatment of the underlying disease.

Taking measures to promote blood thinning is necessary only on the basis of relevant test results or in the event of the appearance of characteristic symptoms. As a rule, depending on the type of laboratory study, the indicators may vary.

With a hematocrit value of more than 0.55, the body is in serious danger. When conducting general analysis blood for clotting disorders will see an increase in the concentration of red blood cells up to 6 or more per liter. If, when analyzing for viscosity, the value of the indicator is higher than four, then we can talk about a threat.

The corresponding symptoms will also indicate the excessive density of the blood fluid. These include:

In addition, one of the main symptoms is tingling and numbness in some areas of the body. With thickening of the blood, a constant depressive state of the patient will be noted.

The most effective and commonly used blood-thinning drugs include the following:

  1. Heparin. The same active ingredient is present in the mucus of leeches, which enters the bloodstream during a bite.
  2. Dabigatran. It is a thrombin inhibitor. Helps to achieve an active level of coagulation.
  3. Warfarin. It is in second place in terms of popularity.
  4. Trental.
  5. Aspecard. Helps control blood clots.
  6. Rivaroxaban. Refers to highly selective inhibitors. Relatively new medication.
  7. Aescusan. Contributes to the normalization of blood circulation in the veins, strengthens the vascular walls.
  8. Fenilin. It has an effective effect within a short period of time. Since this remedy has many contraindications, it is used in exceptional cases.
  9. Magnesium hydroxide preparations (Cardiomagnyl). They control the thickening of the blood fluid.
  10. Multivitamins. Contribute to the restoration of the vascular structure and prevent the formation of blood clots.
  11. Aspirin.

All of the above means should be used only as directed by a doctor. Self-treatment can provoke negative consequences.

After the age of 40, every person should undergo regular medical examinations, even if he does not suffer from chronic pathologies. Gradually, the body weakens, which is much more dangerous in the development of any pathological process.

Drugs that are prescribed by experts to thin the blood to patients after 50 years of age prevent the development of thrombosis, as well as diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Aspirin has always been one of the best drugs..

In addition, other medicines have recently become widely used. The list of medicines recommended for use at a more mature age:

Also suitable for adults:

  • Aggregal;
  • Clopidogrel;
  • Cardiomagnyl.

The listed funds must be used in a course with a break. This will keep the viscosity of the blood fluid normal for a whole year.

During the bearing of a child, it is not recommended to use blood-thinning drugs alone. Their appointment should be dealt with exclusively by the attending physician and only after an appropriate diagnostic examination has been carried out.

In addition, for preventive purposes, it is not worth using medicines during pregnancy.

Women in position are most often prescribed Curantyl. The action of the drug helps to strengthen the vascular walls, improve blood flow and prevent the formation of blood clots.

In stationary conditions, Heparin can be administered. It does not have a negative effect on the fetus, because it is not able to cross the placenta.

However, it is worth remembering that when using it, the risk of miscarriage or premature birth increases. In order to avoid such complications, it is necessary to take this remedy only under the strict supervision of a specialist.

The best cheap drugs are presented in the following list:

It is necessary to take any of the funds only after consulting a doctor.

With the development of some pathological processes, taking drugs that help prevent thrombosis is simply necessary.

So, with varicose veins, you need to pay increased attention to the composition of the blood and make sure that it does not thicken. A gel called Lyoton has good properties.

Dipyridamole or Curantyl tablets may also be prescribed. With the development of this pathology, the use of anticoagulants will not be superfluous. It can be Fraxiparine or Clexane in the form of injections, which are low molecular weight analogues of Heparin.

If there is a tendency to thicken the blood fluid, it is important to pay attention to the state of health, which will prevent the formation of blood clots. To solve this problem, Heparin and its analogues are often used. To prevent the formation of new blood clots, warfarin is prescribed. In case of extensive thrombosis, Alteplase can be used.

Before deciding on the use of a particular remedy, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, since each of the drugs has significant contraindications.

Among the most common of them are:

It is not recommended to independently choose drugs that contribute to blood thinning.. Given the multiple limitations, consultation with a specialist is essential. Only a doctor will be able to correctly select the remedy and prescribe the required dosage.

Since the majority medications contain potent substances in their composition, often patients experience the development of side effects:

  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract;
  • ulcers when taking funds for a long time;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • rash on the skin;
  • weakness;
  • stool disorder (diarrhea).

To prevent this, you must strictly adhere to the doctor's instructions, and you can not independently increase or decrease the dosage of the medicine.

To maintain normal blood viscosity and prevent negative consequences, it is necessary to control the drinking regimen and the quality of nutrition.

It is also important to adhere to some simple rules of prevention:

Means of blood-thinning action - drugs with high efficiency. Thanks to their effects, the chance of preventing the development of many serious diseases increases.

The function of the blood is very important in human body because it contains cells that are able to protect the body. If the blood begins to thicken, doctors prescribe blood thinning drugs.

Consider the causes of this phenomenon and give a list of pills and medicines that will help correct the situation.

These factors affect the quality and density of blood. Early manifestations of pathology are drowsiness, fatigue, irritability, memory loss, depression.

Diseases that provoke blood viscosity:

  • Varicose veins;
  • Heartbreak;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Hemorrhage in the brain.

In the absence of compensatory treatment, all this can lead to the formation of blood clots, therefore, patients are indicated for use tablets for blood thinning and preventing thrombosis.

thick blood can be thinned with medication, folk remedies, medical nutrition, leeches and in other ways. To enhance the effect, these methods are combined.

If you have a predisposition to this disorder, you will need regular prevention and control of your health.

The most effective treatment is taking medicines. Blood thinners funds contribute to the prevention of blood clots, improve the condition and quality of blood.

Each medicine is effective and good in its own way, but only a specialist has the right to prescribe a certain drug to a patient. Self-medication at least will not give a result, and threatens with complications.

