Drugs to improve liver function. Preparations and folk remedies for liver restoration

The drug is prescribed in capsules or suspension (for children weighing up to 34 kg). The dosage is determined at the rate of 10 mg / 1 kg of weight. The duration of recovery with this tool is 6-12 months.


The dosage is selected individually depending on the diagnosis, the characteristics of the body. It is calculated in the ratio of 10 mg / 1 kg of weight.

Ursosan can be used to treat and restore liver cells in pregnant women, lactating women, but only with the permission of a doctor. Also, the drug is allowed to be given to newborn children who have observed.


The main active ingredient is ursodeoxycholic acid. Recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of chronic, subacute and acute types. The average daily dosage is 10 mg/kg. The general treatment course of liver diseases can reach up to a year. It is prescribed even at the age of 3 years, pregnant, lactating.


There are also a number of bile acid medications that can help with a variety of liver problems. Used to restore it:

  • Ursodez;
  • Ursodex;
  • Urdox;
  • Grinterol;
  • Choludexan.

Amino acid derivatives

These are important components for the "building" of proteins and other components of a healthy liver.


This is an Italian drug containing ademetionine. It has a complex effect on the liver, it is often recommended for cirrhosis or, as well as for recovery from alcohol and drug addictions. Heptral injections are more effective. The daily dose of oral medication is 850-1600 mg. When administered by injection, the dosage is 400-800 mg.

The drug often gives side effects, therefore it is prohibited until the age of majority, for women during pregnancy.


This is an original medicine based on the ornithine-aspartate compound. It should be used to treat chronic liver pathologies, as a result of which the level of ammonia in the body increases.

Before choosing any hepatoprotector - consult your doctor. There are contraindications.

Hepa-Merz is available in tablet form and granules. Depending on the neglect of the disease, up to 8 ampoules are drunk per day. Granules are taken orally 1-2 sachets three times a day after meals. The general treatment course is 3-4 weeks.


This is a drug with the amino acids arginine and betaine. Betargin, which has a mild effect, is taken in 2-3 containers during the day. The contents of the container or sachet are preliminarily diluted with water in an amount of 100 ml. The general treatment course is 3-6 months.


Another drug in this group is Heptor - tablets with the amino acid ademetionine. It is used in the same way as Heptral. It has side effects, contraindications. Before use, a doctor's consultation is required.

Other medicines

The doctor may prescribe other drugs to restore liver function.


It is an antiviral drug with ribonucleic acid. The main indication for the use of the drug is viral hepatitis. It is prescribed orally at 500 mg three times a day for 5-7 days, and then at 250 mg 2 times for 7-14 days.

Potassium orotate

This is a non-hormonal anabolic agent with a stimulating and restorative effect on metabolic processes. The dosage is as follows: 250-500 mg 4 hours after a meal in a course of 20-40 days.

Methyluracil and Pentoxyl

Substances stimulate the growth and restoration of the cellular tissue of the liver, due to which the organ heals. Methyluracil is used in doses of 0.5 g during meals for 10-15 days. Pentoxyl is drunk in tablet form of 0.2 g for 2-3 weeks.


A remedy with a powerful active substance - inosine, recommended for hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver,. The course for a full recovery of health is set individually.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

It is used for diabetic polyneuropathy, which accompanies liver disorders. A single dosage of the tablet form is 600 mg. With drip application, the dose is 300-600 mg / day.

Vitamin complexes

A complete therapy cannot be imagined without vitamins and minerals:

  • Liver active Nutrilite - to stimulate metabolic processes. Taken in a capsule twice a day.
  • Liver Optimizer - A diverse formulation designed to restore and detoxify the liver. The recommended dose is 1 capsule per day.
  • Heparosis forte is a complex drug for restoring the working capacity of the liver after poisoning and diseases. The daily amount of vitamins is contained in one capsule.
  • Hepaton-2. Improves metabolism, provides detoxification cleaning, stimulates the secretory function of the liver.


Homeopathic medicines work slowly but gently. They are used for alcoholic and other hepatoses, cirrhosis, hepatitis in order to restore the functionality of not only the liver, but also other organs.

Here is a list of homeopathic medicines:

  • Holeton Edas-113. This is a recovery solution. internal organs from extracts of celandine and dandelion. 1-6 drops should be diluted with boiled water, taken half an hour before meals three times a day.
  • Hepel. The remedy should be sucked on a tablet on an empty stomach after waking up, then an hour after lunch, dinner.
  • Enterix - a remedy for restoring health based on camphor, echinacea, chamomile. Accepted by 6-8 pcs. per day.
  • Galstena with milk thistle, dandelion, celandine. 10-15 drops or capsule four times for the first 2 days, then twice.
  • Leptandra compositum is a liquid remedy for restoring and stimulating liver activity. Drink 10 drops 2-5 times an hour after a meal.

Other medicines

There are also natural preparations for the liver -. They strengthen, cleanse, regulate the balance of nutrients, minimize the risk of complications. They do not remove the cause of pathologies, but eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

  • Ovesol with extracts, turmeric, mint, immortelle. Accepted by 1 pc. or 15-20 drops during meals twice a day.
  • Hepatotransit is a drug for the restoration of hepatocytes from agrimony, oats, corn stigmas. Directions for use: 5 ml per glass of water, 4 glasses per day.
  • Milona 10 with an extract from the roots of burdock, elecampane, dandelion, corn stigmas, artichoke. The dosage is 2 pcs. 2-3 times a day.

How to improve the effectiveness of treatment

To be effective, it is important to observe while taking medication: eat more fiber, exclude spicy, fatty foods, fast food, alcohol. People who are obese should see a nutritionist who will prescribe remedies to restore normal weight.

Precautions and contraindications

Many medicines are prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. If during this period problems with the liver began, it is urgent to contact the doctors, who, after the examination, will prescribe the necessary drug.

All medicines have contraindications and side effects. To avoid them, you must carefully read the instructions for use, follow the dosage, do not try to be treated on your own.


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The liver performs a number of functions on which the normal functioning of the whole organism depends. The body synthesizes enzymes necessary for the breakdown of fats and other trace elements, and also cleanses the blood of harmful toxins and metabolic products. In case of violation of its work, poisoning of the body occurs. This affects the general health of a person and can lead to death.

