Diabetes mellitus 10 what to do. Diabetes: types and causes of their development, course and manifestations, how to treat, possible consequences

Indicators of glucose content in the bloodstream reflect the state of human health. If he has a blood sugar of 10, then there is a serious threat of irreversible processes that lead to hyperglycemia. When it flows into a chronic form, diabetes mellitus is diagnosed.

Experts warn that blood testing should be done regularly, especially if the patient is at risk for prediabetes. These are people with poor heredity, older people, patients suffering from obesity and arterial hypertension, women who have experienced gestational diabetes while carrying a child. But even at fairly high values, one should not despair, and one should not panic. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of the doctor and adhere to a certain diet.

Blood sugar 10 - what does it mean

When the test result showed a sugar level of 10.1 and above, how to deal with it and what to do is of interest to the victim. If a person has never had diabetes before, then the causes of hyperglycemia may lie in:

  • inflammatory or oncological process occurring in the pancreas;
  • stress or psycho-emotional stress suffered on the eve of blood donation;
  • taking certain medications: steroids, oral contraceptives, hormones, diuretics;
  • malnutrition and addiction to bad habits (alcoholism, smoking);
  • lack of physical activity, hypodynamia;
  • diseases affecting the endocrine system;
  • ailments occurring in the tissues of the liver;
  • hormonal failure, for example, during menopause or during pregnancy;
  • development of type 1/type 2 diabetes mellitus.

To confirm or refute the diagnosis, doctors refer the patient to a second test, which is taken on an empty stomach, and also use additional studies, revealing postprandial glycemia (after an average meal), level,. Thanks to these data, it is possible to track how much the sugar concentration rises after eating, how the pancreas works, and whether insulin is absorbed by cells and tissues. An examination by a neurologist, oncologist, ophthalmologist is mandatory.

Important! With values ​​​​of the level of sugar concentration of 10.2 - 10.5 and higher, the sooner medical assistance is provided, the sooner the patient will be prescribed therapy that reduces the likelihood of severe complications that do not exclude death.

Should I be afraid

Experts believe that each organism has its own critical threshold for sugar content. Border values ​​are 5.5-7 mmol / l. If the numbers exceed the level of 10.3, ketoacidosis may develop, and then coma.

Symptoms of hyperglycemia include:

  • impotence, lethargy, general weakness;
  • constant sleepiness;
  • nervousness, irritability;
  • attacks of cephalalgia and dizziness;
  • sensation preceding vomiting, gagging;
  • thirst and dry mouth;
  • pain, cramps, numbness in the limbs;
  • peeling,;
  • marked deterioration in visual acuity;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • poor wound healing.

Hyperglycemia, in which blood sugar 10 is recorded, is considered a dangerous condition, due to which metabolic processes are disturbed:

  • protective functions of the body are reduced. A person often suffers from viral and infectious diseases, which are difficult and long, leaving behind consequences and complications;
  • disorders of the activity of the reproductive system begin - for example,;
  • toxins and toxic substances are released that poison the entire body.

The more pronounced the symptoms of diabetes, the higher the risk of developing its complications:

  • diabetic coma. Occurs due to a sharp jump in blood sugar levels. It is manifested by a violation of breathing, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, falling into a heavy deep sleep, the smell of acetone when exhaling -.
  • Hypoglycemic coma. It can be triggered by a sharp decrease in sugar levels, which is no less dangerous. A similar condition can develop due to the abuse of alcohol and the use of sugar-lowering medications. The patient's heartbeat and breathing are disturbed, the body temperature drops, anuria sets in, reddening of the face is observed, consciousness is disturbed, the glucose content in the bloodstream rises to values ​​of 15-26 units -.
  • Ketoacidosis. In this condition, metabolic products accumulate in the blood. In difficult cases, a person may lose consciousness -.
  • Hyperosmolar coma. The reaction to sugar 10.15, 20 mmol / l, which leads to dehydration of the body -.

In all these cases, a person needs emergency medical care, hospitalization and intensive care.

What to do with high sugar levels, for example, if they reach 10.8 units, the specialist says. If you do not take therapeutic measures, complications develop that affect the nervous, urinary, cardiovascular system, and visual organs.

The most progressive, chronic pathological processes to which hyperglycemia leads are:

  • gangrene;
  • arthropathy;
  • damage to peripheral nerves;
  • retinal damage.

What to do if the sugar level is above 10

With a sugar content of 10.4 and above units detected on an empty stomach, they first find out what type of diabetes mellitus belongs to. If this is the first type, then sugar-lowering medications are prescribed, for example,. The beta cells of the pancreas have lost the function of producing the hormone insulin, which will now have to be administered regularly to prevent the development of critical situations.

