Dimexide with trophic ulcer. Simple recipes for the treatment of thrombophlebitis with folk remedies

The drug Dimexide (dimethyl sulfoxide) is used in medical practice as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent.

Properties of Dimexide

has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects,

improves metabolism at the cellular level,

dissolves venous thrombi.

In what cases is Dimexide used. Ways to use

The use of Dimexide is practiced in the treatment of inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine and joints. Arthritis, polyarthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis are successfully treated. At the same time, Dimexide is able to relieve inflammation and swelling, significantly reduce pain and partially or completely restore the function of the organ. In addition, Dimexide improves metabolic processes in cartilage tissue cells.

In diseases of the joints, therapy consists of a course of applications. Dimexide must be diluted with water 1: 1 to obtain a 50% solution, moisten a napkin with this solution, apply to the joint, apply polyethylene and a dry cloth on top. Leave for 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures daily, one at a time.

4. Thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers

With thrombophlebitis, Dimexide penetrates into the superficial vein and acts on the thrombus. With trophic ulcers, Dimexide is used in combination therapy with other medicines greatly alleviating the patient's condition. For the treatment of thrombophlebitis, a 50% solution of Dimexide is used, in the treatment of trophic ulcers, a 10-30% solution of Dimexide is used.

Dimexide has found wide application in bruises, sprains and other injuries. The drug dissolves hematomas, relieves inflammation and swelling of damaged tissues. With the integrity of the skin, a 50% solution of Dimexide is used, in case of violation of the integrity (open wounds) - a 10-30% solution of the drug.

Restoration of the function of blood vessels with the help of phyto- and apitherapy. Dimexide with thrombophlebitis

“Violations of the physiology of the capillaries are so widespread and so often observed that they should not be considered a secondary phenomenon, but, on the contrary, one of the main elements of organic disorders, whatever the disease. Open clogged capillaries in each patient. Restore the patency of the ducts, and the body itself will do the rest.

When the capillaries closed due to illness or old age open, then the cells of the body begin to receive enough oxygen and nutrients again, they gain a full life.

Abram Solomonovich Zalmanov, 30-40 years of the XX century.

Consider from the point of view of A.S. Zalmanova processes occurring in the prostate gland on the example of prostatitis. Normally, on palpation, the prostate gland has a soft, firm, elastic texture.

With pathology(in the initial stage), the prostate gland is enlarged, the contours of the gland are smoothed: the walls of the vessels are thickened, their gaps are narrowed. Then there is an accumulation of collagen-forming cells and there is a violation of the patency of the vessels, followed by sclerotization (shrinkage) of the gland, since the parenchyma is replaced by connective tissue. On palpation, the gland is hard, painful, has a stony texture.

In the treatment of prostatitis, the restoration of microcirculation in the gland is of great importance. Traditionally, doctors prescribe anticoagulants (heparin), enzyme preparations (such as trypsin), and aescusan.

It is difficult to find an andrologist who does not prescribe gland massage in the treatment of prostatitis.

prostate massage one of the oldest ways to treat patients with prostatitis. With finger massage of the prostate gland, blood supply improves and venous congestion in it decreases, arterial blood flows into the gland tissue, thereby improving its trophism and function, eliminating secretion stagnation and improving drainage of acini.

The chemical components of garlic prevent the formation of fibrin, which plays a role in the deposition of blood clots on the walls of blood vessels and blood clots. Garlic affects the chemical reactions responsible for the breakdown of cholesterol in the liver and for reducing the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver.

Garlic extract acts directly on the vascular wall and prevents the development of thrombosis, prevents platelet aggregation, reduces blood viscosity, reduces the level of fibrinogen, which is the basis of blood clots, and also improves microcirculation and promotes the dissolution of blood clots.

Garlic extract dilates blood vessels, lowers systolic and diastolic pressure, which is well reflected in the vessels of the brain, eyes, lower extremities. As a result of the latter, it is effective for intermittent claudication, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. Garlic is a natural source of silicon. If calcium is the basis of bone formation, then silicon determines the properties of flexible and elastic structures, the connective tissue of tendons, and is responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels, cartilage, heart valves and veins. With a deficiency of silicon, calcium, as a more active element, replaces silicon in all flexible structures and makes them rigid and brittle due to their properties. This is how atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, calcification of valves in the heart and blood vessels, obliterating endarteritis, intestinal atony occur.

