Amazing health facts. New facts about a healthy lifestyle and longevity

Since childhood, we have formed an attitude that milk is rich in calcium, which makes bones strong. Cartoon characters and doctors told us that we simply must drink milk every day to get calcium and vitamin D.

However, recent research H. A. Bischoff-Ferrari, B. Dawson-Hughes, J. A. Baron, J. A. Kanis, E. J. Orav, H. B. Staehelin, D. P. Kiel, P. Burckhardt, J. Henschkowski, D. Spiegelman, R. Li, J. B. Wong, D. Feskanich, W. C. Willett. Milk Intake And Risk Of Hip Fracture In Men And Women: A Meta-analysis Of Prospective Cohort Studies. prove that there is no relationship between the amount of milk drunk (or the use of special supplements with calcium or vitamin D) and the number of fractures. Moreover, now there are more and more different books and articles that with age it is desirable to reduce the amount of milk and dairy products consumed. And some even link milk consumption with the development of cancer and some autoimmune diseases.

You can get vitamin D from other sources. In order for it to be better absorbed by the body, it must be taken in combination with other vitamins, otherwise it will simply leave you along with processed food.

2. Organic Foods Have No Pesticides And More Nutrients

Farmers who grow organic produce are allowed to use natural chemicals, which sometimes harm the environment much more than synthetic ones. It all depends on their number.

As for the availability of nutrients, according to the content of the latest 98,727 studies A. D. Dangour, K. Lock, A. Hayter, A. Aikenhead, E. Allen, R. Uauy. Nutrition-related Health Effects Of Organic Foods: A Systematic Review. in this area, organic and conventional vegetables and fruits are no different from each other, but the magic word “organic” is reassuring. You will be even more confident in vegetables and fruits grown by you personally.

3. Quickly raised is not considered to be fallen.

This is the “five second rule”: if you quickly pick up the fallen food, you can assume that it did not fall. It turned out that all this is just another myth. It's not about how long the food spent on the floor, but how clean the floor was, because two seconds is enough for bacterial contamination of food.

4. Eating chocolate contributes to acne.

This statement is wrong. For one month, scientists fed some participants in the experiment chocolate bars containing 10 times more chocolate than standard ones, and others - fake chocolate. At the end of the experiment J. E. Fulton Jr., G. Plewig, A. M. Kligman. Effect Of Chocolate On Acne Vulgaris . they compared the two groups and found that neither chocolate nor fat had any effect on acne.

5. Eat an apple a day and forget about going to the doctor

We were told that we simply must eat apples every day, preferably more, and doctors prescribed a couple of teaspoons of apple juice per day for babies over three months old. Indeed, apples contain quite a large number of iron and fiber, but this fruit is not a panacea for all diseases. By eating an apple, you will get useful substances, but no more.

6. Honey is healthier than refined sugar

In fact, using honey, which we add when making homemade or carbohydrate bars, is no better than sugar or corn syrup.

Professor Alan Levinovitz says that the biological effect of honey is the same as that of high fructose corn syrup. The only difference is that usually the amount of sugar in sweets and other sweets is much higher, so the products become much more caloric.

7. Eating Ice Cream When You Have a Cold Will Make You Worse

If you have a cold, but you really want ice cream, you can satisfy this desire with a clear conscience.

The fact that dairy products increase mucus production is not true. What's more, scientists at the Mayo Clinic claim that frozen dairy products can actually soothe sore throats and provide you with the energy you need to fight illness when you find it difficult to eat more solid foods.

8. Sugar makes kids hyperactive.

American films very often show how caring mothers try not to give their children sweets with sugar and not to feed sweets at all, because the children become insane. In fact, numerous studies have tried to find a link between hyperactivity and sugar consumption, but have failed to do so.

This myth probably originated in 1974 when Dr. William Crook wrote a letter to the American Academy of Pediatrics, which then published it. “Over the past three years, I have begun to realize that sugar is the main cause of hyperactivity,” the letter said.

However, the letter did not contain any scientific research. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the idea that refined sugar causes or exacerbates attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms is quite popular, but this moment There is no scientific study to support this fact.

9. Eating lots of carrots will give you the ability to see in the dark.

Yes, carrots are high in vitamin A, which has a positive effect on the health of our eyes. But this does not mean that eating this vegetable in large quantities will give you the ability to see in the dark.

