Let's dream up a game in kindergarten. Card file of games for the development of imagination and artistic and creative abilities

"Non-Existent Animal"

Game progress: If the existence of a hammerhead fish or a needlefish is scientifically proven, then the existence of a thimblefish is not excluded. Let the child dream up: "What does a pan fish look like? What does a scissor fish eat and how can a magnet fish be used?"

"Make up a story"

Purpose: to develop the creative imagination of children.

Game progress: invite the children to look at the pictures in the book, and invite them to come up with new events together.

"Continue Drawing"

Purpose: to develop the imagination of children, fine motor skills of hands.

Game progress: a simple figure (eight, two parallel lines, square, triangles standing on top of each other) must be turned into part of a more complex pattern. For example, from a circle you can draw a face, a ball, a car wheel, glass from glasses. It is better to draw (or offer) options in turn. Who is bigger?


Purpose: to develop the creative imagination of children.

Material: sheets of paper on which blots are applied.

Game progress: the famous Rorschach test is built on this principle.

Children have to figure out what the blot looks like and finish it. Whoever names the most items wins.

"Reviving Items"

Purpose: to develop the creative imagination of children.

Game progress: imagine yourself as a new fur coat; lost mitten; mitten, which was returned to the owner; a shirt thrown on the floor; shirt neatly folded. Imagine: the belt is a snake, and the fur mitten is a mouse. What will be your actions?

“That doesn't happen! »

Purpose: to develop the creative imagination of children.

Game progress: the participants in the game take turns telling some incredible story, short or long. The winner is the player who manages to come up with five stories, having heard which, the audience will exclaim: “It doesn’t happen like that! ".

"Draw the Mood"

Purpose: to develop the creative imagination of children.

Game progress: This game can be used if the child has a sad mood or, on the contrary, is very cheerful, and also some other, the main thing is that he has some kind of mood. The child is asked to draw his mood, depict it on paper in any way.

"Drawings with a sequel"

Purpose: to develop the creative imagination of children.

Material: paper, watercolors

Game progress: Put a red dot in the center of a piece of paper. We suggest that the next one continue the drawing.

"The new purpose of the subject"

Purpose: to develop the creative imagination of children.

Game progress: The children sit in a circle. The host launches some object (an old iron, an umbrella, a pot, a package, a newspaper). Everyone comes up with a new purpose for this subject. For example, an iron can be used as a weight or as a tool for cracking coconuts. The winner is the one who comes up with the most incredible uses for this item.

The object can "walk" in a circle while new assignments are invented for it.

Game "What do clouds look like?"

Children look at cards with clouds of various shapes and guess objects or animals in their outlines. At the same time, they note that clouds are different not only in color, but also in shape.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that when there are a lot of clouds in the sky, they look like an air city, where there are towers and domes.

The game "Portrait spoke."

Target. Continue acquaintance with children's portraits, learn to compose a coherent story.

Move. The teacher offers the child to choose a reproduction of the picture with a child's portrait and tell on behalf of the character of the picture about himself

The game "Guess the mood."

Target. Learn to describe the mood of a person by facial expression.

Move. The teacher depicts fear, delight, sadness, joy on his face. Children determine the mood. Then the children independently carry out the task of the educator, convey the mood by facial expressions: joy, thoughtfulness, sadness, etc.

The game. "Guess and go around."

Target. To teach children to identify by ear and restore in memory an object of a three-dimensional or planar type. To find an object and check yourself by the method of examination - bypass this object.

Move. The teacher calls the words, and the children say, a volumetric or planar object. At the same time, they must show this with their hands (if it is voluminous, the hands seem to hug the object, if it is flat, their hands show it with movements along the plane of the table.

Game "Find the flaw in the portrait."

Target. Learn to see the missing parts of the face in the portrait. Continue to get acquainted with the portrait genre, its features.

Move. Children are given images of the same face with different imperfections (no eyelashes, eyebrows, nose, pupils, lip line, upper or lower lips, iris, ears). The teacher suggests identifying the missing parts and completing them with graphite material - a black felt-tip pen.

The game "Compose a still life."

Target. To consolidate the knowledge of children about still lifes.

Move. 1 task. Children are given planar images of inanimate and living nature. Children make up a still life, selecting images that are unique to this genre, and give a name to their work.