In the second type of diabetes, the results of 10.6 and above signal that this is an extremely neglected condition, in which pathologies of vital organs begin to develop, the digestive system is disrupted, blood vessels are severely affected, and there is a high probability of developing atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke.

The specialist can apply several types of therapy by prescribing:

  • the use of drugs that make tissues and cells more susceptible to the produced insulin;
  • regular, but moderate physical activity: light running, swimming, walking, cycling;
  • strict adherence to the dietary table, in which you need to give up easily digestible carbohydrates - flour, sweets, potatoes, etc .;
  • avoidance of stress and maximum psychological comfort;
  • treatment of chronic diseases.

With a sugar of 10.7 mmol / l, only complex treatment will stabilize the patient's condition and significantly improve blood counts. When all attempts at therapy do not give the desired effect, the patient is offered insulin therapy. If hyperglycemia occurred due to stress, or a strong psycho-emotional overstrain, then they review the menu and, if possible, eliminate irritants.

When sugar rises during insulin therapy, and a person is already regularly injecting the drug, the cause of high blood sugar levels may be hiding in:

  • incorrectly selected dose of medication;
  • improper diet and non-compliance with the scheme of administration of the drug (it must be taken before meals, not after);
  • violated the rule of storage of opened ampoules;
  • gross violation of the technique of drug administration.

A patient suffering from insulin-dependent diabetes must be informed about how injections should be carried out, and they are told in detail about other nuances of treatment. For example, the skin before an injection is not wiped with an alcohol solution, as it worsens the effect of a sugar-lowering drug and can provoke a jump in the concentration of sugar in the bloodstream, reaching a value of 10 or more units -. After administering insulin, it is recommended to wait a few seconds, and only then remove the needle, otherwise droplets of medicine may leak out.

Injections in one area of ​​the body are not carried out, since, once in the resulting seal, insulin is absorbed much more slowly. When mixing different types of medication, their compatibility must be taken into account. If the dosage was calculated incorrectly, it is better to contact a specialist for dose adjustment. You can’t do this on your own, otherwise you can provoke hypoglycemia.

Elevated blood sugar is not always a symptom of a systemic disease such as diabetes mellitus. High values ​​may be indicators of some other endocrine pathologies, stress on the eve of blood sampling, physical and mental overload.

Sugar also rises in pregnant women - quite often during the gestation period, this indicator in the blood is unusually increased, but after childbirth, all values ​​​​normalize. But still, in most cases, high sugar is a direct messenger of prediabetes, not yet a disease, but already its direct threat.

What is prediabetes

Let's say the patient is scheduled to take tests. And in the form of results in the column "glucose" he has a mark of 10. This is a high value, given that the range of 3.3-5.5 mmol / l is the norm. Of course, no one will immediately diagnose diabetes.

Often the analysis is retaken, and its indicators already fit into the norm. But the situation must be monitored. If sugar rises, jumps, if there are any deviations, it is time to be examined additionally and find out the nature of such a phenomenon.

And often an increase in values ​​indicates prediabetes. The name is eloquent: this is the name of the condition that precedes the development of the disease. This is a borderline condition, it is still impossible to put diabetes mellitus, but it is already impossible to leave the situation unchanged.

To diagnose the disease, a series of examinations is carried out. First, fasting blood is taken from the patient to check the glucose concentration. Then a glucose tolerance test (GTT) is mandatory. This test involves multiple blood draws. First, the sample is taken on an empty stomach, then an hour after the patient drinks a diluted glucose solution.

After checking a blood sample taken on an empty stomach, the acceptable level of sugar should not exceed the threshold value of 5.5 mmol / l. When taking venous blood, a mark of 6.1 will indicate the norm (but not higher).

GTT analysis is decoded as follows:

  1. Sugar content up to 7.8 mmol/l is normal;
  2. The 7.8-11mmol/L range is considered a marker of prediabetes;
  3. Values ​​​​more than 11 - this is already diabetes.

False-positive and false-negative results are quite possible, therefore, doctors always try to prescribe a duplicate examination in case of such a situation.

Who is at risk for prediabetes

Alarming information: according to statistics, two-thirds of patients do not know about their diagnosis or simply do not turn to doctors for timely adequate therapy. People get tested, often ignoring a doctor's request to retake a blood sample if blood sugar levels are alarming.

The fact is that for some time the disease is asymptomatic, or its symptoms are not so pronounced that a person really begins to worry about his health.

So it turns out that the patient simply skips the reversible stage of prediabetes. The time when the correction of the condition is possible without drug treatment is missed. And in most cases of diagnosing prediabetes, correcting nutrition and normalizing weight is enough for sugar to return to normal.

We can definitely say that the risk zone for prediabetes is:

  • People whose relatives have been diagnosed with diabetes;
  • Overweight patients;
  • People with arterial hypertension;
  • Women who were diagnosed with gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

At the first sign of a possible illness, you need to rush to the doctor. As already mentioned, this is a reversible condition, but only if it is noticed in time.

