What to choose from alcohol. The strongest alcoholic drinks in the world

The best drinks in the world and the countries where you need to try them: pubs in the Czech Republic, port wine cellars in Portugal, rum distilleries in Jamaica and other places where you can have a good rest with a glass in your hand.

1. Tokay

Tokay Hedalya, Hungary
The history of wine from the town of Tokay and the adjacent Tokay-Hedalya region began at the moment when the Hungarian king Matthias Corvinus the Good (1458-1490) attracted winemakers to the local hills, freeing them from serfdom for this. The collapse of the socialist camp benefited the current generation of local wine dynasties.

The main Tokay wine, sweet aszu (aszu), ceased to be a bargaining chip for "fraternal" offsets and again took its rightful place among its relatives - French Sauternes and German ice wines. The focus of the asu is botrytis cinerea, a mold culture that appears on grapes left on the vine until late autumn, by itself - such is the quirk of the local climate. The furmint variety, from which asu is made, ripens late, tastes fresh and smells of peach. The mold makes its fragrance truly unique. In late autumn, when the bunches are still being harvested, the grapes look like moldy raisins to them. It is dumped into huge heaps without pressing and waiting for the juice to drain from them, sweet and viscous, like honey. It is called eszencia, bottled and sold as a cure for all diseases. The remaining grapes are added to the wine already from ordinary grapes in special baskets.

They are called "puttonsh" and their number, up to 6, is written on the labels. The more "puttonsh", the sweeter the asu turns out. In an effort to emphasize the special aromas of wine, winemakers also cultivate mold in the aging cellars, which is why the bottles are covered with gray "caps". It is better to determine which style of asu yours is - traditional, gooey-sweet, or new, with an emphasis on freshness - on the ground. The new style, the fruit of the latest European investments, will be perfectly demonstrated by the Istvan Sepsi winery (Mud, Batthy, 59, +36(47)348.349.

The classic is owned by the state company Crown Estates, which owns most of the multi-kilometer network of cellars hollowed out in Tokay Hill. The cellars are protected by UNESCO and are open to the public (Tolcsva, Kossuth Lajos 55, +36(47)322.133.

2. Cider

London, Great Britain
Cider fashion returned to London after a decades-long hiatus a couple of years ago. This "comeback" was provoked by the appearance of gastropubs, which differed from ordinary pubs, where there was only beer, by the presence of a full menu with an emphasis on simple rural products.

Its refreshing, sour range is the best match with rustic food ennobled by urban creativity. However, it was difficult to call the second coming of cider a return in the full sense of the word. London was still more of a "beer" city, and cider pubs were locally popular, and even then mainly among teenagers and older people whose youth was spent in the countryside. Now everything has changed. In contrast to beer, which became associated with the industry, cider remained a hand-made product. The ban on smoking in pubs only strengthened his new position, successfully playing up the "ecological" image.

There are no apple orchards in London, but cider is bottled in such quantities that it is just right to make special guides, which is successfully done, say, by the CAMRA (Campaign for the Real Ale) association, which unites visitors and pub owners. In each part of the city there are about a dozen of the desired pubs, often they have something to see. Black Friar (Queen Victoria Street, 174) in addition to the glorious draft perry (pear cider), Westons retained the interiors of the Art Nouveau era. The Harp (Chandos Place, 48), near Charing Cross, which usually has five or six positions, has remained unchanged since Victorian era. Usually the owners of pubs are limited to two or three positions, but there are also real enthusiasts among them.

The Dartmouth Arms pub (7 Dartmouth Road) specializes in rarities - strong and aged ciders such as Biddenden Medium (8%), pear Newtons (7.2%) Orchards Santas (8.4%), dry Bollhayes (7 %) and aged in rum barrels (!) Brook farm cider (7.8%). The life of cider fans in London is not limited to pubs - the city dwellers meet autumn with a series of "apple" festivals.

3. Tequila

Jalisco, Mexico
Tales about tequila can be filled with multi-volume publications. There are few truly reliable things in her story. It is obvious, for example, that pulque, agave brew, was invented by the Aztecs, and stills were brought to Mexico Spanish conquistadors- they also came up with the idea of ​​distilling pulque. It is also obvious that tequila is the quality tip of the mezcal iceberg. They relate to the particular with the general. Tequila is made from only one type of agave - Agave tequilana weber. Mezcal is driven all over Mexico, and tequila is driven only in two zones in the state of Jalisco.

