Distance learning for schoolchildren. Guidelines for the preparation Ulyanovsk Guidelines for the preparation and holding of general meetings of owners of premises in an apartment building in municipalities

Read text. 1) a. 2) b. 3) c. 4) d. “The continental shelf of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the continental shelf) includes the seabed and subsoil of underwater areas located outside the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the territorial sea) throughout the natural extension of its land territory to the outer boundary of the underwater margin mainland. The inner limit of the continental shelf is the outer limit of the territorial sea. The outer limit of the continental shelf is 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured, provided that the outer limit of the continental margin does not extend more than 200 nautical miles. If the continental margin extends more than 200 nautical miles from the indicated baselines, the outer limit of the continental shelf coincides with the outer margin of the continental margin, as determined in accordance with the norms of international law.”. Read excerpts from the text of Article 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation" and complete the task. What letter in the figure indicates the outer limit of the continental shelf of the Russian Federation? Correct answer.

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"Text in Presentation" - Typing an entire page in italics is disrespectful to the reader's diopters. Insert - Picture - From file. Paragraph alignment. Carefully choose illustrations for slides. How to choose text color? Insert - Drawing - Pictures. It is best to make all presentation slides in the same style. The most important demo tool is you!

"Text summary of the lesson" - Consolidation of new material VIII. Prove that your pen is better than another. What questions does the text-message, text-description, text-reasoning answer? Lesson plan. Updating knowledge about the types of texts. We will compose a text about a tit from the picture in the textbook. What texts are we familiar with? Consolidation of new material.

"Text Types" - Fundamental Question: Are all text types built the same way? Questions. Lesson plan. This project covers the subject: Russian. Materials of educational-methodical package. The purpose of the project: to introduce younger students to the types of text. The project involved: elementary school students.

"Example text" - Conclusion. Main part. Warbler is presented in the form of a sailor, and the dictionary is presented in the form of a ship. Therefore, in the essay, an independent in-depth analysis of a fragment from the proposed text is important. Stages of writing. The essay must be at least 50 words. Final part. What does the text say?

"Sentence and text" - Ending - the final part. II option. (Heading options: “Misha”, “On the street”, “Good deed”, “Boredom”). Misha wandered the streets of the city. Title - title, title. A poem by A.S. Pushkin. Enlightenment - dissemination of knowledge, education. Beginning - introductory, introductory part. Soon the puppy grew up and became Petya's true friend.

What are the environmental consequences of forest fires?

Response elements:

1) to the disappearance of certain species of animals and plants;

2) to a change in the composition of the biocenosis, a change in the ecosystem

It is known that at high ambient temperatures, the skin of the face turns red, and at low temperatures it turns pale. Explain why this is happening.

Response elements:

1) skin vessels at high temperature expand reflexively, blood rushes to the skin, it turns red;

2) at a low temperature, the vessels of the skin, on the contrary, narrow reflexively, there is less blood in them and the skin turns pale

Malaria is a human disease that causes anemia. By whom is it caused? Explain the cause of anemia.

Response elements:

What are the signs of venous bleeding?

Response elements:

1) with venous bleeding, the blood has a dark red color;

2) blood flows out of the wound in an even stream, without shocks

What is the purpose of using yeast mushrooms when baking bread and bakery products? What process takes place?

Response elements:

1) yeast, feeding on sugar, converts it into alcohol and carbon dioxide, this process is called fermentation;

2) this process is used in bread baking, since the carbon dioxide released contributes to the rise of the dough.

To establish the cause of a hereditary disease, the patient's cells were examined and a change in the length of one of the chromosomes was found. What research method allowed to establish the cause of this disease? What kind of mutation is it associated with?

Response elements:

1) the cause of the disease is established using the cytogenetic method;

2) the disease is caused by a chromosomal mutation - the loss or addition of a chromosome fragment

Explain why the blood in the heart only flows in one direction.

Response elements:

1) between the atria and ventricles there are flap valves, and on the border between the ventricles and arteries - semilunar valves;

2) valves open in one direction only and prevent backflow of blood

In what area of ​​scientific and practical activity does a person use analyzing crossing and for what purpose?

Response elements:

1) in plant and animal breeding;

2) when breeding new varieties or breeds, if it is necessary to find out the genotype of an individual with a dominant trait

The figure shows an arrowhead with leaves of various shapes (1, 2, 3). What form of variability is characteristic of the diversity of these leaves? Explain the reason for their appearance. What shape of leaves will the arrowhead grow on the shallows?

Response elements:

1) the variety of leaf shapes in one plant is modification variability;

2) the leaves of the plant developed in different environments and living conditions, so it formed leaves of different shapes;

3) the arrowhead on the shallows will have arrow-shaped leaves

What criterion of species indicates that the butterflies shown in the figure belong to the same species? Under what form of selection and why does the number of dark-colored butterflies increase in areas where industrial production prevails over agricultural production? Justify the answer.

Response elements:

1) morphological criterion - manifested in the color of the integument of the body of butterflies, similar in shape and size to wings, antennae and body parts;

2) the driving form of selection - preserves dark-colored butterflies;

3) the dark color of the wings is a condition for survival in industrial areas: since dark-colored butterflies are less visible on dark tree trunks, they are less likely to be pecked by birds

Which human organ is indicated by the number 4 in the figure? What structure does it have? Explain the functions it performs based on its structure.

Response elements:

1) organ - trachea;

2) the walls of the trachea are formed by cartilaginous semirings, the back wall is soft;

3) air passes through the trachea to the bronchi and lungs, cartilaginous semirings do not allow the trachea to subside;

4) the soft back wall is adjacent to the esophagus and does not interfere with the passage of food through it

Name the structures indicated in the figure by letters A and B. What functions do these structures perform? What part of the auditory analyzer provides the transmission of the nerve impulse?

Response elements:

1) A - balance organ (semicircular canals); B - auditory tube (Eustachian tube);

2) the organ of balance determines the position of the body in space;

3) the auditory tube provides pressure equalization in the middle and outer ear;

4) the conductive part - the auditory nerve provides the transmission of a nerve impulse (excitation)

Determine the phase and type of cell division shown in the figure. Give a reasoned answer, provide relevant evidence.

Response elements:

1) metaphase of the first division, meiosis I;

2) in metaphase I, chromosomes are located above and below the equatorial plane;

3) homologous chromosomes are arranged in the form of bivalents, which is typical for meiosis I

Name the fetus, the section of which is shown in the figure. What structural elements are indicated in the figure by the numbers 1, 2 and 3 and what functions do they perform?

Response elements:

1) the fruit is a grain;

2) 1 - endosperm - storage of organic substances;

3) 2 - cotyledons (part of the embryo) - transport of nutrients from the endosperm during seed germination;

4) 3 - embryo (embryonic root, stalk, bud) - gives rise to a new plant

Find three errors in the given text. Specify offer numbers

1. Under favorable conditions, bacteria form spores. 2. With the help of spores, bacteria reproduce asexually. 3. In the ecosystem, putrefactive bacteria destroy nitrogen-containing organic compounds of dead bodies, turning them into humus. 4. Mineralizing bacteria decompose complex organic compounds of humus to simple inorganic substances. 5. A small group of bacteria has chloroplasts, with the participation of which photosynthesis occurs.

Response elements:

1) 1 - spores are formed in bacteria under adverse conditions;

2) 2 - spores in bacteria do not perform the function of reproduction, but contribute to the transfer of adverse conditions;

3) 5 - bacteria do not contain chloroplasts

in which they are made, correct them.

1. The polysaccharide cellulose performs a reserve, storage function in the plant cell. 2. Accumulating in the cell, carbohydrates perform mainly a regulatory function. 3. In arthropods, the polysaccharide chitin forms the integument of the body. 4. In plants, cell walls are formed by the polysaccharide starch. 5. Polysaccharides are hydrophobic.

Response elements

1) 1 - cellulose polysaccharide performs a structural function in a plant cell (forms a cell wall);

2) 2 - accumulating, carbohydrates in the cell perform mainly an energy (storage) function;

3) 4 - cell walls are formed by the polysaccharide cellulose

Find three errors in the given text. Specify offer numbers

in which they are made, correct them.

