commodity group. food group classification

However, it is possible to classify these species. Still, the science of dietology does not stand still, and its data can be used to figure out what and why we eat. So, the classification of staple foods consists of the following list.

Food classification

1. Products plant origin- these are all those types of food that plants give us (mushrooms and algae do not belong here). Among them are types:

  • fruits are the fruits of trees. They are rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, water and fiber. By adding them to our diet, we provide ourselves with energy and increase immunity.
  • vegetables - various parts of herbaceous plants or shrubs. It can be roots - like, for example, carrots, or stems, like asparagus, or even leaf buds - like cabbage, for example. These types of foods are also rich in moisture and vitamins, but contain little protein and fat.
  • grain products consumed in the form of cereals and flour products. These include cereals, legumes and some other species. A feature of these types of food products is a large amount of protein and very little moisture. Assimilated in our body, they are heavier than fruits and vegetables, but they are more nutritious.
  • berries are the fruits of many shrubs and herbaceous plants. These food groups are very similar to fruits in their properties, but most of them contain even more organic acids, creating a greater load on the digestive tract and teeth.
  • nuts are one of the most complete types of food of plant origin. Contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, excipients. In addition, nuts are easily digestible. It is surprising that they still have not ousted bakery products from our diet.
  • herbs used as spices. Usually their types are used to give dishes an original taste, but at the same time they themselves have many useful properties: they contain vitamins, substances that improve digestion and just fiber, which contributes to a better functioning of the digestive tract.
  • juices - the liquid content of vegetables, fruits and berries with various sugars, vitamins and acids dissolved in them. These types of food products are very useful for the whole organism and are extremely gentle on the digestive tract.

2. Animal products rich in proteins, fats and vitamins.

  • meat and offal - all edible parts of animals living on land - birds and mammals: muscles, entrails, bone marrow, blood. In modern cooking, in most cases, before cooking, they undergo heat treatment, which deprives these food groups of many useful properties.
  • fish - all the same as in the previous paragraph, only obtained from fish. In many properties, types of fish products are similar to meat products, but they also have their own specifics.
  • eggs - in scientific terms, the embryos of various organisms in the early stages of development, enclosed in a calcareous shell. Eggs of birds and reptiles are used as food. These types of foods are high in protein and fat, but low in carbohydrates.
  • caviar - the same embryos, but only in fish, amphibians and, in very exotic cases, mollusks. These types of food products are very rich in fats and proteins and are easily absorbed by our body.
  • dairy: milk itself, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, cheese and others like them. Eating them in food is very useful: they are the richest in proteins and fats, they also contain carbohydrates, vitamins and various enzymes. Each dairy product is very specific in its ability to be digested, and therefore it is necessary to check its digestibility individually.
  • shellfish: squid, snails, octopuses, cuttlefish, which are quite exotic dishes in our country that are not used in everyday nutrition.
  • crustaceans - lobsters, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, in which a person uses only small parts of muscle tissue for nutrition.
  • insects and spiders, which, although they are the largest group of animals on Earth, are used as food as an exception.

The types of products of animal origin, according to the classification of food, also include honey, royal jelly and propolis, which are not obtained directly from animals, but are produced by them. They have a number of strong specific properties that make them more medicinal than food.

These types of food products must be put on a separate list, since today scientists are unanimous in their opinion that mushrooms do not belong to plants. Their nutritional features include a large amount of proteins and carbohydrates, the presence of vitamins and, very often, strong poisons that break down only when cooked. In general, the degree of assimilation is inferior to most products of plant and animal origin.

In many properties close to plants, but having a more primitive structure. Due to the aquatic lifestyle, they have a specific composition, rich in carbohydrates and vitamins. Their main feature lies in the huge biomass that can feed all of humanity. But getting them is more difficult than growing potatoes in the garden.

They are used not as an independent food product, but as an additive that improves other products used by a person in nutrition. For example, thanks to yeast we get alcohol and fluffy bread, and lactic acid bacteria ferment milk for us.

These include various types of salts, sugars and mineral components that we need for the normal course of all chemical reactions in the body or to improve the quality of food.

This is not the only possible one, but by sorting out all types of food products in this way, it is easier to navigate in all their diversity and begin to get acquainted with each group separately.

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Classification of food by groups

One of the most important industries is the food industry, because every day the human body requires fuel - a variety of food products, both in natural and processed form. Their classification helps to systematize and streamline the terminology of the whole variety of food products.

Food classification: what is it?

In order to be able to efficiently and rationally produce, sell and store food, it is necessary to first classify them.

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The classification of food products is a logical process of dividing the entire set of food products into groups of different levels of generality according to certain characteristics.

In commodity science, there are several classifications of food products, namely: educational, commercial, standard, economic-statistical and foreign economic. The first two are considered the most common.

Importance of food classification

The classification of food products has many purposes, namely:

  • help automate the process of collecting and processing product information;
  • facilitate the study of consumer properties of food products, the formation of a system of requirements for food products, accounting and planning of their turnover;
  • help develop rational methods of packaging, organize optimal modes of storage and transportation of food products;
  • promote the rational placement of goods on the trading floor and in the warehouse;
  • create a basis for certification of food products;
  • facilitate identification of consumer demand for food products.

To collect information about goods and their processing use different types computer facilities. The classification of software products on the basis of the scope of use includes three main categories: system software, application software packages and programming tools. Application programs are responsible for processing various information.

In turn, the classification of applied software products is divided into the following types: text editors and processors, graphic editors, database management systems, spreadsheets; accounting systems, office work systems, financial analytical systems and others. All of the above software tools are used in the management of food products.

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Classification of food products by purpose

On the basis of purpose, all food products are divided into four categories:

  1. Food products for mass consumption.
  2. Therapeutic-dietary and treatment-and-prophylactic products.
  3. Goods intended for feeding children.
  4. Functional foods:
  • fortified foods;
  • physiologically functional food ingredients;
  • probiotic foods;
  • probiotics;
  • prebiotics;
  • synbiotics.

