Do not get sick. What to do to avoid a cold

No one wants to get sick, even if it's just a cold, even just a few days. Every cold weakens the defense of our body. And she doesn't need to be hurt.

To avoid a cold, you can not neglect your own body. Your inappropriate attitude towards your body is the main cause of colds. Learn to feel his needs, protect him from undesirable environmental conditions and you will always, with the possible exception of force majeure circumstances, manage to avoid a cold.

Most of the diseases that we call colds (acute respiratory) usually have hypothermia as a decisive factor, which reduces the general and local resistance of the body. Hypothermia does not lead to an independent disease, but provokes various kinds of diseases, especially infectious ones. In large cities and in closely interacting groups, due to the continuous infection of a person with a variety of pathogens, a decrease in the body's resistance as a result of hypothermia often becomes decisive.

Individual resistance to hypothermia varies depending on the impact of a number of factors (somatic diseases, degree of fatigue, quality of nutrition, mental and emotional state). But general hypothermia is less important in the development of acute respiratory diseases than hypothermia of individual parts of the body. It is local hypothermia that serves as the main catalyst for the development of a cold. Especially often we are visited by a cold when hypothermia skin, oral cavity and feet. But, attention: very often, not only those who dress out of season, but also those who are accustomed to too warm clothes suffer from colds. It is especially easy to catch a cold if you are overheated from heat or physical exertion and sweat a lot, as the evaporation of moisture cools the skin.

Cold prevention.

No. 1 remedy for the prevention of colds. Dress for the weather, but don't wrap up. It is especially important that your feet are always in comfortable warmth, and your feet do not freeze. But there are different situations. And if you feel like your feet are getting cold, there are two simple ways improve circulation in the feet and warm them. The first is to relax the muscles of the feet as much as possible, imagining them, for example, standing in a warm bath. The second is intense movement, periodic pressure and relaxation of the feet or trembling. So that your feet do not freeze, choose any of them. If your feet are still cold (even a little), rub and massage your feet when you come into the room. When the feet are comfortable, you can not be afraid of drafts.

Means for the prevention of colds №2. If you've been caught in the rain, caught in strong winds, or sweated from physical work, the same methods can be applied to restore normal blood circulation in the skin of the whole body. A simple recipe for avoiding a cold: feel the beginning of an unpleasant process and try to completely relax or, conversely, tremble intensely. But, if you shrink from the cold, then this is the path to hypothermia of the skin and a cold, since, by shrinking, you have worsened blood circulation and the transfer of heat from the blood to the skin.

Means for the prevention of colds №3. Make sure you always breathe through your nose, even at night. The nose must be clean and free to breathe. The nose must be clean and free to breathe. To train yourself to easily control the freedom of breathing through the nose, use or audio text "Fresh Flow"

Means for the prevention of colds №4. Cold air should not freely enter the mouth, but teeth should not be clenched. This is not only harmful to the teeth and gums, but also compresses the pharynx, worsening conditions for it. The same effect is produced by a compressed language. When the tongue is not moving, it should be relaxed. Since you breathe in through your mouth when you speak, control your speech outside in cold weather. You also need control on the beach: overheating in the sun can also lead to a cold if, without hesitation, cool your mouth with ice cream or cold water.

Means for the prevention of colds №5. Make it a habit to check from time to time how clear your airways are from your nose to your bronchi. Such a check takes the time of one or two breaths. To master this easy action well, use the exercise " Release of the upper respiratory tract" or the audio text "Free breathing"

Means for the prevention of colds №6. Periodically violate the previous five points under your control. This tool works like a non-specific vaccine, maintaining immunity at a high level. You can call it hardening.

Reduce susceptibility to colds regular physical education, especially on fresh air. The body's resistance to colds is enhanced by the action of vitamin C. Exercises for the hyoid muscles will also help to avoid colds, strengthening the muscles of the pharynx and improving blood circulation in it.

If you feel constant tension in your neck, it means that your head is habitually shifted back. An upturned chin is not a sign of good posture. The top of the head at rest should look up. Otherwise, the vertebrae of the neck are compressed, your throat is also compressed, and the blood circulation in it is disturbed. To change the habitual fit of the head, you need to use correct posture exercises, which will also serve as a means of prevention from a possible cold.

Every year in the world, thousands of people are interested in the question of how not to get sick with a cold, because it causes so much inconvenience, takes time and effort. It is difficult to completely protect yourself from this disease, but it is possible to minimize the risks. To do this, you need to act comprehensively. By adhering to simple rules, you can not only not get sick, but in general become healthier.

