When to sow carrots according to the lunar calendar. When to sow carrots, beets and parsnips to get a great harvest When can you plant carrots according to the lunar calendar

Many gardeners, before planting carrots, pay attention to the phases of the moon. After all, the lunar calendar plays an important role in the growth of vegetable crops. When to plant carrots, which days are favorable and which are not, what to pay attention to - we will consider these and other interesting questions in our article.

The influence of the phases of the moon on carrots

The change of the lunar phases has a significant impact on the growth of vegetables, as well as their fruiting. This was noticed many centuries ago by our ancestors. Now vegetable growers are increasingly resorting to, because. It has been repeatedly proven that sowing crops on certain dates gives friendly shoots and an excellent harvest. Carrots are also subject to the influence of the moon.

Important! Usually, the first week of the new moon is considered the optimal time for landing. But this period is not suitable for carrots, because. interested in root crops, not overgrown tops. Accordingly, the disembarkation dates should be moved.

The lunar month consists of 4 weeks. Each week is marked by a corresponding lunar phase. When the luminary grows, it looks like a bright sickle, the width of which tends to increase. It is during this period that the active aspiration of nutrients from the soil to the roots of carrots, and later to the foliage, begins.

The most popular questions about the influence of the moon on carrots

Those who have not yet encountered planting carrots on lunar calendar are asking a lot of questions. Consider the most common of them:

  1. Should You Plant Carrots During a Full Moon? During the full moon, carrots are quite weakened root system, it is sensitive to any interference. Therefore, loosening and thinning should not be carried out, because. this can damage the delicate roots. So on the days of the full moon, you should not plant carrots.
  2. How does the waning moon affect carrots? Astrologers say that when the moon begins to wane, useful juices from the leaves begin to move to the roots, and nutrients from the soil also rush to the roots. Therefore, for carrots, this period is the best for planting. If seeds are placed in the soil on the waning moon, then the active growth of the root system will begin, which is very good for our orange fruit. And if at this time the vegetable is already in the ground, then root crops will be violently formed. In the phase of the waning moon, it is also recommended to water and feed carrots, and various ones will be effective!
  3. Is it possible to plant carrots on a new moon? During the period of the new moon, the vegetation process is gradually slowed down, therefore it is not recommended to plant and weed the planted carrots at this time. During the new moon and on days close to it, carrots may not respond properly to the applied top dressing.
  4. Is it possible to plant carrots in moon eclipse? The planting of carrots, as well as any land work during the lunar eclipse, should be postponed.
  5. Should the signs of the zodiac be taken into account? Each lunar day passes under the reign of a certain zodiac sign. For carrots, the best signs that relate to the elements of the Earth are Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn.

Important! Of course, when planting carrots, first of all, weather conditions and soil conditions are taken into account. But if these parameters coincide with the lunar indicators, then you can get an amazing harvest.

The best time to plant carrots is a waning moon

Auspicious and unfavorable days

Auspicious days according to the 2017 lunar calendar for planting carrots:

  • March - 18, 22;
  • April - 17, 18, 23, 28;
  • May - 4, 14, 15, 19, 24, 31;
  • June - 1, 7, 10, 11.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar 2017 for planting carrots:

  • April - 8, 9, 15, 25, 26;
  • May - 7, 8, 25, 27;
  • June - 3, 9, 15.

To obtain an excellent harvest, watering and fertilizing must be carried out according to the lunar calendar.

Favorable days according to the lunar calendar 2018 for planting carrots:

  • March - 24, 26, 29, 30;
  • April - 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 22, 30;
  • May - 4, 9, 10, 11, 22.

Advice! Watering and fertilizing also follow the lunar calendar. For water supply, the best days are when the luminary is in the signs of Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer. For fertilization, choose the days when the Moon is in the sign of Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn or Scorpio.

Those who follow the phases of the lunar calendar claim that the harvest is indeed richer. So what's the impact heavenly body on our gardens is hard to deny. Study our calendar, take into account the phases of the moon and let the quantity and quality of the fruits you grow always please you.

