Where does the name Yaroslav come from? The meaning of the name Yaroslav, origin, character and fate

Now more and more often you can meet boys with a beautiful old Russian name Yaroslav. The name is really bright and harmonious. However, for sure, the parents first studied his origin, by whom it was glorified in history. So we will try to find out the meaning of the name Yaroslav.

The history of the origin of the name

The origin of the name Yaroslav is Slavic. It has two roots:

  • ardent - implies strength, ardor, irresistibility;
  • having glory.

There is another hypothesis of its origin. Some researchers have an opinion that the name Yaroslav is tantamount to the epithet "glorifying Yarila".

Yarila - God of the sun and fertility in ancient Russia. It is believed that it was from this name of the ancient Slavic deity that the word "ardent" originated. Only here its meaning is brilliant, bright, fiery. Only the princes were called with such a proud name. In the 11th-13th centuries, the rulers of many Slavic lands had just such a name. For example, one can recall the Prince of Novgorod, later Grand Duke Yaroslav II (Theodore) Vsevolodovich. The annals say that he happened to die for the Russian land. The Russian Orthodox Church added this name to the list of names that could be called at baptism. counted among the saints. His son is Saint Alexander Nevsky. Until the middle of the 18th century, children from ordinary families were rarely called princely names. Now the name Yaroslav is one of the most popular.

Yaroslav the Wise

The origin of the name Yaroslav is also associated with its most famous owner - Yaroslav the First Vladimirovich. The Russian people called him Wise. Thanks to his reign, Kievan Rus reached an unprecedented flourishing. According to ancient chronicles, Yaroslav the Wise was distinguished by a brilliant mind and exceptional courage in battles with the enemy, and this despite the fact that he was lame in one leg. The prince made a significant contribution to the spread of Christianity in Russia. The development of education in his country can also be attributed to his merits. Also, this wise man did a lot to become Orthodox priests, he gave a lot of money for the construction and decoration of churches. The glory that the Grand Duke deserved was absorbed by the meaning of the name Yaroslav. Thanks to him, Russian culture reached a new qualitative level.

Winter and spring Yaroslav. Name characteristic

It is no secret that the character of any person is influenced not only by the name given to him, but also by the time of year in which he was born.

  • What can be said about Yaroslav, who was born in winter? His character is quite complex. Winter Yaroslav is closed and taciturn. But at the same time, he tries not to enter into conflicts. He has a remarkable quality - to be able to listen and understand the interlocutor. When solving any problem, Yaroslav will first thoroughly understand its essence, and only then will he try to solve it. It easily adapts to any environment.
  • Yaroslav - the name for a boy born in the spring, says that a talented person will grow out of him, who can do any profession. This is a sociable, sincere and open person, able to become the soul of the company. Yarik (a diminutive of Yaroslav) is always ready to help. He is kind and hospitable. True, he believes that the people to whom he has done good should repay him the same.

Yaroslav summer and autumn

Representatives of the stronger sex with this wonderful name, born in summer or autumn, have their own distinctive features character.

  • Summer Yaroslavs are kind and sensitive, they always try to take care of their neighbor. But because of these qualities, they can easily fall under the influence of others. They are also characterized by perseverance and stubbornness. It is also important to note that Yaroslav, who was born in the summer, is overly emotional. This makes it difficult for him to concentrate and may affect his career advancement.
  • For the autumn Yaroslav, the characterization of the name is dominated by the spirituality of the personality and the refinement of nature. He shows interest in psychological and philosophical topics, questions of the universe. Autumn Yaroslavs are modest and withdrawn, which can prevent them from fully revealing their abilities, becoming an obstacle in achieving their goals. Although such qualities as prudence and scrupulousness, the ability to analyze in detail each of his actions can come to the rescue here.

Yaroslav. Name for a boy

Having named their child Yaroslav, many parents do not even suspect that by this they largely determine his character.

