How do Chinese people treat Russians? Strong Chinese friendship

your appearance

Let's start with your appearance. Are you a fair-haired person with green or blue eyes? Then be prepared for the fact that they will point the finger at you and shout “Hello!” Follow you, because you even outwardly differ from the whole mass of Chinese, and you are very easy to notice in the crowd. You will be especially interested.

With dark hair, dark skin color and brown eyes, you are less noticeable, but still, the Chinese usually easily distinguish you from people with an Asian appearance.

However, when in Shanghai I, in a wide-brimmed summer hat and sunglasses, asked for directions to the Temple of the Jade Buddha, even a Chinese listened to my question, began to explain, and then asked: “Are you a Chinese woman or what?”. To which I took off my glasses and, smiling, replied that I was Russian. And then the Chinese also smiled and continued explaining the road.

There are already many foreigners in Shanghai and Guangzhou. Attention will be paid to you, but, however, this will be treated more calmly than in the provinces. There are generally more foreigners, as it seemed to me in the summer, than the Chinese.

You will definitely be noticed

But in Beijing, not everything is so simple, especially in summer. I have already said that Beijing, with its "Forbidden City", is a kind of "Mecca" for the Chinese of all provinces. I was in Beijing in July this year.

At first, I approached passers-by and asked them where this or that street was, to which most of them said that they themselves were also newcomers, from such and such a province, and also did not know anything here. But this is in the summer, and from autumn to spring, you can often meet a native Beijinger on the street.

They want to take a photo with you

Walking the streets or taking in the sights of China, don't be surprised if people ask you to take a picture with you. Charge yourself with a smile, take a comfortable position and please the Chinese with your Laowai face in the photo! (Laowai - 老外 - a respected foreigner, as the Chinese call all the guests of their country).

Often a Chinese mother, grandmother or father may ask you to take a picture of their son or daughter. I also liked helping the Chinese take photos together: the two of them take pictures of each other in turn, and I offered to help them and take pictures of them together. They have always been very grateful. In general, the Chinese know how to be grateful, and therefore they also want to do something pleasant in return, just to please them.

Most Chinese people are quite friendly towards foreigners. During my stay in different cities of China, I did not see a single dissatisfied face. On the contrary, a Chinese will gladly smile at you, even if you are just walking past each other on the street.

The Chinese are very friendly towards Russians.

The historical past of our countries is also reflected here: in the days of socialism, China considered the Soviet Union to be its big brother in political and economic affairs.

Therefore, respect for the Russians has been preserved to this day.

Many Russian folk songs or those that have become so have been translated into Chinese by the great Chinese translator Xue Fan. And when a girl says that she is Russian, any Chinese or Chinese woman will say "俄罗斯美女!" (Beautiful Russian girl!)

They wouldn't say that about a Frenchwoman or an Englishwoman. Our Russian beauty is understandable and pleasing to the Chinese eye more than any other European.

What if I need help?

If you need something (for example, you are lost; you don’t know which way to go; you need to exchange large bills), they will always help you, and they will do it with great pleasure and cordiality, because ordinary Chinese people have the slogan “Serving is life.”

This also explains the fact that when you enter a store (or restaurant), sellers (waiters) immediately run up to you and ask what you need to buy (how many people you are and where you want to sit).

Their main task is to make your stay with them pleasant for you, and not only because they are employees of any institution and by no means because they are service personnel. It is important for the Chinese to make the life of a person next to them a little better.

And if you look at history, you can see an interesting fact: when Korea (at that time Karyo) was a vassal of China, it had to bring tribute to the Chinese emperor.

However, when the empty wagon returned from the emperor back to Korea, like hospitable hosts, the Chinese sometimes presented the Koreans with even more than they brought duties. So the custom of welcoming a guest has ancient origins in China.

The people are friendly but sly

However, many travelers note that the Chinese are cunning people. In addition, there is a stereotype among them that foreigners usually come to travel and therefore bring a lot of money with them. If you do not steal, then at least they will try to shortchange or deceive you in the market.

Therefore, at the words “laowai”, “wai guo zhen” (foreigner), you need to smile and be on the alert. For the Chinese, foreigners are, first of all, “overseas dolls”, and if you are a traveler, then also bags of money.

