Anna Russian name or not. Anna name meaning - character and fate

Origin and meaning

The Christian name Anna came to us from the Hebrew language. Translated from Hebrew, Hannah means "mercy", "strength", "grace", "courage". Catholics and Orthodox have another meaning - "God's mercy." The secret of the name is that it is the most popular in the world. In Russia, it is also in demand among young parents.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Virgo
  • Ruler Planet: Verera
  • Talisman Stone: Ruby
  • Color: red
  • Tree: rowan
  • plant: pink aster
  • Animal: hare
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

From early childhood, Anna demonstrates such qualities as kindness, responsiveness and participation. She can easily drag a homeless puppy or kitten into the house and try to persuade her parents to keep the animal. Do not think that having one or two pets will keep the girl from repeating the situation. Anya looks like a bird fussing over her chicks: all in business and trouble. She joyfully and diligently helps her parents, and having matured, she begins to take care of them.

A meek and sympathetic girl is always ready to help those in need. Sometimes others abuse this, but Anna is not offended, although she understands that she is being used. It is often said about her that she glows from the inside with warmth and kindness. Her internal energy is always directed to help, "salvation" and takes the form of mercy (understanding) of all living things. Often this develops into some kind of sacrifice, which leads to a dysfunctional marriage or to the fact that the girl is constantly used for "rough work". Moreover, this is a completely conscious choice, and it is almost impossible to convince one of the fallacy of an act.

A woman proudly “carries her cross”, sometimes doing impossible things: a terminally ill patient whom she cared for can recover, and a drinking husband suddenly refuses alcohol. But such miracles are rare, more often Anna simply lives for others, impressing those around her with her meekness and boundless patience. She can be demanding and even capricious, you need to adapt to changes in her mood.

Anna loves to impress as a woman, so she carefully monitors and takes care of herself. It does not have strict and immutable moral laws. In her opinion, if circumstances so require, then a person can easily change his worldview (belief), but he always tries to remain kind and sincere.

Interests and hobbies

Anna loves needlework, often sews or knits her own clothes. She enjoys taking care of animals or taking care of children.

Profession and business

Well-developed intuition and analytical abilities allow him to realize himself as a talented diagnostician. Anna knows how to be persuasive and can make others listen and hear, so she easily copes with the role of an educator or teacher, a diplomatic officer. Hardworking and artistic, she gives herself completely to work, but builds a career slowly.


The stomach (GIT) and the musculoskeletal system deserve special attention. Anya needs to take drugs to strengthen the bone skeleton and reduce the likelihood of injuries.

Sex and love

Passionate and temperamental Anna is useless to seduce. All attempts to win her are doomed to failure if the chosen one did not like her. Otherwise, she rushes "into the pool with her head." She can have a husband and a lover, and, in her opinion, each girl gives the necessary "dose" of love, affection and attention, and both remain faithful. She tries to get the maximum pleasure from intimacy, provided that the partner does not limit or restrain her.

Family and marriage

It happens that the first unsuccessful marriage leaves a strong negative impression, and Anna “falls to the bottom” for a long time, avoiding possible relationships. A faithful and devoted wife, she does not tolerate treason. The owner of this name is loving wife and a mother, an excellent housewife who protects her family from any outside interference.

According to statistics, the most popular name in the world is Anna, it is worn by almost one hundred million women. This name has a lot of derivatives - Annette, Hanna, Ann, Ganna and many more. The name Anna is even in Chinese and Japanese, and even the pronunciation is very similar to European. The male form of the name Anna exists only in India.

However, in no other language of the world, except in Russian, this name does not have such a number of diminutive derivatives - Anyuta, Anechka, Annushka, Nyura, Nyusya, and this list can be continued.

origin of the name Anna

For the first time, the name Anna is found in the Old Testament, which means that it has Hebrew roots. The name comes from the Hebrew word hanna, which means "God's mercy" or "grace."

Anna was the name of the mother of the Most Pure Virgin, who, after many years of infertility, gave birth to Mary. Maria went down in history as Holy Mother of God who gave birth to Jesus Christ. Many do not know that in those ancient times, Annas were often called not only women, but also men.