  • Little Yariki are rather capricious, but they can be approached with the help of convincing arguments. For example, if parents tell him that every spoonful of porridge eaten adds strength and masculinity to him, they will no longer have problems feeding the child.
  • Thoughtful and reasonable from childhood, Yaroslav kindergarten at first kept apart. He will be happy to draw or build castles from cubes, but he will think carefully about whether he should run a race with other boys. Although he is burdened by such dissimilarity to other guys. It is important here that parents join in and help Yarik find common interests with peers.
  • At school, all subjects are easy for Yaroslav. He is attentive in class and responsible in doing homework. But that's enough for him. Yarik does not stretch his hand in the lessons, does not show excessive activity. True, with his ability to make informed decisions and think over every step to the senior classes, he is already determined with his favorite subject, which can form the basis of his future profession. By this time, he has established strong contact with teachers and classmates.

Yaroslav in his personal life

The name Yaroslav is also important in the personal life of its owner. Girls really like it when their boyfriend's name is that. Indeed, despite its popularity, it is still not so common and therefore immediately attracts attention. Such some exclusivity makes a guy more self-confident, and he can quickly win the heart of the girl he likes. But Yarik cannot be called a supporter of frivolous relationships. It is important for him once and for all to decide on the choice of a life partner. He wants to have a wife with the same calm disposition as his own. Therefore, a girl named Larisa, Lyudmila or Galina may well become the second half of Yaroslav, if she has a soft and docile character. True, in the first place such a man always has work. He can go on a date with his girlfriend only in the time freed from the main affairs, even if it is only one day a week.

Husband and father of the family

Knowing the secret of the name Yaroslav, his wife, if she wants the family to be strong and happy, will perceive him as he showed himself.

  • Yarik is happy to do housework in that part of it that depends on a man. Repairing a crane, electrical wiring, broken furniture - Yaroslav can do all this on his own.
  • As for making important decisions in the family, Yaroslav will never back down from his own. A smart wife will try to agree with him, to smooth out sharp corners. Therefore, a non-conflicting woman with a calm disposition is so important in this family.
  • The nature of the name Yaroslav will also affect his relationship with children. Yarik is just a wonderful father. He remembers the understanding with which his parents treated him, and knows how to find a common language with his children. There is complete understanding between them. Yaroslav can have fun playing with the kids, but if he thinks that he needs to do something else, the children will not argue and will obediently fold their toys. Such a father will gladly help schoolchildren to do their homework.

Career building

For a man with this beautiful rare name, it is very important not only to provide his family with material well-being, but also to achieve the maximum height in his career. The desire to become a leader is also determined by the meaning of the name Yaroslav. He has such qualities necessary for any boss as the ability to quickly navigate and act in accordance with the situation. Although Yaroslav, who occupies leadership position, too self-confident, his subordinates can be completely confident in his competence and count on support in solving complex issues. Such a purposeful person always achieves the heights designated for himself, overcoming all difficulties on his way. This also secures a reliable reputation for himself. Yaroslav can best prove himself in professions related to the exact sciences.

Famous people

The fate of the name Yaroslav is very bright. Despite the fact that it is quite rare, one can name many bright personalities, its carriers. In addition to the Russian princes mentioned above, there are many contemporaries who glorified this wonderful name.

  • Everyone knows the writers of Galan, the poet
  • With his talented play and charismatic appearance, all women were subdued by the wonderful actor Yaroslav Boyko.
  • Among the famous athletes, I would like to note the football player, athlete Yaroslav Rybakov, hockey player Yaroslav Khabarov.
  • The work of the artist Yaroslav Krestovsky has many admirers.
  • Yaroslav - Russian name, but who does not love the magical voice of the famous Belarusian singer Yaroslav Yevdokimov. And the great Czech composer and violinist Yaroslav Pekelsky, as well as Yaroslav Dombrovsky, a Polish-French military leader and revolutionary, also made him famous.

Natural name symbols

The secret of the name Yaroslav will help to reveal his natural symbols.

  • The representative of the fauna, the symbol of the name Yaroslav, is a pheasant. In the East, he personifies color, prosperity, good luck.
  • Plants that protect the bearer of this name are oak, as a symbol of courage and fertility, as well as nettle, which in Russia was considered a talisman that drives away evil spirits.
  • Tin is a metal patronizing Yaroslav. It is a symbol of flexibility, diplomacy, the ability to find a way out of any situation.

