What breaks down subcutaneous fat. Where are fats broken down in the cell?

For fast weight loss. The essence of the impact of such products is the self-destruction of fat cells when eaten.

If you want to lose weight, then learn a simple truth: fasting will not save the situation. Refusal of food provokes stress and slows down the metabolic process. Therefore, in the process of losing weight, you should not limit yourself to food intake. It is better to replace high-calorie foods with fat-burning substances.

Foods that burn fat have a low calorie content and speed up the metabolism, start the process of self-destruction of fat by the body. They contain specific substances that trigger the production of growth hormone. The hormone, burning fats, turns them into energy, which is used for further cell renewal.

Foods that burn fat are structured in such a way that the body has to spend a large amount of energy on their assimilation, expending calories.

With regular consumption, the fat layer gradually becomes thinner, the weight goes down, the process of losing weight is activated. Just do not need to make a diet exclusively from fat-burning foods, counting on the effect of rapid weight loss. You risk spoiling your stomach, and you are unlikely to be able to withstand such a diet for a long time.

List of foods that burn fat

What foods burn fat? Fat-burning foods fall into several categories: fruits, vegetables, spices, nuts, dairy products, and teas.


Almost all citrus fruits speed up metabolic processes in the body and contribute to weight loss.


cucumbers is an effective way to deal with excess weight. The benefits of eating cucumbers can only be felt during the ripening period, when the vegetable contains the maximum amount. The water contained in cucumbers flushes out toxins and toxins. They are distinguished by a diuretic effect and low calorie content, due to which they become real enemies of excess weight.

Celery- contains a lot of fiber, speeds up metabolism and activates the process of losing weight. Cabbage and celery salad has a good effect on the breakdown of fats.


Low fat milk, kefir (skimmed)- food that has a beneficial effect on the process of losing weight. Dairy products should be consumed every day in small quantities: 2 glasses of milk or kefir per day.

Dairy products regulate the metabolism in the body, improve the condition of the intestinal microflora and quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger.

Cottage cheese (fat-free) and yogurt (no more than 1.5%) - contain protein, the digestion of which the body spends a large number of calories. So, the active process of losing weight begins. Try whipping low-fat cottage cheese and a small amount of mineral sparkling water. You will get a light cream, you can spread it on toast every morning.


Hot red capsicum- perfectly burns fats, but is shown only to those who are able to boast of excellent health. Add capsicum to food carefully, as it causes a person's body temperature to rise for a short time.

Cinnamon- More recently, it has been used as a fat burning product. It well lowers the amount of sugar in the blood and greatly slows down the absorption of fats, and already existing fat is burned faster. Add to kefir or tea.

One dish can include several foods that have a fat-burning effect at once.

Try making a low-calorie salad with cabbage and cucumbers, seasoned. Fruits and vegetables rich in fat-burning substances contribute to weight loss. They can be prepared from any fruits or vegetables that promote fat burning. You can make a delicious smoothie with raspberries and low-fat milk.

All the main components of nutrition, our body has learned to store in reserve- Yes, just in case. He stores sugar in the liver, proteins in the stomach, but for fats, a place under the skin is chosen. Want to lose weight? We'll have to go to war on our own body! To win, you must fight skillfully. This article will teach you a lot!

Fats… What is it? Where do they come from? Why are they deposited under the skin? And in general, why are they needed? Maybe they shouldn't be eaten? It sounds reasonable, because we have so many problems with the figure from fat!

The first stage of fat transformation: food intake

With this, everything is clear: we sat down at the table and loaded food into ourselves. So, the “processing” of fats by the body begins already in your mouth, when the salivary glands secrete saliva saturated with special digestive enzymes. Further, it would seem that the stomach should be connected to this work. Oddly enough, fats are not his profile. So he simply passes them through himself and sends them further into the intestines. And here the fats will be digested and absorbed into the blood. By the way, why do we need these same fats? And wouldn't it be better not to eat them at all?