Classification features of the upper levels

The classification of food products of the upper levels is carried out according to the most general features.

So, on the basis of origin, all food products are divided into four groups:

  • vegetable products (cereals, vegetables, fruits, legumes, mushrooms, etc.);
  • animal products (meat, fish, seafood, etc.);
  • mineral origin (table salt);
  • biosynthetic origin (vinegar).

On the basis of the chemical composition, food products are divided into:

On the basis of the degree of processing, food products are:

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Of course, this is not a complete classification of staple foods. Each group of food products hierarchically consists of smaller groups (species, varieties, varieties, etc.) depending on the raw materials, recipes, production technology and other unifying features.

Educational classification of food products

The educational classification of food products into groups is used in commodity science to study the consumer properties of goods, the principles for the formation of these properties and their preservation. According to the above classification, all food products are grouped into 9 groups based on common origin, chemical composition, production technology, purpose and storage features:

  • grain and flour products;
  • fruits and vegetables and mushrooms;
  • sugar, honey, starch and confectionery;
  • dietary fats;
  • meat products;
  • fish products;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs and egg products;
  • flavor products.

Educational classifications aim to study the range of goods, and the most important feature is the purpose of the food product.

Trade classification of food products by groups

Trade classification of food products into groups helps to rationally place goods on the shelves and organize their efficient storage. According to this classification, the following groups of goods are distinguished:

  • bakery products;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • milk and butter products;
  • confectionery;
  • meat and sausage products;
  • fish and fish products;
  • egg products;
  • dietary fats;
  • without alcoholic drinks;
  • wine and vodka products;
  • tobacco products.

Grocery and deli products

In trade, the classification of food products provides for the conditional unification of all food products into groceries and gastronomic products.

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The gastronomic group of goods includes ready-to-eat products, namely, sausages, canned meat and fish and smoked meats, cheeses, butter and other dairy products, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, some condiments.

Assortment of food products

Food products can form a certain set of goods or assortment. Distinguish commercial and industrial assortments.

In the first case, the assortment of the enterprise (the range of goods that are sold in the store) and the assortment of the product group (dairy, meat, confectionery and other goods) are distinguished.

The industrial assortment includes goods that are produced at a given enterprise (enterprise assortment) or in a given industrial branch (industry assortment).

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Classification of dairy products

In ancient times, when the chemical composition of milk was not yet known, this product was often called "white blood" or "juice of life." And not in vain. After all, milk is rightfully considered the most complete food product, due to the content of 20 amino acids, more than 147 fatty acids and lactose (milk sugar), which is a storehouse of vitamins, microelements, enzymes and other useful substances.

Classification lends itself to both the milk itself and the products that are obtained from it. A special group is fermented milk products, which are the result of lactic acid or mixed (lactic acid + alcohol) fermentation of milk.

Classification of milk and dairy products

Hermetically sealed and sterilized meat products in combination with other food products (vegetables, cereals) or without them

Classification of goods for baby food

Baby food products are food products made from high-quality raw materials according to special recipes for children from the first days of life to 14 years. Children's nutrition should meet all the physiological needs of their growing organism, in particular, be complete in terms of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

The complete classification of baby food products is very extensive. The most common feature for classification is the age of children for which food products are designed. In this regard, food products are distinguished:

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  • for young children (from 0 to 3 years);
  • for children of preschool age (from 3 to 6 years);
  • for children of school age (from 6 to 14 years).
  • foods with a low water content (4-15%). This includes cereals, pasta, flour, dry milk mixtures;
  • foods with a high water content (60-90%). These are vegetable and fruit purees, cottage cheese, kefir, meatballs.

According to the degree of grinding of products, children's food products are intended for:

  • for children in the first months of life (they apply homogenization of nutrients with a particle size of µm);
  • for children from 6 to 9 months (rubbing with a particle size of up to 800 microns);
  • for children from 10 months to 1.5 years (chopping into pieces up to 2000 microns);
  • for children from 1.5 to 3 years (portions).

Canned food for baby food are:

  • from vegetable raw materials (juices, purees, canned vegetables and fruits and vegetables);
  • from meat raw materials (beef, poultry, pork, liver, heart, stomach and tongue).

Dairy products for children

A special place in baby food is occupied by dairy products, since it is they who replace the mother's milk for the child, in case of its absence, and are used as complementary foods. Depending on the purpose, the classification of dairy products for children looks like this:

  • dry adapted mixtures for baby food;
  • dry milk porridge;
  • dairy products.

By type of products, dairy products for children can be:

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Food storage

All food products tend to deteriorate over time. You can extend their shelf life by canning. To do this, it is necessary to create conditions that prevent the development of microorganisms and the activity of enzymes, which cause spoilage of products.

By canning methods, the classification of food storage is as follows:

  • heat treatment (pasteurization, sterilization, freezing, cooling, the use of UHF currents);
  • dehydration (sublimation, vacuum, solar or chamber drying);
  • change in the composition of the medium (salting, pickling, pickling, adding sugar);
  • the use of chemicals (the introduction of antibiotics, antiseptics and antioxidants);
  • ionization by radiation.

Canning not only increases the shelf life of food products, but also expands their range, improves taste and increases calorie content.

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Food classification

The health of a man, for the most part, depends on nutrition. Food should always be enriched with vitamins, minerals, enzymes that have a beneficial effect on the body. The product range is large, this makes it possible to diversify the diet, get the maximum benefit.

The article will allow you to find out the main groups of products, which ones to give preference to, how to fill your life with health and energy.

Classification of food groups

Proper nutrition has always been relevant, now even more people are paying attention to the food industry. Shops are overflowing with goods, unfortunately, not all of them are of high quality, you need to learn how to choose natural products. The enemy of wholesome food is fast food, from which we enjoy, at a time when it is difficult for the body to digest food. There is no benefit in such food.

