Where did the cross come from in the Christian religion and what does it mean. On the origin of religions Where did religion come from

Not everyone knows and understands why certain people created a religion many centuries ago, and what goals are pursued by those who spread it around the world for many centuries, but I will gladly share revealing information that will reveal to your eyes the whole truth about religion. This deep truth will never be revealed to you by religious leaders and will keep it secret from you with all their might. In our information age, it's time to understand that all lies, no matter how disguised or very similar to the truth, become clear.

Religion has many different goals and the most important goal is power over other people! Complete control of people's minds and worship of those who are trying to impose this or that faith on us. Of course, many millions of people will not agree with me, since a seed of faith was planted in their head from early childhood, from which a strong religious tree grew, but it is never too late to cut down this tree in order to finally become a truly free person. Freedom is the most important thing in our life, and religion makes a person limited and does not allow to think broadly. Many people limit themselves only to what is written in religious books and firmly believe them, but if you think about it more deeply, you begin to understand that there is a completely different side of the coin. The one that allows you to think for yourself and draw your own conclusions about where people and in general all the space around us came from. Unfortunately, until now, religious communities have great power over many people and with great joy impose their teachings in order to make novices from the people who carry donations into their hands (under the pretext that all this is for God and for the right deeds), but in fact, the god they preach money does not need, because it simply does not exist. Naturally, the lion's share of donations settles at the highest level of the religious system and only then is distributed to lower levels. Churches play on the feelings of people and force them to worship a god that was invented many centuries ago by cunning loafers who want to rule over people.

Of course, churches these days don't have the power and influence that they used to have, but if they are given full rein, there will be real chaos, which has happened many times in the past when there were no stable policies and laws. Let's just remember the Inquisition and the Crusades, which destroyed thousands of innocent lives. The popes gladly proclaimed campaigns and forced them to convert to Christianity by force. The Holy Inquisition fought heresy and burned those who deviated from generally accepted religious teachings. This is only a small part of what happened in those troubled times and how many wars were kindled on religious grounds. Of course, now is not the Middle Ages and such crazy deeds are unacceptable by law. In our time, religion is a source of income for those who manage it, and only the blind do not notice this. On faith people make huge millions and all this money goes to certain individuals who have all control over the process. Have you ever wondered why there are so many religious beliefs and why new ones are constantly multiplying? It does not take a very smart person to understand what the reason is, and it is only in one thing - new religious communities are chasing a sweet piece of the pie that is held in their hands by long-established religious communities. For example, in European countries, religion is already being hammered in from kindergarten, when a child absorbs everything like a sponge and it is easiest for him to put false information in his head, which at a more mature age becomes part of the truth for him, but in reality it is only embedded elements of the beliefs of those people who benefit from it. After you are baptized in one church or another in European and many other countries, you become a part of it and belong to its faith, and after you go to work and earn money, church tax is removed from you and these are huge sums when a certain number of people belong to a particular church. For example, disconnection from catholic church punishable by a fine and it's just absurd. One of my acquaintances in Finland received a fine of 300 euros when he refused the Catholic faith, and these religious figures are still talking about some kind of god. Yes, this is a real robbery on their part.

People will never stop being interested in who created them and in general how everything around appeared, up to the universe itself. If a person comes up to you who says that I know everything and that the very thing that interests mankind most of all has been opened to me. Will you believe him? If you are a perfectly reasonable and normal person, then you will immediately understand that he is bluffing, but if he provides you with real evidence, then it will be true! Where are the facts and evidence of those who by all means impose different faiths and religions? Of course, religious figures will say that there is evidence - this is an old book like the "Bible or Koran", in which an allegedly sacred text is written. They decided that if the book is 2000 or more years old, then this is proof, but in reality it is just a book that was written by ordinary mortals like you. Each of us or a small group of people is capable of writing a new religion and inventing a new god or many gods, but will it be true? Don't limit yourself to one book and open your brain to broader thinking. Earlier, I have already outlined all the arguments and thoughts about why a religion was created and what goals religious leaders have, but still I will continue to tell you, since there are many goals. Let's start from the moment when the Bible appeared and think about who benefited from it and what it was actually created for, and then move on to its competitor called the Koran. These two books have a strong influence on the minds of people, and by the way, there has been a fierce war between these two religious teachings for a long time. Some do not like some - others others, as they are fighting for the novices who constantly join this or that teaching. Besides the Muslim and Christian faiths, there are many others, but they are less popular, as there is much less time and there are much fewer people in their ranks. The most important and important detail in every religious community is to wrap its influence around as many people as possible so that they bear donations. When there were no monetary units in the world, churches fought for power and tried to control people in order to dictate their rules to them. Religion influenced not only the minds of ordinary people, but even the minds of kings, kings and other important people who dominated the peasants. Church officials could easily start a war, and they did it repeatedly to take even more people under their power. Many were simply forced and coerced to believe in a certain god that was imposed on them, and in case of refusal they were simply killed. Much evil is lurking precisely in such creeds, and it does not give anything good to people. Of course, churches today can no longer force people to believe, but they are trying to act differently and their actions are quite insidious. Parents who have been instilled with faith since childhood naturally try to hammer it into their children's heads, and this goes on from generation to generation. In Europe, already from kindergarten, they begin to instill faith and little children begin to unquestioningly believe, since their own opinion has not yet been formed. Religion puts so much pressure on the political system that even in kindergartens there is a complete zombification of children without the right to choose. They inculcate their creeds in children and many fall into the trap of religious addiction. Of course, addiction manifests itself differently for everyone, someone is completely immersed in religion, and someone remains on the path of doubt, and only a small part understands over time that religion is a sweet deception that makes herd sheep out of people.

