Where to find strippers for work. Work in a striptease - is it so easy? What will people say? earnings

A hip bandage on her head, a blouse with a decollete that ideally balances on the border of the concepts of "moderate" and "deep", black office trousers, she looks about 25 years old. At first glance, this young blonde from a 35-year-old dancer in a nightclub has only a name - Natalie.
She devoted 19 years of her life to this cause and does not regret it at all. Thanks to her profession, Natalie lives a great life, she has a whole army of fans and regular trips abroad. She does not consider her work something shameful - on the contrary, she teaches people to art.

11.00 Home

“I have the same ordinary life as everyone else. I do laundry, cook, take out the trash and go to the supermarket. I have an ordinary human bed! Not a huge bed of love, made in the shape of a heart and in crimson colors, but an unremarkable bed from a well-known Swedish store. I recently bought an apartment with a mortgage. Unless I walk around the house in low heels and in a translucent dressing gown. My family and friends treat my profession without prejudice, they are even proud of me. In addition, my life is distinguished by the increased attention of men. In shops, in traffic jams, on the streets, I constantly become the object of attention of the opposite sex. It bothered my young man even more than my profession. At first, he was very jealous of his work, but then he realized that this makes no sense. I'm just dancing, it's art. I give people beauty and joy.”

12.00 Preparation

“My occupation requires constant work on myself, endless self-improvement. Striptease, no matter how strange it may sound, begins with breakfast, lunch and dinner. I want to say that a stripper with a tummy and sides is like deputies sitting in a pink bunny costume. Therefore, I follow a strict diet, go to the gym regularly, and just lead a healthy lifestyle. I think that the strip girl is really a creative profession. Before you go on stage, you need to work hard: create an image, draw a sketch of a costume, select music and put on a dance. That is, I have to act as a designer, sound engineer, choreographer and sometimes a seamstress. I don’t have a boss and a strict plan, I’m just a freelance artist who draws the way he wants.”

19.00 Preparation for the performance

During the night, I dance at least two clubs. Sometimes their number reaches five. Usually it happens like this: I arrive half an hour before the start of the show, change clothes, make up and go out to dance. I leave configured that I will give people beauty and pleasure. No obscene things that happen in strip bars. Looking at a sexy nurse, the queen of a fairy land or Marilyn Monroe is a social game on the verge of instincts and a sense of beauty.
It happens, of course, that I work very closely with the guest, something like a personal dance, but this is exclusively part of the show. I choose the lucky one only for security reasons - the most adequate and sober, so that without adventures.

20.00 Visitors

“As for strip bars, everything is clear there. Men rarely come there to enjoy female beauty. Rather, to assert themselves or satisfy some dark side of their desires. When men offer a girl to change into a police uniform, and then humiliate her in every possible way, what is this, if not the darkest side of desire? It was strip bars that became the source of a negative attitude towards the profession of a strip girl. Girls come here to work in different ways: some for money, some for self-esteem and for fun. In fact, our work has many advantages. For example, I make very good money - from 150 thousand a month. There is also an “exchange program” in striptease. We are invited to different countries, and this is a good opportunity to both earn money and see another country.”

Becoming a stripper is very easy - most clubs are constantly looking for new girls to attract clients. If you are interested in the benefits and types of this work, this article is for you.


Finding the right club

What do you need to get started

  1. Suitable wardrobe. You can learn how strippers dress by looking at catalogues, porn stories, themed sites. The main thing is to make sure that you can easily take off your clothes while standing in high heels. Below is a list of what you need:

    • High heels (at least 7cm)
    • Thong
    • Underwear or dance-appropriate costume
  2. Assess the situation objectively. Sit on the couch with a cup of coffee and think carefully about whether you really want this. Some women were turned away by their environment after it turned out that she was a stripper or that she had been one once upon a time. Will you be able to cope with the psychological consequences?

    • Moreover, do not expect mountains of money to fall on you. If you are good at what you do, you can earn up to 15,000 for a day shift or up to 30,000+ for a night shift (depending on location). However, if you do not know how to behave and sell your services, you can go home with nothing or even in debt.
    • Always remember that the competition is very high. Yes, in general, the work is built on appearance, but even girls with the appearance of a supermodel have a chance to go home in debt. What most novice strippers don't realize is that striptease is a job where you sell your time and attention by dancing for money. You can't just go out and play free on stage and get a decent pay.
  3. You will not have personal space. While working, you will be yelled at, touched and possibly violent towards you. You need to get used to the fact that you will be naked surrounded by strangers trying to grab you in all places. Sounds intimidating, but you'll get used to it with time.

