The specifics of the professional activity of a speech therapist teacher in an inclusive educational space. The specifics of the work of a teacher - a speech therapist in an inclusive practice Speech therapist at school features of work

“The specifics of the work of a speech therapist teacher at a school speech center From the experience of N.V. Abramova, teacher-speech therapist of MOU secondary school No. 6 in Birobidzhan. Birobidzhan, 2011 The specifics of the work...»

Regional State Autonomous Educational Institution

additional professional education

"Institute for Advanced Training of Pedagogical Workers"

NGO "Pedagogical Association of the EAO RF"

Work specifics

speech pathologist

at the school booth

From work experience

N.V. Abramova, teacher-speech therapist

MOU secondary school No. 6 of Birobidzhan.

Birobidzhan, 2011

The specifics of the work of a speech therapist at a school speech center: From experience

works by N.V. Abramova, teacher-speech therapist of MOU secondary school No. 6 in Birobidzhan. - Birobidzhan: OblIPKPR, 2011. - 36 p.

Collection "The specifics of the work of a teacher-speech therapist at a school speech center"

Compiled by Volynskaya O.S., methodologist of the Regional Institute of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Belarus, Managing editor T.A. Fain, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Rector of the Regional Institute of the Republic of Belarus, Corresponding Member of IANP, Honorary Worker of General Education Proofreader V.P. Fomenko, methodologist OblIPKPR Computer layout T.N. Serga, methodologist of the Regional IPKPR The collection presents the experience of a speech therapist teacher at a school speech center, revealing the goals, objectives, specifics and planning of the speech therapist's activities with children with speech disorders in accordance with and taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.

The specifics of the work of a speech therapist at a school speech center


Appendix 2 WORKING CURRICULUM. Grade 2

Annex 3 Summaries of the lesson Grade 1 “Oral and written speech. Autumn ........ 25 Appendix 4 Summary of the lesson “Sounds and letters in grade 1. Journey to the land of sound letters. Pets"

Appendix 5 Summary of the lesson “Differentiation of sounds and letters [d-t]. Clothing". 1 class

3A WORD ABOUT THE SPEECH THERAPIST Natalia Viktorovna Abramova graduated from the Birobidzhan State Pedagogical Institute in 1996 with a degree in Pedagogy and methods of primary education, oligophrenopedagogy. Her teaching experience as a speech therapist is 9 years.

Natalia Viktorovna carries out work aimed at the maximum correction of the speech development of children. The teacher-speech therapist builds corrective work in accordance with the requirements for the organization of the speech therapy process at school, annually conducting an examination of the oral and written speech of students. Based on the results of the survey, he completes groups, determines the students with whom he works on correcting sound pronunciation. Natalia Viktorovna builds speech therapy work with children in accordance with the diagnoses and taking into account the individual and psychophysiological characteristics of children. All work with children of speech pathologists at school No. 6 is carried out both in the form of group and individual lessons, built taking into account general didactic principles. The material offered to children by a speech therapist corresponds to their speech and age characteristics. The content of the stages of each lesson and its methods meet the goals and objectives set and take place in a friendly atmosphere, due to the fact that in each lesson the speech therapist includes elements of entertainment: speech games, exercises for the development of fine motor skills, non-speech mental processes - everything that helps to maintain the interest of children their full and free expression.

The teacher-speech therapist seeks to combine all tasks with one lexical topic, the plot of a fairy tale or story. N.V. Abramova also successfully uses health-saving technologies that help prevent overwork and relieve tension in children: physical minutes with elements of theatricalization, finger games, breathing exercises and relaxation moments. During the whole time, Natalia Viktorovna works in close contact with teachers and parents of students. She constantly attends lessons and open events where she observes children and their speech;

reviews the written work of students, in order to identify dysgraphic errors, conducts written tests. A speech therapist regularly consults with parents and speaks to them at meetings.

N.V. Abramova systematically improves her professional level:

undergoes coursework in order to improve pedagogical competence, is actively engaged in professional self-education, search and research work. So, in 2008, she participated in the regional competition "Teacher-speech therapist of the year"

and, taking first place, was awarded a diploma and a valuable gift. Department of Education of the City Hall of Birobidzhan, teacher-speech therapist N.V. Abramova was awarded a diploma for active participation in the city review-competition of classrooms, workshops, studios in the nomination "Pedagogical support for the child."

Being the head of the city methodological association of teachers of speech therapists, Natalia Viktorovna takes an active part in its work, as well as in the work of city, regional seminars, school teachers' councils. In 2008, she completed a course of training under the program "Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the activities of a speech therapist in working with children with speech disorders." In the same year, together with a psychologist, she spoke at a city speech therapy seminar, presenting to its audience a report and an electronic presentation on the topic “Relationship

4speech therapist and educational psychologist in work with younger schoolchildren” (this report was published in a brochure published based on the materials of the seminar).

In 2011 N.V. Abramova spoke at the international scientific and practical conference "Creating optimal conditions for psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children in educational institutions" (materials of the speech were also published in the collection). Natalia Viktorovna took part in organizing a club for a young psychologist and speech therapist; she regularly conducts open classes for teachers and parents of students. Working closely with 4-5 year students of the Far Eastern State Civil Aviation Academy of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology (CPE), N.V. Abramova is a reviewer of diploma theses in speech therapy at the FESCA.

Abramova: in 2008 - “The relationship between a speech therapist teacher and a psychologist teacher in working with younger students” (scientific and practical conference “Speech therapy service:

present and future”, publishing house); in 2011 - the article "Speech therapist + teacher - the key to success in teaching a child" (international scientific and practical conference "Creating optimal conditions for psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children in educational institutions").

Confidently owning modern educational technologies and methods, Natalia Viktorovna Abramova effectively applies them in her daily work, masters and puts into practice the latest scientific and methodological developments in her subject, uses new effective methods for diagnosing and correcting speech pathologies, which allows her to achieve stable positive results. .

O.S. Volynskaya, methodologist of the Regional Institute of the Republic of Belarus


Recently, the contingent of students in general education schools has undergone significant changes. Every year, among those entering the first grade, the number of children with various deviations in speech development increases, which hinders full-fledged educational activities.

Violations of sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and phonemic processes that are not eliminated in time cause difficulties in communicating with others in children of primary school age, and in the future they lead to certain changes in the personality along the path of development “child - teenager - adult”: a person’s complexion will prevent him from learning and in fully reveal their natural abilities and intellectual capabilities.

The problem of writing disorders in elementary school children, in my opinion, is one of the most urgent, since writing and reading at the initial stages of education are the goal, and in the future - the means of obtaining knowledge by students. Despite the variety of approaches to the study of oral and written speech of younger schoolchildren and the huge number of author's methods for diagnosing various components of the speech of children in this category, the relevance of the identified problem is obvious.

In connection with the transition to integrated education, the requirements for a speech therapist teacher working at a speech center of a general educational institution have increased. This applies both to the problems of differential diagnosis and the development of methods and techniques. corrective work.

Therefore, I consider the main goal of my work to be the provision of speech therapy assistance to students who have deviations in the development of speech, which in the future can cause

5 violation of written speech, that is, I am engaged in the prevention of secondary violations, which is the specifics of the work of a speech therapist teacher at a school speech center, as well as the correction of existing violations of written speech. Such violations include:

general speech underdevelopment (ONR), phonemic speech underdevelopment (FN), phonetic speech underdevelopment (FN), phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment (FFN), as well as various types of dysgraphia and dyslexia.

In my work, I see the main task - the elimination of defects in the oral and written speech of children and the formation of the prerequisites for the full assimilation of general educational programs in their native language.

Each teacher builds his work according to a specific program. Speech therapists of preschool institutions successfully use existing correctional programs to overcome OHP, FNR and FFNR. Teachers-speech therapists of schools are deprived of such an opportunity.

Without a program recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for overcoming violations of writing and reading, they are forced to use only methodological recommendations for planning and organizing work or author's developments on this problem.

Working at a school speech center and using my work (training) programs for more than a year, I was convinced of the effectiveness of their application. They were compiled in accordance with the instructional letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated December 14, 2000 No. 2 “On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center of a general educational institution”;

instructive-methodical letter to the work of a speech therapist at the "On a comprehensive school", ed. A.V. Yastrebova and T.B. Bessonova (M., 1996).

Work on the programs I have created is effective, as it reflects the dynamics of the development of oral and written speech. The data on the dynamics of the development of oral speech in children with OHP are shown in Table 1.

Table 1.

Dynamics of oral speech development in children with OHP

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Analysis written works at the diagnostic and control stages showed that the number of dysgraphic errors significantly decreased in second-graders attending speech therapy classes at the school speech center.

So, out of 10 students, gaps in written speech were eliminated in the majority.

6 The specifics of the work of a teacher-speech therapist of a school speech center is the use of various forms of organization of work with children with speech disorders, built in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

According to the new standards, I developed a program for first-graders with the inclusion of various lexical topics and elements of the regional component.

