Slavic magic. Secrets of the most ancient strong Slavic conspiracies

Slavic magic was an integral part of the Vedic Traditions of our ancestors. Witchcraft of the Slavs is based on the intervention of the Gods, spirits and forces of Nature in human life, and the ability to control these forces.

It is safe to say that the Slavs for many centuries used witchcraft to achieve their own goals. Our ancestors used a wide variety of magical means: from love spells and lapels, to conspiracies for good luck in trade and battles.


Slavic witchcraft is presented by the Judeo-Christian church as something dark, evil, sinful. But all these prejudices were created artificially in order to defame Vedicism and show the ancient beliefs in a negative light. In fact, in the Slavic magical tradition, there are only positive rites and conspiracies.

It is important to remember that most of the rituals are based on the invocation of one's own Ancestors. Hence the question: how can our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers be evil? But it is to them that Slavic sorcerers often turn for help.

In fact, the magic of the Slavs is witchcraft aimed at creation, to help in life, to cure diseases, to get rid of negative energy. Do not listen to those who accuse the Vedic Slavs of all mortal sins, because for many centuries the sorcerers and sorcerers were revered far beyond the borders of the Slavic lands as excellent healers who can protect from the most terrible ailments.

Of course, where there is light magic, there will always be a place for black witchcraft, or dark witchcraft, as our ancestors called it. This magic is based on working with dark forces, the gods of the underworld (Marena, Chernobog and others).

AT Slavic countries all harmful rituals and conspiracies are usually called corruption, of which there are a great many. Some sources say that the damage itself appeared in order to protect their own lands from foreign invaders, and only then did the dark sorcerers begin to use this remedy against their own enemies, tribesmen and simply objectionable people.

It is worth highlighting separately the fact that there are no, and cannot be, evil or good Gods in Vedicism, they all perform their own functions, all of them are necessary for life in various worlds. From this we can conclude that all Slavic magic is positive, black witchcraft does not exist, there are simply evil people who are ready to use their own strengths and knowledge to harm others.

The basis of the magic of the ancient Slavs is usually called seasonal and festive witchcraft rites. In the process of conducting such rituals, not only the performer - the sorcerer, but also all the inhabitants of the tribe or community participated. Each community had its own sacred places where people gathered to conduct magical mysteries.

The entire population of the tribe gathered together to convey certain information to the Gods or spirits, ask for protection, make sacrifices, etc. The sorcerer acted only as a conductor between the inhabitants of the earth and the inhabitants of the higher spheres. Mandatory elements of the rituals, in which many people participated, were dances, songs, round dances and other actions.

Based on all that has been said, we can say that people using Slavic magic live inseparably from the worlds and laws of Rule and Navi, they use the power of spirits and the energy of their own ancestors, live according to the laws of the universe and nature. The Vedic Slav knows what all three worlds are like, knows what awaits him in these worlds, and therefore is not afraid of anything on this earth - neither death nor life.


Slavic magic was not limited to the power of the Magi and festive rituals. All of the above applies exclusively to strong rites, the effect of which was to be directed to all members of the community. But individual people could use and used special conspiracies and spells aimed at helping in Everyday life. Every woman and every man knew special whispers that could help in various situations.


This is a simple spell that will suit you if you want to protect your entire family from disease and negative magical energy. Conspiracy words:

“Perun, listen to you calling You, be Glorious and Trislaven. Send bread, health and Family to all my children (children's names), show Your power, the power of Thunder, the power of Dazhdyu. Rule over everything, Perun, help everyone from my glorious kind, an ancient kind. From now until the end of centuries, from circle to circle. So it was, so it is, and so it will be.”


The words of this conspiracy are addressed to the Goddess Makosh, who controls the fate of a person and patronizes crafts. Speak words on fire:

“Mother, Makosh, empress, heavenly mother, Mother of God. You are a woman in labor, you are a mother, you are Svarog's sister. Come to me (name), Goddess to the rescue. Grant good luck to my house, grant protection to my children, health to my children (names), happiness to all small and great. From now on and forever and ever, from circle to circle. So it was, so it is, and so it will be. Exactly".


This is a very strong conspiracy that will help you arrange your personal life. Conspiracy words:

“On the eastern side, in the distant land, in the deep sea-ocean, the island lies wide. On the island on that there is an oak deck, and Fear-Rah sits on it. I will bow to Fear-Rahu, I will pray to him. Help me, Fear-Rah, you create seventy-seven strong winds, seventy-seven whirlwinds. Gather the noon winds, the midnight winds, the dry winds, that the forests dried up, that the dark forests crumbled, that green grasses and fast rivers dried up. Let them also dry the child of God (name of the beloved). Let him dry for me, miss me, think about me and never forget. From this day and forever and ever. So it was, so it is, and so it will always be.”


This magic spell will help you get rid of various physical and spiritual diseases and disorders. For this ceremony, you will need pure spring water. Draw water into a vessel, bring it to your lips and whisper the words of the conspiracy:

“Pain and sickness, you are from someone else's box, where you came from, and left there. Who sent you, sickness to the child of God (name), he himself missed you. I (name), conjure you, send you back. You fly over the blue rivers, over the high mountains, to where no one's conspiracies will find you. Return, ailment, to your master, who sent you, who did not yet know grief. With him, illness, stay forever, but never come back here. May it be so"

The patient should drink the charmed water three times a day for a third of a small glass. In no case do not take boiled or stagnant water for this ritual, as this can lead to negative consequences.

Praise our bright Sun!

I glorify our Motherland!

I glorify the bright Day and the dark Night - the Great Rotation!

I praise the Native Gods, the Heavenly Family and our Ancestors!

I glorify the Earthly Clan and all relatives who live in Truth!

I glorify the World, the Single Source, which laid the foundation for everything!

I glorify our Native Faith - Generic Knowledge!

I glorify the Custom of the Ancestors - to live according to Conscience and in harmony with Nature!

I praise the Wisdom, Strength and Health of our Family!

Slavic Gods symbolize your ancient Slavic ancestors. We Slavs are direct descendants of our Slavic gods. Although slavic gods they are not omnipotent, they help their descendants in any way they can - sometimes with some kind of happening events, sometimes with good advice that comes to your mind.

The Slavic Gods always rejoice when everything goes well for you, their descendant. For the success of their help to you, you must not forget your Gods and thereby force them to sadly and disgustedly turn away from you, from their miserable unworthy descendant.