Various liver diseases are capable of damaging liver cells, which are most often accompanied by an inflammatory process. These are viral and other hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancerous neoplasms. In the presence of these dangerous pathologies, it is almost impossible to completely restore the liver, especially in the last stages of the disease. In this article, we will find out the main causes of liver malfunctions, as well as consider the most effective methods for restoring this vital organ.

The liver is an important organ in the human body. If for some reason it ceases to perform its functions, then the whole organism suffers. Fats begin to accumulate in it, cholesterol levels rise, the water-salt balance is disturbed, and the body is poisoned by metabolic products and toxins.

Causes of violations

Why is the functioning of the liver disturbed? There are several reasons why this organ fails to function:

Such factors can significantly worsen the condition of the liver. Also at risk are people who lead an unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle - smoke, drink a lot of coffee, drink alcohol, move little and eat malnourished, and also have metabolic problems or some genetic pathologies.

Hepatic changes may be reversible or irreversible. It depends on the disease and the degree of damage to hepatocytes. For example, if fibrosis has begun (replacing the parenchyma with stroma), then it will not be possible to completely restore the organ. You can only slow down the pathological process and prolong the patient's life for several years.

Duration and recovery methods

The duration of recovery after a particular disease depends on the severity of its defeat. With a slight poisoning or after the transfer of viral hepatitis A, the liver is capable of self-healing. If the lesion is more serious (for example, with hepatitis B and C, cirrhosis), then the therapy process can take many years, and there is no guarantee of a complete cure.

There are several effective ways to restore an organ after damage. Among them:

You can use each method separately. But the best results are achieved with complex treatment, which is carried out under the supervision of an experienced doctor. Let us consider in more detail the most effective ways to restore the liver, their features.


Drug therapy is one of the most popular and effective ways to recover from the negative effects of alcohol, viral hepatitis and other pathologies. The action of the drugs used is aimed at:

  • neutralization of the destructive action of various factors;
  • restoration of damaged hepatocytes;
  • preventing fibrosis;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • restoration of normal bile flow;
  • saturation of the body with useful substances.

For this, several groups of drugs are used - hepatoprotectors, choleretic agents and vitamins. Such medicines are prescribed by the attending physician. It determines the method of taking the drug (tablets, injections), dosage and duration of treatment.

What are hepatoprotectors? This is a special group of drugs that are able to protect and restore hepatocytes. Thus, they normalize the state of the body and contribute to its normal functioning.

There are several types of hepatoprotectors depending on the substances that make up their composition:

  • based on phospholipids;
  • vegetable origin;
  • animal origin;
  • based on amino acids.

They are applied depending on the cause and degree of liver damage. Consider some of the most common drugs, their advantages and disadvantages.


The main component of the drug is the amino acid ademetionine. has the following properties:

  • detoxification;
  • protection of nerve cells;
  • neutralization of toxins;
  • regeneration;
  • antifibrotic action.

Numerous reviews of patients, studies of specialists have proved that the drug is indispensable for stopping cirrhotic processes in the organ, as well as lesions of a cholestatic nature. It is also used to stop fibrosis and restore the organ after chemotherapy. Such a remedy is most effective in cirrhosis, which is complicated by mental disorders, encephalopathy, inflammation of the bone tissue.

The drug is strong enough, therefore, requires caution in the use and control of the attending physician. Among the disadvantages of the drug are:


This is a herbal hepatoprotector, developed on the basis of such a plant known in traditional medicine as, which is effective in such cases:

  • with inflammatory lesions of a different nature, which are combined with a violation of metabolic mechanisms in the body;
  • as protection against alcohol and drug intoxication.

Since Karsil is a herbal remedy, it has a minimum side effects, which develop mainly when used incorrectly. Among the side effects are:

  • symptoms of a gastrointestinal disorder;
  • itching and burning, redness of the skin;
  • violations of vestibular functions;
  • baldness.

During the period of bearing a child, as well as young children, taking the medicine is not recommended. Karsil is also used with caution in case of endocrine disorders, as well as in the presence of female diseases (endometriosis, fibrooma, malignant neoplasms in the uterus, ovaries and mammary glands).


The medicine is developed on the basis of a natural component - soy, therefore, it has practically no restrictions in use. The tool allows you to restore hepatocytes and prevent their further damage. It has a number of advantages over other hepatoprotectors:

  • used for all categories of patients;
  • can be effective for radiation injury and psoriasis;
  • normalizes lipid content;
  • used in the prevention of vascular disorders;
  • improves digestion due to the synthesis of enzymes.

Application of Essentiale

The only contraindication for taking the drug can be considered allergic reactions to the components of the drug, but this happens extremely rarely. The disadvantage can be considered the need for long-term use to obtain results, sometimes up to several years.


The hepatoprotective effect is provided by the action of phospholipids, which are integrated into the hepatic structure and contribute to its restoration. However, unlike other drugs in this group, Phosphogliv can have a suppressive effect on viruses.

The composition contains glycyrate, which inhibits the reproduction of viral agents and synthesizes interferons - natural immunostimulants. Therefore Phosphogliv is considered the best remedy for the treatment of pathologies of a viral nature.

Among the shortcomings of the drug are the following:

  • contributes to a significant increase in blood pressure;
  • contraindicated in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under 12 years of age;
  • promotes fluid retention in the body;
  • may cause portal hypertension;
  • causes allergic reactions.

In addition to the drugs described, Gepabene, Sirepar, Galstena, Hepa-Merz, Hepatosan, Progepar and many others are also considered effective hepatoprotectors.

This is a new generation remedy that is used for alcohol and food poisoning as an emergency or long-term rehabilitation therapy.

It is prescribed in such cases:

  • lesions of viral etiology;
  • cirrhotic processes;
  • any toxic damage to the parenchyma of the organ;
  • severe alcohol poisoning;
  • hangover.

The drug is a powder that must be dissolved in water and drunk immediately. The drug has several advantages:

  1. Natural composition. Its components are able to quickly break down toxins and remove them from the body.
  2. Increases the level of a special enzyme that breaks down alcohol.
  3. Contributes to the normalization of the level of proteins involved in metabolism.
  4. It is used as a prevention of heart pathologies and atherosclerosis, as it reduces the concentration of triglycerides and normalizes cholesterol levels.
  5. It has a minimum of negative side effects.
  6. It has no contraindications, except for the ban on admission by young children.