An important condition for the successful assimilation of the material is a variety of types of work, the inclusion of gaming moments in the lessons, the use of didactic and handouts, and physical minutes. The program is built taking into account the age characteristics of children.

At the logopoint, I created the necessary conditions for speech therapy classes. The cabinet is equipped with modern furniture: tables and chairs according to the number of children involved in one subgroup, a working wall, a wall mirror for individual work on sound pronunciation, and a magnetic board.

In my work I use a lot of colorful and interesting didactic material. This is a visual material for examining children, various study guides, subject and plot pictures, diagrams, albums for working on sound pronunciation, electronic presentations.

Children always go to speech therapy classes with great pleasure. They really like to study in the cozy office of the speech center in an atmosphere of kindness and friendliness.

Especially popular among young children in individual classes are various games for the development of fine motor skills of hands: “Funny lacing”, manipulations with puzzles, split pictures, various mosaics, soft geometric shapes.

An indicator of its work and the ultimate goal of the school speech center is to improve the state of oral and written speech of students, as well as the further socialization of the child. For this I apply all my professional knowledge and skills.



Explanatory note The Federal State Educational Standard (FGOS) of Primary General Education, which came into force in 2011, involves the introduction of new approaches to the organization in the primary education system of comprehensive assistance to children in mastering the program in primary school. A separate section of the Federal State Educational Standard is devoted to the program of corrective work aimed at overcoming shortcomings in the physical and (or) mental development of students, their social adaptation.

Creating special conditions for training and education that take into account the special educational needs of children with disabilities through the individualization and differentiation of the educational process is the main goal of the program of correctional work. Regarding the category of children with speech disorders, a form of correctional work is common, involving group and individual speech therapy classes, which are held in their free time from school. Preliminary diagnostics of students allows you to combine younger students into certain groups, taking into account the types of speech disorders and individual typological characteristics of each child, and then plan corrective work.

The program is aimed at creating conditions for the effective implementation and development by students of the main educational program of primary general education, including providing conditions for the individual development of all students, especially those who are most in need of special learning conditions, and is designed for timely identification, prevention and elimination of the shortcomings of oral and written speech that some of the children have.

Particular attention is paid to first grade students. The earlier the correction of speech disorders in students begins, the higher its effectiveness both in terms of eliminating speech defects proper, not complicated by primary and secondary consequences, and the pedagogical neglect that accompanies them.

The material is selected taking into account the gradual transition from simple to complex with the inclusion of lexical topics in classes aimed at clarifying, enriching and activating vocabulary children, the development of coherent speech, as well as the introduction of a regional component in order to develop the cognitive sphere of students within our region. The stages of classes involve the introduction of exercises for the formation of phonemic processes, training tasks for the development of sound analysis and synthesis, games for the education of auditory attention and memory, visual gnosis, etc. computer technologies.

The practical part of the classes includes games and tasks for the development of articulatory, general and fine motor skills, graphomotor skills, consolidation of knowledge in the field of visual-spatial orientation.

The program is designed to conduct two classes per week with a certain number of children in groups (ONR-III - 4 people, HOHR - 5 people). Diagnostics is carried out twice a year: introductory - in September, final - in May.

8The program was developed on the basis of:

Instructional letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated December 14, 2000 No. 2 “On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center of a general educational institution”;

Instructive-methodical letter "On the work of a speech therapist teacher at a general education school", ed. A.V. Yastrebova, T.B. Bessonova (Moscow, 1996).

GOAL. The main goal of the program is to overcome deviations in speech development and carry out corrective work to prevent all types of dysgraphia and dyslexia in children for their further socialization.


Teaching various forms of inflection and methods of word formation.

Enrichment of vocabulary and development of coherent speech of students.

Teaching phonemic analysis and synthesis, sound-syllabic analysis.

Development of non-speech mental processes:

Breathing, articulatory and manual motility;

Improving visual analysis and synthesis;

Development of auditory and visual perception and recognition;

Expanding visual and auditory memory.

Development and improvement of psychological prerequisites for learning:

Stability of attention, observation in relation to linguistic phenomena, the ability to memorize, the ability to switch attention;

Education of skills and techniques of self-control;

Formation of cognitive activity.

Development and improvement of communicative readiness for learning, formation of communicative skills and abilities, adequate situations of educational activity.

EXPECTED RESULT. The timely elimination of speech pathology in students, the objective qualification of their oral speech defects and the organization of corrective training adequate to the defect make it possible not only to prevent the appearance of writing and reading disorders in speech pathologists (as a secondary defect in relation to oral speech), but also to prevent lagging schoolchildren in the assimilation of program material in their native language.

As a result of regular classes, articulatory motor skills in children improve, fine and general motor skills develop, their speech becomes clearer, emotionally colored and expressive, the vocabulary of students is enriched and activated.

The Russian language program is easier to digest, there are fewer errors in written speech (substitutions, distortions, omissions of letters, syllables).

As a result of mastering the educational material of the program, students should acquire the following skills.


Good mobility of the organs of articulation, which include the tongue, lips, lower jaw, soft palate;

Accuracy, strength and differentiation of the movements of these organs;

The development of full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.


Isolate individual sentences from the flow of oral speech, determine their number, hear the intonation with which each is pronounced;

9use means of creating expressiveness: voice coloring (intonation), facial expressions;

Understand questions and tasks, instructions of the teacher;

Create oral statements based on diagrams, drawings.


Distinguish between the concepts of "sound" and "letter", correctly name sounds and letters;

Isolate the sounds of the word and characterize them; highlight syllables, it is good to distinguish stressed and unstressed vowels, paired and unpaired consonants in terms of deafness-voicedness.

Language (grammatical and phonetic-graphic):

Determine the boundaries of sentences, correctly designate them when writing (beginning - with a capital letter, end - with a dot, question mark or exclamation mark);

Ask questions to words-objects (including distinguishing between questions who?

what?), distinguish words-actions and words-signs from words-objects;

Distinguish sounds and letters. Perform sound analysis of words, recognize speech sounds, isolate them from the word, characterize them, determine the sequence in the word.

Hygienic, graphic, spelling:

Observe the rules of seating at the table, the position of the notebook, pens in hand;

Correctly, neatly, legibly and beautifully write letters and arrange their connection;

It is meaningful to designate the hardness and softness of consonants when writing;

Apply the rules for the design of sentence boundaries, writing proper names, separate spelling of words, as well as writing vowel letters in the syllables zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu;

Write under dictation, write off words and sentences from a printed and written sample, applying the mastered spelling rules and word hyphenation rules.

The purpose and objectives set in the program are implemented in the process of studying the following topics.

"Sentence and word" (15 hours). A sentence as a way of expressing thought;

preparation of sentences in oral and written speech, their isolation by ear and compilation; observation of intonation at the end of sentences.

Correct and beautiful writing is an important condition for intelligibility and politeness of speech.

Differentiation of words, posing questions to words; separate spelling of words, the use of capital letters in proper names.

"The sound composition of the word" (12 hours). Sounds of the Russian language: vowels and consonants;

hard and soft consonants, voiced and voiceless consonants, paired and unpaired. Methods for designating the hardness-softness of consonants with vowels and b; ways to designate the sound [th '] with the letters e, e, y, i. Techniques for isolating sounds and finding out the signs of each;

characteristics of individual sounds. The idea of ​​the syllable-forming role of vowels.

"Syllable. Emphasis" (4 hours). Syllable as the minimum pronunciation unit, highlighting syllables with the help of scanning; division of words into syllables and selection of words of a given syllabic structure. Vowels are stressed and unstressed. The semantic and phonetic role of stress.

"Paired consonant sounds and letters" (14 hours). Paired and unpaired sounds of the Russian language. The study of letters from among those that denote consonants paired by deafness - Zz-Ss, Bb-Pp, Dd-Tt, Vv-Ff, Zhzh-Shsh; characteristics of their similarities and differences, articulatory features.

"Differentiation of sounds by acoustic similarity" (5 hours). Sounds similar in sound and pronunciation (S-Sh, Z-Zh, R-L, Ch-Sch, T-Ch). Analysis of all acoustic features of sounds. Recognition of a consonant sound at the beginning of a word, at the end of a word, in the middle of a word.

"Differentiation of letters by kinetic similarity" (5 hours). Letters similar in design to the first element (b-d, a-o, i-y and others at the choice of a speech therapist). Analysis of the composition and structure of a graphic sign, synthesis of its elements. Formation of visual-spatial gnosis.

"Fixation" (1 hour). Speech therapy holiday: repetition of everything studied in a year.

Each lesson, in addition to studying grammatical topics, contains lexical topics with the inclusion of elements of a regional component in them. Thanks to this, coherent speech of children develops. It is planned to conduct exercises in the classroom for the development of articulatory, fine and general motor skills, as well as the introduction of a number of health-improving techniques into the stages of the lesson, which will contribute to the introduction of health-saving technologies at school.

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5. Flerova N.M. "Logopedia".

