What does conception mean. How is the process of conceiving a child: a detailed description

On what day after conception do the first signs of pregnancy appear? This issue is of great concern to women, especially young people. Behind an outwardly solid and correct question lies the desire to calm oneself down and get an answer to the question - on what day after sex can signs of pregnancy appear?

The first difficulty lies in the fact that conception does not occur at the time of sex, but over 5 to 14 days. It is also worth noting that the hormonal background of the body changes for another 10-12 days. This means that the first tests can show pregnancy no earlier than 15-20 days from the moment of sexual intercourse.

However, the female body can give its own signals about whether the fertilization process is completed or not. We will talk about this and other issues related to manifestations in the first days after conception.

It is also worth mentioning here that the process of conception means the completion of sexual intercourse. Do not forget that the period of conception can reach several days. Maximum exact result expect no earlier than 4 - 5 weeks from the moment of intercourse. Earlier attempts to test can lead to the so-called "false negative" result, when the test shows that there is no fact of pregnancy, but in fact it already exists or will occur in the near future.

How long does it take to get tested for HCG?

HCG or pregnancy hormone provides fairly reliable information about the fact of pregnancy in the first days after conception. In the body of a non-pregnant woman, such a hormone is not produced. According to the developed program for determining pregnancy using the hCG hormone, an analysis for its presence / absence is given 15 to 20 days after sexual intercourse, which is considered conception.

Does basal body temperature change after conception?

The change in basal temperature in the first days after conception is that it remains elevated. However, there is a “window” in such a change, when the basal temperature decreases for the period when the embryo is implanted in the uterus. Such a phenomenon has received the definition of "impantational retraction."

Is it possible to conceive immediately after menstruation?

Yes, in the first days after the end of menstruation, conception is not only possible, but these days are considered favorable for it.

For information - the possibility of conception always exists, that is, on any day, even when menstruation is coming. It was written above that the process is not instantaneous and its effectiveness and duration depend on many factors.

Is it possible to conceive after ovulation?

Ovulation itself (the fact that a mature cell leaves the ovary) is necessary for conception. Moreover, without ovulation, conception is impossible.

However, the very first stage - fertilization occurs only on the first day after ovulation. If it does not happen, the egg dies. This fact helps to determine that the highest probability of conception is 1 to 3 days before ovulation, as well as directly on the day of ovulation.

If sexual intercourse occurs after 12 - 20 hours after ovulation or later, conception will be unlikely.

Calculation of favorable days for conceiving a child

The main criteria for the calculation should be the regularity and duration of the menstrual cycle. The most favorable is the day of ovulation and 1-3 days before it. Having calculated on which days of the cycle this period falls, plan conception.

Determination of the date of birth by the date of conception?

It is worth noting that childbirth can occur earlier or later, even by 2-3 weeks, since the body of every woman has soy features. This is not a pathology, only a feature. Many women instinctively feel the first signs of conception and can more accurately determine the date of birth.

Does the date of conception affect the gender of the unborn child?

Every family really wants to give birth to a child of a particular gender, and sometimes two at once. Unfortunately, no modern methods of family planning or calculators for calculating the sex of the unborn child work. The female egg carries only YY chromosomes, that is, only female. The spermatozoon carries the XY chromosomes, both male and female. The gender of the unborn child depends on which pair of chromosomes will merge in unity in the first days immediately after conception. Man has not yet learned to influence this process.

A huge amount of information presented on the Internet that there are methods to increase the likelihood of having a child of the right gender is not true. 50/50 chance.

The only way to predict the sex of a child is to conceive him in the laboratory in the process of artificial insemination.

What processes occur in the female body in the first days after conception?

The body is actively rebuilding and preparing for pregnancy. The hormonal background changes, the uterus increases in size, its walls become thinner, the cervix closes. One of the ovaries turns into a hormonal generator, a corpus luteum is formed in it, which produces hormones to maintain pregnancy.

What are the feelings in the first days after conception?

In the body at the same time flows a large number of processes that directly or indirectly affect our physical and emotional state. The fact of conception is not felt by a woman, although many do not think so.

Most of the symptoms that are presented as symptoms of conception (not to be confused with pregnancy), such as nausea, drowsiness, abdominal pain, mood swings, loss or increase in appetite, and so on, have nothing to do with conception. These manifestations would have appeared anyway, and the woman subconsciously or consciously attributes them to conception. Having studied in detail the process of conception and the first days of embryo development, you will understand that there can be no changes that could affect the state of the body and manifest itself externally or internally.

