Discharge from the penis in men: white, yellow, clear, bloody. The reasons for their appearance

The genital and urinary organs in men are in direct connection. Therefore, the penetration of various pathological microorganisms often causes inflammation of both systems. Not only urine passes through the urethra, but also during ejaculation. Unlike the female body, men have only one excretory opening. For this reason, discharge from the penis may indicate not only pathologies of the genital area, but also about In most cases, combined inflammation is observed. The appearance of pathological fluids from the penis is the reason for contacting a urologist.

Discharge from the penis: normal

With discharge from the opening of the penis, every man is familiar. The appearance of a clear, viscous, odorless liquid on the head of the penis is considered normal. As is known from anatomy, several ducts flow into the urethra. In addition, there are preputial glands on the head of the penis. They are under the skin of the foreskin. These glands constantly secrete a mucous secret (smegma). Natural lubrication prevents friction between the foreskin and the head of the penis. The maximum activity of the glands is observed during puberty. With age, the discharge becomes less. Smegma may have a whitish or yellowish tint, as it contains bacterial particles.

Normal secretions that constantly appear in the lumen of the urethra include: urine, semen and prostate secretion. Despite the fact that all these fluids are physiological, their occurrence does not always indicate the norm. It is worth paying attention to the amount of secretion and the frequency of its removal.

Discharge from the penis: causes

The causes of pathological discharge from the urethra can be different. In most cases, these are inflammatory diseases. genitourinary system. They develop as a result of infection or due to chronic pathologies. Discharge from the penis appears for the following reasons:

  • Venereal diseases. Sexually transmitted infections are often accompanied by the appearance of a pathological secret on the head of the penis. In most cases, sexually transmitted diseases have other manifestations. Among them, one can note pain during urination and during intercourse, an increase in body temperature, the occurrence of rashes on the penis.
  • Inflammatory pathologies. Transparent highlights from the penis may indicate chronic disease organs of the male reproductive system. The inflammatory process most often occurs in the prostate gland (prostatitis) or urethra.
  • Allergic reactions. Allocations may be associated with increased activity of the glands. Most often it is caused by an allergy to contraceptives, wipes.

  • Tumors of the male genital organs. Increased excretion is associated with prostate adenoma. Benign hyperplasia of the organ is observed in elderly men. In some cases, discharge from the penis appears with cancerous tumors.
  • Injuries of the seminiferous and urinary tract.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system affecting the decrease in muscle tone.

Regardless of the cause of the discharge, it is worth consulting with your doctor. The choice of treatment method depends on what kind of pathology the patient has.

Types of discharge from the penis

Allocations may be different. They differ in color, composition, texture and smell. The appearance of a secret in the lumen of the urethra does not always occur spontaneously. In most cases, it is associated with sexual arousal, taking drugs or alcohol, urinating, eating spicy or sweet foods.

Allocations are mucous, purulent, bloody and mixed. If the exudate differs in its properties from the normal secretion of the prostate gland or seminal fluid, then there is an inflammatory process. On the infection indicates a change in the consistency, color and smell of secretions. In some cases, pathological impurities may be present in physiological fluids. These include pus, blood, lumps of mucus. Pathological discharge from the penis in men is accompanied by discomfort during urination, sexual dysfunction, and a rash.

It is worth noting that if the exudate does not differ from the normal secret in its properties, this does not always indicate the absence of the disease. In addition to the color and consistency of the secretions, you should pay attention to their volume and frequency of occurrence. Increased secretion of the sex glands may indicate pathologies of the nervous and endocrine systems.

Allocations in inflammatory processes

White discharge from the penis is associated with inflammatory processes. Often they appear as a result of infection with pathogenic microorganisms. Inflammation can be bacterial, viral or fungal. Depending on the route of transmission of the pathogen, venereal infections and nonspecific diseases of the genital tract are distinguished. The former are associated with infection during sexual contact. Nonspecific inflammatory processes occur due to a decrease in immunity, non-compliance with personal hygiene, hypothermia. The most common sexually transmitted diseases in men include:

  • Gonorrhea.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Genital herpes.
  • Ureaplasmosis.
  • Trichomoniasis.
  • Mycoplasmosis.

