QUIK trading terminal. Quick guide

Quik is a program that imports and edits videos taken with a GoPro camera. The program allows you to catalog all the videos transferred to the computer's memory, as well as make adjustments to them and mount a dynamic video with musical accompaniment.

For those who very quickly “clog” a memory card with video material, the function of automatically transferring content to HDD computer every time you connect your GoPro camera. When you launch Quik, you will see a window with a list of imported videos and a player that allows you to play any of them at any time by double-clicking. GoPro Plus subscribers will also be able to transfer videos to and from the cloud. This feature is not available in the free version. However, no one bothers you to find the video files on the disk and upload them to the storage that you usually use.

Now let's talk about the built-in video editor. There are not so many functions, but they are all quite interesting. For example, the editor allows you to make beautiful time-lapses, apply the effect of time dilation, color filters and other "chips". Of course, it is not devoid of standard features such as cropping and merging video clips. And of course, the developers simply could not help but add the ability to export to the editor finished works to social networks.

In addition to the two functions described above, Quik also performs a third - updating the "firmware" of the GoPro. Every time you connect a camera, the program looks for a new version software and reports its presence to the user. The update is installed automatically.

Key features and functions

  • importing and cataloging videos from GoPro cameras;
  • automatic transfer of content when connecting the camera to a computer;
  • built-in video editor that allows you to trim unnecessary fragments,
  • creation of "cuts" from video with musical accompaniment and application of various effects;
  • creation of "timelapses"";
  • quick export of finished works to social networks;
  • GoPro firmware update.

What is Quik? This is a software package that helps provide access to exchange / over-the-counter trading systems in real time. The software package includes a server part and workstations (terminals) of users that interact with each other via the Internet.

Video tutorials on Quik

Setting the Current Design Table

Setting the order book

Setting up the order table and entering orders - first deals

Setting up tables to track securities, money, profit / loss

Setting charts, bookmarks

Making deals, adding labels, entering orders like stop, profit, trailing stop

Setting up the orders table and the deals table

Setting up and working with a chart, adding indicators

Features of the program workspace

The distribution kit of the program contains default screen settings, which include the most commonly used tables, as well as two screen tabs that switch the layout of tables on the screen. The user can change the arrangement of tables on the computer screen. Window settings are automatically saved when you exit the program.

The functions that are available in a particular table are displayed in the context menu (which can be opened by right-clicking the mouse) and in the program menu (namely, in the "Tables" item).

The convenience of setting up all types of tables is provided by a button on the toolbar or a combination of "Ctrl" + "E".

Consider the main tables of the program:

Table Purpose Menu item
current parameters Shows the last values ​​of the parameters in the process of trading on the exchange Tables | current table
all transactions Deals are presented for all instruments that were concluded by all participants in trading on the exchange Tables | Table of all transactions
quotes Shows a queue of buy-sell orders for a specific instrument Double clicking the left mouse button in the Table of current parameter values
limits on securities The available funds in securities for making transactions on the stock exchange are indicated Limits | Limits on securities
cash limits Showing the available funds in money for making transactions on the stock exchange Limits | Cash limits
applications Introduced a register of own user applications Dealer | Applications
deals Register of user transactions Dealer | Deals
stop orders Reflects the status of execution of its stop orders Dealer | Stop orders
Client portfolio An estimate of the margin level and asset value is presented Limits | Client portfolio
Graphs Reflects the construction of graphs for the course of trading on the stock exchange Data export | Charts | New chart

The process of creating a new table

    To create a new window, select the appropriate item in the menu, for example, for a table with the current values ​​of order parameters, select the item "Tables | Current Table".

    In the window that opens, create a list of displayed columns by moving the necessary headers (move the headers from the list of available ones to another list - selected ones). In some tables, you can also specify a list of row headers. To make a choice, select the lines in the list and click the “add” button, or double-click on the selected line with the left mouse button. If the parameters are combined into a class (marked with a yellow “+” symbol located to the left of the name), to open the list of parameters, left-click on the “+” symbol.

    Some types of tables allow you to limit the number of rows displayed using filters that set required parameters. You can set the filter by pressing the "..." button. After that, a window will open in which you should form a list of the parameters you have selected.


When creating a new table, the list of parameters that are used most frequently is selected by default for the main table types.
In the QUIK system, in almost all tables, it is possible to combine data from several classes at once (exchange modes, trading, etc.) within one table.

How to set up screen bookmarks

How to call the bookmark settings dialog? You need to press "Ctrl" + "B" or select the menu item "Windows | Make bookmarks. At the top of the left part of the window is a list of bookmarks, below it is a list of program windows shown on this tab. On the right, the program windows that are not attached to bookmarks are displayed, they are shown with any bookmark you select. General settings are located at the bottom of the window, they relate to the location of the bookmarks bar (bottom, top, right or left of the program windows) and the highlighting of the active bookmark.

  1. To create a new bookmark, click the "add" button, then enter its name.
  2. To change the order of bookmarks, select one of them and move it through the list by pressing the buttons «<-» и «->».
  3. To delete the selected bookmark, click the "delete" button. All windows attached to this tab will be assigned the “show on all” status.

