A gift for a man to remember: gift options, nice souvenirs, a large list of ideas, preferences, unusual packaging and tips for choosing the perfect gift. What to give a guy as a keepsake? What to give a guy after parting

It often happens that close and dear people are forced to leave us for a long time. This may be due to work in another country or a sea voyage, moving to another country or even to another continent. In such situations, you always want to give a person something in memory of your friendship, work or relationship.

When choosing a gift, the main thing is that it is appropriate. What will be a good present for a beloved man will be incorrect to give to a colleague. And vice versa - what will become a good gift to a colleague cannot be given to a close man, so as not to accidentally offend him.

Gift from a woman at parting

Sometimes it happens that after a long relationship, the couple must part. In memory of each other, it is customary to give small gifts, something personal, related to the time that the lovers spent together, or vice versa - a small unobtrusive present. It could be:

  • cufflinks;
  • postcard from a joint trip;
  • handmade gift;
  • favorite perfume.


This is a universal present for a man who will stay with him for for a long time. At the same time, cufflinks do not carry unnecessary sentimentality.

Postcard from a joint trip

For example, a couple spent an unforgettable time in Paris and a postcard from this city with wishes written by the giver's hand will be a wonderful sentimental and symbolic gift.


In memory of past relationships, you can do something with your own hands. For example, knit a scarf for a man or make a men's bracelet. This is not difficult to do, and such a gift symbolizes respect and care for a man.

Favorite Perfume

Such a present will be a good unobtrusive sign of attention for a man. The gift does not carry any hidden meaning and is presented rather as a tribute to tradition.

Gifts from the team at parting

In the event of a colleague's retirement, the following gifts would be appropriate:

  • something related to a man's hobby;
  • subscription to the cinema or to the games of your favorite football team;
  • expensive branded watches with engraving;
  • something for outdoor recreation, such as a barbecue or barbecue.

hobby related gift

Every man must have a hobby, and he will definitely be delighted with everything related to his hobbies. For an avid fisherman, a spinning rod will be a good gift, for a chess player - exclusive chess, for a collector - an item in his collection.

Subscription to the cinema or to the games of your favorite team

Retirement is associated with the termination of labor activity, as a result of which a man will have a lot of free time.

A subscription to your favorite cinema or to the games of your favorite football club will help brighten up your leisure time. Any man will appreciate such a gift, and will remember his colleagues during his leisure time.


It is customary to give an expensive watch, a pen with a gilded nib, souvenirs made of rare woods or jewelry as a token of gratitude to a good employee who has devoted many years to the company. Such a gift can be accompanied by an engraved inscription "For a long memory from colleagues."

Barbecue or barbecue

Pensioners prefer to spend outdoor recreation on fine days, with family and close friends, so such a gift will definitely not go unnoticed.

Gifts for a man at parting

If parting with a man is due to his moving to another country and the donor had friendly relations with him, it would be appropriate to present him with the following presents as a keepsake:

  • album with joint photos;
  • engraved jewelry;
  • a picture with a view of a city or a memorable place for a man;
  • favorite author's book
  • item to the collection, if a man collects something.

Album with photos

If the donor and the man to whom the present is chosen are connected by long years of friendship, it is likely that during this time a a large number of joint photos.

A good choice would be a book-album, which can be ordered from any publishing house, or you can make it yourself. You can fill the pages of the album not only with photos, but also with pleasant memories, wishes and jokes that only friends will understand.

Jewelry with engraving

For a long memory, you can buy a piece of jewelry with the appropriate engraving. It can be a bracelet or a ring, and if a man smokes, a high-quality expensive lighter with engraving will be a good gift. Such a gift will remain with a man for many years, and will always remind you of old friends.

Painting with a view of the city

Such a gift is appropriate if a man permanently leaves his hometown, where he was born and raised. You can order from the artist a painting of his favorite place or the main city attraction.

Favorite author's book

A book in an expensive collector's edition will always be a good gift. And if you accompany it with a wish written on the spread, such a present will be really memorable and pleasant.

