The better to anoint sunburn. What to do if burned out in the sun: how to smear the skin after a sunburn

The hot sultry sun is a source of life for all living things, as well as a coveted resource used by beauties to get a beautiful even tan. However, when used excessively, sunlight becomes harmful to health and often causes painful sunburn.

What to do with a sunburn of the skin

Even being in the sun, you can feel the first signs of discomfort - the skin begins to “burn” slightly, and the burn area becomes pink. Don't be fooled by the fact that it's a "tan." If you continue to sunbathe or be in the sun for another reason, then serious troubles cannot be avoided.

When the first symptoms of a sunburn appear, you must:

Sunburn can be a source of severe skin damage, in which case you should not self-medicate, but immediately seek qualified medical help.

First aid for sunburn

Depending on the extent and size of the skin lesion, the condition can be mildly painful or extremely severe. Therefore, at the first symptoms should:

  • Adequately assess the state of health. If there are signs of heat or sunstroke (chills, nausea, headache), you should immediately call an ambulance;
  • When carrying out moisturizing procedures, treat the skin surface in the damaged area as sparingly as possible - do not rub, press;
  • Try to restore the water balance in the body. Even if you do not want to drink, you need to drink as much liquid as possible - up to 2.5 liters, preferably mineral alkaline water;
  • It would be useful to take painkillers (Ibuprofen, Analgin, Aspirin). However, if the pain is not too severe, medications better not to abuse it.

If the above measures have not led to a significant reduction in discomfort, it is necessary to conduct adequate treatment. The choice of a suitable drug should be done only after consulting a dermatologist.

The damage received in the sun is not much different from ordinary thermal or electrical burns - except perhaps for the component of exposure. In the case of sunburn, these are ultraviolet rays.

Like regular burns, sun damage to the skin varies in severity and can include:

  • Grade 1 - slight redness of the skin and mild pain;
  • Grade 2 - the appearance of blisters filled with liquid on the damaged areas.

Stronger damage to the skin due to sunlight is an impossible phenomenon in ordinary life. But the internal negative changes in health with constant sunburn in an attempt to get a beautiful tan is a very likely scenario for the development of events. DNA in skin cells undergoes destruction, which causes the development of oncological conditions.

People with fair skin are at increased risk - they can get burned in a very short period (up to 30 minutes) in bright sun.

How to relieve pain after a sunburn

After moisturizing the skin with a bath or shower, do not dry the skin with a towel, but let it dry or gently pat it dry soft cloth. When pain appears, you can lubricate the burnt areas with one of the following compositions:

Of course, cure sunburn with severe damage folk remedies not able, but to a large extent to reduce discomfort they are quite capable of. However, if the pain persists, then a visit to a dermatologist should not be postponed.

How to treat sunburn

All the means used in the treatment can be divided into those used for external and internal use.

Internal medicines include:

  • Vitamins. It is recommended to take vitamins A, E, C, which have antioxidant properties. Reception of funds from this group is from 10 to 30 days. helps to enhance the regenerative properties of the skin and prevents cell regeneration;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen. Their use is justified during the period of the most pronounced symptoms. These funds also have analgesic, anti-edematous effect;
  • Antihistamines: Citrine, Tavegil, Fenkarol. These funds are taken only after consulting a doctor. They help to eliminate allergic manifestations, removing the feeling of "burning" of the skin.

Of particular importance for internal recovery is a change in diet. The menu should include more fruits and vegetables - they are valuable sources of natural vitamins. If this is not possible, at least synthetic drugs should be taken. Protein food is also important for tissue repair processes and should be present in the daily diet in the most beneficial form.

Sunburn treatment: ointments, sprays, creams

There are many pharmaceutical remedies to eliminate the consequences of an unsuccessful tan. All of them have different properties, differ in composition and duration and, of course, in price. Here are the most effective ones:

If you choose the form of the product, then, according to doctors, sprays are the most effective - they are easier to apply and distribute, they have a more airy structure. It is also recommended to combine drugs, depending on the size and severity of the burns. For more severe burns on the back, Amprovizol spray can be applied, but Panthenol ointment is more suitable for the face.