Our great Gods will live without us - nothing has power over them, but we, the Slavs, without our primordial Gods, without the memory of them, without their proper reverence, will never become a worthy united people living in joy and power among other peoples planets. The trampling and oblivion of our primordial Slavic Gods is convenient only for those who want to divide our people and reign supreme over them. Therefore, the god of a foreign people was bloodily implanted in Russia precisely by the enslavers of the Eastern Slavs - foreigners (this began the thousand-year slavery of the Slavs in their own ancestral land to all foreign foreign-speaking masters who came to Russia).

You can turn to the Slavic Gods - praise them or ask for something - in any form - either verbally, or with some solemn actions, or mentally without words. The main thing is to remember your Gods (about your glorious ancient ancestors) and treat them kindly, with sincere reverence (if there weren't them, there wouldn't be you either).

There should be no slavish worship in the veneration of the Slavic Gods - these are your great ancient ancestors who once became Gods, and they need your achievements, joys and victories, your desire for strength and perfection, your proud independence, in which they can be next to you on equal, shoulder to shoulder.
Be always worthy of your Slavic Gods, worthily continue and multiply your Slavic race - and then your unity with the Gods will become a great invincible force.

Slavic Gods live next to us - in the nature around us, in our homes, in our thoughts and feelings. They can constantly transform into images of disembodied spirits, and into mythical creatures, into real living beings - for example, into birds, butterflies, into various animals, into plants ...

Our Gods carefully observe our life - the life of their distant descendants - rejoice at our successes, grieve over the stupid things we do, try to save us from troubles, give good reasonable thoughts, signs or various phenomena warn us of danger. Yes, only few Russians listen to them now ...

In order to correctly understand the signs of the Slavic Gods given to you, you must be attentive to the environment and to your feelings, not to let your soul go blind, to fall into insensible stupefaction. To communicate with our great Slavic Gods, you always need a clear, uncomplicated mind, attention and sharpness of feelings.

Imagine yourself observing the life of your distant descendants, to whom you can communicate something important and necessary only with the help of various signs and hints - and you will understand everything.

You must always remember your primordial Gods, treat them with kind respect, listen carefully and use their advice, warnings and tips.

To honor the Slavic Gods, you can make a small sanctuary in your home, for example, on a table, placing on it images of your Gods, various objects and decorations that you consider sacred. Or you can make a sanctuary near your home or somewhere in nature - in a forest, in a field, on the banks of a river or lake. The main thing here is that the Gods of this sanctuary should always be with you, in your soul, in your memory.

You can create a sanctuary of your Gods, incomprehensible to strangers - for example, to consider some grove or part of the coast, or a stone as sacred to yourself, while not designating them with images of your Gods. One should sometimes visit such a sacred place, spend their holidays there, or just sit in thought, turning to the Gods for advice and support. And our Slavic Gods will always help those who remember them, love and sincerely revere them as their great ancestors.

Unlike the money-hungry Jewish god, the Slavic gods don't need your money or any hunger strikes. The great Slavic gods do not need their descendants to be hungry at all. On the contrary, their descendants must be well-fed and full of energy in order to always have the strength to maintain their independence, for achievements and for the healthy extension and multiplication of the Slavic family. Fasting-hunger strikes were brought with him by the god of an alien cunning people, dragged to Russia by foreign enslavers, so that the enslaved people would have more funds to pay taxes to the authorities and priests.

Our great Slavic gods need only your good memory of them, your proud desire to be always and in everything worthy of them. Therefore, never let anyone trample on your honor and never be anyone's slave. If you can be like that, then you will understand the all-conquering power of unity with your primordial Slavic Gods.
Give joy and strength to your Gods with your achievements - and then your Slavic Gods will stand next to you and give you their Divine power.

Source -

Witchcraft, sorcery, sorcery - the ability of some people to cause harm or get rid of it through magical rites, as a rule, without the use of physical influence, were an integral part of the life of the Slavs. Old handwritten books called the Black Book - the Magician, the Enchantress, the Thinker, the Carol, the Wayfarer (a book about the meaning of meetings), Voronogray (the meaning of the flight of birds), Six-winged, etc., contained information about this, were inherited, or from the Teacher to the Student.

The Slavs, like all other religions, practiced White and Black Magic. Magic was considered a sacred science among the ancient civilized and educated peoples, inseparable from religion. Both Magics are still practiced today, but if previously they were of a natural nature, now they are much more hidden. Magic is the science of communication with the divine, supermundane Forces and their control, as well as power over the forces of the lower spheres, practical knowledge of the innermost secrets of nature, for it is difficult to comprehend them without sinning against it. White Magic or Natural Magic contains a constructive principle in relation to any living object, i.e. creation, without harming anyone.

The prominent representatives of White Magic in Russia were:

DOKA - the Russian name for a person, a healer who can dissuade, i.e. to avert all sorcery and corruption, but he himself cannot or does not want to perform any sorcery. Derived from the meaning "master of his craft".

Magi - Slavic magicians. A synonym for the Magi is the concept of the Wizard, in the literal sense of the word - fortune telling by the water poured into the sacred bowl (chara), equipped with signs of 12 months. Sorcery, i.e. sorcery is an appeal to water (moisture, volog), which was practiced by the Magi - cloud-catchers, i.e., Priests who control rain-bearing clouds, conjuring with water in a sacred charm. Known circular charms, designed for a hundred participants in the feast.

WITCH - from the Slavic "know". Witches were originally called "wise women" - until the day when the church decided to follow the law of Moses, which put every witch or sorceress to death. According to late Christian mythology, women who entered into an alliance with the Devil (or other evil spirits) began to be called witches in order to acquire supernatural abilities.

Exists a large number of divination methods, i.e. predicting the future, determining the present, the past, as well as other methods of using Magic:

VOSKOLEYSTVO - divination procedure using wax. The magician melts the wax, tunes in to the face or name he is guessing at, pours the melted wax into the water and, considering the poured out figure, makes predictions based on the associations and similarities of the resulting form.

KLIDOMANTIY (Kleydomancy) - a method of divination in which the key is hung on a thread several inches long, wrapped around the finger so that the key can spin, swing or remain motionless. The behavior of the key determines the answers to questions asked to oneself or aloud.