How to plant carrots - video

Every gardener in the spring sows carrots without fail! However, not everyone succeeds. Why? There are many reasons for this: incorrectly chosen sowing dates, unsuccessful selection of a variety, or violation of agricultural technology.

Sowing dates directly affect the yield of carrots and depend on the variety and purpose of the finished root crops. Carrot is a cold-resistant crop: the minimum required temperature for seed germination is +3…+6°C, seedlings withstand short-term frosts down to -4…-5°C. In terms of ripening, all varieties of carrots are divided into early-ripening varieties with a growing season of up to 100 days, mid-ripening - up to 120 days and late-ripening - up to 140 days.

To get early carrots on the table, choose early and ultra-early varieties that ripen in 45-60 days; for winter storage, it is better to sow late-ripening varieties of carrots.

Sowing dates for carrot seeds

For early consumption, carrot seeds are sown from April 25 to May 1, the next sowing of mid-ripening varieties of carrots - May 1 - May 10. If carrots are needed for long-term storage, then they are sown in the first - second decade of May, until May 25 inclusive.

In the southern regions, carrots can be sown in 2 terms: the first sowing is March 10-20, the second sowing of carrots is May 10-15.

According to the folk calendar, carrots planted when the coltsfoot is in bloom.

When to water, feed and pull carrots?

The first thinning is carried out in the phase of 1-2 true leaves, the second 15-20 days after the first.

The main care for the beds of carrots is timely weeding, loosening row spacing, watering and top dressing. Carrots are watered rarely, but plentifully and evenly. Row spacing is loosened simultaneously with weeding.

Sowing parsnips and caring for him

Parsnips are grown for their juicy white roots with a specific flavor. The root crop is formed 120-170 days after sowing.

For sowing parsnips, it is better to choose well-lit places. Parsnip is cold-resistant and frost-resistant: the optimum temperature for plant growth is +15 ... +20 ° C, seedlings withstand frosts down to -5 ° C. Agrotechnical methods of growing parsnips are the same as those of carrots. Care consists in periodic watering, loosening and weeding. Root crops are harvested in the fall, at the same time as carrots, and stored in the same way.

Terms of sowing parsnips

In the middle lane, parsnips are sown in the ground in late April and early May. It is better to sow parsnips for storage later - at the end of May.

Planting beets and caring for them

Exist a large number of varieties of beets of different groups of ripeness, shape and size of root crops. Medium and late-ripening varieties and hybrids are sown for storage, early-ripening varieties are grown “on the table”.

Table beet belongs to the group of long-day crops, but many modern varieties of table beet are adapted to both the short day of the south and the long day of the north.

Beet sowing dates

Beet is a moderately cold-resistant crop: seeds can germinate at +3 °C. But the optimum temperature for sowing dry seeds is +10 °C. In addition, young seedlings of table beet can die from spring frosts.

To grow early beets on a table in the middle lane, beets are sown from April 25 to May 5 under cover from spandbond or film.

By folk omens beet planting time comes when the aspen blossoms.

When to water, feed and pull beets?

Beets are light-requiring: it is important to weed and thin them in time. Beetroot generally needs a moderate amount of watering. Systematic watering should be carried out during seed germination and in July-August. Beetroot is very responsive to the application of fertilizers to the soil.

The first time the beets are thinned out in the phase of the first true leaves, the second time after 2-3 weeks, leaving a distance of 5-7 cm. Pulled plants can be used to make green salad. During the summer, the beets are periodically weeded and the soil is loosened between the rows. On dry and hot days - watered. Beets are pulled out for food when they reach a diameter of 3-4 cm.

Carrots are among those vegetable crops that are always planted in a seedless way, in open or closed ground, if it is meant to be grown in a greenhouse until harvest. The culture is quite cold-resistant, therefore it is sown on garden beds one of the first. How not to rush and not be late with its planting, but from a suitable period of time to choose the most favorable days - the lunar calendar for planting carrots 2018 will tell.