What should be done to avoid pain?

First of all, you should pay attention to your home, try to ventilate the room more often, because it is through the air that harmful microorganisms spread. It is also not desirable that the air in the room is not dry, there are special humidifiers on sale to eliminate this problem, but even without them this effect can be achieved using wet cleaning. Despite the fact that in the cold season you want to stay warm, the temperature for sleep should not be higher than 20 degrees Celsius.

You should not sit still for a long time, because movement is life. Sports and active leisure only have a positive effect on health. Try to walk more often, take walks before going to bed, and soon you will notice that your health will become just wonderful. Equally important is the emotional state and the absence of constant stress. They deplete our immune system, which leads to a greater risk of getting sick.

Cold prevention

There are many ways to prevent a cold. If you do this all year round, then you can soon forget about such an ailment altogether. Even if it so happened that a cold still overtook, then it will be much easier to pass and it will be possible to avoid negative consequences. Tips for preventing colds:

  • Mandatory hand washing with soap, especially after visiting crowded places;
  • Saturation of the daily diet with vitamins. Their maximum amount is in red and yellow vegetables and fruits;
  • Breathing techniques. When performing breathing exercises, the immune system is activated, which fights the cold;
  • Getting rid of bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol adversely affect the body, causes dehydration, as a result of which the disease lasts longer;
  • Time to rest. Even with a busy schedule, it pays to take the time to let your body relax. It is important to get enough sleep;
  • Sport. Maintaining your body in good shape is very important. Even regular exercises in the morning will make you healthier;

Hardening with cold water

In addition to all the above methods of prevention, there is one more. It . This method helps to make the body more resilient to the influence of viruses and bacteria. Hardening affects the immune system, blood vessels, due to the narrowing of which increases blood flow to internal organs. Besides cold water will help you lose weight.

It's important to do it right. You can’t start by swimming in an ice hole or dousing with ice water. The desired effect is achieved gradually. You can start hardening by gradually reducing the temperature of the water while taking a shower. It is advisable to lower it by one degree every few days. If fast pouring is closer to you, then the scheme is the same here. It is better to start with warm water, also gradually lowering its temperature.

Note! This method also has contraindications. You should not temper yourself with cold water at times of exacerbation of a cold, with serious cardiovascular diseases, and asthma.

Fighting a cold is very unpleasant, so it’s better not to bring it up. Following the tips for its prevention, you can improve your health, become more resilient to other diseases and feel great!


Scientists have long wondered why some people never get sick. As a result, the researchers concluded that healthy people always try to be in a good mood. Their most important secret is that they maintain such a mood every day!

As preventive measures, such people use various means, such as chewing garlic, moistening their head with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, adding a spoonful of brewer's yeast to their breakfast, taking a cold shower in the morning, or trying to take a nap in the afternoon to give the body a little rest.

"It's mostly no coincidence that when people are in good health, they actually look after it."- the writer and journalist from New York said in an interview Gene Stone at the presentation of his new book "Secrets of health: how to never get sick." "People believe that maintaining a healthy lifestyle should become a habit, that's basically what helps them stay in good shape."

During the week of holidays in the US, the number of cases of influenza and colds increased significantly compared to the previous period. This is due to the fact that on holidays people communicate and contact more, which leads to the rapid spread of infections. It is simply impossible to limit communication. How to protect yourself from diseases? Think about it in advance and take the necessary measures!

For several decades, the writer realized that every year he was constantly ill with a cold at least twice a year and decided that he no longer wanted it. He was trying to find out how some people manage to avoid contracting those infections that are common everywhere. "When I was constantly suffering from a cold, these people lived well, having their own secrets on how to stay healthy,"- he said. After talking to more than 100 people who seem to have found a way to stay healthy all the time, in his book he has tried to detail 25 techniques that may work best. The writer chose for himself about 15 techniques that really helped him cope with illnesses or significantly reduce their duration.

One such preventive remedy is simple garlic. "Every time I start to feel alarming symptoms in my throat, I immediately go for garlic,"- says the author. "I don't particularly like its taste, it leaves bad smell in my mouth, so I always have a small piece of chocolate with me, and then to neutralize the smell, I eat fresh parsley."

Among the surest ways to maintain health, Stone identified the following:

1. Stone began to eat only plant food, as a result, cholesterol levels dropped from 240 to 160.

2. Every morning, Stone prefers to add to breakfast. Brewer's yeast, rich in proteins and B vitamins.

3. Stone became eat less. He found out that it turns out a large number of studies have shown that reducing just 25 percent of calories can prolong life and also help avoid chronic diseases associated with being overweight and overeating, for example, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels can be avoided.