CLEROMANTIA - fortune-telling based on throwing lots in the form of pebbles, beans and other objects of various shapes or colors, or marked with any icons. Alternatively, sheets of paper with signs printed on them are used. Variants of their location decided matters and were named by lot.

KOB - a kind of ancient Slavic fortune-telling about fate, associated with certain ritual dances or body movements (koben - make mannered movements).

SPELL (OPRIKOS, SPELL) - an oral special text, of a formulaic nature, to which magical power is attributed, capable of causing the desired state. Sometimes they are written. It has a positive character, designed to cure a person, ensure his success, protect him from external encroachments. There are healing Conspiracies (from Fever, Evil Eye, from toothache, from a snake bite, etc.), economic (associated with cattle breeding, agriculture), love (drying and drying), fishing (shepherd, beekeeping, hunting, etc. .), situational (when burying and searching for treasure, when setting off on a journey, etc.).

Blasphemy (KOSCHUNIT) - from the Slavic "blasphemy" - a myth. Tell, tell, conjure. Hence - koshchyun speak - tell myths, a koshchyunnik is a magician, a narrator is a koshchyun. The image of the fabulous Koshchei the Immortal points to the mythological archaic "blasphemer" and to the connection with the essence of the "koshchei", otherworldly kingdom. christian religion for the introduction of pagan mythology into the consciousness of the people, it forbade the saying of Slavic legends, myths and fairy tales. Therefore, during the formation of Christianity in Russia, the term "blasphemy" began to be understood as a desecration of the Christian shrine.

In ancient times, Magic was not at first evil, but then from it, through perversions, Black Magic arose, i.e. - the desire of the Sorcerer for occult power, which leads him to the most dangerous type of Magic, in the name of fulfilling personal desires, i.e. - selfishness. The process is carried out with the help of a demonic Spirit that serves the Magician during his earthly life, and after his death, the Magician becomes the servant of this Spirit. For this reason, the Magus goes to all unthinkable measures in order to prolong his own physical life, since there will be nothing for him beyond the grave. Man exchanges his eternal life for temporal power, and in the course of the ages a mysterious process has been devised which enables the Magician to make such an exchange. In its various branches, Black Magic includes almost all forms of ceremonial Magic, witchcraft, sorcery, vampirism, necromancy - the art of summoning the spirit of the dead. There are several known tools for the work of Black Sorcerers, Mages, Witches:

DAMAGE is the intentional introduction of control information into the human body, with the aim of disrupting its functioning, up to the death of the body. Corruption is one of the most common methods of Black Magic in everyday life. Focused mainly on the unenlightened person in this subject.

EVIL EYE (PRIKOS, PRIZOR, OZYK) - the Slavic name for the phenomenon of unintentional introduction of destructive information into the body in a parapsychological way, leading to a state of psychological discomfort and (or) illness. The evil eye refers to information infections that have a biofield nature. Most often, the Evil Eye arises as a result of feelings of envy and other selfish desires.

INVOLTATION - a spell, incantation, the acquisition, with the help of magical actions, of a certain power over the astrosome and the physical body of a person. The invoking procedure is as follows:

1. Establishing a connection with the intended victim, which usually uses an object or body part previously owned by the victim.
2. Creation of a small figurine, doll - Volta, to which the extracted items are attached.
3. Causing damage to Volt and cursing the object of the victim, directing all the forces of his hatred towards her.
In this case, two processes can take place:
1. The sorcerer, by the power of his will, exteriorizes the astral fluid of his victim and, having saturated some object with this fluid, acts on the latter, and the influence on the astral fluid of a given person is reflected in his human body.
2. The sorcerer emits astral rays infected with malice and generates the Larva of hatred, which attack the astros of the intended victim.

ENVOLTATION - the influence of one person on the astral body of another, usually used by Sorcerers with the aim of causing the death of their chosen victim. The charmed person died from an unreasonable weakening, or from an accident. Envoltation over the blood of a person whose death they wish to cause has a special power.

POKLAD - Slavic instrument of Black Magic. Specially spoken objects that are thrown into the house or buried next to it. Any thing can serve as a load, sometimes as if accidentally dropped. If an inexperienced person took it, and even managed to somehow use it, it threatened him with misfortune, up to death, or his loved ones.

CURLS - Russian tool of Black Magic, which Sorcerers create in the field. These are intertwined ears of corn, broken, oddly connected bunches of grain. If such Curls were not noticed, and squeezed, threshed, she fell into the bread, and the people who ate it could no longer be helped. To get rid of the Corruption sent by the Curls, it was possible to get rid of with the help of an experienced Sorcerer, as well as from any other Poklad.

SPUN - Russian tool of Black Magic. Bizarrely (in the form of a funeral wreath, ring, etc.) twisted feathers, threads, tow, placed in featherbeds, pillows, clothes. Spelled twists in a special way, with a long stay next to a person, caused various diseases up to death.

CURSE - a group of methods of Black Magic that forms a negative impact on someone, something.

BLACK POST - one of the methods of ceremonial Black Magic to induce a negative impact on someone. It consists in refusing at the time corresponding to the meal of the product that the Magician considers a delicacy for himself (or this is imagined), in favor of a piece of simple food and a glass of water and, perhaps, a vitamin pill, if only the soul is kept in the body. Fasting begins and ends inside a circle drawn by oneself, with a counter-clockwise circle, and an expression of your intention in the form of a curse: "(Name of the victim) Damn you!". The process lasts two weeks - it starts with the new moon and immediately after it and ends by the new moon.

CANDLE OF WITCH - a method of Black Magic. Either the Black Candle is used - for the ritual of casting spells and suppression, or the Red Candle - for sending punishment and torment.

LIGATURE - the magical sending of spells, usually performed by means of a magic cord or chain. A variation of the Ligature is the witch's cord, with which the Sorcerer ties himself up. This is done for two reasons:

1. Many Witches believe that by restricting the movement of the limbs and preventing the passage of the senses, one can release the innate witchcraft energy and let it wander outside one's body either in an invisible form, liberated from the body as a clairvoyant astral body, or in the form of a semi-visible, semi-material ghost. To limit the senses, a mask is put on.

2. Using a Ligature for a "confusing spell". During the casting of the Spell, the Sorcerer (Witch) ties knots in a certain way, on a specially prepared cord, after which he buries it somewhere in the ground, accompanying this action with another spell. To remove such a Spell, all actions are performed in reverse order. Here Ligature is a milder method of punishment compared to Envolting on an object.