6. Tkachenko T.A. lexico-grammatical representations"

“Formation (Speech therapy notebook).

9. Konovalenko V.V. “We write and read” (Notebook for teaching literacy No. 1,2,3).

12. Zheltovskaya L.Ya., Sokolova E.N. "Didactic material for calligraphy lessons" (Grade 2).

13. Zheltovskaya L.Ya., Sokolova E.N. "Didactic material for calligraphy lessons" (Grade 3).

16. Gorodilova V.I., Kudryavtseva M.Z. "Reading and Writing".

17. Gubareva N. riddles in verse "Whether in the garden, in the garden."

18. Gubareva N. riddles in verse "Seasons".

19. Dmitrieva V. "Speech, motor skills, horizons."

20. Kostyuk N. "Riddles".

21. Mikhailova Z.A. "Game entertaining tasks for schoolchildren."

22. Russian folk riddles "Smart Ivashka, the Firebird and the golden grain."

23. Svetlova I. "Attention".

24. Red Book of the Jewish Autonomous Region (parts 1, 2).



Improving the efficiency and quality of student learning is one of the most important tasks of speech therapy work at school. Therefore, the program is designed to timely prevent and eliminate the shortcomings of oral and written speech that some of the children have. The thematic approach, which provides a concentrated study of the material, is the basis for long-term and calendar planning of remedial work. The principles of systematicity and interconnection of educational material, its specificity and accessibility, gradualness,

17 concentric building information. This allows the second-grader to build on the knowledge and skills he already has and ensures his progressive development.

The material is selected taking into account the gradual transition from simple to complex.

Moreover, lexical topics are included in the classes in order to clarify, enrich and activate the vocabulary of children and the development of coherent speech. The introduction of elements of the regional component also ensures the development of the cognitive sphere of students and attracting interest in their region, its features, culture, and nature.

The stages of classes involve the introduction of health-saving technologies into the lesson, exercises for the formation of phonemic processes, training tasks for the development of sound analysis and synthesis, games for the development of auditory attention and memory, visual gnosis. When determining the forms of work with a child-logopath, his individual characteristics are taken into account.

The practical part of the classes includes games and tasks for the development of articulatory, general and fine motor skills, consolidation of knowledge in visual-spatial orientation, knowledge and enrichment of children's vocabulary.

Correctional and educational work is aimed at the development of mental processes (attention, memory, imagination).

The effectiveness of correctional and developmental education in the elimination of dysgraphia is achieved under the condition of a complex and systemic nature, it is carried out differentially, taking into account the symptoms, mechanisms, structure of the speech defect and the characteristics of the cognitive activity of younger students with dysgraphia.

The program is designed to conduct two classes per week with a certain number of children in groups (ONR-III. Dysgraphia - 4 people, NONR. Dysgraphia - 5 people). Diagnostics is carried out twice a year: introductory (September-October) and final (May). A feature of the program is its focus on the assimilation of knowledge by students from the field of the national-regional component.

The program was developed on the basis of the instructive letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated December 14, 2000 No. 2 “On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center of a general education institution” and the instructive-methodical letter “On the work of a speech therapist teacher at a general education school”, ed. A.V. Yastrebova, T.B.

Bessonova (M., 1996.).

GOAL. The main goal of the program is to timely overcome deviations in speech development and carry out corrective work to eliminate all types of dysgraphia and dyslexia in children.


Consolidation of various forms of inflection and ways of word formation.

Clarification, enrichment and activation of children's vocabulary.

The development of coherent speech of students.

Elimination of students' dysgraphic errors (substitutions, omissions, distortions, etc.).

Strengthening the skills of phonemic analysis and synthesis, sound-syllabic analysis.

1. Development of non-speech mental processes:

Breathing, articulatory, manual and general motor skills;

Improving the abilities of visual analysis and synthesis;

Development of auditory and visual perception and recognition ability;

18 expansion of visual and auditory memory.

Improving the psychological prerequisites for learning:

Sustainability of attention, observation of linguistic phenomena, the ability to memorize;

Activation of skills and techniques of self-control;

The development of cognitive activity.

Improving communication skills as one of the conditions for successful socialization in society.


The correct organization of a complex corrective impact on children with speech pathology makes it possible to eliminate writing and reading disorders (as a secondary defect) in time and prevent a lag in the assimilation of the Russian language training program. The program is easier to digest, in written speech there are fewer dysgraphic errors (substitutions, distortions, omissions of letters and syllables).

The child takes an active part in collective oral communication, enters into a dialogue. Correctly, neatly, legibly and, if possible, beautifully begins to write letters and arrange their connection, adequately assesses the calligraphic side of his writing.

Speech therapy work in the second grade has both immediate and delayed results. Correctly constructed and carried out in a timely manner, it allows laying a solid foundation for the formation of key educational competencies of students in all academic disciplines, socially and psychologically adapting children, removing completely or significantly weakening the impact of a defect on all types of activities of speech pathologists. After all, it is obvious that speech, both written and oral, underlies cognition, communication, and productive activity.

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1. Efimenkova L.N. "Correction of oral and written speech in primary school students."

2. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Frontal speech therapy classes.

3. Lalaeva R.I. "Summary of Lessons".

4. Yastrebova A.V. "Correction of speech disorders in secondary school students".

5. Flerova N.M. "Logopedia".

6. Tkachenko T.A. "Formation of lexical and grammatical representations"

(Speech therapy notebook).

7. Tkachenko T.A. "Development of phonemic perception and sound analysis skills" (Speech therapy notebook).

8. Lalaeva R.I. "Correction of reading and writing disorders in mentally retarded children".

9. Konovalenko V.V. “We write and read” (Book on teaching literacy No. 1, 2, 3).

10. Kozyreva L.M. “And whistling, and hissing, and the most sonorous” (Notebook for speech therapy classes).

11. Kozyreva L.M. “We distinguish between voiceless and voiced consonants” (Notebook for speech therapy classes).

12. Zheltovskaya L.Ya., Sokolova E.N. "Didactic material for calligraphy lessons" (Grade 2).

13. Zheltovskaya L.Ya., Sokolova E.N. "Didactic material for calligraphy lessons" (Grade 3).

14. Astafieva E.O. We play, we read, we write.

15. Gorodilova V.I., Kudryavtseva M.Z. "Reading and Writing".

16. Gubareva N. Riddles in verse "Whether in the garden, in the garden."

17. Gubareva N. Riddles in verse "Seasons".

18. Dmitrieva V. "Speech, motor skills, horizons."

19. Kostyuk N. "Riddles".

20. Mikhailova Z.A. "Game entertaining tasks for schoolchildren."

21. Russian folk riddles "Smart Ivashka, the Firebird and the golden grain."

22. Svetlova I. "Attention".

23. Red Book of the Jewish Autonomous Region (1, 2 parts).



The goal is to introduce children to the concept of “oral and written speech”.


Learn the concept of "word";

Clarify the concepts of "oral" and "written" speech;

Summarize the knowledge that children have about autumn;

To teach children to form relative adjectives from nouns;

Develop articulation and fine motor skills of children;

Work on the development of attention, visual perception, observation.

Equipment: mirrors, pictures of autumn, pictures of autumn leaves, dry autumn leaves, colored pencils, a notebook in a cage with

25 with the image of the contours of the leaves of oak, birch, maple, a notebook in an oblique ruler with samples of the elements to be written.

The course of the lesson Organizing moment: getting to know the children; clarification of the goals of speech therapy classes;

explanation of the rules of conduct in the office.

Articulation gymnastics: “Guess the riddle and find out who came in 2.

guests to our lesson":

What is this very strange little wooden man On earth and under water looking for a golden key?

It has a long nose everywhere. Who is this? .. /Pinocchio/ Fairy tale "Let's help Pinocchio to speak" (acquaintance with the articulatory apparatus).

- Do you remember how the old organ grinder Papa Carlo decided to make a doll out of a log? He cut out his head, eyes, nose, called the boy Pinocchio, spoke to him, but did not wait for an answer. Why do you think? Of course, Papa Carlo did not have time to make a mouth for the doll. Let's help him? In order for Pinocchio to speak, it is necessary to make lips. There are two of them - the upper lip and the lower lip. When the lips are tightly closed, we do not see what is hidden behind them. And behind them are hidden ... teeth, upper and lower. Carlo cut out his lips and teeth, but Pinocchio still couldn't speak. In annoyance, he bit his lower lip with his teeth, and then bit his upper lip with his teeth. He twisted his head, moved his lips, trying to say something, but he did not succeed, because Papa Carlo did not make him ... language.

But now the language is ready, pink and very cheerful. The tongue did not stay still for a second:

he protruded from his mouth, jumped, clicked, licked his lips. Pinocchio really liked his mouth. It was very large - right up to the ears! (smile). When Pinocchio opened his mouth wide, one could see the sky above, and in the very depths of the mouth - a small tongue, which is located above the entrance to the throat. When Pinocchio said: “Aaaa”, the tongue went up, and the throat was visible. All this greatly amused Pinocchio, he came up with different games for lips, tongue and played them for a long time. These games were not empty fun: they are needed to learn how to pronounce sounds correctly so that our speech is clear and understandable. Together with Pinocchio, we will also play these games in other classes. But what is "speech"?