How to reduce traffic when connecting to the Internet

If the data presented in the Table of Current Parameter Values ​​is not used for plotting or exporting, disable "Reception of missing data" (to do this, select the "Settings | Receiving data" item in the menu, deselect the "Receive missing data" checkbox).

Let's consider how to set a filter to receive information from the server for the Table with the current parameter values. You need to select the menu item "Communication | Lists. Then you should select in the "Classes of securities" list only those classes for receiving that are used. You can additionally limit the list of instruments and the list of parameters for each class by clicking the appropriate “set filter” buttons and setting up the lists of selected parameters (or securities).

It is better to close the quotes table (queue of orders) if it is not needed all the time for any instrument. It can be easily opened again if you double-click the left mouse button on the line of the Table with current parameter values ​​that corresponds to the given tool.

Making a deal

The scheme of the transaction is as follows.
1. The broker determines to the client the balance of funds on the exchange that are available to him, and the client can make transactions within this amount. The balance of funds is expressed in money or securities and corresponds to the entire amount of funds that the client has deposited with the broker to conduct activities on the exchange (in the Table of Limits, this is the “Incoming Balance” parameter).
2. The client, having independently selected securities, sells and buys them on the stock exchange. Purchase/sale occurs by sending an application (instruction) to the broker using the QUIK system, in which an agreement is given to buy or sell securities on the terms specified in the instruction.

3. Order statuses are as follows: a) active - if the order is registered on the stock exchange, queued, but not yet executed / not completely executed. This application can either be removed or edited its conditions. When the application is partially satisfied, only its unfulfilled balance can be withdrawn; b) executed - if the condition of the order is fully satisfied, that is, one or several transactions are made on the conditions specified in the order. It is not possible to withdraw a completed application; c) withdrawn - if the user decides to cancel the application or change its conditions. When an order is edited, it is withdrawn from the exchange (in other words, it is removed from the order queue so that the order cannot be executed during the editing process), then a new order is generated with exactly the same conditions that the user can edit.
4. The broker can accept a stop order - an order from the client, which will be executed depending on the achievement of a certain level by the market price of the instrument. Two price values ​​are specified in the stop order: 1) stop price - a condition of the type "the price of the last transaction is not less (not more than) a given value". The order is activated when the condition is met, that is, it will be sent to the exchange as a regular limit order; b) the price, which, when sent to the exchange, is indicated in the application

5. On the client's account, when entering an order, the funds necessary for its execution are blocked. As a rule, a deal is made if there are counter orders (for sale/buy) in the trading system that have mutually satisfying conditions. The Table of Deals shows the deals that were made at the request of the client.

Application entry

To open the application input window, click the button on the toolbar or the F2 key. The application entry window can also be called by selecting the "New application" item from the context menu of most tables, or by double-clicking the left mouse button.

Mandatory fields of the application are given in the table.

Required fields Substitution of specific values Key management
Tool Values ​​are substituted from the list by the first letters you type
trading account First in the list Value substitution similar to above
Type of order (limit / market) Selected "limited" by default Not
Direction of operation (sale/purchase) The action is configured for the Quotes Table - a quote operation is taken or counter to it Selecting Tab, The direction of the operation is changed with the Space key
Price indicated per instrument unit The value is taken from the selected table row Select Tab," + », « - " - change by 1 minimum price step, " ctrl" and " + », « ctrl" and " - » - change by 10 minimum price steps
Quantity, lots The default value is specified in the settings. For the Quote Table, you need to select the best value or quantity at a given price «>», «<» - изменение на 1 лот,
"Ctrl" and "<», «Ctrl» и «>» - change by 10 lots
Client code default Values ​​are substituted by the first typed letters from the list

The process of withdrawing an active application

The order table is designed to work with orders. In the "State" field of the table, the state of orders is indicated, which is additionally highlighted in font color: active orders are highlighted in red, executed orders in blue, and canceled orders in black. To remove an active order, double-click the right mouse button on the table line or press the key combination "Ctrl" + "D", and also click the button on the toolbar.

To cancel several orders with the same conditions, for example, all orders “for sale” for Sberbank, select the menu item “Dealer | Cancellation of orders" by condition or press "Shift" + "Alt" + "D". After that, a window will open in which you need to set the conditions for canceling orders, and then click the "Cancel orders" button.

A stop order is a pre-prepared limit order that is transferred to the trading exchange system when a condition (or stop price) occurs.
A stop order is used to limit the amount of losses when the prices of trades change in the opposite direction of expectations.

The stop price is a condition for the execution of an order, it can be represented as the limit value of the value of the last transaction on the instrument. Such an order is stored until the condition is met on the QUIK server.

The table of stop orders is necessary for working with stop orders, it displays all the statuses of execution of conditional orders. A stop order is considered executed (its status changes in the “Status” field) when the stop price condition occurs, at this moment a limited order is transferred to the trading exchange system, and the number of this order is displayed in the “Order number” field. The table of stop orders additionally displays the result of processing by the QUIK program server and the trading system of a limited generated order (see the “Result” field) and the registration exchange number of the transaction taken from the Table of all transactions, the price of which was justified by the execution of the stop order (see fig. field "Deal conditions").