Item to the collection

Such a gift should be presented only to those men who are engaged in collecting. Depending on the interests and preferences of the man, this can be collectible car model, smoking pipe, rare coin or elite alcohol.

Representatives of some professions, such as sailors, may leave for a long time. In this case, when choosing a gift, one should take into account the fact that a man does not take too many things with him, so the present should be small. In such a situation, a great option would be:

  • a video recorded by friends or a beloved woman;
  • a waterproof camera that will allow you to bring great pictures from the flight;
  • pocket knife and flashlight;
  • compass.

Such gifts have practical benefits, they will definitely be used and do not take up much space.

Whatever the present, it must be presented with sincere wishes from a pure heart. Any surprise will leave pleasant memories for years to come.

Every woman wants to be remembered. Therefore, a gift for a loved one should keep a piece of her personality. Then, during separation, looking at a souvenir, a friend, groom or husband will think about the events of the past.

There are things that will always turn out to be nice gifts that help keep good thoughts about a woman.

These include:

  1. A fountain pen is a traditional keepsake gift for a man. She can always be of use to him.
  2. Trinket.
  3. A video of a joint vacation that a guy will watch in moments of loneliness.
  4. Business card holder.
  5. Tie.
  6. Disc with music or film. He will help out the fair sex when she does not know what to give the guy as a keepsake of herself.
  7. Money clip.
  8. Cufflinks.
  9. Umbrella. It will become a symbol of a female hand that protects from troubles and adversities.
  10. A mug with a photograph, the name or initials of a young person. A memorable gift to a man will always serve as a source of thoughts about her.
  11. Case.
  12. A set of glasses.
  13. Piggy bank. It is understood that the groom will save money for the wedding.
  14. Coffee or tea.
  15. Beautiful folder.
  16. Multi-page calendar with inscriptions on each sheet-month. A memorable gift for a guy will be successful if he left to study or went on a long business trip.
  17. A set of glasses.
  18. A card with words of love and a promise to be faithful. It is desirable that a similar certificate be presented to the girl and her friend.
  19. Gloves.
  20. Purse.
  21. A cigarette case is a good gift for a man if he smokes. Every time he takes out a cigarette, he will remember a woman.
  22. Joint picture in a frame.
  23. Sunglasses.
  24. Volume of poems.
  25. Turk. Every morning the guy will remember his beloved.
  26. Flash card.
  27. Flask.
  28. Watch.
  29. Case for mobile phone.
  30. Scarf. It can be presented to a guy so that a warm thing conveys the warmth of a girl. On things you need to embroider your name and words of love.

As a souvenir, you should choose an item that will be stored for a long time. Therefore, important words are required to be applied to it.

A gift for a man as a keepsake - 10 inexpensive original ideas

If the separation is not too long, then spending money on an expensive souvenir does not make any sense.

Worth a stop at:

  1. Church candle for believers. You can give it to a guy if he is religious.
  2. Jar of homemade jam.
  3. Airplane tickets remaining after a joint trip. A memorable gift for a man will give him great pleasure.
  4. A puzzle to pass the time alone.
  5. A magazine dedicated to his hobbies.
  6. Pocket mirror, on the reverse side of which there should be a portrait of a friend.
  7. A book of humorous stories. A gift for a man as a keepsake will allow you to warmly think about a cheerful girl.
  8. Envelopes with stamps for letters with the bride's address printed.
  9. Photo album with memorabilia and photo compartments made during the days of separation for later joint viewing.
  10. Brush for cleaning outerwear with instructions on how to care for it.

Presents will not only amuse a man, but also make him remember a woman more often. They are good because they are allowed to be presented to any person. Such a gift for a guy will come in handy for him, will brighten up loneliness and improve his mood.

25 gifts associated with a specific event

This type of souvenir contains memories associated with a loved one.

