What excites women in men? Sexual arousal - what comes from? What turns men and women on the most. What turns a guy on a girl the most.

Girls are a little strange creatures, but that's what we like about them. Girls also fall for men and find some things very hot in them. How to attract the attention of girls and become desirable? With our men's magazine, they shared the secrets of a crowd of women, and we pass this knowledge on to you.

1. A man rolls up his sleeves

When a man rolls up his sleeves, girls like it. Girls claim that it affects them the same way as a deep female neckline does for men. Girls are turned on by rolled up men's sleeves.

2. Spontaneous physical action

Girls turn on when a man spontaneously has a physical effect on them. Take the girl by the hand, hug, support the elbow, tickle, touch the body, massage the shoulders. Tactile touch is the basis of seducing women. Girls feel desired and important to a man.

3. Wet man

You like girls in wet T-shirts, and the fair sex is turned on by wet men. Is the man wet in the rain, coming out of the river or the shower? It makes an indelible impression on the fair sex. If you decide to meet a girl at such a moment or do something "forbidden", she will only be "for".

4. Man with an animal

A man with a dog, kitten or other cute animal? Beautiful animals are very popular with women. A man with an animal becomes an order of magnitude more attractive. Girls subconsciously imagine a man with a child and this makes them very pliable and turns on. Get yourself a dog and drive all the girls crazy.

5. Man at work

Girls are turned on by men who are busy with work. This can be washing dishes, repairing a car, or working at a computer. When a man is concentrated and busy, he is very desirable for women. This incites women to distract him with various "obscene" deeds.

6. Man mentions children

Girls love children and try on all men the role of a father. As soon as a man talks about nephews, children of friends or acquaintances, he becomes more attractive. You can't argue against female nature. Girls begin to melt from such a man.

7. The man cooks

Is the man preparing food in the kitchen or frying a barbecue? The girls are always excited about it. A man who knows how to cook and does it with enthusiasm turns on even the most impregnable ladies.

8. Male look

A close and attentive male look is among the leaders of things that turn women on. The masculine gaze makes women feel noticed and desired.

9. Male kindness

A man takes his grandmother across the road, throws money to musicians, helps parents or strangers. The kindness and benevolence of a man excite girls.

10. Male confidence

The man looks like a rock. He is confident, calm and firm. He does not smile over trifles and looks stern. Girls immediately melt and are ready to surrender to the mercy of such a man.

Being a sexy man is clearly better than just being a man. You can become one if you know what excites women in men and follow the simple tips that I will share with you now.

The energy you radiate will help to easily attract girls, as, for example, in some movie, where women lose their heads just from the mere sight of the protagonist.

Please note that it's not about the size of your muscles or wallet, but about the sensations that the girl experiences next to you. Shall we learn to give them what they need? Go!

It's great to be beautiful, of course. But this quality alone is not capable of awakening the girl's desires and convincing her to trust you. When you make her feel how her femininity inside comes to life, when she begins to feel her softness, security and that she is passionately desired, then you become irresistible in her eyes!

A paradox: a man can be outwardly very attractive, but unsexy and even repulsive to women, or he can be “average” visually, but at the same time insanely charming and sexy.

This happens because women are more emotional and less visual than men. For this reason, they will prefer a strong man to a handsome one.

Okay, I will not dissemble and admit that cool cubes on the stomach, wide embossed shoulders and biceps (oh, those arms) will make us turn in your direction and catch our eye. Such a body is the result of hard work and dedication to a healthy lifestyle, and we give it its due.

3 necessary exciting male attributes

1. Self-confidence. The ability to trust oneself to get things done. Internal sense of stability. It automatically broadcasts to others: I am sexy and irresistible. By and large, all the tips further will contribute to pumping your self-confidence.

2. Sense of humor. This is a decisive factor in the matter of arousing a woman. Research based at Stanford University has shown that girls find cheerful men irresistible and prefer them more than handsome guys.

This skill can be developed. What will help you:

  • Watch more comedy shows, series, comedian performances, stand-ups.
  • Surround yourself with positive people, they will help you notice funny moments, joke about what is happening, teach you how to make girls laugh.
  • Look around more often and try to notice funny situations, you can exaggerate them a little for brightness.
  • Keep a few funny conversation topics or stories in your arsenal.
  • Try to feel the measure, endless buffoonery is tiring.
  • Don't be mean - racism, sexism, etc. will completely nullify all efforts.
  • Make fun of yourself, your weaknesses, this is a sign of maturity and confidence.

