Which egg has a low cholesterol content. Is there cholesterol in the yolk of an egg?

There are probably not many products that cause heated debate about their value. Chicken eggs were periodically transferred from the category of extremely useful to hazardous to health and again found many positive properties. Even opponents of the use of the product recognize its high nutritional value, saturation with vitamins and minerals. But cholesterol in eggs is an issue on which no agreement has been reached. What is true, the fact of a high concentration of a component in eggs or the content of useful cholesterol, which is able to balance the level of the product in the body. Let's try to figure out if eggs increase cholesterol.

Cholesterol and its effect on the body

Cholesterol, or as it is also called, cholesterol, is a small drop of fat that is produced in the liver cells. Not all of the substance is produced by the body. Approximately a quarter of the total comes from food. It is this exogenous product that poses a threat to health and can cause atherosclerosis and pathological changes in organs. If systematically the amount of cholesterol coming from outside exceeds the norm, the consequences can be the most dire.

Scientists divide cholesterol into two types: HDL and LDL, high and low density lipoproteins. High-density cholesterol, the so-called good cholesterol, prevents the formation of fatty deposits and is indispensable for the smooth functioning of the body. Low-density cholesterol, which we call bad, is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, causing the formation of a concentration of fatty deposits and the development of cardiovascular pathologies.

The role of cholesterol in the body is huge:

  • he is responsible for updating the structure of cells;
  • necessary for the synthesis of hormones;
  • needed for the accumulation of vitamins and other useful components.

With an increase in cholesterol levels, an increase in LDL levels occurs for a long time, and the walls of blood vessels begin to become covered with cholesterol films.

This is exacerbated if a person has extra pounds, addiction to smoking, low physical activity.

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Composition of chicken eggs

The product is very nutritious and healthy due to its composition. The use of one egg per day fills the body with such useful components:

  • folic acid;
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • phosphorus;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin K;
  • selenium;
  • calcium;
  • zinc.

One egg has about seventy-five calories, six grams of protein, and five grams of healthy fat.

Also in the product there are very useful components:

  1. Choline is a vitamin that dissolves in water, the so-called vitamin B4, many people are deficient in the substance without even knowing it. Choline is indispensable in the formation of cell membranes, is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses in the cerebral cortex. The scientists concluded that only ten percent of the population gets enough of the substance. It is the eggs that help to fill the lack of the element.
  2. Biotin also belongs to the group of water-soluble. This is vitamin B7, which is responsible for the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. You can get the product only from a hard-boiled yolk.
  3. Lutein and zeaxanthin are natural antioxidants that help maintain normal vision. Especially these products are important for the aging organism. They accumulate in the retina and prevent age-related degeneration of the organ. The components are the prevention of cataracts and macular destruction.
  4. Omega 3 - fatty acids that lower triglycides in the blood, protect against the development of cardiovascular pathologies.

It is worth saying that not all eggs are of the same value. The composition of the product also depends to some extent on how chickens are fed and kept. Those chickens that roam freely carry more valuable specimens than those grown in poultry farms. Protein contains a balanced amount of all important amino acids and is well absorbed by the body. This substance is the material for the formation of cells and maintaining the health of organs. Eating enough protein helps to stabilize body weight, lower blood pressure, and has a positive effect on bone and muscle health.

eggs and cholesterol

Eggs have become an indispensable product in our diet. Even if a person does not use them in their pure form, they are components of a large number of dishes. The product is refused only in case of intolerance to the protein or yolk, individual intolerance makes the use of the product impossible. In other cases, eggs are drunk raw, boiled, fried or used as an additional ingredient in dishes. How much cholesterol is in an egg, is there a danger of increasing the amount of cholesterol by eating a natural product?

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The fact that eggs contain cholesterol is known from the conclusions of doctors. One medium-sized egg contains seventy percent of the daily value of the product. But more often than not, more than one testicle is used for an omelet, isn't such a high cholesterol content dangerous for health? Doctors say that egg cholesterol does not pose a threat to health, but moderation should be observed here. The norm for a healthy person is no more than seven pieces per week.

How do eggs affect blood cholesterol levels?