Cholagogue preparations

They increase the production of bile and promote its outflow. Thus, these drugs normalize digestion and fight bile stasis (cholestasis). Choleretic agents should not be used in the presence of stones and with exacerbation of diseases of the kidneys and liver. Among these drugs can be called:

Vitamin remedies

Vitamins are needed to restore the liver. Among the most important are:

  • C to improve metabolism and increase immunity;
  • E (protects hepatocytes from destruction, slows down their aging);
  • lipoic acid (participates in fat and carbohydrate metabolism);
  • groups B, K, PP and A.

Vitamin complexes are often prescribed, which contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the liver. Among them are Liv Guard (vitamins C, E, B, calcium, magnesium, zinc), Vitrum, Selmevit, Vita-Spectrum.

diet therapy

Diet therapy is indicated for any liver disease. It improves digestion, reduces the load on the body. Nutrition correction has several rules that must be followed in order to achieve favorable results. The main ones are:

Diet therapy involves the rejection of unhealthy foods. Among them:

  • alcohol;
  • sweets;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • fatty dairy products (cottage cheese, milk, cheese);
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • fried, salty, spicy dishes;
  • smoked meats;
  • fast food;
  • trans fats (mayonnaise, margarine).

You should replace them with sour-milk products, lean meat, seafood, fresh fruits and vegetables. There are especially useful products for the liver that contribute to its restoration:

If you eat such foods daily, the liver is able to recover within a few months. It also improves the overall health of the patient.

Andrey Ivanovich, teacher:“I often ate junk food. That fatty meat, fat. Therefore, problems with the liver, pain, nausea began. A doctor friend advised diet number 5 for recovery. I had to give up my favorite food. But things improved very quickly."

Other Methods

As a treatment and restoration of a damaged liver, methods are used traditional medicine, physiotherapy. Not the last role is played by general strengthening methods and healthy lifestyle life.

home treatment

Herbs are highly effective in the treatment of the liver. There are many recipes using medicinal plants. Among them:

Honey is also effective for liver health. The only contraindication for its use is the presence of allergies. If it is absent, then you can add cinnamon to honey and eat 2 tablespoons every day before meals. Such therapy can last as long as you like.

In some cases, flaxseed oil helps with liver dysfunction. It helps cleanse the liver of toxins and toxins. This medicine should be taken in a tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment lasts from one month to six months.

Valery Nikolaevich, pensioner:“After hepatitis, I needed to restore the liver. They recommended Karsil and treatment with linseed oil. Every morning I drank a spoonful of oil, and Karsil - three times during the day. The condition has improved."


Good results can be achieved with the help of physiotherapy procedures. Such treatment should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced physician, since some procedures can be harmful if there are contraindications. For example, physiotherapy is not used in the acute course of liver diseases, some special conditions of the patient (for example, pregnancy).

If there are no contraindications, the following methods of physiotherapy are used:


It is not always possible to completely restore the liver. Especially if the damage is complicated by fibrosis. Therefore, the prevention of liver pathologies is very important. Its main principles:

  • eat properly;
  • give up alcohol;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • treat viral infections in time;
  • avoid poisoning with chemicals and medicines;
  • boost your immunity.

Liver repair is a complex process that can take years. The most effective way to improve the functioning of this organ is drug therapy, as well as nutritional correction and physiotherapy.

The complex use of such methods significantly increases the effectiveness of therapy. If you follow simple recommendations, you can avoid diseases and damage to the liver, as well as the development of complications of existing pathologies. It also improves overall health.

In order to name the best drug for the liver, it is necessary to understand what is the specific effect of certain drugs on the restoration of organ functions. It should also be noted here that a qualified solution to the problem, including which pills are best for the liver, taking into account specific violations of its functioning, is the prerogative of a specialist.

The main functions of preparations for the liver

The best drugs for the treatment of the liver can solve such problems:

  1. Protect and repair damaged membranes of hepatocytes (liver cells);
  2. Activate intracellular metabolism;
  3. Improve the process of synthesis of enzymes and protein compounds in hepatocytes;

  1. Activate bile secretion;
  2. Cleanse the liver from accumulated toxins and ballast substances.

Usually, such drug assistance to the liver is necessary in such cases:

  1. After suffering from hepatitis;
  2. With fatty hepatic degeneration;
  3. After alcohol or chemical poisoning;
  4. During the period of action of hepatotoxic drugs (for example, during chemotherapy) or exposure to particularly adverse environmental conditions.

In addition, the best tablets for the liver can be successfully used to prevent functional disorders.

List of the most effective drugs

So, in the TOP-5 drugs and tablets for the liver, in our opinion, the following drugs are included.

Essentiale Forte

This drug belongs to the group of hepatoprotectors and includes essential phospholipids - substances that have the ability to integrate into the membrane structure of hepatocytes, thereby restoring it and protecting it from destruction. In addition, the drug normalizes lipid and protein metabolism and prevents the replacement of functional liver cells with connective tissue that forms scars. The drug may be effective in the initial stages of cirrhosis.

Among the advantages of Essentiale Forte, it should be noted that it consists exclusively of natural ingredients, it is highly effective in the treatment of such dangerous diseases as hepatitis of various etiologies and viral liver damage. In addition, it reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes, normalizes the enzyme function of the liver and slows down the formation of stones in the gallbladder. The drug is well tolerated by patients and has practically no contraindications, except for cases of allergy to individual components that make up its composition.


The main active substance of Heptral is ademetionine. This drug also belongs to the group of hepatoprotectors, but in addition it also has antidepressant, antioxidant and neuroprotective effects. In addition, Heptral successfully frees liver cells from toxic substances and promotes their regeneration.

These properties of the drug give reason to recommend it for congestion in the gallbladder in combination with cirrhotic and fatty degeneration of functional liver cells. Heptral is recommended to eliminate intoxication (even life-threatening) after alcohol or chemical poisoning, with drug and viral hepatitis, for the period of long-term drug treatment with anticancer drugs and antibiotics.

The use of Heptral is limited by a number of contraindications:

  1. Not recommended for children under 18 and pregnant women;
  2. Causes multiple side effects - allergies, migraines and dizziness, arrhythmias, joint and heart pain, asthenic phenomena, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, etc.