List of blood thinners:

Heparin Prevents thickening of blood. The product contains a thinner substance contained in the saliva of leeches. Heparin is prescribed by a doctor in a dosage that is selected for each patient individually. 550
warfarin An anticoagulant drug that reduces blood clotting. Liquefaction with warfarin tablets is used when there is a risk of thrombosis. Sold without a prescription. 160
Curantyl Reduces blood density, is used to prevent blood clots in varicose veins and atherosclerosis. 700
Dabigatran analogue of warfarin. from 680
Aspecard Tablets that strengthen the walls of blood vessels with antithrombotic action. Contains aspirin. It is not sold in the Russian Federation, in Ukraine it costs 32 UAH.
Aescusan A drug that thins the blood and increases the elasticity of blood vessels. Normalizes the process of blood circulation. 250
Cardiomagnyl A popular remedy that prevents blood clotting and restores the human body as a whole. Aspirin in the composition of the drug affects the state of the blood, and magnesium reduces the effect of the main substance on the stomach. Prescribed by a doctor, prohibited for self-medication. from 130
Preparations with zinc and lecithin They prevent the formation of blood clots, increase the absorption of water in the body, thereby normalizing the composition of the blood. Manufacturer dependent
vitamins Improve the health of blood vessels, contribute to their restoration, reduce the risk of thrombosis. Manufacturer dependent

Each medication has its own instructions for use, so before drink drug, you should first read the instructions for its use.

still exist medicines, which not only liquefy blood, but also have additional effects. However, to achieve optimal results from their use, they must be combined with the main drugs.

These include:

  • Phlebodia;
  • Sermion;
  • Mexidol;
  • Diacarb.

Often used and angioprotectors. Recommended:

  • Diosmin;
  • Hesperidin;
  • Actovegin;
  • Angiovit;
  • Troxevasin (or its analogue Troxerutin);
  • Detralex;
  • Omega 3;
  • Venarus.

In addition to aspirin There are medications that will help solve the problem.

So, pill names which thin the blood without acetylsalicylic acid:

  • Ginkgo biloba;
  • Vitamins C and E;
  • Curantyl;
  • Warfarin;
  • Lyoton;
  • Phlebodia;
  • Heparin etc.

What funds do you accept And how to liquefy drugs thick blood, the attending physician has the right to decide. In order to avoid adverse consequences and side effects, an independent choice of drugs is not allowed.

On the pharmaceutical market there is a list of drugs that are analogues-substitutes for Cardiomagnyl, these are:

  • Aspirin;
  • Clopidogrel;
  • Pentoxifylline;
  • Dipyridamole;
  • Acecardol;
  • Cardiask;
  • Trental;
  • Aspirin cardio.

Each drug has its own contraindications and side effects, so you should consult a specialist before taking it.

Both drugs are most often prescribed during pregnancy, they are analogues in relation to each other.

Curantyl is prescribed to improve blood circulation, starting from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Before pregnancy, when planning, use Thrombo ACC.

The reason for prescribing these drugs may be hereditary thrombophilia or the indications of blood tests (coagulogram, etc.), according to which a hematologist or gynecologist determines the risk of blood clots in a pregnant woman.

In this case, drugs can be administered simultaneously.

Thrombo Ass contains acetylsalicylic acid and costs from 40 rubles, and Curantil - Dipyridamole, and its price in pharmacies is from 520 rubles. The difference in cost, as you can see, is very large. Therefore, if you need a budget tool, it is better to choose Trombo ACC.

Which one is better is decided strictly individually for each patient, depending on the purpose of treatment and indications.

The diet helps to achieve positive dynamics while reducing blood clotting. There are products that make it thicker, others, on the contrary, dilute it.

When choosing one or the other product We recommend using this table.

Food of animal origin other than dairy products Fresh berries and fruits
Roast Linseed and olive oil
smoked Vegetables
Protein food Ginger
Carbohydrate foods, especially those high in sugar Sunflower seeds, almonds and walnuts
Alcohol Onion garlic
Sweet and carbonated drinks Foods rich in magnesium (for example, oatmeal porridge, etc.)

Marine fish, Good sources of protein are:

  • Chicken and quail eggs;
  • Kefir and yogurt from cow's milk;
  • Dietary meats - chicken breasts, turkey (without skin and fat).

Patients need to drink more fluids - water reduces the viscosity of the blood and improves the absorption of nutrients. An adult needs to drink about 2 liters of clean water without gas per day.

It is also useful to drink herbal and fruit teas (ginger, strawberry, raspberry, cranberry, green) and juices from fresh vegetables and fruits.


With insufficient intake of pure fluid into the body, or when the absorption of fluid is disturbed, its removal from the body is enhanced. This increases the viscosity of the hemolymph, which worsens human health. Therefore, blood thinners are widely used today. Many are without Aspirin, because this drug causes some side effects and complications in the body when taken frequently.

The reasons for the high viscosity of the hemolymph have been known to medicine for a long time, as well as the signs. Therefore, various drugs have been developed in the methods of traditional and traditional medicine. Information about the usual Aspirin is outdated - without it, blood thinners work more efficiently and correctly.

Yes, it is necessary to take the necessary measures in a timely manner to treat complex pathologies, and regularly check the heme in all its parameters. But today it is simply unrealistic to choose blood-thinning drugs on your own - there are many of them, and each has its own directed action.

Need to know! All new blood thinners have been developed with the aim of combating the causes of increased viscosity. Pharmacologists have been developing all new drugs to thin the blood, based on the specific causes of its viscosity.

Blood density increases from insufficient water intake, from poor quality tap water. It is not recommended to replace clean water with carbonated drinks, tea, coffee. If we are talking about the quality of hemolymph, then references to the consumed liquid here can only be on the condition that it will be practically clean, filtered drinking water. Water intake norms have been adopted: a healthy person needs 30 g of liquid per 1 kg of weight per day.

Causes of increased blood density:

  • dysfunction of the spleen; a large number of spleen enzymes destroys the tissues of internal organs;
  • excess content of slag residues in the acidification phase;
  • loss of fluid after a long stay in the sun, as a complication after diarrhea;
  • excessive consumption of sugar and other foods high in simple carbohydrates;
  • a small use of foods containing a lot of various minerals - their deficiency disrupts the functions of organs;
  • the lack of a rationally adjusted menu in daily nutrition;
  • ionizing radiation;
  • food with a minimum salt content.

The level of thickening of the blood largely depends on the environmental situation in a particular region, even within the huge area of ​​​​Moscow. So, in the Skolkovo region, where reactors are constantly operating, the incidence of diseases per 1000 population is much higher than in one of the central regions - Nagatinskaya Embankment, where, although there is a ground section of the metro, and the Moscow River is polluted with household waste.

Nevertheless, in the center of Moscow, the ecological situation is much softer and freer than in the microdistrict of the scientific center, which, by the way, is surrounded by an excellent park area. Jobs in unfavorable ecology, in hazardous production have a negative impact on the state of the main liquid tissue of the human body - its blood.