In a chicken egg, cholesterol is unevenly distributed: it is present in the yolk, but not in the protein. Recent studies by scientists prove that the yolk itself is not the cause of high cholesterol. It all depends on what products egg cholesterol entered the body with and in what quantity. If a person ate bacon and eggs, while eating a sandwich with butter, then the body will respond with an increase in cholesterol levels.

If the scrambled eggs were eaten with vegetables and fried in vegetable oil, no negative impact will occur.

If there are problems with the liver, it is recommended to control the number of eggs eaten. The weekly norm of the product in this case is up to three pieces. In European countries, doctors have revised their views on the dangers of egg cholesterol and removed the restriction on the use of eggs. The cholesterol content in eggs is main question. The main condition is not to eat them with fatty foods.

When Not to Eat Eggs

Sometimes a person needs to strictly control the amount of product consumed or completely abandon it:

  • intolerance to components;
  • very high cholesterol;
  • diabetes;
  • the body does not absorb animal protein;
  • pathology of the kidneys or liver.

Eating eggs can harm the body, you need to be careful:

  • in order not to become infected with salmonellosis, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the product before use and try not to drink it raw;
  • do not exceed the amount of product consumed, this can cause an increase in cholesterol if there is kidney or liver failure;
  • if you use the product of laying hens grown on antibiotics, gastrointestinal tract will suffer from dysfunction, there will be resistance to antibiotic therapy.

Chicken testicles, like any other, do contain cholesterol. It does not have any negative effect on the body and does not increase the LDL content in the blood. For this to happen, fatty components must enter the body along with the egg. Controlled consumption of the product will only have a positive effect and fill the body with useful substances.

Eggs are a very popular product in the kitchen of most housewives. They are eaten with pleasure raw, fried and boiled, as well as a component of various dishes. However, on the issue of their action on the body, the opinions of experts differ, sometimes quite dramatically. To understand how eggs and cholesterol are related, let's take a closer look at their composition and properties.

Speaking about the benefits of chicken eggs, first of all I would like to note their high nutritional value. Eating one egg is equivalent to a glass of milk or 50 grams of meat, so they can be considered a complete food. The composition also includes carbohydrates, saturated and unsaturated fats, vitamins A, D B6, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, selenium and other nutritious vitamins, minerals and elements. In addition, the benefits of eggs are manifested in the following properties.

  • Egg white is a complete source of animal proteins. Its value is an order of magnitude higher than beef and milk protein.
  • The content of niacin plays a direct role in providing nutrition to brain cells, as well as in the production of sex hormones.
  • Lysocin is an intestinal enzyme responsible for eliminating Gram-positive bacteria from the intestines.
  • The high content of vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium.
  • Thanks to the iron in the composition, this product is useful for the prevention of heart disease and cancer.
  • Tyrosine helps to preserve youth for a long time, keeps the skin supple and the color even.
  • The content of lecithin has a beneficial effect on the liver, blocks the negative effects of cholesterol on the body, and also helps to strengthen memory and, in general, increase mental abilities.
  • Choline prevents the formation of cancer cells.
  • Lutein is useful for maintaining visual function.
  • Due to the high content of folic acid, this product is especially useful for pregnant women, since this acid plays a direct role in the proper formation of the nervous system of the unborn child.
  • Surprisingly, even eggshells are good for the body due to their high calcium content. Doctors advise, as a preventive measure, to add shells crushed into powder with the addition of citric acid to your diet for three weeks every six months. Especially such an additive will be useful for small children whose skeletal system is in the formation stage.

However, eggs can seriously harm our health. This is especially true for the raw product. According to nutritionists, this is the most unfortunate way to consume them, because they are much worse absorbed by the body than after heat treatment, and may also contain the Salmonella bacterium, which causes salmonellosis, infection intestinal tract. To protect yourself from this, you can eat eggs only after heat treatment, and you must also wash your hands thoroughly after contact with them.

  • In addition, raw eggs lower the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and also inhibit the absorption of iron.
  • Chicken eggs also contain high levels of cholesterol. However, all of it is located directly in the yolk, which is easy to remove if desired.
  • Eggs produced industrially may contain antibiotics, which are added to the diet of chickens in poultry farms to reduce their incidence. In the human body, antibiotics can cause disturbances in the intestinal microflora, as well as a decrease in immunity.
  • In addition to antibiotics, nitrates, pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals can be added to chicken feed. All this gets into the composition of the eggs, thereby turning them into a chemical time bomb.