Given the foregoing, Heptral should be used with caution, only after the recommendation of a specialist and under his supervision.


This drug combines the properties of a hepatoprotector with antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. In addition to phospholipids that restore cell membranes of hepatocytes, its composition also includes sodium glycyrate, which inhibits viral activity and promotes the synthesis of interferon, lymphocytes and phagocytes.

The unique properties of Phosphogliv make it possible to use it to combat hepatitis of various etiologies (viral, toxic, alcoholic and drug-induced). The drug has proven itself well as an adjuvant in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis and neurodermatitis.

Phosphogliv has no particular adverse reactions and is generally well tolerated, but it is not prescribed for children, pregnant and lactating women, patients suffering from high blood pressure. There have been cases of an allergic reaction to the drug in the form of skin rashes.


A drug that has an active choleretic effect in combination with a hepatoprotective effect and promotes the resorption of calculi formed in the gallbladder due to the inclusion of ursodeoxycholic acid in its composition. In addition, Ursofalk has a slight immunomodulatory property.

Ursofalk is not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women, it is contraindicated in renal failure, acute inflammation of the pancreas, intestines, liver, gallbladder and bile ducts.

Taking the drug is possible only after consulting a doctor and under his supervision.


Synthetic drug with an active choleretic effect, normalizing the production and secretion of bile. In addition, it also has anti-inflammatory properties. The drug is prescribed for various disorders of the gallbladder and inflammatory processes in it. Tsikvalon can be used for preliminary preparation of the patient for duodenal sounding and instrumental diagnostics of the liver and biliary tract.

The drug is well tolerated, but has a number of contraindications - with cirrhosis of the liver, the presence of ulcers gastrointestinal tract, hepatitis and allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Medicines for the liver are called hepatoprotectors, designed to restore the structure and functions of the organ. Drugs have different effects and contraindications, so their choice should be approached carefully.

Hepatoprotectors - preparations for liver restoration

The effect of hepatoprotectors on the liver

The liver performs the function of a filter in the body, cleanses the blood of harmful and toxic substances, the work of the organ deteriorates significantly with prolonged alcohol intake,. Hepatoprotectors are intended for treatment and prevention, restore cells, prevent the development of cirrhosis, and slow down the aging process.

Indications for the use of drugs for the liver:

  • alcoholic hepatitis - the disease often degenerates into cirrhosis;
  • fatty hepatosis of the liver - the disease develops in overweight people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, diabetics;
  • and other drugs that adversely affect liver cells;
  • in a chronic form.

The liver has high regenerative functions; with proper treatment, damaged cells can be completely restored.

List of inexpensive and effective drugs for the liver

The concept of hepatoprotectors includes various groups medicines, which differ in composition, therapeutic effect.

Essential phospholipids

main ingredient medicines from this group - phosphatidylcholine, the substance restores damaged cells, improves liver function, prevents the formation of connective tissue, and normalizes metabolic processes in the body.

Essentiale - contains soybean phospholipid, the drug is released in the form of capsules, solutions for intravenous administration.

List of indications:

  • any kind of chronic hepatitis;
  • steatohepatitis;
  • cirrhosis, necrosis;
  • radiation sickness;
  • fatty lesions of the liver tissue;
  • liver failure;
  • hepatic coma;
  • prevention of exacerbation of gallstone disease;
  • before and after surgical interventions in the liver area.

At the initial stage of eliminating liver diseases, it is recommended to use the drug simultaneously in the form of capsules and injections, as the condition improves, the injections are canceled. The solution is administered 1-4 ampoules daily for 10-30 days. Capsules are taken 2 pieces every 8 hours immediately after a meal, they need to be washed down with plenty of water. The duration of therapy is 3-6 months, depending on the severity of the pathology. Price - 700-1100 rubles.

Heptor should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Intramuscularly or intravenously, the drug is administered 1-2 vials per day for 14 days. Then you need to switch to tablets - 2-4 pills daily for a month.

Hepa-Merz - produced in the form of granules and concentrate for the preparation of a solution. The medicine should not be used by people with serious renal pathologies. Price - 1.7–2.7 thousand rubles.

To prepare a single dose, the contents of one sachet must be dissolved in 200 ml of water at room temperature, 4 sachets must be taken per day. The solution is administered intravenously, 4 ampoules per day at regular intervals.

bile acids

Drugs based on ursodeoxycholic acid quickly eliminate liver and gallbladder pathologies, they have a choleretic and hypoglycemic effect. Urospalk, Livodex are considered the most effective, they have similar indications and contraindications.

Urospalk - a medicine in the form of capsules and suspensions, reduces the amount of fatty acids, is designed to protect the liver from toxins and poisons, restores cell membranes, eliminates excess cholesterol, and has an immunomodulating effect. Cost - 900-1800 rubles.

Indications for use:

  • biliary primary cirrhosis;
  • primary cholangitis;
  • cholesterol stones;
  • overgrowth of the bile ducts;
  • prevention of stagnation of bile in bedridden patients;

The drug Urosfalk should not be taken during the acute phase of diseases of the gallbladder, ducts, intestines, with a decompensated form of cirrhosis, with significant disturbances in the work of the pancreas, liver, kidneys.

Urosfalk protects the liver from poisons and toxins

The dosage of the drug is calculated taking into account the weight of the patient - 10 mg / kg, you need to drink the medicine at bedtime, regardless of the meal. The duration of the course is 6-12 months. The suspension is intended for the treatment of children and adults who weigh less than 47 kg, the dose is 10 mg / kg.

Livodex - brown-red tablets, lactose is present in the shell, which should be taken into account for people with intolerance to this substance, the drug is not prescribed for children under three years of age. The dosage is 10 mg / kg, the minimum duration of therapy is six months.

Medicines with bile acids should not be taken if the stones contain a lot of calcium.

Herbal preparations

Herbal tablets, powders and drops are often prescribed for the treatment of liver pathologies at the initial stage, for speedy recovery after surgery, and prevention of relapses. The composition includes plants that have hepatoprotective, choleretic properties, eliminate inflammatory processes.