This myth appeared thanks to British propaganda during the Second World War. So the government wanted to cover up the existence of a radar installation that allowed British bombers to hit targets at night.

10 Humans Can't Grow New Brain Cells

You are not born with a full complement of brain cells. There is a huge amount of research D. Cossins. Human Adult Neurogenesis Revealed. and evidence that our brain continues to produce new cells into adulthood, at least in several areas of the brain. This process is called neurogenesis.

11. You should wait at least an hour after eating before going for a swim.

We have heard more than once from our grandmothers a warning that one should not bathe immediately after eating, as a cramp may seize. Actually this is a lie. The theory behind this myth is that most of the blood will go to help your stomach digest food. Consequently, less blood will flow to the muscles, and the likelihood of a cramp will increase significantly.

But at the moment there is no evidence based on scientific studies to support this theory. And there are no sources documenting that a man drowned from a cramp associated with swimming on a full stomach.

Cramping is a fairly common occurrence while swimming, and it has nothing to do with whether you do it on an empty or full stomach.

12. The events of a stormy party can be gradually recalled.

If you wake up after a stormy night and have little memory of what you did, don't even try to remember. Most likely, those memories that will gradually be drawn in your memory will turn out to be false.

In fact, the part of the brain responsible for encoding memories is shutting down. R. A. Nash, M. K. Takarangi. Reconstructing Alcohol-induced Memory Blackouts. if we drink too much alcohol.

13. Brown sugar is healthier than white.

The sticky syrup (molasses, or molasses) gives brown sugar its color. White sugar is obtained by refining brown sugar from this very molasses. Yes, it does contain some vitamins and minerals (potassium and magnesium), but their amount is not enough for your body to feel the difference. Your body doesn't care what kind of sugar you eat.

Are you interested in the topic of health? Then the corresponding section of the site is for you! Here you will find articles about health in a variety of areas: sports, treatment of diseases, reviews of useful products and medicines, and much more!

Why is it important to take an interest in health?

It is clear that health is of the utmost importance. Why? There are two key reasons:

  • health significantly affects the emotional and spiritual development of the individual. You can get rid of a lot of things that cause harm. You can leave an unsafe job, change your region of residence, etc. However, a person cannot get rid of his body. And if he chooses something that systematically harms him, this will affect not only the body itself, but also the soul. After all, everyone knows very well how difficult it is to be in good mood if you have a headache or a toothache. But more serious health problems can be much more unbalanced;
  • It is health that determines the quality of life. A simple example can be given here. Even the most thoroughbred horse will never win at the races if it is not taken care of. The same can be said about the human body. If you do not pay due attention to his health, it is impossible to use all your maximum potential.

Magazine - interesting about health

Our health magazine offers a lot of interesting articles from which you will learn a lot useful information. On our site you can find articles covering the following topics:

  • sport;
  • proper nutrition;
  • personal care;
  • weight loss
  • the beauty;
  • pregnancy;
  • selection medicines etc.

Here you can find out which products are considered the most useful, what the symptoms of certain diseases can be, how to get in shape after an illness or childbirth, etc. All articles are written in simple language that is understandable to an ordinary person without medical education. You do not need to delve into complex terms - our authors speak to you in your language.

We try to cover the most pressing issues related to the topic of health. Accordingly, in the "Health" section you will not find information that is morally outdated. Our authors strive to give you only up-to-date information.

And most importantly, articles about health appear on our site regularly. So, you can always get information on the topic that interests you!

Health is one of the most important values. You are taught to treat your body with care from an early age. The basics are known to all. However human body not yet fully explored. Scientists and doctors cannot answer some questions unambiguously. There are still many interesting facts about health that are worth considering and studying in more detail. We will talk about some of them in the article.

Is it true that cleanliness is the key to health?

In this matter, the principle of the "golden mean" is important. An excessive desire for cleanliness can lead to an increased risk of exacerbation of certain pathologies (for example, type 1 diabetes).

This is not just an assumption - scientists have come to this conclusion. Specialists examined a group of children with type 1 diabetes. It turned out that those children whose parents observed excessive cleanliness were especially acutely ill. Scientists concluded that a small amount of pathogenic bacteria can serve as a kind of hardening for the whole organism.