The first of these zones is located at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level - where the Tequila volcano rises and the city of Tequila is located. The second zone lies higher in the mountains. It is located at an altitude of 2500 meters, northeast of the capital of the state of Jalisco, Guadalajara. In general, in Jalisco, forty thousand square kilometers are planted with agave - cacti to the horizon, and they will all be cut down, turned into pineapple-like "piñas", in pulque and sent for distillation. To get to Tequila, you need to go from Guadalajara along highway number 15 to the northeast.

The minimum that needs to be done there is to go to the factories of "Sauza", "Jose Cuervo" or "Casadores" or come up with something more interesting. There are companies in Guadalajara that specialize in tequila tours, one of them is called Tequila Tours (+52(33)3121.2395,), its tour assets include brands unknown in Europe. The international success of tequila is the fruit of marketing. Mexicans never allow themselves all these tricks with salt and lemon. Those closer to the ground drink mezcal in ordinary bars, washed down with "sangrita" (a mixture of tomato juice and lime juice with salt and chili pepper), or light beer like "Crown". Tequila should by no means be considered a drink of cheap bars. To be convinced of this, it is enough to walk through the newfangled restaurants of Guadalajara. One of them is simply called La Tequila (Av. Mexico 2830, +52(33)364.3440,) and in addition to the assortment of tequila, the Mexican fusion design and cuisine are amazing.

4. Brunello and Chianti

Tuscany, Italy
Tuscany is an unavoidable place on the map for any "wine" person. Chianti is the loudest red Italian wine known since 1398. Chianti is always very different. The Chiantis can produce seven regions, and they are all located in Tuscany, between Florence and Siena. The main grape variety for any Chianti is Sangiovese. Standing apart is Chianti Classico, which is aged before going on sale longer than other Chianti. The grapes and the plots they grow in are also the best. On the neck of a bottle of Chianti Classico, you can always find the brand of the concern that unites winemakers - the image of a black rooster in a red mug.

Brunello di Montalcino- wine from the south of Tuscany, from Montalcino. Brunello is a hill, the wine from its slopes is also aged for a long time. Only after that it acquires its dark bloody color and bouquet with tones of resins and spices. The best wines can be bottled for up to forty years. Brunello is served with a Florentine-style steak, grilled dishes, and game - the aggressive aromas of fried meat are not able to interrupt its bouquet. Brunello di Montalcino is expensive even by Italian standards. The recent scandal surrounding the falsification of Brunello wines turned out to be obviously exaggerated. When embarking on a wine journey through Tuscany, it is worth deciding in advance what kind of experience you want to have. If you aim to try - go to Montalcino.

If you stay near the hill, for example, in the castle-like "Dei Capitani" (Via Lapini 6, +39(0577)847.227,), you can quickly make wine trips. Tastings should be arranged in advance - contacts of all manufacturers can be found in the consortium that unites brunello producers. If you are more interested in traveling, plan a route around Chianti. Do not try to embrace the immensity - you still cannot cover all potentially interesting and financially affordable manufacturers. But in Tuscany there is also wine Nobile de Montepulciano ...

5. Malt Whiskey

Scotland, UK
There are reasons why whiskey originated in Scotland. Enough sun for a good growth of barley, many springs in the mountains. And in Speyside there is also the Spey River, a lot of excellent soft water in large volumes. There is also a historical reason for the emergence of whiskey as an industry in the first place here. Since the big cities are far away, in the old days it was always possible to drive alcohol here, which was not taxed. Whiskey takes a long time to make.

If someone makes a mistake, then the fact of the mistake becomes obvious in twenty years. There are many dynasties in this industry. The town of Dufftown on Speyside is surrounded by seventeen distilleries. People here don't go to interviews when they suddenly feel the urge to look for a job. A thousand people live here, and everyone knows each other, while people change jobs every 17-18 years, or when they get married and leave. If anyone diversifies the life of whiskey people, it is tourists. Tourist centers make their work much more interesting. Peter Gordon, who today runs William Grant, an independent family distillery founded by his great-great-grandfather William Grant, came to work for the Glenfiddich company at seventeen, dying casks, malting barley.

"We were the first to open our distillery to tourists in 1969," he says. to see their work." If you ask a Scot what season is best to visit his native distillery, he will say that the main thing is to be dry. But it's clear that autumn in Scotland - be it Speyside or the Isles - is beautiful. At the factory, they will teach you to drink: from a glass similar to a tulip, adding about a third of the water to reveal the smell and bring down the alcohol "attack". In good malt whiskey there is no dominant aroma, but only a succession of aromas and flavors replacing each other, which is why it seems to remain in the body for the longest possible time. Until the next glass.