Being healthy and beautiful is the task of everyone. Throughout life, a person is obliged to work on his diet and choose the right foods. Luckily, there is a wealth of information out there to help you learn more about food and food pairings.

Let's see what kind of food classification a man needs. Consider the following groups in the table:

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2. Sugar and syrups - honey, white and yellow sugar, jams from various fruits, pear condensed juice, etc. But here, it is not necessary to abuse, as quite a bit is enough. If you are overweight, then it is better to refrain from sugar.

It is best to consume carbohydrates in the morning. They give a man energy, and if combined with sports, muscle growth is ensured.

Protein ensures the smooth functioning of the body, releasing a lot of energy, strengthens bones, teeth, hair, etc.

Foods that go well with carbohydrates and proteins:

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Leafy vegetables - lettuce, cabbage, chicory leaves, etc.;

Vegetable oils - sunflower, olive, sesame, corn;

Root vegetables - radishes, carrots, onions;

Greens - almost all, it is she who saturates the body with useful vitamins, improves digestion, has a lot of fiber;

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Egg yolk - contains proteins, fats, no carbohydrates.

Dairy products - without exception, must be present in the diet of a man, they contain a huge amount of minerals and enzymes. The product is easily digestible.

A group without which a complete diet is impossible. Be sure to include neutral foods in your daily meals.

The fruits of this group contain many vitamins that a healthy person needs daily.

Promote the active work of the brain, improve digestion. AT summer period consume sweet fruits as much as possible. In the warm season, they have more useful properties.

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Such fruits contribute to the rapid functioning of the digestive organs, increase hemoglobin.

This classification is not the only one, scientists in this field are increasingly studying groups of goods that have a beneficial effect on the human body. In this situation, if you familiarize yourself with this classification, you can see in general terms what is really worth using, how best to combine it so that it benefits the body.

What will this classification provide?

For everyone, health and well-being are important. It is very important for a man to always stay healthy, he bears a very big responsibility and must be in a healthy disposition of body and spirit. Adhering to the diet, respectively, the above classification, you can achieve the following:

  1. Good health - includes proper nutrition, which affects the functioning of all organs of the body;
  2. Avoidance of many diseases, in particular with the digestive organs;
  3. Muscle tone - foods, sports, healthy sleep contribute to the formation of muscles;
  4. A huge amount of energy - starts the proper functioning of the body's organs;
  5. Beautiful skin - no rash, wrinkles, color, elasticity and more;
  6. Good health;
  7. Longevity;
  8. Preservation of youth for a long time.

Many have noticed how successful men look good. The phenomenon is associated with proper nutrition, in a healthy way life, they are not distracted by health problems. A successful man looks good, his appearance inspires confidence in others.

A man must constantly review his diet, the body requires various vitamins that can ensure good health and appearance. You have no health problems, eat right, replenish your energy and health reserves. If you have health problems, it is best to consult a specialist, he will be able to make a diet that ensures good health. Eat right then you can know the eternal source of health and youth!

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Food classification

Classification is the distribution of many objects, phenomena into groups and categories, each of which has a certain set of features. The division of food products into subgroups makes it possible to study the entire wide range, conduct analysis, accounting, properly organize the storage and sale of goods, and deliver food to restaurants.

Signs of food classification

There are several classifications of food products. Each of them is based on some classification feature, for example: educational, industrial, biological, trade, etc. Also, the following signs can be taken as a basis:

  • origin of the goods - in this case, the goods are divided into products of plant, animal and mineral origin;
  • the degree of processing of raw materials - products are divided into semi-finished products, raw and finished products;
  • by appointment - for taste and food;
  • chemical composition: well-known proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals;

Nevertheless, for the restaurant business and public catering establishments, the most popular classification of food products remains educational. Let's consider it in more detail.

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Educational food classification

According to this division, products are classified into nine different groups:

1. Grain and flour products

Flour of all varieties, grains, cereals and products from them, pasta and bakery products). A distinctive feature of these products is the high content of carbohydrates in them.

2. Fruit and vegetable products

These include fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and berries, as well as their processed products - canned food, pickles, etc. Distinctive features of this group are low energy value and at the same time pronounced taste qualities. According to the content of various substances in the composition, this group is distinguished by an increased content of natural sugars, minerals, vitamins and healthy dietary fibers.

3. Taste products

This group of products, based on its name, is designed to act through the body's taste buds on the human nervous and digestive systems. The main active ingredients that make up the products of this group are caffeine, essential oils, alcohol components, vanilla. These products include tea and coffee, alcoholic beverages. Sweet and spicy spices and spices are especially distinguished, which cause a variety of taste sensations.

4. Starch, sugar, honey and confectionery

They also have high taste characteristics, but their difference from the previous group lies in the increased content of carbohydrates, which are easily absorbed by the body, that is, they have nutritional properties, but do not participate in other important life processes. So, these products include sweets and confectionery, sweet flour and rich products, including oriental sweets, cocoa, chocolate, caramel and other sugar products.

5. Dairy products

Milk, cheeses, a range of fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream, yogurt, etc.), butter, cream, and canned milk. This group of products is distinguished by a high content of proteins and fats, which are able to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients, which are also easily absorbed.

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6. Eggs and egg products

These also include egg powder, melange, etc. In terms of the content of nutrients and the degree of digestibility, they are equal to the products of the previous group.

7. Meat (including poultry meat) and products from it

Meat is an indispensable source of animal protein, which is the main building material for the body. In addition, meat has nutritional value, high palatability, contains some important minerals. Meat derivatives include semi-finished products, sausages, sausages, smoked products, offal, and other products.

8. Fish and fish products

Like meat, fish is a source of essential building proteins, as well as a number of essential minerals and vitamins. The goods of this group include live, chilled and frozen fish, canned fish, semi-finished products, seafood.

