What to do if you have a cold during pregnancy. The most common diseases during pregnancy

It is often said about a pregnant woman that she is in an interesting position. After all, pregnancy is a mysterious and even mysterious phenomenon, as a result of which life is born and another person is born. But...

Alas, a woman during pregnancy is accompanied not only by positive and pleasant moments. The fact is that the body during this period bears a colossal load, and therefore diseases and their precursors often appear or are detected, which complicate the course of pregnancy, endangering the health of the woman and the normal development of the child.

The most common diseases during pregnancy:

There is a list of major diseases in pregnant women that expectant mothers often encounter. And in our age of high speeds, disturbed ecology and frantic pace of life, at least one of these diseases will have to be faced:

Iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy

Hemoglobin, which contains iron, is involved in the delivery of oxygen to organs and tissues, and with its deficiency, mother and unborn child receive less oxygen, nutrients and vitamins.

With mild anemia, pregnant women may not complain, as symptoms appear at a more severe degree. It can be weakness, dizziness, lethargy, drowsiness, split ends, brittle nails.

Treatment of anemia consists in the appointment of iron preparations and the normalization of nutrition (liver, buckwheat, fish, eggs, legumes).

Important! Treatment should be continued even after the normalization of hemoglobin in order to replenish its depot in the body.

Preeclampsia of pregnancy

Preeclampsia, or late toxicosis, usually occurs from 16-20 weeks of pregnancy. And the earlier the disease manifested itself, the more severe it is. After delivery, the symptoms of preeclampsia disappear within a week. But while the baby is growing inside the tummy, the classic triad of preeclampsia is the appearance of edema, increased blood pressure, and the appearance of protein in the urine. But sometimes edema, as such, is absent (hidden edema) and they are detected by pathological weight gain (more than 400 grams per week), as well as by the McClure-Aldrich test.

Also, histosis is manifested by flickering flies before the eyes, nasal congestion, tinnitus and headache. And its untreated leads to convulsions, which can eventually even lead to the death of the mother and fetus. That is why early detection of preeclampsia is so important.

For its treatment, starch solutions, dextrans or actovegin are used, but only after consulting a doctor!

Gestational pyelonephritis

Due to the production of the pregnancy hormone - progesterone, as well as compression of the urinary tract by the pregnant uterus and the presence of foci chronic infection(caries, tonsillitis), expectant mothers may experience such an unpleasant disease as gestational pyelonephritis, which is manifested by fever, dysuric disorders (frequent, painful urination), general weakness and malaise.

Treatment of gestational pyelonephritis consists in the appointment of anti-inflammatory therapy, uroseptics and infusion therapy.

Cold or flu

Most women, at least once in nine happy months, get sick with a cold or flu, thereby fearing for the baby. But don't panic! Here's what you can do during a cold or flu to keep yourself and your baby safe:

  • At the first sneeze, go to bed. Don't wait until the illness develops into severe bronchitis or another secondary infection.
  • Stay on a protein-rich diet, regardless of your appetite.
  • Drink fruit juices daily, eat citrus fruits, but do not take additional vitamin C without a doctor's recommendation.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Wet your nasal passages with a humidifier and spray salt water into them with a spray bottle.
  • If your throat is scratchy or coated, if you cough, gargle with salt water (1 teaspoon of salt per 8 servings of water). The water should be warm, but not hot.
  • Lower your temperature naturally. For example, you can sponge yourself off with warm water, drink cool drinks, and wear light pajamas.
  • But if you have a temperature of 38°C or higher, call your doctor immediately!

Thrush during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman is usually worried about an increase in vaginal discharge. But if the discharge is white, curdled, accompanied by burning and itching, then most likely it is thrush, which is a frequent companion of pregnant women. It's connected with increased level female sex hormones, which leads to a change in the microflora of the vagina and the creation of favorable conditions for the reproduction of fungi. And since candidiasis is an infection, it means that it is a potential danger.

For the treatment of candidiasis, both systemic and local therapy can be used. Systemic drugs are tablets taken orally, acting primarily in the intestines, and then absorbed into the blood and penetrating into all organs and tissues of the body. Local therapy is suppositories, vaginal tablets and creams.

During pregnancy, the use of drugs is limited due to their toxicity and side effects, only the use of nystatin and pimafucin is possible. But the treatment regimen must be drawn up by a doctor!

Hemorrhoids in pregnant women

Due to stagnation of blood due to increased intra-abdominal pressure, women during pregnancy or childbirth may develop hemorrhoids, which clinically manifests almost the same as in non-pregnant women. But its consequences are more significant - the risk of bleeding and untimely termination of pregnancy.

Therefore, in order to avoid such problems, it is recommended that all pregnant women do exercises, strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, walk more and adhere to a certain diet.


Varicose veins during pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence, which is explained by a number of reasons: the growing load on the legs every day, a sedentary lifestyle makes it difficult for the outflow of blood from the legs, as a result of which expansion and deformation of the veins occur. In addition, the uterus, which grows every day, compresses the vessels of the small pelvis, inferior pudendal vein, iliac veins, which also complicates the work of the circulatory system.

And when the first signs of varicose veins appear, you should immediately sound the alarm, since varicose veins are fraught with serious consequences in the form of such serious diseases as thrombophlebitis and thrombosis, which for a pregnant woman they represent a double danger.

But if you went to the doctor on time, you should not worry, since today many treatment regimens for varicose veins during pregnancy have been developed that are safe for both mother and her baby.

From all of the above, it becomes clear that pregnancy is a rather difficult period for a woman, since the world around her, and the body itself with its natural changes, becomes potentially dangerous. But at the same time, this is the most wonderful time when a woman can feel how a baby is growing under her heart.

So, be strong, dear women! After all, we go through all this for a reason!

Bacterial infections that can be most dangerous for the mother and fetus:

An infectious process is a pathological process caused by microorganisms: protozoa, bacteria and viruses, they are also called "infections". Most diseases are somehow related to microorganisms and their effect on the human body. The infection is most dangerous for an organism with reduced immunity, since in this case even a slight infectious lesion can lead to serious consequences.

