Premature Aging: How Diagnosis Affects Life. Premature aging begins due to "disorder" in the DNA Early aging of the body

General information

Mankind has long been looking for a recipe for eternal youth and is trying to create an elixir of beauty. Thanks to technological progress, scientific advances and centuries of experience medical practice many have been defeated deadly diseases and the average life expectancy of people is steadily increasing. However, the aging process remains relevant and continues to interest both scientists and practitioners. The first signs of aging are observed on the face, even when the whole body is in good physical shape. Often, chronological (fixed by passport data) and biological (determined by the state and functional characteristics relative to the average statistical norm) age do not match.

Skin is protective barrier for the whole organism and the first to meet the aggressive effects of the environment. In this unequal struggle, the skin loses moisture, becomes thinner, loses its ability to regenerate (restore). Fibroblasts - cells of the dermis - gradually stop producing collagen, which reduces the elasticity of the fibers. The skin is very sensitive and immediately reacts to the slightest hormonal signal from the body. Age-related fluctuations in the hormonal background lead to changes in metabolic processes in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, a decrease in muscle tone. Repeatedly repeated solar exposure causes photoaging of exposed skin areas. Gradually, the skin ages, various wrinkles appear on its surface: static, caused by a decrease in muscle tone; mimic - from frequent muscle contraction with certain emotions; gravitational, arising under the influence of earth's attraction.

Natural and premature aging

Aging that occurs due to natural physiological processes is called chronoaging or chronological aging. Premature aging of the skin is called "hormonal aging", "photoaging" or "myoaging".

Biological age and the rate of development of aging processes are genetically predetermined, being programmed at the cellular level. Natural aging is an inevitable and irreversible process, its natural development cannot be stopped. Premature aging can be corrected, it can be resisted, because it is caused by subjective factors: lifestyle and nutrition, environmental factors, ultraviolet radiation, various diseases, etc. Early wrinkles can appear as early as 18-20 years old. They marked lovers of actively expressing their emotions, in which all experiences are “written” on their faces: knitted eyebrows, wrinkled nose, squinted eyes. Contracting, the mimic muscles located under the skin gather the skin in certain places into the smallest folds. Gradually, from repeated contraction, the facial muscles “get tired”, over time they lose the ability to completely relax, and the skin loses its elasticity and its former appearance. Premature wrinkles are formed: small skin folds are fixed into persistent deep wrinkles.

External signs of skin aging

Signs of aging have different external manifestations depending on the stage and type of aging.

The first type of aging is “tired face”. The elasticity of the soft tissues of the face and neck decreases, puffiness appears, the nasolabial fold is pronounced, the corners of the mouth are lowered. After rest and good sleep, rested skin looks younger, and by the evening the signs of aging are noticeably manifested, the face looks tired.

The second type of aging is the wrinkled face. The face and neck are dotted with fine wrinkles, the skin is dry. “Crow's feet” are noticeable in the corners of the eyes, the upper lip and chin are marked with “corrugation” of wrinkles, wrinkles of the upper and lower eyelids are pronounced.

Activation or suppression of the activity of certain genes underlies the development of a particular pathology and the mechanism of aging in general. Based on these findings, gene regulatory therapy was proposed to prevent genetic disorders that affect the development of age-related diseases.

Stochastic (probabilistic) theories

Stochastic or probabilistic theories explain aging as a result of mutational changes occurring at the DNA level. Random mutations accumulate in chromosomes and are repeatedly reproduced during cell division.

Theory of free radicals.

Scientists D. Harman and N. Emanuel almost at the same time (respectively in 1956 and 1958) put forward a theory called the theory of free radicals. With the help of this theory, they explain both the very principle of the aging mechanism and the occurrence of many age-related diseases: cardiovascular pathology, cataracts, decreased immunity, impaired brain activity, cancer, etc. The “culprits” of pathological changes occurring in the body are D. Harman and N ..Emanuel called free radicals - oxygen molecules involved in many biochemical processes in cells.

Free radicals are unstable particles with a missing electron, so in search of their missing particle, they react with healthy molecules, taking an electron from them and turning them into free radicals. Due to the chain reaction of formation of free radicals in the body, cell damage occurs and its biochemical balance is disturbed. The formation of free radicals can also be caused by harmful exogenous factors: ultraviolet radiation, polluted air, nicotine, etc.