It is also worth noting that women often try to find signs of conception in themselves immediately after intercourse or in the first hours after it. It was written above that the period of conception from the moment the sperm enters the vagina to the fact of fertilization and the movement of the egg can be several days. Therefore, any sensations associated with the signs of conception are far-fetched or imposed from the outside.

The first signs of pregnancy (precisely pregnancy, when the hormonal background has already been rebuilt) appear in most at 2-3 months, and many feel like future mothers when others notice a rounded tummy.

Can abdominal pain be the first signs of conception?

Pain in the abdomen within one to two weeks from the moment of sexual intercourse has nothing to do with the possible conception and, especially, pregnancy.

Two weeks later, in the case of conception, when the embryo is in the process of implantation in the uterus, that is, it is looking for a comfortable place for itself, some (not even most) women may experience mild, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of pain during menstruation.

Similar pains, in a more pronounced manifestation, appearing on the one hand in the ovarian region in the period of 2-3 months after conception, may be evidence of an ectopic pregnancy, when the embryo develops in the fallopian tube or miscarriage.

What does discharge after conception mean?

Discharges of a bloody nature, brown or pinkish, observed immediately or up to 4 days after intercourse, have nothing in common with conception. In this case, they are harbingers of early menstruation or signs of various gynecological diseases.

If such discharge appears after 1 - 2 weeks, when the process of implantation of the embryo occurs, this is a consequence of this process itself. Such discharge does not last long, 1 - 4 hours.

Brown or bloody discharge observed between 3 and 12 weeks after conception is most often a sign of a miscarriage. Most women do not pay attention to them, taking them for menstruation, because they have no idea about pregnancy.

Bloody or brown discharge that began after 8 to 12 weeks is most likely a sign of an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. Such discharge may be accompanied by pain in the ovarian region on one side and pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

What does nausea and vomiting mean in the first days after conception?

A fairly large number of women, especially those who do not want pregnancy within 1-8 days after sex, feel nausea, and sometimes vomiting. They consider these manifestations the result of pregnancy, or rather the toxicosis associated with it.

These manifestations have nothing to do with pregnancy or conception in the period from 10 to 40 days from the moment of sex. Most often these are far-fetched symptoms, sometimes food poisoning. It was described above why the manifestations of pregnancy cannot occur in the first weeks after sex.

For reference. Toxicosis of pregnant women manifests itself at least from the 8th week of pregnancy. Many women may not experience it at all during the entire period, many feel it as a reaction to new foods that are eaten.

How to behave after conception?

There are some rules that should be observed after conception:

For many families, the question “How to conceive a child?” does not exist at all. But there are couples for whom pregnancy becomes an acute problem.

Don't worry too much about this! You just need to carefully study this process, thoroughly prepare for it and follow some simple rules.

How does the conception process take place?

During sexual intercourse, 3-5 ml of semen, containing from 300 to 500 million spermatozoa, is poured into the female vagina. The strongest sperm begin to reach the egg. They must travel through the uterine cavity to enter the fallopian tube.

This sperm is given 2-2.5 hours. In the fallopian tube, they can be from 2 to 7 days. One seed may not overcome all the obstacles on the way to the egg, so from 100 to 350,000 spermatozoa rush into the attack, but only one of them manages to get into the egg!

When a male sperm and a female egg meet, fertilization will occur. Then, over the next 12 hours, an embryo is formed, consisting of only one cell. It is called a zygote.

The nascent embryo begins its journey through the fallopian tube to its place in the uterus. While the zygote is advancing, division of its cells occurs. Already on the 11-12th day after the connection of two cells, the embryo attaches to the soft layer of the uterus and begins to develop.

How to properly prepare for pregnancy?

To increase the chances of conception, you need to follow a few simple rules.

Medical examination

An examination by a specialist involves an examination of the expectant mother or both spouses. The doctor will give useful recommendations regarding your health and the health of the unborn child. For example, you will learn what vitamins you need to drink so that the baby is born healthy, and you remain strong and strong.

Healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle principles for a future mother

In order to conceive a child correctly, a woman who plans to become pregnant soon needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

What is included in this concept?

Balanced diet

Proper nutrition with the use of a sufficient amount of fruits, cottage cheese, vegetables, meat, fish. The body of the expectant mother should receive all the necessary vitamins, nutrients, and without abuse.

moderate exercise

Systematic physical education, walking or fitness.