2 task. It is proposed to compose a still life from various objects (dishes, food, flowers, toys, as well as a background for a still life). Children make a still life, and explain why they took objects of a certain type, give a name to the work.

The game "Find the picture on the palette."

Target. To develop artistic perception in children, the ability to see and analyze the color scheme of the picture, the ratio of its color palette (cold, warm, contrast) and find a picture in which the mood corresponding to the palette sounds.


1st task. The teacher alternately shows the children palettes with cold, warm and contrasting colors and offers to find paintings painted with these color combinations. Children explain their choice. Wave game.

Move. The players sit down in a circle. An adult suggests imagining that they are swimming in the sea, plunging into gentle waves, and depict these waves - gentle and cheerful. The training ends with “swimming in the sea”: one of the players becomes in the center of the circle, the waves run up to him one by one and gently stroke the swimmer. When all the waves stroke him, he turns into a wave, and the next swimmer takes his place.

The game. Storm Game.

To play, you need a large piece of cloth so that you can cover the children with it.

Move. The teacher says: “The trouble is for the ship that will be at sea during a storm: huge waves threaten to turn it over, the wind throws the ship from side to side. But the waves in a storm are a pleasure: they frolic, compete among themselves, who will rise higher. Let's pretend you are waves. You can joyfully buzz, raise and lower your hands, turn in different directions, change places.

The game "What's wrong?".

Target. Develop observation. Attention.

Move. The teacher closes in the picture, some detail of clothing, object or the object itself, and the children must guess what is missing in the picture.

Game "Sculptor and Clay".

Target. To consolidate the knowledge of children about sculptures, about the profession of a sculptor.

Move. The teacher invites the children to divide into two teams - one sculptor, the other clay. Sculptors must "sculpt" some kind of figure and tell about it. Then the children change places. The teacher reminds that clay cannot talk.

Find the emotion game.

Target. Learn to highlight pictures according to mood.

Move. The teacher distributes pictograms with emotions to the children and exposes reproductions of paintings different in genre and mood, and then offers to select a pictogram for each reproduction. Children justify their choice and tell what emotions they experience when looking at the picture.

Game - exercise "Describe a neighbor"

Target. Learn to carefully consider a person, to give a verbal portrait.

Move. The teacher invites the children to consider each other carefully and describe their neighbor. You can use the frame technique: one child is invited to pick up a frame or a hoop, draw a portrait, and describe this living picture to everyone else.

An exercise. "Storm Waves"

Target. To teach how to show “waves” with different amplitudes of movement with your hands: the first waves can be depicted while sitting. Children together with the teacher show the height of the waves - each shaft; called the words "first shaft", "second shaft" ...... .. "ninth shaft".

Before the exercise, I. Aivazovsky's painting "The Ninth Wave" is considered.

Plastic sketch "Alyonushka"

Target. Continue to acquaint children with the fabulous genre of painting. Show the mood conveyed by the artist in the picture, as well as the pose and emotional state

Move. At will, the child depicts the pose of the girl depicted in the picture and her mood, and then offers his own version of her actions further.

The game "Find bright and faded colors in nature"

Purpose: To teach children to find color contrasts in the surrounding nature, to name them.

Move. The teacher suggests that all children go to the window and find in the Landscape from the window "bright and faded colors in objects, plants, natural phenomena

Game based on the picture "I go, I see, I tell myself."

Target. Immersion in the plot of the picture. The feeling of its details as parts of a whole composition.

Move. You can start like this: I see I am walking in the picture “Rye” ... Then the child tells what he would see if he entered the space of the picture.

Nadezhda Gureeva
The value of fantasy games for the development of imagination in preschoolers


Today's children have the ability to play very underdeveloped. The game has been supplanted by other, adult activities. According to the age periodization, the specificity of each age period and the conditions for a full-fledged mental development associated with age neoplasm. For preschoolers it's psychological neoplasm appears in the function imagination. Since the main activity for preschoolers stays play, then the question will be relevant for this period development fantasy through different types of games.

"The game generates joy, freedom, contentment, peace in oneself and around oneself, peace with the world." Friedrich Fröbel.