Candles "NocChes" on the basis of garlic extract are intended, first of all, to act on the wall of blood vessels, helping them restore elasticity.

Extract from wax moth larvae contains enzymes, nucleotides, nucleocides, high-molecular proteins, peptides, xanthines, hypoxanthine, serotonin-like substances, a huge range of trace elements and vitamins.

The extract from wax moth larvae has a rich mineral composition, an active enzyme component that can actively relieve edema, inflammation, subcutaneous and internal hemorrhage, normalize blood flow in the microcirculatory bed, stabilize mineral metabolism, and, as a result, improve the permeability of vessel walls - venules, arterioles, lymph nodes.

  • Stimulates male potency, regulates the level of sex hormones, enhances spermatogenesis;
  • Shows anti-sclerotic properties, lowers blood cholesterol levels, has a heparin-forming effect;
  • In case of miscarriage, it is possible to correct various manifestations of placental insufficiency, violations of the rheological properties of blood, improve microcirculation;
  • Able to destroy the wax shell of bacteria (including Mycobacterium tuberculosis), reduces their vitality;
  • It exhibits clear anti-sclerotic properties, contributing to the dissolution of slag wax-like substances in the body (in particular, cholesterol plaques);
  • Improves the structure of capillaries, microcirculation, nutrition and respiration of cells;
  • Normalizes the blood coagulation system, prevents thrombosis (heparin-like effect);
  • It relieves bronchospasm, edema and inflammation in the lung tissue, thins sputum, eliminates the violation of the drainage and protective (including immunological) function of the bronchi. reduces the level of intoxication;
  • Promotes resorption of scars and their replacement with elastic tissue.

When using an extract from wax moth larvae, the lack of a criterion for the effect of this extract on the body causes difficulty. However, studies on volunteers have shown that the use of an extract inside or per rectum in suppositories, on the 8-12th day of application, causes sputum discharge from the lungs, the drainage function of the lungs improves significantly in all patients, regardless of the presence or absence of clinical manifestations. This shows us that the capillaries closed due to illness or old age open up and the cells of the body begin to receive enough oxygen and nutrients again, gain a full life.

The use of candles "Sir" from the extract of the wax moth aims to dissolve and remove waxy (cholesterol) substances from the blood vessels, improve the condition of capillaries, microcirculation. respiration and nutrition of cells.

Antioxidants- These are substances that protect the cells of the body from toxic effects, which is especially important for intensively functioning systems, for example, the cardiovascular system. It has now been proven that the use of various antioxidants significantly reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, hypertension and stroke.

Free radicals are abnormal molecules that attack cells, thereby upsetting the body's delicate chemical balance.

Antioxidants act as free radical scavengers, helping the body reduce tissue damage and speed up the healing process.

Maintaining the body in a normal state means maintaining the necessary balance between free radicals and antioxidant systems, the role of which is played by antioxidants.

When excess free radicals are formed in the body, the resulting pathology is called “free radical”. Classical examples of free radical pathology are toxic hepatitis, atherosclerosis, cataracts, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular pathology, including coronary heart disease and other diseases.

Vitamins C, B6, B2, PP, carotene, quinoins, phenolcarboxylic acids, steroids, tannins, etc. were found in green walnuts.

Green walnut extract- it is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, hemostatic, detoxifying, hemostimulating agent.

Green walnut extract is intended for wide use, has strong immunoprotective properties, promotes wound healing. It is non-toxic, has neither antigenic, nor immunotoxic, nor teratogenic activity. It is used as a remedy for acute and chronic inflammatory processes. It is a strong adaptogen and antioxidant, while stabilizing the cell membrane.

The medicinal properties of walnut extract attract patients with vascular lesions of the lower extremities. The extract has proven itself when used in the initial stage of changes (the appearance of pain, fatigue of the lower extremities, convulsions, the appearance and formation of varicose veins). Already formed varicose veins do not disappear without a trace, but the development of thrombophlebitis and the formation of blood clots are prevented.