Immunity can be reduced for many reasons, in particular, a decrease in immunity during pregnancy is a physiological process necessary for the normal development of the fetus and preventing its rejection by the mother's body. Consequently, during pregnancy, the mother's body is extremely vulnerable and susceptible to the action of various microorganisms.

However, the infection is dangerous not only for the mother's body. No less, and sometimes more, it is dangerous for the body of the fetus. Undiagnosed infections can lead to: infertility, abortion and chronic miscarriage, the formation of malformations and anomalies, intrauterine fetal death. Mothers need to know what kind of infection is dangerous and what to do in case of a particular disease, whether to prolong the pregnancy or terminate it, what to be prepared for, what can and cannot be treated. For this, it is necessary to be under the constant supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Chlamydia trachomatis (Chlamydia)

found in 40% of women, in pregnant women and not. The most common manifestation is urethritis. In addition, in women it can cause: bartholinitis, endocervicitis, endometritis, salpingitis, pelvioperitonitis. Sometimes it can cause an ectopic pregnancy (in the case of a long-standing sluggish process that caused adhesions in fallopian tubes and their obstruction). May lead to miscarriage early dates; if left untreated, it can give quite serious complications: fetal malnutrition (delayed development), premature rupture of amniotic fluid, chorionamnionitis. Rarely, it can cause fetal death. In children born from mothers with chlamydia, there is: conjunctivitis (chlamydial blennorrhea) in 20% of cases, pharyngitis, vulvovaginitis and urethritis, proctitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonorrhea)

an infectious disease that mainly affects the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract, caused by gonococcus and transmitted mainly through sexual contact. The disease manifests itself on the 3-7th day after infection; may be acute or chronic. It is characterized by secretion of mucus, pus, burning sensation and pain in the terminal part of the urethral canal, frequent very painful urination. Half of those infected may not experience symptoms, especially at the very beginning of the disease. Women are most prone to this course of the disease. Infection of the fetus most often occurs in utero. The second possible way is during childbirth. The following manifestations in the fetus and newborn are possible: gonococcal sepsis in the newborn, chorioamnionitis; gonococcal conjunctivitis, otitis externa and vulvovaginitis, neonatal ophthalmia - highly contagious and prognostically dangerous for a newborn, which can lead to blindness. Less common in children born to mothers with gonorrhea, meningitis and arthritis.

Trichomonas vaginalis (trichomoniasis)

it is estimated that 180 million people fall ill every year! It is usually transmitted sexually, and is often combined with gonococci, chlamydia, ureaplasma, fungal infections. In women, it causes lesions of the genitourinary organs, causing: vaginitis, vulvitis, urethritis, endocervicitis. In children, infection from sick mothers is possible, more often during childbirth. They are characterized by vulvovaginitis and urethritis, which do not have specific signs.

Mycoplasma hominis (mycoplasma) and Ureaplasma urealyticum (ureaplasma)

are microorganisms without a cell wall, which makes them resistant to antibiotics. Often they are isolated in a separate group, standing between viruses, bacteria and protozoa. Immunity to them is not stable, it occurs during pregnancy no more often than outside of pregnancy. Mycoplasmas in women can cause vaginitis, urethritis and endocervicitis. They can be the cause of interruption, developmental delay, the formation of fetal malformations - most often with massive infection and an acute current process. Ureaplasmosis in women is characterized transparent secretions from the genital tract, if inflammation of the uterus and appendages, the characteristic clinical manifestation of which is pain in the lower abdomen. For the fetus and newborn, it is especially dangerous at a titer above 104, contributing to early termination of pregnancy, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), and the development of reactive ureaplasmosis in newborns.

Streptococus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus)

representative of the vaginal flora in most women, most often asymptomatic. However, during pregnancy, they can play a rather serious, negative role. Although, it should be mentioned that in most cases this infection does not lead to any serious pathological processes. It can be transmitted to the fetus and newborn. There is no specific vaccine for them. They can cause serious illness, up to sepsis. For the mother are dangerous: endometritis, sepsis and infection of the urinary tract, meningitis, abdominal abscesses, endocarditis and necrotizing fasciitis. For the newborn: stillbirth, impaired respiratory function, sepsis without a primary focus, meningitis.

Lysteria monocytogenes (Listeria)

can give severe complications to the body of the newborn, as it can pass through the fetoplacental barrier (a barrier between the mother's body and the child, preventing the passage of damaging agents to the fetus).

Treponema pallidum (pallid spirochete - the causative agent of Lewis (syphilis))

It is no more common in pregnant women than in non-pregnant women. Quite dangerous for the fetus. In the absence of observation of a woman during pregnancy, it can occur in 89% of newborns. Transmission to the fetus can occur transplacental, can occur during childbirth (vertical transmission). Upon inoculation, the formation of congenital syphilis is possible - early and late, characterized by a large number of complications.

8. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (mycobacterium tuberculosis, "Koch's wand") - most often activated in a pregnant woman who has had tuberculosis or is a carrier.

Infections caused by protozoa and fungi:

candida albicans

fungal infection, detected in 36% of pregnant women. Most often they occur when the patient has diabetes mellitus, after the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics and in cases of immunodeficiency caused by HIV infection. As a rule, it does not affect the development of the fetus. Infection is possible when a newborn passes through the birth canal.

Toxoplasma gondii (toxoplasmosis)

frequent and widespread infection. The relevance of this infection lies in the possibility of severe damage to the fetus, in the sight of a lung penetration through the placental barrier of the fetus. In this case, intrauterine fetal death, the death of a newborn as a result of generalization of infection, often occurs; in surviving children with congenital toxoplasmosis, severe malformations are detected nervous system, retina and choroid membrane of the eye.

Malaria, especially Plasmodium Falciparum

especially dangerous for young primiparous women who have not previously had contact with this infection. It proceeds severely in pregnant women, often with a fatal outcome for the mother.