How Prediabetes Manifests

Overweight people who are prone to physical inactivity are more prone to developing diabetes. Potential patients do not consider some symptoms to be a harbinger of the disease, or simply do not know how to respond to them correctly. Therefore, it is so important to undergo an annual medical examination so that during a routine examination you can get expert advice.

Symptoms of prediabetes:

Signs do not have to appear all at once and together. Sometimes they are not so pronounced that a person is seriously alarmed. Yes, and the threshold of perception, pain and discomfort is different for everyone. Therefore, it is so important to undergo an annual examination, without waiting for a reason to go to the doctor.

What to do if prediabetes is found

If all tests are passed and duplicated, the patient must come for a consultation with an endocrinologist. He will give a certain prognosis for the treatment of prediabetes, be sure to accompany it with recommendations. And if the patient listens to them, then the risk of developing pathology will be minimized.

As for drug actions, they are not characteristic of prediabetes. Normalization of nutrition, moderate physical activity, weight correction - these are the three pillars on which the prevention of diabetes is based. This usual is enough so that the insidious diagnosis does not frighten with the prospect of its development.

Moreover, experiments conducted by scientists from the United States showed:

The risk of diabetes is significantly reduced if a person manages to lose weight. It is believed that people with prediabetes who normalize weight significantly reduce tissue insulin resistance.

The first thing the endocrinologist focuses on is nutrition. Since the discovery of prediabetes, it should be curative. Some people are afraid of the very definition and the prospect of eating unpalatable bland food all their lives. But this, of course, is a big prejudice.

Therapeutic nutrition can be delicious, another question is that a person simply does not want to lose their previous eating habits, even if they are far from health issues.

What are the goals of proper nutrition in patients with prediabetes:

Each product group has its own approach. Many patients are surprised that the recommendations of the endocrinologist differ significantly from his own ideas about the nutrition of a person with high sugar levels.

It is known that foods with a high glycemic index should be seriously limited in the menu. But this is done not only because they increase blood sugar.

These products add a load to the pancreas, literally force it to work beyond its strength, and, as you remember, it is the pancreas that is responsible for the production of natural insulin.

Specifically, prediabetes is characterized by the preservation of insulin secretion (sometimes secretion is even excessive), but foods with a high GI stimulate the release of the hormone. As a result, insulin resistance worsens, a person's weight grows, and the prognosis for recovery is no longer so favorable.

What can you eat with prediabetes

You can eat vegetables, but not all. Eat what grows on the surface of the earth - cabbage, beans, eggplant. You can eat vegetables that grow underground, but only raw (radishes and turnips). But sweet potatoes, potatoes and beets are excluded or included in the menu as rarely as possible.

Dairy products can be consumed, but not more than 150 per day. You shouldn't drink milk! You can eat cottage cheese and sour cream, moreover, of any fat content. Feel free to eat greens and salads, just watch the quality of these products. Avocados, plums, apples and pears will also be useful (but not more than 100 g per day).

Do not remove nuts and seeds from the diet, but you should not eat more than 25-30 g per day. I would like to remind you that peanuts are not a nut, but a plant of the legume family, a highly allergic and even conditionally dangerous product. You can eat berries - also up to 100 g per day. It is allowed to treat yourself to a piece of dark chocolate in the amount of 30 g per day.

Very important information about fat intake:

Now scientists assure that one should not treat animal food negatively with fanaticism. Meat and animal fats with natural fat content are not harmful to health if a person knows how to correctly enter these products on the menu. That is, if meat is in food every day, and even in several dishes, there is nothing good here. But you should not refuse the same red meat. Eat to feel full, but don't overeat.

Another issue is the method of preparation. Salt - as little as possible, fried, spicy and smoked - remove from the diet. Boil, stew, bake, try new healthy recipes and learn to enjoy the taste of properly cooked food.

Why is it so important for prediabetes not to give up protein?

Protein was, is and, apparently, will remain the main building material for the cell wall. Biologically active substances and hormones also, for the most part, consist of protein. And you need protein regularly, because every day regeneration processes take place in the body.

Without protein, it is impossible to imagine a healthy and proper diet. Where do you get this most important element, what food does it contain?

Protein foods:

People prone to hypochondria, having learned about prediabetes, sit down on a strict and pointless diet. They eat only boiled chicken, vegetable soups and lettuce leaves. Of course, such food can not be called either varied or complete.

What is definitely removed from the menu forever is meat along with potatoes, but there is no point in refusing baked beef with vegetables or mackerel in your juice.