9. Dietary fats

These include oils and fats of both animal and vegetable origin, as well as margarine and mayonnaise. A distinctive feature of this group is the high content of fats - the most energy-intensive category of food. In addition, certain types of vegetable and animal fats contain vitamins A, D, E that are important for the body.

As can be seen from the above list, the grouping of goods is carried out according to the main raw material component (for example, milk, meat, grain), or according to the similarity of the use of products (flavoring goods), or according to the common composition of the product (for example, honey and confectionery products; fats). Since the classification is carried out according to several criteria, it cannot be called scientific, but in practice - in the wholesale trade in products, in warehouse accounting, etc., it justifies itself perfectly.

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"Food Fresh" - only fresh products!

Supply of restaurants, cafes, bars, canteens, catering with food

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All-Russian classification of food products (OKP) of nutrition in 2017

Why is food classification necessary? In order to be able to comply with the rules for working with products in the process of their:

Our body is designed in such a way that it needs nourishment and rest every day. If everything is clear with rest - this is, first of all, healthy sleep, then replenishment is not so difficult. Every person should eat. And not just once a day. It is necessary to eat right, as excessive consumption of certain types of goods can harm the body. The classification of food products is their breakdown into different groups in accordance with their characteristics and properties. To account for goods by groups in 2017, the All-Russian Product Classifier (abbreviated as OKP) is used.

What is the all-Russian product code, where and how it is applied, we will consider further in the text. It is important to understand that the classification of products is of great importance not only in industrial scale(confirmation of this is the All-Russian classifier), but also in local situations. For example, very often the principle of separate nutrition is used in various diets. It will not be possible to put it into practice if you do not know which group a particular product belongs to and whether it can be eaten with another. How do vegetarians know what they can't eat? They also use the division of supplies into groups, sometimes without even realizing it. After all, plant and animal food is also a classification of products. With the help of the OKP, product information can be processed automatically. This greatly simplifies the life of merchandisers and extras. OKP is also used in marketing research. Another purpose of the OKP is the inclusion of products in catalogs in accordance with their characteristics. Moreover, if today we, for the most part, will talk about food products and their classification, then the OKP has a larger significance, including all existing products on Russian market in 2017.

What types of food products are divided into in trade

The Russian food market is quite diverse. There are several types of classification. For the purpose of food products:

  • general food products:
    • vegetable origin - everything that trees and plants give us (juices, berries, fruits, vegetables, grains, etc.);
    • animal origin (meat, fish, milk, eggs, edible insects, crayfish, crabs, shellfish, propolis, honey, etc.);
    • foodstuffs from the kingdom of mushrooms;
    • food from the kingdom of algae;
    • foodstuffs from the kingdom of microorganisms (for example, yeast);
    • inorganic (salt, sugar, etc.)
  • dietary and preventive products (used in treatment);
  • children food:
    • age:
      • up to three years;
      • three to six years;
      • six to fourteen years of age;
    • water content:
      • low (cereals, mixtures, pasta, etc.);
      • high (mashed potatoes, minced meat, kefir, etc.);
    • crushing percentage:
      • children under six months;
      • from six months to nine;
      • from ten months to one and a half years;
      • from one and a half years to three;
    • canned food:
      • vegetable preserves;
      • canned meat.
    • edible goods designed to perform certain functions.

Taking into account the chemical component, there are:

  • products containing proteins;
  • products containing fats;
  • products containing carbohydrates;
  • products containing minerals.

Taking into account production processing:

Based on consumer properties, the following types are distinguished (educational classification):

  • cereals and flour;
  • vegetables, fruits, mushrooms;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • milk and milk products;
  • eggs and egg products;
  • honey, sugar, confectionery, starch;
  • edible fats;
  • flavor products.

Groups of goods used in trade (commodity neighborhood, etc.):

  • meat and sausage products;
  • bakery products;
  • eggs and egg products;
  • products of confectioners;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • milk and milk products;
  • dietary fats;
  • fish and products from it;
  • tobacco products;
  • soft drinks;
  • drinks with different alcohol content.

All-Russian classifier - concept and interpretation

I would like to note that the all-Russian classifier of products, aka OKP, does not just break goods into groups. It gives a clear description of each product in accordance with its belonging to the group. The two digits that come at the beginning of the OKP code determine the group affiliation of the goods. Thanks to the following four digits, the all-Russian classifier determines the clear place of the goods in its system. Accordingly, the OKP code consists of six digits. The all-Russian code is assigned to each type of product, each unit of the commodity group. On the RightConsumer portal you can:

download the All-Russian Product Classifier (OKP) for free

Naturally, it is very difficult to learn such a list, and most likely even impossible, common man. To do this, you need to be a child prodigy. For this, computers (for example, computers) currently exist. You can always use the information posted on our website to satisfy your curiosity and your needs.

At the same time, if you still have questions on the topic, you can ask them to the consultants of the site at any time.

Communication with specialists takes place online and is completely free.

Milk and dairy products

Each food group has its own classification. Dairy products are no exception. The classification of dairy products has the following structure:

  • cream and milk itself;
  • different types of cheeses made from cow's milk;
  • dairy products;
  • dry dairy products;
  • canned food (condensed milk);
  • oil;
  • ice cream.

Milk, as a food product that undergoes certain processing, can have several types:

  • milk;
  • milk product;
  • product containing milk;
  • dairy compound product;
  • milk products;
  • secondary raw materials;
  • milk drink;
  • by-product of processing.

Milk has a classification depending on the process of its processing:

  • raw - do not heat above 40 degrees;
  • drinking - undergoes various types of processing (including thermal), the proportion of fat content cannot exceed nine percent;
  • integral - not subjected to processing to settle the constituent parts;
  • reconstituted - to create it, water is added to the original product (to concentrate, condensed milk or powdered milk);
  • baked milk - drinking milk is processed for its production. It is heated to a temperature equal to 99 degrees and maintained at this temperature for a certain time, but not more than three hours;
  • pasteurized, UHT-treated, sterilized - the product is processed under high temperatures to achieve certain qualities and increase the shelf life;
  • thermized - the product undergoes a healing process, a similar procedure is carried out with any milk processing (at the beginning or at the final stage).