The QUIK system provides for the following types of conditional orders:

  • Stop Limit - is a stop order that generates a limit order during execution. The stop limit limits the amount of losses in case of the opposite to the expected change in transaction prices.
  • A stop order together with a related order - two orders for one instrument, they are identical in volume and direction. The first order is of the “Stop-limit” type, the second order is limited. When one of them is executed, the second application is cancelled. This type of order is needed to close a position. A limit order is used for the planned closing of a position, while a stop order is used to fix losses. The advantage of a linked order is that the limits for the execution of a stop order together with the limit order are blocked once, and in the process of closing a position in one direction, the order associated with it is automatically removed. If one of the orders is partially executed, the order associated with the partially executed order is completely cancelled.
  • Take profit is an order with a condition like "execute if the price has deteriorated by a certain (specified) amount from the reached minimum (for buying) or maximum (for selling)". This type of order is necessary to close an open position on the most profitable instrument. The algorithm of the order is as follows: when the price of the last deal reaches the stop price condition, the determination of the maximum (or minimum) of the price of the last deal will begin. If the price of the last deal deviates for the worse from the maximum/minimum by an amount that exceeds the set "indent", a limit order is created, the price of which is less (for selling) or greater (for buying) by the value of the "protective spread" than the price of the last deal. Note that the "protective spread" and "retreat" values ​​can be specified in percentages or in price values.

Stop order expiration date

An additional parameter of the stop order is the expiration date, which takes one of the following values:

  • Until the end of the current trading session - the order is canceled if it was not executed during the current trading session. This value of the validity period is set by default, in the window for entering a stop order, the checkbox "Valid" is cleared.
  • By the specified date - until the expiration of the specified date, the stop order is considered valid. 'Valid' is selected, 'To...' is selected, with an expiration date.
  • Until canceled - the stop order is not limited by any period, it is valid until the user removes it or the condition for its execution occurs. The checkbox "Valid" is selected, the value "until canceled" is selected.
  • The Stop Orders Table provides the following functions for working with these orders:
  • double-clicking the left mouse button - entering a new stop order with conditions that are similar to the order on which the cursor is located;
  • double-clicking the right mouse button - removing the active stop order on which the cursor is located;
  • "F6" - introduction of a new stop order;
  • The combination "Alt" + "F6" - activation (forced execution) of a stop order.

How to cost charts

The QUIK system provides for the construction of the following basic chart options:

  • A graph reflecting changes in the volume and price of the last deal according to the data presented in the Table of all deals. To build this chart, just move the cursor to the row header of the Table with current parameter values ​​and then select "Price and volume chart" in the context menu.
  • The next one is a graph representing, according to the Table of history, changes in an arbitrary numerical parameter. To build it, you just need to move the cursor to the value of this parameter in the Table with current parameter values, and then select the "Chart [parameter]" item in the context menu.
  • All graphs are interval (when one element of the image shows a change in a parameter over a fixed period of time) and tick (when each change in a parameter is displayed as a corresponding new segment on the chart).

Consider the horizontal and vertical scales of the graph.
The horizontal scale can be changed by selecting values ​​in the "Scaling" item of the context menu, or automatic selection is carried out with the selected "Auto" value.

The vertical scale of the graph can be adjusted automatically so that it occupies the entire plotting area. You can change the relative size of several plotting areas in one chart at once (for example, for a volume chart and a price chart) by moving the separator bar between the areas with the mouse cursor. Similarly, you can move the vertical axes of the graphs.

Consider the functionality of working with charts.

  • Double click of the left mouse button - the ability to edit the chart.
  • Hovering the mouse cursor over the chart - getting a hint window containing the numerical values ​​of the parameters for the required segment of the chart.
  • Pressing the left mouse button on the vertical scale and moving it to the right / left - the ability to adjust the width of the scale.
  • Simultaneous pressing "Shift" + left mouse button allows you to start building a trend line.
  • Left mouse click on the trend line or the end of the line allows you to move the line in the field of the chart window or change its slope and length.
  • "Ctrl" + left mouse button, pressed on the trend line or at its end, make it possible to copy the trend line with its parallel transfer or change in length and angle.

How to export data to Excel

Before setting up data export, you need to open MS Excel and load into this program a file into which you will transfer data.

Then, in the "Workbook" field, you need to specify the name of the file in the MS Excel program with its extension, for example, "Book1.xls".
The "Sheet" field specifies the name of the sheet in this file, for example, "Sheet1".

The fields “Upper left corner” are filled in as follows: the coordinates of the initial cell in the MS Excel table intended for data transfer are indicated: “Row” means the row number (should be counted from the top), “Column” means the column number (should be counted from the left).

The "Start Output" button launches dynamic data output to MS Excel from the specified table.