Laugh loudly (in moderation, no need to yell), do not cover your mouth with your hands.

3. Intelligence. Knowledge and experience rule. Any girl would prefer a smart and intelligent man to a stupid boy.

You don't need an IQ above 120, but you do need to be educated, which will make you an interesting person to talk to. Learn, learn something new, it's very sexy. Read books, news, magazines, blogs. Connect with people who are better and more successful than you.

To become an interesting conversationalist, read and use (opens in a new tab)

Behavior: 7 principles that turn women on in men

1. Move with power. The first impression is made not by the face, not by the expression on it, and not even by the clothes.

In fact, people first notice how you move.

Research by scientists at Queen's University in the UK showed that when they first see a person heading towards you, people try to answer themselves:

“What intentions does this person have towards me?”

"How strong is this man?"

Why is it important to you? If a woman catches a signal that you are moving sluggishly and unleashed, then this is a direct signal of your insecurity and weakness. And you don't need it.

To make a favorable first impression, you must move strongly and boldly. Walk like you're aiming for something big.

Important! Keep your chin parallel to the ground, back straight, chest slightly pushing forward (like the military does). The shoulders are lowered down, relaxed, the teeth are open. Looking down at your feet is forbidden!

You cannot know at what point an interested girl will look at you. Don't give her a chance to see you as inert and pathetic.

2. Radiation of calmness. Communication with neurotics causes reciprocal stress, but if you have peace on your face and in your eyes, then your sexual attractiveness will rise to the heights. Women often fall into the trap of worrying too much about things they can't control.

A person who is able to calm them down, reminding them that everything will work out and be fine in the end, is the most sensual and desirable in the environment.

3. Playfulness and lightness. Learn to gently touch it, it will add spice. If you learn how to do this, then the girl with you will feel more comfortable and secure and will no longer be able to resist your charms.

Create situations and moments that require your touch:

- light handshakes

- hugs with praise / farewell;

- all kinds of games and "high five";

- take advantage of the proximity of places where you can touch it (cinema, joint photo).

4. Neat appearance. A guy who knows how to dress well is definitely very sexy. Men, as a rule, do not bother about this and dress in a way that is comfortable for them, and so that it does not hit the wallet. But if you want to increase your attractiveness, then start dressing like guys who are popular with girls.

A versatile and always working option: a beautiful haircut, trousers, a belt, a shirt with an unbuttoned top button, shoes. Clothing must be clean, fresh and not wrinkled.

Additional bonuses: stylish glasses, watch, tie.

5. Maintain good posture. Such men seem taller, more powerful and, as a result, more attractive.

6. Open posture makes any person physically attractive. Many works and studies are devoted to sign language. There is an opinion that the correct possession of them allows you to manipulate people in your own interests. But back to our poses:

  • Sit with legs apart, arms open and pointing to the side.
  • Do not fall apart, sit up straight, be concentrated and attentive to what is happening around you.
  • Control your facial expression.

7. Use your hands when you are talking about something.

How does it sound, right? But here we are only talking about energetic gestures. It looks very nice and makes you feel confident and sexy. Those who are more restrained in their manifestations look more boring, cold and modest.

Hold them at a 45° angle and coordinate the movement with the pace of speech.

4 personal sexual characteristics

1. Confident voice. You should not be afraid or embarrassed to speak, train the strength and power of your pronunciation. A firm voice speaks of your inner strength. He is the magnet that excites girls in guys. Speech defects with this approach go by the wayside, and your forced “r” can turn on even more.

2. Good level of physical fitness. You don't have to be a bodybuilder, but a toned figure looks more erotic than a beer belly. If you take good care of yourself, then you will most likely take good care of your partner, this will whet your appetite.

3. Possession of some kind of talent, whether it's playing the guitar, drawing, knowledge of a car, computer, knowledge of a foreign language, and so on.

Please keep such talents as dexterous and far spitting, the presence of a cool collection of porn films and a large fleet of tanks in tanks with you.

