How to return all the bad things to those who wished. Return damage to the one who sent it

All about religion and faith - "a prayer to return evil back to the one who did it" with detailed description and photographs.

How to return damage to the one who made it? This question stirs the hearts of many victims of black magic. Nobody wants to face magic. That is why the return of negativity is common. The performer is always trying to ruin the other person's life. Therefore, it is necessary for him to return the negative back. Let him live with what he wished for another.

How to return damage to the one who made it

Whether the damage you have induced will return and how to return a strong evil eye - we will analyze these and many other questions in the article. Such information will be useful to people who, one way or another, are faced with unpleasant life situations, suspecting that it is magic that has a part in them.

How to understand that something is wrong with you?

The evil eye can be returned - this is true, but initially you must clearly understand that this is the cause of some of your troubles. It is much easier to immediately take the necessary measures than to suffer and suffer from the consequences later. Consider the most common signs that a person may have "problems":

  • for no reason, a person can suddenly start to get sick, although most recently he was cheerful and happy;
  • thoughts are confused, insomnia appears;
  • there is not enough energy, the person is in a continuous depressive state.

If you notice such phenomena behind you, it makes sense to think about how to return the damage to the offender back. Of course, you can ask professionals to simply remove this “curse” from you, but you can also punish an evil person - return the negative to him back.

Return rituals severe spoilage professionals are capable of doing it qualitatively, but this does not mean that they are unable to cope on their own. With sufficient faith and all the necessary components, you will overcome this disaster.

Determining the performer of the ritual is an important point

In order to return the damage back, you need to understand who could bring it. You should not wait for the moment when the situation worsens and your health worsens. Returning damage to the one who sent it is a prerequisite in order to improve your condition. The main thing is to believe in the power of magic, and that it can help you. In this situation, it is necessary to acquire cleanings to remove damage with a return. A magical love spell may have been cast by your close friend, who carries only a negative wish addressed to you. Sometimes it happens that a loved one brought a curse on a person, after an ordinary quarrel. Most often, it is customary to use a lining. After all, the lining is the hardest thing to look for in the house. A dead chicken or a rusty fork is used as such attributes.

If you have begun to notice that you have been sent negativity, then you should think about it and make one of two decisions. The first is to completely get rid of the unpleasant magic. The second is to conduct a ritual of removing damage with a return.

Returning damage to the one who made it is quite easy. To do this, you need to find a way that best suits you. For example, return damage to table salt or other options. You can either perform a ritual at home on your own that allows you to return the induced damage, or you can find a specialist who will do everything for you. It is important to remember the fact that it is necessary to look for a sorcerer quite carefully, because you can stumble upon a scammer who will not be able to return damage to the customer, but will only take money for outstanding work.

If you believe the professionals, then the return of damage is considered a huge sin. You become nothing better than that who brought negativity or the evil eye on you. In the same way, you resort to the help of black magic, which will have negative consequences on you. Returning damage to the one who did it is easy, but getting rid of the consequences will be more difficult. But, on the other hand, the removal and return of severe damage are different concepts: you must clearly determine for yourself whether you are ready to take such a sin on your soul.

In order to determine who sent magic on you, you can use several methods. The first is that you need to read a certain plot. His strength will attract the performer. The second method is based on calling otherworldly forces. It is the spirits that will bring you the culprit of the situation, and you can give back the damage. Exists a large number of strong conspiracies from damage with a return. You just need to choose the one that suits you the most.

Before proceeding with the ritual, think carefully and delve into the problem. Are you ready to punish the enemy in this way and give him everything back? How can such a ritual respond and how safe is it for loved ones? Will luck leave your family after the ceremony?

Ritual for a nail

Such a rite has long been especially popular among those who have long devoted their lives to magic. Why is it unique and what makes it special? Can I do the ritual myself? How to return damage back using a nail? If you are interested in this question, then you are on the right track. To return the damage back, you need to take a nail, and read a special slander on it.

“Whoever decided to inflict harm on me, I wish him to give back the damage. I do not need black magic, because it completely destroys my life. I, the servant of God (name), use a nail to return damage to the enemy. A curse was sent to an ordinary person, and I ask you to return it to the offender. I am a victim who was sent an undeserved negative. Whoever sent him, let him take it back. The Lord created us with equal rights. And I'm trying to return the negative with candles. I will only give back to the enemy what he sent me. Let him know who he sent the evil eye on. Let the negative return to the owner who conjures me. You know, Lord, I wish that the backlash could destroy the forces of evil. I want to cleanse myself, and return my former life. Amen".

These words have great power, so in the near future you will be able to give damage to the performer. No one thinks who he is sent to, and the energy deteriorates. Even the enemy should not take revenge with magic. Always remember that there are two sides to the coin. How to do the right thing is the decision of the one who faced such a problem. Punish magicians or hope that someday, the magician will be punished? It's up to you to decide.

Ritual using wax

To the question of how to return damage, the answer is quite simple. You need to prepare a few ingredients.

  1. A container for collecting clean water. Don't use tap water. It will be better if holy water is used.
  2. Wax. It is forbidden to use paraffin. Must be pure wax.

It is very possible to get rid of the negative impact and return it to the customer in a simple way. First of all, melt the wax to a liquid state. Pour a small amount into the water. In this case, be sure to read the following conspiracy:

“I pour wax for one purpose. I wish the damage to return to the one who sent it to me, the servant of God (name). I don't want negativity in my life. He only spoils her. I wish to remove the damage and give it to the witch with a boomerang. My strike will remove the forces of evil. I am someone who cannot be offended without consequences. To you, sorcerer, I return the blow, and I try to remove it from myself. Amen".

This rite will not only make the damage go to the one who brought it, but will also point you to the performer of the ritual. You can return the negative to the enemy, only then you will be no different from him. You can try to be smarter and not stoop to the level of your enemy.

How will the offender manifest himself after the ritual? There is no definite answer to this question. It all depends on how experienced the magician inflicted damage. Everyone reacts to honing in different ways: some come straight to the house, others torment them with calls. This is because damage comes to them very painfully. Such people are ready to do anything to get rid of the negative impact that they themselves have brought.

The call of otherworldly forces

A very dangerous ritual. Especially for those who are new to magic. It is not recommended to carry it out on your own. Here you need to clearly know the sequence of actions and the subtleties of the ceremony. It happens that after calling otherworldly forces, they remain in our world, which is a very bad sign. This rite will allow you to learn how to return the evil eye to the one who evil eyed. This ritual is based on summoning devils. It is they who act as assistants, allowing you to give away the evil eye. You must prepare the old keys. Boil the water and throw the prepared keys into it. Now you need to read a special plot.

“Whoever has sent the evil eye on me, the servant of God (name), will deal with otherworldly forces. I wish to give my own after damage - as karma always comes back. I need to restore my health, and never lose it again. Whom the otherworldly forces are now embracing, let all the negativity be removed from him. Amen".

The ritual can even get rid of sent obesity. Most often, in order to eliminate a rival, women send a negative to her, which spoils appearance. They believe that in this way they will be able to return the husband from his mistress. If you return the evil eye, then you need to remember your own protection. Since you resort to black magic, the consequences will be negative. That is why, before passing on the evil eye, it is important to protect yourself from otherworldly forces. So you will not only minimize the likelihood of energy damage, but also strengthen the rite itself, because your energy will be higher than usual.

The return of negativity to the lunar phase

Many are interested in the question of how to make the damage return to the customer. Everything is simple. Prepare moon calendar, in which mark the twenty-seventh lunar day. It is important to note that the removal of damage with a return requires some preparation. You must remember that you should not drink alcohol and meat products for seven days before the ritual. If you do not adhere to this requirement, then the moon will not give evil to the customer, because you ignored her requirements. To remove damage with a return, it is necessary that your aura is clean. You should not use profanity, communicate with people a lot, feel unpleasant emotions and have a negative attitude towards everything. All these factors only clog your energy, which will negatively affect the result.

After you fast, take raw meat, and read the slander:

“I never knew how to say goodbye to negativity. And at some point, higher powers decided to save me from suffering. The dead never shed tears, and never regret what they have done. Let the dead take over all the nagativ that was sent to me, the servant of God (name). Let all illnesses and bad health disappear and never return. For a long time I was looking for a way to give away the negative, and finally I found it. I adhered to a strict fast, and I ask the moon to help me in fulfilling my request to win back the damage. Amen".

It is necessary to read the plot twice. After that, the meat must be buried at the crossroads. A few days later, go to church and put a candle on the health of the one who sent the evil eye on you. Yes, it will be unpleasant, but the ritual requires it. This method will allow you to quickly give the negative back to the customer.