6. Cognac

Cognac, France
"Every cognac is a grape brandy, but not every grape brandy is a cognac" - this is how the French, whose life is connected with distillation, aging, sale, like to say. The phenomenon of cognac's popularity, its ability to conquer any markets and find admirers in any countries, you better understand when you are on the ground - in vineyards planted with small and green petit verdo, next to an alembic - a copper Charente "onion", or on the square of the city of Cognac when your eye almost everywhere stumbles upon signposts with famous names directing to offices and tasting rooms: here is Otard, here is Martell, here is Hennesy, here is Hine - and they are all nearby, within walking distance. An amazing feeling arises from the local atmosphere, which paradoxically combines luxury and hard peasant labor: the soils around the region are not the most noble, they learned how to get good wine here quite recently. As a matter of fact, cognac owes its origin to this fact. The wine that was made here for many centuries was suitable only for distillation.

If you want a more complete immersion, you can go to Jarnac, less visible, but more charming - with residential punt barges along the coast, the old city park, on the bridge of which city lovers traditionally kiss for the first time, and also a cemetery where lies in the family crypt Francois Mitterrand. The tasting rooms of the producers headquartered in Jarnac also deserve close attention, especially look out for "traditionalists" like Louis Royer or Delamein.

The world of "cognac-makers" is a very closed and clan-like world. It is almost impossible to get inside it. But this is not necessary. All that is required of you is to leave the tasting room in a great mood, take a ride on one of the Charente pleasure boats and be satisfied with the current moment. If you have a strong spirit of exploration, dedicate time to tasting cognacs of small houses, such as Frapin or Dudognon-Buraud.

7. Beer

Prague, Czech Republic
The idea of ​​Prague as a beer paradise is not far from the truth. The culture of Prague pubs dates back centuries. Until recently, the tourist pub U svatého Tomáše (Praha 1, Malá Strana, Letenská, 12), founded in 1352, has been working properly, and its many fans hope that it has not closed forever. Other, slightly less ancient, establishments continue to operate. For example, U Havrana (Halkova, 6, Praha 2,).

The main feature of the Prague beer life is its focus on regional factories and breweries. Portrefena Husa (Bilkova, 5,) in addition to "Staropramen" of all types also pours popular Slovak varieties - "Zlaty Bazant" and "Kelt". Getting to know them is a great way to experience the life of a native Praguer who has relatives somewhere in the province. You can imagine, for example, an uncle in Sviyany - the beer from this town is very famous. You can try it at the "Sviyansky Knight" (Jirečkova, 1014/13, Praha 7, . Ferdinanda is famous for the red beer "Seven bullets" of the Benešov brewers, described in "The Good Soldier Schweik".

In Hrom do Police (Vinohrady, Chodská, 16) they pour alum, that is, yeast beer "Otakar" and "Zavish" from Polička. Alum beers are always a bit hazy due to yeast sediment. The Novomestsky Pivovar restaurant (Vodičkova, 20,) focuses on its own beer, but international varieties are also present there along with Czech ones.

The global economy has a lot to do with Czech beer – it is open to investment and influence, and yet it remains itself. The beer tradition is not so much about alcohol, but about the culture of communication, it is a great thing that links weekdays and holidays into one living knot. You probably feel your involvement especially keenly if the city of Pilsen is located on the territory of your country, where the world's most popular beer sort, Plzeň lager, comes from.

8. Rum

Sugar appeared much earlier than rum, and by the time rum appeared, it had been made from cane for more than one century. Here, Columbus could not do without: on his second trip, he took people who were versed in the production of sugar (they were Spaniards), and left them together with his cane in Jamaica, discovered by him on his first trip, where the Spaniards brought not only sugar cane seedlings, but also arab stills. The main legal Jamaican rum producer Appleton, which owns the Appleton Estate and Wray & Nepnew brands, has existed since 1749. By the 17th century, when rum was being driven throughout the West Indies, Jamaica was already a recognized trendsetter in this area. When Europe began to switch to beet sugar in the 19th century, Jamaicans were the first to realize that it was more profitable to sell rum. Britain was the main consumer of Jamaican rum.

Rum from Jamaica is heavy and strong, up to 60-70 °, the so-called overproof. This style was created with British taste in mind. Getting to know Jamaican rum should consist of two parts. The first is a mandatory visit to the Appleton romokokry, south of Montego Bay, in the Nassau Valley on the south coast of Jamaica, where the Black River flows (Mon-Sat - 9:00-16:00, + (876) 963.9215,).