SPELL (PRIVOROZHBA) - Russian method of Natural Magic, aimed at creating an irresistible attraction of one particular person to another (coding of feelings). Since it has the selfish thoughts of a person asking the Sorcerer for a Love spell, it has a shade of Black Magic.

BLACK CONSPIRACY - a text of a formulaic nature, of a negative nature, called upon to insidious message, causing damage to another person, causing illness in him, sending damage.

BLOOD CONSPIRACY - in Black Magic, one of the most effective and cruel ways of influencing a person over whose blood a ritual is performed. Human blood (fresh or dried) is one of the main holders of information about a person. This presents the Sorcerer with wide opportunities for influencing this person. Astral strike, while it is characterized by speed and great efficiency. Directed information penetrates into a given person primarily through the eyes. Therefore, one of the main symptoms of damage by astral information is the constriction of the pupils, if there are no other physiological causes.

There are still a large number of different tools of Black Magic, but they are derivatives of the above, or they are called differently in different parts of the place of residence of the Slavs.



According to the beliefs of all the peoples of the world, our ancestors are always with us, ready to help us. Reviving ancient traditions, we join undeservedly forgotten knowledge, become part of the family, remember our roots - who we are and where we come from. After all, our strength is the strength of the clan, the strength of previous generations, the strength of the knowledge accumulated by our ancestors.

So, let's plunge into the protective magic of the ancient Slavs.

Women's amulets

Probably, many of us inherited from grandmothers or even great-grandmothers embroidered with the most bizarre drawings and figures towels, towels, pillow covers, pillowcases, duvet covers, scarves and handkerchiefs, blouses and pouches. Perhaps you think that all these patterns are just for beauty? But that's not the case at all. All these "pictures" are real amulets, strong and powerful. So embroidery with the same cross, for example, once had a sacred, that is, secret, meaning - to protect a person from all kinds of misfortunes. It is a pity that over time, embroidery has degenerated into just a regular pastime.

In addition to clothing, a person’s housing was also covered protective signs. On the most “vulnerable” places of the house and in the yard, numerous security symbols were necessarily placed: the image of the sun, “thunder signs”, the figure of the goddess on the top of the building, horseshoes, etc. Now, by the way, it is customary to consider carved decorations on houses, window frames only works of art, although in fact their first, true purpose was to protect the house from evil spirits, the evil eye and other troubles. Exquisite ornaments covered all openings and openings through which all sorts of evil spirits could penetrate inside the house. By the way, inside the house, all household items were necessarily covered with magical security signs. And we all say - "beauty" ...

The ancient Slavs were also very skillful in making various ornaments, which also had sacral signs and served by no means as a “luxury item”, but first of all were amulets. Moreover, it is interesting here that men did not wear as many amulets as women, who, as continuers of the clan, needed the greatest protection. And now we will talk about the numerous female Slavic amulets.


Many "decorations" protected by ringing or noise, knocking against each other: ringing when walking, they drove away everything evil forces. Such, for example, are numerous bells and zoomorphic pendants that are very common in the Russian North - horses, roosters, frog and duck legs. The frog is a frequent character in Russian fairy tales, which symbolizes the protective power of nature, the magical "turnover" in witchcraft rites. They loved pendants in the form of duck feet, which symbolized the coastline - the maidens of water sources. They tried to use red in clothes, which symbolically protected from dark forces. Therefore, scarlet ribbons were woven into the hair, embroidered with scarlet threads, scarlet dresses were worn. In ancient Russian clothes there is a lot of scarlet - a security color, a lot of white - the sacred color of purity, and also green - especially in men's clothes - a symbol of protection from the hostile forces of nature.

One of the attributes of female protective magic is the so-called charm pendants, which were attached on chains to a plaque, often made in the form of one or two sun horses or a duck-horse (this is very interesting character, and we will talk about it in more detail). The duck is a symbol of the Family, the creator of the Earth, and the horse is one of the strongest Slavic amulets, a symbol of goodness and happiness. Such pendants were worn on the belt, around the neck as a necklace, at the shoulder, or connected with a headdress.

Everyone knows Slavic headdresses with bird symbols or moon signs (horned kicks). By the way, kika means “duck”, and the notorious kokoshnik is a “rooster” (kokosh is a rooster). The girls did not wear headdresses, they were replaced by a band made of thin metal, to which pendants could also be attached. Pendants that were attached to the headdress were called cassocks - these are vertical stripes going down from the kokoshnik (to the chest or even to the waist). Often, metal cassocks depicted birds, and “guns” made of real swan or goose down were woven into beaded cassocks. Cassocks were assembled from 10-12 plaques, on which a pattern was applied so that it could be read only in a vertical position, that is, it was impossible to put on cassocks like a necklace: the symbols lost their support. On some cassock ribbons, tiny sprouts were depicted, on others - pollination of plants or a cross. Some cassocks have a bulge on each plaque, which gives the impression that rain streams are flowing from the head.

Another protective item was the female comb. Combs were also used for domestic magical rituals: for example, they combed the hair of a sick person for a cure and then threw it on a sacred tree (usually a pear) for a week. These magical combs were mostly seven-rayed, because seven is a sacred magical number (by the way, in all magical traditions, and not just among the Slavs), which gives protection from disease, old age and the evil eye. Tiny spoons were often woven into pendants - a symbol of wealth and prosperity in the house.

Some pendant complexes include a tiny key that unlocks treasures. Some keys are 5-8 cm in size, so they could serve as real keys, unlocking the treasures of a bride entering a strange family.

Earrings or pendants with tiny knives were considered a symbol of harvest, fertility. A small pestle from the stupa was a symbol of masculinity and fertility. The stylized image of small jaws was a female amulet and was supposed to protect against the attacks of wild animals in the forest. But besides the positive meaning - well-being, fertility - all the images of knives, hatchets, axes and other sharp, cutting tools were a signal for all evil spirits that a person is under the protection of the gods and it is not safe to touch him.

Sometimes miniature combs were woven, usually decorated with two heads of horses or birds. It was a symbol of health and purity. On all crests-amulets there is also a sign of water. And the symbol of the family were birds or fish. Moreover, birds were often depicted hatching chicks.