It is difficult at first: you need to make an approximate menu for a week, three types (to stick to the alternation), after which the diet becomes habitual, automatic processes turn on. A reasonable step is to go to a nutritionist, a specialist, knowing about your diagnosis, will make a really correct, complete menu.

Incredible! Sugar level will be normal if...

Blood glucose indicators are a kind of weather vane that speaks about the state of health. Each new day of a person is not like the other, the concentration of sugar in the blood is also not always the same. There is a direct relationship between jumps in glucose levels and a number of factors. In an absolutely healthy person, the level of glucose in the blood may vary:

  • morning and evening;
  • before and after eating;
  • before and after eating foods high in fast carbohydrates;
  • before and after significant physical exertion or sports;
  • in young and older people.

But most often, the percentage of glucose in the blood is increased due to hyperglycemia, and a chronic hyperglycemic state leads to diabetes mellitus. If in a healthy body, after a short period of time, sugar falls by itself, then a person suffering from diabetes must take a number of actions aimed at lowering glucose.

In any case, you first need to know your sugar levels. This requires a blood test. It is carried out in medical laboratories. The patient should prepare for the sampling of biological material so as not to get a distorted version in the end result.

Patients with infectious diseases, people taking medications, after x-rays or physiotherapy do not donate blood.
The normal glucose level is 3.88-5.5 mmol / l., and above 10.0 mmol / l. – diabetes. There are also borderline conditions, when the sugar level approaches 10.0 mmol / l. At this time, glucose is not perceived by the body, which means that there is no energy necessary for life. In addition, high blood sugar negatively affects kidney function. Without a full-fledged medical complex, it is almost impossible to stabilize the situation.

The norm of glucose for children is not identical to adult indicators. So, in a newborn and a baby up to a year old, the norm corresponds to 2.78-4.44 mmol / l. With age, the blood sugar level in a child should approach 3.33-5.55 mol / l.

Everyone has their own threshold.

That's what the doctors think. Border figures - from 5.5 to 10.0 mmol / l. Defining your boundaries is pretty easy.

It is necessary to empty the bladder, and then measure the level of sugar in the blood.

After half an hour, the concentration of glucose in the urine is determined. Everything is recorded in the form of a table to track the dynamics. Five days is enough for a qualitative analysis.
If glucose in the blood is close to 10 mmol / l., But it is not in urine, then the boundary threshold has not been exceeded. When there is sugar in both plasma and urine, the threshold is clearly violated in the direction of increase.

Why sugar is rising, symptoms

When, during the analysis for sugar, the protocol of biochemical laboratory tests was followed and the blood sugar level was 10 mmol / l and above, it is necessary to look for the reasons for such an increase.

Significantly increased. In a healthy person, the concentration of glucose decreases every hour, but this does not happen in a diabetic.

An increase in glucose can be associated not only with the “sweet disease”, but also with:

  1. Hormonal disorders;
  2. Exacerbations of diseases: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal tract, brain, thyroid gland;
  3. Food and toxic poisoning;
  4. Strengthened sports or the absolute absence of them;
  5. Abuse of alcohol and drugs;
  6. Disorders of the nervous system;
  7. pregnancy;
  8. Obesity, neglect of dietary nutrition;
  9. Injuries and surgeries;
  10. The use of diuretic, steroid, hormonal and contraceptive drugs.

Particular attention is paid to pregnant women, because some women may suffer from latent diabetes, which manifests itself precisely in the process of bearing a child.

To make a correct diagnosis, clarification is needed. The patient is advised to take a glucose tolerance test, a urine test for sugar. The study of glucose tolerance consists in conducting tests before and after a "sweet" load in the form of a glucose solution.

Symptoms of hyperglycemia:

  1. General weakness of the body,
  2. Drowsiness;
  3. Irritability;
  4. Dizziness;
  5. Nausea, vomiting;
  6. Thirst, dry mouth;
  7. Pain in limbs;
  8. Peeling of the skin, its dryness;
  9. Decreased vision;
  10. Frequent urination;
  11. Badly healing wounds.

How to lower sugar levels, what will help?

Different types of diabetes are treated differently. In type 1 diabetes, insulin therapy is the only option. The patient's lack of insulin must be replenished by injection, and the endocrinologist will calculate the dosage. It is important to adhere to proper nutrition, namely a low-carbohydrate diet, which is not the main, but an auxiliary method of treatment.

Diet therapy is also important for pregnant women with latent diabetes, since treatment with insulin or sugar-lowering drugs is possible in rare cases when it is vital. By reducing the consumption of foods with a high glycemic index and minimal exercise, the sugar in the body of a pregnant woman can really be kept under control. Usually, after delivery, the concentration of glucose in a woman decreases.

Type 2 diabetes is more common, its consequences affect the kidneys, the cardiovascular system, and the digestive tract.