The Chinese are very friendly and polite in communication, but it is not uncommon for people to go to the bank to change money and not bring it there.

The main thing is to always keep documents and money with you, without a phone or camera you can safely complete your trip, but unfortunately not without documents.

And it is best to always take your passport with you, because without an identity card you cannot buy a train ticket, check into a good hotel, or change money at a bank.

In order to be sure of positive emotions from traveling in China, of course, you need to know at least a little Chinese and be able to express yourself in it at least in simple phrases.

In order to prepare you for your trip to China, I have created a basic Chinese language course for travelers "Chinese Box".

In the course, we analyze not only phrases. But also situations of communication, we learn a lot about the culture of China and learn how to ask questions and answer them correctly.

In order?

It should not be surprising that in China there is practically no concept of a queue. There are a lot of people in China, and everyone wants to be in time, who goes where. In the subway or when boarding a bus, you will not see queues. People are a solid mass that strives in one direction, so be careful and vigilant.

But even during rush hours, in a large, but already cramped Beijing bus, you still feel like a person, no one deliberately pushes and shouts with displeasure. Everyone is talking calmly and noisily and gets off the bus in time. The queue is simply not needed, since the Chinese find harmony, order and balance in every day even without it.

Unusual in Chinese

The Chinese also have several habits that are not accepted in our society: spitting in the streets, talking with a full mouth, slurping while chewing, talking loudly and shouting in the streets. By such behavior, they do not show that they treat you badly. Quite the contrary. They are just used to behaving like this and this is the norm.

Yes, the Chinese are different from the Europeans. And not only this set of habits, but also, for example, absolute patriotism and love for the country, the chairman of the country, his province, his city, his nationality and his family.

And this contributes to the rallying of the entire Chinese people, making them strong and friendly. The way the Chinese behave has evolved over the years and millennia, and you can’t change these habits in a couple of weeks. And why change, if by and large it does not complicate communication with them at all.

Are you going to travel to China? Then learn to accept it as it is, along with the customs and habits of its interesting people.

And you in China will always be met with hospitality and attention!

"Chinese box"

Elina Arefieva,

Correspondent of the Free Travelers Club in China

Russia is the largest country in the world, but why do so few people live in Russia? Compared to China, the population of Russia looks ridiculous. Especially frustrating is the fact that there are many single and beautiful girls in Russia due to gender imbalance.

“However, this situation does not greatly upset the Russians, they are happy to marry foreigners,” writes the Chinese edition of Jinzhi Toutiao.

Russia is the largest country in the world in terms of territory, its area is more than 17 million square kilometers, which is almost twice the size of the third largest country - China. The population living on such a vast territory is very small and amounts to only 140 million. This figure looks very tiny compared to the population of China.

Demographic problems have been worrying Russia for many years, this issue was noticed back in the days of the Soviet Union, but there has been no noticeable improvement so far. The Russian government has allocated a large sum as material support and encouragement to increase the birth rate, but this has not yet brought visible results.

Why do so few people live in Russia? One of the main reasons was the Second World War, in which many Soviet soldiers took an active part. The losses suffered by the country turned out to be so huge that in the battle for Stalingrad alone, more than a million young men - Soviet soldiers - died.

Due to such large losses among the male population, the birth rate has fallen sharply in the country. There is still an imbalance in the ratio of men and women in Russia. If you walk along any street in Russia, you will see that you will mostly meet young girls dressed very beautifully, in the hope of attracting the attention of the opposite sex.

But it cannot be said that such a situation greatly upset the Russians, it is generally difficult to upset them with anything, the abundance of unclaimed Russian brides is very pleasing to foreigners who are happy to marry a Russian beauty.

The second reason for the small population is natural conditions. It is very cold in Russia, the proximity of the North Pole is felt there, and the highest temperature of the year is only 27 degrees. In such difficult weather conditions, a person is not up to the opposite sex, hence the low birth rate.

A note appeared on the website of the Chinese edition of Toutiao, in which the author Mu Muse shares his observations about Russian girls. They look great before marriage and age quickly after it. The husband becomes a child, and the wife turns into a mother caring for him. The author is looking for the reasons for such radical changes in family traditions, culture and culture.