Women's jewelry-amulets were most often made of soft yellow (that is, solar) metals: if funds allowed - from gold, and in poorer families - from copper. And silver was often used to protect against evil spirits. Silver was considered a metal that destroys ghouls. Remember, a little earlier we talked about the magical protective properties of silver?

Temporal rings - colts

Colts were also attached to the headdresses - temporal rings, which had either a rounded or spiral shape. Depending on the wealth and position, women in the family wore one or more temporal rings, decorated with protective signs. Each Slavic tribe had rings of the same type. Among the Vyatichi, for example, colts were either in the form of a cock's comb or in the form of a shining sun, as a rule, with seven rays (remember, seven is one of the magic numbers?). Often they find kolts with runic writing or protective ornaments - mermaids and griffins. Quite often, a silver or gold mesh was hung from the back of the headdress, protecting the shoulders and back - a charm from the evil eye and damage.


In addition to kolts, they also wore necklaces - neck and chest hryvnias, decorated with a number of noisy pendants, and moons. Lunnitsy (from the word "Moon") were supposed to protect women from evil night spirits and Navi forces at night, they were dedicated to the night luminary - the Moon. This amulet was worn only by women, since the Moon has always been a female planet, and women are much more sensitive to various manifestations of otherworldly forces than men, and especially to the influence of the Moon.

The moons were made of silver (as you remember, this is the metal of the Moon) either round or horned (like a month) and included in the protective necklace.

Pendants on necklaces are usually round, made of golden metal, decorated with ornaments, and between the metal parts of the necklace there are rows of beads made of glass or beautiful natural stones. At a later time they began to make pendants from coins (monist). Wealthy women wore necklaces made using the technique of cloisonné enamel. Often amulets were placed on the chest, exactly at the heart, or at the belt (protecting the solar plexus).

And what about the strong half of humanity? Was she left without any protection? Of course not.

Men's amulets

Men also wore amulets, but men's jewelry was simpler. Usually these are all kinds of brooches - cloak fasteners, richly equipped with symbols of protection. Basically, solar signs were placed on brooches. But there are several brooches that were decorated in much the same way as the Slavic house - with three heavens, many suns, symbols of the earth and blessed rain. Some body amulets were made in the form of plaques, which depicted an eight-pointed cross (a symbol of fertility), an ordinary cross (a symbol of the sun), diamonds (a sign of the earth), swastikas (an ancient solar sign), animals, birds and fish. Men also put on pendants with the symbol of a duck or one or two horses that guarded them far from home (the horse is a symbol of the god Perun, it was also a travel talisman), swords, knives, daggers - symbols of victory in battle. The claws and fangs of wild animals were considered an excellent amulet against all dangers.

Charm bracelets

Various bracelets were also amulets, by the way, they were worn by both men and women. In Russia, they were made of glass, bone, various metals, twisted wire and decorated with solar signs or rhombuses - symbols of the Earth-Makosh. Wealthier Slavs wore folding bracelets with complex ornamental row depicting whole scenes.

Women fastened wide long (to the ground) sleeves with such bracelets. If you remember fairy tales, then there is such a moment when the princess opens her sleeves and begins to work miracles. She waved to the left - the lake lay before her feet, waved to the right - swans swam across the lake. So, this fabulous scene is connected with the ancient ritual ritual dance of the Slavs in honor of the goddess Makosh. It was for this dance that they loosened their sleeves, that is, they took off their bracelets. They wore bracelets not only for convenience, but also because it was believed that Navi force penetrates through the wide sections of the sleeves and causes illness. Bracelets "sealed" access to these bad dark forces.

They wore rings on their fingers. Usually it was associated with the wedding ceremony. The rings depicted the sign of the cross (having nothing to do with Christianity) or solar symbols.

Amulets are not such a deep antiquity. In any case, you yourself have probably come across such signs more than once, and not only in remote villages. After all, even in such “civilized” cities as Tver and Vyshny Volochek, in nearby villages there are still many huts with all kinds of symbols, up to a plurality of guarding luminaries, and sometimes you notice all sorts of magical signs on clothes, however, for this you need to climb deeper, away from big cities.

But after all, we also use amulets, living in the city, and often without knowing it ourselves. The example I have already given about a beautiful pebble that for some reason attracted your attention, various rings, coins and other “unnecessary” items are all amulets that we (or rather, our subconscious mind) intuitively choose for ourselves. And after all, very often this happens completely unexpectedly, as if something is pushing us from within, and we cannot even resist this desire. Maybe this is a sign that you or someone else needs protection? Therefore, always in such situations, listen to your intuition, and the more often you pay attention to it, the more willingly it will help you. So, if the thought of protection suddenly popped up in your mind or you bought and read this book, probably someone really needs protection. Help the defensive forces to gain support: choose and make a talisman, endow it with your strength, and then no evil will dare to touch the person who is under protection.

Materials for amulets

The safest, most accessible and convenient materials for working on amulets are the most common plant fibers, threads. The threads are very different: woolen, linen, cotton.

Wood will also be a nice material, if, of course, you choose it correctly, if it will be “your” wood. After all, we have already made a wooden amulet with you, and now that you already know about the Slavic protective symbols, you can put this knowledge into practice and put one of the security symbols on that amulet.

You can use metal (copper and silver are best, they are the most energy-intensive), and glass (crystal is especially good for these purposes), any semi-precious stones. Here, however, you will need some jewelry work skills and even certain equipment. But I think you can get by with copper and glass to begin with. Copper is quite easy to get and easy to work with - it is a very soft metal. Well, with glass it's quite simple. You can even put security symbols on the window pane of your apartment, and that will be enough.

Thread amulets

Probably, if every woman does not like to embroider, then at least once in her life she definitely picked up a needle and thread. But you must admit that darning socks is, of course, a necessary thing, but embroidering an amulet for your child or husband is really a worthwhile activity that you can spend some time on.

After all, embroidery was considered the simplest amulet from ancient times. She was always present on any fabric - towels, tablecloths, clothes. The most important thing in embroidery-amulet is color and pattern.

Embroidery can also be placed in traditional places - in a circle (collar, belt, sleeves, hem), and in any other - at your discretion.