Infections caused by viruses:


during primary pregnancy, more than 65% of cases are transmitted to the fetus, causing severe fetal malformations, often incompatible with life. The risk to the fetus depends on the period of pregnancy in which the mother was infected. If infection occurred in the first trimester of pregnancy, the frequency of fetal damage is 80%, with infection at 13-14 weeks - already 70%, with infection at 26 weeks. – 25%. If the mother is infected after 16 weeks of gestation, the risk to the fetus is minimal, manifested by the rare development of deafness. Symptoms of congenital rubella syndrome are divided into three groups: 1. Conditions directly associated with viral infection, manifested during the first weeks of life: low weight, bone damage, enlargement of the liver and spleen, generalized lymphadenopathy and meningoencephalitis; 2. Defects that appear much later - deafness, cataracts, congenital glaucoma, congenital heart defects (non-closure of the Batal duct, ventricular septal defects), mental retardation and microcephaly; 3. Remote disorders - deafness, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, mental retardation.

Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

dangerous, mainly for the fetus, causing birth defects. The frequency and clinical severity of congenital CMV infection depends on the frequency and nature (primary or reactive) of CMV infection during pregnancy. Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common consequence of congenital CMV infection. In addition, about 7% of cerebral palsy results from congenital CMV infection. It can also be the cause of a multi-organ disease, the clinical manifestations of which include: enlarged liver and spleen, thrombocytopenia, chorioretinitis, microcephaly, etc. It should be noted that less than 10% of newborns have congenital CMV infection with mothers who have it, but more than 50% are quite seriously ill.

herpes simplex virus

The infection is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2). It is usually covert. Dangerous in terms of transmission to the newborn, especially genital herpes during childbirth. In rare cases, transmission of herpes is possible through the placenta, more often in the third trimester of pregnancy. With the defeat of HSV1 viruses in newborns, as a rule, the process is asymptomatic, or the infection is not severe, without giving severe complications. With the defeat of type 2 HSV, severe neurological complications develop in children. The most characteristic manifestation is encephalitis, which can be extremely severe and cause the death of a newborn or the development of severe neurological complications in survivors.


characterized by damage to the liver tissue, as well as other organs and systems, is usually caused by the hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, G and F virus. Of these, B, C and D are the most dangerous and common, of which the hepatitis D virus, as As a rule, it accompanies and complicates the course of the previous two. In the case of hepatitis B virus, many newborns and children may be asymptomatic carriers. Children with chronic viral hepatitis B are at risk of developing an exacerbation of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, and primary hepatocellular carcinoma. The course of viral hepatitis C in children is poorly understood. It is possible to increase the liver in size, develop symptoms of liver failure, and in rare cases, symptoms of multiple organ failure and hepatocellular cancer.

HIV infection

the topic is so vast that it requires a separate article. It can only be noted that non-specific symptoms are observed in HIV-infected children at an early age. About a quarter of them develop AIDS. The course of HIV in children tends to progress more rapidly than in adults. It must be said that with proper management of pregnancy and childbirth, it is possible to completely eliminate or minimize the possibility of HIV infection of children from infected mothers.

Chicken pox

as a rule, it is ill with it in childhood, acquiring immunity to infection. Severe cases of the course of the disease during pregnancy are observed in women who carry this infection for the first time. The death rate is significant. It can be the cause of fetal malformations and intrauterine death of the fetus, since the virus is able to penetrate the placental barrier.

SARS (acute respiratory viral infections)

a large group of viral pathogens that, to one degree or another, can complicate the course of pregnancy, give undesirable complications and affect the fetus and its health. The most dangerous is the flu. When infected in the first trimester of pregnancy, the formation of gross malformations is possible. Up to 12 weeks, infection with the influenza virus can cause malformations according to the “all or nothing” principle - either a group of malformations incompatible with life will form, or nothing will happen and the pregnancy will proceed normally. In the period after 12 weeks, there can be no serious complications, however, there remains the likelihood of developing fetoplacental insufficiency, fetal hypoxia, and an increased risk of preterm birth. Despite the above, one thing must be remembered - the vast majority of women suffer from acute respiratory viral infections during pregnancy and the further development of the fetus, as well as the health of the mother, this does not affect in any way.

No matter how a pregnant woman tries to take care of her health, no matter how her family and loved ones protect her, few women can boast that they never got sick during the nine months that they carried their child. Colds during pregnancy happen quite often, but if you are armed with knowledge, consider that you are protected.

And it may well happen that you will enter that very happy minority that will avoid coughs, runny noses, and fever.

Cold in early pregnancy

Knowing exactly your gestational age (and in general knowing that you are already pregnant, as they say) is a great thing, because the most dangerous cold is during early pregnancy.

At the same time, you need to understand that by a cold we often mean absolutely all diseases of the respiratory tract, and we treat them with those means and methods that are already known.

A more accurate diagnosis can be made by a doctor whom you call when the symptoms of a cold become frankly serious.

Why are colds so dangerous at the very beginning of pregnancy?

  1. The body of a woman at this time is in a state of precarious balance. The birth of a new life immediately triggers many complex mechanisms and reactions, the purpose of which is to rebuild the entire body for the main task: to safely endure and then give birth to a child (read more about what happens at the initial stage of pregnancy in the article 1 trimester of pregnancy >>>) ;
  2. Under pregnancy, the muscular system, the circulatory system is rebuilt (now it will be necessary to supply two with blood at once), but the main restructuring is hormonal.

Know! This system is the most delicate, and intervention in it is fraught with both intrauterine abnormalities in the development of the child, and spontaneous abortion. Therefore, you need to choose very carefully how to treat a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Therefore, if you feel unwell, it is better not to delay and call the local therapist at the first symptoms of a cold:

  • sore throat;
  • cough;
  • temperature increase, etc.

Self-treatment of a cold during pregnancy is quite normal, but take any before the doctor's visit. medications not recommended because:

  1. during pregnancy, it is generally not recommended to drink medicines without unnecessary need;
  2. by taking a pill, you may “lubricate” the symptoms of a cold, and the doctor will not be able to recognize the disease in time;
  3. self-medication is generally a harmful thing: what helped your girlfriend will not suit you, and during pregnancy, the proven remedy that you took before with a cold may not suit you at all.