4.Vitamin C supplements in conjunction with proper nutrition and physical activity greatly reduces the risk of catching seasonal colds and flu.

5. And of course, one of the most important things, which is not a secret, but which is often neglected, is to wash hands so as not to get infected.

What should be done to avoid getting sick?

When we get sick, the world around us becomes colorless. What joy of life is there, when your throat is tearing, and an annoying cough does not let you sleep ... Our well-being suffers, everything falls out of our hands. We cannot concentrate on work, we communicate with colleagues through a handkerchief, we are afraid of infecting our loved ones...

Needless to say, it’s not pleasant enough - it would be better not to get sick. But is it possible? Is it possible to protect yourself from colds when it is cold outside, and seasonal SARS “mow down” everyone right and left? Can! And nothing supernatural is required for this!

By and large, the main thing that is needed to prevent a cold is to strengthen the defenses of our body in advance. Strong immunity will repel the attacks of viruses and bacteria and help us not get sick, and three proven means will help us “pump up” it.


This path to strong immunity is the most delicious. Oranges and tangerines, cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks, lemon tea, dried fruit compotes - all these delicious things are a real vitamin "cocktail". Vitamin C is especially useful for the prevention of colds. A significant amount of ascorbic acid is found in foods plant origin especially in citrus fruits. That is why the main fruits during ARI epidemics are orange, red currant or lemon. And of course, you can take vitamins in tablets - and which ones to choose, the doctor will tell you.


At this word, many of us imagine dousing in the cold and “winter swimming”, but in order to become healthy, “extreme” is not at all necessary. The main thing we need is to ensure that the body is ready for the “tricks” of the weather, and adapts to them without problems.

To train the body, daily walks in the fresh air, skiing in a pine forest, swimming in the river are quite suitable. And how nice it is to walk barefoot on the earth warmed by the sun in summer! At home, we can also temper our body: wipe ourselves with cool water, take a contrast shower. To start hardening babies, it is enough to stop overwrapping them. In a word, everything is in our power - you just need to decide and start.

Healthy lifestyle

Many of us since the time of school can not stand the regime of the day - it is inevitably associated with "obligation", lack of freedom. That is why after a busy working week, on weekends, we “break away” - we sleep until noon, then we sit in front of the TV or on the Internet until the morning, and in the morning we hardly open our eyes. Such a “rest” is not a joy for our body - it is worse for it than work.

Sound, full sleep, meals at the same time, walking, proper distribution of forces during work, quitting smoking, alcohol and junk food - this is what can restore and further maintain our strength and health. Well, if we also do physical education (at least we regularly do morning exercises or go for a light jog), then illnesses will completely become nothing to us. For attention to our needs, our body will surely repay us with kindness.

Well, what if someone from the family still got sick? What can we do to protect other family members from infection?

First of all, it is important to try to avoid the spread of germs. This will help us airing and regular wet cleaning of the apartment.

We also need to help the mucous membrane of our respiratory tract repel the attacks of pathogens. To do this, protect the mucous membrane from drying out - in cold weather, when the apartment is heated, it is worth turning on humidifiers at home, and putting wet towels on the batteries.

Finally, it is important to “expel” microbes from our respiratory tract that have already managed to penetrate there. To do this, it is good to rinse your nose with saline solution several times a day, as well as gargle with it.

Taking vitamins, fruits and drinking plenty of water will be useful not only for our patient, but also for us, his family, if we do not want to get infected. If you follow these simple rules, then our immunity will not let us down, and a cold will forget the way to our house for a long time.

Articles about Health

What to do to not get sick?

Many people, leading a normal life, I call it a life of gravity, eventually come to the conclusion what to do in order to restore health.
Life is fleeting, we first acquire knowledge, then family, children, career. Hands don't reach.

But in the end, this issue will still need to be addressed: how to restore health, how to maintain the body so that it works calmly, without failures, or, when ill, leaves the state of illness quickly and without consequences.

Organize healthy eating, Eliminate unnatural foods from your diet, all kinds of pre-cooked or long-term food, with ingredients that enhance flavor, increase shelf life, genetically modified foods, eat organic foods. Now all medical journals devote a lot of space to highlight this issue. Get your vitamins and minerals from natural foods. If you can't follow a healthy diet, then take a multivitamin, especially antioxidant vitamins, vitamin E has potential heart support, preventing low-density lipoprotein from oxidizing into a more dangerous form.

