myositis of the orbit. A case of myositis of the internal rectus muscle, as a result of contusion of the soft tissues of the eye socket Myositis of the eye muscles symptoms

Documents › Eye Diseases › Primary idiopathic myositis of the eye

For the first time, idiopathic myositis of the eye was mentioned by Gleason in 1903.

At first, the disease caused certain difficulties in making the correct diagnosis. To date, this problem is more solved due to the widespread use of computed tomography. As a rule, during surgery, surgeons identify one or more extraocular muscles of a larger than normal size. The diseased muscle is distinguished by its unprepossessing, dull appearance, while it is very dense to the touch. The fiber of the orbit also has a high density, is gray in color, and has lost its natural luster.

Armed with a microscope, it is possible to identify cells, macrophages, lymphocytes and plasmacytes of chronic non-granulomatous inflammation in the extraocular muscles. There are extensive lesions of small arteries and veins. It is curious that this disease occurs mainly in men over the age of 30, when the body is young and strong.

Clinical picture

The course of the disease is similar to the rapid development of a low-quality tumor of the orbit. Chaotically in the eyes there are swelling and pain. There is diplopia. Usually in every second patient this is a sure sign of developing exophthalmos. Exophthalmos progresses very quickly, growing domma in a few weeks. At the same time, severe pain occurs in the orbit, radiating to the same half of the head. Gradually, the eyes are not only limited in movement, but also completely lose their mobility. The reposition of the eye at this stage is very difficult.


Using the means of tomography, it is possible to examine and analyze the shadows of extraocular muscles that are greatly enlarged due to edema. There are known muscle differences when compared with cases of endocrine ophthalmopathy. Muscles in patients suffering from primary myositis increase in their entire length, up to the tendons. If the pathological process affects the anterior half of the extraocular muscles, the eye tissues are also involved in the disease.

In clinical practice, there are cases of the transition of the process to the choroid, which makes it possible at the first stage of the examination to suspect melanoma of the choroid with germination into the eye orbit. There is a high probability of developing uveitis and sclerotenonitis, as evidenced by the work of domestic and foreign ophthalmologists. Osteomas of the choroid that occur with recurrent pseudotumor indicate a correlation between the development of primary idiopathic myositis and inflammation of the choroid.

The symptom of striation of the retina and compression of the posterior pole of the eye occur due to a decrease in the volume of the muscular funnel and an increase in the volume of the extraocular muscles.

The development of spontaneous hemorrhages of the fundus is curious. When the process is localized at the orbital apex, the disease is manifested by blurring and a gradual deterioration in visual acuity with the further development of fundus neuroretipopathies. Approximately six out of ten patients with primary idiopathic myositis develop changes in the ONH area with a further rapid decrease in the level of vision.


From our point of view, the clinic is more effective than self-treatment. The acute phase of primary idiopathic myositis of the orbit of the eye is relatively often treated with glucocorticoid drugs. It is important to prevent the transition of the disease to the terminal stage, when the tissues of the orbit are gradually replaced by fibrous tissue, which does not allow unambiguous separation of the orbital fiber from the muscle tissue during surgical intervention.

Myositis of the orbit is a disease in which one or more external muscles of the eye are affected. The pathology was first described in 1903 by the American scientist G. Gleason. According to statistics, the primary idiopathic variant occurs in 33% of patients suffering from myositis. The secondary form accounts for 67% of cases. Often, pathology is considered in the general structure of the pseudotumor of the orbit.

The etiology of this disease is not fully understood. Scientists believe that the primary form is based on an autoimmune process in which skeletal muscles are damaged. At the same time, it remains unknown why exactly the external muscles of the eyeball are involved in this process. The main causes of secondary inflammation of the oculomotor muscles are:

In the idiopathic form, the first manifestations occur against the background of complete well-being. Patients complain of acute pain in the orbit, a feeling of severe muscle weakness. Visually determined swelling of the eyelids. The orbital fissure narrows due to secondary ptosis. The mobility of the eyelids and the eyeball is sharply limited or impossible. With a unilateral lesion, patients note double vision.

Appears on the affected side headache, which increases when you try to make movements with the eyeballs. The conjunctiva is hyperemic. The line of transition of the orbital conjunctiva into the palpebral conjunctiva is smoothed due to edema. Visual impairment occurs only with compression of the ONH in patients with a high degree of exophthalmos. Clinical manifestations increase with general hypothermia of the body, emotional overstrain. In severe cases, a slight increase in body temperature, swelling of the entire periorbital zone is possible.

In secondary myositis of the orbit, there is a clear relationship between the development of symptoms of the disease and the action of certain factors (hypothermia, correction of strabismus, intoxication). With a traumatic or iatrogenic genesis of the pathology, the reposition of the eye is practically impossible. In patients with intoxication, the symptoms are temporary, and the elimination of the action of the etiological factor makes it possible to achieve stable clinical remission. For secondary myositis that occurs against the background of hypothermia, a recurrent course is often characteristic.

Therapeutic tactics depend on the causes of the disease. Etiotropic therapy is used only when myositis occurs against the background of an infectious pathology. In case of traumatic genesis, surgical intervention is performed, aimed at restoring the integrity of the affected muscle. Conservative therapy of the disease includes:

After the elimination of the acute inflammatory process, physiotherapy is prescribed. Alternately, electrophoresis of antibacterial drugs is used in combination with antihistamines and glucocorticosteroids. In parallel, osmotherapy is carried out. Antihypertensive drugs are ineffective.

Ocular myositis is a disease during which one or more external eye muscles become inflamed. This is a rare disease that most often affects one eye. Young people and people in middle age get sick. Men are more often ill. Such a disease develops in people whose work is sedentary (this is the work of representatives of the musical sphere, people associated with working at computers).

  • Headache
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Elevated temperature
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Dyspnea
  • Chills
  • muscle weakness
  • Cough
  • Irritability
  • Amyotrophy
  • Muscle pain
  • Fatigue
  • Numbness in the affected area
  • Puffiness of the skin
  • Change in skin color in the affected area
  • Swelling of the damaged area
  • Roughening of the skin of the legs
Type of disease Description Symptoms Manifestations
Myositis of the neck Inflammation occurs as a result of exposure to cold on the muscle tissue of the neck and affects not only it, but also the head area, temporal part and cervical vertebrae. Neck pain, muscle swelling, headache. Muscle seals in the affected area. The most dangerous type of disease.
Myositis of the back muscles Inflammation starts in the muscle fibers and can affect the skin and even the spine. Aching pain that increases with movement. Fever, migraine, muscle atrophy.
Myositis of the chest The inflammatory process can affect the superficial and deep muscles of the chest. Spasm in the muscles, pain when breathing. Damage to the function of the upper limbs, edema, changes in the density of muscle tissue.
Myositis of the eye muscles, face A disease that causes pain and swelling. Severe pain in the orbit, limited or no eye movement. The fiber of the orbit is colored mainly in gray, lack of natural luster, high density.
Myositis of the clavicular mastoid muscle Inflammation of the cervical spine, which is accompanied by restriction of movement. Dysfunction of the cervical spine. Tissue destruction and scar formation.
Myositis intercostal A form of the disease that occurs in muscle tissue. High fever, cramps, chronic cough, swelling. Tissue damage in the ribs, progressing can affect the chest area.
Myositis of the abdominal muscles Muscle disease that is accompanied by pain in the affected muscle. Fever, pain on palpation. Edema, the occurrence of nodular seals.
Myositis of the legs - thighs, knees, lower legs, feet A disease that is chronic, traumatic and infectious. Fever, redness, swelling. Weakness in the legs, with a chronic form, problems with movement may occur.
Myositis of the hand-shoulder, forearm, elbow Inflammatory process that limits the movement of the hand. Tension and swelling of the muscles, pain when moving the hands. The formation of nodules in the muscle.
  • Traumatic injuries. Direct trauma to the muscles or bone walls of the orbit is complicated by secondary myositis, which is due to local damage to muscle fibers. Pathology can occur against the background of contusion of the eye.
  • Infectious diseases. The starting factor is the flu, tonsillitis, rheumatism. Toxins or decay products formed during syphilis and toxoplasmosis of the eye have tropism for myocytes. After etiotropic treatment, all symptoms of pathology disappear.
  • Influence of physical factors. The onset of symptoms of myositis is often preceded by hypothermia or a burn. With the formation of post-burn scars, symptoms cannot be eliminated.
  • body intoxication. Transient myositis is one of the frequent manifestations of drug or alcohol poisoning. Intoxication with pesticides under production conditions (mercury vapor, lead) also potentiates the development of the disease.
  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules. Neglect of eye hygiene contributes to the penetration of pathological agents into the orbital cavity. Cosmetical tools, remaining on the skin with untimely removal of makeup, toxic effect on the structure of the eyeball.
  • iatrogenic effect. The clinical picture develops in the early or late postoperative period. Surgical intervention for the correction of strabismus is often complicated by inflammation of the oculomotor muscles.
  • Antibiotics. In the treatment of myositis, broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs are used. Medicines are administered retrobulbarno. A short course of antibiotic therapy lasting 5-7 days is recommended.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Medicines of this group are highly effective with mild severity of pathology. NSAIDs are prescribed for acute course or during exacerbations.
  • Hormonal preparations. Shown in severe or complicated course and a tendency to frequent relapses. Glucocorticosteroids are often used in the treatment of idiopathic myositis in the absence of the effect of NSAIDs.
  • Angioprotectors. A vasoconstrictor prevents excessive exudation and increased edema. Strengthening the vascular wall avoids the development of retinal complications.
  • Radiotherapy. It is used for the treatment of resistant forms of the disease and for the prevention of relapses in case of insufficient effectiveness of the classical treatment regimen. Irradiation is carried out with a dose of 20 Gy on the lateral wall of the orbit.