Conversation about types of speech.

Let's take a look at what "speech" is. Who can answer? Speech is made up of words.

Name any one word. There are two types of speech: oral speech - what we say, explain, hear, and written speech - what we write. Remember? Repeat: what are the types of speech?


We will rest a little, we will spend a physical minute.

The wind is blowing in our faces, the tree is swaying.

The leaves from the tree fly, they circle above the ground.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter, the birds fly higher (improvisation of movements within the meaning of the poem).

A conversation about autumn.

- What time of year are you talking about? Why? Consider pictures. List the signs of autumn. What happens to leaves in autumn? What color do they become?

Guess which tree these leaves are from? (Children examine dry leaves from trees.) What is the name of the phenomenon when leaves fall? (Leaf fall.)

26 Work in notebooks in a cage.

- Open your notebooks and find out by contours: what trees are these leaves from? Children are offered a sample, on the basis of which they must verbally form relative adjectives denoting the names of the leaves of different trees: linden leaves - linden; aspen leaves - ...; oak leaves - ...; birch leaves - ...; maple leaves - ...;

rowan leaves - ... Circle and decorate the leaves with the appropriate colors: maple - red; Birch

- yellow; oak is brown. (Explain the rules for coloring to the children.) Now let's take a break and do exercises for us and our fingers. We perform imitative movements in accordance with the text.

We nod our heads, we shake our noses, And we knock with our teeth and keep quiet for a while.

We press the index fingers to the lips.

We will twist the shoulders and do not forget about the handles.

We shake our fingers and rest a little.

Leaning down, swing with relaxed hands.

We will chat with our feet and squat a little, Let's make a leg like a leg and start everything from the beginning.

We jump in place in the rhythm of the text.

Pinocchio learned not only to speak beautifully, but also to write beautifully. We will also learn this. (Analysis of the elements written in notebooks.) Writing them: in the air; by points; independently in notebooks. Pay attention to the posture of children, the ability to properly hold the pen.

Summary of the lesson.

What did we talk about in our lesson?

What is "speech"?

What types of speech are we familiar with?

- Why is speech called "oral", "written"?

What tasks did we do? Who helped us?

- What do you especially remember?




The goal is to give children the concept of "sound-letter".


To form in children full-fledged ideas about the sound composition of a word based on the development of phonemic processes.

Exercise in highlighting the first sound in the background of the word.

Development of sound analysis and synthesis skills.

Expansion of the dictionary on the topic "Pets".

Development of fine and articulatory motor skills, attention.

Equipment: notebooks, pens, colored pencils, mirrors, a ball, an image of a gnome, the countries of Sound Letters.

27 Lesson progress

- Today we will go on a journey to a magical land, but we will not go alone: ​​we will travel together with ...? And with whom, you will find out if you guess just such a riddle.

Snow White had seven friends - Cheerful, small, smart little men.

Some helped around the house, others looked for gold.

Yes, they were gnomes. And we will travel with one of them, his name is Literacy. He lives in the magical land of Sound-letter. Here is this country. Guys, what do you think, who else lives with the Literate in the country of Sound Letters? (Sounds and letters).

– The city where letters live is called Bukvograd, and the city where sounds live is called Zvukovograd. Sounds and letters are Literate's friends, so our guest speaks, reads and writes well. And in order for sounds and letters to become your friends, you need to learn to distinguish between them. Listen and remember!

SOUNDS we hear and pronounce (we speak).

LETTERS we see, read and write. (Repeat in unison.)

- Now the Literate will check how you remember the basic rule of the country of Sound Letters. Tell me, please, who lives in Bukvograd? Do we speak or write them? Name the letters that you learned in Bukvograd: i, oh, a, u, uh. Tell me, who lives in Zvukovograd? Do we hear or write sounds? In addition to sounds, various animals live in Zvukovograd, they also know how to pronounce sounds. Come and have a look. Who did you recognize? What are these animals? Why are they pets?

What sounds does a cow make? (Moo-mu.) So, what is she doing? (Mooing.)

What sounds does a horse make? (Igo-go.) So, what is she doing? (neigh.)

What sounds does a pig make? (Oink-oink.) So what is she doing? (Grunts.)

- What sounds does the cat “pronounce” (Meow-meow.) So, what is she doing? (Meows.)

- What sounds does the dog “pronounce” (Bow-wow.) So what does she do? (Barks.)

- What sounds does the goat “pronounce” (Me-me.) So, what is she doing? (bleats.)

So what are we saying now? Sounds, we hear and speak them. Sit down.

- Guys, the inhabitants of Bukvograd have prepared a task for you: they want to see how you learned to write the letters you learned.

But in order for us to start writing, we need to stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "My friends!"

- We, friends, will play, bend our fingers. We start with the right hand.

A friendly family lives in my yard:

Cat and kitten, horse, foal.

A pig with a pig and a goat with a goat.

The good dog Trezorka and the cow Zorka, They are all good, I love them all And early in the morning I will feed them all.

- And now a question for the most attentive. Who was it about? (About pets.) How many animals did we count? (Ten.) Now open your notebooks.

Look: what letters came to visit you in a notebook? (and about). Let's write them down. What are the elements of the letter and? (Two inclined sticks with a rounded bottom.) What elements does the letter o consist of? (This is an oval.) Write it down. (We follow the posture of the children, the position of the notebook and pen.)

28 Guys, put down your notebooks. And now Literate wants to test your ingenuity. Guess where the letters live in the country of Sound Letters? Where can we meet them?

(In books, in newspapers, in magazines, in notebooks.) Where do the sounds of our speech come from? From mouth. The "house" for sounds is ourselves: our lungs, throat, mouth and nose.

(The speech therapist gives children mirrors on stands for individual work and conducts articulation gymnastics in a playful way.)

- Put mirrors in front of you. Imagine that sounds have their own houses. This house is a mouth. What do you think are the doors and locks in the house of sounds? And who lives in the house and helps us make sounds? (Tongue.) Open the doors wide, unlock all the locks. The tongue swept the floor in the house. (Children first perform “sweeping” movements with their tongue from the depths of the mouth to the lower central incisors.) The tongue painted the ceiling in his house.

(Children draw a wide tongue across the sky from the upper incisors deep into the oral cavity and back.) The tongue wiped dust from the walls. The walls are our cheeks. (Children perform the “needle” exercise - the tense tongue rests first on one, then on the other cheek.) The tongue got tired and lay down to rest. Door-lips and locks teeth closed. (Children close their lips.) The Literate Dwarf wants to play with you, come out, stand in a semicircle. Let's repeat: what are we saying? (Sounds.) The name of the gnome is Gramotey, his name begins with the sound "g". My name is Natalia, my name begins with the sound "n", and now you: whoever catches the ball, he calls the first sound of his name.

- Well done, sit down! The inhabitants of Zvuograd have prepared the last task for you.

Open the checkered notebooks, all the pictures in the notebook are messed up, you must find, circle with a brown pencil the animal referred to in the poem, and color it. Her horns stick out, she can gore.

Summary of the lesson.

What country did we visit today? Who lives in it? What do we hear and say? What do we write and read? What animals did we meet in Zvukovod? Why are these animals pets?

The Dwarf Literate is very pleased with you and gives you these stars. He hopes that you enjoyed this journey and in time you will moan as literate as he is.

–  –  –

29 Lesson progress

1. Organizing time.

- Hello children! In the last lesson, you learned a lot about clothes. The clothes that you saw exist in our time. Are you wondering when clothes appeared, and what is it like?

Presentation. Children look through illustrations on the theme "Clothes in antiquity."

Let's try to guess what clothes can say like we do.

What would she tell us then?

There must be a lot of amusing stories. He knows all the times and customs ... Let the story begin as soon as possible.

It was a long time ago ... Fashionable outfits A man found in the surrounding nature.

Huge leaves, shaggy skins Covered the figures from the cold of the ancestors.

Clothes in battle had to be obtained, And each skin was valued dearly.

Children answer the questions: Where did ancient people live? What did they make their clothes out of? What did they need clothes for?

Primitive people made clothes from animal skins to protect themselves from cold, heat and rain. At first, people simply tied and wrapped the skins around the body.

After some time, the skins learned to bind and bind. Gradually, man learned to process skins and dress them. Clothing became thinner and could cover the entire body.

2. Differentiation of sounds [B] - [P].

- Do you remember what sounds you learned to distinguish in the last lesson? ([B] - [P].) Let's recall the characteristics of these sounds: Sound ([B] - consonant, voiced, solid;

sound [P] - consonant, deaf, hard. How are these sounds similar and how are they different? (Children's answers.)

- Let's mark the sound B with a blue chip, with a bell in the middle, and we will denote the sound P with a blue chip, but with a crossed out bell in the middle. And why?

