How it manifests itself and why osteochondrosis occurs in children. What to do with cervical osteochondrosis in children? How to treat a teenager's cervical spine

Nobody thought about the fact that children can suffer from osteochondrosis. However, it has been proven that children's and adolescent osteochondrosis exists.

Osteochondrosis - premature aging spine, a disease manifested by the development of degenerative processes.

Intervertebral discs become thinner, salt growths form on the vertebral bodies - osteophytes.

This diagnosis is made in adults and the elderly, about 60% of the adult population suffer from this disease.

Until recently, osteochondrosis was never diagnosed in childhood, and some doctors still reject the possibility of developing the disease in children and adolescents.

However, statistics say otherwise. An increasing number of patients aged 8-16 years are diagnosed with osteochondrosis of the spine.

Causes of children's osteochondrosis of the spine

Children's osteochondrosis is a new disease, so the causes of this disease at such an early age are a serious subject of research in modern medicine. Produced meticulous history taking, patient examination with this disease to identify patterns in the development of the disease in children.

One of the main reasons for the development of childhood osteochondrosis is considered to be a general delay in the development of connective tissue (due to a genetic anomaly or a violation of mineral metabolism at an early age). Intervertebral discs consist of connective tissue and, in case of its underdevelopment, are more vulnerable, which contributes to the occurrence of osteochondrosis of the spine.

As a probable cause of the development of osteochondrosis in children and adolescents, doctors call the general urbanization of the population - a less mobile lifestyle, prolonged sitting in front of a computer, obesity.

Research is being carried out on possible causes early osteochondrosis. It is assumed that the main reasons are the underdevelopment of connective tissue and the wrong lifestyle of modern children.

So, the causes of childhood and youthful osteochondrosis of the spine:

  • anomalies in the development of connective tissue (in utero or at an early age);
  • birth injuries of the child's spine (more often - injuries of the cervical spine, leading to cervical osteochondrosis);
  • violations of vitamin and mineral metabolism (unbalanced nutrition, lack of vitamins and trace elements);
  • sedentary lifestyle of a child (lack of fresh air, physical activity in childhood, weak muscular corset of the spine);
  • prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position (at a table or school desk);
  • excessive physical exertion on the spine (serious sports that are unsuitable for a child, improper distribution of loads);
  • frequent infectious diseases(weakening of immunity);
  • obesity (a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle);
  • trauma;
  • genetic predisposition to osteochondrosis of the spine (in children whose parents suffer from severe forms of the disease from an early age).

Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the spine

Symptoms of childhood osteochondrosis are headaches, pain in the neck, lower back, blurred vision, increased fatigue.

The disease in children and adolescents occurs with minor symptoms. Not always degenerative processes have time to develop strongly enough for a vivid picture of the disease to appear. Possible asymptomatic course of the disease when the first symptoms appear in adulthood.

When children complain of minor discomfort, parents do not suspect a serious illness and do not turn to specialists, which leads to noticeable aggravation condition and complicate treatment.

Children's osteochondrosis can also cause a clear, complete picture of the disease, similar in symptoms to osteochondrosis in adults, this leads to a visit to the doctor, the appointment of an examination of the spine and start treatment as soon as possible.

Children and adolescents are more likely to suffer from cervical or lumbar osteochondrosis of the spine, due to etiological and physiological factors. Damage to the thoracic spine is rare.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine:

  1. headaches (occurring suddenly, spread throughout the head. Sometimes it is easier for the child to keep his head in a forced position, this relieves the pain);
  2. short-term visual disturbances (combined with a headache. The child complains of a decrease in the sharpness of vision, flies before the eyes, dark spots);
  3. decreased concentration (the child is unable to focus on a particular action);
  4. sleep disorders;
  5. hearing loss, ringing in the ears, buzzing in the ears;
  6. constant aching pain in the neck.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine:

  1. . May be constant or occur intermittently;
  2. limited mobility of the spine in the lumbar region.

Symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis are discomfort in the heart- tingling, heaviness. Read more about the diagnosis and treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis.

Birth injuries, prolonged sitting in the wrong position lead to cervical osteochondrosis. The main causes of lumbar osteochondrosis are increased physical activity(especially in adolescents), mineral metabolism disorders, obesity.