According to the type and characteristics of milk may differ depending on the animal from which it is obtained. You can milk:

Milk and dairy products can be classified according to different criteria. Just like any other food. If you have any questions on this topic, you can ask the consultants of the site for free.

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In accordance with the modern classification, all food products can be divided into three large groups (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Food classification

Mass consumption products developed according to traditional technology and intended for nutrition of the main groups of the population.

Functional food products may be otherwise referred to as products healthy eating, positive nutrition products, physiologically significant food products. These include mass consumption products that look like traditional food and are intended to be eaten as part of a normal diet, but, unlike mass consumption products, contain functional ingredients that have a positive effect on individual functions of the body or the body as a whole.

The main distinguishing features of functional foods are:

The nutritional value;

Taste qualities;

Physiological effect on the body.

These requirements should apply to the product as a whole, and not to individual ingredients that make up its composition.

Not only enriched foods can be functional, but also any natural foods that are good for health, such as carrots, cabbage, onions, parsley, apples and much more.

Therefore, the following groups of products are functional (Fig. 1):

- natural food products that naturally contain a large amount of a functional ingredient , for example, oat bran rich in fiber, fish oil as a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, citrus fruits containing a large amount of vitamin C, meat as one of the main sources of B vitamins, direct-pressed juices obtained from fruit or vegetable raw materials by mechanical processing;

- traditional food products, in which the amount of unhealthy components is reduced;

The latter components include cholesterol, animal fats with a high content of saturated fatty acids, low molecular weight carbohydrates such as sucrose, sodium, etc. The technology for the production of this group of functional products consists in the extraction or destruction of harmful components: the extraction of cholesterol from egg white using CO 2 -extraction, the destruction of cereal phytate, which binds and hinders the absorption of calcium, zinc and iron, by processing with the enzyme phytase.

Food products additionally enriched with functional ingredients using various technological methods, for example, bran bread, calcium-fortified fruit purees, vitamin-fortified juices and drinks, bifidokefir, drinks or candies with antioxidants, juices with echiniacea.

Functional products must meet the following requirements:

Be natural;

Have the appearance of ordinary food, that is, not produced in dosage forms such as tablets, capsules, powders;

To be consumed orally, that is, as ordinary food;

Be beneficial for nutrition and health, while the beneficial qualities must be scientifically justified, and daily doses must be approved by experts;

Be safe in terms of balanced nutrition;

Do not reduce the nutritional value of foods;

Have established values ​​of physical and chemical parameters and accurate methods for their determination.

Functional products are intended:

To compensate for the deficiency of biologically active components in the body;

Maintaining the normal functional activity of organs and systems;

Reducing risk factors for a disease, such as normalizing cholesterol levels;

Maintaining beneficial microflora in the human body, maintaining the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Functional foods should be separated from medical foods, examples of which are dietary, therapeutic, specialized foods, the purpose of which is indicated below.

Diet foods designed for people suffering from certain diseases. Dietary products should prevent the exacerbation of these diseases, help mobilize the body's defenses. Depending on the type of disease, dietary products may additionally contain protective food components or, conversely, be cleared of nutrients that contribute to the course of the disease. For example, diabetes and obesity require a reduction in the content of easily digestible sugars in foods, with liver disease, cardiovascular pathology, it is recommended to use foods with reduced content table salt.

Specialized food characterized by a narrow focus on the correction of any body functions. For example, for the optimal implementation of the metabolic processes of the body, athletes need food products with a high content of B vitamins (B 1, B 2, B 6, nicotinic and pantothenic acids), as well as vitamins C and E, which play an important role in redox processes. in the body. The needs of the cosmonauts' organism are satisfied thanks to diets additionally enriched, first of all, with vitamins, essential amino acids, fiber, macroelements Ca, K, Mg.

Products for medical and preventive purposes intended for persons exposed to adverse factors of the working environment or used in therapeutic practice. Therapeutic and prophylactic food products contain components that compensate for the deficiency of biologically active substances, improve mainly the functions of the affected organs and systems, neutralize harmful substances, and contribute to their rapid removal from the body.

Therapeutic products can be:

Based on well-known general purpose products with the introduction of one or more components into their formulation that give direction to the product, or with the replacement of part of the product with other components; in this case, the product produced according to the state standard is taken as a basis, then the orientation of the product and the amount of functional additives introduced are determined;

New products without taking into account the basis of recipes and technologies of existing food products. In this case, the modeling of the product formulation with the specified therapeutic and prophylactic properties is carried out. When developing a recipe, the amount of enriching additive will be a constant value, and the selection of other components is carried out taking into account the properties of the additive and the organoleptic characteristics of the product.

Fortified foods- products in which certain ingredients are added or substituted. This group of products differs from the functional ones in that the amount of the functional ingredient is below the level of physiologically significant concentrations.

Thus, functional foods are a special group that does not belong to the category medicines and medicinal food, although they are used to improve the functioning of body systems and improve the quality of human health.

Therefore, they occupy a middle position between ordinary products made by traditional technology and products medical nutrition(Fig. 2).

Why is food classification necessary? In order to be able to follow the rules of work in the process of their:

  • production;
  • storage;
  • transportation;
  • implementation;
  • use.

Our body is designed in such a way that it needs nourishment and rest every day. If everything is clear with rest - this is, first of all, healthy sleep, then replenishment is not so difficult. Every person should eat. And not just once a day. It is necessary to eat right, as excessive consumption of certain types of goods can harm the body. The classification of food products is their breakdown into different groups in accordance with their characteristics and properties. To account for goods by groups in 2019, the All-Russian Product Classifier (abbreviated OKP) is used.