Let's give a word to science
  • Fats are the energy "fuel" of the body
  • Fats are vital as a building block of skin, hair, nails…
  • Fats are "raw materials" for the production of hormones.
The second stage of fat transformation: splitting

Fats are unlike carbohydrates and proteins in that they do not dissolve in water. It turns out that the water needs to be replaced with something, right? Especially for the sake of fats, our body secretes bile. Complete dissolution of fats and she is "too tough". But she knows how to "crush" fats into microscopic drops - triglycerides. And the intestines can cope with them.

Word to Science

A triglyceride is three fatty acid molecules "glued" to a glycerol molecule. In the intestines, some of the triglycerides combine with proteins and begin their journey through the body with them.

The third stage of fat transformation: the journey

Yes, triglycerides do not know how to travel on their own. They definitely need a vehicle called "lipoprotein". Lipoproteins are different, and each has its own task.

  • Chylomicrons are formed in the intestines from fats and carrier proteins. Their task is to transfer the fat received with food from the intestines to tissues and cells.
  • Very high density lipoproteins also transport fat to different tissues and cells, but take it exclusively in the liver.
  • Low-density lipoproteins also deliver fats from the liver to body tissues. What is the difference? And the fact that along the way, these lipoproteins "grab" cholesterol from the intestines and carry it throughout the body. So if somewhere in the vessels you have formed cholesterol clots, threatening cardiovascular disease, then here is the culprit - low density lipoproteins.
  • High density lipoproteins - have one function - just the opposite. These lipoproteins, on the contrary, collect cholesterol throughout the body and take it to the liver for destruction. Very useful connections.
Word to Science

These details help to understand that eating fatty foods does not automatically increase the level of cholesterol in the body. A risky situation occurs if the body has too many low-density lipoproteins (which help to store cholesterol) and not enough high-density lipoproteins (those that are responsible for removing cholesterol). And this is a purely genetic factor. There is also an arithmetic factor. This is when you eat so much of this very cholesterol that no lipoproteins are enough to remove it. And here is another find of science. It has been established that cholesterol is especially abundant in animal fats. But vegetable fats in this sense are not an example more useful. It would seem that it is necessary to eat less animal fats, and more vegetable fats. No matter how! The beneficial effect of vegetable fats will affect only in one case: if you completely replace animals with them.

The Fourth Stage of Fat Transformation: Shall We Save Some Fat?

If the body has received more than it needs, then an enzyme called lipase comes into play. Its task is to hide all the excess inside the fat cells.

Word to Science

Lipase is a kind of key that opens the doors of fat cells towards fats. Fat cells can let in a lot of fat inside and swell up like a balloon. This just answers that you are getting fat. If one fat cell or even a hundred increases, then no one will notice it. However, if you eat too much fat, the myriad fat cells under the skin will swell at once. And you can't hide it from your eyes. Moreover, lipase can give a command for the reproduction of fat cells. And also to the eyeballs will fill them with fat. Worst of all, fat cells cannot be destroyed. When you undertake to lose weight, lipase "opens" fat cells and releases fat out, well, then it "burns out" during exercise. You look in the mirror: not a drop of fat! Meanwhile, all the fat cells are in place, but only look like punctured balloons. As soon as you abandon the sport, the lipase starts stuffing them with fat again.

Why is there so much fat?

The body reserves not only fats, but also carbohydrates. Let's say you ate 100 calories of carbs. So, the body must burn approximately 23 calories to save the remaining 77 calories. But to save 100 extra "fat" calories, you need only 3 calories. The remaining 97 calories are all yours! So it turns out that fat reserves are always the largest.

Factors contributing to the deposition of fat in the body:

  • Age (the older you are, the more “willingly” fat is deposited)
  • Gender (Women accumulate fat faster)
  • Overeating (you eat too much)
  • Sedentary lifestyle (you don't need fat energy)
  • Excess lipase (heredity factor)
  • Nervous stress (contrary to popular belief, they get fat from stress)
  • The habit of eating fat (we are talking about the features of national cuisine)
  • Genetic factors (completeness is inherited).
Stage five: we spend stocks

How does exercise help to get rid of extra pounds? But like this. First, the body reacts to physical exercise with the consumption of glycogen - a pre-reserve sugar. And only then, when he spends "sugar" reserves, fat deposits come into play. This happens about half an hour after the start of aerobic training, i.e. just when many people usually turn it off.