Russia is deservedly considered one of the countries in which a large number of beauties live. There are a lot of beautiful girls in Russia, but why does all their beauty disappear with age and they turn into aunts? Why do Russian girls look great in their youth, and after marriage they rapidly lose their beauty? In Russia, the husband never knew how to do housework, and therefore the wife gave all her strength to household chores. This is one of those traditions that has a place in the modern world.

There is one statement that in Russia, after the wedding, the husband becomes a child who needs care, and the wife turns into a mother caring for him. Excessive overwork, leading to aging of the body, in addition to this, insufficient attention to one's appearance leads to the fact that sometimes when you meet a girl, at first glance it may seem that she is far from young.

The Russian government promotes an increase in the birth rate, and also provides families with many children with various benefits. Therefore, Russian women usually give birth to several children after marriage. Frequent childbirth, several pregnancies and several feeding periods - all this leads to the fact that the body ages faster, and Russian women gain weight much more often than others.

It also has to do with eating habits. Everyone who has visited Russia knows that both lunch and dinner here are always very satisfying, there is a lot of flour made from wheat. They usually consist of three courses. Soup is always first. The choice is usually borscht or cabbage soup with cabbage. The second course must be served hot. It could be fish or meat. The fish is usually fried. Meat - beef or lamb - is prepared in the form of a steak or cutlets. In most cases, fried potatoes or mashed potatoes are served with these dishes. All food is very salty, a lot of salted fish, cucumbers, pickles. Sometimes after vodka they drink salt water. And the last dish is dessert. For dessert, they usually offer cakes, sweets, drink tea with sugar or coffee. Russians eat very few vegetables.

“Russian wives are superior to Chinese in many respects,” say Chinese husbands of Russian wives. In connection with this statement, I really became interested, what is wrong with the Chinese women and how we compare favorably with the Asian women.

For the purity of the experiment, we will choose two girls of great powers: me and my Chinese friend Keri. With obvious external differences, otherwise we are like two drops of water: both are in the same weight and age category, both are married.

Round 1: Princess and Cinderella

Firstly, speaking about the differences and about which nationality wife is better, it is worth starting with a story about the average family in which future brides were born.

Everyone has heard the slogan: "One family - one child." China followed this policy for 36 years. Therefore, being born into a Chinese family, we can say that Keri pulled out a lucky lottery ticket. She, being the only child in the family, was loved to the point of impossibility by all grandparents, gifted with all kinds of gifts. The family indulged her whims, it was only necessary to stamp a small foot.

From an early age, Chinese women grow up as princesses, freed from all household chores, whether it's cleaning, ironing or washing.

Keri reveals that she never makes her bed. When she was a child, her father did it, now her husband.

As for me, being born in the 90s in a military family, my sister and I grew up as real soldiers. Dad said, "There are no servants here." Therefore, from childhood, we were taught to help our mother around the house, wash socks and tights every evening, in order to put on clean ones in the morning. And also darn clothes and treat all things with care, because in difficult years for the whole country we had to wear clothes one after another. There was no question of any whims. The Pope severely punished us for any manifestation of princely behavior.

In my opinion, nevertheless, the princess, sooner or later, must become a queen. It is not good to be a sissy and throw up scandals because of an unpresented dress or an insufficient amount of attention. Let's assume that the first round was for the Russians.

1-0 and the Russian wife takes the lead.

Round 2: Self-reliance

Such guardianship, of course, leaves its mark on adult life. According to Keri, Chinese girls grow up completely unadapted to life. They become sluts who don't know how to do anything, but, most importantly, they don't want to do anything. Because they know for sure that behind them is a powerful army in the form of parents, grandparents, who will cook food and put things in order, and, in which case, they will now look after her little princess.

Chinese girls, becoming adult ladies, rarely make any decisions without round-the-clock consultation of relatives.

Chinese girls, becoming adult ladies, still remain completely dependent. They rarely make any decisions without round-the-clock consultation of relatives. And it's all as if written off from Carey. For her, her mother and husband are two people with whom she is in touch 24 hours a day. Without them, she won’t go on vacation alone, she won’t even order noodles in a restaurant without them.