A patient who has received disappointing test results does not know what to do if blood sugar is elevated. Be sure to consult with an endocrinologist. The doctor will select a treatment method, taking into account age, weight, gender component. The medical complex consists of:

  • the use of drugs whose action is aimed at lowering sugar;
  • following a low-carbohydrate diet;
  • regular physical activity;
  • treatment of concomitant diseases;
  • stress resistance.

Chronic hyperglycemia affects the internal organs, so it must be treated as early as possible.

Low-carbohydrate nutrition is not only certain foods, but also a nutritional pattern. It is better to eat fractionally, up to six times a day. Vegetables and fruits should undergo minimal heat treatment. Dishes are steamed, boiled, less often stewed or baked. But fried, smoked, pickles are excluded from the diet. Eaten during the day, the recipe of dishes, their weight can be recorded in the food diary.

  • pasta;
  • bread from flour of the highest grade;
  • fast food dishes;
  • some vegetables and fruits: potatoes, corn, grapes, tangerines;
  • dried fruits;
  • sausages, lard;
  • cane or beet sugar;
  • freshly squeezed or packaged juices.

Instead of traditional sugar, sweeteners are put in tea or sweet dishes: fructose, stevia, aspartame, xylitol, saccharin. Sometimes you can treat yourself to a piece of dark chocolate or a spoonful of honey.

To reduce the percentage of glucose, folk remedies are used, namely herbal infusions, teas, decoctions.

Today I am publishing another article from my first blog. This article is very relevant today, because. The number of people with high blood sugar is constantly increasing.

How to keep blood sugar without chemicals.

Today I want to talk about how my wife and I keep blood sugar at the same level.

A bit of history.

After the celebration of the New Year 2011, on January 3 or 4, I began to feel dryness in my throat, and I was constantly thirsty.

Considering that I do not drink alcohol at all, for me it was some kind of new unpleasant sensation. I told my wife about the problem. She advised to measure blood sugar, because. at one time she faced the same problem. When I measured sugar with a glucometer, I was extremely surprised by the result, the number 10.6 was on the screen, this is at a rate of no more than 5.5. I began to think from what it was suddenly such a misfortune, and remembered that my mother had diabetes, and this disease, as we know, is hereditary, and of course, the use of all kinds of New Year's goodies affected.

And so, I earned increased sugar. The question arose: “What to do? How to reduce it and keep it normal? First of all, I excluded from my diet:

1. Anything that contains sugar.

2. White wheat bread.

3. Potatoes.

4. Pasta.

5. Rice and semolina.

I am against the use of all kinds of chemicals, so I began to look for folk advice on lowering blood sugar. There were many recipes, but I settled on one and have been successfully using it for more than a year now.

Here is the recipe:

Take 150-200 ml of milk curdled milk (you can use kefir, but curdled milk is more useful), add a tablespoon of ground buckwheat to it, mix everything well and leave this mixture overnight. Eat the composition in the morning on an empty stomach. You can have breakfast in an hour. Using yogurt with ground buckwheat daily in the morning, I normalized sugar in a week and have been maintaining it at 5.0-6.5 for a year and a half. In addition, this remedy strengthens blood vessels and lowers cholesterol levels, and is also useful for constipation.

Sugar fluctuations occur because I eat almost everything, but foods containing carbohydrates, of course, I eat with caution. Replaced regular sugar with fruit sugar (fructose).

Here she is:

In the morning on an empty stomach I eat 150-200 ml of yogurt with buckwheat, this serves as the first breakfast. An hour later I eat one large or two small apples, you can add a couple of tangerines or an orange, this serves as a second breakfast. During the first half of the day I drink two, sometimes three glasses of green tea with jasmine. I usually have lunch at 12-13 o'clock. Lunch is normal, no restrictions. After lunch, during the afternoon until 17:00, I drink a couple more glasses of green tea with jasmine. I have dinner at 18, maximum at 19 o'clock. After this time, I don't eat anything anymore. But you can still eat an apple and an orange. Yes, who does not like jasmine tea can drink plain green tea, but only good quality.

Now a little about each product separately.

A sour-milk dietary product that can be obtained from whole or skimmed pasteurized, sterilized or baked cow's milk by fermenting it with a starter prepared on pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria. I prepare curdled milk from natural milk, the shelf life of which does not exceed 5 days, with a fat content of 3.2-3.8. I ferment with a tablespoon of natural sour cream. At room temperature. Yogurt is ready within a day.