The best folk remedies for colds during pregnancy:

  • rinsing with decoctions medicinal herbs, soda, sea salt;
  • hot drink with vitamin supplements(lemon, black currant);
  • diaphoretics (teas with raspberries, linden);
  • hot baths for hands (for a runny nose and nasal congestion), etc.

Important! During pregnancy, it is forbidden to use hot foot baths and steam your feet.

A hot bath or bath can cause bleeding or even miscarriage.

Mid pregnancy and cold

The first three months of pregnancy have already been lived, you have become accustomed to your new status, but the cold in this case becomes even more insidious, since you are already less worried about any ailments and do not rush to see a doctor. And this is sometimes fraught with complications.

Therefore, when you entered the second trimester of pregnancy, you should already know how to treat a cold during pregnancy so as not to harm your baby, which methods are suitable for you, and which ones should be avoided.

Important! Do you know that a cold can happen to you not only in the cold season, but also in the very heat, if you immediately go into an air-conditioned room from the street?

It is especially undesirable during pregnancy to be directly under a stream of cold air-conditioned air: in addition to a cold, you can also get myositis or radicular sciatica - in other words, a cold will affect not only your respiratory tract, but also muscles and nerves.

If you feel unwell, you can resort to proven neutral medicines for colds during pregnancy:

  1. paracetamol;
  2. lazolvan and ACC (for cough, especially dry);
  3. Miramistin, Lugol's solution (for sore throat).

Cold temperature during pregnancy

About temperature. Pay attention to this point, because you can rush to take what is allowed for pregnant women with a cold medicine, as soon as you see on the thermometer that the temperature has risen to 37.2 ° C.

  • Do not rush to bring down the temperature! Its increase means that the body is fighting a cold on its own: with an increase in blood temperature, many pathogens die. Therefore, do not interfere in this internal struggle with a cold, rather drink raspberry tea and lie down in bed;
  • But when the temperature has risen to 37.7 ° C and climbs higher, this already needs to be fought.

When the birth is getting closer

  1. The last leg of the journey, the last three months before the birth of the child. During this period, you need to be especially careful, because your body begins to rebuild again: as in the first trimester of pregnancy you were rebuilt directly for pregnancy, now preparations for childbirth are in full swing. Read more about this in article 3 trimester of pregnancy >>>;
  2. During the next hormonal adjustment, immunity weakens again, and you become especially vulnerable to infections. Therefore, it is not enough to know how to treat, because a cold during pregnancy in the third trimester is no less (and maybe more) dangerous than at the very beginning of pregnancy.

It is during this period that the greatest likelihood that a cold can affect the health of an unborn baby. In the last months of pregnancy, a cold carried on the legs can cause many complications up to the birth of a premature fetus, so pay attention to a complete and vitamin diet: this will support your immunity.

If you still caught a cold - choose the mildest and gentlest means of treating a cold.

  • The advice is mostly the same as for the first trimester of pregnancy: no hot baths and plenty of fluids;
  • Drug treatment - the same as in the second trimester;
  • If you have a runny nose, do not use naphthyzinum and other vasoconstrictors, this can cause disturbances in the child's cardiac activity;
  • If you have swelling before childbirth, you can drink light diuretic decoctions of herbs.

By the time you are close to giving birth, not only do you yourself know how to cure a cold in a pregnant woman, but your entire environment also has full knowledge in this area (well, at least they think so). And yet, do not rush to follow all the advice.

And sometimes just give up. For example, from advice to take a steam bath in a bathhouse so that a cold goes away, or drink some kind of tincture. Leave a steam bath or alcohol as a means of combating a cold until better times.

The price of risk

We will not list all the risks - you are still shown only positive emotions. But what can be the consequences of a cold during pregnancy, you need to know. It can be bleeding, and miscarriages, and premature rupture of amniotic fluid, and premature birth itself. If a cold turns out to be the flu, intrauterine fetal developmental disorders are possible. Therefore, be reasonable, take care of yourself and your baby. And to end on a positive note - a little about how not to catch a cold.

Cold prevention: useful and pleasant

  1. First - live a full life, visit more often fresh air, do special exercises for pregnant women in the morning;
  2. But in "flu-prone" periods, try to walk in sparsely populated places;
  3. Be sure to ventilate your home;
  4. Eat well;
  5. Try to take fresh vegetables and fruits, and be sure to take onions and garlic daily;
  6. Try not to eat very cold foods, even if it's summer outside and you really want ice cream.
  7. If someone in the family gets sick, you should minimize your contacts with the sick person, and you should regularly wet clean the room by adding a weak disinfectant (not bleach) to the water;
  8. Avoid walking barefoot on cold floors;
  9. As for hardening, then do it without fanaticism. Forget any contrasting procedures, and even more so swimming in the hole (even if you were fond of winter swimming before). In your position it is very dangerous. Just a room temperature shower and a vigorous rubbing of the body with a terry towel after the shower.

And most importantly - the better your mood is, the lower the risk of getting sick. Therefore, positive emotions and good mood to you.

The common cold has always been considered very unpleasant, but almost never dangerous disease but this does not apply to pregnant women. Women's immunity during pregnancy changes, therefore, even a mild cold is considered a serious illness. Therefore, it is necessary to try not to get sick, and in case of a disease, even a mild one, consult a doctor.

Why is a cold dangerous?
The common cold is not a mild illness, although it is considered to be. First of all, bacterial infections can complicate a cold and require antibiotics, which are not safe for the fetus. Viruses and microbes can harm the baby by penetrating to him, which can lead to malformations or disorders in the functioning of organs. Of particular danger are diseases during pregnancy, in the first ten weeks, when the placenta and internal organs begin to form. Colds can disrupt the delivery of nutrition and oxygen to the fetus in the second half of pregnancy and this is called feto-placental insufficiency. Due to exposure to toxins, drugs, and temperature, the placenta is damaged, which can cause premature birth, fetal growth retardation, and nerve tissue damage.