As for me, my husband often reproaches me for being too independent. And this is generally true. While he was in the army, I almost independently moved from the student hostel to our own nest. I moved most of my stuff by myself. His brother and best friend only helped move the fridge and sofa. Nothing, of course, that my hands were shaking later because of the weights ... Then I was terribly pleased with myself, and after that I went with the girls to Egypt for three weeks to rest. "Single lady on the scourge"! After a while, of course, I understand the indignation of the spouse.

Being independent is good. But I think everything has its limit. We will assume that The Chinese equalized.

Round 3: Career

European women are engaged in a career, Eastern women - exclusively with a family, Russians - with everything, Chinese - with nothing.

Russian women are maximalists, suffering from the syndrome of an excellent student: a brilliant career, two children under 30, and a well done husband. They drag on themselves everything that is possible: family, work, and home. My Chinese colleagues jokingly say that my husband beats me because every morning he has breakfast and a packed lunch box for work. And every week I clean up the whole apartment, asking my husband to just vacuum and take out the trash, I do laundry not only for my things, but also regularly go to his mother. Applause in my honor is not required here, but for Chinese women this is already out of the ordinary.

In China, they are guided by the principle: dad works, mom is beautiful.

This is not a rule, but rather an exception, according to which young Chinese women who have just jumped out of marriage live. The most difficult stage of life is over, a life partner has been found, and in China divorces are condemned, so they hang their legs, sitting on the necks of their men. Women at the first stages of marriage hit "self-education", while away the time watching TV shows, smearing a millionth layer of varnish on well-polished nails.

But even here there are more mundane Chinese women who understand that a husband is not a sponsor and not a draft horse that will drag the whole family, but a friend and partner. Reluctantly, Chinese women start working, most often choosing something in the service sector, but deep in their hearts they dream of a career as a housewife.

Reluctantly, Chinese women start working, most often choosing something in the service sector, but deep in their hearts they dream of a career as a housewife.

By the way, Carey has recently started working as a teacher of Chinese as a foreign language. Prior to that, she and her mother were housewives.

It's hard for me to say which is better: to be a draft horse or a lazy cat. Of course, the modern standards of society are pushing us all to new and new achievements. And the one who is used to engaging in passive pastime, sort of like overboard. But, probably, each of us wanted (and more than once) to quit everything and just relax, so that the husband, children, work and home would somehow figure it out without our intervention.

You still need to be able to take a break: 2-2 friendly draw.

Round 4: Children

Although China's birth-limiting policy has been lifted, Chinese women still don't aspire to have two, much less three or four babies. For them, one is enough. And all because the state does not make concessions to mothers of large families, without providing any bonuses at all.

For example, a decree in China lasts only four months. After that, either return to the company and work, as expected forty to fifty hours a week, or quit.

Children are subject to a number of strict requirements. Toddlers who cannot tie their shoelaces or go to the toilet, for example, are not accepted into preschools. Therefore, it is cheaper and easier to leave your little miracle with grandparents.

With kindergartens here, oddly enough, the situation is also difficult. In Russia, there are simply not enough kindergartens for everyone. In China, there is enough, even there are extra places, but no one is in a particular hurry to go there. And all because this pleasure is not cheap. As a rule, the cost of staying in a kindergarten starts from 7-8 thousand yuan (70-80 thousand rubles) per year. Yes, and there are a number of strict requirements for children. Toddlers who cannot tie their shoelaces or go to the toilet, for example, are not accepted into preschools. Therefore, it is cheaper and easier to leave your little miracle with grandparents.

Russian mothers are on maternity leave for at least a year and a half. My mother says that she could not “breathe” with either the first or the second child, so she spent all three years on maternity leave as it should be. And after that she handed us over to kindergartens, grandparents, who took us to all sections and circles.

3-3. How in the modern world to be a good mother without outside help?!

Round 5: Holidays and Gifts

The Russian wife in sacred horror is waiting for New Year's Eve. Gifts to everyone in the world, Olivier basin, to tear out the apartment so that it shines and is tormented by Hamlet's doubts to the last: “Are we calling to ourselves or are we going ourselves?”. And here you can still add about the mother-in-law and about how to explain that this year the chiming clock is again not for her. Well, what am I telling. You yourself know!

The Chinese wife just goes to bed. She doesn't need anything. New Year will come only in February. The eighth of March is also not particularly important for her: if the boss gave half a day off, then, consider it, it was not in vain that she was born a woman.