The started export process will be carried out automatically. When you click the "Stop output" button, the display of data from the table stops.
The purpose of the "Withdraw Now" button is to display data once.

The Close button closes the window.

By clicking the "Cancel" button, you will close the window without saving changes in the settings.

Quik Settings

In order not to depend on the key floppy, you should:

Go to the C:\Program Files\QUIK directory, then open the QRYPTO text file (or CFG file), then change the path, pointing to the place on the hard disk where the keys will be located.

pubring=a:\pubring.txk (for example on c)

secring=a:\secring.txk (for example on c)


New Securing=a:\secring.txk

After that, the keys will be loaded from the hard drive.

To copy the appearance of the program (configuration file) from one PC to another, you need:

Enter the C:\Program Files\QUIK directory, copy the info.wnd text file to the clipboard, then paste it into the similar C:\Program Files\QUIK directory on another computer.

Quik is a development of the Novosibirsk company ARQA Technologies for trading on Russian and international exchanges. The functionality of the program is very large and diverse. About 300 companies and hundreds of thousands of traders use this terminal both abroad and in Russia.

The classic tables for displaying the composition of a portfolio in the stock market are:

Client portfolio
- Money positions
- Positions by instrument

Client portfolio

The table allows you to see the general status of the brokerage account in ruble terms. If there is an EBS service (single brokerage account) with the FORTS market, they will be taken into account in the table.

There are a lot of parameters in the table, but the most used are the following:

1. Incoming funds - the state of the portfolio at the opening of the exchange (10:00 Moscow time);

2. Current funds - the state of the portfolio online;

3. Portfolio value - the value of margined securities only;

4. Profit / loss - the difference between Current funds and Incoming funds;

5. OnBuyNonMargin - the amount of leverage when buying non-margin securities.
If you participate in a margin paper transaction, the leverage will be higher. To accurately determine the size of the leverage for a specific transaction, this parameter must be divided by the leverage rate. For example, you want to buy Rosneft shares with leverage, the rate for which is 36%. In "NaPokupNeMarzhin" assessment of 100,000 rubles. In this case, the maximum leverage will be 100,000/0.36= 277,777.7 rubles. The same principle for calculating short trades, only the rate may differ.

6. UDS - the level of sufficiency of funds. It helps to determine the debt load of the portfolio:

>1 — the ratio of borrowed funds at which the leverage limit has not been exhausted and it is possible to conduct margin transactions.

From 0 to 1 — all leverage is exhausted, there is no possibility to open positions, but you can close the current ones to return to the level >1. You receive a notification asking you to replenish your account or close positions.

<0 — сигнал к принудительному закрытию позиций, так как портфель не может обеспечивать маржинальные позиции. При таком показателе брокер имеет право закрыть позиции без согласия клиента. Однако Вы можете успеть и самостоятельно их закрыть.

Money Positions

In most cases, little attention is paid to this table, since it is considered to be clear that free money in the portfolio is shown here. However, the spreadsheet is more complicated than it looks, and if used incorrectly, unplanned expenses can occur.

The following parameters are important:

1. Incoming balance - the balance of funds at the beginning of the opening of the exchange
2. Current balance - the current balance of funds online
3. Currency - the currency in which the funds are located (USD, RUR, EUR, etc.)
4. Position code - a parameter for determining the site where the funds are located.
The Position Code may contain the parameter EQTV, USDR, RTOD, RTOM. Now in order:

If you have the EBS service with the foreign exchange market, you combine free cash on almost all sites, except for FORTS. This means that if the line says EQTV, then the total amount for all sites is displayed. At the same time, there is no need to transfer them between each other and you can freely make transactions on them. If, in addition to this service, there is also an EBS with the FORTS market, the EQTV parameter will combine all funds and display them in 1 line.

However, not everyone has this service and then the sites are divided. In this case, 2 parameters will be displayed in the Position Code column: EQTV and USDR (can be RTOD and RTOM). The first will include, but not combine the floors of the Moscow Stock Exchange and the St. Petersburg Exchange. USDR will only include balances on the Moscow Exchange currency market. Also, instead of it, there can be the RTOD parameter - the settlement of the transaction takes place immediately and RTOM - the settlement on the next business day. More details about the calculation mode will be discussed below.

In the terminal, it is important to understand that T2 displays the amount that you will have, taking into account the settlement of transactions on the 2nd working day, T0 displays the current free balance. If the amount in both T0 and T2 is the same, then this indicates that there are no deals that have not been settled.

Positions by securities

The principles of displaying data in this table are identical to those in the Money Positions table. However, securities in pieces are displayed here. Here the position code will no longer matter, since each security has its own market. Futures and options will not be displayed here, but there are separate tables for them. If you have a “minus” for securities, this indicates the position of shorts.

For the FORTS market, other tables are used, which we will consider below. The futures and options market is more specific and therefore requires different tables.

Again, the main and only portfolio view tables in this market are:

Client account limits
- Positions on client accounts

Client account limits

A visual table for understanding the general condition of your portfolio in the futures market. It is similar in meaning to the Client Portfolio table. Here you view the general state of the account, but also free money.