What is the all-Russian product code, where and how it is applied, we will consider further in the text. It is important to understand that the classification of food products is of great importance not only on an industrial scale (confirmation of this is the All-Russian classifier), but also in local situations. For example, very often the principle of separate nutrition is used in various diets. It will not be possible to put it into practice if you do not know which group a particular product belongs to and whether it can be eaten with another. How do vegetarians know what they can't eat? They also use the division of supplies into groups, sometimes without even realizing it. After all, plant and animal food is also a classification of food products.

With the help of the OKP, product information can be processed automatically. This greatly simplifies the life of merchandisers and extras. OKP is also used in marketing research. Another purpose of the OKP is the inclusion of products in catalogs in accordance with their characteristics. Moreover, if today we talk about food products and their classification, then the OKP has a larger significance, including all existing food products on the Russian market in 2019.

The Russian market is quite diverse. There are several types of classification. For the purpose of food products:

  • general food products:
    • vegetable origin - everything that trees and plants give us (juices, berries, fruits, vegetables, grains, etc.);
    • animal origin (meat, fish, milk, eggs, edible insects, crayfish, crabs, shellfish, propolis, honey, etc.);
    • from the kingdom
      • mushrooms;
      • algae;
      • microorganisms (eg yeast);
  • inorganic (salt, sugar, etc.)
  • dietary and prophylactic (used in treatment);
  • children food:
    • age:
      • up to three years;
      • three to six years;
      • six to fourteen years of age;
    • water content:
      • low (cereals, mixtures, pasta, etc.);
      • high (mashed potatoes, minced meat, kefir, etc.);
    • crushing percentage:
      • children under six months;
      • from six months to nine;
      • from ten months to one and a half years;
      • from one and a half years to three;
    • canned food:
      • vegetable preserves;
      • canned meat.
    • edible goods designed to perform certain functions.

Taking into account the chemical component, the following categories of products are distinguished, containing:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • minerals.

Taking into account production processing:

  • cooked;
  • raw;
  • semi-finished products.

Based on consumer properties, the following types are distinguished (educational classification):

  • cereals and flour;
  • vegetables, fruits, mushrooms;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • milk and milk products;
  • eggs and egg products;
  • honey, sugar, confectionery, starch;
  • edible fats;
  • flavor products.

Groups of goods used in trade (commodity neighborhood, etc.):

  • meat and sausage products;
  • bakery products;
  • eggs and egg products;
  • products of confectioners;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • milk and milk products;
  • dietary fats;
  • fish and products from it;
  • tobacco products;
  • soft drinks;
  • drinks with different alcohol content.

All-Russian classifier - concept and interpretation

I would like to note that the all-Russian classifier of products, aka OKP, does not just break goods into groups and categories. It gives a clear description of each product in accordance with its belonging to the group. The two digits that come at the beginning of the OKP code determine the group affiliation of the goods. Thanks to the following four digits, the all-Russian classifier determines the clear place of the goods in its system. Accordingly, the OKP code consists of six digits. The All-Russian code is assigned to each type of food products and unit of the commodity group. On the Right Consumer portal you can download the list of food products:

Naturally, it is very difficult, and most likely even impossible, for a simple person to learn such a list. To do this, you need to be a child prodigy. For this, computers (for example, computers) currently exist. You can always use the information posted on our website to satisfy your curiosity and your needs.

At the same time, if you still have questions on the topic, you can ask them to the consultants of the site at any time.

Communication with specialists takes place online and is completely free.

Milk and dairy products

  • cream and milk itself;
  • different types of cheeses made from cow's milk;
  • dairy products;
  • dry dairy products;
  • canned food (condensed milk);
  • oil;
  • ice cream.

Milk, as a food product that undergoes certain processing, can have several types:

  • milk;
  • milk product;
  • product containing milk;
  • dairy compound product;
  • milk products;
  • secondary raw materials;
  • milk drink;
  • by-product of processing.

Milk has a classification depending on the process of its processing:

  • raw - do not heat above 40 degrees;
  • drinking - undergoes various types of processing (including thermal), the proportion of fat content cannot exceed nine percent;
  • integral - not subjected to processing to settle the constituent parts;
  • reconstituted - to create it, water is added to the original product (to concentrate, condensed milk or powdered milk);
  • baked - drinking milk is processed for its production. It is heated to a temperature of 99 degrees and maintained for a certain time, but not more than three hours;
  • pasteurized, UHT-treated, sterilized - the product is processed at high temperatures to achieve certain qualities and increase shelf life;
  • thermized - the product undergoes a healing process, a similar procedure is carried out with any milk processing (at the beginning or at the final stage).

According to the type and characteristics of milk may differ depending on the animal from which it is obtained. You can milk:

  • cows;
  • deer;
  • mares.

Milk and dairy products can be classified according to different criteria. Just like any other food item. If you have any questions on this topic, you can ask the consultants of the site for free.

Currently, the quantitative ratio of products of various groups is usually depicted as a plate or pyramid of optimal nutrition. The "plate" and "pyramid" show the main food groups in proportions that should be observed.

According to the "plate" or "pyramid" all products can be divided into 6 main groups.

Group I - bread, cereals and potatoes are located at the base of the pyramid and occupy most of the plate. These foods form the basis of the diet and should be consumed in the largest quantities (6-11 servings).

II group - vegetables are an important element of a healthy diet (about 3-5 servings).

III group - fruits just like vegetables, they are an important element of a healthy diet (3-5 servings). The more varied the diet of vegetables and fruits, the more balanced the diet.

IV group - dairy products(milk, yogurt, cheese) are recommended in the amount of 2-3 servings.

Group V - meat, poultry, slaves, legumes and eggs) protein products) are recommended in the amount of 2-3 servings.

VI group - this is the top of the pyramid and the smaller part of the plate, which depicts fat, represented by butter, margarine, various types of cooking fats. These products should be used in limited amounts and infrequently. In the same area, pyramids and plates are depicted alcohol and sugar, including those contained in sweets, sweet drinks, sweetened foods. These foods are high in calories, but contain virtually no vitamins and minerals. To prevent obesity, diabetes, and caries, these foods are not recommended to be consumed frequently.

