September 21 what to eat. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin: signs and interesting facts about this divine holiday of the Orthodox calendar

On September 21, the Orthodox world celebrates Christmas Holy Mother of God, one of the main Christian holidays. On this day, since ancient times, women, the successors of the family, have been revered, and prayers have been offered to the Higher Powers.

The feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos is the very first of the twelve celebrated by the church. Sources report that it was installed in the fourth century. Our ancestors celebrated the harvest festival on this day. Many traditions and signs that accompany this holiday are known to this day. The church also imposes certain prohibitions on deeds that are undesirable to perform on such a bright and significant day for every believer.

What can you do on the Nativity of the Virgin

Orthodox Christians go to the service to offer prayers to the Mother of God and ask her for intercession and patronage. It is believed that on September 21, the Heavens open and listen to every spoken word, so everyone can ask the Higher Powers for everything that worries them. Sincerity and repentance for one's sins will help to atone for guilt before God and begin the path of a righteous life.

On this day, you can ask for forgiveness from your parents, pray for their health and longevity.

On September 21, the people began to celebrate the harvest. The more harvested fruits of labor, the longer the festivities took place, sometimes dragging on for two weeks. People went to visit each other and tasted the food prepared from the harvested crop. The more hospitable the tables were and the more hospitable the hosts, the greater luck and prosperity awaited them.

From that day on, weddings began to be held, and the older generation came to visit the young couples to teach the unreasonable children to the mind, to give them valuable advice for the development and prosperity of the young family.

On the day of the holiday, it was customary for women to meet the dawn next to the reservoir. They believed that those who managed to wash themselves from a natural source before sunrise retained their beauty and freshness until old age. The girls went to the pond to wash their faces in order to bring love into life and get married as soon as possible.

What not to do on the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin

On this day, you can not scold, show aggression and discontent. Eliminate hard work, house cleaning and physical activity by devoting time to prayer.

The great holiday does not involve mass celebrations, accompanied by entertainment events with the use of alcohol. The church calls for this time to be spent with the family, refusing to watch TV in favor of live communication.

The ban is imposed on meat products and other non-lean food.

Any religious holiday it is necessary to devote to cleansing the soul from negativity, prayers and good deeds. This day should be spent in the family circle, giving the household love and care. Visit the church and light candles for the health of your parents, pray for the good of all living on Earth. We wish you good luck and happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and

18.09.2017 04:33

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Today, September 21, Ukrainians will celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This holiday commemorates the birth of the mother of Jesus Christ.- Mary, in the family of the righteous Joachim and Anna. The clairvoyant and participant in the 18th season told what needs to be done on this day.

On September 21, Orthodox Christians have long turned to the Most Holy Theotokos. They asked for blessings and protection, and also thanked and honored the Virgin Mary. The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is included in the list of the most important Orthodox holidays of the year, respectively, this day is shrouded in many traditions and prohibitions.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin: what can be done on September 21

As the clairvoyant Thekla said, it is on this day that it is advisable to offer prayers and perform rituals:

  • Prayers for deliverance from infertility and spiritual emptinesswill be especially effective, as well as rites for conception.
  • It will not be superfluous ask the Mother of God for family happinessthese prayers will also be heard.
  • Thekla notes that for well-being in the houseit is customary to go to the temple in the morning and put candles to the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos: « A piece of paper is put on the bottom of the candle, on which requests are written to Mary the Mother of God. Then we look: on which side the leaf will burn that request will be fulfilled. And if the whole sheet burns all requests were heard » .
  • To increase beauty, the psychic adviseswash your face before sunrise with water from a spring or rivers.
  • According to Thekla, it's good this dayburn old shoes and clothes in a fire. Such a rite is performed to get rid of damage and negatives.
  • Children should definitelybathe with a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokosfor cleansing and protection.

At the same time, the clairvoyant notes that if on this day the hands get dirty in something black– you should wait for a good offer or career growth.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin: what not to do on September 21

As with many Orthodox holidays, not everything can be done on the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos:

  • Better give up cleaningand any hard physical labor.
  • Do not eat meat and alcoholic beverages.
  • Don't throw away leftover foodand give them to those in need. If there are breadcrumbs on the tabledo not sweep them away, but give them to pets.
  • Also on this day you can not quarrel and wish evil. It is believed that all bad thoughts on the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos will return to the life of those who wish three times.

Now you know how to properly celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Happy Celebration!