One of the founders of Russian psychology, L. S. Vygotsky, said that the basis of the game is an imaginary or imaginary situation. imaginary the situation takes place where there is a discrepancy between the visual field and the semantic field.

In director's games, playing situations associated with unpleasant experiences, thinking out loud, the child learns to more adequately evaluate the displayed events, acquires the ability to stand on someone else's point of view, comprehend it, which leads to a softening of the emotional reaction, to a greater understanding of the situation.

Psychological analysis of different types of games showed that each of them has a different meaning to form individual components imagination. Thus, the object environment is mainly formed in the initial forms of director's play, where the child organizes various toys and objects in a single plot. The past experience of the child receives the greatest realization of the plot-role-playing game, when all his life impressions are played. Finally, a special internal position is first formed in a figurative role-playing game, and then gets its intense development in directing.


Our team pays special attention to this, since the child grows, acts, creates in the subject environment, and therefore the subject environment should be multifunctional, not holding back the flight of the child's imagination.

Homemade dolls, dolls on a glove, mitten,

Boxes (caves, huts, tunnels, flying saucers, spaceports,

Homemade Velcro badges,

Portable playroom with small dolls, house, scraps of fabric, balls, sticks,

outfits: capes (multifunctional - musketeer, princess., scarves of different sizes, pieces of fabric of different colors,

Collections: feathers, fans, colored ribbons, belts, belts.

Waste material: flexible hose, straws, wheel, plastic caps, machine parts, egg molds, foam rubber, jars.

Material for arranging space: curtains with loops at the ends, with a pattern that can designate - cafe, restaurant, hospital.

Magic wand, chest,

Panels, maps with magical countries, fabulous caves, countries of clouds, color spots with removable images of heroes and things,

Homemade books: "The Story of One Thing", "Living Refrigerator", "Shoes at the Ball", "Kingdom of mirrors and mirrors".


In our kindergarten for development of the imagination the following games, exercises, assignments are given:

"Unfinished Drawing".Exercise: invite the child to think about what this picture looks like and finish it.

"Guess who am I".Game progress: children using gestures or sounds depicts an object (locomotive, kettle, samovar, dog, cat).Exercise: The child needs to guess what the object is.

"Decorate the Word".Exercise: Invite the child to pick up as many definitions for the given word as possible. (autumn, house, winter, summer, grandmother, flower, mother, game, etc.)

"Using Items".Exercise: the child must list all the possible uses of this item. Options: pencil, newspaper, piece of paper, book, brush, stool, shovel, cover.

"Imagine like".Tasks: the child must imagine and depict how he threads a needle; blowing out the candles on a birthday cake; a pendulum clock that strikes; portray and voice a cuckoo clock, a motorcycle; hairdresser who does hair; a little fisherman, a surgeon during an operation.

"Make an offer".Exercise: Write a sentence using the names of the objects shown in the pictures.

"Composing Images of Objects".Tasks: using geometric shapes, the child must draw a person's face, draw a house and other objects.

"Make a Riddle".Tasks: Invite the child to make a riddle about the umbrella. Hints: what the object looks like (on a mushroom, on a spinning top, on a bell); What is the difference (inedible, does not spin, shelters from rain);mystery: like a mushroom, but you can’t eat it, like a spinning top, but it doesn’t spin like a bell, but it will cover you from the rain.

"What's Happening".Exercise: Invite the child to answer the proposed question in detail. For example: what will happen if all fairy tale characters come to life?; What would happen if all the animals started to speak with a human voice? ; What happens if the rain keeps on pouring? And etc.

We wish all teachers to create and fantasize, because only such a teacher can understand a child, make his life interesting!

Workshop for parents. Workshop topic: "Games aimed at developing fantasy and verbal creativity, contributing to the development of coherent speech in preschoolers"


Assistance to parents in mastering the basic techniques for the development of fantasy and verbal creativity, contributing to the improvement of coherent speech.