Myositis of the orbit

Muscle tissue in myositis

Treatment of muscle myositis

The initial examination of the patient by a doctor and the compilation of the results of the examination can confirm or refute the presence of inflammation in the muscles. A study of blood, secretions that were taken in the affected area supplements the initial information.

The sequence of diagnostic measures allows you to identify the presence of the inflammatory process, the area of ​​​​distribution, the degree of damage, the cause of the formation.

Myositis snapshot

To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct certain types of examinations:

  • a blood test that shows how fast red blood cells settle;
  • electromyography allows you to identify the condition on the affected area, the muscles have nerve fibers;
  • CT scan allows early detection of signs of ossifying myositis;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging shows in detail the condition of the soft tissues.

The diagnostic results will be used to determine the type of myositis and prescribe a quality treatment.

The doctor who will treat the disease may be of different competence - it all depends on the localization of myositis. Treatment of myositis can be carried out by a therapist, traumatologist, neuropathologist, orthopedist or surgeon.

At the first manifestations of pain, it is necessary to contact a rheumatologist or therapist, who, after an initial examination, will be able to refer you to a specialist for diagnosis and treatment.

Stories from our readers!
I want to tell my story about how I cured osteochondrosis and hernia. Finally, I was able to overcome this unbearable pain in my lower back. I lead an active lifestyle, live and enjoy every moment! A few months ago, I was twisted in the country, a sharp pain in the lower back did not allow me to move, I could not even walk. The doctor at the hospital diagnosed osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, herniated discs L3-L4. He prescribed some medicines, but they did not help, it was unbearable to endure this pain. They called an ambulance, they set up a blockade and hinted at an operation, all the time I thought about it, that I would be a burden for the family ... Everything changed when my daughter gave me one article to read on the Internet. You have no idea how grateful I am to her. This article literally pulled me out of my wheelchair. In recent months, I began to move more, in spring and summer I go to the dacha every day. Who wants to live a long and energetic life without osteochondrosis,

Folk remedies can also be used to treat myositis, combined with medications prescribed by a doctor. The basic principle of home treatment is to maintain heat in the affected area with the help of warming ointments, massage using essential oil.

Effective and proven traditional medicine recipes:

  • Horsetail Elixir. 4 tsp butter mixed with 1 tsp. horsetail powder, the resulting mixture must be rubbed onto the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joint or back.
  • Cabbage leaf compress. Sprinkle two leaves of cabbage with soda and apply to the sore spot.
  • Bodyagi ointment. Mix butter (1 tsp) with ¼ spoon of bodyaga. Rub in before going to bed using heat.
  • Burdock compress. Scald burdock leaves with boiling water and apply to the affected area of ​​the muscle.
  • Potato recipe. Boil potatoes in uniforms, mash and apply on the neck or back.
  • Infusion of Adonis. Pour 2 teaspoons of chopped herbs with boiling water (200 ml), strain and infuse for one hour. Use three times a day for a tablespoon. This infusion will perfectly reduce the pain.

Inpatient treatment of myositis can be prescribed for an acute form of the disease or for periodic exacerbations.

  • Salads (sweet peppers, tomatoes, lettuce leaves).
  • Salad dressing in the form of vegetable or olive oil.
  • Fruits rich in vitamins for example kiwi, tangerines, plums, oranges, apples (preferably green, sweet and sour).
  • Add foods rich in salicylates, endowing fruits with anti-inflammatory action.
  • Carrots, potatoes, beets should be on the menu every day.
  • Decoctions of raspberry leaf, peony, marsh cinquefoil will only benefit.
  • Daily up to 300 grams of sea fish, the method of preparation is not important, both boiled and stewed will do.

Spasms are present in any form of myositis.

One of the causes of seizures may be a deficiency of certain substances:

  • magnesium (present in cereals, cereals, blackberries, legumes);
  • calcium (found in fermented milk, dairy products, garlic, cabbage, parsley, celery);
  • zinc (found in liver, cheese, meat, chicken egg, pumpkin).

The first step in the diagnosis is a physical examination of the patient. Visually, exophthalmos is determined in combination with swelling of the periorbital zone. Exophthalmometry can be used to measure the degree of protrusion of the eyeball. In infectious myositis, the causative agent of the pathology is identified using serological methods. Specific research methods include:

Differential diagnosis is carried out with neoplasms of the orbit and endocrine ophthalmopathy. With a progressive tumor of the orbit, the pain syndrome is less pronounced, the relationship with eye movements is practically not traced. With myositis, the muscles are affected along the entire length, while with endocrine ophthalmopathy this occurs only in limited areas.

Eye myositis can be acute exophthalmic, chronic oligosymptomatic. There are also neuromyositis. All these factors, if not dealt with, will lead to very serious sores.

The first is the most common. It is characterized by specific symptoms. The onset is acute, when the eye moves, there is prodromal soreness. Also, this form is distinguished by other symptoms, it is distinguished by a person's photophobia, tearfulness is possible. The latter are joined by exophthalmos, they appear due to the thickening of the inflamed muscles. The more muscles involved in the process, the stronger they are expressed.

The mobility of the eyeballs in the direction of diseased muscles is painful and limited. Because of the perifocal edema, it is difficult for him to move into the orbit. Eye irritation leads to chemosis, ptosis, and periorbital pain. They affect what the condition is referred to as myopathic pain exophthalmos.

Most often, the symptoms are mild. After a couple of weeks, the symptoms disappear. If the course of exophthalmic myositis is sluggish, then it can be considered an orbital tumor, since the radiograph shows orbital opacification.

In the second form, inflammation of the muscles of the eyes, the symptoms are not very pronounced (pains of a breaking nature, the presence of diplopia, paresis of the muscles of the eyes). The process is slow.

Ocular neuromyositis is characterized by acute bilateral exophthalmos, eyelid edema, chemosis, and multiple paralysis of the eye muscles.

