Becoming a protective barrier. Magic rune protection from negativity


ONE GOD, glory to Thee!

I cancel the action of destructive programs with the power of my mind,
attitudes and their negative consequences.

I cancel: love spells, lapels, codes, curses, damage, evil eye,
quarrels with a wish for evil and the attraction of the negative forces of the Subtle World, traumas and theirconsequences, mental trauma, records of negative situations and behaviors, and also all that what prevents me and the members of my Family from living in harmony with myself and the world.

I cancel by the Power of the One God the negative programs and codes created by me, so

and representatives of my Family in the past, past incarnations and for this life.

I cancel by the Power of the One God directed at me, my family members and ancestors
negative programs:to the loss of luck, disbelief in one's own strength, complexes inferiority, guilt complex, fear of the future, etc.

Energies releasedI direct through God
to harmonize their inner worlds and correct all negative
consequences of the past.

Thank God for everything! May it be so! Want! Fulfilled! This is my will!

Becoming a "Funnel" by cantas

Becoming simple to disgrace, three runes: Hyera, Raido, Hagalaz

The meaning of the stave: Whoever comes to us with a sword, he will receive according to his deeds.

The essence of the stav is to capture the negative, neutralize and send it back, everything is simple and reliable.

Becoming a "Solar Shield"

Algiz, Soulu, Algiz.

Algiz - protection, Soulu - success.

Becoming a "Protective Barrier"

Turisaz, Teyvaz, Turisaz.

And this protective spell is ideal for creating a powerful protective barrier that neutralizes someone else's negative human energy.

This rune protection is called Mirror.

Runes can be written in a line:


Starting to write with Hagal, then left and right Kenaz, then left and right Isa.

Or here's a knit draw:

It operates on the principle of a mirror: any impact is sent back completely and without change. If you put it correctly, it will become a very powerful tool against various ill-wishers, even secret ones.

But it must be noted that it "mirrors" not only the magical effect, but also evil of a different nature. What exactly is “evil” in your understanding needs to be specified very clearly. Otherwise, you run the risk of being under the hood - nothing bad, but good does not come to visit.

It is also important to stipulate that it misses any of your influences (well, if you decide to do practical magic). If you put protection on another person, also stipulate that it misses your influences. But from the reviews, I know that even if you stipulate, you still might not miss it. In any case, before installing protection, diagnose whether it suits you and how it will lie.

I do so. I take a photo printed on a b / w printer (naturally, of the one who needs to be protected), absolutely any photo, I don’t know how about prescription - I have new ones. I draw runes on a photo on a little man. It doesn't matter if they go beyond the figure itself or not. I stipulate what I want from the runes.

I close myself from multiple troubles,

Enemies can't break protection from hardship.

I only miss goodness and happiness here

I call on the gods to keep protection.

Ritual and all kinds of activation - I think everyone will come up with their own (I activate with breathing - in principle, in the description of this protection I read just such an activation). If anything, the Internet will help you. And that's it. I put the photo in a special box where I keep such things. A day later, I check how the protection lay down (with a pendulum, runes, I ask a diagnostician friend - in short, whatever).

When the protection "lays down" I have a temporary blurred vision - well, as if you are looking at the world through fogged glasses. When the protection flies, you can also feel it - here everyone has their own feelings. During the “collision” with me, the mirror split, but the negative did not miss. If you suddenly have suspicions that something like this happened - diagnose. Naturally, there are no eternal protections - periodically it is necessary to renew.

For me, the advantage of rune protection over energy ones is that it can be applied and forgotten, and not feverishly sculpt "balls" and "cocoons" with every sneeze addressed to you. To say that protection is energy-consuming - I can’t, I didn’t feel it.


To protect yourself and your loved ones from negative influences from outside, it is recommended to use magical protection with runes at all levels of life. In this article, you will learn about the mechanism, the rules for the operation of the main runic staves for protection, and also get acquainted with some examples of effective techniques. Enjoy reading!

How protective runic staves work

To break through the enemy's defense with the help of runes, special staves from Scandinavian or Irish symbols will help. Signs can be applied to any personal items or documents - it depends on the purpose for which they will be used in the future. You can learn detailed information about the correct application of protection runes for yourself from any negativity in the process of learning from the specialists of the Russian School of Tarot.