Chinese men have no time to relax. This is because there are already about 20 million “surplus” men in China. According to statistics, there are 100 women for every 135 men.

However, Chinese men have no time to relax. This is because there are already about 20 million “surplus” men in China. According to statistics, there are 100 women for every 135 men. And the strongest will win this battle!

Lack of supply with high demand, as you know, leads to a rise in price. It is the rise in the price of brides, no matter how it sounds, that is quite a common phenomenon in modern Chinese society. When choosing a groom, Chinese girls are driven by three criteria: handsome, rich, tall. Marriable Chinese ladies are very mercantile. Therefore, in China, as in Russia, one cannot do without flowers, restaurants and diamonds. And all this is not only the eighth of March. And, according to Keri, the stamp in the passport absolutely does not exempt the husband from offerings.

4-4. Women are women everywhere.

These Chinese men started a strange adventure, deciding to compare Russian wives with Chinese ones! We are all different, and who is better, Russian or Chinese wives, me or Keri, is, of course, not for us to judge. But our husbands are, in any case, the happiest men in the world. At least we think so.


Petersburger Viktor Ulyanenko, one of Russia's best specialists in the Chinese language, has written a book about China, Shocking China. He traveled all over China far and wide, more than once advised Russian businessmen who were going to open a business in China, and translated the words of Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev at international conferences.

- TO How do Chinese people treat foreigners?
- In general, condescendingly. It has always been and always will be. Almost every Chinese has an ancient belief that he, regardless of his education, upbringing, material wealth, is better and smarter than any foreigner. In China, it is customary to say about Europeans: “Si zhi fa yes, tou nao jian tribute.” In translation: "The arms and legs are healthy, but the head is dull." For the eyes of foreigners can be called "yangui" ("overseas devils") and "daobize" ("big-nosed"). The fact is that most Chinese have small, flattened noses with a very low nose bridge. Therefore, almost any foreigner, from the point of view of the Chinese, is endowed with a huge ugly nose. But Russians, among other things, are called hairies. In Chinese, it's laomaozi. This nickname is often used in the northeast of the Celestial Empire, where Russians are the most. The Chinese are mostly hairless. For them, even weak vegetation on the arms, legs or face is primitive wool. Therefore, bearded Russian men with a mane of hair terrify the Chinese. And, finally, the most important definition of Europeans is “laowai”. You will hear this word during the first five minutes of your stay in China. It means "clumsy", "loh", "a person who does not understand anything." But most of all, the Japanese were not lucky. They are often referred to as "pygmy devils from the eastern ocean".

Why did the Europeans displease the Chinese so much?
“The Chinese don’t call us that because they are evil and treacherous. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire do not want to offend anyone at all, shouting in the back to the first foreigner they come across: “Laowai!” It's just a habit, a tradition. For a long time, China was the center of civilization in the Far East region. It was surrounded by underdeveloped tribes. Therefore, the Chinese had every reason to consider themselves the center of the earth, the most enlightened race. This feeling hasn't gone away. Until now, the Chinese call their country Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo (Middle Blooming People's Republic). And, which is indicative, even for a Chinese who has lived twenty years in Russia, the USA, Australia, the entire local population continues to be “Laows”, and only natives of the same Middle State are full-fledged, highly educated people. Therefore, when they talk about some kind of "strategic partnership" and "equal cooperation" with China, it becomes ridiculous to me.

— Don't the Chinese even try to hide their attitude towards foreigners?
- In large cities - Shanghai, Beijing - you will not notice a dismissive attitude towards yourself. A professor at Peking University will be impeccably polite to you. But the farther inland, the worse. For a Chinese peasant, any European is not even a person, but something like an alien animal. As soon as you get off the train in some relatively small city, you will immediately be surrounded by a crowd of 20-30 loafers. The Chinese do not just look at a foreigner, they stare at him with their mouths open. Some may follow unfortunate Europeans for hours. Others are able to pull the guest's hair to check whether they are real or not, to feel the clothes, the bag. I personally know people who came to China to work, and then could not stand such attention and were treated for serious nervous disorders.