The state of the hemolymph is clarified in the laboratory, after the delivery of the material for the calculation of the relevant components. However, the person himself can test his body according to some signs in order to notice problems in the state of health.

If there are signs such as:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • quick irritability;
  • daytime sleepiness;
  • memory deterioration.

No need to write them off for banal fatigue, such symptoms will not stop even after a vacation. It does not hurt to undergo a preventive examination, because such signs may indicate the presence of various pathologies of the central nervous system, including deviations in heme density, when it is time to thin the blood.

Attention! When such signs are identified in a person, it is not recommended to self-medicate and prescribe common blood-thinning drugs for yourself! It is imperative to get specialist advice after passing blood tests in a laboratory.

Banal refusal to drink drinking water can lead to serious consequences. This fact is one of the decisive factors in the natural physiological regulation of the level of heme density. Modern medicine identifies serious pathologies, the causes of which are the degree of density of the main liquid tissue of the body:

  • varicose veins;
  • risk of hypertensive crises;
  • thrombophlebitis - thrombophlebitis, an acute inflammatory disease of the walls of a vein, in which a blood clot may form in its lumen; at the same time, blood flow slows down, its viscosity changes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cerebral infarction;
  • myocardial infarction.

These diseases are directly related to the state of the main fluid in the body, they often lead to a person's disability.

Modern therapy has in its arsenal several options for diluting the hemolymph. For this purpose, one drug is used, or an integrated approach that uses both medication and traditional medicine recipes.

The most effective methods are:

  • drawing up a special menu, including products with thinning properties;
  • taking medication prescribed by a doctor;
  • hirudotherapy.

Pharmacological drugs aimed at thinning the blood, remove the threat of many diseases of the cardiovascular system, thrombosis. Heme of normal density maintains the physiologically important thickness of the walls of blood vessels, eliminates the formation of cholesterol plaques. Against this background, a person’s well-being improves, since internal organs work normally with unimpeded blood circulation, and brain activity increases.

Doctors warn! It is dangerous to drink any blood-thinning pills on your own, even in small doses, for prevention. It is necessary to consult a doctor, drink the medicine only as directed. Self-administration of the drug to oneself often leads to unforeseen complications - it makes the blood very thin, causing bleeding.

Before the doctor chooses pills for treatment, he understands the factors of hemolymph thickening. In the hot season, the patient will feel much better when he increases the amount of fluid consumed. The same technique will also help people with high physical exertion. At the same time, the doctor takes into account that drugs for thrombophlebitis and hypertension have different effects, and when they are taken, a different effect should be expected.

Two groups of drugs have been developed to thin the blood:

  • anticoagulants; prevent heme from clotting. They are used in case of blockage of blood vessels, varicose veins, hypertension, high risk of stroke. The action of these drugs is based on the ability to quickly reduce the density of hemolymph;
  • antiplatelet agents; quickly and effectively cope with thrombosis and thrombophlebitis - diseases in which platelet production is impaired. Drugs of this pharmacological group prevent platelets from sticking together, the formation of blood clots.

A group of drugs aimed at thinning the blood do not contain aspirin, which significantly differs in their effect on the human body. They are prescribed when the patient has an inadequate reaction to aspirin - allergies, gastrointestinal complications. Therefore, instead of aspirin, the doctor selects the means of another pharmacological group.

The most common anticoagulants are drugs:

  1. Fenilin.
  2. Warfarin.
  3. Syncumar.
  4. Sylt.
  5. Coplavix.
  6. Heparin.
  7. Aggregal.

In this group, drugs of direct and indirect action differ, they differ in the speed of the effect obtained. Direct acting anticoagulants have many contraindications and have various side effects. For this reason, therapists do not recommend taking medications without a prescription, self-medicating.

Antiplatelet drugs are produced on the basis of acetylsalicylic acid. These include Aspirin, Aspekard, Aspirin-cardio. Thrombo ACC, Cardiomagnyl, Magnikor are widely used. These drugs should be taken with extreme caution.

The disadvantages of aspirin-based antiplatelet agents are:

  • inability to take during pregnancy;
  • exclusion of admission in cases of suspected bleeding;
  • prohibition of admission with gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Acetylsalicylic acid irritates the internal mucous membranes, which leads to erosion. An overdose of drugs leads to a high risk of toxic and allergic manifestations. Therefore, patients and doctors of modern practice prefer to replace Aspirin and use drugs on a different basis.

It's important to know! Aspirin-based medicines are highly effective for normalizing blood consistency. However, these drugs are prohibited for use in patients with abnormalities in the functions of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, peptic ulcers. This is due to the negative effect of the drug on the mucous membrane of the internal organs.

There is a group of new generation antiplatelet agents that are produced without the use of an Aspirin base:

  1. Trental.
  2. Curantyl.
  3. Ticlopidin.
  4. Aescusan.

These drugs have a moderate effect on vasodilatation, and are excellent for patients with high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and the formation of cholesterol plaques.

They are necessary for women and men in equal importance, because, first of all, they prevent most diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In pre-retirement age, drugs containing components that thin the blood, in addition to their direct effect, also strengthen the immune system. As a result, well-being improves significantly.

Heme thickening is dangerous in old age, since many changes in the body are already irreversible, leading to aging, loss of vital energy. Throughout life, a lot of toxins have time to accumulate in the body, cholesterol plaques are formed that interfere with the normal functions of internal organs.

For blood thinning after 50 years, it is the composition of the hemolymph that is one of the indicators of whether it is time to take care of health. At this age, when making any diagnosis, the doctor must prescribe appropriate laboratory tests. Signs of thickening of the hema give the doctor reason to examine the patient for the presence of some diseases for which the patient did not even complain. Without a doubt, a person approaches the 50-year milestone with a personal “bouquet” of diseases. Not for everyone the reason is thick blood. However, what is certain is that it plays an important role in overall health.

For 50-year-old citizens, the first signs of what needs to be done - it's time to liquefy the hema, are the standard signs of general well-being: memory loss, fatigue, nervousness. These are signs of any disease that causes a deterioration in overall well-being. Serious treatment is not always required. Most often, it is enough to take medication to thin the hemolymph. However, it is important for the doctor to find out the reason for the decrease in the composition of the liquid component in the total mass of blood.

Blood thinning is caused by:

  • acidification of the internal environment;
  • residual elements of waste products in the body;
  • availability in nutrition a large number products with simple carbohydrates;
  • insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals;
  • signs of dehydration due to low consumption of clean water.