    • Visitors will especially try to feel you in clubs where physical contact is allowed. There are also clubs where strippers cannot be touched and these rules are strictly observed. However, you should always be ready for this and should be able to stand up for yourself.
  4. You must have attractive forms. Roughly speaking, if you do not have an appetizing figure, you will not collect much money. This doesn't mean you have to be perfect. Nobody's perfect. However, it is worth starting to keep yourself in good shape - this will also give you more confidence on stage. Start eating right and exercising.

    • Strippers come in all shapes and sizes. As mentioned earlier, no matter how great you are, if you don't know how to sell yourself, you won't be able to make a career in this field. Keeping fit is just one of the many steps you need to go through to become competitive and successful in that field.

Sample preparation

On samples

  1. Choose a stage name. You don't want to ruin your reputation by using your real name, so choose a pseudonym for yourself. As well as 2-3 alternatives. It is likely that the name you have chosen is already taken. Do not choose hackneyed aliases like Angel, Diamond or Rose.

    • Choose a name with a touch of exoticism. For example, Gia, Amira or Aisha.
  2. Get yourself in order. For some auditions, all you have to do is bring your costume, walk into the club, and say you want to dance. As a last resort, you will be asked for documents to make sure you are at least 18 years old. Other clubs won't let you on stage until they make sure you look equally good in both casual and stage attire. Be able to teach yourself in any form!

    • If the manager says that the audition will take place not on the stage, but somewhere else - leave immediately! Most likely, they want to take you as a service of a sexual nature, or the manager is a pervert who wants to take advantage of you. Most clubs tryouts on secondary stages. Specify the details right away.
  3. Get started. You put on your sexy lingerie, your hair, makeup, manicures and pedicures are perfect. Now all you can do is feel the music, smile and enjoy the process. If they like you, great! When can you start? If you don't like it, don't take it to heart. After all, they don't even know your real name.

    • If you really want to work at this place, ask what you need to improve and when you can audition again. If they are not interested in you at all, look elsewhere!
  • Most visitors can immediately tell that you're new to striptease and men find that very attractive. They see in it innocence and sexuality at the same time.
  • If you have too many small bills, the club may let you go to the cashier and exchange them for larger denominations.
  • To avoid shaving irritation, pat the area and apply an unscented antiperspirant.
  • Different clubs may have common rules: topless for the second song, bare bottom for the third. However, unless you work for some second-rate club, this rule usually does not apply. Work at your comfort level.
  • Be persistent! Don't ask the client if he wants a private dance, make him want to go to the VIP room himself. And even if the answer is “later” or “not now,” don’t give up. Smile, say you'll be back and leave. Come again during the evening.
  • Earn the respect of your colleagues and visitors. Don't dress too lewd (stay on sexy, but if you want lewd, make it look exotic) and don't take off your clothes too quickly. If customers understand that you are ready for anything for 100 rubles, at the end of the evening you will score less than 1000.
  • Don't wear glitter or spray perfume. They remain on the visitor's clothes, and will not allow him to hide his visit to the strip club.
  • You must have a bandage to keep the money. You can wear it on your leg and visitors can put money in it. After leaving the stage, fold the money in half and wrap with a rubber band. Set the rubble aside.
  • During the calculation of revenue, do not brag or show anyone the money. Always keep money with you at work. Don't bring large sums of money with you in case you don't earn anything in the evening.
  • Find something, anything attractive in each visitor and concentrate on it. In this case, you do not have to look unnatural.
  • Move slowly on stage at first until you feel confident.
  • Smile as you dance, put your hand on your other arm and shoulder, and make eye contact. Draw attention to your chest, speak passionately. Lap dancing depends on the rules of the club and your own mood.
  • You can write off the cost of shoes and underwear to the establishment. Keep all receipts! However, if you work informally, this option is not for you.
  • If you don't get paid by the club, then the client is paying you to undress. Remember, they are not trying to recoup the tip, they are trying to buy your body. If you're wearing a dress, start taking it off and get more naked as you tip more.
  • Make sure you epilate all areas.
  • The most important part of the process is not your movements, although they help, but your ability to sell yourself. You are here to entertain. Treat your customers as the nicest, smartest, most interesting people. But if after two songs you have not received the money, leave. Time is money.
  • Shy visitors can find it hard to get out of their shell, try to buy 2 shots of alcohol for the two of you to break the ice and make a connection. This way you can find regular customers.
  • Define your clients. Learn to identify who is here for their lust and who is here to chuckle.
  • Spend a lot of time on your nails and appearance. Make sure that the nail polish on your feet and hands matches, and the shape of the nails is in order.