Diagnosis includes, in addition to anamnesis, the following types of examinations:

  • A blood test for enzymes, through which muscle inflammation is determined;
  • A blood test for antibodies, on the basis of which the presence of immune diseases will be determined;
  • MRI, through which the clarification of damage to muscle fibers is carried out;
  • Determination of muscle response is carried out using electromyography.
  • You will also need a muscle biopsy, which will show the presence of cancer cells.

The main success in getting rid of the disease is the time at which the patient with the disease will turn. If the diagnosis is made at an early stage, then the treatment will be more effective.

Myositis is subject to treatment, but depending on the stage of deepening of the disease, various methods. First of all, bed rest and muscle warming will be required, which will help reduce pain symptoms.

These ointments, in addition to warming, also reduce muscle tension. You can treat children at home with Doctor Mom ointment.

Treatment of neck myositis is aimed at relieving pain and removing the cause of the disease. In addition to rubbing the neck with warming ointments, novocaine blockade is prescribed for unbearable pain. When using novocaine, there is a rapid and effective reduction in pain.

In the case of the most severe type of myositis - purulent, only surgical intervention will be required. The operation includes the formation of an incision on the skin in the area of ​​​​the inflammation and the removal of pus using the installation of a special drainage.

It is possible to treat the initial stages of the disease at home, and more complex ones in a hospital and under supervision. The appointment of antibiotics is not excluded in order to be able to overcome the cause of the disease (viruses, infections).

At home, a new type of treatment is being carried out - post-isometric relaxation. Its essence lies in the tension and relaxation of the muscles in a certain period of time. Works quite effectively.

  • Eye ultrasound. When conducting ultrasound in B-mode, an increase in the volume of the eyeball is determined. The echogenicity of the affected muscle is reduced. Splitting of echo signals from the fundus is noted.
  • CT of the brain and orbits. The affected muscle is spindle-shaped thickened. When examining the orbit in the axial projection, exophthalmos of moderate severity is detected. The volume of muscle tissue and eyelids is increased. The retrobulbar space is not changed.
  • Non-contact tonometry. Intraocular pressure is increased. With additional electronic tonography, there are no changes in the circulation of intraocular fluid.
  • Biomicroscopy of the eye. When examining the anterior segment of the eyeball, reporting and injection of conjunctival vessels are revealed. The transparency of the cornea is not reduced. The relief of the iris is preserved.
  • Gonioscopy. The anterior chamber of the eyes is medium in size. The transparency of aqueous humor is complete. With the traumatic nature of the disease, an admixture of blood is determined in the intraocular fluid.
  • Ophthalmoscopy. When examining the fundus, a pale pink optic disc with clear boundaries is visualized. The arteries are constricted. Macular reflexes are preserved. A "transverse band" is found on the retina.

Causes of myositis

  • Polymyositis is chronic illness, characterized by an inflammatory-degenerative lesion of a muscle group of skeletal muscles. Usually, with polymyositis, the muscles of the limbs and neck become inflamed. Muscle weakness develops. Within a few weeks or months stiffness of movements increases. In some cases, symptoms of muscle damage to the respiratory system may precede symptoms of muscle damage to the limbs. This development of the disease makes diagnosis difficult. Damage to the respiratory system can lead to the development of hypoventilation pneumonia and pulmonary hypertension - lung diseases.
  • (The greatest effect is brought by rubbing with oil

Letter to the editor!

“I am 52 years old, my name is Tatyana. I want to tell my story about how I completely cured osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia.

A few months ago, I was twisted in the country, a sharp pain in the lower back did not allow me to move, I could not even walk. The doctor at the hospital diagnosed osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine of the 2nd degree, herniated discs L3-L4.

Artrozan and Milgamma were prescribed, but they did not help. The pain was unbearable. They called an ambulance, they put a novocaine blockade and hinted at an operation. I kept thinking about it, that I would be a burden on the family…

In recent months, I began to move more, in spring and summer I go to the dacha every day. Who wants to live a long and energetic life without osteochondrosis, take 5 minutes and read here is this article.»

Causes of myositis of the orbit


The peak incidence occurs in the autumn and spring, when windy weather sets in and people do not wear hats.

  • Compression of the facial nerve by a tumor.
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes (otitis, parotitis) of a viral and bacterial nature.
  • Traumatic nerve damage (wounds, skull fractures).
  • Diabetes.
  • Pregnancy.

Under the influence of various factors, there is a violation of microcirculation and the development of edema, which leads to compression of the nerve and a violation of the conduction of excitation in it.


To understand what constitutes the clinical picture of damage to the facial nerve, consider where it is located and what it is responsible for.

Between the bridge and the medulla oblongata are the nuclei of the facial nerve. The processes of the cells that form the nuclei go to the base of the brain, where they approach the temporal bone. In the temporal bone there is a canal of the facial nerve, through which the nerve passes, then it exits to the surface of the face through the stylomastoid foramen, penetrating the parotid salivary gland, next to the external auditory meatus. In the canal of the temporal bone, branches depart from it, which innervate the taste buds on the tongue, the lacrimal glands and the tympanic membrane. On the face, it is divided into several branches that innervate the muscles of the face.

Thanks to the facial nerve, we can smile, close our eyes, wrinkle our forehead, puff out our cheeks, make faces, show an angry or joyful face, we can cry with tears, taste the tip of the tongue.

Levels of damage to the facial nerve can be different, most lesions occur in the narrow canal of the temporal bone. As a rule, neuropathy of the facial nerve develops acutely within a couple of hours, less than a day. A person has a smoothness of the skin folds on the face, the face "sags" on the side of the lesion. A person cannot wrinkle his forehead, close his eyes (he remains open - Bell's symptom), cannot keep food in his mouth, as the muscles of the cheeks and lips become weak, lose the ability to raise an eyebrow.

If the fibers responsible for the work of the lacrimal gland are damaged, dry eyes develop. Taste sensitivity on the tongue may change, pain in the parotid gland may appear.

Paresis (weakness) of the mimic muscles is weakly expressed, it is detected upon careful examination. A slight drooping of the corner of the mouth, closing the eyelids with effort may be detected. The expression has been saved.

Paresis of facial muscles is noticeable, but does not disfigure the face. The eye closes with effort, the forehead can be wrinkled.

There is a disfiguring asymmetry of the face. The forehead cannot be wrinkled, the eye is partially closed.

Movements in the muscles of the face are barely noticeable. The eye practically does not close, the forehead does not move.

  • Extremely severe degree of total plegia.

Completely absent movement on the affected side of the face. The most unfavorable prognosis in terms of the restoration of facial expressions.


Diagnostic measures include a number of laboratory and instrumental studies that are aimed at establishing the cause of the disease:

  • Examination by a neurologist.
  • General blood analysis.
  • ENMG (electromyography). The method allows you to accurately determine the level of damage to the facial nerve.
  • X-ray of the temporal bone, paranasal sinuses (search for pathology of ENT organs).
  • MRI of the brain (search for a brain tumor, stroke or other processes).