The use of the extract leads to a decrease in edema and skin tension, healing of cracks and ulcers, promotes elitelization of wounds.

The use of candles "Gero" from green extract walnuts serves to protect the vessels of the small pelvis, abdominal cavity and lower extremities, reducing the level of tissue damage, accelerating the processes of regeneration and tissues.

It is known that the body of a bee is an original system that includes such glands as "mammary" - for the production of royal jelly, wax - for the production of wax, poisonous - to protect the bee colony. Man has been using the products of these glands for a long time and successfully. In addition, from the dead bees, he made decoctions and infusions to maintain his own health.

Preparations with an extract from bees cleanse the body, regulate metabolic processes, stimulate and normalize immune responses, increase the body's resistance to adverse external influences.

In the chitinous cover of bees there are substances such as heparin and heparoids (natural blood anticoagulants) that can suppress inflammation, stabilize blood pressure, have a healing effect on the hematopoietic system, the state of blood vessels (in particular, in the treatment of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and cerebral vessels) . Therefore, extracts from bees are used for prostatitis and prostate adenoma, uterine myoma, inflammation of the ovaries; in asthenic conditions, vascular atherosclerosis, obliterating endarteritis, impaired blood microcirculation in the organs and tissues of the body, during the recovery period after infectious diseases.

Example. In the treatment of fibroids and other benign formations, suppositories with ASD - 2 are prescribed, and the course lasts for months. When prescribing along with ASD - 2 suppositories "Apis", the recovery time is reduced by 2-3 times. Myoma in 10 days can decrease by 2 times. This indicates the possibility of the bee extract to actively influence the cardiovascular system, helping the transport of ASD-2 to the site of injury (myoma, etc.).

Candles with Apis bee extract help to suppress inflammatory processes occurring in blood vessels, thereby providing a therapeutic effect on the entire body.

Currently, we offer the following treatment regimen for prostatitis (or prostate adenoma).

1. Propolis suppositories with Dimexide are used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regenerative agent (according to Orkin V.F.).

2. Candles with ASD - 2 - as an immunocorrective, antitumor and antiseptic agent.

3. Candles with an extract from bees "Apis" - as one of the main means that affect the normal functioning of the prostate (according to E. Ludyansky), regulates metabolic processes and suppresses inflammatory processes.

4. Candles "Hero" (with green walnut extract) as an antioxidant and adaptogen, helping to eliminate the effects of the disease (neutralization of free radicals), increasing local immunity.

As a result of the combined treatment of prostate diseases, we have good results (see the magazine "Beekeeping" No. 9, 2008), including home treatment and the absence of the need for prostate massage.

Based on the practical application of the teachings of Dr. A.S. Zalmanov (in this case, on the example of prostatitis) and the use of suppositories "NokChes", "Apis", "Sir", "Gero" we can conclude: after the treatment, it is necessary to carry out work to restore the function and structure of the vessels in the prostate gland.

A group of volunteers (elderly people aged 63 years and older, burdened with scientific degrees), who previously used only propolis suppositories with Dimexide for treatment and occasionally with ASD - 2 to 3 - 4 courses during the year, agreed to the use of new products.

A course of treatment was prescribed: suppositories "NokChes" and "Apis" for 20 days 2 times a day rectally to bring the walls of blood vessels to a normal, working condition, lower cholesterol and calcium levels in the blood, followed by restoration of vascular elasticity. Next, candles "Sir" and "Gero" were used rectally for 20 days 2 times a day in order to "cleanse" the inner surface of the vascular wall from waxy (cholesterol) substances, strengthen and protect blood vessels from further pathological changes.

Practice has shown that after these courses of "vascular therapy" the use of propolis suppositories with Dimexide and suppositories with ASD-2 was practically not required. The restored and “put into operation” vessels performed their function with the help of the body.

Given the above, we believe that vascular therapy with suppositories can be used not only in urology, but also in gynecology, oncology, in the treatment of vascular diseases as an independent non-traditional treatment, and in combination with the appointment of traditional methods of therapy.