Complete cessation of smoking and alcohol consumption

Women and men who smoke are less likely to have healthy offspring. Alcohol dependence contributes to the birth of a sick child, mentally retarded, and other pathologies are possible. Is it worth risking the normal development of your baby.

Healthy lifestyle for the future father

Men must also comply with a number of conditions in order to maintain their reproductive qualities:

  • refuse tight-fitting clothing (do not wear too tight swimming trunks and jeans);
  • visit the sauna less often and wear seasonal clothes so as not to overheat. Overheating of the testicles reduces the release of normal semen,
  • remove the mobile phone from the pockets of your trousers.


It's not about starvation. Starvation is generally contraindicated. Need to reset excess weight interfering with the onset of pregnancy. Strong thinness will also not lead to the desired result. That's why, balanced diet is the best way to conceive a healthy baby.

A woman should divide her diet into 6 meals, which means that she should eat 6 times a day, most of the menu should be vegetables and fruits. Do not forget that some fruits and berries, such as citrus fruits, strawberries, can cause allergies.

Conditions necessary for the onset of conception

It’s good if every woman watches her monthly cycle, knows the right days for conceiving a baby, that is, the ovulation phase.


What is the ovulation phase?

First, vaginal discharge becomes clear, viscous, more abundant. Sometimes you can see blood threads.

Secondly, when the follicles mature, slight pains appear in the lower abdomen.

Thirdly, a woman's sexual desire is exacerbated, as the body shows that it is ready for fertilization.

When does ovulation occur?

Most often on 12-14 days after the start of the menstrual cycle. Every woman needs to know that the most likely period for fertilization lasts only 6 days: 5 before the release of the egg and 1 after it.

This process occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. It can be established by measuring the so-called basal temperature. After the release of the egg, the temperature rises by 0.2-0.4 degrees.

How to measure basal temperature?

The temperature should be measured at the same time by inserting a thermometer into the rectum by about 5 cm.

In the process of conducting measurements, the following conditions must be observed:

  • it is necessary to measure the temperature in the morning, without even getting out of bed;
  • keep the thermometer for 6-7 minutes;
  • be sure to write down the testimony in a notebook.

If you keep a graph of changes in such a temperature, then you can calculate the most favorable days for pregnancy.

Stop using contraceptives

If you are ready for the birth of a son or daughter, then you should stop using contraceptives. In some women, pregnancy may not occur within three to four months after giving up contraceptives, but this is considered a variant of the norm.

Moreover, after getting rid of intrauterine devices, it is necessary to refrain from planning pregnancy for 2-3 months in order to restore the uterus and fallopian tubes. This will help reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Stop searching for the perfect position during intercourse

Is it worth it to come up with special positions to quickly conceive a child? As practice shows, none of them work 100 percent. Just relax and enjoy.

Rest after intimacy

After intercourse, do not immediately run into the shower, that is, take a vertical position. Behave properly: lie still for thirty minutes. Many advise to raise your legs up. It won't do anything. Just lie still, then the sperm will definitely fall into the cervix.

Dosage of sexual intercourse

Proximity without a break during ovulation is harmful. Being too close can significantly reduce your chances of getting pregnant. Why? The thing is, the more a man makes ejaculations, the more every subsequent spermatozoa lose their rudimentary qualities.

For successful conception, it is enough to have sex once a day and no more than 3 times a week.

No stress

Keeping calm is one of the conditions for conceiving a healthy child. Stress imperceptibly, but surely kills a person. Therefore, in order to give birth to a healthy child, even the most minor stresses should be avoided.

How does a woman's body react to stress? Even the smallest stressful situation can prevent the follicle from releasing an egg for fertilization. And a man during stress will not be able to have sexual intercourse at all, which means that the couple will again wait for the next month.

Choosing the best time of day and season of the year

Time during the day can also have an impact on successful fertilization. It is believed that couples who indulge in lovemaking after dinner, at about 17-00 hours, are more likely to become pregnant, since during this period of the day the "tailed bait" is especially mobile.

For everything to work out, you need to choose the right season for conception. It is believed that the beginning of autumn is the time to think about offspring. The fact is that in winter with a short daylight hours, as well as in summer, in the hottest months, ovulation in some ladies simply may not occur.

What to do if you can't get pregnant quickly?