To determine the causative agent of the infection and prescribe the appropriate treatment, a microscopic examination of discharge from the penis is performed. The pathological secret in venereal diseases is characterized by a thick consistency and bad smell. Abundant discharge may indicate nonspecific inflammation of the genital organs. Such pathologies include prostatitis, urethritis, balanitis. In addition, impurities are observed in diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

The appearance of clear and white discharge

White discharge from the penis does not always indicate that there is inflammation of the genitourinary system. Sometimes they are observed with increased secretion of the prostate gland. Prostatorrhea is associated with tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall. It occurs with prostate adenoma, chronic constipation. Turbidity of the exudate indicates the development of an inflammatory process - prostatitis.

Urethrorrhea is the secretion of mucus by the glands located in it. It occurs during sexual arousal. Slime serves lubricant designed to improve the passage of seminal fluid. In some cases, urethrorrhea is observed outside of sexual intercourse. Most often this occurs in the morning hours in young men and adolescents.

Penis discharge includes wet dreams. They are associated with an increase in the level of male sex hormones. Spontaneous release of sperm often occurs in adolescents in the morning. Pollution indicates hormonal fluctuations. Also, sperm comes out if there is a violation of tone. The reasons are inflammatory processes and diseases of the central nervous system.

Purulent discharge from the urethra

With infectious pathologies of bacterial etiology, purulent discharge from the penis occurs. Most often they indicate the development of gonorrhea. This disease belongs to venereal infections. Pathology is accompanied by severe swelling of the urethra and the release of purulent exudate. It consists of urethral epithelial cells and a large number of neutrophils. Gonorrhea may cause white, greenish, or yellow discharge from the penis. They have an unpleasant smell. Urination is accompanied by cutting pain.

Another common sexually transmitted infection is chlamydia. With this pathology, discharge of a mucopurulent nature is noted. They have a thick consistency and seem to stick to the head of the penis. In some cases, combined infections are diagnosed.

Bloody discharge from the urethra

The reason for going to the doctor should be bloody discharge from the penis. Most often they indicate diseases of the urinary tract. Blood can be released from injuries of the urethral canal. Hematorrhea occurs after performing diagnostic manipulations on the bladder. Also, spotting appears after the introduction of foreign bodies into the lumen of the urethra, in particular a catheter. In this case, hematorrhea disappears within a few minutes or hours.

If blood is constantly observed during urination, it should be urgently examined. This symptom may indicate the occurrence of kidney stones, glomerulonephritis and tumor diseases.

Diagnosis of pathologies of the urinary system

When pathological findings from the penis appear, the patient is examined. Diagnostic measures include:

  • Interrogation of the patient and examination of the genital organs.
  • Finger examination of the prostate. It allows not only to assess the condition of the organ, but also to get the secret of the prostate.
  • Microscopic examination of the secreted exudate.
  • Laboratory diagnostic methods - general analysis blood and urine.
  • Instrumental examinations - ultrasound of the prostate, urography, cystoscopy.

In some cases, microscopy of a smear obtained from the excreted fluid is sufficient to diagnose the disease.

The consequences of pathologies of the genital organs

The consequences of diseases of the male genital organs can be serious. Complications of inflammatory pathologies include infertility and impotence. Tumors of the prostate gland lead to impaired urination and the development of renal failure.

Treatment for discharge from the penis

To get rid of pathological discharge from the penis, an examination is necessary. After performing all the tests, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Depending on the causative agent of the infection, medications are selected. With gonorrhea, the well-known drug "Penicillin" is used.

For the treatment of chlamydia and other infections, antibacterial drugs from the group of macrolides, tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones are used. These include medicines "Azithromycin", "Doxycycline", "Levofloxacin".

Prevention of discharge from the penis

Barrier methods of contraception are used to prevent genital tract infections. To avoid the development of chronic inflammatory diseases, it is necessary to maintain the immune system, lead a healthy lifestyle and have regular sexual activity. You should also refrain from masturbation. Maintaining personal hygiene helps to cope with pathogenic bacteria.