In addition to all of the above, it is worth noting that this product has some contraindications. First of all, these include individual intolerance or an allergic reaction to protein of animal origin. Then they will have to be completely excluded from your diet, this applies to both chicken and quail eggs. For people who have been diagnosed with diabetes, they should be used with caution, as they can cause a stroke or even a heart attack. You will also have to refuse them if there are violations in the work of the kidneys, liver and gallbladder.

cholesterol in eggs

As already mentioned, cholesterol is present in eggs. However, the protein does not contain it at all. All cholesterol is in the yolk, its amount is approximately 0.2 grams in one yolk, which is approximately equal to 70% of the daily required dose. Although the cholesterol contained in eggs is not dangerous in itself, if you regularly exceed the recommended rate, the risk of heart and vascular diseases significantly increases over time.

Thinking about the dangers of a particular product, you should understand that cholesterol that comes directly from food is not so terrible as the saturated fats that accompany it, which trigger increased production of cholesterol in the liver. Cholesterol is bad and good, and what it becomes depends on other ingredients with which the eggs enter the body. For example, if they are fried with the addition of animal products, and eaten with a sandwich with butter or bacon, then such a dish will bring nothing but the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Is it possible to eat eggs with high cholesterol

A large amount of cholesterol in the blood is a serious reason to switch to proper nutrition and exclude harmful foods from your menu. Speaking about the effect of various products on our body, the question arises, is it possible to eat eggs with high cholesterol? In general, nutritionists do not prohibit their use, but you need to pay attention to the amount and method of their preparation.

According to new scientific research, the best option would be boiled or fried on vegetable oil egg with vegetables. Firstly, after heat treatment, it is better absorbed by the body than in its raw form. And secondly, an egg prepared in this way, in particular the yolk, is modified in the body into good cholesterol, which helps to remove cholesterol from the vessels, and therefore reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

How many eggs can you eat per day

As already mentioned, even with high cholesterol, you can eat eggs. For people who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system or diabetes, nutritionists advise eating no more than 6-7 pieces per week, both as an independent dish and as an ingredient in other recipes. It is better to divide this amount evenly over the whole week, and do not eat more than 2 pieces per day.

Alternatively, you can make an omelette with one egg yolk and a few egg whites. Eating only protein can help eliminate excess cholesterol from the meal. However, there are exceptions to every rule, therefore, in the presence of liver diseases, domestic doctors and nutritionists advise limiting the use of yolks to 2-3 per week. It is important to remember that the complete exclusion of any product from the diet will not only not bring benefits, but can harm. But if you are very afraid of the influence of egg cholesterol, exclude only yolks from your menu.

All of the above applies to quail eggs. Despite the fact that they are significantly inferior in size to chicken, they contain approximately the same amount of cholesterol. However, the harm of eggs can be minimized if they are combined with healthy foods and not abused. Nutritionists advise including no more than 10 quail eggs per week in your diet.

Answering the question whether eggs are useful, we can say with confidence that the benefits clearly exceed possible harm. Each product is important for the body in its own way and its complete exclusion can lead to unpleasant consequences. And even an elevated cholesterol level is not a reason to refuse eggs, on the contrary, with the right approach, they will help reduce the amount of this lipid in the blood.

Due to their availability, eggs are the most common food product suitable for breakfast, snack, light dinner. They are consumed on their own or added to salads, sauces, dough, desserts, side dishes, first and second courses.

How much cholesterol is in eggs

Chicken eggs are considered harmful due to their high cholesterol content. However, quail eggs contain twice as much. If we compare 100 g of chicken and quail product, the amount of cholesterol is 423 mg and 884 mg.

This is a fairly high figure, since the daily intake of exogenous cholesterol from food should not exceed 300 mg / day. Eating one chicken egg, a person receives 70% (180-200 mg) of the daily norm, one quail 40% (80-100 mg).