  • Never accept a client's offer to dance a private dance at their home. This is really dangerous and can lead to serious consequences.
  • It is likely that this is already a rule of your club, but nevertheless, always charge for the VIP dance in advance.
  • Don't get drunk at work. Yes. This will help you relax, but if something goes wrong backstage or on stage, you won't be able to defend yourself or keep yourself safe. Make sure you drink in moderation, or better yet, don't drink at all. This is work, not a party. If someone offers to buy you a drink, order lemonade. Even one drink can be dangerous.
  • Always disinfect the pole before performing - you don't know what your colleagues were doing.
  • Don't be afraid to leave the VIP room if a client starts acting cheeky or touches you.
  • Hand gel and baby wipes are your best friends. Use them after a performance, going to the bathroom, or after a private dance. Use wet wipes instead of toilet paper.
  • Do not offer a private dance to someone in the front row if someone is performing on stage. Thus, you can deprive another dancer of a tip, which is very dangerous.
  • Learn the role of the bouncer, especially if he is not in your club. If possible, try not to work in such places. Tell the rude customer to be respectful or to clean up. If they don't pay, you can say: if you can stare, then you can pay. If a visitor touches you, push him away.
  • Never agree to go beyond the established rules. If you don't make decent money dancing, look for another club.
  • Never use baby oil or lotion before a performance. You can slip and fall on stage, causing serious injury.
  • When returning to the car, hold the keys in your fist, sticking out the longest key. If you have pointed heeled shoes, keep them in your hands.
  • Don't give your phone number or real name to clients or colleagues. They can tell the number to the customer. It is not safe. Or get a separate, “working” number.
  • If you're taking a taxi home, send a friend or manager the name of the organization, driver's name, and car number. Do everything casually, but for the driver to see. Usually drivers are understanding about this.
  • Follow the rules of the dance and you will be welcome in many clubs.
  • Some clubs may assign you to play at another club in their chain. Learn more about this club before playing.
  • Many clubs use black light bulbs. In this light, traces of antiperspirant are noticeable.

This text, almost unchanged, was sent to me by a reader of my blog. It fits best in the Q&A section, so read on...

We make $1000 a night and live in luxury

Yes and no. In general, this is not true. It's 2014, and as far as I remember, the world has not yet recovered from the global crisis. Spending money on strippers is a waste of money, and it's not a bill you have to pay. Dancers have been working much longer and returning to work more often than ten years ago. Probably, on average, strippers earn $150-$400 per night, but there are no exact statistics. Of course, there are nights when we earn well, a lot, but this happens very rarely. You also need to take into account those cases when a dancer works out the entire shift, and leaves with 1000 small bills or nothing. We will return to this. This happens quite often.

We didn't go to school and we don't have college degrees because strippers are STUPID

“Do you have a diploma? Where did you study? - the client smiles smugly. Well, actually, how can strippers go to school, much less get a degree. If they actually had a degree, would they be doing this? Wouldn't they consider themselves "too smart" for the job? (I hear this quite often). Sometimes, just accidentally uttering a word of scientific jargon, you risk that your customers' jaw will fall off. Strippers are supposed to be eccentric brainless beauties, but in fact, this is far from being the case.

We are drug/alcoholic

In my 17 years in the industry, I have never seen strippers indulge in drugs more than the average person. Of course, there are strippers on the needle, but they do not stay long in the club, they are either fired or they disappear somewhere. There are also such “home girls” in the club (they work as nurses in the club), as a rule, they leave drunk every night. Strippers are unlikely to allow themselves to drink too much, as they need to control the situation, otherwise they will not earn the money that they planned.

We are heterosexual nymphomaniacs

Yes of course.

We all suffer from the "Electra complex"

The Electra complex is a phenomenon akin to the Oedipus complex. But it shows up in girls. The complex consists in the unconscious attraction of girls, like the daughter of Agamemnon Electra (after whom the complex is named), to their own father and rivalry with their mother for his attention.