The main goal of protective runic staves is to nullify purposeful negative energy, to “mirror” it, to minimize possible losses for the victim of exposure.

I will give the most common example of a stav of rune-charms to protect against trouble. More detailed diagrams will be listed below.

Kenaz - Isa - Hagalaz - Kenaz - Isa establishes protection akin to a mirror surface. Any negative magical effect will not affect you. The method works on the principle of "boomerang" - what has come, has gone.

Basic rules of magical protection with runes

Protection from negativity and enemies

Runes for protection from negativity and enemies can be written in two versions - this is a runescript (the runes are written in one line) and a runic becoming (the picture appears in free form).

Note! Before drawing a runic tie, logic should be included, taking into account the meaning of each rune, placing them in accordance with the following formula: desires - methods for achieving the goal - initial result. In no case do not add symbols at your discretion to becoming or runescript - this can aggravate the achievement of the goal several times

Home and family protection

Runes to protect the home and family can be applied to almost any surface - paper, an amulet made of wood or other natural materials, human body, photograph. The choice of surface depends on your individual preferences, the desired end result. If you are new to this business, contact the experts, as there is a high probability of making an irreparable mistake.

You can activate the runes with the help of a reservation, but in some situations you can do without it. The slander may look like a spell spoken in a free form of will. To enhance the effect, you must first write it out on a piece of paper.

You can charge the selected type of Runetie with the help of energy visualization. After you have drawn the formula, rub your palms until you feel hot, and then hold them over the runes. Feel how energy emanates from you, charging the becoming / runescript with the necessary charge. Visualizing the desired result will help you get in the right mindset.

Note! The material on which the runes were applied should be removed away from prying eyes. Sometimes take it out, hold it in your hands - this will help enhance the desired result. Alternatively, you can hide the material under the pillow

The time interval for which the runic formula is made depends not only on the strength of the operator, but also on other circumstances that directly or indirectly affect the final result. Most often, protection is set for a year, but a monthly renewal of its strength is recommended.

Important! If you use paper as the main material, it should be burned after the expiration of the runic formula or when the desired result is achieved. To provide ongoing protection against magical influences, you can burn the paper immediately after applying the runic formula

There are several options for protection from negative impacts. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Protection of relatives, close people

Apply the selected runic formula to the photo, putting it at home. You can use oil paints, marker, gel pen. No additional steps are required for activation. If you want to protect yourself, draw the runes in the following way - the top of the symbols should be located closer to the chest, and the bottom to the legs. When using protective paper, carry it with you at all times, even in the shower. Plaster may be used.

Pet protection

Do you want to protect your beloved animal? Then put the image on his photo, bowl or collar. The main thing - do not tell anyone close to you about your deed.

Property protection

What runes are used for protection

The following runes can be used to enhance protection from magical influences.

  • Rune Algiz: It is one of the main Scandinavian symbols of protection. Strength is expressed in the timeliness, flexibility of the manifestation of a protective effect. It makes it possible to prevent emerging problems, influencing two parties, reconciling them
  • Rune Nautiz: Strong, fiery sign. It provides protection only if a person controls his desires, emotions, doing everything to achieve what he wants. Otherwise, it can destroy a person with the “power of fire”, devastating him and loved ones
  • Runa Isa: Allows you to get rid of internal aggression, establish calmness, peace in the human soul. The right attitude to the current situation is half the battle.

Note! To protect your family from damage, you can make an amulet with a combination of runes Eyvaz, Otala,. If you are sure that there is a negative impact, choose Eyvaz in combination with Soulu. The mirror effect will shield you from any magic spell, directing it at the sorcerer himself

The most popular defensive stakes

Becoming "Protection against the suggestion of thoughts"

In order to prevent the manipulation of your own thoughts, be sure to use the following scheme of the protective runic stav “Protection against the suggestion of thoughts”.

The essence of the stav is the rapid identification and cutting off of any third-party psychological influences. As an additional bonus, an improvement in mood is attached, filtering obsessive / unobtrusive thoughts, emotional background. It will help to quickly bring a person out of a depressive state.

