The main types of sports games presentation. Sports games presentation on physical education on the topic

slide presentation

Slide text: Presentation of a lesson on physical culture for students of grade 8 PROGRAM SECTION: SPORTS GAMES. VOLLEYBALL Topic: "Passing the ball through the net with two hands from above and receiving the ball from below in oncoming columns"

Slide text: **************************************************** Venue: school gym 24x12 Time: 11.50-12.30 Inventory and equipment: 12 balls, net. The lesson is conducted by: teacher of physical culture Matveeva N.N. GBOU secondary school No. 288 of the Admiralteisky district St. Petersburg

Slide text: ***********Main tasks:********** To improve the skill in the technique of passing the ball from above with two hands after moving in the conditions of game activity. Improve the skill in the technique of receiving the ball from below. To promote the development of coordination abilities, speed-strength qualities. Contribute to the development of a sense of collectivism To promote the assimilation of students' knowledge about the technique of receiving and passing the ball about the technique of movement.

Slide text: ************* Lesson parts:*************** Introductory part Main part Final part

Slide text: *** Introductory part *** Particular tasks: Provide initial organization and psychological readiness for the lesson. Create an attitude to achieve specific results. To promote the activation of attention and organization of students To promote the gradual involvement of the body in the work. 4-5 exercises To promote the development of concentration and quick response to a sound signal. Help to warm up the muscles, prepare the body for work. To improve students in the ways of moving a volleyball player. (for exercises 7-8) To help restore breathing and organize a student for O.R.U To help increase muscle elasticity and mobility in the cervical spine. To help increase the elasticity of muscle tissue and mobility in the joints of the arms and shoulder girdle. (for exercise 10.3-10.6) To help increase muscle elasticity and mobility in the lumbosacral spine 10.9) Organize students to complete the main part of the lesson.

Slide text: *** Introductory part *** Content of the training material: 1. Formation in one line, exchange of greetings. -25-30 sec. Require organization of actions, speed and clarity in the execution of commands. 2. Reporting lesson objectives. -25-30 sec. Ensure the specificity and accessibility of tasks for understanding. 3.1 Walking in a column one at a time along the perimeter of the hall. -20-25 sec. Performing under the account to monitor the preservation of posture. 3.2 - on socks, hands to shoulders. -20-25 sec. 3.3 - on the heels, hands behind the head. -20-25 sec. Follow the posture, the shoulder blades are brought together.

Slide text: *** Introductory part *** Content of educational material: 6. Running around the hall with the performance of tasks on the whistle (stops, squats). -2 minutes. Follow the distance 7. Moving diagonally with side steps with the right, left side, jumping up, arms up. -1 time for 18 m. Pay attention to the correct execution technique. 8. Running with acceleration up to 18 m. -3 times. They are performed diagonally, if possible, to catch up with the runner ahead. 9. Walking along the perimeter of the hall in a column one at a time, performing breathing exercises and opening a distance of two steps. – 60 sec. Run on account

Slide text: *** Introductory part *** Content of educational material: Performing general developmental exercises in motion while walking along the perimeter of the hall. Each exercise is performed 6-8 p. 1) I.P. - arms down 1-2-3-4 arms with arches forward to the sides - inhale 5-6-7-8 arms down - exhale Follow the correct execution in combination with the steps. 2) I.P. - hands on the belt -1. turning the head to the left -2. I.P -3. head turn to the right -4. I.P. Make sure that the shoulders do not turn. 3) I.P. - hands to shoulders. 1-2-3-4 four circles with arms forward 5-6-7-8 the same back Follow the range of motion. 4) I.P. - right hand up 1-2 two jerky abductions with hands back 3-4 the same, but the left hand is up. Make sure that your elbows do not bend.

Slide text: *** Introductory part *** Content of educational material: 5) I.P. hands to the side. 1-2-3-4 four circular movements with the forearms down 5-6-7-8 the same up 6) I.P. hands down, fingers clenched into a fist. 1-2-3-4 four circular doubles. brush forward. 5-6-7-8 the same back Pay attention to the large range of motion. 7) I.P. hands behind your head. 1- step right, turn the torso to the right 2- I.P. 3- step left, turn the torso to the left Follow the correct execution. 8) I.P. hands down. 1-step left, leaning forward from top to bottom arms forward-up. 2-step right, leaning forward downward hands forward-up. Make sure that your knees do not bend. 9) I.P. hands on the belt 1-2-3-4 springy lunge with the right 5-6-7-8 the same with the left. The back is straight, do not lean forward, the leg is behind on the toe.

Slide #10

Slide text: ************ MAIN PART *********** Particular tasks: Restore the skill in performing the transfer from above with both hands in place. To improve the skill in performing an exit under the ball and adopting a technically correct position for receiving from below. Improve the skill of receiving the ball from above with two hands in motion Improve the skill in execution: give the desired direction to the ball. Improve the skill of receiving the ball from above and below in motion and passing the ball over the net, with a change of places.

Slide #11

Slide text: ************ MAIN PART *********** Content of the training material: Passing the ball over you from above with both hands. 10 times Performing passes over oneself with a clap with straight arms. 2-3 times Alternately passing the ball with two hands from above and receiving with two hands from below. 10-15 p. Passing the ball with two hands from above, moving with side steps from one sideline to the other and back. 5-6 min. Pay attention to the work of the legs and the extension of the arms in the elbow joints, the correct position of the fingers on the ball and the wrist movement of the hands. When alternating gears, pay attention to the work of the legs; when passing from below, the stance should be deeper. Ensure that the correct stance of the volleyball player is maintained.

Slide #12

Slide text: ************ MAIN PART *********** Content of the educational material: Alternately performing the transfer of the ball with two hands from above over oneself, passing the ball with two hands from below to the partner. Passing the ball in opposite columns through the net with changing places, in two, in four columns. The mobile game "Mill" Transfers from the inner circle to the outer, the inner circle stands still, the outer circle moves on a signal, then to the right side, then to the left. There are four people in the inner circle and eight in the outer circle. Follow the rack with one leg slightly pushed forward, the body leans slightly forward. Pay attention to the height of the gears and the clarity of movement. Pay attention that the players, in addition to their actions, must follow the actions of the partner and, if necessary, change places.

Slide #13

Slide text: ********* Final part *********** Particular tasks: To promote the normalization of breathing and the restoration of the functional state of the students' body. Facilitate concentration of attention and set students up for the upcoming learning activities Facilitate students' understanding of the tasks of the lesson and the effectiveness of their own learning activities.

Slide #14

Slide text: *********Final part*********** Content of training material: Running along the perimeter of the hall with a gradual decrease in speed with the transition to walking. The game "Minute" in walking around the perimeter of the hall. With a stop and a step inside the hall after the end of time (everyone has their own sense of time). Summing up the lesson, assessing the degree of problem solving, highlighting the best and grading for the lesson, identifying students' opinions about the effectiveness of their activities.

Slide #15

Slide text: ********* Final part *********** Organizational and methodological instructions: Focus students' attention on the rhythm of breathing. Pay attention to the fact that the account is not conducted aloud, but to oneself. Encourage students to introspect the effectiveness of their own activities in the classroom.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Goal: Familiarize children with sports games and exercises, laying the basics of proper technique.

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Tasks: - To teach children to coordinate their actions with the actions of their comrades; - Develop creativity, unfading interest in the results of the game. Cultivate restraint, self-control, responsibility, will and determination; Enrich sensorimotor experience and vocabulary.

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Sports games Sports games strengthen large muscle groups, develop psychophysical qualities: strength, speed, agility, endurance. In sports games, the child's mental activity increases, orientation in space, intelligence develops, speed of thinking, awareness of one's own actions occurs. In kindergarten, it is necessary to use only those games that will give children the opportunity to quickly master the elements of sports games.

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To this end, the greatest attention should be paid to ball games. In these games, children will master the skills of catching, throwing, throwing. Particular attention is paid to ball games on the development of reaction speed, dexterity, and mobility. Children should be taught games with elements of sports games gradually, moving from simple to complex. Training should begin with the study of common, similar to a number of games, techniques. When learning the elementary technique of sports games, the most loved (especially among boys) is the game of towns, as well as ball games such as basketball, badminton, and small tennis.

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Among all sports games for children, relay races are so popular. Relay races can be in the form of a run for a flag, with a puck, ball or other sports equipment. It is important that during sports play activities, each child can show himself and his abilities. Sports educational games for children help to form a child's respect for physical culture and sports. And this is the key to excellent health in the future.

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The benefits of sports games in the dow Physical development. Sports strengthen the nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems of the body. In addition, such qualities as strength, endurance, agility and speed of movement are developed. Mental development. The need to perform certain game tasks in a limited time contributes to the development of ingenuity and the activation of thinking. And also skills of good orientation in space are formed.

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Communication skills. Sports activities in kindergarten teach a very important skill - the art of interaction with the team. Kids gradually understand that they need to reckon with the opinions of others and be able to resolve conflict situations. Moral-volitional traits. Self-discipline, will, self-control, honesty are some of the few listed qualities that nurture sports games in preschool educational institutions.

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Badminton (ball with feathers) is a sports game with a shuttlecock and rackets. The goal of the game is to prevent the shuttlecock from falling on your court and land it on the opponent's side. The simplicity of the rules, the ability to play on any small playground, lawn, beach. Before the game, the child is taught to hold the racket correctly: it is held in the right hand so that the end of the handle rests on the base of the palm, the thumb is slightly extended forward and rests on the racket handle. The child is practicing in beating the shuttlecock. He throws the shuttlecock in front of him with his left hand and beats it up with the racket, preventing it from falling.

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Basketball is a team game in which the joint actions of the players are determined by a single goal. It is complex and emotional, includes fast running, jumping, throwing, carried out in originally conceived combinations, carried out with the opposition of partners in the game. The study by N. Shashkova showed that if a child has the skills of this makes it easier to master the game of basketball.

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Table tennis. Tables are made for playing table tennis: for the middle group, 65 cm high, 230 cm long and 100 cm wide; for senior and preparatory groups - 68, 250, 130 cm. For throwing and ball games, vertical and horizontal targets are built on the site - these are metal rings, chocks with attached rings. They are used for throwing and climbing, and for different games. For throwing, a rocket model installed on the site is also used - children throw balls, cones, sandbags. The rocket is used for both incline running exercises and role-playing games.

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Hockey. In the preparatory period, children master the basic concepts: stick, stick hook, puck. At first, children play with small clubs without skates. During this period, the child's hands get used to being weighed down with a stick, children acquire dexterity, learn to maneuver, hit the puck, etc. With small clubs, children try to drive an ice floe into a hole, circle or gate. They play the games “Pass the puck”, “Who will catch the puck to the circle faster.” From the very beginning, it is important to teach how to hold the stick correctly with both hands - with the right (strong) hand at the end of the stick, with a grip from above (stepping back 1.5-2 cm), and with the other hand a little lower - grip from below. The stick must be held in such a way that the lower edge of the hook rests on the ice. During the game, do not intercept the stick with your hands. In the hands of the player, it should be light, obedient. To do this, children are given exercises: swinging their arms with a stick, moving the stick around the body, from one hand to the other, rotating the stick, holding it with both hands, etc.

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Football One of the oldest sports. It is traditionally believed that football was invented in England in the Middle Ages. Its meaning was to kick a leather ball stuffed with feathers and hair into a net stretched on a bamboo base. The English did not invent football, but only developed and popularized it. The rules of this sport have changed over time. The main principles of football: The game is played by two teams of 11 players each. The goal is to kick the ball into the opponent's goal. Footballers direct the ball only with their feet and head, it is forbidden to use their hands. The team that manages to score the ball more times wins. There are roles here: goalkeeper; 4 defenders; 3 midfielders; 3 attackers.

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Gorodki is an old Russian game. This game develops an eye, accuracy of movements, strengthens the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, and evokes strong emotions. For preschool children, lightweight bats 45-50 cm long, weighing 400-450 g, towns 10-12 cm high are selected. The rules for playing towns are simplified with the game of adults. A “city”-square is drawn on the ground, each side of which is 1 m At a distance of 3-4 m from the front (front) line of the city, a line is drawn from which the end begins. Between the city and the horse at a distance of 2-2.5 m from the city is a semi-con. When the children learn to knock out the towns from this distance, the lines of the horse and the semi-cone increase by a distance of 5-6 and 2-3 m. Various figures (“fence”, “barrel”, “well”, “airplane”, etc.) .). Throwing bats, the player tries to knock out the towns outside the city square. The winner is the one who knocks out more towns with fewer throws.

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References: 1. 2. O. E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009. 3. Adashkevich E. I. Basketball for preschoolers. - M., 1983. 4. Stepanenkova E. Ya. Theory and methods of physical education and development of the child: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001. - 368 p. P. 232-237 5. Aksenova N. Increasing the level of motor activity and dosage of physical activity in physical education classes // Preschool education, 2000. No. 6. P. 37-48. 6. Bocharova N. Physical culture and sports holidays in kindergarten: new approaches, methodological recommendations // Preschool education, 2004. No. 1. P. 46-51. 7. Vavilova E. N. Teach to run, jump, climb, throw: A guide for the educator of children. garden. - M.: Enlightenment, 1983. - 144 p. 8. Voloshina L., Novichkova L. Playing basketball // Child in kindergarten, 2001. No. 3. 9. Voloshina L., Lunina T., Novichkova L. Playing hockey // Preschool education, 2003. No. 1. pp.34-39. .

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Presentation of a lesson on physical culture for students of the 8th grade PROGRAM SECTION: SPORTS GAMES. VOLLEYBALL Topic: "Passing the ball through the net with two hands from above and receiving the ball from below in oncoming columns"

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*********************************************** Location: school gym 24x12 Time: 11.50-12.30 Inventory and equipment: 12 balls, net. The lesson is conducted by: teacher of physical culture Matveeva N.N. GBOU secondary school No. 288 of the Admiralteisky district St. Petersburg

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***********Main tasks:********** To improve the skill in the technique of passing the ball from above with two hands after moving in the conditions of game activity. Improve the skill in the technique of receiving the ball from below. To promote the development of coordination abilities, speed-strength qualities. Contribute to the development of a sense of collectivism To promote the assimilation of students' knowledge about the technique of receiving and passing the ball about the technique of movement.

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*************Parts of the lesson:*************** Introductory part Main part Final part

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*** Introductory part *** Particular tasks: Provide initial organization and psychological readiness for the lesson. Create an attitude to achieve specific results. To promote the activation of attention and organization of students To promote the gradual involvement of the body in the work. 4-5 exercises To promote the development of concentration and quick response to a sound signal. Help to warm up the muscles, prepare the body for work. To improve students in the ways of moving a volleyball player. (for exercise 7-8) To help restore breathing and organize a student for O.R.U To help increase muscle elasticity and mobility in the cervical spine. To help increase the elasticity of muscle tissue and mobility in the joints of the arms and shoulder girdle. (for exercise 10.3-10.6) To help increase muscle elasticity and mobility in the lumbosacral spine 10.9) Organize students to complete the main part of the lesson.

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***Introductory-preparatory part*** The content of the educational material: 1. Formation in one line, exchange of greetings. -25-30 sec. Require organization of actions, speed and clarity in the execution of commands. 2. Reporting lesson objectives. -25-30 sec. Ensure the specificity and accessibility of tasks for understanding. 3.1 Walking in a column one at a time along the perimeter of the hall. -20-25 sec. Performing under the account to monitor the preservation of posture. 3.2 - on socks, hands to shoulders. -20-25 sec. 3.3 - on the heels, hands behind the head. -20-25 sec. Follow the posture, the shoulder blades are brought together.

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***Introductory-preparatory part*** The content of the educational material: 6. Running around the hall with the performance of tasks on the whistle (stops, squats). -2 minutes. Follow the distance 7. Moving diagonally with side steps with the right, left side, jumping up, arms up. -1 time for 18 m. Pay attention to the correct execution technique. 8. Running with acceleration up to 18 m. -3 times. They are performed diagonally, if possible, to catch up with the runner ahead. 9. Walking along the perimeter of the hall in a column one at a time, performing breathing exercises and opening a distance of two steps. – 60 sec. Run on account

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***Introductory-preparatory part*** The content of the educational material: Performing general developmental exercises in motion while walking along the perimeter of the hall. Each exercise is performed 6-8 p. 1) I.P. - arms down 1-2-3-4 arms with arches forward to the sides - inhale 5-6-7-8 arms down - exhale Follow the correct execution in combination with the steps. 2) I.P. - hands on the belt -1. turning the head to the left -2. I.P -3. head turn to the right -4. I.P. Make sure that the shoulders do not turn. 3) I.P. - hands to shoulders. 1-2-3-4 four circles with arms forward 5-6-7-8 the same back Follow the range of motion. 4) I.P. - right hand up 1-2 two jerky abductions with hands back 3-4 the same, but the left hand is up. Make sure that your elbows do not bend.

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*** Introductory and preparatory part *** Content of educational material: 5) I.P. hands to the side. 1-2-3-4 four circular movements with the forearms down 5-6-7-8 the same up 6) I.P. hands down, fingers clenched into a fist. 1-2-3-4 four circular doubles. brush forward. 5-6-7-8 the same back Pay attention to the large range of motion. 7) I.P. hands behind your head. 1- step right, turn the torso to the right 2- I.P. 3- step left, turn the torso to the left Follow the correct execution. 8) I.P. hands down. 1-step left, leaning forward from top to bottom arms forward-up. 2-step right, leaning forward downward hands forward-up. Make sure that your knees do not bend. 9) I.P. hands on the belt 1-2-3-4 springy lunge with the right 5-6-7-8 the same with the left. The back is straight, do not lean forward, the leg is behind on the toe.

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************ MAIN PART *********** Particular tasks: Restore the skill in performing an overhead pass with two hands in place. To improve the skill in performing an exit under the ball and adopting a technically correct position for receiving from below. Improve the skill of receiving the ball from above with two hands in motion Improve the skill in execution: give the desired direction to the ball. Improve the skill of receiving the ball from above and below in motion and passing the ball over the net, with a change of places.

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************ MAIN PART *********** The content of the educational material: Passing the ball over oneself from above with two hands. 10 times Performing passes over oneself with a clap with straight arms. 2-3 times Alternately passing the ball with two hands from above and receiving with two hands from below. 10-15 p. Passing the ball with two hands from above, moving with side steps from one sideline to the other and back. 5-6 min. Pay attention to the work of the legs and the extension of the arms in the elbow joints, the correct position of the fingers on the ball and the wrist movement of the hands. When alternating gears, pay attention to the work of the legs; when passing from below, the stance should be deeper. Ensure that the correct stance of the volleyball player is maintained.

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*********** MAIN PART *********** Contents of the educational material: Alternately performing the transfer of the ball with two hands from above over oneself, passing the ball with two hands from below to the partner. Passing the ball in opposite columns through the net with changing places, in two, in four columns. The mobile game "Mill" Transfers from the inner circle to the outer, the inner circle stands still, the outer circle moves on a signal, then to the right side, then to the left. There are four people in the inner circle and eight in the outer circle. Follow the rack with one leg slightly pushed forward, the body leans slightly forward. Pay attention to the height of the gears and the clarity of movement. Pay attention that the players, in addition to their actions, must follow the actions of the partner and, if necessary, change places.

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*********Final part********* Particular tasks: To contribute to the normalization of breathing and the restoration of the functional state of the body of students. Facilitate concentration of attention and set students up for the upcoming learning activities Facilitate students' understanding of the tasks of the lesson and the effectiveness of their own learning activities.

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*********The final part********* The content of the educational material: Running along the perimeter of the hall with a gradual decrease in speed with the transition to walking. The game "Minute" in walking around the perimeter of the hall. With a stop and a step inside the hall after the end of time (everyone has their own sense of time). Summing up the lesson, assessing the degree of problem solving, highlighting the best and grading for the lesson, identifying students' opinions about the effectiveness of their activities.

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********* Final part ********* Organizational and methodological instructions: Focus students' attention on the rhythm of breathing. Pay attention to the fact that the account is not conducted aloud, but to oneself. Encourage students to introspect the effectiveness of their own activities in the classroom.

"Sports games" - Volleyball. Run. Athletics. Gymnastics. Marathon. Sport games. Acrobatics. Sports walking. Types of physical culture. Skis. Motorsport - a type of motorcycle cross-country, road racing. Jumping. Driving sports, dog sled racing. Gorodki is a Russian folk sports game. Sailing, racing on sailing ships.

"Billiards Tournaments" - Tournaments 2007 A series of 6 championships "Tournament of Champions" since 2004. Main camera. Super Cup 2008 The main outdoor advertising media on the platform near the table. Enclosure of the main view and general view of billboards. Billiard broadcast monitoring indicators. professional tournaments. Balkan Cup 2008 (Moldova Open).

"Athletics" - One of the main and most popular sports. Currently, world athletics is in a dual position. Athletics. Athletics exercises for the purpose of physical training were used in ancient times. Long jumps are held in the sector for horizontal jumps according to the general rules.

"Lifestyle" - What should be done in Russia to improve the health of the population? social block. Abuse alcohol - 70% of men; 47% women. Commitment to a healthy lifestyle of the population of the Russian Federation. Authoritative and respected citizens and public organizations. Mass media. Health education of the population and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

"Product Compatibility" - House dust mites. Store products. You can't completely eliminate fat from your diet. Fats are saturated and unsaturated. Unsaturated fats in the diet should be about 300-400 g per week. Diseases caused by house dust. Dietology as a science. Appetite is both a habit and an instinct. Melon should be eaten as an independent dish.

"Proper nutrition" - Often, in the daily budget of time, the road takes from 2 to 4-5 hours. Proper and healthy nutrition. Excess protein can be detrimental to health. It is best to start your meal with salads or vegetables. In proper nutrition, a set of dishes and their quantity are necessarily taken into account. The child spends a lot of time on the road to the place of study, training.

There are 38 presentations in total in the topic