Free radicals strike the first blow on the skin, provoking the appearance of wrinkles, rashes, signs of inflammation, and in addition, the development of more than 60 different diseases and aging.

In the skin, collagen, the protein that gives skin firmness and elasticity, suffers the most from free radicals. Free radicals cause biochemical changes - the formation of cross-links that prevent the free movement of collagen fiber molecules relative to each other. Collagen molecules are soldered into bundles, lose elasticity and become stiff, which is manifested by signs of skin aging.

The reasons that trigger the mechanism of the harmful effects of free radicals in the skin are different, but the most insidious is the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. The sun's rays stimulate the formation of free radicals and the production of proteins-enzymes that break down fats with the formation of arachidonic acid. Arachidonic acid causes the formation of molecules that promote inflammation and skin aging. And free radicals, in turn, activate special molecules inside the cells - the so-called copy factors.

Copy factors are neutral molecules, but if they are activated by free radicals, they begin to migrate to the cell nucleus. In the nucleus, integrating into DNA, copying factors cause the synthesis of toxic substances. The copy factor NFk-B causes inflammatory processes in the cell and accelerates its aging. Copy factor AP-1 leads to the destruction of collagen, the formation of microdefects and wrinkles in the skin.

Free radicals can damage the DNA and RNA of cells, lipids, fats. Inside the cells, there is a protective mechanism against the aggression of free radicals - these are the enzymes superoxide dismutase, etc. Substances consumed with food have an antioxidant (neutralizing free radicals) effect: vitamins (A, E, C), vegetables, fruits, green tea, coffee, etc. True, an excess of antioxidants can cause the opposite reaction in the body - an increase in oxidative intracellular processes.

The theory of the catastrophe of errors.

In 1954, the American physicist M. Szilard put forward a hypothesis about the mutational nature of aging or “aging by mistake”. Studying the effect of ionizing radiation on various types of living organisms, he came to the conclusion that radiation reduces the life span of animals and people. It leads to the development of mutations in DNA and causes signs of aging: diseases, gray hair, etc. Szilard came to the conclusion that mutations are the cause of aging of biological species, but could not explain the mechanism of aging of living organisms that were not exposed to radiation.

Following Szilard, researcher L. Orgel considered mutations in living cells not only as a result of exposure to external aggressors (ultraviolet and ionizing radiation, free radicals, toxic effects of viruses and other mutagenic agents), but also as a spontaneous process. That is, errors in the genetic apparatus of cells can be caused by both external and internal causes. They entail a violation of the functions of cells and the whole organism, lead to their aging and death.

Theory of apoptosis(cell suicide).

The theory of cellular apoptosis (from the Greek "leaf fall"), put forward by academician V.P. Skulachev, considers cell death as an inevitable, programmed process. To preserve the integrity of the body, each cell, having lost its viability, must die and give way to a new one. Infection with a virus or mutations that cause diseases and malignancy become a signal for the “suicide” of cells so as not to endanger the death of the entire organism.

In contrast to the violent death of cells as a result of burns, injuries, hypoxia, poisoning, etc., during apoptosis, the affected cells independently disintegrate into structural fragments and are used by other cells as a building material.

The process of self-destruction of mitochondria (an organelle that provides cell respiration) V.P. Skulachev called mitoptosis. It occurs when the mitochondria accumulate a large number of free radicals. The decay products of dead mitochondria can poison the cell and lead to its death (apoptosis). The aging process according to V.P. Skulachev occurs when the number of dead cells in the body exceeds the number of newly formed ones, and the dead cells are replaced by connective tissue.

According to Academician V.P. Skulachev, the way out is to prevent the destruction of cells by free radicals. That is, he considers old age as a curable disease, if the programmed aging of the body is cancelled.

V.P. Skulachev believes that reactive oxygen species, in particular hydrogen peroxide, have the most detrimental effect on cells and mitochondria. As a cure for aging, the academician developed and proposed the drug SKQ, the clinical trials of which have not yet been completed.