Transfer from the hotel, a tour of the factory with a historical block, a rare opportunity to taste undistilled rum, a demonstration of the blend and barrels of aged rum, finally an air-conditioned rum tasting and a bottle of rum as a farewell gift. The second point of the program assumes greater independence. The number of bars in Jamaican cities selling both legal and illegal rum, both with and without a license to sell alcohol, is incalculable. You can limit yourself to popular beach bars somewhere in Negril - on the West End at Rick's Cafe, or in the two-level Margaritaville in Montego Bay, on the Gloucester Avenue hangout. Or you can go explore the bars of Kingston at your own risk.

9. Rakia

Serbian brandy entered the life of its people so deeply that it became one of the national symbols, along with the Byzantine coat of arms and cap-shaykacha. Rakia serves the cause of reconciliation of peoples: during the Bosnian war, the only thing that brought the Serb closer to his former friend and Bosnian neighbor (apart from nostalgia for the times of Tito) was Rakia. Make it from any sugary fruit - plums, apricots, pears, quince.

For brandy, ripe fruits without rot are taken, pitted, stacked in barrels and fermented until the resulting fruit mass stops gurgling in the distillation apparatus - the “cauldron”, the design of which is passed down in the family through the male line as an inheritance. After the second distillation, a strong transparent liquid is obtained, smelling like an exquisite perfume: with careful observance of the technological process of distillation, most of the essential oils of the fruit pass into brandy. Moreover, one cannot fail to note a curious linguistic phenomenon: if Russian handicraft alcohol is "chased" in a hurry, then Serbian rakija is "baked" with care and leisurely.

Rakia is not drunk in one gulp - for all its strength, this is an incredibly tasty drink. Raising a glass, say "Live!" and be sure to praise if the brandy is homemade. Most likely, it will be so, because absolutely everything is “baked” in Serbia, and every city dweller must have a godfather in the village, with whom at the end of July he rolls out a cauldron forged by his grandfather under a plum tree. Rakia is served in everything from luxury restaurants to tiny liqueurs.

The cost of a serving is around 150 dinars. The best of the factory varieties is Zuta Osa, but it does not compare with the ubiquitous home-made brandy. Ask the waiter if there is a "homemade". If not, then ask in the villages. You will definitely find it there, at €7-10 per liter. By the way, do not forget to buy special bottles with a narrow neck - "features" in the souvenir shop at the Belgrade airport. For a connoisseur of rakia, the most chic is to serve the drink in a frost-chilled fichok and drink it in tiny sips.

10. Port wine

Douro, Portugal
Port wine has a strong colonial beginning. England, which did not have its own vineyards, has always suffered from wine insufficiency. English merchants were the first to pay attention to the local vineyards. The role of the main artery in the port wine industry has always played and continues to play the Douro River. Terraces stretch along its slopes - they are called socalcos, they are all made by hand and it is difficult to imagine how much effort the winegrowers had to spend on their construction. The organization that is in charge of everything that can only relate to port wine is called the Instituto dos Vinhos do Doure Porto.

She also controls the work of the so-called "Road of Port Wine" - a route that combines everything related to winemaking in the region: vineyards - in the upper reaches, cellars for aging - in the lower. Now the Douro is blocked from top to bottom by dams, and earlier, in order to float down on the barcos rabelos (a barque loaded with barrels and pipes with a sail), it took a fair amount of courage, especially since you had to swim a couple of hundred kilometers in this way. In 1996, fifty objects of the history of port wine were combined into the "Road of Porto".

Of course, it's great to climb into the upper reaches of the Douro, look at the terraces, but often there is simply not enough time for this. Shed-like warehouses with huge barrels are located in Vilannova de Gaia, a part of the city that is considered separate from Porto. They stretch along the mouth of the Douro one after another, have almost a museum value and are open to the public. In the cellars of Sandemans (Largo Miguel Bombarda, 3), protected by UNESCO, they charge € 3.50 for a guided tour and tasting. "Lodge" Graham's (Rua Rei Ramiro, 514,) was built in 1890, and now there is a museum center.

A tour with a film with Russian subtitles and a demonstration of old barrels and equipment is free. The tiny tasting includes Graham's White Port, LBV and 10 year old Tawny. It is worth getting to the bar area and focusing on the "vintages" of 2000, 2003 and 1997 - it's time to get acquainted with the elite port.

A strong alcoholic beverage is a product containing more than 20% alcohol. In this article we will talk about those drinks that are considered the strongest in the world.

Russia and Poland are famous for the production of vodka, in the production of which wheat is used. Latin American countries are famous for making rum, which is based on sugar cane. Popular Mexican tequila is made from a cactus - the Mexican blue agave. In regions characterized by cold weather conditions traditional drinks are those in the manufacture of which potatoes are used (for example, the Scandinavian Akvavit). European countries are famous for grape products - cognac, brandy.