After 35 - 40 years, protein synthesis in the cell decreases, metabolic processes are disturbed. To prevent early aging of the body, you need to regularly take bioregulators, since there is no harm from them - these are not some chemicals alien to the body, but natural substances that the body itself produces, but with age this process gradually fades (according to the research of Vladimir Khaviison - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Chief Gerontologist of St. Petersburg, Vice President of the European Branch of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics).

Instructions for the use of candles "VenoTon".

Hawthorn fruits - the extract has anti-sclerotic, antispasmodic properties;

Rose hips - extract strengthens capillaries, prevents inflammatory processes in blood vessels;

Licorice root - the extract has pronounced anti-allergic and anti-edema properties;

Horse chestnut fruit - the extract has a strong venotonic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Kirkazon clematis (Finovnik) - plant extract in combination with predominantly venotonic acting herbs, used for diseases caused by venous insufficiency: phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, leg ulcers, hemorrhoids.

Indications for use:

This composition affects the vessels of the lower leg and thighs, prevents the formation of blood clots: it is effective for thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers that can develop against the background of varicose veins.

A course of treatment: 3-4 weeks 1 suppository 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to components, allergic conditions; do not use for the treatment of children.

release form: candles 10 pieces per pack.

Storage and transportation conditions: store candles in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 5 ± 3 * C

Best before date: 1 year.

Articles on the topic "skin diseases"

Price for DIMEXID:


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Dimexide- is a drug of the day for external use, which has analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This allows the use of dimexide in many diseases, including diseases of the joints, bruises, wounds, in gynecological practice, and so on. But most often dimexide is used in dermatology.

Dimexide (active substance - dimethyl sulfoxide) belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory drugs for external use. It is produced in dropper bottles in the form of a concentrated solution, from which, in accordance with the instructions, a solution for external use is prepared.

The mechanism of the anti-inflammatory action of dimexide is associated with the suppression of the activity of free radicals and the improvement of metabolic processes in the focus of inflammation. The analgesic effect is associated with a decrease in the speed of nerve impulses in the cells of the peripheral nervous system. It also has an antibacterial effect, penetrates well through the skin and mucous membranes, increasing their permeability to medicinal substances.

In general, dimexide has a local analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial and some fibrinolytic (the ability to dissolve blood clots) action.

Indications for use:

Dimexide appoint at various diseases and injuries of soft tissues and skin - bruises, sprains, purulent wounds, burns, erysipelas, eczema, trophic ulcers, pustular diseases, furunculosis, erythema nodosum. Dimexide is used for scleroderma and other skin manifestations of systemic connective tissue diseases. But it is especially often used for focal alopecia in adults.

It is also prescribed for thrombophlebitis, diseases of the joints and spine, accompanied by inflammation and pain - inflammatory processes in the joints, including an infectious-allergic nature (arthritis, rheumatoid, arthritis of Bechterew's disease), metabolic diseases of the joints and spine (osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis).

In gynecology, dimexide is used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the external genital organs (vulvovaginitis).

Mode of application:

Dimexide used mainly in the form of aqueous solutions (30 - 50%) for tampons, compresses. The compress should be applied to the affected areas, capturing the adjacent healthy skin. In the treatment of erysipelas and trophic ulcers, the drug is used in the form of a 30-50% aqueous solution of 50-100 ml 2-3 times a day. With eczema, diffuse streptoderma, compresses with a 40 - 90% solution of Dimexide are recommended. For pustular skin diseases, a 40% solution is used. For local anesthesia, a 25-50% solution of the drug for compresses is recommended, 100-150 ml 2-3 times a day. In the treatment of deep burns, dressings with a 20-30% solution of Dimexide are used (if necessary, in a dose of up to 500 ml). In skin plastic surgery, dressings with a 20-30% solution of the drug are used on auto- and homotransplants immediately after the operation and in the following days until the graft is firmly engrafted. With postoperative purulent complications caused by staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the drug is applied to festering wounds and infiltrates.

Side effects:

Dimexide usually well tolerated, but some patients may experience erythema, itching, dizziness, insomnia, weakness, dermatitis, diarrhea. In some cases, with poor perception of Dimexide, nausea, vomiting, bronchospasm are observed.