4. Good lover. Even with all the personal and behavioral sexual qualities, you will lose to a good lover.

  • Improve your outward sex appeal.
  • Move slowly in bed, don't rush anywhere.
  • Master the technique of long foreplay (girls physiologically need a long foreplay to get aroused).
  • Explore the sensitivity of your partner, know what excites the girl and her erogenous zones.
  • Learn to kiss passionately.
  • Tell her about your feelings (it is not necessary to confess your love, even the fact that you feel good with her now is already cool to hear).

5 character traits that no woman can resist

1. Courage- one of the most important qualities that attracts women with its crazy sexual energy. If you perform some fearless act in front of her eyes, it will immediately lift you above 95% of the men in her environment.

This could be a very real situation:

  • Rescue of an animal in trouble (remove from a tree);
  • Performing on stage in front of an audience;
  • Watching a scary scene in a movie with a straight face;
  • Save her from an insect (bugs, spiders and others that we are so madly afraid of).

Do not be afraid to go out of your comfort zone sometimes, this increases your rating of a sexy man.

2. Purposefulness. There is nothing sexier than a guy who knows what he wants and will do whatever it takes to get it. Today it is more and more difficult to find someone who knows how to set a goal and work on it.

3. Kindness. When you do something for other people without expecting anything in return, you are kind. Polls among girls show that the most preferred characteristic of a man is kindness.

More good news: studies on human emotional states show that volunteering and helping others reduce depression and prolong life.

Besides, kindness does not require much effort. Try to listen favorably to those who crave your attention.

4. Honesty. This quality speaks of your high moral principles and is highly valued by women. Your honesty will automatically make you sexier among other guys.

Live by your own rules, follow a lifestyle that you are proud of and feel free to share.

5. Hardness. Learn to say no to things you don't like and don't want to do.

Verbal contact: phrases that turn on

An attractive man should be able to properly praise and compliment. Girls love compliments and want to receive them every day. The ability to correctly make a compliment is what excites women in men.

Let me tell you a secret: we used to receive and bathe in them. For us, compliments are the norm. And if they are not, then we believe that our value for this person is negligible and we discount him. But if you praise us, and what is even better, do it competently and in an original way, then you are a winner and you are guaranteed attention.

In short, this art is divided into 2 parts:

1. Compliments about what is in plain sight.

Remember that you should not praise things, but a girl! It makes you feel special, but needless to say, you (men) love it too.

Instead of "Oh, pretty dress!" say: "The color of this dress looks great on you, you become so bright in it."

"It's interesting with you, you know how to listen."

"You are more beautiful on the inside than on the outside"

"You have such an amazing sense of taste, every time I admire your choice of clothes."

"You make me feel happy."

"You are a fantastic designer."

2. Deep compliments.

Keep going and take it to the next level: translate what was just said into a discussion through an open question.

"How did you know that?"

Why do you draw such conclusions?

It is important here not to say this phrase with sarcastic overtones. It is unnecessary.

Be honest and sincere when you compliment, don't flatter, you always feel it.

7 small but powerful men's tricks

And here I decided to add different chips that will make you an inimitable charm for girls:

  • Master the sassy winks, this conspiratorial gesture is just so spicy.
  • Learn to express your support and presence nearby without saying a word: squeeze your hand, gently stroke your hand, back, nape (like daddy).
  • Pleasant and unobtrusive masculine fragrance. Splurge on high-quality eau de toilette of a famous brand, it will last you for several years and, in fact, will come out cheaper than any low-grade pshikalok, which after half an hour of being on a man begin to exude sour amber (fu, bee).

Girls go crazy for men who smell good. I guarantee you will see results immediately.

  • Keep a longer look on the girl you like: 3-4 seconds is enough, then calmly look away for a short while to the side (not to the floor!) And return to her again. It turns women on a lot.
  • Smile a little when you start listening to the one you like. By this you show your disposition and interest, you can tilt your head slightly to one side. It's incredibly seductive.
  • Try to criticize and condemn others less, this is some kind of base masculine quality.
  • Thoughtfulness and seriousness on a man's face looks very sexy and mysterious. This does not apply to when you communicate.

The final image of the sexiest man

Summing up what excites women in men, we can derive the formula for the completed image:

- confident, which is manifested in body language and in the style of speech;

– an interesting interlocutor with a sense of humor;

- kind, not greedy, playful, smart;

- well and neatly dressed, with a toned body;

sometimes mysterious and serious.