The parameters used are the following:

1. Current clean pos. — the amount of collateral blocked for your open positions.

2. Plan.clean.pos. - you have free funds on this site.

3. Variations. Margin is your current profit on all positions online for a given trading session, which is not yet fixed before clearing, both day and night.

4. Accumulated income is the profit that is credited today after the daily clearing.

After the evening clearing, there is a general settlement and the amount from the Variats. Margin and Accumulation. income goes to Plan.net.pos. and are your free funds.

Positions on client accounts

There is already more detailed information here, which tells about your open positions and their size. It is similar in meaning to the table Positions by securities. Again, the following parameters are important:

1. Short name - the name of the futures contract or option in your portfolio.

2. Current clean pos. — the number of positions currently open online.

The remaining parameters are not so important, as they reflect some history, which is not so important for the current trade. You can always click on the table you are interested in, and then the F1 key, and a reference book with a description of the table will open.

After creating the tables, it is recommended to save the settings by going to the System - Save settings to file section in the upper left corner and creating a file there, which, in the event of a reset or an emergency shutdown of the program, will secure data and save time. With this outcome, after connecting to the server, you can go to the System section in the upper left corner - Load settings from a file - open the file you saved earlier.

To automatically save in the System Section, you need to go to Settings - basic settings - click on the "+" next to Program - Settings files. Here, check the box "Save settings to file on exit".

If you have not yet installed a terminal and want to register it, then detailed instructions are available on our website https://broker.ru/software/quik. Quik X for mobile devices and WebQuik for browser trading are also provided for trading.

In case of difficulties during installation, you can call 8-800-100-55-44, support service specialists will advise you.

We analyzed only 5 tables out of 56 and 17 parameters out of a hundred. The terminal is wide in functionality and it is recommended to pay attention to its study and configuration. On the website broker.ru in the section Trading - trading platforms you will find a lot of information regarding Quik.

Hello dear friends! When a beginner looks at an open trading terminal for the first time, it reminds him a bit of a cockpit from the inside. A lot of incomprehensible buttons, strange icons, graphs, changing numbers in tables. In fact, this apparent complexity, a couple of weeks of work and the platform seems convenient to you, and the purpose of various tools is remembered by itself. Today the focus will be terminal called Quick, in addition to how to use QUIK, let's compare its functionality with MetaTrader 5.

MetaTrader is more often used to work on Forex, stock market instruments, if presented there, are available only for CFDs on them. There are some differences in functionality. We will talk about this in the final part of the review.

Getting started with QUIK

Registration and installation

We will work with software downloaded from the BCS website. was done earlier. When working on a real account, Quick will be free. If your deposit is less than 30,000 rubles (300 rubles per month), the company provides demo access to it. A study account is enough for a review.

Immediately after registration, a link to the terminal itself, keys and instructions for installing the software are sent to the mail. The process is standard: run the .exe file, select the drive and folder where QUIK should be located.

We start the terminal. The login and password are in the letter, in which there was a link to download Quick for PC. For further work, you need to copy to a folder key public key file (pubring.txk), we previously downloaded them from the link from the letter. If it is not there, you will see a message like:

Also, when logging in, you need to specify the server from which the terminal will receive data. Here everything is by analogy with MetaTrader - for training accounts we select the appropriate servers.

If the keys are in the correct folder, the server is connected. We get a message about it. You may receive a notification that some of the instruments will expire soon. The terminal can replace them automatically, or you can do it manually later.

Immediately after launch, the workspace will look like this:

If you are not working with BCS, the appearance of the terminal after launch may differ. It depends on the broker and software version.


Let's briefly go through the main functionality:

  • System. These are the main parameters of the terminal. Here you make settings, order data, select the type of server if necessary.
  • Create window. We will study this menu below when setting up workspaces. The menu is used to display information on deals and add new windows.
  • Actions. Here you can edit tables, place orders to open positions. You can also find a set of filters here.
  • Broker. Here, the QUIK terminal allows you to set limits on the derivatives market, cash, securities. They can also be saved to a file or uploaded to the platform.
  • Extensions. Needed to create volatility charts and your own strategy (which is also loaded from a previously created template).
  • Services. Through this menu we get access to Lua and QPILE scripts, common filters are also located here. You can also set a criterion for automatic cancellation of orders when certain conditions are met.
  • Window. Adjusting the arrangement of windows in the workspace. There are several preset layouts.

For greater clarity, let's delete all the windows opened after the start of the terminal and add everything necessary for trading stocks and OFZs.

Setting up the QUIK terminal

Unlike MetaTrader, where everyone's workspace looks about the same, in Quick it is desirable to tailor it to your needs. For comfortable work, we need information on the instruments you work with, account status, orders created and deals made.

Setting up the QUIK terminal begins with the fact that we remove all the tabs at the bottom. There is only one left, we can’t do this with the last one, so we just close all the windows on it.

To add a new tab in the context menu, select the appropriate item and enter its name.

Add stock data

We need to add an information window in which we will display data on securities of interest to us. For this:

The result of the work will look like this:

The table can be resized, so there will be no problems with setting up the workspace.

