The name of the game in the air. Card file of outdoor games for preschoolers


Everyone stands in a circle, shoulder to shoulder. The driver walks along the outside of the circle and touches one of the players. The driver and the player, who were hit, run in different directions along the outside of the circle. Having met, they shake hands with each other and say: "Hello!" You can also give your name (this is discussed in the terms of the game). Then they run further, trying to take an empty place in the circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the leader.


On the site it is necessary to draw two lines at a distance of 5 - 6 meters from each other. The players stand in one line. The driver stands between the lines approximately in the middle with his back to the players. He names a color. If the players have this color in their clothes, they freely pass by the driver. If the player does not have such a color, then the driver can knock over the running player. The salted one becomes the leader.


The participants of the game line up in a chain one after another. The one who is first in this chain becomes the leader. Everyone snakes along the path to the back of the head one after another, and the leader overcomes various obstacles. At the signal of the driver, the first player becomes at the end of the snake, and the one who turned out to be the first player becomes the driver.


The players are divided into two teams. The first - should disenchant the "castle", and the second - to prevent her from doing this. The "castle" can be a wall or a tree. Near the "castle" are the "main gates" - the guys from the second team are blindfolded. The players who must disenchant the "castle" begin to move around the site at the command of the leader to the main gate. Their task is to quietly reach the gate, go through it and touch the "castle". In this case, the game is considered over. But the task of the second team is to overpower those who are moving towards the "castle". Those who are taunted are out of the game. At the end of the game, the teams change roles.


Children squat in a circle, holding hands - this is a "nest". There is a bird inside. Outside, another "bird" flies - the leader and gives the command "The bird flies!" The "nest" crumbles, and everyone flies like birds. The host commands: "Into the nest!" Everyone sits down again. Who did not have time, he becomes the leader.


The participants of the game stand in pairs facing each other, raising their clasped hands up. These are rabbit houses. Two drivers are chosen - "hare" and "hunter". The "hare" must run away from the "hunter", while he can hide in the house, that is, stand between the players. The one to whom he stood with his back becomes a "hare" and runs away from the "hunter". If the "hunter" touches the "hare", then they change roles.


The players stand in a circle. The driver moves away from the circle for a few seconds for a short distance. During this time, the players choose who will be "showing the movements." This player will have to show various movements (clapping, stroking the head, tapping the foot, etc.) All other players repeat the movements after him. The task of the driver is to determine who will show the movements. Movements begin with ordinary claps. At the same time, throughout the game, the guys say the words in unison: "Santiki-wrappers lim-po-po ...". At a moment imperceptible to the driver, the one who shows changes the movement, everyone must quickly change the movement too, so as not to let the driver guess who is leading them. The game continues until the showing is found.


At a distance of 1-1.5 m, draw two parallel lines. Measure 4-5 m from them and draw two more lines. The first two lines are the start lines, the second are the "houses".

The teams line up with their backs to each other near the first lines, that is, at a distance of 1 - 1.5 m. There are two teams, one of them is the "sparrows" and the other is the "crows". The host stands between the teams and calls the words: "sparrows" or "ravens". If the host said "crows", then the crows are chasing the sparrows, who are trying to escape for the second line. If the host says "sparrows", then the sparrows run and catch the crows. The game ends when there is no player left on the team.


The game takes place on a limited area, the limits of which cannot be left by any of the players. Two or three players join hands, forming a "net". Their task is to catch as many "swimming fish" as possible, that is, the rest of the players. The task of the "fish" is not to get caught in the "net". If the fish could not dodge and ended up in the "net", then it joins the leaders and itself becomes part of the "net". "Fish" do not have the right to tear the "net", that is, to disengage the hands of the drivers. The game continues until the player who turned out to be the most agile "fish" is determined.


Six players stand in pairs, holding both hands and raising them. These are traps, they are located at a short distance from each other. All the rest join hands, forming a chain. They must move through the traps. At the command of the leader (clap, word, etc.), the traps "slam", that is, the guys forming the traps lower their hands. Those players who are caught in traps form pairs and become "traps" themselves. The winner is the one who does not fall into any of the traps.


The driver stands in a circle with his eyes closed. The players go in a circle with the words:
"Water, water,
Why are you sitting underwater?
Look out for a glimpse
For one minute
1, 2, 3".

The circle stops. "Vodyanoy" points with his hand at one player and approaches him without opening his eyes. His task is to determine who is in front of him. "Waterman" can touch the player standing in front of him, but his eyes cannot be opened. If the driver guessed correctly, they change roles, and now the one whose name was called becomes the driver.


All players are "squirrels", they must stand near the tree and hold on to it. A "dog" runs between the trees - the driver. "Squirrels" run from tree to tree, and "dog" should catch someone or another option: "dog" should take the place of one "squirrel".


All players stand in pairs in a circle, one player behind the other. Everyone's hands are down. The driver also stands on the line of the circle. He has no partner behind him. He should look into the eyes of one of the players standing in a circle and wink at him. The one who winked runs from his place and stands behind the driver. But he may not succeed, because the player behind him can hold him. If he manages to do this, everyone remains in their places. If the player manages to run away, then the player left without a pair becomes the driver himself.


One driver is selected, who must catch up and overpower the players. The tagged player also becomes the driver, while he must run and hold on with one hand to that part of the body for which he was tagged. The winner is the one who is not caught by the driving players.


The players stand in a line, holding on to each other's shoulders. The first participant is the "head", the "last - the tail" of the dragon. The head should touch it.


(Mini zarnichka)

One of the participants is the commander (leader), the rest are "scouts". The commander, before the start of the game, gives the command to line up in a line and introduces the children to the tasks that they will have to complete.
"PARACHUTS" - children stand on a log, squat, then raise their hands up, get up and jump from a log.
"Alien Patrol" - To avoid the enemy, everyone hides behind trees and bushes and silently moves a certain leading distance.
"CHASE" - scouts flee from the enemy, turn into bunnies, jump. Dogs are chasing them, children also become dogs, barking loudly, growling, chasing other people's dogs away.
"RETURN" - the scouts have successfully completed the task and are returning home. First, they float along the river (depicting rowing in boats), then they fly in an airplane and, choosing a place for landing, settle down at the "airfield".

"Blind Man's Bluff With a BELL".

The driver's eyes are closed. One of the participants twists it on the spot. At the same time, you can say a tongue twister: - "What are you standing on?" -"On the bridge". - "What are you eating?". "Sausage". - "What are you drinking?" -"Kvass". "Look for the mice, not us."
After these words, the children run around the room. "Zhmurka" must guess by touch if he catches someone.


The participants in the game run on the command of an adult. Two drivers, holding hands, try to catch the fleeing participants in the game. At the same time, they say: "I'm Velcro - sticky, I want to catch you!". Each caught Velcro participant is taken by the hand, and he, too, becomes the leader with them. Then the fourth player joins them, and so on.


Children stand one after another in a line. Each participant holds on to the shoulders of the person in front. In this position, "snake", they overcome various obstacles, carry out the tasks of the leader,
- Jump over the bump
- Pass through the log
- Jump over a puddle
- Go around the "wide lake"

When performing tasks, children should not unhook from each other.