A detailed interpretation of the "components" is attached.

Deciphering the stav

  • : Represents the person being affected
  • : The mirror and normal position of this sign means control of emotions, thoughts
  • Hagalaz: Identification, destruction of the possible presence of additional psychological programs that destroy human nature. Can also cut off malware/channels that project impact on the individual
  • : Protection against penetration of negative influences
  • : Opens clarity of thought - shows third-party suggestion
  • Otala: The sign provides awareness of the suggestion of an outside program
  • : Softening effect on becoming, resistance to possible effects
  • : Stopping the process of introducing third-party thoughts into the brain of the “victim”
  • : The ability to take events under one's own control, subordinating events to one's own will
  • : Harmonization of the inner world of a person, removal from a depressed, depressive state
  • Turisaz: Putting in order the thought process
  • : Control over the "successful completion of the task", relieving tension, restoring balance
  • Hyera: Nutrition, "battery" of the entire runic formula

Attention! Side effect this runic stav - headache, which passes quickly

Becoming a "Solar Whirlwind"

Provides a deep cleaning of the inner world of a person, providing the functions of restoration, protection from extraneous negative interference. Can be used as an amulet - excludes the possibility of astral beings, larvae, etc.

Composition:, Uruz, Soulu (repeat each rune - four times).

Note! This becoming does not protect against the likelihood of demons, demons, and other dark entities being settled, but it allows you to significantly weaken their effect, making their stay uncomfortable. The result - the spirits leave without getting what they want. It will help in cleaning the premises from possible settlers, relieve the influence of blood negativity (constant conflicts with relatives, etc.)

The peculiarity of the stav is self-renewal, duration of action. High-quality activation is the key to the absence of a mandatory update.

To enhance the effect, make it on any "solar" stones - for example, carnelian, amber, tourmaline. You can make it on a plank of pine, wearing it as an amulet.

Becoming a "Guardian"

The essence of this runic formula is burning, averting any negative influences on the mental, energy, physical levels, blocking the path for inducing damage, curses. Able to protect against the penetration of settlers, larvae. Restore lost vitality, energy, etc. The sent negativity takes away the sender, clouding him, confusing desires, thoughts, intentions.

Interpretation of the stav

  • A dot means an operator. The essence of "I am"
  • : The main energy driven by the stave
  • : Protects, supports Rod
  • : Positive result. Achieved with straight and mirror positions
  • Lögr: Icelandic rune that removes any kind of negative magical effect
  • Ak: Strengthening the protection of the operator
  • Gar: Elimination of bindings, channels, protection from all types of negative interference
  • Inguz: Filling with vitality, cutting off possible bindings

How to correctly stipulate a protective position

To charge the runic by becoming the right energy, use the method below.


The part in which the use of runic magic should be indicated. The options for phrases are as follows - "Let it be under the influence of this runic formula / stav", "This formula will help me." Add to one of these phrases the conditions of influence or objects to which the necessary actions should be applied.

Main part

When compiling a protective stav, be sure to indicate what the runes should do, including a list of possible circumstances that directly or indirectly affect the necessary outcome of events.


Specify here the conditions for activation/deactivation of the formula.


In some situations, this part can be omitted - it all depends on the desired end result. Most often used by those who want to protect themselves from possible negative consequences.

Let this information give you magical protection from possible negative influences from ill-wishers. Keep checking the site for updates. Peace and goodness!

Runes of protection are ancient symbols that can protect from evil and return power to the one who created them. Runic amulets, staves and talismans will serve to protect the house and clean the home from alien influences, to diagnose the induced evil. Signs work with the sustainable energy of the Universe and have virtually unlimited power.

In the article:

Runes of protection - the origins of the Scandinavian tradition

Scandinavian runic tradition and are considered one of the most ancient evidence of the use of sacred symbols in magic. These are the most studied aspects in comparison with similar symbols of other peoples of the world. Direct references to the correct use of signs are preserved in Germanic, Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian sagas in large numbers. Thousands of modern practicing magicians and followers of the belief in the Scandinavian gods confirm the effectiveness of the tool in achieving any goal.

Runes of protection.