Do not panic!

If you can’t get pregnant the first time, this is not a reason to despair and think a lot about this problem. Thoughts about pregnancy become so intrusive that it turns into prolonged stress and becomes a real obstacle to achieving such a desired goal.

According to the observations of experts, pregnancy may not take place in healthy couples for several months and up to a year. And only after a year of attempts, potential parents begin to check for infertility.

Change position for intimacy

It is believed that the position of a woman "on top" can interfere with fertilization. You can try to change it to a more traditional "missionary" position.

Also, it should be remembered that it is very important for a future mother to experience an orgasm. During orgasm, the cervix contracts strongly, and the sperm is drawn into the uterus.

Go on vacation

What else can be done if conception succeeds the first time? The best option would be: relax and relieve emotional stress, for example, go on vacation.

In addition to this, you can use recipes traditional medicine, for example, drink a boron uterus or sage (after consulting a doctor).

Minimize contact with household chemicals and reduce the dosage of medications

Take a course of folic acid and multivitamins

The importance of folic acid for the fetus

When planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to pay attention to the most important component - folic acid. It is enough to take up to 400 micrograms of folic acid per day to reduce the possibility of the appearance of offspring with spinal defects, defects in the nervous system.

Folic acid contains fresh herbs, vegetables, it is in nuts, seeds, bran. It can also be bought in a pharmacy in a synthesized form.

The influence of a number of vitamins on the conception and health of the future crumbs

In addition, vitamins C, E and iodine are extremely important for successful conception. Lack of iodine can affect the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. In women whose thyroid gland has a reduced function, the process of ovulation occurs extremely rarely.

In addition, iodine deficiency can adversely affect the intellectual development of the baby. In order for the future little man to be born healthy, it is necessary to take multivitamins recommended by the doctor 2-3 months before planning pregnancy.

The process of conception depends entirely on the health of both partners. To establish it, you need to visit a doctor. Only after the permission of a specialist can you start planning a child. To reduce the timing of pregnancy planning, it is necessary to understand how conception occurs and on what days it is possible.

Couples wonder how a child is conceived. The process of conception is accompanied by the fusion of parent germ cells. In a man, the spermatozoon is involved in this. Sperm are produced in the paired gonads. The testicles carry out the daily production of germ cells. To liquefy the seminal fluid, a base is needed. It is produced in the prostate gland. Under the influence of the work of smooth muscles, seminal fluid is excreted into the urethra and enters the female reproductive system.

It was found that the sex of the child is responsible for the chromosome carried by the sperm. For the birth of a boy, sex cells carrying XY chromosomes are needed. These substances affect the life of the sperm. Boy sperm are highly motile. They are able to enter the uterus during the first days after intercourse. Also due to this they have a short lifespan. The average activity is 48 hours. After that, they die.

Sperm with XX chromosomes are suitable for the birth of a girl. These sex cells move very slowly. They need time to get into the uterus. This feature is compensated by long viability. Such germ cells can remain active for more than five days. When asked whether it is possible to conceive a child of a certain gender, experts advise paying attention to this phenomenon. This data allows you to know how to conceive a child of a certain gender.

The work of the female body

Before you conceive a child, you need to establish the presence of a woman's fertility. An egg is needed to form an embryo. It matures in the ovary every month. Cell maturation is completely dependent on the work of the hormonal system.

The menstrual cycle has three parts. They are called phases. The first stage is responsible for several important processes:

  • maturation of the germ cell;
  • preparation of the uterus for conception.

Preparation of the uterus consists in the formation of the endometrial layer. This tissue throughout the cycle has different properties. After menstruation, the tissue is a uniform thin layer that does not have a large thickness. Under the influence of estrogen, the endometrium gradually increases. The fabric begins to separate into several layers. For the onset of conception, the endometrium must have a thickness of at least 11 mm. This will allow the egg to firmly attach to the wall of the uterus.

The formation of an egg occurs under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone. The substance appears in the bloodstream at the end of the first week of the menstrual cycle. Under its influence, the cell leaves the ovarian cavity and passes into its shell. Liquid accumulates under the shell. The egg and fluid form a follicle. The hormone causes the active growth of the follicle.

From the second week of the cycle, luteinizing hormone replaces the follicle-stimulating substance. It gradually increases in number. On the 4-5th day there is a sharp increase in its level. Luteinizing hormone causes an increase in the volume of follicular fluid. It exerts strong pressure on the walls of the follicle. They are torn apart. This phenomenon explains what the ovulatory phase is. When determining ovulation, a couple can know on which day fertilization occurs.