List of medicines:

  1. Karsil - tablets with milk thistle extract, prescribed for toxic damage to the liver tissues in cirrhosis, chronic inflammatory processes. The medicine should not be taken in case of acute poisoning, in pediatrics it is allowed to use it for the treatment of children over five years old. You can drink the drug, regardless of food intake, 1-2 pills every 8 hours, the average duration of treatment is 3 months. Price - 380-480 rubles.
  2. Hofitol - tablets and a solution based on artichoke, have a choleretic effect, are prescribed for chronic hepatitis and renal failure, cirrhosis. Contraindications - obstruction of the biliary tract, the presence of stones in the gallbladder, kidney and liver diseases in the acute stage. Dose - 1-2 pills 3 times a day before meals, or 1 tsp. solution, which must first be dissolved in a small amount water. The course lasts on average -15-20 days. Price - 400-500 rubles.
  3. Gepabene - capsules contain an extract of fumes and milk thistle fruits, the drug helps to improve well-being in chronic liver pathologies. The drug is contraindicated for children, in the presence of acute inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Take 1 pill thrice daily at regular intervals with meals. Price - 440-450 rubles.
  4. Silimar - tablets contain, are prescribed for chronic hepatitis, toxic liver damage, cirrhosis, long-term use of potent drugs, alcohol dependence. Drink 1-2 tablets 30 minutes before meals every 8 hours, continue treatment for 25-30 days. Cost - 140-150 rubles.

Plant-based medicines often cause allergic reactions in the form of watery eyes, runny nose, rash, and intestinal upset.

Karsil helps with toxic liver damage

Medicines of animal origin

For the treatment of cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty hepatosis, agents based on pig liver, bile are used, and the composition is additionally enriched with amino acids, enzymes, metabolites, cyanocobalamin. These drugs cleanse the body of harmful substances, contribute to the complete restoration of damaged tissues and the health of the body.

Hepatosan - hepatoprotector, contains extracts from the liver of a pig, has a powerful detoxifying effect, is released in capsules. The drug is prescribed for liver poisoning with alcohol, various forms of cirrhosis, hepatitis, acute liver failure. Price - 450-470 rubles.

Admission rules:

  • chronic liver failure - 2 capsules in the morning and evening for three weeks;
  • exacerbation of liver failure - 2 capsules every 8 hours for 10 days;
  • cirrhosis, hepatitis - for 10 days, 2 capsules three times a day, then to maintain therapeutic effect 1 pill daily for two weeks;
  • with severe intoxication against the background of cirrhosis - constantly 1-2 capsules per day.

The medicine should be taken half an hour before meals, washed down with clean water.

Cholenzym - tablets based on bile, powder from the pancreas and mucous membrane of the small intestine of animals, enhances the outflow of bile from the liver, improves the digestive process, and is included in complex therapy in the treatment of hepatitis. Contraindications - pancreatitis and hepatitis in the acute stage, obstructive jaundice, ulcer.

Holenzim - an animal-based remedy

Adults and children over 12 years old should drink 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, the duration of therapy is 1-2 months.

Preparations of animal origin should not be used to prevent liver pathologies.


Homeopathic remedies are used to treat the liver and pancreas, they act gently, quickly and effectively, but, like after medicines, adverse reactions can occur, so they should be taken under the constant supervision of a specialist.

What homeopathic medicines help with:

  • Giardia lesions of the gallbladder;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • cirrhosis;
  • blockage of veins and blood vessels in the liver by blood clots;
  • viral forms of hepatitis;
  • alcoholic hepatosis;
  • malignant tumors.

List of the best homeopathic remedies

Tool name Compound Admission rules Price, rub.)
Edas-113 HoletonAlcoholic liquid based on dandelion and celandineApply 1-5 drops to a sugar cube, or dissolve in a small amount of water, take 30 minutes before meals three times a day110–130
HepelTablets with a multicomponent compositionIn the morning on an empty stomach and an hour after lunch and dinner, 1 tablet, the pill must be sucked. Course duration - 4 weeks350–380
EnterixCapsules for resorption based on chamomile, quinine, echinacea and camphor6-8 capsules 2-4 times a day, regardless of food intake.160–200
Leptandra compositumMulti-component liquid for the restoration of the functions of the liver and pancreas10 drops 3-5 times a day 50 minutes after meals, can be diluted in 40-50 ml of water
GalstenaDrops and tablets contain milk thistle, celandine, dandelion, phosphorusBetween meals, 1 tablet or 10 drops. The first few days you need to take the medicine 4 times a day, then - in the morning and in the evening420–450

Homeopathy has significant drawbacks - drugs do not undergo serious clinical trials, you need to take medicines for a long time, but at the same time their effectiveness has been proven by the positive results of many patients, these remedies are inexpensive.

dietary supplements

Dietary supplements are designed to maintain, strengthen and cleanse the liver, normalize the balance of nutrients, help speed up the healing process, and reduce the risk of complications. At the same time, the drugs do not directly eliminate the cause of the disease, but only eliminate unpleasant symptoms, so they can be taken for prevention, cleansing the liver, as part of complex therapy, or as first aid for a sudden attack.

List of effective dietary supplements:

  1. Ovesol contains an extract from sowing oats, peppermint, turmeric, immortelle inflorescences, produced in the form of drops and tablets, the drug has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and choleretic effects. The tool is recommended to be used to improve the process of formation and excretion of bile, to prevent the development of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, with caution Ovesol should be taken when the gallbladder is bent, gallstone disease. You need to drink 15-20 drops or 1 tablet twice a day with meals. The duration of treatment is 3 weeks. Cost - 230-330 rubles.
  2. Liv 52 is a medicine based on extracts from capers, chicory, black nightshade, terminalia arjuna, cassia, yarrow, Gallic tamarix, iron oxide. The drug is released in the form of drops and tablets, it improves the condition of the liver in hepatosis, cirrhosis, prevents toxic changes in the organ, and has a choleretic effect. For prevention, you need to take 2 tablets or 5-10 ml of medication in the morning and evening. The drug should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women. Price 320–330 rubles.
  3. Hepatrin - capsules, the composition contains lecithin, artichoke extract, silymarin, vitamin E and group B. The product cleanses the liver of toxins, protects cells from destruction, restores the functioning of the organ, it should not be taken by pregnant women, lactating women, children under 12 years old. Drink 1 capsule during breakfast and dinner, course duration - 1-3 months. Price - 430-450 rubles.

The decision on the advisability of taking dietary supplements is made by the person himself, because due to insufficient data on the effectiveness and safety of these drugs, doctors prescribe them extremely rarely.