In Russia, the name Anna became popular after the adoption of Christianity. That was the wife's name Kiev prince Vladimir - the Baptist of Russia.

If we turn to a not very distant history, then Anna is a noble name that was given to royal persons. That was the name of the daughter of Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise, there were also many Annas in the Romanov family, the most famous of them was Anna Ioannovna. Anne of Brittany was the Queen of France, Anne of Austria was the wife of King Louis XIII.

Modern history also knows a lot of Annas - famous athletes, actresses and writers. Anna Akhmatova, Anna Pavlova, Anna German, Anna Kournikova - all outstanding personalities with world fame.

Characteristics of the name Anna

Anna is a harmonious name that evokes only positive emotions, creating a feeling of something kind, gentle and bright. All women wearing it are distinguished by an open and calm character.

The most important quality that distinguishes all Annas is kindness. Along with compassion and consideration for others, this quality makes Anna an extremely pleasant and sensitive person. It is absolutely not a burden for her to take care not only of herself, but also of the people around her. If someone is crying and suffering nearby, Anna will never pass by. Very often people will abuse her kindness and disinterestedness, but even then Anna will put the interests of other people above her own.

Anna will never forget the birthday of a second cousin or colleague with whom she worked a hundred years ago, she will never forget to buy food for an elderly neighbor or pick up her friend's baby from kindergarten. She does all these things from the bottom of her heart, without demanding anything in return.

However, despite the complaisance and conflict-free, Anna has the determination and independence that help her cope with all life's difficulties. Anna is used to relying solely on herself, and rarely listens to someone else's opinion. At the same time, a woman is not able to defend herself, and when faced with rudeness and rudeness, she prefers to “swallow” everything and not enter into an open conflict. Anna takes the betrayal very hard and looks for the “root of evil” exclusively in herself.

The nature Anna is an introvert She is completely unaffected by other people's opinions. She has a very developed intuition, and her character is demanding and even domineering. Anna has an excellent memory and an analytical mindset.

Anna has a very good taste and sense of style - she is always well-groomed and looks great, you will never see her in an old dressing gown and worn-out slippers. Organically does not tolerate slovenliness and uncleanliness.

Anna as a child

Little Anna is a charming child who does not cause much trouble for her parents. The only things she can be reproached for are picked up kittens, abandoned puppies, injured birds, which she will constantly bring home. Annushka cannot refuse to help anyone - neither people nor animals.

From childhood, Anyuta will be distinguished by accuracy, diligence, obedience and prudence - just a gift for her parents. She will soon become independent, and all her life she will rely only on herself.

Anya is very artistic - expressively reads poems and fairy tales, easily learns them by heart. The girl is easily given both the exact sciences and the humanities. At school, she will have many friends, and such a character trait as a desire for justice will make her a respected person among her peers. Anya knows how to defend her own opinion, even if this entails a conflict with her peers or with teachers.

Parents should pay attention to their daughter's talents - she has a good voice and hearing, knows how to draw and moves well.

The nature of the child directly depends on the time of birth. If a girl was born in winter, then from childhood she will be distinguished by intelligence and prudence, she will grow up as a born leader - fair, but tough.
Anechka spring - capricious, romantic and in love with herself. She constantly needs an admiring audience, extolling her virtues.

If Anya was born in the summer, then she can be compared with an angel - kind, sympathetic, modest and reserved.
Autumn Anna has an even, calm character. She is respected by her family and colleagues, knows how to find a compromise and listen to the opinions of others.

Anna adult

The transition of the girl Anna into adulthood can be accompanied by difficulties. A growing girl does not listen to the advice of her parents at all, she has no authority, and other people's advice does not cause anything but irritation.

Anna will deliberately follow difficult paths, will take on all matters with great enthusiasm, and as soon as she feels that things have gone smoothly, she will quickly lose interest and will look for new difficulties for herself.

Anna the woman is a rational nature, which is guided primarily by reason, and not by feelings, despite her subtle mental organization. Just like in childhood, she keenly feels injustice, but with age she has learned to mask her feelings and not expose them. She keeps all her grudges to herself.