Treatment of severe sunburn with blisters

Often, already being in the shade after overheating in the sun, you can notice small bubbles appearing on the skin on the burnt places. This indicates a more severe lesion than a normal sunburn. If the bubbles are not very large and the feeling of discomfort is relatively tolerable, then you can try to alleviate the condition with the following means:

Concerning medicines, most users speak well of Panthenol, which is available in the form of a spray, ointment, cream, emulsion. However, in case of extensive damage, accompanied by a significant deterioration in general well-being, you should immediately seek qualified help.

What not to do with a sunburn

Often, in a hasty attempt to get rid of uncomfortable sensations and, as it seems to us, to begin treatment sooner, you can cause even more damage to the affected skin. To avoid wrong actions, you need to know what can harm already burned skin. So, with sunburn is not recommended:

During the recovery period, do not drink strong tea and coffee, avoid drinking alcohol. Try to avoid direct sunlight on the affected areas.

Preventing sunburn is easier than treating the effects of uncontrolled sun exposure later. To do this, just remember a few rules of prevention:

  • Start sunbathing from 10-15 minutes. , gradually increasing the time interval;
  • Take into account when being in the sun that its greatest activity falls on a period limited by 10 and 15 hours of the day;
  • Use sunglasses and a hat. They will not only protect the most delicate skin on the face from burns, but also greatly reduce the likelihood of sunstroke.

Everything is good in moderation - use this rule, and you will get a beautiful even tan without any consequences.

The first signal of the body when receiving a sunstroke is redness, in cases of complications, blisters with liquid are noticeable. A person feels general fatigue, malaise. In this case, it is necessary to urgently respond, to know about help, means that will help.

Sunburn 1st degree


Most often, they appear as mild redness, with complications, blisters with liquid are observed. It is important to consider not only the depth of the lesion, but also its scale.

Symptoms characteristic of this situation appear after 12 hours. For the correct, most effective treatment, you should seek help. Dangerous symptoms of burns are manifested in the form of:

  • bubbles with liquid content;
  • with lesions of more than half of the skin;
  • when sunny;
  • there are attacks of nausea, vomiting, a sharp rise in body temperature.

Important! For serious injuries, inpatient treatment is prescribed.

Sunburn 2nd degree

It includes the use of droppers with special saline solutions. Their use has a positive effect on the body, replenishes lost moisture during dehydration. Drugs that relieve pain, discomfort symptoms are possible. In cases of obvious complications, antibiotics are used as prescribed by the doctor.

If the burn is mild, it will go away on its own within 2 to 3 days. Exfoliation, hyperemia will disappear after a week.

Dead skin peels off

Effective remedies

With mild lesions, slight redness, they buy a remedy for sunburn in a pharmacy. They can be divided into several groups.

  1. Means with steroid hormones. Their advantage is to relieve itching, redness in the skin areas. Such drugs are safe, often used for mild forms of sunburn. Representative - Afoderm (cream).
  2. To the best means sunburn is treated with antihistamines. These non-hormonal agents relieve swelling, severe itching of the skin. This is Fenistil - gel, Ketocin.
  3. A separate group includes anestezin, menthol. The representative of this group is Amprovizol.
  4. For complications in the form of blisters with liquid, antiseptic agents are used that minimize the risk of infection entering the body. They contain miramistin, silver sulfadiazine, chlorhexidine. In consultation with a pharmacist, you will be offered Silveder cream, or miramistin ointment.
  5. Universal, affordable drugs, for example, Bepanten, Panthenol, Panteson. They not only relieve the inflammatory process, but also accelerate the process of complete recovery, regeneration of damaged areas.
  6. Promote healing, are used in the first few hours as first aid solcoseryl ointment, products based on natural ingredients. This is Lifusol with linseed oil, or Olazol based on sea buckthorn.

