Where do proteins come from. Where can a vegetarian get protein? Herbal products

Is it possible to live a vegan lifestyle and still be bodybuilding? We read about all this and more in our article.

Among ordinary people, there is an opinion that it is impossible to pump up muscle mass without eating meat. But, as professional athletes prove, this is quite an achievable task.

Are vegetarianism and bodybuilding compatible?

Before answering the question posed, it is necessary to understand what vegetarianism is and the reasons for its occurrence.

Veteran bodybuilder

The reason for the conscious refusal to eat meat can be:

  • Health problems, it may not be the absorption of animal products by the body, allergic reactions. A person may even simply not like the taste of meat.
  • desire to lead healthy lifestyle life, because it is plant foods that help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, protect against cardiovascular diseases, and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract

A big plus about vegetarians is that they do not suffer from weight gain, they are more protected from various diseases, even from certain types of cancer. I. in general, feel much better than people who eat meat.

  • Conscious reluctance to have animals killed for the sake of human needs, this also applies to clothing made from slaughtered animals
  • Religious principles, some of the world's religions categorically deny the consumption of food of animal origin
  • To save money, some people refuse meat.
  • And some refuse and call the reason that the processing of meat and animal products is very polluting the environment.

Sometimes these are several reasons combined, sometimes one, but, one way or another, people consciously refuse animal fats and proteins.

There are three types of vegetarians:

  • Strict vegetarians completely exclude animal products from their diet
  • Lacto-vegetarians, in this case, the use of milk and sour-milk products is allowed
  • Lacto-ovo vegetarians, in addition to dairy products, they also eat eggs

Scientists have proven that muscle building does not require protein as much as carbohydrates. They play a big role in this process. And the protein itself needs quite a bit - 1.6 grams per kilogram of weight.

Vivid examples of the reality that vegetarianism and bodybuilding are compatible are:

  • Corey Everson, she gave up meat for 17 more summer girl. But that didn't stop her from becoming a six-time bodybuilding champion.

Corey Everson
  • Andreas Kahling, he looks great, for his age, and now

Andreas Kahling,
  • Bill Pearl, the shining star of bodybuilding in the 60s, a prime example of a vegetarian bodybuilder

Bill Pearl

It is worth noting that muscle building would not have been possible without special vitamins and supplements. These sports supplements take even those athletes for whom meat is the usual food, and do not eat chemical complexes.

IMPORTANT: If a person is already enough for a long time goes in for sports, and did not limit himself in food, decided to become a vegetarian, then this should be done gradually, and not immediately, after the decision.

The disadvantage of vegetarianism when building muscle mass is that the feeling of hunger may not occur for a long time. This is good for those who want to lose weight, but not for bodybuilders. They should eat frequently.

How does vegetarianism affect muscle growth?

For vegetarian athletes, there is a specially designed diet. Although many people doubt the effectiveness of this method of building muscle, it is quite real. In addition, vegan athletes feel much healthier than their fellow athletes who eat meat. After all, it is animal food that contributes to an increase in harmful cholesterol in the blood and the development of cardiovascular diseases.

From a properly selected menu, a vegetarian receives the necessary amount of protein for muscle growth. The missing components can be replenished with the help of special sports supplements. But we must remember that muscles will not grow, even if the protein is supplied in excess of the norm, and there are no fats in the diet. This will also affect the appearance of the athlete, the skin will become flabby, hair will begin to fall out, muscle mass will become weak. Therefore, it is necessary to use vegetable oils, coconut milk, and, if vegetarian principles permit, cow's milk.

It should be remembered that no expensive supplements can replace a good diet. And, with a lack of carbohydrates in the diet, but with a large amount of protein, the body itself transforms it into carbohydrates. Thus, the athlete only harms his health.

Where can a vegetarian get protein?

For those who want to switch to a vegetarian diet, the question arises of where to get the necessary protein.

  • With strict vegetarian principles, protein can be taken from mushrooms, nuts, legumes, vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries, cereals, cereals
  • If the bodybuilder is a lacto-vegetarian, then this makes it possible to eat milk and dairy products.
  • For less strict vegetarianism, it is allowed to add eggs to the diet

But in order to get the required amount of protein, vegetarians need to maintain a variety of diets and combine different foods. Then some products, with a low content of amino acids necessary for the synthesis, will be supplemented by others. In this case, incomplete proteins become complete. An example for a combination would be legumes and grains. they make a complete protein, and even better digestible than meat.

Vegetarian Protein Sources

Consider sources where vegetarians can get protein:

Mushrooms sources of protein
  • The greatest amount of protein can be obtained from dried boletus 35.4 grams, from fresh this figure will be another 3.3 grams
  • White mushrooms are in second place, in dried form they can provide the body with 20.1 grams, but in fresh form only 3.7 grams of protein from 100 grams of mushrooms
  • In third place are fresh champignons - 4.3 grams

They are rich in protein and fats, vitamins and minerals. To preserve all the nutrients, you need to use them only in their raw form.

Nuts protein sources
  • The first place is occupied by peanuts - 26.3 g
  • On the second cashew nuts - 20 g
  • on the third almonds - 18.6 g
  • on the fourth hazelnuts - 16.1 g
  • on the fifth walnuts - 15.6 g
  • on the sixth pistachios - 10 g

Legumes contain protein and complex carbohydrates. They are very valuable for the body and that they contain calcium, iron, zinc, fiber. Legumes can be sprouted, eaten raw, or cooked from them.

Legume protein sources
  • In terms of protein content, soy takes the first place, it contains 34.9 grams
  • on the second lentils, it contains 24 grams
  • Shelled peas take third place - 23 grams
  • Beans in fourth place - 21 grams

Cereals fill the body with all the necessary trace elements, this also applies to protein. Buckwheat is the most valued, it is very useful for people who follow vegetarian principles, as well as observing strict fasts.

  • The first place in terms of protein content is occupied by wheat groats - 11.3 grams
  • second place for oatmeal - 11 grams
  • in third place is buckwheat - 10 grams
  • in fourth place semolina and corn - 10.3 grams
  • the fifth belongs to pearl barley - 9.3 grams

Greens and vegetables

Greens and vegetables in a green color, contain all the amino acids necessary for the body. It is very important not to limit yourself in the choice, but to eat different types greens and vegetables.