Time of pregnancy

Planning couples are interested in how long conception occurs after the act. Fertilization of the cell occurs in the fallopian tubes. The egg enters it after the rupture of the follicle during the first day. This is an auspicious time for conceiving a child. During this day, the cell passes through the abdominal cavity. It is recommended to start at this time. Under the influence of smooth muscles, the cell moves towards the tubes and enters their cavity. When a cell fuses with a sperm cell, a zygote is formed. The zygote has an uneven structure. It should contribute to the faster advancement of the zygote along the fleecy layer. fallopian tube. The villi move the zygote towards the uterine cavity. The move takes place within 2-3 days.

After the zygote enters the uterine cavity, it is introduced into the endometrial tissue. It gradually deepens into the layers of the endometrium and enters the wall of the uterus. The tissue allows the cell to attach more tightly to the uterine wall. The whole process takes 1-2 days.

From the moment of ovulation, the cell goes a long way. The total time of moving and fixing is 5–6 days. From this point on, pregnancy begins. This time can be shorter or longer. The timing of conception varies from woman to woman. After how many days conception occurs, only a specialist can answer during the examination.

Signs of pregnancy

Patients ask how to find out if conception has occurred. In order for a woman to know how to understand whether conception has occurred, she must pay attention to a number of signs. The following first signs of conception are distinguished:

  • the appearance of blood in the cervical mucus;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • change in psychological state.

Not many patients can pay attention to the listed signs. Some women experience conception symptoms such as blood in the cervical secretions. On the day when conception occurs, the zygote is introduced into the uterine wall. The walls of the uterine cavity are permeated with a large number of blood vessels. When the zygote penetrates the wall, part of the vascular fibers is damaged. After conception, blood enters the uterine cavity from the vessels. With a large volume of blood fluid, the mucus turns pink. A woman notices such signs of conception as a change in the color of cervical secretion. But this process is not mandatory for all women.

Has conception symptoms due to implantation. During implantation, pain in the lower abdomen may occur. Pain may occur due to damage to the uterine wall. This symptom appears when the zygote is attached to the anterior wall. Also, the symptom may occur on the day of ovulation. The process of conceiving a child can be recognized by the presence of pain during the appearance of an egg from the follicle shell. From this point on, a woman can determine how long it will take to develop a pregnancy. The location of the pain also matters.

A woman should be able to guess about the conception of a child by changing her psychological state. This process causes various changes in the body. A few days after conception, the hormonal system is restructured. Progesterone is responsible for the development of the embryo. This hormone appears in the blood from the moment the zygote is fixed. Its main volume is in the corpus luteum. It should form at the site of the burst follicle. Under the influence of progesterone, a change in the psycho-emotional state occurs. Conception in women is accompanied by tearfulness, irritability and drowsiness. After the disappearance of the corpus luteum, this symptomatology disappears. These symptoms allow you to determine whether implantation has occurred or not.

Conditions for speeding up the process

Couples ask how fast conception occurs. To this end, it is necessary to follow the rules of conception. They are needed by both future parents.

A man needs to follow the following points:

  • rare sexual contacts;
  • giving up alcohol and smoking;
  • active physical activity;
  • undergoing a medical examination.

Seminal fluid is able to quickly change its qualities. Its characteristics are negatively affected by various factors. In order for the conception of a child to be successful, it is necessary to observe sexual rest. Before the start of the fertile period, it is not recommended to have sex for a week. From the moment of the onset of the ovulatory phase, sexual contact should be carried out every other day. After pa, the concentration of seminal fluid decreases. The break promotes the accumulation of mature and motile spermatozoa in the fluid. The accumulation of healthy germ cells increases the concentration of seminal fluid, which promotes conception.

Since spermatozoa are sensitive to any negative influences, you should stop drinking alcohol before starting planning. Alcoholic drinks have a detrimental effect on sperm. If a man has been abusing alcohol for a long time, a break in planning for 3-4 months is recommended. This will help the body cleanse itself of decay products and recover.

For everything to work out, you need to conduct active physical activity. Conception can only occur with the normal functioning of the reproductive system. Active physical activity increases metabolic processes in the pelvis. The acceleration of blood circulation causes an influx of oxygen to the tissues. This allows the cells to multiply more actively. Sperm is updated faster, which affects the conception of a child.