And now about what such a talisman, embroidered with your own hands, can protect from. To protect against physical attack, opt for red-orange patterns that are dominated by circular and cross-shaped shapes. To protect a small child from various misfortunes, I recommend embroidering the silhouettes of a horse or a rooster with red or black threads. And for an older child, a schoolboy, it is better to use blue or purple colors. Blue or golden-green embroidery helps to successfully conduct business in any field of activity.

Now about what threads, for what purposes it is better to embroider.

Cotton threads are best suited for permanent protection from the evil eye and spoilage.

Silk is good for maintaining clarity of thought, helping in difficult career-related situations.

Wool protects those people who, alas, have already been touched by evil. It closes breakdowns in your energy. Wool embroidery is performed on clothes in the neck, heart, solar plexus, lower abdomen, that is, where the main human centers are located. Wool is usually used to embroider silhouettes of animals (those that you like, to which you intuitively reach out), less often - trees and fruits. Do not embroider with the hair of birds and stars. But the sun is quite suitable, it will constantly protect you from the cold and darkness in life!

Linen has a calming effect, it “works” especially well when using ancient symbolic patterns - when depicting the sun, stars, birds, trees.

Charm patterns

In protective patterns, one part of it is often acting, and not the whole pattern as a whole - just a floral or geometric motif enclosed in a circle or oval, a circular edging of a sleeve, hem, collar. Indeed, in order to have real protection, it is enough to embroider a pattern consisting of closed, rounded contours.

It is not necessary to embroider several different protective patterns on one thing - it is better to choose a separate thing for each of them, otherwise the result of such embroidery will be some kind of energy confusion. This also applies to the materials from which the threads are made - it is not necessary to use several types of material in one pattern.

It is customary to make protective embroidery smooth, without knots, the knots break the energy connection of embroidery with its carrier, making it difficult for the smooth flow of energies.


Patterns and location are chosen depending on who the embroidery is for.

For many nationalities, including the Slavs, clothes were considered as a reflection of the universe, and the patterns were arranged based on this:

upper world: neck, embroidered birds, water, clouds, lightning
a cutout went down from the neck, the same lightning bolts, rain, plants symbolizing the World Tree, the sun were embroidered on it.
on the seam of the sleeve, near the shoulder, for women, symbols of cosmogony were embroidered
the middle part of the shirt (and the bottom of the sleeve): between heaven and earth, birds, the sun, deer, coastlines, heavenly horses were embroidered.
hem: the earth and everything on and under it.

It was important not to confuse female and male patterns. For men, they embroidered a forge, a plow, a horse, for women - a field, a deer, a coast. For women, the width of embroidery along the hem was greater than for girls; it reflected her kinship not only with her family, but also with her husband's family. Interestingly, when meeting young people, they could determine each other's gender by embroidery patterns.

Protective embroidery for children was done in red. For adults, the color could be different. Women added black, the color of mother earth, protecting themselves from infertility with it. Blue and green were used for men's clothing. Blue protected from the elements, green - from wounds.

Girls' clothes were embroidered with protective symbols of the family, wood ornaments, symbols of the patron goddess of fate. For boys - symbols of fire, the sun, totemic animals, symbols of the patron family and the spirit of the patron of the birthday, symbols of men's crafts.

According to some sources, the colors were tied to protecting the human chakras. Accordingly, red was used to protect the lower chakra (musculoskeletal system, genitourinary system), orange - for the second (several fingers below the navel), responsible for the kidneys and sexual energy, yellow - for the third, protecting the center of vital energy (the solar plexus), green - for the heart chakra (heart, lungs, spine, hands, our emotions), blue - for the fifth, responsible for the respiratory system, throat, skin, creative potential of a person (throat chakra), blue was responsible for the sixth chakra (zone of the "third" eye, intellectual abilities), purple was responsible for our connection with the Higher powers (temechko).

If we go to museums and study the ancient embroidered items collected there, we will see that the most common pattern in the ornament was a rhombus. It had a different shape among different peoples and had different meanings, and, nevertheless, it was just a rhombus:

Rhombus frog

Rhombus burdock

Rhombus-sown land

The rhombus with hooks in embroidery is seen as a symbol of fertility. He is associated with the mother-grandmother, the beginning of all births on earth. Rhombus - a flower - "burdock" in folklore is compared with oak, a sacred tree of many peoples, symbolizes lightning that smashes demons and protects livestock.

"Rosette", consisting of 8 petals, acts as a symbol of the feminine, fertility.

Of the more complex ornaments, it is worth remembering the "world tree" (tree of life), a stylized female figure (it can be located in different ways and in different combinations), symbolizing the Mother Goddess, Cheese-Earth.

No need to get carried away and embroider one piece of clothing with all possible patterns. As with all amulets that we studied earlier, patterns must be combined very carefully so that the actions of different patterns do not overlap and interfere with each other.

Traditional protective symbols in embroidery:

Crosses are a barrier and aversion of evil, a sign of closeness.

A tree (most often a Christmas tree) is a symbol of the interconnection of everything in the world, a symbol of long life.

A flower is a symbol of beauty and purity, a red flower is a symbol of earthly love, sexual attractiveness.

Stars are a sign of heavenly fire. Stars should have triangular or even rays. A sign of reason and enlightening thoughts.

Circles are a symbol of fertility, motherhood, abundance, a sign of the feminine in nature.

Squares are a sign of farmers, a symbol of the fertility of the fields. Light and dark squares often alternate, sometimes they are enhanced by shading along or across the square.

The spiral is a symbol of wisdom; if the color scheme is blue-violet - secret knowledge. The most powerful repulsive sign for all the "dark" entities of the shadow world, if the color is red, white or black.

Wavy line - waves, water, oceans. Symbolizes the beginning of life, the ability to adapt to circumstances. If the lines are arranged vertically, this is a sign of self-improvement, a “stairway to heaven”, the path to secret knowledge.

The triangle is the symbol of man; especially if accompanied by small dots or circles from the top. Symbol of human communication.

From time immemorial, the Slavs used conspiracies and rituals, some of which we will never reproduce. But, Old Slavic conspiracies are known, which were passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. They are strong, efficient and in harmony with the forces of nature, because it was from there that our ancestors drew energy. Bewitch love, attract wealth, bring a liar to clean water, find the lost - all this, and much more, is possible if you use the magic of the ancient Slavs correctly.