1. With a lack of iodine intake into the human body, the synthesis of thyroxine is disrupted. 2. An insufficient amount of thyroxin in the blood reduces the intensity of metabolism, slows down the rhythm of heart contractions. 3. In childhood, a lack of thyroxin leads to rapid growth child. 4. With excessive secretion of the thyroid gland, the excitability of the nervous system is weakened. 5. The functions of the thyroid gland are regulated by the cerebral cortex.

Response elements: Mistakes in sentences:

1) 3 - lack of thyroxin leads to growth retardation (dwarfism);

2) 4 - with excessive secretion of thyroid hormone, the excitability of the nervous system increases;

3) 5 - the functions of the thyroid gland are regulated by the pituitary gland

Find three errors in the given text. Specify offer numbers

in which they are made, correct them.

1. In meiosis, two successive divisions occur. 2. Between the two divisions there is an interphase in which replication occurs. 3. In the prophase of the first division of meiosis, conjugation and crossing over occur. 4. Crossing over is the convergence of homologous chromosomes. 5. The result of conjugation is the formation of crossover chromosomes.

Response elements: Mistakes in sentences:

1) 2 – there is no replication between two divisions of meiosis in interphase;

2) 4 - crossing over - this is the exchange of genes between homologous chromosomes;

3) 5 - the result of conjugation is the convergence of homologous chromosomes and the formation of pairs (bivalents)

1. The genealogical method used in human genetics is based on the study of the family tree. 2. Thanks to the genealogical method, the types of inheritance of specific traits were established. 3. The twin method allows you to predict the birth of identical twins. 4. When using the cytogenetic method, the inheritance of blood groups in a person is established. 5. The nature of inheritance of hemophilia (poor blood clotting) was established by studying the structure and number of chromosomes. 6. In last years it has been shown that quite often many hereditary pathologies in humans are associated with metabolic disorders. 7. Anomalies of carbohydrate, amino acid, lipid and other types of metabolism are known.

Elements resp. eta: errors were made in the sentences:

1) 3 - the twin method does not allow predicting the birth of twins, but makes it possible to study the interaction of the genotype and environmental factors, their influence on the formation of the phenotype;

2) 4 - the cytogenetic method does not allow you to establish blood groups, but allows you to identify genomic and chromosomal abnormalities;

3) 5 - the nature of the inheritance of hemophilia was established by compiling and analyzing the family tree

Find three errors in the given text. Point out the sentences with errors and correct them.

1. The endocrine glands have ducts through which the secret enters the blood. 2. Endocrine glands secrete biologically active regulatory substances - hormones. 3. All hormones are chemically proteins. 4. Insulin is a pancreatic hormone. 5. It regulates blood glucose. 6. With a lack of insulin, the concentration of glucose in the blood decreases. 7. With a lack of insulin, diabetes mellitus develops.

Response elements: mistakes are made in the sentences:

1) 1 - endocrine glands do not have ducts, but secrete directly into the blood;

2) 3 - hormones can be not only proteins, but also other organic substances (lipids);

3) 6 - with a lack of insulin, the concentration of glucose in the blood rises

Find three errors in the given text. Point out the sentences with errors and correct them.

1. The kinship of man and animals is confirmed by the presence of rudiments and atavisms in them, which are classified as comparative anatomical evidence of evolution. 2. Rudiments are signs that are extremely rare in humans, but are present in animals. 3. The rudiments of a person include an appendix, abundant hair on the human body, a lunate fold in the corner of the eyes. 4. Atavisms are signs of a return to the signs of ancestors. 5. Normally, in humans, these genes are blocked and do not “work” 6. But there are cases when they appear in violation of the individual development of a person - phylogeny. 7. Examples of atavisms are: multiple nipples, the birth of tailed people.

Response elements: mistakes are made in the sentences:

1) 2 - rudiments are common in humans, in animals - these are usually developed signs;

2) 3 - abundant hair on the human body - this is an example of atavism:

3) 6 - individual development is called ontogeny

Find three errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which errors were made, correct them.

1. The human urinary system contains the kidneys, adrenal glands, ureter, bladder and urethra. 2. The main organs of the excretory system are the kidneys. 3. Blood and lymph containing the end products of metabolism enter the kidneys through the vessels. 4. Blood filtration and urine formation occur in the renal pelvis. 5. The absorption of excess water into the blood occurs in the tubule of the nephron. 6. Urine enters the bladder through the ureters. 7. Normally, the urine of a healthy person does not contain glucose and proteins.

Response elements: mistakes are made in the sentences:

1) 1 - the adrenal glands belong to the endocrine system, and not to the excretory;

2) 3 - only blood enters the kidneys through the vessels, lymph does not enter;

3) 4 - blood filtration occurs in the nephrons of the kidneys

What is the complexity of the organization of reptiles compared to amphibians? List at least four signs and explain their meaning.

Response elements:

1) an increase in the number of vertebrae of the cervical region, which allows not only to raise and lower the head, but also to turn it;

2) lengthening of the airways (appearance of bronchi), breathing only with the help of the lungs, which have a cellular structure, which increases the area of ​​gas exchange in the lungs and its intensity;

3) the appearance in the three-chamber heart of an incomplete septum in the ventricle, so the blood is partially mixed;

4) internal fertilization, the appearance of a supply of nutrients and protective shells in the egg;

5) complication of the nervous system and sensory organs, development of the forebrain;

6) dry skin without glands with horny formations, providing protection against moisture loss in the body

What is the concern for the offspring of birds? Give at least three examples. What reflexes underlie the care of offspring?

Response elements:

1) birds build nests (some guard nesting sites);

2) incubate eggs and hatch chicks;

3) feed, protect and train their offspring;

4) unconditional reflexes (instinct) are the basis of caring for offspring

What changes occur in the composition of blood in the capillaries of the systemic circulation in humans? What kind of blood is produced? What process is promoted by slow blood flow in capillaries?

Response elements:

1) blood in the capillaries of a large circle gives off oxygen and is saturated with carbon dioxide;

2) in the capillaries of the systemic circulation, nutrients pass from the blood into the tissue fluid, and metabolic products from the tissue fluid into the blood;

3) blood turns from arterial to venous;

4) slow blood flow in the capillaries contributes to the complete exchange of substances between blood and body cells

What is farsightedness in humans? Explain the features of congenital and acquired farsightedness.

Response elements:

1) the image of close objects appears behind the retina;

2) with a congenital form, the eyeball is shortened;

3) the acquired form occurs due to a decrease in the bulge of the lens and the loss of its elasticity

What features of the external structure of fish contribute to a decrease in energy costs when moving in water? List at least three features.

Response elements:

1) the streamlined shape of the body, the fusion of its departments;

2) tiled arrangement of scales;

3) mucus, abundantly covering the skin;

4) the presence of fins, features of their structure

Which organisms were the first to provide oxygen in the atmosphere

and how did the accumulation of oxygen affect the further evolution of life on Earth?

Response elements:

1) an increase in the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere occurred due to the emergence of the ability to photosynthesize in unicellular organisms (cyanobacteria);

2) the accumulation of oxygen made possible the appearance of aerobes and the oxygen stage energy metabolism;

3) the accumulation of oxygen ensured the formation of a protective ozone screen and the emergence of organisms on land;

4) oxygen oxidation ensured the efficiency of metabolism and the emergence of multicellular organisms

Read the text.

The housefly is a two-winged insect whose hindwings have evolved into halteres. The mouth apparatus of the licking type, the fly feeds on semi-liquid food. The fly lays its eggs on rotting organic matter. Its larva is white, has no legs, feeds on food waste, grows rapidly and turns into a red-brown chrysalis. An adult fly emerges from the pupa. What type criteria are described in the text? Explain the answer.

Response elements

1) morphological criterion - description appearance flies, larvae, pupae, mouthparts;

2) ecological criterion - food habits, habitat;

3) physiological criterion - features of reproduction, development and growth

What plants dominate in tropical forests - insect pollinated or wind pollinated? Justify the answer.

Response elements:

1) plants pollinated by insects predominate in tropical forests;

2) in tropical forests, trees are evergreen, foliage makes it difficult to carry pollen by wind;

3) the abundance of plants per unit area also prevents the transfer of pollen (high density of plants)

What aromorphoses in the process of evolution appeared in ferns in comparison with mosses and allowed them to conquer the land? Give at least four signs. Explain the answer.

