How to live with big breasts: personal experience of actress Yana Koshkina. Yana Koshkina - Biography, personal life, Maxim magazine, photo Who is Yana Koshkina before plastic surgery

Yana Koshkina is a girl with a memorable appearance. The artist is active as an actress and model. Yana zealously promotes healthy lifestyle life, does a lot of sports and does not eat meat. Koshkina won interest in her person not only thanks to her acting skills, a huge share of attention went to the bright appearance beauties. But, looking at the early photos of the girl, we can conclude that Yana did not always have such parameters. In order to achieve ideal forms, she had to resort to the services of plastic surgeons.

Yana Koshkina before plastic surgery before and after photos: operations

New publications, photos and interviews continually stir up the interest of the viewer. Candid outfits of the model will shock even the most sophisticated public. Many people wonder if the girl always looked so amazing and what she had to change about herself.

Paying attention to the early photos of Koshkina, we can conclude that years younger than Yana had breasts of the third size. But, the actress decided to increase her parameters to the fifth, resorting to the services of plastic surgeons. The girl herself categorically refuses to recognize the help of doctors. If earlier the model had a taut, teardrop-shaped bust, now Koshkina's chest is heavy, tightly covered with skin and somewhat disproportionate to her figure.

Yana always had plump lips with a cute and interesting curve. To emphasize the image of the fatal beauty, Koshkina decided to work on this zone as well. Lipofilling of the lips came to the aid of her desire. The girl pumped her own fat into the area of ​​​​the lips, this significantly increased their volume.

Looking at the photos before and after the transformation, one cannot fail to notice a change in the shape of the nose. Rhinoplasty made the nose smaller and more tidy. Yana denies the services of plastic surgeons, arguing that her beauty is the merit of mother nature, and not doctors. But the facts say otherwise, photos from two years ago show changes in this zone.

Yana Koshkina before plastic surgery before and after photos: experiments with appearance

Expressive cheekbones give Yana special sophistication. Presumably the girl, in order to emphasize the relief of her face, the model called for the help of fillers. Koshkina denies the correction of the cheekbones, attributing everything to the art of makeup. It is worth noting that even without cosmetics, this zone is clearly distinguished.

You can see that over time, the girl's eyebrows also underwent adjustments. Now Yana wears wide and thick, and years earlier she preferred a thin form.

Nature awarded Koshkina with light brown hair, but the actress wants to match the image of the fatal brunette. To do this, the model constantly tints her hair in a deep dark shade.

In order for her smile to be perfect, Yana inserted expensive veneers, which made it possible to change the shape of her teeth. Now the smile of a woman is simply gorgeous and flawless.

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Actresses with a bright appearance always raise the question in the audience: “Is this beauty natural”? Especially if at the same time the girl has an outstanding breast, a chiseled nose and plump lips. It is difficult for people to believe that all this is immediately granted to one person. And often the audience is right. So the question of whether Yana Koshkina was already a beauty before plastic surgery worries fans of TV shows.


Yana Viktorovna Koshkina was born on April 22, 1990 in the city of Leningrad. From early childhood she has been rhythmic gymnastics and synchronized swimming. She still respects sports, it is thanks to this that she has such a chiseled figure.

After her debut at the age of 10 on the show, she decided to graduate in acting. So, she entered and graduated from the Academy of Theater Arts, periodically moonlighting as a model. After the education was received, the girl went to conquer the capital of Russia. Which he still does.


Yana began her career as an actress quite early and not quite consciously. She passed the casting in the youth series, as a child. From 2000 to 2005, TRK Petersburg filmed the television series OBZH, and Yana appeared there for the first time, playing a student named Yana Koshkina, essentially herself. The series consists of 545 episodes and is periodically shown on TV again. Then Yana Koshkina was already an attractive girl before plastic surgery. The series went on every day, and then she was recognized on the streets.

But in addition to this role, she has many episodic. She received them due to the fact that after moving to the capital she almost constantly went to auditions. Here is a list of the most famous Russian TV series where she appeared in episodes:

  • "Highway Patrol";
  • "Interns";
  • "Word to a woman";
  • "Streets of Broken Lanterns";
  • "Kitchen";
  • "Friendship of Peoples";
  • "Studio 17";
  • "Let's wake up together."

As a result, the girl has at least fifty roles in films and TV shows behind her shoulders. She herself admits that they began to recognize her after the episodic role of her friend Varvara Chernous in the TV series Interns on STS.


For the first time, she played the main, and not an episodic role in 2014 in the melodramatic series Second Chance. He went unnoticed, but it was after him that Yana was invited to star in the comedy series on TNT "CHOP". The role of Snezhana brought her real fame.

In 2017, she played in the feature film "Partner". She played in the TV series "Youth".

She was invited to the erotic shooting of the men's magazine "Maxim". In fact, at this time the finest hour of the actress came. She also performed at the main vocal show of the country "Voice" with Dima Bilan in a duet.