Useful properties of chicken and quail eggs

Chicken eggs are a valuable food product, a source of vitamins, macro- and microelements. The composition includes (% daily value per 100 g):

  • Vitamin A (29%) is responsible for the normal functioning of the reproductive and immune systems. Improves eyesight and skin.
  • Vitamin B2 (25%) acts as an antioxidant. Maintains performance good mood, stimulates metabolism. Lack of vitamin leads to hair loss, dry skin, blurred vision.
  • Vitamin B5 (26%) is an essential element in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, cholesterol, hemoglobin - it is necessary for the absorption of amino acids from the intestines. Supports the work of the adrenal glands.
  • Vitamin B12 (17%) is responsible for metabolism, amino acid metabolism, improves blood quality. Deficiency leads to the development of anemia, thrombocytopenia.
  • Vitamin D (22%) is necessary for normal development, skeletal formation, calcium and phosphorus metabolism in bone tissue. Deficiency increases the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Vitamin H (41%) is responsible for fat synthesis, amino acid metabolism, and maintains good skin condition.
  • Vitamin PP (18%) regulates redox reactions of energy metabolism, maintains good condition of hair, skin, nails. Improves the functioning of the nervous system, organs of the digestive tract.
  • Phosphorus (24%) is essential for energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, strengthens bones, tooth enamel. Chronic phosphorus deficiency can cause rickets.
  • Iron (14%) is an important part of enzymes. Carries oxygen throughout the body. Iron deficiency causes anemia, atony of the skeleton, leads to increased fatigue, diseases of the heart muscle.
  • Iodine (13%) supports the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Its deficiency leads to hormonal disruptions, memory impairment, hypertension, dyslipidemia.
  • Cobalt (100%) is responsible for the metabolism of fatty acids, folic acid.
  • Selenium (58%) is a powerful antioxidant that has a protective, immunomodulatory effect.

The energy value of the product is 152 kcal, proteins / fats / carbohydrates - 13/12 / 0.7 g.

Benefits of eating eggs

  • provide the body with the necessary macro- and microelements, minerals, strengthen the immune system;
  • are a good prevention of the appearance of malignant tumors;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive tract, slow down the development of gastric ulcer;
  • have a good effect on vision, prevent the development of glaucoma, cataracts;
  • contain a large number of protein responsible for growth muscle mass, it is a good alternative to dairy products, meat;
  • contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • cholesterol in eggs maintains a balance of lipids, it is necessary for the body, since it produces only 80% of the sterol itself, the rest must come from food;
  • reduce the risk of developing neural tube defects in a child during fetal development;
  • prevent anemia, stimulate the work of the circulatory and immune systems;
  • improve neuromuscular transmission, reaction speed;
  • eggs can be consumed by obese people;
  • favorably affect memory, psycho-emotional state;
  • support metabolism.

Chicken eggs are best eaten soft-boiled or hard-boiled, since the white and yolk can contain the pathogenic Salmonella bacterium, which enters through the pores of the shell.

Can You Eat Eggs With High Cholesterol?

With hypercholesterolemia, eggs can be consumed 2-3 times a week. A healthy person can eat one chicken or quail every day. If you want more - use only proteins. For example, if you mix one yolk with several proteins, you can make an omelette rich in protein, vitamins, minerals without excess fat.

Steamed eggs or scrambled eggs are best. Frying kills useful trace elements, increases calorie content, and damages blood vessels.


Diseases for which eggs should not be consumed:

  • Biliary dyskinesia. It is forbidden to use the yolk, protein in any form. They increase the motility of the gallbladder, stimulate the synthesis of bile, which causes an exacerbation of the disease.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver. Once a week, you can eat protein steam omelettes. Egg yolk increases the load on the organ, which worsens the patient's condition.
  • It is contraindicated to use protein or yolk for pancreatitis. Cholesterol, saturated fats can exacerbate the disease.

Diets containing egg yolks or whites are well tolerated and safe because they support metabolism, balance fats and carbohydrates.

Eggs are only harmful when they are consumed more than normal or combined with harmful foods. For example, an omelette fried on butter with sausage, lard will turn into harmful fats.

Last updated: January 21, 2020

Eggs are often listed as an unacceptable food item for high cholesterol. This has been going on since the beginning of the 20th century from the experiments of the Russian scientist Anichkov, who drew his conclusions from experiments and observations on rabbits, but not people. In practice, eggs with high cholesterol in the blood can be consumed, but in reasonable quantities: at least 2-3 eggs per week will not bring any harm to the patient - all doctors agree with this, even actively promoting and drug treatment of atherosclerosis. Exogenous (external to the body, coming from outside with food) cholesterol is found mainly in yolks - it is almost absent in proteins, and fat here is not more than 0.3% by mass (the basis of protein is water - about 85% and protein - 12.7% ).