Such magic was practiced by the Magi, who devoted themselves to working with the forces of nature, interacting with spirits. Strong conspiracies from time immemorial must be pronounced wisely - they have a huge power that you can curb. Use the magical experience of your ancestors and the truth will be revealed to you.

Sources of power of ancient Slavic magicians

The fact that the Slavs owned powerful magic is often silent in history. There were no magicians or sorcerers, but there were strong magi - predictors of the future. They knew how to handle the forces of nature, prayed to their own gods, made bloody sacrifices. Their magic was based on secret rituals. The Magi lived separately from human settlements so that worldly fuss did not interfere with them. Where did the sorcerer draw strength:

  • The energy of the Sun is the most powerful of the natural. Prayers were offered to the sun, sacrifices were made. When the sky was clear heavenly body it is clearly visible - the Magi received directly the energy that could be used.
  • Thunder and lightning is a natural phenomenon that carries a formidable destructive force. Only an old, experienced sorcerer knew how to curb such a borax.
  • Earth. This is the beginning and the end of everything. They walked barefoot in order to constantly feel their kinship with the Mother of all things. All sincere prayers to the earth will be heard.
  • Wind. Today we often use wind energy, but the modern world has become more complicated - there are fewer and fewer open spaces, which means that the wind is squeezed into the vice of the city, buildings, structures. In the days of the ancient Slavs, the winds walked the earth without barriers, this energy could deliver spells anywhere in an instant.
  • Water. Her soft power is able to heal diseases, carry messages, carry away unhappy love, wash away curses, evil eye, damage.

The Magi kept their rituals in the strictest confidence, for seeing the rituals with one eye, a person could pay with his life.

Who can repeat these rituals

Records of rituals have been preserved, manuscripts telling about the secrets of ancient magicians. There are few of them, they are kept and now in the strictest confidence. Some details, texts, words of power leaked into the modern world, became available on the Internet.

The keepers of ancient secrets warn that the unprepared cannot use the ancient Slavic conspiracies, it is dangerous. In order to prepare, you need:

  • Firm faith in the powers you call upon.
  • Unwavering will. White forces will definitely test you - there may be heavy, realistic dreams.
  • All texts must be known by heart. Reading from a piece of paper during the ceremony is not allowed.
  • Offer prayers to the forces of nature.
  • Meditate more often. When your mind is at rest, you can discover the hidden powers within you.
  • Awaken visualization - this is very important.
  • Perform the rites exactly as written, without deviations. If you need an oak leaf to carry it out, you need to use it. Replacing a magic item can be fraught with unpredictable consequences.

If you follow all these rules, be ready to unleash powerful forces within yourself.

Ancient Slavic love spell

The Slavs revered love and offered prayers to it. In their pagan pantheon was the goddess Lada, personifying beauty, love, family hearth. She was the best assistant in matters of love. She could return her beloved, bring a good husband to the girl, give passion, strengthen feelings. It was to Lada that young girls who dreamed of speaking love turned to.

A very strong conspiracy, which can even be considered a love spell, is done in the summer. You will need:

  • Bouquet of cornflowers.
  • Three oak leaves.
  • White candle.

If there is a man whom you want to fall in love with, bind, bewitch with love - collect a bouquet of cornflowers in the field, bring it home. It will be necessary to boil water, brew three oak leaves in it, but first they are spoken. Text:

“On the eastern side there is an Okyan-Sea, on that Okyan-Sea lies an oak deck, and on that oak deck sits Fear-Rah. I will submit to that Fear - Rahu and pray. Create for me Fear-Rah seventy-seven winds, seventy-seven eddies, the midday wind, the midnight wind, the dry-hearted wind that dried the forests, crumbled dark forests, green grasses, fast rivers, and so it would dry up, the child of God would crash on me (the name is spoken) . Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!”

You will get water that you need to wash yourself without wiping yourself, and what is left is to pour out on the street under a tree. Goddess Lada will literally mark you for the man you need. He will not be able to pass by, he will not take his eyes off.

An old Russian conspiracy to search for a missing thing

If something is missing in the house, lost - the thing needs to be called. She will answer the right call.

  • Get out in windy weather in the field.
  • Read into the wind in a loud voice:

“The lost thing, come back to me, get off the floor, come to me. If someone took - then lost a hundred times. If I lost, I called the thing back. At home, all the bins and barns are full, what belongs to me cannot leave me. Amen".

  • You need to leave without looking back.

The thing will soon be found in the place where you least expect to see it. Perhaps your Brownie tried here, another echo of the beliefs of the Slavs. He guards the house, preserves peace and comfort in it, but sometimes he likes to play with you.

Better to appease him - put a gingerbread on the floor at night. The brownie can play very cruel jokes with you, remember this, do not disturb your homeliness. Everything negative that happens in the house can very embitter Domovoy.

Conspiracy to return the stolen, the death of a thief

If the thing was stolen, you will need another ancient Slavic conspiracy, which is read at midnight on a red candle. Light it up, hold it at arm's length. Read aloud three times:

“The red candle burns, how my pain boils, how my bitter grief, how indefatigable sadness. It burns and warps, smokes and torments, the one who stole the thing will return it, otherwise he will regret it. Do not sleep him more at night, do not live for him and do not know the world. My thing will return to me, to its owner. Amen".

If you really want not only to return the stolen, but also to punish the thief, it is worth reading during a thunderstorm. As soon as lightning flashes, say out loud:

“Let the one who took (the name of the item) from me lose a hundred times more. There will be no rest and peace for the thief until my thing is returned to me. The thief will be poor, he will be hungry. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This is a very powerful spell that calls for Justice. Punishment will come to the thief in the form of financial loss. Be careful, the thief will be severely punished.

Slavic ritual of exorcism

In the old days, it was believed that the disease that settled in the body was the leprosy of demons. They can steal health, penetrate the body, spread disease. The weaker the spirit, the easier it is for demons to take possession of the body, to destroy it from the inside.

Here the pagan god Semargl-Svarozhich could protect. He occupies one of the most honorable places in the Pantheon - the lord of Fire, bringing fertility, protection, expelling dark forces. It is he who is called to heal diseases, to burn them out.

  • Take the red candle.
  • Light it up and say the prayers:

“Semargl-Svarozhich! Great Fireman! They slept in pain, cleanse the womb, in the child of a person (name ..), in every creature, in old and young, You are God's Delight! Purifying by fire, opening the power of souls, save the child of God, may the twigs perish. We glorify you, we call to you. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!”.