In the representatives of the stronger sex, any discharge from the penis that has appeared causes concern. The occurrence of such a pathology is caused by a variety of infections. But sometimes the fluid flowing from the penis is considered normal, so you need to know exactly in which situations you should immediately visit a specialist, and when you should not worry.

Almost every man at least once faced with this problem. The following physiological fluid can flow from the urethra in all men:

  1. Ejaculate. Sperm should normally have a grayish-white hue and a slimy consistency.
  2. Secret of the prostate. The color is whitish. There is a specific smell.
  3. Urine. Normally, it is a clear liquid with a yellow tint. There should be practically no smell.

  1. Defecation or micturition prostorrhea. The first may appear due to the tension of the abdominal wall during defecation. And the second is observed after urination.
  2. Urethrorrhea. These are discharges that do not have a color, are transparent, with a mucous consistency. Needed to improve the passage of sperm and to protect the inner surface of the urethra. It is observed with strong arousal.
  3. Sperm is usually released during intercourse, but in young guys it can come out in the morning without sexual contact.

But not in all situations, such discharges are considered normal. It is necessary to carefully control their consistency and volume, color and frequency of occurrence. If a man monitors his own health, then at the slightest change he needs to visit a specialist.

Reasons for concern are:

  1. The consistency is very liquid or thick.
  2. The presence of blood, purulent or mucous impurities.
  3. Incorrect color or transparency is broken.
  4. The smell of rotten fish, sour or putrid.
  5. The volume is very small or, conversely, increased.

Discharge from the urethra can occur in the presence of neoplasms, inflammatory processes, sexually transmitted diseases, as well as after injury or surgery.

A man should be suspicious of the presence of any pathology in the following cases:

  1. The appearance of blood impurities.
  2. A fetid smell from the penis indicates the presence of bacteria.
  3. The color of the discharge has changed and acquired a yellow or brown, as well as a green or gray tint.


Discharge from the urethra can appear due to various factors. Quite often, they talk about the formation of a serious pathological disease and may be accompanied by inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

The main causes of fluid from the male organ:

  1. Infections of a venereal nature: mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea. A purulent fluid may leak from the penis. When urinating and sexual pleasures, there are painful sensations. A rash appears on the genitals, and the overall body temperature also rises.
  2. inflammatory processes. Urethral discharge from the penis may indicate chronic ailments of the genital organs. Pathology affects the prostate gland or the urethra. In order to protect the organ, the glands synthesize mucus in a small amount.
  3. Allergy. Due to the increased activity of the glands, urethral discharge may be present. The most common allergens are contraceptives and sanitary napkins.
  4. Neoplasms can also provoke increased secretion synthesis. In malignant tumors, blood impurities appear.
  5. CNS disorders. Muscle tone decreases due to the negative effect on them.
  6. Injury to the vas deferens and urinary tract.

To determine exactly what was the impetus for the emergence of such a pathology, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

Color and texture

The consistency and shade of urethral discharge completely depend on the disease that provoked such consequences. The number of cells present in the formulation has an effect on turbidity.

Liquid color:

  1. Yellow or green color is acquired due to an increased number of leukocytes.
  2. White cottage cheese inclusions may indicate candidiasis.
  3. High viscosity and gray color gives an excess of epithelial cells.

Symptoms of the manifestation of the same disease may be different depending on its stage. At the initial stages, the discharge may have a cloudy or transparent tint.

Varieties of fluid and disease

Some of the contents of the male genital organ follows from the use of alcohol, drugs, or when excited. Any deviation from the norm indicates pathology.

Transparent mucus in a small amount indicates the presence of urethroplasmosis, mycoplasmosis or chlamydia. During the period of exacerbation, they become whitish. Usually, sputum is localized on the head of the penis with chlamydia.

The development of gonorrhea may be indicated by contents that have a greenish or yellow tint. The consistency is sticky and thick with a putrefactive odor. Burning and itching are observed, as well as pain, which becomes stronger when urinating.