Activate the knowledge of parents about the importance of developing coherent speech;
to teach game techniques for the development of fantasy and verbal creativity;
continue to form the skills of conscious, adequate and effective assistance to children;
to expand the degree of involvement of parents in the implementation of individual work with children.
Of all the knowledge and skills, the most important, most necessary for life activity is the ability to clearly, understandably, beautifully speak the native language. Throughout his life, a person improves speech, masters the variety of language means.
The mastery of coherent oral speech, the development of fantasy, imagination and the ability for literary creativity is the most important condition for high-quality preparation for school. An important component of this work is: the development of figurative speech, the cultivation of interest in the artistic word, the formation of the ability to use the means of artistic expression in an independent statement. A number of games and exercises contribute to the achievement of these goals, we will consider some of them.

The game "increase - decrease"

Here is a magic wand for you, it can increase or decrease whatever you want. What would you like to increase and what would you like to decrease? (Parents provide their answers.)

Here's how your kids responded:

I would like to reduce the winter and increase the summer.
- I would like to increase the weekend.
- I want to increase raindrops to the size of a watermelon.

Let's complicate this game with additional questions:
What would you like to increase and what would you like to decrease? Why do you want to increase or decrease? (Parents provide their answers.)

Here's how your kids responded:

I want to enlarge the candy to the size of the refrigerator so that I can cut off the pieces with a knife.
- Let your arms temporarily become so long that you can get an apple from a branch, or say hello through the window, or get a ball from the roof.
- If the trees in the forest are reduced to the size of grass, and the grass to the size of a match, then it will be easy to look for mushrooms.
- If it is difficult for a child to fantasize independently, offer to fantasize together, ask him auxiliary questions.

Game "Revive the object"

This game involves giving the objects of inanimate nature the abilities and qualities of living beings, namely: the ability to move, think, feel, breathe, grow, rejoice, multiply, joke, smile.
What living creature would you turn a balloon into?
- What do your shoes think about? (Parents provide their answers.)
And here is how your children answered (answers of children).

Game "Gift"

Adults stand in a circle. One is given a box with a bow in his hands and asked to pass it to his neighbor with warm words: “I give you a hare”, or “I give you a kid, his horns have not grown yet”, or “I give you a big candy, “There is a cactus in the box, don't get stuck."

Game "Change the character"

Come up with a fairy tale with such an incredible plot: the Fox has become the most rustic in the forest, and all the animals deceive her. (Parents provide their answers.)

How to play this game at home. Read a fairy tale to your child, it is better to start with fairy tales about animals. Choose with your child one character from a fairy tale whose character you will change. Pay attention to the child that changing the character of one character will change the usual relationship between the heroes of the fairy tale.

Zoo game

Participants of the game receive a picture without showing them to each other. Everyone should describe their animal, without naming it, according to this plan:

Where does he live?
What does it eat?

The game "Different eyes"

Describe the aquarium from the point of view of its owner, and then, from the point of view of the fish that swim there, and the owner's cat.

Game "Describe the situation"

The participants of the game are given the same plot pictures. They are invited to describe the situation from the point of view of its various participants, whose interests may be opposite. For example, from the point of view of a fox and a hare, a bear and bees.

Game "Come up with a sequel"

Read the beginning of the fairy tale and ask them to think of how the events in the fairy tale will develop, how it will end.

Game "How lucky I am"

Think of what objects you know could be considered lucky.
How lucky I am, says the sunflower, I look like the sun.
How lucky I am, says the potato, I feed people.
How lucky I am, - says the birch, - they make fragrant brooms out of me.

Game "Choose a metaphor"

Metaphor is the transfer of the properties of one object (phenomenon) to another on the basis of a feature common to both objects. For example, “talking waves”, “cold look”.
Explain which properties in the above metaphors and to whom are transferred.
Soft character. Cheeks are burning. Drowned in twos. Keep in tight grip. Turned green with anger. Annoying as a fly. Hardworking as a bee.


I will present myself as an object, thing or phenomenon, and on its behalf I will tell a story. Listen carefully to me and by asking leading questions, find out who or what it is about.
“I am in the house of every person. Fragile, transparent. I am dying from a careless attitude, and it becomes dark not only in my soul ... (light bulb) ”.