Spend a candle over the body of the patient, the path of the light of the candle will drive away all the negative, illuminate the path for healing energy.

  • On the candle, you will need to cut the name of the patient with a knife.
  • Cast spells while continuing to drive a candle over the patient:

“I will be blessed, I will go to the blue sea, on the blue sea there is a white-combustible stone Alatyr, on the stone Alatyr the Goddess Jiva sits, holds a white swan in her white hands, plucks the white wing of the swan. As the white wing bounced off, so bounce, jump, jump back from (the name is spoken) native flames, fevers and fevers - Khripusha, Lomeya, Decrepit, Dormant, Windy, Confused, Zyabuha, Shaking, Fire, Pukhleya, Yellow, Nemeya, Deaf, Karkusha, Looking, Khrapusha. From a violent little head with clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white calf, from a zealous heart. I came from the wind - go to the wind, I came from the water - go to the water, I came from the forest - go to the forest. From age to age."

Ancient ritual of change of destiny

Strong rituals that can radically change fate can be dangerous to pronounce. You never know exactly how spells will turn out. Such a rite was performed by an experienced sorcerer, who knows how to predict fate, to look beyond the limits of what is permitted. It is impossible to tell about how to see the future - this knowledge has remained secret.

If life torments you with its blows, everything falls out of your hands, relationships, careers collapse, illnesses do not give rest - demons and evil spirits have firmly taken possession of a person. This gloomy evil deity Chernobog - Navi marked his soul, which means that after death the soul will be obliged to serve him. To change such a fate - prayers will no longer help. The ritual is performed at night, for this you will need the help of a second magician. Need:

  • Collect the earth next to the sufferer's house in a black bag.
  • Take the land from the lucky man's house, put it in a white bag.
  • Pay the beggar three coins before the ritual.
  • Light 10 wax candles.
  • Let the one whose fate will be changed kneel, and the wise men (magicians) should stand on both sides of him.
  • Put candles in a circle, light.

On the ground from a black bag, the words of the spell are read:

“To free the soul, you need to kill the past. All hardships behind, another life ahead. The gloomy ruler Chernobog did not save this soul, he would not receive it, he would not take it, he would not take it to the gloomy world. We conjure and call, we have fallen with light-fire.

It is impossible to go beyond the circle, now the passage is open for both light and dark energy. There is a fight for the soul. The Magi clearly felt whether they could win, take away the soul of the sufferer and return to him the possibility of a quiet life.

  • Take the earth from the yard of the lucky man's house, read above it:

“Veles is the patron god! Svargi yard guard! And we glorify you all kindly, for you are our intercessor and support. And do not leave us unattended, and protect our fat herds from pestilence, and fill our granaries with good, that we may be one with you. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!”.

  • After that, the rite is completed. It will be possible to leave the circle of candles only when they burn out completely.
  • The earth from the red bag should be poured out at the door of the sufferer.

Fate will change, but only a sorcerer could predict what it will be.

Necessary tools and materials for rituals

In order for these strong ancient conspiracies to help, it is necessary to respect the pagan gods of the ancient Slavs. They patronize this magic through the forces of nature, the energy of the elements. Know the Pantheon, pray to them in a respectful manner.

  • Perun is a thunderer, the main deity. He is asked for strength and patronage not only in magical matters.
  • Stibog is the lord of the winds. He could send the winds or calm them down.
  • Semargl is the messenger of fate, the patron of fortune tellers.
  • Lada is the goddess of love, the patroness of women.

stibog Idols of the Slavic Gods Genus Idols of the Slavic Gods

It is necessary to use only natural materials - wood, wax, grass, homespun cloth for the manufacture of ritual clothes. Frequent attributes of conspiracies and rituals remain:

  • Knives;
  • Flowers;
  • River (living) water;
  • Leaves of oak, ash, birch;
  • Earth;
  • Silver.

Everything that carries the charge of nature, does not contain artificial impurities - plastics, metal alloys, synthetics, will serve as an excellent conductor of energy. If you want to develop exactly the ancient Slavic magical tradition, to practice it, then you will have to get these materials, make them, and purchase them from the masters. This pure white magic is more widespread than you think, even today the ancient Slavic magic has many ardent followers.

great and sunny Slavic magic These are not just conspiracies or rituals. This is a real religion, which is aimed at creation, at the birth of a new one, at help and protection. Pagan sorcerers and healers ancient Russia- These are very strong people in the magical plan. They were real healers, defenders and saviors of the ancient Slavs.

Our Slavic ancestors unconditionally believed in strength - they adhered to all pagan traditions and observed the rules passed down from generation to generation.

Old Slavic magic is associated not only with natural forces, but also with divine ones. And for more than one century, ancient pagan rituals have been used for various purposes.

Types of Slavic magic

There are several varieties of Slavic magic:

  • love witchcraft

Love is an essential component of happiness. Most often, the water element was used in love rituals - as the personification of purity and innocence. Ancient witches spoke water and created love drinks, and then poured them into the food or drink of the object of the love spell.

  • Rituals tied to the calendar

Many magical rites were associated with a specific date - the day of Perun, Ivan Kupala, Mokosh. On such days, group processions and round dances were held. Such a festivities ended with a joint performance of a conspiracy song.

  • Malicious charms

Initially, this magical method was used only in relation to enemies. To protect their lands, the Slavs inflicted damage on enemy tribes and cursed them. Over time, the rites took on a personal character - they began to be used in rituals aimed at a specific person. For protection, the Slavs wore amulets. They were especially necessary for small children and pregnant women.

  • Protection from demons and otherworldly forces

The Slavic people believed that the surrounding reality was teeming with various spirits, otherworldly beings and other evil creatures. To protect themselves from danger, they used the magical power of protective talismans. Herbal preparations, which were worn in a bag around the neck, had a good effect. Protective symbols were embroidered on clothes and depicted on household items. Magic conspiracies against evil forces are also known.

  • Quackery

This type of Slavic magic is known to all. Its echoes can be traced in modern magical sciences. For example, with the help of an ordinary chicken egg, it was first used by Old Slavonic healers. The charmed sorcerer's water has healing and rejuvenating properties.

It can be concluded that ancient Russian magic is a full-fledged world of magic, which is located between European traditions and primitive magical methods.