This present becomes:

  1. Alarm clock that woke two people who fell asleep for the first time.
  2. Bottle of beach sand from the resort where they vacationed last summer.
  3. Mittens .
  4. Voice recording.
  5. Rosary. It is better to present them to a guy as a keepsake of yourself, having previously bought similar ones for yourself. It is necessary to agree that, sorting through them, the lovers will think of each other.
  6. Umbrella . It should be offered as a sign of how once the beloved hid in the rain. This item does not have to be a souvenir. It is important that it evokes pleasant memories.
  7. Computer game in which a boy and a girl played together.
  8. Magnet from a common household refrigerator.
  9. Massager. It is important that he reminds how the wife allowed her husband to relax after work.
  10. Bathrobe . A memorable gift for a guy will serve as a guarantee that the relationship with the girl will not suffer from separation.
  11. Car model.
  12. Travel bag with a thing reminiscent of a woman.
  13. Bed sheets given to a person who is leaving for a long time.
  14. Theater performance program which the lovers watched together.
  15. Painting reproduction that hung in the woman's house.
  16. Relaxer.
  17. Towel . It can be presented to a guy if it was bought at a resort during a joint vacation. It is necessary to give it to the husband if it is from a common marital closet.
  18. A shirt that a woman once put on herself.
  19. Wedding photo .
  20. Pictures after a joint photo shoot.
  21. Woolen socks that will remind you of the long winters spent together.
  22. T-shirt with an inscription, drawing or photo of a friend.
  23. A cup with a photo of a woman or a joint picture.
  24. Comb . A memorable gift to a young man will become romantic if the girl runs through her hair, leaving a curl on it.
  25. Torch . A similar gift should be given to a guy as a reminder of the light of love. It is worth presenting it in a dark place so that its light is more brightly preserved in his thoughts.

Presentations are different. It is better for a man to use them constantly. Their main purpose is not to let you forget about the important moments spent together. They cause joy or sadness. But these items must necessarily contain a piece of love.

Personal items for memory - 15 cool ideas

Such souvenirs are given to each other by lovers, engaged or spouses. They are worn near the heart or placed in a conspicuous place.

These include:

  1. Aroma lamp with a set of special essential oils.
  2. keychain. A keepsake for a guy will serve as a hint that he will have to unlock the door of a girl or their common house with keys more than once. It serves as a sign of trust and a promise of future happiness.
  3. Children's thing. It should be given as a present to her husband. Put in a prominent place, it will remind him of the family. At the same time, it will become clear to surrounding women that a man is married, where there is a child.
  4. Painting from the wall of the girl's house.
  5. Mouse pad from a friend's computer.
  6. Cup . It is given as a gift to a man to remember his beloved. The item must be from her home. It must be inscribed with her name or a promise to wait for a friend.
  7. Personal pen of the bride or wife.
  8. Magnet from the shared fridge.
  9. A board game played in the girl's house.
  10. Folder for papers, which a woman uses at work.
  11. Lover's glove.
  12. matrimonial blanket.
  13. Flash drive . It is necessary that in her memory there were pictures of a friend.
  14. Photo of the bride, preferably with the groom, framed.
  15. A chain taken from the neck of a wife or lover.

A gift to a guy is presented as a pledge of a future meeting or at the final separation.

Sometimes people, after parting, keep good memories of each other. Sometimes they disperse against their will. Then souvenirs will become a symbol of former love. They are trinkets, useful items or trifles, reminiscent of happy minutes.

10 gifts for a guy for a long memory, made by yourself

A self-made present will serve as a guarantee that a person will think about a girlfriend. In addition, she will be able to demonstrate her talents to the groom.

  1. embroidery.
  2. CD with own songs.
  3. Canned food from my garden.
  4. Guardian doll. A special embroidery or inscription should be made so that it reminds me of me. It is sewn inside or wrapped around the figure.
  5. Woven leather bracelet.
  6. Pillow sachet with medicinal plants sewn into it.
  7. Portrait of a guy. Such a keepsake for a man will make him look at himself through the eyes of a loving woman.
  8. Embroidered tablecloth.
  9. Warm vest, sewn by a girl.
  10. Hat knitted by a friend.

It is worth thinking about the product of creativity, necessary things, clothes. They must bear the imprint of the woman's personality. A gift for a guy not only reminds of the abandoned beloved, but also serves as a sign of her concern for a dear person.