Changing the shape

So much talk about genetics! Like, if your mom was full, then you will not escape the same fate. In fact, everything is not so scary. Genes determine your body composition by 25%. Only a quarter! This applies to the number of fat cells and where they cluster (in the waist or on the hips and buttocks). So, if you really look like mommy, it’s more likely because you share the same eating habits with her: you overeat just like her. If you start exercising and go on a diet, you will look completely different. By the way, strength exercises do not have to shy away. Muscles are a state within a state. Just like the brain, they are awake even when you are sleeping and expend energy. The more muscle you have, the higher your daily calorie expenditure. Are you afraid to turn into a masculine bodybuilder? A visually noticeable increase in muscles of 12-25 kg. However, bodybuilders have been going to this for decades. God forbid you add at least 5-8 kg!

It is easier for women - "apples" to drive off excess fat than "pears". Fat in the waist area is 5 times more pliable than on the hips and buttocks. But for women with a "pear" figure, there are methods. First, you need to understand that "burning" fat is part of your overall metabolism. It does not happen that the exchange is sluggish, and the fat "burns" quickly. So here's your first trick. Eat often - after 2-2.5 hours, but in small portions. This technique really "unwinds" the metabolic rate, and hence the "fat burning". Second. More aerobics! All these aerobic exercises for 40-45 minutes are not about you. Do aerobics for one and a half to two hours at least 4-5 days a week! And further. Fat "burns" oxygen. You need outdoor aerobics. Outdoors only! Third. Do not try to go on "hard" diets less than 1200 calories! It has been proven that such diets, on the contrary, slow down the metabolic rate, which automatically reduces the rate of "fat burning"!

Where does the body get energy from?

The energy you need to lift a barbell or run a cross country can come from two sources. These are glycogen (carbohydrates) and fat. So how do you make yourself lose more fat? Here are the reasons that influence the "choice" of the organism:

  • The food you ate before training (if you eat something high in carbohydrates, like a vegetable salad, cereal, fruit or chocolate, then the body will choose not fat as the main source of energy, but pre-stored sugar - glycogen.)
  • Duration of training (the longer you exercise, the more fat will be consumed)
  • Intensity of training (the higher the load, the more glycogen is consumed)
  • Type of exercise (aerobics burns more fat, and exercise equipment burns more glycogen)
  • Fitness level (the more "sporting experience" you have, the more fat you burn)
  • Carbohydratestaken during training (if you decide to drink or eat something sweet, spend more glycogen).

As you know, in order to look your best, first of all, you need to say goodbye to extra pounds. A huge number of all kinds of diets offer us ways to deal with excess weight that require remarkable willpower and threaten to devastate a credit card and wallet.

Is there a panacea that gives harmony without severe sacrifices? Unfortunately, the famous saying - "beauty requires sacrifice" - has not yet been canceled, and without sufficient physical activity, it will not be possible to lose weight safely and effectively.

However, science does not stand still, and scientists are discovering more and more new methods of dealing with excess weight. One such way to lose weight is eating foods - fat burners.


Dairy products, except for milk, increase the amount of the hormone calcitriol in the body, which forces cells to burn fat. Low-fat dairy products - yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, according to experts, will help to lose weight and reduce the amount of newly digestible fats. Whey - contains high-quality milk protein that accelerates fat metabolism. Milk whey contributes to the consumption of subcutaneous fat in order to compensate for the energy consumption of the body.


Ginger belongs to the so-called "hot" products. It provides excellent secretion and blood supply to the stomach, thereby speeding up the body's metabolism. Due to the high content of essential oils, ginger enhances metabolism, which contributes to the fastest burning of fat cells. In addition, ginger improves the condition of the skin, making it young and beautiful.


White cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli are constant helpers in the fight against excess weight. White cabbage works like a brush in the body, thereby cleansing it of toxins. Broccoli is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The main one is indole-3-carbinol, which normalizes the exchange of estrogens - female sex hormones. Cauliflower is second only to broccoli in terms of vitamin content. Cabbage is a low-calorie product, so it can be eaten with almost no restrictions.