First of all, you should decide on the season. A fairly common mistake is to sow carrot beds before winter without understanding the intricacies. For this option, only certain winter-hardy and zoned varieties are suitable (for example, Moscow Winter). When using seeds of ordinary non-frost-resistant varieties, you will have to wait for spring.

Spring planting dates

The time when you can go out with carrot seeds to the garden comes after the snow has completely melted and the soil has partially dried. Its upper part should already be dry and loose. Since the seeds of this vegetable crop are very small, they are laid in the ground at a shallow depth, so surface heating will be sufficient.

It is desirable that during the day the air stably warms up to + 15C, and the soil temperature reaches + 7-8C. For central Russia, these conditions usually develop in April or early May (there are years when you have to wait until mid-May). More southerly or milder regions may start planting earlier. Varieties also matter. So, early-ripening varieties are recommended to be sown in March, medium ripening - in April, and those intended for winter storage - in early May, completing work by the middle of the month.

When to plant carrots in 2018, not only the planting calendar will tell you, but also future weather conditions, so its recommendations cover all possible dates from March to mid-May.

According to popular beliefs, the time for sowing carrots comes after aspens and violets bloom.

The influence of the moon phases on planting vegetables

The basis for compiling the calendar is the movement of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac and the change in its phases. Moreover, any factor can be a priority in different cases, depending on a number of reasons.

It is known that the movement of vital juices in plants is directly related to the lunar phases. . The waxing Moon makes them move up, and the waning one, on the contrary, down into the roots. Accordingly, different recommendations are given for planting and caring for plants that produce root crops and those that are used for ornamental purposes or produce above-ground fruits.

Everything that belongs, like carrots, to the "roots", it is more favorable to plant on the waning moon. At the same time, the roots of plants planted closer to the Full Moon go deeper, including root crops (radishes, daikon, carrots, etc.). And being planted closer to the New Moon, they grow strong, plump, but shorter. On the New Moon itself and on the day when the disk is fully lit, it is not recommended to work on the ground. The beginning of the cycle is considered especially fruitless and negative for any undertakings, when the earthly satellite is not visible at all in the sky.

Carrot planting calendar for March 2018

As can be seen from the calendar, the change of lunar phases, the most favorable for planting carrots will be the first half of the month. From the 3rd to the 16th, the lunar disk in the night sky will grow and reach full illumination on March 17th. Only residents of the southern regions, where spring usually comes into its own on schedule, will be able to take advantage of this period favorable for sowing root crops. The second half of the month should be especially taken into account the passage of the earth's satellite in the zodiac circle, since the growing month will more and more draw juices, and hence all nutrients, from the earth up to the stems and leaves, which is undesirable for starting the cultivation of vegetables growing in ground.

1 VirgoThe day is unfavorable for soaking seeds and working with them, especially for crops growing in the ground.
2 Full moonIt is better not to do anything in the garden, except for household chores and putting things in order.
3-5; 5-7 Libra, Scorpio start 3rd quarterAn excellent time for planting carrots, if not for the weather conditions, which are unlikely to allow doing this in the middle latitudes. But, if it is possible to make a temporary greenhouse, then these are ideal days for sowing.
8-10 SagittariusYou can plant "roots" on food, for quick consumption, including early carrots. But it is likely that it will go green and give weak fruits.
11-12 CapricornIt is good to plant everything that subsequently should be stored for a long time.
13-15 AquariusInfertility sign. It's better to do nothing.
16 FishThe vital forces are maximally concentrated in the roots, but the Earth is already silent, the processes freeze - one of the most difficult days of the cycle. The seeds will lie for a long time.
17 Pisces, New MoonA day of complete rest from all earthworks.
18-19 AriesInfertile sign. Crops will not tolerate a lack of moisture.
20-21 TaurusDespite the growing month, Taurus promises a good harvest.
22-23 TwinsThese days are best skipped.
24-26 CancerEnergy will be unstable, there is a phase change, the moon continues to grow. Planting root crops is not recommended.
27-28; 29-30 Leo and VirgoTime for Earth to rest. The lion burns the crops. It is bad to soak seeds on Virgo, and the growing Moon also does not contribute to the yield of root vegetables.
31 Full moonWork in the garden is better to stop.