Prevention of skin aging


To prevent premature aging of the skin caused by increased insolation, means are used to protect against ultraviolet radiation. The action of some of these agents is aimed at capturing ultraviolet radiation, under the influence of which their chemical transformation occurs. As a result, part of the radiation energy is spent on a chemical reaction and does not reach the dermal cells. Such funds may have contraindications, tk. their penetration into the body with the bloodstream through the skin and adverse allergic reactions is possible. A good alternative to such sunscreens are photoprotectors, which include finely ground mineral pigments (titanium dioxide or zinc oxide), which do not penetrate deep into the skin, but reflect ultraviolet rays from its surface. Sunscreens include water, fats, vitamin E, softening and moisturizing ingredients. It is useful to use post-sun products for cooling, nourishing and moisturizing the skin.


Good hydration is an indispensable condition for the prevention of premature skin aging. The impact of any climatic and atmospheric factors on the skin negatively affects its hydration, especially in urban environments, where the air contains many aggressive chemical components. With low air humidity, the body loses water, with high humidity, sweating and sebum production increase. Even at high humidity, if there is an increased air temperature, the skin needs protection from drying out under the influence of the sun, moisturizing and thorough regular cleansing. Low temperature and low humidity dry out the skin, depriving it of moisture. At low humidity and high temperature the skin also actively loses moisture. Drying of the skin is possible from strong winds at elevated or vice versa low temperatures. Under the influence of the wind, the skin not only becomes thinner, it becomes scaly, begins to peel off. Adverse atmospheric influences should be countered by additional measures to moisturize and protect the skin: the use of a quality day cream and prolonged exposure to fresh air in a favorable ecological zone.

Healthy lifestyle

Care of the skin and prevention of its premature aging should begin, first of all, with the organization of a rational regime of work and rest, giving preference to a healthy lifestyle. An organism deprived of full and sufficient sleep is doomed to develop adverse consequences, the first of which is a tired skin condition. The formation of new cells occurs during sleep, so the skin naturally restores its structure while we sleep.

Regular exercise trains the skin, increases its elasticity. Under the influence of increased loads, an additional blood flow to the skin occurs, which has a good stimulating effect. Sports and exercise are good for coping with stress - the worst enemy of healthy skin.

Prolonged stress causes convulsive contraction of the facial muscles, prolonged stretching of elastic fibers and their overwork. Under stress, the skin experiences a lack of oxygen and nutrition, because. under the influence of increased adrenaline, a violation of capillary circulation occurs. Another stress hormone - cortisone - disrupts the process of skin regeneration and collagen formation. A reasonable attitude to life events, resistance to stress is an effective way to protect against premature skin aging.

Healthy young skin and smoking are incompatible concepts. If you want to resist skin aging, you will have to give up the bad habit of smoking to avoid the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth and eyes. Smokers need an additional intake of vitamins A, E, C, provitamin A (beta-keratin) to prevent the formation of a large number of fine wrinkles.

Even more significant harm to the health and condition of the skin causes alcohol intake. Under its influence, capillaries expand, which become noticeable, changing appearance skin. Alcohol intake adversely affects the functioning of the liver, which inevitably affects the condition of the skin. Excessive consumption of strong tea and coffee has the same adverse effect on the liver, and hence on the skin.

Skin aging can be caused by certain types of medicines Therefore, you should not engage in self-medication and uncontrolled use of drugs.

And finally, a balanced diet rich in vitamins and microelements and sufficient fluid intake (up to 2 liters per day) contribute to maintaining a normal life balance in cells and tissues, and prevents premature aging of the skin.

What affects our body, causing the aging process? These can be both internal and external factors. First of all, the aging of the body is a physiological process that involves changes in its mechanisms. The causes of aging can be different: hard physical labor, constant stress, smoking, drinking alcohol, elevated level blood sugar, heredity, malnutrition, etc.

Body aging begins with cells. If the cells do not have enough water, vitamins, or the acid-base balance is disturbed, the skin begins to age, and an insufficient amount of oxygen in the tissues of the body leads to oxygen starvation, which in turn provokes various diseases. To avoid premature aging of the body as a whole, it is necessary to get enough minerals, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and fatty acids from food. Correctly balanced diet can ensure the functioning of cells in a full-fledged mode.

Lack of water in the body also leads to its premature aging. Therefore, the diet must include foods such as salmon (Omega-3), olive oil, avocado, flax seed oil and a large number of vegetables and fruits. But meat and especially sugar should be consumed as little as possible, alcohol can also be attributed here - it contributes to dehydration of the body, reducing the natural moisture of the skin. excessive infatuation alcoholic drinks can lead to acne, pimples, lead to premature wrinkles.