Even a mild cold can affect the mother's body, anemia appears, and because of this, oxygen starvation of the baby occurs, which needs to be urgently corrected. Due to a decrease in immunity, chronic diseases can worsen, and late toxicosis of pregnancy can develop. That's why you need to see a doctor if you get sick, a general practitioner and a gynecologist treat a cold in parallel, they will recommend that you take tests and assess the condition of the baby during the examination.

The course of SARS in pregnant women.
During pregnancy, the main source of ARVI infection for women is cold people, or their own conditionally harmful microflora is activated in the nasopharynx due to hypothermia, stress and other factors that reduce immunity. A cold person, even a couple of days before the manifestation of the disease, poses a danger to others, and for about another three to four days of the acute period, until its manifestations begin to subside. You can get the virus by kissing, coughing, sneezing or talking, this is considered an airborne infection. You can also become infected by contact, when using common dishes, if you touch your face and lips with your hands, which are infected with viruses. Every cold has its own distinctive features, but common clinical features may combine them into one general group of respiratory infections that affect the respiratory system.

First manifestations
With common colds, the first manifestations are considered to be a sore throat or a feeling of pain, shortness of breath or a runny nose, coughing, sneezing or itching in the nose, a feeling of sand in the eyes, general malaise. The severity of symptoms will depend on the severity of the infection and the type of virus. In pregnant women, adenoviral infection and influenza are the most severe, they, violating the general condition, can give complications. Many of the viruses, in addition to respiratory manifestations, can affect the digestive system, forming diarrhea.

How are these infections treated?.
If you catch a cold during pregnancy, then you should contact the local therapist at the clinic or call him to your house, and if you feel very unwell, then you need to call an ambulance and be sure to indicate that you are pregnant. Self-medicate and use remedies traditional medicine you can't, even if you don't see any serious signs in your cold. Taking into account pregnancy, you will not be able to objectively assess your condition and make a diagnosis for yourself, which means that you can begin to be treated for the wrong disease. In addition, during pregnancy, it is carefully necessary to take the usual cold medicines, for example, aspirin is prohibited for pregnant women. The doctor, having examined you, will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe a treatment that is safe for you and your child.

A little about the symptoms.
Of course, the doctor who observes you will make all the necessary prescriptions, but you should know some general rules when treating various colds. With almost every cold, one of the main symptoms is fever or fever. It will be a protective reaction of the body when viruses and microbes penetrate into it, since most of them at a temperature of 38 degrees and above simply die. Due to the fever, the metabolism is activated, the immune system is mobilized to fight the infection, producing interferon and protective antibodies. They free the body from infection by helping to bind and remove viral and microbial particles from the body.

That is why, if you tolerate fever well and have the opportunity to be patient, then you should not lower the temperature below 38.5 degrees. This will help speed up recovery and the infection will end faster. Gradually, due to the inclusion in the work of all parts of the immune system, on the second or fourth day, the condition improves. Immunity is already formed for this infection, and it recedes.

What to do with a fever?
During a fever, a large amount of heat is produced by the body, but one should not interfere with the body to give off this heat. It is not recommended to wrap up and sweat, it is harmful for pregnant women, you need to lie more and drink plenty of fluids. If the fever is accompanied by sweating, then more fluid is lost than usual. All liquids for drinking should be warm, but tea should not be overdone. You can drink warm milk, infusions, herbal teas, dried fruit compote, fruit drinks, juices. You can add a spoonful of honey to the drink. At a temperature, raspberry leaves, coltsfoot, lime blossom, brewed in a thermos, help well.

Any common antipyretic drugs, such as paracetamol, nurofen, can be used with the permission of the general practitioner, and at the dosage prescribed by him. They are used at a high temperature, which does not go astray when using ordinary methods, drinking and rubbing. If the fever persists for more than two or three days, then a second examination of the doctor is necessary in order to exclude complications if the infection is serious.

What should be remembered?
You should not risk your health and your unborn child, do not go to work sick, take a sick leave, stay at home and have more rest. The disease always carries an additional burden on the body, so you need to take care of yourself. Rest more, eat well, drink fluids, eat fresh vegetables and fruits, vitamin C contained in them will help you recover faster. Without the permission of a doctor, it is not recommended to use various immunostimulants during pregnancy, as they can cause a malfunction in the immune system. But multivitamins and iron supplements will help you recover faster during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, it is best to try to protect yourself from infections and colds, during an epidemic do not go to markets and shops, try to travel less in public transport, and do not be shy to wear a mask when traveling. Ventilate and clean the premises of the house more often, and in the form of drops in the nose, prevention with interferon preparations is useful.

More articles on the topic "Pathologies of pregnancy":

The only disease on our list that is not an infection. This is a parasitic disease. It is caused by a single-celled animal - toxoplasma. For most people, toxoplasmosis is asymptomatic and does not pose a particular danger, but not during pregnancy. The parasite enters the human body from contaminated food, water, through cat feces.

According to some studies, one in 200 pregnant women becomes infected with toxoplasmosis, and a congenital disease occurs in one in 10,000-30,000 newborns. If a woman becomes infected shortly before pregnancy, the risks to the unborn child are minimal.

If in the house, you can get infected from it. To avoid this, the expectant mother should not clean the cat tray. In extreme cases, do this with gloves and a mask, and then wash your hands thoroughly.

Prevent infection through food and water will help"Five principles for improving food safety", which are advised by the experts of the World Health Organization

  1. Keep the kitchen clean.
  2. Raw foods should not be near heat-treated and even more so in contact with them.
  3. Expose products.
  4. Store food at the correct temperature.
  5. Use safe water and raw foods, and wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly.

Genital herpes

Genital herpes is a disease that belongs to the group of sexually transmitted infections. It is caused by herpes simplex viruses of the first and second types, you can become infected during sexual intercourse (including oral and anal), kisses. The disease manifests itself in the form of redness, swelling and vesicles on the skin, in many people it is asymptomatic. After that, the pathogen remains in the body, and the person becomes a carrier.