Are freshly squeezed juices healthy?

Everywhere they say that freshly squeezed juices are very healthy, they should be drunk for breakfast, lunch and at any other opportunity. However, nutritionists were quick to destroy this myth. A glass of fresh is just an extra portion of calories.

The body will not thank you if you often drink freshly squeezed juices. Due to the constant use of this drink, problems with the gastric mucosa may occur.

Moreover, freshly squeezed juices contain practically no nutrients and vitamins. This is an unusual and interesting fact about human health - the body does not need juices, it needs fruits and vegetables as they are.

Doctors advise eating raw vegetables and fruits - this way you get the maximum benefit from the food you eat.

Is living near the airport good for your health?

It is generally accepted that living near an airport is not as scary as, for example, living in close proximity to a nightclub or bar. We will not argue about a club or a bar - living near them is really harmful, but you can discuss about the airport.

If the airport is located at a distance of 5 kilometers or less from your home, then the daily noise rate exceeds the permissible by 2.5 times. An airport near your home can “reward” you with sleep disturbance, coronary heart disease and hypertension.

You need to live at a distance of 10 kilometers or more from the landing site. Consider this fact. Health needs to be taken care of.

Is exercise necessary?

Nobody argues that sport is good for health. But sometimes you just don’t have the strength to visit the gym or go for a run. Knowing an interesting fact about beauty and health, you can forget about sports exercises forever.

More recently, a group of researchers found that lying down and imagining yourself actively moving is much more beneficial than simply resting in a horizontal position. Conscientious and diligent visualization can stimulate the blood circulation of the whole body and strengthen the muscular corset.

This discovery will help prevent muscle atrophy in bedridden patients and the elderly.

Biological clock and gadgets

Gadgets are harmful - this is a well-known fact. Many say that they spoil vision, increase the risk of oncological diseases and pathologies of the spine.

Prolonged exposure to backlight from the screen of a phone, tablet, and other devices can contribute to the disruption of human biological rhythms. As a result, gadget lovers will have a disturbed sleep. Moreover, a person will begin to experience constant fatigue and apathy. A gadget addict starts to turn gray early. As you can see, the list of consequences looks very sad.

Is it bad to watch TV up close?

In the center of ophthalmology in the United States, they found out that TV can be watched at any distance - this will not harm your eyesight.

Only prolonged TV viewing can harm the visual apparatus. Eyes get tired if you do not take a break in viewing. The distance from the screen does not affect eye fatigue in any way.

Is computer diagnostics of health status useful?

Often, in order to make a more accurate diagnosis, the patient is offered to undergo some kind of test. Unfortunately, not all health tests are harmless. For example, computed tomography requires the introduction of a radiopaque substance into the body, which adversely affects the functioning of the kidneys.

It's a shame that all computer tests do not answer the question: "What disease do you have?". They only show what pathology you have.

Oral health is a very important indicator of a person's quality of life. Beautiful and healthy teeth are an attractive smile, and a healthy oral cavity is an opportunity to experience the joy of delicious food and human communication.

By the way, by the age of 60, a person loses more than half of his taste buds. But the loss of receptors occurs gradually, so a person simply does not notice this and feels comfortable. But a week-old baby has 3 times more taste buds than an adult.

Why does a person need wisdom teeth?

The first thing to say is that these teeth have nothing to do with wisdom. In addition, the third row of molars does not perform any significant functions. Wisdom teeth got their name only because they grow much later than others. It's just that the jaw up to 16 years old is still small, and there is no place for them on it.

Scientists still cannot answer the question why wisdom teeth appear only in Americans and Europeans. In Asians, for example, the third row of molars does not grow.

An interesting medical fact about human health is bruxism, or grinding teeth while sleeping. In childhood, almost everyone encountered this phenomenon. In adulthood, bruxism rarely makes itself felt. Only 15% of adults grind their teeth during sleep.

Gritting of teeth is a fairly serious symptom, as a person can clench their jaw so hard that teeth begin to crumble.

Some believe that bruxism indicates the presence of worms in the body, especially when it comes to children, but this is not so. Usually unbalanced, angry and emotional people grind their teeth in a dream. Such individuals are not recommended to drink alcohol - this can aggravate the problem.