A large circle is drawn on the site. One of the players - "fisherman", is in the center of the circle, he squats down. The rest of the players - fish, surrounded the circle, say in chorus: "Fisherman, fisherman, catch us on a hook."
At the last word, the fisherman jumps up, runs out of the circle and starts chasing the fish, which scatter all over the site. The one who is caught becomes a fisherman and goes to the center of the circle.


All participants stand in a circle. The leader is chosen, he becomes in the center of the circle. One of the players is given a small handkerchief. He passes it to another, standing nearby, but in such a way that the driver does not notice. Whoever the driver notices a handkerchief, he becomes the driver.


For the game, a playground is outlined, in the corner of which there is a "cat's house", and on the sides - "holes of mice". The role of the cat is played by the leader. The game begins with a saying from the teacher:
Mice, mice, come out
Play, dance
Come out quickly
Sleeping mustachioed cat-villain!

"Mice" crawl out of the "minks", run, jump, repeat the words in chorus:
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta
No mustachioed cat!

But the teacher gives a signal: "The cat is coming!". All mice should freeze and not move. The "cat" bypasses the "mice" and takes to his house those who have moved. Bold "mice" behind the cat can move, but should freeze as soon as the cat turns in their direction. The teacher says: "The cat is gone!" and the mice come to life again.


The driver is selected, he counts: 1, 2, 3! - everyone involved in the game scatter in different directions. One of them has a handkerchief tied in a knot in his hand. The driver tries to catch up with the player who has a handkerchief in his hands and stain it. Players on the run can throw a handkerchief to each other. If the handkerchief falls to the ground, the game ends. It continues again as soon as the handkerchief is lifted from the ground.


The facilitator draws three circles of different sizes on the asphalt (large, medium, small) or lays out whatman paper on the floor so that all the participants in the game can fit in them. All players move freely and randomly around the court. At the command of the leader "Icebergs" everyone must fit in the allocated space. Who steps on the edge, he is out of the game. As the game continues, the available area is gradually reduced, leaving the smallest circle at the end.

It's the middle of the summer holidays and you need to encourage your child to play outside. After all, it is much more useful than sitting at a computer, TV or lying on the couch with a phone. For inspiration, I found on the Internet the most interesting outdoor games for children outdoors in the summer on fresh air, and you choose the options that are suitable for age and character.

At the end there is a selection of games that the child can play alone. If suddenly friends parted and there is no company.

Outdoor games for children in the summer

rubber bands

It will take: 3-4 people, elastic band.

How to play: take a linen elastic so that it is suitable for this game in size, tie the ends together to make a ring. 2 children stand opposite each other, and the rubber band pulls between them.

How to jump: first you need to stand on one side of the rubber band (for example, on the right), JUMP - legs are on both sides of the right rubber band, JUMP, legs are on both sides of the left rubber band, JUMP, both legs are to the left of the rubber band. Watch the video to make it clearer, and show your child by personal example.

The level of the gum gradually increases. At the first stage - between the ankles, after each successfully completed level, the elastic is raised higher: knees, hips, waist, chest, armpits and even the neck! The girls take turns jumping over the rubber band, and if a mistake is made, the participant is replaced by the next player. The loser gets up to "hold the rubber bands".

The game develops: coordination, attention and vestibular apparatus. Teach your child to jump well, train and overcome difficulties.


It will take: chalk, asphalt flat area, stone. The number of players can be any - from 1 to 10 or more.

How to play: on a flat surface, draw 10 cells with chalk and enter numbers in them. The player throws a stone in such a way as to hit a square. After that, you need to jump on one or two legs to the stone in the cells, and return back the same way. The ideal walkthrough is to collect all the numbers from 1 to 10.

However, there are more complex versions of this game, and you can see the complicated rules in the video below:

The game develops: accuracy, dexterity, ability to concentrate, ability to jump on one or two legs. Toddlers playfully learn numbers.


It will take: more than 8 people, an even number of players.

How to play: Participants are divided into 2 equal teams, which become a line opposite each other - there should be 10-15 m between the teams. Players hold hands tightly. During the game, you need to read certain speeches:

The first team shouts: “Chains, chains, who do you want? Pick one!"
The second team answers: "My friend."
First: "What is his name?".
The second team confers and chooses someone from the opposing team.

The selected player must run and try to break the opposing team's chain.

  • If this works out, he can choose any participant and bring him to his room.
  • If it was not possible to break through, the participant joins the opposing team, becoming their chain.

In the next round, everything repeats, and the losing team chooses a “friend”. The team with the most participants wins.

The game develops: team qualities, keep everyone together, try to break through in a one-against-all situation.


It will take: more than 4-5 participants and free space for running.

How to play: this is one of the varieties of baubles. The driving player must catch up with one of the participants in the game, and touch him (feel him). The salted participant spreads his arms to the sides, and other players must touch him in order to "disenchant". The goal of the host is to bewitch (touch) all the participants in the game, and they must help each other out and unfreeze.

The game develops: the ability to run fast, dexterity, teaches mutual assistance.

You can play this game with water pistols in summer - even more fun and interesting.

black horse

How to play: everything is the same as in the previous game, but only the salted participant shouts “Disenchant me, black horse!”

Cossack robbers

It will take: even number of participants (more than 4), chalk.

How to play: players are divided into two equal teams - "Cossacks" and "robbers". Specify the territory within which the game is played. The robbers need to agree on a secret word, and the Cossacks must find it out.

The Cossacks close their eyes and wait for a few minutes, while the Robbers run away and mark with insignia in which direction they ran. They must run across a given territory, from time to time leaving arrows with chalk on the walls, asphalt, trees, curbs.

The Cossacks must track down the Rogues by the arrows and tarnish them. If one Robber is tarnished, the Cossack must take him to the Prison. While the Cossack keeps his hand on the Robber, he cannot escape, but if he loosens his grip and moves his hand away, the Robber can escape. Other Rogues can rescue a friend if they taint the Cossack leading the prisoner. Or this Cossack can tarnish the player who is trying to help the captive, and there will be 2 captive Rogues.

In prison, the Cossack must find out the secret word by tickling or other friendly "torture". Robbers can get to the prison, touch the prisoner and then he can escape.

The goal of the game is to catch all the Robbers or find out their secret word.

The game develops: to follow in the footsteps of a person, the ability to hide and navigate the terrain, not to give up your own.

12 sticks (hide and seek)

It will take: lever (plank and brick or stone under it), 12 ice cream sticks or twigs.

How to play: put the lever on the stone so that its third is hanging in the air. On the larger half (leaning on the ground) put 12 sticks or twigs. The driver must step on the short tip with force so that 12 sticks scatter around. While he collects and puts them back, the players should have time to quickly hide.

Now the driver must find the player when he notices yelling “tuk-ta Name”, and runs to the lever. If he manages to run ahead of the found player and step on the lever, then the loser becomes the leader - he collects sticks and looks for players.