— And how should one behave in a crowd of curious Chinese?
“It is best to follow the old Chinese proverb: “When you enter a village, act like a peasant.” React with humor. You can not be offended, shout, sort things out. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire simply do not understand what they are to blame for. A classic example: a foreigner falls off his bike, and the crowd of Chinese around begins to giggle happily. The first desire is to finish off a couple of the most violently having fun jerks. And people don't really find it funny. For the Chinese, laughter is also an attempt to smooth out their own embarrassment and lack of understanding of what to do next in a delicate situation. They simply do not know how to help a fallen foreign cyclist - he is so ridiculous, unfinished, big-nosed, he also does not know how to ride a bike.

- Do the Chinese look at Russian girls or also treat them condescendingly?
- Marrying a Russian is the cherished dream of any normal Chinese man. The fact is that the majority of Chinese women do not know how to dress beautifully and take care of themselves. Residents of Beijing may well put on woolen underpants (maoku) of red or green color along with the dress, and pull on nylon tights over it. What's ugly? But it's warm! Of course, after that, the Chinese instantly fall for our girls. Another thing is that such marriages quickly break up.

- Why?
- One of the reasons is the absolute lack of masculinity of the Chinese. It seems to me that Russian women love strong, confident men who are able to punch in the face to protect their loved ones. So, the Chinese are far from this image. As a rule, they are rather frail, mannered, feminine. Most Chinese men can't even screw in a light bulb properly. But they treat their children with touching tenderness. A child for a Chinese is a priceless treasure. And it's not just parental love. China has a very poorly developed pension system. Therefore, the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, with the exception of public sector workers, in old age can only hope for the help of children.

- One gets the feeling that everything is very bad in China, and it is dangerous for a European to be there ...
- Not at all. China is rapidly changing for the better. For example, the police there are polite, always sober and correct. Moreover, they work very well. In 2004, my bag was stolen from me in Shanghai. I contacted the police, and they immediately cordoned off several blocks. The thief was found within half an hour. And the Chinese law enforcement officers practically do not take bribes. And not because they don't want to. In Beijing, small webcams are installed on police uniforms, which monitor the slightest violations of their "masters". In general, police service in China is very prestigious and monetary. They don't take everyone there.
— The Chinese look at Russian women. Are they also interested in our Far East?
- Naturally! There are now about 100 million unemployed young people living in Chinese villages. Many peasants have already moved to the cities. But Chinese megacities are not rubber, they are already packed to capacity. 100 million young Chinese are ready to set off on a long journey at any moment. But where should they go? Of course, not in the direction of Southeast Asia, where there are many of their inhabitants. No, they will go where there are more resources and fewer people. In Russia.

Of course, China is trying to somehow solve the problem of excess population. For example, recently the authorities have banned the allotment of land for golf courses (although it has become popular with the Chinese due to the growth of prosperity). Formally, it is impossible to build cottages in the Celestial Empire, since this is considered an irrational use of land. So for the Chinese, a separate house is a very expensive, high-status thing. Still, because in cities they live in cramped conditions. For example, in the old quarters of Beijing, there are no toilets in residential buildings. And people are forced to go outside to the public restroom all their lives. Of course, they will stare at the half-empty Russia that looms under their noses.

- And what surprises the Chinese most of all in our country?
“They are amazed by our parks. When they see the Sosnovsky forest park or the park of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, they fall into bewilderment. They ask why no one works on this land and where the owner of this territory is chilling. Of course, educated Chinese know the purpose of parks. But they understand it with the mind, not with the heart. .


Any Russian tourist, no doubt, will be interested in the question of what is the attitude towards him in this or that country. Going to China, it does not hurt to take care and find out about the opinion of local residents about people from Russia. Therefore, I propose to dwell on this issue in more detail.

Appearance is the first thing that attracts the attention of the Chinese

Perhaps it is worth going in order, and the first thing that comes to mind is external data. The first thing they pay attention to people with blond hair and light eyes, such as blue or green. Therefore, do not be surprised if they point the finger at you and at the same time shout: “Hello!” after. Since you are with such an appearance, you stand out strongly among the local population, which guarantees that special interest will be shown to you. If you are the owner of dark skin and dark hair, and also have brown eyes, then it will not be possible to notice a foreigner in you right away, but still the difference is obvious.

