Sleep after sweet. Why do you want to sleep after eating sweets?

If a person is constantly sleepy, this may indicate a problem. Reactive hypoglycemia, or a sharp drop in blood sugar, is the cause of increasing resistance (immunity) to insulin.

Constant fatigue is bad enough in itself, but problems with blood sugar regulation can lead to even more serious consequences including heart disease, stroke, cancer, or senile dementia.

A diet rich in simple carbohydrates and processed foods is notorious for helping you gain weight. excess weight. And in the short term, food with refined carbohydrates (white bread, pastries) always plays a cruel joke on a person. First, a feeling of satiety and pleasure, and after 3-4 hours, as if he had not eaten at all. This is because the blood glucose level jumped for a short time, and then just as quickly fell. For the same reason, after sweet and starchy foods, it can make you sleepy.

It seems to be nothing terrible, but the usual drowsiness can be added:

    sense of anxiety;

    heart palpitations;


    increased sweating;


    panic attacks.

This is the classic manifestation of reactive hypoglycemia. Moreover, similar symptoms can be experienced by a healthy person with a normal body weight. This condition is sometimes called "evil hunger".

If they happen after almost every meal, the situation is already more serious. It is likely that the body gradually begins to lose susceptibility to its own insulin, a hormone that is responsible for normal blood sugar levels.

The link between sugar and sleepiness

So, how are sugar, sweet things connected with a constant feeling of drowsiness? A diet high in simple carbohydrates carries with it a “high glycemic load”—that is, it forces glucose into the bloodstream quickly.

Then the period of homeostasis begins - the body injects a certain amount of insulin into the blood in order to process the excess. Due to a sudden drop in insulin, a feeling of fatigue, drowsiness, and irritability sets in.

In the United States, a whole series of clinical studies were conducted on people who followed a typical American diet: white bread hamburgers, hot dogs, soda, sweets and the like.

It turned out that a diet with a high glycemic load provokes constant fatigue, sleep problems and cognitive slowdown. In the long term, a diet full of "empty" calories and simple carbohydrates (bread, chips, pasta, white rice, potatoes), sugar (chocolate, pastries, candy) and sugary drinks (soda, juices) can cause insomnia.

The truth is that our body requires a strictly defined amount of carbohydrates per day. For example, a healthy adult male needs about 75 - 130 grams, while in a balanced diet they should make up only 15 - 35% of the total diet.

How insulin resistance develops

Eating a high-sugar meal every day causes the pancreas to produce more and more insulin every day. So our body tries to cope with the load.

The mechanism of insulin resistance is not yet fully understood, however, it is known that obesity provokes it, since adipose tissue is the least susceptible to insulin.

Unfortunately, the symptoms of reactive hypoglycemia are usually vague and the person often does not associate them with high sugar intake.

Why is reactive hypoglycemia dangerous?

Symptoms of reactive hypoglycemia may occur early in the development of insulin resistance.

A typical breakfast these days is often a sweet bun and coffee with sugar. And then people still periodically “catch up” with sweets at work. Someone brought a cake for a birthday, ordered a vacation pizza, someone shared sweets and away we go…

Eating in this way, you will feel a surge of energy for a short period, however, then a drop in blood sugar will inevitably come along with all the accompanying symptoms in the form of fatigue, irritability.

The consequences of this, in addition to increasing the size of clothes and eternal sleepiness, are much more serious than they seem.

    Increased blood pressure;

    Increased "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood;

    Deterioration of memory and cognitive abilities;

    Decreased sex drive and even infertility;

    Oncological diseases.

Alas, the only secret to getting rid of reactive hypoglycemia is proper nutrition, exercise and adherence to the regimen. From the diet, you will need to exclude all foods that create a high glycemic load and are not beneficial.

However, in addition to spikes in blood sugar, there are a number of other causes of chronic fatigue that doctors usually ignore. One of them is leaky gut syndrome and chronic inflammation of the small intestine.