Now the era of technology is in the yard and a lot has already been studied, and especially proven by scientists. Of course, it is still not clear to anyone and even scientists cannot give an exact answer how life on earth originated, but there are some assumptions on this subject and they carry a more weighty argument than the god invented by certain people. Just think about the nonsense that they talk about in religious books: God created a woman and a man, who later began to bear children, and children still have children, and so on. It turns out that we are all sisters and brothers, and this leads to the fact that billions of sisters and brothers all over the world sleep with each other, but this turns out to be world incest, which sounds just awful! Let's now reflect on a fictional character like Jesus Christ, who is allegedly the son of the Most High, about whom religious figures love to talk. Was there really such a person and where is the proof that he is the son of the creator and does this creator really exist? I can say with full confidence that religion and fictional gods are a crazy lie that strongly sticks into the brains of people and it is difficult to get rid of it, since it is laid in people's heads already at an early stage of development. In this world, so many circumstances put pressure on people, and some figures try to influence the mind, and this deprives a person of the true freedom that was given to him from birth. Some frames, labels and creeds only limit a person, and especially if they are hung on him from childhood, when the personality is at the very dawn of formation. Surely you will ask why I am so sure that religion is a hoax and that there is no god that is written about in religious books, to which I will give you a completely objective answer. Firstly, not a single priest, priest or other religious figure has absolutely no opportunity to prove the existence of the creator who is written about in religious books, and if there are no facts and evidence, then this is a fairy tale or fiction. Secondly, if you think about it normally and carefully weigh everything, then you begin to understand that religion binds people hand and foot, and this, in turn, kills a person’s freedom. Thirdly, if you listen to your inner voice, it will give a powerful signal that will reveal the truth to you and you will really understand that you are simply being deceived. Every person has been given a mind and should be used at their own discretion, and not allowed to be controlled by others. If you are suggestible, you are strongly influenced by ancient stories or books like the bible, then it is easy for you to hammer any lies into your head, and this is a serious problem that needs to be dealt with.

Each person is unique and must personally decide whether he needs this or that faith, but many do not ask this and simply try to put it in their ears from a young age, so that as an adult a person believes in what he has been hammered into his head for many years . I believe that these are insidious methods and this should be completely excluded. Religion should be taken in a more rigid framework and given to a person only when his thinking is fully formed. The child is not even asked if he needs it and they simply pour false information into his ears. It is sad that in many religious families this method of instilling faith is practiced, and in principle these people are not to blame, since behind everything there is a religious system that managed to influence weaker minds many centuries ago. Of course, you can’t convince a deeply religious person, since his faith is complete fanaticism, from which he actually suffers. There are a lot of believers all over the world and in fact they need the help of a person who can open their eyes and prove that there is no god and all this is a cunning invention of people who wanted to rule over others. Many people have this question: but if not the Lord, about whom religion speaks, created everything around, then who did it? Here I want to clearly note that not a single person on our planet knows who created everything around and all the creatures that inhabit the earth. It’s just that at a certain moment it was very beneficial for someone to invent a god so that there would be a strong advantage over those who are interested in the question of who we are and why on this earth. Just think, when people were uneducated and there was little information in their heads, then naturally a person supposedly knowing who created everyone immediately became elected and could dictate his rules to others.

In our information days, when technology is taking over everything, scientists are trying with all their might to solve this question, since many of the great scientists do not believe in the tales told by religious figures and these are actually false tales that are not proven and not confirmed by anything. . Now the bright minds of science have managed to look into other galaxies and even look into the very end of the universe, where red radiation prevails, but the most amazing thing is that nowhere in this billions of light-years stretched space did they see God. All this leads only to thoughts that they are deceiving us from early childhood and trying to turn us into obedient servants of God in order to manipulate us like puppets. The cunning system of religious leaders was created precisely for this vile purpose, and now this system makes billions of people on faith. Churches in Russia live on donations, and when millions of believers bring money there, this amount becomes multimillion. Now Russian religious leaders are trying with all their might to get into politics and influence the political machine in order to create the same mechanism as in Europe and America: the one who belongs to the church and works will be charged a church percentage, and this is very convenient, as there will be a stable cash flow to the bank accounts of the luminaries of religion. If you carefully study the entire system built by religious leaders, you can easily see what goals it actually pursues and why this system is trying with all its might to hammer the creed into the head of people. When a person begins to believe and becomes a novice, it is much easier to take something from him or just control him. Of course, it’s hard to believe in all these words, and even more so for those who have religion hammered into their brains since childhood, but it’s never too late to open your mind and let in what is actually the truth. Why do you think there are so many religions? Yes, only because new teachers appear and they also want to snatch a piece of the money pie, which is held in the hands of the dominant religious communities. Like it or not, but every priest, priest and other religious figure is chasing money, since these days it is the first goal that the church faces.

Now let's discuss in more detail about the creator mentioned in the religious books and think about this issue more thoughtfully. Religion and creeds have been told since ancient times, and information about God is transferred from generation to generation, and religious books also have a certain influence on people. Fortunately, I grew up in a family where they practically didn’t talk about religion and didn’t try to hammer religious teachings into their heads, but still external factors tried to influence me. From the age of 7 I began to understand that they are trying to deceive me and drive an incredible fairy tale into my head, which many people swallow with a bang. For the first time I was taken to church at this age and I asked the priest a direct question: father, I hear about this god from many people, that he supposedly created us and everything around, but is there any hard evidence or confirmation of his existence? He answered this question as follows: of course, there is my son - this is primarily the holy book "Bible", and the second is that God is inside each of us and at some point he will open to you. The answer immediately showed distrust in me and after that I never again crossed the threshold of the church, and over time I began to study the activities of each religious community in more detail and came to the conclusion that they were only trying to influence our minds and, of course, get material benefits from us. Let's now fast forward many centuries ago, for example, in the days of the Aborigines and see what happened then. It is unlikely that any of the people then thought about God, since at that time people only cared about one thing - this is where to get food and find a place warmer. Over time, people evolved and writing appeared, and they also began to invent all sorts of gods. If you think about it, there were a huge number of deities and someone thought that lightning was the wrath of God, the storm was also divine wrath, and so on, and over time it turned out that these were just weather phenomena, which is quite normal for our planet.