Female arousal is one of the most mysterious phenomena. A restless look, languor in the whole body, quickening of breathing - all these signs indicate that a woman is experiencing desire. Good and high-quality excitement guarantees a great evening for a couple, as well as getting the most out of intimate relationships. But unfortunately, not every man knows what excites a woman the best. Let's try to understand this topic.

What is the difference between female sexual arousal and male attraction?

A spectacular girl in a short skirt and high heels is walking down the street, which perfectly emphasizes her slender long legs. A tight-fitting T-shirt emphasizes a thin waist and beautiful breasts, and bright, but not defiant makeup creates a look of a predator. The attention of every second man will be riveted to such a beauty.

However, a woman needs more for the appearance of sexual desire. It rarely happens that a girl, looking at a guy, gets excited. In some cases, gentle hugs or passionate kisses will serve as the perfect means to arouse a woman. In other situations, girls desire intimacy appears only after direct caresses of the clitoris, breasts and hips. And there are also ladies who get turned on just by talking about sex.

All representatives of the fair sex are individual. What pleases one young lady will be completely unacceptable for another. But, nevertheless, based on the knowledge of female psychology, as well as physiology, there are several tips that will help achieve a girl's sexual arousal.

A strong man attracts women

It is enough to recall the worldview of our distant ancestors, and everything will immediately become clear. Which man was especially popular with women in primitive times? The one who was the strongest: killed the most on the hunt, could fight and survive in a duel, as well as the leader of the tribe. Force has always attracted the female gender.

Nothing has changed in our time. A woman wants to feel a strong man next to her, to be like behind a stone wall. If a man does not have an athletic and muscular physique, then you should not give up on him. Physical data will be perfectly replaced by inner strength, expressed in confidence and firmness of character. It is pleasant for a girl to see a confident man next to her, who will become a real support and support for her.

Unobtrusive compliments and sincere words of admiration will help win over almost any girl.

Men love with their eyes and women love with their ears. In order to excite a girl, it is enough to express your delight about her appearance (dresses, hairstyles). Words of admiration should be sincere and not strained, come from the heart. A woman who has heard a compliment in her direction is more likely to want to continue the conversation.

Compliments about appearance, manicure, makeup and hairstyle sound especially good. Most of the fair sex carefully prepare for a date: the hours spent in the bathroom or visiting a beauty salon should not go unnoticed by a man.

Also a good remedy to excite a woman, there will be a compliment about her sweet smile, easy nature, ease of communication and other qualities that are characteristic of this particular girl.

Few guys know and use the fact that a woman is most excited by a male voice: firm and quiet, a little hoarse. It is worth saying a few compliments in a quiet romantic voice right into the girl's ear, as soon as the first signs of female arousal appear.

Achieve the trust of the chosen one

For men, sex is a purely physiological need. Women, on the other hand, view sex differently. For them, sex is a way to express their emotions, get to know their partner better, and get mental relief. That is why it is very important to ensure that the girl fully trusts her partner and is not constrained, because otherwise she will not be able to relax and get the most out of making love.

How to gain the trust of milady? Pretty simple. An easy and relaxed conversation, a couple of sincere compliments, gentle second touches will relax the girl. You should ask questions of a personal nature (but do not go too far): what does he like to eat, what kind of music (literature or films), (men) and so on.

A woman should feel comfortable, and such questions and topics for discussion will help to see a soul mate in a man.

If the relationship of the couple has already passed the stage of dating and the bouquet-candy period, then in this case, talking about sex will help to achieve female arousal. A story of a sexual nature, told in a quiet, velvety voice right into the ear of a partner, will not make you wait long for results.

Romantic Candlelight Dinner

It is important to create the right conditions for the excitation of a woman. Quiet atmosphere, candlelight dinner, romantic music in the background will help the girl to relax and enjoy spending time together.

To achieve a greater effect, compliments should be said during a solitary candlelit dinner, accompanied by gentle touches. Almost always, such an evening definitely ends with the intimacy of partners.

Exciting touches and other activities that turn girls on

No need to be afraid to touch madam, even on the first date. Body contacts should be unobtrusive, smooth and short: remove the eyelash from the eye, gently hug at the entrance to the cinema or restaurant, briefly touch the hand, straighten the lock of hair that has fallen out of the hair. Some men do not take such actions seriously. But in vain. Ultimately, they play a big role.