Salvation through salt

You have probably heard that salt has some magical effects. In any case, it is often used in magic. This ceremony was created by Natalya Stepanova herself. In order to return damage through salt, you must use the following rite. Salt needs to be fried in a pan for about half an hour. After that, the salt is poured under the first tree. Next, you must look at the night sky and count twenty-one stars. Turn to heaven to help you pass on the evil eye to the one who has the evil eye. Salt is considered the most effective way to purify energy.

Now the questions about how to return the negative or how to give away the imposed damage should be completely resolved. Tatar methods will help you protect yourself from magical effects on for a long time. With the help of a photo, it is easy to remove the witchcraft sent to you, because you need to urgently restore the energy of the victim. Otherwise, you can suffer quite a lot that even prayer will not be able to cope. It is necessary to understand not only the fact to whom the evil eye is made, but also to whom it will return.

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Magical influence is always fraught with many unpleasant consequences. Some performers think through all their actions in advance in order to minimize damage. Before you return the terrible damage back - think a few times and weigh the pros and cons. There is no need to think that, having done evil to you, you, by returning it to the offender, equalize the scores. Any evil is punishable and, before taking such a step, you need to think carefully and decide how important it is for you, so to speak, to take revenge. Of course, if another option is to remove the negative magical effect, no, then you just have no choice. Any magical interference is considered a sin that must be expiated. After the ceremony, go to church and ask for forgiveness in front of the icons. No need to think that you have restored justice. In fact, any evil is punishable.


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How to return evil by conspiracy to where it came from

Even if you have a lot of friends and intercessors, it may turn out that there will be no less enemies. But by and large, sometimes one insidious and cunning enemy is enough to ruin someone's life and disturb his peace. If you are successful in something, you get a much higher salary, your boss appreciates you, it is easier to find a common language with guys (girls), you are lucky in money or in love, and so on and so forth. It is possible that you will even make an enemy among people close to you, there is such a word as envy.

Nevertheless, conspiracies to punish the offender should not be used when you want to teach the enemy a lesson, but when there is no other choice. When you need to defend yourself or restore justice.

How to return the evil conspiracy to the offender

In order to punish the offender, it is not at all necessary to involve any complex rituals to help yourself. Especially when simple, but, nevertheless, effective conspiracies against the offender have long been tested.

So that all evil returns to the one who is constantly trying to conjure you and wishes you harm, take needles, one of them is simple, and the second is gypsy.

Then insert a simple needle into the eye of the gypsy needle (eye to eye) and fasten both of them in this position with a dense black thread, saying on them:

“Although your needle is long, mine will be sharper,

You do evil, and I do good,

All the evil and bad that you planned against me (a), it will return to you,

All the bad things that you have prepared for me (a),

And all the evil that you have prepared for me (a),

I return everything that is yours back to you,

This very minute, right now and forever!”

Then go to the house of your offender and stick the gypsy needle into the door frame so that the tip of the small needle is directed towards the door (entrance). After that, read a strong conspiracy against the offender again in a whisper and quickly leave.

In the old days, they also did evil, the so-called “linings” were popular in the villages, that is, as in the case described above, something like needles tied with black threads. Also, a rusty spoon can serve as a lining - for poverty, a bead - for a love spell, a watch - for the theft of vitality and energy.

A torn card - for ruin, a wreath or cemetery land - for death, any products such as apples, meat, cheese, radishes - for quarrels in the house, divorce and childlessness. Clay - to damage all the cloisters of the house, perhaps even to death. Dried melon - for a miscarriage, fish bone - for a love spell, plus infertility and serious damage to health. Dried butterfly - usually speaks of loneliness and so on and much more.

Linings according to their orientation and ultimate goal are conditionally divided into two main types. Some are created and thrown so that the victim cannot find him for as long as possible, for this they are thrown into hard-to-reach places, for example, into some kind of gap. So the charmed object, being not found, will affect its victim for a very long time. And if the conspiracy was really strong and a good magician worked, then the spell will be very difficult to remove, at least until the charmed object is found and neutralized.

The second type of lining is more likely designed for the inexperience of the victim, the object is spoken with the expectation that the victim will find it and be sure to remove it with their own hands or touch it. That will give the conspiracy another additional impetus and strength. Therefore, it is very important not to take any suspicious objects or things with your own hands.

But any charmed object can play a cruel joke on the one who deliberately created it, if the object is found in time and, without touching it with your own hands, throw it back. In this case, evil will return, everything that the enemy wished for you and everything that he tried to direct at you will return to him. But what it will already be depends on what exactly your ill-wisher wanted to achieve. There were cases when people who conjured died within a year, but before their adult children died.

So from my practice there is a case when a woman of about fifty lost her son and daughter within one year, and she herself also died, approximately during the same period. But for some reason, death spared her three minor grandchildren, which cannot be said about fate.

Here, the fate of her grandchildren just did not spare, and death showed its mercy, most likely only temporarily, since they all died early, without marrying or getting married, and without having children of their own. Of all three of her grandchildren, who lived the longest, lived only to 27 years old, or rather lived, it was a granddaughter.

With regards to the above-described conspiracy with two needles, even if the enemy guesses what’s what and from where, and throws it back to you, then you shouldn’t be particularly afraid. Since you only wanted to return evil, and not bring it on, especially to death.

If you do not know the name of the offender, how to return evil to him

Hidden and cunning enemies are very dangerous, but you can also fight the negativity coming from them. The ritual is recommended to be performed on the full moon, so that the return of all the evil that they wished you would be the most powerful.

And for this you will need:

A simple wooden spoon.

Salt and coarse grinding is best.

In the old days, they worked by the fire, but you can stand by the lit stove. Fill a small saucepan halfway with salt and heat it up. Then, when the salt warms up a little, start stirring it with a spoon, while condemning a conspiracy to salt on the offender:

“Where the evil came from, let it return there, let it pass all the bumps safely and without hindrance, carefully bypass all the swamps, and return to the one who gave birth to it”

After that, in the old days, salt, as a rule, was scattered from their doorstep into the street. In ancient times, there were no particular problems with this, since most people lived in villages and villages, and rich city dwellers, if necessary, turned to the help of sorcerers and witches. And then, if you, like me, were born a long time ago, then you probably remember that in the old days in small towns in private houses the exit and entrance to the house, and, accordingly, the threshold with steps in many houses did not go out into the courtyard, but immediately onto the street.

In today's current conditions, when so many people live in apartments, and if you are too, then you will have to leave the entrance and sprinkle salt on the street there. In the coming days, the enemy will give himself away and a little later, all the negativity induced by him will begin to influence him with all his strength. If necessary, you can repeat this conspiracy to the offender at a distance until you feel completely safe.

Water conspiracy on the offender

But for this rite, you will already need to know not only who exactly brings evil to you, but also where he lives. Pour some holy water into a small container, such as a glass, then place the glass on top of the Bible and in front of a mirror. Place a church candle between the mirror and the Bible (water), then say:

“Whoever comes to me with goodness will leave with goodness,

Who comes to me with evil, he will receive all his evil back,

Who comes with a bad and filthy word,

Let that one with his own, will inevitably choke on the word "

Each of us at least once in our lives has encountered such a phenomenon as damage - induced through a temple or a cemetery, it can significantly spoil your life. And naturally the question arises of how to return the damage back to the one who did it - you can turn to help Orthodox priest, cleanse and return damage through the church, prayers, or conduct a special magical ritual.

Return of damage to the one who did it - effective ancient conspiracies

There are three effective rituals through which you can find out exactly who brought the negative on you. It can be a call of dark forces and wax casting, as well as a rite with a nail - the main thing is to choose an acceptable option for yourself.

The call of otherworldly forces

If you don’t know who did the damage, sent it, you can turn to the help of devils. But this is already a ritual from the category of dark, black magic. To carry it out, find 7 keys, preferably old and not used in everyday life, pour water into the container and boil it. Throw 1 key into the var, boiling:

“Whoever brings the servant of God ... name ... harm - that tomorrow, yes, in the morning, the devil will lead the hand to the threshold.”

The very next day, before noon, a person who wishes you harm will definitely make himself felt - he will come to visit under any pretext or call.

Rite with wax

Charmed beeswax will help diagnose the presence of spoilage

If you perform a ritual with wax, the one who did the damage, brought it on, will also want to let you know about yourself. Put a bowl of water in front of you, take some beeswax.

Melt the wax and carefully pour it into the water, in a thin stream, while reading the words of the ritual conspiracy. The main thing at this moment is not to wish evil to the enemy, but rather to concentrate on the ritual and the words of the magical rite:

“I pour this wax into water - I pour out my enemy.”