If a pregnant woman is sick with genital herpes, she can pass the pathogen to her baby through the placenta or during childbirth. This does not always happen: according to American statistics, 25-30% of expectant mothers and only 0.1% of newborns suffer from genital herpes.

If a woman first becomes ill during pregnancy, the risk of infection of the fetus or transmission of infection during childbirth is 50-75%. If chronic herpes has recurred, there are already antibodies in the mother's body and they can protect the baby: the risk of transmission of the infection during childbirth will be 5%. The herpes virus can lead to miscarriage, damage to the brain, liver of the child, congenital malformations, death.

If an exacerbation of herpes is detected after pregnancy, then the doctor will most likely recommend a caesarean section.

On the later dates an antiviral drug is used, but it will not protect the child by 100%, in addition, its safety during pregnancy has not been fully studied.

If a woman is not infected, and her partner has genital herpes (tests will help to dot the i), then sex during exacerbations is contraindicated, and during the subsidence of symptoms - strictly with a condom. If a partner has oral herpes, kissing and oral sex are prohibited.

Cytomegalovirus infection

Cytomegalovirus belongs to the group of herpes viruses: its close counterparts cause herpes and chicken pox. Many people are carriers of the pathogen: once they had an infection, and since then the virus has been “sleeping” in their body. The transmission of cytomegaloviruses occurs through biological fluids: urine, saliva, semen, breast milk.

For a healthy person with a normally functioning immune system, cytomegaloviruses are not dangerous. The infection is most often asymptomatic or accompanied by fever and temporary enlargement of the lymph nodes.

Dangerous infection or reactivation of the infection during pregnancy. For a child, this is fraught with loss of hearing, vision, epileptic seizures, reduced intelligence and learning ability, muscle weakness and coordination disorders, microcephaly (reduction in the size of the skull).

If you are caring for children and you are not a carrier of the virus (based on test results), This is what will help protect you from infection.:

  • Wash your hands often. Change diapers with gloves on.
  • Do not kiss children on the face.
  • Do not share utensils and hygiene items with children.


Listeria - bacteria that are found in soil, water, can get on the surface of vegetables, fruits. Some animals are their carriers. These microorganisms are found in raw meat, unpasteurized milk and dairy products. Listeriosis is a relatively rare but dangerous infection, according to some reports, the risk of infection during pregnancy is increased by 20 times.

The first manifestations occur 2-30 days after infection. Worried about flu-like symptoms, headaches and muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea.

During pregnancy, the risk of a dangerous invasive form of listeriosis is increased, when sepsis, meningitis develops. Mortality in this case is 20-30%. Listeria leads to miscarriages, premature births, stillbirths (approximately one in five affected women). The newborn may become infected.

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For the prevention of listeriosis and other foodborne infections, keep"Five principles for improving food safety" WHO, which we have already written about above.


The chickenpox virus is a relative of the herpes virus and cytomegalovirus. Most adults are immune to chickenpox because they had the disease in childhood. But in rare cases, if the immune system is severely reduced, you can get infected a second time.

In the external environment, the virus quickly dies, but once it enters the human body, it will not miss its own: susceptibility to infection among those who have not been ill is 100%.

According to British statistics, 3 out of 1000 women fall ill during pregnancy. This is fraught with serious complications for both the mother and the fetus.

The risks for the child depend on the period of pregnancy at which the infection occurred: if before, then fetal chickenpox syndrome may develop, it manifests itself in the form of underdevelopment of the arms and legs, scars on the skin, microcephaly, brain damage, Bladder, intestines, and when infected for a period of 28-36 weeks, the virus enters the child's body and in some cases is activated in the first years of life.Thanks to vaccination, rubella has become a rare disease, however, any unvaccinated expectant mother is at risk of getting sick, and this is fraught with serious consequences for the fetus. The rubella virus is spread by airborne droplets, the source of infection is a sick person.

A woman who gets rubella during pregnancy has an increased risk of stillbirth and preterm delivery. Infection is especially dangerous in the first trimester - before. The child develops congenital rubella syndrome, which can manifest itself in the form of deafness, cataracts, heart defects, reduced intelligence, damage to the spleen and liver, low weight and skin rash after birth, glaucoma, pneumonia, problems with the thyroid gland.

A reliable way to protect yourself from rubella during pregnancy- Get vaccinated beforehand. You can become pregnant no earlier than 4 weeks after the introduction of the vaccine. You cannot be vaccinated during pregnancy.

Zika virus

The Zika virus has become a popular horror story after it was declared a global threat by WHO experts. This infection can not be contracted in all countries. Full list can be found, for example, at gov.uk. The carriers are mosquitoes.

The Zika virus is considered dangerous for pregnant women. There is evidence that it causes microcephaly, developmental delay, dwarfism or short stature, mental retardation, and hyperactivity in a child. There is no unequivocal evidence, the degree of risk is unknown, and yet it is not worth the risk.

During pregnancy, it is better not to visit countries where you can get infected.. And if, nevertheless, a woman decides on such a trip, measures must be taken to protect against mosquitoes: wear clothes that cover the whole body, use mosquito nets on windows and doors.

Women's immunity during pregnancy weakens and becomes more susceptible to infections and viruses. For some mothers, standing in a draft or getting a little cold is enough to catch a cold. It is impossible to fight fever and runny nose with the usual antibiotics, because the drugs are dangerous for the health of the developing fetus. Then how to act and what to take?

First symptoms: what to do

Women do not perceive a cold as something dangerous, trying to carry it on their feet. Others agree to lie in bed for a few days, but try to heal themselves. The right decision is to consult a doctor and make sure that the temperature was caused by a common cold, and not SARS or another strain of flu.

The doctor will select safe drugs and advise safe herbs. Plants are a natural alternative to pills, but even homeopathic treatments sometimes end in miscarriage or premature birth.