Why is yogurt so useful? Mechnikov, a famous Russian biologist, noticed that peasants in Bulgaria often drink yogurt and live longer, and the signs of aging are not as pronounced as in other people. Later, upon closer examination, he discovered that a special microorganism was present in yogurt, later called the bulgarian stick. It actively produces lactic acid, which is harmful to putrefactive bacteria. These bacteria secrete substances that poison a person and his internal environment. Contains polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, essential amino acids - valine, arginine, leucine, histidine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan, methylalanine. It contains starch, dietary fiber, sugars, vitamins A, C, E, K, B vitamins, numerous macro- and microelements. In addition, it slightly slows down aging, and besides, it is the only natural product that really restores nerve cells.

Buckwheat has unique beneficial properties. Firstly, buckwheat is the champion among cereals in terms of iron content. It also contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, fluorine, molybdenum, cobalt, vitamins B1, B2, B9 (folic acid), PP, vitamin E. Buckwheat surpasses all other grains in protein content, and these proteins are easy digestible. But buckwheat carbohydrates, on the contrary, are digested for quite a long time, therefore, after eating a buckwheat dish, a person feels full for a long time.

As it is sung in folklore: "Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our father!" The benefits of buckwheat were clear even to our dense ancestors! It was simple Russian food - cabbage soup, porridge, rye bread that was the basis of their heroic health.

The high dietary properties of buckwheat have been confirmed by the latest research by scientists. Buckwheat is useful for diabetics and obese people, since buckwheat contains less carbohydrates than other cereals.

Buckwheat helps the heart and liver, helps to remove excess cholesterol from the body, removes toxins and heavy metal ions from the body, saturates the blood with iron.

Even such a formidable disease as anemia is perfectly treated with buckwheat. To do this, grind buckwheat in a coffee grinder into flour. To cure anemia, it is enough to eat 2 tbsp one to three times a day. spoons of such buckwheat flour, washed down with a cup of milk. This treatment is carried out until the hemoglobin level is fully restored. The benefits of buckwheat are also explained by the fact that it contains a lot of routine, and this substance thickens and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, buckwheat is an indispensable product on the table of those who suffer from hemorrhoids or varicose veins. Important! Traditional medicine recommends using only non-roasted buckwheat for medicinal purposes. You can distinguish fried cereals from non-fried ones by color - non-fried cereals are lighter.

Green tea. Green tea was drunk in China 5,000 years ago, around the time when tea trees began to be cultivated. Healers prescribed it as a cure for depression, loss of strength, weakness and other ailments. Green tea is a perennial evergreen shrub up to 10 m high. The leaves are alternate, oval, leathery, smooth, dark green. Flowers white, solitary. The fruit is a box. Seeds are round, dark brown. Blooms from August to late autumn. Fruits in October-December. The beneficial properties of green tea are due to the many substances it contains: polyphenols, catechins, alkaloids, vitamins, amino acids, pectins, trace elements and plant pigments.

The beneficial properties of green tea are due to the many substances it contains: polyphenols, catechins, alkaloids, vitamins, amino acids, pectins, trace elements and plant pigments. found that people with a healthy cardiovascular system do consume green tea statistically more than their peers in the same age group. Green tea with jasmine prevents the development of cancerous tumors. Women who regularly drink green tea have a 90% lower chance of developing breast cancer. Jasmine also has a positive effect on vision. And very recent studies have shown that mental abilities in older people who prefer green tea, in fact, last longer. A rather vivid illustration of the benefits of green tea is the so-called "Asian paradox": despite heavy smoking, many older people in Asia suffer from cardiovascular and cancer diseases much less often than Europeans. In green tea, they found a substance that can fight AIDS.

Green leaf tea is brewed with water that has not boiled over, cooled to a temperature of 80-85 ºС at the rate of one teaspoon per 200 ml mug.

Apples. It is well known that apples are good for our health. An old English proverb says: "Whoever eats an apple a day does not have a doctor." Almost the entire vitamin complex is represented in apples: A, B1, B2, B3, B, C, E, PP, P, K. They are rich in fructose, amino acids, iron, calcium and a lot of microelements so necessary for human life. Apple lowers blood cholesterol levels. It's all about pectin and fiber. One medium-sized apple with skin contains 3.5 g. fibers, i.e. more than 10% of the daily fiber requirement for the body.

An apple without a peel contains 2.7 g. fibers. Insoluble fiber molecules attach to cholesterol and help remove it from the body, thereby reducing the risk of vascular blockage and heart attacks. Apples also contain soluble fibers called pectins, which help bind and flush out excess cholesterol produced in the liver.

Researchers found that eating 2 apples a day lowered cholesterol levels by 16%, and eating the same number of apples, along with a small to medium onion and 4 cups of green tea, reduced the risk of heart attack by 32%. Regularly eating apples for hypertension helps to lower blood pressure, get rid of headaches and dizziness.

Here are some more traditional medicine recipes for lowering blood sugar:

1. Take 10 bay leaves and pour 400 ml of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 1.5 hours. Strain the infusion. Take ½ cup 3 times a day. The same infusion helps with osteochondrosis and spring weakness.