Timely treatment in half of the cases leads to a complete recovery of the person. The later treatment is started, the worse the prognosis. Treatment only in a hospital; includes several areas:

  1. Medical treatment.
  • Glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone). The main treatment is aimed at removing edema in the temporal bone canal and improving microcirculation, so hormones are prescribed from the first days of the disease.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Meloxicam, Nise). Used to relieve inflammation, reduce pain in the parotid region.
  • B vitamins (Combilipen, Neurobion). Thanks to B vitamins, nervous tissue recovers much better and faster.
  • Vasoactive drugs (Pentoxifylline). Improve microcirculation in the lesion.
  • Metabolic agents (Actovegin). Preparations of this group improve the trophism of the nerve fiber, contribute to the rapid restoration of the myelin sheath of the nerve.
  • Eye drops and ointments. They are prescribed for dry eyes, prevent the development of inflammation of the cornea or ulceration.
  • Antiviral drugs (Acyclovir). With the proven role of viruses in the development of facial neuralgia, these drugs are prescribed from the first days of the disease.
  • Antibacterial drugs (Ceftriaxone). They are used if the role of a bacterial infection in the development of the disease is proven.
  • Anticholinesterase drugs (Neuromidin). They provide better impulse conduction from the nerve to the muscle. Appointed during the recovery period.
  1. Physiotherapy (electrophoresis). Well proven physiotherapy, especially in the early recovery period.
  2. Band-aid traction is used to prevent the muscles from getting used to the new position.
  3. exercise therapy. Gymnastics of mimic muscles should be carried out several times a day, regularly. To restore speech, articulatory gymnastics is necessary.
  4. Surgery. This plastic surgery, which are aimed at replacing the facial nerve with another nerve fiber in the absence of results from other methods of treatment.


Complete recovery occurs in most cases (70%). In other cases, incomplete restoration of the work of facial muscles remains. Total plegia and severe degree have a low percentage of positive results after treatment. Some people develop muscle contractures, which are spasmodic muscles with involuntary twitches and are accompanied by severe pain in these muscles.

There are a number of unfavorable prognostic factors:

  • Combination of neuropathy of the facial nerve with diabetes mellitus.
  • development of dry eye.
  • Elderly age.
  • Hypertonic disease.
  • Deep damage to the facial nerve according to ENMG.

Neuropathy of the facial nerve does not affect the general condition of the body, but it affects the social and psychological aspects of a person's life, disfiguring the face. Timely diagnosis and treatment in most cases lead to a complete recovery of a person and his return to normal activities.

Hand dermatomyositis

According to the nature of the flow, there are:

  • Chronic myositis - inflammation after treatment is not completely eliminated, proceeds with a sluggish manifestation of symptoms and can progress as a result of adverse factors (fatigue, hypothermia, etc.).
  • Acute myositis is a sharp onset of pain and inflammation after an injury or a strong load on the muscles.

Manifestations of polymyositis

By the nature of the pathology:

  • Local myositis - the development of the inflammatory process of one muscle. There is a sharp pain with pressure and movement of the affected area. As a result of a constant stress state, the mobility of the joints and limbs is limited.
  • Polymyositis is a lesion of a group of muscles, in which there is muscle pain with increasing strength, for example, in the lumbar and shoulder muscles.

There is also myositis ossificans, which is quite rare, appears after trauma, muscle damage, or has a congenital hereditary character. Symptoms - pain, swelling, redness of the skin.

Myositis of the pectoral muscles

The main sources of the inflammatory process are:

  • colds, infections;
  • chronic pathology;
  • purulent foci of tissue damage;
  • autoimmune diseases and stress.


What is myositis, and what varieties of it are now known, it is still necessary to find out what causes the signs of the onset of the disease. Consider the main causes of the disease in humans.

Hand dermatomyositis

Myositis of the pectoral muscles

Causes of myositis


What is myositis?


Removal of inflammation. For this, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. They will reduce spasm, restore mobility.

According to the type of course, doctors divide myositis into chronic, subacute and acute. The ratio between them is the same as in other diseases: acute myositis can turn into chronic, and chronic periodically worsen.

There may be swelling, swelling of soft tissues, sometimes reddening of the skin (for example, with purulent myositis). Protective muscle tension develops, restriction of movements in the joints. Due to the presence of pain syndrome, muscle weakness occurs, less often - atrophy.

Cervical myositis and myositis of the lumbar muscles usually have to be differentiated with an exacerbation of osteochondrosis, and lumbar myositis also with a hernia of the corresponding spine. When making a diagnosis, attention is paid to the nature of the pain (aching), increased pain on palpation of the muscles, and the presence or absence of neurological symptoms. To clarify the diagnosis, an x-ray of the spine, magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography can be performed.​

Acute purulent myositis


Muscle pain is familiar to many people. Diagnosis of myositis, the symptoms of which are manifested in severe pain in the skeletal muscles, is carried out on the basis of an examination of the patient and a number of studies. Pain in the muscles occurs with a variety of diseases. It can appear as an independent disease or as a symptom of another disease. It is very important to understand the true reasons for its origin. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct diagnosis. A disease not cured in a timely manner takes on a chronic form and provokes the development of complications.

Treatment of the disease




Removal of pain. For this, conventional tablet pain relievers can be used. The most powerful remedy is novocaine blockade of the affected muscle.

Doctors also distinguish several types of myositis, depending on the provoking factors and course:

Myositis snapshot

Myositis snapshot

As a rule, they turn to a therapist, neurologist, dermatologist, infectious disease specialist, traumatologist, orthopedist or surgeon.

Additional diagnostic methods:

Honored Doctor

Remember the golden rule:
“To cure the joints and spine at home, two times is enough ...”


How to treat myositis?

To avoid complications, it is necessary to start treatment under the supervision of a doctor immediately after confirming the diagnosis.

Treatment will primarily depend on the severity of the symptoms of the disease. It can be reduced to taking antibacterial drugs, antiviral agents, immunosuppressants, etc.

The treatment regimen for myositis should be selected on an individual basis, taking into account all the clinical manifestations of the disease.

To eliminate the inflammatory phenomena that provoked myositis, it is possible to use immunosuppressive drugs, for example, Methotrexate, Prednisolone, Azathioprine.

If myositis is of a viral nature, then treatment should be aimed at maintaining the body's immune forces and fighting the infection, since there is no etiological therapy. If a bacterial infection has become the cause of muscle inflammation, then antibiotics are advisable.

When myositis occurs while taking medications, then their cancellation is necessary. Muscle fibers, as a rule, return to normal after a day.

Taking corticosteroids. Hormonal drugs have as their goal the reduction of inflammation. Most often, doctors use prednisone for this. Means such as Methylprednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Triamcinolone, Betamethasone, Dexamethasone can also be used. Taking large doses of these drugs can reduce the activity of the immune system, which will lead to a decrease in inflammation. However, in this case, the risk of infection with other diseases increases. The dose of corticosteroids is calculated in each case individually, it is forbidden to use these drugs on your own.

If a patient with myositis is recommended to take hormonal drugs, he needs to be observed by an ophthalmologist at least once a year. The fact is that these drugs increase the risk of cataract formation. A severe complication from taking corticosteroids is bone necrosis, so if pain occurs in the skeleton, it is necessary to immediately inform the treating doctor about this.

azathioprine and methotrexate. These are two immunosuppressive drugs that are aimed at inhibiting the function responsible for the production of red blood cells and white blood cells. Their reception requires monthly blood control. Side effects are also hair loss, liver dysfunction, vomiting, nausea, secondary infections.

Plaquenil. The drug helps to relieve inflammation and has an immunosuppressive effect. Most often, it is prescribed for older people who suffer from dermatomyositis.

Gamma immunoglobulin. This drug has been used for the treatment of the most various diseases. With myositis, it allows you to reduce the level of the enzyme (creatine phosphokinase), which appears in the blood in large volumes due to muscle destruction. This drug is advisable to use for myositis, provoked by viruses. This drug can cause many side effects(digestion disorders, aseptic meningitis, febrile conditions, headaches), so it is used when other drugs have been ineffective.

Cyclophosphamide. A potent immunosuppressive drug, which is used only in severe cases of the disease. The risk of developing all side effects when taking Cyclophosphamide increases.

Separately, it is worth noting physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of patients with myositis. They are a prerequisite for the recovery of the patient, and without them the therapeutic course will not be complete. Physiotherapy allows you to increase muscle tone, prevent their atrophy and improve the patient's well-being.

Physical activity must be present daily. It is worth visiting the pool, as swimming has a positive influence to all muscle groups.

Before starting any physical work, the muscles need to be warmed up. This will normalize blood flow and speed up the work of the heart.