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis is made on the basis of history taking, questioning, examination and MRI, after the exclusion of other pathologies with similar symptoms.

Diagnosis of osteochondrosis in childhood is difficult, since the widespread absence or weakening of the clinical picture rarely leads to a visit to the doctor.

And many doctors are unaware of the possibility of this disease at an early age, therefore, the examination necessary for making a diagnosis is not prescribed.

Diagnosis of pediatric osteochondrosis deals with neurologist or pediatrician. They conduct a detailed survey of the child and his parents, finding out all the details of the birth and life of the child.

Paying special attention to the lifestyle, daily routine, organization of the place of study and sleep of the child. They find out if one of the parents has osteochondrosis, if so, from what age.

Next, the doctor conducts an examination, palpating the muscles, spine, lymph nodes, abdominal organs. On palpation, it is possible to identify overstrained muscles along one of the sections of the spine, impaired posture, pain areas on the back and neck. The abdomen is painless.

Mandatory clinical analysis urine and blood of the child, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, heart, electrocardiogram - to exclude diseases accompanied by the same symptoms.

To confirm the diagnosis of osteochondrosis, an x-ray is prescribed or. X-rays do not show the early stages of the disease; in the later stages of the disease, thinning of the intervertebral discs and the presence of osteophytes are visualized.

The method is inexpensive, but is carried out using ionizing radiation that is harmful in childhood. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is more informative, allows you to identify the disease at the very beginning. The method is expensive, but safer.

Treatment of children's osteochondrosis

In childhood, with timely diagnosis, a full recovery is possible.

With timely diagnosis and careful implementation of the doctor's recommendations, osteochondrosis in children and adolescents completely curable.

Due to increased tissue regeneration at an early age, degenerative and dystrophic changes pass without a trace, returning the child to normal life.

Osteochondrosis in children is treated conservatively, to surgical operations rarely resorted to, in cases where other treatment options for the disease are meaningless, due to severe damage to the spine.

The main methods of treatment of this disease:

  1. Use - preparations containing glucosamine and chondroitin - building materials for intervertebral discs. Glucosamine is a component of cartilage fluid, responsible for the restoration of the cartilage tissue of the spine, the normalization of metabolic processes in the cartilage. Chondroitin is responsible for the elasticity and strength of cartilage. Applied in the form of tablets or capsules inside (Artron Flex, Glucosamine maximum, Glucosamine Sulfate, Chondroxide, Structum, Artrovert, Teraflex) or in the form of ointments (, Strength of the Horse);
  2. Physiotherapy. In children, UHF, phonophoresis are widely used - aimed at relieving local inflammation, eliminating pain, tension in the muscles of the spine;
  3. Reflexology, acupuncture - overexcitation of points on the body that are responsible for certain processes in the child's body;
  4. Gymnastics is a set of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscular corset of the spine. It is developed by the doctor individually, taking into account the age, stage of the disease and physical condition child;
  5. Massage.

Cervical osteochondrosis in children is much less common than in adults. This is a multifactorial degenerative pathology in which the vertebrae and intervertebral discs are affected. The disease is relatively young, previously its presence in childhood was not recognized. A variety of clinical manifestations requiring appropriate treatment is characteristic.


Here are some of the causes of this disease:

Clinical picture

Symptomatically, the disease in children is less pronounced than in adults. In the initial stage, it is almost asymptomatic, in a mild form. That is why the baby can get used to his condition and consider what is happening as the norm. On examination by a pediatrician or narrow specialists, other problems are erroneously diagnosed. The older the child becomes, the more intense the symptoms become.

  1. Headache is not very pronounced. During the day, it can disturb continuously or in waves. Rest in a horizontal position, sleep helps to reduce the disease.
  2. Pain syndrome - localized in the back of the neck, between the shoulder blades with prolonged static loads or an uncomfortable position.
  3. Dizziness, nausea, fainting are symptoms due to impaired blood flow due to compression of large vessels and nerves by damaged vertebrae. There may be tinnitus.
  4. Asthenic syndrome - a feeling of weakness, fatigue, weakness, decreased motor activity.
  5. Static - dynamic manifestations - the cervical region is limited in movement, due to muscle tension, there is a violation of posture. When turning the head, a crunch is sometimes heard.