According to Popov

It is he, thoughtful, hardworking and conceited, who will adorn any position and any companion.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Glorious in its vitality" (Slavic). In pagan Russia, the concept of "yar" meant fertility, life-giving power

The energy of the name and character: Oddly enough, the energy of the name Yaroslav is more balanced and calm than that of other Slavic names with the ending "glory". Sufficient firmness, the ability for thoroughness and perseverance, as well as some slowness, are noticeable in him. Perhaps the image of Yaroslav the Wise will also play a role, and it is possible that in childhood Yarik will be teased a little, calling him "wise" in case of any of his mistakes. However, it is rather difficult to perceive this as an insult, especially since Yaroslav always has a great opportunity to call himself simply Slava. Usually this happens just like that, and in public Yaroslav remains just Slava, at the same time, deep down, he will most likely be proud of his extraordinary name by today's standards.

It is not difficult to guess that such a certain bifurcation of the name can incline Yaroslav to the fact that from childhood he will begin to wear a public mask, remaining himself only in the depths of his soul. Of course, with age, this happens to many quite normal people, however, starting to do this too early, Yaroslav can also early feel the advantages of a secretive nature over excessive frankness. It is likely that he will simply be a man of his own mind. However, it’s not a fact that this will find its manifestation precisely in Slavik’s diplomacy, the thing is that the legendary images associated with this name can stimulate a child’s daydreaming and the development of imagination, and Yaroslav can grow up as a person who is not devoid of a creative streak, although , most likely, will carefully hide his craving for creativity, perhaps even outwardly showing some indifference to art.

Such inclinations can make Yaroslav a very proud and even ambitious person, because if you hide your true face and opinion about yourself from others for too long, then the more the subconscious begins to desire public recognition. Here, sufficient hardness and the ability to concentrate for a long time can help him very well. Most likely, he will prefer to go to his goal without attracting too much attention to himself until, in his opinion, the time comes for this. Nevertheless, if Yaroslav wants his happiness to be connected not only with distant plans, but also with today, then in this case he can be advised to be a little more open to others. Perhaps this can create enemies in his path, but there will be much more true true friends.

Secrets of communication: Sometimes, in dealing with Yaroslav, people take at face value a somewhat ironic demeanor, which in some cases may even allow one to suspect a cynic in him. Nevertheless, if you manage to look into Yaroslav's soul, you will most likely find in him a rather sensitive and benevolent person. In a word, in dealing with him it is advisable not to trust too much your superficial impressions.

The trace of a name in history:

Yaroslav the Wise

Grandson of Emperor Basil II, one of the twelve sons of the Byzantine princess Anna and Kyiv prince Vladimir I, Yaroslav knowingly earned the honorary right to be called the Wise, although his story - the story of a well-educated person for his time, religious and thinking - was largely tragic.

As the eldest son of the Kyiv prince, Yaroslav was the legitimate heir to the throne, but after the death of his father, Svyatopolk, one of his brothers, ended up on the throne, taking him by force. First of all, the Accursed (as Svyatopolk was called by the people) tried to remove all the other contenders for the throne, and he even managed to kill three of his own brothers, but after four years of bloody war, Yaroslav managed to defeat the fratricide and took his rightful place in Kyiv.

All thirty-five years of Yaroslav's reign are rightfully considered the time of the heyday and rise of Russia. So, he defeated the army of the Pechenegs, who made devastating raids - and this served them as a good lesson, since they never returned. Yaroslav took special care of enlightenment, opening new schools, and it was under him that chronicle writing as such began in Russia. In an effort to establish the prestige of his state, the prince made every effort to make Kyiv a real European capital: he built an exact copy of the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, erected a golden front gate at the entrance to the city, built many churches and several large markets.

One can talk about the merits of Yaroslav the Wise for a long time, and yet two important things cannot be ignored separately. So, it was under Yaroslav that many translators worked in Kyiv, translating theological and historical books. As for foreign policy, then with the help of monarchical marriages, Yaroslav the Wise established blood relationship with the most powerful monarchs of the Christian world, thus making a very far-sighted step, although it did not fully justify itself.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

Yaroslav in the company always attracts attention, he has good manners, speech, he is always the center of the ongoing conversation. He has everything to please women, and they really like him, but nevertheless, love failures often befall him.