(Because B is voiced, P is deaf.)

- I'll give you words. If you hear a word with a sound B, raise the chip with a bell, and if you hear a word with the sound P, raise the chip with a crossed-out bell. If you do not hear either sound in the word, do not raise any chips. (Shirt, trousers, raincoat, beret, blouse, coat, scarf, cap, dress).

How can you name these things in one word? What word was missing?

3. Clothes.


“Time passed, and people learned how to make fabrics. Let's see what fabric is made of?

The fabric is made up of threads. Let's look at the fabrics through a magnifying glass: everywhere the threads are intertwined! And for some fabrics - for gauze, for example, or for burlap - this is already visible.

30 Do you know who intertwined these threads? It was made by a loom. Hence the very word "weaver": after all, he poked a stick with a transverse thread first in one direction, then in the other.

Remove the letter “s” from the word “poke” ... What word did you get? Weave! The fabric is woven from threads. Where do threads come from?

The development of fine motor skills.

- Take a piece of cotton wool, wet it and twist it with your fingers, while stretching it a little. What happened? A thread! Not very even, true, but a real cotton thread. After all, cotton wool is cotton, only peeled. Cotton fibers are fleecy, and when you squeezed them with your fingers, and even twisted them, they intertwined with their fibers. Do you know what you were doing, twisting short fibers into a long thread?


- In ancient, pre-ancient times, the thread was also twisted with fingers. Then the spindle was invented, and then the spinning machine. And now the threads are spun, that is, they are twisted from fibers, by huge spinning machines. Not only cotton threads, of course, but also woolen and linen. Woolen threads are spun from wool - most often from sheep. But not only sheep supply people with wool. Goats give very fine wool.

4. A minute of calligraphy. Finger gymnastics.

– But let's not forget about our sounds, which we learn to distinguish. Let's write the connection of the letters B-P with the elements. Let's practice in the air to start (combining lowercase letters p-b with additional items). Accept correct posture for writing, put the notebook obliquely, we begin to write, we write without taking our hands off.

5. Clothes.


But people wanted to dress better.

They learned to weave fabric from wool, And then they invented fabrics from cotton, linen and silk. And they thought of threading a needle. And for this, in the end, they put on tunics, chitons and togas.

“So, from ancient times, we are moving forward. Gradually, the man from the skins changed into cloth. But it was still not the kind of clothes we were used to. Such clothes were worn in ancient Greece. It has not been sewn yet. They simply took a large rectangular piece of cloth and wrapped it around the body several times. The ends were pierced with a pin. In those countries where it is always hot, such clothes are comfortable. Is it suitable for our country?

(Children's answers.)

6. Differentiation of sounds in syllables.

- And now I will name the syllable. If the first sound of the syllable is B - replace it with the sound P, if the first sound of the syllable is P - replace it with the sound B. The one to whom I throw the ball will answer.

(ba-pa, blah-pla, pa-ba, plo-blo, bo-po, bro-pro, po-bo, pru-blue, boo-poo, bmu-pmu, pu-boo).

7. Clothes.


Yes, the Romans and Greeks wore clothes that were simple and comfortable. The era has passed.

Age of knights. Battles, tournaments, campaigns, Iron helmets, chain mail, surcoats.

And women's dresses are magnificent and rich.

High hats and horned kichki ...

31 As time went on, people learned how to sew beautiful outfits, invented scarves and hats.

Consider people. Who do they remind you of? Who dressed like this?

And nearby they fervently fight with swords.

Enemies, as always defeating, with courage.

Daredevil d'Artagnan and fellow musketeers.

Cloaks flutter, spurs rattle.

On felt hats, completing the costume, Feathers billow. The boots are shining.

And England is known for its strict approach.

Everything has its place in the English costume.

Very elegant, yet discreet, It is sewn flawlessly from striped fabric.

Only his tie complements him solidly, In such a gentleman, everyone can see from afar.

8. Physical Minute.

“Now let’s go for a walk.” (Improvisation of movements.) We take off our slippers, put on hats, Scarves, pants, boots, coats, Put on jackets - ready for a walk!

9. Clothes.


There have been many costumes in history, clothes remember everything. She did not forget the Greatness of kings, kings, pharaohs, Shine, luxury, wealth and splendor of styles.

And discreet dresses of commoners Go in succession in a single stream.

- We see the clothes in which they walked 400-500 years ago in Russia. Did everyone wear the same clothes? What was the difference between the clothes of the rich and the poor? What everyday clothes does a simple Russian person wear? Previously, men's and women's shirts did not differ. They put them on directly on the naked body. Both men and women wore loose enough clothing to move comfortably. But shirts and sundresses were necessarily girdled. Casual clothes were most often white, since the fabric was not dyed. In the cold season, fur coats were put on, and fur hats were put on their heads. Hands were protected from the cold with mittens. The boyars and the tsar wore the same clothes, but they were made of expensive fabrics and had bright colors.

And women's dresses - a special topic, Take any - not an outfit, but a poem!

There are a lot of different clothes for women.

And every dress is like a holiday!

It also has special age signs, The character of the hostess ... But enough about that.

The habits and tastes of different nations have their own. That's how they influence fashion.

Fur coats will warm us in winter in frosts, And in Africa they will not be able to appreciate them.

Over the centuries, clothing has changed noticeably, Now it is different from the old one.

32 Differentiation of sounds in a word.

- The guys came to our lesson - the girl Fields and the boy Borya. They don't have any clothes. Let's dress them up. We will give the clothes, in the name of which there is a sound P, to Field, and the clothes, in the name of which there is a sound B, we will give to Bora. (Dress, blouse, coat, fur coat, belt, sleeveless jacket, topic, trousers, raincoat, T-shirt.)

11. Clothes.


- Let's move on from ancient Russian clothes to modern ones. What are we walking in today? Do clothes vary by season? What do we wear in winter? What is spring and autumn? What is summer? Why do we need so many different clothes, is it really impossible to get by with only winter or only summer clothes? We live in a country where the weather changes a lot at different times of the year, so in order not to get sick, we have to change our clothes depending on the weather.

12. Differentiation of sounds in words.

- Let's play the game "Change the sound, name the word." I will throw the ball and say the word with the B sound, and you will throw the ball back and say the word with the P sound:

true story - dust, bang - fluff, board - port, sides - bye, bot - sweat, beam - stick, bar - steam, barrel - kidney, butterfly - daddy.

13. Clothes.


- We found out that clothes are different and depend on the weather. What else will influence our choice of clothing? What groups can clothes be divided into? What does "business attire" mean? What exactly is business attire? Where can you go in business attire? Where do adults go in such clothes? What about sportswear? What sportswear do you have? On what occasions do you wear it?

14. The game “Decipher the words” (by the first sounds, children decipher the words soup and tooth).

- Read the words. How are they similar? (These words have only one syllable. In both words, the vowel sound U “lives”, at the end of the word the sound P is heard.)

– How are they different? (In the word tooth, the letter B is written at the end of the word.) Sometimes it is not at all clear: which consonant should be written - B or P?

To resolve this dispute, We must invite a vowel!

If you hear a sound, be careful, my friend.

Change the word immediately, Substitute a vowel for it.

(Change the word so that after the consonant there is a vowel sound: tooth - teeth.)

15. Clothes.


What is "work clothes"? Does this mean that only workers should walk in it? When do you wear work clothes? What is comfortable for you to wear at home?

What do your parents wear at home? Is it possible to visit in home clothes?

Is it comfortable to play football or volleyball in a bathrobe?

But there are also special clothes. They wear it to work. The profession of some people can be determined by their clothes.

33 We don’t choose simpler dresses in vain, It’s convenient to ride in them on the subway and on the tram.

They are according to the weather, do not crumple on the way, And in the evening you can go to visit them.

One thing is unchanged now and before - Always a person decorates clothes.

16. Development of graphomotor skills.

Now open your notebooks. Your drawings show clothes.

Color only the one whose name contains the sounds B and P. Sign these letters above the pictures.

17. The result of the lesson.

- So we found out what clothes were before, and what types are they divided into? What sounds have we learned to distinguish? How are they similar? What is the difference? Evaluate your work with chips: red - “I succeeded!”, Green - “I tried, but I didn’t succeed.” Explain why you chose this feature. All of you have tried very hard.

–  –  –

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Speech therapy work in a special (correctional) school of the VIII type occupies an important place in the process of correcting developmental disorders in a child with special educational needs.

Speech disorders of students of this school are very common and persistent.

Speech disorders are deviations in the speech of the speaker in the process of speech activity from the language norm due to a disorder of the psychophysical mechanisms of speech activity.

The main signs of a speech disorder:

Inconsistency of speech with age norms;

A speech defect that does not go away on its own needs speech therapy help.

Various speech deficiencies among children with disabilities are much more common than among children with a normal level of mental development.

