The main symptoms of a magical effect on a person. How to recognize the magical effect

This article is a continuation of the topic "Magic Effects on a Person", begun by . It will be just great if you read this short article first. It will help you better navigate the material below.

  1. 1. A person suddenly began to notice that with the usual (usual) daily load, he became more tired. It should be especially alert if this fatigue or drowsiness piles on at a strictly defined time of day.
  2. 2. A person has a constant malaise, he is constantly being treated for something, he literally “passes” from one disease to another. Although quite recently, everything was in order with health. Doctors just shrug. A person often has a depressed mood for no reason, and a couple of months ago his mood was calm and even. A person begins to have strange and unpleasant dreams.
  3. 3. Waking up, he cannot immediately turn on to an active state, he needs to lie down for some more time, recover from sleep. A person often began to experience headaches of unclear origin. Doctors find it difficult to diagnose them, and they cannot establish the cause of their appearance either. The prescribed treatment does not bring much relief.
  4. If a person is taken up by some “craftsman” who works through a wax or other material doll, he quite often experiences palpable pain in different parts of the body, as if a sharp (or blunt) needle is stuck into him or even pierced.
  5. A person often gets the feeling that he is dirty in something dirty, disgusting, sticky, and he wants to wash himself off all this literally almost in bleach. Or vice versa, he almost forces himself to perform daily hygiene procedures.
  6. Dirt and disorder begin to gather around the person. It often seems to him that some kind of unpleasant odors. Food spoils faster than usual, and also gives off an unpleasant odor. Despite the fact that earlier for him maintaining cleanliness and order was a natural matter.
  7. A person constantly gets some kind of minor injury - either he hits something, then he cuts himself, then he gets scratched. He “touches” all the corners and jambs, drops something, spills, breaks. It seems that he suddenly became somehow clumsy, as if his body resolutely refuses to obey him.
  8. A person's clothes begin to get dirty and wear out several times faster than usual. Although he still wears it neatly. This is especially noticeable on knitwear. They seem to have been shot from a shotgun, and a huge number of small, small holes with arrows appear on them. But he bought it in a decent store, and wore it only a few times.
  9. A person begins to discover all sorts of strange things in completely inappropriate places. For example, earth or sand, tangled hair, threads, needles, scraps of pet hair (most often dogs or cats), although you don’t have any dogs or cats in your house, dried leaves, beads, small beads, etc.
  10. Somehow unexpectedly for himself, a person realizes that his social life almost stopped. A few months ago, he was an active participant in various business meetings and a star of parties, and now they began to forget to invite him, or offer to participate in various meetings - be it business or friendly events. His friends-acquaintances find time to communicate with him less and less, they either have no time, or they become very reserved in communicating with him. He finds himself in a kind of "social vacuum". Although at the same time you seem to be not experiencing any mental or emotional crises, and in no way let anyone know that the whole world would leave him alone.
  11. A person, completely without any reason on his part, began to “run into” the people around him, both familiar and unfamiliar people.
  12. A person inadvertently discovers that he is losing interest in people of the opposite sex, and he himself also ceases to be of any interest to them. Yes, in fact, he also ceases to feel his own gender. From a man or a woman, he moved into the category of "just a man." No gender, no age. Just a human being.
  13. Some minor (or maybe not very minor) troubles at work began. Although everything was fine at work before, things went smoothly and smoothly as usual, without any minor or minor force majeure and conflicts.
  14. Something incomprehensible began to happen with money. Even if a person’s income hasn’t nominally decreased, quite recently he could afford a certain standard of living, and perhaps even managed to save something for a vacation or for large purchases, now with the same money he barely manages to make ends meet. There are always situations that require unplanned expenses.
  15. In addition to the lack of money, his household and other appliances and electronics fail, or even burn down completely.
  16. As soon as, after all the troubles, something begins to improve, and a person, perking up, begins to make some plans, and proceeds to implement them, he soon finds that all his troubles again pile on him. Plans are crumbling before our eyes. It was as if all his troubles decided to tease him, and hid somewhere around the nearest corner, and were waiting for him there to pounce on him with renewed vigor.
  17. Another peculiar indicator is the reaction of animals. More recently, a person had a good relationship with animals, and animals reciprocated, or he had a neutral attitude towards animals, but now they began to pounce on a person, bark at him, throw clods of earth in his direction, or react to him in some way. in another strange way. Close to such a person, cats literally appear almost out of thin air and either walk next to him for some distance, or constantly run across his path, or in some other way show their increased interest in him. (There are suggestions that the increased attention of cats is an indication of a love spell. I did not notice such an obvious connection.)
  18. A person completely satisfied with life, having a decent job, good relations with loved ones, suddenly, literally before our eyes, begins to become an inveterate drunkard for no reason. And even he cannot explain to himself why such a craving for alcohol suddenly opened up in him. (Some clairvoyants, healers, and other experts in the field of esotericism believe that such sudden alcoholism is an indication that the person was planted / attached to the so-called settlers, or alcoholic spirits, or work was carried out through these entities.)
  19. It becomes difficult for a person, and over time almost impossible, to resist the negative traits of his character. Willpower seems to disappear imperceptibly somewhere.
  20. A person with an effort forces himself to take up the implementation of the planned tasks. Often he simply begins to put them off for an endless “then I will do it, in an hour, tomorrow, on the weekend”, etc. And much of what was conceived is never realized, losing its relevance. And then he “bites” himself for a long time for what has not been done, for being a weak-willed rag, but he still does not bring what he started to completion. A mountain of unfinished and unfinished business grows.
  21. Whenever a person, having suspected something is wrong, begins to look for a specialist who can help him figure out what is happening to him, something constantly “leads” him away from these thoughts, or creates some kind of obstacles to so that a person does not get an appointment with such a specialist. Or “pushing” to apply for an appointment with a charlatan, who initially is not going to honestly work out the money paid to him. And, accordingly, in no way will it prevent all this negativity from doing its dirty work with a person further.