Kisses on the neck and décolleté

If the couple's relationship is on a more serious level, then in this case, the actions should be more confident and frank. It's no secret that many women love kisses on the neck and décolleté, and a passionate kiss on the lips turns on both females and males.

When kissing on the neck, you should start with gentle touches of the lips near the girl's ear, gradually moving down. Kisses can be made more passionate and impulsive by the degree of the partner's response. However, do not rush to put a "hickey" on the partner's neck, since such an act can be perceived extremely negatively.

After kisses on the neck, which alternate with kisses on the lips, you can move on to the décolleté. Starting from the right or left collarbone, slowly go down. Breasts should be caressed with warm and soft hands. One of the most sensitive points of arousal in a woman is her nipples.

Caresses of the chest with hands or tongue turn on the fair sex very much. When kissing the nipples, you should be careful, as the slightest bite with your teeth can cause pain and discomfort to your partner.

Caresses of the hips and clitoris

Pressing against the wall, tightly clasping the hips, starting to kiss, and putting your hand into the girl's panties - this approach will drive women who prefer proactive and strong men crazy.

The classic caresses of the lower body of girls involve stroking the clitoris, pinching and rubbing it. However, before indulging in this occupation, it is necessary to make sure whether it is acceptable for the partner or not. Some young ladies will gladly allow caresses of the clitoris with their hands, while others will be categorically against it. Therefore, you should first conduct a small analysis of the character of the girl, her upbringing and worldview, or ask directly.

If caresses of the clitoris take place, then it is worth starting gently and gently, putting a warm hand between the thighs for a few seconds, after which it is removed. Following the reaction of the chosen one, you can repeat this action, staying longer in the cherished place. Gentle, but confident circular movements, light pinching of the clitoris will help to achieve sexual arousal. Also tongue caresses and very careful biting of the clitoris are possible. This must be done very carefully so as not to cause discomfort or pain to the woman.

What to do if you can not excite a girl?

AT modern world women are often subjected to stress at work, in the family or in any other areas of life. Everyday life in constant stress entails a lack of sexual desire. In such cases, it is worth trying to relax the chosen one with a soothing massage or aroma bath. Massaging your feet will help.

Another reason for the lack of female arousal is her menstrual cycle. A girl most often experiences sexual arousal during ovulation, since at this time the possibility of pregnancy is high, and her hormones are also at a high level. Arousal of a woman is much more difficult to achieve at the end of the menstrual cycle. This is due to mood swings and pain in the lower abdomen.

Bottom line: how to excite a woman

To excite the chosen one, you need to follow a few simple tips:

  • behave confidently and persistently, but feel the measure;
  • to tell the girl sincere compliments, to win her over during the conversation;
  • unobtrusively touch;
  • create suitable conditions for the excitation of a woman;
  • kisses and caresses of the partner's body will bring the desired result closer.

Men, in general, are known to appreciate a "cozy" woman. That is, of course, a fashion show in high heels, and even in a short skirt, will not leave anyone indifferent, but homemade, morning “pulls”, in pajamas (you won’t be able to stretch too actively in a frank peignoir) excite better than any striptease. Firstly, because when you wake up you seem even more defenseless to your beloved, and secondly, because you completely and unconditionally belong to him at this moment, and what could be more beautiful than the feeling of complete possession? So, if you want to start your morning not with coffee, stretch.


To be honest, there is still no scientific explanation that could help understand why men like angry women so much. But, nevertheless, men like women in anger and this is a fact. Surely each of us at least once in his life heard the phrase "you are so beautiful when you are angry." It seems to us that the cornered man is going to calm us down in such an absurd way, well, or piss us off even more, but meanwhile, he really admires you. Well, rough sex as a reconciliation is a very good option.