Game "Funny rhymes"

Match the words with rhymes.
Candle - ... stove; pipes - ... lips; racket - ... pipette; boots - pies, etc.
People say: "Without imagination, there is no consideration." Albert Einstein considered the ability to imagine higher than knowledge, because he believed that without imagination it is impossible to make discoveries. A well-developed, bold, controlled imagination is an invaluable property of original non-standard thinking.
Children subconsciously learn to think - in the game. This should be used and developed imagination and fantasy from early childhood. Let the children "reinvent their own bicycles". Who did not invent bicycles in childhood, he will not be able to invent anything at all. Fantasizing should be fun. Remember that the game is always immeasurably more productive if we use it to put the child in pleasant situations that allow us to perform heroic deeds and, while listening to a fairy tale, see our future full and promising. Then, enjoying the game, the child will quickly master the ability to fantasize, and then the ability to imagine, and then to think rationally.

Story game. fantasy game

Author: Svetlova Natalya Nikolaevna,
Educator at the MBOU "Zolotukha basic comprehensive school", the village of Zolotukha

We compose a story (fairy tale, story, incident) according to the picture. Lesson for children 5-7 years old

Goals: Develop children's creative ability,enrich children's emotional life
Tasks: the ability to combine the events proposed by the child himself and other participants in the general plot of the game; the formation of playing skills in the joint game of an adult with children, where an adult is a playing partner; independent children's play, in which an adult is not directly involved, but only provides the conditions for it.
Introductory part.
By the age of five, children have formed conditionally object and role-playing ways of constructing a story game. One of the lines of development of a story game for preschoolers is a fantasy game. A joint fantasy game develops imagination, creativity, enriches the emotional life of children. In such a game, you need to be able to combine various events, coordinating individual ideas in a common plot. The story game is not characterized by rigid adherence to the plan. This shows its specific features.- optionality, freedom of choice of actions. The general plot consists of the proposals of the participants during the game.
A more complex way to build a game - co-plotting, flowing in a purely verbal plan. Such games allow an adult, being a partner of children, to unobtrusively stimulate them to combine and coordinate various plot events. The most convenient for such activities are the plots of fairy tales that have a common plot scheme and sequence of events:
1 - a desire is revealed to have some kind of object (or its loss), as a result of which the hero of the fairy tale is sent (or leaves himself) for him;
2 - the hero meets with the "donor" (owner) of a magical tool and, in order to receive it, passes a test (for kindness, ingenuity, dexterity, resourcefulness, etc.);
3- the hero receives from the "donor" a magical agent or a magical assistant, with the help of which he reaches the desired object;
4- the hero discovers the enemy, in whose hands the desired object is, and passes the main test (fights the enemy or solves difficult tasks assigned to him);
5- the hero defeats the enemy and gets the desired object;
6- the hero returns home and receives a well-deserved reward.

The above scheme for transforming fairy tales is needed by the educator in order to develop a game of inventing and change a familiar plot.
The course of the lesson: improvisation - co-creation. Duration no more than 10-15 minutes
The teacher addresses the children: What fairy tale do you like the most?
Children answer, for example: "A wolf and seven kids."
We choose a hero in one of the proposed pictures (the Goat is the symbol of this year) and begin to fantasize. Children take turns making their suggestions, begin to unfold the plot. And here is the result.

Goat and seven kids in the circus

There lived a goat.
- And her name was Delka.
- Why Delka?
- Because she was very slender and she was also called Delka-Modelka.
- And this Delka-Modelka had seven kids.
- They were so pretty! Strong, agile, obedient children.
- And their names were: Shustrik, Jumper, Beauty, Dawn, Chamomile, Asterisk and Baby.
- This goat has a big family...
- Three boys...
Yes, four girls.