Young mothers can obey the "colleagues" sitting on the forums, or drink the miraculous infusion that their grandmother was also treated with, but the consequences of such therapy are very unpleasant. Only medical professionals know exactly which products and in which trimester are safe for the health of a pregnant woman and a developing fetus.

If a cold started before the weekend and will have to wait until Monday, a woman is recommended to wear woolen socks, brew herbal tea and sleep a lot, wrapped in a blanket or blanket. A sick body needs dry heat and rest, then it will be easier for the immune system to fight inflammation.

Precautionary measures
Salt is contraindicated for pregnant women in large numbers, because it retains fluid in the body, which causes not only the legs to swell, but also the sinuses. As a result, congestion, breathing problems and lack of oxygen in the blood, the risk of fetal hypoxia.

A warm drink will improve a woman's well-being, but in the second and third trimester one should not abuse tea, milk with honey or broth, because the more fluid in the body, the more intensively the kidneys, which are already overloaded, should work.

Hot baths are prohibited, legs cannot be soared. High temperatures speed up blood circulation and stimulate uterine contractions, so a pregnant woman may have a miscarriage. For this reason, mustard plasters are prohibited, and steam inhalations should be carried out with caution.

Temperature: what to do

One of the first and main symptoms of a cold is fever. If the thermometer shows less than 38, you will have to do without pills. A woman should wear comfortable pajamas, but it is advisable not to pull a terry dressing gown over it and not wrap yourself in two thick blankets. The pregnant woman should be warm, but not hot, otherwise the temperature will rise further.

The body can be wiped with apple or table vinegar with a concentration of 5% or less. The component is diluted with water at room temperature. For a part of vinegar, take 3, and preferably 4 parts of the liquid. An alternative is freshly squeezed lemon juice, which stimulates sweating and helps bring down the temperature.

With a soft cloth dipped in the solution, wipe the legs and arms, areas under the chest and abdomen. You can ask your husband to treat your heels with vinegar or lemon. A compress should be placed on the forehead, which is turned over as it warms up and changed every 10-15 minutes or more often.

medicinal teas
Sweating with a cold is good and healthy, but so that the body does not suffer from dehydration, you need to drink decoctions and fruit drinks. You can make medicinal tea from dried linden or oregano flowers. Raspberry root quickly copes with a cold, but it should be used with caution during pregnancy.

If there are no herbs in the house, green or black tea will save the expectant mother. It is advisable to prepare a drink not from bags, but from natural tea leaves. When the tea is warm, add a couple of tablespoons of honey and a slice of lemon to the cup.

Fruit drinks from cranberries or currants, cherry juices and compotes from fresh raspberries are useful. These drinks contain a lot of ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system. You can take pharmacy vitamin C only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Instead of a decoction before going to bed, it is better to drink a glass of boiled milk with a piece of butter and 2 tablespoons of honey. Drink no more than 2 liters of fluid per day. If the lower limbs swell or there are problems with the kidneys, you should drink up to 7-8 cups of decoctions, tea, compote and other drinks, including soups and other first courses.

Medical assistance
A pregnant woman can bring down the temperature with paracetamol, but only in its pure form. Other preparations containing this substance, such as Panadol or Efferalgan, are contraindicated. They affect the baby and, if abused, lead to kidney or liver failure in the mother.

You can not drink Nurofen at a temperature, especially during the third trimester. Aspirin and drugs containing this component can cause bleeding and miscarriage, so they are not suitable for pregnant women.

Methods of dealing with the common cold

If the nose is stuffy, you need to rinse it and remove the puffiness so that the expectant mother can breathe easier. Safe pharmacy products are Aqualor, Humer or Aquamaris.
The main component of such sprays is sea water. At home, you can prepare an alternative remedy from table salt and soda:

  1. For a glass of boiled water cooled to room temperature, you will need 5-10 g of dry ingredients.
  2. Soda and salt should completely dissolve, the liquid will become cloudy white.
  3. The solution is drawn into a syringe and alternately injected into each nostril, head up.
  4. The liquid must be gently inhaled so that it enters the sinuses.
  5. When the water reaches the throat, you need to quickly tilt your head and blow the rest of the solution along with the mucus.
  6. Carry out the procedure until the glass with the product is empty. After washing, you need to drip your nose or lubricate with vegetable oil.

Instead of a saline solution, herbal decoctions made from sage, clover flowers and knotweed roots are used. Mix dry plants in equal proportions, you can add calendula or plantain leaves. Grind the grass and cook over medium heat, leave for 2 hours, and then strain and rinse the nose with the decoction.

Tips: If it is inconvenient to use a syringe, you can buy a small syringe at the pharmacy. It is recommended to add 3-5 drops of iodine to a saline solution or herbal decoction to quickly remove inflammation in the sinuses. You need to rinse your nose 5 times a day, and if it is very stuffy, then more often.

Heat treatment
Steam inhalation is allowed for pregnant women. There are two options for such a procedure: use a nebulizer or breathe over a pot of hot broth. A special device treats both a runny nose and a sore throat, but it has a significant disadvantage - a high price. Not all women are helped by heat, so the purchase may be useless. It is recommended that you first try the grandmother's method with a saucepan and a towel.

A decoction for inhalation is prepared from:

  • eucalyptus leaves;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • sage;
  • yarrow;
  • violets;
  • pine buds;
  • forest mallow.

They take one or more components in equal proportions, fill it with water - and on a strong fire until it boils. Move the pot with hot broth to the table and lean over the container, covering your shoulders and head with a blanket or a large bath towel. Inhale the steam through your nose, trying to keep your mouth closed. So that this method does not harm the pregnant woman, she should sit over the broth for no more than 5 minutes.

A safer way of local action is to warm the sinuses with a boiled egg or bags of salt. In the first case, the product is wrapped in small towels or pieces of cloth so that they do not burn the skin. In the second version, sand or salt is heated in a dry frying pan, and then poured into small bags. If they seem too hot, you can put a cloth or gauze under them.