Have breakfast, and breakfast should be at least 25-30% of the daily diet in terms of calories, then you will not have bursts of appetite either at lunch or in the evening meal, you will not overeat. And this is important for maintaining weight.

Drink enough water at least 8 glasses a day. The body consists of 70-80% water, water is needed for the normal removal of toxins from cells, slows down to slow down wrinkles on the body, prevents kidney stones, diseases of the urinary system, lubricates the joints and promotes weight loss.

Monitor the condition of your vessels. Limit animal-based fats, saturated, partially hydrogenated fats, and plant-based fats. They lower the content of high-density lipoproteins in the blood, do not inhibit alpha-lipoproteins. Best suited olive oil, linseed, they contain vitamin E. Monitor blood cholesterol, low density lipoprotein.

Consume more flavonoids, which are antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables. Grape peel flavonoids reduce cholesterol levels, onion flavonoids strengthen gum tissue, cherry, blueberry, lingonberry flavonoids delay retinal degeneration. Adding flavonoids to the diet of children helps fight ear infections in children.

Add fiber to your diet fiber stimulates the large intestine, removes toxins from it, promotes bile secretion, removes excess cholesterol from the body. Fiber is found in bran, in grains, in many vegetables and fruits. The daily intake of fiber is at least 25 grams.

Keep track of blood flow. Doctors often prescribe ½, ¼ aspirin tablets to thin the blood, to increase its fluidity. Everything would be fine, but he possesses side effect is an irritation of the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract. There are safer remedies - these are grass clover meadow clover, medicinal sweet clover. Drink courses of these herbs, keep a light diet, and you will not have to resort to aspirin.

Engage in physical education. The intensity of the lesson, the frequency of classes, the time, determine for yourself, depending on what goals you set. For example, for the spine, joints, you need to systematically engage in a complex selected for these purposes. For the eyes, there should be a set of exercises. For stretching and elasticity of the muscles, also include a few exercises. Well, a couple of strength exercises - push-ups with your hands from the floor or a table to increase the strength of the hands, squats for the legs to increase the strength in the legs. And of course, evening walking at a fairly intense pace to strengthen the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and genitourinary systems. Walking has a beneficial effect on the entire body. It normalizes the nervous, endocrine system. Physical exercises, especially power contribute to the preservation of calcium in the body. The only thing is to gradually warm up the muscles before exercising. If you are sports enthusiasts, then go cycling, skiing. It is not only useful, but also gives great emotional pleasure. And remember that Physical Culture It is part of the general human culture. That a person is fit, moving beautifully, and that he is hunched and not feeling well. There is a difference? Strive for perfection.

If you smoke, stop smoking immediately. Nicotine reduces blood flow to the vessels, as the vessels at this time are in a stressful state, spasmodic. As a result, the face becomes gray, heavily wrinkled, and the natural elasticity of body tissues is disturbed. Yes, on top of that, look at the teeth and oral cavity of the smoker, respectively, and the bronchopulmonary system. Such people complain about their health more often. Cigarettes destroy vitamin C in the body, you also need to know this.

Protect your skin from the scorching rays of the sun. Ultraviolet irradiation causes a detrimental effect on the body, and above all on the skin, including the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular systems, the skin dries out, and cancer can occur. Lubricate exposed parts of the body with creams that protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Accordingly, look for changes in the skin, and in case of any problems, consult a doctor.

Have a circle of friends with whom it would be nice to communicate, consult on problems that have arisen, since in a stressful situation, behavior may not be adequate, mistakes can be made. Get pets. As a rule, they increase the level of positive emotions, which positively affects the nervous and endocrine systems. Laughter also helps. The immune system of people who often laugh often produces more antibodies to diseases than sometimes drug treatment. Yes, what is there to doubt, in a psychologically healthy body, diseases do not linger for a long time.

Join the masterpieces of culture. Listen to soothing music, look at light pictures, and get creative. All this reduces pain syndrome, contributes to a faster recovery. Expel bad thoughts from the body, if you can’t do it by will, read the moods of Sytin, and other psychologists.

And of course, health is given from above. Faith and prayer have a beneficial effect on health It has been proven that during prayer, the human brain creates a healthy energy of the body, and actively contributes to recovery. And faith itself is one of the best medicines.

Don't ignore periodic health checks. A disease detected at an early stage is treated faster and easier than a neglected one. Blood tests, urine tests, blood pressure measurements, blood sugar control, cholesterol, and other necessary tests, depending on your heredity, will help you avoid unforeseen consequences in the development of latent forms of disease manifestation.