Stress also affects the aging of the body, so you should try to avoid stressful situations.

An important factor in the aging of the body is the duration of sleep - it is advisable to accustom your body to sleep for at least 8 hours, otherwise irritability, weakened immunity, poor memory, deterioration of the skin condition are provided to you.

Long exposure to the sun contributes to the development of skin cancer. In addition, skin cells and blood vessels weaken, which reduces their resistance to bruising. Being in the sun, you need to protect yourself with special creams. They will help keep the skin smooth and supple, as well as prevent the appearance of cancer.

Smoking leads to disruption of the heart, infertility, high blood pressure, lung cancer. Daily smoking worsens the condition of the skin, makes it pale, sometimes yellow, and also increases the risk of psoriasis and other skin diseases.

It is important to note that the causes of rapid aging are varied, but in most cases, people themselves provoke the acceleration of this process. The most important thing is to take care of yourself and avoid negative factors affecting the body, then the appearance of early wrinkles can be delayed.

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According to scientists, the rate of aging primarily depends on external factors, and not on heredity. The contribution of genetics is only 20%. According to studies, the body of some people ages 3 times faster, while for others, on the contrary, the biological clock measures a year in 16 and a half calendar months. Biological age is directly reflected in appearance. Thus, people of the same age may look younger and, on the contrary, older than the age indicated in the passport.

website prepared a list of signals that may indicate that your body is aging too quickly.

1. Excessively dry and flaky skin

Signs of skin aging usually appear from the age of 25, and in the presence of adverse factors, they can even earlier. Over time, they become more distinct. A high rate of skin aging compared to people of the same age group may be a sign of premature skin aging.

If your skin has become chronically dry with visible flaking, age spots and wrinkles, this is most likely due to the pathology of the endocrine system.

In addition to hormonal problems, an unhealthy lifestyle can also negatively affect the condition of the skin. Improper nutrition, neglect of sunscreen, stress - all this slows down the process of skin renewal.

  • How to prevent: Make sure your diet is as balanced as possible, with enough vegetables, leafy greens, berries, and foods rich in unsaturated fats (nuts, vegetable oils, seeds).

2. Hanging eyelids

An irregular menstrual cycle in women can be a harbinger of early menopause. It is considered normal for women to go through menopause between the ages of 46 and 54. If disturbances in the functioning of the body are observed before the age of 40, then this may be a sign of premature aging. internal organs.

Among the symptoms of early menopause are also insomnia, alternating bouts of fever and chills, and a sharp change in mood.

  • How to prevent: try to see a gynecologist regularly, detect and treat inflammation of internal organs in a timely manner, do not neglect taking vitamins. Most often, the onset of early menopause is associated with pathologies or surgical intervention in the female internal organs. At the first sign, you should immediately contact a specialist.

4. Physical weakness

If climbing stairs, walking and any other daily activity is difficult for you, this is not only due to poor physical shape and lack of regular sports training, but may also be a sign of sharp differences between your passport and biological age.

After 40 years, muscle volume begins to decrease. These are natural processes that can be either slowed down with regular exercise or accelerated by neglecting them.

  • How to prevent: Choose sports activities that you enjoy so you don't have to force yourself every time. It can be yoga, dancing, cycling. AT Everyday life always choose an activity: instead of the elevator - climb the stairs, instead of using transport, walk.

5. Noticeable hair loss and brittleness

Sleep disturbances are not age-related per se, but are the result of factors specific to aging.

Normal physiological changes for people over the age of 60 are considered to be an increase in the sensitivity of sleep, a decrease in its duration, a shift biological clock towards an earlier rise. This is due to the age-related increase in cortisol levels, which causes anxiety during sleep. If sleep problems occur at an earlier age, this may also be a sign accelerated aging organism.

  • How to prevent: yoga or swimming can help smooth out the effects of stress, choose reading books before bedtime instead of a smartphone or TV.

When early signs aging should immediately consult a doctor. Preventive measures can only delay the appearance of the problem, but not solve it. And self-medication is not worth it.

Do you have your own secrets for staying young? Tell us about them in the comments.

The physiological process of aging is associated with a decrease in the production of absolutely all hormones, the accumulation of free radicals and DNA mutation errors, the natural death of cells and tissues due to telomere length, as well as a genetically programmed predisposition.