Contraindications :

Dimexide contraindicated in severe cardiovascular insufficiency and atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, impaired kidney and liver function, stroke, coma, pregnancy, lactation, glaucoma, cataracts. Use with caution in the elderly. Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

Pregnancy :

A drug Dimexide should not be taken during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Interaction with other drugs:

Dimexide enhances the effect of ethanol (alcohol inhibits the excretion of the drug) and insulin (with prolonged use of the drug, the dose of insulin is reduced), acetylsalicylic acid, butadione. preparations of digitalis, quinidine, nitroglycerin, antibiotics (streptomycin, monomycin, etc.), sensitizes the body to drugs for anesthesia. The drug can be used together with heparin, antibacterial and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Dimexide can be used in combination with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the complex therapy of deforming osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, in combination with local antimicrobial agents (synthomycin liniment) - for the treatment of scleroderma, acne, erysipelas, furunculosis, folliculitis and other skin diseases in combination with heparin - with thrombophlebitis.

Overdose :

Overdose Dimexide allergic reactions (urticaria, edema) may occur. In these cases, the drug should be discontinued, the damaged area washed, and the drug removed.

Storage conditions:

Keep out of the reach of children, dry, protected from light.

The shelf life of the drug is 2 years. Do not use the drug after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Release form:

Liquid 50 ml or 100 ml in vials.

Composition :

1 bottle contains dimethyl sulfoxide 50 ml or 100 ml.

Additionally :

Before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor. In view of the possible individual intolerance to Dimexide, it is recommended to conduct a tolerance test: the drug of the required concentration is applied to the skin with a moistened cotton swab. Sharp hyperemia and itching are a contraindication for the use of Dimexide.

Given that some patients may experience dizziness and weakness when using Dimexide, it is better to refrain from driving vehicles and mechanisms, as well as performing work that requires concentration while taking the drug.

Avoid contact of the drug with mucous membranes and eyes. In case of accidental contact, rinse immediately with plenty of running water and seek medical advice.

Varicose veins are accompanied by symptoms of venolymphatic deficiency and pain syndrome. "Dimexide" for varicose veins is used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent. Its ability to normalize cellular metabolism helps to improve the overall clinical picture of the disease.

Composition and properties

"Dimexide" is a transparent liquid for external use or an ointment, the active substance of which is dimethyl sulfoxide. Available in bottles of 50 and 100 ml or tubes of 30 g. The properties of the drug are due to its ability to penetrate through biological membranes deep into the affected tissues. It exhibits a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic, moderate fibrinolytic effect, improves the trophism of articular tissues. Due to the possibility of deep penetration, it is able to transport medicinal substances to the lesion through the epidermis and mucous membranes. When used locally, it appears in the blood after 5 minutes, and is completely excreted from the body by the kidneys after 72 hours.

Indications and contraindications

The use of "Dimexide" is shown in the complex therapy of pathologies of the spine, bones and joints, dermatological diseases, venolymphatic incompetence, and is also used in surgery and transplantation. Among the main contraindications: atherosclerosis, cardiovascular insufficiency, hepatic and renal pathologies, stroke, glaucoma and cataracts, angina pectoris, heart attack and hypersensitivity to the drug. Applications and compresses with the drug are used in the treatment of diseases such as:

With eczema, compresses with the drug are effective.

  • arthritis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • eczema and;
  • abscesses and purulent wounds;
  • bruises;
  • stretching of muscles and ligaments;
  • traumatic hematomas.

The use of "Dimexide" in the complex therapy of diseases can affect medicinal properties basic medicines. Its introduction into the treatment regimen must be agreed with the doctor.

Application for varicose veins

Phlebologists and surgeons successfully use Dimexide in the treatment of varicose veins. The drug helps to relieve pain, inflammation, dissolves blood clots in superficial veins, exhibits antiseptic activity in wounds, and also serves as a conductor for other medicines. For the treatment of thrombophlebitis, a compress with a 50% solution of Dimexide is applied to the affected area for 10 minutes. The number of procedures will be determined by the doctor, but noticeable improvements occur after 2-3 times. Applying a compress to wounds is prohibited. In such situations, it is recommended to use lotions with a 10-30% solution of the drug for no longer than 20 minutes or wash them.

The use of dimexide in a variety of diseases is due to its properties. This drug improves cellular metabolism, has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, decongestant properties, is able to dissolve blood clots in superficial veins.