Also, before starting planning, you need to undergo an examination by a specialist. The doctor must conduct a complete examination. Medical control will determine the condition of the male reproductive system and its ability to fertilize. This will make planning go faster.

The woman is also given advice for conceiving. Tips for conceiving a child include the following recommendations:

  • ovulation tracking;
  • taking a certain posture after conception;
  • the use of vitamin complexes;
  • proper nutrition and physical activity.

Pregnancy can only occur during the ovulatory period. To establish it, various methods may be required. The main method is to plot temperature indicators. It is measured daily in the colon. The obtained data are entered into a table. The construction of the schedule lasts throughout the entire menstrual period. After conception, it is also recommended to take a measurement in order to make sure that conception has occurred and that you have managed to get pregnant.

After conception, it is recommended to maintain physical peace. A woman should lie down for 20 minutes after intercourse. She must understand that any movement can cause the seminal fluid to be expelled from the vagina. For conception to occur, experts advise taking the birch pose. This pregnancy-promoting tip is used by many planning couples. The adoption of this posture allows the seminal fluid to quickly penetrate into the uterine cavity. In this case, conception can be obtained faster. Other methods of conception are also used.

Various vitamin-mineral complexes can also influence the ongoing process. Vitamins should be taken on the days of the menstrual cycle. The procedure for taking and the type of medication should be carried out by a doctor. You should not do this on your own. A woman does not know what happens under the influence of certain vitamins. The process of conceiving a child can be disrupted.

There are other factors that affect the onset of fertilization. A woman should know what to eat right. When planning, fried, fatty and salty foods are not recommended. You should also refrain from using spices. The patient needs to lead an active lifestyle. This enhances metabolic processes.

These conditions are taken into account when planning a second pregnancy. The conception of a second child should also be carried out through the timely preparation of parents.
Modern doctors often face a complaint that children do not turn out for a long time. To determine the cause of the disease, you need to visit the hospital and study the process of conception.

Conception - and, accordingly, the beginning of pregnancy - is determined by the process of fertilization of the egg, as a result of which a completely new organism begins its development, with unique genotypic and phenotypic features.

In recent decades, a unique method of in vitro fertilization has been added to the natural process - the IVF procedure.

Physiological aspects of the conception of a child - how does fertilization occur, and what can affect the process?

In order to better understand what can prevent fertilization and the development of a new life, it is necessary to know how the normal process of egg fertilization occurs.

Video: How is the conception of a child?

Fertilization is a complex process consisting of several successive stages:

  1. During unprotected intercourse, the sperm of a man at the time of ejaculation enters the woman's vaginal cavity, which is the first stage of fertilization. The environment of the vaginal mucosa is aggressive for spermatozoa, since its acidity is approximately pH 4, which corresponds to a high degree of acidity and entails the death of spermatozoa.
  2. A few hours later, the ejaculate that has entered the vaginal cavity reaches the cervical part of the uterus - however, part of the spermatozoa dies, being on the vaginal mucosa, as a result of an aggressive environment.
  3. Spermatozoa - male sex gametes - have a characteristic structure that helps them overcome the cervical barrier, because the cervix is ​​​​filled with cervical (cervical) mucus, which seals the uterine cavity and prevents the penetration of microorganisms from the external environment into its cavity. To overcome cervical mucus, spermatozoa have a number of structural features. Small size- up to 70 microns - and the presence of a tail in its back part allows you to move faster and more efficiently through the cervical mucus, after which the most active spermatozoa enter the uterine cavity.
  4. Penetrating into the uterine cavity, spermatozoa, through rheotaxis - directed movement in the direction opposite to peristalsis (fluid movement), are sent to the fallopian, or fallopian tubes. The flow of fluid in the uterus is carried out from the ovaries to the cervical part of the uterus. The biochemical environment of the uterine cavity has an activating effect on spermatozoa, which significantly increases their viability, activity and speed. In the uterine cavity, spermatozoa can remain viable for up to 4 days.
  5. Spermatozoa rush into the fallopian tubes - and, reaching the ampullar dilated section of the fallopian tubes, one of them fertilizes the egg.

The process of fusion of the egg and sperm - the moment of fertilization of the egg

The process of fusion itself is complex and consists of a number of successive biochemical processes and transformations.