The following are the rules for diagnosing osteochondrosis:

  1. Deep history taking to rule out or confirm intranatal neck injury.
  2. Identification of patient complaints.
  3. Careful examination, palpation examination.
  4. X-ray examination is the main method for diagnosing pathology. It is carried out in a direct, lateral, oblique projection, capturing the lower part of the skull, thoracic vertebrae. On the radiograph, narrowing of the opening between the vertebrae, deformation, flattening of the cartilage is determined.
  5. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging are more informative research methods.
  6. Dopplerography of vessels - performed by ultrasound to assess blood flow.
  7. Examination by an orthopedist - traumatologist, neurologist.

To exclude erroneous diagnosis and violations of the functions of other organs and systems, additional instrumental, laboratory research, consultations of narrow specialists according to indications.

Types of curvature of the ridge of the child



  1. Painkillers - inside nurofen, panadol according to the age dosage, for children over 12 years of age - nimesulide; externally in the form of a gel (ointment) with myalgia on the affected area.
  2. With severe pain syndrome, blockades (paravertebral, intraneural) with novocaine are prescribed.
  3. B vitamins, ascorbic acid, antioxidants, calcium D3, trace elements.


  • traction of the spine on special simulators, self-extension;
  • Shants type collar;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • manual treatment, acupuncture;
  • physiotherapy - electrophoresis with anesthetics on the cervical spine, laser exposure, magnetotherapy, balneotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation;
  • kinesio taping.

Surgical correction

It is used only with the ineffectiveness of conservative methods of treatment, with congenital pathologies of the vertebrae, hernias.


It starts from infancy, especially if there is a predisposition. Includes:

In order to recognize osteochondrosis in children in time, it is necessary to pay attention to his behavior, complaints, symptoms.

It must be remembered that in childhood, pathology can proceed, hiding under the guise of other diseases, for example, vegetovascular dystonia, and only by adolescence begin to actively progress.

If the above complaints occur, even if they are insignificant, it is worth consulting with a doctor to exclude or confirm the pathological process. In no case do not self-medicate, this can complicate the diagnosis of the disease.

Osteochondrosis is a very common pathology that can occur not only in adults, but also in children. This disease is associated with changes in the bone and cartilage structures of the spine, which causes pressure on the nerve structures of the spinal cord, leading to severe pain and impaired motor activity.

What is osteochondrosis? Features of osteochondrosis in children.

There is a misconception that osteochondrosis can only occur in adulthood or old age. But recently, medicine has been considering this disease as a systemic lesion of the connective tissue, entailing more serious and long-term health consequences, which can occur in both adults and children.

The spine is a very complex and, at the same time, fragile structure, which is very sensitive to many negative factors.

The causes of osteochondrosis in a child can be:

Not proper nutrition.
Hormonal, endocrine disorders.
Traumatic injuries of the spine.
Violations and pathologies of the vascular system.
Infectious and inflammatory diseases in the body of a child.
Allergic diseases.
Intoxication, prolonged somatic diseases.
Anomalies in the development of bones, functional insufficiency of cartilage tissue.
genetic predisposition.
Excessive loads on the child's spine, improper sitting, early disembarkation of the baby, etc.

All these factors can provoke the appearance of osteochondrosis. Osteochondrosis is, as a rule, a multifactorial disease, the key cause of which is malnutrition of the spine, causing inflammation and degenerative-dystrophic consequences.
The danger of osteochondrosis in a child is the development of severe consequences, including intervertebral hernia, disruption of the functioning of various organs and body systems. Osteochondrosis can also cause a violation of the growth of the child, since this disease causes degenerative changes in the areas of bone growth.

Osteochondrosis in children has the same localization of the pathological process as this disease in adults - it can be lumbar, cervical and thoracic. But in children with cervical and lumbar wasps

teochondrosis, the pain syndrome is usually not so pronounced, and violations of motor functions or sensitivity in tissues occur extremely rarely - which is why osteochondrosis in children is difficult to diagnose. Cervical osteochondrosis can be expressed by symptoms such as headache, frequent nausea, fainting, signs of intoxication, weakness and fatigue, and pain in the neck or shoulders may be mild. In order to diagnose osteochondrosis in a child and begin timely treatment, a complete examination and consultation of "narrow" specialists is necessary -.