The use of dimexide in focal alopecia in adults

First of all, dimexide is used for focal alopecia in adults. Some drug references list it in the alopecia group of drugs. When applied to the affected areas of the skin of the scalp, Dimexide stimulates metabolism in skin cells by suppressing the activity of free radicals that have a toxic effect. This helps skin cells, including hair follicles, recover.

With prolonged use (from three to six months), new hair appears on completely bald areas of the skin.

The use of dimexide for pustular skin diseases

Dimexide alone or in combination with other drugs is successfully used in the treatment of pustular skin diseases. For example, with juvenile acne, furunculosis, microbial eczema, streptoderma, and so on. The use of dimexide allows you to remove the inflammatory process, partially destroy pathogens and significantly improve the general condition of the skin by stimulating metabolic processes.

Dimexide is used in this case diluted. The concentration of the solution will depend on the sensitivity of the skin. On not very sensitive skin you can apply a solution of dimexide two-thirds diluted with water (30%). In case of hypersensitivity, a 10% solution can also be used. Applications with dimexide are used. To do this, moisten a napkin with a pre-prepared solution and apply it to areas of skin with pustules. From above, the napkin is covered with polyethylene and another dry linen napkin. The procedure is carried out for half an hour once a day, in total, 10-15 procedures will need to be done for the course.

The use of dimexide in diseases of the joints and spine

Dimexide is used for inflammatory (including infectious-allergic) and degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints and spine. Such diseases include inflammatory processes in individual and multiple joints (arthritis and polyarthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis), in the spine (Bekhterev's disease), metabolic disorders in the joints (osteoarthrosis) and the spine (osteochondrosis).

In inflammatory processes in the joints and spine, Dimexide relieves inflammation, swelling, significantly reduces pain and helps restore organ function. In degenerative-dystrophic diseases, it improves metabolic processes in the cells of cartilage tissue and intraarticular membrane, relieves pain and also partially restores joint function.

Applications are made on the joints with a 50% solution of dimexide. To do this, the initial solution is diluted by half with water and a gauze napkin is moistened with it. Then the napkin is applied to the joint, straightened, covered with plastic wrap and another cotton napkin and left for half an hour. Such procedures are done once a day, up to 10-15.

The use of dimexide for thrombophlebitis and trophic ulcers

With thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins, the lumen of the veins is blocked by blood clots. Violation of the venous outflow of blood or the supply of tissues with arterial blood due to narrowing of the arteries can cause trophic disorders in the tissues. Tissue cells that are chronically deprived of nutrients and oxygen begin to die, resulting in the formation of trophic ulcers.

In this case dimexide It will also help improve tissue health. With thrombophlebitis, it penetrates the walls of the superficial veins and contributes to the dissolution of blood clots. Of course, it is impossible to cure trophic ulcers with dimexide alone, but as part of complex treatment, it can significantly improve the patient's condition.

Dimexide is a synthetic drug, the active substance is dimethyl sulfoxide.

Dimexide has an anti-inflammatory and pronounced local anesthetic effect, exhibits moderate antiseptic properties, enhances the penetration of a number of drugs through the skin, and changes the sensitivity of antibiotic-resistant microflora.
Indications for use

Indications for the use of the drug Dimexide are diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis, radiculitis, bruises, sprains, traumatic infiltrates, etc.).

Dimexide is also used in skin plastic surgery (for preserving skin homotransplants), with thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers, in dermatology according to indications: inflammatory skin diseases (inflammatory edema, erysipelas, pustular inflammation, etc.), purulent wounds, burns, thrombophlebitis, erysipelas inflammation of the skin, eczema, pustular skin diseases (furunculosis, etc.).
Application rules

Dimexide (10-30-50-70% aqueous solutions) is applied externally, in the form of compresses, tampons, dressings.

Usually a 50% solution is used, and for the skin of the face and other highly sensitive areas of the skin - a 10-30% solution for 20-30 minutes 1 time per day. The course of treatment is 10-15 daily procedures.