You can not overstrain, all exercises should be performed at the pace that is optimal for a person.

After exercise, rest should follow.

The pace should increase smoothly.

It should be concentrated on the inflamed muscle, in the event that the diseased area is too overextended, it is necessary to stop exercising and rest.

At a time when well-being is severely disturbed, the training program should be somewhat simplified.

It is better if the classes are held in pairs.

There is no specific training regimen for myositis, they are recommended to each patient individually. This takes into account the severity of the disease, the affected area, the age of the patient.

Special attention is paid to water aerobics. Regular exercise allows you to quickly restore activity, increase muscle tone.

As for drugs, research is constantly ongoing in this area and in the near future new drugs will appear that will more effectively get rid of myositis.

As a rule, people with various types of polymyositis most often either completely or partially restore lost muscle activity and tone. Therapy of fibromyositis does not allow you to fully get rid of the disease, but its progression slows down significantly if all the doctor's recommendations are followed. So sick long time able to do without wheelchairs and other mobility aids. Against the background of concomitant diseases, such as oncology and pneumonia, the prognosis is much worse.

Infectious myositis will be more successfully cured, the sooner therapy is started. Therefore, at the first symptoms of muscle inflammation, you should immediately consult a doctor.


The mechanism of development of primary idiopathic myositis has not been elucidated. In the pathogenesis of the secondary form, the type of triggering factor directly depends on the etiology. In case of injuries or intraoperative muscle damage, the pathological process is triggered by pro-inflammatory agents (interleukins 1, 2, 6, 8, interferon gamma, tumor necrosis factor a). The external muscles of the eye during the infectious genesis of the disease are affected by the toxins of the pathogen and the decay products of the surrounding tissues.

Primary idiopathic myositis of the eye (orbital)

What is myositis?


Causes of myositis



. Deep warming massage helps to restore muscles, but it should only be done by a professional. If this is not possible in this moment, you can get by with rubbing, using warming aromatic oils.

myositis in children

The diagnosis is made on the basis of the clinical picture and data from biochemical and immunological blood tests. A muscle biopsy may be performed to confirm the diagnosis.​


Myositis symptoms

Manifestations of myositis are easily confused with symptoms of other diseases, which makes it difficult to diagnose and delay the healing process. With purulent myositis, surgery is required to open the abscess, install a drain, and take antibiotics. If myositis of the back muscles is caused by autoimmune causes, the patient is prescribed hormonal agents and immunosuppressants - drugs that suppress the immune system. For rheumatism, syphilitic and tuberculous myositis, specific therapy is prescribed aimed at treating the underlying disease.

vacuum therapy


Acute purulent myositis

This disease is characterized by local pain, the intensity of which increases after a certain period of time. Pain is aggravated during movements in which the affected muscles contract. The patient also feels pain during palpation. Due to pain in the course of the disease, the movement of the joints is limited. Muscle weakness becomes more pronounced over time, and affected muscles may atrophy over time. Also, myositis can develop into a chronic ailment. In this case, its exacerbation occurs during unstable weather conditions, after hypothermia, at night.

Dry heat and warming

Myositis treatment

The basis of therapy is glucocorticoids. According to the indications, cytostatic drugs (azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate), as well as drugs aimed at maintaining the functions of internal organs, eliminating metabolic disorders, improving microcirculation and preventing the development of complications are used. Multiple muscle damage. Polymyositis usually develops in systemic autoimmune diseases and is one of the most severe forms of myositis.

Accompanied by pain and increasing muscle weakness. In some cases, with such myositis, muscle atrophy and the disappearance of tendon reflexes are possible. In children, it can be combined with damage to the lungs, heart, blood vessels and skin. In men over the age of 40, in half of the cases, the simultaneous formation of tumors of the internal organs is noted. Acute myositis develops rapidly after an illness or after an injury.

The acute form is pronounced, accompanied by intense pain, fever. Headaches and other ailments may appear. Acute myositis is divided into purulent and non-purulent. With purulent myositis, an abscess forms in the muscle tissues with the formation of yellow or light brown pus. Chronic form, as a rule, arises as a result of an undertreated acute form. Chronic myositis periodically worsens after physical exertion, stress, weather changes or as a result of hypothermia.


Not one, but several muscle groups are affected. With this ailment, there are no manifestations of very severe pain, but pronounced muscle weakness is observed. The disease begins with the fact that it becomes difficult for the patient to do ordinary actions, for example, climb stairs. Later, due to atrophic processes in the muscles of the neck, it becomes difficult for a person to hold his head upright. At the last stage of the disease atrophy

Very often it is a complication of purulent diseases or septicopyemia. Its occurrence is provoked

As the causes of myositis, it is customary to single out

Myositis of the neck

. At home, it is enough to tie the damaged area with a woolen scarf.


In the acute period of the disease, rest is necessary; if the muscles of the back, legs, and abdominal wall are affected, bed rest must be observed. Painkillers are prescribed (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - reopyrin, indomethacin, brufen, etc.), with purulent myositis - antibiotics. With rheumatism, as well as with tuberculous or syphilitic myositis, specific therapy is carried out. It is necessary to use dry heat, physiotherapy procedures. The duration of treatment depends on the activity of the process and the timely initiation of therapy. ​

It is not one disease, but a group of connective tissue diseases. It is characterized by the formation of ossification areas in the muscles. May occur due to trauma or be congenital, genetically determined.


Localized myositis is characterized by inflammation in one specific muscle group. Intense pain tends to increase. In the area of ​​the affected tissues, swelling and redness are often observed. The disease may be accompanied by fever, muscle weakness and headache. Cervical myositis is the most common disease (50-60% of the total number of patients). Hypothermia in the neck is a common cause of its occurrence.


involved in the respiratory act


  • woolen things;
  • quilted jackets;
  • warming from within herbal teas(chamomile).

Myositis classification


With this method of the world-famous orthopedist-traumatologist, even worn-out joints begin to recover intensively! The joints and spine will become young again and stop hurting if…

Learn the way"

Myositis has a very large classification, since the muscles are located throughout the human body.

According to the form of the course of myositis:

  1. Spicy. This is a sudden onset of pain and inflammation. It often appears due to injuries and inadequate load on the muscles of the body.
  2. Chronic. It often develops due to an infectious disease and acute muscular myositis, which is not cured.

Acute myositis provokes severe pain and inflammation

For exudate:

  1. Acute purulent myositis. In this case, purulent foci are formed in the muscles. This type of illness can be acute or chronic. Additionally, there is swelling and severe pain.
  2. Nonpurulent myositis. Appears as a result of an acute infection, not accompanied by purulent foci.

By localization:

  1. Local. In this case, only 1 muscle becomes inflamed. With pressure on the muscle, acute pain is felt.
  2. Polymyositis - several or a whole group of muscles are affected at once. This type is diagnosed more often than local.
  3. diffuse. A large area of ​​muscle is affected.

By location:

In most cases, myositis is manifested by weakness and pain in the muscles, which becomes very strong when pressed. There is a limitation of mobility in the limbs, joints and back. With any type of disease, when feeling the muscles (palpation), severe pain appears. Can there be a temperature with myositis? Yes, in some types of the disease, elevated or subfebrile body temperature is one of the main symptoms.

Often, muscle pain can appear due to the slightest hypothermia and a change in the weather. In chronic myositis during remission, the pain can completely disappear. Symptoms and signs of myositis in women and men are exactly the same.

Are you suffering from sore joints? Stop suffering! Joints can be rejuvenated in a month, just smear them with a penny ...