Response elements:

1) the predominant generation is the sporophyte, the reduction of the gametophyte;

2) the appearance of roots contributed to a wide distribution on land, allowed water to be absorbed from the soil;

3) the development of conductive tissues - made it possible to carry it through the plant to a great height;

4) improvement of the integumentary tissue - allowed to survive in a drier climate;

5) the development of mechanical tissue - provided the appearance of woody forms

Read the text.

Scotch pine is a light-loving plant, has a tall, slender trunk. The crown is formed only near the top. Pine grows on sandy soils, chalk mountains. It has well developed main and lateral roots. Pine leaves are needle-shaped, two needles per node on the shoot. Greenish-yellow male cones and reddish female cones develop on young shoots. The pollen is carried by the wind and landed on the female cones, where fertilization takes place. After a year and a half, the seeds ripen, with the help of which the pine reproduces.

What type criteria are described in the text? Explain the answer.

Response elements

1) morphological criterion - a description of the root system, trunk, needles, cones;

2) ecological criterion - features of life, light-loving, soil requirements;

3) physiological criterion - features of pollination, fertilization, seed maturation, reproduction

Why the living coelacanth coelacanth fish it is forbidden consider the ancestor of amphibians? Give at least three pieces of evidence.

Response elements:

1) the ancestors of amphibians lived in fresh water, in the coastal zone, and the coelacanth is adapted to life in the depths of salt water (ocean);

2) the ancestors of amphibians could breathe atmospheric oxygen with the help of their lungs, but coelacanth does not breathe atmospheric oxygen;

3) the ancestors of amphibians could move along the bottom of the reservoir with the help of paired fins, coelacanth with the help of paired fins can only swim in the water

Most modern bony fish are in a state of biological progress. Provide at least three pieces of evidence to support this statement.

Response elements:

1) bony fish are characterized by high species diversity and high abundance;

2) they have a large area (the World Ocean and water bodies of the globe);

3) they have numerous adaptations to various conditions of the aquatic environment (color, body shape, fin structure, etc.).

The genetic apparatus of the virus is represented by an RNA molecule. A fragment of this molecule has the nucleotide sequence: GUGAUAGGUTSUAUTSU. Determine the nucleotide sequence of a fragment of a double-stranded DNA molecule, which is synthesized as a result of reverse transcription on the RNA of the virus. Set the sequence of nucleotides in mRNA and amino acids in the protein fragment of the virus, which is encoded in the found DNA fragment. The template for mRNA synthesis, on which the viral protein is synthesized, is the second DNA strand, which is complementary to the first DNA strand found in viral RNA. To solve the problem, use the table of the genetic code.

Response elements:

1) a fragment of a double-stranded DNA molecule:




3) amino acid sequence: -gis-tyr-pro-asp-arg-

The segment of the DNA molecule that determines the primary structure of the polypeptide contains the following nucleotide sequence: AATGCACGG. Determine the nucleotide sequence on mRNA, the number of tRNAs involved in peptide biosynthesis, the nucleotide composition of their anticodons, and the amino acid sequence that these tRNAs carry. To solve the problem, use the table of the genetic year. Explain your results.

1) mRNA is synthesized on the DNA template according to the principle of complementarity; its sequence: UUATSGUGTSTS;

2) the anticodon of each tRNA consists of three nucleotides, therefore, three tRNA molecules, tRNA anticodons, are involved in the biosynthesis of the peptide: AAU, HCA, CHG, complementary to mRNA codons;

3) the amino acid sequence is determined by mRNA codons: – leu – arg – ala –

The karyotype of one of the fish species is 56 chromosomes. Determine the number of chromosomes during spermatogenesis in the cells of the growth zone and in the cells of the maturation zone at the end of the first division. Explain what processes take place in these zones.

Response elements:

1) there are 56 chromosomes in the growth zone;

2) in the zone of maturation at the end of the first division in cells of 28 chromosomes;

3) in the growth zone, the diploid cell grows, accumulates nutrients, the number of chromosomes corresponds to the karyotype of the organism (56);

4) in the zone of maturation, the cell divides by meiosis, and at the end of the first division, there are 28 chromosomes in the cells

The karyotype of one of the fish species has 56 chromosomes. Determine the number of chromosomes and DNA molecules in cells during oogenesis in the growth zone at the end of the interphase and at the end of the gamete maturation zone. Explain your results.

Response elements:

1) in the growth zone during interphase in cells, the number of chromosomes is 56; the number of DNA molecules is 112;

2) in the zone of final maturation of gametes in cells of 28 chromosomes; the number of DNA molecules is 28;

3) in the growth zone during the interphase period, the number of chromosomes does not change; the number of DNA molecules doubles due to replication;

4) at the end of the gamete maturation zone, meiosis occurs, the number of chromosomes decreases by 2 times, haploid cells are formed - gametes, each chromosome contains one DNA molecule.

What chromosome set is typical for the cells of spore-bearing shoots and the outgrowth of the club moss? Explain from what initial cells and as a result of what division they are formed.Response elements:

1) in the cells of spore-bearing shoots, the diploid set of chromosomes is 2n;

2) in the cells of the outgrowth, the haploid set of chromosomes is n;

3) spore-bearing shoots develop on an adult plant as a result of mitosis;

4) the outgrowth develops from a spore as a result of mitosis

What chromosome set is typical for the cells of the eight-nuclear embryo sac and embryonic bud of the wheat seed. Explain from what initial cells and as a result of what division they are formed.

Response elements:

1) cells of the eight-nuclear embryo sac are haploid - n;

2) in the cells of the germinal kidney, the diploid set of chromosomes is 2n;

3) cells of the germinal kidney develop from the zygote as a result of mitosis;

4) cells of the eight-nuclear embryo sac develop from the haploid megaspore by mitosis

In mice, the genes for coat color and tail length are not linked. The long tail (B) develops only in homozygotes, the short tail develops in heterozygotes. Recessive genes that determine the length of the tail, in the homozygous state, cause the death of embryos.

When crossing female mice with black hair, a short tail and a male with white hair, a long tail, 50% of individuals with black hair and a long tail were obtained, 50% - with black hair and a short tail. In the second case, the resulting female with black hair, short tail and a male with white hair, short tail were crossed. Make a scheme for solving the problem. Determine the genotypes of the parents, the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring in two crosses, the ratio of phenotypes in the second cross. Explain the reason for the resulting phenotypic segregation in the second cross.

The scheme for solving the problem includes:

1) first crossing:

genotypes of parents P: ♀ AABb x ♂ aaBB

black wool, white wool,

short tail long tail

G: AB, Ab aB

F 1: AaBB - black coat, long tail;

AaBb - black coat, short tail;

2) second crossing:

genotypes of parents P: ♀ AaBb x ♂ aaBb

black wool, white wool,

short tail short tail

G: AB, Ab, aB, ab aB, ab

F 2: 1АаВВ - black wool, long tail;

2AaBb - black wool, short tail;

1aaBB - white coat, long tail;

2aaBb - white coat, short tail;

3) in the second crossing, the phenotypic splitting of individuals:

1: 2: 1: 2, since individuals with the genotype Aabb and aabb die at the embryonic stage.

When crossing a diheterozygous Chinese primrose plant with purple flowers, oval pollen and a plant with red flowers, round pollen, the offspring turned out: 51 plants with purple flowers, oval pollen, 15 with purple flowers, round pollen, 12 with red flowers, oval pollen; 59 - with red flowers, round pollen. Make a scheme for solving the problem. Determine the genotypes of the parents and offspring F1. Explain the formation of four phenotypic groups.

The scheme for solving the problem includes:

1) P: AaBb x aabb

purple flowers, red flowers

oval pollen round pollen

G: AB, Ab, aB, ab ab

2) F 1: 51 AaBb - purple flowers, oval pollen;

15 Aabb - purple flowers, round pollen;

12 aaBb - red flowers, oval pollen;

59 aabb - red flowers, round pollen;

3) the presence in the offspring of two groups of individuals (51 plants with purple flowers, oval pollen; 59 plants with red flowers, round pollen) in approximately equal proportions - the result of the linkage of genes A and B, a and b. The other two phenotypic groups are formed as a result of crossing over.