If the soil is not warm enough on the dates chosen for planting carrots, it can be pre-watered and covered with foil. After sowing the seeds, the film can be returned to its place for the first time, if there is a need to accelerate seedlings. But as soon as they appear, it must be removed to avoid overheating.

Do not plant carrots until the conditions are comfortable for this. Seeds will simply lie in the ground for a long time, losing strength and germination.

Planting carrots in April 2018

Throughout the first half of April, the Moon will decrease, which means that it is at this time that the best days come for sowing carrot beds. Let's take a closer look at this month.

1 ScalesGood for planting, full of energy day.
2-3 ScorpionAlso an auspicious time. Everything sown will yield a bountiful harvest and be resistant to disease. April 3 is one of the best days for sowing carrots!
4-6 SagittariusInfertile sign. Anything that starts growing at this time will stretch upwards and produce a poor harvest.
7-8 Capricorn, moving into the 4th quarterneutral period. The fruits will be born of medium size, but long and well stored. Change of quarters, turning point.
9-11 AquariusBarren time. Fruits can be reborn, be clumsy, give mutants. But for those who wish to experiment in terms of selection - that's it!
12-13 FishA very productive period. Weather permitting, plant your carrots now!
14-15 AriesWork with seeds is unproductive at all stages (including planting with an eye to obtaining future seeds). Nothing that has a growing season of more than a month is not planted.
16 New moonA day of infertility and complete rest from gardening and other work.
17-18 TaurusMost productive days of the month!
19-20 TwinsThe circulation of vital juices changes direction, but it is better to wait a couple more days, Gemini does not contribute to productivity.
21-22 CancerThe harvest will be good, the fruits are tasty, but may not withstand long-term storage. However, if the weather is favorable, you can go to the beds.
23-24 Leo, change of quartersThe vital forces of the earth are in balance, but everything planted under the influence of Leo can die from drought.
25-26 VirgoAdversely.
27-28 ScalesFertile Libra against the backdrop of the moon continuing to grow is a neutral time for carrot plantings. The harvest will be strong, but the roots may be devoid of juiciness.
29-30 Scorpio, full moonIt is better to refrain from sowing all vegetables that bear fruit in the ground.

Due to the smallness of the seeds, carrot crops need to be thinned out, which significantly weakens their strength. An excellent way is to dilute the seed in sand or flour paste, which is poured into a bottle and distributed evenly into the prepared grooves.

Auspicious days of May 2018

Most often, by this time, the carrot beds are already sown. However, it is best to start sowing late varieties of the "red vitamin" right now - in early May, especially since in 2018 this will be favored by the waning lunar disk in the night sky. But it is desirable to complete the sowing of carrots before May 14, under the New Moon.

1 ScorpionThe beginning of the waning of the moon, the earth is exhausted, it is better to refrain from active gardening related to root crops.
2-3 SagittariusActivity is allowed but not recommended.
4-6 CapricornNeutral period of time, it is better to wait 3-4 days. Lost time will be returned with a higher yield.
7-8 Aquarius 2nd quarterA barren sign plus a transitional phase - now it's better to start working with weeds.
9-11 FishGreat time, all natural factors add up optimally. Do not miss these days, the 9th will be especially harmonious and promising.
12-13 AriesSeedlings can be fast, but the harvest will be frail.
14-15 TaurusWhoever has not yet put the “maiden in prison” has the last favorable chance to do so. Plant late varieties. They will have excellent keeping quality!