Due to a combination of reasons:

*Organic - local or focal lesions of the cerebral cortex, underdevelopment of brain regions (Brocca's, Wernicke's speech zones suffer)

*Functional causes are associated with the development and disorders in the central nervous system (processes of excitation, inhibition)

*Psychogenic causes impact emotional shock (positive or negative), psychological experiences (severe fear, loss of a relative)

* Social causes - all cases of inadequate speech environment (speech defects in relatives, bilingualism - two languages ​​are spoken in the family, deaf parents - the child grows up in an environment of silence, mental retardation in the family).

From 60% -90% of primary school students of correctional schools have pronounced defects in oral and written speech. As a teacher-speech therapist, I can say that over the past five years, 100% of children with speech disorders and in need of corrective speech therapy help have entered the preparatory and first grades of correctional schools of the VIII type.

Speech disorders in children are systemic in nature, i.e. affect the phonetic-phonemic side of speech (sound pronunciation, sound difference); the lexico-grammatical side of speech (vocabulary, connected speech, monologue, dialogic, phrasal; grammatical structure of speech);

Violations of the semantic side of speech activity (they do not understand the meaning of a word or statement, they cannot analyze the situation, draw conclusions).

Speech disorders in children are manifested against the background of a gross violation of cognitive activity, abnormal mental development in general.

In children, there is a weakness of motivation for communication, a decrease in the need for verbal communication, often refuse to communicate with adults, peers showing verbal negativism (violent emotional manifestations, inappropriate behavior).

In connection with the slowly developing differential conditioned connections in the area of ​​the speech-auditory analyzer, a mentally retarded child does not distinguish speech sounds for a long time, does not distinguish between words spoken by others, and does not accurately and clearly perceive the speech of others.

Many children begin to pronounce individual words only at the age of 3-5; one-two-syllable words, more often nouns, predominate in speech. The vocabulary is extremely limited. Children do not know the names of many objects, phenomena of the world around them, especially the names of individual parts of objects. The names of actions and especially the qualities of objects are very rare in the child's active vocabulary.

The appearance of phrases in speech is also significantly delayed. At 6-8 years old, the child's answers are more often one-two-word. Coherent speech at a low level of development. Retelling the text even on leading questions causes difficulties, they do not understand the meaning of what they read, they skip many important parts of the text, they convey the content in a simplified way. Often, based on random associations, they add events, details that are missing in the text. The story based on a series of plot pictures is replaced by a listing of what is depicted in each picture, no relationship is established. Connected texts often consist of separate fragments that do not constitute a single whole, and are characterized by brevity and conciseness of presentation.

In children with disabilities, sound pronunciation disorders are polymorphic. Correction of violations of sound pronunciation is a more complex and lengthy process than in children with the norm. Sometimes 6-9 lessons are enough to put on a sound, but its automation ends only after 1.5-2 years. The main reason is the peculiarities of higher nervous activity, the lack of control over own speech for correct pronunciation.

Speech in children is often monotonous, inexpressive, devoid of complex and subtle emotional nuances, in some cases slowed down, in others - accelerated, in inhibited voices quiet, weak, in excitable ones - noisy, sharp.

In speech therapy diagnostics, speech disorders in children with special educational needs are defined as SYSTEMIC SPEECH UNDEVELOPMENT (severe, moderate, mild severity). Both oral and written speech of students is diagnosed.

The specificity of speech therapy work in a correctional school is determined, on the one hand, by the nature of the violation of higher nervous activity, the psychopathological characteristics of the child, and, on the other hand, by the characteristics of speech development and the structure of the speech defect. Along with the general underdevelopment of speech motor skills, these children often have paralysis, paresis of the speech muscles, and anomalies in the structure of the articulatory apparatus.

With regular, systematic correctional and speech therapy work for the senior grades, the majority of students in correctional schools of the VIII type undergo a correction of sound pronunciation, prosodic components of speech (tempo, rhythm). There is a positive trend in the development of an active vocabulary, the development of coherent speech, but the grammatical and semantic levels of speech development do not reach the norm.

Speech therapy classes are attended by students from preparatory to 7th grade.

According to the results of the diagnosis, speech cards are filled out for each student, an individual plan of correctional and speech therapy work is drawn up, recommendations are issued for teachers, educators and parents.

Subgroup and individual speech therapy classes are held with students.

The basic curriculum for correctional schools of the VIII type provides for corrective speech therapy classes:

ü preparatory, 1,2,3 classes - 4 times a week

ü 4.5 classes - 3 times a week

ü 6.7 classes - 2 times a week

The duration of an individual lesson is 20 minutes, a subgroup lesson is 30-40 minutes.

Given the rapid fatigue, low level of performance, unstable attention, low level of development of cognitive interest and activity, a tendency to protective inhibition in speech therapy classes, it is necessary to change the types of activities.

1. Development of general speech skills (breathing exercises, exercises to develop voice power, rhythm, tempo, intonational expressiveness of speech)

2. Development of general motor skills; coordination of movements (speech with movements)

3. Development of fine motor skills (massage, self-massage, finger gymnastics, finger game training, mosaic work, modeling, cutting, shading ...)

4. Development of higher mental functions (attention, memory, thinking)

5. Mandatory complex of general articulatory gymnastics. Individual complexes of articulatory gymnastics for preparing the articulatory apparatus for staging sounds. Staging, automation of staged sounds.

6. Work on the syllabic structure of the word.

7. Development of sound analysis and synthesis skills (from simple to complex)

8. Development of vocabulary (enrichment of the active vocabulary of nouns, adjectives, verbs...)

9. Development of coherent speech (simple, common sentences, retelling, making up stories from a picture ...)

10. Development of the grammatical structure of speech

11. Tasks and exercises aimed at preventing or eliminating dyslexia and dysgraphia.

12. Work is carried out with primary school students to develop graphomotor skills, and to teach literacy.

A feature of the work is the maximum inclusion of analyzers. The use of a variety of visualization (visual perception, tactile perception of an object, kinesthetic sensations of posture, position ...). Characteristic is the frequent repetition of speech therapy exercises, tk. it is difficult, long, hard for students of a correctional school to form new skills and abilities.

The lack of formation of control, the weakness of volitional processes necessitates a close connection between the work of a speech therapist with a teacher, educator, and parents. Often we are faced with the fact that in the conditions of a speech therapy room, under the supervision of a speech therapist, the teacher, the child uses the acquired skills, but to transfer these skills to everyday life the child cannot do it on its own. A recurrent type of speech disorder is also possible, i.e. long absences from classes (especially after summer holidays), acquired skills are lost and work on the elimination and correction of speech begins almost from the very beginning.

Thus, children with systemic underdevelopment of speech need corrective speech therapy assistance and training. Early detection of speech disorders and the correct organization of corrective work helps to prevent further deviations in speech development, including the formation of written speech.

The work of a speech therapist working in a speech therapy center at a general education school has its own specifics, which differ from other institutions. Speech therapy work is not an additional educational service, as they try to present it in last years, this is an activity that, in parallel with the educational process, contributes to a more accessible and successful mastery of certain categories of students. This is what makes the work of a school speech therapist extremely relevant and in demand. According to the regulatory documents regulating the work of a speech therapist teacher at a school speech center
(Instructive letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2000 No. 2 "On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center of a general educational institution",
Standard provision on the speech therapy center of an educational institution), a speech therapy center at a general education school is organized to provide assistance to children with impaired oral and written forms of speech.

The main tasks of a speech therapist working in a secondary school are:
timely diagnosis of anomalies of speech development in students;
correction of violations of oral and written speech, aimed at overcoming difficulties in mastering the school curriculum;
prevention and prevention of speech disorders;
promotion of special speech therapy knowledge among teachers and parents of students. A speech therapy center is created in a general educational institution located in an urban area, if there are fifty classes of the first stage of primary general education and three to eight classes of the first stage of primary general education in a general educational institution located in a rural area.

The speech therapy center enrolls students who have impairments in the development of oral and written speech in their native language (general underdevelopment of speech of varying severity; phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech; phonemic underdevelopment of speech; stuttering; pronunciation defects - a phonetic defect; speech defects caused by a violation of the structure and mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus (dysarthria, rhinolalia); reading and writing disorders due to general, phonetic-phonemic, phonemic underdevelopment of speech).

First of all, students who have impairments in the development of oral and written speech that prevent their successful assimilation of knowledge in the main sections of the school curriculum (children with general underdevelopment of speech, phonetic-phonemic and phonemic underdevelopment) are subject to enrollment in a speech therapy center.

At the same time, no more than 25 people can study at the speech therapy center of a city general educational institution, and no more than 20 people at a rural general educational institution. Admission to the speech therapy center is based on a speech examination, which is carried out from 1 to 15 September and from 15 to 30 May. The release of students is carried out during the entire academic year after the elimination of their speech defects.
The main form of organization of classes are group classes. Groups are completed by a teacher-speech therapist, taking into account the homogeneity of speech underdevelopment and the age of children. The maximum occupancy of groups is set depending on the structure of the speech defect. The minimum size of a group should not be less than three students.
Classes are usually held outside school hours, taking into account the working hours of the school. Pronunciation correction for 1st grade students with phonetic defects that do not affect academic performance, as an exception, can be carried out during lessons (except for Russian language and mathematics lessons). The frequency of group and individual lessons is determined by the severity of speech underdevelopment.