Ovesol helps normalize bile levels


The liver is a unique organ that performs a protective function, cleanses the blood of toxins, toxins and other chemical elements that are harmful to human body. At the same time, it is capable of self-healing, but sometimes, for various reasons, its own protective potential is not enough for it. Then modern pharmacology suggests using hepatoprotectors. Take these medicines according to the instructions and only on the advice of a doctor.

What are Liver Recovery Pills

Hepatoprotectors are an extensive class of medications that have a stimulating effect on liver cells, help restore its structure and functionality. These drugs are available in the form of tablets, pills or dragees. They help maintain the integrity of hepatocytes, improve the excretion of harmful substances, improve the outflow of bile and restore the absorption of vitamins by the body.


There are a lot of different hepatoprotectors today. Each of these drugs is generally responsible for one function - restoring the organ's performance and minimizing the damage caused to it, but in fact they can differ somewhat from each other. According to the active active substance, all preparations for liver restoration can conditionally be divided into several classes:

  • Phospholipids are substances obtained by special processing of soybeans. Their action is to improve the state of cell walls at the lipid level, increase enzymatic activity, and increase the likelihood of a response to α-interferon. Phospholipid-based liver recovery tablets include: Essentiale N, Essentiale Forte N, Essliver Forte, Phosfonciale, Gepagard, Phosphogliv, Rezalyut.
  • Derivatives of amino acids. The active components of the preparations are involved in the production of phospholipids and the processes of assimilation of biologically active substances, reduce the level of ammonia, start the processes of self-healing of gland cells and purification. Medications with amino acids: Hepa-Merz (Ornithine aspartate), Heptral, Heptor.
  • Medicines of animal origin. The composition includes hydrolyzed pork liver. Known medicines: Sirepar, Progepar, Hepatosan.
  • Medicines with the addition of medicinal plants. They are used for organ damage by toxins, poisons or medicines, for cholecystitis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis and for preventive purposes. These include products based on milk thistle (Legalon, Karsil, Gepabene, Silimar), artichoke (Tsinariks, Hofitol), pumpkin seed oil (Tykveol, Peponen), elecampane or burdock root, volodushka herb, agrimony, corn stigmas.
  • Homeopathic remedies. Drugs help eliminate numerous symptoms, improve the functionality of the organ, and are used to cleanse it. Best pills: Hepel, Galstena, May celandine and milk thistle.
  • dietary supplements. Biologically active food supplements help to better absorb vitamins, cleanse the liver, and restore its structure. Popular supplements: Hepatamine, Hepatotransit, Artichoke extract, Hepatotransit, Milona 10, Ovesol, Dipana, Hepatrin.
  • Bile acids. Medicines have a hypoglycemic and choleretic effect, lower cholesterol levels, increase the secretion of gastric juice, and affect immunological reactions. Popular tablets: Ursosan, Urdox, Livodex, Ursodez, Ursofalk, Ursoliv.

Indications for use

It is possible to be treated with hepatoprotectors only after consulting a doctor. They are prescribed for the following diagnoses:

  • Alcoholic hepatitis, which increases the risk of developing cirrhosis. To achieve success with drug treatment, it is necessary that the patient completely refuses to drink alcohol.
  • Fatty hepatitis - provided that it is not a consequence of alcoholism - the growth of fat cells. Often people with type 2 diabetes or obesity suffer from this disease.
  • Hepatitis of viral etiology - primary treatment is carried out with antiviral drugs. Hepatoprotectors are prescribed only when the first course of therapy has not brought the desired result.
  • Toxic hepatitis or primary biliary cirrhosis - hepatoprotectors are prescribed as the basis for the complex treatment of the disease and subject to diet.

Hepatoprotectors for the liver

In addition to restoring the cell walls of an organ, good hepatoprotectors should regulate intracellular metabolism, stimulate the outflow of bile, remove toxins and toxins, prevent further spread of infection, and stop the inflammatory process. To achieve good results, you must follow a diet, give up bad habits, to live an active lifestyle. The following medicines have proven themselves well: Heptral, Essentiale, Liv 52, Osalmid and some others.


A biologically active supplement for the restoration of the liver gland is produced by the Korean company Coral Club in the form of a powder in individual foil bags weighing 4.5 grams each. The product contains only natural ingredients:

  • glucose;
  • persimmon fruit extract;
  • extract of Chinese wolfberry;
  • soy sprouts;
  • Japanese mandarin peel extract;
  • buckwheat seeds;
  • taurine;
  • citric acid;
  • stevia glycoside;
  • ascorbic acid.

FanDetox is prescribed to protect the body from the pathological effects of alcohol, drugs, and poor-quality food on it. Before taking the contents of the sachet must be dissolved with half a glass of warm water. The drink is drunk 2 times a day after meals for a month. No side effects were recorded during the treatment, but FanDetox is categorically contraindicated:

  • during lactation;
  • patients with bowel disorders;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with individual intolerance to the components;
  • with disorders of carbohydrate metabolism.

Tablets for the restoration of hepatic function are available in cardboard boxes of 20 pieces. The drug has hepatoprotective, detoxifying, neuroprotective properties, pronounced antidepressant activity, activates the regenerating functions of the hepatic gland. Heptral contains:

  • ademetionine (the main active ingredient);
  • talc;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • polysorbate;
  • silica;
  • sodium glycolate;
  • simethicone;
  • purified water.

Heptral is prescribed by physicians after the diagnosis and the following diagnoses:

  • intrahepatic cholestasis against the background of fatty degradation, alcoholic hepatosis, viral or drug-induced hepatitis, toxic or drug-induced liver damage;
  • chronic hepatitis of various origins;
  • fibrosis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • severe intoxication with drugs, alcohol, food;
  • depression.

Heptral must be taken in the morning. The daily dosage is 800-1600 mg, the course of treatment is determined individually. The drug should be abandoned for genetic metabolic disorders, patients under 18 years of age, people with bipolar disorder. While taking Heptral, undesirable effects may occur:

  • within nervous system- dizziness, migraine, paresthesia, insomnia. confusion;
  • cardiovascular system - phlebitis of superficial veins, heart rhythm disturbance, hot flashes;
  • digestion - bloating, dry mouth, diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, gastrointestinal bleeding, nausea with vomiting;
  • musculoskeletal system - muscle spasms, arthralgia;
  • others - swelling of the larynx, allergies, fever, flu-like symptoms, sweating, urinary tract infections.