In skin plastic surgery - dressings with a 20-30% solution of the drug during the entire postoperative period until the graft is firmly engrafted; for storage of transplants - 5% solution of Dimexide.
Side effects

Side effects in the treatment of Dimexide can be allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, at the site of application - redness, small skin rashes, slight burning, skin itching.

Increased individual sensitivity to the drug, severe lesions of parenchymal organs, impaired liver and kidney function, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, coma, severe atherosclerosis, glaucoma, cataract, stroke.
Pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, the use of Dimexide is contraindicated.

general characteristics
International and chemical name: Dimethyl sulfoxide; sulfonyl bis (methane);
Ingredients: dimexide - 50 ml
Basic physical and chemical properties: colorless transparent liquid or colorless hygroscopic crystals with a slight specific odor;
Pharmacotherapeutic group
Anti-inflammatory, antipyretic agent. ATS: M02A X03. Topical agents for joint and muscle pain.
Pharmacodynamics: Dimexide has the ability to penetrate biological membranes, including skin barriers, thus realizing its specific effects, which include anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antihistamine, analgesic, antiseptic, fibrinolytic. The drug enhances penetration through intact skin and mucous membranes medicines(transport ability). There is evidence of the restoration of the action of antibiotics by dimexide on resistant or weakly sensitive strains of bacteria.
When a solution (90%) of dimexide is applied to the skin, it is detected in the blood after 5 minutes, reaching a maximum concentration after 4-6 hours, maintaining an almost unchanged level for 1.5-3 days. Dimexide is excreted in the urine and feces both unchanged and in the form of dimethyl sulfone.
Method of use and dosage
Apply in the form of applications and irrigations (washings). In a 50% solution of dimexide, gauze wipes are moistened, applied to the affected areas 1 time per day for 20-30 minutes. For the skin of the face and other highly sensitive areas, 10%, 20% or 30% solutions of the drug are used. A polyethylene film and cotton or linen fabric are applied over the napkin. Duration of applications - 10 -15 days.
Purulent-necrotic and inflammatory foci and cavities are washed with the indicated less concentrated solutions of the drug.
Side effects
Dimexide is usually well tolerated, but some patients may experience erythema, itching, dizziness, insomnia, weakness, diarrhea dermatitis. In some cases, with poor perception of dimexide, nausea, vomiting, bronchospasm are observed.
Indications for use
Dimexide is prescribed in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid arthritis, Bechterew's disease, deforming osteoarthrosis, arthropathy, sprain), with bruises, traumatic infiltrates, inflammatory edema, purulent wounds, abscesses, acute and chronic osteomyelitis, in the treatment of nodular erythema, streptoderma, etc. Dimexide can be used in combination with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the complex therapy of deforming osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, in combination with local antimicrobial agents (synthomycin liniment) - for the treatment of scleroderma, acne, erysipelas, frunculosis, folliculitis and other skin diseases, in combination with heparin - with thrombophlebitis.
Interaction with other drugs
Dimexide enhances the effect of ethanol (alcohol inhibits the excretion of the drug) and insulin (with prolonged use of the drug, dosuinsulin is reduced), acetylsalicylic acid, butadione, digitalis preparations, quinidine, nitroglycerin, antibiotics (streptomycin, monomycin, etc.), sensitizes the body to drugs for anesthesia.
Features of use
In view of the possible individual intolerance of dimexide, it is recommended to conduct a tolerance test, the drug is applied to the skin with a cotton swab moistened with it. Sharp hyperemia and itching are a contraindication for the use of dimexide.
Product General Information
Conditions and shelf life: Store in a place protected from light and out of the reach of children at room temperature. Shelf life - 3 years.
Terms of sale: By prescription.
Packaging: 50 ml in an orange glass bottle enclosed in a pack

This solution is very broad spectrum. Compresses with this drug are excellent for various pains in the muscles and joints. Also, tracheitis and bronchitis. But the most valuable, for me, is the use of the drug as a mouth rinse. Problems such as redness of the throat or sore throat with many abscesses disappear very quickly after using a Dimexide solution (a teaspoon of concentrate, a furacilin tablet and a glass of water).