P.S. I intentionally did not use the pronoun “YOU. YOU," etc., and replaced them with the word "MAN". so that suspicious people do not begin to perceive these manifestations as their own "diagnosis". Once again, I urge you to treat all these points with the greatest possible sanity. Just in case, if you found almost all of the above points in yourself, and came to a conclusion like “Life is over” or something like that, let's think together again. Check your conclusions again by answering yourself a few simple questions found in the "final" article on this topic.

If you are absolutely sure that several items from this list are 100% your case, use all the strength and means you have to get an appointment with a competent specialist and get rid of this negativity, which sooner or later will completely poison your life.

If you have such a person proven "in combat conditions" - contact him. If not, you can contact me. I will try to help you figure out what is happening to you and your life, and how you can deal with it.

With respect for your views and your values,
Natalia Vammas.

Why has magic in all its manifestations become popular lately? On television programs they only talk about people with superpowers, the Internet is constantly full of headlines testifying to magic and the power of its effect on a person.

Every magic has a specific character

Today it is easy to divide people into three categories.

  • With special faith in the power of black and white magic. Or try to use it in Everyday life with or without reason, or are afraid of her and avoid everything that concerns her. If necessary, both of them run to the grandmother or to the church.
  • They don't believe in magical rituals at all. What happens to them or other people is considered a coincidence, lies and invented stories.
  • For the most part, this category includes children and young people. We are sure that every magical ritual is a kind of game and fun. Starting to use for holidays (Christmas, old New Year, Baptism). Sometimes, just to have fun and try in practice, they resort to magic spells and rituals.

It should be noted that it is the third group that bears the special danger. It often happens that children, for the sake of a joke, read conspiracies for death, for a quarrel and just guess. But they don't think about the consequences. And they happen sometimes immediately, and sometimes after a while. Only now they either don’t remember that someone performed a special ritual for the sake of interest, or they consider it a mere coincidence. The only thing that can be said in this case is that the third category will take the side of the first or second group.