But, if a Russian tourist hides his hair and eyes under a hat and glasses and, for example, takes an interest in the road, then it is unlikely that a Chinese will be able to recognize you as a Russian.

In cities such as Shanghai and Guangzhou, there are a huge number of foreigners. The fact that you are not a Chinese, of course, will be noticed immediately, but they will not focus on this, as is often the case in the provinces of the country. In the summer, in general, it seems that there are more foreigners here than indigenous people.

How to stick to memory

But in the capital of the country, Beijing, the situation is not so simple, namely in the summer. Since the city with such an amazing attraction as the "Forbidden City" is a kind of "Mecca" for local residents.

As usual, all conclusions and stories about how Russians are treated in China are based on living examples. Let's take one of them. A visiting resident of Samara, while in China, asked passers-by about the location of this or that street, but the bulk of the people denied it, referring to the fact that they themselves did not know anything, because they had come from the provinces and were poorly oriented in the metropolis. This happened in the summer, but in the fall or in the spring, the streets of the city are mostly filled with metropolitan residents.

The local population may wish to take a photo with you. Walking the streets, or enjoying local memos, you should not be surprised if a situation arises when a Chinese wants to take a picture with you. Therefore, tune in to the positive and smile wider so that the local resident will remain in the memory of a benevolent guest of his country. It is also not uncommon in China that a mother, father or grandmother will politely ask you to take a photo with their child. When they meet Russians, the Chinese love to capture the best moments by taking pictures of them together. For such spiritual deeds, they were always very grateful. The Chinese are one of those peoples who know how to be grateful, which makes them want to do something good for them too.

The majority of Chinese people are very friendly to tourists from other countries. If we take into account the entire period of stay in this amazing country, then Russian girls simply never come across something dissatisfied with the faces of the Chinese. Moreover, even people passing by, if you meet their eyes, are always smiling.

Russians are very friendly

In this case, most likely this is due to the common history of our peoples. When there were times of socialism, China treated the Soviet Union as its big brother in matters that concerned politics and economics.

These events marked the beginning of a respectful attitude towards representatives from Russia, which has survived to this day. Some Russian folk songs have even been translated into Chinese by the famous translator Xue Fan. And if a situation arises that you are lost and do not know where you need to go next, then they will unconditionally help you get out of a difficult situation, since they have the phrase in their mentality: “Serving is life.”

This manifests itself quite clearly when you find yourself in a local restaurant or shop, because sellers and waiters instantly run up to you with a desire to offer the best product and the best places in order to satisfy the client to the maximum. This is based on the desire to ensure that you have a pleasant time in their establishment and that everyone has only good memories of the establishment. Many may think that this is due to their professions and responsibilities, but the desire to help is inherent in their mentality, and here they always want the people around them to be filled with joy.

Finding the history of the Chinese people, one can observe such an interesting feature. At a time when neighboring Korea was a vassal of China, its duties included providing tribute to the emperor of China. And when the carts returned to Korea, the locals, as a token of gratitude, presented their neighbors with various gifts in return. As a result, it turned out that the Koreans did not return empty-handed. Thus, one can be sure that the hospitality of today's Chinese comes from their ancestors.

The people are smiling, but cunning (comments)

Despite the good nature of how Russian tourists are treated in China, it does not hurt to know one of their special character traits - cunning. Moreover, we are coming. Since there is a stereotype here that if a person comes from abroad, then he will definitely have money. Of course, things should not come to theft, but to rob or cheat in the market is in the order of things, and it is difficult for the locals to resist such an opportunity. As a result, when you hear one of these phrases - “laowai” or “wai go jen”, which translates as “foreigner”, it is better to smile and be ready. For the people of China, visitors are the so-called foreign dolls, and if you come to travel, then they have a reason to get a little rich.

Chinese and Russians - friendship

These people are quite friendly and polite when you communicate with them. Although cases are not uncommon in which people did not bring their money to banks. In the Middle Kingdom, it would be most correct to constantly control your documents and money. After all, it is not so pitiful and scary to lose a camera and a phone, as documents and money, without which it will not be possible to safely return home. It is better to always carry your passport with you, because without it it is impossible to buy a ticket even for a train. Also, you will not be able to get a room in a decent hotel, and plus, it will be impossible to exchange currency in a bank.