Why is everything about strippers so opinion. Personally, I have a very trusting relationship with my father. He was by my side when I was growing up. Maybe some dancers really suffer from this, but…

I want to quote my mother, with whom I am very close. She once said, "No one gets out of this life unscathed." I do not believe that girls become strippers because of attraction to their father and rivalry with their mother, just as I do not believe in widespread alcoholism and drug addiction.

We've all suffered from sexual abuse

Here are some interesting facts about the life of a woman, regardless of profession:

One in three girls suffer from sexual harassment in everyday life
- 1 in 4 were sexually assaulted before the age of 18
- one in six was a victim of rape

Thus, many women have been or are being sexually abused, regardless of the profession. Does this happen more often with strippers? We do not know, there is no official data on this matter.

As a rule, we are "impure"

Do you even know how clean strippers are? You can’t even imagine how much time we spend on self-care: plucking hairs, waxing, washing, shaving, creams, treating those places on the body that the average girl does not even worry about. We often hear the comparison "as clean as a stripper's vagina." We are very clean. Why? Yes, because we are sellers, and we sell our own bodies. We cannot neglect hygiene. Think with your head, the one on your shoulders.

If a girl decided to become a stripper, she chose the easy way for herself.

Easy way? Is it easy to go on stage in a room full of people, then take off your clothes and still look confident, sexy and dance beautifully? Would you do that? And this is just the beginning. What about weird-smelling men who keep telling bad jokes? Sometimes clients can afford to say a lot of hurtful things about your body, face, appearance. Easily? No. Especially endure the condemnation or ridicule of family members and friends, sometimes this happens. Yes, very easy.

We hate our work and our life

Some yes, most no. In my opinion, here we are no different from people in other professions, for example, a person who has worked in a factory all his life.

We can't do anything else, this is the only thing we can do

I don't have children, but I have a law degree. In fact, there was no terrible life circumstances in my life that would have forced me to become a stripper. I do it because I love it, like most dancers, I love it because it gives me freedom and money. With this kind of work, I can pay for almost all my needs, and they, believe me, are more than most of the readers. But at the same time, I save money for the future. This is my choice and I like it. A lot of girls who have kids do this to be able to spend more time during the day with their kids and still make sure their kids have everything they need. I don't see anything wrong with that, and if you think otherwise, I'd like to know why.

We can't have a permanent romantic relationship

As soon as your soul mate understands that striptease is just a job, everything will fall into place. I know many married strippers.

We all sell something "extra"

Maybe some do, but not me. Some actually do it, but there are few of them, at least among those I know. Although we are actually selling the body, we are selling it as a whole, not in pieces to satisfy primitive needs. A stripper is not a prostitute, so stop asking stupid questions. No, I won't go to your room.

We can all pole dance and we make money on stage

There are "stage" clubs and "dance" clubs. Some don't even have poles. In most of the clubs where I worked, they earn money by dancing.

Everything we earn goes to us

This hurts me the most. Did you know that strippers pay to dance? When applying for a job, a stripper signs a contract where she "leases the space of the club." We pay for every night we dance. It came to us from America, where it is a standard scheme. There are other people in these establishments who need to be paid: DJs, managers, assistants. Some even pay taxes. In general, a stripper receives only 60-70% of all earnings.

We only make money on rich daddy's sons

No. Every week, a normal-looking manager comes to our club to see how I dance. We have been communicating with him for a long time as friends, although I am afraid that soon we will cross this line of friendship. He humpbacks all week, earns money, and on weekends he comes to me. And yes, I like him, but I can't stand daddy's sons.

Being a stripper is a humiliation

The last time I felt humiliated was when I worked in retail. There I received a salary that was impossible to live on. Now in one night I can do as much as I used to earn in a month. Humiliation is if the client drank all night, fell asleep at the table, woke up and saw a huge check, which he must report to his wife. This is truly humiliating.

Strippers have no morals

If you think that strippers have no morals and the only thing they want is to find a goldmine, something is more wrong with you than with me. I don't remember that when I signed a contract, I sold my soul to the devil. I am an ordinary girl, I love my family and my friends.

And enough prejudice...

Copyright Muz4in.Net

Whether you're starting your career in striptease or you just want to dress up in sexy clothes, there are a lot of factors to consider. Fortunately, the fairly simple recommendations of this article will help you with this. Don't forget that not all strippers and strippers look the same, so you always have the option to bring your own style to this look.


Preparing for a female striptease

    Pick the right shoes. It is very important that these are shoes with heels at least 7 cm high, and even better - about 15. Against their background, your legs and stomach will look most attractive. If you're really getting ready to strip, look for shoes with a one-piece plastic heel sole, as these will be the most durable and strong. It is also a good idea to put non-slip pads in your shoes.