On September 21, the Orthodox Church celebrates the great twelfth holiday - the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The Blessed Virgin Mary was born in the Palestinian city of Nazareth, in the family of the righteous Anna and Joachim, who remained childless until old age, but did not lose hope and believed that the Lord would have mercy on them. They promised that in the event of the birth of a child, they would devote his life to serving God in the Jerusalem temple. Their prayers were heard. Archangel Gabriel told them the joyful news that they would have a daughter, Mary, with the help of whom salvation would be given to all mankind.

September 21: traditions and customs of the day

In Rus', the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos was celebrated with a solemn divine service. Church hymns: stichera, canons, troparia in honor of the Virgin Mary are called "Theotokos". They are part of all daily services. Each holiday in honor of the Mother of God has its own Mother of God.

Among the people, the Mother of God was especially revered. Her image was clearer, closer and more accessible to the people's consciousness than the image of the Savior. The Mother of God, ascended into the divine world, remained connected with ordinary people. She was motherly worried and stood up for them.

The folk cult of the Virgin Mary was expressed in numerous epithets: “Most Pure”, “Most Holy”, “Mistress”, “Deliverer of Sorrow”, “Queen of Heaven and Earth”, “Ambulance”, “Healer of Diseases and Passions”, “Heavenly Intercessor "," Protector from evil spirits, troubles, suffering and misfortunes. In folk representations, the Mother of God was seen as merciful, comforting, responsive to any trouble and relieving pain, she was often addressed with prayers, conspiracies and spells in various life cases.

Conspiracy from diseases to the Virgin

This day is also known as the Spozhinki holiday, or harvest festival, which was organized in honor of the end of the harvest. Spozhinki have been celebrated since ancient times, and could last for a whole week. The greater the harvest, the longer the celebration lasted, marked by wide hospitality and visiting guests.

Present Day - this is how our ancestors sometimes called September 21, because the custom of treating the newlyweds to their relatives was timed to coincide with this date. Usually, all relatives and friends came to the newlyweds. The guests were invited by a “call-in” specially appointed for this business, who asked to visit the young, to look at their life and being, to teach them the mind-reason.

On September 21, they not only visited the newlyweds, but also invited them to their parents (mother-in-law and father-in-law) together with the mother-in-law and father-in-law to establish good relations between families. After the holiday, grandchildren often stayed for several days visiting their grandparents.

By the Nativity of the Mother of God, the coming autumn declared itself very clearly, so the holiday was filled with one more meaning - the second meeting of autumn (the first on, the third - on).

In the morning, women with oatmeal bread went out to the banks of a river, lake or pond to meet Mother Osenina. The older woman held bread in her hands, and the young ones sang songs, then broke the bread into pieces according to the number of those present, carried it home, where they fed it to livestock.

With Osenin, it was time for gatherings. Girls with yarn gathered in one hut, guys came to them with treats and harmonica, playing songs were sung:

As on the day of the vernal equinox, on September 21, the fire was renewed in the huts - the old one was extinguished and a new one was lit. In order to avoid the evil eye, damage and disease, old and unnecessary shoes and clothes were burned, children were poured with water on the threshold of the house.

September 21: signs and beliefs

  1. What is the weather on this day, so will autumn be. If it is warm outside, then autumn will be warm and fine.
  2. The more husks on the onion, the colder the winter will be.
  3. Scarlet sunset or dawn - to windy and rainy weather.
  4. In the morning, frost on the grass - to bad weather.
  5. Almost all the leaves have fallen from the trees - winter will be early.
  6. There are a lot of cobwebs on the trees - to heat.
  7. Hares dig holes - for a harsh winter.
  8. Migratory birds fly low - to a cold snap.
  9. Bread baked or bought on this day should be eaten with the family. They cannot be shared with other people.
  10. On September 21, all the water in the springs is holy.
  11. Childless women who dream of becoming pregnant should pray on this day that the Lord will send them a child. You also need to order a prayer service in the church and give alms to the poor.

The person who was born21 September, diamond and tourmaline should be worn. He will grow up responsible and hardworking.

Video: September 21 - New Year, Malaya Prechistaya, Ospozhinki

In 2018, the Orthodox celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on September 21. The date does not change from year to year. The Nativity of the Virgin is the first great feast of the church year (the Assumption of the Virgin is considered the last). the site tells about the history, meaning and traditions of the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin, what you can eat and what you can not do on this day.

Anna Zaikova

What is the Nativity of the Virgin?

On September 21 (September 8 according to the old style), the Orthodox celebrate a very important event - the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. The Virgin Mary was born in the family of righteous parents Joachim and Anna.

The Nativity of the Virgin is not described in the Gospel, but in the Protoevangelium of James, written in the 2nd century. Christians began to celebrate this event as a separate holiday only in the second half of the 5th century. This is reported by the magazine "Foma".

On the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin, believers go to church services, try to confess and take communion.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin: folk traditions

The Nativity of the Mother of God in the popular mind was connected with the Feast of Autumn. The meaning of this event is as follows: field work is being completed, summer is leaving, life is moving into the next stage.

Osenins celebrated on September 21, the day of the autumnal equinox. Early in the morning, women went to the shores of reservoirs to meet Mother Osenina with oat bread and jelly: they had a meal, sang songs, danced and played, reports The image of Osenina merged with the image of the Most Holy Theotokos, so they addressed her like this: “The Most Pure Theotokos, deliver me from maety, harassment, take away from others, sanctify my life-being!”

What can you eat for the Nativity of the Virgin-2018?

September 21, 2018 is Friday, a fast day. In honor of the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin, believers can eat fish. But fasting people should not eat meat, dairy products and eggs.

Mikhail Khaustov

What can not be done on the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

The Church advises on the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin not to get carried away by various beliefs and signs. For example, they write on the Internet that if a woman refuses to give alms on September 21, this may threaten infertility or failure in family life. In Orthodoxy, such signs are considered superstitions.

There is a widespread but incorrect opinion that on Orthodox holidays (including the Nativity of the Theotokos-2018) it is forbidden to work in the garden, sew, and clean. This is wrong. It is recommended to dedicate the holiday to God and communication with loved ones, but if this is not possible, they will not condemn the person.

On the Orthodox holiday of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, you do not need to swear, envy, swear with others.

The church advises on Orthodox holidays (as well as on other days) to refrain from conspiracies, occult and magical rites. This is unequivocally negative in the church.

And finally, you can not abuse alcohol. Orthodox holiday- this is an occasion for prayer, spiritual communication with God, and not for a stormy holiday.

On September 21, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos (Second Most Pure). The holiday is traditionally considered Women's Day, when a woman should be revered as a continuer of the family.

It is believed that on this day you need to ask for the most secret - and the Mother of God will definitely help. For those couples who do not have children, it is especially important to pray for the birth of a child on a holiday.

history of the holiday

The holiday was established by the Church in the 4th century and is the first twelfth holiday of the church year, because according to the old style, the church year begins on September 1. Tradition told us about the circumstances connected with this event.

In the small Galilean city of Nazareth lived an elderly couple - Joachim and Anna. Both spouses were righteous and pious. Holy spouses Joachim and Anna for a long time were childless and wept that they had no children. Once, on a big feast, Joachim brought gifts to the Lord God in the Temple in Jerusalem. But the priest did not want to accept the gifts of Joachim, because he was childless, and children were considered a blessing from God.

Meanwhile, his wife, who was at home, also heard that the high priest in the temple refused to accept their gifts because of childlessness. She also learned that her husband, grieving and weeping, had gone into the desert, and she herself wept. Anna went into her garden, sat down under a laurel tree, sighed, and looking up at the sky with her eyes full of tears, she noticed, up in the tree, a nest in which little chicks were chirping. "Even birds have children, and we have no such consolation in old age," thought Anna.

Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared to her. He said: "You will conceive and give birth to a Daughter, blessed, above all. Through Her, God's blessing will be received by all earthly peoples. Through Her, Salvation will be given to all people. Her name will be Mary."

At the same time, an angel appeared in the wilderness to Joachim. He said: "Joachim! God has heard your prayer, and He is pleased to give you His grace. Your wife Anna will conceive and give birth to your Daughter, who will be a joy to the whole world. Here is a sign for you that I am telling you the truth: go to the temple in Jerusalem , and there, at the Golden Gate, you will find your wife Anna, to whom I said the same thing.

Surprised, Joachim, thanking God with all his heart, joyfully hurried to Jerusalem, to the temple. There, as the angel told him, he saw Anna praying to God at the Golden Gate, and told her about the angel. She also told her husband everything she had seen and heard about the birth of her Daughter. After praying to the Lord and worshiping Him in the temple, the couple returned home.

Nine months later, Anna had a Daughter, the purest and most blessed. Above all that has ever been created, the beginning of our salvation, our intercessor before God. Heaven and earth rejoiced at her birth. On the occasion of Her birth, Joachim brought great gifts and sacrifices to God, received the blessing of the high priest, the priests and all the people for being worthy of God's blessing. Then he arranged a great feast in his house, and everyone rejoiced and praised God.

The Holy Church rightly calls Joachim and Anna Fathers of God, because Jesus Christ was born from their Most Holy Daughter of the Virgin Mary.

Traditions: what to do on this day

    Mother of God, Mother of God, mother of the virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. She is considered a "prayer", an intercessor for women before God.

    This holiday was called the Harvest Festival. The more people harvested, the longer the holiday lasted. It could last from three days to two weeks. These days, it was customary to visit each other, treat them with dishes that were prepared from what was collected. And the more hospitable the table is, the better the harvest will be next year. Thus, they tried to appease nature so that the next year would be no worse than this one.

    On a visit to the young - to teach the mind to reason. When all the cleaning work was completed, weddings began to play among the people. So, if a wedding was recently played in the village, then on this day all the old people living in the village went to the newlyweds. Of course, their parents and grandparents also came to the young ones. The young mistress had to do her best that day, set a rich table, greet her relatives and guarded. People who lived a long life, treated themselves and taught the young how to live, what and how to do it right. By the way, it was at such gatherings that young people passed on knowledge in the form folk signs. And if the young did not shy away, but listened and shook their heads, then their life after that was just wonderful, both in family terms and in material terms.

    In ancient times, women tried to go to the river early in the morning and meet this day by the water. It was believed that if a woman washed herself with water on this day before sunrise, then she would be beautiful until her old age. And if a girl washed her face before sunrise, she should be betrothed this year.

    Renew the fire so that life is prosperous. There was such a sign that from this day on, human life begins a new circle, which will last one year. Such circles began every autumn on this day. Such is the original New Year. Usually, in the houses in the village, the so-called duty torch was always burning, which was never extinguished, but a new one was set on fire from it. There were no matches then. But on this day, it was customary to extinguish this torch and re-ignite it. It was believed that if you do this on this day, then all illnesses and troubles will remain in the past. And in New Year you will take only the best with you, and what you want to get rid of will remain in the old life.

    The believer prays - the Mother of God smiles. On such a day, it was customary for the people to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos about everything that disturbed the soul. It was believed that not a single prayer uttered on this day would be left without attention. Although, it should be noted that no matter what day you turn to the Mother of God, she will always help if a person needs her help. But this sign is not about turning to the Blessed Virgin with requests. It means that the Mother of God will rejoice if the believers simply offer prayers of thanksgiving to her.

    What not to do:

    One of the important points is that on the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos one should not eat meat and non-fasting food, as well as alcohol. On this day, fasting must be observed, physical activity, housework, quarrels with loved ones, condemnation. Relatives, relatives, friends gather together for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

    What they do on this day, we have already said. But I would like to add that Orthodox people should not only pray and fast, but also observe spiritual purity, do good deeds, help with the word and warmth of the soul.


    On Pasikov day - remove the bees. September 21st was considered the day when the heat leaves forever, autumn fully comes into its own. Everyone who kept the apiary removed the beehive from the apiary that day. In order for the bees not to die during the cold weather, sugar was poured into the hives. After all, during the cold weather, the bees had to eat something.

    If the weather is good, then autumn will be good. This sign, like many other weather signs, is based on long-term, and even centuries-old, observations of people. Indeed, it was noticed that if the weather is sunny and clear on the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, then almost the entire autumn will be sunny and clear. But if it rains, then prepare rubber boots, you can’t do without them this autumn.

    If you got your hands dirty in something black that day, expect a good offer at work. This is a sign that all employees used to adhere to. It was believed that if such an incident happened to you on that day, then you would definitely be entrusted with such a case, thanks to which the authorities would increase your salary. Today they say that if you get your hands dirty in something black, then you will be assigned some new project. And if you work as expected, then expect both a pay rise and a promotion. So this is your day. Dare, and you will succeed. But in order to consolidate the effect of this sign, you need to stand on the broom with both feet, and stand like that for at least a couple of minutes. Only in this case, the sign will work as it should.

    According to the materials of the site "Observer"

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