Group classes are held:

with students with general underdevelopment of speech; violations of reading and writing due to general underdevelopment of speech - at least 3 times a week;
with students who have phonetic-phonemic or phonemic underdevelopment of speech; reading and writing disorders due to phonemic-phonemic or phonemic underdevelopment of speech - at least 2-3 times a week;
with students with a phonetic defect - at least 1-2 times a week;
with students who stutter - at least 3 times a week.
Individual lessons with students with complex speech defects: general speech underdevelopment of the second level; speech defects caused by a violation of the structure and mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus (dysarthria, rhinolalia) - should be carried out at least three times a week.

As these students develop pronunciation skills, classes are held with them in a group. At the same time, classes with these students cannot be held in the same group with stuttering students and students with shortcomings in the pronunciation of individual sounds.

The duration of the group lesson is 40 minutes. , The duration of an individual lesson is 20 minutes.

Between group lessons, breaks of 10-15 minutes are allowed, between individual and subgroup lessons - 5-10 minutes.
The time of change is included in the working hours of a speech therapist and can be used to check the written work of students, to prepare for the next lesson, etc.

The duration of remedial education for each individual child depends on the severity and structure of speech underdevelopment. Children with phonetic-phonemic or phonemic underdevelopment of speech and reading and writing disorders caused by these disorders can study at a speech therapy center from one half year to one year. The duration of education for children with general speech underdevelopment and reading and writing disorders caused by this speech underdevelopment can be from 1.5 to 2 years, depending on the severity of the disorder.

The topics of group and individual lessons are reflected in the register of attendance at speech therapy classes, which is a financial document.
If necessary, children with speech disorders, with the consent of their parents (legal representatives), may be referred by a speech therapist for a consultation with specialist doctors (child neurologist, child psychiatrist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, etc.) or to a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.
Responsibility for the obligatory attendance of students at the speech therapy center lies with the teacher-speech therapist, the class teacher and the parents of the students. Persons with higher defectological education in the specialty "speech therapy" are appointed as teachers-speech therapists. Speech therapists are appointed and dismissed by the director of the institution in the manner prescribed by the legislation established for general teachers. educational institutions.

On the basis of the Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated August 25, 1998 No. 05-51-66 / 98 “On the issues of rationing and remuneration of pedagogical workers”, the remuneration of a speech therapist at a school speech center is made at the rate of “20 astronomical hours per week, of which 18 hours, according to the Model Regulations on a speech therapy center at an educational institution, are allotted for working with children and 2 hours for advisory work and paperwork. their parents on the correction of phonetic disorders, consult with parents and teachers on specific issues, etc.

A speech therapist who is the head of a speech therapy center can be paid for managing an office.

For teachers-speech therapists of speech therapy centers of schools, the current legislation provides for the following benefits and benefits:
salary increment (in the amount of 20%) on the basis of the Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 12, 1993 No. 10/32-t “On the increase in wage rates for employees of educational institutions”;

The duration of the next labor leave (56 calendar days) on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 1994 No. 1052, as amended “On holidays for employees of educational institutions and teachers of other institutions, enterprises and organizations”;

The procedure for providing pensions on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1999 No. 1067 "On the rules for calculating the terms of service for the appointment of a pension for years of service in connection with teaching activities in schools and other institutions for children";

A speech therapist teacher has the right to grant him a long vacation for up to one year - the basis:
Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated December 7, 2000 No. 3570 “On approval of the regulation on the procedure and conditions for granting long-term leave to teachers of educational institutions for up to one year”;

Teachers-speech therapists working part-time are provided with annual paid leave for combined work or are paid compensation for unused leave upon dismissal on the basis of the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2003, No. 41
"On the peculiarities of part-time work of pedagogical, medical, pharmaceutical workers and cultural workers", etc.

From the book of Amanatova M. M. "Handbook of a school speech therapist" - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2010.


“By assimilating the native language, the child learns not only words... but an infinite number of concepts, views on objects, a multitude of thoughts, feelings, artistic images, logic and philosophy of the language - and learns easily and quickly, in two or three years that cannot be mastered in 20 years of diligent and methodical teaching. Such is this great folk teacher - a native word.

Children with speech disorders

Children with speech disorders are children who have deviations in the development of speech with normal hearing and intact intelligence. Speech disorders are diverse, they can manifest themselves in violation of pronunciation, grammatical structure of speech, poverty of vocabulary, as well as in violation of the pace and fluency of speech.

According to the degree of severity, speech disorders can be divided into those that are not an obstacle to learning in a mass school, and severe disorders that require special training.

However, in mass children's institutions, children with speech disorders also need special assistance. In many “general education” kindergartens, there are speech therapy groups where children are assisted by a speech therapist and educators with special education. In addition to speech correction, children are involved in the development of memory, attention, thinking, general and fine motor skills, and teach literacy and mathematics.

Children with deficiencies in pronunciation, with writing disorders due to speech underdevelopment, and stuttering children are sent to speech therapy groups.

Typical for severe speech disorders is its general underdevelopment, which is expressed in the inferiority of both the sound and lexical, grammatical aspects of speech. As a result, most children with severe speech disorders have limited thinking, speech generalizations, difficulties in reading and writing. All this makes it difficult to master the basics of science, despite the primary preservation of mental development.

Consciousness of one's inferiority and impotence in attempts to communicate often leads to changes in character: isolation, negativism, violent emotional breakdowns. In some cases, there is apathy, indifference, lethargy, instability of attention. The severity of such reactions depends on the conditions in which the child is located. If attention is not fixed on his defect, the incorrectness of his speech is not emphasized with tactless remarks, they try in every possible way to understand him and alleviate the difficult situation in society, there are less reactive layers in the child's personality. Usually, with the right pedagogical approach, children master oral and written speech, learn the necessary amount of school knowledge. Along with the development of speech, as a rule, secondary changes in the psyche also disappear.

Of the severe speech disorders, alalia, aphasia, rhinolalia and various types of dysarthria are most common.

Severe speech disorders also include some forms of stuttering, if this defect deprives the child of the opportunity to study in a public school.

The education and upbringing of children with severe speech disorders is carried out according to a special system in special kindergartens for children with severe speech disorders. First of all, it is necessary to establish close contact with the child, carefully, carefully treat him. Training consists in correcting a defect in oral speech and preparing for the acquisition of literacy. When teaching arithmetic, special attention is paid to the development of understanding the text of tasks. Ways of compensation depend on the nature of the defect and the individual characteristics of the child.

The main areas of correctional work of a speech therapist:

1. Improvement of movements and sensorimotor development:

Development of fine motor skills of the hand and fingers;

Preparing the hand for writing.

2. Correction of certain aspects of mental activity:

Development of visual perception and recognition;

Development of visual memory and attention;

Formation of generalized ideas about the properties of objects (color, shape, size);

Development of spatial representations and orientation;

Development of ideas about time;

Development of auditory attention and memory;

3. Development of basic mental operations:

Formation of correlative analysis skills;

Development of grouping and classification skills;

Formation of the ability to work according to verbal and written instructions, algorithm;

Formation of the ability to plan their activities;

Development of combinatorial abilities.

4. Development of different kinds of thinking:

5. Development of different kinds of thinking:

Development of visual-figurative thinking;

Development of verbal - logical thinking (to be able to see and establish logical connections between objects, phenomena and events).

6. Correction of violations in the development of the emotional and personal sphere (relaxation exercises for facial expressions, reading by roles).

7. Development of speech, possession of the technique of speech.

8. Expansion of ideas about the environment and enrichment of the dictionary.

9. Formation of the syllabic structure of the word

10. Development of coherent speech

11. Correction of individual gaps in knowledge.

Communication with parents

For successful work, a speech therapist must maintain close contact with the child's parents, conduct individual conversations and consultations with them. As far as possible, parents should be present at the classes, if not at all, then definitely at the installation. The speech therapist introduces them to the essence of the child's speech disorder, as well as to all speech therapy guidelines and requirements for parents to establish a general and speech regimen at home, and also to perform the tasks of a speech therapist at home.

The main tasks of a speech therapist in correctional and developmental education:

1) Strengthening and development of children's health.

2) Ensuring the flexibility and plasticity of the general system of pedagogical influences in accordance with the changing capabilities of children.

3) Individualization and differentiation of pedagogical methods, techniques and means, in relation to each specific child.

4) The development of cognitive interests, cognitive activity in the development of the surrounding reality.

5) Formation of an emotionally positive attitude of children to classes.

6) Development of fine motor skills of the hand.

7) Development of the regulatory function of speech, speech mediation of activity and mastery of communicative speech means of communication.