When the wax cools down, it will present you with a certain figure, which, by examining, you can determine who is doing you dirty tricks and magical nasty things. If you see, for example, a flower or a moon, a figure of a stranger - a dark libel comes from a woman, and if a figure of a bear or a tiger, a crow or a rhombus poured out of wax - a man is involved in magic.

Ritual for a nail

For this magical diagnostic ritual, you will need the most common, building nail - they drive it under the threshold of their house and say:

“Whoever harmed me with malice, I call him to my doorstep with a nail. If you don’t come to me in 3 days, in six months you will go to the grave.”

Soon wait for the enemy to visit.

Return of spoilage

It is not so difficult to return the induced damage and the evil eye - below you are presented with some effective rituals of perekida.

Return through wax casting

The return of damage through charmed wax will allow you to remove the induced negative and in the future to put reliable protection. To carry it out, prepare a bowl of water into which the negative will be cast with wax, an iron mug in which the wax will be heated, and the bee product itself - a piece the size of a fist is enough. Plus, you will need an assistant during the ritual.

Start the ritual by melting the wax in an iron container, saying over it:

“May the queen bee take my sadness - damage will go into the water, and the servant of God ... name ... will give freedom.”

In the meantime, it is melting - draw water into a bowl and let the assistant hold it over the head of the victim of magic. When the wax melts into the water, pour liquid wax and at the same time pronounce:

“I pour it, I pour it, I pour out trouble, from the servant of God ... name ... I take it away.”

After that, water with solidified wax is poured into the proton river, and if there is none nearby, just flush it down the drain. It is important to say the following words:

"Water is fast and fluid - where it swims, it takes evil with it, removes damage, and takes it on itself, everything is done on bones and blood, body and soul."

Through the water that the sorcerer will drink, damage to him will return.

Through the mirror

The mirror is the same other world

You can also return damage through a mirror. For the ritual, you will need a large mirror, a candle, which is placed in front of the mirror surface and looking at the reflection of the flame, they say:

“I’ll get up in the morning blessed, go out onto the road crossing myself - I’ll carry trouble and reach the threshold of the enemy. Behind me are 2 angels, in front of me on the way is the Mother of God, and in loud voices they say - Take the devil all yours. May they bring misfortune to the enemy, may the enemy live with what he has done, and until he repents.

Extinguish the candle and go to bed.

Transfer to woolen thread

Transfer to a woolen thread of damage

In almost every house there is a ball of woolen threads - you can transfer induced damage to them. Place the victim of corruption in the center of the room, take a candle in your right hand, and the tip of the thread in your left. Without releasing the thread from your hands, go around the “spoiled” clockwise, winding it around the victim’s body, saying:

“The word is firmly said, the deed is soon done, go from the body of a servant of God ... name ... yes to fish bones and sheep's wool. Yes, be on that.

On each circle around the victim, say the words once and as long as there are threads in the ball. When the threads are over, turn around and go counterclockwise, saying:

“I say my word - I take off someone else’s will, I do my bright work - I wind someone else’s dark work on a thread, but I wind it up in a ball and lock it up.”

When the ball is wound back, extinguish the candle and after sunset, leave the house and find a deserted intersection. It is worth making a fire on it and burning the threads and the cinder of the candle in its flame, saying:

“I burn all evil with a bright fire - I return damage to the black enemy.”

When the fire goes out, you can return home. With its smoke, the wind will return damage to the enemy.

The return of negativity to the lunar phase

The Return of Negativity to the Moon

The induced evil eye and damage can also be removed on a certain day of the lunar calendar - a purification ritual is performed on the 27th day of the lunar month. Until this day, it is worth observing a fast in food for a week, thus purifying your aura. When the day of the ritual comes, buy any raw meat in the market and say to it:

“Yes, the servant of God returns ... the name ... dark damage to the one who brought it, may the Moon help me in this. Raw meat to the enemy on the table - at my mercy.

Then throw the meat outside, and best of all, feed it to a yard dog.

Get rid of the salt

Since ancient times, our ancestors used salt in cleansing rituals, and we will talk about this further. For the ritual, it is enough to buy a kilogram of salt in the store, do not take change at the checkout and say it at home:

“You are salt, take away my sorrow and pain. Take away the misfortune that the sorcerer brought, but keep it in yourself for the time being.

Spread a sheet on the floor and stand on it, open a pack of salt, and sprinkle it on your head, shoulders and body, as if washing yourself in the shower. While doing this, say:

“Just as every mother washes her child in water, and protects her from trouble, so this salt from the servant of God ... name ... takes all the trouble into itself.”

After that, shake off the salt well, collect it all from the sheet and pour it into the bag. Already after sunset at 3 intersections, it is worth pouring salt and saying:

« This salt lies on the ground - it holds the damage tightly in itself. The enemy will pass through the earth - he will take it for himself.

Then go home and go to bed peacefully.

Complete collection and description: a prayer for the return of the evil eye for the spiritual life of a believer.

The reverse blow always overtakes the one who brought the negative if it is removed, but there are also special conspiracies to return damage to the one who did it. Using them, you will always be sure that your offender will get what he deserves.

How is the return of damage to the one who made it

Few doubt the existence of corruption and other negative programs and their influence on a person and all aspects of his life, even in our time. Magic makes it possible to harm, but it is also possible to remove the negative impact with its help. Of course, the consequences of rash revenge, if you remove the damage from yourself, will certainly affect the one who sent it.

Some people offended by something or simply envious people do not try to do an evil deed on their own, but turn to specialist magicians. They put up protection, but this does not always help to live without the consequences of the damage done. It is believed that most sorcerers do not want to test them and transfer them to the person who ordered the damage. It turns out that in most cases it is the customer who suffers, and not the sorcerer.

What consequences await the one who did evil to you with the help of witchcraft? If you turn to a magician to help with this or remove the negative yourself, everything that has been done returns to your enemy, most often in a threefold amount. Representatives of some magical schools believe that both the evil and the good done by us, we get back three times as much.

The return of damage to the one who made it promises scandals, problems in business, illness, and sometimes even death. In general, your enemy gets everything that he wanted for you, and even more. No bad magical deed goes unpunished, and you are not to blame for this.

How to return damage if a lining is found at the threshold

Lining is such things that just like that usually do not lie near the front door. These are needles and nails (may be broken or bent), earth, salt, sulfur, poppy, ash, candle wax, black pepper. The very fact of the existence of the lining, even if everything is in order with you, and you do not notice signs of damage, means that you need to return the damage to the one who made it.

You can’t touch the lining with your hands, only with bags, a broom and similar items, which then have to be thrown away or burned along with the lining. There are many ways to return damage to the sender, but they all require immediate action, otherwise it will be too late later.

Immediately, as you see foreign objects near your threshold, gate or front door in the entrance, cross yourself twelve times and read:

The pure water descends to the earth like rain, and again turns back to the clear sky. As water flows in a circle, and returns to the sky, so the affairs of enemies do not touch me, but turn around to them in life. Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

After that, you can get rid of the lining without touching it with your hands, as it is recommended to do. But do not bring it into the house, throw it away or burn it along with what it was taken on the street.

There is another way, it is needed when you notice the lining at the exit from the house. Take a broom in your left hand and say:

Hello, mother trouble.

I open the gate for you

Yes, you can’t enter the house from something.

So I'm not nice to you.

Now go out, close the doors and get rid of the lining with a broom. Collect all this garbage in some kind of bag, and then leave it in any deserted place along with a broom.

Immediately after you return home, engage in the rite of purification. All traces of the induced negativity should be removed from the house, because it is far from a fact that the lining is the only measure taken by your enemy. Prepare hot, very salty water. On this water, you need to make an infusion of juniper and thistle. Like any infusion, it needs to stand wrapped and covered with a lid for about half an hour.

When the cleansing infusion for the house is ready, go around your home clockwise, sprinkle the walls, corners, windows and doorways with these words:

Dashing devil, yes evil devils, barefoot demons, go away from my hut, run away from walls and corners, from the floor and the roof. Here you will find no honor, no place, no peace, but only pain, illness, suffering, and famously know. Go to your house, to the demonic joke, to the bald mountain, to the black cave, to the deep earth, and to the dark pool. Do not touch me, but honest people, do not maim, do not maim. Live and live at home, but don’t even remember about this place. The rain is pouring, the evil enemy disappears. Snow falls, evil falls asleep. My work is strong, my word is stucco. Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

Do not forget to open all the windows and doors wide open before starting the cleansing of the house so that the negative has the opportunity to leave you. If you live in a high-rise building and suspect that the neighbors will look askance at you, open the front door at least a little.