If the spotted player manages to reach the forward lever, he steps on it and scatters the sticks. The driver starts all over again and continues to search for players.

You can play the game indefinitely.

The game develops: attentiveness, reaction, the ability to quickly and competently hide, quickly run if necessary.


It will take: blindfold, more than 3 players.

How to play: the driver is blindfolded, untwisted in place and scatter in all directions. The driver must, without peeping, find other players who indicate their location with claps. When he does, he must recognize by touch. It turned out - the caught player leads in the next round.

The game develops: ability to navigate by sounds, reactions.

Bell ringer

It will take: bell and armbands for all players (minus one).

How to play: as in blind man's buff, but vice versa. All players are blindfolded, except for one, and a bell is hung around his neck and his hands are tied behind him (so as not to interfere with ringing the bell). And his task is to slip between the players, and they must catch him, focusing on the sound of the bell. For the game, it is better to choose a not very large space to make it more interesting.

The game develops: resourcefulness, the ability to navigate by sounds.

Higher feet off the ground

It will take: playground with different places where you can climb (benches, horizontal bar, trees, stumps, etc.).

How to play: the driver must catch up with other players and try to touch them, as in any catch-up. But there is one rule - the player becomes inviolable if his feet do not touch the ground. To do this, you can climb a tree or hang on a horizontal bar. It is impossible to rise above the ground for a very long time, as soon as the driver leaves, you need to return to the game.

The game develops: reaction, the ability to run fast, look for hills.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

It will take: area 20 meters in size.

How to play: you need to draw 2 lines, the distance between them should be 20 meters (no less). The driver stands behind one of them, with his back to the other players. The rest are "at the start" near the other. The driver at different speeds must pronounce the phrase “go quieter - you will continue. STOP!” and immediately turns around.

While this phrase is spoken, the participants can move from the starting line towards the water. When the word “stop” is heard, everyone should freeze in place and not move. If the driver notices some movement, he points to the participant and he leaves.

The goal of the game is to get to the finish line and touch the driver, then you yourself take his place.

The game develops: reaction, the ability to run quickly and stop on a signal.

Hot potato

It will take: ball and at least 3 players.

How to play: the participants stood in a circle and threw the ball to each other. If someone dropped or did not hit the ball, he sits in the center. From there, you can try to catch the ball flying over your head, but without getting up from your haunches. If he succeeds, all the prisoners leave the circle, and the thrower sits in their place.

The game develops


It will take: ball and wall, preferably chalk.

How to play: on the wall you need to draw a line with chalk at the level of the knee-belt of the players. You can’t throw the ball below it, otherwise you will lose. In turn, you need to throw the ball so that it bounces off the wall and flies towards the players. The throwing participant must have time to jump over it. If it didn’t work out, the letters “frog” are assigned in turn. Made a mistake 7 times - became a frog.

The game develops: accuracy, reaction, coordination.


It will take: ball, company of 4 or more players.

How to play: "bouncers" stand on both sides of the playground at a distance of 8-10 meters. Between them are other players. The bouncers must throw the ball to each other, and try to hit one of the players between them. They, in turn, must dodge the ball. If the ball hits the target, the player is out of the game.

The remaining center players may catch the ball with their hands (if it did not touch the ground) and return the eliminated to the game. If you catch a ball bouncing off the ground, then you yourself are out.

Sooner or later, one player remains on the court, and then he needs to dodge the sword as many times as he is old. It turned out - all the players return to their places and the game continues. If not, then he takes the place of one of the bouncers.

The game develops: accuracy, dexterity, ability to dodge, mutual assistance.

Outdoor games for kids in summer

This section contains games that are not very active, but still very interesting and will appeal to children. You can play them when you no longer have the strength to run, but the desire to play remains. Then more calm and not so active games will come in handy.

I know 5 names

It will take: ball, company of at least 3 players.

How to play: the player picks up the ball, says “I know five names of girls”, hits the ball with his hand so that it bounces off the ground, and calls: Tanya - one, Katya - two, and so on up to 5. Then he uses other variants of this phrase: I know five ... names of boys, flowers, animals, cities ... All these topics are usually discussed before the start of the game or invented after a successfully passed stage.

When a player does not have time to name the right word while hitting the ball, or the ball flies to the side, the ball passes to another participant. All other players make their mistakes, and then it goes back to the first player. He starts the game with the phrase on which he made a mistake.

The game develops: erudition, multitasking, dexterity, the ability to accept your mistakes and move on.


It will take: ball and at least 2 players.

How to play: players need to stand in a row, and the driver throws the ball to the first of them. Before the throw, he says a word, and the player's task is to quickly orient himself. If the named item is edible, he catches the ball. If it cannot be eaten (inedible), beats. The driver must confuse the player, first naming edible products, and then suddenly inedible. If a player catches the ball on an inedible object or discards an edible one, he becomes a driver.

The game develops: attentiveness, speed of reaction, sense of humor.


It will take: knife

How to play: players draw a circle on the sand or earth, divide into equal shares according to the number of participants. After that, they try to throw a knife so that it sticks with its tip into the ground in the enemy’s area. If successful, the player cuts off part of the neighbor from where the knife fell, erases the border, and "conquers" the land. The goal of the game is to capture as much territory as possible, preferably all.

You can throw different ways: ordinary, from the palm, from the fist, from the elbow, etc. It is advisable to play under adult supervision so that children do not get hurt and keep their distance.

The game develops: attentiveness, accuracy, caution, learn to handle edged weapons.


It will take: small object (coin, button, ring), more than 4 players.

How to play: participants sit in a row, they fold their hands in a boat in front of them. The leader in the palms folded in a boat holds a “ring”, and in turn puts his palms into the players’ boat. At the same time, he reads a rhyme “I wear, I wear a ring and I will give it to someone.” At some point, he must give a small item to one of the players. When he goes around all the players in a row, he says “Ring-ring, go out on the porch!”.

At this moment, the player who has put a ring in his palms must quickly get up and run to the leader. The rest of the participants sitting in a row must stop him.

The game develops: quick reaction, dexterity, attentiveness, the ability to follow the manipulations of other players.

Are you going to the ball?

It will take: more than 2 players.

How to play: a leader is chosen, who at the beginning of the game reads a rhyme with the rules “yes and no, don’t say, don’t call black and white, will you go to the ball?” The participant answers “probably”, and the host bombards him with various questions, asking about the details of the trip. What will he ride, with whom, the colors of dresses or suits, the color of some object at a holiday, etc. The host is trying with all his might to force the player to say the forbidden words: yes, no, black, white. The player needs to answer all questions, but without using these words.

The game develops: think quickly and outside the box, control your speech.

Kiss scat meow

It will take A: boys and girls preferably in equal numbers.