Blood viscosity is determined in the laboratory, so people of retirement age become frequent guests here. It is necessary to constantly monitor the state of the blood in order to be sure of the normal state of one's health. But what if everyone around warns about the dangers of Aspirin.

At the same time, the doctor confidently writes out a prescription for drugs that are most suitable for a particular patient with his course of the disease. These are the most popular anticoagulants without Aspirin today - Warfarin, Fenilin, Heparin, Exantha. In addition, antiplatelet agents come to the aid of 50-year-old patients - new generation drugs: Coplavix, Clopidogrel, Agregal, Curantil, Cardiomagnyl. Such medicines should be taken in courses with interruptions so that the treatment lasts almost a whole year.

Each of the drugs has a different composition. So, Phenylin is produced on a plant basis - coumarin. The drug has a long-term effect, must accumulate in the body. In addition, while taking Fenilin, treatment with hypoglycemic agents is excluded. Coumarin is also contained in the composition of Warfarin, it is an indirect anticoagulant, it requires a certain schedule of intake.

When prescribing anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents, the doctor warns about observing the exact dosage. The action of aggregants suppresses K-dependent blood coagulation factors. Therefore, antiplatelet agents should be taken by excluding foods with vitamin K from your menu.

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Blood thinners after 50 years are necessary for both men and women. These therapeutic agents help prevent the development of most cardiovascular diseases. Blood-thinning medicines strengthen the immune system and improve overall well-being.

1 Why is thick blood dangerous?

With age, many irreversible changes occur in the human body, leading to aging and a decline in vital energy. Due to the accumulation of toxins and toxins, the formation of cholesterol plaques, there are disturbances in the functioning of the organs and systems of the body. One of the main indicators of the state of health is the composition of the blood. For this reason, accurate diagnoses can only be made after appropriate laboratory tests.

Human blood is 80% fluid and 20% formed elements. If this balance is disturbed in the direction of reducing the amount of fluid, the blood thickens. This leads to many problems:

  • impaired blood supply to organs;
  • drowsiness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • the risk of thrombophlebitis;
  • development of varicose veins;
  • disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system.

It is not often possible to meet an absolutely healthy person who has crossed the 50-year age threshold. It cannot be said that the cause of these problems is thick blood. But with all confidence it can be argued that she played a serious role in the deterioration of health. The first signs of a decrease in fluid in the blood are as follows:

  • memory impairment;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • irritability;
  • deterioration in general well-being.

These cases do not always require medical treatment. In most situations, it is sufficient to take blood thinners. In order to prevent its thickening, you need to know the reasons that lead to a decrease in the amount of fluid in the blood. Among them:

  • acidification of internal environments;
  • slagging;
  • eating large amounts of sugar and foods containing simple carbohydrates;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • exposure to radiation;
  • dehydration of the body, which occurs due to the consumption of insufficient amounts of water by a person.

The level of blood viscosity is set in the laboratory. But in most cases, such analyzes are not necessary: ​​the diet of a modern person includes a lot of products that contribute to the slagging of the body and a decrease in fluid in the blood. Therefore, after 40 years, you can safely start taking drugs to thin it.

Instructions for use for the drug Amlodipine and its analogues

2 Medicines to normalize the condition

The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of products, the action of which is aimed at normalizing the state of the blood. There are two groups of these drugs:

  1. 1. Anticoagulants.
  2. 2. Antiaggregants.

The first group includes drugs that prevent increased blood clotting by reducing the rate of fibrin production. The action of drugs of the second group is aimed at normalizing the process of platelet production.

You should know that the basis of any drug for blood thinning is vegetable raw materials. Therefore, they can be replaced with natural products that have positive influence on the hematopoietic system of the body. This step will require a revision of your diet. You will need funds for the purchase and time for the preparation of products. Therefore, given the workload of modern man, doctors have developed many drugs that help solve the problem quickly and without much hassle.

To thin the blood, you can take Aspirin, available to everyone. It contains a complex of antiplatelet agents that prevent platelets from sticking together. But taking these pills is not so safe: in people with disorders in the digestive tract, they can provoke an exacerbation of existing problems (ulcers and erosions). For this reason, doctors recommend using "modified" forms of Aspirin. For example, tablets such as Aspirin Cardio.

Warfarin: instructions for use of the drug

3 Popular anticoagulants

  1. 1. Warfarin. Belongs to the group of anticoagulants of indirect action, is made on the basis of coumarin. Requires the most accurate adherence to the reception schedule. Overdose can cause internal bleeding. The action of the drug is aimed at suppressing the synthesis of K-dependent blood coagulation factors. While taking the tablets, it is recommended to exclude foods containing vitamin K from the diet.
  2. 2. Enhance the effect of Warfarin: Cimetidine, Codeine, Metolazone, Simvastatin, Propafenone, Testosterone, Fluoxetine, Phenylbutazone, Itraconazole, Levamisole, Miconazole.
  3. 3. Phenylin. It is made on the basis of coumarin. While taking the tablets, it is not recommended to use hypoglycemic agents. The action of the drug begins 8-10 hours after it enters the digestive tract. It has a much smaller effect on capillaries than Warfarin and is well excreted from the body.

Of the anticoagulants, low molecular weight and non-fractional heparin is highly effective.

These remedies can be used at home. Non-fractional heparin is administered intravenously or subcutaneously. New generation oral anticoagulants: Warfarin, Exantha.

The drug Cavinton - instructions for use

4 Antiplatelet drugs

  1. 1. Coplavix. Light pink tablets containing salicylic acid. After a course of administration, the risk of stroke and heart attack is reduced. Indicated for patients with acute coronary syndrome. Effectively thins the blood, prevents atherothrombotic and thromboembolic complications.
  2. 2. Clopidogrel. Available in the form of film-coated tablets. The drug is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood, extensively metabolized in the liver. Indicated in ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction.
  3. 3. Aggregal. These anti-thrombotic tablets are taken to prevent complications after a heart attack and stroke, with coronary syndrome, angina pectoris. Inhibition of aggregation is observed 2 hours after ingestion. Aggregal substitutes: Clopidogrel, Zilt, Plagril, Deplatt-75, Cardutol, Plavix.

All blood thinning drugs have a similar effect. Cardiomagnyl, which includes aspirin, is popular. This drug has a pronounced antiplatelet effect. Effective for the prevention of many diseases of the cardiovascular system, has the smallest, compared with other drugs, the number of contraindications.