Inflammatory processes are formed when the microflora changes. On the skin and mucous membranes are staphylococci, streptococci, as well as Escherichia coli and candida. Active reproduction of pathogenic microflora in men can be triggered by the following factors:

  1. Radiotherapy or chemotherapy.
  2. Taking antibacterial drugs (uncontrolled).
  3. Frequent hypothermia.
  4. Prolonged and frequent stressful situations.

Diseases accompanied by urethral discharge:

  1. Nonspecific urethritis. First struck bladder. There are purulent mucous curdled discharge in a small amount. When urinating, there is some discomfort associated with itching and burning. Urges to the toilet are frequent. Untimely treatment may affect the ureters and kidneys. At the same time, blood impurities appear in the discharge.
  2. Gardnerellosis. There are minor separations from the penis, which have a yellowish or greenish tint. Usually appears with dysbacteriosis.
  3. Balanoposthitis. Abundant pus is separated from the penis, sometimes impurities of mucus are possible. The main symptoms of this disease are soreness of the head, redness and swelling of the foreskin. Often, representatives of the stronger sex with diabetes mellitus become infected.
  4. Prostatitis is accompanied by a cloudy discharge, which is present during urination. During the period of exacerbation, the discharge becomes stronger, and during the course chronic form decrease. There is a weak erection and difficult urination. If you do not seek treatment in time, then impotence or anuria may develop.
  5. Candidiasis usually develops due to reduced immunity after radio or chemotherapy, as well as when taking antibacterial drugs. White discharge has a curdled consistency and a sour smell. Itching is present during ejaculation and urination. Sometimes there may be a dull ache in the lower back, pubis, or groin.

To accurately determine the type of ailment, you should pass the analysis.

Prevention measures

If the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system is not started in time, the consequences can be irreversible - impotence or male infertility. Due to neoplasms of the prostate, kidney failure can occur. Many urethral diseases require complex long-term treatment.

In order to reduce the risk of infection, it is recommended to use condoms during intercourse, as well as to avoid promiscuity. To exclude inflammatory processes, one should adhere to healthy lifestyle life and support the functioning of the immune system.

Periodically, every man leading an active intimate life, collides with various diseases. Their cause may be sexual intimacy with a sick partner.

Alarms- purulent discharge from the penis, pain during urination, dysfunction of the penis and other symptoms. Before proceeding with treatment, it is important to find out the cause of unpleasant manifestations and choose effective methods of treatment.

anxiety symptoms

In healthy men, discharge from the penis is observed, which are not pathological. Every self-respecting representative of the stronger sex once every six months undergoes preventive examinations, carefully monitors their health.

If uncharacteristic discharge comes from the penis, you should urgently seek help from a specialized specialist. After all, this is a matter of health, longevity, and sometimes life.

The following discharges from the penis are considered normal:

  1. Libidinous urethrorrhea (refer to physiological secretions). It is a secretory fluid that is produced in men from the urethra during a strong sexual arousal cooper glands. The amount of secretion varies greatly from man to man. You should be wary if the nature and volume of discharge has changed.
  2. Smegma. It is secreted by the glands of the base of the head of the penis, under the foreskin. In this case, it is important to observe hygiene procedures. Otherwise, with the accumulation of secretion, inflammation may develop.
  3. sperm. Ejaculation is observed during sexual activity. The amount / volume also depends on the physiological characteristics of a particular man.

Pathological discharge from the penis can occur for various reasons - be the result of an inflammatory process with poor hygiene, a sign of the development of the disease. Injuries, oncological diseases also affect the amount and nature of discharge.

One of the characteristic signs of the disease is pus from the penis (white, yellow, yellow-green) of different consistency. Should alert sticky, thick, viscous or mucous discharge mixed with drops of blood. May cause discomfort during urination.

Even minor changes in the secret can be a consequence of the development of a serious disease and lead to irreversible consequences.