A doctor can offer a pregnant woman warming up with a special lamp, but for this she will have to travel to the hospital regularly, which is not always convenient. Although this method should not be abandoned with a prolonged runny nose, which threatens to turn into sinusitis. You can treat the nose with salt or eggs 2-3 times a day, but preferably not more often. The result of the procedure should be fixed with natural drops.

Moisture for the nose
During a runny nose, the nasal passages dry up, and irritation appears inside, due to which the disease can drag on for a long time. Expectant mothers are recommended to lubricate the mucous membranes with petroleum jelly or baby cream after inhalation and washing.

Peach and sea buckthorn oil, as well as rosehip oil, has moisturizing properties. But any of them must be diluted in sunflower or olive, because in a concentrated form such drops irritate the mucous membrane even more. For 20 parts of the base, take 1 part of the additive and mix thoroughly. In each nostril no more than 2 drops, three times a day.

Instead of oils, freshly squeezed juices are used:

  • carrot, sometimes combined with beetroot;
  • apple;
  • orange or tangerine.

With citrus varieties, you need to be careful, because they can cause allergies in a woman or fetus. Store-bought juice is not suitable for treating a runny nose, because there is nothing natural in such a drink.

Drops are prepared from onions or aloe. Grind the product, squeeze the juice out of it and dilute it with boiled water. 3 drops in each nostril. The treatment is supplemented with massage: the maxillary sinuses, bridge of the nose and temples are kneaded with gentle movements. It is recommended to rub "Asterisk" or "Doctor Mom" ​​ointment into these zones.

The right atmosphere
In the living room or bedroom where the pregnant woman is resting, you need to put several bowls with chopped onions or garlic, filled with water. If you don't like the smell, replace the vegetables with tea tree essential oil.

It is recommended to air the room in the morning and before going to bed, and if it is warm outside, you can leave the window open all day. Regularly humidify the air from the sprayer, because if it is very dry, the nose is blocked and it becomes difficult to breathe.

Tip: During sleep, a high pillow or several are placed under the head so that mucus does not accumulate in the maxillary sinuses, and the pregnant woman can rest normally.

If folk recipes turned out to be powerless, pharmacy drops are allowed. But you need to buy a children's dosage, use it no more than once a day and refuse the drug after 2 days.

We treat the throat

A woman with a blocked nose begins to breathe through her mouth. The mucous membranes dry up, an infection gets into the throat, and it becomes inflamed. To quickly remove perspiration and swelling, you should dissolve a teaspoon sea ​​buckthorn oil or honey. Aloe also has an antibacterial effect: you need to cut off a small slice and, without chewing, keep it in your mouth.

Infusions for rinsing
First, the throat is washed to remove mucus. Useful decoction of calendula or oak bark, eucalyptus leaves or sage. Rinse solutions are prepared from birch buds or chamomile, you can add a pinch of soda and a few drops of iodine to them.

Redness is removed with an alcohol tincture of propolis: a spoonful of the product in a glass of warm water. Try not to swallow the solution, because alcohol can harm the child. An alternative to propolis is an antiviral collection consisting of 10 g of birch leaves, 20 g of eucalyptus and 30 g of sage. Brew the workpiece in a glass of boiling water, wait 15 minutes, after straining, use for rinsing.

Tickle and discomfort will be removed by a solution of 20 ml of warm water, 1 teaspoon of salt and the same amount of soda. Add 3 drops of iodine, mix thoroughly. The remedy for inflammation and sore throat is ready.

Healing cocktails
You will need a spoonful of dried sage and 200-250 ml of milk. Put the components on a slow fire, after boiling, simmer for 10 minutes. Drink just before bedtime, with or without honey.

Sore throat will remove the mixture, which consists of:

  • freshly squeezed juice from half a lemon;
  • a teaspoon of rosehip syrup;
  • 2 spoons of beetroot juice;
  • 30–40 ml of kefir.

Stir the components thoroughly, consume in small sips after rinsing. Antiseptic sprays cope well with inflammation, but such drugs should be prescribed by a doctor.

If discomfort after treatment folk remedies have not disappeared, and the tonsils are swollen or covered with a strange coating, you need to go to the hospital. Ordinary inflammation may turn out to be a sore throat or even tonsillitis, which is not to be trifled with.

Cough Recipes

If you start fighting a cold at the first symptoms, it quickly recedes, but sometimes the disease is stronger, and a cough appears. Pregnant women are advised to drink tea with lemon throughout the day, and before going to bed, drink a cup of warm milk with a piece of butter and a pinch of soda.

If the cause of the cough is a sore throat, inhalations with eucalyptus oil or tea tree are useful. You can prepare a decoction of sage with lime blossom and chamomile. It will soothe irritation and destroy viruses, while the essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties.

With a dry cough, you need to fight with herbal teas from wild rosemary, succession, yarrow or lingonberry leaves. Additionally, it is recommended to rub the upper part of the chest with warmed honey. Leave the product for about an hour, and then rinse with warm water.

Tablets and syrups
Dry or severe cough can be dealt with medications made from natural raw materials. Safe for a child:

  • Plantain syrup;
  • Eucabal;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Dr. Theis;
  • Althea root;
  • Doctor Mom.

Syrups and cough tablets have practically no effect on the child, but nevertheless, drugs should be selected by a doctor, and not by the woman herself, because some drugs may contain dangerous components.

What to fear
You can not treat a cold with St. John's wort, coltsfoot, echinacea or ginseng, because of which pressure rises and allergies appear. Licorice root stimulates uterine contractions, so a woman may have a miscarriage. Ginkgo biloba is the culprit of premature birth due to bleeding, and medicinal comfrey causes mutations in the fetus.

The common cold is an insidious and dangerous disease, especially for women who are carrying a child. Expectant mothers are recommended peace, lots of rest and fruits, care and no stress. The initial symptoms of a cold can be stopped folk methods, but if the temperature does not subside, and the pregnant woman feels worse, you should immediately go to the hospital and follow the recommendations of specialists.

Video: what cold medicines can be used during pregnancy