Taking into account the cause of development, primary idiopathic and secondary myositis are distinguished. The etiology of the primary form remains unknown, the secondary variant occurs against the background of other pathological conditions and diseases of intraorbital localization. According to the clinical classification, the following types of the disease are distinguished:

  • Acute. It is distinguished by a sudden onset and positive dynamics with timely treatment. Clinical symptoms are leveled independently for 6 weeks. Relapses are not observed.
  • Chronic. The duration of the course is more than 2 months. Patients often claim that symptoms have been present for many years. Periods of exacerbations alternate with short-term remissions. The chronic course is most characteristic of the idiopathic form of the disease.

The classification of myositis can vary. So, depending on the nature of the course of the disease, chronic, acute and subacute myositis are distinguished, and depending on the prevalence: limited and generalized.

Infectious non-purulent with severe pain and general malaise. This form develops during viral infections.

Acute purulent with the formation of purulent foci in the muscles, with their swelling and severe pain. This form of myositis is often a complication of existing purulent processes, or acts as a symptom of septicopyemia.

Myositis ossificans may be congenital or acquired as a result of trauma.

Polymyositis is expressed in multiple lesions of muscle tissue.

Dermatomyositis, called Wagner's disease, is a systemic disease.

Myositis in children

Myositis in children often, as in adults, occurs after hypothermia and after infectious diseases, as a result of injuries. The disease weakens the contractile function of muscles, blood circulation.


  • High body temperature.
  • Aching pain in the area of ​​the affected organ.
  • Puffiness.
  • The appearance of seals.
  • The presence of muscle spasms.

For a child to stop inflammation and reduce pain, the doctor prescribes:

Finalgon ointment

Preparation Nicoflex

Nurofen for children in syrup

Diclofenac in the form of a gel

Treatment of myositis in children is also carried out using physiotherapy:

  • ultrasound therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • ultrahigh frequency therapy.

Attention! To prevent diseases of the child's myositis, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia, excessive physical exertion and consult a specialist in a timely manner in case of infectious or other diseases.


Finalgon ointment Preparation Nicoflex Nurofen for children in syrup Diclofenac in the form of a gel

Myositis during pregnancy

During pregnancy, myositis is a difficult test for a woman. A group of muscles can immediately become inflamed, which will cause a lot of suffering to the pregnant woman.

There are 2 reasons that provoke myositis during pregnancy:

  • Physiological - due to the natural load on the muscles of the back and lower back. The disease does not require treatment. After giving birth, everything goes away on its own.
  • Pathological - due to diseases of the internal organs.

During pregnancy, a limited number of medications can be used for treatment. Therefore, the treatment should be prescribed here by the attending physician. To alleviate the condition, you can wear a bandage for pregnant women.

Myositis during pregnancy is a severe test for a woman

What medicines can be used by pregnant women?

  • Ointment Doctor Mom. It contains natural substances.
  • Paracetamol. Reduces mild pain.
  • No-shpa. Apply for muscle spasms.

It is forbidden to use any NSAIDs.

Myositis for a pregnant woman is a real test. The inflammatory process can disrupt the activity of one or more muscles, which is especially difficult in this position.

Myositis during pregnancy can be physiological and pathological:

  • Physiological- occurs due to the load on the spinal muscles. Does not require treatment, disappears after childbirth. Causes of occurrence - weight gain, the action of the hormone, the growth of the uterus.
  • Pathological - manifests itself against the background of diseases of the internal organs.

For a pregnant woman, not all drugs are safe, must be prescribed by a doctor and strictly correspond to the current term (trimester). Without risk to health, you can use Doctor Mom ointment, which contains only natural ingredients.

Only one allowed medicinal product- Paracetamol. If a pregnant woman is uncomfortable with muscle spasms, then it is allowed to take No-shpu.

Syrup Dr. Mom No-Shpa Paracetamol tablets

IMPORTANT! Non-steroidal inflammatory drugs are strictly prohibited during pregnancy!

Medicines prohibited for use during pregnancy:

  • Ketorolac;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Analgin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Baralgin.

Nimesulide Analgin Ibuprofen for pain relief Diclofenac in the form of a Ketanov gel in ampoules and tablets Baralgin in tablets

To reduce the likelihood of a disease during pregnancy, it is necessary to take preventive measures:

  • Healthy sleep.
  • Avoid sudden jumps in weight gain.
  • Massage.
  • Bandage use.

Syrup Doctor Mom


Paracetamol tablets



Ibuprofen for pain relief

Ketanov in ampoules and tablets

Baralgin tablets


In the absence of timely treatment, cicatricial-atrophic changes occur, which practically do not undergo reverse development. Most patients develop ophthalmohypertension resistant to antihypertensive therapy. With a high degree of severity, signs of stagnation of the optic nerve head are observed, a subsequent transition to total atrophy is possible. A progressive decrease in visual acuity causes amaurosis. The chronic form is complicated by restrictive myopathy. Retrobulbar fiber can be replaced by fibrous or cartilaginous tissue.

Purulent myositis

Purulent myositis is the most dangerous type of disease. Self-treatment is prohibited, especially the use of ointments. Myositis seriously disrupts the normal functioning of muscles, organs and the very quality of life.

Main symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • puffiness;
  • muscle compaction;
  • discomfort in the affected area;
  • heat.

Conservative treatment for this form of the disease is not effective, often surgery is performed to clean the pus from the affected area.

The causes of purulent myositis are:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • pneumococci;
  • gonococci.

Timely diagnostics is necessary: ​​MRI, ultrasound, electromyography, tests. In the treatment of purulent myositis, antibiotics, antipyretics and painkillers are prescribed.

Purulent myositis of the legs

Purulent myositis of the legs

  • With any form of myositis, the patient is assigned rest (sometimes bed rest).
  • A diet is recommended, it is necessary to completely abandon spicy, alcoholic, salty and fatty foods. It is better to prefer vegetables, cereals, fruits for the period of treatment.
  • Antibiotics must be prescribed if the disease arose against the background of an infection,
  • Surgical intervention can be prescribed if purulent myositis is detected.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs are mandatory for the use of any type of myositis. The purpose of the ointment is typical for the local area of ​​​​the lesion.
  • Therapeutic massage and physiotherapy are necessary for all patients who turn to specialists for help.


To avoid the appearance of myositis, special attention must be paid to the prevention of the disease:

  • Avoid hypothermia and drafts.
  • When sitting, do exercises for the muscles.
  • Avoid muscle strain during exercise.
  • Diseases that provoke the occurrence of myositis should be treated in a timely manner.
  • Do gymnastics, cycling, swimming.
  • Watch your posture.

The prognosis for acute orbital myositis is favorable. In a chronic course, relapses of the disease are possible. Specific preventive measures have not been developed. Non-specific prevention comes down to observing safety precautions (use of glasses, masks) when working in a production environment, timely removal of decorative cosmetics. The patient should be under dynamic observation by an ophthalmologist for three months after the relief of symptoms. The development of repeated attacks requires the appointment of anti-relapse therapy with radio wave methods.

Prevention includes the following factors: avoiding heavy types of physical work, muscle strain and drafts. In no case do not overcool and do not sunbathe for a long time in the sun. Lead a healthy lifestyle and maintain good hygiene.

If you think that you have Myositis and the symptoms characteristic of this disease, then doctors can help you: a neurologist, a therapist, a surgeon.

We also suggest using our online disease diagnostic service, which, based on the symptoms entered, selects probable diseases.

Under the influence of various external and internal factors, the muscle fibers of the visual apparatus can become inflamed. Myositis of the eye muscles is manifested by pain in the orbital area, swelling on the eyelids, protrusion of the eyeballs. In advanced cases, optic nerve atrophy and blindness develop. Treatment includes medications, physiotherapy, and, if necessary, surgery.

Etiology and pathogenesis of the disease

The oculomotor muscles become inflamed due to exposure to a variety of toxic substances and other adverse factors. Most often, the lesion is unilateral, but there are cases of inflammation in both eyes. Mostly men over 30 who lead a sedentary lifestyle, have a sedentary job and sit at a computer monitor for a long time are ill.