Causes of the problem

Often, pus is released from the penis due to the development of:

  • Ureaplasmosis. A seemingly harmless disease is caused by several types of ureaplasma bacteria. Manifested in the defeat of the mucous membranes of the penis. The route of transmission is sexual contact. Household transmission is unlikely, but a child may become infected during childbirth;
  • Trichomoniasis. A man can become infected during an act with a sick partner or if he uses the latter's hygiene items. It is considered the most common venereal disease;
  • Chlamydia. Infection with chlamydia also occurs during sexual intercourse. In this case, pus is most often released from the head of the penis;
  • Mycoplasmosis. An increased amount of discharge in this disease is observed in the morning. Known a large number of varieties of mycoplasma. The pathogen affects the mucous membranes of the penis. The route of transmission is sexual contact and childbirth;
  • Gonorrhea- a classic venereal disease. It provokes the disease - gonococcus. It is easy to get infected with different types of sexual activity, during traditional, oral / anal sex. At the same time, a yellow purulent liquid is abundantly released, sometimes the secret may have a greenish tint;
  • Balanoposthitis. With this disease, the foreskin, the head of the penis, becomes very inflamed. A provoking factor in the development of the disease is considered to be non-observance of elementary hygiene rules. Balanoposthitis can develop against the background of other diseases. For example, allergies or diabetes. The general activity of a man decreases, sexual dysfunction is often recorded. If left untreated, gangrene may develop and surgery is inevitable;
  • Candidiasis. Provocateur - a fungus of the genus Candida. There may be white discharge from the penis. Sometimes it develops against the background of other diseases or reduced immunity.

All sexual diseases lead to prostatitis, in which discharge of different colors is a common thing. Pain, cramps in the groin, inflammation, irritation, itching are clear signs of the development of the disease.

Some diseases such as chlamydia lead to the manifestation of specific urethritis, coccal-type bacteria are provocateurs of nonspecific urethritis. Urethritis of non-infectious etiology occurs with allergies, chemical burns, injuries.

In all cases, pus is released from the urethra and it is necessary to quickly establish the causes in order to eliminate the disease in time and relieve unpleasant symptoms.


If you are concerned about abnormal discharge, do not delay and contact a specialist urologist. Before making a diagnosis, you must be thoroughly examined - this is the first stage of treatment.

First, the doctor performs an examination, then takes a sample of biological material for further laboratory testing. If necessary, instrumental studies and differential diagnostics are carried out.

After the diagnostic procedure, the doctor prescribes a course of medication. In exceptional and advanced cases, surgical intervention is indicated. For example, a purulent form of balanoposthitis.

During treatment, you should strictly follow the doctor's instructions and observe personal hygiene. For washing, use purified water and soapy water, personal towels. Linen - change, wash and iron.


To combat various viruses, fungi, bacteria, drug therapy is used. Moreover, the type of drug depends on the type of pathogen.


The drug has antibacterial properties. Produced in the form of tablets. Due to the active ingredient ornidazole, the drug is applicable for the treatment of a wide range of bacterial infections such as trichomoniasis. Auxiliary elements of the drug are:

  1. calcium stearate;
  2. sodium lauryl sulfate;
  3. Povidone;
  4. colloidal silicon dioxide;
  5. lactose monohydrate;
  6. Microcrystalline cellulose.

Take ornidazole after meals (1 tablet/2 times a day). Time, frequency of administration are adjusted by the attending physician. On average, it takes 5 days to treat purulent discharge.

Contraindications: the possibility of developing allergic reactions, provoked by hypersensitivity to the active substance. Diseases of the central nervous system, liver, alcohol dependence are also considered limiting factors in taking the medication.


An antifungal medication, its active ingredient is ketoconazole with the addition of petroleum jelly, glycerol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propylene glycols (minor ingredients). The most common fungal disease treated with mycoket is candidiasis.

The drug in the form of an ointment is used for external use. Once a day, it should be carefully applied to the affected areas of the penis. Treatment is recommended for 14 days. Sometimes therapy is extended up to 21 days. The terms of use depend on the dynamics that the patient will demonstrate.

There are contraindications for people with hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug.


It is produced in tablet form and is actively used in the treatment of chlamydia and nonspecific urethritis.

The medicine has pronounced antiviral properties. The active substance duplicates the name of the drug.

The active effect of the main component is supplemented with calcium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide, copovidone. For prescription treatment, the medicine is taken 1-2 times. The duration of treatment depends on the functional state of the patient.