Treatment of osteochondrosis in children - how can we help?

The most preferable for osteochondrosis in children is, of course, conservative treatment.
At the same time with medicines that eliminate pain, swelling and inflammation in soft tissues around the spine, the child, as a rule, is prescribed massage sessions, physiotherapy, balneotherapy, physiotherapy exercises, acupuncture. It is possible to connect manual therapy using myofascial techniques. With a very strong pain syndrome, the child is prescribed drug blockades to relieve pain. In each case, the treatment will be individual, according to a special scheme, since it depends on the stage of the disease, the age and health of the child, the presence of somatic disorders, and other factors. The treatment of osteochondrosis is long-term, it should become a true way of life for the child - parents should provide him with proper nutrition, healthy living conditions, eliminating all the harmful factors that lead to the return of the disease.

Surgical treatment of osteochondrosis It is used in complicated cases of the disease, when conservative methods of treatment and extract no longer help.

In the Department of Spine Pathology and Neurosurgery at the Federal State Budgetary Institution “NIDOI them. G.I. Turner” perform conservative and surgical treatment of children with diseases of the spine, including children with osteochondrosis. This department is the only one in Russia that performs surgical treatment of children in the first years and months of life with congenital malformations of the spine and spinal cord. In the surgical treatment of osteochondrosis, the operation consists in removing the intervertebral hernia, or removing part of the vertebral disc at the site of the pathology. The specialists of the department are proficient in modern methods of surgical intervention, surgical treatment is carried out both according to classical technology and with the help of microsurgical techniques and minimally invasive technologies.

Professor S.V. Vissarionov, Head of the Department of Spinal Pathology and Neurosurgery at the FGBU “N.I. G.I. Turnera" provides observation, counseling of children with diseases of the spine, including osteochondrosis, as well as surgical treatment of small patients. Sergey Valentinovich has several patents for the invention of spinal support systems, he is the author of the latest medical technologies in the field of spinal surgery in children.

In childhood, unfortunately, various diseases musculoskeletal system often develop. This fully applies to the spine, which can be negatively affected by numerous adverse factors both in the neonatal period and at preschool and school age. Among the pathologies spinal column it is possible to highlight osteochondrosis in children, which has some features of the course and clinical picture, in contrast to adult patients.

As in older patients, this disease affects one or several sections of the spine at once, and the initial stages of the pathology proceed almost asymptomatically and imperceptibly, for a long time in most cases. Only later, during periods of intensive growth or puberty, do the first signs of the disease begin to appear. They are associated, first of all, with chronic and progressive changes in the structure and functional characteristics of cartilage tissue, which, having the shape of discs, fills the spaces between the vertebrae.

It is believed that these changes are directly caused by malnutrition of the cartilaginous discs due to insufficiency of the circulatory system, anomalies in its structure, as well as metabolic pathologies. Unlike adult patients, osteochondrosis in children does not have such a development mechanism as degenerative-dystrophic. Its progression is influenced, first of all, by congenital factors, age-related features of the structure of the spinal column and environmental conditions.

Young children can also suffer from osteochondrosis, more often due to congenital anomalies.

Reasons for the formation of pathology

In a newborn child, the bone-articular system is not yet completely perfect, since many processes of its formation continue. Compared to the bone mass of the vertebrae, cartilage tissue is represented in a larger volume. In healthy children, it has an excellent blood supply, all biochemical reactions of metabolism are dynamically performed in it, and harmful substances are quickly removed. Cartilaginous intervertebral discs are very elastic and resilient, which explains the high degree of flexibility of the spinal column in a child.

But already in infancy, the vertebrae and cartilaginous structures can be exposed to various threatening influences. These can be unfavorable external conditions, any background diseases or a hereditary factor that causes the onset of destructive changes in the cartilage layers.