He experiences them steadfastly, forgiving women their infidelity and deceit. He is reliable as a partner, does not like to change his girlfriends often, becomes attached to a woman for a long time. Yaroslav is a sexually strong man, he considers sex one of the greatest pleasures available to man. Often remains unsatisfied in this sense, but skillfully hides his feelings.

In sex, Yaroslav is selfless, able to subjugate a woman, in intimacy the initiative always belongs to him, Yaroslav wants a woman to feel weak, submissive in his arms. One of the characteristic features of Yaroslav is his extraordinary upbringing, he knows how to perfectly control himself, it is difficult to involve him in any kind of adventure. Yaroslav behaves with a woman easily and naturally, conquering her with nobility.

He is alien to the view of a woman as an object of sexual satisfaction for a man, sometimes he even romanticizes her too much. Yaroslav does not consider the usual female responsiveness as sexual encouragement, and he himself is not ready to go to the bedroom with a woman after the first date. Before taking an unambiguous step, he must be sure that the woman has an undoubted sexual interest in him. Sex for Yaroslav is very important, but it requires a certain prelude, preparation, and largely depends on the interest Yaroslav has in his partner.

By Higiru

An ancient Slavic name meaning: strong and glorious.

Yaroslav most often resembles his mother, although he is closer in character to his father. Despite the stubbornness inherent in Yaroslav, even stubbornness, he is easily influenced by others: parents, friends, teachers, so he grows up the way he is made. But the adult Yaroslav is also influenced by the environment, although not to the same extent. He is kind and sensitive, loves children, animals, flowers, and at the same time can suddenly turn out to be unreasonably cruel.

Yaroslavov is distinguished by the desire to get to the bottom of the meaning of life, to get to the very essence. Some try to do this with the help of science, having gone into it with their heads, others devote themselves to serving God, becoming clergymen. Of course, there are people of other professions among them: teachers, engineers, musicians, writers, just workers, but the profession does not prevent them from being equally deeply interested in the secrets of the universe, trying to understand why and why they exist. In any case, these are talented people, and very sophisticated and vulnerable.

"Winter" - complex nature, somewhat closed, taciturn, not in a hurry to draw conclusions. They are less sociable, but not conflict. Success in life does not come easily to them. The life of the "January" Yaroslav is not especially pampered, but he has an amazing ability to adapt even to the most severe conditions and be content with little. This, one might say, is a “man of nature”, who is able to force himself to be reckoned with.

"Autumn" - prudent and diplomatic, achieve great success in the field of programming.

"Summer" - the most emotional of all the other Yaroslavs. They love to travel, like to be seen, they are more open to communication and friendship. Any work argues in their hands, wives do not have a soul in them, but the first marriage is often unsuccessful.

Yaroslav is a brave man, he meets life's hardships steadfastly, not allowing them to break him. However, Yaroslav experiences his failures acutely, without hiding them, he seeks solace in the sympathy of his comrades. Outwardly friendly, sweet and sympathetic, in fact, Yaroslav is a rather selfish person; for him, his own well-being and convenience are above all. He knows well what he needs in life, knows how to find a way out of a difficult situation, acting quickly and accurately.

Yaroslav will be quite happy with a woman named Anna, Larisa, Lesya, Svetlana, Oksana or Elizabeth.

You should begin to describe the meaning of the name Yaroslav by indicating the fact that this name first appeared in ancient Russia in pagan times. The name Yaroslav is a combination of two main roots of the Slavic language - "ardent", i.e. mighty, strong and active and "glory".

In addition, there is another theory of the origin of the male name Yaroslav, namely from the character of the myths of the ancient Eastern Slavs - Yarila, associated with the essence of fertility, intimate and life-giving power. In this interpretation, the male name Yaroslav means "glorifying Yarila."

After it was accepted christian religion in Russia, the church adopted and then canonized this pagan name. The symbiosis of two syllables - soft "glory" and hard "fierce" undoubtedly influenced the formation of a distinctive image of the bearer of such an unusual, controversial name. This article will describe the meaning of the name Yaroslav in as much detail as possible in the context of each area of ​​his life.

The character of Yaroslav

Characterizing the character of such a person, it should be noted that the man named Yarik is distinguished by a certain amount of stubbornness and stubbornness. Moreover, these character traits are able to help the man, named Yarik, in certain episodes of his life. But at the same time, they can lead to the emergence of certain difficulties.