Hypersensitivity to individual ingredients is a reason to refuse to take the medicine.

Discomfort during urination and purulent discharge are usually treated in a complex, that is, with several drugs at the same time. The advantage of Tiloron is that it goes well with antibiotics. The drug is suitable for the treatment of complex advanced cases.


If you do not contact the profile doctor in a timely manner, the consequences can be unpredictable. Pus secreted from the genitals is a sign of a serious venereal disease, an inflammatory process.

Without therapy, the disease will progress, malignant neoplasms, tissue necrosis may occur. Infection - generalized, sepsis will develop. Infertility is one, not the worst, consequence of the lack of timely assistance.

No wonder they say that it is easier and more effective to prevent a problem than to eliminate its fatal consequences later. Sometimes a person's life is at stake.

To prevent the disease, you must:

  1. Observe personal hygiene, regularly wash the genitals, use a personal towel, linen, soap and other household items;
  2. Use barrier contraceptives, especially during an act with an unfamiliar partner;
  3. Respond quickly to any changes colors, frequencies, consistency of secretions;
  4. Avoid casual sexual intercourse. Ideally, maintain a relationship with one regular partner;
  5. Observe the diet. Unlimited consumption of fatty, spicy, canned foods, pickles and marinades can provoke pain. On the contrary, vitamins, nuts, seafood will strengthen the immune system and resist diseases;
  6. Do not get cold, adhere to the regime of the day, more often to be in the fresh air;
  7. Don't overwork, study different types physical activity.

Or other sexually transmitted diseases.

Only a specialist can make a conclusion about the cause of the appearance of pus.

For this, various analyzes are carried out. Studies of discharge from the urethra may also be prescribed.

Self-medication can lead to various complications, and the disease becomes chronic.

Causes of purulent discharge

What diseases occur?

If a man has purulent discharge, then a white coating often appears on his penis. As a result, inflammation begins, severe pain and burning occurs.

These signs indicate that there has been an infection with a sexually transmitted infection or a sexually transmitted disease, for example, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis.

Sometimes the cause of pus is hypothermia or poor intimate hygiene. In some cases, this is caused by the presence of a malignant tumor of the prostate gland. Also, pus may appear due to a tumor in the bladder.

Discharge characteristics depending on the disease

Features of purulent discharge are associated with a specific pathogen, as well as the degree of neglect of the disease.

With trichomoniasis there are strong foamy discharge from the glans penis, which have an unpleasant odor. There is also pain when urinating.

Gonorrhea also characterized by purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor caused by pathogenic microorganisms. As a result of infection with streptococci or staphylococci, as well as E. coli, urethritis may begin, which often occurs with pus.

In addition, antiviral agents are prescribed: panavir, zovirax, acyclovir.

Also, the doctor often ascribes to the patient taking analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen. Can be assigned alpha blockers in the form of tamsulosin and prazosin, as well as muscle-relaxing agents: diazepam, pregabalin and others.

For the treatment of fungal diseases that lead to the release of pus from the penis, drugs such as miconazole, clotrimazole, econazole can be used. Hormonal ointments have a good effect, with the help of which burning and itching are eliminated.


If a sexually transmitted or infectious disease that causes pus from the penis is not treated, various complications may develop. These include, for example, narrowing of the urethra. This problem is subsequently solved surgically. A circumcision operation is also necessary for balanitis. It is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Before the operation, the patient is prescribed a standard medical examination.

Treatment at home

With a sexual infection or a sexually transmitted disease, you can use traditional medicine recipes to strengthen the body.

They will also help prevent further development of the disease:

  • herbs knotweed, small periwinkle, field parsnips are used to prepare an infusion, which you need to drink 4 times a day for half a glass;
  • herb knotweed is also used as an infusion. It should be taken 2 times a day for half a glass;
  • bearberry in the leaves has a disinfecting property and is used as a decoction;
  • burdock roots are used to prepare an alcoholic tincture, which has a tonic effect on the body. She is not accepted less than a week 20 drops;
  • Schisandra chinensis berries have a tonic effect on the body. Their decoction is used one glass 3 times a day;
  • An infusion of couch grass roots is used to treat any inflammation in the urethra. It is drunk 3 times a day;
  • an infusion of juniper and horsetail herb is taken 3 times a day for chlamydia;
  • with this disease, horsetail grass and birch leaf also help well. The decoction is taken ½ cup 3 times a day.