Curantyl has a similar effect. It is often prescribed to prevent the formation of coronary and venous thrombi, with myocardial hypertrophy. It is used in cardiac prosthetics. Effective in the treatment of DIC in children, sepsis, infectious toxicosis. In case of microcirculation disorders of any origin, Cardiomagnyl or Curantil is often prescribed.

Drugs that prevent thrombosis: Urokinase, Streptokinase, Alteplase. In addition to them, drugs can be prescribed that help dissolve blood clots. For example, Wobenzym. The vast majority of blood thinners are made without aspirin. The composition of the new generation of drugs includes substances made from plant materials.

5 Folk remedies

Effectively reduce blood viscosity natural juices. Older people need to develop the habit of daily use of them. Any are useful: unclarified, with pulp, without pulp. Excellent indicators for blood thinning in orange, grape, apple, carrot, beetroot, tomato juices.

Another remedy that helps reduce blood viscosity is baking soda. It has an alkaline effect. Since one of the causes of thickening of the blood is acidification of the body, soda will be of great help in neutralizing it. To achieve a positive effect, it is enough to take on an empty stomach for 10-14 days a glass of this solution: for 1 glass of water 1/4 tsp. soda.

A single daily intake of apple cider vinegar is useful for blood thinning. The course is from 2 months to six months. The composition is as follows: for 1 glass of warm water 2 tsp. vinegar. Flaxseed oil is one of the natural antithrombotic agents. It has a unique composition, including a complex of rare polyunsaturated fatty acids. 1 st. l. oils are drunk daily on an empty stomach. This helps not only to normalize blood viscosity, but also to get rid of many problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The appearance of failures or changes in the composition of the blood leads to a negative effect on the body as a whole and signals its general unsatisfactory condition.

One of these disorders is the formation of too thick blood, which, in turn, can provoke the appearance of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels.

In this case, you need to consult a doctor so that he individually selects drugs for blood thinning.

Blood thinners

It is necessary to consider which blood thinning pills are most common.


Heparin belongs to the group of anticoagulants with direct action. The release of this medicine in the form of tablets is not provided. It is subject to intravenous, intramuscular or subcutaneous administration. The liver, from where it was first isolated, as well as the lungs, skeletal muscles, heart muscle, and spleen, is distinguished by a high content of heparin.

Heparin is characterized by a rapid anticoagulant action, but its short duration. To obtain a long-term effect, the introduction of heparin must be carried out within every 4-6 hours.

The drug has a hypocholesterolemic effect, helps to reduce blood pressure, increase vascular permeability, suppress platelet adhesion, and ultimately reduce blood clotting. It is also possible to use ointments and gels, which include heparin, due to which it is possible to achieve an antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory effect.


To and used to prevent the formation of blood clots, is chimes. Tablets can act as an antianginal agent, angioprotector and antiplatelet agent.

The release of this substance is carried out in the form of dragees, ampoules with a solution for injection, coated tablets and having a yellow or greenish-yellow color.

The dosage and duration of the use of chimes depend on the form of the disease, the severity of the course and the patient's sensitivity to the drug and should be established by the doctor.


Irreplaceable drugs that help with vascular ailments and their consequences are angioprotectors, to the group of which phlebodia belongs.

Phlebodia tablets, which thin the blood and prevent thrombosis, are pink in color, round, biconvex in shape, they are covered with a film shell. Their use is effective for varicose veins. In addition, the use of this drug is provided for the purpose of:

    increase the tone of the veins;

    stimulation of venous outflow;

    reduction of congestive manifestations;

    restoration of lymphatic drainage;

    improvement of tissue trophism;

    preventing the adhesion of blood cells and the formation of their clots;

    stimulation of skin circulation.

Reception of phlebodia, as a rule, is not accompanied by the occurrence of adverse reactions or their short-term and minor manifestations. Most patients tolerate this drug well.


Mexidol belongs to the group of antioxidant drugs, thanks to its use it is possible to prevent thrombosis.

Mexidol is characterized by a large list of pharmacological properties. Its use contributes to:

    providing antihypoxic, nootropic, anticonvulsant, membrane-protective action;

    increasing the body's resistance to various damaging factors;

    improvement of brain metabolism;

    decrease in platelet aggregation;

    stabilization of membrane structures of erythrocytes and platelets;

    a decrease in the viscosity of the membrane and an increase in its fluidity.


Detralex - tablets with venotonic and angioprotective action. Produced in the form of oval tablets, film-coated, having an orange-pink color and a heterogeneous structure.

The use of detralex is indicated for the following purposes:

    reducing the extensibility of veins;

    reduction of venous stasis;

    restoration of tone and microcirculation of blood in the capillaries;

    reducing fragility and increasing the elasticity and plasticity of capillaries;

    increase in capillary resistance;

    improvement in venous tone.

Before you start using Detralex, you must consult with your doctor.

To achieve the maximum effect in the treatment of disorders associated with venous circulation, it is recommended to conduct healthy lifestyle life, which consists in hiking, getting rid of excess weight, avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun.


Troxevasin belongs to the group of angioprotective agents used mainly for the treatment of venous diseases. The release form is a capsule or gel.

The use of troxevasin is indicated for:

    reduction of swelling and pain, the source of which is venous insufficiency;

    improve blood circulation - to thin the blood and prevent thrombosis;

    providing anti-inflammatory action;

    reduce the occurrence of seizures;

    treatment of hemorrhoids, elimination of pain, itching, bleeding;

    treatment of varicose veins and trophic ulcers;

    strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

The mechanism of action of troxevasin is the effect on the vessels of its main component - troxerutin. Its action helps to reduce the fragility of the walls of blood vessels, improve blood flow, which leads to the elimination of swelling and pain. By preventing the formation of blood clots, troxevasin has a beneficial effect on the state of the blood.

It is worth noting that ascorbic acid in combination with the intake of this substance enhances the effect.


Actovegin is a drug that helps to activate metabolism, improve trophism and stimulate the regeneration process.

Forms of release of this tool are different. It can be presented as a solution for injection of a clear, yellowish color, almost free of foreign particles; dragee; gel or ointment.

The use of actovegin is permissible in the presence of the following indications:

    metabolic and vascular brain disorders;

    arterial and venous vascular disorders;

    angiopathy, trophic ulcers and other consequences caused by venous diseases;

    thermal and chemical burns;

    radiation damage to the skin.