If the bible says not to kill, then why do people kill thousands of innocent animals and serve them on the table in the form of a steak or add them to soup? After all, if we take into account religious books, then God created all living things and animals also come out of his creations. It turns out that he allowed other living beings to be killed and served on the table, which sounds really terrible. After all, other living creatures are also alive and feel pain, like all people on this planet. All religious leaders happily eat meat and do not think about the pain the animal experienced when it was slaughtered. In fact, people can live without meat and they just teach us to eat meat from childhood, but if a child is given vegetable food from an early age, he will become a vegetarian and he will not need meat products at all, since vegetable food has everything you need to the human body is functioning normally.

Earlier, I already mentioned that many people from childhood begin to inspire fairy tales about God, just like teaching them to eat meat, which is already difficult to refuse at an older age, as well as information about God stuffed into their heads. Studies have been conducted and children who live in families where religion predominates, as well as in families whose parents do not believe in God, have been interviewed. Of course, the children of religious families absorb the information of their parents and naturally believe in God, whom they are trying to put into their brains from early childhood, but in a non-religious family everything is reversed and these children grow up as free individuals, whose brains are not full of fictional stories that thousands have come up with. years ago. I repeat once again that it is beneficial for religious communities when people believe, and that is why they are trying with all their might to impose their incredible teachings on others, which relate to fairy tales, not facts. Now let's think about why the creator, who is written about in the Bible, the Koran, and so on, appeared to only one person, and not to everyone at once? If he created all of us, everything around us and even the universe, then why is he hiding and not wanting to show his face to others? Surely you have never thought about this, but it's time to think a little and reflect on these questions. For example, over time, people will create robots on earth that will think like we do and have an advanced brain, which, by the way, is where everything goes. It turns out that people will not hide and hide from their creatures, which should be the same with the god that religious figures talk about. The creator who is written about in religious books should not hide as a ghost and simply must appear to all of us, but this has not happened for many thousands of years and there is only one conclusion: religion is a complete deception, but unfortunately many do not understand this. The religious system is simply beneficial to certain individuals, but someone does not understand this and believes in a myth. In Russia, many donate money and other material values ​​to the church, and all this goes to church ministers and those who run the entire system. Many millions are made every month on the faith of people, and only a small part really understands this, since from early childhood mythical stories about God have settled in their heads, especially among the older generation. Religious teachings make a person limited and deprive him of his freedom, as they make him think only about what is written in religious books. Because of religion, many exclude other options for the appearance of people on this earth and everything around.

Believing religious books is the same as believing that if I tell you that people were created by a creature that lives in a parallel world, but then you ask, where is the evidence? Of course, I won’t give them to you, since they don’t exist, but if I write a book and say that it is sacred, then will you believe me? Then perhaps you will believe if I still connect a group of people who will inspire with all their might that this is really true and that he really saw the creature he is talking about in this book. Each of you can come up with your own religion and start hammering into the heads of the younger generation, but there is one problem: stronger competitors will not let you promote it, since you will interfere with them and take away fresh heads from them into which you can hammer your teachings. Of course, if you have a lot of money, it will be a little easier to deal with competitors who carry their religious teachings around the world. Any church system has its own ranks and steps through which progress is made, which is reminiscent of a game that adults are passionate about. The higher the church rank, the stronger your authority and naturally you have more from this. For example, the Pope and his henchmen almost bathe in gold, and their Vatican is a gold machine that generates huge cash flows, but the Vatican is far from the only place that, on the faith of people, makes unimaginable amounts of money. Let's take for example one of the European countries, let's say Finland, where, on legal grounds, religious communities remove church tax from people's wages, if, of course, a person belongs to one religion or another. Let's at least make a small calculation in order to know approximately what amounts we are talking about. Let's take for example the Orthodox Church, to which 500 thousand working residents of the country belong and each contributes a church tax of 1.5%, let's say from a salary of 2000 euros - this comes out to 30 euros per month, and if we multiply this amount by 500 thousand workers belonging to the church, then the amount of 15 million euros comes out every month and this is a lot of money. Where do you think this money goes? God? Of course not! All this wealth settles in a powerful religious system, which, with its teachings, is trying to zombify the population. It turns out that the people need to pay for believing in a god whose existence has not been proven and will never be proven, since this is a cunning deception that was conceived thousands of years ago by certain individuals in order to subdue the will of people. It turns out that huge masses of people pay simply for what they were inspired from childhood, and in fact it is a pity for such people, since they are under the strong influence of the religious system. Such madness needs to be stopped and I am writing these lines from the bottom of my heart, as I am fed up with the religious system, which is built on total deception.

I really feel sorry for those children who are not given a choice and are told stories about God from an early age. That is why in all European and many other countries, from the very kindergarten, they are trying to instill religious teachings and make a person a believer in something that does not really exist. Church officials often visit kindergartens and schools to tell children about God, since it is during the formation of thinking that it is easiest for a child to inspire something. I believe that each person is unique in his own way and each has a particle of freedom, but at an early stage they try to trample this freedom in every possible way in order to enslave a person not in the physical plane, of course, but in the spiritual one. If you have reached these lines, then perhaps you begin to understand what I am talking about and apparently agree with me.

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  • When you think about religions, you inevitably come across the following questions:

    Why are there so many religions in the world? And each claims that it is the only true one.

    What is the true religion?

    And did religions come from God, or in some other mystical way? Or were religions invented by people?