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Symptoms of eye myositis

With an infectious or traumatic etiology of inflammation of the muscles of the eyeball, the symptoms appear sharply and brightly, some time after the injury, and the disease progresses rapidly. If the damage to the oculomotor muscles is provoked by hypothermia, excess stress, or an autoimmune disorder, the symptoms are not as intense as in the acute form, but the course of the pathology is protracted, with frequent exacerbations. Ocular myositis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • severe arching pain in the eyes, which intensifies when you try to move them;
  • feeling of muscle weakness;
  • swollen eyelids and conjunctiva;
  • narrowing of the palpebral fissure;
  • lacrimation;
  • photophobia;
  • displacement of the eyeballs outward - exophthalmos;
  • poor eye movement
  • headache from the affected area;
  • temperature rise.

The duration of manifestations of the acute form of pathology is about 6 weeks, and the chronic form is more than 2 months.


Inattention to the manifestations of eye muscle myositis and the lack of timely therapy threatens with dangerous consequences. Inflamed tissues are irreversibly replaced by scars, which leads to the loss of muscle functionality. Many patients have increased intraocular pressure and it is difficult to bring it down with medicines. The inflammatory process can move to nearby tissues of the eye. The chronic form leads to the occurrence of myopathy, which is manifested by weakening of the muscles and their replacement with fibrous tissue. The most dangerous complications are optic nerve atrophy and progressive loss of vision. Both states end in total blindness.

Diagnosis of pathology

If discomfort occurs in the eyes, you should consult an ophthalmologist. The doctor will talk with the patient, examine the affected eye and check visual acuity. After that, the patient is sent for an additional examination, which includes a number of the following procedures:

  • serological studies that are carried out with the infectious nature of the disease;
  • CT or MRI;
  • measurement of intraocular pressure;
  • gonioscopy - examination of the anterior chamber of the eyes;
  • biomicroscopy - the study of the structures of the visual apparatus using a microscope;
  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • electromyography.

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How is eye myositis treated?

After the diagnosis reveals the causes of inflammation of the eye muscles, therapeutic measures are prescribed. Etiotropic treatment is indicated only in cases of infectious origin of the disease, and in other situations, symptomatic treatment is used. Conservative therapy includes various drugs, and for traumatic injuries, surgery, restoring the structure of damaged muscle fibers. To treat myositis of the eye, the following methods are used:

  • Antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action in the form of subcutaneous injections in the lower eyelid area.
  • NSAIDs to relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Angioprotectors that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent the development of retinal pathologies.
  • Hormonal agents. They are used in severe disease and the absence of a positive result from taking NSAIDs.
  • Radiotherapy. It is used in case of insufficient effectiveness of classical methods of treatment and for the prevention of recurrent disease.
  • Physiotherapy, including electrophoresis with drugs, thermal procedures, massage.
  • Osmotherapy - the introduction of hypertonic solutions to change the pressure of the internal environment.

For 3 months after completion of the treatment course, the patient should be regularly observed by an ophthalmologist.

Forecasts and prevention

With the timely start of therapy, the functionality of the muscles of the eye can be restored completely. If the disease has become chronic, the patient must regularly undergo preventive courses of treatment in order to avoid relapses and complications. In severe and advanced pathology, the prognosis is unfavorable. Most often, patients completely lose their sight or the muscles of their eyes atrophy.

To prevent myositis of the orbit, it is necessary to follow the rules of visual hygiene when working at a computer for a long time, to avoid drafts and strong coolings. While working in production, it is imperative to wear eye protection - goggles, masks. Women are advised to carefully and carefully remove decorative cosmetics every day, and also to prevent it from getting into the eyes during application. All ophthalmic pathologies must be treated immediately.

Ocular myositis is a rare disorder in which one or more external muscles become inflamed. Often, the process is accompanied by painful sensations, photophobia, limited movement of the eyeballs, etc. In this article, we will consider whether there are modern methods myositis treatment.

Inflammation of the eye muscle is not a serious disease, but it requires timely treatment, as it can cause complications such as ophthalmopathy (damage to the tissues of the eye socket), blurred vision, etc.

The acute form of the disease is characterized by rapid development immediately after muscle injury or the course of an infectious disease. The chronic form of inflammation can manifest itself due to overvoltage or sudden changes in weather conditions.

Previously used to treat myositis folk ways, such as lubricating the eye with grease, lotions from crushed chamomile flowers, rubbing with a mixture based on bay leaves, etc. Currently, there are more effective methods with a predictable result. Therapy is determined on an individual basis and depends on the nature of the disease.

Modern methods of treatment of myositis

  • physiotherapy (heating, diathermy, diadynamics);
  • physical education treatment (performing special exercises aimed at strengthening muscles);
  • massage (suitable for any form of the disease, except for inflammatory and purulent);
  • taking painkillers, anti-inflammatory and vascular drugs;
  • protein diet (usually combined with other methods).

A good effect during the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases is given by drugs such as Prednisone, Prednisolone, Dexamethasone and Triamcinolone. To prevent the occurrence of myositis, experts recommend correct and timely treatment of colds and infectious diseases.

Ocular myositis is a disease during which one or more external eye muscles become inflamed. This is a rare disease that most often affects one eye. Young people and people in middle age get sick. Men are more often ill. Such a disease develops in people whose work is sedentary (this is the work of representatives of the musical sphere, people associated with working at computers).

Be vigilant - if the disease is not cured in time, then there may be various kinds of complication. No one talks about surgical intervention, but the fact that you have to go to the hospital for inpatient treatment is quite possible, especially if complications begin with areas of the body that are on the face.

Remember, everyone needs first aid. Always refer to experienced specialists for any changes on the face.

Myositis of the eye - what affects and how?

If we talk about the course of the disease, then all inflammatory processes can be acute or chronic.

Depending on the spread, myositis can be local and diffuse.

Diffuse forms of the disease or polymyositis usually do not differ in the intense manifestation of the pain syndrome. It is more distinguished by a gradual increase in weakness, it is accompanied by swelling of the affected areas. Also, the joints that are nearby may be involved in the process. This can lead to arthritis.

What are the symptoms of myositis of the eye muscle?

There are the main symptoms of myositis that accompany any of its forms and types. Muscles usually hurt. Increased discomfort occurs when changing weather conditions, as well as at night. There are also such symptoms: the muscle areas involved in the inflammatory process are tensed, the joints are limited in movement. Muscles hurt more.

Eye myositis can be acute exophthalmic, chronic oligosymptomatic. There are also neuromyositis. All these factors, if not dealt with, will lead to very serious sores.

The first is the most common. It is characterized by specific symptoms. The onset is acute, when the eye moves, there is prodromal soreness. Also, this form is distinguished by other symptoms, it is distinguished by a person's photophobia, tearfulness is possible. The latter are joined by exophthalmos, they appear due to the thickening of the inflamed muscles. The more muscles involved in the process, the stronger they are expressed.

The mobility of the eyeballs in the direction of diseased muscles is painful and limited. Because of the perifocal edema, it is difficult for him to move into the orbit. Eye irritation leads to chemosis, ptosis, and periorbital pain. They affect what the condition is referred to as myopathic pain exophthalmos.

Most often, the symptoms are mild. After a couple of weeks, the symptoms disappear. If the course of exophthalmic myositis is sluggish, then it can be considered an orbital tumor, since the radiograph shows orbital opacification.

In the second form, inflammation of the muscles of the eyes, the symptoms are not very pronounced (pains of a breaking nature, the presence of diplopia, paresis of the muscles of the eyes). The process is slow.

Ocular neuromyositis is characterized by acute bilateral exophthalmos, eyelid edema, chemosis, and multiple paralysis of the eye muscles.

How to cure myositis of the eye?

It is not difficult to diagnose this disease. A specialist can make an accurate diagnosis using the patient's history.