In addition to the above, strong drinks are represented by:

  • gin;
  • Calvados;
  • armagnac;
  • absinthe;
  • beer.

Strong types of beer

Traditionally, beer is on the list of low-calorie (especially light) and light alcohol-containing drinks. However, there are strong types of the product. Among them are:

  • "Armageddon". The year of creation of this beer is 2012, when it was brewed by a brewery in Scotland. The strength of the drink is sixty-five degrees. The basis of Armageddon is oatmeal, wheat, malt and water.
  • "Snake poison". It was brewed in the same place as Armageddon in 2013. The alcohol content in it is 67.5 percent.

Top 10 strongest alcoholic drinks

The top 10 strongest alcoholic drinks included:

10th place - Whiskey

The strength of the drink can reach up to 43%. It is whiskey that opens the top of the strongest liquor. The basis for it are cereals, yeast and water. The taste of whiskey is different due to the influence of the quality of the barrel (from cherry or oak) in which it was aged. The product is more famous among the Americans and the British.

9th place - Aquavit

This is a Scandinavian alcohol, the birth time of which is considered to be the middle of the 19th century. In translation Akvavit means "living water". Its strength can be up to 50 degrees. The drink is made from potato alcohol. First, it is diluted with water. After that, for several weeks (or years) insist on spices (fennel, cumin, ginger). Drink Aquavit chilled or frozen.

8th place - Grappa

It is an Italian drink, a kind of brandy. For its manufacture, a mixture of crushed grapes is used. Production is based on the method of distillation of berry pomace. The strength of the product ranges from 40 to 60%. Grappa was originally the result of recycling. Only some time later, she found her admirers.

7th place - Armagnac

Close in quality to French cognac. Produced from grape alcohol. The strongest is the Domaine de Jolin drink of 1973, which has a strength of 48.3%. The place of its manufacture is considered to be the estate of the same name, where it was created by the Darroz family. For 37 years, the drink was aged in oak barrels. Only in 2010 it was poured into glassware. Due to the absence of cold filtration, Armagnac has a unique taste, combining coffee, tobacco, fruit and oak notes. Therefore, it is often drunk in its pure form, without diluting.

6th place - Jin

Juniper vodka has a strength of over 40%. It is rarely drunk undiluted, more often used as an ingredient in various cocktails. The strongest gin is Bombay Sapphire (47 degrees). The drink attracts its fans with a mild taste with pronounced notes of juniper and citrus fruits.

Bombay Sapphire - the strongest gin

5th place - Colombian rum

Opens the top five strongest drinks in the world. Has a strength of 50%. They drink it in various variations: both in pure form and as a component for cocktails. The strongest is Bacardi 151 rum, the strength of which is 75.5%. The production of the drink includes the processes of fermentation and distillation of cane syrup, molasses. The high strength of Bacardi 151 is achieved through long exposure (8 years). Due to this period, the drink acquires a pleasant amber hue and flavors of vanilla and oak. Bacardi has about 300 awards in his piggy bank.

4th place - Absinthe

Its strength varies - from 50% to 83-85% alcohol. For the production of the drink, vegetable extracts are often used (anise, wormwood, fennel or bergenia). The drink gained popularity in the 19th century. According to statistics, in 1900, the inhabitants of France drank 2 million liters per year. In 1910, the amount of absinthe drunk reached 36 million liters. Five years later, the drink was banned in many European countries and in the United States of America. The second birth of Absinthe took place in 1990. And 2004 was the year of legalization.

3rd place - Moonshine

The drink opens the "golden three". Its strength can reach 80-90%. For the production of alcohol, special apparatuses are used, through which an alcohol-containing mass called mash is distilled. The latter is the result of the fermentation of various bases, represented by cereals, potatoes, beets, fruits or other products.

2nd place - Chacha

She gets silver in the top of the strongest alcoholic beverages. The fortress of Chachi is 70 degrees. The birthplace of the product is Georgia. The basis of alcohol is unripe Isabella grape varieties, also Kacic or pomace. Thanks to this, Chacha has a pleasant taste with berry notes.

1st place - Everclear

It is the strongest liquor in the world. The drink can be 75% or 95% ABV. For several years, vodka was banned in the US and Canada. Thanks to the new law, it was legalized. Everclear is based on wheat or corn alcohol. Due to the absence of a specific taste, an alcoholic product is used for the production of cocktails. The use of vodka in its pure form can result in loss of consciousness. Thanks to its strength, in 1979 it entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most alcoholic drink.