  • Championship for garlic - 6.5 grams
  • The second place is taken by Brussels sprouts - 4.8 grams
  • Third place for parsley - 3.7 grams
  • The fourth is spinach - 2.9 grams
  • Fifth for horseradish - 2.5 grams
  • Sixth for new potatoes - 2.4 grams
  • Seventh place is occupied by white cabbage - 2.8 grams
  • Eighth for cucumbers - 0.8 grams

Fruits and dried fruits play an important role in replenishing protein reserves. Let's note some values ​​of the content of protein in them per 100 grams of weight.

  • First place for bananas - 1.5 grams
  • the second for rowan - 1.4 grams
  • the third is occupied by cherries - 1.1 grams
  • the fourth place is occupied by dogwood - 1 gram
  • Fifth share pomegranate, peaches and apricot, they all contain 0.9 grams of protein
  • Apples complete our list - 0.4 grams

Other food

In addition to the above protein suppliers to the body, other foods rich in protein can be noted.

  • First place is occupied by cocoa powder, it contains 24.2 grams of protein per 100 grams of weight.
  • In second place are canned olives - 18
  • On the third wheat bran - 15.1
  • On the fourth wheat bread - 8.1
  • On the fifth milk chocolate - 6.9
  • On the sixth rye bread - 6.6
  • On the seventh dark chocolate - 5.4

You should also remember about products made from soy.

Tofu is a cheese made from soy milk and contains a large number of protein, as well as iron and calcium. An almost universal product, because it can be baked, boiled soups, grilled, made desserts. You should know that tofu is almost tasteless, when preparing it, great attention should be paid to spices and sauces.

Tofu Cheese

Tempeh, an exotic food made from soybeans, contains enough protein to replace eating meat. It can be fried, adding spices and sauces to your taste. The main thing in choosing tempeh is its freshness. At the same time, the coating must be white, it is possible even to have gray spots. But if the top of the tempeh turns yellow or blue, it means the product is not fresh.

Tempeh contains more protein than Tofu

There is another plant-based protein substitute - this is seitan, it is made from wheat gluten. 100 grams of product contains 25 grams of protein. Very popular among vegetarian athletes.

For vegetarians who allow themselves to eat dairy products, an excellent source of protein will be:

  • Hard cheese
  • Powdered milk
  • Skim cheese
  • Brynza
  • Yogurt
  • Ice cream
  • Milk
  • Kefir

Dairy products are important for the human body

In addition to protein, eggs also contain 60% fat.

  • In one piece of a chicken egg, as well as in a quail, there are 6 grams of protein
  • In duck a little less - 2 grams

IMPORTANT: Correctly combining all of these listed, and not only products, a vegetarian will never experience a lack of protein.

Video: Where can raw foodists and vegetarians get protein and how to replenish the amino acid profile (raw food and protein)?

Vegetarianism and amino acids

Amino acids are indispensable for the human body, the required amount can only come from food, since he himself will not be able to synthesize them. For an adult, this figure is 8 amino acids, and for children - 10 amino acids.

There is a myth that vegetarians can't get all the essential amino acids from plant-based foods, and cause huge damage to their health. But after all, as practice shows, animals also cannot synthesize amino acids on their own, but get them together with plant foods. Especially this myth does not apply to vegetarians who eat milk and eggs.

Essential amino acids are found in greens, vegetables and fruits.

For beginner vegetarians, or for those who still doubt the veracity of the above, here is a list of amino acids and foods that contain them:

  • Tryptophan is found in bananas, dates, milk, yogurt, peanuts, sesame seeds, pine nuts and soy.
  • Lysine is found in nuts, wheat and dairy products.
  • Valine is found in mushrooms, peanuts, soy, dairy products and grains.
  • Methionine is present in legumes, eggs and dairy products
  • Threonine is present in legumes, nuts, eggs and dairy products.
  • Isoleucine is present in seeds, peas, eggs, almonds and cashew nuts
  • Leucine is found in lentils, seeds, nuts, and brown rice.
  • Phanylalanine is present in sweetener, as well as in soy, milk and eggs

IMPORTANT: Children need two more amino acids: histidine and arginine. You can replenish your stocks with the help of such products: yogurt, seeds, peanuts, lentils, sesame seeds.

As the list shows, all the amino acids the body needs can be obtained from plant foods. An exception may be the case when a person decided to become a vegetarian, but did not take care of the variety in food. To prevent this from happening, you need to:

  • Eat all kinds of legumes
  • Combine sources of protein and amino acids

As for non-strict vegetarians, the regular consumption of dairy products and eggs will insure against amino acid deficiency.

Vegetarianism and Essential Vitamins

Vitamins are essential for the normal functioning of the body. They prevent or cure with their help, various diseases increase the body's resistance to viral infections. Sources of vitamins are both plant foods and animals.

Since in vegetarianism there is a rejection of animal foods, let's consider what basic vitamins can be obtained exclusively from plant foods:

  • B1 - the lack of this vitamin affects the work nervous system, cardiovascular and digestive tract. The highest amount of thiamine is found in carrots, potatoes, oats, wheat germ and cabbage.
  • B2 - with its help, the processes of cell restoration, as well as their growth, occur. Helps to fully function the organs of vision. Mainly found in meat and milk, but with the help of peas, green onions, cereals, tomatoes, you can thoroughly replenish your supply
  • B6 - with a deficiency of this vitamin, changes occur in the nervous system, metabolism is disturbed, swelling and a rash on the skin may occur. You can replenish your body with this vitamin with the help of legumes, grains, and vegetables.
  • Folic acid is especially necessary for the full development of the fetus. Mainly found in the leaves of the plant, but only green
  • The lack of biotin affects the general condition of the body, and causes a feeling of fatigue, appetite may disappear, and muscles begin to hurt a lot. In order to prevent such a condition, peas, oatmeal and soy should be included in the diet.
  • Nicotinic acid plays a huge role in the life of the body, its deficiency affects the condition of the skin and the functionality of the nervous system. You can get enough of the vitamin from mushrooms, fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals.
  • C - this vitamin helps to recover faster and protects against viral infections, affects metabolism, affects blood vessels. Long-term non-healing wounds signal its deficiency. A large amount of this vitamin is found in currants, rosehips, red bell peppers, parsley, dill
  • Pantothenic acid is used to treat burns and bruises, as well as diseases of the nervous system. You can find it in peas, wheat, asparagus, barley
  • Rutin is indispensable for the normal state of the vascular system of the body. Found in cherries, blackcurrants, cherries, gooseberries and cranberries
  • The lack of vitamin E negatively affects the work of the whole organism. To replenish stocks, you need to include in your diet vegetable oils, green vegetables, wheat germ
  • Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting. For a full intake into the body, it is necessary that cabbage and lettuce be present in the diet.

IMPORTANT: Vitamin A and D require eggs, butter, milk - this will not be a problem for vegetarians who include these products in their daily diet.

As you can see, from the listed basic vitamins, and the products from which you can take these vitamins for your body, vegetarians do not lack them.

Vitamin B12 in a Vegetarian Diet

Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the life of the body. Its deficiency can provoke severe headaches, indigestion and diseases of the intestines and nervous system, and can provoke disturbances in the ability to remember information.

It is believed that this vitamin cannot be obtained exclusively from plant foods. And a lot of people criticize vegetarians for that. But, the fact that this vitamin is found only in meat is not true. Sufficient amounts of the vitamin can be obtained from eggs and dairy products. For lacto-vegetarians, this is not a problem, they can easily do this by consuming these products regularly.

Vitamin B12 is essential for good health

In addition, now there are a sufficient number of ways to replenish your supply of vitamin B12. These are brewer's shiver, dry breakfasts with the addition of vitamins, dietary supplements.

Important: Vegetarians should be careful about eating foods with the addition of baker's yeast. They destroy vitamin B12.

Video: Where to get vitamin B12 (how to make up for vitamin B12 deficiency)?

Vegetarian menu for gaining muscle mass

Proper and balanced nutrition is the key to good health, and if you want to gain muscle mass, and the key to success. To do this, you need to include in your menu not only protein, but fats and carbohydrates. The number of meals should be increased to six times a day. These are five basic techniques, and one before bed. If you do not follow this advice, the body will experience a stressful state and store excess fat, in addition, the muscles will begin to break down.

IMPORTANT: Do not eat too much, or skip even one of the meals.

Sample menu for a vegetarian bodybuilder.

  • Freshly squeezed juice from vegetables or fruits
  • At least three slices of whole grain bread
  • Peanut butter
  • Porridge, can be prepared with cow's milk or its substitutes
  • vegetable casserole
  • Nuts, preferably a mixture
  • vegetable soup
  • Vegetable stew
  • soy meat
  • Tempe
  • Fat-free kefir
  • Seeds
  • fruit jam
  • Slice of bread
  • Boiled potatoes, mashed
  • Broccoli boiled or steamed
  • half an avocado

Vegetarian bodybuilders need to include sports supplements in their diet, but they should not be the main source of protein. One half of your daily protein intake comes from supplements and the other half must come from food.

Video: How to gain weight if you are a vegetarian?

The opinion of doctors about vegetarianism

Doctors often oppose vegetarianism. This is especially true for young children, mothers carrying a baby, the elderly and sick people.

But still, most people stop at the idea that vegetarianism is good for health and well-being. This does not apply to the most strict of the types, but includes dairy products and eggs.

In favor of vegetarianism are:

  • Lowering the sugar level
  • Strengthening immunity
  • Complete cleansing of toxins and toxins
  • Improving the condition of blood vessels
  • Cholesterol Reduction

Vegetarian diets may be prescribed to treat or prevent certain diseases.

  • Before starting the transition to a plant-based diet, you should consult with a nutritionist.
  • Pass the necessary tests, undergo a complete examination
  • Together with a specialist, we will determine the necessary set of products
  • Create a detailed menu
  • Develop a smooth transition to a plant-based type of food

Video: The harm and benefits of vegetarianism. Doctors' opinion

Myths about vegetarianism

Vegetarians have many supporters and detractors. Both those and others are looking for arguments in their favor, creating regular myths.

Myths about the dangers of vegetarianism:

  • The first myth says that people who do not eat meat are weak and powerless. In response to this myth, one can list a huge number of vegetarian athletes who have set world records and received the title of champion. But, it should be noted, this became possible only with proper and balanced nutrition.
  • It is believed that in order to assimilate information, it is necessary to eat meat, and vegetarians, refusing it, become more stupid. This was refuted by science, since all the vitamins necessary for this process are found in legumes, and are very well absorbed by the body.
  • Vegetarians do not receive the proteins necessary for life, we refuted this myth at the beginning of the article. You just need to know how to properly mix food, then there can be no question of a shortage.
  • It is believed that vegetarians have a permanent deficiency of iron levels in the blood. But, this trace element is found in a large number of vegetables and fruits, only for its absorption it is necessary to include vitamin C in your diet. Following this rule, a vegetarian will not have problems with hemoglobin levels.
  • Vegetarians are losing weight catastrophically. This can be refuted by world celebrities who adhere to the refusal of meat. These are Brad Pitt, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise, Alicia Silverstone, Pamela Anderson, Orlando Bloom. Looking at their bodies, there can be no talk of any dystrophy

  • Mothers carrying babies, and children themselves, need meat. The proof of the opposite point of view is the Hindus, adherents of a strict religion, and from celebrities, as an example, one can name Uma Thurman, she has been on a vegetarian diet since childhood, and she managed to endure and give birth to completely healthy children herself. Alicia Silverstone can be added to this list.
  • Another belief that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers always ate exclusively meat. But, if you take a good look at history, this is another myth, because strict posts were held for almost the entire year, and the ancestors replenished their energy reserves exclusively with food of plant origin.

Consider the myths created by the adherents of vegetarianism themselves:

  • Switching to a vegetarian diet will help solve problems with being overweight. This is not so, it all depends on the individuality of each organism, and the correctness of the well-thought-out menu. If there is a large amount of fat in the diet, weight can only be gained, not lost.
  • Vegetarians believe that their way of eating is much healthier than that of people who eat meat. The fact that by adhering to the right and healthy eating, testifies to the benefit of this myth. But, at the same time, scientists have proven that eating meat can prevent a number of serious diseases.
  • Vegetarians argue that a person is not able to digest meat, and that this process takes about two days, sucking all the energy out of the body. Scientists have completely refuted this myth, since the acid in the stomach breaks down any food in a short period of time.
  • Vegetarians believe that among them there are more centenarians than among meat eaters. Practice says otherwise.

As you can see from the list, both of them have their own myths and beliefs. A person should consciously approach a vegetarian diet, not forgetting about his health and well-being.

Video: The Best Vegetarian Speech You've Ever Heard

How to gain muscle mass on a vegetarian diet: tips and reviews

  • First of all, novice bodybuilders, vegetarians, need to make correct menu on every day. It must contain fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Only with a balanced diet can you build muscle mass
  • Eat small meals, but often, every three hours
  • Feelings of strong hunger should not be allowed, this will negatively affect the muscles
  • Power loads are mandatory, it is advised to exercise for no longer than half an hour, otherwise there is a big waste of energy, which is very difficult for vegetarians to replenish, and muscles can begin to break down
  • Take vitamin complexes and special sports supplements
  • Obligatory for a set of muscle mass, there is a good sleep and rest, because muscles build up at this time, and not in the process of training.

Video: H Arnold Schwarzenegger Muscle Gain

The transition to vegetarianism beckons with positive changes: awareness, health, peace of mind. But a person in any case needs protein for recovery and growth. Therefore, the question arises if you switched to vegetarianism: where to get protein if you stopped eating meat?

The most protein-rich foods are either seeds or legumes.

Protein for Vegetarians

It is not difficult to calculate your daily protein intake: it is 1 g per 1 kg of body weight. For example, a woman weighing 56 kg is exactly the amount of pure protein required, only in grams. And, without giving up "fast food", she will easily get them by eating 200 g of beef or chicken breast. Lacto-ovo vegetarians who keep eggs and dairy products on the menu will also have no problems. A pair of eggs will provide approximately 15 g of protein, which will be perfectly balanced in terms of amino acid composition and will be absorbed remarkably. Another 40 g - a pack of fat-free cottage cheese or a few slices of cheese (in 100 g of the product - up to 30 g of protein). Here is such a norm. But what about vegans: what sources of protein are best for them?

Vegetable protein: soy

More precisely, soy products, because the beans themselves are practically not eaten with us. According to the amino acid composition, cheese (tofu) and soy meat are very close to beef. In addition, they are low-calorie: 300 kcal per 100 g of dry product and 73 kcal, respectively, and the proteins in them for the same 100 g - 34 g and 52 g. This protein gives vegetarian dishes satiety and well absorbed. Soy milk is comparable to skimmed cow's milk in both calories and protein content - approximately 3 grams per half cup. However, it is unusual in taste, and therefore not everyone likes it. Another significant difference between this protein source: it not only does not provide phosphorus and calcium in optimal proportions for absorption, but also interferes with their absorption.


As with most plant germs, nuts are a bit over the top. In excess, not only protein (20-25 g per 100 g of product), but also fats and calories. It is unlikely that you will gain your protein norm without prejudice to the figure with them, nutritionists emphasize. But, again, you will make any vegetable dish more satisfying and, due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, you will benefit blood vessels and the heart. Especially if you choose the right nuts. It is best to take those that are sold in natural packaging - the shell. Clearly calculate your rate: if you want to lose weight, eat no more than 6-8 medium-sized nuts per day, and not at night, but in the morning.


Lentils, peas, beans (exactly dry, not green), chickpeas are also good sources of protein (about 20 g per 100 g of dry product). They also have a lot of phosphorus and calcium, and in almost the same proportions that are optimal for assimilation as in milk. There is sulfur - a microelement, with the participation of which protein is synthesized. One misfortune - many puffs from such food. This is due to the polysaccharide stachyose. It's what causes gas in those of us whose bodies don't produce enough of the enzymes that break it down. However, it is not difficult to solve this problem: it is enough to soak the legumes in water overnight. Of the legumes, we note chickpeas and its “derivative” - hummus (15 g of protein per 100 g of pasta). This product is very satisfying and combined with bread, another source of protein for vegetarians, provides a good combination of amino acids. This is important because all plant protein sources are incomplete.


Most of the protein in hercules (12 g per 100 g of product), buckwheat (13 g per 100 g of dry product), quite a lot in corn grits and trendy wild rice and quinoa. Since cereals and carbohydrates abound, they are good for tomorrow or lunch, but not for dinner. In order for the cereals to be well saturated, it is better not to boil them until “smeared”. Remove from the stove a little unprepared and leave to reach. You also need to choose cereals wisely: the less processed they are, the better. Buckwheat, prodel, and even buckwheat muesli, let's say, are not bad. But it is better to refuse porridge “only warm up” with dry cream, sweeteners, etc. Of the listed cereals for vegetarians, buckwheat is especially good. It is not only a source of protein, but also contains iron. And his supporters of plant foods are also often lacking.

All sources of vegetable protein are inferior, nutritionists say. Unlike fish, eggs, meat, they do not contain a complete set of essential amino acids. So if you have already decided to give up animal food, otherwise you need to diversify your diet as much as possible. Tofu today, lentils tomorrow, then buckwheat. This is the only way to get all the necessary nutrients for the body.

It has been proven that on a vegan diet it is quite possible to lose up to five kilograms of excess weight in a week. Moreover, due to the increased consumption of fruits and vegetables during the diet, the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins. But in order for weight loss to come, and the effect of the diet was visible to the naked eye, you must follow the basic rules:

1. Eat on demand

You don't have to eat on a schedule. Eat food only when you feel really hungry.

2. We refuse junk food

This includes all types of fast food: from instant vermicelli to french fries. We refrain from carbonated drinks. FROM uhariki and hips change tonuts andseeds. And tea with coffee for herbal infusions.

3. The basis of the basics - vegetables and fruits

Try to make the basis of nutritionvegetables andfruits, with preference given to their raw form. Vegetable fruit purees, salads and juices and smoothies.

4. Combining Diet with Exercise

Make it a rule not to have breakfast without morning exercises. Breakfast is to be earned. Do not neglect physical activity during the day.

5. Dinner should be light.

“Give dinner to the enemy” - this is the famous saying. I must say, a very true statement. Especially for those who switched to vegetarianism in order to lose weight.

6. Minimum heat treatment

Try to heat your food as little as possible.

7. Variety

The most varied food. Every day should bring a new healthy and tasty product or a new combination of them. All the necessary trace elements and vitamins must be present in any diet.

Every athlete knows that you need to eat fractionally, at least 5-6 times a day. At the same time, it should be rich in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The first element is of particular importance, since it is protein that is responsible for building muscle mass.

Protein for the bodybuilder

Trainers have repeatedly conducted research to establish the ideal protein rate. If an athlete does not get the required amount of protein, the muscles grow poorly. The body has nowhere to take an additional source of energy, and it quickly gets tired. Of course, an excess of protein does not mean that in a short time you will become a powerful mountain of muscle mass. Everything should be in moderation, especially when it comes to the diet of a bodybuilder.

After numerous studies, it was found that for stable muscle growth, it is necessary to eat no more than 30 grams of protein (the minimum dosage is 20 grams). In order for each snack to be complete, it is necessary to break food into trace elements. Only in this way will you understand which product contains the necessary 30 grams of healthy protein.

bodybuilder food

The grocery market offers many options for decorating the dining table. But a bodybuilder should not absorb everything. Only a wisely designed menu will allow you to get the desired result. Let's look at the most popular foods that are fortified with proteins. The amount in grams will allow you to calculate the allowable dosage.

First, let's look at the foods that can be included in the athlete's diet. After that, we give a detailed table of calorie content and composition.

  • chicken breast, peeled from skin and bones. The meat of this bird is actively used by all athletes and people concerned about dietary nutrition. There are no carbohydrates in this product, and there is very little fat. But the protein in the breast is enough. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to eat it without sauces, breadcrumbs and mayonnaise. Otherwise, you will get a completely different food composition. In the daily diet of a bodybuilder, there is always a portion with chicken meat.
  • Steak from the thigh of an artiodactyl animal. This product is one of the most favorite in the athlete's diet. It is nice to enjoy the aroma and taste of a freshly fried steak. There are no carbohydrates in this dish, but a lot of protein. It is important that an appetizing piece of thigh is fried without the addition of ketchups and sauces. Otherwise, the calorie content and fat content will increase significantly.

  • Pork chops should also be present in the diet of any athlete. Many will say that this product is fatty and unacceptable in the athlete's menu. In fact, pork tenderloin contains some fat. There are no carbohydrates at all, but the product is enriched with proteins. It is important to properly cook such meat. To do this, soak a fresh piece of pork for 1-4 hours in slightly salty water. So the product will become more tender and pleasant. After that, fry each side in a pan for three minutes. Next, the tenderloin is placed in the oven, heated to 200 degrees, where the appetizing piece languishes for another eight minutes.
  • Salmon attracts many with its taste. It is impossible not to enjoy the aroma of a properly cooked fish fillet. Celebrity chefs always include this product in their signature dishes. Of course, it is not necessary for an athlete to be distinguished by the ability to cook exquisitely. It is quite enough to be able to put out or cook salmon meat. In nature, eight varieties of Pacific salmon and one Atlantic salmon are known. The latter has especially tender meat. Not to mention canned fish. Such salmon is also rich in protein, which is important for a bodybuilder. Therefore, if you like fish, then feel free to enrich your menu with this product.
  • canned tuna must be present in the diet of any athlete. On the shelves of the store you can find several types of fish - striped, yellow and blue. The last species of fish is on the verge of extermination. Therefore, if you are not indifferent to the fate of the poor fish, then pass by the showcase with bluefin tuna meat. It is best to choose a striped representative of tuna for your diet. There are plenty of proteins in this product, and the amount of fat is minimized. This is a wonderful product for anyone who pumps their body. The only drawback of the product is that it quickly becomes boring.

  • Octopus will appeal to all connoisseurs of seafood. In our stores, it is sold frozen. You can safely buy one package, and dilute the daily diet with six small octopuses. It is best to cook them on the grill. If you do not like this type of cooking, then just boil the seafood for three minutes. The taste of this product is peculiar, the smell too.
  • chicken eggs Allows you to cook multiple food options. It can be an omelette, scrambled eggs or just a boiled product. Eggs are an excellent source of protein, but we must not forget about the fat content. Therefore, you can not eat them in large quantities. When possible, it is better to buy the product from farmers who receive eggs naturally. At poultry farms, there are far from humane methods of “persuading” chickens - current is used. Of course, it's up to everyone which egg to boil for breakfast. In any case, the nutritional properties are the same in each of these products.
  • - This is a nut that is rich not only in healthy protein, but also in fats. It is better not to include it in your daily menu. It is better to consume almonds once a week. In supermarkets, you can find peeled almonds, packaged in packages of various weights.

  • Peanut butter becomes a favorite delicacy of bodybuilders with a sweet tooth. This product is rich in proteins and unsaturated fats. Of course, you should not abuse it, but you can afford to eat 2-5 teaspoons with toast. The amount of carbohydrates in the product is also rather big.
  • Cottage cheese is a dairy product obtained by processing sour milk. Cottage cheese is valued for its casein content, which is necessary for everyone who is fond of power loads. Milk product, as a rule, eats before going to bed so that the muscle fibers are restored after tiring exercises. During the day, it is also permissible to consume cottage cheese, especially if you like this product. But you should beware of curd masses with a variety of additives that will not benefit anyone. Choose grainy cottage cheese with a natural color. Pay attention to the expiration date - natural cottage cheese cannot be stored for more than a week.
  • Greek yogurt recently found its buyer among people who take care of their body. By consistency, such a product resembles Georgian matsoni. Unlike the usual yogurt, in the Greek product, the spoon "stands" in the literal sense. A large amount of milk is used for its production. At the final stage, whey, sugar and lactose are completely expelled. Due to this, Greek yogurt has become a dietary product, and has earned the love of bodybuilders.
  • Skimmed milk is also a very popular drink. This is perhaps the cheapest and most affordable source of protein. All protein shakes and powders are obtained from this product. So if you like cow's milk, then drink to your health.

  • Tofu- a product that still causes enough controversy. Someone is convinced that soy provokes the production female hormone. And although scientists have proven otherwise several times, athletes still look at this source of protein with caution.
  • Peas, lentils, beans and peanuts- a source of not only protein, but also fiber. Vegetarian bodybuilders have long proven that this source of protein can safely grow muscles. Of course, there is a second side of this affordable product - gas formation.
  • Quinoa is a product that you may have heard about for the first time. This is a cereal crop, located on a shelf in a supermarket next to buckwheat and peas. Look closely and you will surely see it. Grass sprouts in areas of mountain slopes. Until 2006, no one paid attention to this product; it was eaten by low-income residents of Bolivia and Peru. But soon everything changed, and quinoa became the leading grain crop for all vegetarians and adherents of a healthy diet.

All these products can be safely included in the diet of any athlete. With this protein content, muscle mass will begin to grow with moderate strength. At the same time, it is important to take into account that the table calculates products without adding additional spices and sauces. If you are for a healthy lifestyle, then it is better to completely abandon such supplements.

Of course, there is always an alternative - protein supplements. Sports stores offer powdered formulas that are loaded with the right amount of protein. You choose which approach to nutrition suits your body. Train wisely, and only then will the benefits of enhanced training be noticeable.

Protein source videos:

But what about protein? Where do you get protein? These are the most popular questions from friends and acquaintances regarding my veganism. And these questions genuinely amuse me. Well, the truth is, I have never seen a vegan who dies from a lack of protein and whispers to his death: “protein, give me protein!”. Or a surgeon, seeing a patient on a stretcher, puts on a gown and says to the nurse: “the diagnosis is “veganism”, an injection of protein is urgently needed”)))

It just so happened that in people the words "protein" and "protein" are strongly associated with meat. Let's figure it out right now, and answer the most common questions about protein:

  • What is the best source of protein?
  • Can vegetable protein replace animal protein?
  • How much protein does a person need?
  • Where do vegetarians get their protein from?
  • Do I need to strictly follow the diet and eat certain foods to provide the body with protein?
  • Do athletes need protein (protein powder)?

The protein was discovered in 1839 by the Dutch chemist Gerhard Mulder. That is, less than 200 years ago, humanity did not care at all about the question “Where can I get protein?”. But now it worries us a lot)

The word "protein" (aka protein) comes from the Greek "proteios", which means "of paramount importance." You can't argue here. Proteins do perform very important functions - they act in the body as enzymes, hormones, tissues and transport molecules. Thanks to all these functions, we exist. Basically, we are made up of proteins.

Proteins, in turn, are made up of thousands of amino acids. Their reserves in our body are constantly depleted and must be replaced by new ones - including from food. It happens like this: when we eat, the protein from food is broken down into individual amino acids and thus supplies the body with new “building blocks” to replace those that have already been destroyed. Moreover, different food proteins differ depending on how well and completely they supply our body with essential amino acids.

And here just there is an opinion that protein from meat is the best. There are 22 types of amino acids (previously thought to be only 20) that are involved in human protein synthesis. Of these, 9 are irreplaceable (which the body cannot synthesize itself and receives them only from the outside - with food). So, meat has all the necessary amino acids, which creates an aura of uniqueness around it and puts an equal sign between the words "protein" and "meat". Plants also have amino acids, but not all at once. Let's say wild rice lacks 2 amino acids. In another plant product, these 2 amino acids are present, but there are no others. But let's see - is it really that important? As always, the devil is in the details.

It used to be that all essential amino acids must be present in every meal, which just puts a plus in favor of meat. Many still mistakenly think so. Meanwhile, studies have long shown that this is not so - it is not even necessary to eat this entire set of amino acids every day, because the body is efficient and has a certain reserve of amino acids. Moreover, this reserve is replenished not only from food, but also from the body's own proteins! That is, our body processes 100 - 300 grams of its own protein every day. It is amazing! This once again confirms my opinion that our body is created perfectly, it is its own healer))) You just need to let it do its job, without interfering, without clogging it.

It's the same with vitamins - we don't have to have a dose of vitamin C every day! When we eat foods rich in this vitamin, the body also creates a reserve. And the real depletion of this reserve is possible only if we do not use vitamin C for a very long time.

The conclusion is - our protein needs are easily met by plant foods, it is a fact. A fact confirmed by scientists, and a fact confirmed by the experience of hundreds of thousands of vegans, healthy and far from dystrophy)

Now for the meat. Yes, in terms of amino acids, meat is really more efficient than plants because there are more amino acids. But this is only one side of the coin. And the other side of the coin is that the meat in human body poorly digested, tk. these amino acids are poorly broken down and become poor-quality "building material"! This leads to the fact that the clear effective work of the body fails and as a result we start to get sick. I wrote a lot about this.

Everything is aggravated by the fact that we do not eat meat raw, and heat treatment denatures proteins, that is, their molecular structure changes, and human digestive enzymes can no longer completely break down this protein into amino acids. An incompletely split protein is perceived by the body as an “uninvited guest” that needs to be disposed of as soon as possible! That is, the protein is suitable for the body only when it is qualitatively split into individual amino acids. This is just provided by fresh plant foods - vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts.

In general, you need to look at the body in a complex way, and not take any one factor out of context - they say, there are more amino acids in meat and that's it. This is silly. Just as stupid as taking into account only the fact that a person gave a thousand rubles to charity, but forgetting that he then dismembered cats at night!

In general, to the question of which protein is better, I consciously and confidently answer - vegetable. This is confirmed by many scientific studies, which I wrote about and - be sure to read.

How much protein does the body need?

For some reason, it is commonly believed that the more the better! Especially protein diets are popular among athletes and losing weight. In fact, these are very dangerous diets that only work in the short term! In the longer term, they cause tremendous harm to the body! I'll explain why.

Despite the advertising and active promotion of protein diets on the Internet, scientific studies show that a person needs to get about 10% of protein from food in order to be healthy, and it should be predominantly vegetable proteins. This is described in detail in the book "The China Study" by Colin Campbell - it describes the results of a global study lasting almost 40 years, covering several countries of the world. In short, the bottom line is this - exceeding the share of animal protein by 10% leads to an imbalance in all body systems and the development of diseases, up to cancer, diabetes and other terrible ailments. I wrote about this study.

Many official organizations, including the World Health Organization, also believe that 10% of calories from protein is enough for a person.

Another significant factor for me is breast milk, which contains 6% of calories from proteins! And this is for a child who is growing at a frantic pace every day! It's a fact that babies have the highest protein requirement of any human. Please consider this information! If this amount of protein (6%) is enough for a child to grow intensively, then why are you so worried that you won’t have enough!

An adult can be compared to an already built brick house - during construction, a lot of bricks were needed, but now bricks are needed in a small amount- for repairs. But we don't want to take it into account, we keep driving wagons with bricks so that the whole house is already littered! That is, we eat so many proteins that the body is always littered with them and is constantly in a state of intoxication.

For those who are used to calculating the rate of protein intake in grams per unit of body weight, 0.8 g per 1 kg of body weight is enough. That is, for me, this is 40 grams of protein per day. This norm was established back in 1989 and was calculated as follows:

  • The balance of nitrogen in the body is studied, which determines the amount of proteins necessary to replenish the "inevitable losses" (through sweat, urine, poop, skin exfoliation, loss of hair and nails).
  • The standard error (25%) is added to the obtained value.
  • Plus, an additional error is added for the quality of the protein and its digestibility.

That is, even the error is included in 0.8 grams! In The China Study, Professor Colin Campbell talks about the same thing - we only need 5-6% of calories from protein to make up for the loss, but 9-10% is usually recommended to make sure that most people get these necessary 5 -6%. It's just a safety net, mainly due to the fact that many people eat too many cooked foods, the protein from which is not absorbed very effectively.

In general, 10% of calories from protein is what you need for health! Don't be surprised it's not enough! All of us have simply unwittingly become victims of the propaganda that is unfolding by large industrial corporations in the vastness of television, radio, and the Internet. This propaganda has changed our perception of reality so much that we ourselves are already confused about where is the truth and where is the lie. Time to listen to scientific facts and your body, and not to advertising.

But what about athletes?

Protein and athletes.

Athletes are no exception! 10% Plant-Based Protein - Ideal for the Athlete. Many athletes are protein freaks - they eat super doses of protein and reduce their carbohydrate intake. In this case, the following happens - with insufficient consumption of carbohydrates, the body's need for proteins increases, and the body converts proteins into carbohydrates and uses them as fuel. That is, the body cannot be deceived - we artificially increase the protein, while the body lacks carbohydrates and a significant part of the protein goes "to replace carbohydrates." Like this!

Those who like to sip weights (I call them "pumping") still want to deceive the body - and increase the dose of protein even more (including with the help of protein shakes). Yes, muscles grow at the same time, but the body suffers, this is unnatural for it! In addition, all these high protein foods are also high-fat foods, which is very harmful. Here are some examples:

  • Eggs contain over 60% fat.
  • "Lean" ground beef contains 60% fat.
  • Cheddar cheese contains 72% fat; cream cheese - 88%.
  • Almonds and sunflower seeds contain 73% fat each.

Personally, I love my body and take care of it, so I eat lots and lots of healthy carbohydrates and some proteins and fats. At the same time, my body remains healthy and clean, and the level of physical activity not only does not suffer, but, on the contrary, grows. After all, carbohydrates are energy! With the transition to veganism, I noticed that I had never been involved in sports so actively! Strength for training is not only enough, but remains! In the mornings, I alternate jogging with power complexes (every other day). I go to yoga 3 times a week in the evenings. I ride a bike to work in the summer (10 km one way). I swim in the pool in winter and in the river in summer. Even in the subway, I want to run up the escalator)))

So I tell you not by hearsay - sports and racing are best friends! And no protein here!

What should you do to provide yourself with the right amount of protein?

And the last question - does a vegan need to somehow bother with his diet in order to provide the necessary 10% protein?

The answer is no, no, and again no! And that's the beauty of veganism! You don't even have to think about combining proteins or choosing foods. Nature has already done everything for us! Plant foods contain just 5-10% protein, and this is the norm.. All, absolutely all plant foods contain protein. So you will not be left without it, the problem is simply far-fetched.

There is a misconception that a vegan needs to eat tons of nuts to get any protein. This is not true. Nuts really stand out among all plant foods for their high protein content. But you don't need to eat a lot. As I wrote above, we do not need excess protein (and even more so excess fat in nuts). Therefore, eat nuts without fanaticism, as a dessert. And if you don’t eat enough of them and don’t really like them, then don’t worry about protein - you will get it from other products!

You can see that fruits contain on average 4-8% proteins, and vegetables - from 10% to 30%! True, vegetables are so low in calories that even large amounts of them will not add many “protein calories” to your daily intake. Nevertheless, when I personally wrote down everything I eat in a notebook for 2 weeks, it turned out that I get my 7-10% of proteins per day stably. And I don't need more!

The article turned out to be long, a summing up suggests itself)))


So, we found out that from the point of view of the health of the body, vegetable proteins are much more useful! Their complex effect on the body is extremely positive. Especially if you eat as much fresh plant food as possible, without processing. It is almost impossible to overeat plant-based proteins, since vegan foods contain about 10% of them - exactly how much the body needs in order to work efficiently! Athletes and people leading an active lifestyle also need 10% protein. They need more healthy carbs than more protein in their diet!

Eat more vegetables, fruits, greens, fresh nuts! For a change, dilute this meal with delicious vegan dishes cooked with health (no frying in oil). Be active, do not forget about sports! And then your body will be grateful to you) And no questions about how much protein you ate will definitely worry you)))

  • What foods contain protein is an urgent issue when getting rid of extra pounds and when gaining muscle mass. The use of the right protein foods will help give the figure the necessary harmony, and the body with a sporty relief.

    The human body all the time needs to restore muscle tissues and internal organs whose cells are aging, injured by foreign microorganisms or as a result of force physical activity, bumps, falls, and therefore need to be replaced.

    An important role in this is played by proteins and the amino acids they contain: cystine, cysteine ​​and methionine, which are involved in the synthesis of collagen, a trace element that maintains healthy skin, nails and hair.

    Proteins also affect the hormonal background, normalizing insulin levels and preventing metabolic disorders, excess weight, diabetes and early aging.

    Note! Protein is quite often confused with protein, considering them synonyms; but in fact this is not entirely true: its meaning implies one of the types of protein, and not the protein itself.

    In general, there are two types of protein: simple and complex. Complex proteins form the following solid structures in epithelial (outer), bone and connective tissues, ensuring their density, elasticity and low damage:

    • collagen- protein of the skin, bones, cartilage, joints (food products with it: turkey, beef, gelatin; salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, fish oil, salmon; seafood: kelp and other algae);
    • keratin- makes up the horny covering - nails, hair (formed by combining lean meat with sour fruits (for example, lemon); found in milk, fish);
    • elastin- provides elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, tendons (unlike collagen, it is present mainly in dairy and marine products, in plant foods: buckwheat, oatmeal and millet porridge, apricots, carrots, pumpkin, avocados, cabbage, sea buckthorn, gooseberries, currants, walnuts and almonds, grape seeds).
    Before you find out which foods contain protein, you should know that this substance is presented in two forms: complex proteins (collagen, keratin, elastin) and simple proteins (gluten)

    A simple plant protein is gluten. They are rich in wheat products, gluten is the basis of their gluten. This protein is characterized not only positive influence on the body, quite often it causes allergies in adults and children.

    What foods contain protein

    In a balanced diet, it is necessary to obtain proteins from all types of foods rich in them with a high percentage of digestibility, namely:

    • meat: all dietary meats (90%), eggs (97 - 100%);
    • fish (90%);
    • dairy (95 - 100%);
    • vegetable: legumes and cereals (70 - 80%).

    It's important to know! In a separate diet, foods that contain large amounts of protein should be consumed separately from each other, since different types of protein require the simultaneous production of various enzymes by the digestive glands.

    Not all proteins are digested at the same rate, and some can linger in the digestive system, causing fermentation and indigestion.

    Animal products as the main source of protein

    According to the results of studies conducted by nutritionists, a person needs to eat from 100 to 200 g of meat per day, 100-400 g of cottage cheese and 2-3 eggs per day to cover the daily protein requirement. Also, according to WHO recommendations, you need to eat at least 200-300 g of freshly cooked fish per week - then the body will not feel a lack of amino acids that cannot be synthesized by it.

    What animal products contain protein (from 15 to 30 or more g of protein per 100 g):

    100 g of soy meat - 35 g of protein
    • Soy meat (35 g).
    • Hard cheeses (24–30 g).
    • Tuna (20 - 25 g).
    • Rabbit meat (21 g).
    • Beef (20 g).
    • Low-fat cottage cheese (15–18 g).

    9 to 15 g of protein per 100 g:

    • Fatty cottage cheese (14 g).
    • Eggs (12.7 g).

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    Nuts and seeds containing protein

    Nuts and seeds include a complex of useful substances: potassium iodide, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, potassium, essential poly- and monounsaturated fats, as well as omega fats, which are necessary to strengthen the immune system, metabolism, good memory and improve mental abilities.

    Interesting fact! The properties of walnut fruits were noticed by the ancient Assyrians: they were forbidden to be given as food to slaves so that they would not develop extraordinary mental abilities.

    Nuts and seeds are no less valuable in the diet of vegetarians, some types of nuts contain 2 times more proteins than in meat:

    Cotton seeds are also quite rich in proteins.
    • cotton seeds - 34.5 g;
    • rapeseed - 30.8 g;
    • large-fruited pumpkin seeds - 30 g;
    • plum pits - 28.5 g;
    • dried watermelon seeds - 28.3 g;
    • peanuts - 26.3 g;
    • mustard seeds - 25.8;
    • cashew - 25.7 g;
    • apricot kernel - 25 g;

    Pumpkin seeds contain 24.5 g of protein
    • pumpkin seeds - 24.5 g;
    • black walnut, dried - 24 g;
    • almonds - 21 g;
    • hemp seeds, sunflower seeds - 20 g;
    • cumin seeds - 17.8 g;
    • hazelnuts - 16.1 g;
    • walnut - 15.2 g;
    • pine nuts - 11.6 g.

    Grains and legumes that are high in protein

    Plant foods, such as various cereals and legumes, contain a large amount of protein in their composition. What are these products, discussed below:

    In legumes, proteins are present in a fairly large amount.
    • mung bean - 23.5 g;
    • black beans - 8.9 g;
    • red beans - 8.4 g.
    • lentils - 7.8 g;
    • white beans - 7 g;
    • beans, peas - 6 g.

    Of the cereals are in the lead:

    Protein-containing cereals are primarily spelled, buckwheat and oatmeal.
    • spelled - 14.7 g;
    • buckwheat - 12.6 g;
    • oatmeal - 12.3 g;
    • millet - 11.5 g;
    • barley - 10 g;
    • rye grain - 9.9 g.

    What vegetables contain protein

    Among vegetable crops, there are many that contain large amounts of protein. Among the vegetables, the following leaders can be distinguished:

    Among vegetables, garlic is the champion in protein content.
    • garlic - 6.5 g;
    • Brussels sprouts - 4.8 g;
    • broccoli - 3 g;
    • cauliflower - 2.5 g;
    • kohlrabi - 2.8 g;
    • Jerusalem artichoke - 2.1 g;

    Potato contains 2 g of protein
    • potatoes, sweet potatoes - 2 g;
    • white cabbage - 1.8 g;
    • turnip, zucchini, beets, burdock root - 1.5 g;
    • onion - 1.4 g;
    • sweet pepper - 1.3 g.

    Other foods rich in protein

    Many other foods are also rich in protein. Do not forget about greens, dried and fresh fruits, berries:

    Among dried fruits, dried apricots are the richest in protein.
    • dried apricots - 5.2 g;
    • fern - 4.6 g;
    • parsley - 3.7 g;
    • basil - 3.2 g;
    • figs - 3.1 g;
    • spinach - 2.9 g;
    • dill, dates - 2.5 g;
    • bananas - 1.5 g;
    • lettuce leaves - 1.2 g;
    • black currant, kiwi - 1 g.

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    Top 10 Highest Protein Foods

    It is always important for athletes and those who are on a protein diet for weight loss to know which foods contain the required amount of the substance in question for a daily diet. Below is a table listing the top leaders.

    The product's nameProtein content (g)Benefits for the body
    Gelatin 87,2 Contains nicotinic acid, elastin and collagen, keratin, calcium, iron
    Soy meat 52 Rich in phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, folic acid
    Sunflower flour 48,1 Contains a large amount of vitamins (A, B, C), zinc, potassium, iron, magnesium and selenium
    Skimmed milk powder 33,2 In the composition, in addition to protein, cobalt, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, silicon, almost all groups of vitamins
    parmesan cheese 33 Rich in calcium, selenium, iron, zinc, potassium and a complex of vitamins (groups B, A, C, D, E, K,)
    Chicken breast 29,8 Contains a large amount of minerals: potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc. Vitamin PP, thiamine
    White tuna (albacore) 27 The composition contains phosphorus and chromium, rich in potassium, sulfur, retinol, zinc, cobalt
    Mash (mung beans) 23,5 Rich in iodine, iron, potassium and calcium, contains a large amount of vitamins (groups B, A, PP, E, H)
    Keta 22 Contains fluorine, iodine, manganese, iron, silicon and zinc. All groups of vitamins
    rabbit meat 21 Contains ascorbic and folic acid, B vitamins, iron, iodine, zinc and calcium

    It's important to know! An excess of protein can lead to diseases of the kidneys, liver, joint pain, gastrointestinal disorders, such as flatulence, constipation, microflora disturbance due to fermentation in the intestines caused by residual proteins not digested by the body.

    The lack of proteins can provoke muscle atrophy, premature skin aging, rashes, swelling, reduced resistance to infections, osteochondrosis, rickets, dystrophy.

    Protein is a useful element for the body, in order to avoid a deficiency of this component, it is necessary to eat foods rich in it. However, you should not get carried away only with protein products, since their overabundance leads to negative consequences for the body.

    Watch an interesting and useful video about which foods contain protein:

    Here are our top 5 high protein foods:

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