Settings for bonds (OFZ)

Now let's move on to working with bonds and start from the same stage as in the case of stocks - with the formation of a table.

Technically, OFZs could have been added to the list of required instruments at the previous stage, but OFZs and shares will require different parameters. The QUIK program does not allow displaying different characteristics of instruments within the same table.
We do the same as when adding shares, only now in the Available Instruments window we select OFZ and transfer them to Row Headers. As for the parameters that need to be put in the column headers of the future table, I recommend setting:

  • Percent change from close;
  • Coupon size, date of payment and NKD(accumulated income);
  • Duration- shows when you can return the investment. For Russian OFZs it is calculated in days, in the rest of the world in years;
  • Yield by appraisal.

As in the previous case, you can simply copy the main points from the picture above. And this is what the table looks like. We have added all the OFZs offered by the QUIK trading terminal, so there are a lot of lines.

In tables you can sort tools in ascending and descending order. To do this, right-click anywhere in the column of interest, and the item will appear at the bottom of the context menu Sort.

You can also set the conditions by which the instruments in the tables should be filtered. For this:

  • Need highlight table column name. Two icons will appear next to its designation, the last one is responsible for formatting, and in front of it is a funnel symbol. Click on it and you will be taken to the menu for setting filters;
  • Now you can set the limit values ​​of the selected parameter. The table will display only instruments that fall within the specified range.

The work of the Shares + OFZ tab is completed.

State of an account

In this tab, we need information on the client portfolio, limits on securities and cash.

To add relevant items:

  • Go to the menu Create windowAll types;
  • In the table that appears from the section Accounts and positions choose the first three.

As a result, three windows should be obtained, their presence is mandatory. You can also add a table with transactions here. We have a QUIK demo open and there is no trading yet, so the last window is empty.

Customizing the display of orders and deals

This is the last tab and only two tables need to be placed in it. One will display created orders, and the second - deals. They can be added to the previous tab, where we placed the client portfolio and limits, but with active trading, it will be inconvenient to work with a large number of tables. Therefore, I recommend that you still spread this information into three tabs.

There has not been any activity yet, so there is no data on deals and bids. This completes the initial terminal setup..

How to save the settings

Quick has the ability save workspace settings. Then this file can be uploaded to the platform on any other PC and get the same picture as on the main computer. This saves a lot of time.
There is a similar possibility in other terminals. For example, in MT4 and MT5 it is possible to save chart templates and profiles, the essence is the same - in a separate file we get all the previously set settings. Recently published, it describes in more detail the basics of working with the trading platform. If you plan to work on Forex, I recommend this material for reading.

To save menu settings System select the appropriate item and get a file with the extension .wnd. Save it, it contains your workspace.

Order book in QUIK

MT5 also has this tool, but it is not very useful, since Forex - decentralized market. The glass in this case does not provide meaningful information.

In the case of Quick, the situation is different: the work here is carried out with stock market instruments, so from the glass you can understand which levels can become significant in the future. It also gives an idea of ​​where it is better to place limit orders to enter the market. This may well be the basis of a trading strategy. The site is, in it the use of these tools is analyzed in more detail.

The glass shows the volumes that traders are going to buy or sell at different price levels. When the exchange is not working, you will not see this information, the table will be empty.

Glass in QUIK is opened by double-clicking the left mouse button on the desired instrument. It opens in a separate table. At the time of preparing the material, trading on the MB has already ended, so we will include the instrument from the currency section of the exchange in the list of previously added shares (editing the table is opened by the combination ctrl+e).

in red labeled sales orders, for each the price level and the corresponding volume are indicated. Green is used for opposite orders. The glass is useful in several cases:

  • When you want to determine the position of the levels;
  • To determine the price at which it makes sense to place orders to enter the market;
  • To estimate the spread.

A small example of analysis according to the figure above:

  • Liquidity is low, so-called rarefied glass;
  • Spread currently small, within 2% ;
  • Growth above 114.0-116.0 is fraught with difficulties, there are large volumes for sale;
  • The nearest tangible support is at the level of 70.0.

You need to understand how orders will be executed when trading. Imagine that in the current situation you want to sell 30 lots. The deal will be closed, but not at the price of 103.5. Instead, you will take all the liquidity at levels 103.5 to 70.0 until the required volume is filled with counter orders from buyers. In reality, you will not receive a substantial amount.

If you have just started learning how to work in the stock market, I recommend paying special attention to the glass. Unlike Forex, this tool is very informative here.

How to make deals in Quick

As in MetaTrader, you can work here not only on the market, but also with pending orders. Click to close a deal F2, in the menu that appears:

  • Tool– an order is placed for this asset;
  • trading account– if there are several of them open, you can choose which one will be used for trading;
  • Given price, according to which the application will go to the general list. The closer it is to the current one, the faster it will be fulfilled. Here is a complete analogy with MetaTrader and its limit, stop orders;
  • Number of lots that you are going to buy or sell. It is convenient that the number of securities in the lot is immediately displayed above the corresponding field;
  • Automatically calculated commission and position cost in money.