Too serious attitude to life does not allow her to fully enjoy the gifts of fate, therefore Anna is subject to frequent nervous stress and depression, but her innate optimism does not allow her to stay in this state for a long time.

Anna's sexuality

Anya will start her sexual life quite early - as early as adolescence. An adult woman does not have strict moral principles, on the contrary, she easily adjusts them to the circumstances in which life drives her. Anna can have a husband and a lover at the same time, and she will firmly believe that she is faithful to both of them - this will not at all contradict her moral principles.

An intimate connection is very important for her, but only with a loved one. Having sex, Anna is able to completely liberate herself, and even after a few days she will feel aroused. Anna does not accept fast and ordinary sex - she likes to make love for a long time, uninhibited and liberated.

Anna married, compatibility

Anna's first marriage often ends in failure. It may happen that she will marry out of pity, and not out of love. Congenital gentleness and caring makes her choose as her husband a person who needs guardianship - a man who is weak-willed or addicted to addictions. Anna, to the last, will carry the entire burden of responsibility for the family, while not taking dirty linen out of the hut and pretending that she is doing well.

Divorce for Anna is a disaster. Faced with difficulties in a relationship or with a betrayal of her husband, she will patiently wait for better times. And even when faced with domestic violence, Anna can turn into a humble victim - full of incredible female strength, she will only blame herself for everything and endure, endure, endure ...

most successful union for Anna will be with men named Alexei, Konstantin, Stepan, Zakhar, Rodion and Evgeny. You should beware of an alliance with Leo, Alexander, Sergey, Stanislav, George and Vadim.

The origin of the name Anna suggests that she will be a great mother. She will be a friend to her children who will always support and help. A woman is able to completely forget about her career and personal happiness and completely devote herself to children.

Anna will take care not only about the children and her husband, but also about her parents and her husband's parents. She will become an excellent daughter-in-law, and in the future - a good mother-in-law or mother-in-law.


Anna has an analytical mind and a good memory, she knows how to systematize information and make the right decisions, so she can successfully move up the professional ladder. The ability to argue and defend her own opinion adds to her respect from colleagues and superiors.

Anna's professional vocation is to give people warmth and care. On this simpler woman will feel in her place, and work will give pleasure. Annushka makes excellent doctors, nurses, teachers, social workers and veterinarians. Kindness and sincerity will help win over others, easily establish contact and arouse sympathy.

Anna will enjoy great love among children, and this love will always be mutual. Anna will make an excellent educator or primary school teacher - in the first place will not be developed professionalism, but an innate sense of caring for the small and weak.

Natural artistry will help Anna become a good actress, model or journalist. Anna can also achieve success where great accuracy and precision are required. The only thing you should not get involved with is numbers, since such work will seem boring and tedious to Anna.

Whatever specialty is chosen, Anna will work conscientiously. All earnings will be spent not on themselves, but on their loved ones.


As a child, Anna cannot boast of good health - she is prone to frequent colds and bronchitis, which can develop into asthma. There is a threat of developing scoliosis, so parents need to pay attention to the posture of the child. Another problem is diathesis, so chocolate and oranges may be contraindicated for her.

At school, due to overstrain, vision may begin to fall, as well as flat feet and gastritis may develop. Anna has been inclined to be overweight since childhood, so parents should carefully consider the nutrition of the child and in no case overfeed. Anna, both small and adult, needs long walks, a lot fresh air and prolonged sleep.

Horoscope for Anna

  • The patron sign is Virgo. All Annas born under this sign have the most gentle and complaisant character.
  • Lucky colors are red, orange, brown.
  • Red asters or rowan branches are best for Annam as a gift.
  • The patron stone is a ruby, carnelian or opal.
  • The best time of the year is summer, and the most successful day of the week is Wednesday.
  • The patron totem animal is the hare. Figurines of this animal can stand at Anna's house as a talisman.

Anna Aries- an impulsive, uncollected and even irresponsible woman who promises more than she does. She has a lot of problems at home and at work - it's all about impulsiveness and thoughtlessness of actions. Often falls in love, and marriage is not at all an obstacle to starting a new relationship.

Anna Taurus- patient and balanced person. Always justifies the trust placed, very rarely makes mistakes. Not prone to adventures, remains faithful in marriage.

Anna Gemini- impulsive and impatient nature, which can not stand monotonous work. Always breaks the rules, often changes friends and husbands. Her passion is traveling and meeting new faces. Anna loves change and is not afraid of any difficulties associated with them.

Anna Cancer- a strong-willed woman with a meek disposition. Never lose heart, finds a way out of the most difficult life situations. Enjoys respect and love from colleagues and relatives. A faithful and caring wife, even if her husband is unworthy.

Anna Leo- Passionate and imperious, puts her own interests first. I am sure that everyone around should obey her. This lioness craves admiration, so she is very greedy for flattery. He will not give up his leadership to anyone, and those who do not agree will be considered an enemy. The heart will give to someone who will look at her with adoration, constantly showered with compliments and gifts.

Anna-Virgo- a very intelligent and sensible woman. All emotions are locked up - no one will see her furious or crying. Love passion is also under control - all the "aah-sighs" are not for her. She will marry the same restrained and reasonable person, and will be happy with him.

Anna Libra- Restrained and very accurate person. Surrounded by friends, she is loved by colleagues and children, because Anna is accommodating and always compromises. Romanticism and faith in a fairy-tale prince can lead to the fact that a girl can fail to marry and live with her unworthy husband all her life.

Anna Scorpio- envious and arrogant, besides very secretive. He presents any act of his as a favor, likes to brag about his achievements and does not appreciate the success of other people at all. Fans should give her flowers and compliments, otherwise she won't even look at them. Anna will have many novels, but she loses interest in a man as soon as she feels that he can no longer offer her anything.

Anna Sagittarius- the young lady is gambling and quick-tempered. Quickly makes decisions that are often wrong, but Anna rarely admits she was wrong. She is not used to despondency, she is always surrounded by friends and admirers. He plunges headlong into love passion and completely dissolves in a loved one.

Anna Capricorn- quiet and laconic, does not know how to trust people. He treats all cases responsibly, performs the work carefully. Avoids noisy companies, in a male society feels uncomfortable. She really needs love and care, she will be a wonderful wife and mother.

Anna Aquarius- a great original, which is very difficult to understand, and she will not explain anything to anyone. Always striving for unattainable ideals, looks at others slightly down. She will find her happiness only if she is lucky enough to meet a person who is close in spirit.

Anna Pisces- a sensitive and dreamy girl living in the world of her fantasies. She needs a creative job that will please her. Anna attracts men with her mysteriousness, and she reciprocates, but the sea of ​​​​passions is not for her.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, this female name is the most common on the planet, it can be found in absolutely any country in the world. Today we will tell you about the name Anna: the meaning of the name, the character and fate of this woman.

Anna is translated from Hebrew as "merciful" or "God's grace"

That was the name of the mother of the Virgin Mary - the grandmother of Christ.

The name comes from the Hebrew language, and literally translates as "merciful" or "God's grace."

In Russia, it appeared around the 10th century, along with other Christian names. And since the princes were the first to be baptized, the name at first was distributed only among noble persons. It passed to the people much later.

Description of personality

This woman is distinguished by her mercy and responsiveness. Her kind heart seems to glow from within and attracts clouds of frozen and life-beaten moths. She understands that some people take advantage of her grace, and this does not bother her at all, because from the very beginning she knows her main purpose - to help everyone.

And not only to people, Anna's kindness extends to all living things. She loves animals and often takes an active part in charity events for abandoned pets.

Relationships and family

Anna, as a rule, is surrounded by many people who are sure that they are part of her circle of best friends, but in fact, becoming a true friend is not easy for her. She appreciates decency in people, as well as brilliant erudition. On an intuitive level, he senses lies and rejects them.

Despite their early readiness for serious relationship, for a long time will not be able to find a companion. Perhaps this will contribute to her excessive demands.

She will marry late: at the age of 28 - 33 years. The marriage will be one. Probably widowhood. She will give birth to children just as late, a maximum of two. Typically, the children will be boys.

Anna will make a good hostess, a loving mother and a caring wife. Perhaps she will not pay much attention to the order in the house, but she will achieve great success in cooking. He will love children, and not only his own. The troubles associated with them will be perceived positively. In a relationship will not tolerate treason.


Anna is interested in all kinds of needlework, for example, sewing, knitting, modeling. She also likes to spend time reading books or watching movies. She is not attracted to nightclubs and idle life. From an early age, she is mentally ready to create a family, so she prefers to spend time either doing her favorite pastime or with close friends and relatives. Quickly learns to drive a car, but is not prone to risky maneuvers.


She does not strive for career heights or high income. It is important for her that the work was related to helping someone. Therefore, she will make a worthy teacher or doctor.

She has a penchant for creative professions: an artist, designer, hairdresser-stylist, since nature has a desire for everything beautiful in her. If at some point the work starts to take away. most of the free time she wants to spend with her family, she will choose her family.


As for health, due to excessive impressionability and worries, problems may arise with gastrointestinal tract and vessels. She usually has low blood pressure. She should avoid a sedentary lifestyle and watch her diet: exclude all fried and salty foods.

Influence of date of birth

The basis of Anna's character depends primarily on the time of her birth:

  • spring - cheerful and friendly, has a penchant for creative self-realization;
  • summer - has a little high self-esteem, is demanding of others, she is attracted to everything beautiful;
  • autumn - serious and silent, from an early age shows independence;
  • winter - bright and emotional, always achieves its goal.

How will her life turn out?

Anna's life path: milestones

Anna is characterized by several turning points throughout her life.

The first can happen at a transitional age, when she reassesses her life, draws conclusions from previous mistakes and decides to move along a different path towards a new goal.

The second is likely to happen at the age of 25 - 28 years. During this period, Anna will have to make some difficult choices for her, most likely, it will relate to changes in her previous life, for example, leaving work, getting married or moving to another city.

She must make the choice herself, it will be very important for her. The third turning point will be waiting for her at the age of 35 - 40 years. It will also be associated with major changes in life, a new reorientation of values ​​is possible.

If Anna devotes her life to an interesting hobby for her, she will achieve great success in her business. Office work is not for her, however, she is good at winning over clients.

In old age, he will move to live in his own house, will take care of his pets and nurse his grandchildren. He will live out his life in peace and harmony.

What will the girl be like?

To make your daughter happy, think about how the name you choose will affect her life.

Anya will be a very calm "gift" baby from infancy. With children like her, it is very comfortable to travel to different countries.

When she grows up, do not try to spoil her excessively, the girl will not appreciate this: she will exchange expensive toys for home-made ones, she will stain expensive clothes in the first puddle.


Pay attention to her hobbies and help her develop in them. Read more books to her, in this case, Anya will very quickly learn to read herself and will ask less questions.

Do not scold your daughter if she brings home or feeds homeless cats and dogs - this is how kindness and responsiveness are born in her.


A girl's attitude to learning will depend on how much this or that school subject will be interesting and useful to her. Moreover, she will determine both for herself.

If there is no interest, then there will be no desire on her part to learn. In this case, a confidential conversation with one of the parents will help, with an obligatory explanation of the real benefits of this or that training in the future.

Teenage years

In adolescence, Anna is able to seriously change herself, for example, suddenly become a diligent student and graduate from school with a medal, but only if she understands why she will need it. Examples of reasons may be: duty to parents or the desire to make them happy. Excessive demands on oneself and others can give rise to complexes in her soul.

In the sphere of love, she will be prone to relationships out of pity. If she is not stopped in time, then she will be ready to marry a man whom she will not love.

Notable namesakes

  1. A. German (1936-1982) singer, performer of hits of the 70s of the 20th century (“Hope”, “When the gardens were blooming”, “Burn, burn my star”, “We are a long echo of each other”);
  2. A. Yurievna Netrebko (born 1971) Russian opera singer (soprano);
  3. A. Sergeevna Kournikova (born 1981) Russian tennis player;
  4. A. Vladimirovna Sedokova (born 1982) Ukrainian pop singer, former soloist of the VIA Gra group.

According to available statistics, today the most popular name in the world is Anna, which is proudly worn by about 100 million women. This name is characterized by the presence of many derivatives: Ganna, Ann, Hanna, Annette, etc. The name Anna is present even in Japanese, Chinese, the pronunciation of which is similar to European. In India, there is even a male form of the name Anna.

It should also be noted that the meaning of the name Anna in different countries is different. However, there is not a single language in the world, except for Russian, where this name is distinguished by so many diminutive derivatives: Nyusya, Nyura, Annushka, Anechka, Anyuta - this list goes on and on.

History of the name Anna

The name Anna is first mentioned in the Old Testament, respectively, characterized by Hebrew roots. The name owes its origin to the Hebrew word "hannah", which means "grace", or God's mercy." Anna was the name of the mother of the Most Pure Virgin, who, after a long period of infertility, gave birth to a daughter, Mary.

In turn, Mary is known in history as the Most Holy Theotokos, who became the mother of Jesus Christ. The bulk of modern women have no idea that in those distant times, not only women, but also men were called Anna. In Russia, the name Anna gained its popularity only after the completion of the process of adoption of Christianity. It was this name that was called the wife of Prince Vladimir of Kiev, who is the baptist of Russia.

If we talk about not so distant history, the meaning of the name Anna is noble, which was worn by royal persons. This name was called the daughter of the great prince Yaroslav the Wise, the Romanov family also has several Annas, the most famous of which is Anna Ioannovna. In France, there was Queen Anne of Brittany, and the wife of King Louis XIII was Anne of Austria.

Our time is also distinguished by the presence of famous writers, actresses, athletes, and simply beautiful women who bear this name. Kournikova, German, Pavlova, Akhmatova are outstanding personalities who are world famous.

Name characteristic

The name Anna is a harmonious name that can only evoke positive emotions, create a feeling of something bright, gentle, kind. Any woman with this name is characterized by a calm, open character. The main quality that distinguishes all women of Ann is kindness.

Along with attentiveness, as well as compassion for others, this quality makes Ann very sensitive, pleasant women. They are not at all burdened if they have to take care of someone else besides themselves. If next to her someone is suffering, crying, she will never pass by. For this reason, people often abuse Ann's disinterestedness, kindness, however, even in such situations, women who have this name put the interests of other people above their own.

A woman named Anna will never forget the birthday of a colleague with whom she worked many years ago, or her second cousin, be sure to buy food for her elderly neighbor, take it from kindergarten your girlfriend's child. Moreover, these actions are performed by her from the bottom of her heart, without demanding anything for herself in return.

However, is the meaning of the name Anna really so perfect. Despite the lack of conflict, complaisance, women bearing this name are independent, decisive, helping to cope with any life difficulties. Anna's women have a habit of relying solely on themselves, while rarely listening to outside opinion.

However, women with a name like Anna are not able to defend themselves, for this reason, faced with rudeness, rudeness, they simply try to “swallow” the offense, and not openly conflict. The woman Anna is going through a hard betrayal, and almost always tries to find the reason only in herself. As for the nature of Ann's women, they are introverts; completely unaffected by the opinions of others. Women with this name have a highly developed intuition, an imperious character, sometimes even demanding.

It has an excellent memory, as well as an analytical mind. She has good taste, an amazing sense of style - she always looks great, well-groomed. A woman named Anna will never show herself in an old dressing gown or worn slippers. On a subconscious level, it negatively relates to uncleanliness, slovenliness.

Anna's childhood

As a child, Anna is a charming child who does not give her parents much trouble. In general, the meaning of the name Anya is diverse. The only things that a child with that name can scold a little for are picked up puppies, abandoned kittens, injured birds, which she regularly brings home. Annushki refuses to help anyone - neither animals nor people.

These people from childhood are characterized by prudence, obedience, diligence and accuracy - well, just a godsend for parents. Girls become independent early, and for the rest of their lives they will rely only on themselves. Ani is very artistic in nature, she reads fairy tales, poems with great expression, easily memorizes them.

Girls are easily given both the humanities and the exact sciences. At school, she has many friends, and such a trait in her character as the desire for justice will make her a respected personality. Anya stubbornly defends her own opinion, even if this entails a conflict with a teacher or peers.

Parents who are interested in the meaning of the name Anna for a girl should pay close attention to her talents, since she has excellent hearing, voice, draws beautifully, and also moves. It should be noted that the character of the girl depends on the time of birth. If a child was born in the winter, she is characterized by prudence, intelligence, and when she becomes an adult, she will be a fair but tough leader.

Woman Anna, born in the spring - in love with themselves, romantic, a little capricious. She needs an admiring audience that constantly extols her virtues. If a child was born in the summer, she can be compared with an angel, the character is modest, sympathetic, kind, a little closed. Anya autumn has a calm, even character. He is respected by both colleagues and relatives, is able to find a compromise, and also listens to the opinions of others.

Growing up Anna

Usually, the transitional moment from childhood to adulthood is accompanied by certain difficulties. The growing woman Anna may not listen to the advice of her parents, for her there are no authorities, and other people's advice only causes a feeling of irritation.

A teenager who bears this name specifically chooses difficult paths, takes on any business with considerable enthusiasm, but as soon as he sees that things are going well, he loses interest in continuing, and looks for new difficulties. The woman Anna is already a rational nature, guided mainly not by feelings, but by reason, even despite her subtle spiritual nature.

As before, just as in childhood, he is sensitive to the injustice of others, but in the process of growing up he learns to hide (mask) feelings without exposing them. Resentment prefers to keep to himself. For this reason, the meaning of the name Anna for a girl when she is already becoming grown woman, prevents her from enjoying the gifts of fate to the fullest, which leads to periodic depressions, nervous breakdowns.

Anna's sexuality

Usually Anechki begin to lead a sexual life quite early - as a teenager. Becoming a woman, she does not differ in any rigid moral principles, but rather, on the contrary, she simply adapts to the circumstances that life puts on her. A woman named Anechka is able to have both a husband and a lover at the same time, while maintaining confidence that she is faithful to both - this does not conflict with her principles in any way.

A woman with this name gives an intimate connection an important place in life, but only with her beloved partner. When having sex, she can be completely liberated, feeling aroused even after a few days. She is not satisfied with ordinary, quick sex, her principle is to engage in liberated, relaxed, and most importantly, for a long time.

Marriage, Anna's compatibility

It should be noted that Anna, the meaning of the name, whose character and fate is described in this article, puts the first marriage in the first place, which, however, usually ends unsuccessfully. It happens that a woman Anna marries out of pity, and not at all out of love. Innate caring, gentleness makes her choose a husband in need of guardianship, usually a man dependent on bad habits and also weak-willed.

Nevertheless, the woman Annushka usually bears the entire burden of responsibility for the family until the last moment, while pretending that everything is fine, i.e. does not take dirty linen out of the hut. The process of divorce by this woman is perceived as a disaster. Faced with the betrayal of a spouse, or difficulties in a relationship, patiently waits for the onset of a better time. And even becoming a victim of domestic violence, she is able to become a humble victim, while blaming only herself, and sometimes her name.

In general, the name Anna, the origin and meaning of which is considered, is successfully compatible with men with the names Eugene, Rodion, Zakhar, Stepan, Konstantin, Alexei. You must beware of connecting your life with Vadim, George, Stanislav, Sergei, Alexander, Leo.

The origin of the name Anna indicates that she will be a wonderful mother. For her children, she will become more of a friend, able to always support and help. She can completely forget about her career, personal happiness, and devote all her time to children. The woman Anna, in addition to her husband, the children will take care of the parents, as well as the parents of her husband. Usually she is a wonderful daughter-in-law, and later a good mother-in-law or mother-in-law.


Summing up this article, we can state with full confidence that the name Anna, the meaning of the name and whose fate was considered in detail, is usually worn by a kind, sympathetic, purposeful, patient and caring woman. She is always ready to provide any assistance not only to her relatives, friends, but also very distant relatives or just acquaintances.

She not only loves her family, but also makes every effort to save her, even if this turns into unpleasant problems for her personally, humiliation, and sometimes beatings. When choosing a future name for your child, you need to remember that the woman Annushka will live happily, because she will make every effort, aspiration, and health to achieve this.

The name Anna came to us from Greece, and there from even more ancient Judea. in Hebrew Anna's name means "favor" or "favor". It is written in Hebrew like this - חַנָּה, and it is read as Hannah. The name is of Biblical origin and is considered the masculine version of the name Hanan. The name Anna can mean both favor from God and from others.

There is another hypothesis for the origin of the name Anna. It says that the name comes from the name of the god Anu, one of the gods of Sumerian mythology. But most scientists consider this hypothesis unfounded.

The name Anna is often used as a diminutive of other names. So before the name Anna, they shorten such names as: Ariana, Diana, Zhanna, Ivanna, Liana, Lilianna, Marianna, Snezhana and many others. Naturally, this does not make them related names, although such versions often exist.

The meaning of the name Anna for a girl

Anya grows up as a sweet, affectionate and kind child. She has many friends and makes new acquaintances easily. Unfortunately, her kindness is often used for selfish purposes. Anna will face many disappointments and "opening her eyes" to the truth of life. Anya is not characterized by shyness and she grows up as a child gifted with natural artistry. If parents make enough effort, then this talent can be successfully developed to a serious level.

Anya's studies are easy and she studies well. Small problems may arise during adolescence, but this is more a feature of age than a name. She has a heightened sense of justice and is hard to teach diplomacy. This can be especially problematic when communicating with teachers. The girl is prone to needlework and she likes to sew, cook and many of the usual "female" activities.

Anya's health in childhood is good. The first problems usually come during adolescence and are related to the skin. meticulous care and proper nutrition help resolve the issue if it occurs.

Short name Anna

Anya, Anka, Anka, Nyusha, Nyura, Nyurka, Nyuta, Nyusya.

Diminutive names

Anya, Annushka, Anyuta, Asya, Aska, Nyurochka, Nyushenka, Nyushechka, Nyurasya, Nyunya.

Name Anna in English

The name Anna in English is written as - Anne, and sometimes as Hanna. Anne is read as Ann.

Name Anna for passport- ANNA.

Translation of the name Anna into other languages

in Azerbaijani - Hanna
in Arabic - حنان‎‎‎
in Armenian - Աննա (Anna)
in Belarusian - Ganna
in Bulgarian - Anna
in Hungarian - Anna
in Greek - Άννα
in Hebrew - אננה ,חנה ,אנָּה‎
in Spanish - Ana
in Italian - Anna
in Chinese - 安娜
in Korean - 안나
in Latin - Anna
in German - Anne, Anna
in Polish - Anna or Hanna
in Romanian - Anna
in Serbian - Ana, Ana
in Ukrainian - Ganna
in Finnish - Anna
French - Anne
in Croatian - Ana
in Czech - Anna
in Japanese - アンナ

Church name Anna(in the Orthodox faith) invariably. This name is in Christmas time and Anna is called Anna in the church, unless of course she has a second baptismal name.

Characteristics of the name Anna

Anna has several characteristics that help her in life. One of the main characteristics of Anna can be called her diligence. She is very diligent and can work hard and hard. It helps her in her studies and her career at work. A very executive person.

Perseverance and diligence are good at work for performers, but Anya rarely has the characteristics of a leader. She's too kind to modern world successfully move up the career ladder. However, as a good worker, her older comrades will move her. So Anya can not lose heart, her work will not be in vain.

Anya often chooses her husband, so that there would be someone to take care of. It is rare when Anya's husband is an independent successful man. This is not her type. To create a family, she is looking for a calm, obedient, a little child-like man. She will feed, drink, send to work. In general, Anya usually plays the role of "mother" in family life. Although in this there are exceptions among An.

The secret of the name Anna

Anna's secret can still be called kindness. Since childhood, people have been using Ani's kindness for their own purposes. Almost everyone who understands the breadth of her heart wants to take advantage of this. And Anya does not even take offense at them. Sometimes one gets the feeling that she cannot live her life and she definitely needs someone to help. If you have such Anya nearby, take care of her, there are very few such people in the world.

Planet- The sun.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

totem animal- Hare.

Name color- Red.

Wood- Rowan.

Plant- Pink Astra.

Stone- Rubin.