How to diagnose the condition of the teeth on the plane?

If your teeth do not hurt, it does not mean that they are in perfect condition. Air travel can reveal incipient abscesses, caries, or poor-quality fillings.

Ascents, descents, changes in pressure overboard - all this can dramatically increase toothache, which will pass as soon as you go down to earth. Doctors recommend not to ignore this phenomenon and advise you to visit the dentist as soon as possible. Thanks to this, you can quickly identify dental problems and fix them before they show up.

10 health facts for kids

  1. You can't sneeze with your eyes open.
  2. The nose and ears grow throughout life.
  3. Representatives of the stronger sex blink twice less than women.
  4. On average, a person falls asleep in 7 minutes.
  5. Each person has their own individual imprint of the language.
  6. Newborns have a strong grip - they are able to hold even their own weight.
  7. Each part of the tongue is responsible for its own taste bud. For example, we feel salty and sweet food with the tip of the tongue, bitter taste is felt by the center of the tongue, and sour taste is felt by the sides.
  8. With every word spoken, a microscopic drop of saliva flies out of a person's mouth.
  9. We use 70 facial muscles just to say one word.
  10. Laughter can destroy viruses and cancer cells.

It's also good to know

Everyone should know the following health facts:

  • By reducing your salt intake, you will prolong your life. "White Death" is harmful to the human cardiovascular system. If you consume no more than three grams of salt per day, you can increase life expectancy by 5 years.
  • The peak of brain activity falls at 22 years old, but from the age of 27 this organ begins to age.
  • If you eat fish 2 times a week, you can significantly improve heart function.
  • Swiss scientists have proven that if you are constantly under stress, your teeth will begin to crumble.
  • A slice of chocolate eaten in the morning prevents the early appearance of wrinkles.
  • On one square centimeter of human skin there are 12 points that feel cold and only 2 points that react to heat. Therefore, during a cold snap, massive colds begin.
  • Scientists have identified foods that rejuvenate the body. These include apples, strawberries, red grapes, pomegranates, oranges, bran, Herb tea and blackcurrant.
  • Currant (any), sea buckthorn, wild rose and chokeberry improve vascular tone and prevent the appearance of varicose veins.
  • Coffee is able to protect the human brain from destruction.
  • Cucumbers can improve the condition of the body as a whole. This product can be eaten or used to make masks and baths.
  • Honey can improve mental alertness.
  • Doing sports should be no more than twice a week. We all know that exercise improves mood. But if doing exercise more than twice a week, the opposite effect may occur. Frequent exercise contributes to loss of appetite, poor sleep, headaches, fatigue and other problems.
  • Only 10% of the world's population breathes properly. When breathing, you need to use not only the chest, but also the stomach.
  • It happens that when you follow a diet, the weight does not go away. In this case, think: how much do you sleep? Scientists from Canada have found that overweight appears due to sleep problems.
  • Kiwi masks can rejuvenate the skin.
  • Have you ever wondered why men like meat more than women? Everything is very simple. Meat products add strength and promote the production of testosterone - the male hormone.
  • Parsley leaves and root can boost immunity.
  • If you eat 30 grams daily walnuts, then you can extend your life by as much as seven years.


As you can see, there are many interesting facts about human health. Knowing some of them will help improve the condition of the body and help prolong life.

In conclusion, I would like to advise everyone - do not forget to smile and keep a positive attitude! This will prolong your life and cheer up those around you. Indulge in fruits, vegetables and chocolate!

The interesting ones presented in the article relate to several problems of modern people - lack of healthy sleep, excess weight and early aging.

Health and sleep

Modern man lives in a fast rhythm, so he often lacks sleep. Students who combine work and study, fathers of families, just lovers of entertainment sleep little. But scientists emphasize the importance of sleep for human health and well-being. When a person sleeps, his brain processes the information received during the day and makes room for new ones.

Aging human brain starts at age 27. The peak of intellectual abilities falls on the age of 22. After that, memory, clarity of thoughts and speed of mental activity worsen. But the knowledge acquired throughout life is stored in the memory of a person until about the age of 60.

Scientists from England concluded that regular consumption of dark chocolate can slow down the aging of the skin. A few slices of this delicacy a day help to improve the metabolism of the skin and inhibit the breakdown of collagen fibers. Also, according to researchers, dark chocolate resists the occurrence of melanoma, a cancer that affects the skin.