Prevention of the appearance of pus from the penis means, first of all, the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

It is necessary to use reliable condoms during sexual intercourse, especially with unknown sexual partners. This will help reduce the risk of contracting a dangerous infection.

But some types of microorganisms, such as herpes or human papilloma, can even penetrate through a condom. In order to avoid this, the penis and pubis are treated with antiseptic drugs, for example, chlorhexidine or miramistin.

Also, the drug can be administered to a man in the urethra, but you do not need to go to the toilet for 2 hours.

These preventive measures should be taken 2 hours before sexual intercourse. It is equally important to observe the rules of personal hygiene, for example, do not use other people's towels.


Many men face the problem of pus from the penis Other authors

In men, the urethra performs two functions simultaneously: the removal of seminal fluid and urine. Also, the secretion of the preputial glands located under the foreskin is considered normal. It has a whitish, slightly viscous consistency and negligible volume. If, instead of a transparent substance, pus appears from the penis, this indicates the presence of a disease or a progressive inflammatory process.

White discharge under the head in men appears due to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the urethra and their active reproduction. The immune system is the first to react to the appearance of infectious agents, as a result of this reaction, the number of leukocytes in the blood increases. They begin to attack microorganisms, and with them the cells of the damaged epithelium. All these elements form a cloudy exudate - pus. Pathologies for which the discharge of purulent discharge is considered a characteristic symptom can be divided into two broad categories.


These are diseases caused by infections that are transmitted during sexual intercourse (that is, they penetrate from the outside). The most common in this group are the following types.


A common sexually transmitted disease caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Infection occurs sexually, the source is a sick person. The incubation period is 2-5 days, after which gonococcal urethritis begins to develop. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

In immunocompromised individuals, the process is generalized, involving the skin, joints, heart, liver, and central nervous system.


  • glassy mucopurulent discharge of a transparent or white color;
  • burning and itching when urinating;
  • pain in the groin with irradiation to the lower back, lower abdomen, anus;
  • swelling hyperemia of the external opening of the urethra;
  • general signs of intoxication: weakness, chills, hyperthermia, decreased performance.

After a few days, the symptoms disappear, which means that the disease has become chronic.


It was previously believed that this disease develops exclusively in women, and the pathogen, once in the male urethra, does not cause pathological changes, but is excreted in urine within 2-3 days. Later it was proved that infectious agents are able to "linger" in the body, resulting in a sluggish process. Pathology can be determined by the following signs:

  • periodically appearing purulent exudate, white discharge after sex on the penis;
  • extremely unpleasant smell, reminiscent of the aroma of rotten fish;
  • burning and pain during urination.

To avoid the development of inflammatory processes in the future, it is important to diagnose the pathology in a timely manner and conduct a course of therapy.


Pathologies caused by microbes that multiply directly in the body. The most common diseases belonging to this group are fasting, balanitis, prostatitis.


It is an inflammation of the head of the penis with the involvement of the foreskin in the process. The immediate causes of the development of the disease include non-specific infections, dermatological problems, autoimmune disorders, poor personal hygiene, mechanical damage (wearing tight or synthetic underwear). The classic symptoms of balanoposthitis are:

  • plentiful purulent discharge of yellow or white color;
  • the appearance of a specific plaque;
  • dryness and hyperemia of the foreskin;
  • irritation of the mucous head of the penis, the appearance of a rash, ulceration.

With the development of children's balanoposthitis, pus from the penis may also appear. The infection is able to spread along the ascending path, which threatens with dangerous complications in the future.