The elders looked after the little ones.
- The kids hardly quarreled, only sometimes they began to butt horns with each other in order to find out who had these horns stronger ...
- Every day they walked in the meadow, admired the beautiful flowers ...
- Chased skipping after dragonflies and butterflies,
- Or watched fluffy clouds float across the sky,
- Or admired the bright rainbow,
- Which suddenly hung like a yoke over the river after a warm rain!
- Meanwhile, mother Delka was grazing nearby on green and juicy grass.
- After the Wolf tried to deceive the kids, mother Delka did not leave her children unattended, and was always in a hurry to return home,
- To bring milk to your children.
- Goat milk was very fond of.
- Because it is so useful and very tasty!
- So they lived - together and happily.
One day the postman...
- Galchonok?
- Yes, Galchonok, he brought a goat with kids an invitation to the circus.
- That was joy! The goats could hardly wait for that day to come.
And that day has come!
- In the circus, the apple had nowhere to fall - all the places are occupied.
- The kids found their places and began to look impatiently at the arena ...
- Bravura music played here,
- And funny clowns appeared -
- Monkeys!
- They deftly jumped and galloped, built funny faces, climbed under the very dome of the circus and -
- They pretended that they were about to break,
- The audience screamed: "Oh!",
- But dexterous artists were already cheerfully showing their other tricks.
- The brown bear rode a bicycle,
- The heron thoughtfully stood on one leg and it was not difficult for her.
- A parrot - big and colorful - counted loudly from one to ten, and said:
- I'm awful! Beautiful! Outfitted!
- Everyone had fun and festive!
- And then the Wolf entered the arena.
Wolf, we know you! - the goats shouted joyfully.
- It was you who came to us when mom was not at home. You scared us...
- And the Wolf looked sadly at the audience and was silent guiltily.
- Tell us something, Gray, - adults and children began to shout.
Are you ashamed of what you did?
- And the wolf was silent and pointed to his throat with his paw ...
- He could not speak because his throat hurt,
- And the Wolf couldn’t leave either, because for bad behavior he was obliged to work at the circus on weekends:
- Sing songs - long and pitiful and tell funny stories for the public ...
- But when the throat hurts, it's impossible to sing songs, and you don't want to talk, -
Delka's mother said.
- Oh, it's good that I took a jug of fresh milk with me. Let's take the Wolf a present. From the milk his throat will get better,
- Mom said to the kids, and they went up to the Wolf and treated him to milk.
The wolf smiled and said:
- Thank you guys. You are so kind and good.
And I want to be friends with you...
- Hooray! - the goats shouted, and mother Delka stroked the Wolf on the head and said:
Come visit us when you're lonely.
"Thank you," Wolf said. I won't mess around anymore...
This is where the fairy tale ends. And who listened, well done!

When a child draws a hundredth Christmas tree “like in a kindergarten” or, having folded a mosaic exactly according to the instructions, starts to get bored, you understand that the axiom “all children are inventors and dreamers” is a little at odds with reality. Fortunately, creativity is easy to stir up. And materials for creative games are always at your fingertips.

Fairy tale every day

Writing is the simplest game that requires no training, no toys, no big company. To begin with, you will have to move the left lobe of the brain a little and come up with stories, for example, about a fork and a spoon, a lost sandal, or a grandmother who went to distant Tula. Gradually connect the child. Where did the train go? Maybe at sea? What do boots like for lunch? Make it harder over time. For example, an older child can already come up with and draw a comic. On trips, in the country, the diaries of travelers and discoverers are perfectly composed. Tell your child about poetry and that his favorite films are based on books and scripts, which, by the way, he can also write.

Stories and fairy tales not only develop imagination, but also allow you to discuss complex issues, solve some problems with children's behavior, for example, fears. To do this, they introduce a topic relevant to the child into the plot and show how the hero copes in a similar situation. It is important to remember here: the main thing is adventure, not moralizing.

Creative drawings

Many children become infected in educational institutions with self-doubt and the habit of drawing "as they said." Unfortunately, the atmosphere of constant comparison with other children is not very conducive to creativity. So the family will be provided with postcards for March 8 and May 9, but the love for painting is likely to fade away. A return to the roots, that is, to scribbles, can correct this sad prospect. Play doodling. Let the child put colored spots with paints, and you quickly turn abstractions into little men, animals, robots or flowers. Then switch roles. Cut out the resulting creatures, play with them. Change materials too: gouache, watercolor, acrylic, crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens, ink, collage.

Dorisovki will return to the child the creative enthusiasm and courage necessary for the artist.

Crazy soup

Invite your child to have a dinner party. Just do not properly seat the dolls around the table in front of empty toy cups. As you know, the main thing in lunch is soup. Offer to cook this soup in a real, largest pot of everything that the child finds in the house, in his opinion, suitable (of course, without water). Of course, you will have to mentally prepare for the fact that socks, toothbrushes and charging from the phone can fly into the boiler. If you are unable to see such a disgrace, then creative games are needed here not only for the younger generation. When the soup is ready, call the guests. Again, don't limit yourself to a plush army. Invite a grandmother, a cat, a steam locomotive and a father's tie to soup and come up with conversations with your child that these guests could have at the table.