Wild hair

The same scheme works here as with sipping in pajamas. You are cozy, homely, no styling, no cosmetics (we will talk about this separately). You can spend as much time on styling as you want, buy curling irons, irons and tongs, but the fact remains that he wants you not at all because of your perfect styling. Maybe the secret is that he just likes you, and not your flawless curls?

no makeup

Marina Vakt

Scientists have calculated that in her entire life, the average Russian woman spends about 1,000,000 rubles on cosmetics. Do you feel the swing? However, the presence of cosmetics on a woman's face leaves many men completely indifferent, and some representatives of the stronger sex do not like it at all when a woman is made up. Even despite the common joke in women's circles about natural makeup, which takes much more time and, remarkably, money than unpretentious and, as a result, vulgar, our men still prefer naturalness in its purest form. In addition, do not forget that representatives of the strong half of humanity love to kiss, and fighting lipstick and foundation is not a task for the faint of heart. So, when applying makeup, remember that it can not only attract male attention, but also push a man away from you with closer communication.

Checked shirts

What could be sexier than a girl dressed in a plaid shirt, regardless of whether she is wearing a naked body or a T-shirt (although, perhaps, it is still better on a naked body). In the eyes of a man, you immediately become a kind of hooligan who is not against the most daring experiments in bed. But do not overdo it, from time to time the cage needs to be changed to something else, otherwise it will become a habit, and a habit is no longer sexy.

Girl with a musical instrument

Audrey Hepburn

Which instrument a woman plays makes absolutely no difference, but they do it, according to the opposite sex, a hundred times hotter than any professional musician. And if you are also the owner of vocal talent... Not a single connoisseur of beauty can resist you. However, if the music is not your thing at all, learn to tap the rhythm on the washboard. This works too.

small tummy

Despite the fact that advertisers convince us of the need to have perfect figure and the press with cubes, earthly men think quite differently. With an ideal outwardly woman, the same problem as with a handsome man, several questions arise at once, the main one of which is: "What to do with it?" Put on a shelf? Admire? Brush off the dust from time to time? Or maybe invest millions in maintaining an impeccable appearance? Absolutely incomprehensible. And, in the end, who will bake pancakes and cook borscht? Our defenders prefer soft women, so a nice little belly that you can lie on like a pillow looks very natural, which undoubtedly excites men. In addition, when a female figure is not ideal, then a man against her background is more calm about his bodily shortcomings, without cultivating complexes in himself about this.


Anouk Aime

Each of us falls into serious despair at the appearance of the first "cobwebs" around the eyes. For us, wrinkles are the first step towards the inevitable. Our loved ones, however, think differently. No, of course, turning into a Shar Pei is not worth it, but many men find small "nets" very sexy, because they say that they have a mature, experienced woman in front of them, including sexually, which turns them on a lot. In addition, as you know, pronounced facial wrinkles around the eyes and in the nasolabial region often appear when a woman laughs a lot. While a woman who is sad and exhausted by constant depression is not needed by anyone. A man himself can perfectly reflect, why does he need someone else to load?

small breasts

Contrary to popular belief, not all men dream of their partner having size five breasts. Even the 4th one is too big. Most representatives of the stronger sex consider it not the size of the breast that is fundamental, but its shape and elasticity. And these parameters are often at the height of the owners of a small bust. After all, small breasts are light and often have an attractive and toned appearance, sag less and retain their shape longer.

A good appetite

Alas, recently all women are completely passionate about diets and in a healthy way life. Well, that's true, men are not turned on. Of course, no one offers you to eat a mammoth in one sitting, but depressingly chewing a cabbage leaf throughout the date is also not the best option. In the end, most men need an earthly beauty, not a forest nymph. If a woman has a good healthy appetite, and she is not shy in choosing alcohol, then this speaks of her inner strength and confidence and that she does not care what others think of her. In addition, tasting various dishes and not giving up various alcoholic beverages, a woman gives a non-verbal signal to a man that she has no courage in bed.


Glasses, for which many of us earned the title of bore and "nerd" in adult life, have the opposite effect. Behind them, a woman seems fragile and defenseless (unless, of course, in an attempt to see something at a distance you do not squint like a hired killer with a rifle), or vice versa - confident and independent - both of which awaken the sexual fantasy of men.

Despite the fact that the presence of panty and bra marks makes you look different from the perfect beauty from the cover of a glossy magazine, men, nevertheless, really like it. Why? It's very simple: in combination with tanned areas of the skin, whites look even more naked.

Long skirts

With long skirts, everything is simple - a secret is hidden under them, but meanwhile, mothers and grandmothers taught us from childhood that it is not at all necessary to show everything at once. So - flying fabrics and skirts to the heels - our everything, because under them, according to the opposite sex, something supernatural and incredibly attractive can be hidden, even if your loved one has seen you "all over" more than once.