Panthenol for burns

Among the forms of release of funds after sunburn, the most effective is the spray, which is evenly distributed over the affected area. Depending on the skin area, the agents are combined.

  • Use drugs that will relieve pain, make you feel better.
  • During a sunburn, the body becomes dehydrated. To alleviate the condition, you need to use a large number of pure water.
  • In the hot season, wear clothes made from natural, lightweight fabrics.

Ointment Solcoseryl


Safe, easy to use Everyday life folk remedies for sunburn. Here are some of the most popular options.

Milk products. To relieve the inflammatory process, redness of the skin, sour-milk foods are used. They contain a protein that, when interacting, creates protective barrier. Therefore, in order to moisturize, minimize the evaporation of moisture, there is no equal to this product.

Raw potatoes for burns

Potatoes are used for medicinal purposes. There are several options for its use:

  • potato juice is used as an anti-inflammatory agent. Prepare potatoes, grate, squeeze juice. Then apply to the burned area. If desired, it is possible to make a mask with juice and oatmeal, wheat flour. Duration - up to 20 minutes;
  • mashed potatoes effectively restore damaged areas. Apply warm product for 15 minutes. After removal, wipe the area with a cotton swab;
  • raw, grated potatoes relieve strong, painful sensations. To minimize the occurrence of blisters, apply this remedy for 20 minutes;
  • Potato flour is used as a sedative. The abundance of application depends on the global extent of the lesion.

Available juice from aloe. Damaged areas are lubricated with juice and water, proportions of 1: 1 are observed. Use wipes when applying the product. Apply from 2 times daily.

Another home remedy for sunburn is tea compresses. Its use has a positive effect on well-being, relieves pain, itching. For a positive result, apply compresses 3 times daily for half an hour. To prepare a medicinal brew, prepare loose tea, brew for half an hour. As a preventive measure, the skin is lubricated with strong tea leaves. This procedure will protect against the possibility of damage to the skin.

Aloe juice to lubricate burns

Herbal decoctions from wooden bark. For these purposes, they also use chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, Ivan - tea. The following cooking recipes are distinguished:

  • dried chamomile flowers are brewed with 1 cup of boiled water, then infused for an hour. To enrich the composition, a fatty cream is used. In addition to dry flowers, the use of alcohol tincture is not recommended;
  • a similar method of making Ivan - tea;
  • prepare 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort, pour boiled water. Insist healing medicine for 15 minutes. After that, strain. Effective remedy- St. John's wort oil. The method of its preparation is to combine 200 g vegetable oil, 3 tbsp. St. John's wort in dry form. Strain the extract, store in a cool place. Beneficial features folk remedy: help in regenerative purposes, moisturize dry areas of the skin, relieve inflammation;
  • decoction of oak bark has many useful properties. Prepare it with 3 tablespoons, pour 1 tbsp. water. Boil for half an hour;
  • effective foods are cucumber and watermelon. Their juice has healing properties, it is used as a lotion;
  • cold sauerkraut is applied to the site of skin lesions. Application time takes 20 minutes;
  • quince seeds are poured with boiled water, then filtered. The infusion is slimy in consistency, use this infusion 2 times daily.


In the hot season, everyone is close to the problem of sunburn. They differ in their depth, the scale of the defeat.

To relieve the symptoms characteristic of this condition, a number of means are used. In case of complications, you should seek help from a specialist who will prescribe the drug you need. In case of complications, the patient undergoes treatment in a hospital.

For light burns, improvised means, recipes are used. traditional medicine.

Choose the option that suits you. In addition, remember about preventive measures and rules for safe tanning.

Causes of sunburn

A sunburn is a skin burn caused by ultraviolet radiation. As a result of the burn, the skin becomes inflamed. Half an hour after injury by the sun, they become noticeable.

The main cause of sunburn is a decrease in the ability of melanin to protect the skin. A fair-skinned person is more sensitive to sunlight than a dark-skinned person.

You can get a sunburn if you stay in the sun for a long time without applying a protective cream.