Essentiale forte

These are brown capsules. The active component of Essentiale forte - essential phospholipids - starts regeneration processes, normalizes metabolism and stops the replacement of healthy hepatocytes with connective tissue. Auxiliary components are:

  • gelatin;
  • purified water;
  • ethanol 96%;
  • α-tocopherol;
  • castor oil;
  • soybean oil;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate.

Tablets are prescribed for recovery from toxicosis in pregnant women, chronic hepatitis, fatty liver degradation, cirrhosis, as an adjuvant therapy for psoriasis, and radiation syndrome. Essentiale forte should be taken with meals 2 capsules 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 3 months, if necessary, can be repeated. Essentiale is well tolerated by the body, only occasionally causing stool upset. Essentiale has no serious contraindications.

Liv 52

This is a combined medicine to restore the functionality of the hepatic gland. The composition of Liv 52 consists entirely of vegetable raw materials:

  • caper powder and common chicory;
  • iron oxide;
  • black nightshade;
  • terminalia arjuna;
  • cassia western;
  • common yarrow;
  • Gallic tamarix;
  • eclipta white;
  • medicinal fumes;
  • Ceylon pig;
  • medicinal emblic;
  • seed radish.

Liv 52 has antitoxic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective effects. The components of the composition restore intracellular processes and protein synthesis. Due to such positive properties, a homeopathic remedy is prescribed for:

  • different types of hepatitis (drug, toxic, viral);
  • cholecystitis;
  • fatty hepatosis;
  • violations of the outflow of bile;
  • fibrosis;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • cholangitis;
  • for the prevention of alcohol abuse.

Liv 52 is available without a prescription. Adults need to take 2-3 tablets up to three times a day, children - 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The duration of drug therapy is determined by the doctor. The drug is well tolerated by patients, only sometimes causing allergic reactions or dyspepsia. Liv 52 is prescribed with caution to patients with acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).

The drug to restore the functionality of the liver is produced in capsules of 30 pieces or dragees of 80-180 pieces. The active component of the capsules is a dry extract of milk thistle fruits, dragees - silymarin. The pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the drug have not been fully studied, but it is known that the drug has a membrane-stabilizing effect and an antioxidant effect, and is able to improve blood microcirculation.

Karsil is used to prevent liver damage with prolonged use of alcohol or drugs. As part of complex therapy, capsules are prescribed for:

  • chronic hepatitis of non-viral nature;
  • cirrhosis;
  • steatosis of alcoholic or non-alcoholic etiology;
  • recovery of the body after acute hepatitis;
  • toxic cell damage.

Karsil rarely causes adverse reactions. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to components from the composition, lactase deficiency, celiac disease. The dosage depends on the form of release:

  • capsules - for severe lesions, take 1 piece 3 times a day, for pathologies of moderate severity - 2 times a day;
  • dragee - 1 or 2 pieces 3 times a day;
  • the duration of drug treatment is 90 days.


The drug is one of the natural dietary supplements. Ovesol contains natural components that have anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, restorative effects - this is an extract of sowing oats, turmeric, immortelle flowers, peppermint. Bioadditive carefully "washes" the liver, reduces stagnation of bile, reduces the chance of cholelithiasis.

Tablets can cause allergies, are contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to one or more components. With caution, Ovesol is prescribed to patients with bending of the gallbladder or cholelithiasis. According to the instructions, it is necessary to take dietary supplements for 20 days twice a day, 1 tablet. The course must be repeated 3-4 times a year.


This combined medicine is able to stabilize the membranes of liver cells, protect the organ from negative effects, and relieve inflammation. Phosphogliv is available in the form of gelatin capsules of 50 pieces with several active ingredients - phospholipids and sodium glycyrrhizinate. Auxiliary substances are:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • sodium carbonate;
  • calcium stearate;
  • talc;
  • silica;
  • aerosil;
  • titanium dioxide.

Capsules are taken orally during meals, without chewing. Recommended dosage - 2 pcs. three times a day. The duration of rehabilitation therapy can be up to 6 months. Phosphogliv often provokes allergic reactions, rarely causes hypertension, swelling of soft tissues. From the use of tablets to restore the liver must be abandoned:

  • people with hypersensitivity to the composition;
  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • patients with antiphospholipid syndrome;
  • children under 12 years of age.


Combined agents restore bile secretion, relieve spasm of the gallbladder, and have hepatoprotective properties. One capsule contains many active ingredients - dry extract of fume, protopin, milk thistle fruit, silymarin. Excipients:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • silica;
  • corn starch;
  • macrogol;
  • gelatin;
  • povidone.

The drug should be taken orally during meals. To restore the functionality of the hepatic gland, doctors prescribe 1 capsule 3 times a day. Duration is selected individually. Gepabene can rarely provoke an allergic reaction or cause a laxative effect. It is contraindicated:

  • adolescents who have not reached the age of majority;
  • patients with active forms of biliary tract diseases;
  • with increased sensitivity of the patient to the composition of the drug.

The drug is produced in the form of capsules with the active ingredient - ursodeoxycholic acid. Ursofalk reduces the tendency to form stones in the bile ducts, helps to dissolve cholesterol plaques. The auxiliary components are:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • corn starch;
  • gelatin;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • completed.

Ursofalk must be taken at bedtime in accordance with weight: 2 capsules for patients weighing up to 60 kg, 3 for patients weighing up to 80 kg, 4 pieces for patients weighing up to 100 kg. The duration of therapy is 6-12 months. Ursofalk is not recommended by the manufacturer for patients with acute inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder, blockage of the ducts. Ursofalk is able to provoke the appearance of:

  • nausea;
  • pain in the abdomen or right hypochondrium;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased activity of hepatic transaminases;
  • allergic reactions.


A homeopathic remedy with a mild hepatoprotective, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and choleretic effect is available in the form of tablets. The main active ingredients are extracts of milk thistle, medicinal dandelion, large celandine, phosphorus, sodium sulfate. Galstena is prescribed to restore the organ, with diseases of the gallbladder or pancreas.