Return spoilage made on salt or pepper

If you find salt or pepper near your doorstep, in your purse or pockets, and perhaps both of these components at once, this may mean that you are being spoiled. You need to remove it immediately, the sooner the better.

You will need water from three different sources to return damage. For example, you can get water from a tap, from a nearby body of water (stream or river, not a swamp or dirty pond), and from a well. Still it is necessary to find any stone. It does not matter at all what kind of stone it will be, and where you find it. The river bank is good, but not the "unfavorable" places in your city.

So, drain the water into one container in which it will fit. The amount of water depends on where you found the lining. She is supposed to douse or wash the object or place where the evidence was found.

Throw a stone into the water. Light a candle or a torch and read into the water:

Father-fire, yes mother-voditsa, the wind is light, but the earth is damp! Help me, drive everything dashingly away, turn passions and attack the owner. The stone lies in the water, has no spirit, does not know salt and pepper, does not take food, does not know sorrows and pain. Voditsa flows from it, from my doorstep evil runs away to the fortuneteller's house. My word has the power of the earth, the devil himself will not turn back my deed. Amen.

Now pour or wash the threshold, bag, gate or clothes in the pockets of which you found salt or pepper. The stone should remain at your doorstep for three days. No one should touch it, somehow move it. If you live in apartment building, it is logical to assume that, most likely, your stone will be thrown away. Therefore, put it between two front doors or on the threshold from the inside of your home.

When three days have passed, take the stone back to where you got it.

How to return damage in all other cases

There are methods for returning damage if you know the name of the person who brought it. There are also rituals to return the negative to an unknown owner. In any case, no matter what ritual you choose to remove the corruption, evil will return to the one who did it.

On our site you can find many rituals, prayers and techniques that are designed to protect against evil. There are also those that are suitable for believers who do not want to have anything to do with magic.

The main rule for the return of damage is not to do evil in return. Return only what was made for you, otherwise you will be no different from your enemy, and someday you will also get what you deserve.

    • divination
    • Conspiracies
    • rituals
    • Signs
    • Evil Eye and Corruption
    • amulets
    • love spells
    • Lapels
    • Numerology
    • Psychics
    • Astral
    • Mantras
    • Creatures and

    On this day there were extensive festivities, the people drank and walked. It was believed that it is not a sin to drink a lot if the bins are full. It was not for nothing that they said: “I got nicked!”. On winter Nicholas, it is customary to make conspiracies against alcoholism. You can order a prayer service for the health of a relative with alcohol addiction. On December 19, St. Nicholas brings gifts to children, and relatives read prayers for their health.

    Return of spoilage

    The article gives time-tested advice on how to return the damage back to the one who made it.

    Return of damage to the customer after removing it, symptoms, real or not, Siberian school of skill

    If a person who lived calmly and happily suddenly everything collapses, problems, illnesses appear out of nowhere, he withers before his eyes, falls into depression or something like that, then this may be a sure symptom of sent damage. Such a negative program can either be removed from your energy, or returned back to the one who initiated it. Regardless of which option is chosen, a person first needs to prepare himself for such a ritual. To do this, experienced magicians advise to cleanse your soul of accumulated dirt with the help of fasting, prayer, going to church ...

    After a person is ready both morally and spiritually, you can proceed to the ritual of returning damage to the one who brought it. To do this, you need to take the liver of any animal and go with it to the crossroads. There you will need to stand in its center and read the following words over the liver: “I ask for help from higher powers. I ask you to cleanse me from suffering, ailments, diseases. Please remove my problems caused by the actions of sinners. I ask you to return all this to the one who wished it to me. Let him pay his due!" Next, the charmed liver must be buried in the ground on the side of the intersection, and a few coins should be thrown over the left shoulder onto the road itself with the words: “Paid!”.

    If you listen to the advice of the Siberian school of skill, then you need to leave the place of the ceremony without turning around. Also, you can never return to this place again, since damage can return back with a triple force.

    Return of damage to death to the customer and whether it always returns, what is dangerous, the consequences, what happens

    At home, it is practically impossible to return damage to death to the one who did it, or to the one who ordered it, since only experienced and strong magicians take on such work, who, no doubt, have strong enough protection. In addition, the imposition or return of damage can always have quite strong and serious consequences.

    An independent "amateur" ritual of such strength may also not give the desired result: you may not be able to remove the damage from yourself, but you can easily increase its impact on your own energy. Based on the above circumstances, you yourself should not start experimenting with this kind of magic. In such cases, it is better to turn to people who know how to do it right, and who know how to protect themselves and you from the negative effects of magical processes.

    Return of damage to the one who did through the church and prayer

    In order to remove damage with the help of the church, you must first prepare yourself for this process morally and spiritually. For this, it is recommended to fast for a week. The main purpose of this fast should not be abstinence in food, but spiritual purification.

    Next, you need to go to the church. There you should put a candle for your health near the icon of your guardian angel or near the icon of the Mother of God. At the same time, you need to set it on fire only from another candle. You need to go to church for three weeks. It is better if these are three different churches. When removing damage, be sure to pray. First of all, it is worth reading the prayer "Our Father", "Living Help" psalm 90, as well as "Prayer to the honest cross."

    Return of corruption in Islam, magic, on the full moon

    The ritual of removing corruption among Muslims is fundamentally different from any other similar rituals. To remove any sudden energy disorder of a person's aura in Islam is possible only with the help of the book - the Quran. You can engage in such a responsible business only in the evening or at night after a thorough washing of the body. You can read prayers from the holy book only before sunrise. The strongest damage should be removed only on the full moon, since it is at this time that the Moon has the maximum influence on all life on Earth.

    Return of damage with the help of runes to the enemy and witchcraft

    Currently, only a select few have access to the ancient runic mania. Literature teaching this type of magic is in closed access, and only a few people professionally possess such skills. But this mania is very powerful, so common man it may not be possible to use it. If you want to remove a very strong damage, especially if it is made for death, then you can do it with the help of runes, but in this case, you'd better turn to a practicing magician who knows how to do it right.

    Removing damage with the help of runic magic is a laborious process. First of all, the magician must test a person for the presence of damage, and for the method of inducing it. In the process of such a diagnosis, it is possible to determine what exactly the damage was done to. Only after the diagnosis can a decision be made which runes can be used to cleanse a person from the sent negativity. Most often, Soulu and Hagalaz are used for such purposes, but there may be other runes.

    Return of damage to a black candle, black magic, through an egg

    One of the strong enough attributes of black magic is a black candle. With its help, you can not only cause negativity, harm or send damage to a certain person, but you can also remove any harmful energy or magical influence, protect yourself from it or return it to the one who ordered it. By itself, the black color is able to attract negativity, which is burned by the flame of a candle. The black candle is a good tool for restoring justice and punishing the guilty.

    To carry out the ritual, you need to have a black candle itself, a needle, a mixture of herbs of thistle, St. John's wort and nettle, juniper oil, black thread and a metal candlestick. Inscriptions are applied to the candle about what you want to get rid of and return it to the one who did it (damage, evil eye, illness or other negativity). It is also necessary to indicate that the effect of the ritual will extend to enemies, enemies, young and old.

    Next, you need to read the spell three times: “I read the black candle. I conjure a black candle. Reflect from the slave (name) a bad word, and damage, and the evil eye and illness. Yes, return it to the dark enemy, the evil enemy. Next, the candle must be wrapped with black thread, starting from the bottom up counterclockwise, while saying the following words: “I don’t wind the black thread, but all things are bad, evil eye, curses, illness and damage from the slave (name) removed. I return to his enemies and enemies. Next, the candle must be lubricated with oil and run in a mixture of dried herbs. Then the candle must be placed in a candlestick and burned to the last drop.

    In black magic, damage can also be removed with the help of a chicken egg. To do this, you need to put the “spoiled” on a chair and start rolling it with an egg counterclockwise, while reading the words that contribute to the transfer of damage from a person to a selected item. At the end of the ritual, the attribute must be taken to a crowded place and left there. Leave without looking back.

    Return of damage if you do not know who brought

    If you have no idea who wished you harm, but at the same time you know for sure that damage has been done to you, you can use the ritual. Which will help you remove damage from yourself and return it to the one who made it. This is a ritual performed on the 27th lunar day. For him, you need to prepare well both physically and spiritually. A week before the specified day, you need to start fasting (we are talking not only about retention in food, but also about the spiritual state, prayer and cleansing of negativity with its help). You need to try to reduce any communication to a minimum, try to prevent the appearance of negative emotions.