Sunburn: symptoms

The development of a sunburn occurs within the first days after it is received. The degree of intensity of the development of the burn varies from reddening of the skin to its peeling. It is possible to develop edema as a symptom of a burn, as well as the formation of blisters and severe pain in the affected areas.

If there is a severe degree of burn or it is combined with heat stroke, the state of health deteriorates sharply, the patient's body temperature rises, he begins to feel weakness and chills.

In places of peeling of the skin, its sensitivity to solar radiation increases.

There are four degrees of sunburn, determined by the depth of the skin lesion and the total area of ​​the affected areas.

Sunburn 1st degree

With a first-degree burn, small blisters do not appear on the victim's skin, the skin turns slightly red. This causes pain in the affected areas of the skin. You can treat such burns at home on your own.

Sunburn 2nd degree

The second degree of severity of sunburn is characterized by the appearance of blisters that are filled with a clear liquid inside. The temperature may rise, chills and dizziness occur. The victim begins to vomit.

In some cases, fainting is observed. If this occurs, medical attention is required.

Sunburn 3rd degree

With third-degree sunburn, a deep skin lesion occurs, while its internal structure is disturbed. A burn can cover up to 60% of the skin. This degree of burn is characterized by a change in the general condition of a person.

Sunburn 4 degrees

4th degree sunburn is uncommon. Its sign is skin damage against the background of severe dehydration. At the same time, the functioning of the liver and kidneys deteriorates sharply, if timely measures are not taken, a fatal outcome is possible.

Help for sunburn at home

First aid for sunburn is an essential, important condition for providing first aid to the victim. It provides for a direct effect on areas of the skin in order to treat a burn and prevent its subsequent occurrence.

Sunburn: first aid at home

First aid for sunburn at home involves taking a cool bath immediately after the first signs of burns have been discovered. You can also take a shower in conjunction with a bath to eliminate the symptoms of a burn, reduce the temperature of the affected areas and pain relief.

After a shower, it is recommended to treat the skin at the site of the burn with special formulations. For these purposes, lotion based on aloe, hyaluronic acid and chamomile extract are excellent. It is important that alcohol-based formulations should not be used. The placement of the limbs at a certain elevation contributes to the prevention of edema.

In this case, it is necessary to make adjustments to the nutritional diet. Drink plenty of water and eat protein-based foods. Water speeds up metabolism, and protein promotes tissue regeneration.

First aid for sunburn in children

If the child has suffered from the sun, first aid should be given to him. It involves, first of all, irrigation of the damaged surface with cool water. Give the child some type of pain reliever if the child is in pain. In addition, be sure to give the child to drink tea in large quantities.

To achieve the maximum result, parents must know everything about the consequences of burns and be able to quickly and efficiently provide first aid to the child.

First aid for sunburn

A long-known method of providing first aid for sunburn is the use of kefir or yogurt for application to the affected areas of the skin. It is recommended to apply fermented milk products carefully so as not to cause pain to the victim. After the previous applied layer has dried, another one can be applied. This technique can significantly reduce the pain from a burn and bring its final healing closer.

Sunburn treatment at home

Treatment of sunburn at home involves the use of various means for this. These are medicines, and ointments, and recipes of traditional medicine. Everything is determined by the severity of the burn and the general condition of the patient.

Sunburn: what to do at home?

First of all, at home, you should cool the burned areas of the skin with special lotions and compresses. This must be done for at least six hours. You can use tools from the arsenal of traditional medicine to prepare compresses, or it can be aqueous solutions of medicines. Antiseptics, such as furacilin, decasan, chlorhexidine, are well suited for this. After the compress warms up, it should be changed with a new, cold one.

Sunburn: how to smear at home?

Six hours after the victim received a burn, it is allowed to use
antiseptic, water-soluble, wound-healing creams, sprays and foams. These include Bepanten, Panthenol, Synthomycin.