    • Don't try to overcome yourself all at once. If you are not used to walking in heels, try gradually getting used to higher and higher heels, rather than trying to immediately dress up in shoes with 15 cm heels.
    • Use a hair dryer to shape your feet into plastic shoes. Soften the plastic with hot air and put on the shoes when they are flexible enough but not too hot. With your hands, gently help the shoes sit on your foot and let them cool.
    • Try to use shoes with the most comfortable heels you can find. High-heeled shoes may not be the most comfortable shoes in the world, but your feet will thank you if you remember their comfort when making a purchase.
  1. Wear suitable underwear. Many strippers purchase underwear specially designed for this purpose instead of regular panties or separate swimsuits for performances. If you are going to dress up as a stripper just for fun or for a fashion show, then regular thongs are fine for you.

    • Neon colors and lace are good choices.
    • Strippers do not always choose thongs for themselves, and in some cases (depending on the country of your location and even region) there are requirements for professional dancers to cover a certain percentage of the body. However, no one will tell you anything if you are just going to have fun.
    • Special underwear for strip dancing is more durable and flexible than regular underwear and swimwear. It can always be ordered through online stores.
    • Bring your sense of taste to the rescue and put on lingerie that makes you feel sexy!
  2. Dress up in the right clothes. In this case, you have a huge scope for choice, but, as always, it is important here to choose something that makes you feel hot. However, a number of other factors should also be taken into account.

    Choose the right accessories. Professional strippers don't usually use costume jewelry, as it clings to clothing and is distracting while dancing. However, there are some accessories to think about.

    Apply appropriate makeup. Of course, there is no uniform makeup that strippers put on themselves, the most important thing is just to stick to the style that you think makes you sexy. If you want to improve your makeup skills, there are thousands of tutorial videos on the subject. If you can already consider yourself a professional in this matter, then you can think of the following simple makeup ideas:

    Invest in clothes that can be easily torn off. This is one of the defining qualities of special clothing for male striptease. Although it is possible to purchase ready-made clothes of this type, you should know that any ordinary clothes can also be altered accordingly. Buy things 3-4 sizes larger than yours, open the outer seams and install Velcro fasteners there. If you have the skills to work with a needle and thread, then you can do all the work yourself, otherwise you will be happy to help in the studio.

    Think twice about body hair. Some male strippers cultivate the image of a man with facial and body hair, but most prefer to show off smooth skin. So consider shaving your facial stubble and waxing your chest hair.

    Consider makeup. Not all strippers wear makeup, but if you're performing in a club, stage lights can blur your features. In this case, the face can be made a little more expressive with a little makeup. Proper makeup will emphasize facial features and at the same time will not be clearly evident.

    • If you cultivate stubble on your face, use an eyebrow pencil to give it a more defined outline.
    • Apply a neutral foundation under the cheekbones to make them expressive.
    • Line your lips with a neutral foundation. You may also want to use a lip balm to keep them from drying out.
    • If you line your eyes with brown eyeliner, your lashes will appear thicker. But do not bring the lines to the corners of the eyes: if they close, the makeup will become too obvious.
    • Lightly spray your body with glitter to draw attention to your muscles.

Caring for personal hygiene

  1. Shave with oil. This will avoid the formation of red bumps and make your skin moisturized. Coconut oil works especially well, and it also smells good. If the oil has set, rub it in your hands to melt it before applying it to your feet.

    Wash your face well. Washing is an important part of your regular hygiene routine, which helps to avoid acne and oily skin. It is especially important to wash your face properly if you have to apply stage make-up.

    Pick a good scent. Your presence should beckon and intoxicate those around you. People should strive to be near you. And that means you just need a good scent.

You've been striptease for three years. And what happened before that?

When I was a student, I accidentally started doing go-go work. And then she worked for two and a half years in one of the nightclubs in Perm. I worked three days a week and received 16,000 - 20,000 rubles a month, at that time unrealistic money for me. At the same time, she studied to be an accountant-economist. But for me it is a dark forest, I have not worked in my specialty for a single day. You just had to get a higher education, no matter where.

And why did you decide to go from go-go to striptease?

In my city, I would never go to work in a striptease in my life. Go-go for me was already the limit. In Perm, all striptease clubs offer additional services, that is, with intimacy. Maybe now something has changed, but before there was not one without sex.