Decreased energy levels after a meal is called postprandial sleepiness. Many people have experienced it at least once: after a hearty lunch, you may really want to lie down and forget about work issues.

Today we’ll talk about why you want to sleep after eating, when to start worrying and how to overcome weakness.

Researchers have come up with different theories, but they generally agree on one thing: this is a natural reaction and not a cause for concern. Usually I want to lie down in the region of 13-15 hours of the day.

Our body requires energy to survive and exist. It comes from food that breaks down and turns into fuel. The macronutrients then provide the body with calories. The digestive system starts all kinds of reactions and spends a lot of energy on it.

In 2017, a study was conducted, the participants of which were night shift workers. One group did not eat anything, the other had a snack. As a result, the second group performed worse than the first group and were sleepy at 4 am.

What happens in the body immediately after eating

After eating - especially sweet - insulin is produced by the pancreas, which then converts glucose into glycogen.

Excessive secretion of insulin causes the essential amino acid tryptophan to enter the brain. Once in the brain, tryptophan leads to an increase in the production of serotonin and melatonin. These are two neurotransmitters that have a calming effect and help regulate sleep. Interestingly, about 90% of serotonin is found in the intestines, where it regulates organ movements.

Why do you want to sleep after dinner

Causes of sleepiness:

  1. Food allergies or intolerance to certain foods. Usually associated with digestive problems: bloating, constipation, diarrhea, as well as lethargy.
  2. Dehydration.
  3. Binge eating.
  4. Increased calories.
  5. A sharp jump in blood sugar.
  6. Sleep inducing products.
  7. Drinking alcohol with meals during the day.

Let's consider some of them.

Studies have shown that cherries (especially sour ones) or cherry juice affect melatonin levels and improve sleep quality.

Most often, after eating, you really want to sleep because of jumps in blood sugar, which are caused by fast carbohydrates or simple sugars. Foods with a high glycemic index increase energy levels for half an hour. And then the sugar level drops sharply and you want to sleep.


Water balance controls the well-being of the body. When a person drinks little water, he feels lethargic, headaches. The heart rate and blood pressure decrease. The processes in the body “fall asleep” and invite you to relax with them. To prevent this condition, regularly drink up to 2 liters of water a day. You can drink a glass in the morning on an empty stomach, and then before each meal.

Binge eating

A heavy lunch causes a daytime breakdown. It is usually the result of a long fast, which appears due to irregular nutrition. The amount of carbohydrates eaten affects the feeling of drowsiness and lethargy.

You need to be able to hear the signals of hunger and stop in time. Large portions and fatty foods make the body work harder and use more energy.

Eat every 2-3 hours to avoid hunger and overeating.

Increase in blood glucose

Another reason for sleepiness after meals is related to the amount of insulin produced after meals. Foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates have a high glycemic load. They release sugar into the blood faster, insulin is activated and causes drowsiness.

When you eat white bread, sugar rises sharply in the body. This surge is short-lived and leads to a sharp drop in blood glucose levels, fatigue and drowsiness appear.

Interesting fact. More than half of people practice a small afternoon nap at least once a week.

Short sleep benefits:

  • increased vigilance and reaction;
  • improves short-term memory;
  • cognitive functions are activated.

A person who sleeps regularly after dinner benefits more than one who sleeps intermittently.

"Sleepy foods" in the diet

Although all foods are digested almost equally, not all are equally affected.

The body produces more serotonin, which is responsible for sleep cycles, mood, and fatigue. Carbohydrates help absorb tryptophan, and tryptophan helps serotonin.

Tryptophan is found in protein-rich foods:

  • fish;
  • Domestic bird;
  • eggs;
  • spinach;
  • seeds;
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • soy products;

Foods high in carbohydrates:

  • pasta;
  • white bread and cookies;
  • cakes, cookies, donuts, cupcakes;
  • milk;
  • sugar and candy.

Therefore, cereal with milk is good at night.