    When the 27th day of the moon comes, early in the morning you need to take a piece of raw meat and speak it: “In a dead city, someone does not cry, does not know longing and does not suffer. City of the dead! Take the corruption from the servant of God (name) and pass it on to the enemy who wished evil. Punish him according to his merit. May it be so!". After that, the meat must be taken to the crossroads and buried at the curb in the ground. At the end, you need to throw three coins over your left shoulder with the words "Paid". You need to leave without looking back. You can't tell anyone about what you've done.

    Return of damage with a mirror, a needle

    There is a pretty simple, but very effective amulet that can not only protect you from the evil eye and damage, but also return it to the one who does it. To make such a protector, you need to order a mirror, 3 * 3.5 cm in size. This mirror must be sheathed with a black piece of leather on the back. You need to wear it under clothes near the left chest (in the region of the heart).

    If suddenly, someone wants to send a negative program to you, it will be reflected from you by a mirror and hit the one who did it with triple force. If the damage was done before you had a mirror amulet, and you know exactly who made it, then there is a way to return it back. To do this, you need to look closely at your reflection in the mirror, while concentrating all your attention on thoughts about your enemy. Then direct all the negative accumulated in your biofield to this person with a wish for him to get everything back. Retribution will catch up with him, no matter how much he is protected.

    Quite often, damage can be sent with the help of a charmed needle. In the same way, they can be returned to attackers. If you find a needle stuck in a wall or doorway in your house, you need to pull it out, but in such a way that you do not touch it with your bare hands. It is better to do this with a piece of cloth or a handkerchief. After the needle is in your hands, you need to break it, saying: “Just as my hands do not touch the needle, so all her troubles will not touch my family and my fate. As I break a needle, so I return all the troubles to the sinner. The spoken words will act until the needle is connected back. After that, the two parts of the needle need to be buried in different parts of the earth somewhere in the forest.

    See also: conspiracy to get a guy back

    1 comment

    they made a test subject - and at the same time damage, they used all methods - in order to fulfill their threats and that everything would be at their discretion and for the use of good people - the return of grief to them - God does not punish them during custom destruction after use, which took away 2 lives and others - there is no opportunity for them for all the years back - someone will be a god for them or already ..

    How can you return damage to the one who made it

    How to return damage to the one who made it? This question stirs the hearts of many victims of black magic. Nobody wants to face magic. That is why the return of negativity is common. The performer is always trying to ruin the other person's life. Therefore, it is necessary for him to return the negative back. Let him live with what he wished for another.

    How to return damage to the one who made it

    Whether the damage you have induced will return and how to return a strong evil eye - we will analyze these and many other questions in the article. Such information will be useful to people who, one way or another, are faced with unpleasant life situations, suspecting that it is magic that has a part in them.

    How to understand that something is wrong with you?

    The evil eye can be returned - this is true, but initially you must clearly understand that this is the cause of some of your troubles. It is much easier to immediately take the necessary measures than to suffer and suffer from the consequences later. Consider the most common signs that a person may have "problems":

    • for no reason, a person can suddenly start to get sick, although most recently he was cheerful and happy;
    • thoughts are confused, insomnia appears;
    • there is not enough energy, the person is in a continuous depressive state.

    If you notice such phenomena behind you, it makes sense to think about how to return the damage to the offender back. Of course, you can ask professionals to simply remove this “curse” from you, but you can also punish an evil person - return the negative to him back.

    Rituals for the return of severe damage can be performed by professionals with high quality, but this does not mean that they are unable to cope on their own. With sufficient faith and all the necessary components, you will overcome this disaster.

    Determining the performer of the ritual is an important point

    In order to return the damage back, you need to understand who could bring it. You should not wait for the moment when the situation worsens and your health worsens. Returning damage to the one who sent it is a prerequisite in order to improve your condition. The main thing is to believe in the power of magic, and that it can help you. In this situation, it is necessary to acquire cleanings to remove damage with a return. A magical love spell may have been cast by your close friend, who carries only a negative wish addressed to you. Sometimes it happens that a loved one brought a curse on a person, after an ordinary quarrel. Most often, it is customary to use a lining. After all, the lining is the hardest thing to look for in the house. A dead chicken or a rusty fork is used as such attributes.

    If you have begun to notice that you have been sent negativity, then you should think about it and make one of two decisions. The first is to completely get rid of the unpleasant magic. The second is to conduct a ritual of removing damage with a return.

    Returning damage to the one who made it is quite easy. To do this, you need to find a way that best suits you. For example, return damage to table salt or other options. You can either perform a ritual at home on your own that allows you to return the induced damage, or you can find a specialist who will do everything for you. It is important to remember the fact that it is necessary to look for a sorcerer quite carefully, because you can stumble upon a scammer who will not be able to return damage to the customer, but will only take money for outstanding work.

    If you believe the professionals, then the return of damage is considered a huge sin. You become no better than the one who brought negativity or the evil eye on you. In the same way, you resort to the help of black magic, which will have negative consequences on you. Returning damage to the one who did it is easy, but getting rid of the consequences will be more difficult. But, on the other hand, the removal and return of severe damage are different concepts: you must clearly determine for yourself whether you are ready to take such a sin on your soul.

    In order to determine who sent magic on you, you can use several methods. The first is that you need to read a certain plot. His strength will attract the performer. The second method is based on calling otherworldly forces. It is the spirits that will bring you the culprit of the situation, and you can give back the damage. There are a large number of strong conspiracies from spoilage with a return. You just need to choose the one that suits you the most.

    Before proceeding with the ritual, think carefully and delve into the problem. Are you ready to punish the enemy in this way and give him everything back? How can such a ritual respond and how safe is it for loved ones? Will luck leave your family after the ceremony?

    Ritual for a nail

    Such a rite has long been especially popular among those who have long devoted their lives to magic. Why is it unique and what makes it special? Can I do the ritual myself? How to return damage back using a nail? If you are interested in this question, then you are on the right track. To return the damage back, you need to take a nail, and read a special slander on it.

    “Whoever decided to inflict harm on me, I wish him to give back the damage. I do not need black magic, because it completely destroys my life. I, the servant of God (name), use a nail to return damage to the enemy. A curse was sent to an ordinary person, and I ask you to return it to the offender. I am a victim who was sent an undeserved negative. Whoever sent him, let him take it back. The Lord created us with equal rights. And I'm trying to return the negative with candles. I will only give back to the enemy what he sent me. Let him know who he sent the evil eye on. Let the negative return to the owner who conjures me. You know, Lord, I wish that the backlash could destroy the forces of evil. I want to cleanse myself, and return my former life. Amen".

    These words have great power, so in the near future you will be able to give damage to the performer. No one thinks who he is sent to, and the energy deteriorates. Even the enemy should not take revenge with magic. Always remember that there are two sides to the coin. How to do the right thing is the decision of the one who faced such a problem. Punish magicians or hope that someday, the magician will be punished? It's up to you to decide.

    Ritual using wax

    To the question of how to return damage, the answer is quite simple. You need to prepare a few ingredients.

    1. A container for collecting clean water. Don't use tap water. It will be better if holy water is used.
    2. Wax. It is forbidden to use paraffin. Must be pure wax.

    You can get rid of the negative impact and return it to the customer in a very simple way. First of all, melt the wax to a liquid state. Pour a small amount into the water. In this case, be sure to read the following conspiracy:

    “I pour wax for one purpose. I wish the damage to return to the one who sent it to me, the servant of God (name). I don't want negativity in my life. He only spoils her. I wish to remove the damage and give it to the witch with a boomerang. My strike will remove the forces of evil. I am someone who cannot be offended without consequences. To you, sorcerer, I return the blow, and I try to remove it from myself. Amen".

    This rite will not only make the damage go to the one who brought it, but will also point you to the performer of the ritual. You can return the negative to the enemy, only then you will be no different from him. You can try to be smarter and not stoop to the level of your enemy.

    How will the offender manifest himself after the ritual? There is no definite answer to this question. It all depends on how experienced the magician inflicted damage. Everyone reacts to honing in different ways: some come straight to the house, others torment them with calls. This is because damage comes to them very painfully. Such people are ready to do anything to get rid of the negative impact that they themselves have brought.

    The call of otherworldly forces

    A very dangerous ritual. Especially for those who are new to magic. It is not recommended to carry it out on your own. Here you need to clearly know the sequence of actions and the subtleties of the ceremony. It happens that after calling otherworldly forces, they remain in our world, which is a very bad sign. This rite will allow you to learn how to return the evil eye to the one who evil eyed. This ritual is based on summoning devils. It is they who act as assistants, allowing you to give away the evil eye. You must prepare the old keys. Boil the water and throw the prepared keys into it. Now you need to read a special plot.