Alcohol has been known since the Middle Ages. Various alcoholic drinks, both strong enough and not very strong, have their admirers. Regardless of the level of alcohol in a product, remember that it is not harmless. Therefore, it is always necessary to know the permissible amount of alcohol consumed and the consequences of such an addiction. Only a competent attitude to alcoholic beverages will allow you to enjoy and prevent the development of pathological cravings.

It is understood that drinking alcohol is a fact that does not affect health too well. But this is all human propensity for extremes and the inability to separate the abuse and enjoyment of alcoholic beverages.

And if you are already aiming to get vitamins even while relaxing in a bar, you should know which drinks you need to choose first of all.

- Tequila -

Oddly enough, this strong alcohol is the leader in the number of nutrients and health benefits of all types of alcoholic beverages. In addition, it has fewer calories than, for example, vodka, which can be a plus for those who are worried about it. But main secret that tequila is made from agave, which contains sugars that do not increase blood glucose levels. This means that you will not feel sharp bouts of hunger as you drink and increase your cholesterol levels.

- Red wine -

The reputation of red wine has not suffered too much from the attacks of opponents of alcohol. This drink is always called among the first when it comes to benefits for the body. However, it loses a little to tequila in terms of “bad” sugar, although it has many other advantages. for example, the active compounds in red wine (polyphenols, resveratrol and quercetin) improve cardiovascular health.

In addition, studies conducted at the University of Massachusetts have shown that red wine helps slow down the entry of glucose into the bloodstream, which prevents insulin from rising too high and causing unwanted effects associated with the development of diabetes.

- Rum -

Rum is not a very popular drink among students and knowledge workers, and for good reason. This drink has been proven in several studies to increase human cognitive abilities.

In addition, rum is able to tidy up nervous system and reduce anxiety in the moment. This does not mean that you need to drink it as a sedative, but it is worth considering if you are looking for something to drink in a state of excitement.

- Whiskey -

One serving of whiskey contains as many antioxidants as a good glass of red wine. Therefore, they can easily be treated for a cold or prevent such diseases. The drink also contains ellagic acid. This substance helps to destroy mutated cells in the body, that is, to fight the development of cancer.

- Rose -

This variety of wine has absorbed all the best qualities in terms of disease prevention from both red and white.

Polyphenols, which are found in abundance in this drink, prevent atherosclerosis. And, as you know, it is this problem that is the main cause of all cardiovascular diseases.

- Champagne -

If you've been complaining about the quality of your memory lately, champagne might come to the rescue. It significantly raises the tone of neurons responsible for this part of cognitive functions.

In addition, champagne can positively affect skin health. Not that it should be taken as a wrinkle remedy, but it's always nice to know that alcohol is not only a pleasure, but also a benefit when chosen and dosed correctly.

It is harmful to abuse alcoholic beverages, everyone knows this, everyone understands, but they still use it. The use of alcohol is legally allowed in most countries, but attempts are also being made to somehow regulate the drinking of strong drinks, somewhere successfully, somewhere not so much.
In general, there is a lot of controversy about alcoholic beverages, but we are not talking about that yet, we will try to find out which alcohol is better.
Some types of strong drinks were not included in the comparison, since many of them are a type of wine, such as port, brandy and chacha, and a type of vodka.

Types of alcohol


Known since ancient times, a low-alcohol drink obtained by alcoholic fermentation of malt wort. It is the third most popular drink in the world, after water and tea, and the most popular alcoholic beverage in the world.
There is no single classification for beer, most people divide it into dark and light, as well as pasteurized and unpasteurized.
Non-alcoholic beer is also produced, in fact, alcohol is present in it, but in very small quantities.
Beer gained popularity, most likely because its brewing was available in regions where there are no grapes, and because it is low-alcohol, you can drink slowly a large number of, for example, during a conversation, and not much squint. Although you can also get drunk with beer, for example, if you drink a lot, or use strong beer.

Wine - is obtained by fermentation of grape juice, to which it owes its name (alcoholic beverages from other products, berries, fruits, etc. are mistakenly called wine). It has several thousand varieties, the simplest classification is white and red wine.
Drinking wine is a whole ritual; different types of wine are served with different dishes and different utensils.
When drinking, you cannot mix different types of wine, in general, no alcohol can be mixed. This leads to "adventure" and stomach upset, followed by severe hangovers.

Vodka is a strong alcoholic colorless drink with a characteristic taste and smell. It is considered a national Russian drink, although vodka came from abroad and at first its use was harshly condemned by others. However, Russian vodka is exported abroad and enjoys some success.
Vodka is a stereotypical idea of ​​life in Russia, a stereotyped cliché, if a Russian, then he drinks vodka from buckets, plays the balalaika, rides a tank and walks hugging a bear.