How to overcome sleepiness in the afternoon

  1. Don't skip breakfast. It reduces fatigue at the end of the day. If there was no breakfast, most likely at lunch you will be hungry and make a choice in favor of a large and satisfying portion.
  2. Eat little but often. Instead of large meals, small meals and snacks every few hours are encouraged to maintain energy levels. A fruit or a handful of nuts should be enough to avoid a breakdown.
  3. Get enough sleep. A person who gets enough sleep at night is less likely to experience a significant drop in energy after dinner.
  4. Take a walk. Light physical activity during the day, especially after meals, reduces fatigue.
  5. Take a nap.
  6. Try bright light therapy. Studies have shown that bright light after dinner reduces the desire to sleep and banishes fatigue.
  7. Avoid drinking alcohol with meals.

Not to be confused with a disease: when to see a doctor

If a person is constantly tired after eating, and this affects the quality of his life, you need to contact a specialist. Consider possible diseases, where drowsiness after eating is one of the alarm bells.


Characterized by low blood glucose.


  • Constantly want to eat: the brain gives signals to increase blood sugar levels.
  • Nausea, with attacks of hunger.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Vertigo.
  • Constant drowsiness and lethargy, regardless of food intake.
  • Decreased concentration and memory.
  • Mood swings.

How to prevent:

  • Measure blood sugar levels, record indicators.
  • Before physical activity consume more carbohydrates.
  • Do not skip meals, do not allow prolonged hunger strikes with exhausting loads.
  • Do not take long (from 6 or more hours) breaks between meals.


It is characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood.


  • Excessive thirst.
  • Fatigue.
  • Weight loss.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Blurred vision.

dumping syndrome


  • Feeling of overeating.
  • Weakness.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Sweating.
  • Dizziness.
  • Profuse sweating.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Heat in upper body.

Disorders in the work of the endocrine system

Symptoms depend on location. Usually present:

  • Increased fatigue.
  • Constant desire to eat sweets.
  • Edema.
  • Sudden weight gain.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Sudden mood swings.


Feeling tired or having trouble concentrating after eating is common. Weakness is manifested from a hearty meal, saturated with proteins and carbohydrates. In most cases, this is a natural biological reaction, but if it interferes Everyday life, you need to see a doctor.

“After dinner, I feel so sleepy!” - sometimes recognized by many people. It seems that the quality of sleep is normal, but all the same - fatigue, like a cobweb, entangles from all sides. And if there is also tea or coffee with something sweet ... Why is this happening?

Gastroenterologist and therapist Daria Yermishina offers to understand the reasons why a hearty meal does not energize, but, on the contrary, leads to a desire to relax or even fall asleep. The specialist notes that among them there are those that are easy to eliminate.

Why does fatigue occur after eating? - lists doctor:

Excess carbohydrates in food.

Carbohydrates are converted to glucose, and glucose inhibits orexin - hormone of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for wakefulness.

Foods that cause inflammation also suppress orexin.

On keto, many patients report incredible vigor. This is due to the fact that the keto is a low-carb and anti-inflammatory diet.

When you eat, the hormone insulin rises. Insulin is responsible for the transport of the amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine to the muscles, but does not affect tryptophan. As a result, there is a lot of tryptophan in the blood => serotonin => melatonin => drowsiness.

A low amount of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) - the main energy "coin" of the body. ATP is produced in the mitochondria, so food and lifestyle that negatively affect the mitochondria deprive us of energy.

During eating, the vessels of the gastrointestinal tract expand and the blood is concentrated there, and not in the brain. Consequently, less oxygen and nutrients enter the brain

With food in the intestines, it produces the hormone cholecystokinin, which blocks norepinephrine and orexin, substances responsible for vigor.

When we eat, our parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for rest and digestion.