And you decided to move to Moscow?

One fine night, I loaded things into the car and with 4000 rubles. went to the capital in my pocket. I went to Moscow not to dance a striptease, but to study as a make-up artist. Here I had no friends, no acquaintances, no work. Where I just didn’t turn over for the first time - in some apartments where mothers, children, cats and dogs lived. And they took me somewhere in the corner. Then the main goal was to somehow survive, find housing, earn money. And make-up artists at first earn little. So I had to go to work.

I worked as a night shift administrator at a car wash, where I had five workers who spoke Russian poorly, at the reception in a shopping center, and as a cashier in a store. Still bombed the first year and a half. And once I drove a decent-looking man to the airport. It was he who asked me why I did not go to the striptease. But in Moscow I didn’t even have such an idea. I went to a bunch of go-go castings, but with my Perm costumes, I looked like an ugly duckling. And what is a pole and what to do with it, I did not even know. According to Perm's experience, she immediately remembered sex services.

In general, my fellow traveler told me about the Show Girls club. I thought for six months, and then went to the casting. I saw a rehearsal of the show program, and I was shaking right away - I wanted so much. And they took me to the show ballet. I ended up working there for two and a half years, and then Show Girls closed. My girlfriend went to Virgins and called me here.

Did you immediately agree?

The first two weeks I sat at home and thought, and then I came. At Virgins, the rules were even stricter, especially with regard to intimacy. This is such a puritanical club among the stripteases of Moscow, just an institute for noble maidens (laughs). Many men at first do not believe that we only have a striptease and nothing more, they try to swindle you into something. But in fact, we don’t have trips here, you can’t buy a girl and take her away in the middle of the night. At Virgins, we even have a very detailed definition of sex. It starts with the pants down. The girl must control the guest's hands, his behavior and his fly. There are, of course, such cases when in a room with a Jacuzzi you turn away to check the water, turn around, and that's it - a naked person is standing. And then only persuasion: "Kitty, get dressed."

Do you get fined if you don't control something?

In Virgins, there are no fines at all, surprisingly. Although in many clubs fined for everything.

Is an evening at a strip club expensive?

We have a range of prices. Plus, the color differentiation of bracelets for girls. White - for newcomers, red - you are a party girl and you don’t even undress on stage, blue - these are experienced dancers, and most of them are among girls. For all these categories, a private dance costs 1,500 rubles. Then it goes up. The last level is black bracelets, like the black pearls of our club. There are only three of them in Virgins, and I am among them. We have a private dance - 3000 rubles. The most expensive service is the "foamy jacuzzi" - for 15 minutes the guest pays 9,000 rubles.

Wondering what to do after a striptease?

We are like ballet dancers: 30 years old - and that's it. I am 27 years old, and I already feel like an old woman (laughs). I know that the transition to normal life is difficult. Some leave, and then come back, because the regime is wrong, there is less freedom, but simply there is not enough money. But I already have my own small business: a pizzeria with equipment that I own and part of which we now rent. The income is small, of course, but there is a reserve for the future.

What is the highest tip you've been given?

By the way, this happened recently. Near€ 1000. And the tip record was at Show Girls. One guest just littered with money. I could give about 100,000 at a time.

Is it true that in your profession it is really possible to earn an apartment?

Absolutely real! I know stories when they earned money for several apartments.

Can you identify any types of clients?

We don't have clients, we have guests. Although it seems to me that, on the one hand, this subconsciously suggests a certain freebie. A person has come to visit and is waiting to be treated. I, perhaps, can characterize some guests as heavy. They are hard to part with money or difficult in nature. In general, we must find an approach to anyone and be good psychologists.

Is there some slang for strippers?

From my point of view, the slang is quite poor. There are no words that the guest will not understand. But there is such a community - striptokers. They go to the clubs like experts, and then leave their feedback on the forum. So they call dancers strippers: good strip, bad strip. Does this definition offend me? No, the main thing is that the guest would come and have a good walk.

In general, it is more disparaging to call a girl a stripper. We are striptease dancers. In our club, girls are generally called artists. I'm definitely an artist at heart!

Mei - where does such a pseudonym come from?

I have it with Show Girls. At first I was Elena the Beautiful. But then the club decided to switch to simpler pseudonyms, posted a list of possible names on the wall. And I saw the shortest and simplest - Mei. Not some Virginia or Anabelle. Some ask: "May be?" And it's easy to answer: "May, may!"