    “Whoever has sent the evil eye on me, the servant of God (name), will deal with otherworldly forces. I wish to give my own after damage - as karma always comes back. I need to restore my health, and never lose it again. Whom the otherworldly forces are now embracing, let all the negativity be removed from him. Amen".

    The ritual can even get rid of sent obesity. Most often, to eliminate a rival, women send a negative on her, which spoils the appearance. They believe that in this way they will be able to return the husband from his mistress. If you return the evil eye, then you need to remember your own protection. Since you resort to black magic, the consequences will be negative. That is why, before passing on the evil eye, it is important to protect yourself from otherworldly forces. So you will not only minimize the likelihood of energy damage, but also strengthen the rite itself, because your energy will be higher than usual.

    The return of negativity to the lunar phase

    Many are interested in the question of how to make the damage return to the customer. Everything is simple. Prepare a lunar calendar in which mark the twenty-seventh lunar day. It is important to note that the removal of damage with a return requires some preparation. You must remember that you should not drink alcohol and meat products for seven days before the ritual. If you do not adhere to this requirement, then the moon will not give evil to the customer, because you ignored her requirements. To remove damage with a return, it is necessary that your aura is clean. You should not use profanity, communicate with people a lot, feel unpleasant emotions and have a negative attitude towards everything. All these factors only clog your energy, which will negatively affect the result.

    After you fast, take raw meat, and read the slander:

    “I never knew how to say goodbye to negativity. And at some point, higher powers decided to save me from suffering. The dead never shed tears, and never regret what they have done. Let the dead take over all the nagativ that was sent to me, the servant of God (name). Let all illnesses and bad health disappear and never return. For a long time I was looking for a way to give away the negative, and finally I found it. I adhered to a strict fast, and I ask the moon to help me in fulfilling my request to win back the damage. Amen".

    It is necessary to read the plot twice. After that, the meat must be buried at the crossroads. A few days later, go to church and put a candle on the health of the one who sent the evil eye on you. Yes, it will be unpleasant, but the ritual requires it. This method will allow you to quickly give the negative back to the customer.

    Salvation through salt

    You have probably heard that salt has some magical effects. In any case, it is often used in magic. This ceremony was created by Natalya Stepanova herself. In order to return damage through salt, you must use the following rite. Salt needs to be fried in a pan for about half an hour. After that, the salt is poured under the first tree. Next, you must look at the night sky and count twenty-one stars. Turn to heaven to help you pass on the evil eye to the one who has the evil eye. Salt is considered the most effective way to purify energy.

    Now the questions about how to return the negative or how to give away the imposed damage should be completely resolved. Tatar methods will help you protect yourself from magical effects for a long time. With the help of a photo, it is easy to remove the witchcraft sent to you, because you need to urgently restore the energy of the victim. Otherwise, you can suffer quite a lot that even prayer will not be able to cope. It is necessary to understand not only the fact to whom the evil eye is made, but also to whom it will return.

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    Magical influence is always fraught with many unpleasant consequences. Some performers think through all their actions in advance in order to minimize damage. Before you return the terrible damage back - think a few times and weigh the pros and cons. There is no need to think that, having done evil to you, you, by returning it to the offender, equalize the scores. Any evil is punishable and, before taking such a step, you need to think carefully and decide how important it is for you, so to speak, to take revenge. Of course, if there is no other option to remove the negative magical effect, then you simply have no choice. Any magical interference is considered a sin that must be expiated. After the ceremony, go to church and ask for forgiveness in front of the icons. No need to think that you have restored justice. In fact, any evil is punishable.

  • Our main task in this method is to return to the enemy the bad that came to you from him, and to return to ourselves the good that went from you to the enemy.

    The motive for writing this material was the repeatedly repeated questions:

    “How to return evil to the one who did it”, “Is it really impossible to make the enemies punished”.

    In principle, I am a supporter of the approach that cleaning and protection from negativity is more important than revenge, because "I am, and I will repay."

    That is, God himself will decide how much negativity should return to the enemy.

    I really like one simple and wise expression: “Become happy in spite of your enemies, they will never forgive you for this”. That is, to restore what was lost and increase it is much more important than satisfying oneself with revenge.

    But sometimes there are times when the enemy doesn’t “get it” at all, that it’s time to stop and stop doing evil. And in such cases, it is possible and necessary to take and restore justice with your own hands, but within reasonable limits.

    I repeat - to restore justice, and not become a source of evil. For evil will always be punished, sooner or later, in this life or the next.

    But first, it is always worth asking God for justice and help, and praying for enemies. And only when the enemy still “doesn’t get it”, then you can take the situation into your own hands. Good should be with fists, but do not forget that it is good.

    So the principle of the Old Testament "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" sometimes appropriate. But - only within certain limits. Return more evil than they did to you (that is, with interest), and you will already receive a negative karmic response, and not just the enemy.

    Our main task in this method is to return to the enemy the bad that came to you from him, and to return to ourselves the good that went from you to the enemy. "Take what's yours, give me what's mine". No more.

    But, I wonder how much it will be possible to return the negative? From 1 to 100%. What does it depend on?

    From a lot. How much effort and time will you spend, firstly.

    Plus, part of the negative and, alas, part of the positive will be destroyed, gone forever. And you can not return and take away what is no longer there.

    And in some cases, God himself will decide how much evil you can return to the enemy, and forgive the rest, and gain something new instead of what was lost.

    This method should not be taken into work immediately, but only after a certain cleansing of the negative. Why is that? This will add strength to you and weaken the enemy. Otherwise, you will be in unequal weight categories, since the weak, well, whatever one may say, will not overcome the strong. And your effect will "stomp" within 10-15%. The stronger you are, the more you can give and take.

    Give what and take what? Energy. It is energy and only energy. Let go of negative energy and reclaim positive energy. For the support of good luck, health, well-being, prosperity is precisely energy.

    This method is good to include in the program of cleansing yourself from negativity, in the second or third week of work.

    This method is highly desirable to reinforce the reading of prayers for enemies. And it is obligatory to order services in the church for the health of oneself and the enemy.

    Without this, the method will not be as effective as we would like. Since it is the involvement of a "third party" - God, as the source of the Higher justice, that will make it possible to achieve this justice.

    This method will have two parts:

    • Part 1 - the return to the enemy of the bad that came from him to you.
    • Part 2 - returning to yourself the good that has gone from you to him.

    Refinement and detail

    What is this method for? To give back the negative to the enemy is understandable. And here is the second part - to pick up and return to yourself what was not only destroyed, but left you for the enemy. This is when you have disappeared, and the enemy has appeared.

    You have become unlucky, and the enemy has become lucky. You went bankrupt, the enemy got rich. You fell ill - the enemy recovered, "blooms and smells." Your business is not going, but the enemy is doing it. You have lost personal (family happiness), and the enemy has gained (a classic case is the departure of a husband from his wife to his mistress who bewitched him). Also - in cases of transfer of diseases.

    In black magic, there are a lot of rituals and methods not only for destroying something, but also for taking something away from a person - luck, health, strength, happiness.

    In these cases, it is worth using both parts of the method. And if a person has destroyed something with you, without gaining anything in return from you, except for moral satisfaction, then the emphasis should be on the 1st part of the method.

    Important note. You must know 100% that this person is the source of your problems. If in doubt, it is better to double-check it.

    How to recheck. There is a popular expression "God marks the rogue". Order the person you suspect to have services in the church for health (I’ll clarify - forty-mouthed about health), read over his photo for several days of Prayer for enemies, cleanse yourself for several days - at least by rolling yourself out with an egg and reading prayers from witchcraft.

    And keep an eye on the suspect. Will it "twist" - your suspicions were confirmed. Or you can ask for verification of your suspicions - Order a consultation. Otherwise, if you act “blindly”, then you will only make things worse for yourself by “running into” an innocent person, and nothing bad will return to the true enemy.

    To work with this method, you will need a photo of your enemy. For a better understanding of the role of photographs in magic and esotericism, see the article About photographs in magic and esotericism.

    Photo requirement. The fresher, the better. Better printed and colored. In full growth or not - it does not matter. The main requirement for photography is the eyes. Eyes should look into the lens. Because it is the eyes that you will need in this method. Don't be afraid, you won't have to gouge out his eyes. You will have to concentrate on those eyes.

    Now about the duration of the work. Again, as I always said - to the result. Until what result? Up to your improvements, not to his (enemy's) deterioration. Take back what is yours, give it to him - and then let karma and God deal with it. The criterion for ending (that is, a set of signs and signals that it is time to stop) is a little further.

    How many times a day do this? Enough 1 time per day. But this is your choice. You can even several times a day if you have the strength and time.
    Except Sundays, big church holidays and menstruation in women.
    What time of day, anytime.
    And now - the work itself.