The first serious steps towards the creation of an internationally recognized classification of human diseases were made at the beginning of the 20th century. It was then that the idea of ​​the International Classification of Diseases (abbreviated as ICD) arose, which, as of today, already has ten revisions. Diabetes mellitus codes according to ICD 10 belong to the fourth class of this classification and are included in blocks E10-E14.

Basic data

The first descriptions of diabetes mellitus that have come down to our time were compiled as early as the second century BC. But the doctors of that time had no idea about the mechanism of development of the disease first identified in the ancient world. The development of endocrinology made it possible to understand the mechanism of the formation of diabetes mellitus.

Modern medicine distinguishes two types of diabetes:

  1. The first type is inherited. Hard to bear. Is insulin dependent.
  2. Type 2 diabetes is acquired during life. In most cases, it develops after the age of forty. Most patients do not require insulin injections.

The division of diabetes into two types occurred in the 1930s. Today, each type has an owl designation in the IBC. Although the development of the eleventh revision of the ICD began in 2012, the classification of the tenth revision, adopted in 1989, is still in force.

All diseases associated with diabetes mellitus and its complications belong to the fourth class of the ICD.

This is a list of diseases in blocks E10 to E14. Each type of disease and the complications it causes has its own codes.

According to MBC 10, the code for type 1 diabetes mellitus is E10. After the number ten and the dot there is another digit (four-digit codes). For example, E10.4. This code indicates insulin-dependent diabetes that caused neurological complications. If there is zero after ten, it means that the disease is accompanied by coma. Each type of complication has its own code, so it can be easily classified.

According to ICD 10, the code for type 2 diabetes mellitus is E11. This code refers to the non-insulin-dependent form of diabetes acquired during life. As in the previous case, each complication is encoded with its own four-digit number. The modern ICD also provides for the assignment of a code to diseases without complications. So, if insulin-requiring diabetes does not cause complications, it is designated by the code E10.9. The number 9 after the dot indicates the absence of complications.

Other forms included in the classifier

As mentioned earlier, today there are basically two main and most common types of diabetes.

But in 1985, this classification was supplemented by another type of disease, common among residents of tropical countries.

This is diabetes mellitus caused by malnutrition. Most people suffering from this disease are between the ages of ten and fifty. The factor provoking the onset of the disease is insufficient food intake at an early age (that is, in childhood). In the ICD, this type of disease was assigned the code E12. Like the previous types, depending on the complications, the code can be supplemented.

One of the most common complications among diabetics is diabetic foot syndrome. It can lead to amputation of the affected limb. In most cases (about ninety percent of diagnosed patients), a similar problem occurs in type 2 diabetics. But it also occurs among insulin-dependent people (that is, those suffering from the first type of disease).

Since this disease is associated with impaired peripheral circulation, it is included in the ICD under this definition. The ICD 10 diabetic foot symptom code is indicated by the fourth character "5". That is, this syndrome in the first type of the disease is coded as E10.5, in the second - E11.5.

Thus, as of today, the ICD revision of the 1989 revision remains relevant. It includes all types of diabetes. It also includes complications caused by this disease. Such a classification system makes it possible to analyze and investigate diseases, being able to carry out their systematic registration.

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How and how to treat trophic ulcers of the lower extremities in diabetics

Often in diabetes mellitus, the development of concomitant diseases is observed, the cause of which are disorders in the body caused by hyperglycemia. In case of non-compliance with medical prescriptions, as well as in conditions of severe diabetes, ulcers can form, mainly on the legs. Diabetic or trophic ulcers are quite common. Treatment of wounds of a trophic ulcer on the leg at home with diabetes is almost impossible. The victim needs medical and surgical intervention.


A trophic ulcer involves a deep lesion of the epithelial layer of the skin and all underlying tissues. Often the disease is accompanied by inflammatory processes that have developed as a result of the addition of a secondary infection.

Sores are weeping wounds, characterized by a large hole diameter, a large area of ​​damage to the tissues surrounding the ulcer, constant bleeding and separation of pus with a characteristic odor.

The disease has been assigned an ICD-10 code, it refers to chronic skin ulcers not elsewhere classified and has been assigned the number L98.4.2.

The causes of the appearance of a trophic ulcer include:

  • diabetic neuropathy;
  • diabetic angiopathy;
  • mechanical damage to corns;
  • destruction of the walls of blood vessels;
  • pathology of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • tissue hypoxia that has arisen against the background of diseases associated with impaired blood flow;
  • the harmful effects of toxins formed as a result of the breakdown of drugs, the withdrawal of which did not occur due to the peculiarities of the course of diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus is a condition of the body in which there is a constant presence of a large amount of glucose in the blood, due to metabolic disorders. Glucose, with a long stay in an unbound state, begins to negatively affect nerve endings and blood cells. In the first case, neuropathy develops, in the second - angiopathy. Often, in the absence of proper treatment for diabetes, both the first and second appear at the same time. It is these pathological conditions that are the root causes of disorders that indirectly cause a trophic ulcer.