Age-related changes in the hormonal background are both a decrease in the level of hormones, and a violation of the ratio between them.

To accelerate the process of physiological aging of the body lead to:

› stress
› hyperglycemia
› obesity
› sleep disturbance due to disruption of circadian rhythms
› heavy infectious diseases
› prolonged use of oral contraceptives

How hormones affect premature aging

Stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline are catabolic - substances that cause the metabolic breakdown of proteins, and therefore muscle and bone tissue, brain, heart, arteries, thyroid gland, liver, etc. Every physical sign of stress-related aging is associated with one or more hormonal deficiencies. For example, large and small wrinkles in the set appear after several years of deficiency of growth hormone and sex hormones. With the persistence chronic stress all the resources of the body are directed to the production of cortisol, the main anti-stress substance of the body. This leads to a decrease in the production of sex hormones (testosterone and estradiol), which further accelerates the process of premature aging.

An increase in blood sugar (hyperglycemia) reduces the production of hormones that normally increase blood sugar levels - cortisol, growth hormone, testosterone, DHEA, androstenedione, estradiol, glucagon. These "hyperglycemic" hormones are responsible for maintaining health, including appearance, when their balance in the body is normal. Frequent and excessive consumption of food that increases blood sugar is accompanied by hormone deficiency and premature aging.

The accumulation of excess adipose tissue also leads to a violation of the hormonal background: a decrease in the level and a violation of the ratio between hormones. Hormonal changes in obesity are exactly the same as in physiological aging. The main changes relate to sex hormones. In men, testosterone is converted to estradiol in adipose tissue, thereby exacerbating the age-related decline in testosterone. And the more adipose tissue, the more estradiol is formed. In women, estrone is formed in adipose tissue from androstenedione in an increased amount, which has a very weak estrogenic activity. But it is its metabolites that cause the development of both benign and malignant tumors in the body. “Thanks” to these metabolites, people with obesity have a significantly higher incidence of cancer.

A very similar picture exists in the body of a young woman who takes combined drugs for a long time. oral contraceptives(COOK).

The contraceptive effect of COCs is based on the suppression of the production of pituitary hormones LH and FSH, which stimulate the maturation of eggs and the production of their own sex hormones: estradiol, progesterone, testosterone. Synthetic (chemical) analogues of sex hormones do not form natural metabolites that should work in the brain. That is why the most common side effects are:

› mood swings, depression, depressed mood, migraine due to lack of progesterone metabolites working in the brain.
› decrease or loss of sexual desire (libido), a decrease in the volume of muscle tissue due to a decrease in testosterone levels.

All side effects lead to a deterioration not only in the quality of life, but also in premature aging.

Premature aging of the body can occur even in very young people.

Premature aging in youth

After prolonged stress, excessive physical activity, as well as a severe infection, young people often acquire chronic fatigue syndrome, which in some cases persists for the rest of their lives; at the same time, signs of premature aging appear on the body. They often have a lack of many hormones, and the deficiency itself is small, but the missing hormones are very important for maintaining working capacity.

Lack of corrective hormonal treatment causes the endocrine glands to work at peak capacity in order to minimize hormone deficiency, increasing the risk of endocrine depletion.

Moderate aerobic exercise can be a good help to stimulate the functions of the body, but without depleting energy reserves and without debilitating expenditure of energy. Intense and heavy exercise leads to an excessive expenditure of hormones and can destroy the hormonal balance. Daily or even weekly performance of such anaerobic exercises is not allowed after the age of 40 without hormonal treatment, since these exercises provoke a decrease in hormone levels due to age.

Sleep replenishes hormone reserves in the pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, sex glands, providing the release of the physiological amount of hormones consumed by the body throughout the day. Ideally, a person should have 8 hours of full sleep in the dark. The duration of sleep less than 6 hours, as well as the lack of sleep at night and transferring it to the daytime, becomes devastating to health. Violation of circadian rhythms leads to a violation of the production of growth hormone in the pituitary gland, cortisol in the adrenal glands, sex hormones and thyroid hormones. The body draws on additional reserves to limit the damage that can be caused by a lack of such hormones, which in turn depletes the reserves and leads to premature aging.