Do eggs raise blood cholesterol levels?

In the short term, eggs seem to increase blood cholesterol levels. Their excessive consumption - together with fatty foods - leads to the development of hypercholesterolemia. First, egg yolk is one of the main sources of exogenous cholesterol. Secondly, the yolk contains a high proportion of saturated fatty acids, with an excess in the diet of which the development of atherosclerosis is usually associated. On the other hand, the yolk is a source of lecithin, omega-3, 6 and 9 unsaturated fatty acids that lower blood cholesterol levels (often an integral part), so the answer, whether eggs increase blood cholesterol, is not so obvious. It is only known that in some people - with a predisposition to the metabolism of bad cholesterol - eggs can provoke the development of atherosclerosis.

Can you eat eggs if you have high cholesterol?

If high (high) cholesterol, that is, eggs are possible, but in limited quantities - up to 2 - 3 pieces per week (along with the yolk). You can eat egg white with an increased level of total cholesterol (TC) with almost no restrictions. Restrictions on eating eggs with elevated or high cholesterol levels are predominantly in people with a genetic predisposition to metabolize low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or bad cholesterol). Probably, when taking eggs, they will also be banned.

How many eggs can you eat with high cholesterol?

Doctors note as the upper safe bar 2 - 3 pieces for people diagnosed with atherosclerosis and up to 7 per week with excellent health. Is it possible to eat eggs with high cholesterol and in what quantities (how much) is largely determined by the genetic predisposition of the patient's body to the normal metabolism of exogenous cholesterol, family history and diet.

Eggs are less dangerous for high cholesterol than suppliers of trans fats (margarine and products made with it, such as cookies, crackers and other confectionery and rich products) and triglycerides. As a rule, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, primarily atherosclerosis, and against its background already coronary heart disease (CHD) and attacks of heart attack and stroke, is associated with high cholesterol levels not so much with eggs, but with the products consumed with them . For example, sausages, sausages, bacon, bacon, etc.

Eating boiled eggs with high cholesterol probably has the lowest risk of developing, while fried eggs with fats or oils with trans fats already carry a noticeable risk. Eating eggs with high cholesterol is less harmful to health than additional ingredients.

Chicken eggs and high cholesterol and atherosclerosis

Chicken eggs with high cholesterol are a supplier of exogenous cholesterol in an amount of approximately 212 mg per piece, and the yolk accounts for about 210 mg of the substance. In 100 grams of chicken yolk there is about 1235 mg of cholesterol (with a daily allowance of up to 200 mg). The average chicken egg weighs 60 - 70 grams, and 30% of its mass falls on the yolk. Those. morning scrambled eggs from 4 eggs will provide almost four times the daily dose of cholesterol from the outside!

The cholesterol content in a chicken egg (yolk with protein) is estimated at 220 - 280 mg per 100 grams of product (according to some reports, it can reach up to 570 mg / 100 grams). In quail eggs, by the way, the cholesterol concentration is even higher and reaches 600 mg per 100 grams, although due to the fact that they are 3-4 times less than chicken eggs, the daily norm for exogenous cholesterol is covered by about 3 quail testicles.

However, not everything is so terrible: in itself, exogenous cholesterol is neither bad (settling on the walls of blood vessels) nor good (clearing arteries and veins from atherosclerotic plaques and fatty deposits). Free cholesterol does not circulate in the blood - it is carried by special proteins, forming together with them a lipoprotein complex. (LDL) can form atherosclerotic plaques, while high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cannot.

By themselves, chicken eggs do not cause atherosclerosis, because. exogenous cholesterol rarely leads to a significant increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood - both low-density lipoprotein and. Chicken eggs for atherosclerosis are even relatively useful as suppliers of:

  • omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acids that prevent the deposition of cholesterol (atherosclerotic) plaques on the walls of blood vessels;
  • omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (which are especially rich in sea fish, olive oil and nuts), which suppress the development of atherosclerosis and often lead to regression of cholesterol plaques in the vessels;
  • lecithin, which lowers LDL levels.