After the premiere in this series in 2015, she became a recognizable face among TNT viewers. And everyone immediately started talking about her plasticity. Despite the fact that she is a thin girl, she has very magnificent breasts, and this is rare by nature. And, of course, juicy lips immediately received the stigma of "puffed up with hyaluron." In the series, in addition to her bright appearance, she has bright makeup and defiant outfits. But at the same time, she plays a vulnerable and naive girl, which causes dissonance and even more talk about the unnaturalness of her appearance.

The audience immediately became interested, and they began to actively look for photos of Yana Koshkina before plastic surgery. But finding this turned out to be difficult. In all the photos on the network, not counting the children, Yana was already with big breasts. But if you can still believe about the breast that it is her own, since her shape is quite natural. That's about the lips, doubts still disappear, here there are injections of hyaluronic acid.

Yes, and the difference in the size of the lips in different photographs is still noticeable. During the comparison of the photo of Yana Koshkina before and after plastic surgery, it also became obvious that her nose used to be completely different. This was not immediately evident in the series, as it was done with high quality. But looking at her old photos, doubts again disappear.

The actress stirs up interest in herself, always appearing in defiant outfits in which her breasts seem especially huge. But at the same time, in all interviews, she denies interference in her appearance and insists that beauty is given to her by nature. What makes fans investigate again and again and look for photos of Yana Koshkina before and after plastic surgery. Some even found a photo where she is very young and her breasts are large, but still smaller than the current one. But do not forget that with age, the breasts in women may well increase slightly.

A few months ago, the show "Kings of Plywood" started on Channel One. Despite advertising, the charismatic presenter Pavel Priluchny and eminent guests, the project has not yet gained much popularity among the audience. And even the magnificent breasts of the co-host of the Major star Yana Koshkina could not raise the ratings of the program high.

Everything changed after Yana Koshkina got into the game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire". The girl did not even imagine that after her appearance in the intellectual show of Dmitry Dibrov, she would become the heroine of the latest media news. And not even because of his intellect.

It should have happened that at that moment the Olympic judo champion Dmitry Nosov turned on the TV.

The athlete, seeing the busty Yana, did not inflame with a virtual passion for the beauty, but called her a transvestite, posting a scandalous post on his Twitter:

Yana Koshkina assures that she has natural breasts

Of course, Yana Koshkina was offended by Dmitry Nosov's statement, but in just a few days this story made her popular not only among fans of the "Kings of Plywood" but also in the vast expanses of Russian media. The journalists seemed to have just examined the TV star's magnificent breasts and lined up to interview the artist.

Everyone was interested in two main questions: what kind of breasts does Yana Koshkina have - natural or implants, and who promotes Yana Koshkina on television?

Talking about her magnificent breasts, Yana Koshkina said that nature had awarded her such a bust:

In ordinary life, I almost never wear a neckline, I try to cover everything. Even in summer, I dress in such a way that I don’t particularly provoke anyone, don’t excite anyone, don’t attract attention. But I definitely never had complexes because of the size of the bust. They can only occur in those who do not have breasts. And if you have already grown, then you should be proud of it!

The name of the patron of Yana Koshkina, thanks to which her career on television began, also became known. It turned out that the patronage of the curvy brunette was ... Alla Pugacheva's husband Maxim Galkin. Yana some time ago participated in the project of the humorist "MaximMaxim" and impressed him with her talents. The prima donna's husband decided to bring Koshkina to the right people, after which the beauty's career went up sharply.

Can't you take your eyes off Yana Koshkina's chest, too?

We mark this material in Zen and stay abreast of all the intrigues and scandals of show business.

Yana Koshkina is a Russian actress and model, known for her performance in the TV series "CHOP" and, of course, for her magnificent forms.

The famous TV presenter and actress Yana Koshkina delighted her many fans with a sexy picture, which depicted her completely naked in a bubble bath with a glass of champagne in her hands. A provocative photo appeared in the account of the star in Instagram.
In a candid photo, busty Yana Koshkina basks in a foamy bath, covering her charms with her hand. In the second hand, the actress holds a glass of champagne, and her gaze is fixed somewhere into the distance.

Under the publication, the actress, hinting at her impeccable manicure, wrote the famous phrase that everything is in our hands, which means that they should always be in perfect order. Fans of the TV personality were delighted with such an erotic picture and literally bombarded the star presenter with admiring comments.

Followers called Yana Koshkina "a real Cleopatra" and "crazy beauty", and the photo itself is so exciting that "goosebumps run down the skin." The male part of the subscribers began to confess to the TV personality in eternal love.

What is Yana Koshkina's breast size?

Actress Yana Koshkina became famous for her role in the television series Molodezhka. Adult Life”, and now works as the host of Channel One on the music show “Kings of Plywood”. The producers of the TV project are exploiting the image of Koshkina with might and main, and, for example, they are trying to emphasize her fifth breast size and bright beauty with frank evening dresses, always with the deepest neckline.

Biography of Yana Koshkina

Yana Viktorovna Koshkina. She was born on April 22, 1990 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter.