In order to guarantee a good impression of your stay in China, of course, basic knowledge of the languages ​​\u200b\u200bof this country will not interfere in order to be able to explain the most elementary things. Today there are a huge number of basic courses, having studied which, the traveler will feel more confident in a foreign country. In such classes, not only phrases are taught, but also various life situations that often happen to Russian tourists are studied. In addition, there is an opportunity to discover the culture and history of this amazing country. There is learning to correctly pose the question and answer it.

About queues in China

It will be interesting for Russians to know that the Chinese practically do not share the concept of a queue. It is no secret that China is a country that is very densely populated. Therefore, there are always huge streams of people on the street who are in a hurry somewhere. Once on the subway or decide to ride the bus, you do not have to stand in line. People merge into one mass, which is constantly directed somewhere. Because of what it is better to always keep everything under control.

But, despite the constant presence of a huge number of people, everyone behaves in a civilized and well-mannered way. Even during rush hour, you can safely get to the right place, without any unpleasant moments associated with a crush in transport or dissatisfaction with the limited personal space. At this time, calm but rather loud conversations take place while the bus arrives at the specified time. Therefore, for the Chinese, the queue is not so important, because even without it, everything can be resolved calmly and in harmony with others.

"Unaccustomed" Chinese

What for us may seem like complete lack of culture, the Chinese do not cause any irritable traits, and they are incredibly calm about it. For example, on the street people spit - and consider it quite normal. Even in gastronomic establishments, you should not be surprised if you see a Chinese who talks with his mouth full, and at the same time they champ while chewing food. Also a feature of the country is the constant rumble in the street, because people here are used to talking loudly and screaming. And you should not take all this personally, because the Chinese, in this way, do not show you a bad attitude. It's just how they behave. Naturally, the Chinese are a little different than the Europeans we are used to. And this is manifested not only in the habits already mentioned, but also in impeccable patriotism and pride in one's country. This also applies to the native land and locality of the Chinese, whether it be an entire state, a city, or just a small province. Everyone cherishes their roots. Also, family and people in general are highly valued here. So, tourists should still look for such patriotic residents of the state.

Yes, the Chinese are different from the Europeans. All this has the best effect on the unification and unity of all Chinese, which gives them strength and friendship. The current behavior of the Chinese and, in general, their attitude to the world around them has been formed over many centuries, so it is practically impossible to change something in their current behavior. Although, in principle, nothing should be changed, because this is the whole feature of the Chinese and does not serve as any barrier to communicating with them.

The way Russians are treated in China is unusual and different, because, despite all the hospitality of the current Chinese, the older generation still has a small residue from the time of the existence of the Soviet Union. Since even in those years there was a small competitive spirit. This applied both to sports achievements and to the military power of the state in general. Many assume that only envy played a role here. After all, the Russians had more land, a stronger army. In addition, a considerable piece of the once Chinese territory went to Russia. This applies to Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Sakhalin, Stanovoy Upland, Baikal. In those years, the territory was not really inhabited by the Chinese, but the very fact that it belonged to their state remains a fact.

How this happened is still not clear. Perhaps the reason was historical events. Or China was still inferior to Russia in strength. After all, how else to explain the fact that a detachment of soldiers, whose number did not reach even a thousand, was able to carry out such an operation? Of course, this is unfair, according to the Chinese, and many consider this the mistake of their ancestors, because, despite more than a thousand years of combat experience, they managed to concede to such a tiny detachment and lose a huge piece of territory.

But the years go by, all the bad things are forgotten and left in the past. Today's generation of the Chinese people live in reality and try to tune in to positive thinking in order to live in harmony with the outside world. And those people who still dislike Russians are becoming less and less. Moreover, neighbors should not hold evil against each other, but on the contrary, provide support and show understanding.

Also now there are many social programs for students, thanks to which young people can study abroad and learn from the experience and culture of the Chinese people.

Therefore, if there is a desire to go on a trip to China, then you should treat the country with understanding and accept it with all its positive and negative components. Although the latter are very few, and they cannot spoil the impression of this amazingly beautiful and landscape country, and guests from Russia will always be greeted with a smile on their faces and good nature in their hearts.

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