How to play: players line up, the leader becomes facing them, and chooses one participant who turns his back to everyone. The host points to all the seated players, and asks the question “kitty?”. The participant standing with his back can answer “throw”, then the leader shows another player, if he answers “meow”, then the leader asks “what color?”. Each color has its own meaning:

  • White - 5 minutes alone in the entrance.
  • Green - the participant is asked any three questions, and he can only answer "yes". For example, "do you love him?".
  • Red - you need to kiss on the lips.
  • Pink - a kiss on the cheek.
  • Yellow - players retire and you can ask any 3 questions, getting honest answers.
  • Orange - walk down the street holding hands for everyone to see.
  • Blue - you need to kiss the hand.
  • Violet - do a little dirty trick (pull the ponytail or pick up the hairpin).
  • Black - give a "pendel in the ass", but girls are usually offended by such a choice.

The game develops: learns to communicate with the other sex

Ocean is shaking

It will take: a small group of cheerful children

How to play: the leader must turn away from the players and read out the rhyme

The sea is worried
The sea is worried two,
The sea is rough three
Marine figure freeze!

At the time, it was believed that participants should randomly move their hands, depicting waves with their hands. When the countdown is over, you need to freeze in a certain position. The host chooses any player, touches him and the participant must depict his figure in motion. The presenter must guess what the participant is depicting, and if it does not work out, the one who showed the figure becomes the leader.

The game develops: imagination, artistry, spontaneity.

Single interesting games for children outdoors in summer

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to recruit the required number of participants for some games. And in some situations, you need to teach the child to have fun on their own, regardless of other people. It is for this that I singled out games that you can safely play alone or with your mother.

For starters, you can just give bicycle, rollerblading, skateboard and other similar equipment that will allow you to have a fun and active day outside in the summer. Even alone, such an activity will bring a charge of positive emotions.

Wall tennis

It will take: racket, tennis ball and wall.

How to play: toss the ball in front of you, and hit it with a racket so that it hits the wall. The ball will bounce off it and fly back, the player needs to hit the ball so that it hits the wall again. Play continues until the ball hits the ground or the player misses.

The game develops: coordination, accuracy, reaction.

If there are two players, you can play tennis with each other or play badminton by replacing the tennis ball with a shuttlecock.

ball game

It will take: wall and bouncing ball.

How to play: you need to stand a few steps from the wall (the distance is determined by eye, depending on the skills of the child). You need to throw the ball against the wall and catch it, every 10 moves the game becomes more difficult:

  • Just throw and catch with both hands.
  • Clap - you need to have time to clap your hands.
  • Crisscross - cross your arms over your chest.
  • On the side - clap your hands on the sides.
  • Knee - slap your knees.
  • Log - have time to fold your hands as if you are sitting at a desk.
  • Squirrels - jump in place.
  • Arrow keys - crouch and rise.
  • Cymbals - spin in place around themselves.
  • Two candles - catch the ball, holding hands with the "class" sign (thumbs up).
  • Bricks - catch with fists.
  • Chopsticks - straight palms.
  • Boys - clap your hands at the seams.
  • Girls - take hold of the hem of the dress (or pretend to).
  • Front and back - clap your hands first in front of you, then behind your back.
  • Behind and in front - on the contrary, first behind the back, then in front of you.
  • The point is to clap your hands over your head.

You can come up with your own figures to make the game more difficult: clap 3 times, stomp 5 times, jump and turn around the axis.

The game develops: coordination, agility, accuracy.

treasure hunt

It will take: help from mom, who will hide the "treasure"

How to play: parents need to hide a treasure in a certain place, and then draw a map of the area and mark the place with the treasure with a cross. You can schematically depict a tree, and from it indicate a landmark with an arrow to the next schematic object. Following the prompts, the child gets to the treasure and rejoices at the find.

You can change the game a little and replace the "treasure map" with notes with clues. Give the first note indicating the place where the second is hidden. And so the child will find them in turn, and at the end will reach the final destination.

It is advisable to specify the search area in advance so that the child does not get lost in search of treasures.

The game develops: teaches you to navigate the terrain, purposefulness, attentiveness.


It will take: water balls, ropes and a “bit” (you can use a stick).

How to play: parents or the player himself fills the balls with water, ties with strings and a tree. The child takes a bat and hits the air bombs, enjoying the water splashes.

The game develops: accuracy, coordination.

There are a lot of interesting outdoor games for children outdoors in the summer in the fresh air, I have listed only those that I remembered and found a description on the Internet. The item “game develops” seemed especially interesting to me, because as a child I didn’t even think that such games teach something. Therefore, teach your children not to stay at home in the summer, but to play with friends on the street! And parents can join in too - it's nice to plunge into these carefree games.

In the comments, add the games you played with your friends) It's very interesting to remember them, as if you are re-experiencing all these amazing experiences)

Relay with a spoon

The game requires two spoons and any two round objects (wooden eggs, ping-pong balls, potatoes, etc.).

On a signal, the children must reach (run) to a certain place with a spoon in their hands, in which lies a round object, and return back.

The egg must not fall. If it falls, it must be picked up and continue on its way. The egg cannot be held by hand.

The winner is the one who reaches the finish line first. Teams can also compete.


To play, you need a bucket or pan and a blindfold handkerchief.

They choose the leader, blindfold him, give him a stick in his hands and put him in the middle of the circle.

Not far from the driver, some kind of award or consolation prize is placed on the floor and covered with a container. Do this quietly so that the driver does not hear anything.

The driver can be circled around him. He must go around the circle and use a stick to feel for the container.

The teacher makes sure that the driver moves with caution, does not swing the stick.

As soon as the driver finds the container with the treasure, he is allowed to remove the bandage and pull out the surprise.

Hit the target!

The game requires a cardboard circle with a diameter of about 1 m, in the middle of which there is a hole with a diameter of about 15 cm, as well as three balls - rag or tennis.

The circle is set at an angle to the floor on a stand or pole. On the circle, you can draw something funny, for example, the muzzle of a monkey with its mouth wide open, etc.

The players stand at a distance of 3-5 m from the circle. Each is given three attempts to shoot the ball into the hole on the circle. For each hit, the players receive a token, for which, at the end of the game, an appropriate reward is issued. The distance can be reduced if necessary.

In a group of kids, the distance to the target must be reduced.

ring toss

Two sticks should be stuck into the turf or sand at a distance of 2 m from each other.

The players take turns on a line drawn at a distance of 2-3 m from the sticks. Everyone gets three rings, which you must try to throw on the sticks.

The size of the rings and the distance to the sticks from the one who throws the rings should be appropriate for the age, height and abilities of the children.

Throwing at a target

Several brightly colored tin cans should be hung from a rope stretched between racks or trees.

Children should hit the banks with tennis or rag balls.

Deliver a leaflet

Sheets of thick paper the size of a palm are needed according to the number of players.

The relay race is held on a calm day on a site or in a room without drafts.

The players are divided into two teams. They are built parallel to each other. The first child in each team is placed on the palm of a sheet of thick paper. During the game, the sheet cannot be held by anything. At the command of the teacher, the first children run to the chairs (skittles, etc.), run around them and run back. Having reached the team, they shift the sheet into the palm of the next child, and they themselves stand at the end of the row.

If the leaf falls, you need to pick it up and continue running.

The relay race continues until it is the turn of the first child. The fastest team wins.

Instead of sheets, you can take toy cars on a rope, on which they put a plastic glass filled with water.

super relay

For the relay race, you will need a lot of different things: two aprons, two blouses, two hats, etc.

Children are divided into two teams, each member of which alternately performs different tasks prepared on a certain segment of the path from start to finish: put on and carefully tie an apron at the back; change shoes; put on a jacket and fasten all the buttons; put on a hat and tie the strings. It can be other tasks: dress and comb the doll; load and unload the toy stroller; bring cubes by car; build a turret from cubes, etc.

The team that completes the relay tasks most quickly and correctly wins.

Not! Yes!

At the command of the teacher, the children begin to run freely around the playground and shout loudly: “No! Not!" When they meet, they look into each other's eyes and shout even louder: “No! Not!"

At the command of the teacher, the children continue to run, but they are already shouting: “Yes! Yes!”, looking into each other's eyes.

Walk along the stream

A winding stream with different widths in different places is drawn with chalk on the floor or asphalt. Children-"tourists" line up one after another in one "chain", put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front, spread their legs the width of the stream and its source.

Children slowly move all together, changing the width of their legs apart, stepping along the banks of the stream. The stumbler gets his foot into the stream and stands at the end of the chain.

The rhythm of walking can be set with a poem by E. Alyabyeva "Merry brook":

A stream ran in the forest

And I met a rabbit.

Tra-ta-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta-ta -

Loudly he knocked on the stump.

The brook echoes the hare:

Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring.

The bell heard them:

Ding-ding-ding, ding-ding-ding.

The squirrel descended from the branch

And nuts - hrum-khrum.

Knock-knock-knock - a woodpecker from a birch.

Oh, what a noise!

Football blind

A stake is driven into the ground, a two-meter rope is tied to it, and a soccer ball in a net is tied to the end of the rope.

The player, who is 5-6 m from the ball, is blindfolded, offered to make a full turn around, and then approach the ball and kick it with his foot.

Whoever hits the ball with his foot wins.

golden seed

The players stand in a circle in pairs, one pair not far from the other. One of the players is the driver. He approaches a couple and says:

- Good day to you! What do you have?

“Golden grain,” the child from the couple answers.

— What for him?

A mountain of snow and a lake of water...

At the same time, those standing in a pair scatter in different directions. The questioner takes their place. Players who ran around the circle from different sides tend to take their former places. Whoever runs first, he becomes paired with the driver, and the latecomer begins to drive, setting off with questions to another pair.

The game can be made more difficult. For example, players running towards each other should hold hands when they meet, circle in place and then continue running. Or: sit down, pat each other on the palms, jump up and continue running. You can come up with other complications that will give pleasure to the participants in the game.

Every adult knows that exercise stress is simply necessary for the child for his proper development and health. That is why the organization of collective games is of particular importance for teachers, educators and parents who seek to provide children with a good rest and satisfy their need for movement.

Such games differ from other types of games in that the actions of the participants are regulated by rules that exclude the use of dangerous techniques and tactless actions towards each other, and this contributes to the development of mutual respect.


You need a whistle to play. The game is best played on a halt. An adult asks the children to line up, and then explains the rules of the game: at the signal of the leader, the participants scatter in different directions, run around the clearing, dance, take various poses, depicting animals. As soon as they hear the signal, the players must return to their original place and line up again. The game is repeated 3 times.

Third wheel

This game is best played in a meadow, wasteland, a large clearing in a forest or grove. The number of players must be sufficient so that, holding hands, they form a large circle. Then the participants rebuild, breaking into pairs. One of the players in a pair stands behind the other, and the last one looks at the center of the circle. The distance between the pairs is about 3 m. Then one pair is selected, and at the signal of the leader, one player from the pair runs away, and the other catches up.

Participants run inside the circle, and outside it they can only run around the players (no more than 2 pairs in a row). Both the one who runs away and the one who catches up at will and at any moment can change roles with standing couples who are carefully watching the game. Those standing in the inner circle run away, those in the outer circle catch up. When the escaping player feels that he is tired or cannot escape from a stronger and more agile catching up player, he stands behind any pair, and immediately the one who is in the inner circle of this pair is considered the third and becomes the evader. Similarly, a chasing player can transfer his functions to another, standing up to any pair ahead of her, then the player of the outer circle, becoming third, and therefore extra, becomes chasing.

The game requires dexterity, speed of reaction, attention and does not tire the players, since during the game there is a frequent change of roles, the participants act as both observers, and catching up, and running away. If the chasing player has caught the player, then the caught player is eliminated from the game, and with him (at the choice of the chasing one) another player. The vacated place in the pair is occupied by the chasing one.

The next pair is selected, the circle narrows, the game continues until 2 pairs of players remain. They are considered winners. Since the rules of the game are quite complicated, it is better to play it with children of middle and high school age.

Silent game

You will need an eye patch to play. Such a game is best played in a grove, park or sparse forest - where there are a lot of dry branches. One of the players - the leader - stands near a tree, a large stone, a small bush or stump. He is blindfolded. The rest of the players diverge in different directions at a distance of about 25-30 m. The leader (adult) is near the leader. At his signal, the children begin to slowly approach the driver, trying to walk as quietly as possible. The task of the players is to get closer to the driver and touch him or the object near which he is standing with his hand. Whoever succeeds is considered the winner and becomes the leader. The host gives a signal to change the driver and continue the game. Hearing a rustle, the driver shouts: “I hear you!” and shows with his hand the direction from which the sound is coming. If the direction is generally correct, the facilitator signals the participant to leave the game, stand next to him and be very quiet until it ends. Until the eliminated player approaches the leader, the rest of the players do not move, the violators of the rules are also eliminated from the game. The game ends if someone got to the driver or if the driver heard all the players, or after a certain time, for example 15 minutes. In this case, the driver is considered the winner (if none of the players got to him unnoticed, and he heard at least one player) or the participant who got closest to the driver.


The game can be played in a large yard, park or outside the city. To carry it out, you will need some object (you can use a toy, a bag of sweets, a ball or other sports equipment for collective games).

The organizer carries out preliminary work, which consists in the preparation of pointers-signs. Their number and complexity depend on the size of the site and the age of the players.

For younger students, 3-5 simple signs are enough; for older children, it is desirable to use a larger number of signs, they should be more complicated. A pointer is any object that gives information about what to look for in this particular place (“search here”). If the game is played outside the city, then the indicator can be a broken branch stuck in the ground, a bunch of grass uprooted and lying on the road, a cross scratched on the ground or drawn on a stone with chalk, a pyramid of three stones among the grass, a ribbon or a piece of cloth on a branch, etc.

Pointers should stand out from the surrounding space. For younger students, it is better to make them more visible than for children of middle and senior school age.

If the game is played in a yard or park, signs can be signs drawn with chalk on the pavement, a newspaper or magazine supposedly forgotten on a bench, pieces of colored paper pasted with adhesive tape, etc. It all depends on the imagination of the one who hides the object.

The area where the players will look for the treasure is determined in advance. Before the start of the game, the item must be hidden, after which pointers should be placed on the site.

In the immediate vicinity of the sign or on it, there should be information on how to find the next or, if this is the last sign, where to look for the treasure. For example, under a pyramid of stones there may be a note: "30 steps, direction to a tall oak." Treasure seekers take 30 steps in the indicated direction and begin to look around in search of a new pointer, find a piece that is tied to a branch of a bush, and on it is the inscription: “Treasure”. In the middle of the bush, the children find a bag of sweets.

The search for the treasure begins from the site, which is determined in advance - they are looking for the first pointer on it.

Older children can be divided into two teams: one hides the treasure, the other looks for it.

At the end of the game, an adult, together with the children, puts the site in order, be sure to give a positive assessment of the work done.

hare houses

The players pretend to be bunnies. Everyone has his own house, but one (leader) does not have a house. He approaches the house of any participant in the game and asks: "Please give me the house." The bunny does not intend to give up his house to a stranger. He runs in a circle to the right, the driver - to the left. They run around all the participants, touching everyone. The player who was touched must occupy a free house. At the command of the host, the game stops. The bunny, left without a house, drives.

hide and seek

The game is played in a grove, a park, a sports field or a yard, outside the city, where there are small shelters. The boundaries of the playing field are determined.

If the area is large enough, a whistle may be needed to play. The driver is selected and the place from where he will start the search and where he will “catch” the found players. The driver’s place should be located approximately in the center of the site, preferably near a tree, a large stone, a stump, a park bench, etc. He whistles a whistle or shouts: “Hide!”, closes his eyes and counts to 10 (or up to 20). During this time, the players must hide. Having counted to the end, the driver again blows the whistle or shouts: “I’m going to look!”, opens his eyes and starts searching for players. He can move away from the place of the driver, but when a hidden driver is found, the driver must return to his place and name the found participant in the game. If the name is correct, the one found is out of the game. In the event that the driver makes a mistake, the player does not leave his place and, in turn, can catch, that is, run to the driver’s place earlier and give his name, securing a victory for himself. The game continues until all players have been found. Then the first of the found players becomes the driver. Children of different ages can play such a game, with the kids it is organized by an adult who guarantees compliance with the rules of the game.

The search for players can be limited in time, for example, in 10 minutes the driver must find one, two or more participants in the game. Or the game continues until the driver finds the first of those hiding, then the driver blows a whistle or shouts: “Found!”. Then all the players come out of their hiding places, the found one becomes the driver, and the game resumes. The duration of the game is set by the participants themselves, having previously agreed on the rules for changing roles. In addition, this game can be played by children and adults together, with the whole family.

The one named Vigilant Eye

The game is best played on a playground, in a park or forest, where there are many trees, shrubs, as well as various objects and places for shelter.

One of the participants is assigned as a driver, and all the other players, together with an adult, hide nearby. After that, the leader returns.

He stops not far from the driver and gives a signal to start the game. The participants try to quietly approach the driver, but the latter carefully observes their every action, turns in different directions. At this time, the participants run across or crawl towards other shelters. If the driver noticed the player, then he calls his name, and the latter approaches the leader and continues to watch the game with him.

However, the participant does not respond if the driver did not guess it.

After the set time has elapsed, the leader gives a signal to end the game, after which all players leave their shelters. The participant who is closest to the leader is considered the winner.

Hidden Cubes

To play, you will need a set of children's cubes (with pictures drawn on them or written letters, numbers). Having determined the playing field in advance (usually a playground), the adult hides the cubes in various places, but in such a way that it is not difficult for the kids to find them. Then the facilitator asks the children to divide into two teams, which take their places on opposite sides of the facilitator.

The task of each team: moving forward, carefully examine everything around and find as many cubes as possible. The team that finds the most cubes wins. At the end of the game, the adult, together with the children, examines the cubes and asks to name what is depicted on them or what letters or numbers are written, after which he rewards all the participants who took part in the game with small prizes - sweets, miniature figures carved by older children from colored cardboard.

Do not go, hares, to the garden!

To play, you will need a wooden stick or chalk. The game involves at least 5 people. The leader (adult) draws a circle with a diameter of 2.5-3 m on a pre-selected site. This is a garden. A leader is selected from among the participants with the help of a rhyme. He will be the caretaker.

The watchman stands in a circle, the rest of the players are hares who want to get into the garden. At the signal of the leader, the hares begin the “offensive”, diverting the watchman’s attention to themselves in every possible way, so that those participants who are behind the driver’s back can penetrate the “forbidden territory”. The one whom the driver touches outside the circle runs across, without entering the circle, to the opposite side.

This fun game will be a great entertainment for children during their holidays not only in the park or forest, but also on the summer playground.

Magic balloons

For the game you will need balloons (according to the number of participants in one of the teams). The game is best played outdoors. The leader (adult) asks the children to divide into two teams. The players of the second team line up, moving away from the leader and the players of the first team at a distance of 25-30 steps. They hold hands and spread them apart, after which they disengage. As a result, a distance is formed between the players in the chain.

Each member of the first team picks up one balloon. The task of the players is to penetrate the chain formed by the members of the second team without allowing themselves to be overpowered.

As soon as all participants take their places, the leader gives a signal to start the game. Participants with balls run up to the chain, after which they try to slip into the free space. The players of the second team do their best to detain the participants with the balls. The one who was taunted gives his ball to the host and continues to watch the game with him. If the players of the first team manage to carry at least half of the balls through the chain, they win, and if they fail, the members of the first team win.

At the end of the game, the leader asks all the children to stand in a circle. Participants with balls in their hands throw them to those who are standing opposite, saying: “Thank you for playing!”. Those who caught, in turn, throw the balls to those who are standing opposite, with the same words, after which the host with a bunch of balls in his hands addresses all the participants: “Thank you guys for the game!”. If possible, the exchange of balloons can be replaced by launching them into the sky.

Fishermen and fish

To play, you will need a wooden stick or chalk. An adult draws a circle with a diameter of 4-4.5 m on the site. Two children are chosen from among the players who will be fishermen. They join hands, forming a fishing net. The rest of the participants are fish. They swim in the lake - they run inside the circle. Fish cannot run out of the circle.

At the command of the leader, the fishermen run into the lake, trying to catch the fish, they run in pairs without disengaging their hands. Caught fish stand between the fishermen. Thus, with each participant caught, the net expands, and the fish become smaller and smaller. When the net becomes large enough, the fishermen have the opportunity to surround the fish. If the fishermen hold hands, forming a circle, then the fish inside the circle are considered to be caught.

Fish can break out of the net if one of the fishermen (they are always on the edges of the net) releases the hand of the player next to him while moving. The fisherman must, as soon as possible, take the hand of the player who has not yet unhooked from the net. The game continues until the fishermen have caught all the fish. The last player caught is the winner.

At the end of the game, the extreme participants of the network join hands, and the children begin to dance, sing any cheerful song.

Nuts, cones and mushrooms

The game is played with children of preschool or primary school age. A leader is chosen from among the players, who stands next to the leader. The remaining participants, at the command of an adult, line up and count in threes. The first numbers are nuts, the second are cones, and the third are mushrooms. The adult then says, "Put your hands up, nuts." The first numbers raise their hands. The host continues: "Raise your hands, mushrooms." The third numbers raise their hands. "Raise your hands, bumps." The second numbers raise their hands.

After that, the leader asks the children to form triplets (nut, cone, mushroom). Each trio joins hands, forming a circle. An adult with a driver stand in the middle of the site. After the host exclaims: “Cones!”, All participants named cones change places. The driver at this time seeks to take any vacant seat.

If he succeeds, then he becomes a bump, and the one who is left without a place becomes the driver. On command "Mushrooms!" or "Nuts!" other players change places. In the midst of the game, the adult exclaims: “Mushrooms! Nuts! Bumps! Participants must have time to change places.

The game can be complicated by introducing a competitive element: the host notes how quickly the participants changed places, who turned out to be the fastest - nuts, cones or mushrooms.

miraculous transformation

This game is best played with children of senior preschool or primary school age. In sunny summer weather, an adult and children go for a walk in a park or forest. During the rest, the leader asks the children to get comfortable and starts the game. He chooses the most modest and shy child and asks him to come. Having established friendly contact with the participant (an adult can put his hand on the shoulder of the child, take the participant by the hand, etc.), the leader addresses the other players: “Guys, now we will play with you. Listen to the story." After that, the facilitator tells the following story.

Fairy tale text

Sasha (Dasha) (an adult calls the name of the child who stands next to him) - a worm (caterpillar). He (she) is green (green), like leaves on trees and grass. Such a beautiful color! But look, Sashenka (Dashenka) is sad (sad). He (she) is sad because he (a) fell into a stream that took him (her) far, far away from home. And now he (she) is all alone (alone).

Then the host invites the children: “Let's, guys, cheer up Sashenka (Dashenka). I will say the magic words, and you repeat. The children agree with the adult, dance around the leader and repeat the following in chorus after the leader: “We are beautiful flowers. We have petals, and beetles (butterflies) have wings. Flowers can dance. And beetles (butterflies) can fly. Flowers and beetles (butterflies) are friends. Amazing summer! How wonderful to live in the world! Sasha (Dasha) is a bug (butterfly). After these words, the adult suddenly exclaims: “Oh, what miracles! Look, our worm (caterpillar), Sashenka (Dashenka), has turned (turned) into a bug (butterfly)! The host continues: “Sasha (Dasha) is no longer a worm (caterpillar), but a bug (butterfly), and we are flowers. Flowers and butterflies are friends!

At the end of the game, an adult organizes an observation lesson for plants and insects with the children, in which the kids learn about natural symbiosis - that everything in nature is interconnected. At the end of the walk, the leader shows the children flowers, beetles and butterflies, and conducts a conversation.

mother hen and kite

The game involves 10-12 people. One of the participants, leading, depicts a kite, the other - a mother hen. All other players are chickens. The leader asks the children, representing chickens, to stand in single file behind the hen and hold on to each other. The kite stands 3-4 steps from the column.

The game begins at the command of the host (adult): the driver tries to grab the chicken that is the last in the column. To do this, he must cling to the column behind.

However, this is not so easy to do, since the mother hen constantly turns her face to the kite, thus blocking his path. She stretches her arms to the sides - and the whole column deviates in the opposite direction from the kite.

The game continues for several minutes. If during this period of time the kite fails to grab the chicken, a new driver is chosen, after which the game is repeated.


Chalk is required for the game. An adult draws a circle on the site of such a size that all participants can fit freely around the circumference. One of the players is appointed as the leader, he stands in the center of the circle. The rest of the players - grasshoppers - stand at the very edge of the circle. At the command of the host, the grasshoppers begin to jump inside the circle, and then jump out of it. The driver tries to catch one of the participants at the moment when the latter is inside the circle. The caught player becomes the driver, and the driver becomes the grasshopper, after which the game is repeated.

The game can be made more difficult by changing its rules: jump in, and also jump in on one leg, or jump out only after clapping your hands.

Circular tags

This game is best played on the playground. Players form 2 circles - inner and outer. Then the participants begin to move: in the outer circle - clockwise, in the inner circle - counterclockwise. At the signal of the leader (adult), the children stop. The participants in the game, who form the inner circle, try to touch the players of the outer circle (touch with their hands) before the latter have time to sit down. The caught participants stand in the inner circle, after which the game starts over. When 5-6 people remain in the outer circle, the game ends.

Wait for it!

Chalk is required for the game. Two forests are marked on opposite sides of the playground. From among the players, the driver is selected - the Wolf. It can be the eldest of all participants. The remaining players - hares - are divided into two groups, each of which is located in its own forest.

The wolf goes to the middle of the site, after which the leader gives a signal to start the game. The wolf catches them.

The participant who manages to be stained is considered the assistant of the Wolf. He stops at the place where he was caught, and with his arms outstretched, blocks the way for the players on their next dashes. When the Wolf's assistants turn out to be too many and after that the adult tells the children that they were visiting the Wolf on the occasion of his birthday.

The host invites all participants to stand in a circle, and the Wolf - in the center of this circle. Children join hands, dance around the Wolf and sing a cheerful song, and the Wolf dances.


You need a whistle to play. It is best to play it on the playground or in the park. A leader is selected from among the participants. The rest of the players are divided into pairs, holding hands, after which they form one common circle.

The driver is in the middle of the circle. An adult explains the rules of the game to the children: he will name the actions, and the participants will perform them, but as if they are looking in a mirror and see their reflection in it. Then the leader says: “We are looking at each other!”

Participants in each pair turn to face each other. Then the leader says: “We raise our hand!”.

Children raise their free hand up. “We smile,” the host continues.

The players smile at each other. After that, the adult unexpectedly gives the command “Change places!”, And all participants begin to run around the driver, and at the signal of the leader, they form new pairs. The task of the driver is to stand with one of the players in a pair. The participant left without a pair becomes the leader.

If the game is played with children of middle school age, then the same participant can be the driver and leader.

One, two, three - freeze!

For the game you will need an inflatable ball. Players form a circle, standing at arm's length. One of the participants throws the ball to the other. The latter, in turn, passes the ball further in the same way. Players pass the ball until one of them hits it. This participant becomes the leader. All players run around the court. The driver picks up the ball as soon as possible and shouts: “One, two, three - freeze!”. All participants immediately stop at the place where they ended up when they heard the driver's command. He throws the ball at one of the players. The participants do not leave their seats, but they can dodge - squat, bend over, etc. If the driver succeeds in getting into someone, everyone returns to their places, after which the game continues. In the event that the driver misses, he runs after the ball, and at that time everyone scatters. Taking the ball in his hands, the driver again gives the command "One, two, three - freeze!". Then he tries to taunt one of the participants. The salted player becomes the driver, and the game is repeated.

Living maze

You need a whistle to play. Two participants are selected from among the participants - the escaping and catching up. The rest of the players stand in a column of 4-6 people and move away from each other at arm's length. At the leader's signal, the escaping participant finds himself in one of the corridors. The pursuer pursues him. These participants move along the corridors. The facilitator agrees in advance with the players that whenever they hear a signal, they join hands. Thus, the escaping and catching up at this moment find themselves in different corridors. Then, at the signal of the leader, the players unhook their hands again, and the game continues.

The evader can move to the next corridor by running into it from the edge of the labyrinth at the moment when the other players join hands and block the path of the chasing one. If the pursuer manages to catch the evader before the latter gets out of the maze, they switch roles and the game continues.

Predator and herbivores

To play, you will need a wooden stick or chalk. A participant is selected from among the players, who acts as a predator. The leader (adult) stands in the middle of the site and draws a circle with a diameter of 2-2.5 m. The rest of the participants (herbivores) scatter in different directions around the site.

The predator is chasing them, trying to catch someone. Caught players are taken to the circle - they will be guarded by the leader. Herbivores can help each other out: for this, it is enough to touch the outstretched hand of a person standing in a circle. However, if the leader or the predator tarnishes the rescuer, the latter also ends up in the circle.

The rescued herbivores run away and, having joined the rest, become rescuers. The game continues until there is no player left in the circle.

Animals - in the houses!

This game is played with preschool children. Children stand in a circle, holding hands. The adult walks in a circle and separates it in several places.

The participants of the formed links create small circles-houses of hares, hedgehogs, frogs, etc. The leader passes by the kids standing in the houses and invites them to follow him. Children imitate the movements of animals: bunnies and frogs jump, hedgehogs take small steps, walk slowly, measuredly. Having formed a general circle, all participants dance and sing a cheerful song.

Unexpectedly, an adult gives the command: “Everyone in the houses!”. The animals rush to take their places, to form houses as quickly as possible. The group of children who do it faster than others wins.

Owl Owl

This game can be played by children of all ages. The players form a circle. One of the players, the driver, stands in the center of the circle, depicting an owl, and all the other players are birds and insects. The host exclaims: "Wake up - the day has come!". All participants, except the driver, run in a circle, waving their arms like wings. The owl is dozing at this time - it stands, closing its eyes, in the middle of the circle. When the host says loudly: “The night is coming - everyone is falling asleep!”, Birds and insects stop and freeze. Here the owl goes hunting. She looks for those who laugh or move, carries these participants to her nest in the center of the circle. Caught insects and birds become owls, and they all go hunting together.

It is equally important for older preschoolers to play single and team games in the fresh air than for younger ones. The games that are offered in this article are aimed at developing endurance, dexterity, thinking, balance in children aged 5-6 years. In addition to all this, thanks to these games, preschoolers learn to communicate with other children and act as a team - after all, all this will be useful to them at school.

Ball games.

Simple tossing the ball up
-Tossing the ball up, but it is necessary to clap your hands
-Tossing the ball up, but you can catch it with only one hand (first with the right, and then with the left)
-Throwing the ball to the ground
- Throwing the ball into the ground, but with one hand (first with the right, then with the left)
-Throwing the ball to the ground and hitting it with your hand
-Throwing the ball into the wall and catching it on the rebound
-Throwing the ball into the wall, but before catching it is necessary to clap your hands
- Throwing the ball over the net. Those standing on the other side of the net try to catch him and throw him back.
-Tossing the ball so that it hits a basket suspended slightly above the child's raised arms.

Don't drop the bag

A bag filled with dry sand is placed on the child's head. With a bag on his head, he walks between spread out sticks (the width of the "corridor" is 40-25 cm) or along a cord lying on the floor (the length of the cord is 2-3 m). You have to go to the end without dropping the bag. The pouch should not be filled too tightly with sand, otherwise it is difficult to keep it on the head. The weight of the bag is 500-600 g. Wicker baskets, papier-mâché jugs and other items can also be worn on the head. This game teaches you to walk straight and not lower your head, which contributes to the development of good posture.

hoop games

The child hits the rim of the hoop and runs after it, trying never to drop it. Or he hits the rim hard and runs after him, trying to run to the conditional place before the hoop reaches there.

Take the checkbox

Opposite the child, at a distance of eight steps, lies a flag (or something else). Under the words of an adult “jump-jump, jump-jump, here it is - your flag”, the child jumps (for each word - a jump). At the last word, you need to have time to jump to the flag and take it.

Group games for the development of preschoolers

Picking up tapes

A rope is stretched between the trees, on which colored ribbons are thrown. The end of the tape should be 10-15 cm above the child's raised arm. Children get under the rope and begin to jump, trying to remove as many ribbons as possible.

Jump on

Draw a line on the ground. 4-5 pebbles or small colored flags are placed perpendicular to it, at a distance of 15-20 cm from one another. Children stand on the line and take turns trying to jump as far as possible. Whoever manages to jump to the last pebble (60-80 cm), he has the right to take it for himself. A new stone is placed in this place. The game is repeated three or four times. Whoever has the most stones at the end of the game is the winner.

Rope games

Two preschoolers circle a long rope "from head to toe" running, others run under the rope at the moment when it is at the top.
Who will have time to slip under the rope?
The same, but they jump over a spinning rope.
Run and jump over a short rope.

Hurry up to catch

Two guys throw the ball to each other. And the third one, who stands between them, is trying to catch a flying ball. If the latter manages to do this, then he goes to the place of the thrower.


The players choose the driver. A stick is placed next to it. The driver stands with his eyes closed and counts to 15-20. At this time, the rest of the children are hiding. He opens his eyes, taps his wand and says: "The wand came, found no one" - and goes to look for those hiding. When he sees someone, he shouts: “The magic wand has found ...” (gives the name of the one found) - and runs to the wand. The found one also runs towards the wand. If he runs to the wand before the driver and says: “Wand, help me out!”, Then he is considered rescued, but if he is late, he leaves the game. While the driver is looking, everyone can, choosing a convenient moment, run up to the wand and, tapping it, help out those found earlier (“Wand, help everyone out!”).
If the driver could not find anyone, he drives again. If he found everyone and the last one did not manage to rescue his comrades, then the one who was found first leads.


Children stand near trees or in circles (corners), which everyone draws for themselves. One of the players (without a circle) becomes in the middle. He approaches one of those standing in circles and says: "Mouse, mouse, give me your corner." She refuses. Then he goes with the same words to another. At this time, the rest of the children change places, and the driver tries to take someone's place. If he succeeds, the one left without a corner becomes in the middle - and the game is repeated.

Cats and mice

This game is for a large group of children. Seven or more people form a circle, holding hands. In one place it does not close - this is the gate. Two players are outside the circle. One of them is a "cat", the other is a "mouse".
The mouse has the right to run both in the circle and outside it, it can run into the gate and crawl under the arms of the children standing in the circle.
The cat is allowed to run outside the circle and run into it only through the gate. The mouse runs away and the cat catches it. When the cat catches the mouse, the children choose another pair.