A man named Yaroslav, in fact, is a person who, in more depends on the opinions of strangers. A man named Yaroslav, from early childhood, strives to justify the opinion of himself on the part of his father, mother, grandfather, grandmother and teachers. Continuing to describe the meaning of the name Yaroslav, one can more confidently declare a significant similarity between his features and the character of the pope.

In general, a man named Yarik is a hidden personality, endowed with a simultaneous combination of such character traits as attentiveness, obstinacy and poise. Walking along his own path in life, a man named Yarik knows his own "I" and is constantly looking for the meaning of all life. It is for this reason that a man named Yaroslav reads a lot of literature that has a philosophical or psychological orientation.

Character features of Yaroslav

The advantages of a man named Yarik include good nature, strong mind, strength of will, great energy, assertiveness and confidence. But the disadvantages of a man named Yarik, no doubt, include individuality, rigidity, cynicism, vanity and irony. A man named Yaroslav, born in winter, is a rather difficult person, silent, secretive, avoiding quarrels and very scrupulous.

A man named Yarik has a strong memory, while it is very difficult to achieve each outcome in life. A man named Yarik, who was born in the spring, is a rather honest, generous guy with a truly open soul. He is distinguished by high hospitality, with great joy he will help his neighbor. Such a man strongly gravitates towards creativity in any of its manifestations - the path of an artist, musician or actor will suit him.

Continuing to give the meaning of the name Yaroslav, it should be noted that such a man, born in the summer, is highly sensitive, emotional among all other men with other names. Such a person simply loves to travel, strives to always remain in sight, sociable, easily makes new acquaintances. A man named Yarik, who was born in the autumn, is very vulnerable, secretive, modest and impressionable.

A man named Yarik is characterized by the presence of great energy, in life he always strives to climb to a leading height, both in society and among employees. Regularly has specific goals and tries to achieve them as quickly as possible. In the process of communicating with other people, he is distinguished by politeness, excellent manners, as well as upbringing.

Yaroslav's childhood

You should begin to consider the meaning of the name Yaroslav for a boy by indicating the fact that, as a child, Yarik constantly shows his whims, enters into disputes with elders, and will also defend his own point of view with all his might. Yaroslav's parents must have great patience to deal with this child. Growing up, Yaroslav calms down somewhat, and spends all the available energy on peaceful pursuits.

Yaroslav easily gets acquainted with new kids, even very shy ones, because he is able to find a specific approach to them. For Yarik, trusting relationships are of great importance. If someone causes offense or deceives him, the child will never have anything to do with him in the future. Moreover, oaths, persuasion will not bring any benefit to change his mind.

This attitude of Yarik is transferred to his hobbies, which eventually bother him and he switches to new ones. However, he has the greatest craving for designing and collecting. Concluding the description of the meaning of the name Yaroslav for a boy, it should be noted that during his school years he studies well, since he begins to read very early.

Yaroslav's love relationships

A man named Yaroslav, when communicating with the opposite sex, most often behaves completely at ease. Women are often charmed by the excellent upbringing and demeanor of a man named Yaroslav. Therefore, women are attracted to Yarik. Such a man is distinguished by the presence of an innate sense of sexuality, but he greatly respects the weaker sex.

A woman for Yarik is not only a "body" to satisfy sexual desire, but also a fascinating person. The man named Yarik pays great attention to the inner world of his partner, it is precisely this feature that the opposite sex likes in Yaroslav.

Moreover, the secret of the name Yaroslav suggests that having seriously fallen in love, he will do almost everything for his soulmate. Yarik highly appreciates the feeling of his partner and is afraid to cause her even the slightest offense. Sometimes able to show passion and sensitivity at the same time. A man named Yaroslav perfectly feels both the desires and moods of his women, which makes him an excellent lover.

Family relationships

Today, the name Yaroslav, the meaning of the name and the fate of which is described, indicates the fact that such a man approaches the creation of a family with all possible responsibility. Therefore, the choice of the second half is treated with great caution. For a man named Yaroslav, reciprocity plays a significant role, i.e. having fallen in love and feeling that this feeling is mutual, he will enter into an official marriage.