Actovegin is effective for varicose veins and the presence of disorders associated with venous circulation.


One more effective drug, helping to cope with varicose veins - venarus. It belongs to angioprotectors and microcirculation correctors. The release form of this substance is a biconvex film-coated tablet with a characteristic bright pinkish-orange color.

Venarus is characterized by an angioprotective and venotonic action. Thanks to its use, the tone of the vascular walls increases, their extensibility, fragility and permeability decrease, and venous congestion is significantly reduced.

With the correct and systematic use of venarus, it is possible to achieve a reduction in the pronounced signs of a disease such as chronic venous insufficiency.

Among the indications for the use of venarus, there are: the presence of edema, convulsions, a feeling of heaviness in the limbs, observation of changes in skin color, susceptibility trophic ulcers, hemorrhoids, occurring in severe form.

Other drugs

In addition to the above remedies, the drugs that thin the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels include:

    Sermion. The release form is represented by orange tablets of a round, convex shape. The use of the drug helps to reduce platelet aggregation and improve hemorheological parameters of blood, increase the speed of blood movement in the extremities.

    Diacarb. Refers to weak diuretics. The drug is indicated in the presence of edematous syndrome, which has a mild or moderate severity, the development of glaucoma, epilepsy, susceptibility to altitude sickness. An important contraindication to taking this substance is hypersensitivity to certain components of it, which can lead to life-threatening side effects. Therefore, it is necessary to take diacarb only as directed by a doctor, and if there are the slightest symptoms of side effects, stop taking it.

    Diosmin and hesperedin also thin the blood. They have angioprotective and venotonic pharmacological action. These are drugs that prevent the formation of venous stasis. Systematic use helps to reduce the pronounced manifestations of venous diseases.

    Angiovit is a combination pharmaceutical product containing B vitamins. The use of this vitamin complex helps prevent the development of vascular thrombosis.

    Omega 3 refers to polyunsaturated fatty acids that have an invaluable effect on the human body. The use of this complex improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole, the functioning of the nervous system.

The blood-thinning and anti-clotting tablets listed in this list are by no means an exhaustive list of remedies. The pharmaceutical market is very diverse.

Rapid blood clotting is commonly referred to as thick blood. If its indicators are not within normal limits, then this contributes to the development of serious diseases.

Such as:

  • Oncology,
  • thrombosis,
  • Heart diseases,
  • varicose veins,
  • Strokes and other diseases and pathologies.

With rapid blood clotting, a therapy is prescribed that thins the blood, improving the passage of blood through the vascular channels, and reducing the load on the heart.

Thrombus dissolution

Note! With the frequent use of such drugs, the walls of the stomach and intestinal system collapse, the duration of therapy should be prescribed by a doctor!

Due to the harmful effects of drugs on the stomach, more and more people are interested in folk methods for blood thinning. Such products help to achieve the same result, without the use of therapy courses.

The main factors affecting liquefaction are:

  • Medications,
  • Ethnoscience,
  • Sufficient amount of water intake
  • right food,
  • Healthy lifestyle.

Why should I thin my blood?

If the above arguments have not yet convinced you, then consider a more detailed picture.

Excessive consumption of food with a high concentration of protein, and a small amount of carbohydrates:

  • Dairy products,
  • Cheese,
  • nuts,
  • meat products,
  • Eggs.

As a result, the alkaline blood reaction increases, due to which gluing of cells is formed in the blood, it thickens, which leads to hypertension.

Consequences of hypertension

Development of atherosclerosis also provokes thick blood. Due to the fact that fats and calcium salts are deposited on the walls of the arteries, their elasticity drops significantly and makes them stiff.

The formation of blood clots on the inside of the veins leads to their inflammation. In the sequence of which thrombophlebitis is diagnosed.

Attention! With this diagnosis, bleeding increases during operations or childbirth, which can lead to serious consequences.

By strengthening the vessels, the blood thickens even in situations with varicose veins. By taking liquefying foods, these diseases can be avoided, and long courses of therapy can be avoided. These include foods with a high concentration of vitamins C and P, and bioflavins, fresh fruits and vegetables contain their high concentration.

What can cause blood clotting?

Factors that a person influences himself, less often pathologies, lead to a thickening of red cells.

Reasons for requiring liquefaction:

  • Wrong nutrition.
    An assistant in the development of many diseases is malnutrition and an unhealthy lifestyle. A high concentration of fats and sugars in the food taken, increases the density of the blood,
  • Crisis of vitamins
    The lack of vitamins E, B6 and C in the body leads to the fact that the blood has to be thinned forcibly. The lack of these vitamins is often observed in pregnant women and malnutrition. As estrogen rises, the chance of blood clots increases.
  • Drinking small amounts of water
    Remember that doctors recommend drinking 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day, that is, in addition to tea, coffee, sugary drinks, soups, etc. Drying the body also results in the loss of water in the blood.
  • Nervous breakdowns
    Stressful situations and constant tension kill vitamins and minerals in the body, constricting blood vessels, thereby increasing pressure.
  • Alcohol and cigarettes
    Alcoholic drinks take water from the body, and when smoking, you need to consume vitamins much more than normal.

Thrombus formation

Note! The effect of red wine on the blood is ambiguous. The alcoholic drink, when used in moderation, liquefies, bringing benefits. The main thing is not to abuse.

  • Pathologies
    Varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, high blood cholesterol, high hemoglobin levels, spleen diseases and other diseases increase the load on the heart system, since the walls of blood vessels do not contract, and blood cells stick together into blood clots.

What danger is fraught with thick blood?

Blood that requires liquefaction has increased clotting rates.

The first symptoms are:

  • constant sleepiness,
  • shrinking memory,
  • Apathy.

Important! If symptoms are detected, it is better to immediately go to the hospital for examination. Remember that early detection of the disease reduces the cost and duration of its treatment.

Consequences of negligence to your body.

Inattention to symptoms can lead to:

  • Thrombosis of the arteries in the lungs (thromboembolism),
  • heart attacks,
  • Strokes
  • hypertensive crisis,
  • Thrombophlebitis.

Scientists also believe that poor blood circulation is the cause of cancer.

Drugs that thin the concentration in the blood

Thinners include:

  • medical preparations,
  • certain foodstuffs,
  • Medicinal plants (folk remedies),

First of all, it is necessary to normalize the intake of clean drinking water, because in moments of shortage, the body begins to take it from blood cells and tissues, which subsequently thickens the blood. For a good blood thinning, you should consume at least 1.5 liters of clean drinking non-carbonated water throughout the day.