The shape of the wings in Drosophila is an autosomal gene, the eye color gene is located on the X chromosome. In Drosophila, the male sex is heterogametic. When crossing female Drosophila with normal wings, red eyes and males with reduced wings, white eyes, all offspring had normal wings and red eyes. The resulting F1 males were crossed with the original parental female. Make a scheme for solving the problem. Determine the genotypes and phenotypes of the parents and offspring in two crosses. What laws of heredity are manifested in two crosses?

The scheme for solving the problem includes:

3) the laws of independent inheritance of traits are manifested, since the genes of two traits are in different pairs of chromosomes, and sex-linked inheritance, since one of the genes is located on the X chromosome.

The shape of the wings in Drosophila is an autosomal gene, the eye shape gene is located on the X chromosome. Drosophila is heterogametic in males.

When two fruit flies with normal wings and normal eyes were crossed, a male with reduced wings and slit-like eyes appeared in the offspring. This male was crossed with a parent. Make a scheme for solving the problem. Determine the genotypes of the parents and offspring F1, the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring F2. What proportion of females from the total number of offspring in the second crossing is phenotypically similar to the parent female? Determine their genotypes.

The scheme for solving the problem includes:

1) P: ♀ AaX B X b x ♂ AaX B Y

normal wings normal wings

normal eyes normal eyes

G: AX B, AX b, aX B, aX b, AX B, aX B, AY, aY

The genotype of the born male is aaX b Y;

1) P 1: ♀ AaX B X b x aaX b Y

normal wings reduced eyes

normal eyes slit eyes

G: AX B, AX b, aX B, aX b, aX b, aY

F 2: АаХ В Х b and АаХ В Y – normal wings, normal eyes;

АаХ b Х b and АаХ b Y – normal wings, slit-like eyes;

ааХ В Х b and ааХ В Y – reduced wings, normal eyes;

ааХ b Х b and ааХ b Y – reduced wings, slit-like eyes;

3) females - 1/8 of the total number of offspring in the second generation are phenotypically similar to the parent female; these are females with normal wings, normal eyes - Aa X B X b.

In cattle, the red color of the coat incompletely dominates over the light one, the color of heterozygous individuals is roan. The genes for the traits are autosomal, not linked.

They crossed red polled (B) cows and roan horned bulls, the offspring turned out to be red polled (hornless) and roan polled individuals. The resulting F1 hybrids with different phenotypes were crossed with each other. Make schemes for solving the problem. Determine the genotypes of parents and offspring in both crosses, the ratio of phenotypes in the F2 generation. What law of heredity is manifested in this case? Justify the answer.

The scheme for solving the problem includes:

in F2 you get 4 different phenotypes in the ratio:

3/8 AABB, 2AABb - red polled;

3/8 AaBB, 2AaBb - roan polled;

1/8 AAbb - red horned;

1/8 Aabb - roan horned;

3) the law of independent inheritance of traits is manifested, since the genes of two traits are located in different pairs of chromosomes.

In canaries, the presence of a crest is an autosomal gene, the plumage color gene is linked to the X chromosome. Heterogametic in birds is the female sex. A crested brown female canary was crossed with a crested (A) green (B) male, resulting in offspring: crested brown males, males without crest brown, crested green females, females without crest brown. The resulting brown crestless males were crossed with the resulting heterozygous crested green females. Make a scheme for solving the problem. Determine the genotypes of the parent individuals, the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring. What laws of heredity are manifested in this case? Justify the answer.

The scheme for solving the problem includes:

1) P ♀AaX b Y × ♂AaX B X b
crested brown crested green
G AX b, aX b, AY, aY AX B, AX b , aX B, aX b
F1 AAX b X b, AaX b X b - crested brown males;
aaX b X b – brown males without crest;
AAX B Y, AaX B Y - crested green females;
aaXbY - brown females without crest;
2) P1 ♀AaX B Y × ♂aaX b X b
G1 AX B, AY, aX B , aY aXb
F2 АaX В X b – crested green males;
АaX b Y – crested brown females;
aaX B X b – green males without crest;
aaX b Y – brown females without crest;

3) the law of independent inheritance of traits is manifested, since the genes of two traits are in different pairs of chromosomes, and the law of sex-linked inheritance, since one gene is located on the X chromosome.

1. Bowels of the Earth.

Tasks according to Fig.1.

1) Sign the average value of the Earth's radius (indicated by the arrow): 6.350 km.

2) Measure the radius of the circle in Fig. 1 and determine how many times it is reduced relative to the radius of the Earth.

3) Using a compass, mark in the figure the boundaries between the three main inner shells of the Earth.

4) Write their names at the top of the picture.

5) Fill in the table, making the necessary calculations, and indicate in the lower part of Fig. 1 the data obtained for the inner shells of the Earth.

Tasks according to Fig.2.

1) Indicate the boundaries of the earth's crust.

2) Sign the thickness of its parts (under the continents, under the oceans).

Write in the missing words.

Lithosphere = lithospheric plates+ upper part of the mantle

2. The structure of the lithosphere.

Tasks according to Fig.3.

1) Designate the lower boundary of the lithosphere.

2) Arrows show the directions of movement of lithospheric plates (in areas A, B, C).

3) Correlate (connect with lines) the regions indicated by the letters and the processes occurring at the boundaries of the lithospheric plates.

A - Immersion of one plate under another.

B - Collision of continental plates.

B - Expansion of lithospheric plates.

3. How to study the internal structure of the Earth.

Complete the diagram.

Pathfinder Geographer School.

Create a model of a "solid" Earth.

Work plan.

1) Make stencils from plasticine that will help highlight the core, mantle and earth's crust. Let's say we want to make a model of the Earth scaled down 200 million times. Then the radius of our model will be equal to 6371 km: 200,000,000 = 637,100,000 cm: 200,000,000 = 3.2 cm. And the radius of the core with the mantle will be equal to (6371 - 41) km: 200,000,000 = 633,000,000: 200,000,000 = 3.2 cm.

2) Make with the help of stencils first the core, and then the core with the mantle.

3) Cover the model with the thinnest layer (less than 1 mm) of plasticine of blue color(ocean) and brown (crust).

4) Lay out the slice with a stack so that the internal structure of the Earth can be seen on the model.

5) Attach a thin stick (for example, bamboo) 10-15 cm long so that the earth's axis is obtained.

6) Make a stand and fix the model of the Earth on it. The axis of your model should be tilted at 66.5 degrees to the base.

Home > Guidelines

The first nucleotide in the triplet is taken from the left vertical row, the second from the top horizontal row, and the third from the right vertical row. Where the lines coming from all three nucleotides intersect, the desired amino acid is located. Answer :


1) nucleotide sequence of the mRNA region: CACAUACCUUCA;

2) anticodons of tRNA molecules: GUG, UAU, GGA, AGU

3) the sequence of amino acids in a protein molecule:

Wrong answer

Maximum score

C45. What letter in the figure indicates the blastula in the development cycle of the lancelet? What are the features of blastula formation?
A B C D Answer :

(correct answer must contain the following items)


The scheme for solving the problem includes:

    the blastula is designated by the letter G;

    blastula is formed when the zygote is crushed;

    the size of the blastula does not exceed the size of the zygote

The answer includes all the above elements, does not contain biological errors
The answer includes 2 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes the 3 elements mentioned above, but contains non-gross biological errors
The answer includes 1 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 2 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
Wrong answer

Maximum score

FROM 46. Name the stages of embryonic the development of the lancelet, indicated in the figure by the letters A and B. Expand the features of the formation of each of these stages. A B Answer :

(correct answer must contain the following items)


Answer elements: mistakes were made in the sentences: 1) A - gastrula - the stage of a two-layer embryo; 2) B - neurula, has the beginnings of a future larva or adult organism;

3) the gastrula is formed by invagination of the blastula wall, and in the neurula, the neural plate is first laid, which serves as a regulator for laying the rest of the organ systems

OR 3 bugs listed but only 2 fixed
OR 2-3 errors are indicated, but only 1 is corrected
Errors not listed OR

Maximum score

C47. When crossing two varieties of tomato with red spherical and yellow pear-shaped fruits in the first generation, all the fruits are spherical, red. Make a scheme for solving the problem. Determine the genotypes of parents, hybrids of the first generation, the ratio of phenotypes of the second generation. Answer:

(correct answer must contain the following items)


The scheme for solving the problem includes: 1) genotypes of parents: red spherical fruits - AABB(gametes AB), yellow pear-shaped fruits aabb (gametes ab); 2) genotypes F 1: red spherical Aab; 3) the ratio of phenotypes F 2: 9 - red spherical; 3 - red pear-shaped; 3 - yellow spherical; 1 - yellow pear-shaped
The answer includes all the above elements, does not contain biological errors
The answer includes 2 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR
The answer includes 1 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 2 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
Wrong answer
Maximum score
C 48. When crossing white rabbits with smooth hair with black rabbits with shaggy hair, offspring were obtained: 25% black shaggy, 25% black smooth, 25% white shaggy, 25% white smooth. Make a scheme for solving the problem. Determine the genotypes of the parents, offspring and the type of crossing (white color and smooth coat are recessive traits). Answer:
The scheme for solving the problem includes: 1) genotypes of parents: aabb (gametes - ab) and AaBb (gametes - AB,Ab, aB, ab); 2) offspring genotypes: 25% black hairy- AaBb; 25% black smooth - Ahbb; 25% white hairy - aaBb; 25% white smooth - aabb; 3) dihybrid analyzing cross.
The answer includes all the above elements, does not contain biological errors
The answer includes 2 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 3 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
The answer includes 1 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 2 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
Wrong answer
Maximum score
C49. A woman with a recessive hemophilia gene married a healthy man. Make a scheme for solving the problem. Determine the genotypes of the parents, the expected offspring, the ratio of genotypes and phenotypes. Answer:

(correct answer must contain the following items)


The scheme for solving the problem includes: 1) genotypes of parents ♀ X H X h (gametes - X n , X h and ♂ X H Y (gametes - X n , Y); 2) offspring genotypes ♀ X H X h , ♂ X h Y, ♀X H X H , ♂ X H Y; 3) daughters - carriers of the hemophilia gene - 25%, sons with hemophilia - 25%, healthy children - 50%
The answer includes all the above elements, does not contain biological errors
The answer includes 2 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 3 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
The answer includes 1 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 2 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
Wrong answer
Maximum score
C50. According to the pedigree of the person shown in the figure, establish the nature of the inheritance of the trait "small eyes", highlighted in black (dominant or recessive, linked or not linked to sex). Determine the genotypes of parents and offspring F x (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).


(correct answer must contain the following items)


Answer elements: 1) the trait is recessive, not sex-linked; 2) genotypes of parents: ♀ Ah x ♂ Ah; 3) genotypes of offspring in F 1: 1.2 - Ah; 3 - AA or Ah; 4,5 - aa(other alphabetic symbols are allowed)
The answer includes all the above elements, does not contain biological errors
The answer includes 2 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 3 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
The answer includes 1 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 2 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
Wrong answer
Maximum score
FROM 51. Why is a kidney considered a rudimentary shoot? What parts of a leaf bud are indicated by the number 1 in the figure? What role do they play in the life of the kidney? Answer:
Answer elements: 1) a bud consists of a rudimentary stem, leaves and buds, that is, it has all the organs of the shoot; 2) 1 - kidney scales; 3) kidney scales perform a protective function
The answer includes all the above elements, does not contain biological errors
The answer includes 2 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes the 3 elements mentioned above, but contains non-gross biological errors
The answer includes 1 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 2 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
Wrong answer

Maximum score

FROM 52. What type is the animal shown in the picture? What is indicated by numbers 1 and 2? Name other representatives of this type. Answer:

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


Answer elements: 1) to the type of coelenterates; 2) 1 - ectoderm, 2 - intestinal cavity; 3) coral polyps, jellyfish
The answer includes all the above elements, does not contain biological errors
The answer includes 2 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes the 3 elements mentioned above, but contains non-gross biological errors
The answer includes 1 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR response, includes 2 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
Wrong answer

Maximum score

C53. Why is the cell of ciliates-shoes considered a holistic organism? What organelles of ciliates-shoes are indicated in the figure by the numbers 1 and 2 and what functions do they perform?


(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


Answer elements: 1) the ciliate cell performs all the functions of an independent organism: metabolism, reproduction, irritability, adaptation; 2) 1 - a small nucleus, participates in the sexual process; 3) 2 - a large core, regulates vital processes
The answer includes all the above elements, does not contain biological errors
The answer includes 2 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 3 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors.
The answer includes 1 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 2 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors.
Wrong answer

Maximum score

C54. Find the errors in the given text, correct them, indicate the numbers of the sentences in which they are made, write down these sentences without errors. 1. Animals of the arthropod type have an outer chitinous cover and jointed limbs. 2. The body of most of them consists of three sections - the head, chest and abdomen. 3. All arthropods have one pair of antennae. 4. Their eyes are complex (faceted). 5. The circulatory system of insects is closed. Answer:

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


Answer elements: errors were made in the sentences: 1) 3 - not all arthropods have one pair of antennae (arachnoids do not have them, but crustaceans have two pairs each); 2) 4 - not all arthropods have compound (compound) eyes: in arachnids they are simple or absent, in insects, along with compound eyes, they can be simple; 3) 5 - the circulatory system in arthropods is not closed
All three errors are listed and corrected in the answer.
In the answer, 2 errors are indicated and corrected, OR
In the answer, 1 error was indicated and corrected, OR
Errors not listed OR 1-3 errors are indicated, but none of them are corrected

Maximum score

C55. Find the errors in the given text, correct them, indicate the numbers of the sentences in which they are made, write down these sentences without errors. 1. Most animals, unlike other heterotrophs, eat solid food containing organic matter. 2. All multicellular animals have bilateral body symmetry. 3. Most of them have developed various organs of locomotion. 4. Only arthropods and chordates have a circulatory system. 5. Postembryonic development in all multicellular animals is direct. Answer:

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


Answer elements: errors were made in the sentences: 1) 2 - not all multicellular animals have bilateral body symmetry, for example, in intestinal cavities it is radial (radial);

    4 - the circulatory system is also available in annelids and mollusks;

    5 - direct postembryonic development is not inherent in all multicellular animals

All three errors are listed and corrected in the answer.
In the answer, 2 errors are indicated and corrected, OR 3 bugs are listed, but only 2 of them are fixed
In the answer, 1 error was indicated and corrected, OR 2-3 errors are indicated, but 1 of them is corrected
Errors not listed OR 1-3 errors are indicated, but none of them are corrected

Maximum score

C56. What types of paleontological finds provide evidence for evolution? Answer:

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

Response elements:

    fossil remains and imprints;

    transitional forms;

    phylogenetic series

The answer includes all the above elements, does not contain biological errors
The answer includes 2 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 3 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
The answer includes 1 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 2 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
Wrong answer

Maximum score

C57. The wasp fly is similar in color and body shape to a wasp. Name the type of its protective device, explain its significance and the relative nature of fitness. Answer:

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

Response elements:

    type of adaptation - mimicry, imitation of the color and shape of the body of an unprotected animal to a protected one;

    resemblance to a wasp warns a possible predator of the danger of being stung;

    the fly becomes the prey of young birds that have not yet developed a reflex to the wasp

The answer includes all the above elements, does not contain biological errors
The answer includes 2 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 3 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
The answer includes 1 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 2 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
Wrong answer

Maximum score

C58. Determine which biological process is shown in the figure. Which divisions of plants are labeled A and B? Name the aromorphoses that provided the appearance of these groups of plants. Answer:

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


Answer elements: 1) evolution of plants; 2) A - fern-shaped, B - gymnosperms; 3) ferns have roots, the asexual generation predominates in the development cycle, and the gymnosperms have a seed, their reproduction is not associated with water
The answer includes all the above elements, does not contain biological errors 3
The answer includes 2 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes the 3 elements mentioned above, but contains non-gross biological errors 2
The answer includes 1 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 2 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors 1
Wrong answer 0
Maximum score 3
C59. What changes in biotic factors can lead to an increase in the population of the naked slug that lives in the forest and feeds mainly on plants? Answer:

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

The answer includes 2 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes the 3 elements mentioned above, but contains non-gross biological errors
The answer includes 1 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 2 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
Wrong answer
Maximum score
C60. What is the difference between land-air environment and water environment? Answer:
Content of the correct answer and instructions for scoring