Prostatitis in advanced form

A common pathology characterized by an inflammatory lesion of the tissues of the prostate gland. The course of the process is accompanied by the appearance of turbid impurities during urination. In the absence of therapy, impotence may develop. The following symptoms are considered characteristic:

  • purulent discharge, the volume of which increases with exacerbation;
  • difficult outflow of urine, rarely - its termination;
  • weakening of erection;
  • intense pain in the perineum, radiating to the sacrum, lower back, testicles, rectum.

less frequently in medical practice mixed diseases occur when laboratory research microorganisms of both types are detected.


If there is pus coming from the penis, attention should be paid to the presence of other specific symptoms. The reason for a visit to a specialist should be the following signs:

Diagnosis issues are dealt with by specialized specialists, in particular, a urologist or a venereologist. The standard survey scheme involves the use of the following methods.

  1. History taking and visual examination. The doctor conducts a survey, records the patient's complaints, reveals external signs of pathology.
  2. Palpation. It consists in probing the lymph nodes for their enlargement and rectal digital examination of the prostate gland in order to check its condition.
  3. Clinical analysis of urine and blood. It helps to identify signs of inflammation, the nature of the course of the process, and also to assess the general condition of the body.
  4. Microscopic and bacteriological examination of exudate. Allows you to identify the causative agent of infection, determine its sensitivity to antibiotics. This will help to choose an effective method of therapy.
  5. Ultrasound diagnosis. It makes it possible to assess the condition of the prostate gland, to identify the presence of pathological processes.
  6. PCR study of biomaterial taken by scraping from the walls of the urethra. Allows you to establish the presence of a sexually transmitted infection and determine the type of pathogen.

Depending on the severity of the patient's condition, the doctor can use these methods both individually and in combination.

Features of therapy

Therapy of pathologies accompanied by the release of purulent exudate from the urethra is selected by a specialist after a specific pathogen is identified. Empiric antibiotic treatment is carried out in case of pronounced manifestations of intoxication - high temperature body, fever, weakness, nausea, headache, asthenic syndrome. Therapeutic measures are based on the use Medications, as well as traditional medicine.

Medical therapy

It involves treatment with antibiotics. For gonorrheal or chlamydial urethritis, the drugs of choice are:

  • "Azithromycin";
  • "Doxycycline";
  • "Ofloxacin";
  • "Cefixime";
  • "Ciprofloxacin".

Cope with purulent discharge faster and eliminate unpleasant symptoms drugs used in combination with antimicrobial agents will help.

  1. Antispasmodics. They are prescribed to relieve muscle spasm, the urethra, facilitate the outflow of urine and the withdrawal of purulent exudate (sanation). Popular are "No-shpa", "Drotaverin".
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs. They are used to lower body temperature, eliminate pain, reduce inflammation. The most effective are drugs of the NSAID group - Ketonal, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.
  3. Probiotics. They are prescribed after completion of a course of antibiotic therapy to restore the intestinal microflora. The most commonly used are "Linex", "Bifiform".
  4. Immunomodulators and multivitamins. Their reception is indicated in order to increase the body's resistance to infections. Viferon, Likopid are considered popular.

Folk methods of treatment

Additional support for the body can be provided medicines. Herbal recipes restore strength, strengthen immunity and increase resistance to infections. Of course, they can only be used after consulting a specialist.

  1. Highlander kidney. From the herb of the plant, you need to prepare an infusion, and take it twice a day, 100 ml each.
  2. Bearberry leaves. The decoction has a disinfecting effect, so it can also be drunk daily in the morning and evening.
  3. Burdock root. It is used to prepare an alcoholic tincture that has a general tonic effect. You need to take the remedy for 20 drops for at least a week.
  4. The same effect is produced by the berries of Schisandra chinensis. Their decoction should be drunk three times a day, one glass.
  5. Horsetail herb and juniper are ideal for making an infusion that helps relieve chlamydia. It is recommended to take three times a day.

It's important to know! An integrated approach to treatment will help to quickly cope with the infection, eliminate unpleasant symptoms and prevent the risk of complications. However, it should be remembered that folk methods treatments can only be used as adjunctive therapy.


Any discharge from the penis that differs from the normal secret in appearance, color, consistency, volume requires specialist advice. False shyness and "hushing up" the problem can lead to the development of serious complications, while timely treatment can quickly and effectively cope with the disease.
