P. Primary school pedagogy

Pedagogy links are expanding with history and literature, geography and anthropology, medicine and ecology, economics and archaeology. Even the science of extraterrestrial civilizations helps to understand pedagogical problems. Man, his habitat, the influence of cosmic rhythms on the formation of people today are being intensively studied all over the world.
New industries have emerged at the intersection of pedagogy with the exact and technical sciences - cybernetic, mathematical, computer pedagogy, suggestology and others. Today's pedagogy, as one of the main sciences of man, is developing very intensively.

So, modern pedagogy is a branched scientific system in which the pedagogy of elementary school occupies an important place, since the processes of education are most intensive in childhood and they must be skillfully managed. In developing its problems, pedagogy relies on the data of a number of sciences.

Methods of pedagogical research

Methods pedagogical research is ways, ways, with the help of which teachers acquire knowledge about the processes and results of upbringing, training, education, development, personality formation. There are many methods for accumulating knowledge. Among them we single out traditional (empirical) and new (experimental, theoretical).
Traditional the methods inherited by modern pedagogy from the researchers who stood at the origins of pedagogical science are called. These are the methods used in their time by Plato and Quintilian, Comenius and Pestalozzi, they are still used in science today. to traditional methods include observation, study of experience, primary sources, analysis of school documentation, study of the products of student creativity, conversations.
Observation- the most accessible and widespread method of studying pedagogical practice. Scientific observation is understood as a specially organized perception of an object, process or phenomenon under study in natural conditions. Scientific observation differs significantly from ordinary, everyday. Its main differences are that: 1) tasks are defined, objects are allocated, an observation scheme is developed; 2) the results must be recorded; 3) the received data are processed, compared with those already known, and rechecked using other methods. To be effective, monitoring should be lengthy, systematic, versatile, objective and massive.
Emphasizing the importance of the observation method, its accessibility and prevalence, it is also necessary to point out its shortcomings: it does not reveal the internal aspects of pedagogical phenomena, which means that it cannot provide complete objectivity of information. Therefore, observation is most often used in the initial stages of the study in combination with other methods.
Experience learning- Another method of pedagogical research that has been used for a long time. It means organized cognitive activity aimed at establishing the historical connections of education, isolating the common, stable in educational and educational systems. With its help, ways of solving specific problems are analyzed, balanced conclusions are drawn about the appropriateness of their application in new historical conditions. That's why this method also called historical, it closely merges with the method study of primary sources, also called archival. Monuments of ancient writing, legislative acts, projects, circulars, reports, reports, resolutions, materials of congresses and conferences are subjected to careful scientific analysis; training and educational programs, statutes, books, class schedules - in a word, materials that help to understand the essence, origins and dynamics of the development of a particular problem. Study of excellence creatively working teaching teams or individual teachers also takes place. It is possible to cite examples of best practices that forced a critical attitude to the views prevailing in pedagogy, a new approach to solving seemingly indisputable issues. Let us recall how pedagogical thought and school practice were stirred up by the original methodological findings of the primary school teacher S.N. Lysenkova.
Scientific and pedagogical research suggests analysis of school documentation, reflecting the educational process. Sources of information - class journals, books of minutes of meetings and sessions, class schedules, internal regulations, calendar and lesson plans of teachers, notes and transcripts of lessons, etc. They contain a lot of objective data that help to establish causal relationships between students phenomena. The study of documentation provides, for example, valuable statistical data for establishing links between health status and academic performance, the quality of schedules and student performance, etc.
Studying the products of student creativity- homework and classwork in academic subjects, essays, abstracts, reports, results of aesthetic and technical creativity - will tell an experienced researcher a lot. Of great interest are the so-called free time products, hobbies. The individual characteristics of students, their inclinations and interests, attitude to work and their duties, diligence, diligence, motives for activity are just a small list of educational aspects where this method can be successfully applied. It, like others, requires careful planning, correct use, skillful combination with observations and conversations.
Traditional methods of pedagogical research include conversations. With their help, teachers find out the feelings and intentions, assessments and positions of their students. But conversation is a very complex and not always reliable method. Therefore, it is used most often as an additional one to obtain the necessary clarifications and clarifications about what remained unclear when observing or using other methods. For higher reliability of the results of the conversation, it is necessary:
the presence of a clear, thoughtful interlocutor, taking into account the personality and steadily implemented conversation plan;
discussion of questions of interest to the researcher in various angles and connections;
variation of questions setting them in a form that is pleasant for the interlocutor;
skill use the situation resourcefulness in questions and answers. The art of conversation needs to be learned long and patiently.
TO new pedagogical research methods include pedagogical experiment, testing, questioning, study of group differentiation, etc.
Pedagogical experiment- it is scientifically formulated conversion experience pedagogical process in accurately accounted for conditions. Unlike methods that only register what already exists, the experiment in pedagogy is creative in nature. With its help, new techniques, methods, forms, and systems of educational activity make their way. A pedagogical experiment can cover a group of students, a class, a school, several schools or regions. Research can be long term or short term subject and purpose.
The reliability of experimental conclusions directly depends on compliance with the conditions of the experiment. All factors other than those tested must be carefully balanced. If, for example, the effectiveness of a new technique is being tested, then the learning conditions must be made the same both in the experimental and in the control class.
The experiments carried out by teachers are varied. Depending on the purpose, there are: 1) ascertaining experiment, in which existing pedagogical phenomena are studied: 2) verification experiment, when a new assumption (hypothesis) is tested; 3) creative, transformative, formative experiment, in the process of which new pedagogical phenomena are constructed.
According to the venue, natural and laboratory pedagogical experiments are distinguished. Natural- this is a scientifically organized experience of testing the hypothesis put forward without disturbing the course of the educational process. If it is necessary to ensure especially careful observation of the subjects (sometimes with the use of complex equipment), the experiment is transferred to a room specially equipped for this, in specially created research conditions. Such an experiment is called laboratory.
Both for scientific and practical purposes in modern pedagogy is widely used testing- a targeted, identical survey for all, conducted under strictly controlled conditions, which makes it possible to objectively measure the characteristics and results of training, education, development of students, and determine the parameters of the pedagogical process. It differs from other survey methods accuracy, simplicity, accessibility, the possibility of automation.
Primary school teachers use performance tests, tests of elementary skills(reading, writing, simple arithmetic operations), as well as various tests for diagnosing the achieved level of learning and development - school maturity, the degree of assimilation of knowledge, skills in academic subjects, etc.
Final test contains a large number of questions and is offered after studying a major section of the curriculum. There are two types of such tests: speed and power. In the first case, the student usually does not have enough time to answer all the questions, because you need to answer quickly and correctly; in the second - there is such an opportunity; here speed does not matter, what matters is the depth and thoroughness of knowledge. Most of the tests for preschoolers and younger students are compiled according to a sparing version.
The processes of upbringing, education, training have collective character. The most commonly used methods for studying them are mass polls participants in these processes, carried out according to a specific plan. They may be oral(interview) or written(questionnaire).
Questionnaire- a method of mass collection of information using specially designed questionnaires, called questionnaires. In pedagogical practice, their various types are widely used: open, requiring self-construction of the answer, closed, in which students have to choose one of the ready-made answers; nominal, requiring a surname anonymous, do without it; full And truncated, propaedeutic And control etc. One of the varieties is the so-called "Polar" questionnaire with a scoring. According to its principle, questionnaires are compiled for self-assessment and assessment of others. For example, when studying personality traits, questionnaires contain a five-point scale:

The number of points in such questionnaires can be different. Often, 12-point scales are used, which have six gradations of positive and negative manifestations of the trait under study:

minimum -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 maximum
The student circles the corresponding score according to the principle: 5 - very organized, 4 - organized, 3 - more often organized than disorganized, 2 - disorganized, 1 - very disorganized.
Questionnaires should be compiled very carefully: after all, what and how the question is posed - such will be the answer. Asking, for example, a direct question to a student: “How much time do you spend daily doing homework?”, the compiler of the questionnaire already provokes a certain type of answer. Which of the negligent students confesses their laziness? There are two ways to get rid of this shortcoming: using indirect, veiled questions so that the student does not guess what exactly the compiler of the questionnaire wants to know, or by providing him with the opportunity to give extended answers. In the first case, the questionnaire grows to immense proportions and few people want to fill it out; in the second, it resembles a student essay on a given topic. Processing questionnaires in both cases becomes more difficult, the method loses one of its significant advantages.
Widely used study method group differentiation(sociometric method), which allows you to analyze intra-class relationships. Schoolchildren are asked to answer questions like: "Who would you like to ... (go on a camping trip, sit at the same desk, play in the same team, etc.)". Three choices are given for each question: “Write first the name of the person with whom you would most like to be together; then write the name of the person you would like to be with if the first one does not work out, and finally, the third name - in accordance with the same conditions. As a result, some students have the largest number of choices, while others have fewer. It becomes possible to reasonably judge the place, role, status, position of each student in the class.
Thus, with the help various methods research teachers obtain information about how the processes of upbringing, training and education proceed, analyze the data obtained, and include the conclusions in the system of scientific knowledge. No method, taken alone, guarantees the reliability of the conclusions. Therefore, they are all used in combination. There is a close relationship between the level of pedagogical theory, practice and applied research methods.
The elementary school teacher also conducts various studies in order to learn more about the children he teaches and educates. It is important to adhere to the objectivity, logic, system and sequence of scientific analysis. Then the findings will help you see the picture as it is, and therefore make the right pedagogical decision.
Test yourself
What does pedagogy study?
What are the tasks of pedagogy?
When did the science of education originate?
Highlight the main periods in the development of pedagogical thought.
What did Ya.A. Comenius? When it was?
Tell us about the activities of Russian teachers.
Which of the teachers of our country do you know? What are they famous for?
What is education in the social and pedagogical sense?
Why is education historical?
What is called learning?
What is education?
What is personal development?
What is called personality formation?
What are the main pedagogical trends?
Describe the system of pedagogical sciences.
What does elementary school pedagogy study?
What do you know about new branches of pedagogy?
What are pedagogical research methods?
What methods are traditional (empirical)?
What methods are new (theoretical)?
Reference abstract
Pedagogy- 1. The science of human education. 2. Theory of upbringing, training and education.
Subject of Pedagogy- upbringing, training, education, development, formation of personality.
Functions of Pedagogy- 1. Knowledge of the laws of upbringing, education and training. 2. Definition of goals and objectives, development of ways to achieve the goals of education.
Tasks of Pedagogy- 1. Accumulation and systematization of scientific knowledge about education. 2. Creation of the theory of upbringing, education, training.
Outstanding teachers:
Jan Amos Comenius (1592–1670).
John Locke (1632–1704).
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778).
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746–1827).
Friedrich Diesterweg (1790–1886).
Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky (1824–1871).
John Dewey (1859–1952).
Edward Thorndike (1874–1949).
Anton Semenovich Makarenko (1888–1939).
Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky (1918–1970).
Basic concepts- upbringing, training, education, development, formation.
Upbringing– 1. Transfer of accumulated experience from older generations to younger ones. 2. Directed influence on the child in order to form certain knowledge, views and beliefs, moral values. 3. A specially organized, purposeful and controlled influence on the student in order to form the given qualities in him, carried out in educational institutions and covering the entire educational process. 4. The process and result of educational work aimed at solving specific educational problems.
Education- a specially organized, purposeful and controlled process of interaction between teachers and students, aimed at mastering knowledge, skills, shaping a worldview, developing mental strength, talents and abilities of students.
Education- a system of knowledge, skills, ways of thinking that the student has mastered in the learning process.
Development- the process and result of quantitative and qualitative changes in the human body.
Formation- the process of becoming a person as a social being under the influence of all factors without exception - environmental, social, economic, ideological, psychological, etc. Education is one of the most important, but not the only factor in the formation of personality.
Pedagogical currents- authoritarian, humanistic.
Research methods- traditional (empirical): observation, study of experience, primary sources, analysis of school documentation, study of the products of student creativity, conversations. New (theoretical): pedagogical experiment, testing, questioning, study of group differentiation, etc.
Amonashvili Sh.A. Personal and humane basis of the pedagogical process. Minsk, 1990.
Anthology of humane pedagogy. In 27 books. M., 2001–2005.
Bespalko V.P. Pedagogy and progressive learning technologies. M., 1995.
Introduction to scientific research in pedagogy. M., 1988.
Vulfov B. Fundamentals of pedagogy in lectures, situations. M., 1997.
Grebenyuk O.S., Rozhkov M.I. General foundations of pedagogy: Proc. M., 2003.
Zhuravlev I.K. Pedagogy in the system of human sciences. M., 1990.
Zankov L.V. Didactics and life. M., 1968.
Pidkasisty P.I., Korotyaev B.I. Pedagogy as a system of scientific theories. M., 1988.
Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy: Proc. In 3 books. Book. 1. General basics. M., 2005.
Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F., Shiyanov E.N. General Pedagogy: Proc. allowance. At 2 pm M., 2004.
Snegurov A.V. Pedagogy from "A" to "Z". M., 2003.
Soloveichik S. Pedagogy for everyone. M., 1989.
Spock B. Child and care. M., 1985.

Chapter 2. General patterns of development

Education is, first of all, human science. Without knowledge of the child - his mental development, thinking, interests, hobbies, abilities, inclinations, inclinations - there is no education.
V.L. Sukhomlinsky

Personal development process

Development is the process and result of quantitative and qualitative changes in a person. The result of development is the formation of man as a biological species and as a social being. biological in a person is characterized by physical development, which includes morphological, biochemical, physiological changes. Social finds expression in mental, spiritual, intellectual growth.
If a person reaches a level of development that allows him to be considered a carrier of consciousness and self-consciousness, capable of independent transformative activity, then such a person is called personality. A person is not born as a person, he becomes one in the process of development. The concept of "personality", in contrast to the concept of "man", is a social characteristic that indicates those qualities that are formed under the influence of social relations, communication with other people. As a personality, a person is formed in the social system through purposeful and thoughtful upbringing. Personality is determined by the measure of appropriation of social experience, on the one hand, and by the measure of return to society, a feasible contribution to the treasury of material and spiritual values, on the other. In order to become a personality, a person must in practice show the internal properties inherent in him by nature and shaped by life and upbringing.
Human development is a complex, lengthy and controversial process. Changes in his body occur throughout his life, but the physical data and the spiritual world of a person change especially intensively in childhood and adolescence. Development is not reduced to a simple accumulation of quantitative changes and a rectilinear progressive movement from the lowest to the highest. Its characteristic feature is the dialectical transition of quantitative changes into qualitative transformations of the physical, mental and spiritual characteristics of the individual.
There are various explanations for this largely unknown process. Some experts are of the opinion that human development is a spontaneous, uncontrollable, spontaneous process; it occurs regardless of the conditions of life, is determined by innate forces; due to fate, in which no one and nothing can change. Others believe that development is a property of living matter, which is characterized by movement. In development, the old is destroyed and the new is created. Unlike animals passively adapting to life, man creates the means for his development through his labor.
The driving force of development is the struggle of contradictions. This is a "perpetual motion machine", which gives inexhaustible energy for constant transformations and updates. Contradictions - they are opposing forces in conflict. They arise at every step as a consequence of changing needs. Man is contradictory by nature.
Distinguish internal and external contradictions, general(driven by the development of all people) and individual(characteristic of a single person). The contradictions between needs man, ranging from simple material to the highest spiritual, and opportunities their satisfaction. Internal contradictions arise when a person seems to disagree with himself. They are expressed in individual motives. One of the main internal contradictions is the discrepancy between new needs and the possibilities to satisfy them. For example, between the desire of schoolchildren to participate on an equal footing with adults in business and real opportunities, due to the level of development of their psyche and intellect, social maturity. I want, I can, I know, I don’t know, it’s possible, it’s impossible, there is - no - these are typical couples expressing constant contradictions.
Studying human development, researchers have established a number of important relationships that express regular connections between the development process and its results, on the one hand, and the causes that affect them, on the other.
Why do some people achieve higher results in their development, while others do not? On what conditions does this process and its results depend? Long-term studies have made it possible to deduce a general pattern: human development is determined by internal and external conditions. Internal include the physiological and mental properties of the body. To the external - the environment of a person, the environment in which he lives and develops. In the process of interaction with it, the inner essence of a person changes, new properties are formed, which, in turn, leads to another change.

So, human development is a process, the result of quantitative and qualitative changes. Developing, a person becomes a personality - a carrier of consciousness and self-awareness, capable of independent transformative activity. The driving force of development is the struggle of contradictions. Human development is determined by internal and external conditions.

Heredity and environment

What in the development of a person depends on him, and what - on external conditions, factors? The conditions are called set of reasons determining development, and the factor is an important a good reason involving a number of circumstances. What general conditions and factors determine the course and results of the development process?
Mainly joint action three general factors - heredity, environment and upbringing. The basis is formed by the innate, natural features of a person, i.e. heredity, which refers to the transfer from parents to children of certain qualities and characteristics. The carriers of heredity are genes (translated from Greek, “gene” means “giving birth”). Modern science has proven that the properties of an organism are encrypted in a kind of genetic code that stores and transmits information about the properties of an organism. Genetics has deciphered the hereditary program of human development.
hereditary programs human development include deterministic(permanent, unchanged) and part variable, defining both the general thing that makes a person a person, and the special thing that makes people so different from each other. The deterministic part of the program ensures, first of all, the continuation of the human race, as well as the specific inclinations of a person as a representative of the human race - speech, bipedalism, labor activity, thinking. Outward signs are also transmitted from parents to children: features of physique, constitution, color of hair, eyes and skin. Rigidly genetically programmed combination in the body of various proteins, blood groups, Rh factor.

Primary school pedagogy. Podlasy I.P.

M.: 2008. - 474 p.

The textbook discusses both the general foundations of pedagogy and issues directly related to the pedagogy of elementary school: the age characteristics of children, the principles and rules of teaching younger students, the types and forms of education and upbringing, the tasks facing the elementary school teacher, etc.

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To students
Chapter 1. The subject and tasks of pedagogy
Pedagogy - the science of education
The emergence and development of pedagogy
Basic concepts of pedagogy
Pedagogical currents
System of Pedagogical Sciences
Methods of pedagogical research
Chapter 2. General patterns of development
Personal development process
Heredity and environment
Development and education
The principle of natural conformity
Activities and personal development
Development diagnostics
Chapter 3
Age periodization
preschooler development
Early Childhood Development
Uneven development
Accounting for individual characteristics
Gender differences
Chapter 4. Pedagogical process
The purpose of education
The tasks of education
Ways to implement the tasks of education
Organization of education
Stages of the pedagogical process
Patterns of the pedagogical process
Chapter 5. Essence and content of training
The essence of the learning process
Didactic systems
Learning structure
Content of training
Content elements
Curricula and programs
Textbooks and manuals
Chapter 6
The driving forces of the doctrine
Interests of younger students
Formation of motives
Stimulation of learning
Incentive Rules
Chapter 7
The concept of principles and rules
The principle of consciousness and activity
The principle of visualization of learning
Systematic and consistent
Strength principle
The principle of accessibility
Scientific principle
The principle of emotionality
The principle of connection between theory and practice
Chapter 8
The concept of methods
Classification of methods
Methods of oral presentation
Working with a book
Visual teaching methods
Practical Methods
Independent work
Choice of teaching methods
Chapter 9. Types and forms of education
Types of training
Differentiated learning
Forms of study
Types and structures of lessons
Transformation of forms of education
Lesson preparation
Modern technologies
Chapter 10
Features of the upbringing process
The structure of the upbringing process
General patterns of education
Principles of education
The content of the upbringing process
Spiritual education of schoolchildren
Chapter 11. Methods and forms of education
Methods and techniques of education
Consciousness Formation Methods
Methods of organizing activities
Incentive methods
Forms of education
Chapter 12
Education with kindness and affection
Understanding the child
Child confession
Adoption of a child
Rules for a humanist teacher
Chapter 13
Features of an ungraded school
Lesson in an ungraded school
Organization of independent work
Looking for new options
Preparing the teacher for the lesson
educational process
Chapter 14
From control to diagnostics
Humanization of control
Assessment of learning outcomes
Achievement testing
Diagnostics of upbringing
Chapter 15
Teacher Functions
Teacher Requirements
Mastery of the teacher
Market transformations
Teacher and student's family
Analysis of teacher work
Brief glossary of terms

rental block

Ivan Pavlovich Podlasy

Pedagogy of elementary school: textbook


The textbook discusses both the general foundations of pedagogy and issues directly related to the pedagogy of elementary school: the age characteristics of children, the principles and rules of teaching younger students, the types and forms of education and upbringing, the tasks facing the elementary school teacher, etc.

The textbook is intended for students of pedagogical colleges.

Ivan Pavlovich Podlasy

To students

Chapter 1. The subject and tasks of pedagogy

Basic concepts of pedagogy

Pedagogical currents

System of Pedagogical Sciences

Chapter 2. General patterns of development

Personal development process

Heredity and environment

Development and education

The principle of natural conformity

Development diagnostics

Chapter 3

Age periodization

preschooler development

Early Childhood Development

Uneven development

Gender differences

Chapter 4. Pedagogical process

The purpose of education

The tasks of education

Organization of education

Chapter 5. Essence and content of training

The essence of the learning process

Didactic systems

Learning structure

Curricula and programs

Textbooks and manuals

Chapter 6

The driving forces of the doctrine

Interests of younger students

Formation of motives

Stimulation of learning

Incentive Rules

Chapter 7

The concept of principles and rules

The principle of visualization of learning

Strength principle

The principle of accessibility

Scientific principle

The principle of emotionality

Chapter 8

The concept of methods

Classification of methods

Methods of oral presentation

Working with a book

Visual teaching methods

Practical Methods

Independent work

Choice of teaching methods

Chapter 9. Types and forms of education

Types of training

Differentiated learning

Forms of study

Types and structures of lessons

Transformation of forms of education

Lesson preparation


Modern technologies

Chapter 10

The structure of the upbringing process

Principles of education

Chapter 11. Methods and forms of education

Methods and techniques of education

Consciousness Formation Methods

Incentive methods

Forms of education

Chapter 12

Education with kindness and affection

Understanding the child

Child confession

Adoption of a child

Chapter 13

Lesson in an ungraded school

Looking for new options

Preparing the teacher for the lesson

educational process

Chapter 14

From control to diagnostics

Humanization of control

Assessment of learning outcomes


Achievement testing

Diagnostics of upbringing

Chapter 15

Teacher Functions

Teacher Requirements

Mastery of the teacher

Market transformations

Teacher and student's family

Analysis of teacher work

Brief glossary of terms


To students

It is known that in the structure of the new economic and cultural achievements of society, a significant role belongs to the work of the teacher. If schools do not prepare citizens capable of solving the problems of the country at the level of present and tomorrow's requirements, then our hopes for a stable and secure future will remain unfulfilled. That is why the choice of the profession of a primary school teacher is of such high civic significance.

The most knowledgeable, talented, responsible teachers should be allowed to primary education and upbringing - the period of a child's life is so important in the formation and destiny of a person. This is probably why an elementary school teacher has no room for error. With one wrong action, he, like a doctor, can cause irreparable harm. Let's not forget that it is in elementary school that a person acquires more than 80% of all knowledge, skills, actions and ways of thinking that he will use in the future.

Primary school today is in anticipation of highly professional teachers. The problems that have matured in it require fresh ideas, decisive actions to transform the school on the values ​​of truth and goodness. Studying in high school, you could not help but notice what changes are taking place in the younger ones. The introduction of a stable four-year system of primary education is almost completed. The composition and content of school subjects have changed, new methods and technologies have appeared. More attention was paid to spiritual education.

Already on the student bench, the future teacher begins to understand that the main values ​​​​of the school are students and teachers, their joint work. The child is not a means, but the goal of education, therefore, it is not necessary to adapt him to the school, but, on the contrary, the school to him, so that, without breaking the nature of the child, raise him to the maximum level of development available to him. You will also have to work outside of school, because a teacher is the main intellectual force of society, his vocation is to serve people, to be a conductor of knowledge.

To become a master of your craft, you need to know pedagogy, learn to think and act professionally. Pedagogy reveals the general relationship between the conditions and results of educational activities; explains how the results of training and education are achieved, why certain problems arise; indicates ways to overcome typical difficulties.

Pedagogy, like any other science, is not limited to the description of specific situations, examples or rules. It highlights the main thing in pedagogical relations, reveals the causes and consequences of pedagogical processes. She reduces the multicolored children's life to generalizing concepts, behind which real school life is not always visible, but one can find an explanation for many specific situations. Anyone who masters the general theory well, saves his memory from remembering a huge number of specific facts and examples, will be able to apply it to explain the processes taking place in education.

The years of your study fall on a difficult and controversial period in the development of pedagogy. Two directions clashed in the confrontation - authoritarian and humanistic. The first traditionally puts the teacher above the students, the second tries to make him an equal participant in the pedagogical process. No matter how strong the roots of authoritarianism may be, world pedagogy has made a humanistic choice. In the textbook, it is represented by the new relationship of the teacher with the students, their mutual understanding and cooperation at all stages of the educational process.

The textbook is very well written. In its 15 chapters you will find the main pedagogical provisions necessary for understanding the essence, content and organization of the educational process. All chapters end with questions for self-examination, a list of references for additional study. Brief conclusions for each chapter are summarized in reference abstract. It serves as the basis for the conscious reproduction of the main concepts and terms, allows you to quickly recall the main provisions and structure of the studied material, facilitates the understanding of complex dependencies, systematizes and consolidates them. Realizing the advantages of schematic "supports", the teacher will prepare similar notes for his students.

The textbook also takes into account the wishes of students and teachers of the course. More attention is paid to explaining the ideas of pedagogical theory that are difficult to understand, and the number of examples of applying the theory in practice has been increased. A section on the formation of the child's spiritual world has been introduced. The composition and content of test tasks have been changed, the list of basic terms and concepts, as well as literature for additional reading, has been updated.

A thorough study of the process and results of students' independent work was carried out. Approximate values ​​of the time required for the full assimilation of each chapter of the textbook have been established. Focusing on the optimal use of time, you will be able to better plan your independent work, which, as you know, is the basis of conscious and productive learning. First, answer the questions of the final test by putting a reference note in front of you, then remove it and objectively, like a teacher, ask yourself.


One of the grossest mistakes is to consider that pedagogy is a science about a child, and not about a person ... There are no children - there are people, but with a different scale of concepts, a different stock of experience, different impressions, a different play of feelings. Remember that we do not know them.

Janusz Korczak

Pedagogy - the science of education

The emergence and development of pedagogy

Basic concepts of pedagogy

Pedagogical currents

System of Pedagogical Sciences

Methods of pedagogical research

Test yourself

What does pedagogy study?

What are the tasks of pedagogy?

When did the science of education originate?

Highlight the main periods in the development of pedagogical thought.

What did Ya.A. Comenius? When it was?

Tell us about the activities of Russian teachers.

Which of the teachers of our country do you know? What are they famous for?

What is education in the social and pedagogical sense?

Why is education historical?

What is called learning?

What is education?

What is personal development?

What is called personality formation?

What are the main pedagogical trends?

Describe the system of pedagogical sciences.

What does elementary school pedagogy study?

What do you know about new branches of pedagogy?

What are pedagogical research methods?

What methods are traditional (empirical)?

What methods are new (theoretical)?

Reference abstract

Pedagogy - 1. The science of human education. 2. Theory of upbringing, training and education.

The subject of pedagogy is upbringing, training, education, development, personality formation.

Functions of pedagogy - 1. Knowledge of the laws of upbringing, education and training. 2. Definition of goals and objectives, development of ways to achieve the goals of education.

The tasks of pedagogy - 1. The accumulation and systematization of scientific knowledge about education. 2. Creation of the theory of upbringing, education, training.

Outstanding teachers:

Jan Amos Comenius (1592–1670).

John Locke (1632–1704).

Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778).

Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746–1827).

Friedrich Diesterweg (1790–1886).

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky (1824–1871).

John Dewey (1859–1952).

Edward Thorndike (1874–1949).

Anton Semenovich Makarenko (1888–1939).

Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky (1918–1970).

The main concepts are upbringing, training, education, development, formation.

Education - 1. Transfer of accumulated experience from older generations to younger ones. 2. Directed influence on the child in order to form certain knowledge, views and beliefs, moral values. 3. A specially organized, purposeful and controlled influence on the student in order to form the given qualities in him, carried out in educational institutions and covering the entire educational process. 4. The process and result of educational work aimed at solving specific educational problems.

Education is a specially organized, purposeful and controlled process of interaction between teachers and students, aimed at mastering knowledge, skills, shaping a worldview, developing mental strength, talents and abilities of students.

Education is a system of knowledge, skills, ways of thinking that a student has mastered in the learning process.

Development is the process and result of quantitative and qualitative changes in the human body.

Formation - the process of becoming a person as a social being under the influence of all factors without exception - environmental, social, economic, ideological, psychological, etc. Education is one of the most important, but not the only factor in the formation of personality.

Research methods are traditional (empirical): observation, study of experience, primary sources, analysis of school documentation, study of student creativity products, conversations. New (theoretical): pedagogical experiment, testing, questioning, study of group differentiation, etc.


Amonashvili Sh.A. Personal and humane basis of the pedagogical process. Minsk, 1990.

Anthology of humane pedagogy. In 27 books. M., 2001–2005.

Bespalko V.P. Pedagogy and progressive learning technologies. M., 1995.

Introduction to scientific research in pedagogy. M., 1988.

Vulfov B. Fundamentals of Pedagogy in Lectures, Situations. M., 1997.

Zhuravlev I.K. Pedagogy in the system of human sciences. M., 1990.

Zankov L.V. Didactics and life. M., 1968.

Pidkasisty P.I., Korotyaev B.I. Pedagogy as a system of scientific theories. M., 1988.

Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy: Proc. In 3 books. Book. 1. General basics. M., 2005.

Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F., Shiyanov E.N. General Pedagogy: Proc. allowance. At 2 pm M., 2004.

Soloveichik S. Pedagogy for everyone. M., 1989.

Spock B. Child and care. M., 1985.


Education is, first of all, human science. Without knowledge of the child - his mental development, thinking, interests, hobbies, abilities, inclinations, inclinations - there is no education.

V.L. Sukhomlinsky

Personal development process

Heredity and environment

Development and education

The principle of natural conformity

Activities and personal development

Development diagnostics

VM test (verbal thinking)

1. Which animal is bigger - a horse or a dog?

Horse = 0, incorrect answer = -5.

2. In the morning we have breakfast, and at noon ...?

Lunch = 0, have lunch, dinner, sleep, etc. = -3.

3. It is light during the day, but at night ...?

Dark = 0, wrong answer = -4.

4. The sky is blue, but the grass ...?

Green = 0, wrong answer = -4.

5. Cherries, pears, plums, apples... what's that?

Fruit = 1, wrong answer = -1.

6. Why are barriers lowered along the track before the train passes?

So that no one gets hit by a train, etc. = Oh, wrong answer = -1.

7. What time is it? (Show on a paper clock: a quarter of seven, five minutes to eight, a quarter to twelve and five minutes.)

Well shown = 4, only quarter, whole hour, quarter and hour shown correctly = 3, don't know = 0.

8. What is Prague, Beroun, Plzen?

Cities = 1, stations = 0, wrong answer = -1.

9. A small cow is a calf, a small dog is ..., a small sheep is ...?

Puppy, lamb = 4, only one of the two = 0, wrong answer = -1.

10. Is the dog more like a cat or a chicken? What, what do they have in common?

For a cat (one sign is enough) = 0, for a cat (without bringing signs of similarity) = 1, for a chicken = -3.

11. Why do all cars have brakes?

Two reasons (to brake downhill, stop, etc.) = 1, one reason = 0, wrong answer = -1.

12. How are hammer and ax similar to each other?

Two common features = 3, one similarity = 2, wrong answer = 0.

13. How are a squirrel and a cat similar to each other?

Determining that it is a mammal, or giving two common features (four legs, a tail, etc.) = 3, one similarity = 2, wrong answer = 0.

14. What is the difference between a nail and a screw? How would you recognize them?

The screw has a thread = 3, the screw is screwed in or the screw has a nut = 2, wrong answer = 0.

15. Football, high jump, tennis, swimming... is it?

Sports (physical education) = 3, games (exercises, gymnastics, competitions) = 2, wrong answer = 0.

16. What vehicles do you know?

3 ground vehicles and aircraft or ship = 4, after prompt = 2, wrong answer = 0.

17. What is the difference between an old person and a young one?

Three features = 4, one or two differences = 2, wrong answer (he has a stick. He smokes) = 0.

18. Why do people play sports?

Two reasons = 4, one reason = 2, wrong answer = 0.

19. Why is it bad when someone shirks work?

Correct answer = 2, wrong answer = 0.

20. Why does a letter need to be stamped?

So pay for forwarding = 5, not to pay a fine = 2, wrong answer = 0.

The result of the test is the sum of the scores (“+” and “-”) achieved on individual questions.

Classification of results:

Excellent… +24 and more.

Okay…+14 to +23.

Satisfactory… from +0 to +13.

Bad... -1 to -10.

Very bad ... from -11 and worse.

For the adaptation of this test to determine the school maturity of children in central Russia, see: Podlasy I.P. A course of lectures on correctional pedagogy. M., 2002. S. 255–257.

Test yourself

What is Personal Development?

What is the driving force behind development?

Which conflicts are internal and which are external?

When can a person be called a person?

What factors determine the development of personality?

What is heredity?

What parts contain hereditary development programs?

What traits are inherited from parents to children?

What are assignments? Are they inherited?

What special inclinations are inherited by children?

Are moral and social qualities inherited?

What is Wednesday?

How does the influence of the immediate environment on the development of personality manifest itself?

How does education affect personality development?

Can education completely change a person?

What is the "zone of actual development" and "zone of proximal development"?

What is the essence of the principle of conformity to nature?

How does activity affect personality development? What are the main activities of schoolchildren?

Does development depend on the activity of the individual? How?

What is Developmental Diagnostics? How is it carried out?

Reference abstract

Biological development - physical development, morphological, biochemical, physiological changes.

Social development - mental, spiritual, moral, intellectual, social growth.

The driving force of development is the struggle of contradictions.

Contradictions - opposite needs collided in a conflict: “I want” - “I can”, “I know” - “I don’t know”, “I can” - “I can’t”, “I have” - “no”, etc.

Development factors - heredity, environment, upbringing.

Heredity is the transfer from parents to children of certain qualities and characteristics, for example, external signs: features of physique, constitution, hair, eye and skin color. Not abilities are inherited, but only inclinations.

Social heredity - the assimilation of the socio-psychological experience of parents (language, habits, behavioral characteristics, moral qualities, etc.).

The distant environment is the social system, the system of production relations, the material conditions of life, the nature of the flow of production and social processes, and some others.

Middle environment - family, relatives, friends.

Education is the main force capable, within certain limits, of correcting unfavorable heredity and the negative effects of the environment.

Activities - everything that a person does, what he does.

Activity - intensive, interested performance of activity. The activity of the individual is not only a prerequisite, but also the result of development.

Diagnostics of development is a scientific method for determining the level and quality of development of schoolchildren.

Testing is a method of studying personality traits with the help of tests.


Bim-Bad B.M. Pedagogical Anthropology: A Course of Lectures. M., 2003.

Kumarina G.D. Compensatory education // Primary school. 1995. No. 3. S. 72–76.

Masaru Ibuka. After three it's too late. M., 1991.

World of childhood: junior schoolboy. M., 1988.

Filonov G.N. Personality formation: the problem of an integrated approach in the process of educating schoolchildren. M., 1983.


A child of preschool age, according to his characteristics, is capable of starting some new cycle of learning, inaccessible to him before. He is able to go through this training according to some program, but at the same time, by his nature, according to his interests, according to the level of his thinking, he can assimilate the program itself to the extent that it is his own program.

L.C. Vygotsky

Age periodization

preschooler development

Early Childhood Development

Uneven development

Accounting for individual characteristics

Gender differences

Test yourself

What is age periodization?

What is the basis of age periodization?

What are age features?

Why is it necessary to take into account age characteristics?

What is acceleration?

What pedagogical problems does acceleration pose?

Formulate the laws of physical development.

What is the relationship between age and the pace of spiritual development?

What is the essence of the law of uneven development?

What periods are called sensitive?

When is the sensitive period for developing problem-solving skills?

Describe the features of the physical development of preschoolers.

What are the features of the spiritual and social development of preschoolers?

Describe the features of the physical development of younger students.

What are the features of the spiritual development of younger students?

Why is it impossible to approach the upbringing of boys and girls in preschool and primary school age in the same way?

What characteristics of children are individual?

What are the views on taking into account individual characteristics?

What actions does the principle of taking into account individual characteristics require from the teacher?

How should gender specifics of development be taken into account?

Reference abstract

Age periodization - the allocation of age features.

Age features are anatomical, physiological and mental qualities characteristic of a certain period of life.

Age periodization - 1. Infancy (1st year of life). 2. Pre-school age (from 1 to 3 years). 3. Preschool age (from 3 to 6), in which younger preschool age (3–4 years), middle preschool age (4–5 years), and senior preschool age (5–6 years) are distinguished. 4. Junior school age (6-10 years). 5. Middle school age (10-15). 6. Senior school age (15–18 years).

Accounting for age characteristics is one of the fundamental pedagogical principles. Education should adapt to age characteristics, rely on them.

Retardation is a lag in physical and spiritual development of children, which is caused by a violation of the genetic mechanism of heredity, a negative impact on the development of carcinogenic substances, an unfavorable ecological environment

Patterns of age development - 1. At a young age, the physical development of a person is intensive, but not even: in some periods faster, in others - slower. 2. Every organ human body develops at its own pace, so that in general it develops unevenly. 3. There is an inverse proportional relationship between a person's age and the rate of spiritual development. 4. The spiritual development of people also proceeds unevenly. 5. In development, there are optimal periods for the formation and growth of certain types of mental activity - sensitive periods.

Individual features - the originality of sensations, perception, thinking, memory, imagination, interests, inclinations, abilities, temperament, character of the child.

Gender differences - in development and upbringing are due to the child's belonging to a male or female gender.


Azhonashvili Sh.A. School of Life, or Treatise on the Primary Stage of Education, Based on the Principles of Humane-Personal Pedagogy. M., 2004.

Vygotsky L.S. Pedagogical psychology. M., 1991.

Gurevich K.M. Individual psychological characteristics of schoolchildren. M., 1988.

Gutkina N.I. Psychological readiness for school. M., 1991.

Dubinin N.P. What is a person. M., 1983.

Karakovsky V.A. My beloved students. M., 1987.

Kolominsky Ya.L., Panko E.A. Teacher about the psychology of children of six years of age. M., 1988.

Kravtsova E.E. Psychological problems of children's readiness for schooling. M., 1991.

Lyublinskaya A.A. A teacher about the psychology of a younger student. M., 1977.

Makeeva S.G. Materials for the social and moral portrait of a junior schoolchild // Elementary School. 1999. No. 4. S. 53–61.

Sabirov R. Science - "genderless school" / Public education. 2002. No. 6. S. 49–88.

Skatkin M.N. School and comprehensive development of children. M., 1980.

Soloveichik S.L. Eternal joy. M., 1986.


That is why, entrusting the upbringing of the pure and impressionable souls of children, entrusting it to draw the first and therefore the deepest features in them, we have every right to ask the educator what goal he will pursue in his activity, and to demand a clear and clear answer to this question. categorical answer.

K.D. Ushinsky

The purpose of education

The tasks of education

Ways to implement the tasks of education

Organization of education

Stages of the pedagogical process

Patterns of the pedagogical process

Test yourself

What is the purpose and objectives of education?

On what basis are the goals and objectives of education derived?

What are the different goals of education?

Formulate the law of the goal of education.

What is the purpose of education in a modern national school?

What components stand out in the goal of education?

What is mental education?

What are his tasks?

What is physical education?

What tasks does it set?

What is labor and polytechnic education?

What is moral education? List his tasks.

What is emotional (aesthetic) education? What tasks does it set?

What is the essence of the spiritual education of schoolchildren?

What is the essence of ecological education of schoolchildren?

What is the essence of economic education of schoolchildren?

What is the essence of the legal education of schoolchildren?

What is the educational process for?

What does the integrity of the pedagogical process mean?

What are the specifics of the cycles (stages) that make up the pedagogical process?

Select and analyze the main stages of the pedagogical process.

What is forecasting, design, planning?

Formulate a regularity in the dynamics of the pedagogical process.

Formulate the law of unity of sensory, logical and practice in the pedagogical process.

What is the essence of the regularity of the unity of external and internal activity?

Give examples of the action of the laws of the pedagogical process.

Reference abstract

The goal of education is what education strives for, a system of specific tasks.

The law of purpose - the purpose of education is determined by the needs of the development of society and depends on the mode of production, the pace of social and scientific and technological progress, the level of development of pedagogical theory and practice achieved, the capabilities of society, educational institutions, teachers and students.

The general goal of the school is to provide everyone with a comprehensive and harmonious development.

The practical goal is to promote the mental, moral, emotional and physical development of the individual, to fully reveal creative possibilities, to form humanistic relations, to provide conditions for the flourishing of the child's individuality, taking into account his age characteristics.

The tasks (components) of education are mental (intellectual), physical, labor and polytechnical, moral, aesthetic (emotional), spiritual, environmental, economic, legal education.

Spiritual education is an integral part of education, aimed at the formation of a person's enduring values.

The pedagogical process is a process in which the social experience of educators is melted into the qualities of the personality of the pupils. It is aimed at achieving a given goal, leads to a pre-planned transformation of the properties and qualities of students.

The main feature is integrity.

The main stages are preparatory, main, final.

Pedagogical diagnostics is a research procedure aimed at “understanding” the conditions and circumstances in which the pedagogical process will take place.

The patterns of the pedagogical process are the main, objective, repetitive connections that explain what and how is connected in the pedagogical process, what depends on what in it.


Azhonashvili Sh.A. The School of Life, or a Treatise on Primary Education. M., 2003.

Gavansky Yu.K. Selected pedagogical works. M., 1989.

Bugrimenko E.A ... Zuckerman GA. Reading without compulsion. M., 1991.

Glasser W. School without losers / Per. from English. M., 1991.

Dzhurinsky A.N. Development of education in modern world: Proc. allowance. M., 2003.

Solovieva T.A. Fundamentals of technology for the development of the intellect of a younger student in the educational process // Primary school. 1997. No. 12. S. 12–16.

Model regulation on educational institution for children of preschool and primary school age // Elementary school. 1998. No. 2. S. 5–10.

School Development Management / Ed. MM. Potashnik and B.C. Lazarev. M., 1995.


Years of primary school education is a whole period of moral, intellectual, emotional, physical, aesthetic development, which will be a real thing, and not an empty talk only if the child lives a rich life today, and not just prepares to master knowledge tomorrow.

V.L. Sukhomlinsky

The essence of the learning process

Didactic systems

Learning structure

Content elements

Curricula and programs

Textbooks and manuals

Test yourself

What is the learning process?

What is called didactics?

Give definitions of the main didactic categories. What is a didactic system?

What is the essence of Herbart's "traditional" didactics?

What is the essence of Dewey's "progressive" didactics?

What features characterize the modern didactic system?

What are the stages of the learning process?

What do the teacher and student do at each stage?

What elements of content stand out?

How is the content of primary education formed?

What is a state standard?

What are the requirements for the content of the training?

What content formation schemes do you know?

What is a curriculum?

What are the requirements for primary school curricula?

What part of the curriculum can be changed?

What is a curriculum?

What are the requirements for textbooks?

Reference abstract

Education is a two-way specially organized process of interaction between a teacher and students, aimed at mastering the content of education.

The learning process is learning in development, in dynamics.

Didactics is the science of learning, education.

The main questions of didactics are what, how, when, where, whom and why to teach.

Didactic systems - I. Herbart, J. Dewey, modern.

Stages of learning - learning motivation, updating basic knowledge, skills and experience, organizing the study of new material, improving what has been learned, orientation in independent learning, determining the effectiveness of training.

The basics of content formation are humanization, integration, differentiation, focus on the comprehensive development of the individual and the formation of a citizen, scientific and practical significance, the correspondence of the complexity of education to age opportunities, the widespread use of new information technologies.

The curriculum is a document that guides the educational process in the school.

The invariant part (the state component) is compulsory for studying subjects in all schools.

Variable part (regional and school components) - subjects introduced by the region, school.

A curriculum is a document that regulates the study of a subject.

Textbook - a book compiled in accordance with the program.

Tutorial– an educational book reflecting the author's view may not fully correspond to the program.


Blaga K., Shebek M. I am your student, you are my teacher. M., 1991.

Vygotsky L.S. The problem of learning and mental development at school age. Theories of learning. Reader. Part 1. Domestic theories of learning / Ed. N.F. Talyzina, I.A. Volodarskaya. M., 2002.

Humanism and spirituality in education. N. Novgorod, 1999.

Devyatkova T.N. Introduction of the national-regional component in the course of elementary school // Primary school. 1998. No. 2. S. 31–32.

Dzhurinsky A.N. The development of education in the modern world: Proc. allowance. M., 2003.

Zorina L.Ya. Program - textbook - teacher. M., 1989.

Izvozchikov K. School of information civilization "Intellect XXI". M., 2004.

Peterson L.G. Mathematics program for a three-year and four-year elementary school // Primary school. 1996. No. 11. S. 49–60.

Podlasy I.P. Practical Pedagogy, or Three Technologies. Kyiv, 2004.

Skatkin M.N. School and comprehensive development of children. M., 1980.

On new programs, parallel courses and teaching kits for elementary school // Primary school. 1996. No. 10. S. 2–76; Primary School. 1997. No. 8. S. 3–83; Primary School. 1998. No. 8. S. 9–86.


Interest in what is studied and known deepens as the truths that the student masters become his personal convictions.

V.L. Sukhomlinsky

The driving forces of the doctrine

Interests of younger students

Formation of motives

Stimulation of learning

Incentive Rules

Test yourself

What does learning motivation mean?

What are the motives for teaching and learning?

How are learning motives classified?

What groups of motives are most effective in the modern school?

What motives prevail among younger students?

Name the conditions for the development of motivation in younger students.

What is learning activity?

How is the activation of the educational activity of schoolchildren carried out?

Formulate the patterns of action of interest in learning.

Name the ways, ways, means of forming interest.

Describe the relationship between interests and needs.

How is the study and formation of the motives of teaching carried out?

What methods and techniques of motivating students could you name?

How to maintain a positive attitude towards academic work?

What does encouraging learning mean?

What learning stimuli are used in the school?

Expand the essence of the rules for stimulating schoolchildren.

What does a teacher do to encourage students to learn?

What incentives should be used in particularly difficult situations?

Reference abstract

Motive is the force that motivates a student to learn.

Groups of motives - broad social, narrow social, motives of social cooperation, broad cognitive motives, educational and cognitive motives, motives of self-education.

The motives for teaching a younger student are a sense of duty, a desire to receive praise from a teacher, fear of punishment, the habit of fulfilling the requirements of adults, cognitive interest, ambition, the desire to establish themselves in the class, the desire to please parents, the desire to receive “five”, the desire to receive an award.

Activation is the impetus for energetic, purposeful learning.

Interest is a form of manifestation of cognitive needs, expressed in the desire to learn. Interest depends on: 1) the level and quality of acquired knowledge, skills, the formation of ways of mental activity; 2) the relationship of the student to the teacher.

Stimulus - "pushing" the student in order to achieve the desired result.

The incentives for learning are the desires of children, comparison of achievements, understanding of students, interest in their problems, recognition of merits, consequences of actions, approval of successes, attractiveness of work, fair demands, a chance to improve, children's pride, teacher praise, empathic criticism, good reputation.

Motivation conditions - creating an attractive image of the school, teacher; exclusion of overloads of schoolchildren; fostering a responsible attitude to educational work; creating the conditions for "winning" learning; the formation of solid foundations of elementary knowledge, so that the student sees his progress in his studies; accounting and satisfaction of individual requests of schoolchildren; organization of positive, interesting communication of children among themselves; approval of a responsible attitude towards students and justice as its value aspect; the formation of an active self-assessment by each student of his abilities; affirmation of the desire for self-development, self-improvement.


Belkin A.S. Basics age pedagogy: Proc. allowance for university students. M., 2000.

Belkin A.S. situation of success. How to create it. M., 1991.

Vygotsky L.S. Pedagogical psychology. M., 1996.

Vygotsky L.S. The problem of learning and mental development at school age. Theories of learning. Reader. Part 1. Domestic theories of learning / Ed. N.F. Talyzina, I.A. Volodarskaya. M., 2002.

Granin G.G., Kontsevaya L., Bondarenko S.M. When the book teaches M., 1991.

Dusavitsky A.K. interest formula. M., 1989.

Egoshina E.V. Methodology for studying the motives of learning // Elementary school. 1995. No. 5. S. 15–17.

Zagvyazinsky V.I. Theory of learning. Modern interpretation: Proc. allowance. M., 2001.

Krylova N.B., Aleksandrova E.A. Essays on understanding pedagogy. M., 2003.

Leontiev A.N. Needs, motives and emotions. M., 1971.

Markova A.K., Matis T.A., Orlov A.B. Formation of learning motivation. M., 1990.

Richardson G. Education for freedom: The project of the school of the person-centered direction / Per. from English. I. Ivanova, P. Petrova. M., 1997.

Snegurov A.V. Pedagogy from "A" to "Z". M., 2003.

Chupakha I.V., Puzhaeva E.Z., Sokolova I.Yu. Health-saving technologies in the educational process. M., 2002.


To give children the joy of work, the joy of success in learning, to awaken in their hearts a sense of pride, self-esteem - this is the first commandment of the educator.

V.L. Sukhomlinsky

The concept of the principles and rules of learning

The principle of consciousness and activity

The principle of visualization of learning

Systematic and consistent

Strength principle

The principle of accessibility

Scientific principle

The principle of emotionality

The principle of connection between theory and practice

Test yourself

What is the principle of learning?

What are learning rules?

How did the principles of teaching Ya.A. Comenius, K.D. Ushinsky?

Remember the essence of the system-forming principle of natural conformity.

What principles are included in the generally recognized system?

What is the essence of the principle of consciousness and activity?

What is the essence of the principle of visibility?

What is the essence of the principle of systematicity and consistency?

Give the rules for its implementation.

What is the essence of the principle of strength?

What rules for implementing this principle do you know?

What is the essence of the principle of accessibility?

Name the rules for its implementation.

What is the essence of the scientific principle?

What is the essence of the principle of emotionality?

Name the rules for its implementation.

What is the essence of the principle of connection between theory and practice?

Give some rules for its implementation.

Reference abstract

Didactic principles are the main provisions that determine the content, organizational forms and methods of the educational process in accordance with its general goals and patterns.

The principle of natural conformity is the harmonization of education with the natural capabilities and characteristics of the development of children.

The system of principles is consciousness and activity, visibility, systematicity and consistency, strength, scientific character, accessibility, emotionality, connection between theory and practice.

Rules - 1) based on general principles descriptions of pedagogical activity in certain conditions to achieve a certain goal; 2) guidelines that reveal certain aspects of the application of a particular principle of learning; 3) specific actions of the teacher to implement the requirements of the principles.


Baranov S.P. Principles of teaching. M., 1975.

Voropaeva I.P. Correction of the emotional sphere of younger students. M., 1993.

Golub B.A. Fundamentals of general didactics: Proc. allowance. M., 2003.

Grebenyuk O.S., Rozhkov M.I. General foundations of pedagogy: Proc. M., 2003.

Dyachenko V.K. New didactics. M., 2002.

Live Pedagogy. Materials of the round table "Domestic pedagogy today - a dialogue of concepts." M., 2004.

Zagvyazinsky V.I. Pedagogical creativity of the teacher. M., 1987.

Ivochkina N.V. Correctional possibilities of the folk game // Elementary school. 1998. No. 12. S. 25–32.

Potashnik M.M. How to develop pedagogical creativity. M., 1987.

Rachenko I.L. teacher's NOT. M., 1982.

Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia (2 volumes). M., 2003.


Teach the child to do not only what interests him, but also what does not occupy him ... You are preparing the child for life, and in life not all duties are entertaining ...

K.D. Ushinsky

The concept of methods

Classification of methods

Methods of oral presentation

Working with a book

Visual teaching methods

Practical Methods

Independent work

Choice of teaching methods

Test yourself

What is a teaching method?

What are the components of the method structure?

Expand the essence of method classifications.

What are the general functions of all teaching methods?

What is the essence of the conversation?

Explain how the book works.

How to organize students' own observations?

What is the essence of the demonstration?

How is an illustration different from a demonstration?

How to organize work with a filmstrip?

Expand the essence of the video method.

When and why are exercises used?

What is a laboratory method?

What are the features of the practical method?

When and for what purpose are cognitive games used?

How to organize a didactic game in the lesson?

How to organize independent work in the classroom?

What "supports" are used in the independent work of students?

What are the reasons for the choice of methods?

Reference abstract

Teaching methods - an ordered activity of the teacher and students, aimed at achieving the goal of learning, a set of ways, ways to solve the problems of education.

A learning technique is an element of a method, a one-time action, a separate step in the implementation of a method.

The functions of the methods are teaching, motivational, developing, educational, organizational.

Classification of methods:

According to the sources of knowledge - verbal, visual, practical, work with a book, video method.

According to the type of cognitive activity (level of independence) - explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, problem presentation, partially search (heuristic), research.

According to the components of educational activity - methods of organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activities; methods of stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activity; methods of control and self-control.

Methods of oral presentation - story (artistic, description), explanation, conversation: introductory or organizing, communication of new knowledge, synthesizing or reinforcing, control and correctional.

By level: reproductive, heuristic.

Visual methods - observations, illustration, demonstration.

Types of visualization - verbal, natural, figurative, three-dimensional, sound, symbolic.

Practical methods - exercises, practical work, independent work, didactic games.


Dryden G., Voe D. A revolution in education / Per. from English. M., 2003.

Spirituality of the individual: problems of education and upbringing (history and modernity) / Nauch. ed. Z.I. Ravkin. M., 2001.

Dyachenko V.K. Cooperation in education. M., 1991.

Kumeker L. Freedom to learn, freedom to teach. M., 2002.

Lysenkova S.N. Advanced learning methods. M., 1989.

New time - new didactics: Nauch. - method. M.; Samara, 2001.

Rudakova I.L. Teaching methods in pedagogical theory and practice. Rostov n / a, 2001.

Svetlovskaya I.I. Methods of extracurricular reading. M., 1991.

Modern didactics: theory - practice / Ed. AND I. Lerner, I.K. Zhuravlev. M., 1994.

Teacher about pedagogical technique / Ed. L.H. Ruvinsky. M., 1993.

Khoritonova L.L. Problem situations in the lessons of natural history // Elementary school. 1998. No. 4. S. 57–61.


The child is not stupid: there are no more fools among them than among adults. Clothed in the purple robe of years, how often do we impose meaningless, uncritical, impracticable prescriptions! Sometimes a reasonable child stops in amazement before the aggression of caustic gray-haired stupidity.

J. Korczak

Types of training

Differentiated learning

Forms of study

Types and structures of lessons

Transformation of forms of education

Lesson preparation


Modern technologies

Test yourself

What is the essence of explanatory-illustrative education?

What are the characteristics of problem-based learning?

How is programmed and computer training carried out?

What is organizational learning?

What are the characteristics of the class-lesson form of organization of education?

What are the general requirements for a modern lesson?

What is the essence of the didactic requirements for the lesson?

What educational and developmental requirements are implemented in the classroom?

What is the reason for the division of lessons into types?

What are the criteria for classifying lessons?

Name the main types of lessons and their structure.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a combined lesson?

Make the structure of the lesson of mastering new knowledge.

Make the structure of the lesson of control and correction of knowledge and skills.

What is the essence of differentiated learning?

Which children need a differentiated and individual approach?

What are the stages in lesson preparation?

What is reflected in the lesson plan?

Name the auxiliary forms of organization of training.

What are the requirements for student homework?

Reference abstract

Type (type) of training - a general way of organizing the educational process based on: 1) the nature of the teacher's activity; 2) features of teaching students; 3) the specifics of applying knowledge in practice.

Types of training - dogmatic; explanatory and illustrative; problematic; programmed; computer.

Problematic questions - should contain difficulty, take into account the stock of knowledge, surprise children, push them to put forward hypotheses.

Problem-based learning is implemented using a problematic presentation of knowledge, partly search, search and research methods.

Programmed learning - division into steps: step-by-step control, help, feasible pace, technical means.

Differentiated education - maximum consideration of the capabilities and needs of children.

Forms of organization of learning - an external expression of the coordinated activities of the teacher and students.

Classification of forms - by the number of students; place; duration.

Class-lesson form - a permanent composition of students (class); annual work plan (planning); separate parts (lessons); alternation of lessons (schedule); the leading role of the teacher (pedagogical management).

Lesson - 1) a completed segment (stage, link, element) of the educational process; 2) the main form.

The objectives of the lesson are educational, educational, developing.

Implemented through - content, teaching methods, teacher personality, communication, forms of cooperation.

Requirements for the lesson - the implementation of the principles and rules; taking into account the interests, inclinations, needs of children; establishment of interdisciplinary connections; efficient use of funds; connection with life; formation of the ability to learn; diagnostics, forecasting, planning.

Types of lessons - combined or mixed: learning new knowledge; formation of new skills; consolidation of knowledge, skills; generalization and systematization; practical application of knowledge and skills; control and correction of knowledge and skills.

An integrated lesson is a lesson in which the material of several subjects is combined around one topic.

Group (collective) way - the organization of training, in which the class is divided into differentiated groups (2-4 students). The teacher directs an independent search for knowledge in these groups, then organizes a collective discussion of the results.

Stages of lesson preparation - diagnostics, forecasting, planning.

Functions of homework - consolidation of knowledge, skills; deepening knowledge; development of independence; making observations

Homework - stimulation, activity and independence; accessibility and affordability; creative nature; individualization and differentiation; systematic check.

Teaching technology - methods, forms, means, methods, material resources, etc., connected into one whole, ensuring the achievement of the goal. Learning objectives are not yet technology, and learning outcomes are no longer technology. Therefore, technology is everything that is between the goal and the result.


Grishchenko N.V. Integrated lesson in the Russian language and natural history // Elementary school. 1995. No. 11. S. 25–28.

Dryden G., Voe. D. Revolution in education / Per. from English. M., 2003.

Zaitsev V.N. Practical didactics: Proc. allowance. M., 2000.

Zelmanova L. Lessons in rhetoric in the 1st grade using a computer program // Elementary School. 1998. No. 2. S. 30–34.

Ilyin E. The birth of a lesson. M., 1986.

Kolechenko A.K. Encyclopedia of pedagogical technologies. M., 2003.

Mokhova I.K. Lesson-research in elementary school // Primary school. 1996. No. 12. S. 95–97.

Mukhina B.C. Six year old child at school. M., 1996.

Podlasy I.P. How to prepare an effective lesson. Kyiv, 1989.

Fedorov B.I. Science to teach: Proc. allowance. SPb., 2000.

Hunter B. My students work on computers. M., 1989.

Chupakha I.V., Puzhaeva E.Z., Sokolova I.Yu. Health-saving technologies in the educational process. M., 2002.

Shishov S.O., Kalny VL. School: monitoring the quality of education. M., 2000.

Yazhburg E.L. School for everyone. adaptive model. M., 1997.


Raising a child is not a sweet pastime, but a task that requires capital investment - hard feelings, efforts, sleepless nights and many, many thoughts.

J. Korczak

Features of the upbringing process

The structure of the upbringing process

General patterns of education

Principles of education

Spiritual education of schoolchildren

Test yourself

Explain the essence of the educational process.

What does the purposefulness of the educational process mean?

Why is the educational process so difficult?

What is the complexity of the educational process? What is the structure of the educational process?

Describe the general patterns of the educational process.

What are the principles of education?

What features do they differ in?

What does public education mean?

What are the requirements of this principle?

What is the essence of the principle of the connection between education and life and work?

What is the essence of the principle of relying on the positive?

What are the rules for implementing this principle?

What is the essence of the personal approach to education?

What are the rules for implementing this principle?

What is the essence of the principle of unity of educational influences?

What are the rules for implementing this principle? What is the content of the educational process? List the components of education: a) a citizen; b) an employee; c) a family man.

What is spiritual education? Why should the school do it? How should it be organized?

Reference abstract

The theory of education is a part of pedagogy that studies the educational process.

Education is a specially organized, managed and controlled interaction of educators and pupils, aimed at achieving the goal of education.

Features of the educational process - purposefulness; multifactorial; remoteness of results; dynamism; duration; continuity.

The main contradiction is between new needs and the possibilities of their satisfaction.

The stages of the educational process are knowledge, beliefs, feelings, which ultimately form behavior.

The effectiveness of education depends on:

- established educational relations;

- compliance with the goal and actions to achieve it;

– correspondence of practice and educational influence;

– joint action of objective and subjective factors;

- the intensity of education and self-education.

Principles of education:

- personal approach;

- a combination of personal and social orientation of education;

- the connection of education with life, work;

- reliance on positive in education;

- the unity of educational influences.

The main elements of the content are the preparation of a person for the three main roles in life - a citizen, an employee, a family man.

Spiritual education is the assimilation of eternal human values ​​by children, the formation of a personality with high spiritual (spiritual) qualities.


Spirituality of the individual: problems of education and upbringing (history and modernity) / Nauch. ed. Z.I. Ravkin. M., 2001.

Spirituality of Russia: the modern stage. Materials of scientific and practical. conferences. Tyumen, 2002.

Volkov I.P. One goal - many roads. M., 1990.

Ilyin E.N. path to the student. M., 1988.

Egorov Yu.L. Modern education: humanization, computerization, spirituality: philosophical and methodological aspects. M., 1996.

Krylova N.B., Aleksandrova EA. Essays on understanding pedagogy. M., 2003.

Lysenkova S.N. The method of advanced learning. M., 1988.

Marchenkova V.A. Formation of mercy in children // Primary school. 1999. No. 5. S. 10–13.

Problems of personality spirituality formation in pedagogical theory and practice / Nauch. ed. Z.I. Ravkin. M., 2000.

Modern educational strategies and spiritual development of the individual. Tomsk, 1996.

Shiyanova E.N., Romaeva I.B. Humanistic pedagogy in Russia: formation and development. M., 2003.


Everything necessary for the child, which can be performed by him and the performance of which corresponds to his ability, should be presented to his amateur performance.

P.F. Lesgaft

Methods and techniques of education

Consciousness Formation Methods

Methods of organizing activities

Incentive methods

Forms of education

Test yourself

What are the methods, techniques of education?

How are educational methods classified?

What methods belong to the group of methods for the formation of consciousness?

What is the essence of ethical storytelling?

What is the meaning of ethical conversations?

What is the essence of the example method?

What methods belong to the group of methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of social behavior?

What is the essence of exercise?

What is habituation? What is the essence of the order?

What are educational situations?

What methods are included in the group of stimulation methods?

How to organize a school competition?

What is an encouragement?

What is the essence of the method of punishment?

What is the essence of the subjective-pragmatic method?

What is educational work?

What educational activities are socially oriented?

How is student discipline developed?

What educational matters are ethical, aesthetic, physical culture, labor?

Reference abstract

Methods of education - 1) ways, ways to achieve a given goal of education; 2) ways of influencing the consciousness, will, feelings, behavior of pupils in order to develop in them the qualities set by the goal of education.

The method of education is part of a general method, a separate action, a specific improvement.

By their nature, methods are distinguished - the formation of consciousness, the organization of activities, and stimulation.

Methods for the formation of consciousness - stories on ethical topics, explanations, explanations, ethical conversations, exhortations, suggestions, briefings, an example.

Methods of organizing activities - exercise, requirement, accustoming, method of educating situations.

Incentive methods - encouragement, punishment, competition, subjective-pragmatic method.

Forms of education - the external expression of the content, the organization of the educational process.

Educational work is a form of organization and implementation of specific activities of pupils.

Types of educational affairs - ethical, socially oriented, aesthetic, cognitive, sports and physical education, environmental, labor.


Baiborodova L.V., Rozhkov M.I. Theory and methods of education: Textbook. M., 2004.

Volkov I.P. One goal - many roads. M., 1990.

Live Pedagogy. Materials of the round table "Domestic pedagogy today - a dialogue of concepts." M., 2004.

Ivanov I.P. Encyclopedia of creative affairs. M., 1989.

Karakovsky V.A. My beloved students. M., 1987.

Leontiev A.N. Activity, consciousness, personality. M., 1975.

Lysenkova S.N. When it's easy to learn. M., 1981.

Methodological letter "On the organization of work on the implementation of the federal target program" Formation of attitudes of tolerant consciousness and prevention of extremism in Russian society (2001-2008) "".

The general strategy of education in the educational system of Russia: On the formulation of the problem. In 2 books. / P.I. Babochkin, B.N. Bodenko, E.V. Bondarevskaya. M., 2001.

Rozhkov M.I., Baiborodova L.V. Organization of the educational process at school: Proc. allowance. M., 2003.

Selivanova H.L. Theoretical and methodological foundations for the study of the problems of education. Kaluga, 2000.

Serikov V.V. Holistic educational process: the study continues. Volgograd, 2001.

Stepanova E.N., Aleksandrova M.L. to the class teacher about class hour. M., 2002.

Social skills training. I and others / V.P. Rodionov, M.A. Stupitskaya, O.V. Kardashina. Yaroslavl, 2001.


The educator who does not fetter, but liberates, does not suppress, but uplifts, does not crumple, but forms, does not dictate, but teaches, does not demand, but asks, experiences many inspired minutes with the child, more than once following with moistened eyes the struggle of an angel with Satan, where the bright angel wins.

J. Korczak

Education with kindness and affection

Understanding the child

Child confession

Adoption of a child

Rules for a humanist teacher

Test yourself

Why does a person brought up in a traditional spirit not fit into the new realities of life?

What needs to change in the direction of education?

What is the difference between student-centered education and traditional education?

What are the main priorities and values ​​of personality-oriented education?

What reasons hinder the implementation of the goals of humanistic pedagogy in the practice of school work?

What does it mean to understand a child?

Why is a holistic perception of the child preferable?

What personality structures are core?

What does “engaged educator involvement” mean?

What is the essence of student acceptance?

What is the basis for accepting a child?

To what extent is democracy acceptable in education?

Why is self-reflection necessary and how is it carried out?

To accept a child, you need ... (continue).

Are there special methods of humanistic education?

How do the methods and forms of humanistic pedagogy differ?

What rules will a humanist teacher follow?

What should not be allowed in personality-oriented education?

How would you formulate the prospects for the introduction of student-centered education in all schools?

Reference abstract

The principles of humanistic pedagogy are the self-worth of the individual, respect for her, the natural conformity of education, kindness and affection as the main means.

Personally-oriented education is an educational system in which the child is the highest value and is placed at the center of the educational process.

The core of student-centered education is freedom: children are not forced to comply with the requirements, but conditions are created for their implementation.

The teacher adapts to development, but does not interfere directly with its course.

The system of humane relations between a teacher and children is divided into three inseparable parts: understanding, recognition and acceptance of a child.

Understanding the child - penetration into his inner world.

The recognition of the child is the right to be himself.

Acceptance of a child is an unconditional positive attitude towards him.


Azarov Yu.L. The joy of teaching and learning. M., 1989.

Azhonashvili Sh.A. Personal and humane basis of the pedagogical process. Minsk, 1990.

Anthology of humane pedagogy. In 27 books. M., 2000–2004.

Budnitskaya I.I. Kataeva A.A. The child goes to school. M., 1985.

Education of a free personality: theory, history, practice. Sat. scientific Art. Belgorod, 2001.

Humanistic educational systems yesterday and today. M., 2001.

Ginott H. J. Parents and children. M., 1986.

The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010. M., 2002.

Korchak Ya. How to love children. M., 1969.

Nikitin B., Nikitina L. We, our children and grandchildren. M., 1989.

Pedagogical search. M., 1988.

Podlasy I.P. A course of lectures on correctional pedagogy. M., 2002.

Reardon B.E. Tolerance is the road to peace. M., 2001.

Snyder M., Snyder R. The child as a person. M., 1994.

Stepanov P. How to cultivate tolerance? // Public education. 2001. No. 8.

Teacher and student: the possibility of dialogue and understanding. M., 2002.

Shiyanova E.N., Romaeva I.B. Humanistic pedagogy in Russia: formation and development. M., 2003.


To give children the joy of work, the joy of success in learning, to awaken in their hearts a sense of pride, self-esteem - this is the first commandment of education. Success in learning is the only source of the child's inner strength, giving rise to energy to overcome difficulties, the desire to learn.

V.L. Sukhomlinsky

Features of an ungraded school

Lesson in an ungraded school

Organization of independent work

Looking for new options

Preparing the teacher for the lesson

educational process

Test yourself

What school is called ungraded?

What are its features?

What are the advantages and disadvantages?

What is the complex "school - Kindergarten"How does it work?

Highlight the conditions for the effectiveness of the work of an ungraded school.

How are classes combined into sets?

How is the lesson schedule arranged?

What are the characteristics of lessons in a small school?

What are the general requirements for a lesson in a class-set?

What teaching methods are used in a small school?

How to avoid wasting time in class?

What types of independent work are practiced in the classroom?

Highlight the factors of the effectiveness of independent work.

What will the teacher do when offering independent work?

What is the role of the textbook in independent work?

Explain the sequence of teacher preparation for the lesson.

How are lessons with common stages structured?

What are the features of single-theme lessons?

What are the features of the educational process in an ungraded school?

How to organize personality-oriented education?

How is educational work planned?

Reference abstract

Small-class elementary school - a school without parallel classes with a small number of students.

Class-set - a class led by one teacher-class teacher may consist of two, three or even four classes. Conditions for the effectiveness of the work of an ungraded school:

– rational association of classes into sets;

- correct scheduling of lessons;

– selection of effective teaching methods;

– determination of the most expedient lesson structure;

– optimization of the content of the lesson;

- rational alternation of independent work of students with work under the guidance of a teacher;

- the formation in children of the ability to learn and independently acquire knowledge.

Features of the lesson - the teacher is forced to:

- 4-5 times to rebuild;

– be able to distribute time between classes;

- manage the process;

- Simultaneously conduct the educational process in all classes.

In the structure of the lesson, there are: 1) work under the guidance of a teacher and 2) independent work of students.

Conditions for the effectiveness of independent work:

- the right goal;

– a clear understanding of the place and role in the overall structure;

- taking into account the level of preparedness and the ability of students;

– individual and differentiated tasks;

– optimal duration;

- instructions, prescriptions, "supports";

- rational methods of verification;

- the right combination with other species.

The lesson plan is characterized by transitions - “with the teacher - on your own”, “on your own - with the teacher”.


Arkhipova V.V. Collective organizational form of the educational process. SPb., 1995.

Vinogradova N.F. Primary school today: successes and difficulties. Discussing the results of the Russian meeting on elementary school // Primary school. 1997. No. 4. S. 11–14.

Zaitsev V.N. Practical didactics: Proc. allowance. M., 2000.

Ivanov I.P. Encyclopedia of collective creative affairs. M., 1998.

Konysheva N.M. Lessons of labor training in modern school // Elementary school. 1995. No. 7. S. 38–42.

Kuznetsova V.K. Issues of continuity and adaptation in the conditions of the educational complex // Elementary school. 1996. No. 8. S. 9–16.

Lebedeva S.A. On the continuity of preschool and primary education // Primary school. 1996. No. 3. S. 20–23.

Podlasy I.P. Productive Pedagogy. M., 2003.

Selevko G.K. Guide to the organization of self-education of schoolchildren. M., 2003.

Strezikozin V.P. Organization of classes in an elementary small school. M., 1968.

Filippovich E.D. Individual learning systems for rural elementary school // INFO. 1997. No. 2. S. 35.

Khutorskoy A.V. Modern didactics: Proc. SPb., 2001.

Shevchenko S.D. School lesson: how to teach everyone. M., 1991.


The result achieved in itself encourages the child to continue work and to find a new, more complex one; and there is no need to further strengthen these natural stimuli with praise, distinction, or any reward - this can only hurt the child.

P.F. Lesgaft

From control to diagnostics

Humanization of control

Assessment of learning outcomes


Achievement testing

Diagnostics of upbringing

Test yourself

Why does humanistic education talk more not about control, but about diagnostics?

What is the control of knowledge, skills?

Name the functions of control. What is a test of knowledge, skills?

What is assessment, assessment, mark?

On what principles is diagnostics, control and verification of knowledge based?

What does the humanization of control mean?

What is learning diagnostics?

Describe the links of testing knowledge and skills.

What typical shortcomings have been identified in the mass practice of control, verification, and assessment of knowledge?

What do you know about the new searches in the field of control and knowledge testing?

What is learning, achievement, development testing?

What are the criteria for evaluating diagnostic tests?

What forms of test control do you know?

What rules are followed when writing tests?

How is written work assessed?

What rules does the teacher follow when grading?

How do you look at the cancellation of grades in grade 1?

Is it possible to teach without grades in elementary school? Justify your conclusion.

What kind of primary school tests would you suggest?

Reference abstract

Tasks of school diagnostics:

- analysis of the processes and results of the development of schoolchildren (readiness for school education, the pace of maturation of mental functions, the progress made);

- analysis of the processes and achieved learning outcomes (volume and depth of learning, the ability to use the accumulated knowledge, skills, the level of formation of the main methods of thinking, mastering the methods of creative activity, etc.);

- analysis of the processes and achieved results of education (the level of education, the depth and strength of moral convictions, the formation of moral behavior, etc.).

Diagnostics considers the results in connection with the ways, methods of achieving them, reveals trends, the dynamics of the formation of products.

Diagnosis includes control, verification, evaluation, accumulation of statistical data, analysis, identification of dynamics, trends, forecasting of further developments.

Principles of diagnosis - objectivity; systematic; visibility.

Control is the identification, measurement and evaluation of knowledge and skills.

Verification - detection and measurement.

The main didactic function of control is to provide feedback between the teacher and the student, the teacher to receive objective information about the degree of mastering the educational material, timely identification of shortcomings and gaps in knowledge.

Control functions - controlling, educational, educational, developing, stimulating.

Control includes - verification, evaluation, accounting.

Monitoring learning outcomes

Requirements for control - objectivity, individuality, regularity, publicity, comprehensiveness of verification, differentiation, variety of forms, ethics.

Methods and forms of control - observation, oral individual survey, frontal survey, group survey, written control, combined survey (compacted), test control, programmed control, practical, self-control, exams.

Evaluation - making an assessment.

The score is the result of the test.

Mark - conditional designation of the assessment.

A test is a test, a test.

Test of achievements (training) - a set of tasks focused on determining the level of assimilation of certain elements of the content of training.

The school uses the following tests:

- general mental abilities, mental development;

- special abilities;

- training, academic performance, upbringing, achievements;

- to determine individual qualities (memory, thinking, character, etc.);

- to determine the level of upbringing (formation of universal, moral, social and other qualities).

Criteria of upbringing are theoretically developed indicators of the level of formation of various qualities of a person (class).

An upbringing situation is a natural or deliberately created environment in which the pupil is forced to act and in his actions to reveal the level of formation of certain qualities in him.


Amonashvili Sh.A. Educational and educational functions of assessing the teaching of schoolchildren. M., 1984.

Bardin K.V. How to teach children to learn. M., 1987.

Vanteeva L.D. Computer testing as one of the forms of control in elementary school // Primary school. 1999. No. 5. S. 20–23.

Monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes in elementary school // Primary school. 1999. No. 4. S. 10–24.

Lysenkova S.N. When it's easy to learn. M., 1985.

Podlasy I.P. Productive Pedagogy. M., 2003.

Polonsky V.M. Assessment of schoolchildren's knowledge. M., 1982.

Soldatov G. Grades and marks // Elementary school. 1998. No. 2. S. 59–63.

Cheloshkova M.B. Theory and practice of designing pedagogical tests: Proc. allowance. M., 2001.

Shatalov V.F. Support point. M., 1987.

Shishov S.O., Kalny V.A. School: monitoring the quality of education. M., 2000.


If a teacher has only love for the job, he will be a good teacher. If the teacher has only love for the student, like a father, a mother, he will better than that a teacher who has read all the books, but has neither love for the work nor for the students. If a teacher combines love for work and for students, he is a perfect teacher.

L.H. Tolstoy

Teacher Functions

Teacher Requirements

Mastery of the teacher

Market transformations

Teacher and student's family

Analysis of teacher work

Test yourself

What does the term "professional teaching" mean?

Expand the essence of the teacher's functions.

What is the main function of a teacher?

What is the governance structure?

What are the requirements for a teacher?

What are the main requirements for a teacher?

What is the structure of pedagogical abilities?

What is the structure of pedagogical skill?

What does "educational technique" mean?

How have market relations changed the requirements for teachers?

What does the expression "child is a reflection of the family" mean?

What is the relationship between family and school?

What are the main tasks of pedagogical family support?

Name the forms of cooperation between the teacher and the family.

What rules will the teacher follow when visiting the family?

What advice does he give to parents?

What is pedagogical diagnostics of the family?

How is the analysis of pedagogical work carried out?

By what criteria and directions is the analysis carried out?

Reference abstract

A teacher is a person who has special training and is professionally engaged in pedagogical activity.

The pedagogical function is the direction of application of professional knowledge and skills prescribed to the teacher.

The main function of a teacher is to manage the processes of education, upbringing, development, and formation.

Pedagogical abilities are a personality trait expressed in inclinations to work with students, love for children, pleasure from communicating with them.

Ability groups - organizational, didactic, receptive, communicative, suggestive, research, scientific and educational.

Leading abilities - pedagogical vigilance, didactic, organizational, expressive.

Professional qualities - possession of the subject and teaching methods, psychological preparation, general erudition, broad cultural horizons, pedagogical skills, possession of technologies of pedagogical work, organizational skills, pedagogical tact, pedagogical technique, possession of communication technologies, oratory and other qualities, diligence, efficiency, discipline, responsibility, the ability to set a goal, choose ways to achieve it, organization, perseverance, systematic improvement of the professional level and quality of one's work, etc.

Human qualities - spirituality, humanity, kindness, patience, decency, honesty, responsibility, justice, commitment, objectivity, generosity, respect for people, high morality, optimism, emotional balance, need for communication, interest in the life of pupils, goodwill, self-criticism, restraint, dignity, patriotism, religiosity, adherence to principles, responsiveness and many others.

Pedagogical skill is a high and constantly improved art of education and training.

Pedagogical technique is a complex of knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for a teacher in order to effectively put into practice the methods of pedagogical cooperation chosen by him.

Analysis of the teacher's work - identifying the relationship between the activities of the teacher and the results of his work.

The work of a teacher is evaluated in connection with:

- volume and quality of knowledge;

– volume of practical skills and abilities;

- a system of knowledge, skills;

- the ability to apply theory in practice;

- Ways of thinking and activity of schoolchildren.

Cooperation of a teacher with a schoolchild's family - combining efforts in raising children; interaction in order to achieve the desired level of development, education and upbringing of children.

Humanistic principles of family education - creativity (free development of children's abilities); humanism (recognition of the individual as an absolute value); democracy based on the establishment of equal relations between adults and children; citizenship based on awareness of the place of one's self in the social system; retrospectiveness, which allows to carry out education on the traditions of folk pedagogy; priority of universal norms and values.

In relation to children, families stand out - loving (respecting) children; responsive; material-oriented; hostile; antisocial.

The components of the content of family education are spiritual, physical, moral, intellectual, aesthetic, labor, economic, environmental, political, sexual.


Azarov Yu.P. The art of education. M., 1985.

Elkanov S.B. Fundamentals of professional self-education of the future teacher. M., 1989.

Igoshev K.E., Minkovsky G.M. Family, children, school. M., 1989.

Kapralova R.M. The work of the class teacher with parents. M., 1980.

Lesgaft P.S. Family education of the child and its importance. M., 1991.

Manteichek Z. Parents and children. M., 1992.

Mudrik A.V. Teacher: skill and inspiration. M., 1986.

The wisdom of education. Book for parents. M., 1989.

Nikitin B.P., Nikitina L.A. We, our children and grandchildren. M., 1989.

Simonov V.P. Diagnostics of the personality and professional skills of the teacher. M., 1995.

Simonov V.P. Pedagogical management. M., 1997.

Skulsky R.P. Learn to be a teacher. M., 1986.

Slastenin V A., Mazhar N. E. Diagnostics of the professional suitability of young people for pedagogical activity. M., 1991.

Spivakovskaya A.S. How to be parents. M., 1986.

Sukhomlinsky V.A. parent pedagogy. M., 1977.

Flake-Hobson K. et al. The development of the child and his relations with others / Per. from English. M., 1993.

Hosts G.I. Pedagogical skill of the teacher. M., 1988.

Evert N.A., Sosnovsky A.I., Kuliev S.N. Criteria for assessing the activities of the teacher. M., 1991.


Acceleration - accelerated physical and partly mental development in childhood and adolescence.

An algorithm is a system of sequential actions, the execution of which leads to the correct result.

Questioning is a method of mass collection of material using specially designed questionnaires (questionnaires).

Association - any more or less stable connection between what already exists in the mind and what a person perceives with the help of his senses.

Type (training, education) - the originality of the process models that exist within the types.

Types of training - explanatory and illustrative (OI); problematic (PbO); programmed (software); computer (computerized) training (KO); new information technologies of education (NIT).

Age features are anatomical, physiological, mental and spiritual qualities characteristic of a certain period of life.

Education (in the pedagogical sense) is the process and result of all influences on a person; a specially organized process of influencing a person for a specific purpose; a specially organized, purposeful and controlled impact of the team, educators on the educatee in order to form the given qualities in him, carried out in educational institutions.

Education (in the social sense) is the transfer of experience of life and behavior from older generations to younger ones.

Education (in the philosophical sense) is the adaptation of a person to the environment and conditions of existence.

Educational business (VD) is a form of organization and implementation of specific activities of pupils.

The educational process (the process of education) is the movement of the process of education towards its goal.

Gender specifics of development are differences that characterize the processes, features and results of the development of men and women.

Humanitarianization is the general orientation of the content of education towards the priority assimilation of those knowledge and skills that are necessary for all people, every person, regardless of what he does.

Didactics is a part of pedagogy that develops the problems of teaching and education.

Distance learning is a kind of new information technology delivering knowledge, creating a learning environment and organizing the process of learning.

Differentiation is the creation of favorable conditions for the education of students with different abilities, needs and attitudes towards learning.

Spirit (lat. spiritus - spirit, breath) - the fundamental principle of life.

Spiritual development is associated with the upbringing of the soul, spirituality, morality, the formation of ethical values. The true meaning of development is in spiritual exaltation.

Spirituality is one of the two natures of man. In contrast to the bodily, visible nature, spirituality is invisible, but the main essence of man; this is a state of mind.

The soul (according to Aristotle) ​​is harmony, an integral part of the Universe, the cause of life.

The soul (in the modern sense) is an energy clot, life, energy of the body, the essence of a person.

The soul (religious interpretation) is an intangible, immortal entity independent of the body, which is given to a person at birth. The soul is neither born nor dies.

Law is a reflection of objective, essential, necessary, general, stable and repeating under certain conditions links between the phenomena of reality.

The law of the minimum is the productivity of learning, determined by the minimum factor.

Conservation law (E. Thorndike): if for some time the connection between the situation and the response, which has a changeable character, is not renewed, its intensity weakens, and therefore, other things being equal, the probability of a response associated with the situation decreases.

The law of effect (E. Thorndike): if the process of establishing a connection between a situation and a response is accompanied or replaced by a state of satisfaction, the strength of the connection increases.

Regularity is an objective, necessary, essential, recurring connection, expressed in a generalized form. Regularity is not a fully known law.

Regularities are universal - the scope of which goes beyond the limits of the pedagogical system.

Regularities are general - covering the whole pedagogical system by their action.

Private patterns - the action of which applies to a separate component (aspect) of the system.

Knowledge is a set of human ideas, which expresses the theoretical mastery of this subject. Reflection of the inner and outer world in the human mind.

Innovations (pedagogical) - innovations in the pedagogical system that qualitatively improve the course and results of the educational process.

Integration - consolidation, structuring, allocation of the main, system-forming knowledge, skills, withdrawal of low-value, secondary knowledge, skills. This is not a mechanical truncation of the volume, but the structuring of the material.

Interactive methods (in pedagogy) are ways of interaction between the teacher and students, all participants in the pedagogical process, characterized by increased activity and independence in decision-making.

Qualities (of a person) - the presence of essential features, properties, features that distinguish a person from other biospecies.

Qualimetry - diagnosing the professional qualities of teachers.

Classification of methods (training, education) - their system ordered according to a certain attribute.

The team is an association of pupils (students), which differs in a number of important features: a common socially significant goal; general joint activity to achieve the goal, the general organization of this activity; responsible dependency relationships; common elected governing body.

Complex character - simultaneous and cumulative influence of all factors on the result.

Components of general secondary education: 1) a system of knowledge about nature, society, methods of activity, on which a person's worldview is based; 2) practical experience, i.e. system of intellectual and practical skills and abilities; 3) experience of creative activity underlying the ability to independently transfer known knowledge, skills, methods of activity to new areas; 4) the experience of the evaluative (emotional-value) attitude of a person to the world around him.

Control - checking the activities of an educational institution and (or) its divisions (departments, departments), individual performers (administrators, teachers, attendants); the process of ensuring the achievement of the goals of the educational institution through the evaluation and analysis of the results of activities, surgical intervention; verification mechanism.

The correlation coefficient is the quantitative value of the relationship between factors.

The connection curve is a visual representation of the magnitude and nature of the relationship between factors.

Student-centered technology involves the construction of the educational process according to the scheme: student - material - result.

Management (pedagogical) - the process of optimizing human, material and financial resources to achieve organizational goals; management (planning, regulation, control), management, organization of pedagogical production; a set of methods, forms, means of management to achieve the intended goals.

Method (training, education) - an ordered activity of the teacher and students, aimed at achieving a given goal (training, education). A set of ways, ways to achieve goals, solve the problems of training, education, upbringing.

The method of educating situations is the organization of the activities and behavior of pupils in specially created conditions.

A method is a way to achieve (implement) the goals and objectives of training.

Methodology is a system of principles and methods for organizing and building theoretical and practical activities.

Methods of education are divided into methods: the formation of consciousness of the individual; organizing activities and gaining experience in social behavior; stimulation of behavior and activity.

Methods of research - ways, methods of cognition of objective reality.

Module (educational) - the content-temporal part of the educational process. Usually this is a section (several topics) of the curriculum along with an indication of possible ways to study it, timing and test questions.

Monitoring - continuous monitoring of the pedagogical process through constant, continuously ongoing monitoring.

Motivation is a common name for processes, methods, means of encouraging teachers and students to productive activities.

Observation is a specially organized perception of the object, process or phenomenon under study in natural conditions.

Skills - skills brought to automatism, a high degree of perfection, thanks to reusable performance.

The purpose of education (in philosophy) is the voluntary restriction of free will through the most accessible to man - the subordination of the flesh to the spiritual principle.

Punishment is a method of pedagogical influence, which should prevent undesirable actions, slow them down, and cause a feeling of guilt in front of oneself and other people.

Heredity is the transmission from parents to children of certain characteristics and characteristics.

Education is a system of knowledge, skills, and ways of thinking acquired in the process of learning.

Learnability is a complex factor that characterizes the ability (suitability) of trainees to learn and the ability to achieve the projected results in a set time.

Education is a specially organized, purposeful and controlled process of interaction between teachers and students, aimed at mastering knowledge, skills, shaping a worldview, developing the mental strength and potential of students, consolidating self-education skills in accordance with the goals set.

Optimization is the process and result of choosing the best option from a variety of possible ones.

The experience of an evaluative (emotional-value) attitude is a formed life position, attitude to the world around, people, knowledge, activities, moral and social norms, ideals. The assimilation of experience occurs through the student's emotional experience of what is being studied, the perception of the object of study as a value.

Experience in creative activity - independent transfer of acquired knowledge, skills to new situations; vision and understanding new problem in the known; vision of new functions of objects; independent application of known methods of activity in new conditions; understanding the structure of systems; alternative thinking.

Organizational and pedagogical impact (OPI) is a set of factors that characterize the activities of teachers, the qualitative levels of organization of the educational process, the conditions of educational and pedagogical work.

Organization - streamlining the didactic process according to certain criteria, giving it the necessary form in order to best achieve the goal.

Deviant behavior is a person's natural defensive reaction to the challenge of a hostile environment or environment (or an environment that he considers hostile).

A paradigm is a dominant theory underlying the solution of theoretical and practical problems.

Affiliate (subject- and student-oriented) technology keeps both the educational material and the developing personality equally well in the field of view.

Pedagogy is the science of education.

Pedagogical diagnostics is a research procedure aimed at “clarifying” the conditions and circumstances in which the pedagogical process will take place.

The pedagogical system is a unity of constituent components ordered according to a certain attribute.

Pedagogical experiment is a scientifically staged experience of transforming the pedagogical process in precisely taken into account conditions.

Periodization is the selection of age-related features characteristic of each age, their combination into a system.

Encouragement is an expression of a positive assessment of the actions of pupils.

Rules (didactic) - instructions to the teacher on how to act in a pedagogical situation.

Subject-oriented technology involves the construction of the educational process according to the scheme: material - student - result.

Teaching is an ordered activity of a teacher to achieve the goal of learning (educational tasks), providing information, education, awareness and practical application of knowledge.

A technique is an element of a method, its constituent part, a one-time action, a separate step in the implementation of a method, or a modification of a method when the method is small in scope or simple in structure.

Principles (didactic) - the main provisions that determine the content, organizational forms and methods of the educational process in accordance with its general goals and patterns.

Programmed learning is the execution of sequential actions (operations) according to a given program, which increases the control over the course of the educational process.

The product (training, education, upbringing, development) is the same as the result of pedagogical and educational work, an integral system of knowledge, skills, development and upbringing of each individual person created in the educational process; what learning comes to, the final consequences of the educational process, the degree of realization of the intended goal.

Development is the process and result of quantitative and qualitative changes in a person.

Self-education is the work of the pupil on himself in order to form positive qualities and eradicate negative ones.

The synergistic effect is the result of the addition of forces acting in the same direction; the result of coordinated interaction (use) of all resources.

The system of didactic principles is their ordered unity, presented in a general concept.

The system of principles of education is the social orientation of education; its connection with life and work; reliance on positive in education; humanization; personal approach; unity of educational influences.

System of principles - consciousness and activity; visibility; systematic and consistent; strength; scientific character; availability; connection of theory with practice.

The environment is the reality in which human development takes place.

Means - subject support of the educational process. The means are the voice (speech) of the teacher, his skills in a broad sense, textbooks, classroom equipment, etc.

Structure - the arrangement of elements in the system.

The structure of the lesson is its internal structure, the sequence of individual stages.

The subjective-pragmatic method of education is a method based on the desire of a person to pragmatically and purposefully solve their problems. It is based on the creation of conditions when it becomes unprofitable, economically unprofitable to be ill-mannered, uneducated, to violate discipline and public order.

Testing (in pedagogy) is a purposeful, identical examination for all, conducted under strictly controlled conditions, which makes it possible to objectively measure the characteristics and results of training, education, development of students, and determine the parameters of the pedagogical process.

Technology (educational) is a complex of interconnected methods, forms and means of education, supported by human and material resources, aimed at creating a product.

Technology (pedagogical) is a complex, continuous process that encompasses people, ideas, means and ways of organizing activities to analyze problems and plan, provide, implement and guide pedagogical processes.

Type (training, education) - a model of process organization that differs in essential features.

The type of cognitive activity (TPD) is the level of independence (tension) of cognitive activity that students achieve by working according to the training scheme proposed by the teacher.

Types of lessons: combined (mixed); learning new knowledge; formation of new skills; generalization and systematization of the studied; control and correction of knowledge, skills; practical application of knowledge and skills.

Traditional research methods are ways and means of cognizing pedagogical reality, used since ancient times: observation, study of experience, primary sources, analysis of school documentation, student creativity, conversations.

Skills - mastering the ways (techniques, actions) of applying the acquired knowledge in practice.

A lesson (training session) is a segment (stage, link, element) of the educational process that is completed in a semantic, temporal and organizational sense.

A condition is a circumstance on which something depends.

Educational material - information that has undergone didactic processing in order to adapt it for study at a given age.

Teaching is a process (more precisely, a co-process), during which new forms of behavior and activity arise on the basis of cognition, exercise and acquired experience, and previously acquired ones change.

Factor - a good reason that affects the course and results of the didactic process.

Development factors are the causes that determine the process and results of development. Development is determined by the combined influence of three general factors - heredity, environment and upbringing.

Form is a way of existence of the educational process, a shell for its inner essence, logic and content. The form is primarily related to the number of trainees, the time and place of training, the order of its implementation, etc.

Formation - the process of becoming a person under the influence of all factors without exception - environmental, social, economic, pedagogical, etc.

Forms (organizations of training, education) are an external expression of the coordinated activity of the teacher and students, carried out in a certain order and mode.

The functions of the methods are teaching, developing, educating, encouraging (motivational) and control and correctional.

The goal of education is to humanize a creature that has been born, to help it recognize a person in itself, to ennoble its soul, to encourage good deeds, to develop spirituality, to give strength to resist evil - the eternal and unchanging tasks of proper education.

The purpose of training (educational, educational) is what it aspires to, the future towards which its efforts are directed.

Man (in the pedagogical sense) is the goal, means and product of education.

Man (in the philosophical sense) is a part of nature, a biological species, “homo sapiens”.

Greening (education, upbringing) - increased attention to environmental education. In the current conditions, the ecological imperative is developing into a moral one - the humanization of society, the rise of its culture, the promotion of ethical rather than consumer values, the spiritual development of man.

Stages (of the pedagogical process) - the sequence of its development; distinguished preparatory, main, final.

The subject and tasks of pedagogy. General patterns of development. Age features of children. pedagogical process. Essence and content of training. Teaching motivation. Principles and rules of teaching. Teaching methods. Types and forms of education. Educational process at school. Methods and forms of education. Personally-oriented education. Small school. Diagnosis at school. Primary school teacher.

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Pedagogy of elementary school: textbook


The textbook discusses both the general foundations of pedagogy and issues directly related to the pedagogy of elementary school: the age characteristics of children, the principles and rules of teaching younger students, the types and forms of education and upbringing, the tasks facing the elementary school teacher, etc.

The textbook is intended for students of pedagogical colleges.

Ivan Pavlovich Podlasy

To students

Chapter 1. The subject and tasks of pedagogy

Pedagogy - the science of education

The emergence and development of pedagogy

Basic concepts of pedagogy

Pedagogical currents

System of Pedagogical Sciences

Methods of pedagogical research

Chapter 2. General patterns of development

Personal development process

Heredity and environment

Development and education

The principle of natural conformity

Activities and personal development

Development diagnostics

Chapter 3

Age periodization

preschooler development

Early Childhood Development

Uneven development

Accounting for individual characteristics

Gender differences

Chapter 4. Pedagogical process

The purpose of education

The tasks of education

Ways to implement the tasks of education

Organization of education

Stages of the pedagogical process

Patterns of the pedagogical process

Chapter 5. Essence and content of training

The essence of the learning process

Didactic systems

Learning structure

Curricula and programs

Textbooks and manuals

Chapter 6

The driving forces of the doctrine

Interests of younger students

Formation of motives

Stimulation of learning

Incentive Rules

Chapter 7

The concept of principles and rules

The principle of consciousness and activity

The principle of visualization of learning

Systematic and consistent

Strength principle

The principle of accessibility

Scientific principle

The principle of emotionality

The principle of connection between theory and practice

Chapter 8

The concept of methods

Classification of methods

Methods of oral presentation

Working with a book

Visual teaching methods

Practical Methods

Independent work

Choice of teaching methods

Chapter 9. Types and forms of education

Types of training

Differentiated learning

Forms of study

Types and structures of lessons

Transformation of forms of education

Lesson preparation


Modern technologies

Chapter 10

Features of the upbringing process

The structure of the upbringing process

General patterns of education

Principles of education

Spiritual education of schoolchildren

Chapter 11. Methods and forms of education

Methods and techniques of education

Consciousness Formation Methods

Methods of organizing activities

Incentive methods

Forms of education

Chapter 12

Education with kindness and affection

Understanding the child

Child confession

Adoption of a child

Rules for a humanist teacher

Chapter 13

Features of an ungraded school

Lesson in an ungraded school

Organization of independent work

Looking for new options

Preparing the teacher for the lesson

educational process

Chapter 14

From control to diagnostics

Humanization of control

Assessment of learning outcomes


Achievement testing

Diagnostics of upbringing

Chapter 15

Teacher Functions

Teacher Requirements

Mastery of the teacher

Market transformations

Teacher and student's family

Analysis of teacher work

Brief glossary of terms


To students

It is known that in the structure of the new economic and cultural achievements of society, a significant role belongs to the work of the teacher. If schools do not prepare citizens capable of solving the problems of the country at the level of present and tomorrow's requirements, then our hopes for a stable and secure future will remain unfulfilled. That is why the choice of the profession of a primary school teacher is of such high civic significance.

The most knowledgeable, talented, responsible teachers should be allowed to primary education and upbringing - the period of a child's life is so important in the formation and destiny of a person. This is probably why an elementary school teacher has no room for error. With one wrong action, he, like a doctor, can cause irreparable harm. Let's not forget that it is in elementary school that a person acquires more than 80% of all knowledge, skills, actions and ways of thinking that he will use in the future.

Primary school today is in anticipation of highly professional teachers. The problems that have matured in it require fresh ideas, decisive actions to transform the school on the values ​​of truth and goodness. Studying in high school, you could not help but notice what changes are taking place in the younger ones. The introduction of a stable four-year system of primary education is almost completed. The composition and content of school subjects have changed, new methods and technologies have appeared. More attention was paid to spiritual education.

Already on the student bench, the future teacher begins to understand that the main values ​​​​of the school are students and teachers, their joint work. The child is not a means, but the goal of education, therefore, it is not necessary to adapt him to the school, but, on the contrary, the school to him, so that, without breaking the nature of the child, raise him to the maximum level of development available to him. You will also have to work outside of school, because a teacher is the main intellectual force of society, his vocation is to serve people, to be a conductor of knowledge.

To become a master of your craft, you need to know pedagogy, learn to think and act professionally. Pedagogy reveals the general relationship between the conditions and results of educational activities; explains how the results of training and education are achieved, why certain problems arise; indicates ways to overcome typical difficulties.

Pedagogy, like any other science, is not limited to the description of specific situations, examples or rules. It highlights the main thing in pedagogical relations, reveals the causes and consequences of pedagogical processes. She reduces the multicolored children's life to generalizing concepts, behind which real school life is not always visible, but one can find an explanation for many specific situations. Anyone who masters the general theory well, saves his memory from remembering a huge number of specific facts and examples, will be able to apply it to explain the processes taking place in education.

The years of your study fall on a difficult and controversial period in the development of pedagogy. Two directions clashed in the confrontation - authoritarian and humanistic. The first traditionally puts the teacher above the students, the second tries to make him an equal participant in the pedagogical process. No matter how strong the roots of authoritarianism may be, world pedagogy has made a humanistic choice. In the textbook, it is represented by the new relationship of the teacher with the students, their mutual understanding and cooperation at all stages of the educational process.

The textbook is very well written. In its 15 chapters you will find the main pedagogical provisions necessary for understanding the essence, content and organization of the educational process. All chapters end with questions for self-examination, a list of references for additional study. Brief conclusions for each chapter are summarized in the supporting abstract. It serves as the basis for the conscious reproduction of the main concepts and terms, allows you to quickly recall the main provisions and structure of the studied material, facilitates the understanding of complex dependencies, systematizes and consolidates them. Realizing the advantages of schematic "supports", the teacher will prepare similar notes for his students.

The textbook also takes into account the wishes of students and teachers of the course. More attention is paid to explaining the ideas of pedagogical theory that are difficult to understand, and the number of examples of applying the theory in practice has been increased. A section on the formation of the child's spiritual world has been introduced. The composition and content of test tasks have been changed, the list of basic terms and concepts, as well as literature for additional reading, has been updated.

A thorough study of the process and results of students' independent work was carried out. Approximate values ​​of the time required for the full assimilation of each chapter of the textbook have been established. Focusing on the optimal use of time, you will be able to better plan your independent work, which, as you know, is the basis of conscious and productive learning. First, answer the questions of the final test by putting a reference note in front of you, then remove it and objectively, like a teacher, ask yourself.

Ivan Pavlovich Podlasy

Pedagogy of elementary school: textbook

To students

It is known that in the structure of the new economic and cultural achievements of society, a significant role belongs to the work of the teacher. If schools do not prepare citizens capable of solving the problems of the country at the level of present and tomorrow's requirements, then our hopes for a stable and secure future will remain unfulfilled. That is why the choice of the profession of a primary school teacher is of such high civic significance.

The most knowledgeable, talented, responsible teachers should be allowed to primary education and upbringing - the period of a child's life is so important in the formation and destiny of a person. This is probably why an elementary school teacher has no room for error. With one wrong action, he, like a doctor, can cause irreparable harm. Let's not forget that it is in elementary school that a person acquires more than 80% of all knowledge, skills, actions and ways of thinking that he will use in the future.

Primary school today is in anticipation of highly professional teachers. The problems that have matured in it require fresh ideas, decisive actions to transform the school on the values ​​of truth and goodness. Studying in high school, you could not help but notice what changes are taking place in the younger ones. The introduction of a stable four-year system of primary education is almost completed. The composition and content of school subjects have changed, new methods and technologies have appeared. More attention was paid to spiritual education.

Already on the student bench, the future teacher begins to understand that the main values ​​​​of the school are students and teachers, their joint work. The child is not a means, but the goal of education, therefore, it is not necessary to adapt him to the school, but, on the contrary, the school to him, so that, without breaking the nature of the child, raise him to the maximum level of development available to him. You will also have to work outside of school, because a teacher is the main intellectual force of society, his vocation is to serve people, to be a conductor of knowledge.

To become a master of your craft, you need to know pedagogy, learn to think and act professionally. Pedagogy reveals the general relationship between the conditions and results of educational activities; explains how the results of training and education are achieved, why certain problems arise; indicates ways to overcome typical difficulties.

Pedagogy, like any other science, is not limited to the description of specific situations, examples or rules. It highlights the main thing in pedagogical relations, reveals the causes and consequences of pedagogical processes. She reduces the multicolored children's life to generalizing concepts, behind which real school life is not always visible, but one can find an explanation for many specific situations. Anyone who masters the general theory well, saves his memory from remembering a huge number of specific facts and examples, will be able to apply it to explain the processes taking place in education.

The years of your study fall on a difficult and controversial period in the development of pedagogy. Two directions clashed in the confrontation - authoritarian and humanistic. The first traditionally puts the teacher above the students, the second tries to make him an equal participant in the pedagogical process. No matter how strong the roots of authoritarianism may be, world pedagogy has made a humanistic choice. In the textbook, it is presented by the new relationship of the teacher with the students, their mutual understanding and cooperation at all stages of the educational process.

The textbook is very well written. In its 15 chapters you will find the main pedagogical provisions necessary for understanding the essence, content and organization of the educational process. All chapters end with questions for self-examination, a list of references for additional study. Brief conclusions for each chapter are summarized in the supporting abstract. It serves as the basis for the conscious reproduction of the main concepts and terms, allows you to quickly recall the main provisions and structure of the studied material, facilitates the understanding of complex dependencies, systematizes and consolidates them. Realizing the advantages of schematic "supports", the teacher will prepare similar notes for his students.

The textbook also takes into account the wishes of students and teachers of the course. More attention is paid to explaining the ideas of pedagogical theory that are difficult to understand, and the number of examples of applying the theory in practice has been increased. A section on the formation of the child's spiritual world has been introduced. The composition and content of test tasks have been changed, the list of basic terms and concepts, as well as literature for additional reading, has been updated.