The importance of water for the body

Dairy products thin, so regular consumption will reduce the risk of increased clotting.

As well as:

  • Vinegar,
  • natural apple,
  • Grape juice diluted with a little water.

Strengthens blood vessels and increases their elasticity products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Which are contained:

  • in olive oil,
  • Halibut,
  • Salmon,
  • Mackerel,
  • Or in special Omega vitamins (3, 6 or 9, or complexes 3-6-9).

Another name for them is fish oil. It performs all the same functions, but it will cost much less than eating red fish every day.

Vitamin A thins the blood, counteracts atherosclerosis.

Vitamin E- necessary for the eyes, skin and liver, fights stress and nervous tension, plus cleans the veins from blood clots, and reduces the risk of thrombosis.

Be carefull! The use of products for blood thinning in combination with drugs, the same action, leads to bleeding, and even strokes.

Advice! When eating sunflower seeds, the body will receive both magnesium and vitamin E immediately.

What drugs cause blood thinning?

Since blood thinning drugs damage the stomach, you should consult your doctor about taking therapy (its amount, and the time of taking the drugs). To reduce viscosity, use the following drugs (Table 1):

Aspirin ¼ tab. 1 time per day, during meals The most famous thinning agent, prevents the formation of blood clots
Phenylin It is drunk in a course, in three days, for more detailed description see instructions Prevents platelets from clumping together. Acts 8-10 hours after ingestion, and lasts for 30 hours.
Curantyl It is taken in doses from 75 mg to 225 mg. depending on the situation (see instructions) Prevents thrombosis, improves blood circulation in the brain
ThromboAss 50-100 mg of the drug 1 time per day, before meals Reduces blood clotting, prevents the formation of blood clots, thins
Ginkgo biloba The course of treatment is at least 3 months Improves blood circulation, including in the brain. Positive effect on memory, concentration and attention
1 capsule 1 time per day
Cardiomagnyl For prevention - 75 mg per day, for treatment - 150 mg The drug acts to slow down coagulation, and against thrombosis
Aescusan 12-15 drops 3 times a day before meals It is prescribed for varicose veins. Improves blood circulation, relieves pain and swelling
Course from 2 weeks to 3 months
Aspecard 100 to 300 mg. 1 time per day, 30-60 minutes before meals. Prevents formation with a long-term effect

Remember! It is better to consult about the appointment of treatment, doses of use and the duration of the course with a qualified doctor.

What foods help thin the blood?

When maintaining proper nutrition, you can do without drugs. For starters, you should put your diet in order by reducing the consumption of foods that thicken the blood.

Lead to increased coagulability:

  • Food made from animals, such foods store a lot of cholesterol and fatty acids. It is not worth removing completely from the diet, but it is possible to reduce consumption. They do not include dairy products,
  • Fried and smoked dishes
  • Foods high in protein
  • Fast carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, bars, cakes, pastries, potatoes),
  • Alcoholic drinks and soda.
  • bananas,
  • Strong tea and coffee

Certain types of herbs also affect the increase in coagulability:

  • Fresh nettle(!),
  • yarrow,
  • burdock,
  • Needles,
  • Burnet,
  • and others.

Attention! You should not drastically limit the consumption of the above products, as some of them also contain useful components. It should only gradually reduce their presence in the diet.

  • Green tea - makes blood vessels stronger, useful for varicose veins,
  • Blueberries - prevents the formation of blood clots, besides it is a natural antimicrobial agent,
  • 4 fresh tomato per day and the balance of water in the blood will be stabilized, the risk of thrombophlebitis and heart attack is reduced,
  • Pepper - dissolves blood clots, improves metabolic processes,
  • Garlic is a natural thinner, equivalent in action to aspirin,
  • Ginger - reduces sugar and liquefies,
  • Celery sack, raspberry juice,
  • Sea fish,
  • Yoghurts and kefirs,
  • Low-fat meat (turkey and chicken),
  • nuts,
  • sunflower seeds
  • Olive oil,
  • and others.

Advice! Eat everything in order to avoid problems with blood flow, and other diseases.

Folk remedies for liquefaction:

  • Willow bark - prevents the formation of clots, thinning the blood,
  • dandelion juice,
  • dried nettle,
  • Aloe,
  • Kalanchoe,
  • Peony root.

Almost all of these funds can be bought in pharmacies in your city.

Important! The use of thinning foods in combination with herbs at the same time can lead to bleeding. It is better to clarify all personal nuances with a doctor.

How to thin the blood during pregnancy?

At the time of gestation, liquefaction is more relevant than ever. During the course of pregnancy, the blood becomes viscous in all women. Such indicators are considered normal, and after childbirth they return to normal readings.

However, this process should be controlled, as varicose veins, lack of oxygen in the fetus, miscarriage, or blood clots may develop.

Means that are allowed to be taken when carrying a child can be obtained from a consulting doctor.

Taking medications during pregnancy is not recommended, so you need to include the following foods in your diet:

  • Citrus fruit,
  • Berries: blackcurrant, cranberries, strawberries, sea buckthorn, raspberries, plums,
  • Vegetables: garlic, onions, tomatoes, zucchini,
  • Cocoa,
  • Chocolate,
  • Mint.

Carefully! Taking berries or citrus fruits can trigger an allergy. For use, in such an important period, it is worth consulting a doctor.

Blood is the most important vital environment. From her condition depends on their own well-being and an indicator of the performance of all systems and organs. Almost all blood contains water, and only a small part is accounted for by other elements. If an insufficient amount of fluid enters the body, then blood flow viscosity occurs.

Dense blood flow: where does it come from and how to deal with it?

Blood viscosity appears for various reasons. You need to know which drugs thin the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels will also be required. But you must understand that almost all diseases are associated with thickening of the blood. These include:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • hemorrhage in the brain;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • heartbreak.

Lack of fluid in the body leads to health complications. And blood performs an important function, since it is a vital environment on which many processes that occur in various internal organs depend.

Many are interested in the question, why does blood viscosity occur?

  1. First of all, the blood can thicken due to poor-quality water. As a result, the overall energy of the body increases. Many people like to drink water from the tap, but this should not be done.
  2. Blood viscosity may appear due to a lack of an enzyme to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. All this ultimately leads to agglutination of red blood cells.
  3. The strong destructive work of the spleen can also cause thickening of the blood.
  4. Another factor is the slagging of the body.
  5. Such an ailment may appear due to dehydration of the body due to strong physical activity and prolonged exposure to the sun.
  6. Lack of water and salt or eating a huge amount of sweets.
  7. Living in a bad climate.
  8. There is no healthy diet.

All these reasons affect the quality of blood. At the initial stage, such a state can be determined by some signs. Usually this is increased drowsiness, fatigue, memory impairment and depression. Eventually, blood clots may form.

Experts advise daily to drink up to 2-2.5 liters of water. But the liquid must be purified from various impurities.

You can thin your blood in a variety of ways. You can combine them to enhance the effect. To restore the normal state, you can try medication, folk ways, the use of medicinal leeches and the use of blood thinning products. Take care of your health regularly and you will feel good all the time.

Medical treatment

Blood thinners will be presented now. They prevent the formation of blood clots and improve the condition of the blood. All means are good in their own way, but only a doctor has the right to prescribe this or that drug. It is forbidden to select medicines on your own.

There are a number of medicines aimed not only at thinning the blood. But for the normal functioning of the whole organism, it is simply necessary to take them in combination with the main drugs. These drugs include: Sermion, Phlebodia, Mexidol and Diakarb. Angioprotectors may also be useful.

Diosmin and Hesperidin, Angiovit, Detralex and Omega 3 bring great benefits to the body. Heparin, Troxevasin, Actovegin, Venarus can be added to this list. Here's what big list We are provided by pharmaceuticals. And which remedy from the presented to use, the attending physician decides. It is forbidden to make a decision on your own, in order to avoid accidents.

What two groups of drugs are used to thin the blood?

Pharmacology provides a wide range of different medicines. Pharmacies have a whole list of blood thinners. There are two groups of medicines intended for these purposes.

  • Anticoagulants.
  • Antiplatelet agents.

All these drugs are used to thin the blood. The first group is able to prevent increased blood clotting due to a decrease in the rate of fibrin formation. The second group allows you to normalize the process of platelet production.

All preparations for thinning the blood flow are composed of plant components. This means only one thing, that they can be replaced with natural ingredients. That is, you need to adjust your diet. There is a simpler option available to everyone - aspirin.

Aspirin to help you

Ascorbic acid helps the body to obtain the necessary substances, but this method is very popular not only because of the low cost of the product, but also because of its effectiveness. It's about Aspirin. This tool reduces the likelihood of developing a hemorrhage in the brain and rupture of the heart. Aspirin can slow down the process of agglutination of platelets.

Experts recommend taking this drug every day, especially for people with angina pectoris, atherosclerosis. Aspirin is prescribed for oral administration after a stroke or heart attack. Up to 150 mg should be taken per day. But it is strictly forbidden to exceed the dose. Only a doctor can do this. If you think that by adding a few mg, you will achieve blood thinning, then you are mistaken. Increasing the dose may lead to complications.

This drug has its contraindications. Aspirin should not be taken by people with gastritis and ulcers. It is explained simply. The fact is that aspirin negatively affects the gastric mucosa. It is forbidden to take this medicine in the presence of bronchial asthma.

  • The first group includes Warfarin, Metolazone, Simvastatin, Testosterone, Fluoxetine and Levamisole. Phenylin also refers to anticoagulants.
  • The second group includes Coplavix, Clopidogrel and Agregal.

All blood thinning drugs have the same effect.

Other drugs

  1. There is another effective drug, but it is directed a little differently. With varicose
    varicose veins use Venarus. The drug allows you to increase vascular tone and normalize blood flow. Venarus also reduces blood stasis. If you take this remedy regularly, then the signs of venous insufficiency will decrease before your eyes.
    Venarus is available in the form of tablets. Just swallow it and drink it with water. The venous drug must be combined with food. Venarus is able to treat hemorrhoids. To do this, take up to 6 tablets per day. They can be divided into two steps. It is advisable to take 3 tablets in the morning and the same amount in the evening. Thus, you should take the drug for 4 days, and then reduce the number of tablets to 4.
  2. The drug Phlebodia is able to reduce the extensibility of the veins and strengthen the wall of the capillaries. The remedy relieves venous stasis. Phlebodia is available in the form of tablets. They are rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. After 2 hours, they are found in plasma. Phlebodia is well tolerated and has no side effects. It is necessary to take 1 tablet daily. Phlebodia is allowed to use during pregnancy. This is especially true during the 1st and 3rd trimesters. The tool helps to get rid of lymphovenous insufficiency. But you should only take 1 tablet.
  3. Mexidol is usually prescribed 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. First you need to take 1-2 tablets twice a day. And then the dose is increased to two tablets three times a day. Mexidol should be taken up to 1.5 months. This drug can even treat alcoholism. The course of treatment in this case is designed for a week. Mexidol can be used in dentistry for rinsing the mouth.
  4. Detralex is a venotonic agent. It helps to restore the tone of blood flow in small vessels. As a result, Detralex makes the capillaries firm and elastic. This medicine is available in the form of tablets. Detralex is excreted from the body with feces. Only 13% of the drug is excreted in the urine. Detralex is included in the group of angioprotectors, which are aimed at improving the functioning of blood vessels. It is usually used to treat diseases accompanied by venous congestion. This drug has an antioxidant effect, as it prevents the appearance of free radicals. The medicine allows you to improve the tone of the veins, reduces their extensibility and relieves stagnation. Detralex promotes the outflow of lymph.

  5. Troxevasin belongs to the group of angioprotective agents that are used in the treatment procedure. chronic diseases circulatory and vascular systems. Troxevasin protects blood vessels and capillaries from fragility and regular damage. The tool restores the strength and density of the vascular walls. Troxevasin relieves swelling and blood clots, which leads to the normalization of blood flow. The drug is available in the form of a gel or capsules. With the first option, absorption takes longer than with the second. Only after 30 minutes Troxevasin penetrates through all layers of the skin.
  6. Actovegin has a positive effect on the transfer and removal of glucose, and oxygen is actively consumed. This allows the drug to have an antihypoxic effect. Actovegin is available in the form of tablets or ampoules. The usual use is 2 tablets three times a day before meals. The tablet does not need to be chewed, it is enough to drink water. Actovegin in ampoules is administered intravenously and intramuscularly.

All of the above drugs are intended to thin the blood. But each of them has a number of contraindications and side effects. Mexidol, Detrolex, Troxevasin, Actovegin and Heparin - all these medicines have a beneficial effect on the body.