In childhood and adolescence, she was professionally engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, she devoted all her time to this sport - 2 workouts a day for 4-5 hours plus choreography.

However, by the time she was in high school, she decided to become an actress - in many ways, this decision was influenced by the fact that back in her school years she was invited to star in the series about schoolchildren "OBZH", in which she played a cameo, i.e. acted as herself.

And after school, she entered the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts, which she graduated in 2011, the workshop of A.M. Zealand.

She has experience as a fashion model.

Among her theatrical works: "Summer Residents" - Yulia Filippovna; "Italian holidays" Margarita; "White cloud of Genghis Khan" - Merkitka.

Since 2012 he has been living and working in Moscow. She worked in the projects "Forester", "Traffic Light", "Khmurov", "Studio 17", "Teachers", etc.

She became widely known in 2015, when the popular sitcom "Chop" began to appear on TNT - a comedy series about the life of the Nightingale business center, which employs employees of the private security company Kedr. She played one of the main characters - Snezhana, a kind of narrow-minded beauty.

Yana Koshkina biography

Name— Yana Koshkina

Hometown- St. Petersburg

Growth — 174

The weight- 52 kg

Activity— Actress, model

Yana Koshkina biography

Yana Koshkina is a Russian actress and model, known for her performance in the TV series "CHOP" and, of course, for her magnificent forms.

Before it became known

Yana Koshkina spent her childhood by no means in acting circles, but was actively involved in sports, namely rhythmic gymnastics, where she reached the level of a master of sports. Based on this, it can be understood that an impeccable figure was not given to her by nature, but the result of hard training.

Yana's debut as an actress took place when she was still at school, it was a youth series about the life of schoolchildren called "OBZH".

Yana Koshkina in the TV series OBZH (left)

Yana liked the profession of an actress, and after graduating from school she firmly decided to enter the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts, under the guidance of Arvid Mikhailovich Zeland, after which she moved to Moscow to build a career as an actress.

Yana Koshkina actress

Upon arrival in Moscow, Yana begins to attend all kinds of auditions and auditions. Some of the tests were successful and she was taken on episodic roles in such series as Highway Patrol, Word to a Woman, Let's Wake Up Together, as well as in one of the video episodes of the famous TV series Streets of Broken Lights. Of course, these roles did not bring her fame, but they helped to feel all the charms and hardships of the craft, as well as to make a portfolio.

After a relatively short period of time, she is already starting to act in TV shows popular in Russia, though far from starring. In her filmography there was a comedy series "Interns", hitting all kinds of ratings, the series "Kitchen" as well as a series dedicated to the work and life of the Russian-Caucasian family "Friendship of Peoples" and several others.

my first leading role Yana Koshkina received in the series "Second Chance", where she played the role of Alla. The series did not bring great popularity, but attracted the attention of directors to the actress. And she received an offer to go through a casting for a role in a new series on TNT "CHOP".

Yana Koshkina series "CHOP"

Yana successfully passed the casting for the role in the series "ChOP", where she plays "Snezhanna Koshkina", who works in a spa and is madly in love with one of the main characters, played by Artur Galchenko, better known as Sam Nickel. The viewer liked the series, with its humor and, of course, the love line of Snezhanna and Andrey. This role brought Yana fame and great popularity, both among the male audience of the series, thanks to the impeccable figure of the actress and her stunning forms, and among the female half of the audience.

2016 was marked by the participation of the actress in such films as the film "The Source", a comedy with elements of the melodrama "Love with Limits", the comedy series "Mommies", where she played the role of Yuri's girlfriend and, of course, the full-length film "Classmates".

In 2017, Yana Koshkina appears in the TV series Molodyozhka, where she plays Svetlana, the wife of Ivan Savchuk.

The career of the actress rapidly went up, she began to take on roles in major films, one of which was "Partner", where Yana played the role of a stripper Angela, and the people's artist was a partner on the set Russian Federation— Sergey Garmash.

Yana Koshkina on the show "Voice"

At the end of September 2017, Yana Koshkina appeared in the show "Voice", in the form of an ordinary participant, shocking the viewers and, of course, the jury with her performance, even invited Yana to sing a duet. And all this adventure was made to advertise a new show coming out on the "first channel" called "Kings of Plywood", where Yana is the host.

Yana Koshkina on "Voice"

It's no secret that Yana Koshkina is an incredibly sexy girl and of course she was noticed by the most popular international men's (with erotic elements) magazine in Russia - "MAXIM" and offered to participate in their photo shoot. Yana agreed to a candid photo shoot, and thus in October 2017, Maxim magazine not only printed hot photos of Yana Koshkina in a swimsuit and underwear in its publication, but also placed it right on the cover.

Yana Koshkina and her boyfriend

There are many rumors around Yana's personal life that she herself does not comment on, but there are such well-known facts that she is not married and has no children, and to the questions “whom is she dating?” or is in a relationship - there are no answers, one can only guess. Yana also has accounts on Instagram and VK.

Yana Koshkina nude