    Part 1.

    Sat down. Read the prayer 1 time("Our Father") . We drank some holy water. They took a photo of the enemy. And we begin to concentrate on his eyes. Looking closely into his eyes. because"Eyes are the mirror of the soul". Remember the principle of esotericism -where there is thought, there is energy. With prolonged concentration, an energy connection arises, a “channel” through which energy transfer will occur.

    Breathe slowly and calmly. Feel what is “creating and moving” inside, where discomfort arises, what happens to emotions and the state of the body. And after that we take a deep breath, and pronounce slowly and clearly such an installation (out loud or mentally - it doesn’t matter):

    "I'm returning to you all the bad things that you brought me (brought)".

    And making a deep exhalation, and without losing contact with the eyes in the photo, we exhale, squeeze out, push out the air flow in the photo. You can add to yourself the image that you "exhale" a stream of dark smoke, dirt, mucus, fog, fire (your choice).

    We made this exit-expulsion - catch your breath and restore your breath for several cycles of inhalation-exhalation. We caught our breath, tuned in, repeated again.

    One exhalation may not be enough to push out what rises and requires its exit. Therefore, you can take a few additional exhalations to push out the volume-clot of energy that can rise. If you have lost contact with your eyes, this is not a big problem.

    There may be attacks of coughing, nausea, vomiting, spasms, convulsions, yawning, fever or chills, pain in the head or heart. And this is good. These are signs of negativity. And it is the presence of these signs that is the criterion for continuing the procedure. That is - it comes out - we continue to exhale, push out. Symptoms stopped - stopped working. enough for this approach.

    To begin with, it is worth doing 2-3 exhalations-extrusions. Gradually increase the number of cycles. Up to what amount? In the meantime, the negative will come out of you. You will feel it. I didn’t just say that - listen to emotions, to the state of the body, to the chakras. Note in which chakras there is discomfort, so that later, during the energy cleansing, focus on these chakras.

    Another important warning. Try to keep yourself within limits. No curses, no "Yes to you, yes to you". Do not curse, do not scold. You only need to return the bad that came to you from the enemy, and not "drown" him in your curses and a stream of negative emotions.

    Otherwise, it will turn on your head. We mentioned the principle of justice, so let's stay within these limits, without going too far, no matter how emotions stifle you, and no matter how it boils inside.

    After the procedure, it is worth "disconnecting" from the person. Looking into the eyes in the photo, take a deep breath, then close your eyes, lower your head and take a deep breath. With your eyes closed, read the prayer (“Our Father”) 1 time. And then open your eyes. And drink some holy water.

    You can stop at this if you feel a breakdown or weakness. If the state allows, then you can proceed to the second part.

    Part 2.

    Again they read the prayer (“Our Father”) 1 time, drank some holy water. Again, focus on the eyes in the photo. You felt that you are already “in touch”, “in the channel”, that you feel connected with this person.

    And now aloud or mentally, slowly and clearly pronounce the installation:

    "I'm getting back all the good things that you took from me (took)".

    And we take a deep lingering breath, as if sucking a stream of air out of the photo. In fact, you are drawing in a flow of energy. If you are familiar with the Breathing Chakras method, then you can connect to work those chakras that showed negative sensations at the first stage. This means that it is in these chakras that you will need to invest energy, “pump” them with energy.

    To begin with, we did 2-3 breaths-retractions. More breaths-pulls can be done if there is strength and if you feel that the flow is "going".

    Breathe, pump up. And again - "disconnect" from the person. Exhale, close your eyes and bow your head. We read “Our Father” once, opened our eyes, drank some holy water.

    That's all. The work is done.

    A few more important notes.

    We do not ask in these installations - "give, take." We do not need permission from the enemy to return the negative to him and take away our energy. We decide it ourselves, so the installation sounds exactly like this "I return".

    There is no need to be afraid that you will “breathe-draw in” something bad from the enemy - his negative, or the negative that you “breathed” into him earlier. After all, we correctly “programmed” the process with our installation -

    "I'm getting back all the GOOD things you took from me".

    This setting will filter out the good from the bad.

    How to determine that it is possible to end work with this method? Again, according to criteria. Described above. If within 2-3 days nothing comes out and nothing comes in, then it's time to finish. And move on to work with prayers, or to work on gaining energy.

    What to do with a photo of an enemy? During operation, you can store it anywhere. You can even put it in the Bible, even if God adds to him "according to his deeds." And when you finish all the work - just burn the photo.

    That's basically it.

    Just remember that this method will not solve all your problems and should be used as an aid to the main cleansing program. But - it will help very well as part of an integrated approach to solving your problems.

    Take and restore justice, but remember that God is above everyone, and "with what measure you measure, it will be measured to you."

    Stanislav Kucherenko,
    psychic - bioenergy

    No one is immune from black witchcraft. The whole problem is that there is no such person who would not have enemies or ill-wishers. And they, in turn, always try to bring damage or evil eye to a person. You can live a quiet life for yourself, and not even suspect that you have been negatively affected. You must make every effort to get rid of the black curse. This should be done before complications occur. Every effort should be made to return damage to the customer. Many are wondering how to return damage back. More precisely, how to return damage to the one who made it.

    What are the signs of a negative impact?

    In order to return damage to the one who sent it, it is necessary to determine its presence. The evil eye is quite simple to turn to the performer. You don't need any effort for this. To begin with, it is necessary to define true reason your bad luck. After all, this is the only way to get rid of further consequences. Below we consider the signs that are considered the most important.

    1. Just a few days ago, you felt cheerful and full of energy. And immediately begin to appear chronic diseases and unexplained illnesses. Doctors will not be able to determine the true cause of your well-being. It means that someone brought trouble on you. Turning damage to the offender always has a number of other features that every person should know.
    2. Sleep problems ending in nightmares or insomnia. Thoughts cannot be right. This can mean one thing, the enemy brought a negative on you. This is another reason to return damage to the offender.
    3. A constant feeling of depression, and not enough energy to carry out plans. This sign indicates that the ill-wisher has cast black witchcraft on you. Other personalities only after that begin to conduct rituals in order to return the damage to the one who did it.

    If you began to notice at least one of these symptoms behind you, then you should immediately return the damage to the one who did it. There is an opportunity to turn to an experienced witch for help, and remove negativity from yourself. But, you can perform the ritual yourself at home, and return the negative back. Removal of damage with a return always has a number of other features. You must understand that you can harm yourself if you do not follow all the instructions.

    How can you determine who exactly ruined your life

    To determine the culprit of your troubles, there are some of the most common methods. How to make the damage return? You can use the usual reading of the plot. At midnight, take two candles, set fire to them, and turn to your patron:

    “I ask for help, I pray to be cured. I want my enemy to dream of me.

    Then do not talk to anyone and do not do any household chores - immediately go to bed. Try not to think about anything else before going to bed - focus on your question. Experts say that higher powers will show you the face of your ill-wisher in a dream. It will allow you to direct the energy of the performer to you.

    There is another way, which is to turn to the dark forces. You will ask how to make the damage return to the customer with the help of otherworldly spirits. Everything is simple. At midnight, you should go to the crossroads. Holding a burning candle in your hand, turn to the spirits: “Black spirits, I ask you for help. I will pay any price, I want to know the enemy in person. They can make it so that the culprit will come to you and you will deal with him yourself. Just be sure to look around before reading the words - there should not be anyone next to you, the street should be empty. Only in this case, the spirits will come to the rescue.

    In the world of magic, there are quite a few methods that help bring back strong damage. It is up to you to choose the method that works best for you. You should think carefully about whether it is worth it to return the negative? Is this action worth your health? It is also important to determine the fact that the ritual is the safest for your environment.

    The return of negativity to the offender is an important point

    How to return the evil eye to the one who evil eyed? This question worries many people in modern world. First of all, you must understand that you need to find out who exactly did this negative witchcraft towards you - there are many options for this, which we will discuss below. Wrap the induced damage should be until the moment you run the program. Faith in magical powers must be at the highest level. In such situations, you need to take care to provide yourself with cleansing to remove damage with a return.

    At some points in time, it happens that the negative impact is sent by close relatives, or a close friend. The reason for this behavior may be a common quarrel. In most cases, lining is used as a source of negativity. The reason for this is very simple. The lining is very easy to throw into the house, and it is difficult to find it. Quite often they toss either a chicken carcass or a rusty fork. The first thing you need to think about when you find a strange object is which of those entering the house could be “profitable”. In no case do not touch the object with your hands - this way you will only allow the dark "charms" to enter your flesh without obstacles.