Also, the egg yolk contains vitamin E, which is one of the means of preventing the development of atherosclerosis (natural analogue). At the same time, experts say that eggs with high cholesterol can be eaten, but in quantities of no more than 2 - 3 pieces per week, with a normal level of OH - up to 7 pieces (a larger number increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases).

Do Eggs Raise Cholesterol?

It is likely that eggs increase the level of TC, but whether the increase in its concentration occurs due to LDL or HDL remains open and, apparently, depends on the genetic predisposition of the organism.

What about dairy products and eggs for high cholesterol?

Fatty dairy and sour-milk products, including cheeses, are suppliers of fat and exogenous cholesterol. Dairy products and eggs with elevated or high blood cholesterol levels are often limited or excluded from the patient's diet.

Quail eggs for high cholesterol

On average, a quail egg is 20% more fatty than a chicken egg. Quail eggs with high cholesterol, being its supplier themselves, are valued for their choline content - which helps fight hypercholesterolemia.

Can you eat quail eggs with high cholesterol?

Yes, with high cholesterol, you can eat quail eggs, but in an amount of not more than 10 pieces per week (for chicken eggs, this figure, recall, is 7 pieces). This is due to the fact that quail eggs, being 3-4 times smaller than chicken eggs, have an increased amount of exogenous cholesterol compared to those - up to 600 mg per 100 grams of product. At the same time, the product is a supplier of lecithin, which prevents the formation and accumulation of cholesterol plaques.

Does not exist consensus whether it is worth introducing quail eggs into the diet with high cholesterol - some experts hold a negative point of view on this possibility, while others note the beneficial effect of lecithin, which can not only prevent the formation of atherosclerotic deposits in the blood vessels, but also normalize the functioning of the nervous system, which is especially important at .

Quail eggs for atherosclerosis can be useful due to their ability to remove excess cholesterol from the body (more details:). This property is mainly due to lecithin, which is more in quail eggs than in chicken eggs, and therefore they are more likely to be shown in atherosclerosis as safe and useful source many trace elements and protein.

Quail eggs increase blood cholesterol, but in more this is due to the products that are used with them. Eggs are likely to increase blood cholesterol levels more when eaten with bread, ham, butter, and other foods that are high in fat or carbohydrates.

Do Raw Quail Eggs Raise Cholesterol?

Probably not. Raw quail (as well as chicken) eggs are unlikely to increase cholesterol levels. Cholesterol received from the outside in the body is formed into LDL if triglycerides and trans fats came with it, and - more likely - into HDL if there were no harmful fats. Therefore, cheese eggs and scrambled eggs in vegetable oil are probably harmless.

Are chicken and quail eggs harmful for high cholesterol

It is impossible to say with certainty whether eggs are harmful for high cholesterol. The peak of negative attitude towards this food product occurred in the 70s of the last century, but since then a lot of data has been received regarding their effect on TC / LDL. It is known that for persons suffering from diabetes mellitus (or), excessive consumption of eggs may be associated with a greater risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

It is believed that the safe daily intake of exogenous cholesterol is about 200 mg, but for a healthy person, this dose may probably be 300 mg. Those. 1 - 1.5 eggs per day for a healthy person is probably not harmful. However, with elevated cholesterol levels and metabolic disorders, with diabetes, even 1 egg can be enough to harm a person (in the form of an increased risk of cardiovascular disease).

People with high cholesterol are very interested in questions proper nutrition. They are joined by those who have decided to prevent health problems as much as possible. Recently, they fell into disgrace, they were declared an absolutely harmful product. Frightened all the cholesterol in the yolk of the egg. Someone completely abandoned the use of eggs, someone decided to switch to quail eggs instead of chicken, someone is in thought. Let's try to figure it out and find out how right the representatives of different points of view are. First, let's figure out what an egg yolk consists of.

Before talking about the benefits and harms of eggs, let's decide where cholesterol is contained - in protein or yolk. So, egg white does not contain cholesterol, unlike the yolk. Egg yolk includes the following components:

  • Protein - up to 3%;
  • Fat - up to 5%;
  • Carbohydrates - up to 0.8%;
  • Vitamins A, D, E, K, etc., in total, the egg yolk contains 12 vitamins;
  • Minerals: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, zinc, copper, selenium, etc. In total, about 50 trace elements are present in the yolk.