Nomination " Methodical piggy bank of the teacherelementary school"

The implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for the Education of Students with Mental Retardation (Intellectual Disabilities) requires the organization of educational work aimed at correcting, compensating and preventing secondary deviations in development and learning, taking into account the individual capabilities of each child. In this context, a new assessment of the role of a school speech therapist is also required, accompanied by students with intellectual disabilities when they are included in educational activities and introducing something new into the content of corrective speech therapy work.

In the modern educational system, the issue of creating optimal conditions for the successful correction of developmental disorders, training, education, and psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities is especially relevant. The implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for the Education of Students with Mental Retardation (Intellectual Disabilities), approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1599 on December 19, 2014, requires that each child be provided with the maximum level of physical, mental and moral development; organize educational work aimed at correcting, compensating and preventing secondary deviations in development and learning, taking into account the individual capabilities of each child.

In our special (correctional) school, children with various degrees of mental retardation study. Many of them have visual, hearing, musculoskeletal disorders and other severe and multiple developmental disorders. The number of children with autism spectrum disorders entering the institution is increasing every year.

Thus, as a result of a combination of primary and secondary defects during abnormal development, a complex picture of disorders is formed, which, on the one hand, is individual for each child, and on the other hand, has many similar characteristics within the developmental disorders listed above, which determine the need to create special educational conditions corresponding to the psychophysical characteristics of children.

In this context, a new assessment of the role of a school speech therapist is also required, accompanied by students with intellectual disabilities when they are included in educational activities and introducing something new into the content of corrective speech therapy work.

The purpose of the activities of a speech therapist teacher in a correctional school is the creation of conditions conducive to the identification and overcoming of violations of speech development, as well as the further development of oral and written speech, the improvement of communication of students, the successful assimilation of adapted basic educational programs for the education of students with intellectual disabilities.

All speech therapy work to accompany students with intellectual disabilities is organized in accordance with the curriculum and the program of correctional work of the institution and is carried out in the following areas:

  • diagnostic work;
  • correctional and developmental work;
  • advisory work;
  • information and educational work.

Diagnostic direction The work of a speech therapist teacher includes an in-depth study of a child admitted to an institution: the study of documentation, the identification of individual characteristics of speech development and the causes of problems in development. The survey is conducted in the first two weeks of September (from 1 to 15 September) and the last two weeks of the academic year (from 15 to 31 May). The speech therapist teacher presents the results of a speech therapy examination at the school medical-psychological-pedagogical council, which considers the issue of enrolling the student in classes.

Taking into account the individual characteristics and variety of students' speech disorders, diagnostic material was selected to assess the level of formation of speech development of both speaking and speechless children. For this, elements of diagnostic methods of the following authors T.A. Fotekova, T.V. Akhutina, O.B. Inshakova, E.V. Kirillova. Based on the results of the examination, groups of students with a similar defect structure are completed, or individual speech therapy classes are assigned. In the period from May 15 to May 31, the speech development of students is monitored. Based on the monitoring data, the PMPK makes a decision on the need to continue remedial classes or stop them.

The peculiarities of diagnosing children with intellectual disabilities is the observance of the basic principles: an integrated approach, a systematic structural and dynamic study of mental development, a qualitative analysis of the structure of the defect and a holistic analysis of the mental state of the child's development. The process of diagnosing is organized in such a way that each child can respond at the level and with the means that are available to him. Very important in the examination of speech, especially children with ASD, is the moment of visualization of the tasks presented.

Correction and development direction involves the implementation of correctional and developmental programs, compiled taking into account the age, characteristics of the development of students, the structure of the defect. This direction is implemented through the choice of correctional programs, methods and techniques; organization and conduct of specially organized group and individual classes for the correction of speech disorders, determined for each student on the basis of the recommendations of the territorial psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (TPMPK) and the individual program for the rehabilitation or habilitation of a disabled person (IPRA).

The quantitative ratio of individual and group lessons is determined by the educational organization in accordance with the curriculum, based on the psychophysical characteristics of students. The institution has developed working programs for correcting the speech of students with mild, moderate and severe systemic underdevelopment.

The program for the correction of systemic underdevelopment of mild severity is aimed at solving the following main tasks:

  • correction of sound pronunciation (staging, automation and differentiation of speech sounds);
  • correction of the lexical side of speech;
  • correction of the grammatical structure of speech (syntactic structure of speech statements, inflection and word formation);
  • correction of dialogical and formation of monologue forms of speech;
  • development of the communicative function of speech;
  • correction of reading and writing disorders;
  • expansion of ideas about the surrounding reality;
  • development of the cognitive sphere (thinking, memory, attention).

The work program for the correction of speech of students with systemic speech underdevelopment of moderate and severe degree aims to develop speech as a means of communication in the context of understanding the world around it, which contributes to the successful socialization of a speech pathologist child. This course is presented for elementary school students with moderate or severe mental retardation with severe and multiple developmental disabilities who do not have sound pronunciation or only separate sound complexes are noted. The passive vocabulary is limited to the names of some household items. Understanding speech within the limits of everyday household instruction. Knowledge of the environment is primitive and limited. Facial expressions and gestures are used inactively. Students are characterized by lack of motivation to communicate, inability to navigate the situation, inflexibility in contacts, increased emotional exhaustion. They are not prepared for schooling, contact with them is difficult.

This work program is aimed at solving the following main tasks:

  • development of understanding of inverted speech and the meaning of available non-verbal graphic signs;
  • mastering the ability to make contact, maintain and complete it, using traditional verbal and alternative means of communication, observing the generally accepted rules of communication;
  • development of the ability to use available means of communication in the practice of expressive and impressive speech to solve age-appropriate everyday tasks;
  • development of prerequisites for meaningful reading and writing.

One of the fundamental requirements of the programs used by a speech therapist, compliance with which contributes to the optimization of corrective education, the communicative orientation of the entire complex of correctional and educational influence, the development of speech as a means of communication in the context of understanding the world around and personal experience child.

Considering that modern information technologies are becoming effective tool correctional and developmental work and are increasingly used in special education, in speech therapy classes, a speech therapist teacher uses the computer software and methodological kit "Mersibo Plus", "Computer workshop for conducting speech therapy classes in elementary school", author's simulator games that make it interesting to conduct classes , intense, efficient.

Corrective exercises using information technologies allow to defuse the high emotional tension of schoolchildren and revive the educational process. The computer is also a powerful stimulus for the creativity of children, including the most infantile or disinhibited.

Practical orientation, playful and creative nature of learning, interactivity, various forms communications, dialogues, the use of knowledge and experience of students, the involvement of all senses in the process, the activity approach, implemented in the process of using active teaching methods in speech therapy classes, increase the effectiveness of speech therapy correction.

A feature of working with students with autism spectrum disorders is the replacement of verbal abstract images with visual ones, which greatly facilitates the learning of an autistic child. Building a visual range is the main condition for the success of classes with this category. For this purpose, pictograms and visual supports are used in speech therapy classes. The use of elements of the operant approach in the correction of speech disorders contributes to the development of independence in students with autism spectrum disorders.

The full course of speech therapy classes for correctional and developmental education of students continues from September 16 to May 15. The duration of individual and subgroup classes is 15-25 minutes. Correction-developing classes of a speech therapist are attended by students in grades 1-7.

Advisory work, conducted by a speech therapist teacher, ensures the continuity of special support for children with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) and their families on the implementation of differentiated psychological and pedagogical conditions for training, education, correction and development of speech and socialization of students.

During the entire period of accompanying the child, the speech therapist constantly maintains contact with the parents, periodically informing them about the dynamics of eliminating speech defects, educates them on speech correction, and works in constant cooperation with the administration of the educational institution.

The speech therapist takes an active part in the work of the school psychological-medical-pedagogical council (PMPC). Revealing children with peculiarities of speech development, he gives the necessary recommendations for the further successful development of the child or directs, if necessary, to a specialist doctor (psychoneurologist, neuropathologist, otolaryngologist, etc.). PMPK is one of the forms of interaction between specialists.

In the course of the analysis, problem areas were identified: not all parents make contact with a speech therapist, do not sufficiently realize the importance of timely medical care for a child, sometimes ignoring the recommendations of specialists. Many parents do not have a sufficient level of pedagogical knowledge and therefore cannot always provide their child with the necessary assistance.

Outreach work involves the implementation of explanatory activities in relation to teachers and parents on issues related to the peculiarities of the implementation of the process of teaching and educating students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities), interaction with teachers and peers, their parents (legal representatives), etc.

Information and educational work includes: holding thematic presentations for teachers and parents to explain the individual typological characteristics of various categories of children, designing information stands, advising teachers during teacher councils, seminars, round tables, individual consultations, etc. Publication of methodological and advisory materials in the media mass media, printed publications, the website of the institution also contributes to an increase in the level of pedagogical activity of all participants in educational relations.

Thus, realizing his professional activity in accordance with the goal, the speech therapist becomes an important link in the activities of support specialists aimed at creating an integral system that provides optimal conditions for students, pupils with intellectual disabilities.