    Some argue that science has proven religions wrong. But did it actually prove the unfaithfulness of religions?

    Does Science Contradict Religions?

    What is the purpose and function of religions?

    I will try to understand these questions and answer them.

    First, let's consider the basis on which all our knowledge about the world and the method of information analysis are formed. Everything we know and the methods of our thinking are formed on the basis of our senses. Moreover, if a person is deprived of sight and hearing, then he develops much more slowly (if he develops at all) and often, with absolutely normal mental abilities, he cannot cognize and analyze the world, that is, he is deprived of the ability to learn.

    Moreover, many of our ideas about the world are formed precisely by the features of our sense organs. If we had a different set of sense organs, then we would have completely different ideas and a different life. So if we could see x-rays, we probably wouldn't make windows in our houses. And in reinforced concrete blocks, they would try to place metal rods more aesthetically. What is not known by our senses does not exist for us as a material object. But the very method of thinking is also determined by these same sense organs.

    It is interesting that the sense organs themselves are imperfect, so we cannot, for example, see infrared light. So their set itself is not perfect. We cannot, for example, measure the frequency of an electric current. Apparently on the condition that the imperfection of the sense organs is obvious, it can be assumed that many types of information are not available to us because of this.

    Therefore, when we talk about God, gods or some other states of matter, we are talking, first of all, about what is fundamentally inaccessible to our senses, what cannot be seen, heard, and felt. Moreover, it is quite possible that this will not soon become available also to our devices. Just like if we create artificial intelligence in computer networks, and it will have to work pretty hard to understand a person. And even if computers work for a person and see him, they will not be able to realize him. It is similar to how we cannot realize the concept of infinity. The infinity of time, the infinity of the Universe or the infinity of the microworld.

    So, we are talking about the existence of a certain mysterious world that is inaccessible to both our senses and our instruments. But the most important thing is that it is inaccessible to our understanding. And even if we see this world, we will not be able to understand it. It is possible, by the way, that we see, but do not realize. In the future, I will call this world the mysterious world. Implying by it all that we cannot realize and see.

    There are many versions of the origin of man, but the most insane of them is the Theory of Evolution, which assumes that everything happened by itself due to random factors and necessity.

    The twentieth century showed that man is capable of creating a mass of mechanisms and their modifications. But this creation, with all its diversity, was not a set of accidents, but was the development of certain ideas. If we look at the living world around us, then this is also the development of the same simple ideas. From insects to humans, there is approximately one body structure. There is a head on which visual and other analyzers are located. There is a body with paws, paws, arms or legs, and only occasionally their absence. Moreover, all living beings coexist extremely harmoniously together. And in all the diversity of living beings, we see a very specific set of ideas, which are not so many. We don't even see bugs and animals with traction wheels instead of legs. Although humanity has proven that the wheels effective remedy movement. The structure of the body could also have other forms and modifications, and natural selection could logically lead to the emergence of perfect killers who would survive in any situation and eat anything and in which any organs would grow. Any fantasy film using the ideas of evolution shows how diverse the creatures inhabiting our planet could be. If evolution would take place. But I will not show all the mediocrity and dead end of this legend about evolution. They did it before me.

    So, I affirm that all living beings on our planet were created by an intelligent being or beings. To find out who they or He is, one needs to study and realize the Mysterious World. And as I said before, not knowing this principles of this world or its perception is impossible for a person yet. However, if something cannot be known, this does not mean that it does not exist. Moreover, I affirm that the creator or creators are most directly involved in our lives. It is quite possible that in our lives we perform functions that are useful for them. Each of you can feel this impact for yourself. In theory, life is subject to necessity and random factors. But hasn't there ever been a unique coincidence in your life when you accidentally met several people in the city at the right time and these meetings determined your future life. And if you met only one of these people, then it would not change anything. And only as a result of the fact that you met all of these people at once, did you get the result that you expected. In fact, in the life of any person there are more of these coincidences than it seems.

    Besides, why do we think that we do not perform any useful function for the creator or creators? Similar may be those that performs for us computer programs. The trees look suspiciously like directories. Minerals are databases, and we are programs for processing these data.

    Note that the creation of computers by us was an ideal scientific experiment, which, among other things, could become a simulation of a real situation that models the origin and basis of the existence of our world. That eats creating computers we modeled virtual reality which is similar to ours. And we managed to simulate as a result of this experiment how we appeared. And how all living things appeared.

    Why do we need religions?

    Animals were governed by their instincts, and their mutual existence was organic. But a person is able to create and fantasize. He is capable of self-taught. And these properties have led to the fact that a person can direct his creativity to the detriment of himself and to the detriment of all other living beings. And to complete self-destruction. Creativity, endowed with a goal and stimulated by instincts, leads to excess, and instead of being useful, a person will become harmful to himself and the world around him.

    That is, a person needs regulatory factors. If they don't, society will perish. Laws naturally cannot govern society, since people can successfully disobey them. Efforts are being made to force machines to follow the rule of law. But machines are programmed by people, and widespread lawlessness will naturally penetrate law enforcement agencies.

    Therefore, religion is the core that regulates society. This is the core on which morality rests. This is the direction for development and creative development personality. Moreover, even if there are no police around and laws will not operate, religion will still successfully regulate morality and the Law. Chaos will not come even in the absence of law enforcement agencies - if people are believers.

    How did religions appear?

    Obviously, having created a person, it became clear to the inhabitants of the mysterious world that this creature can self-destruct due to the wrong way of thinking or destroy all life. So man was given religion. Why religions and not one perfect religion? The fact is that a person is capable of distorting any knowledge, and it is better if this knowledge is in competition, then distorted knowledge can always be replaced by competing knowledge. Also, religions were adapted to the geographical settlement of people.

    Within the framework of religions, man is also given an idea of ​​the Mysterious World. In the beginning man was given the first religious conceptions. But they were very difficult for primitive man. Even now, it takes more than 40 years to study the teachings of the sorcerers of Africa. And they naturally contained the most accurate and accessible information about the Mysterious World and its inhabitants. But this knowledge was incomprehensible to the general primitive public. And as a result, they were distorted and led to chaos. Instead of being useful, this knowledge was turned to harm. To keep the law, it was necessary to know the most complex philosophical doctrine. Then new knowledge came from the mysterious world. And this knowledge was those religions that we now call barbaric. They were complex, but already more simplified.

    However, as before, this knowledge was fully available only to the priests. We see, for example, that Judaism originated from the religion of the interfluve, but only the religion of the interfluve was much more difficult to understand than Judaism. So, following the path of simplification, they inhabited the mysterious world, gave us what we know as modern world religions. All these religions are not invented by people (except for various offshoots and distortions). All of them equally reflect the truth. And everyone, in fact, says the same thing in different words and presenting it in different forms. All of them encourage a person to a certain way of life. Directing his actions and creativity in a certain direction.

    Does Science Contradict Religions? In fact, no, except in those cases when one of the scientists too presumptuously claims to have explained what is not yet available to knowledge - the science of religion does not contradict. And if any law contradicts religion, then, as a rule, it turns out later, then it does not apply to the entire universe. So it was, for example, with the speed of light.

    Everything that is really accessible to the study of man does not in the least contradict religion. When a person tries to study objects that are inaccessible to his knowledge, he can come up with hypotheses that contradict religion, but they are self-discredited after a more detailed study. This would have long been waiting for the Theory of Evolution, if not for the powerful political support.

    Science studies the wisdom of the Creator. His ideas and design solutions. Laws implemented by Him in the universe. Science will know whether they washed the one (or those) who created our universe. And there is no contradiction in this. On the contrary, there is a knowledge of the truth in various ways: experimental (science) and spiritual (religion).

    Why are religious sacraments and rituals necessary?

    Some say religion is good. This is the moral law. But why are rituals and sacraments necessary? Often they are treated as something mystical, as something old and not entirely necessary. However, this is not true.

    Let's look at the sacraments and rituals from the human side. A person cannot consider property as his until there is material confirmation of his right to be an owner. And he definitely needs a piece of paper confirming the right of the owner. Or something else that confirms it. A person cannot believe in power if there is no material evidence of power. And in modern society, a person without a passport is not, in principle, a full-fledged person. Where does such a craving for the materialization of virtual prisoners only in the minds of people of concepts come from?

    The thing is that a person realizes a virtual concept only when he sees its material confirmation and recognizes this material confirmation. Only when he feels this concept with all his senses, he realizes it and perceives it as something inextricably linked with his life. And that's what the sacraments and rituals are for. They allow human brain it is better to penetrate into that religion which the person recognizes. When priests are dressed in costumes, and the church resembles a town hall or an office, then naturally this does not contribute to immersion in religion and its principles. Only when the whole divine service is filled with various unusual symbols and material confirmations does a person completely immerse himself in it.

    I have tried in this short article as far as possible to answer all of the above questions. Write if you have any thoughts or questions on this topic.

    Here I would like to recall an incident that happened more than four centuries ago. Spanish ships under the command of Christopher Columbus, who was looking for the shortest route from Europe to Asia, crossed the Atlantic Ocean and approached the shores of a land unknown to Europeans. The sailors did not know what kind of country lay before them, they did not know that on that day they became the discoverers of the largest continent, which later received the name of America.

    They went ashore, got acquainted with interest with the life and way of life of local tribes, the existence of which the Europeans did not even suspect. The customs, religious beliefs and rituals of the Indians - all surprised the Spanish sailors. But, perhaps, the Spaniards were most amazed by the fact that one of the tribes of the natives worshiped ... the cross as a sacred sign. It seemed incomprehensible. After all, the Indians did not even hear the name of Jesus Christ, did not know anything about the Christian religion, and at the same time revered the cross, which is a symbol of the Christian faith!

    How could it happen that this sign, which, according to the clergy, is inherent only in Christianity, became known to the native tribes?

    The explanation is simple. The cross is not a Christian invention at all. He was revered by various peoples of antiquity for many years before the Christian religion arose. This is confirmed by numerous excavations that were carried out in different countries of the world. The image of the cross was found on objects discovered during excavations in Babylon and Persia, in India and Egypt, in China and Mexico.

    In museums in many countries of the world, you can see stone figurines of ancient pagan gods, which were revered by our distant ancestors. Some of these figurines are carved with a cruciform sign. This sign can be found on the images egyptian god Osiris, Indian - Buddha, Chinese - Tamo, the Greek god of love Cupid. The image of the cross was found on the walls of ancient temples in Mexico and Tibet, on the graves of the natives in New Zealand, on ancient Jewish and Egyptian coins. All this irrefutably proves that the veneration of the cross goes back to ancient times.

    Science gives a well-reasoned answer to this question. In the religious beliefs of many primitive peoples the cross was a sacred symbol of fire. And the fire in the life of our distant ancestors played an extremely important role.

    The life of primitive people was full of adversity and deprivation. Man was helpless in the fight against nature, in the fight against cold, hunger, and disease. Therefore, one can imagine what the greatest significance in human life was the discovery of fire. Fire warmed people during cold weather, protected them from predatory animals. Thanks to him, people learned how to cook and fry food. With its help, metal processing became possible in the future. But, having learned to use fire, people at first did not yet know how to get it. At first, they used fire that occurs naturally, such as forest fires, which flared up from a lightning strike. They maintained the fire for many months, carefully kept, protected it. After all, if it faded away, it was a real disaster for primitive people.

    Only many years later did man learn to make fire himself. The first tool with which people began to receive fire were two pieces of wood. They put them on top of each other and began to rub. After much effort, the bars heated up and began to smolder. It is quite understandable that people began to look at two pieces of wood folded in a cross as a shrine. This tool for making fire began to be revered as sacred.

    Subsequently, people began to revere the sign depicting this instrument. They saw that the fire protects them from wild animals, protects them from the cold, and began to believe that the cross, which depicted a tool for making fire, is also able to save them from adversity, from evil forces. This sign began to be painted on clothes, on weapons, on various utensils, household items. It was placed in ancient temples, placed on the statues of the gods, on the graves of people. So the cross began to be revered by different peoples who had different beliefs, lived in different parts of our earth.

    In the Christian religion, the cross is a sacred symbol, since Jesus Christ was allegedly crucified on the cross. In fact, Christians borrowed the veneration of the cross from contemporary pagan religions. They began to consider the cross as their sacred symbol only from the 4th century.

    The first Christians did not venerate the cross. Moreover, they despised him, looked at him as a pagan symbol, "the mark of the beast." It was only at the end of the 4th century that churchmen made up a story that Christ appeared in a dream to the Roman emperor Constantine and ordered him to draw the image of a cross on military banners. At the same time, another legend was composed - about how the mother of Emperor Constantine, Elena, made a pilgrimage to Palestine, found the tomb of Christ there and dug out a wooden cross in the ground, on which Christ was allegedly crucified. In honor of this event, a special holiday was established - the exaltation of the Holy Cross. The cross has become a sacred symbol of the Christian religion.

    Both of these legends are, of course, fictitious from beginning to end. Elena could not see the "life-giving" cross in any way, with all her desire. The fact is that the Romans never used the cross as an instrument of execution. The execution of criminals was carried out in the Roman state on a pillar with a crossbar - in the form of the letter "T". In addition, if Elena really managed to find the cross on which Christ was crucified, then, obviously, all believing Christians would revere just such a cross as a sacred symbol. But in reality, Christians can find crosses of various shapes: four-pointed, six-pointed, eight-pointed. There is also an eleven-pointed and even an eighteen-pointed cross. So on which of them was Christ crucified? Of course, not a single minister of the church can answer this question, because all their stories about the execution of Jesus Christ, about the discovery of the cross on which Christ was allegedly crucified, are just fiction.

    Having officially recognized the cross as a symbol of their religion, the Christian church turned it into a symbol of suffering and humility. Referring to the gospel tales about how Christ, for the atonement of human sins, meekly carried the shameful cross on Mount Golgotha, and then was crucified on it, the clergy inspire believers that all their suffering on earth is, in fact, the cross of Christ, which rests on the shoulders of every Christian. And people who believe in God must patiently bear this cross for the sake of salvation in the "other world." It is not difficult to see that these assertions of the clergy have a specific goal - to make people believe in the need for slavish obedience to "fate", to weaken the will of the working people, to force them to come to terms with their position, to distract them from the struggle for the reorganization of society, for their own happiness on earth.

    So, having passed through many millennia of human history, an ordinary tool for making fire, which was used by our distant ancestors, became a tool for the spiritual enslavement of believers.

    Why do we need the religion of Judea and where did it come from on our heads?

    Christianity is one of the main religions of the post-Soviet countries. Masses of people on the days of Easter and the Nativity of Christ occupy churches, offer prayers and seek salvation from their problems under gilded domes, without going into the study of facts. Church rituals are aimed at introducing a person into a trance. Long fasts, worship of pieces of the dried flesh of these saints and frequent solemn holidays take a lot of time and completely subordinate a person to the so-called collective egregor. A person believes because he believes. It is forbidden to analyze, clarify and ask uncomfortable questions.

    The current so-called Orthodoxy does not bother its students (and every believing life-long student, and more often negligent) with historical truth, hush up already known facts and distort them for the sake of its own verified ideology.

    Let's leave the legend about Yeshua to the land that gave birth to it, and ask ourselves questions about why and who forced us, the Slavs, to become participants in this protracted centuries-old mystery.

    The history of the secondary school says that Russia was baptized by the Kyiv prince Vladimir, who was an illegitimate and third son Kyiv prince Svyatoslav and the Khazarian Malusha (Malki). The year of Vladimir's birth is unknown, it is convenient for historians to close their eyes and call his year of birth 960, but being attentive to the numbers, and knowing that the marriageable age for a man then did not come earlier than 21 years old, one can independently determine that Svyatoslav could not possibly be Vladimir's father, or to conceive a third son at the age of 13, which in itself is ridiculous. Here are the bare numbers for thought:

    942 (year of birth of Svyatoslav) + 21 = 963

    977 (year of birth of the eldest son of Vladimir Vysheslav) -21 = 956. That is, Vysheslav could only be born to a 22-year-old father!

    An interesting definition is given to Vladimir by Rogneda, the princess of Polotsk, who refuses to become his wife: “I don’t want to robichich”. Robichich is interpreted by historians as the son of a slave, but there was no slavery in Russia, and Malka belonged to a noble Khazar family. But everywhere in pagan Russia lived rabbis-rabbis! And perhaps, instead of accusing Prince Svyatoslav of early fornication, one should have thought about a more decent version of the origin of Vladimir? In Russia, rich people often adopted other people's children if they lost their parents. If you follow this version, it becomes clear why Vladimir called himself Kagan (the Norwegian sagas also call him king) and why he so easily abandoned the old pagan faith. After all, the rabbis professed the Jewish religion, and the child, who grew up on this religion and seized upon power, tried to instill it in the whole society, destroying the former.

    Primary sources say that Vladimir was a terrible debaucher and lover of pleasure. Reliably: "Vladimir was defeated by lust .... And he was insatiable in fornication ... .." He had 300 concubines in different cities, and along the way he raped and corrupted young girls and other people's wives. The terrible fate of Rogneda, who was raped by him in front of his later murdered parents, is another bloody sacrifice on the path of the Khazar Khagan, who in 988, inflamed with lust for the Byzantine princess Anna, converted to Christianity and immediately rushed to chop down the gods of Ancient Russia.

    Who is a kagan? This is the ruler of the Khazar Khaganate. Pay attention to how the original source written in 1037-1050 by Metropolitan Hilarion is translated:

    Praise to our kagan Volodymyr, from worthless baptism byhom

    Praise to the Grand Duke Vladimir, with whom we were baptized ....

    Where did the word KAGAN go? By whose evil will did the Khazar ruler of the kaganate, a rapist and murderer, professing the Jewish religion from childhood, suddenly become the Russian prince Vladimir the Red Sun?

    The history of Russia was repeatedly cleaned up and corrected. The words Orthodoxy and Orthodoxy also became a bargaining chip for those who followed in the bloody footsteps of Vladimir the Khazar.

    What the Christian church will not tell you about is the division and the reasons for the division of the Christian church in 1054, 66 years after the forced baptism of Russia. You will not be told about the protest against the church reforms of the 17th century, as a result of which real facts were distorted, ancient manuscripts were destroyed. Religion has finally become an instrument of human control.

    Christianity and Orthodoxy are not identical concepts.

    A person who wants to get closer to the truth reads primary sources. A person who is weary of education takes on faith that which satisfies his primitive needs and alleviates the fear of life, and especially of death.

    Orthodoxy existed long before the advent of Jesus and religion, which is based on the events of his life and the terrible events of death. And someone Moses should not create laws for the Slavs, who live by their own mind and their own laws. Rule Laws.

    Where did religion come from?

    Here we immediately explain that the science of Religious Studies deals with this issue. In the recent past, many works were written on the origin and history of religions, they are still being written, but now a certain Theology has been added to Religious Studies, and, to be very brief, Religious Studies studies religions, their history, adherents, interactions between religions, with society (sociology religion), influence on politics (political science of religion), etc., including studies of theologians, their concepts, works and views, since theologians themselves are adherents of religions and priests. The subject of the study of Theology is everything that relates to a particular religion - the Authority itself, His Scriptures and Scriptures about Him, rituals and objects of worship. That is, Religious Studies looks at the subject from the outside, and Theology looks at the process from the inside. I do not know how Islamic theologians can study biblical or Buddhist texts and why they need it, if only as heretical writings, incorrect.

    Everyone agrees that the basis of religions is the Word. Animals do not have the Word, pagans also do not know how to read and write, therefore, according to the reports of educated priests and the intellectuals who joined them, they are even "worse than animals." It is the Holy Books (which, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, are now beyond criticism) that are the bearers of sacred (blood) texts, it is these texts that are primarily the subject of Theology. The first signs, their recording and reading caused great excitement among people who were used to conveying experience in boring long legend songs, dances and understandable patterns depicting the environment, animal totems and other fears.

    One of the Egyptian pharaohs even sent a special expedition to the place where the first letters appeared and expressed the traditional opinion about the dangers of writing and reading, since they cause different interpretations of signs, the signs themselves are lost, etc. Were there religions before writing? Of course, the Word already existed, but it was not written down and not distributed, but was transmitted exclusively by priests by word of mouth, as experience is passed from master to apprentice through years of joint work, but these religions did not have a Single God, they had many gods , according to the number of tribes, elements and situations (as is now the saints in every religion). But there were more and more people on the planet, technological patterns were changing, behavior became more difficult, and we had to use the hated script to consolidate and fix the emerging relationships. First of all, economic relations. Even in the commandments of the Old Testament, most of the rules refer to the behavior of people in society and are now regulated by the Criminal Code, and only two commandments refer directly to Him. What to eat, what to wear, how to behave with strangers, etc. - all this was recorded, corrected, rewritten, preserved and came down to us through the millennia, both in the form of texts written down then, and in the form of changed in the course of development, that is, modern laws.

    The meaning of religion.

    The transfer of experience and its preservation is the main function of religions. Accompanying the born, those who marry and the dead is the observation of the bearers, sources and transmitters of experience. Mysticism and the afterlife are of little interest to religion, it is not for nothing that the ancient rites themselves are used without changes to fix the burial, birth and entry into the age of reproduction, and the symbols, relations with society, buildings, rules and charters of religious organizations change, adjusting to a changing society.
    It is clear that religion has become the basis for the development of science, it can be said that adherents of science and religion constantly "walked" side by side, exchanging acquired knowledge, combining both in one person.

    You can draw an "arrow of time" (following Megahistory - from the Big Bang, or from the formation of the Earth as a planet), starting from the most ancient tribes of the Stone Age, and trace how a person gained experience, how he changed his lifestyle, how he began to consolidate personal experience and relationships debt in stone, in metal, on papyrus, calfskin, paper, digital. Only by the end of the 19th century, after numerous wars and revolutions, and even more so in the 20th century, did religions begin to lose their significance in society as a tool for fixing and transferring significant experience; in Russia, religion stopped even recording both births with deaths and marriage, becoming completely free from civic obligations. They say that science also originated in monasteries, where the monks had a lot of free time, they had access to books, etc. But for some reason, books were written before them by the Greeks and Romans, and mathematics and medicine were brought to Europe by the Arabs, and Indian mathematics, and medicine from Central Asia, on the way from China (and besides the monks, many alchemists, gunsmiths and other architects worked with artists like Leonardo da Vinci). But indeed the first universities in Europe were founded by theologians, and religion was a part of existence, and why in Russia religions were always not looked at too favorably, let historians and religious scholars figure it out.

    The state-forming role of religions is a phrase that makes no sense, a bureaucratic, misleading administrative cliché. One does not have to look far into the past for examples in order to see the supranational position of all religions, supratribal and supranational. Mosques, Synagogues, Churches, Catholic churches and other buildings stand side by side everywhere on the planet. Moreover, communism and fascism also do not have a national or other identity, the Italian fascists are loyal to their brothers in Germany and Japan, just as the communists are loyal to their fellow intellectuals and factory directors (another thing is that "friend or foe" is determined when the justice of the division acquired). Recognizing that ideologies are temporary ideas, a way (clothing, tool) to achieve certain property goals, adopted by agreement by a group of people, is not easy enough. But otherwise no ideology "works". As soon as the material reinforcement of the idea ends, as soon as its carriers (adepts) cease to believe in it, that is, to receive confirmation of its correctness in one form or another (crusades, jihad, receiving psychological relief, relief after group meditation, prayer, etc. .), - religions and ideologies bury their gods.

    State and Religion are related to each other like husband and wife, a quarrelsome and looking at other husbands wife "orders the music", and the husband performs it, such nepotism is explained by the serious influence of archetypes, ancient images and attitudes of behavior that are reproduced in each generation and copied by the consciousness of people on all relationships around. The alchemists of the Middle Ages transferred the relationship of the family and society to chemical processes, the term "force" is still used in physics, parts of the model of the world that were formed at the beginning of time are used, particles of the microworld are endowed with "will", "responsible" for certain interactions of the universe, etc. .P. Science also takes a lot from Religion, the laws of Nature themselves are very similar in form to the Law of God, people do not know how, no one teaches them, and they are not used to thinking on their own, not applying terms from one area of ​​life to another. Religion has lost all the potential to comprehend the world, has turned into a whirlpool, a whirlpool, a collection of ancient ideas and ethics, but it is precisely its many thousands of years of experience that “feeds” Philosophy and Science and Technology, which is even faster in comprehending the universe. The interpenetration of methods, terms, ideas (paradigms) has created over tens of thousands of years a common Culture of mankind, the Noosphere, the Sphere of Knowledge. But it also separated Religion from Actuality, transferring to Science the cutting edge of creating adaptive models of interaction with the universe. Moreover, leaving Religion allows Science to use more than one position in the study of everything, but, abandoning the Invisible Designer, to study and model real interactions in the universe, without dividing Substance, Time and Space into Earth and Sky, Higher and Lower, etc. .

    Why and who needs it?

    And modern students are forced to take many provisions of Science on faith, taking notes on lectures and watching webinars. It is physically impossible to personally carry out scientific research carried out by teams of institutes for decades on super-complex and super-expensive technology. What can we say about our ancestors, who did not know how to read and write, who did not have the physical ability to go to check, or find the right answer on the Internet? Faith is a subjective thing, "never talk to strangers," the patient's doctor warned in the novel The Master and Margarita, "you never know what can be said, but not everything can be believed." But it is precisely faith in oneself, one's abilities, self-constructed conclusions, models, concepts and real projects that is Science. And the belief that the Heavenly Father (or earthly authority) directs all this, that rain, snow, earthquakes, wealth and poverty, menstruation and impotence, depend on his Higher Will and come directly from Him, is Religion. Everyone decides for himself, depending on the speed, volume and amount of dialed personal experience(memory):
    in what, to whom and why he should believe. What to Hope for and what (and whom) to Love.

    But everything ontologically (how to live) and axiomatically (which is accepted without objection), gnosticly (cognitively), differing personal and group positions need constant interaction with Reality, not just "given to us in sensations" (again, an archetypal reference to Him, the giver) , but created by us and creating new sensations, new Knowledge and new adapters-models to new worlds and relationships that were not available to Jews waiting for the Prophet, or waiting for Christ, or striving for the consciousness of Buddha and the justice of Allah. All that remains is what is accepted by new generations, absorbed by them into their Self, and passed on to others. You can pass a full bucket of water to each other for a long time, but in the end, not being filled, it becomes empty, no matter how well it is polished and painted, no matter how correctly and gently, with love it is passed to the Future, it will no longer be needed there. .

    If we consider the process of transferring experience as a physical process that takes place in the environment of a developing human civilization over any period of observation, then we can see both wave properties, and periodic, and reciprocating movements of the Word - the Sign that arises as a result of interactions (events) that changes its shape, meaning (relation to goal-setting, resource), pulsating, transforming from form into content and vice versa. Depending on the speed of change of generations of the carrier of the Signal, the living matter of the Universe, the density of Perception, the speed of processing and the quality of the environment for the execution of the process (throughput) and the position of the Observer, the Watcher or the Stare.


    Morality and Morality, in connection with the foregoing, are not the main affiliation of Religion, its basis, morality and morality - following the accepted ethical standards in any group of any subjects, even animals and pagans. Since Religion only fixes the Traces of the movement of society and builds a Cult on the basis of fixation, - a system that repeats the fixed movement, elevating the fixation to the Absolute, to the Truth (as the Eternal, Only, Ultimate Knowledge). Moreover, religious knowledge is subjective and changes in it are applied by voting of the subjects of the religious organization. Models of the Universe built on the basis of religious knowledge are not wrong or wrong. They are simply illusory, they were unacceptable even for the people of the time in which they were created (recall religious wars, heretics and goyim, the Inquisition, etc.)

    You can follow Marx, you can follow the White Rabbit. But on each of the planets where protein life (or non-protein life) is possible, where code is generated as a result and consequence of the interaction of processes (in various environments), conditions are different everywhere (again the Word; (), and the creatures possibly living there have "different understanding of Time and Space" (I. Kant). And, if the tradition is not directed to the future, but only to the past (retrograde), then it at least "slows down" the development of society (the planet). It can be divided into "friend or foe", but you can share your life as a common one, share with everyone a common life, a common comprehension of the World.