A strong alcoholic drink produced from certain grape varieties using a special technology. Cognac got its name after the city of Cognac (France). In essence, this is a wine, but with a richer and more aromatic taste, as well as a stronger one.
Cognac is considered to be elite alcohol, because of its higher price. There is a certain cliché that every leader and boss in the office must have a bottle of cognac. It is also customary to give this drink as a gift for any service, to a doctor for treatment, to a car mechanic for repairs, to a teacher for training, and the like.

Whiskey is a strong alcoholic drink made from various types of grain. Something between vodka and cognac, the technology of both is taken in the manufacture. Color from light yellow to brown. The traditional regions producing whiskey are Scotland and Ireland, but the main producer is the USA. Although the US produces bourbon (corn seeds are used).

Sparkling wine, real champagne is produced only in the province of Champagne (France), but this does not stop anyone.
It is believed that champagne "only hussars drink", and whoever does not take risks does not drink it, but in general - this is a drink for special occasions and holidays.

Strong distilled alcoholic drink, produced mainly in the vicinity of Tequila (Mexico), Made from the core of the blue agave, is considered the national drink of Mexico.

Cider is an alcoholic drink made using the same technology as wine, but instead of grape juice, apple juice was used. Accordingly, the taste and smell of cider differs from wine.

In principle, rum is not so widespread and popular, but thanks to the book Treasure Island, this drink will be known for many centuries to come.

It is made by fermentation and distillation of by-products of sugar cane production, such as molasses and cane syrup. The clear liquid obtained after distillation is usually then aged in oak or other barrels.

A cocktail is a drink obtained by mixing several types of alcohol, as well as adding various juices or other drinks. It is difficult to say anything about a cocktail, it all depends on the skill of the bartender and the quality of the mixed drinks. It may be that the cocktail will completely blow your head, or it may be that the thirst will simply be removed.
Also under the name "cocktail" some terrible alcoholic drinks are sold in cans and plastic bottles.

This is an alcoholic drink obtained by infusing alcohol or vodka on some fruits, berries, nuts and even flowers. You can cook at home, and you can also buy in the store. It has the aroma of what it was insisted on, if on tangerine peels, then there will be a tangerine aroma, if on cedar cones, then it is logical if there is a smell of these same cones and the same color.

Moonshine - strong alcohol, prepared in artisanal or home conditions. If it is made for personal use, then a rather tolerable drink is obtained, if it is for sale, then there is a risk of poisoning and losing some of your health.
Moonshine can be made from anything, it all depends on the personal preferences and capabilities of the moonshiner.

Like moonshine, it is made at home and artisanal. The fermentation process is used to produce other alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol can be different, but those drinks whose strength is just going through the roof are always popular. 40, 50, 60 degrees and this is far from the limit. Drinks from 70 degrees and above - that's where the real power and the undoubted risk to health. For those who do not have enough domestic vodka, the Big Rating magazine has prepared a selection of The Strongest Alcoholic Drinks in the World.

  • fortress : 75.5% turnover
  • producing country : Puerto Rico

This rum is truly a fiery drink. Bacardi is highly flammable, which is why the manufacturer equips the neck of each bottle with a special steel flame arrester and a fireproof cap. Rum is often used as the base for sweet cocktails like Pina Coladas or shots like Burning Doctor Pepper. But there are also daredevils who dare to drink "Bacardi" in its purest form.

  • fortress : 80% turnover
  • producing country : Austria

Austrian rum "Stroh" is very successful as an ingredient in traditional Russian pastries and strong hunting tea. For those who want to drink alcohol in its pure form, but stop the high degree of the drink, the manufacturer has provided less strong versions. The first option (40%) is suitable for tasters, the second (60%) for those who want to go heartily, and the third (80%) allows you to get drunk on the trash.

  • fortress : 80% turnover
  • producing country : USA

The manufacturer of "Devil Springs Vodka" claims that if his drink is diluted 1: 1, then you get regular vodka. If you are not a weakling, then you risk drinking "fire water" in its purest form. Tempting fate and endangering health is not worth it. Yes, and Devil Springs vodka is not bad as an ingredient in various cocktails.

  • fortress : 80% turnover
  • producing country : Jamaica

This white rum is on the list of intoxicating sights in Jamaica and for its inhabitants is the local version of moonshine. The John Crow Batty got its name by analogy with the neck (John Crow). It is believed that rum is more concentrated than the gastric juice of the carrion bird of the same name, which means that drinking it in its pure form requires a truly steel stomach. "John Crow Batty" is not a drink for the faint of heart, and the right to drink it undiluted is best left to the locals.