After a few days after the victim receives a burn, his skin begins to peel off and new skin surfaces form under it, quite vulnerable and tender, special lubricating preparations can be used to speed up the healing process. These are fatty ointments, as well as oils and creams. They will provide additional protection to the skin and keep them. Sea buckthorn and vaseline oils are very effective in such situations.

Lubricate the skin with sunburn should be carefully so as not to cause pain to the victim.

home remedies for sunburn

A good medical remedy for eliminating the effects of sunburn is a drug from among painkillers. These include Analgin, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol and Tempalgin. Also, to relieve sunburn, the use of Diazolin, Claritin or Citrine is recommended.

If there is severe inflammation, burning and itching, it is required to use antihistamines, such as Tavegil, Claritin, Suprastin.

Folk remedies for sunburn

Folk remedies for sunburn are the safest and at the same time very effective. Their biggest drawback is the fact that it takes a lot of work to make them quality.

In addition, inconvenience may be associated with some bad smell when using sour cream or other dairy products. It is not necessary to bear the costs in the preparation of such funds, therefore they are quite convenient when used to treat burns. In addition, there are almost no side effects from the use of traditional medicine.

Sour cream for sunburn

Sour cream for sunburn is an old, long-proven remedy. Having previously cooled the jar of sour cream in the refrigerator, apply sour cream to the affected areas of the body. The application of such a sour-milk mask cools the skin and soothes it. You can wash off such a mass with cold water.

sunburn oil

Coconut oil works well for sunburn. This natural moisturizer effectively helps damaged skin restore its natural elasticity, eliminate itching and blisters. Coconut oil has excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, helps to quickly and effectively restore the damaged epithelial layer.

The oil is applied to the skin in a thin layer. For better skin hydration, it is recommended to mix the oil with aloe vera juice. This will help soothe the affected skin and moisturize it.

Oil with aloe juice is mixed until a homogeneous mass. The oil should not be melted beforehand, from this its properties only worsen.

Sea buckthorn oil is effective against the effects of sunburn. Its astringent properties and ability to relieve inflammation play an important role in eliminating the effects of burns. In addition, the oil prevents the spread of infections on the skin. The oil is used when necessary to treat sunburn with blisters and itching.

Oil should be soaked in a cotton swab and applied to damaged areas of the skin. It is also possible to apply a compress to a blistered skin area. To do this, just moisten sea ​​buckthorn oil cloth cloth and place it on the skin. Every two hours, the bandage must be changed until the patient's condition is relieved.

Aloe for sunburn

Aloe as a remedy for sunburn is used after the surface of the burn has been cooled. It is best to do this with clean running water; it is not recommended to apply ice to the burned area.

After that, you can apply aloe. Juice is squeezed out of several fresh leaves of aloe and applied to the affected area of ​​​​the skin. Fixing the bandage at the site of application is not required.

It is allowed to place a dressing only if an incised sheet is applied to the wound. Such a bandage should be changed twice a day until there is an improvement in the condition of the victim.

If this plant was not at hand, you can contact the pharmacy, where aloe gel is on permanent sale. It is required to check the prescription of the gel offered in the pharmacy. The percentage of aloe in it should be 100%.

Kefir for sunburn

Kefir for sunburn is as popular as sour cream. It should be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin in a thin layer, after the previous layer has dried, the next one can be applied. Application is carried out with a cotton swab. Kefir has no contraindications for use and is completely harmless to the patient. It is better to use cold kefir when it comes to applying it immediately after the victim is burned. Such kefir will cool the skin and moisturize it.

sunburn tomatoes

Tomatoes contain antioxidants that can relieve redness of the skin after burns and pain. If you need to get rid of discomfort, you just need to prepare mashed tomatoes and apply it on the skin.

To prepare puree, you only need to pass a few fresh tomatoes through a meat grinder. After that, the resulting composition is placed on a gauze bandage and placed on the skin at the site of the burn. Hold for half an hour, it is best to remain still. Repeat the procedure several times throughout the day. As a rule, after three days the pain goes away and the problem is gradually eliminated.