It is such a scrupulous approach to creating a family that makes Yaroslav's family life quite successful, for this reason, divorces from such a man are very rare. A man named Yaroslav will be the protector of the whole family, as well as the true owner of the whole house. He is able to compromise with the rest of the family, as he strives to avoid quarrels.

For successful family life for a man named Yarik, calmness is of great importance. In relation to his wife, a man named Yaroslav is a dominant, i.e. strive for personal control of everything that happens in the house.

Career and business in the life of Yaroslav

Continuing to consider the topic of this article, it should be noted that Yaroslav, the meaning of the name, the character and fate of which is described, will try his hand in almost every sphere of life throughout life. However, he achieves maximum success only in the musical or writing field. In addition, a man named Yaroslav can turn out to be just a born teacher or engineer.

A man named Yarik in professional activity strive to become a highly qualified specialist, which leads to the fact that he categorically avoids idleness. Such an employee is characterized by high sociability, for this reason he is able to conclude really expensive, high-quality deals.

The name has been an integral part of any person since childhood, so it is very important to know what it means. The history of the origin of the name can play an important role in the life of a child. In this article we will talk about what the name Yaroslav means.


Exclusively princes were called so in Kievan Rus. The meaning of the name Yaroslav is connected precisely with this. In the period from the 11th to the 13th century, many Slavic lands had rulers with this name. For example, Prince of Novgorod, and later Grand Duke Yaroslav II (Theodore) Vsevolodovich (1190-1246), about whom the annals say that he laid down his soul for the Russian land. In handwritten calendars, this person is numbered among the saints. In addition, he is the father of Saint Alexander Nevsky.

Also known is the Chernigov prince Yaroslav Svyatoslavovich, who died in 1129. By their deeds, other well-known rulers with that name also won good fame among the people. After the baptism of Russia and until the second half of the 18th century, princely names were used extremely rarely for everyday use. Only during the so-called Russian Renaissance, our compatriots began to turn to their history and remembered the name Yaroslav. Despite the fact that it has been baptismal since ancient times, until 1917 they were named children mainly in the south-west of Russia, as well as Western Slavs: Slovaks, Czechs, Poles. Today, the princely ancient name has regained its former popularity.

Yaroslav the Wise

However, the most famous owner of this name in Russia was Yaroslav the First Vladimirovich, nicknamed the Wise by the people. His parents were representatives of the most noble families in Europe: the Holy Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (the Baptist) and Princess Rogneda of Polotsk. Chronicles testify that Yaroslav the Wise was limping on one leg, but he was distinguished by a brilliant mind and exceptional courage on the battlefield. He contributed in every possible way to the spread of Christianity in his native country, the development of education and the training of Russian priests. The meaning of the name Yaroslav absorbed the good glory of this prince. He did not spare money for church splendor. This great man gave all his strength to raise the culture of his country to a new qualitative level.

name day

Initially, the name Yaroslav got into the Orthodox calendar thanks to Prince Konstantin (Yaroslav) Svyatoslavovich of Murom. He was canonized as a great miracle worker. His memory is honored on June 3 (May 21).

Commemoration Day of Yaroslav the Wise - March 5. He was canonized in 2005 with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II.


The meaning of the name Yaroslav for a boy reveals its owner as a difficult, stubborn and energetic person. Since childhood, he has been distinguished among his peers by a mobile and independent disposition. During his school years, Yarik will resent teachers with his behavior. Parents will have to explain that the boy is by nature very independent and does not like to listen to other people's opinions. The meaning of the name Yaroslav gives its bearer a sociable and courageous character. A boy can quickly become his own in any company. He is able to lead and lead the team, loves compliments and is incredibly conceited. Parents should make sure that the strength and energy of their son fall into a peaceful channel.


The meaning of the name Yaroslav for a boy makes his bearer an excellent leader. However, the selfishness and self-confidence of this person can irritate his subordinates. Yaroslav is able to get out of any situation, he knows how to quickly respond to circumstances and act quite tough. Entrepreneurial activity will become a native element for the owner of this name. Yarik will make every possible effort to make his life successful and comfortable. He will definitely succeed, because he is steadily moving towards the goal, while solving very difficult tasks. The meaning of the name Yaroslav all the time pushes his bearer to new achievements, which creates him a high-profile reputation.