The proposed recommendations should not become a panacea for the gardener, even if he is just starting to learn the basics of agriculture. Weather conditions and everyday affairs dictate their conditions, and we are forced to obey them. Nevertheless, it is worth considering these recommendations and, if possible, adhere to them. The earth and everything growing on it is a single living and sensitive organism, and the more balance it has, the greater the return will be.

Secrets of growing carrots: video

On what favorable days in May is it recommended to sow carrot seeds according to the lunar calendar, calculated for 2018? What should be considered when planting carrots in May?

Favorable days for planting carrots

in May 2018

Under good conditions, carrots give a high yield, so almost all gardeners grow them. It grows well in any climate, but the timing of sowing this crop may vary due to weather conditions. Generally, sowing seeds of carrots held in May and June. If root crops are planned to be grown for winter storage, then this crop should be sown in May, with the onset of stable weather.

It should be taken into account when sowing carrot seeds in May:

  1. Temperature indicator. When determining the timing of sowing this crop, one should take into account the temperature of the soil and air. The main thing is that at night and during the day there should be a constant plus, without frost. Despite the fact that seedlings tolerate short-term cooling well, it is recommended to sow the seeds when the soil and air warm up a little (from + 4 ° C and above). For example, in the Urals, this temperature is set on May 15-20. Then they carry out sowing seeds of carrots into open ground.
  2. Moon calendar. According to the lunar calendar, calculated for 2018, carrot seeds recommended sow next auspicious days of May : 9, 16-19, 24, 28-29. The growing moon will accelerate the growth of seedlings, the sprouts will be more hardy, strong.
  3. Germination. For carrot seeds, it is recommended to check the quality of germination in advance, which will allow you to get a good harvest and avoid reseeding in June. 2 weeks before the intended sowing, the seeds are soaked in a damp cloth. The average quality is indicated by the pecking of half of the seeds, if there are more of them, then the seeds are very good. Naturally, the longer the seeds lie, the less germination they have.
  4. Sort. In May, it is recommended to sow varieties of late-ripening carrots - Nantes, Flakke, Berlicum, Autumn Queen. A distinctive feature of these varieties is the high keeping quality of root crops, high sugar content. At the end of May and in the first decade of June, carrots are sown early dates maturation - Parisian cortel, Amsterdam, Shantenay. In these varieties, root crops are stored for a short time, they are mainly used for conservation and fresh consumption.

Choose dates sowing carrot seeds in May necessary, taking into account the above factors.

  • So that the ridge for planting has been prepared since the fall, filled with fertilizers.
  • Seeds can be sown different ways, but most often they use the classic method - in the grooves.
  • The depth of the groove should be no more than 1 cm, otherwise the carrot seeds will not be able to sprout.
  • Between the grooves maintain a distance of about 20 cm.
  • Seeds are laid out at a distance of 0.3-1 cm between them.
  • Sprinkle the seeds with light soil to prevent compaction, after which the grooves are shed with water.
  • So that the soil does not dry out and a crust does not form.

You can sow carrot seeds in another interesting way - randomly scattering them over the surface of the soil. After that, they are closed with a rake to a shallow depth, it remains only to water the ridge from a watering can with a small strainer.

Proper agricultural practices for growing carrots will provide you with a high yield. The basic principles in the technology of growing carrots are described in this our site.

Planting beets and carrots does not take much time during the spring work. But if you approach this process carelessly and sow it somehow, then you should not expect a good harvest. It is important to remember that there are different approaches on which the yield of beets depends: planting and care in the open field is somewhat different from the same processes when planting in a greenhouse.
Also, when you sow seeds on the site or transplant seedlings from the greenhouse, you need to regularly loosen the soil and apply fertilizer, this is the key to a good harvest.

It is important to know how and when to plant beets, what recommendations to follow in order to get large root crops. In this article, we will provide important information that every gardener should be familiar with, and also traditionally consider the timing of planting beets and carrots according to the lunar calendar.