What is magic and how does it happen

Before talking about the impact or consequences of magical rituals, you must first know its types and possibilities. In most cases, it is believed that there are only two magics. Completely wrong opinion. Magic is of three kinds.

  1. White. The kindest clean energy on earth. With the help of white energy, it is possible to remove negativity from a person’s life, prevent death (here one should take into account the degree of the magician’s gift), cure diseases and fears.
  2. Gray magic. This category of magicians who use it have a number of restrictions. They use both elements of white and black magic. They have their own rituals, conspiracies and needs. So everyone knows that if a magician is a carrier of white energy, then he will not take payment for his work. As for blacks or charlatans, they will certainly provide an invoice for their labors. And it should be noted that the amount in it will be indicated rather big.
  3. Black magic or you can also say evil power given to a person by evil spirits. When referring to such a magical system, be sure that your retribution will not be specifically in monetary terms. No! You will pay money for the work of a sorcerer, and your soul for the treatment and use of such magic. Love spells, plots for revenge, illness, death, even money spells are already black magic.

What can each magical energy

It is clear that each magic has a certain character. White - protection, treatment, amulet, removal of damage and other things that bring good. When reading white conspiracies, goodness and light, purification are already carried. Black magic is the ability to influence a person's life from the outside. When using the rituals of such energy, the influence on a person is great, strong. Something that can turn a handsome man into a freak or vice versa. Take everything from the rich, ruin it completely. We can say that such magic is resorted to for humiliation, destruction and simply revenge on another person. Not necessarily this someone annoyed you, just his beauty annoys you, and envy eats you up. Maybe the daughter-in-law just doesn't like it, or your husband is about to leave for his mistress. Lots of options. And all of them are banal and solvable without a magical ritual.

Black magic - the ability to influence a person's life from the outside

To use gray magic, you need to be extremely careful, since it is not always clear what will happen after reading the spell. Which of the forces (black or white) will hear you and decide to help. The situation is as follows: after reading, sort of like, words about help in love or financial well-being (and a spell, sort of, using church words), everything starts to happen the other way around. You do not get what you want, but only more problems. Either you get, but not in the way you wanted.

How to recognize the effect of magic

Having learned about the possibilities of the forces of magic, its types, you can move on to the specifics. If you belong to the second group of people, then this will seem to you a mere coincidence or inability to live. For everyone else, this is a hint. Let's get started.

Signs or manifestation of magical rites aimed at a specific person.

The first, and most important, is a complete change or gradation of human consciousness. A true teetotaler or a fighter against drug addiction, very sharply turns into those drug addicts or drunkards. To learn already by one sign is more real than by many others. True, such an example is more suitable for people with strong character traits. He begins to resist and fight the disease, only he begins to suck even more. This feature is also indicative of severe damage for a family. The fact is that the main member of the family will take over everything. If both spouses are weak in spirit, then the two of them will slide to a minimum.

A magical ritual performed incorrectly (especially for love or beauty witchcraft) can lead to a backlash. If this is not your destiny, then the desired person will be there, but there will be no love. Constant quarrels, inexplicable hatred, but will not be able to quit. The same reaction may be among those who are trying to beat off or take away from the family. This usually applies to males. He will not be able to live normally, neither here nor there. It is even possible to commit suicide.

Witchcraft directed at you will give some kind of reaction to the church, prayers and incense. If something has been done to you (no matter what, damage, trouble, drying, etc.), you will not be very comfortable where the smell of incense is. Even a gag reflex or loss of consciousness is possible.