Personal relationships

AT family relationships a man named Yaroslav shows honesty. His children and wife always come first. At the same time, a man marries only when he is absolutely sure of the choice of his companion. This should be an outstanding woman who will always support in difficult times. Yaroslav is a wonderful husband, and his family is strong and happy.

Friendships develop in a man less harmoniously. Not everyone can find common interests with Yaroslav. He is arrogant and proud and does not hide it. Communication with such a person should not be imposed. It is also not worth quarreling with the owner of this name, because he can become very vindictive and vengeful. However, in general, Yaroslav is honest and knows how to make right and fair decisions. In dealing with him, you should not painfully react to his ironic statements. In fact, he is much more benevolent than he wants to seem.


Yaroslav is a keen sportsman. He can prove himself well in martial arts. Thanks to his ability to concentrate and make lightning-fast decisions, he will win more than one glorious victory. Yaroslav's health is strong. Since childhood, he is very hardy and loves physical labor. However, over time, a man may develop problems with the cardiovascular and digestive systems. In general, Yaroslav has good prospects: he will live for many years, while maintaining cheerfulness and a positive attitude.


The meaning of the name Yaroslav suggests that its owner will have a strong alliance with Galina, Iya, Dina, Larisa, Clara, Renata, Tomila.

Yarik will have a less harmonious relationship with Agnes, Alevtina, Alla, Albina, Antonina, Vasilisa, Daria, Eva, Evgenia, Elena, Elizabeth, Inna, Zhanna, Lina, Louise, Margarita, Marina, Natalya, Rimma, Julia, Elvira.

Yaroslav is a name for a boy who is able to loudly declare himself. Having matured, he will be able to find application for his tough character and leadership qualities. There are many generals, leaders and famous public figures among the Yaroslavs. By naming your child like that, you will doom him to universal recognition and unconditional success.

Yaroslav is an ancient Slavic name, the origin of which still cannot be given a definite answer. The two parts of this name "yar" and "glory" are endowed with strong meanings: "yar" - rage, power, strength; "glory" - glory. Therefore, the name Yaroslav can mean "glorious in his strength" or "possessing bright glory." It is believed that the name is associated with the god Yarila, who is responsible for fertility in Slavic mythology, and it means "glorifying Yarila".

But any interpretation of the meaning of the name Yaroslav suggests that its bearer is a bright, strong and extraordinary personality. Yaroslav strives for power, knows how to subjugate people, sometimes even by not entirely honest methods. Depending on the upbringing received in childhood, Yaroslav can be either a selfless defender with whom you can not be afraid of anything, or a domestic tyrant, and you will need to be afraid of himself, while Yaroslav knows how to hide his bad qualities behind a charm that he does not have. occupy.

The positive traits of a person named Yaroslav are energy, determination, self-confidence, reliability, perseverance, firmness. He will not dream in vain, his desires immediately turn into deeds. He is active, but not fussy, distinguished by wisdom, gravity, has an important appearance, and his words and decisions are always weighty.

Negative traits - thirst for glory, pride, secrecy. Often, on the way to success, Yaroslav does not betray his true intentions and true attitude towards people, does not trust them.

The hard, growling name Yaroslav has softer variants. In short, Yaroslav can be called Yar, Yas, Slava, Rosya.

Diminutive variants - Yarik, Yarchik, Yarunchik, Slavunya, Slavochka, Slavushka.

The children of Yaroslav have two patronymic options - Yaroslavovich and Yaroslavovna or Yaroslavich and Yaroslavna. The second option is an outdated form, but both options are considered correct.

This name has a female form - Yaroslav.

The name Yaroslav was originally pagan, but with the adoption of Christianity in Russia it became Christian, there is Orthodox calendar. The name is not very common, has not spread much around the world, but is common in Slavic countries- in Ukraine, Belarus, Poland.

  • in Ukrainian - Yaroslav;
  • in Belarusian - Yaraslav;
  • in Polish - Jarosław;
  • in German - Jaroslaw.

The Latin and English spelling of the name Yaroslav is the same - Yaroslav.

This name is unusually written in the passport - IAROSLAV, because according to the rules of machine transliteration in Russia, -Я- is converted into -IA-.