We prepare the earth

Beetroot can grow on any soil, but most of all it loves well-cultivated, loose, sandy and chernozem soils. It can also grow on peatlands after liming. It is not recommended to plant beets on heavy clay soils, podzolic and sandy soils. How to plant beets if the area is too wet? Gardeners recommend sowing seeds on ridges and ridges.

Good precursors:

  • cucumber;
  • potato;
  • tomato;
  • legumes.

Bad predecessors:

  • cabbage;
  • carrot.

It is better to pay attention to what grew in the garden to beets. This is especially true for planting beet seeds in open ground. No need to grow it in the same place for several years in a row. Only after 3-4 years can the planting be returned to its original place.

Planting beets in the spring means preparing the soil in the fall. That is, if you decide to sow beet seeds in the spring, then from the fall you need to make sure that the soil is prepared. First you need to remove all the remains of plants, get rid of the weed and dig the site well. Next, you need to loosen the ground.

Site fertilizer

If the soil is depleted, then it makes sense to apply mineral fertilizers. Earth with high acidity must be mixed with lime, chalk or dolomite flour. As a rule, 1 cup of the mixture per 1 sq.m. is enough. Do not forget about fertilizers in the spring. It is necessary to enrich the soil shortly before sowing beets. Often gardeners use self-prepared fertilizer.

It consists of:

  • wood ash (2 cups);
  • magnesium sulfate (1 tsp);
  • boric acid (12 tsp);
  • micronutrient tablet.

All components must be mixed well and added to the beds. Proportions are indicated based on 1 sq.m. You can also add a mixture of ammonium nitrate (20 g), superphosphate (40 g) and sodium chloride (10 g) to the soil. If you fertilize the plot with manure, you do not need to apply more than 4 kg of this fertilizer to the soil per 1 sq.m.

For growing table beets, you need to choose a well-lit place. This root crop does not like shade. If she suffers from a lack of sunlight, then the fruits will not have a rich color.

Planting dates for beets and carrots

The timing of planting beets and carrots varies depending on weather conditions. Most gardeners try to plant beets in the spring, when the earth has already warmed up to 5 ° C. If planted too early, then the seeds will not germinate in cold soil, and root crops will not form. Too early sowing is dangerous and the formation of flower stalks on beetroot. This negatively affects the development of this garden culture. Seeds can germinate at a temperature of +4…+5°С, they can also endure slight frosts (down to -2°С). The optimum temperature for good growth of root crops is + 16 ... + 23 ° С.

Delay with sowing is also not worth it, because of the moisture-loving nature of the plant. You need to try to catch the moment when spring moisture has not yet left the soil (approximately the first week of May).

Immediately before planting beets, the ground must be loosened with a rake and dolomite flour should be added to it. If the soil is warm, moist, loose and enriched with minerals, you can start sowing.

Also, some summer residents, according to the old tradition, try to adhere to the lunar calendar.

Favorable days for sowing beets and carrots in the spring of 2020 according to the lunar calendar:

  • in March:
    • favorable: 13-15 and 20-22
    • conditionally favorable: 30;
  • in April:
    • favorable: 3, 17-18,
    • conditionally favorable: 22-23;
  • in May:
    • favorable: 23-24,
    • conditionally favorable: 19-20;
  • in June:
    • favorable: 10-12, 20-21,
    • conditionally favorable - 15-16.

In modern conditions, when the climate is changing rapidly, and the achievements of scientific and technological progress make it possible to predict the weather for the near future relatively accurately, when choosing days for landing, it is better to focus on the established temperature and weather, and not on popular beliefs about the lunar calendar.

Planting seeds

There are two ways to plant beets: seeds and seedlings. The first method is most often used. The prepared soil can be cultivated by 3-4 cm and polished. Seeds can be sown after the planting of carrots is completed. Usually at this time the soil has time to warm up well. That is why gardening beginners often wonder when to plant carrots and beets in the spring. It's best to check the weather forecast before landing. If rains are expected, hurry to sow the seeds.