The task of this game is for the child to understand that any thing can come up with a new function and, of course, to have fun.

And now - disco!

Games with music are ideal for the company of children. Give them the task of finding musical instruments. They can be pots and spoons, flat combs (show how to play with them), empty plastic bottles filled with a little cereal, etc. In general, let them look for everything that can make all sorts of noise. Then turn on the funniest music, and go ahead, play along with the rhythm, sing and dance.

Such a game will show children that music can be born not only from many years of suffering in a music school, but at the same time will allow everyone to move and spend irrepressible children's energy.

nature observations

Well, if the weather and mosquitoes allow you to lie down on the grass. But the garden bench is quite suitable for this game. Look at the clouds with your child and discuss their shapes. Start simple: this one looks like a pillow, and this one looks like cotton candy. You yourself will not notice how you will find castles and dragons in the sky. Then start looking for similarities and similarities in other natural phenomena. What does this puddle look like? But the leaf, just like a turtle! Look at the shadow on the wall and the veins in the stone.

This exercise develops not only fantasy, but also observation and makes the world around you more interesting.

funny contest

Another game for the company, which, by the way, can help you with the answer to the question of what to do with children on their birthday. Set up a competition. But it should differ from kindergarten or school events with a light atmosphere of madness. Your task is to come up with the most strange task. It can be a competition of portraits of the most mischievous princesses, the best poems about a hamster, the most inedible sandwiches or an exhibition of broken mobile phones, of course, with reports and presentations. Moderately ridiculous awards should be received by everyone.

Our children have many years ahead of them, during which they will be taught how important it is to do everything according to the rules, strive for excellence and fight for first places. Such a game will not only spur the imagination, but also show that it is not always necessary to be the best in life.

elegant ceremony

An additional plus of such a game is that the child will understand: clothes are made for people, not people for clothes.

house in the house

Boxes are the perfect material for the development of fantasy. One of the options for playing with them is the construction of a multi-storey building for toys. Accumulate more boxes of different sizes, take scissors, tape, paints, colored paper, and go! First, the tower is glued together. Your job is quality control. Make sure that the building is strong, it should not fall apart under the weight of toys. Then you cut doors and windows in it, then you think about the interior and decorations with your child, and, finally, you populate the tenants. It is ideal to build a house no smaller than the height of a child. Playing with the house can drag on for weeks, because the toys will begin to visit each other or make repairs.

The game is good because it develops both engineering and design skills at the same time. Moreover, a homemade tower can grow with the child for a long time.


An excellent game for those whose children do not throw anything away and take care of all the tongues, screws, little things and broken parts. If dad or grandfather also shares the shpuntik, it will be absolutely fine. Introductory part. Tell your child about who inventors are. And that everything around was once invented by someone. It would be nice to give a couple of examples. After that, it is necessary to organize a scientist’s laboratory, give out tools, explain safety precautions, and go ahead, enjoy the silence and the view of a child snoring over a perpetual motion machine. What this invention does, it is not necessary to find out later. The main thing is that the child is satisfied with the result.

If the game of observing the clouds drew the attention of the child to the richness of the natural world, then this game opens up for him the world of things created by people.

Zoo from Mars

When all the cows, dogs and bears have already been studied up and down, it's time to invent new species. Have your child create alien animals. They can live on their planets, and you will watch them. Or, for example, you can capture them and populate the zoo with them. New animals can be drawn, cut, sculpted, crafted. Of course, each animal will have its own food, its own house, its own name and habits.

By writing stories about fantastic animals with your child, you can at the same time tell him a little about the biology and anatomy of real animals and birds. In this way, fantasy and science will mutually enrich each other.

The beauty of creative games is that they are never redundant. If the child already knows arithmetic, he does not need to be asked once again how much five five is. But if he is already drawing, composing, inventing, one more fantasy game will not hurt. Depending on the age of the child and how flexible their thinking is, you can easily adjust the difficulty of the games. Invite some children to just watch you, others to more or less supplement the game, and for some it’s quite enough just to throw a creative idea, then, to the general joy, they will act on their own.