    Experts say that returning damage to a person is a sinful state. Since you will turn to the dark forces for help, your position is no better than that of the performer of the past sorcery. Giving away terrible damage is only part of the story. The most difficult thing is getting rid of negative consequences. It’s just worth understanding that returning the damage back and removing it are two different things.

    Ritual Options

    If you have been able to determine the presence of witchcraft, you need to make a very important decision.

    1. The first is that you need to get rid of the negative impact and the evil eye forever.
    2. The second solution is based on returning strong damage to the offender.

    It is not difficult to return the evil eye to the one who has the evil eye. First you need to find exactly the return method that is most suitable for your situation. Some individuals can use magic and return damage to ordinary salt or nails. Other individuals stop their attention to rituals with the help of strong conspiracies from damage with a return. The victim can perform a ritual for a quick return of damage, or he can ask for help from a specialist to help him return the hated evil eye. But you must always remember that you should carefully choose a sorcerer. Recently, so many scammers have appeared that you can be deceived and not take any action.

    Ritual with a nail on your own at home

    What is the nature of such actions? How to give back damage to the performer? With the help of a nail, it is quite simple to make the damage turn to the culprit. On the nail you need to read a special magical plot.

    “The Lord created man and gave him the opportunity to create. The person who sent damage and the evil eye on me, let him take it for himself. I really want to return the negativity back to him. I, the servant of God (name), will use a nail to hammer my request for good. On me, a believer, evil was brought. I want to get rid of the negative impact and return it to the customer. Whoever sent him, let him return it to himself. He probably needs it more than me. I thought for a long time about how to return the evil eye to the offender. And she couldn't find a way. I want to give it back to the offender. Finally, I was lucky to find a method that will help me return a strong corruption back. The Lord decided to make sure that people have equal rights. Therefore, I will use a nail and candles to remove and quickly return damage. My enemy will begin to feel for himself everything that he has done to me. Let him figure out exactly who he's messing with. Lord, only you can help me to remove the damage. I want to remove the evil eye from myself, and cleanse my energy. Deliver me, Lord, from evil people. Amen".

    After that, it is better to drive a nail near the victim's house. With the help of this conspiracy, you can quickly achieve the return of damage to the enemy. But always remember that black magic has its consequences. In principle, you must decide whether to punish a person, or wait for the moment when a higher power punishes him.

    How to make a magical return with wax

    When you return the evil eye, you must apply several main attributes. First of all, take a glass, and a small amount of holy water. The second attribute is wax. Remember that it is wax, not paraffin.

    It is quite simple to turn damage to the enemy. Natalya Stepanova came up with a ritual that helps return evil to the owner. Before performing the ritual, you need to melt the wax. After that, in small parts, you need to spread it on the water. In this case, you need to read a special magical conspiracy.

    “I don’t want to feel negative. As soon as I get rid of damage - like karma always returns like a boomerang. My love spell will punish the one I point to. Who conjures, he will suffer. Without this, black magic does not work. The blow that I will strike will remove the forces of evil from my life forever. Whom I hate, on that I will send curses in response. I return a negative blow to the sorcerer in order to return my own after damage. If necessary, I will create a lining. I ask you to remove all evil from yourself and punish the one I hate. To you, my enemy, I return everything bad. I do not want to suffer from the black forces. My prayer comes from a pure heart. And the wish is justified by obvious reasons. Amen".

    This rite will help not only give back the damage to the owner, but also find out the true name of the culprit. You just need to connect your imagination, and with the help of visualization try to find answers to your questions. You can always refuse the help of magic, and wait for the punishment of the enemy from higher powers. You don't have to stoop to the level of your enemy. By doing this, you will only spoil your already shabby aura.

    How to call on dark forces for help

    This reverse ritual is so complex and effective that it is extremely dangerous to carry it out on your own at home. You must carefully study all the subtleties of the rite, and only then proceed with the implementation. It will help you answer the question of how to return yours after damage. With the help of magic, you must summon devils to yourself. It is with their help that you can achieve your necessary goal, and give damage to the enemy. Put a bowl of water on the gas stove and throw the keys into it. In this case, you need to read a special conspiracy.

    “I ask the damage to return to the one who sent it. Whoever the search ritual points to, I will punish him. I do not want to feel the effect of dark forces on myself. They just ruin my life. I wish to remove all the bad things from myself, and never face it again. I ask you to restore my health so that I do not have any diseases. My family hopes that I will achieve the desired result. I know that the removal and return of severe damage is a difficult task. Let black magic punish whoever I point to. Let her go to the one who needs it the most. But for this I need the help of devils and dark forces. I do not need damage and how to get rid of the evil eye, I still find out. Amen".

    The keys should be thrown to the victim of the rite. This method will allow you to get rid of obesity. It is he who is sent by wives to their rivals or husband's mistresses. They spoil the appearance and beauty of the victim so much that the man stops paying attention to her. Wives are sure that this is the only way to return their husband home and save him from the influence of his mistress. You must know how to bring back negativity or how to get rid of problems.

    How to return negativity to the moon

    Many people think about how to return a strong evil eye, how to return the hated damage and the evil eye to the owner? For this method, you must have a special lunar calendar. In it, you need to circle with a pencil exactly the 27th day of the month. A week before the ritual, you must fast. You can forget about meat, or alcohol. You must completely cleanse your aura of everything bad. As soon as the day comes, to carry out actions, you need to read the plot for raw meat.

    The text reads as follows:

    “I, the servant of God (name), wish to return the damage to the one who sent it to me. I ask you to remove all evil from me, and save me from evil people. It seems to me that only the moon can help me with this. The moon sees everything that happens in that world. And she knows exactly who wished me harm. I think that's the only way I can produce about the negative. I wish to protect myself from evil, and reverse cleaning will help me with this. I will do everything in my power to protect myself. Amen".

    How to get rid of evil with salt

    We all know that salt helps fight dark forces. The question may arise how to return the negative to your enemy. Everything is simple. In a frying pan, you need to fry the salt until it is golden in color. It should be poured under a tree that is in your yard.

    Look at the stars and ask them for help. Speak what your heart hurts about, you must put all your energy into your words, and a sense of revenge - salt will help you find peace.

    Reverse damage - the enemy will drown in tears

    When you know for sure that you have been damaged, you should think about punishing your enemy. Go to the funeral - it does not have to be your loved one or even an acquaintance. That girl who is heartbroken, mourning and crying, will have to give you her handkerchief. How to get it, you can think of any trick. This scarf, soaked in tears of grief, will be the main attribute for your ceremony.

    We perform the ceremony correctly

    You can perform the ritual on any day convenient for you - when there is a mood and enough strength. You need to speak it initially, right in the cemetery. To do this, you need to read three times: “Death mowed me down, but I shed tears. I saw a lot of grief, met a lot of restless souls, climbed into the noose, froze in the warmth. I don’t need troubles and bad weather, take all this “happiness” with you. You will grieve, with your soul and body, dive into the river of tears.

    After reading, we tie our scarf into a knot. It is important that it is exactly in the middle. Now we whisper:

    “I tied a knot, threw a sobbing handkerchief on the enemy.”

    Then you walk through the cemetery, do not greet or talk to anyone, wipe exactly 7 graves that you will meet on the way with this handkerchief. Every time you rub with a handkerchief, mentally say:

    “They buried you, shed tears, your relatives suffered. So my enemy will shed bitter tears until the end of his days.

    Once you're done with the rite, go to your abuser's door. Just toss this handkerchief, and from that moment on, the enemy will not end up in trouble.

    Tatar conspiracies

    If you are sure that the evil eye has been cast on you, Tatar rites will help to return it. They have come to us since ancient times and are popular today. Consider one of the most popular options. To conduct the ceremony, you will need your photo, salt and a glass of water.

    Add three pinches of salt to a glass of water and go outside with all the “ingredients” at night. Under an old tree - no matter what it will be, you need to dig up a photo, pouring it with salt water, while saying:

    “I bury all evil, I drive away the evil eye of a stranger, I return everything he said.”

    After such a ceremony, all the negativity will be sent to the offender. You will feel how it becomes easier for you, and your enemy will suffer from his own evil.

    Final part

    To protect against dark forces, you need to wear amulets. They remove the spell from you before it affects you. An ordinary pin can act as a talisman, which must be spoken with the following words:

    “No evil will pass through me. Let envy and an offensive word remain with the enemy.

    If you are wondering if the induced damage will return to you, remember that it is important to choose a rite that belongs to white magic - in this case, you can be absolutely calm about the possibility of negative return. Otherwise, if you do not find an alternative to white magic, prepare a ransom for the dark forces.