It remains only to press Yes and the application will go to the glass. If the execution price was not set too far from the market one, and the security is sufficiently liquid, the order is executed quickly. In our case, trading is not very active, so not a single deal has been concluded.

You can make sure that everything is in order with the application in the corresponding table. Opposite it appears the inscription "Active". When the chart reaches the desired price, it will change to "Fulfilled", and a new line will appear in the window with deals.

For cancellation of applications and closing positions that are in the market, you will need a glass of orders for the corresponding instrument. Call the context menu in it and use it to delete orders to buy/sell securities and already open positions.

The only disadvantage of this approach is inconvenient to work with a large number of applications. Especially if you need to quickly close them. You will have to open a glass for each instrument, and cancel orders through it.

Flexible work with orders, stop loss and take profit in Quick

There are several types of orders in MetaTrader5, for example, stop limit, buy limit and others. Work with orders to enter the market is organized quite flexibly. In this part, Quick does not lag behind MT5. Above, we considered the option of simply deleting the application, but this is not the only thing that can be done with it.

In the context menu, through which we previously deleted unnecessary orders and closed deals, there are two more items:

  • Replace Application. If it has not yet been executed, you can edit its parameters;
  • iceberg application. It differs from the usual one in that it allows you to hide information on the number of purchased securities from other market participants. In field market entry order settings new item appears Visible quantity. Here you specify the number of shares that will be displayed in the order book. The rest will become invisible to traders, but the order will be executed in full.

This type of applications got its name by analogy with ordinary icebergs. Most of this ice block remains invisible, hidden under water. The same with your command only the broker will know the full volume.

Let's move on to whether there is a stop order in the QUIK terminal, we will also figure out how to set a take profit. In trading, I recommend using both. The exception is traders with experience and the ability to track the status of open positions throughout the entire trading session.

Stop Loss in QUIK

If you have worked in MetaTrader before, there may be a little confusion. There is no traditional Stop Loss in Quick, its role is played by a request like Stop limit. This is explained as follows (on the example of a transaction to purchase shares of Aeroflot at a price of 91.12 with a volume of 3 lots):

  • For her, SL is a sell order placed below the market price. But it is impossible to place a simple limit of this type in Quick: it will be executed immediately on the market, since this number is more profitable than the one you set in the settings.
  • To set SL through the glass, select the item New stop order, we set a stop limit in it. The expiration date can be set. Until canceled, the type of instrument is automatically selected by the one on which the transaction is opened.
  • Since we have a long position open, Activation conditions choose type Sale.
  • Now we set the price level, upon reaching which our stop loss will be placed. From the terminal's point of view, this will be an order to open a short position on the same instrument with the same volume that was previously entered into a long position. In field stop limit if price<= set the value, for example, 90.00.
  • Next, one more price is set - an order for the sale of shares will be placed at it. The value can be anything, the main thing is that it should not be higher than that indicated in the previous paragraph. Even if we set the value to 88.00, the terminal will still execute the order at the most favorable price close to or equal to 90.00.

Take Profit in QUIK

The same technique is used when placing a take profit. Moreover, in Quick it is implemented in such a way that it immediately fulfills the role trailing stop, allowing profits to accumulate on rollback-free moves. The procedure for setting a take profit for the same example (Aeroflot shares, buying 3 lots at 91.12):

  • In the left part of the window with parameters, specify the price at which you would like to take profit(100.00 rubles per share). Do not forget to set the same volume as the previously opened buy deal;
  • Let's go to the right side of the window. Here you need to set High Retreat and Protective Spread, they can be specified both in the deposit currency and as a percentage. Suppose they are equal to 2 and 1 ruble.

Events will unfold like this. When the price reaches the level of 100.00 rubles. position is not closed per share. Instead, the terminal starts measuring the amount of rollback down. If we go down a distance equal to the distance from the maximum (2 rubles), then a sell order will be placed at the distance of the protective spread, that is, it will be located at a price of 97.00 rubles. in our example.

With no recoil, profits will accumulate. If the chart reaches the level, for example, 105.00 and only then the correction starts, the position will be closed already at the price of 103.00.

Working with charts

To build it, you need to select the appropriate item in the context menu.

By default, it is built in the form Japanese candles. In addition, the option is available in the form of a line, bars, histogram, dotted line. Fans of graphical analysis will not find anything new here. Through the context menu - Draw, you can use standard tools (trend line, horizontal and Fibo levels).

To add an indicator, click on Insert or select the appropriate icon on the toolbar. Basically, these are standard algorithms, approximately the same set is available in MetaTrader and other trading platforms. Standard indicators are not capable of this, but there are several good LUA algorithms on the network, they need to be installed in the terminal and then added to the chart. and copy the downloaded file there. The terminal does not need to be restarted, the user tool should appear in the list of indicators. The figure above is one such custom algorithm.

Quick for mobile devices

Even models of the middle price segment cope with Quick without any problems. The developer has released versions for Android and iOS devices, they do not differ functionally.