Vodka for sunburn

Ordinary vodka is good for sunburn. Immediately after receiving them, it is recommended to take a shower, then gently rub the whole body with vodka. By morning, the redness completely disappears and turns into the most ordinary tan.

Vodka for burns helps only in cases where the lesion is not too severe. In this case, it is best not to rub, but to apply vodka with a cotton swab. In this case, the burn is well cooled. With severe burns, vodka will only further irritate the skin, so you should not use it.

Baking soda for sunburn

Baking soda can be used as a remedy for sunburn if used as a cosmetic product. In addition, you can take baths with soda, while it is added to warm water in the amount of several tablespoons.

If you want to get instant relief from a sunburn, you need to mix soda with water and apply the resulting composition to problem areas, skin areas affected after burns. To speed up this process, you need to mix baking soda with vinegar and apply the composition to burn blisters before going to bed.

Vinegar for sunburn

Apple cider vinegar will help with the elimination of the effects of sunburn. This requires mixing water with a bite in a ratio of four to one. The burn will quickly disappear and the skin will not even peel or hurt.

For burns, taking a warm bath with the addition of two glasses of apple bite to the water will help. High-quality disinfection of the skin is provided, it cools and calms down. You can also wrap yourself in a sheet that has been soaked with an vinegar solution of the above proportion. If the burn is not very severe, you can limit yourself to applying a towel to it up to three times a day.

Chamomile for sunburn

Chamomile is good for sunburn. To do this, add a few drops of chamomile to a container of cold water. Then soak a towel in water with chamomile and wring it out, then apply to the affected area of ​​​​skin with blisters. Repeat the procedure until itching and redness are eliminated.

In addition, the condition of the victim can be alleviated by applying chilled chamomile tea bags to the burn.

tea for sunburn

This recipe for eliminating burns with tea is recommended. brew strong tea in the volume of one glass, then insist it and cool. Soak a washcloth in the brewed tea, then apply it to the affected area of ​​the skin. The exposure time of the compress is half an hour. If such a need arises, you can repeat the procedure up to three times a day.

Egg for sunburn

For mild burns, it is enough to apply egg white to the treated skin. A thin layer is formed, which will go away by itself.

If the burn is more severe, you need to use protein and yolk. Having previously beaten the egg, it is poured onto the surface of the burn. The procedure is performed until the patient is relieved.

The likelihood of getting a sunburn from spending too much time under the scorching rays is very high. Particularly at risk are those who, having still white, without a minimum tanning skin, spend days on end on the beach. Just a few extra hours can lead to skin troubles. It will turn red and there will be a burning sensation. The first thought at such moments comes about how to smear sunburn.
For severe burns unpleasant symptoms will make themselves known within the first day. The appearance of itching, pain, burning, swelling and signs of dehydration is guaranteed in the next 24 hours. And the sooner help is provided after the defeat, the more likely it is to get rid of the problems associated with sunburn as soon as possible. It is also possible to treat burns at home, in the absence of severe tissue damage.

Signs of a burn

There are three stages of a burn:

  • Inflammation with redness and swelling.
  • The appearance of bubbles.
  • Stage of necrotic processes.

Depending on the type of skin, the likelihood of severe burns also varies. White-skinned people are most exposed to sunlight. The healing rate of damaged skin is slower. Also, the likelihood of getting burned increases in accordance with the length of sun exposure and the level of health.

In the burned areas, the skin usually turns red, becomes painful, bubbles appear (not always). If the degree of damage is not strong, then redness, pain will appear. After a while, the areas begin to peel off, after which the burn disappears without a trace.

With a severe burn, blisters appear, a feeling of severe burning, general dehydration of the body. The result may be an infection.

With a serious stage of the burn, the following symptoms are possible:

  • Fever.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Feeling of nausea.
  • blisters.
  • Exfoliate the skin after four to seven days.

In addition to local signs, the manifestation of general symptoms of a burn is possible:

  • Heat and sunstroke.
  • Allergy to the sun or sunscreen.
  • Violation of vision.

If symptoms characteristic of a severe stage of a burn appear, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim and immediately consult a doctor.