The Scandinavian tradition provides that the runes are a sacred instrument, the secrets of which are difficult to comprehend. God Odin, the first to reveal the meaning of the signs, hung pierced by a spear for nine days and nights on the world tree Yggdrasil. Only after this sacrifice did he discover the knowledge of the runes, which Odin shared with other peoples.

Incorrect work with symbols can lead to disastrous results. Many Scandinavian sagas warn about the dangers of unreasonable handling of runes. Similar warnings are found in the famous Elder Edda, in Egil's saga and many other works.

Archaeological finds confirm the use of runes as amulets by ordinary people of that time. There are several common formulas for runic talismans that can be created by a person with minimal knowledge. When working with the protective properties of runes, if well-known formulas are used, there is no danger.

Charm runes - what Scandinavian signs can be used for protection

The combination of runes Evaz, Algiz and Isa.

Some symbols provide a protective function. The very image of a single rune can be an excellent amulet against various evils.

The most common protective symbol is the Algiz rune, which is responsible for protection from problems and unpleasant situations. This sign was most often used on shields by famous warriors - the Vikings, who at one time conquered almost all of Europe. Using the amulet is quite easy - just carry a plate with a rune with you, you can put an image on your body or embroider on clothes. This is one of the safest runic signs, since the symbol can hardly do harm.

The generally recognized protective rune is considered and. The symbol is closely associated with the invisible world - this rune, denoting yew, is also associated with the ash tree Yggdrasil. Yew, like ash, was a sacred tree among the Scandinavians, but yew meant death. The rune provides a connection with the otherworldly, as a result, protection from it. The sign will not save you from everyday troubles and chance, but it will be indispensable if you want to protect yourself and loved ones from alien and evil magical interference. It was believed that the yew could ward off evil spirits, and Eyvaz was the best rune of protection against witchcraft.

Almost each of the runes of the elder futhark has certain protective properties. More effective amulets can be created using runic staves and scripts. Amulets made by a master or a person who understands the runes can protect against any troubles. Fortune telling on runes will allow you to predict and get around troubles.

Runes to protect the house - how to protect your home from trouble

A variant of the runic formula for protecting the house.

Home for most peoples is a special place, a personal fortress of a person, reliably protected from evil intent. To protect the house, runes are one of the best tools. Serious rituals are not needed: many formulas known since antiquity can be applied even without experience with runes.

As an example of an effective runic amulet for a home, an ornament from. One use case involves drawing a line associated with the rune on the doorframe at the entrance - both from the outside and from the inside. The ornament will look like a straight line along the entire jamb with protruding triangular spikes, which are directed inward from the inside of the house, and outward from the yard. For a person trying to enter a house with evil intentions, a protective tie will become an insurmountable obstacle. The peculiarity of Turisaz is that the protective function of the sign is ahead of it. If one of the guests suddenly becomes ill as soon as the person steps beyond the threshold of the door outlined by the ornament, this is a sign that the person who entered was plotting bad things about the owner of the dwelling.

The most common rune for home protection is Odal (the name is translated into Russian as "house"). The sign symbolizes aspects of life associated with home comfort and the protection that housing provides a person. You can apply the rune anywhere in the house - the symbol will work as an ideal protective amulet, take care of the atmosphere in the room. The Scandinavians often used the rune when carving an image instead of skates on the roof - a practice that was popular even centuries after the conversion of the Scandinavian countries to Christianity.

Odal is almost always used both in runic staves to protect the house and in scripts: with the help of a symbol, a direct object is indicated that needs protection from evil.

The most common formulas that save a home from negative effects: Algiz-Odal-Algiz or Teyvaz-Algiz-Odal-Algiz-Teyvaz. If you want to save property, a script or becoming using the Odal and Fehu runes will do. The runes Inguz or Hyere will help to save and increase the belongings.

Runic amulets to protect love and family

If the relationship is in trouble (due to domestic reasons or outside interference), the runes will help save the family. In addition to the general protective runes, it is necessary to pay attention to the runes of Gebo, Vunyo, Kano, Inguz or Laguz (depending on the gender of the partner). The runes Mannaz, Ansuz, Soulu and Teyvaz will also help, but some caution should be exercised with these symbols.

Runic becoming "Protection of relations".