Spermatozoa that reach the egg must overcome its two membranes:

  • radiant crown- outer shell.
  • shiny shell- the inner layer of the egg.

The process of overcoming the radiant crown is called penetration and all spermatozoa that have reached the egg cell participate in it.

On the head of the spermatozoa there is a special acrosome - a reservoir with proteolytic enzymes. Upon contact with the radiant crown, the acrosome ruptures with the release of an enzyme - hyaluronidase, which helps to dissolve the radiant crown.

Loosening and dissolving the radiant crown requires exposure to a large number of spermatozoa.

The first sperm that reaches the radiant membrane interacts with its receptors. This leads to local splitting of the membrane and the penetration of the spermatozoon into the cytoplasm of the egg. Immediately after the penetration of the first spermatozoon, a cascade of chemical reactions follows, which is called cortical reaction.

As a result of the fusion of the egg and sperm, the nucleus of the latter, the centriole and mitochondrion form the pronucleus, zygote is formed.

Happens on day 2 zygote division and the formation of 4 blastomeres, on day 3 8 blastomeres are formed - and then, within 7 days, the embryo moves from the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity, where it attaches to the endometrium of the uterus.

Cortical reaction

As a result of the cortical reaction, special granules are released from the egg, which change the composition of its membranes. This leads to the impossibility of further penetration of spermatozoa into the egg and prevents polyspermy.

Cortical reaction develops within 1-2 minutes. It prevents the transfer of genetic information from several spermatozoa, otherwise it leads to gross violations of the development of the zygote and embryo.

Obstacles to fertilization - all the causes of male and female infertility

Any processes that prevent fertilization can cause temporary or permanent infertility.

Violation of the fertilization process can be both on the female side and on the male side, which leads to the development of infertility.

There are a large number of reasons that hinder the implementation of fertilization.

The main ones are the following…

Among women

  • Organic lesions of the uterus and fallopian tubes. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes forms a mechanical obstacle in the way of spermatozoa and leads to the impossibility of ejaculate penetration into the amular section of the fallopian tubes, in which the egg is located.
  • Adhesions in the abdominal cavity. The infectious process occurring in the small pelvis can lead to the deposition of fibrin, which disrupts the movement of the egg from the ovary to the ampulla of the fallopian tube. The adhesive process in the small pelvis is called the peritoneal factor and can be combined with obstruction of the fallopian tubes. This condition is called tubal-peritoneal infertility.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Endocrine disorders are quite common, and can lead to both temporary and permanent female infertility. Violations can be due to pathology of the ovaries - for example, with polycystic ovary syndrome, or as a result of a violation of the secretion of thyroid hormones, hypothalamus, pituitary gland and adrenal glands. Factors affecting the hormonal background are strong stressful situations associated with psycho-emotional overstrain. The result of hormonal disruptions can be a violation of the menstrual cycle and the formation of pathologically viscous cervical mucus.
  • Anomalies in the development of the uterus. Underdevelopment of the internal genital organs - or even complete absence - is a factor in absolute infertility.
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs. Most often, with infertility of this nature, endometritis occurs.
  • Immunological infertility as a result of the formation of antisperm antibodies.

In men

  • ejaculation disorder. This condition may be accompanied by retrograde ejaculation, or the complete absence of ejaculate. Ejaculation disorders refer to disorders of sensitivity and innervation of the genitourinary tract in men.
  • erectile dysfunction- the inability of a man to carry out a full-fledged sexual intercourse due to insufficient erection of the penis.
  • Anomalies in the development of the male genital organs. The most common pathology is hypospadias - the formation of an opening of the urethra not on the head of the penis, but elsewhere in the urethra, which makes it impossible for ejaculate to enter the vagina.
  • Hormonal disorders. At excess synthesis prolactin and others female hormones there is a violation of the formation and maturation of spermatozoa, which leads to a deterioration in the quality and quantity of sperm.
  • Testicular damage. It can be mechanical, physical, chemical and infectious. As a result, spermatogenesis stops, which leads to persistent male infertility.

From the information received, the following conclusion can be drawn - you need to be attentive to your own health and the health of your partner.

Pregnancy must be planned in advance, and both partners must participate in the examination during its planning.

There are many reasons that prevent normal fertilization - both on the part of the female body and on the part of the male. However, many of them can be prevented and prevented.

Only a responsible approach to pregnancy will allow you to avoid unnecessary risks and disappointments!