The character of Yaroslav

In no case can Yaroslav be called a driven person, he is used to leading himself, but there is one unusual trait in his character - to adopt something from other people, both good and bad. By the way Yaroslav behaves, one can guess in what environment his character developed.

It is important for Yaroslav to be a leader, and he does everything for this. In the company it is difficult not to notice him, he draws all the attention to himself, and most often he knows how to do it in such a way that you will not consider him an obsessive upstart, but will admire him. He is proud, and does not consider modesty a virtue, which he does not hesitate to declare.

A man named Yaroslav is a very controversial person. To attract people to him, he may seem like the soul of the company, but even close people can only guess about his true feelings, he is so secretive. His task, on the one hand, is to please everyone around, on the other hand, to achieve from the environment not just a friendly attitude, but respect and even submission.

Most of all, Yaroslav does not like to be on the same level with others, to be like everyone else. This can develop into exorbitant vanity and selfishness. But there is a good consequence from this - when others only dream, Yaroslav does. He knows how to make the right decisions and refuse them if circumstances have changed, quickly respond to changes, emerge victorious from any situation.

It is very difficult to become a close friend of Yaroslav. If you do not have common interests, you should not impose your communication on him - he, if he wants, will achieve your location. Perhaps he does not allow his emotions to splash out more and in order not to frighten away the people whose location he needs, he can even get away with some of their miscalculations.

But there is a limit to everything, and if Yaroslav is angry, he will be truly terrible in anger, the “furious” component of his name makes itself felt, and it is most likely impossible to restore the previous relationship with him.

The fate of Yaroslav

Little Yarik is bold, energetic, firm, and it all depends on the parents, in which direction they will direct his boiling inner energy. He can be hyperactive, capricious, draw all the attention to himself, and here parents should not indulge his whims so that their child does not grow up to be a despot who achieves everything at the expense of other people whom he manipulates. With proper upbringing, it is possible to develop such independence in him, which is usually not characteristic of children, and then Slavik will make decisions himself and be responsible for his words and deeds.

Of course, he can be capricious in his unwillingness to clean the room or wash the dishes, but if his parents let him know that this is in an adult way, he will do it without prompting. He will soon learn how to repair electrical appliances or carpentry, and in a private house or in the country he will be an assistant in completely non-childish matters - repairing a roof or stairs, etc.

Due to the fact that Yaroslav learns a lot from others, parents should be attentive to the environment in which he is. But with a favorable outcome, he becomes the organizer, the winner of the competition, and then enters the university without any problems.

In his studies, Yaroslav, most likely, will succeed only where he is interested, he achieves everything more with talent than with work, but concern for the future, which should be worthy, can motivate him to study. Yarik has been a creative person since childhood, so he will achieve great success in circles, and it will also be very good to send the boy to the sports section.

Various characteristics of the name Yaroslav

  • zodiac sign - Leo;
  • planet - the Sun;
  • color - scarlet; Owls
  • tree - oak;
  • plant - nettle;
  • totem animal - pheasant;
  • stone - amber, jasper, agate.

Different aspects of life

Yaroslav's health needs to be monitored from childhood - the boy may be prone to allergies.

In his professional life, Yaroslav strives to be a leader, often this person becomes the head of the team. Because of the ability to make decisions and change them, feeling the changed situation, taking responsibility, he is a good entrepreneur. The creative beginning of his personality makes Yaroslav successful in such areas as organizing events (including international ones), journalism.

In relations with the opposite sex, Yaroslav seeks to find that one, so he is lonely for a very long time. He seeks to dominate, but he needs a strong woman. In family life, Yaroslav becomes a wonderful father and husband, the interests of the family come first for him. He respects the wife he has been looking for for so long (Yaroslav has increased requirements for his life partner, connected not with the ability to cook, but with personal qualities), and he brings up his children as independent and strong as he is.

Name day of Yaroslav

Compatibility with other names

Yaroslav will have a happy and fruitful relationship with Larisa, Lyudmila, Dina.

Relations with Elena, Antonina, Taisia, Evelina are undesirable.

Famous people named Yaroslav

Not one prince Ancient Russia bore this name, the most famous of them is Yaroslav the Wise. Nowadays, hockey player Yaroslav Khabarov, sculptor Yaroslav Borodin, actor Yaroslav Boyko are famous.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:
