The specifics of the work of a teacher-speech therapist in the context of inclusive education. Features of speech therapy work in a correctional school of the VIII type Specificity of the work of a speech therapist teacher in the middle level

Features of the work of a speech therapist teacher at school, taking into account the new Federal State Educational Standards.

speech therapist Shavrina T. I.

MBOU Tsninskaya secondary school No. 2 of the Tambov region

The Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education defines a system of new requirements for the structure, results, and conditions for the implementation of the main educational program.Within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, speech therapy work involves a systematic and activity approach, which consists in a comprehensive diagnosis of all elementary school students, the implementation of correctional and developmental work with students with impaired oral and written speech, counseling the parents of students, teachers, the children themselves, participation in preventive and educational work.

IN primary school students should have a basic ability to learn, which is based on:

Communicative actions: listen and engage in dialogue, participate in a collective discussion, integrate into a peer group, build communicative interaction.

Cognitive actions: process the information received, provide it in oral and written forms.

Particular importance is attached to the formation of communicative actions that are necessary for the child to communicate in society (school), with relatives (home) and peers. The formation of communicative actions determines the development of the child's ability to regulate behavior and activities, to cognize the world.

In this context, the importance of speech therapy work in a general education school as a special type of assistance to children who experience difficulties in communication and learning cannot be overestimated. This requires a new assessment of the role of school speech therapists, and the introduction of something new in the content of speech therapy work.

In the past, the main goal of primary education was considered to be learning to read, write, and count, and the criterion for success was the level of formation of these skills and abilities of children. Today, along with the knowledge component, the program content of education includes an activity component (the formation of activities in personal, regulatory, and, of course, in cognitive and communicative spheres). The criterion for the success of training puts forward the achievement of the planned results of the development of the main educational program: personal and subject results. The peculiarity of speech therapy work is that it is aimed at helping children who experience difficulties in achieving substantive results (writing, reading). Thus, timely and effective logo-corrective work prevents or minimizes the difficulties of achieving objective results (the formation of communicative and cognitive actions). Much attention in the new Standard is paid to the formation of communicative actions that are necessary for a child to communicate at school, at home, with peers. The subject area "Philology" in the Federal State Educational Standard assumes the following results:

    improving the types of speech activity (listening, reading, speaking, writing), which ensure the effective mastery of various academic subjects and interaction with people around them in situations of formal and informal interpersonal and intercultural communication;

    vocabulary enrichment.

In this regard, issues of timely identification of children with speech disorders, the establishment of the causes of these disorders and the development of a system for their correction are of great importance in the lifelong education of the individual.Also, the Standard attaches particular importance to preventive logo-correctional work with children at risk. The Federal State Educational Standard also points to the mandatory consideration of the individual age, psychological, physiological characteristics of children, the need to create a system of comprehensive assistance to children with disabilities and special conditions for their education and upbringing. An increasing number of modern children fall into the risk group category: frequently ill children (somatically weakened), pedagogically neglected, without pre-school training, with mild developmental disabilities, children from dysfunctional families, etc. Increased vulnerability of the organization of special compensation for developmental difficulties. The requirements of the Standard for the conditions for the implementation of the educational program are determined and new approach to the organization of speech therapy work - an approach from the position of pedagogical management. The new conditions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards impose special requirements on the organization of the actual professional activity of a speech therapist teacher - the organization of his areas of work, taking into account self-management.


1. Speech therapy work at school: a manual for speech therapists, teachers add. Education, educators and parents /

2. O.A. Ishimova,.O. A. Bondarchuk. - M .: Education, 2012. (We work according to new standards

3. N.G. Andreeva “Speech therapy classes for the development of coherent speech of younger students” - M .:. ed. center VLADOS, 2010.

4. Voronkova O.B. Informatics: teacher's methodical piggy bank. Rostov n\D, 2007.

The work of a speech therapist working in a speech therapy center at a general education school has its own specifics, which differ from other institutions. Speech therapy work is not an additional educational service, as they try to present it in last years, this is an activity that, in parallel with the educational process, contributes to a more accessible and successful mastery of certain categories of students. This is what makes the work of a school speech therapist extremely relevant and in demand. According to the regulatory documents regulating the work of a speech therapist teacher at a school speech center
(Instructive letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2000 No. 2 "On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center of a general educational institution",
Standard provision on the speech therapy center of an educational institution), a speech therapy center at a general education school is organized to provide assistance to children with impaired oral and written forms of speech.

The main tasks of a speech therapist working in a secondary school are:
timely diagnosis of anomalies of speech development in students;
correction of violations of oral and written speech, aimed at overcoming difficulties in mastering the school curriculum;
prevention and prevention of speech disorders;
promotion of special speech therapy knowledge among teachers and parents of students. A speech therapy center is created in a general educational institution located in an urban area, if there are fifty classes of the first stage of primary general education and three to eight classes of the first stage of primary general education in a general educational institution located in a rural area.

The speech therapy center enrolls students who have impairments in the development of oral and written speech in their native language (general underdevelopment of speech of varying severity; phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech; phonemic underdevelopment of speech; stuttering; pronunciation defects - a phonetic defect; speech defects caused by a violation of the structure and mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus (dysarthria, rhinolalia); reading and writing disorders due to general, phonetic-phonemic, phonemic underdevelopment of speech).

First of all, students who have impairments in the development of oral and written speech that prevent their successful assimilation of knowledge in the main sections of the school curriculum (children with general underdevelopment of speech, phonetic-phonemic and phonemic underdevelopment) are subject to enrollment in a speech therapy center.

At the same time, no more than 25 people can study at the speech therapy center of a city general educational institution, and no more than 20 people at a rural general educational institution. Admission to the speech therapy center is based on a speech examination, which is carried out from 1 to 15 September and from 15 to 30 May. The release of students is carried out during the entire academic year after the elimination of their speech defects.
The main form of organization of classes are group classes. Groups are completed by a teacher-speech therapist, taking into account the homogeneity of speech underdevelopment and the age of children. The maximum occupancy of groups is set depending on the structure of the speech defect. The minimum size of a group should not be less than three students.
Classes are usually held outside school hours, taking into account the working hours of the school. Pronunciation correction for 1st grade students with phonetic defects that do not affect academic performance, as an exception, can be carried out during lessons (except for Russian language and mathematics lessons). The frequency of group and individual lessons is determined by the severity of speech underdevelopment.

Group lessons are held:

with students with general underdevelopment of speech; violations of reading and writing due to general underdevelopment of speech - at least 3 times a week;
with students who have phonetic-phonemic or phonemic underdevelopment of speech; reading and writing disorders due to phonemic-phonemic or phonemic underdevelopment of speech - at least 2-3 times a week;
with students with a phonetic defect - at least 1-2 times a week;
with students who stutter - at least 3 times a week.
Individual lessons with students with complex speech defects: general speech underdevelopment of the second level; speech defects caused by a violation of the structure and mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus (dysarthria, rhinolalia) - should be carried out at least three times a week.

As these students develop pronunciation skills, classes are held with them in a group. At the same time, classes with these students cannot be held in the same group with stuttering students and students with shortcomings in the pronunciation of individual sounds.

The duration of the group lesson is 40 minutes. , The duration of an individual lesson is 20 minutes.

Between group lessons, breaks of 10-15 minutes are allowed, between individual and subgroup lessons - 5-10 minutes.
The time of change is included in the working hours of a speech therapist and can be used to check the written work of students, to prepare for the next lesson, etc.

The duration of remedial education for each individual child depends on the severity and structure of speech underdevelopment. Children with phonetic-phonemic or phonemic underdevelopment of speech and reading and writing disorders caused by these disorders can study at a speech therapy center from one half year to one year. The duration of education for children with general speech underdevelopment and reading and writing disorders caused by this speech underdevelopment can be from 1.5 to 2 years, depending on the severity of the disorder.

The topics of group and individual lessons are reflected in the attendance log speech therapy classes, which is a financial document.
If necessary, children with speech disorders, with the consent of their parents (legal representatives), may be referred by a speech therapist for a consultation with specialist doctors (a child neurologist, a child psychiatrist, an otolaryngologist, an ophthalmologist, etc.) or to a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission.
Responsibility for the obligatory attendance of students at the speech therapy center lies with the teacher-speech therapist, the class teacher and the parents of the students. Persons with higher defectological education in the specialty "speech therapy" are appointed as teachers-speech therapists. Speech therapists are appointed and dismissed by the director of the institution in the manner prescribed by the legislation established for general teachers. educational institutions.

On the basis of the Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated August 25, 1998 No. 05-51-66 / 98 “On the issues of rationing and remuneration of pedagogical workers”, the remuneration of a speech therapist at a school speech center is made at the rate of “20 astronomical hours per week, of which 18 hours, according to the Model Regulations on a speech therapy center at an educational institution, are allotted for working with children and 2 hours for advisory work and paperwork. their parents on the correction of phonetic disorders, consult with parents and teachers on specific issues, etc.

A speech therapist who is the head of a speech therapy center can be paid for managing an office.

For teachers-speech therapists of speech therapy centers of schools, the current legislation provides for the following benefits and advantages:
salary increment (in the amount of 20%) on the basis of the Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 12, 1993 No. 10/32-t “On the increase in wage rates for employees of educational institutions”;

The duration of the next labor leave (56 calendar days) on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 1994 No. 1052, as amended “On holidays for employees of educational institutions and teachers of other institutions, enterprises and organizations”;

The procedure for providing pensions on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1999 No. 1067 "On the rules for calculating the terms of service for the appointment of a pension for years of service in connection with teaching activities in schools and other institutions for children";

A speech therapist teacher has the right to grant him a long vacation for up to one year - the basis:
Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated December 7, 2000 No. 3570 “On approval of the regulation on the procedure and conditions for granting long-term leave to teachers of educational institutions for up to one year”;

Teachers-speech therapists working part-time are provided with annual paid leave for combined work or are paid compensation for unused leave upon dismissal on the basis of the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2003, No. 41
"On the peculiarities of part-time work of pedagogical, medical, pharmaceutical workers and cultural workers", etc.

From the book of Amanatova M. M. "Handbook of a school speech therapist" - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2010.

Pupils with certain disorders of oral and written speech enter the school logopoint. Meanwhile, in recent years, the school speech therapist has to deal with problems that go beyond his professional competence. As the experience of speech therapy work shows, the difficulties in mastering the material of a general education school are most often caused not only and not so much by speech underdevelopment, but by the lack of formation of psychological prerequisites, communicative readiness for learning, peculiarities of the psycho-physical development of children, etc.

At present, when there is an intensive development of science and technology,
the requirements for the intellectual development of a person are also increasing. Naturally, the content of school programs has become more complicated, and at the same time the number of underachieving students has increased. Many scientists talk about the deterioration of the physical and mental health of children. But after all, the requirements for the modern school have increased. After all, before everyone was taught according to a single program, and the children came to school, not knowing how to read or write, and calmly studied the primer for a whole year. Modern general education school programs are built on the basis of interaction with absolutely healthy children (who do not have serious speech disorders, minimal brain dysfunction, mental retardation, etc.). It is very difficult for children with speech disorders to learn several languages ​​at the same time in elementary school. Recently, children with dysorphography are increasingly getting to the speech therapy center. Dysorphography is "a persistent and specific lack of formation in the assimilation of spelling knowledge, skills, skills, due to a number of non-speech and speech mental functions" . In the written work of students, one can more and more observe not so much specific errors as errors on various rules of the Russian language. Moreover, dysorphography, being the most common violation of mastering writing skills among elementary school students, is persistent and persists until graduation. Dysorphography can manifest itself both in isolation and in the structure of general underdevelopment of speech. The recommendations of teachers to improve literacy sound something like this: “To write without spelling mistakes, you need to know the rules.” The child cannot just detect the learned spelling. To solve a spelling problem, he must master the morphological analysis of words, sufficient vocabulary and be able to choose the necessary test word. Corrective assistance at the speech center for children with dysorphography is primarily aimed not at correcting, but at preventing errors.
Therefore, speech therapists recommend conducting warning dictations. To do this, before writing the word, it is specified which letter the child chooses and why. And only "as the skill of correct spelling of words is strengthened, one can proceed to control dictations." Indeed, often parents, while working with children, practice daily dictations, which, as a rule, do not lead to the expected results. Bilingual children may also notice a large number of errors in the spelling of unstressed vowels, paired consonants. And this is not accidental, because of the poverty of the dictionary, the lack of sound and morphological generalizations, the application of the rules turns out to be difficult for this category of students. A child with a language barrier does not accurately understand the meanings of words and does not catch the semantic connection between words. Test words are selected by such children most often at random.

Sometimes children with the so-called "hypodynamic syndrome" get to the logopoint. These children from adults cause less complaints than hyperactive schoolchildren. They don't cause any disturbance, they are passive in class, they don't raise their hands even if they know the material. Writing test papers becomes a real test for them. Their written works are distinguished by the omission of letters, syllables, words, and underwriting of endings. As a rule, such children do not need corrective work to overcome errors caused by a violation of language analysis and synthesis of words and sentences. It's just that the pace of work in the classroom is not suitable for these students. They need much more time to complete this or that work. So poor schoolchildren come out of such children, and they receive insulting nicknames from classmates because of their slowness. It is necessary to take into account individual characteristics and allow such children to complete tests during the break. But after all, there are certain temporary norms for completing tasks and, accordingly, everyone observes them. The implementation of a differentiated approach to students, unfortunately, does not find application in practice.

In every school there are students who, by the time they enter the school, do not have the formation of school-significant functions. They have poor speech, poorly developed motor skills. The behavior of such children is dominated by childishness, playful interest. They are characterized by a persistent decrease in working capacity with a disorder of attention, memory, and the ability to switch from one type of activity to another. Due to rapid fatigue, they respond worse at the end of the lesson, even worse at the last lesson. Many teachers classify underachieving students as mentally handicapped and stop paying attention to them. In their notebooks, the predominant color is red from the teacher's numerous corrections. Such children are easy to recognize if you look into the classroom. Usually they sit somewhere on the last desk. Of course, these children do not reach the so-called “norm”, but they also have personal achievements, but, as a rule, they are not appreciated by teachers who need results. Unfortunately, the efforts of the child, his efforts go unnoticed. And the child so wants to be praised. Who is usually praised at school, generously endowing with the words "clever", "well done". That's right, excellent students. But they didn't put in any effort. After all, someone has been given abilities from birth. Well, it is necessary to give any child the opportunity to feel his success, to evaluate his efforts while he has them. After all, the situation of constant failure leads to negativism, to the refusal to go to school. The result itself can be assessed at later stages, when there is no fear of failure. Remedial work with such students provides an individual approach that will provide them with the opportunity to work at their own pace. When creating comfortable conditions for such children, the level of assimilation of the material will be much higher. Learning without taking into account the psycho-physiological characteristics of students can lead to school maladjustment and a decrease in learning motivation. But before starting a corrective impact, it is necessary to determine what nevertheless underlies the failure: temperament, lack of formation of the emotional-volitional sphere, underdevelopment of cognitive processes, lack of educational motivation, health status, general underdevelopment of speech or something else.

A child with seemingly minor problems experiences difficulties in mastering state educational standards. Is the school ready to integrate children with more severe pathologies? After all, every "abnormal" child, studying in a mass school, should receive specialized assistance and support from both specialists and his teacher.

What prevents us from properly organizing correctional work with children with disabilities in a general education school? First of all, this is the low awareness of teachers and even parents about the peculiarities of the state of children's health, the lack of pedagogical technologies for raising and educating children with various health problems in a public school, and, finally, the prevailing negative attitude of the population towards seeking help from child psychiatrists and neurologists. The recommendations of a speech therapist about the need to obtain qualified advice from doctors are perceived by parents with caution and even aggressively. Hiding from the doctor real reasons for which an examination was recommended, parents miss the time allotted for the necessary medical treatment. Not all parents and teachers understand the relationship between the child's health and his problems in educational activities. Such a passive position of parents in relation to the organization of treatment leads to the ineffectiveness of corrective work at school. Therefore, timely counseling of parents on the problem of certain violations in the development of children and the need for simultaneous correction, medical and pedagogical, is important here.

For the correct organization of correctional work, it is necessary that the school has the necessary specialists, in particular defectologists who can provide real assistance to students with special educational needs, and teachers with in-depth knowledge in the field of special pedagogy. At this stage, in public schools, only speech therapists provide qualified assistance to children with learning difficulties. But even now speech therapists in general education schools are sorely lacking. In addition, speech therapists should work primarily on preventing and overcoming all kinds of speech disorders that impede the full assimilation of the general educational program in the Russian language and literary reading.

Thus, education in a general education school for children with mental and physical disabilities is possible and necessary for their successful socialization in the outside world. But this integration must be prepared and thought out, having a material base.

The work of a speech therapist working in a speech therapy center at a general education school has its own specifics, which differ from other institutions. Speech therapy work is not an additional educational service, as it is being presented in recent years, it is an activity that, in parallel with the educational process, contributes to a more accessible and successful mastery of certain categories of students. This is what makes the work of a school speech therapist extremely relevant and in demand.

The main tasks of the speech therapy service

1. Correction of violations in the development of oral and written speech of students.

2. Timely prevention and overcoming of difficulties in the development of general educational programs by students.

3. Explanation of special knowledge in speech therapy among teachers, parents (legal representatives) of students.

In the course of work, it is decided a number of additional tasks :

  • development of mental processes (attention, memory, perception, thinking);
  • the formation of elementary learning skills (to be able to listen carefully to the teacher, purposefully and diligently perform the task, adequately assess the result of one's work and correct mistakes);
  • the formation of the prerequisites for teaching literacy (teaching the sound analysis of words, familiarity with the concepts of "sound, word, sentence", the development of fine motor skills and spatial orientation);
  • prevention and correction of writing and reading disorders.

Speech problems cause difficulties in the assimilation of certain school subjects, which is the most common cause of school maladjustment, a decrease in educational motivation, and behavioral deviations that arise in connection with this.

The causes of speech disorders are many-valued. It is impossible to solve them quickly, but it is also impossible to pretend that they do not exist. These children need a special approach, increased attention. They need the help of teachers and parents, moreover, timely, qualified, systematic help. This approach is carried out by the speech therapist of the school.

Organization of the speech therapy service

enrollment children to the speech therapy center is carried out on the basis of a speech examination of students, which is carried out from September 1 to 15 and from May 15 to 30.

The speech therapy center enrolls students of a general education institution who have impairments in the development of oral and written speech in their native language: general underdevelopment of speech of varying severity; phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech; phonemic underdevelopment of speech; pronunciation flaws - phonetic speech defects; stuttering; speech defects caused by a violation of the structure and mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus (dysarthria, rhinolalia); violations of reading and writing due to general, phonetic-phonemic, phonemic underdevelopment of speech.

IN first of all the speech therapy center enrolls students who have impairments in the development of oral and written speech that prevent them from successfully mastering general educational programs (children with general, phonetic-phonemic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech).

Enrollment of students at the speech therapy center is made from among the examined children throughout the school year.

Maximum occupancy speech therapy center of a general educational institution no more than 25 people.

Classes with students are carried out both individually and in a group. The main form is group lessons. Classes with students at the speech therapy center are held outside of school hours, taking into account the working hours of the educational institution.

Duration group lesson - 40 minutes, individual lesson - 20-40 minutes.

Responsibility for attending classes by students at the speech therapy center, the teacher-speech therapist, class teacher, parents and heads of the educational institution bear.

Release students from the speech therapy center is carried out throughout the academic year after the elimination of their violations in the development of oral and written speech.

Nomination " Methodical piggy bank of the teacherelementary school"

The implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for the Education of Students with Mental Retardation (Intellectual Disabilities) requires the organization of educational work aimed at correcting, compensating and preventing secondary deviations in development and learning, taking into account the individual capabilities of each child. In this context, a new assessment of the role of a school speech therapist is also required, accompanied by students with intellectual disabilities when they are included in educational activities and introducing something new into the content of corrective speech therapy work.

In the modern educational system, the issue of creating optimal conditions for the successful correction of developmental disorders, training, education, and psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities is especially relevant. The implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for the Education of Students with Mental Retardation (Intellectual Disabilities), approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1599 on December 19, 2014, requires that each child be provided with the maximum level of physical, mental and moral development; organize educational work aimed at correcting, compensating and preventing secondary deviations in development and learning, taking into account the individual capabilities of each child.

In our special (correctional) school, children with various degrees of mental retardation study. Many of them have visual, hearing, musculoskeletal disorders and other severe and multiple developmental disorders. The number of children with autism spectrum disorders entering the institution is increasing every year.

Thus, as a result of a combination of primary and secondary defects during abnormal development, a complex picture of disorders is formed, which, on the one hand, is individual for each child, and on the other hand, has many similar characteristics within the developmental disorders listed above, which determine the need to create special educational conditions corresponding to the psychophysical characteristics of children.

In this context, a new assessment of the role of a school speech therapist is also required, accompanied by students with intellectual disabilities when they are included in educational activities and introducing something new into the content of corrective speech therapy work.

The purpose of the activities of a speech therapist teacher in a correctional school is the creation of conditions conducive to the identification and overcoming of violations of speech development, as well as the further development of oral and written speech, the improvement of communication of students, the successful assimilation of adapted basic educational programs for the education of students with intellectual disabilities.

All speech therapy work to accompany students with intellectual disabilities is organized in accordance with the curriculum and the program of correctional work of the institution and is carried out in the following areas:

  • diagnostic work;
  • correctional and developmental work;
  • advisory work;
  • information and educational work.

Diagnostic direction The work of a speech therapist teacher includes an in-depth study of a child admitted to an institution: the study of documentation, the identification of individual characteristics of speech development and the causes of problems in development. The survey is conducted in the first two weeks of September (from 1 to 15 September) and the last two weeks of the academic year (from 15 to 31 May). The speech therapist teacher presents the results of a speech therapy examination at the school medical-psychological-pedagogical council, which considers the issue of enrolling the student in classes.

Taking into account the individual characteristics and variety of students' speech disorders, diagnostic material was selected to assess the level of formation of speech development of both speaking and speechless children. For this, elements of diagnostic methods of the following authors T.A. Fotekova, T.V. Akhutina, O.B. Inshakova, E.V. Kirillova. Based on the results of the examination, groups of students with a similar defect structure are completed, or individual speech therapy classes are assigned. In the period from May 15 to May 31, the speech development of students is monitored. Based on the monitoring data, the PMPK makes a decision on the need to continue remedial classes or stop them.

The peculiarities of diagnosing children with intellectual disabilities is the observance of the basic principles: an integrated approach, a systematic structural and dynamic study of mental development, a qualitative analysis of the structure of the defect and a holistic analysis of the mental state of the child's development. The process of diagnosing is organized in such a way that each child can respond at the level and with the means that are available to him. Very important in the examination of speech, especially children with ASD, is the moment of visualization of the tasks presented.

Correction and development direction involves the implementation of correctional and developmental programs, compiled taking into account the age, characteristics of the development of students, the structure of the defect. This direction is implemented through the choice of correctional programs, methods and techniques; organization and conduct of specially organized group and individual classes for the correction of speech disorders, determined for each student on the basis of the recommendations of the territorial psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (TPMPK) and the individual program for the rehabilitation or habilitation of a disabled person (IPRA).

The quantitative ratio of individual and group lessons is determined by the educational organization in accordance with the curriculum, based on the psychophysical characteristics of students. The institution has developed working programs for correcting the speech of students with mild, moderate and severe systemic underdevelopment.

The program for the correction of systemic underdevelopment of mild severity is aimed at solving the following main tasks:

  • correction of sound pronunciation (staging, automation and differentiation of speech sounds);
  • correction of the lexical side of speech;
  • correction of the grammatical structure of speech (syntactic structure of speech statements, inflection and word formation);
  • correction of dialogical and formation of monologue forms of speech;
  • development of the communicative function of speech;
  • correction of reading and writing disorders;
  • expansion of ideas about the surrounding reality;
  • development of the cognitive sphere (thinking, memory, attention).

The work program for the correction of speech of students with systemic speech underdevelopment of moderate and severe degree aims to develop speech as a means of communication in the context of understanding the world around it, which contributes to the successful socialization of a speech pathologist child. This course is presented for elementary school students with moderate or severe mental retardation with severe and multiple developmental disabilities who do not have sound pronunciation or only separate sound complexes are noted. The passive vocabulary is limited to the names of some household items. Understanding speech within the limits of everyday household instruction. Knowledge of the environment is primitive and limited. Facial expressions and gestures are used inactively. Students are characterized by a lack of motivation to communicate, inability to navigate the situation, inflexibility in contacts, increased emotional exhaustion. They are not prepared for schooling, contact with them is difficult.

This work program is aimed at solving the following main tasks:

  • development of understanding of inverted speech and the meaning of available non-verbal graphic signs;
  • mastering the ability to make contact, maintain and complete it, using traditional verbal and alternative means of communication, observing the generally accepted rules of communication;
  • development of the ability to use available means of communication in the practice of expressive and impressive speech to solve age-appropriate everyday tasks;
  • development of prerequisites for meaningful reading and writing.

One of the fundamental requirements of the programs used by a speech therapist, compliance with which contributes to the optimization of corrective education, the communicative orientation of the entire complex of correctional and educational influence, the development of speech as a means of communication in the context of understanding the world around and personal experience child.

Considering that modern information technologies are becoming effective tool correctional and developmental work and are increasingly used in special education, in speech therapy classes, a speech therapist teacher uses the computer software and methodological kit "Mersibo Plus", "Computer workshop for conducting speech therapy classes in elementary school", author's simulator games that make it interesting to conduct classes , intense, efficient.

Corrective exercises using information technologies allow to defuse the high emotional tension of schoolchildren and revive the educational process. The computer is also a powerful stimulus for the creativity of children, including the most infantile or disinhibited.

Practical orientation, playful and creative nature of learning, interactivity, various forms communications, dialogues, the use of knowledge and experience of students, the involvement of all senses in the process, the activity approach, implemented in the process of using active teaching methods in speech therapy classes, increase the effectiveness of speech therapy correction.

A feature of working with students with autism spectrum disorders is the replacement of verbal abstract images with visual ones, which greatly facilitates the learning of an autistic child. Building a visual range is the main condition for the success of classes with this category. For this purpose, pictograms and visual supports are used in speech therapy classes. The use of elements of the operant approach in the correction of speech disorders contributes to the development of independence in students with autism spectrum disorders.

The full course of speech therapy classes for correctional and developmental education of students continues from September 16 to May 15. The duration of individual and subgroup classes is 15-25 minutes. Correction-developing classes of a speech therapist are attended by students in grades 1-7.

Advisory work, conducted by a speech therapist teacher, ensures the continuity of special support for children with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) and their families on the implementation of differentiated psychological and pedagogical conditions for training, education, correction and development of speech and socialization of students.

During the entire period of accompanying the child, the speech therapist constantly maintains contact with the parents, periodically informing them about the dynamics of eliminating speech defects, educates them on speech correction, and works in constant cooperation with the administration of the educational institution.

The speech therapist takes an active part in the work of the school psychological-medical-pedagogical council (PMPC). Revealing children with peculiarities of speech development, he gives the necessary recommendations for the further successful development of the child or directs, if necessary, to a specialist doctor (psychoneurologist, neuropathologist, otolaryngologist, etc.). PMPK is one of the forms of interaction between specialists.

In the course of the analysis, problem areas were identified: not all parents make contact with a speech therapist, do not sufficiently realize the importance of timely medical care for a child, sometimes ignoring the recommendations of specialists. Many parents do not have a sufficient level of pedagogical knowledge and therefore cannot always provide their child with the necessary assistance.

Outreach work involves the implementation of explanatory activities in relation to teachers and parents on issues related to the peculiarities of the implementation of the process of teaching and educating students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities), interaction with teachers and peers, their parents (legal representatives), etc.

Information and educational work includes: holding thematic presentations for teachers and parents to explain the individual typological characteristics of various categories of children, designing information stands, advising teachers during teacher councils, seminars, round tables, individual consultations, etc. Publication of methodological and advisory materials in the media mass media, printed publications, the website of the institution also contributes to an increase in the level of pedagogical activity of all participants in educational relations.

Thus, realizing your professional activity according to the goal, the speech therapist becomes an important link in the activities of support specialists aimed at creating an integral system that provides optimal conditions for students, pupils with intellectual disabilities.