It should be remembered that older people (over 65 years old), people with a low level of physical activity (leading a sedentary lifestyle), and those who are overweight or obese, need smaller amounts of food servings, and, conversely, young people, as well as people leading an active lifestyle, with a normal weight

large quantities of products are required, corresponding to the maximum number of conditional portions.

The following table shows the approximate amounts of various products of various groups (in conditional portions) of which the daily ration should consist.


GroupSource of substances Servings Weight or volume per serving
IBread, cereals and potatoes Carbohydrates, including dietary fiber, protein, iron, B vitamins - 1 piece of bread;
- 1/2 cup (cup, 1/2 serving plate - PT) ready-made porridge;
- 1 cup (cup, 1/2 PT) potatoes, cooked;
-1 cup (1/2 PT) soup
IIVegetables - 1 vegetable (piece) of medium size;
-1/2 - 1 cup (cup, 1/2 PT) boiled or raw vegetables;
- 1 cup (1/2 PT) vegetable soup;
IIIFruitVitamins, dietary fiber, mineral and non-nutritional substances
- 1 fruit (piece) of medium size
- 1/2 glass (cup) fruit juice
IVDairy Proteins, calcium, nicotinic acid, vitamins A, B 2, D 2 - from 2 to 10 and over 24 years old;

3-4 - 11-24 years old, pregnant and lactating women

- 1 cup (cup) skimmed milk or 1% fat milk, low-fat yogurt
- 1 piece (30g) cheese with less than 20% fat
VMeat, poultry, fish, legumes and eggs Proteins, B vitamins, iron, etc. minerals - 85-90g meat or fish in finished form (110-120g raw);
- 1/2 chicken leg or chicken breast
- 3/3 cup (cup, 1/2 PT) chopped fish;
- 1/2 - 1 cup (cup, 1/2 PT) legumes
- 1 egg
VIFats and oils

Alcoholic drinks

Saturated and unsaturated, fatty acids, vitamin A and E

No more than 2

- 1 st. a spoon vegetable oil or regular margarine;
- 2 tbsp. spoons of diet margarine;
- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mayonnaise;
- 2 tbsp. spoons of nuts
30 g vodka
110-120 g red wine

It is food, because every day the human body requires fuel - a variety of food products, both in natural and processed form. Their classification helps to systematize and streamline the terminology of the whole variety of food products.

Food classification: what is it?

In order to be able to efficiently and rationally produce, sell and store food, it is necessary to first classify them.

The classification of food products is a logical process of dividing the entire set of food products into groups of different levels of generality according to certain characteristics.

In commodity science, there are several classifications of food products, namely: educational, commercial, standard, economic-statistical and foreign economic. The first two are considered the most common.

Importance of food classification

The classification of food products has many purposes, namely:

  • help automate the process of collecting and processing product information;
  • facilitate the study of consumer properties of food products, the formation of a system of requirements for food products, accounting and planning of their turnover;
  • help develop rational methods of packaging, organize optimal modes of storage and transportation of food products;
  • promote the rational placement of goods on the trading floor and in the warehouse;
  • create a basis for certification of food products;
  • facilitate identification of consumer demand for food products.

To collect information about goods and their processing, different types of computer tools are used. Classification based on the scope of use includes three main categories: system software, application packages and programming tools. Application programs are responsible for processing various information.

In turn, the classification of applied software products is divided into the following types: text editors and processors, graphic editors, database management systems, spreadsheets; accounting systems, office work systems, financial analytical systems and others. All of the above software tools are used in the management of food products.

Classification of food products by purpose

On the basis of purpose, all food products are divided into four categories:

  1. Food products for mass consumption.
  2. Therapeutic-dietary and treatment-and-prophylactic products.
  3. Goods intended for feeding children.
  4. Functional foods:
  • fortified foods;
  • physiologically functional food ingredients;
  • probiotic foods;
  • probiotics;
  • prebiotics;
  • synbiotics.

Classification features of the upper levels

The classification of food products of the upper levels is carried out according to the most general features.

So, on the basis of origin, all food products are divided into four groups:

  • vegetable products (cereals, vegetables, fruits, legumes, mushrooms, etc.);
  • animal products (meat, fish, seafood, etc.);
  • mineral origin (table salt);
  • biosynthetic origin (vinegar).

On the basis of the chemical composition, food products are divided into:

  • protein;
  • carbohydrate;
  • fatty;
  • mineral.

On the basis of the degree of processing, food products are:

  • raw;
  • semi-finished products;
  • ready.

Of course, this is not a complete classification of staple foods. Each group of food products hierarchically consists of smaller groups (species, varieties, varieties, etc.) depending on the raw materials, recipes, production technology and other unifying features.

Educational classification of food products

The educational classification of food products into groups is used in commodity science to study consumer principles for the formation of these properties and their preservation. According to the above classification, all food products are grouped into 9 groups based on common origin, chemical composition, production technology, purpose and storage features:

  • grain and flour products;
  • fruits and vegetables and mushrooms;
  • sugar, honey, starch and confectionery;
  • dietary fats;
  • meat products;
  • fish products;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs and egg products;
  • flavor products.

Educational classifications aim to study and the most important feature is the purpose of the food product.

Trade classification of food products by groups

Trade classification of food products into groups helps to rationally place goods on the shelves and organize their efficient storage. According to this classification, the following groups of goods are distinguished:

  • fruits and vegetables;
  • milk and butter products;
  • confectionery;
  • meat and sausage products;
  • fish and fish products;
  • egg products;
  • dietary fats;
  • soft drinks;
  • wine and vodka products;
  • tobacco products.

Grocery and deli products

In trade, the classification of food products provides for the conditional unification of all food products into groceries and gastronomic products.