Pregnancy is an important stage in the life of every woman, and therefore it would not hurt future mothers to know how the process of conception and fertilization takes place every day. You will learn all about the process of conception and how the fetus develops in the first week of its existence.

In the middle of the menstrual cycle in the body of a woman, a phenomenon called ovulation is observed. It is the process of releasing a mature egg from the ovarian follicle. You can read up on that and at this stage of the cycle.

After the egg leaves the follicle, it enters the fallopian tubes. It is here that fertilization should soon take place. It will not happen if the sperm does not reach the ovulated cell in the near future, since it is suitable for fusion with the male germ cell only during the day.

In the case when the egg remains unfertilized, it simply leaves the female body along with the blood during the period of early menstruation.

Sometimes the ovaries form not one egg, but two or three - they mature at the same time. Then the spermatozoa that got into the fallopian tube fertilize all the cells, and the woman gives birth to two or three children. These are called twins and triplets. Read early.

By the way, twins are obtained if the female sex cell merges with the male, and then in the process of formation of the embryo is divided into two.

Before and after ovulation

After the egg leaves the ovary, the following happens:

  • the funnel of the fallopian tube receives the mature cell;
  • estrogen promotes the opening of the fallopian tube and leads to an increase in blood flow in this area;
  • under the influence of natural factors, the state of the female body changes: a woman has a change of mood, her general sexual tone rises, an active blood flow to the genitals takes place;
  • the mucus covering the cervix liquefies and facilitates the penetration of spermatozoa to a mature egg.

How is the process of conception

After ejaculation has occurred (the release of male semen during sexual intercourse), approximately 500 million male germ cells are at the back of the vagina near the cervix.

  • cervix - 2 cm;
  • uterine cavity - 5 cm;
  • fallopian tube - 12 cm.

The end of the fallopian tube is represented by the ampulla - this is the widest part, in which the fertilization of the egg occurs. This process can last several hours, as the internal environment of the female body creates natural barriers for male cells.

Sperm path

The vaginal environment forms a special obstacle for spermatozoa, which not everyone overcomes.

When there are more than 10 million male cells in the uterus, we are talking about the possible onset of pregnancy. With fewer sperm, the chances of fertilization are extremely small.

It happens that the spermatozoon becomes entangled in the cilia of the epithelium of the fallopian tube. In this case, he dies a few days later.

Sperm motility is most active at a temperature of 37 degrees, and therefore the female body forms the necessary conditions for successful fertilization. If you, then you know this firsthand.

The process of conceiving a child by day

The egg is covered with a protective membrane. Male germ cells, having reached their goal, must break through this shell - then fertilization will take place.

The head of each sperm contains an enzyme that can dissolve the protective membrane.

Eventually, one in millions makes its way inside the cell. At the same time, the membrane instantly changes its structure in order to prevent secondary penetration and mixing of different sets of chromosomes. A few days later, the remaining spermatozoa die.


A zygote is an egg fertilized by a sperm. The zygote begins to divide about a day after the fusion of gametes. The zygote takes two days to complete the earliest stage of division. At the end of this period, the embryo has only two cells, they are called blastomeres.

In the process of division, the blastomeres decrease, while the zygote does not change its size.

Third day

On the third day of pregnancy, the embryo is represented by a set of 6-8 blastomeres. Although the embryo is still tiny, it is already acquiring its own unique genotype.

At this stage, the egg is able to split into two parts - in this case, during childbirth, twins will be born.

Fourth day

On the fourth day, the embryo reaches a size of 10-16 cells. After that, the embryo itself enters the uterine cavity, where it begins to thicken and smooth out.

Fifth - seventh days

After about a week, the embryo is finally fixed in the uterine cavity - implantation takes place. This process in some women is accompanied by discharge, although they are not too plentiful and stop very soon. Inexperienced girls confuse this phenomenon with the onset of menstruation. But you shouldn't worry about it. Read on and keep this in mind.

After implantation has occurred, a special hormone, hCG, is released into the woman’s blood. The detection of hCG in the female body underlies the analysis for pregnancy. Usually such an analysis guarantees 100% accuracy, and in most cases it really does not make mistakes.

Starting from the fifth to seventh days, the fetus, attached to the uterine wall, will continue to develop for nine months. Read about how amazing this process is. It's really mesmerizing.

Now you know how the process of conception and fertilization takes place by day. This will allow you to better understand what is happening inside your body and how new life is born.