Researchers from institutes Western Europe and the US have compiled a list of foods that delay aging. It includes about two dozen titles. Among them:

According to researchers, these products contain biochemical elements that prolong the lifespan of body cells. Among the "rejuvenating" products, kiwi is distinguished, which stimulates the production of fibrillar protein in the body - collagen. The juice of this fruit can be used as a facial mask to help rejuvenate the skin.

Employees of the University of Tsukuba (Japan) found that coffee contains elements that prevent the destruction of the brain. This drink saves human brain cells from decay and helps restore memory. Honey has a beneficial effect on the mental abilities of people and improves reaction.

Obesity is a problem for many men and women over 30 and even younger. Today, diets, fitness centers are popular, but still, many people have been unsuccessfully trying to get rid of extra pounds for years. Some facts about being overweight:

The above interesting facts about human health may be questionable or may not correspond to someone's individual characteristics. Researchers have yet to make new discoveries regarding sleep, excess weight and aging. But it is important to pay attention to what a healthy lifestyle and habits should be. It can improve life itself and even prolong it.

The most interesting facts about health that everyone should know are collected in this article.

Cardiovascular disease is extremely rare in horses. English veterinarian S. Littlejohn explains it this way: "Horses do not smoke, do not drink, follow a strict vegetarian diet and do a lot of exercise."

The only animals that suffer from leprosy, except for humans, are armadillos. A third of the 250 Americans who contract leprosy every year come from armadillos.

Insufficient physical activity worldwide causes the same number of deaths as smoking.

In conditions weightlessness caries develops faster than on Earth. On the teeth of mice launched into space, the microorganisms that cause caries multiplied more actively than usual. It is believed that in weightlessness, saliva is worse distributed over the oral cavity and poorly washes microorganisms from the teeth.

Salt is harmful to the cardiovascular system of the human body. If its amount is reduced by at least 3 grams per day, life expectancy will increase by 5-6 years.

The more educated a person is, the less likely they are to have brain diseases. Intellectual activity causes the production of additional tissue that compensates for the diseased.

Medical research conducted in 2010 showed that someone who has no friends has the same health risks as a smoker who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day.

Feeding bread to ducks is extremely harmful to their health and ecosystem. Feeding birds in the warm season, a person brings great harm to birds. .

Their natural instincts to search for food, favorable natural conditions are dulled, and they become almost tame. The stomach of a wild duck does not digest this food well and the bird dies. Especially dangerous is black bread, which can cause severe fermentation in the digestive system of waterfowl.

The number of cases of skin cancer caused by tanning beds far exceeds the number of cases of lung cancer caused by smoking.

74% of men and 64% of women in the US are obese or overweight, according to the National Institutes of Health.

There is a movement called "Movement for the voluntary extinction of mankind", the purpose of which is the gradual destruction of the human race, through the voluntary cessation of reproduction, which will allow the Earth's biosphere to recover.

Have you ever wondered Why do common colds start during a cold snap? This is because human skin is more sensitive to cold. For comparison: on one square centimeter of the skin there are about 12 points sensitive to cold, and only 2 - to heat.

Fruits and vegetables can help the body produce its own aspirin.

McDonalds is suing a wellness company called McWellness, signaling that McDonalds may have a division in the medical field in the near future.

Air fresheners contain numerous chemicals dangerous to our health, such as formaldehyde, which can cause serious breathing problems.

Bananas are radioactive enough that a truck transporting them can lead to false positives when checking radioactive materials in US ports, and they are perfectly harmless to humans.

Dogs can smell cancer and reduced content blood sugar.

Sitting upright in a chair is bad for your back. You need to lean back and sit at an angle in 135 degrees.

Smokers are four times more likely than non-smokers to complain of feeling tired in the morning and are 70% more likely to have hearing problems.

The newest and most expensive drugs are not necessarily the best and safest.

If you regularly consume orange or grapefruit juice, you can significantly reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

A person travels a distance equal to three revolutions around the globe in a lifetime.

People who live on the coast live longer than those on the mainland.

Less than 10% of all people on the planet know how to breathe properly. When breathing, it is necessary to use not only the chest, but also the stomach.