Before planting seeds in the beds, it is recommended to process them. In order for root crops to appear as early as possible, the seeds must be soaked in a growth stimulator solution. It can be bought in specialized stores. At home, ordinary ash is often used. The seeds should be soaked for about a day, after which they should be washed with warm water and dried. Until planting, it is better to store them in a fabric bag. You need to put it in a dry, cold place.

You can also process the seeds by bubbling. But in this case, they need to be sown only in moist soil. If you do not pre-treat the seeds, then the arrow will not be able to develop.

The scheme for planting beets in open ground is very simple: sowing in rows with further thinning of seedlings. Planting depth depends on the type of soil. If the soil is loamy, then the seeds should be planted at a depth of 3 cm, if sandy - about 4 cm. The distance between the rows should be at least 40 cm. Planting beets in open ground should be carried out in the same beds and resemble a lattice.

It is necessary to make small grooves and pour water into them. Planting beets with seeds should be carried out only when moisture is absorbed. The seeds of this garden crop are large enough, so they can be sown individually. Sometimes gardeners worry that seedlings may not appear, so they put several seeds together. After placing the seeds in the ground, they must be sprinkled with earth.

Planting seedlings

If you do not want to thin out the beets, then you can use the second planting method. This method is also perfect for those who have not fully understood how to plant beets with seeds. If you will plant seedlings, then you need to sow it in a greenhouse at least 30 days before transplanting into permanent soil.

When to plant beets in the spring if you are using seedlings and not seeds? It is not worth talking about specific dates, since everything depends on weather conditions. Seedlings can be planted only if the sprouts have grown stronger.

If you have a greenhouse, then you need to make several grooves in it at a distance of 5 cm from each other. They need to plant seeds. Between them, you need to keep a distance of 3 cm. When the seedlings grow, you need to monitor how leaves form on them. If the stem becomes strong, and about 4-5 leaves grow on it, you can safely transplant the seedlings. However, you don't have to do it abruptly. First, it is recommended to harden the sprouts. To do this, the greenhouse must be ventilated for a while. Sudden changes in temperature adversely affect the development of root crops.

Only after the implementation of all these processes, the sprouts can be planted in open ground. It is advisable to first place them in a solution of clay, and only then - in open ground.

Some gardeners know how to plant beets in the fall, and often practice this. In the second half of autumn, you can sow the beds with seeds, and in July you should expect the first root crops. This is considered an early harvest.

Root care

You already know when to sow beets and how to do it correctly. Now let's get acquainted with the features of caring for this root crop.

It is important to take into account the fact that several shoots sprout from one grain, and in any case, the beets need to be thinned out. Therefore, do not sow too thickly. If after thinning there are many sprouts left, then they can be planted as seedlings. It is necessary to remove excess sprouts twice. First you need to thin out the beets when 2 leaves appear on the sprouts. It is advisable to maintain a distance of 3-4 cm. Then it is recommended to repeat the process when about 5 leaves appear on the sprouts, and the size of the root crop reaches 4 cm in diameter. Torn out roots during the second thinning can not be afraid to use for food.

As for loosening, this should be done no more than 2-3 times per season. Beets also need to be watered infrequently. The further north the area where you live, the less often you need to water the site. Before harvesting, it is better not to water the beets, as this negatively affects the taste of root crops.

Top dressing should be done 2 times. First, it is advisable to fertilize the root crops with a solution of mullein or bird droppings in proportions of 1:10. In a month, you can enrich the land again. A solution of potassium and urea is best suited for this. In 10 liters of water, mix 2 g of urea and 20 g of potassium sulfate. How to plant beets correctly so that it is convenient to fertilize them later? Be sure to leave enough free space between the beds. In no case should the solution be poured directly onto the root. It is best to moisten the distance between the grooves with it.

Often gardeners practice watering with saline. This helps to enrich it with sodium. Usually 1 glass of salt is needed for 10 liters of water. This is enough for root crops not only to receive useful trace elements, but also to increase their sugar content.

We plant beets correctly and enjoy a great harvest!