  • fortress : 84.5% turnover
  • producing country : Saint Vincent Island in the Caribbean

Translated from English, the name of the rum sounds very eloquently - the sunset. If you drink "Sunset" in its pure form, that's how it will turn out - I drank it and passed out. Pure white rum is so strong that it can proudly be considered a truly pirate drink. But this miracle of the alcohol industry is great as a base for cocktails. Rum "Sunset" is an excellent choice for connoisseurs of the exotic and the winner of many international awards.

  • fortress : 88% turnover
  • producing country : Bulgaria

Chip of vodka "Balkan" - 13 ominous warnings about possible consequences its usage on the label. It is produced in limited quantities and imported to 20 countries around the world. The popularity of an alcoholic drink, oddly enough, is caused by the absence of a pronounced vodka taste and smell. Ideal for cocktails, vodka "Balkan", drunk in its pure form, can significantly harm health and send the taster to a hospital bed for a long time.

  • fortress : 88.8% turnover
  • producing country : Scotland

If an ordinary bottle of vodka is enough for 26 servings, then a bottle of Pincer Shanghai Strength can easily be "stretched" for 65 shots. Ideal alcohol for those who decide to get drunk quickly and in the trash. However, Chinese supporters traditional medicine the drink would be approved, since the vodka contains milk thistle extract and wild elderberry, which are very useful for liver problems.

Absinthe« Hapsburg Gold»

  • fortress : 89.9% turnover
  • producing country : Czech

Real absinthes are famous for their green color and psychotropic effects on human consciousness. The "Green Fairy" became widespread in France of the twentieth century, from where it spread throughout the globe. In the United States and some European countries, they even tried to ban absinthe for sale. But, since studies have proved the exaggeration of rumors about its effect on the psyche, the previously established ban was lifted. The slogan of absinthe "Hapsburg Gold" sounds like "There are no rules." We strongly do not recommend drinking it in its pure form.

Rum"River Antoine Royale Grenadian"

  • fortress : 90% turnover
  • producing country : Grenada

Rum "River Antoine Royale Grenadian" would be produced in our country, it would be called moonshine. Alcohol is made from fermented sugar cane juice, and therefore the drink has a specific pronounced sweetish taste. But you are unlikely to have time to taste it, because you will immediately drink rum with water that goes to it “in the kit”. Without this manipulation, the tasting of the drink, unfortunately, is impossible.

  • fortress : 92% turnover
  • producing country : Scotland

Single malt whiskey "Bruichladdich X4 Quadrupled" has a long history and is fanned by legends. So, the main one says that after tasting this drink, a person after the first sip will live forever, after the second he will go blind, and after the third he will dissolve in place. Whether the words of the traveler Martin Martin of Khepriyd can be trusted is not known. But BBC journalists assure that whiskey is great as a fuel for a sports car, and allows you to reach speeds of up to 160 km / h. So do not experiment with the human body and use "Bruichladdich X4 Quadrupled" undiluted.

Vodka "Everclear Grain"

  • fortress : 95% turnover
  • producing country : USA

Vodka "Everclear" in 1979 entered the Guinness Book of Records as the strongest alcohol in the world. Due to restrictions in some US states on the maximum strength in alcohol, the fire drink in them has been officially banned for sale since 2015. Although in fact Everclear is practically alcohol, liquid fire without taste or smell, it has a very mild taste. It is widely practiced to mix vodka with other alcoholic beverages to create mind-blowing cocktails. Drinking "Everclear" undiluted in most cases results in loss of consciousness by the taster. The Luxco company has another hot drink - Golden Grain vodka, but, despite the same strength, Everclear is more popular.

  • fortress : 96% turnover
  • producing country : Poland

The strongest drink in the world that exists today. Vodka "Spirytus" belongs to the premium segment products, as it is made from ethyl alcohol of the highest grades and, as they say, has a delicate smell and mild taste. But it should be used in its pure form with great care. People who have tried vodka compare the effect of drinking with a blow to the solar plexus and talk about a whole bunch side effects starting from the failure of some internal organs and ending in blindness. Poles widely use it for making fruit tinctures, herbal liqueurs, desserts, for medical and cosmetic purposes.

Any of the above alcoholic drinks can be a wonderful foreign souvenir for your family and friends. It is also worth remembering the risk associated with the use of such strong alcoholic beverages. Of course, we are not the Ministry of Health, but we are for a healthy nation and moderate drinking!

Thank you for your attention.