18 personalized gifts with a personal logo

Putting your logo on a souvenir means making a man remember the giver every time he picks it up.

Several ideas are suggested:

  1. Bracelet . This surprise at parting is made to the guy as a keepsake of himself. Often it is awarded at the final break.
  2. Diary.
  3. Cufflinks. More often they are awarded to a man who has gone on a business trip or on business.
  4. Set of handkerchiefs.
  5. Cup . It serves as a guarantee of a new meeting.
  6. Men's bathrobe .
  7. Shaving set. Presented to the groom or spouse.
  8. Travel bag. It is better to invest in it additional memorable gifts to your loved one.
  9. Ring .
  10. Bed sheets given to a close friend or spouse. The logo will prevent him from inviting someone to the bedroom.
  11. Purse .
  12. The shirt will serve as a sign that the guy has someone in mind.
  13. Plate .
  14. A flash card is the best thing you can give when you are apart for a while or forever.
  15. Flask.
  16. Wine glasses can become a symbol of final separation. More often presented at the break of the engagement.
  17. T-shirt .
  18. Name logo scarf it is better to hand over the wife to the husband.

Commemorative accessories for a guy - 10 stylish gifts

When people part forever, there is a desire to present an expensive souvenir. A man is unlikely to get rid of him over time. Therefore, the present will remain evidence of former love for life. Even if a person leaves his native place, a gift must be given to him so that he remembers when he leaves about the abandoned woman.

As a souvenir is offered:

  1. Vinyl record.
  2. Gramophone.
  3. Expensive leather suitcase.
  4. A painting made by a professional artist.
  5. sailboat model. The man will put it in his new apartment. A guy will remember a woman every time his eyes fall on a beautiful thing.
  6. Wrist watch.
  7. Fan.
  8. Writing set.
  9. Statuette.
  10. Chronometer.

Such gifts for a man, if he leaves, are more often given to high-ranking people. It is recommended that a person occupying a status position in society give cases, briefcases or handmade bags with engraved inscriptions. Stylish things are umbrellas of fashion brands or walking sticks. They are also presented to each other by wealthy people who allow themselves large expenses. Give them to ex-spouses.

Presentations are placed in a conspicuous place. They are forever associated with the personality of the woman who made them. Things are not meant to evoke memories of happiness. They are more evidence of the former union of two strong personalities. They are presented as a thank you for the time spent together.

10 expensive gifts that are hard to forget

Such gifts are often given as a sign that the separation will be final. They are designed to remind of past love.

The following ideas should be considered:

  1. Antique wall clock. They will become a symbol of the fact that parting with a man has happened forever. The hands will count down the time from the minute people last saw each other.
  2. Bracelet.
  3. Golden cigarette case.
  4. Inlaid goblet.
  5. Perfume from an expensive boutique.
  6. Wallet with a clasp made of precious metal.
  7. Silver ring. It will remind you of your feelings that are in the past. If a former friend does not wear jewelry, he will put it where he will always get it in case of surging sadness.
  8. Stylish gloves.
  9. Box made of precious woods.
  10. Jamaican rum.

Gifts are closely adjacent to items from the previous list. Most often they are presented to each other during a divorce by wealthy spouses.

As a present, an expensive piece of furniture, a car accessory, household appliances, and jewelry are also often given. Words of gratitude and wishes of new happiness are applied to them. Objects are put in a prominent place as a sign that a woman in a high position has honored a man with her feelings.

10 couples are the best romantic keepsakes

These gifts are most often presented by wives and brides. They are not intended for thoughts of parting, but for the anticipation of a new meeting. Objects most often symbolize the inseparability of bonds.

The most successful choice that you can present to a departing loved one will be:

  1. Aquarium with a couple of fish.
  2. Keychain with complementary figurines.
  3. A two-volume edition of a man's favorite work.
  4. Columns.
  5. Headphones.
  6. A pair of flash drives on a chain.
  7. Gloves.
  8. Mittens.
  9. Changeable shirt. It will mean not only a gift to a leaving man, but also care for him.
  10. Warm socks.