Cholesterol in egg yolk 220-280 mg per 100 g of product. These figures are unchanged for chicken eggs and for any others, including quail. Therefore, when you hear that there is 3 times less cholesterol in a quail egg than in a chicken one, you should not delude yourself. We are only talking about the fact that the quail egg itself is several times smaller than the chicken one, and, accordingly, the total amount of cholesterol there is less. And for 100 g of the product - the same value. One chicken egg contains almost the daily norm of cholesterol for a person, respectively, one quail egg contains about a third of this norm. Maybe this will please egg lovers and help them pick up proper diet nutrition.

Beneficial features

Egg yolk makes up just over 30% by weight of a raw egg. Despite the high cholesterol content in the egg yolk, the yolk cannot be called an absolutely harmful product. Due to its composition, it has a lot of useful properties:

  • The complex of vitamins contained in the egg yolk is necessary for the human body. Vitamin A helps maintain vision, is good for bone health and strengthens the immune system. Vitamin D contained in the yolk is of animal origin, which increases its absorption by the body. It plays an important role in the process of cell growth and development by regulating the absorption of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Vitamin D supports the immune system and is essential nervous system. Vitamin E is a natural natural antioxidant. It prevents cell aging, preserves the skin, hair, nails. In addition, vitamin E prevents the risk of cancer and atherosclerosis. Vitamin K is necessary for the normalization of blood clotting.
  • Minerals contained in the yolk of an egg are actively involved in the cellular metabolism of the body. Such a quantity and variety of trace elements, which is present in the yolk, is rare.
  • The composition of the yolk includes proteins, lipids and lecithin. Lycetin is an excellent tool for the prevention of sclerosis, as it nourishes nerve tissues and the brain. In addition, it improves the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.
  • Phospholipids contained in the yolk have the ability to bind and remove excess cholesterol. The yolk also contains the substance cholein, which prevents the formation of cancerous tumors.

In general, the yolk is very useful. It is necessary as a food product for children. Yes, it can be beneficial for adults too. The beneficial substances contained in the yolk are absorbed by the body by approximately 95%. Naturally, in the raw yolk there are much more useful substances than in the yolk subjected to heat treatment. But eating raw chicken eggs is not recommended, there is a risk of getting sick with salmonellosis. Rumor has it that it is safe to eat raw quail eggs, as they supposedly cannot be contaminated with salmonellosis. This is nothing more than a fairy tale. Indeed, quails in nature do not suffer from salmonellosis, but under conditions of artificial breeding, the immunity of birds decreases, and infection with this disease is possible. Therefore, eating raw quail eggs is just as dangerous as chicken eggs.

Harm from use

Despite all the benefits of egg yolk, there are contraindications. They refer to people who have allergic reactions to the yolk and to people suffering from gallstone disease. Well, people with increased level cholesterol should be remembered that chicken yolk contains a large amount of cholesterol. Yes, there are substances in the egg yolk that remove excess cholesterol from the body, but caution is caution. You always need to remember how much cholesterol is in the yolk, and properly compose your diet.

How to use the product correctly

If you are healthy and have no problems with cholesterol levels, then this question should not interest you at all. Eggs are part of many dishes, and you should not think about giving up all this. The benefits of egg yolk for the body are very high, so a morning scrambled egg or a boiled egg for a person with a normal level of cholesterol in the blood will only benefit.

If you have high cholesterol, then you should limit yourself. In the yolk of one chicken egg there is almost a daily norm of cholesterol. You can't even eat one egg. Tip - make yourself an omelet from several proteins and one yolk, but again, not every day. Thus, you can get all the useful substances contained in the yolk, but cholesterol will not rise. Pay attention to quail eggs. They are smaller than chicken, respectively, contain less cholesterol.

Eggs are one of the products our body needs. It should and can be consumed, including people with high cholesterol levels. You just need to correctly calculate the amount of cholesterol that you can afford per day. Daily intake human body- up to 200 mg. With a responsible attitude to your diet and competent calculations, you can not refuse such a useful and important product.