The gastronomic group of goods includes ready-to-eat products, namely, sausages, canned meat and fish and smoked meats, cheeses, butter and other dairy products, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, and some condiments.

Assortment of food products

Food products can form a certain set of goods or assortment. Distinguish commercial and industrial assortments.

In the first case, the assortment of the enterprise (the range of goods that are sold in the store) and the assortment of the product group (dairy, meat, confectionery and other goods) are distinguished.

The industrial assortment includes goods that are produced at a given enterprise (enterprise assortment) or in a given industrial branch (industry assortment).

Classification of dairy products

In ancient times, when the chemical composition of milk was not yet known, this product was often called "white blood" or "juice of life." And not in vain. After all, milk is rightfully considered the most complete food product, due to the content of 20 amino acids, more than 147 fatty acids and lactose (milk sugar), which is a storehouse of vitamins, microelements, enzymes and other useful substances.

Classification lends itself to both the milk itself and the products that are obtained from it. A special group is fermented milk products, which are the result of lactic acid or mixed (lactic acid + alcohol) fermentation of milk.

Milk product



  • pasteurized

The result of heating milk to a temperature of 74-76 0 C for 15-30 minutes in special equipment

  • sterilized

The result of heating milk to a temperature above 100 0 C for 2-10 seconds under high pressure

  • ghee

The result of keeping at a temperature of 85-99 0 C for at least 3 hours in closed containers

  • condensed

The result of the evaporation of whole milk with or without the addition of crystalline sugar (12%)

  • dry

The result of drying normalized pasteurized milk to a state of powder


The result of the separation of the fat fraction from whole milk


Product of separation or churning of cream from cow's milk

Product of coagulation of milk by enzymes and lactic acid bacteria or melting of various dairy products with melting salts

Dairy products:

Fermentation product of pasteurized milk with bacterial cultures

  • curdled milk

The product of fermentation of pasteurized milk with the introduction of pure races of lactic acid streptococcus, acidophilus and bulgarian sticks in different proportions

  • kefir

Product of mixed fermentation with use Has a pronounced dietary and therapeutic effect due to the accumulation of antibiotic substances

  • sour cream

Fermentation product of pasteurized cream with starter from pure cultures of lactic acid streptococcus

  • cottage cheese

Product of fermentation of milk and subsequent removal of whey

  • acidophilus drinks

Fermentation product using acidophilus acidophilus starter

Classification of meat products

Meat products, like dairy products, belong to the category of consumer products. in meat in in large numbers contains all the essential amino acids and in a ratio that best meets the needs human body. It is the main source of vitamin B12, phosphorus and iron, phospholipids and other nutrients for humans.

meat product


Meat from slaughtered farm animals

Beef, pork, horse meat, etc.

Animal by-products

Secondary organs of slaughtered cattle (heart, kidneys, liver, tongue, head, etc.)

poultry meat

Meat of chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, etc.

Meat semi-finished products

Schnitzel, entrecote, goulash, cutlet, steak, meatball, minced meat, etc., requiring subsequent heat treatment

Meat culinary products

Ready-to-eat meat products that have undergone various heat treatments

Frozen ready-to-eat meat dishes

Prepared meat products from natural or minced meat, with or without garnish, frozen

Meat smoked products

Salted and thermally processed large-sized meat products ready to eat (ham, bacon, brisket, etc.)


Minced sausage products with or without casing (sausages, pâtés, brawns, etc.) that have been heat-treated or fermented and are ready to eat

Canned meat

Hermetically sealed and sterilized meat products in combination with other food products (vegetables, cereals) or without them

Classification of goods for baby food

Baby food products are food products made from high-quality raw materials according to special recipes for children from the first days of life to 14 years. Children's nutrition should meet all the physiological needs of their growing organism, in particular, be complete in terms of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

The complete classification of baby food products is very extensive. The most common feature for classification is the age of children for which food products are designed. In this regard, food products are distinguished:

  • for young children (from 0 to 3 years);
  • for children of preschool age (from 3 to 6 years);
  • for children of school age (from 6 to 14 years).
  • foods with a low water content (4-15%). This includes cereals, pasta, flour, dry milk mixtures;
  • foods with a high water content (60-90%). These are vegetable and fruit purees, cottage cheese, kefir, meatballs.

According to the degree of grinding of products, children's food products are intended for:

  • for children in the first months of life (they apply homogenization of nutrients with a particle size of 150-200 microns);
  • for children from 6 to 9 months (rubbing with a particle size of up to 800 microns);
  • for children from 10 months to 1.5 years (chopping into pieces up to 2000 microns);
  • for children from 1.5 to 3 years (portions).

Canned food for baby food are:

  • from vegetable raw materials (juices, purees, canned vegetables and fruits and vegetables);
  • from meat raw materials (beef, poultry, pork, liver, heart, stomach and tongue).

Dairy products for children

A special place in baby food is occupied by dairy products, since it is they who replace the mother's milk for the child, in case of its absence, and are used as complementary foods. Depending on the purpose, the classification of dairy products for children looks like this:

  • dry adapted mixtures for baby food;
  • dry milk porridge;
  • dairy products.

By type of products, dairy products for children can be:

  • dry;
  • liquid;
  • pasty.

Food storage

All food products tend to deteriorate over time. You can extend their shelf life by canning. To do this, it is necessary to create conditions that prevent the development of microorganisms and the activity of enzymes, which cause spoilage of products.

By canning methods, the classification of food storage is as follows:

  • heat treatment (pasteurization, sterilization, freezing, cooling, the use of UHF currents);
  • dehydration (sublimation, vacuum, solar or chamber drying);
  • change in the composition of the medium (salting, pickling, pickling, adding sugar);
  • the use of chemicals (the introduction of antibiotics, antiseptics and antioxidants);
  • ionization by radiation.

Canning not only increases the shelf life of food products, but also expands their range, improves taste and increases calorie content.