In contrast to the previous presentations, this type of thing, on the contrary, marks the continuity. The loss of one item from a pair is unacceptable.

Most often, useful souvenirs are presented, reminiscent of a joint life or taking into account professional activities. A friend is given paired bracelets, one of which will remain with the girl, identical rings that both will wear, similar items of clothing. It is recommended to choose also the same badges or decorations.

What to give a man as a memory of himself when parting - 15 ideas

Separation can be temporary or permanent. Therefore, the presentations are different from each other.

It is best to opt for the following things:

  1. A disc of music the two listened to together.
  2. Lighter.
  3. Cufflinks.
  4. Wrist watch. They give a gift to a guy at parting, which will not last too long. The stopwatch will count down the time until a new meeting.
  5. Kit cosmetics for shaving.
  6. Tablet.
  7. Portable weather station.
  8. Bathrobe. It should be given to a man as a keepsake of himself when parting, if it is temporary. Then the piece of clothing will remind you of an imminent meeting.
  9. Men's jewelry.
  10. Belt. It will always help out in case of doubt what to give a man as a keepsake of himself.
  11. Handbag.
  12. Smartphone.
  13. A volume of poems about love and separation.
  14. Shoes.
  15. Casket.

The list of memorabilia is long. Gift ideas that will remind people of each other can go on forever. The most important question becomes: do they part forever. It is also required to clarify who and for what purpose presents a surprise.

2019-08-06 pvipadmin Author: astarta-15 An option for a gift after parting can be your cute photo, let it be a little sad. And on the back of the photo you will write your parting words to the guy. On the occasion of parting, you can also give a sad song or a lyric poem, for example: “We look at the same stars, and the sun shines on us the same way. So is it really possible - Aliens we are now in this world. I won’t touch you with my eyes anymore, And the hot kiss will cool on my lips. From now on, we won’t be around anymore, And my heart aches and sadly screams to me, That you are just a joke, That you are just a hobby, And that I was just a toy that loved you!” - let him fly to look for a new love. A wonderful gift will be something from food, exactly what you cook tastiest of all, for example: jellied fish, or Kiev cutlets. And then your boyfriend will definitely understand that he has lost a very dear person. And draw a huge heart on the pavement, and write in it the affectionate name of your boyfriend, which only you called him, and every time, passing by your drawing, the guy will remember you.

Farewell, separation for a long time or for a short period of time is always a difficult test for loving or friendly people. It is rarely easy, even if you just treat the person well. And then the desire to give an interesting gift - The best way express your good feelings, gratitude: whether it will be graduation, retirement or just moving to another city or country. Who knows, because you may never see each other again!

Sentimental gift for a friend

A good friend with whom you are parting for a long time can be given a universal gift that brings all those warm feelings experienced together into the next chapter of his life. We are talking about an ordinary photo album. Yes, a bit old-fashioned, but tasteful. Such a present, decorated not only with photographs, but also with funny collages and inscriptions, will “warm the heart” of a friend in separation.

More friendly gift options

It can be a pocket or wrist watch, not necessarily expensive. But try to find an engraver and make a commemorative inscription on the subject. The text is arbitrary, but very warm: here you can express wishes, confess friendship and love, and the like. A less original gift - cufflinks and a tie - may also suit a man or a young man.

Separation gift for a girl

When parting for a long time, a girl can be presented with a medallion with a joint photo. On the reverse side - a commemorative engraving with a declaration of love and devotion "to the grave." A good “female” present that speaks of mutual feelings is a ring with a stone (preferably selected according to the zodiac sign) or other jewelry, but not too expensive. Of course, if you are an oligarch, then you can also give an emerald necklace!

What to give as a parting gift to an employee

When you retire, it is also customary to give memorable gifts at parting. Especially if the employee is valuable and respected, has authority among colleagues. Moreover, such a present, as a rule, is collective, which means that you can choose a rather expensive and worthy of attention. So, having made some reconnaissance (which this person already has in order not to get into a mess), we choose the options. The best is a voucher for a holiday in hot countries or in a domestic holiday home. Look at your means. You can donate a laptop, camcorder or tablet - it will always come in handy too. Of course, it is necessary to accompany your gifts with appropriate wishes expressed in writing and, what is important, with flowers!