Everyone gets old, and it's impossible to argue with that. However, the speed of this process is different for everyone - some are still youthful and vigorous at 85, others begin to literally fall apart at 40. Yes, it should be borne in mind that there are a number of diseases that accumulate with age, but, in general: optimism and cheerfulness can significantly extend life and improve its quality. What is premature aging and how to prevent it - in the material

early old age

Today, scientists usually talk about two types of aging: natural (physiological) and premature. In the first case, this refers to the gradual extinction of the functions of certain organs as a result of their deterioration. But many are more interested in the second option. After all, it, starting out of time and having nothing to do with natural processes, literally kills a person from the inside. Premature aging is understood as a condition when a person aged, for example, over 50, does not seem to be ill with anything in particular, but at the same time feels uncomfortable and restless. Premature aging leads to a decrease in the quality of human life, a more active and massive development of diseases of "old age" and, of course, causes early death.

Doctors even identify a number of reasons for this problem:

  • The effect of free radicals on the body.
  • Autoimmune processes, when the body's defenses begin to work against it.
  • Violation of the regulatory function of the human brain.
  • In addition, one of the most common causes of premature aging is called autointoxication, which develops as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, improper and unbalanced nutrition, constant stress. Of the diseases that provoke early old age, they call cardiovascular pathologies, tuberculosis, ulcers, diabetes, immunodeficiency, mental illness, chronic fatigue syndrome.

Men or women?

Gerontologists who study this issue are based on the peculiarities of the course of biological processes in the body. According to the results of such studies, it becomes clear that all the processes in the body of women are slow, so ladies live 6-8 years longer. Men, on the other hand, suffer from the fact that organic changes in their tissues are more active.

The vitality of women is often explained by their reproductive function - women produce the hormone estrogen, which has an anti-sclerotic effect. Also, the female body is more resilient, because it is designed for serious stress during pregnancy and childbirth.

signs of age

Many are accustomed to awarding a person an age, focusing on changes in appearance. So, for example, if there are wrinkles, gray hair appears, a person is immediately given an age over 40-50 years. And this is despite the fact that the functioning of the internal organs can be at its best and uninterrupted.

But situations are not uncommon when outwardly a person looks excellent - smart, young, but his internal changes are almost irreversible, and his organs are in poor condition. In this case, doctors will say that his biological age is higher than the calendar one. To determine the biological age of a person in order to stop the process of premature aging, it is possible with the help of a gerontologist, after a thorough examination. This will allow an assessment of the extent of "internal damage" and will help design recovery programs.

How to slow down the process

Today, a person has a huge number of opportunities to slow down his aging - high-tech surgeries and drugs, laser surgery, plastic interventions, implants, liposuction, etc. Additionally, the aging processes that are popular today can be corrected healthy lifestyle life, ecological nutrition, etc.

Prevention of premature aging should be dealt with from youth. Rejection bad habits, physical activity, maintaining a normal weight - the methods are quite simple, but at the same time extremely effective. A positive attitude is also very important - the mind and body are inextricably linked, as they say, "a healthy mind in a healthy body."

To actively fight aging, it is worth consuming more fruits, vegetables and other foods that are rich in antioxidants. It can be blueberries, walnuts, beans, red apples, etc. Such nutrition allows you to “repair” damaged body cells. In addition, antioxidants contribute to the prevention of oncology, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

You should also support the body's defenses. Vitamins are perfect for this: vitamin A is found in carrots, zucchini, broccoli, potatoes, cabbage, peaches; vitamin C - in oranges, lemons, etc.; vitamin E - in nuts, seeds, cereals, liver and vegetable oil.

To strengthen the body and spirit, it is recommended to engage in various exercise at least half an hour a day. This will allow you to maintain normal weight, burning excess fat, and will also be an excellent prevention against fractures, injuries and sprains. Such tissues and ligaments can withstand any stress. In addition, physical education helps to reduce blood sugar levels, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, increases stamina and improves memory.

An excellent solution for prolonging youth will be breathing exercises. The ability to breathe deeply and correctly contributes to the normalization of the central nervous system, stress relief, in addition, it provides the body with an influx of oxygen, normalizes blood circulation and increases the level of vital energy.

Water is something that must be present in the diet of a person who wants to stay healthy longer and be younger than according to the passport. It takes at least a liter for every 50 kg of the body so that the body can cleanse itself of toxins.

To preserve the youthfulness of the body, the mind should be strengthened - reading books, newspapers, magazines allows you to activate the brain, which naturally slows down the aging process.