Cucumbers are an effective means for losing weight, however, like most other products of plant origin, they are seasonal and bring maximum benefit during their natural ripening. They are recommended to be eaten at that stage of maturity when the fruits are still small, hard, crispy, and the seeds have not fully developed. If possible, the peel from cucumbers is not peeled off, since it is in it that most of the vitamins and minerals are concentrated. Cucumbers have a diuretic effect on the human body, which, combined with a low calorie content, makes it an indispensable food product for people struggling with excess weight.


This spice has been used in the fight against excess weight since recently, but has already managed to establish itself as an excellent fat-burning agent. Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels, thereby promoting fat storage. You can add cinnamon to tea, coffee, kefir, and if you drink a drink from a mixture of ½ teaspoon of cinnamon, steamed with boiling water with 1 teaspoon of honey, then the fat will simply melt.


The grapefruit diet is not a myth. Researchers at the Scripps Clinic found that those who ate half a grapefruit for 12 weeks lost an average of 1.5 kg. The unique chemical properties of this citrus fruit, literally loaded with vitamin C, reduce insulin levels, which contributes to weight loss. This amazing fruit is the most active “killer” of fats in the body. Due to the high content of the flavonoid naringin, it has a powerful choleretic effect, thereby contributing to the breakdown of fats that enter our body with food. But at the same time, it must be remembered that grapefruit must be eaten without cleaning the internal bitter membranes, because it is in them that the substance that burns fat is contained.

Green tea

The most powerful fat killer is green tea. Studies show that green tea extract speeds up metabolism and may help with weight loss. This tea improves mood and may have anti-carcinogenic properties, as well as help prevent heart disease. This is a very trendy drink among the stars. It contains a large amount of natural caffeine, which speeds up the metabolism in the body by 15-20%. Green tea easily flushes out not only subcutaneous fat, but also the most dangerous so-called visceral - internal fat. Drinking 3 cups of green tea a day will make even the fattest person lose weight.


A new study shows that water accelerates weight loss. German researchers found that drinking about 500 g of water per day, study participants increased the rate of calorie burning by 30%. Water is also a natural appetite suppressant, flushing out salt and toxins from the body. By drinking enough water, you can also avoid the mistake of mistaking thirst for hunger.


Raspberry - contains fruit enzymes that promote the breakdown of fats. Half a glass of raspberries, eaten half an hour before a meal, will help the stomach cope with a plentiful feast. This berry speeds up metabolism. In addition, 100 grams of raspberries contain only 44 kcal.


Mustard stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


Who said that fat-burning foods are necessarily something dull and dietary and tasteless? One orange "weighs" only 70-90 calories. And most importantly: after this fruit, the feeling of satiety lasts about 4 hours.


Only 40% of the fat in almonds is digested. The remaining 60% leave the body without having had time to go through the stages of splitting and absorption. That is, almonds saturate and at the same time do not leave behind unnecessary calories.


The enzymes found in horseradish root help burn fat. Flavor fish and meat dishes with horseradish.


Legumes are a source of vegetable protein, which is so necessary for our body. The protein itself is metabolic, which gives it the ability to easily burn fat cells. In other words, for the assimilation of protein foods, the body spends a lot of energy, which it takes from its own fat reserves. Nutritionists recommend beans instead of a side dish or added to a salad.

Coconut milk

Coconut milk contains fats that make your metabolism go faster.

A pineapple


Papaya - contains enzymes that act on lipids and break down proteins. However, it does not make sense to go on a papaya diet, because the enzymes lose their activity 2-3 hours after ingestion. To get the desired effect, papaya should be consumed immediately before a meal, during a meal, or immediately after it.

Red wine

Red wine - contains the active ingredient resveratrol, which stimulates the production of a protein that blocks receptors in fat cells. Resveratrol promotes the breakdown of fats and slows down the formation of new fat deposits. This wonderful ingredient is found in the skins of grapes and white wine, but in these products it oxidizes quickly and becomes less effective. Red wine is a unique source of effective fat burner, however, like any alcohol, it should be consumed in limited quantities. Half a glass of red wine a day will provide you with a beneficial effect on the body.