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

Response elements:

    differences in temperature fluctuations (wide amplitude of fluctuations in the ground-air environment);

    degree of illumination;


The answer includes all the above elements, does not contain biological errors
OR the answer includes the 4 elements mentioned above, but contains non-gross biological errors
The answer includes 1 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 2-3 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
Wrong answer
Maximum score
C61. Squirrels, as a rule, live in a coniferous forest and feed mainly on spruce seeds. What biotic factors can lead to a reduction in the squirrel population? Answer:

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


The answer includes 2 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 3 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
The answer includes 1 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 2 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
Wrong answer

Maximum score

C62. Humans use chemicals to control pests. Indicate at least 3 changes in the life of an oak forest if all herbivorous insects in it are chemically destroyed. Explain why they will happen. Answer:

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


Response elements: 1) the number of insect pollinated plants will decrease sharply, since herbivorous insects are plant pollinators; 2) the number of insectivorous organisms (consumers of the second order) will sharply decrease or disappear due to disruption of food chains; 3) part of the chemicals used to kill insects will enter the soil, which will lead to disruption of plant life, death of soil flora and fauna, all violations can lead to the death of oak forests
The answer includes all the above elements (changes and their justifications), does not contain biological errors
The answer includes 2 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 3 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
The answer includes 1 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 2 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
Wrong answer
If there is no answer, then X is entered into the protocol.

Maximum score

C63. What external features distinguish most snakes from lizards? Answer :

(correct answer must contain the following items)


Response elements:
    absence of limbs; fused eyelids; movable jaw joint.
The answer includes all the above elements, does not contain biological errors
The answer includes 2 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes the 3 elements mentioned above, but contains non-gross biological errors
The answer includes 1 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 2 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
Wrong answer

Maximum score

C64. What processes take place in the cell nucleus during interphase? Answer :

(correct answer must contain the following items)


Answer elements: 1) duplication of DNA molecules; 2) synthesis of all types of RNA; 3) formation of ribosomes.
The answer is correct, but incomplete, includes 2 of the above elements of the answer, does not contain biological errors
The answer is incomplete, includes 1 of the above elements of the answer, biological inaccuracies are possible
Wrong answer

Maximum score

C65. In humans, dark hair color (A) dominates over light color (a), brown eye color (B) over blue (b). Write down the genotypes of the parents, possible phenotypes and genotypes of children born from the marriage of a fair-haired blue-eyed a male and a heterozygous brown-eyed blonde female. Answer :


Response elements:

1) genotypes of parents: aabb; aaBb;

2) genotypes of children: aabb; aaBb;3) phenotypes of children: fair-haired with blue eyes; fair-haired with hazel eyes.

The answer includes all the above elements, does not contain biological errors
The answer includes 2 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes the 3 elements mentioned above, but contains non-gross biological errors
The answer includes 1 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 2 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
Wrong answer

Maximum score

C66. How is the adaptation of birds to adverse winter conditions in central Russia manifested? Answer :

(correct answer must contain the following items)


Response elements:

    the appearance of a dense feather cover;

    fat storage;

3) storage and change of feed; 4) migration, nomadism, flights
The answer includes all the above elements, does not contain biological errors
The answer includes 2-3 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes the 3 elements mentioned above, but contains non-gross biological errors
The answer includes 1 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR the answer includes 2 of the above elements, but contains non-gross biological errors
Wrong answer

Maximum score

C67. How are living organisms different from non-living things?nature. Answer :

(other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort it) meaning)

Answer elements: 1) metabolism and energy conversion; 2) reproduction; 3) heredity and variability; 4) fitness; 5) irritability.
The answer is correct and complete: includes all the above elements of the answer, does not contain biological errors
The answer is correct, but incomplete, includes 3-4 of the above elements of the answer, does not contain biological errors
The answer is incomplete, includes 1-2 of the above elements of the answer, biological inaccuracies are possible
Wrong answer
Maximum score
C68. What are the features of the structure and life of mosses? Answer :

(correct answer must contain the following items)


Response elements:
    most mosses are leafy plants, some of them have rhizoids; mosses have a poorly developed conducting system; mosses reproduce both sexually and asexually, with alternation of generations: sexual (gametophyte) and asexual (sporophyte); an adult moss plant is a sexual generation, and a box with spores is asexual
The answer includes all the above elements, does not contain biological errors
The answer includes 2 of the above elements and does not contain biological errors, OR Similar Documents:
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Task No. 35 - with the image of a biological object (drawing, diagram, graph, etc.)

1. Which root zones are indicated in Fig. numbers 2, 4, 5? What functions do they perform?


1) 2 - zone of division, ensures the growth of the root in length.

2) 4 - suction zone, absorption of water and minerals.

3) 5 - area of ​​conduct, transport of substances.

2. What unites and what is the difference between the biological objects depicted in the figure?


1) The figure shows shoots consisting of a stem and buds arranged alternately;

2) Shoots serve as organs of vegetative reproduction.

3) Difference: a tuber is a modified shoot, contains a reserve of organic substances (starch).

3. What numbers indicate the haploid stages of development in the figure “Fern Development Cycle”? Name them.


1) 2 - dispute;

2) 3 - growth with antheridia developing on it - 4 and archegonia 5;

3) 6 - sperm (sperm) and 7 - egg.

4. What numbers indicate the vena cava in the figure? What number denotes the veins that carry arterial blood? What number indicates the vessel that receives blood from the left ventricle?


1) The superior and inferior vena cava are labeled 2 and 3, respectively.

2) Pulmonary veins are indicated by the number 5.

3) The aorta is marked with the number 1.

5. Determine which letter in the figure indicates the organ that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity, what is it called? What other functions does it perform, what muscle tissue is it formed by. How is this tissue different from other muscle tissues?


1) B - diaphragm.

2) The diaphragm is formed by tendons and striated muscle tissue. Other functions: participates in breathing (increases the volume of the chest during contraction), is the upper wall of the abdominal cavity, and with other abdominal muscles performs the functions of the abdominal press.

3) Striated muscle tissue consists of long multinuclear fibers and forms skeletal muscles that work both voluntarily (at the will of a person) and reflexively. The fibers of this tissue are capable of rapid contraction and can be in a contracted or relaxed state for a long time. Due to the alternation of proteins of different densities (actin and myosin) in muscle fibers, this tissue under a microscope has a transverse striation.

6. Name the germ layer of the embryo of a vertebrate animal, indicated in the figure by the number 1. What types of tissues, organs or parts of organs are formed from it?


1) The number 1 in the figure indicates the ectoderm.

2) From the ectoderm, the nervous system and sensory organs, skin integuments (including feathers, hair, scales, claws, glands), the anterior and posterior sections of the digestive system (the oral cavity and the first third of the esophagus, the final section of the rectum), external gills.


NOT for an answer! For repetition!

2 - secondary body cavity (general)

3 - endoderm

4 - gastric cavity (cavity of the primary intestine)

5 - mesoderm

6 - neural plate

7 - chord

7. What modified shoot is shown in the picture? Name the elements of the structure, indicated in the figure by the numbers 1, 2, 3, and the functions that they perform.


Escape - Bulb:

1 - juicy scaly leaf, in which nutrients and water are stored

2 - adventitious roots that ensure the absorption of water and minerals

3 - kidney, provides shoot growth

8. Using the picture, determine which form of selection it illustrates. Justify the answer. Will the size of the ears of hares change during evolution under the influence of this form of natural selection, and under what conditions of life will this selection manifest itself?


1) a stabilizing form of selection, since the graph shows that the pressure of selection is directed to the death of individuals with a minimum or maximum value of the trait;

2) stabilizing selection is manifested under relatively constant living conditions;

3) changes in the size of the ears of hares in the process of evolution will not occur, since this form of selection preserves the average value of the trait.

9. Name the structures of the spinal cord, indicated in the figure by numbers 1 and 2, and describe the features of their structure and function.


1 - gray matter, formed by the bodies of neurons

2 - white matter, formed by long processes of neurons

3 - Gray matter performs a reflex function, white matter - a conductive function

10. What part of the leaf is indicated in the figure by the letter A and what structures does it consist of? What are the functions of these structures?