A solution of Dimexide can also help in case of inflammation of the tooth root. Simultaneous rinsing with a solution and applying a compress helped me save a tooth, which, most likely, would have been removed, since the flux was very, very, serious. Later, the tooth was successfully repaired.
Now about the unpleasant. A solution of Dimexide is very bad and smells very strongly, either garlic or something, it is not clear. Who is going to rinse his mouth, must mentally prepare. Personally, I stand calmly, but my older sister constantly vomited. Also, I noticed one interesting property of the solution. Wherever I apply a compress, after a while, the taste of Dimexide appears in my mouth.
Warning. Any compress should not be kept for more than 15-25 minutes, as you can get a serious burn. Be attentive and careful!
She hurt her ring finger. I was in a hurry / cooked dinner /, did not process it. This is not the first time I get such an injury, I have never had any problems. Three days later, the damage on the skin healed, but inside the infiltrate / suppuration / began to mature. I warmed it in a hot salt solution, let it go ... The next day, the condition worsened sharply: the finger became hot, began to "thump", applied a sheet of Kalanchoe. The condition improved, I went with the sheet for two days. I took it off at night, and in the morning I was stunned by what I saw. The finger was swollen, with pressure a purulent sac was visible under the skin. I applied a compress from the Dimexide solution: I mixed 1 teaspoon of Dimexide in a clean bowl with 5 teaspoons of drinking water.
Honestly, I insisted on going to the surgeon. Compress "renewed" every hour / watered the bandage every hour with one teaspoon of the prepared solution.
The next day I woke up and saw an incredible picture: the finger decreased in size, the redness disappeared, the “thumping” inside the finger stopped, it almost did not hurt. I even shed a tear. So I didn’t want to make an incision on my finger, scars, as you know, adorn, but not women, but men!

Dimexide is an anti-inflammatory drug for external use. I was advised by his work colleague when the child had a cough and nothing could cure it. She gave me recipes on how to use it properly. I made a compress for the child at night and the next day the cough was already asleep, they made only two compresses and everything went away. Somehow I grabbed my back, I also did a compress and it also helped. Here's how to properly breed it:
For laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis:
2 teaspoons dimexide
1 teaspoon 2.5% aminophylline
7 teaspoons warm water
We mix everything and moisten a rag and on the chest or on the throat, on top of the bag and wrap it up, hold for 30 minutes
With bruises, sprains, and osteochondrosis:
1 tablespoon solution
2 tablespoons warm water
Compress for 30 minutes.
The only drawback is the specific smell of garlic. The tool is inexpensive, in my opinion, about 60 rubles, but it lasts a long time. It is advisable to consult a doctor before use.

I have suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for many years. Dimexide is my first helper and savior, he is always in my first aid kit. I use it not only as a compress on the joints, but also add a few drops of undiluted dimexide to any anti-inflammatory ointment and smear the sore spot, so the ointment quickly penetrates to the site of inflammation.
When treating with dimexide, care must be taken - it is obligatory to dilute as stated in the instructions! And as a rule, inflammation cannot be removed with one compress, 7-10 procedures are needed. But the effect is sure to come. And more about caution: the compress is applied for 30-40 minutes. This time should be spent in peace, lie down. I had a sad experience. Having tied the compress tighter, I started cleaning, as a result I got contact dermatitis at the application site, there was redness and itching for a week.

Sooner or later in life, you still have to put a compress on either yourself or a close relative. I’ll tell you how to put a compress with Dimexide on the example of bronchitis in a child.
1. We dilute Dimexide 1:2 (Dimexide: water) and on the forearm we carry out a cotton swab dipped in this solution, if after half an hour there is no redness, then you can put it, if there is, then we dilute it 1:4.
2. We make the compress itself. Attention, a compress is not just cotton wool soaked in a solution and applied to a sore spot - the compress consists of layers.
1) Gauze or wide bandage;
2) Cotton wool;
3) Poly bag in one layer;
4) Cotton wool;
5) Gauze or wide bandage.
It is this “sandwich” that is called a compress, which we soak in the solution, wring it out slightly so that it does not drip and put it on the area below the shoulder blades (or where the doctor indicated) overnight for 30-40 minutes, then you can remove it. A non-warming compress1 do not expect such an effect from it.
A compress with Dimexide is an excellent addition in the treatment of cough, it will help to cure the disease faster. Be healthy.