Knowing the causes of fatigue after eating, some of them can be eliminated:

What measures should be taken:

  • low-carbohydrate diet;
  • minimizing foods that cause inflammation (trans fats, gluten, omega-6 oils, etc.);
  • inclusion in the diet of anti-inflammatory foods and drugs (black cumin oil, omega-3, vitamin D, curcumin, etc.);
  • take care of the health of your mitochondria (coenzyme g10, nicotinamide riboside, apple cider vinegar, etc.).

Many subscribers of the doctor asked clarifying questions on the topic of her recommendations. For example:

In what proportions to drink apple cider vinegar?*

The specialist explained:

For 1 hour l. diluted in half a glass of water*.

A lot of carbohydrates with food will somehow cause drowsiness, - Daria Yermishina noted when asked about them.

And what do you feel after eating - a surge of energy or drowsiness?

You probably noticed that from time to time after a dense, and sometimes very light dinner, you feel sleepy. Unfortunately, according to scientists, this problem torments every second inhabitant of our planet. However, there is good news: it is possible to defeat drowsiness after eating, you just need to understand the root causes of its appearance.

There may be several reasons. The most banal is binge eating. Do not forget that at the very foundation of the concept proper nutrition lies the message that you need to get up from the table with a feeling of slight hunger. The second, most simple and radically opposite reason is that along with food, too few nutrients that do not allow the brain to function fully. Thus, the body goes into "energy saving" mode. That is why nutritionists advise to eat often and in small portions. Try to exclude “empty” foods from your diet, such as, for example, low-fat (0%) cottage cheese or milk.

Make sure your diet is right Do you still want to sleep after every meal? You have probably heard that our brain eats sugar and therefore it is necessary to use sugar in situations that are difficult for the brain (exam, report, public speaking). However, such “recharges” not only do not help the brain, but even cause drowsiness and a breakdown.

In fact, when a person eats something sweet, the level of glucose in his blood jumps sharply and he very quickly begins to feel a surge of energy. But immediately, in response to a large dose of sugar, the body produces insulin, which removes glucose from the blood and distributes it to the cells ... And now the glucose level that has jumped to the skies falls, as a rule, even lower than the initial one. This is where drowsiness comes from.

This absolutely normal reaction of the body is due to the fact that the brain does not need glucose in in large numbers. He needs it in a small amount and regularly. So-called slow carbohydrates (cereals, grain bread, durum wheat pasta) can provide this, but by no means sweet.

TOP 5 tips. “What can I do to gradually reduce the level of sugar in my diet?”

Do not eat sweets when you want to feel fresh and energetic.

Reduce the amount of sugar at one time (try putting not two spoons in tea, but one and a half and gradually reduce the dosage);

Increase the time from one sweet to another;

Eat it in small quantities only after meals (better after easily digestible protein foods - dairy products or scrambled eggs);

Look online for a food glycemic index (how much natural sugar a food contains) and keep that in mind when planning your weekly diet.

It is difficult to notice when there is too much sugar in your diet, because they form and change gradually. But our body is a well-balanced mechanism: if you don’t notice an excessive craving for sweets in your mind, the body will let you understand it in other ways. We will tell you what symptoms will indicate that your body does not tolerate sugar well.

1. Feeling tired after eating

Think about how you feel after eating sweets. If after dessert, it may be due to fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

According to MD, nutritionist Amadna Dale, people whose bodies process sugar normally after eating sugary food become energetic and full. Those who are especially sensitive to sugar, on the contrary, feel irritable, drowsy and lack of energy.

2. You have become very emotional lately.

6. You feel pain in the joints

Another negative by-effect increased consumption of sugar during the day - causeless aches and pains in the body, which are caused by inflammation in the body. According to nutritionist Lauren Minchan, regular spikes in blood glucose levels can lead to general inflammation, which contributes to aging, indigestion and joint pain.
If you feel like you're falling apart, maybe it's time.

7. Became distracted and lethargic

If you noticed that recently your skin has become more inflamed, this is a clear sign that it's time to listen to your body and pay attention to your diet.