There are many such causes of osteochondrosis in children, but all of them can be represented as follows:

  • birth trauma, which, unfortunately, happens in our time. During injury, the structures of the cervical spine are primarily damaged;
  • congenital anomalies in the structure of the components of the spinal column, most often the vertebrae themselves (absence of a vertebra, their deformation), as well as the muscular-ligamentous apparatus and a segment of the circulatory system that provides the spine with everything necessary;
  • hereditary (genetic) predisposition, which causes abnormal development of bone or cartilage tissue, as well as the course of metabolic processes;
  • the presence of somatic pathologies (diseases internal organs), which directly or indirectly negatively affect cartilage tissue;
  • diseases manifested by systemic failure of the connective tissue (cartilaginous tissue also belongs to it) and characterized by a detailed clinical picture affecting all organs and systems.
  • hormonal imbalance that occurs in adolescents or at any age of the child, if he has some endocrine pathologies (diseases of the endocrine glands);
  • a complex of acquired factors that affect throughout the entire childhood and adolescence. This is too much or insufficient physical activity, overweight of the child, hypothermia, spinal injuries, unbalanced nutrition, posture disorders, incorrect posture at the study table.

Extra pounds negatively affect the entire body, including the spine.

The older the child becomes, the more intensely these factors act, the more pronounced are the characteristic signs of osteochondrosis. First of all, symptoms develop in cases where a hereditary and congenital factor takes place, then the pathology is diagnosed literally in the first months of a small patient's life.


The younger the child, the more difficult it is to diagnose osteochondrosis, since it is impossible to identify the presence of negative subjective sensations in him. He still cannot localize and differentiate the pain syndrome and generally tell what worries him. Older children can already answer their parents and the doctor what and where it hurts, as well as how intensely.

Therefore, the most important are the clinical symptoms of osteochondrosis. Depending on which part of the spine is predominantly affected by the disease, the complex of pathological signs also differs. If osteochondrosis is secondary, developed, for example, against the background of congenital anomalies or after traumatic injuries, then in most cases attention is drawn to the deformation of the spinal column, expressed to varying degrees. This may be a curvature in one or two planes at once (lateral, anterior-posterior), which can be seen with the “naked eye”. In other situations, neurological symptoms and manifestations caused by the failure of the circulatory network acquire the most important clinical significance.

The origin of neurological signs is explained mainly by the reaction nervous system, in particular, irritation of the roots of the conductors extending from the spinal cord. The so-called "vascular" symptoms are most often associated with anomalies in the location or structure of the arterial-venous bundles, which affects many internal organs.

For a child with osteochondrosis, regular physical education becomes a problem

In children, in most cases, symptoms develop from any one part of the spinal column. The most common is the cervical localization of the pathological process, and due to the proximity to the spine of the most important blood vessels heading to the brain, alarming and quite characteristic symptoms appear. So, with cervical osteochondrosis in children, there may be the following signs of the disease:

  • fatigue, compared with other children, especially evident at school age;
  • headaches, sometimes associated with physical activity or prolonged static posture of the child;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • nausea or vomiting, most often associated with headache attacks;
  • pain in the neck, extending to the upper limbs;
  • the appearance of paresthesias (tingling, goosebumps, slight itching) associated with changes in skin sensitivity.

If osteochondrosis is localized in the thoracic spine, then the child may complain of pain in the chest area, sometimes spreading along the intercostal spaces. Often there is a feeling of numbness of the skin of the chest or back. With lumbar osteochondrosis, discomfort and pain appear in the lumbar region, sometimes they are felt by the child in the lower extremities.

As a result of the gradual destruction of the cartilaginous layers between the vertebrae, the motor and static functions of the spinal column are disturbed. The amplitude of movements decreases (tilts, turns, rotations), the child can no longer fulfill the usual requirements in physical education classes, all exercises begin to be accompanied by the appearance and intensification of pain.

Features of diagnostics

Despite the fact that the early stage of the disease is most often asymptomatic, all cases of childhood osteochondrosis should be diagnosed in a timely manner. A huge responsibility in this regard lies with district pediatricians, doctors of preschool institutions and schools. In addition, the parents themselves should be very attentive to all the complaints of their child, in particular, related to the state of health.

When contacting a specialist, a thorough questioning of parents and a child is carried out, all complaints are clarified, an anamnesis is collected (what was the pregnancy like, how did the baby grow and develop, what are the concomitant diseases). If the patient is of school age, then the doctor specifies how he tolerates physical activity, whether he is additionally involved in sports sections.

Next, the child is examined, during which the condition of the spine is determined (violations of posture, range of motion, the presence of pain), the severity of tendon reflexes, changes in skin sensitivity. Based on the information received, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis.

To confirm it, it is necessary to examine the child, that is, perform an x-ray examination of the spinal column. As a rule, it is enough to make sure that there are changes characteristic of osteochondrosis of the thoracic, lumbar or cervical region. But sometimes an MRI or CT scan is performed, which allows you to get more accurate data. Laboratory studies are also needed, according to indications of endoscopy, ECG, EEG, ultrasound, to identify the presence of underlying pathologies.

Clinical examinations help to identify pathology in the early stages

Methods of treatment

Osteochondrosis in children proceeds, gradually involving all structures of the spine in the process. If timely assistance is not provided to a small patient, then very dangerous complications may develop. This is a persistent pronounced deformation of the spinal column, a negative impact on the activity of internal organs, a delay in physical development, the formation of intervertebral hernias.

Therefore, the treatment of osteochondrosis in children is the most important task of both medical workers and parents of patients. This is a long process that requires patience, perseverance, time and effort. A comprehensive treatment regimen usually looks like this:

  • medicinal direction (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in tablets, injections or in the form of ointments, hormonal agents, analgesics, muscle relaxants, drugs to improve the condition of the nervous tissue);
  • non-drug direction (physiotherapy exercises, massage, physiotherapy, reflexology according to indications).

The fight against childhood osteochondrosis should not be interrupted until a stable and lasting improvement is achieved. At the same time, one should not forget about such important points as the normalization of motor activity, good nutrition, the use of an orthopedic mattress and pillow, and the proper organization of the workplace for the student.

Among diseases of the spine, osteochondrosis occupies a special place. It does not only occur in adults. Osteochondrosis in children is diagnosed not so rarely. This is due to the growth of bones and the incompleteness of the ossification process. In childhood, cartilage tissue predominates in the spine. The muscular system is poorly developed. Because of all this, increased stress, malnutrition and other factors can lead to osteochondrosis. What is the etiology, clinic and treatment of childhood osteochondrosis?

Features of osteochondrosis in children

The spine is the main support of the human body. The following sections are distinguished in it: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal. Osteochondrosis is most often detected in the cervical or lumbar region. This is explained by the increased workload on these departments. The spine of a child consists of vertebrae, between which are located intervertebral plates (discs).
These structures provide mobility of the spine, smooth movements. Children's osteochondrosis is chronic illness, in which there is a malnutrition of the cartilaginous tissue in the region of the intervertebral discs, which eventually leads to their destruction.
In a healthy child, cartilage tissue is elastic and resilient. With osteochondrosis, the state of the joints changes. This pathology in the absence of therapeutic measures can lead to various complications. The latter include the appearance of an intervertebral hernia, protrusion, and the formation of pathological kyphosis. Unlike adults, juvenile osteochondrosis proceeds more calmly. The symptoms are the same as in adults, only less pronounced.

Etiological factors

Juvenile osteochondrosis of the spine can develop for several reasons. The main etiological factors are:

  • underdevelopment of connective tissue;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • trauma during childbirth;
  • increased load on the spine during sports activities;
  • improper organization of the workplace at school or at home;
  • long stay in an uncomfortable position;
  • violation of posture;
  • the presence of flat feet;
  • irrational nutrition;
  • excess body weight;
  • hypodynamia;
  • increased physical activity;
  • prolonged watching TV or working at a computer;
  • wearing shoes with high heels;
  • carrying a backpack on one shoulder;
  • metabolic disease;
  • the presence of autoimmune diseases;
  • smoking;
  • improper organization of a place to sleep (high pillows, uncomfortable mattresses).

Juvenile osteochondrosis may be associated with changes in hormonal levels during puberty. As for the nutrition of children, it should be complete and balanced in all substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals). Lack of calcium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin B, C, D in the body worsens the condition of cartilage and bone tissue.

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms of osteochondrosis in adolescents and children do not differ from those in adults. The disease can be asymptomatic for a long time. One of the first signs of the disease is a headache. Most often it occurs with osteochondrosis of the cervical region. It is especially pronounced in the presence of complications (vertebral artery syndrome). The headache is localized in the occipital region. It can be aggravated by tilting the head or turning. The intensity of the pain syndrome is different. In this situation, the learning of children in school is deteriorating. In severe cases, children cannot do their own thing.
Sometimes the headache is combined with visual impairment, pain in the orbit. Sleep may be disturbed against the background of a headache. Juvenile osteochondrosis can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • pain or ringing in the ears;
  • hearing loss;
  • pain in the neck or lower back.

With the defeat of the thoracic region, the pain syndrome can be felt in the region of the heart. This condition is often mistaken for angina pectoris. Thoracic osteochondrosis is diagnosed quite rarely. If the lumbar region is affected, the pain may radiate to the back or hips. In rare cases, with juvenile osteochondrosis of the spine, nerve roots. In this case, shooting pain appears, muscle weakness is observed, skin sensitivity is disturbed.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis of osteochondrosis in children is often difficult due to mild symptoms. If osteochondrosis is suspected, it is required to examine a sick child. Diagnostics includes:

  • neurological examination;
  • interview;
  • conducting x-ray examination;
  • blood and urine analysis;
  • CT or MRI of the spine.

The examination should be carried out by a pediatrician or neurologist. Neurological examination can detect pain in the affected area of ​​the spine, muscle tension, impaired posture, and the presence of pathological reflexes. X-ray examination in the early stages of the disease is uninformative. In the later stages, the image can reveal the exact location of the spinal lesion, thinning of the intervertebral discs, the presence of bone growths, and signs of osteosclerosis. MRI gives more accurate results. Additional research methods include ECG, ultrasound of the abdominal organs. This is necessary to exclude the pathology of the heart and abdominal organs.

Treatment of osteochondrosis in children

Treatment of osteochondrosis in children and adolescents should be aimed at eliminating the main provoking factors, strengthening the cartilage between the vertebrae and muscles.

It involves massage, physiotherapy exercises, wearing special orthopedic devices for immobilizing the spine (corsets, collars).

Massage can be done independently several times a day or visit specialized salons. Complex gymnastic exercises is selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the fitness of the child, his state of health, body weight and localization of osteochondrosis.
Physiotherapy is important. Most often, ultrasound and magnetotherapy are used to treat children, which can reduce signs of inflammation, improve blood circulation in the affected spine. Reflexology is often organized. Most children with osteochondrosis have no severe pain, so painkillers are rarely used. In this situation, drugs of the NSAID group, anesthetic ointments and creams can be used. With pinched nerves, treatment includes taking vitamins.
To restore the elasticity of the cartilage between the vertebrae, it is advisable to use chondroprotectors orally or in the form of ointments for application to the skin. These drugs can slow the progression of the disease. An integral part of the treatment is posture correction, proper organization of the workplace, wearing orthopedic shoes (for flat feet), and nutrition optimization. School supplies are recommended to be carried in a backpack with two handles on both shoulders behind the back. It is also important to maintain optimal physical activity on the spine.

Prevention measures

To prevent the development of osteochondrosis in childhood and adolescence the following measures must be observed:

  • wear comfortable and high-quality shoes;
  • eat properly;
  • lead healthy lifestyle life (do not smoke or drink alcohol);
  • limit the time spent behind the screens of computers and televisions;
  • monitor posture;
  • prevent injury to the spine;
  • do exercises;
  • go in for sports (swimming, athletics);
  • move more;
  • spend more time outdoors
  • do not lift weights;
  • optimally distribute the load on both halves of the body;
  • avoid uncomfortable postures (with the head down or turning the torso);
  • monitor body weight.

Thus, not only adults, but also children can suffer from osteochondrosis. The disease is often asymptomatic and is discovered incidentally. The prognosis for health with timely treatment is favorable. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, the parents of the child should take him to the doctor for a complete examination. In case of detection of osteochondrosis, children are subject to constant medical supervision.