Bare feet

Emmanuelle Beart

In the old days, when girls could not even dream of modern emancipation, bare feet were considered a hint of nudity (after all, this meant that a woman had no stockings), which, of course, could not leave any man indifferent.

Most of all, a man is turned on by pornography))), so you have no chance!

Okay, I'm kidding...

All girls want to excite men, but not all of them know how to do it right.

Seductive lingerie, romance, dancing and smells, etc. etc. of course they play a role, but there is something else that acts on men just like a nuclear bomb.

And this bomb in your arsenal is called - modest, but depraved. That's what turns a man on the most! Modesty and depravity!

How to excite men?
Men, by their natural lustfulness, want to mate as often as possible, and with as many females as possible. And if you give him this chance, his testosterone will hit him in the brain so that your moans will be heard by the whole entrance!

How can you give him that chance? Very simple! Bring him home 5 depraved whores and arrange an orgy with him.)))

But seriously, a man is turned on by modesty coupled with depravity. Now I will explain what it is.

All girls behave differently in bed. But there is something that unites them all. Any experienced womanizer, i.e. one who knows women very well and who can hardly be surprised is most excited by the fourth type of girls, not even a type, but a model of behavior. (I'm already silent about ordinary men, they generally swim).

Men read the state of the girl in bed by the body and facial expressions. And just like that and nothing else. That is, straightforwardly, rudely, well, in short, like a man).

One is clamped by the body, but on the face she is excited, she shows with her expression that she wants a man. He licks his lips and looks playfully, bites his lower lip + dilated pupils. Such a girl is characterized by the fact that she herself is modest, but tries to seem depraved. And besides, she has a complex about her body. I can say from my own experience that notoriety (which you can still catch) is not very exciting.

The second is not ashamed of her body and also looks with passionate passion at her lion. This suggests that the girl is "problem-free" and loves to fuck. For a mistress, that's it, but soon this model of behavior becomes boring. An accessible girl in all respects has the effect of a quickly conquered one. And that means interesting. Excites men, but not for long.

The third is pinched by her body, shyly covers her charms, and also, according to her facial expression, she is modesty itself. This is most likely inexperience or just an insecure girl. Yes, and such girls are usually the worst mistresses. Therefore, you can put an end to efficiency. Doesn't excite.

But the fourth excites a man the most. She is depraved in body, but on the face she is modest. This immediately hits his instinct with a huge testosterone hammer.

The reproductive instinct reads it in its own way, the man does not analyze this process and no girl can understand this. But you need to understand it! Do you want to excite your man even more?

How to excite men in bed even more?

Demonstrate 2 seemingly incompatible things, this is accessibility + modesty. In the language of instinct, this is an accessible and healthy female. Plus, very few women do this, so add novelty here, which plays a very big role, then your man will blow his mind. At least in bed for sure! And the impressions will remain for a long time. The funny thing is, he doesn't understand why.

A man will adjust all the answers to himself, and you know what the answer will be? She is cool! I want her! Cool, isn't it?

What excites a man?
A man is excited by a healthy female. And health goes hand in hand with youth. And even stronger with youth. What does youth look like? Correctly! Modestly. And not experienced.

But a man is most excited by accessibility, debauchery! Which you need to demonstrate with your body.

That is, you arch like a cat, spread your legs, completely shamelessly (with your body!!! and not with your face) show him your body, your charms, and on your face you are innocence itself with cheeks red with shame. The very modesty. On the face you are an inexperienced girl, with such a blush on her cheeks, as if for the first time. And you will see how your man becomes excited, how his penis becomes stronger - the brain will pour blood there with a decent supply!

A very big mistake of all wives - they look like old whores, lick their lips, bite their lips and demonstrate depravity in both body and face. Men don't want that! Over time, he needs to satisfy his instinct and now you know how!

Others are clamped all over the body and this is very bad. It also excites at some stage, but a man has an instinct - I want a modest and depraved one! And that's what excites me the most.

Then you can add beautiful underwear, a sip of wine and handcuffs (optional), but whatever! The main thing is knowledge - what excites the most men. Just try it and enjoy the result!

All! Bye!
Good luck! Proud…