Wounds on the legs do not form immediately, they are preceded by initial signs of impaired venous blood flow - heaviness in the legs, cyanosis, and swelling.

Then eczema, lymphostasis develops, the appearance of the skin of the limb changes and, with minor damage, an ulcer begins to form. First, it destroys the upper layers of the skin and grows in breadth, then the process of destruction of the underlying tissues starts.

Diabetic ulcers are characterized by the following features:

  • do not heal on their own;
  • when removed by medication or surgically, deep scars and scars remain at the site of the wounds;
  • coldness of the extremities at the initial stages of development due to the death of nerve endings located in the lower extremities;
  • pain that disturbs the patient mainly at night;
  • lead to gangrene, and then amputation of the limb in the absence of timely treatment.

Ulcers are divided into types depending on the size of the vessels (capillaries, veins, arteries), the degeneration of which caused their occurrence.

Initially, the cause of a trophic ulcer is the patient's negligent attitude towards his health and ignoring the instructions of the attending physician about the proper lifestyle and nutritional principles. Only long-term high blood sugar leads to such consequences.


The treatment of diabetic foot ulcers depends on the severity of the disease, but in most cases it is time-consuming and laborious.

Therapeutic measures are carried out in 3 stages, which makes it possible to treat the disease not comprehensively, but sequentially, which is more effective in cases of deep tissue damage.

initial stage

It is important to ensure the neutralization of aggravating factors and the establishment of a favorable atmosphere for a positive outcome of treatment.

  • adhere to the principles of nutrition for diabetics, monitor blood sugar levels, and prevent its increase;
  • provide the patient with peace and immobility (ulcers located on the soles of the feet are traumatized, as a result of which they heal more slowly);
  • Stabilize blood sugar levels with medication, if needed
  • identify the cause of the disease and begin neutralizing therapy;
  • restore the activity of the circulatory system.

In addition, it is necessary to apply methods of local therapy:

  • washing the wound with antiseptic agents;
  • cleansing the wound from pus, blood, scab;
  • imposition of wound surfaces;
  • preventing dirt or foreign objects from entering the wound.

Second phase

After applying all of the above measures, the patient's condition should stabilize. This is expressed in the subsidence of soreness, as well as in improving the appearance of the wound - it no longer increases in size, the edges become even and pink, pus and ichor cease to stand out.

If this happens, then the therapy is my direction and focuses on the use of wound healing drugs, drugs that promote accelerated skin regeneration. It is important to continue to use anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drugs orally and topically. In addition, diet therapy must be followed exactly.

If there are signs of infection, the edges of the wound become swollen, there is a pronounced hyperemia of the skin around the ulcer, its size increases and itching and burning are added to the pain, this is a sign that the trophic ulcers of the lower extremities appeared due to the attachment of the infection to the original wound.

At this stage, it is necessary to start taking antibiotics and drugs that stabilize and protect the intestinal microflora and mucous membranes (Linex). The drugs will help get rid of the infection, and when the cause is eliminated, the disease will begin to recede.

If necrotic processes have taken place, then surgical intervention is required. It is important to remove dead tissue in time to avoid the onset of gangrene, which, in turn, can lead to amputation.

The final stage and prevention

At the final stage, it is recommended to continue wound healing therapy, take vitamins and immunomodulators to strengthen the body's natural defenses against viral and bacteriological effects. You can use physiotherapy to restore skin elasticity and healthy color.

To prevent the disease, you must follow simple tips:

  • timely diagnose an increase in blood sugar and take measures to reduce its level;
  • promptly subject the necessary therapy to varicose veins;
  • limit active physical activity associated with prolonged static stress on the lower limbs;
  • to prevent hypothermia or overheating of the lower extremities, the temperature difference will provoke the onset of destructive processes in fragile vessels;
  • prevent the formation of microtraumas or minor abrasions on the surface of the skin on the legs, due to the fact that they can be the first stage in the development of a trophic ulcer;
  • use orthopedic shoes to ensure the normalization of blood flow in the lower extremities.

With severe hyperglycemia, it is extremely important to monitor your health and follow all the recommendations of the endocrinologist. Such a severe consequence as a trophic ulcer becomes a signal that the form of the course of the disease has become more complex and deep. How and how to treat a trophic ulcer in diabetes mellitus will also be prompted by the attending physician. Self-treatment of this disease is not allowed, due to the increased risk of developing gangrene. Folk remedies are not prohibited for use, but only in combination with drug therapy.