1) The figure shows a vascular-fibrous bundle (the central vein of a leaf plate; the bundle includes vessels, sieve tubes, mechanical tissue).

2) Consists of a conductive fabric:

vessels - deliver water with minerals from the root; sieve tubes - divert water with organic substances to the stem.

3) and mechanical tissue - fibers - a support function, give the sheet elasticity.

11. Look at the cells shown in the picture. Determine what letters denote prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Provide evidence for your point of view.


1) A - prokaryotic cell; B - eukaryotic cell.

2) The cell in figure A does not have a formed nucleus, the hereditary material is represented by circular DNA.

3) The cell in Figure B has a well-formed nucleus and membranous organelles.

12. What organelle is shown in the diagram? What parts of it are marked with numbers 1, 2 and 3? What process takes place in this organelle?


1) Mitochondria.

2) 1 - outer membrane, 2 - mitochondrial matrix, 3 - cristae, inner membrane.

3) Here there is an energy process with the formation of ATP molecules.

13. What structure is shown in the picture? What is indicated by the numbers 1 and 3?


Response elements:

1) The figure shows a nephron - structural unit kidneys.

2) The number 1 indicates the renal (Bowman's) capsule.

3) The number 3 indicates the capillary glomerulus.

14. What is shown in the figure and indicated by the numbers 2, 3, 4? What is the role of the structure indicated by the number 1 ?


1. The figure shows a grain of wheat.

2. The numbers 2, 3, 4 denote, respectively, 2 - cotyledons, 3 - germinal stalk and 4 - germinal root.

3. The number 1 indicates the endosperm, in which nutrients are stored for the development of the embryo.

15. What is indicated in the figure by the numbers 1,2,3? Specify the function of structures 1 and 3.


1. The number 1 indicates the germinal disc, the number 2 - the yolk, the number 3 - the air chamber.

2. Germinal disc - a fertilized egg from which the chicken develops.

3. The air chamber is necessary for the respiration of the embryo and the removal of water from the egg.

16. Name the type and phase of cell division shown in the figures. What processes do they represent? What do these processes lead to?


1) Type and phase of division: Meiosis - prophase1.

2) Processes: Conjugation, crossing over, exchange of homologous regions of chromosomes. Mutual exchange of sites between homologous (paired) chromosomes.

3) Result: a new combination of gene alleles, hence combinative variability

17. Name the structures of the human heart, which are indicated in the figure by numbers 1 and 2. Explain their functions.


1 - myocardium - heart muscle. Formed by striated muscles, provides contraction of the heart.

2 - valve valve (tricuspid valve), prevents the return of blood to the atrium /

18. What processes are shown in Figures A and B? Name the cell structure involved in these processes. What transformations will occur next with the bacterium in Figure A?


1) A - phagocytosis (capture of solid particles);

B - pinocytosis (capture of liquid drops);

2) Participates - cell (plasma) membrane;

3) A phagocytic vesicle has formed, which, when combined with a lysosome, forms a digestive vacuole - the bacterium will be digested (lysis - undergo splitting) - the resulting monomers will enter the cytoplasm.

19. Determine the type and phase of cell division shown in the figure. Justify the answer. What processes take place in this phase?


1) Type and phase of cell division: mitosis; anaphase.

2) Rationale: Mitosis - uniform distribution of hereditary material between daughter cells, no crossing over occurred.

2) The filaments of the spindle contract and lead to rupture of chromatids in the region of the centromere. During anaphase, the chromatids (or sister chromosomes) that make up each chromosome separate and move to opposite poles of the cell.

20. Write down the names of the parts of the animal cell indicated in the diagram. In your answer, indicate the part number and its name; you do not need to redraw the cell diagram.


1. digestive vacuole

2. cytoskeleton OR microtubules OR microfilaments

3. membrane

4. rough EPS or granular EPS

5. smooth eps

6. lysosome

7. Golgi complex

8. ribosome

9. mitochondrion

10. chromatin OR chromosome

11. core OR nuclear juice OR nuclear matrix

12. nucleolus

21. Write down the names of the parts of the plant cell indicated in the diagram. In your answer, indicate the part number and its name; you do not need to redraw the cell diagram.


1. chromatin OR chromosome

2. core OR nuclear matrix OR nuclear juice

3. nucleolus

4. smooth eps

5. mitochondrion

6. shell OR cell wall

7. tonoplast OR central vacuole

8. cytoskeleton OR microtubules OR microfilaments

9. dictyosome

10. plasmodesma

11. Rough XPS OR Granular XPS

12. Tallakoids OR grana

13. stroma

14. chloroplast

15. membrane

22. What is indicated in the figure by the numbers 1, 2, 3? What are the functions of these structures?


1) A leaf vein that performs supporting and conducting functions.

2) Columnar, photosynthetic tissue.

3) Spongy, photosynthetic tissue.

23. What form of selection is shown in the figure? On what basis was the selection made? What additional information can be gleaned from this figure?


1) An example of artificial selection in the breeding of pigeon breeds (peacock pigeon) is shown.

2) The selection was made according to the shape of the tail and the size of the goiter.

3) The breed has been bred for almost three centuries.

24. What plant organs are indicated in the figure by the letters A, B, C? What is their role in plant life? What organ are they a modification of?


1) A - tuber; B - bulb; B is a rhizome.

2) Significance in the life of the plant: reserve nutrients are deposited, which ensure earlier germination of shoots. They can also be used for vegetative propagation.

3) Modified shoots.

25. What division and what phase is shown in the figure? Indicate the set of chromosomes (n), the number of DNA molecules (s) in this period. Justify the answer.


1) mitosis

2) metaphase - the formation of the division spindle ends: the chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell, a metaphase plate is formed

3) The set of chromosomes and the number of DNA molecules: 2n4c - in the interphase during the synthetic period: doubling (replication, reduplication) of DNA occurs.

26. Name the bones indicated in the figure by the letters A and B. Indicate which part of the skeleton they belong to. What is the significance of this section of the skeleton?


1) A - clavicle; B - scapula

2) Upper limb belt

3) belt of the upper limbs - support, provides attachment of the upper limbs to axial skeleton

27. What sub-kingdom, type, does the animal shown in the picture belong to? What is denoted by the letters A and B, and what is the role of these structures in the life of an animal?


1) Subkingdom - Unicellular; type - Protozoa

2) A - contractile vacuole; B - core

3) Contractile vacuole - removal of liquid waste products, maintenance and for osmotic regulation; nucleus - regulates all life processes, carries hereditary information

28. What sub-kingdom, type, does the animal shown in the picture belong to? What process is shown in the figure and what is its biological significance? Specify the type of cell division that underlies this process.


Response elements:

1) sub-kingdom - Protozoa (Single-celled); type - Ciliates;

2) process - asexual reproduction;

3) biological significance - reproduction of organisms,

identical parent; increase in numbers;

4) type of cell division - mitosis.



Response elements:

1) mold fungus mukor; kingdom Mushrooms;

2) 1 - sporangium with spores; 2 - mycelium (hyphae);

3) fungi mineralize organic residues, act as decomposers in the ecosystem

30. Name the layers of human skin, indicated in the figure by the letters A and B. Indicate the functions that they perform.


Response elements:

1) A - epidermis; B - subcutaneous adipose tissue;

2) the epidermis performs a protective function, ensures the formation of pigment;

3) subcutaneous fatty tissue prevents body cooling, is an energy reserve, plays the role of a shock absorber for bruises



1. The figure shows cells. OR The figure shows a micrograph of cells. OR The picture shows an algae.

2. The image was obtained by light microscopy.

3. An alternative method is electron microscopy. Light microscopy allows you to view living objects and allows you to get color images, but the resolution of light microscopy is much less than that of electron microscopy.

33. Look at the picture carefully and answer the questions.

1. What is shown in the picture?

2. By what method was this image obtained?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method compared to alternative methods?


1. The figure shows a fragment of a cell. OR

The figure shows an electron micrograph of a cell fragment.

2. The image was obtained by electron microscopy.

3. An alternative method is light microscopy. Electron microscopy does not allow viewing living objects and requires complex preparation of the preparation, but it has a high resolution.