First aid

If you suspect that you have received a sunburn, you must act in the following sequence:

  • Leave an area exposed to the sun and take shelter in the shade or indoors.
  • After that, inspect the skin area and determine the severity of the damage. The presence of blisters indicates the severity of the burn. In such a situation, you need to seek help from a specialist.
  • You can relieve pain and burning by applying a cooling compress or taking a shower. The applied compress should be constantly moistened, which will help prevent cell destruction.

  • It is recommended to lubricate the skin immediately after receiving a burn with a special cream or use aloe juice, pre-chilled. Contrary to popular belief, use animal oil or plant origin forbidden. The use of diclofenac and indomethacin helps well.
  • If blisters appear on the skin, then until the doctor examines, it is necessary to apply a bandage to prevent the penetration of infections.
  • With severe discomfort, take painkillers. Aspirin or ibuprofen is usually recommended.

After emergency care is provided and there is no need for medical intervention, treatment can begin at home.

If the burn is moderate or mild, you can anoint it with a cream or apply a panthenol-based spray. Solcoseryl treats the skin on which blisters and cracks have appeared.

Taking suprastin and claritin, which relieve allergic reactions, is also necessary.

Vitamins are necessary for the speedy recovery of the skin. Taking them will help the skin return to a healthy state and eliminate the consequences. Vitamin E is essential. Vitamin E creams have an excellent healing effect. In addition, a complex intake of vitamins C, D and E is recommended.

At home, you can treat burns using natural remedies that can heal and soothe damaged skin.

natural medicines

There are a number of common natural remedies for quickly eliminating the effects of a burn at home.

  • Potato. It has the ability to have a healing effect on the skin. Can be used both boiled and raw. It is also permissible to use dry potato starch:

The raw vegetable is used as a compress. It is rubbed, cooled, wrapped in gauze and applied to the affected areas several times a day.

Starch is used to apply to burns several times a day. You can also dilute it and make lotions.

Boiling potatoes and mixing in a blender with sour cream, you can get a kind of cream. It greatly speeds up healing. It is applied for half an hour, followed by rinsing.

  • Sour cream. Dairy products are widely used in the fight against skin damage from the sun. The use of sour cream and kefir is especially effective. These products are able to cool, relieve inflammation, soften the skin. Sour cream (kefir is acceptable) is applied to problem areas. As soon as there is a feeling of tightness, the layer is removed with a damp soft material and a new one is applied. But in the presence of blisters, these products cannot be used.

  • Curd compress cools and relieves pain. The curd mass is formed for a compress and frozen until firm. Keep it on the affected area for about half an hour. After the compress is heated, it is replaced with a fresh one.
  • Cabbage leaves can not only relieve pain and cool, but also reduce swelling. The sheet is scalded to soften and chilled, applied to the burn, fixing with a bandage.
  • Egg white perfectly eliminates burning and pain. It is applied cold to the skin. When the substance dries, it is washed off with water, after which the procedure is repeated.
  • A mixture of oatmeal and sour cream, applied for a quarter of an hour, will refresh and soothe the skin well.

  • Herbal compresses and lotions help well to eliminate problems after burns:
  • Aloe well regenerates the skin and cools. You can use freshly squeezed juice, gruel from plant shoots or purchased aloe-based gel.
  • Cucumber gruel is used for compresses.
  • Parsley is a plant that is rich in vitamins that promote tissue repair. Used for lotions.
  • Black or green tea is brewed. Then cool and apply to the affected areas. Well eliminate pain and relieve signs of irritation.

How to prevent burns

Sunburn is extremely dangerous. Therefore, to prevent their occurrence, you must follow some rules:

  • Limiting the time spent under the sun from ten in the morning to three in the afternoon.
  • Clothing on sunny days should be light, but covering from direct rays. Headwear is required.
  • Lubricate the body with sunscreen, selected according to skin color.

Compliance with simple rules will help to avoid various negative consequences from the influence of sunlight and maintain health.