Galstena can rarely provoke the appearance of increased salivation. The drug is not prescribed for alcohol dependence, hypersensitivity to the components. The drug is taken half an hour or an hour before meals in dosages depending on the diagnosis and age of the patient:

  • With hepatitis, hepatosis or pancreatitis: children under 12 years of age are prescribed ½, adults - 1 tablet. The duration of therapy before recovery is 3 months, the frequency of use is 3 times / day.
  • In chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis: children - ½ tab., adults - 1 tablet. The frequency of admission is 3 times / day, the duration of therapy is 1 month.


The choleretic agent has the ability to increase diuresis, has a pronounced hepatoprotective effect, reduces blood azotemia, and intensively removes urea. Hofitol refers to homeopathic remedies. It contains only one active ingredient - an extract of fresh leaves of the field artichoke. Hofitol is available in the form of tablets of 60 pieces per pack.

Adults are prescribed 2-3 tablets. 3 times a day before meals, children from 6 years old - 1-2 tab. The course of drug therapy is 3 months. Hofitol is well tolerated by patients, but can rarely cause minor allergic reactions or diarrhea. From taking pills to restore the liver will have to be abandoned when:

  • acute diseases of the biliary or urinary tract;
  • the presence of kidney stones;
  • obstruction of the bile ducts.


It is a synthetic drug developed on the basis of a single active ingredient - tsikvalon. The medicine is produced in the form of tablets for liver restoration with anti-inflammatory properties. Tsikvalon:

  1. stimulates the secretion of bile;
  2. reduces the severity of inflammatory processes;
  3. stops pain syndrome with diseases of the gallbladder;
  4. prevents bloating;
  5. eliminates fermentation in the intestines, normalizes stool.

Tsikvalon is prescribed for cholecystitis, cholangitis, cholelithiasis in dosages per gram 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks (if necessary, it can be repeated in a month). Tsikvalon is contraindicated in case of blockage of the bile ducts. Tablets are well tolerated by patients and only occasionally can provoke a feeling of heaviness or a bitter taste in the mouth.

The phospholipid preparation has hepatoprotective properties, stabilizes cell membranes, activates tissue regeneration processes, inhibits collagen synthesis, and reduces cholesterol levels. The composition of tablets for liver restoration Rezalut Pro:

  • phospholipids from soy lecithin;
  • glycerol mono- or dialconate;
  • soybean oil;
  • α-tocopherol;
  • gelatin.

Tablets should be taken 2 pieces 3 times a day before meals. The terms of rehabilitation therapy are selected for each patient individually. Rezalut pro is not prescribed to patients with antiphospholipid syndrome. With prolonged use, the drug provokes side effects from the systems:

  • digestion - diarrhea, nausea, stomach discomfort;
  • hematopoiesis - violation of the menstrual cycle in women, petechial rash;
  • allergic reactions - urticaria.


The choleretic agent stimulates the formation and outflow of bile, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, and normalizes the level of bilirubin. Osalmid is available in white or almost white powder, soluble in water. Take the drug inside 250-500 mg 3 times a day for up to 20 days. Osalmid can very rarely provoke diarrhea or allergies. Reception of the powder is contraindicated in:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • acute inflammation of the liver gland;
  • dystrophic processes of soft tissues.

How to choose liver recovery pills

The list of hepatoprotectors offered by pharmaceutical companies is very wide, so it is often difficult for a patient to choose the best medicine. The fundamental factors are often the reviews of other patients, the price of the medicine, the proven effectiveness, but for liver diseases it is important to follow only one rule - the choice of medications should be made only by a doctor. Otherwise, the situation may worsen.

After alcohol

Drug treatment after severe alcohol intoxication is possible only after the patient completely refuses further use of alcoholic beverages. Homeopathic medicines, herbal remedies based on milk thistle, burdock root, and elecampane are considered the safest pharmaceutical products. They have a minimum of side effects and are used as a food supplement. Gepabene, Heptral, restorative Dipana, HepatoTransit, Tykveol have cleansing properties.

Hepatoprotectors for children

The list of drugs that are allowed for a child is not very long. Treatment of liver diseases in childhood must necessarily take place under the supervision of an experienced pediatrician or attending physician. Appointments:

  1. From the age of one year it is allowed to use Galstena, Hepel.
  2. Children who have reached the age of three may be prescribed Essentiale Forte, Antral.
  3. After five years, Karsil, Gepabene, Ursosan are allowed.

With cirrhosis of the liver

Hepatotropic drugs will not allow the liver to collapse, restore its functionality as much as possible, and prevent the replacement of healthy cells with fibrous tissue in cirrhosis. At the initial stage of the disease, patients are prescribed a special diet and taking vitamin complexes. If the disease has entered the active phase, the treatment is supplemented with essential phospholipids, herbal medicines with milk thistle or artichoke - these are Karsil, Lipolyic acid, Phosphogliv.

With hepatitis

Hepatoprotectors are often prescribed as adjuvant therapy for hepatitis, but the main treatment is carried out with special antiviral agents. Preparations for the liver help restore its functionality, protect against the damaging effects of exogenous or endogenous factors, and accelerate the regeneration of its cells. Hepatitis is often prescribed:

  • Ursoliv;
  • Hofitol;
  • Gepabene;
  • Essentiale.

From fatty liver

Treatment of fatty hepatosis necessarily includes dieting, taking vitamin complexes and drugs with an antifibrotic effect:

  • drugs with flavonoids - milk thistle tablets, Karsil, Silibor, Gepabene, Liv 52;
  • hepatoprotectors with active ingredients of animal origin - Sirepar, Hepatostan;
  • drugs with phospholipids - Essentiale, Essliver;
  • preparations based on urodeoxycholic acid - Ursohol.

Hepatoprotectors while taking antibiotics

To prevent drug intoxication, drugs are prescribed to restore hepatic functionality with a minimum of contraindications and side effects. These are inexpensive hepatoprotectors with a strong cleansing function - Liv 52, Ovesol, Gepabene, Essentiale. To enhance the effect of these drugs, the doctor may prescribe Allochol, Essliver, HeptraLight.


Most hepatoprotectors are available without a doctor's prescription. They can be bought at any pharmacy or ordered through an online store. The cost of the medicine will depend on its volume, manufacturer, pharmacy pricing and your region of residence. The average price of tablets for liver restoration in Moscow.