34. What plant organ is shown in the picture? What parts of the body are indicated by the numbers 1, 2, 3? What functions does it perform in the life of a plant?


Elements of a correct answer:

1) the figure shows a shoot - a complex organ of a plant;

2) numbers indicate: 1 - apical bud, 2 - leaf axil, with axillary bud (this is a node), 3 - internode;

3) shoot functions: growth, photosynthesis, vegetative reproduction, transport of substances in the plant, transpiration

35. Consider the model first developed in the 19th century by the Dutch physiologist Donders. What process could be demonstrated using this device? The function of what organs is performed by the rubber membrane, designated at number 1? Why does the volume of bags attached to a glass tube change when the position of the rubber membrane changes?


Response elements:

1) The process of breathing or the process of inhalation and exhalation;

2) intercostal muscles and diaphragm

3) inside a transparent glass jar, during the lowering of the rubber membrane, the pressure decreases and becomes below atmospheric. Due to the pressure difference, the rubber bags increase in volume.

36. Consider the diagram of the cardiac cycle in Figures 1-3. Which of the following diagrams shows the phase of ventricular systole? In what state are the cuspid valves of the heart at this moment? Which arteries supply blood during ventricular systole?


1) in Figure No. 2;

2) flap valves close at the moment of ventricular systole;

3) blood enters the aorta and pulmonary trunk (pulmonary artery)

37. Which human organ is indicated by the number 4 in the figure? What structure does it have? Explain the functions it performs based on its structure.


1) 4 - trachea

2) It consists of cartilaginous semirings, which are connected behind the esophagus by a connective tissue septum.

3) Function of the trachea: conduction of air

38. Name the type and classes of animals depicted in the figures. Indicate two main features common to these animals.


1) Arthropod type.

2) Classes: 1 - Crustaceans, 2 - Arachnids, 3 - Insects.

3) Common features - segmentation of the body (and jointed limbs) and chitinous cover.

39. What class of angiosperms does the plant shown in the picture belong to? Justify the answer. Name the organs marked A and B and indicate their importance in the life of the plant.


Response elements:

1) class dicotyledonous, flower of four-membered type, net venation of leaves;

2) A - a head of cabbage - this is a modified shoot (bud), accumulates nutrients, provides wintering, the development of a biennial plant in the second year;

3) B - fruit - pod, provides distribution and protection of seeds.

40. Name the bones indicated in the figure by the letters A and B. Indicate which parts of the skeleton they belong to.


Response elements:

1) A - pelvic bones; B - tibia;

2) The pelvic bones are part of the girdle of the lower extremities;

3) The tibia is part of the free lower limb.



42. Read the text, indicate the numbers of sentences in which errors were made. Correct the mistakes made.

1. Fertilization in flowering plants has its own characteristics. 2. Haploid pollen grains are formed in the ovary of the flower. 3. The haploid nucleus of the pollen grain is divided into two nuclei - generative and vegetative. 4. The generative nucleus is divided into two sperm.

5. Sperm go to the anther. 6. One of them fertilizes the egg located there, and the other the central cell. 7. As a result of double fertilization, a diploid seed embryo develops from the zygote, and a triploid endosperm develops from the central cell.


Mistakes were made in sentences 2, 5, 6.

1) 2 - pollen grains are formed in the anthers of stamens.

2) 5 - sperm are sent to the ovary of the flower.

3) 6 - the eggs are in the ovary of the flower, and not in the anthers.

43. Name the germ layer of a vertebrate animal, indicated in the figure by a question mark. What types of tissues and organ systems are formed from it?


1) middle germ layer - mesoderm;

2) tissues are formed: connective, muscle;

3) organ systems are formed: musculoskeletal, circulatory, excretory, reproductive, blood.



1) the figure shows the swimming limb of a bird and the burrowing paw of a mole;

2) the similarity lies in the fact that these are homologous organs having a common morphological origin;

3) the difference lies in the fact that these limbs perform functions (swimming and digging the soil);

45. What organs are shown in the picture? What are their similarities and differences? What is the evidence for evolution in this example? List four criteria.


1) the figure shows the root and rhizome;

2) these are similar organs that perform similar functions (accumulation of nutrients and keeping the plant in the soil);

3) the difference lies in the fact that these organs have a different logical structure and origin;

4) this example refers to comparative anatomical proofs of evolution.

46. What type of tissue does the object shown in the picture belong to? Which organs human body formed by this tissue? What are the properties of the cells that form this tissue?


1) Striated muscle tissue.

2) This tissue forms: skeletal muscles, tongue, initial section of the esophagus, motor muscles of the eyeball, sphincters.

3) Cells (myocytes) with a large number of large mitochondria, multinucleated, of great length. The properties of this muscle tissue are a high rate of contraction and relaxation, as well as arbitrariness (that is, its activity is controlled by the will of a person).

47. Consider and identify the biological objects indicated by the numbers 1 and 2. Name two common features in their structure and two features in which they differ.


1) 1 - fruit achene; 2 - the fruit of the grain.

2) These are dry one-seeded fruits. They contain seeds with an embryo and a supply of nutrients.

3) In the achene, the seed coat is easily separated from the pericarp, and in the caryopsis, it fuses tightly with it. The supply of nutrients in the achene is in the cotyledons, and in the grain they are in the endosperm.

48. What type of injury is shown in the picture? What bones are damaged? What first aid measures should be taken first?


1. An open fracture of the tibia and a closed fracture of the fibula.

2. First of all, it is necessary to stop the bleeding by applying a tourniquet and a pressure bandage and fix the lower leg with splints in the ankle and knee joints.

3. Apply an aseptic bandage and hospitalize the victim

49. The structure of what substance is shown in the figure? What types of this substance exist? What is its role in metabolism


1) The figure shows an RNA nucleotide.

2) RNA is ribosomal, informational and transport.

3) RNA is involved in the biosynthesis of proteins - in the processes of transcription and translation.

50. During the experiment, the scientist measured the rate of photosynthesis depending on the light. He kept the carbon dioxide concentration and temperature constant. Explain why, with increasing light intensity, the activity of photosynthesis first increases, but, starting from a certain intensity, stops increasing and reaches a plateau (see graph).


1) in the light stage of photosynthesis, the light energy is converted into ATP energy used in the dark stage;

2) accordingly, the more light, the more energy and the faster photosynthesis takes place;

3) however, starting from a certain light intensity, there is already so much that the speed of photosynthesis cannot be faster, all proteins work at maximum speed

51. During the experiment, the scientist measured the rate of photosynthesis depending on temperature. He maintained the concentration of carbon dioxide and the intensity of illumination constant. Explain why, as the temperature rises, the activity of photosynthesis first increases, but starting from a certain temperature, it begins to rapidly decrease (see graph).


1) The dark stage of photosynthesis is a cycle of reactions catalyzed by enzymes.

2) The activity of enzymes increases with increasing temperature,

3) until the denaturation of enzymes begins under the influence high temperature, and then the reaction rate decreases.

52. Explain the schedule according to the following plan:

1) what does the graph reflect on the segment from 0 to 1?

2) what happens to the enzymatic reaction at point 2?

3) what is the limiting factor for the rate of an enzymatic reaction?


1) on the segment from 0 to 1 it is shown that the reaction rate increases in direct proportion to the concentration of the substrate;

2) at point 2 it is shown that the concentration of the substrate reaches the limit and the reaction proceeds at a constant rate;

3) the limiting factor is the concentration of the substrate

53. What organisms are shown in the picture? What is the biological meaning of their relationship?


1) sea anemones and hermit crab are shown;

2) there is a symbiotic relationship between them;

3) the cancer provides the anemone with food residues and transports it, and the anemone with its tentacles with stinging cells provides protection to the cancer

54. Name the organism shown in the figure and the kingdom to which it belongs. What is indicated by the numbers 1, 2? What is the role of these organisms in the ecosystem?


1) Mushroom mukor; Mushroom kingdom.

2) Number 1 indicates - sporangium, number 2 - mycelium (unicellular).

3) Mukor - mold fungus, saprophyte. It is a decomposer in the ecosystem.

Some types of mucor cause diseases in animals and humans.


There is another possible answer in paragraph 3:

- convert organic matter into minerals

- ensure the closure of the circulation of substances and the transformation of energy

- form inorganic substances available to plants