If a person is not particularly well versed in runes, you can use proven staves. An example of a simple knitted rune to protect the family is becoming a "Family Man". It looks like the Odal rune, from which two Teyvaz runes go up along long diagonal lines. In this image, a hidden Gebo rune is also formed, which is responsible for partnerships and love relationships. Becoming done for a husband or for a husband. Thanks to the symbol, a man reveals the positive qualities of the head of the family, becomes responsible, achieves better results in family affairs. It is drawn, usually becoming blood or paint on a photograph of a man.

There are also special formulas aimed solely at protecting children. Combinations using the Ansuz rune, a symbol that is responsible for most aspects of life related to gaining knowledge, will help to cope with study problems. The rune itself will help prepare and pass exams. You can also use the sign in combination with the Berkan rune, which is responsible for motherhood.

When working with children, it is recommended not to resort to the runes Hagalaz, Kano and Turisaz, to be careful with Eyvaz, Teyvaz, Isa, Soulo, Inguz, Perth and Nautiz. You should not use complex scripts and defensive positions, as an inexperienced person will not notice the mistake, and the effect of ancient symbols on the fragile children's energy can be much stronger than on an adult.

Runes for cleaning and diagnostics

These symbols are also used to eliminate the consequences of negative influence. Runes will help to diagnose a person, dwelling or object, up to identifying an ill-wisher and striking him a fair retaliatory strike.

Divination will help in the diagnosis. It is enough to ask the runes a question (is there damage on a person, house or object) and get a random rune from the bag. If it is Hagalaz, Nautiz, Isa, Turisaz or Laguz, the answer is yes. The following questions to the runes will help you find out which aspect of life is affected by someone else's witchcraft.

For cleaning with runes, Hagalaz is perfect - the rune of destruction and complete destruction. The strength of the symbol is optimal when lining. It is enough to make a separate die with a rune and, without touching it with your hands, bury it or burn it. From damage that is not related to linings and does not have a physical binding in the house, more complex scripts or staves will help. You can use Hagalaz, but this rune is very dangerous, especially in inexperienced hands.

They thought, searched, created, and suddenly one day I thought that of course there are a lot of protections, but such that, like a tank, like a bulletproof vest, it was armor at all levels of being. Here's one we haven't published yet.
Praise to Odin and Thor at one time came the knowledge of what such protection should be. And this agischjalm was created.

Dot- I am
2 protective circles (Sol)- at the subjective and objective level of personality
4 Algiz (stylized) + Thurisaz + Nauthiz (stylized)- Armor of three power (triune) from the protection of the Armed Forces and the destruction of any evil and negativity on all axes of the fate of the individual and from the past and into the future
4 Algiz(stylized) + 2 Eihwaz— Active protection from the Sun and the Four Elements
madr- restores strength, increases potential to a healthy comfortable level and removes negativity and negative influences in the inner world of the individual

Algiz (style) - It's like<вилка>
Nauthiz (stylistic) -<перекладины>on axes

Disclaimer: Agishjalm ZAVR, with the support of the Higher Forces and the Elements, creates around<..>protective armor at all levels of being and protects<..>, destroying any magical, energetic, physical and mental negativity and negative influences, blocking paths and forces, as well as from the negative influences of alien spirits and settlers.
Agishjalm also restores the strength and potential of the individual<..>to a comfortable level and works without harm and with ease and comfort for<..>, and without harm to the good spirits of the helpers.
In the name of Odin, in the name of Thor, in the name of Tyr. In the name of Frigga, in the Name of Freya, and also in the name of all the Gods and Goddesses who have ever lived and live in Asgard. May my will come true, May it be so! And so it is!

I’ll make a reservation right away, we have combat active defenses, these are the “Eye of the Storm” and the “Shield of Tyr” and “Protection of the Four Elements”.
This is different. As Runava said, "A calm Viking, but in full combat gear."
This armor has a completely different principle of operation. The armor works with four protective zones at once, therefore, after activation, lie down with protective armor on the body and an active sphere that destroys the negative.
For some practitioners, this protection may be a bit heavy on the job. This is because agischjalm was created precisely as armor, with the expectation of a comfortable everyday state and permanently for ordinary people))