Let's analyze the basics of working with the terminal at the BCS broker. It is not enough just to download the QUIK terminal on Android and log in to it. Through your personal account, an order is submitted to connect a new trading terminal, and only then you receive a login and password for it. I provide a link to detailed instructions from BCS on installing and configuring Quick here .

As for the functionality itself, it is somewhat poorer compared to the desktop version. You can't, for example, set your own indicators. And in general, working on devices with a small diagonal is uncomfortable. Through your mobile device, you can:

  • Work with charts and pre-installed indicators;
  • Submit the same types of requests as in the desktop version;
  • Get information about your portfolio, limits;
  • There is a full glass;
  • View details on deals, orders;
  • Receive news.

In general, the functionality is similar to the PC version. So the main limiter in the case of working through a smartphone is the diagonal of its screen, and not the capabilities of the terminal. It is simply inconvenient to trade on a 5-6 inch display. I recommend considering this version of the platform as an add-on, the ability to follow transactions even when you are on the road or simply there is no way to work through a laptop or a regular PC.

Terms and Definitions

Here are a few specific terms that you may come across while working at Quick and the stock market in general:

  • Request– agreement to buy/sell an asset at a certain price;
  • Client portfolio- a table that displays the status of the client's account. In particular, the details of margin lending, the amount of funds;
  • Limit– how much funds are available for making transactions in the market;
  • Briefcase- a certain type of tables, in Quick they are filled using the QPILE programming language;
  • Spread- the difference between the best prices of the buyer and the seller, respectively;
  • Ticker– a code denoting a specific type of asset;
  • QPILE– the programming language used in Quick;
  • Short and long– transactions for sale and purchase, respectively;
  • Trading session- the length of time during which the work is carried out;
  • Price step- the minimum possible change in the value of the asset.

For more information on terms, see Glossaries in QUIK help.

Hot keys and their combinations

As in MT5, in Quick you can simplify the work by using buttons that duplicate certain commands:

  • F1 - help;
  • F2 - entry of the application;
  • F4 – creating a quotes window;
  • F6 - stop order;
  • F7 - create a new window;
  • F9 - setting up a client place;
  • Insert - adding an indicator to the chart;
  • Shift+Alt+Del – window for removing orders by condition;
  • Ctrl + A - its replacement;
  • Ctrl + D - its removal;
  • Ctrl+K - close the deal;
  • Ctrl + I - flip;
  • Ctrl + Z - close the purchase;
  • Ctrl+X – a short position is removed;
  • Ctrl+E – table editing;
  • Ctrl+N - copy it.

In total, there are several dozen keyboard shortcuts, the most common ones are given above. Button combination ctrl+h opens editor, in which you can assign your own buttons and their combinations to any of the above actions.

Difference between QUIK functionality and MT5

There is an opinion that Quick is the choice of professionals, and MetaTrader is more like pampering and you can’t earn serious money on it. A controversial statement, since both platforms have their own merits.

Through Quick, you can work on the stock, futures and currency markets. There is an options board and generally a maximum of analytical information. The presence of a full-fledged glass in both desktop and mobile versions is worth a lot. There are no obstacles to automating trade and developing your own ATS.

On the other hand, MT5 is more user friendly, with commission information in plain sight, as well as trading history. It is much more convenient to test robots in it.

If we compare both terminals according to a number of criteria, we will get the following picture (the winner is indicated on the right side):

  • Support from brokers - QUIK;
  • Interface and ease of use MT5;
  • Usage fee - QUIK;
  • Availability of statistics on trading history, commissions - MT5;
  • Work speed - MT5;
  • Ease of creating and testing robots - MT5.

As you can see MT5 is at least as good as Quick. In the past, indeed, QUIK was practically the only solution for working on the stock market, but since then the situation has changed. Trading on Quick is still considered prestigious, but those who have tried MT5 have not made any special claims to it.

Where to trade with QUIK

If you are just starting out as a trader, it is advisable to choose a broker where you can try both Quick and MT5. BCS is well suited for this role, below I will briefly list the main trading conditions here:

  • No limit on starting capital;
  • There is a single account for working with shares and other stock market instruments. Implemented access to all major exchanges in the world. More than 950 assets are available on the St. Petersburg site alone;
  • Leverage - up to 1:200;
  • MT5, Quick are used, there are own developments;
  • The spread is minimal, at the level of the Exness broker;
  • There is a demo account for QUIK.


QUIK to date remains convenient and reliable program for trading on the stock, futures and currency markets. On first launch, the terminal seems to be somewhat unfriendly, especially if you came here after MetaTrader. But this effect disappears rather quickly. After a few days of active use of the platform, you will remember where the necessary menus are located, you will understand the principle of making deals, and there will be no problems.

Compared to other platforms, MetaTrader5 is pretty close to Quick in terms of capabilities. But this does not make either one or the other terminal bad, you can work successfully through both platforms.

The review turned out to be quite voluminous, but I could not fit all the subtleties of working with Quick into it. Ask questions about this platform in the comments, I will gladly share my experience in working with it.

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