Apples and pears

Overweight women who ate 3 small apples or pears per day lost more weight on a low-calorie diet compared to those who did not add fruit to their diet. This conclusion was made by researchers from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Those who ate vegetables consumed fewer calories overall. So the next time you're craving a sweet tooth, grab this low-calorie, high-fiber snack. You will feel full longer and eat less.


Excellent source of soluble fiber (7 g per 2 cup serving). Gives a feeling of fullness and energy needed for physical exercise.

Do you know bad examples of girlfriends who are constantly on a diet, dreaming of losing weight, but to no avail? A calorie deficit, physical activity are provided, but deposits on the abdomen and buttocks do not go away. How to make the human body burn fat - we will answer this question in the article. The main task is to speed up the metabolism. And for this you need to take care of three components: healthy food, regular sports and attention to your own health.


Express weight loss and mono-diets do not contribute to fat burning. With a meager diet menu, you will really quickly lose a few kilograms, but consider the following features:

  • it’s not lipids that go away, but water;
  • when returning to the usual diet, the weight returns;
  • hunger is a stress that slows down metabolic processes;
  • there is a deficiency of nutrients (vitamins, minerals), which leads to a deterioration in well-being and disruption of the functioning of organs.

What burns subcutaneous fat in the human body quickly? For good results that will last for many years, it is necessary to adjust the daily diet and abandon strict diets. Elena Morozova's clinic can offer competent and effective weight loss programs that will not only help you get a toned figure, but also develop healthy eating habits that will help keep your body in good shape.

If you want to say goodbye to unsightly deposits, eliminate fast carbohydrates (baked goods, sugar, sugary drinks, fried potatoes, cornflakes, chips). And also eat more fresh vegetables, greens and protein foods.

How to make sure that fat is not deposited - to maintain such a balance: 30% carbohydrates, 10% lipids, 60% proteins. The scheme should be finalized together with a nutritionist who will take into account the characteristics of health, age and level of physical activity.

There is a misconception that in order to lose weight, you need to give up fatty foods. Actually it is not.

Clinic nutritionist's comment

Eating oily foods is essential because they help absorb certain vitamins, build cells in different tissues, maintain nervous system function, protect organs, and fight inflammation. Only "good" lipids should be preferred to "bad" ones. In the first list, unsaturated, in the second - trans fats.

Foods that are called fat splitters

What you need to eat regularly to speed up your metabolism and say goodbye to excess weight faster:

  • grapefruit and lemon;
  • a pineapple;
  • coffee;
  • ginger;
  • green tea, almonds;
  • papaya;
  • apples and pears.

But in pursuit of an accelerated metabolism, one should not forget about other healthy foods. What burns body fat in women? Proper nutrition, built on a few simple but very important principles.

Eat often and in small portions

5-6 meals and a small amount of it is the main condition for accelerating metabolism. By increasing the metabolic rate, the body increases energy consumption, which in turn accelerates the process of fat burning. Regularity strictly leads to the acceleration of metabolic processes, as a result of which fat burning is more intense. If you stick to portioned nutrition, then you can “inspire” the body that there is always food and it is not necessary to stock up. Such a system will require attention to the organization of the working day, since a cafeteria pie is not considered a healthy snack. The menu should consist of a large proportion of proteins, poly- and monounsaturated lipids and complex carbohydrates. Fractional nutrition will allow you to avoid feelings of hunger, stress, and to absorb all the nutrients well. The body calmly says goodbye to reserves.

Pay attention to breakfast

Remember that the most important meal, if you want to start the process of losing weight in the body, is breakfast, do not ignore it. And if you do not like to eat in the morning, you should try to change your attitude. The fact is that during sleep your metabolism slows down and you can activate it again after having a good and healthy breakfast. Therefore, if you set aside the first meal for later, then before lunch the body will destroy much fewer calories than it could if you had breakfast. It is customary to start your day by eating foods high in complex carbohydrates, the digestion of which takes longer, which means that you will not feel hungry soon.

Eat protein

This component is indispensable when compiling a menu for those who want to reduce weight and accelerate its loss. For the assimilation of protein foods in the body, much more energy is needed than, say, for foods containing lipids or starch - therefore, the process of losing weight is more intense. The indisputable advantage of the element can be considered the effect of weakening the feeling of hunger. Include proteins in your diet that contain all the essential amino acids, as these foods will provide the most nutritional benefit with the fewest calories. And keratin, vitamin B12 and omega-3s are great for brain food and help improve cognitive function.

Don't Forget Dairy Products

An important place in the diet of a person who is losing weight is given to dairy products, which deliver the necessary nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calcium and phosphorus and other useful elements. Low-fat milk and kefir can also have a beneficial effect on the process of losing weight. The calcium contained in them speeds up the metabolic process and allows you to burn excess fat faster. It also regulates and improves the condition of the intestinal microflora, and the feeling of hunger is dulled. The daily recommended serving of dairy products is 1200 mg.

A few words about fish

It is indispensable in a healthy diet and serves as a source of easily digestible protein, fatty acids, iodine, zinc and other minerals. It is recommended to choose varieties of medium and low fat content. This list includes: trout, haddock, tuna, pollock, flounder, cod. With regular consumption of seafood, the level of the hormone leptin in the body decreases, which directly affects the metabolic rate and obesity.

iron intake

This is another important factor for metabolism. With its lack in the blood, the muscles are poorly supplied with oxygen, fatigue and lethargy are noted. So fat is not burned, but, on the contrary, increases, because the body seeks to compensate for the shortage, which is associated with increased appetite. You can maintain iron levels with pumpkin and sesame seeds, chicken hearts and liver, halva, parsley, dried apricots, almonds, lentils.

What about citrus

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Grapefruit is considered the most popular representative, and not by chance. It contains only 35 calories, but at the same time, it is able to satisfy hunger with just a couple of slices. Try grapefruit juice and you will get the same effect. Another useful fruit is everyone's favorite tangerine. It contains all 33 calories, as well as such a useful component as flavonoids, which promote fat burning.

Water and drinks

A significant role is played by the drinking regime - it is necessary to drink 2 liters of liquid in order to maintain a high rate of metabolic processes. This factor has a positive effect on health in general:

  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • promotes the removal of toxins;
  • increases skin turgor and evens out complexion.

Water, like no other, is necessary for the liver to process fat, since it is bile that breaks down complex lipids. With a lack of moisture, the liver does not have the strength and time to break down fats, as it works to cleanse the body as a whole. As a result, the metabolic process slows down and the accumulation of water begins.

In addition, water helps to eliminate decay products and toxins. Under the action of oxygen, fats are oxidized and decomposed into such components: carbon dioxide, water and adenosine triphosphate. It is the last component that is the source of energy for all processes carried out in the body.

Today we will understand how the formation and breakdown of fat in our body occurs. This process as a whole is called lipid metabolism (or fat metabolism).

In fact, such a colossal number of chemical reactions and transformations take place in the body that a detailed explanation of the entire process of fat metabolism would require a series of many hours of lectures and excellent knowledge in the field of biochemistry.

Of course, I'm not going to load you with sheets of formulas, therefore, we will consider the exchange of fats in a very simplified version and only from the side that is important for you and me - from the point of view of losing weight.

To begin with, we will discuss in detail the process of formation of fats in our body.

It is interesting that our body can get fats not only directly from the fats that are in food, but also from carbohydrates and even proteins. And now we will consider all 3 ways to get fat in more detail.

So, the fats that make up the food enter the digestive tract, where they are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol. Then it is all absorbed and enters the blood and lymph, through which it is delivered to the cells of our body. If some cells require fat (for example, muscle cells need energy), then fatty acids are consumed by these cells. If the body does not require energy, then getting into special fat cells (lipocides), fatty acids can be deposited “in reserve” in the form of substances called “triglycerides”. Our fat reserves are stored in fat cells and it is fat cells with a large amount of accumulated triglycerides that create discomfort for us in the form of excess weight.

The formation of fat deposits from carbohydrates is as follows: first, carbohydrates are broken down to glucose and fructose, and then triglycerides are formed from them in fat cells with the participation of insulin.

The process of formation of body fat from proteins is much more complicated. To get fat from protein, it is first necessary to break down the protein into amino acids, then the amino acids are converted into glucose in the liver, and then triglycerides are formed from glucose with the participation of insulin in fat cells.

From this we can immediately draw a rather important conclusion:

“Making” fat from proteins is the most difficult thing for our body!

Many different diets are based on this fact, for example, the Dukan diet. However, these diets have negative health consequences and I recommend avoiding them. There are much more correct and easier ways to lose weight than exhausting yourself with “miracle diets”.

It is worth noting that fat in our body has many functions. It not only serves as the main energy reserve of our body, but is also a building material for cell membranes and a number of hormones. Therefore, we cannot completely get rid of adipose tissue. Without adipose tissue, our body cannot function normally. When we talk about losing weight, we are trying to get rid of excess fat, but not all fat. Some percentage still remains.

It is worth noting that a woman's body is more prone to the accumulation of fat and is less inclined to break down this fat. It has to do with reproduction. To perform this function, a huge supply of energy is required. A huge amount of energy is spent on the formation of the fetus, on its vital activity and development. Also, during the formation of the fetus, there is an active construction of new cells that need membranes that are built from fats. In the natural world, there is no guarantee that food will always be available and therefore energy reserves are needed.

The minimum amount of body fat below which there is a threat of death:

  • in men: about 5%
  • in women: about 10%

Now we need to understand how they get, split and, then, the fat reserves of our body are consumed.

So, the fat is deposited as triglycerides in the fat cell. And it's time to use it. This occurs when insufficient energy is supplied from the digestive system or fat is required as a building material for cell membranes. At this moment, a signal is given to the fat cells. This signal is given in a humoral way (that is, with the help of hormones). This is not one hormone, but a whole set of different hormones that have a lipolytic effect (the ability to break down fats).

For example, at the moment of stress, the body releases a special hormone - adrenaline, which breaks down fat (the body prepares to have the energy of active actions - for example, to run away from danger).

If a person has not eaten for a long time, the digestive system is empty, the level of glucose in the blood drops. A special hormone is released - “glucogon”, which takes glucose from the liver. Also, this hormone also has a lipolytic effect.

If a person does not eat for a very long time, or experiences physical or emotional overload, the hormone cortisol is released.
Fat also breaks down somatotropin. It stimulates protein synthesis, and for this, it gives the command to break down fats. Since protein synthesis requires a huge amount of energy, which is obtained in the form of ATP from fats.

Thyroid hormones and many other hormones also break down fat.

Having received a command from hormones, the fat cell breaks down fat into:

  • glycerol
  • fatty acid

Which enter the bloodstream and lymph flow.

At the same time, fatty acids, which cannot be transported by themselves, combine with special proteins and form “fat proteins” or, scientifically, “lipoproteins”.

Further, lipoproteins, “passing” by a cell that needs energy, interact with special enzymes on the cell membrane, which break down lipoproteins and take fatty acid for further use (energy production or membrane construction).

It is worth noting that often incorrect conclusions are drawn from the process of fat metabolism. For example, a person heard that adrenaline, which is released at the time of stress, gives a signal for the breakdown of fat. And there are special pills that stimulate the production of adrenaline, and they must be eaten in order to break down fat. But the breakdown of fat is not yet its oxidation (that is, just the breakdown and its entry into the blood is NOT the consumption of fat). Oxidation (that is, the direct consumption of fat for energy or the construction of membranes) will begin to occur only when this fat is needed by the cells by which it “swims”. If energy is not required by any cells, then everything will end up simply with the fact that fats will go into the bloodstream and will float there. These fats will be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which is very bad and can lead to atherosclerosis, blockage of blood vessels, strokes, etc. Therefore, people who are often nervous are more prone to this kind of disease.

Thus, it is necessary not only to break down fats, but also to create conditions for them to be consumed by cells (to create a lack of energy in cells).

Julia Lachman

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