Our whole life consists of meetings and partings. It can be short business trips, travel to distant countries, military service, training in another city, change of residence. Despite the difference in reasons for parting, they all have one thing in common - we are forced to let go of people dear to our hearts, and this is always difficult. It will help to dilute the sadness of the moment a little, which is prepared with love and presented, as they wrote on old yellowed postcards in the old days "for a good long memory."

The tradition of giving a departing person something to remember before parting has a long history. It is beautifully presented by writers, poets and filmmakers.

Remember, at least, handkerchiefs with embroidered initials that were kept near the heart, nominal rings reminiscent of eternal love, dried flowers from once presented bouquets, or black and white photographs of loved ones.

Agree that to give a friend before leaving a cute little thing, as a reminder of a bright past, is so touching and wonderful!

Everything new is a well-forgotten old

The most common gift before parting for a long time was a photograph. It was given to young people leaving to serve in the army, beloved men, relatives. At special moments of life, one could get a picture, and it was as if to see a dear person again, immersed in the emotions displayed in the photograph.

Pictures were carefully stored in albums, hung on the walls in frames, carried in breast pockets along with documents. Another interesting way to store the picture was a pendant, which was constantly worn on a chain in the form of jewelry with expensive contents. Often the pendant itself was given, usually to a woman or girl, as a farewell gift.

Times have changed, but a photograph for memory is still relevant, just in a new, modern form. It is easier to save from damage, it does not fade or tear, because electronic photo frames have appeared. And this is not one photo, but several alternating shots on a liquid crystal display with musical accompaniment - a real miracle. The pendants have also undergone changes, having been supplemented with the function of an mp3 player. "Two in One" for Have a good mood- music and photography.

Romance is always valuable

In honor of the departure, a guy can be presented with an original gift that will not only remind him of your unusualness, but also allow him to prove himself as a romantic friend. These are envelopes for letters with the addressee's name, folded into a bundle and neatly tied with a ribbon.

Paper letters always exude warmth, care and romance, because time and a piece of soul have been spent on writing them. Messages can be re-read in the evenings and left to grandchildren as evidence of the unearthly love of ancestors.

It is difficult for a lover or mistress to present a conspicuous thing or piece of jewelry, which can bring trouble, but a talisman is quite possible. Fortunately, there are many signs that can be taken into account when choosing a farewell talisman - for good luck, a charm, to attract money. These are coins in a purse, and bracelets with symbolic pendants, and figurines of gods.

All our meetings of separation, alas, are destined

A more pragmatic item can be prepared for a friend moving to another city. Clothes, knitted or sewn with her own hands, which she will be pleased to wear, remembering you with a kind word. If the move is associated with the purchase of a home, then this may be a picture or a talisman-amulet for a new home, for example, in the form of a brownie.

Daughters will also like such farewell gifts - a warm sweater for a cold climate and an elegant sundress for a warm one, an album with children's photographs, a suitcase cover.

In general, a banal participation in the collection of things can become a gift for loved ones before departure. In the process of packing them, you can spread out little notes with pleasant words, wishes and parting words, unexpectedly discovering which, the departed will experience pleasant emotions.

If the parting is not forever, but for a short time, then friends will be pleased to receive a calendar with marks on the number of days left until the meeting and a symbolic boomerang hinting at the need to return to their native lands to loving and beloved people.

Surprises from the departing

Anyone who goes on a trip can also make nice presents for those who stay - to entrust them with the most precious and significant. For a short period of absence - ask to look after your favorite pets or flowers, for a long time or forever - independently choose among the personal things that you plan to leave, something for memory. Pleasant little things are better to give away than to pack, because it is pleasant for everyone .

And, of course, have a fun farewell party.

Parting with people who leave a mark on our soul and destiny is a rather sad event, but we must remember that each separation is followed by a meeting for which new gifts can be prepared!