  • Have a huge number of cockroaches, mice and other things appeared in your house, which was not there before and brings only dirt and not good feelings? Then envy worked and brought elements of evil spirits into your life.
  • Unexplained feeling of suffocation pectoral cross. There is a desire to take it off. There are also moments when the cross simply disappears from the neck (the thread or chain breaks, the cross simply washes off when bathing, etc.) - all these are signs of damage to death.
  • Lack of clean air. You are constantly drawn to the street, where friends are already waiting for you, who only brought trouble to your life. There is no desire to be at home, just the legs themselves lead you in an incomprehensible direction.
  • The appearance of fear. And not necessarily for your life or your loved ones. You start to fear everything and everyone. Every rustle in the apartment seems to be a danger.
  • Unreasonable change of mood, apathy. There is no energy for household trifles. Feeling worse, but no illness. Strong weight loss is possible (or vice versa, you get better by leaps and bounds).
  • A state of tearfulness or vice versa aggression. Dreams have become more frequent, where reality is mixed with dreams, you experience horror from the actions that occur in a dream.
  • Frequent miscarriages and diseases of the female organs. It is necessary to take into account the fact that a woman takes care of herself, the preservation of the fetus, the warming of her body during the periods of winter and autumn.

The last symptoms should be taken into account only after examinations by doctors and a careful attitude towards oneself.

How to determine magic on a person? It is enough to go to church and observe his behavior. But in principle, guardian angels will tell you that you are being affected by magic. We also call them intuition. They tell you or your relatives that you are in trouble. But in all the problems a person is guilty himself: boasting, communicating with people who have lost their human appearance, hypocrisy, the desire to stand out more than anyone else at work, on the street, in society. As for men, their innocent flirting or casual sex can lead to disastrous results that will affect not only himself, but also the family.

Some girls, resorting to black magic, simply harass their rival, hoping for constant love from their chosen one. Mothers-in-law also do not understand that performing rituals in order to break up their son's family leads to the fact that everyone suffers: son, daughter-in-law, children, and the mother-in-law herself. They live together, because those destined by fate cannot be separated.

A magical effect on a person is carried out in order to suppress his will and interfere in the energy of a person. How do you determine yourself magical effect per person? There are certain signs and special rites that help to recognize the effect of magic. We reveal the ways and methods of some rituals in this article.

Mutual love is one of the most important components of our happiness. There is probably nothing better than to live and know that there is a person who will always be there and will always support and understand, regardless of the situation.

Finding such a person is quite difficult. And when he meets, it seems that no forces can separate you. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

Couples sometimes break up, marriages are terminated. And it's one thing when everything happens according to mutual desire, and quite another - when one of the lovers still has feelings. But the worst thing is when a couple breaks up due to the use of magic. It is quite difficult to determine the magical effect on your own due to interference in human energy.

If you have suspicions about using magic on yourself or people close to you, then you should know one thing. It is impossible to determine the effect of magic on a person on any one specific basis.

It requires constant observation and analysis of the behavior of a person who is bewitched. Sensitivity and attention to the spiritual and physical condition a person, coupled with some rituals, will help to finally verify the presence or absence of the influence of magical forces. Only a combination of signs and factors will be evidence of a magical rite.

If there is a possibility that your soulmate or you yourself have been magically affected, then you need to carefully observe her or your behavior.

Increased aggressiveness, manic attraction to the object of love, pessimistic moods, poor health and constant trouble in all areas are just some of the signs of magical influence. You can finally make sure only by conducting special ceremonies and rituals.

To perform this ceremony, you will need a photograph and coarse white salt. magical properties salts are distinguished by their special power, which allows it to be used for rituals to remove magical influences and determine them.

Late in the evening you need to sit down at the table and put a picture on a saucer. Salt must be poured on top of the picture: enough a small amount. It is important that the entire picture is covered.

Concentrate the light energy within yourself for fifteen minutes. Think of blue skies and wonders to help you get in the right mindset. Ten minutes later, go to bed. You can’t talk to anyone, watch TV or listen to music is also not recommended.

On the morning of the next day, carefully consider the picture:

  • If he remained as he was, then magic was not used against the person in the picture.
  • If there are any traces of a dark color left in the photo, then this indicates the presence of an impact.

After the ceremony, the salt must be thrown away, and the photograph should be wrapped in a white sheet of paper and put away in an inaccessible dark place and not shown to anyone. Even if it turned out that you or your loved one were exposed to magic, do not panic - special rituals will help you cope with everything.

The rite will help to determine the effect of magic on a person, the main components of which are the following components:

  • a raw egg;
  • a photograph of a person who may have been subjected to a love spell;
  • a glass of spring or holy water.

Responsibly approach the choice of photography. The person in the photo must be alone and the quality of the photo must be good.

You need to use a photo that was taken a maximum of a year before the event.

In order to find out the presence or absence of an effect, you need to move the egg over the picture for ten minutes. This is done so that the egg absorbs all the information from the photo.

If you wondered how to determine the magical effect on yourself, then in this case, a ceremony with candles will suit you.

This ritual helps to reveal magic with maximum accuracy. The performance of the ceremony involves the use of one church candle and a silver item.

If you have jewelry, great. In the left hand we take the jewelry, and in the right hand at the level of the heart you need to hold a candle.

The next stage is to close our eyes and, without thinking about anything, we sit like this for fifteen minutes. If during this time the candle sparkles, smokes, shoots, or black streaks appear, then there is an effect of magic. If the candle behaves normally, then there is no magical effect.

The following method will also help to find out the presence or absence of magical or witchcraft influence. To perform this ritual, you will need the following components:

  • church candle;
  • spring, river or well water;
  • a photograph of a person who is possibly bewitched.

Use a knife to cut the candle into small pieces and place them in a ladle. A picture of a person must be placed in front of a vessel with water.

For three minutes, candle wax should be held over a photo of a person. Instead of a photograph, the person himself can sit.

When in contact with water, the wax hardens very quickly, taking on various intricate shapes. When the wax becomes solid, it must be removed from the water and examined.

If there are muddy branches, a clumsy structure, or the water has darkened, then there is a magical effect. If the piece is relatively solid, without many branches, then there was no use of magic spells.

If you feel that you have become the object of magical influence, you first need to pay attention to your home. Try to remember if you found any strange objects at home or in front of the threshold.

These can be broken matches, pins, buttons, needles, pieces of wool, hair, earth or sand. Any of the items found may indicate that a magical rite was performed on you or one of your family members.

If you find something suspicious, then do not try to throw such traces of magic into your trash can. Never burn or leave anything in the house. Sometimes the smoke from burnt objects that participated in a magical ritual can harm no less than the things themselves.

Any objects found at the threshold or on the floor of the house must be swept away with a broom or dustpan, without touching them. It is best to remove such finds as far as possible from your home.

Tarot layout for magical effects

There are quite a few ways to determine the magical effect, and we have considered only some of them. In addition, there are many changes in a person's behavior that signal magical intervention.

However, before proceeding with the removal of negative magical effects, you need to finally make sure that there is magic. If you are not completely sure, then it is better not to rush, but to observe the person a little more. After all, the removal of a non-existent effect of magic can be fraught with consequences for everyone.

Why has magic in all its manifestations become popular lately? On television programs they only talk about people with superpowers, the Internet is constantly full of headlines testifying to magic and the power of its effect on a person.

Man and magic

Today it is easy to divide people into three categories.

With special faith in the power of black and white magic. Either they try to use it in everyday life with or without reason, or they are afraid of it and avoid everything that concerns it. If necessary, both of them run to the grandmother or to the church.

They don't believe in magical rituals at all. What happens to them or other people is considered a coincidence, lies and invented stories.

For the most part, this category includes children and young people. We are sure that every magical ritual is a kind of game and fun. Begin to use for the holidays (Christmas, Old New Year, Epiphany). Sometimes, just to have fun and try in practice, they resort to magic spells and rituals.

It should be noted that it is the third group that bears the special danger. It often happens that children, for the sake of a joke, read conspiracies for death, for a quarrel and just guess. But they don't think about the consequences. And they happen sometimes immediately, and sometimes after a while. Only now they either don’t remember that someone performed a special ritual for the sake of interest, or they consider it a mere coincidence. The only thing that can be said in this case is that the third category will take the side of the first or second group.

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What is magic and how does it happen

Before talking about the impact or consequences of magical rituals, you must first know its types and possibilities. In most cases, it is believed that there are only two magics. Completely wrong opinion. Magic is of three kinds.

1. White. The kindest clean energy on earth. With the help of white energy, it is possible to remove negativity from a person’s life, prevent death (here one should take into account the degree of the magician’s gift), cure diseases and fears.

2. Gray magic. This category of magicians who use it have a number of restrictions. They use both elements of white and black magic. They have their own rituals, conspiracies and needs. So everyone knows that if a magician is a carrier of white energy, then he will not take payment for his work. As for blacks or charlatans, they will certainly provide an invoice for their labors. And it should be noted that the amount in it will be indicated rather big.

3. Black magic or else you can say evil power given to a person by evil spirits. When referring to such a magical system, be sure that your retribution will not be specifically in monetary terms. No! You will pay money for the work of a sorcerer, and your soul for the treatment and use of such magic. Love spells, plots for revenge, illness, death, even money spells are already black magic.

What can each magical energy

It is clear that each magic has a certain character. White - protection, treatment, amulet, removal of damage and other things that bring good. When reading white conspiracies, goodness and light, purification are already carried. Black magic is the ability to influence a person's life from the outside. When using the rituals of such energy, the influence on a person is great, strong. Something that can turn a handsome man into a freak or vice versa. Take everything from the rich, ruin it completely. We can say that such magic is resorted to for humiliation, destruction and simply revenge on another person. Not necessarily this someone annoyed you, just his beauty annoys you, and envy eats you up. Maybe the daughter-in-law just doesn't like it, or your husband is about to leave for his mistress. Lots of options. And all of them are banal and solvable without a magical ritual.

To use gray magic, you need to be extremely careful, since it is not always clear what will happen after reading the spell. Which of the forces (black or white) will hear you and decide to help. The situation is as follows: after reading, sort of like, words about help in love or financial well-being (and a spell, sort of, using church words), everything starts to happen the other way around. You do not get what you want, but only more problems. Either you get, but not in the way you wanted.

How to recognize the effect of magic

Having learned about the possibilities of the forces of magic, its types, you can move on to the specifics. If you belong to the second group of people, then this will seem to you a mere coincidence or inability to live. For everyone else, this is a hint. Let's get started.

Signs or manifestation of magical rites aimed at a specific person.

The first, and most important, is a complete change or gradation of human consciousness. A true teetotaler or a fighter against drug addiction, very sharply turns into those drug addicts or drunkards. To learn already by one sign is more real than by many others. True, such an example is more suitable for people with strong character traits. He begins to resist and fight the disease, only he begins to suck even more. This sign also indicates a very strong damage to the family. The fact is that the main member of the family will take over everything. If both spouses are weak in spirit, then the two of them will slide to a minimum.

A magical ritual performed incorrectly (especially for love or beauty witchcraft) can lead to a backlash. If this is not your destiny, then the desired person will be there, but there will be no love. Constant quarrels, inexplicable hatred, but will not be able to quit. The same reaction may be among those who are trying to beat off or take away from the family. This usually applies to males. He will not be able to live normally, neither here nor there. It is even possible to commit suicide.

Witchcraft directed at you will give some kind of reaction to the church, prayers and incense. If something has been done to you (no matter what, damage, trouble, drying, etc.), you will not be very comfortable where the smell of incense is. Even a gag reflex or loss of consciousness is possible.

Have a huge number of cockroaches, mice and other things appeared in your house, which was not there before and brings only dirt and not good feelings? Then envy worked and brought elements of evil spirits into your life.

Inexplicable feeling of suffocation from the pectoral cross. There is a desire to take it off. There are also moments when the cross simply disappears from the neck (the thread or chain breaks, the cross simply washes off when bathing, etc.) - all these are signs of damage to death.

Lack of clean air. You are constantly drawn to the street, where friends are already waiting for you, who only brought trouble to your life. There is no desire to be at home, just the legs themselves lead you in an incomprehensible direction.

The appearance of fear. And not necessarily for your life or your loved ones. You start to fear everything and everyone. Every rustle in the apartment seems to be a danger.

Unreasonable change of mood, apathy. There is no energy for household trifles. Feeling worse, but no illness. Strong weight loss is possible (or vice versa, you get better by leaps and bounds).

A state of tearfulness or vice versa aggression. Dreams have become more frequent, where reality is mixed with dreams, you experience horror from the actions that occur in a dream.

Frequent miscarriages and diseases of the female organs. It is necessary to take into account the fact that a woman takes care of herself, the preservation of the fetus, the warming of her body during the periods of winter and autumn.

The last symptoms should be taken into account only after examinations by doctors and a careful attitude towards oneself.

How to determine magic on a person? It is enough to go to church and observe his behavior. But in principle, guardian angels will tell you that you are being affected by magic. We also call them intuition. They tell you or your relatives that you are in trouble. But in all the problems a person is guilty himself: boasting, communicating with people who have lost their human appearance, hypocrisy, the desire to stand out more than anyone else at work, on the street, in society. As for men, their innocent flirting or casual sex can lead to disastrous results that will affect not only himself, but also the family.

Some girls, resorting to black magic, simply harass their rival, hoping for constant love from their chosen one. Mothers-in-law also do not understand that performing rituals in order to break up their son's family leads to the fact that everyone suffers: son, daughter-in-law, children, and the mother-in-law herself. They live together, because those destined by fate cannot be separated.

The concepts of damage and the evil eye are familiar even to people far from magic. Sometimes all events turn out in such a bad way that even complete skeptics think: “But didn’t someone jinx me?” Are there simple ways to find out if a person has damage? And what if the fortune-telling gave a positive answer?

We determine the presence of magical effects on our own

If you are wearing a gold engagement ring, you can check for damage or the evil eye by removing the jewelry and swiping it with slight pressure on your cheek. If the strip remaining from exposure is light or pink, then you have nothing to worry about, but if the trace is black, then someone really wished you harm. However, a strip of unnatural color may have a completely prosaic explanation. Sometimes a dark mark from the ring on the skin indicates problems with the kidneys. If your skin regularly turns green from constant contact with gold jewelry, get examined by a cardiologist - you probably have problems with the cardiovascular system.

How to find out if a person has damage using an egg?

It is desirable that during the test the person was asleep and did not know about the ongoing study. You need to take a chicken egg - the fresher it is, the better. It is carried out on the face three times clockwise. Then the egg is broken, if it has deteriorated, then there is spoilage. If the product has retained its freshness, there is nothing to worry about. Surely not everyone wants to let others into their secrets, respectively, many will ask the question: "Can I do it myself?" Take a glass of water and crack an egg into it. Then sit on a chair with your chin pressed to your chest. Place a glass on top of your head and hold it with your hand. It is necessary to hold the liquid for at least 5 minutes. Then carefully remove the glass, and evaluate the condition of the egg in the water. Only the yolk or only the protein can spread, the egg can become cloudy or noticeably change its color - all these signs indicate the presence of spoilage.

How to determine without rituals and divination?

Usually, a person who has a negative magical effect often feels unwell. It can be banal headaches or toothaches or serious exacerbations. chronic diseases. Often, when spoiled, a person often catches a cold and cannot get rid of fever, cough and other signs of illness. Sleep disturbances are also a common sign of magical influence - this is either constant insomnia, or, on the contrary, an eternal desire to sleep and drowsiness that does not go away even immediately after waking up. It's time to look for an answer to the question of how to find out if there is damage on a person, if an always calm and peaceful acquaintance or relative suddenly became irritable, can get nasty for no reason, regularly vents evil on others. Sometimes a person really behaves as if he was replaced, he can change dramatically in mood, and then it is difficult to remember what exactly caused this behavior. The very same damage or evil eye as a phenomenon is characterized by regular failures, often in all areas of human life. Of course, bad luck streaks happen to everyone from time to time, but if luck has left you for an impressive period of time, and the problems are too serious, it's time to think about how to find out if a person has damage or not. A ritual that helps to determine this reliably can also be performed by a magician, seek professional help if you are afraid to play with otherworldly forces personally.