To see a detailed picture, you can undergo electromyography. Thus, the bioelectric impulses of the patient are examined. They also take a general blood test so that the inflammatory process can be detected.

Before determining the methods of therapy, in each individual situation, the specialist gets acquainted with the nature of the occurrence of the disease or unpleasant sensations of this kind.

The treatment of myositis itself is divided into pathogenetic and symptomatic. Pathogenetic treatment deals with the cure of the cause of the formation of the disease. Symptomatic treatment alleviates the patient's condition.

Among the main methods in the treatment of eye myositis are:

  • physiotherapy treatment;
  • physical education treatment;
  • massage (suitable for any form of the disease, if the form of the disease is not purulent);
  • treatment with a protein diet;
  • treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • medication treatment (painkillers and vascular drugs).

A good effect during the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases is given by Prednisolone, Prednisone, Triamcinolone or Dexamethasone. When the disease is severe, in addition to steroids, the use of salicylates is recommended (so that a person sweats when he is wrapped up), Amidopyrine, Butadion, physiotherapy (diathermy, diadynamics).

To avoid the re-development of myositis, it is necessary to sanitize the infectious focus and harden the body.

Summing up the disease

To prevent myositis, each person should take good care of their health. Do not forget to pay attention to the body. All this will be useful in eliminating a number of factors. These are factors that can contribute to the appearance of such inflammation. Otherwise, the disease can have very serious consequences for the body (muscles can simply atrophy).

Muscles should not be overstressed when doing any work. The same applies to the situation when physical activity takes place (sports, for example). Hypothermia must be avoided. Drafts are undesirable. Work must not be carried out in cold rooms. Optimum temperatures should be maintained.

Specialists recommend treating colds and infectious processes correctly and in a timely manner. This will also be the prevention of the disease. Do not neglect the doctor's prescriptions. By contacting specialists in time, you can begin effective treatment. Then it will be easier and easier to treat the disease. Recovery will come quickly.

Myositis is an inflammatory disease that affects skeletal muscles. This ailment, which at first glance may seem “not serious”, requires a qualified approach to treatment, as it can lead to serious complications, including complete disability.

Causes and types of myositis

Myositis is classified according to several criteria:

But ceteris paribus, not every person develops this disease. This "selectivity" is largely due to risk factors - in their presence, the likelihood of developing myositis increases significantly.

What increases the likelihood of developing myositis

Risk factors are a kind of "trigger", which sometimes becomes the only condition for the inflammatory process to be activated. Circumstances that increase the likelihood of developing myositis include:

Symptoms: how myositis manifests itself

How to recognize myositis? Symptoms, regardless of its origin and localization, are pain in the inflamed muscle and violations of its functions. The pain syndrome (myalgia) is equally aggravated both when the muscle is loaded (for example, when trying to bend or straighten the arm if its muscles are affected), and when pressing on the inflamed area.

As the disease progresses, the activity of the muscle, which was initially limited by pain, is further reduced, up to the complete loss of muscle strength. The reason for this is a critically low supply of nutrients to the muscle, caused by swelling and compression of blood vessels, tissue hypoxia and impaired muscle innervation.

In addition to pain and weakening of muscle strength, which are "universal" symptoms for all types of myositis, the following signs of the disease can be observed:

Important: with myositis with a chronic course and occurring without any relationship with systemic diseases or injuries, a complete examination of the spine may be required. The listed features of myositis are characteristic of osteochondrosis, which, aggravating itself, initiates an exacerbation of muscle inflammation.

How is myositis diagnosed?

Although an experienced doctor can already during the initial examination determine myositis as the cause of the patient's complaints, a comprehensive examination is still required to confirm the diagnosis and identify the factors that provoked the disease. For this purpose, the following methods are used:

Based on the results of the examination, the treatment of myositis is prescribed, to which, depending on the identified causes, specialists of a narrow profile (immunologist, endocrinologist, vertebrologist, etc.) may be involved.

Complications of myositis

The need for timely treatment of myositis is due to the peculiarities of the work of the muscles themselves. The pain that occurs during inflammation activates a reflex mechanism, in which the mobility of the painful area is limited.

But in order to maintain muscle health and maintain all metabolic processes in them, they need constant loads that regulate the necessary intensity of blood supply and oxygen supply for important oxidative reactions.

Without active movements in muscle tissues, oxygen starvation gradually develops, metabolism and the supply of important bioactive elements and chemical compounds slow down, and as a result, without “nutrition”, muscle tissue loses its functionality. Without treatment, myositis can provoke atrophic and even necrotic processes, in which muscle tissue dies.

In addition, muscles play an important role in maintaining proper joint biomechanics. Prolonged limitation in the work of the muscles responsible for the flexion or extension movements of the joint inevitably leads to violations of its functionality.

One of the most common types of myositis - inflammation of the neck muscles - can cause their critical weakening, as a result of which the patient is unable to hold his head without using a special corset.

But the most dangerous category of complications is the effect of myositis on vital processes. So, inflammation of the neck muscles without treatment can spread to the muscles of the larynx and cause difficulty breathing and swallowing. And the costal muscles involved in respiratory movements, with inflammation, can lead to shortness of breath and the subsequent development of respiratory failure.

Myositis treatment

In the treatment of myositis, a wide range of means and methods is used, the combination of which is selected depending on the causes of the disease, the general health of the patient, the severity of muscle inflammation and other factors.


To relieve pain, painkillers (Analgin, Baralgin, etc.) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be used, which, by stopping the inflammatory process in the muscles, relieve or completely eliminate pain (Diclofenac, Nimesil, Dexalgin, etc.)

As a means of local action, which are applied directly to the painful area, ointments and gels with NSAIDs (Voltaren-gel, Nise-gel, Dolaren-gel, etc.) are used.

According to indications, local means of warming and irritating action (Finalgon, Apizartron, etc.) can be prescribed, which activate blood circulation and metabolism in tissues.


Physiotherapy is the most widely used method for treating myositis and alleviating its symptoms, as physiotherapy treatments directly target the muscles affected by inflammation. This allows both to maximize the effect of drug therapy, and to reduce the duration of treatment and restore muscle function.

Depending on the localization of the inflammatory process, various physiotherapeutic procedures can be prescribed - electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, mud applications, laser therapy, etc.

Manual and reflex therapy

These methods are preferred when there is a need to eliminate muscle spasms and the pain they cause. Massage (acupressure, relaxation, vibration, lymphatic drainage, etc.) is also recommended for the prevention of exacerbation of myositis in the presence of permanent risk factors (osteochondrosis, professional employment involving excessive physical exercise, sports, etc.).


Surgical intervention in the treatment of myositis is used to a limited extent. In most cases, the need for surgical treatment occurs with purulent myositis, which is characterized by the formation of a capsule filled with infected contents in the muscle.

Depending on the severity of the patient's condition and how close the affected area is to vital organs and large blood vessels, the operation can be performed on an outpatient basis or in a hospital setting.

Important: the treatment of myositis should be prescribed and monitored only by a qualified specialist, regardless of the intensity of the symptoms and the causes of the disease.

This requirement is due to the peculiarities of this disease, which can lead to severe and sometimes irreversible consequences in a short time.

Myositis is an inflammatory process that is localized in the transverse cavity muscles. The disease occurs due to infection in the body, injury or other factors. Myositis in children and during pregnancy in women can occur in the area of ​​​​any muscles. Let's take a closer look at what are the main symptoms of the disease, what treatment is prescribed.

Varieties and forms of the disease

Myositis in a child, depending on the cause of the appearance, is of the following types:

The disease in children and women during pregnancy may develop due to hypothermia.

The disease manifests itself in two forms. With simultaneous damage to several muscles, polymyositis is diagnosed. If, in addition to damage to skeletal muscles, the disease affects the smooth muscles of the internal organs and skin, the doctor diagnoses dermatomyositis.

These phenomena lead to a weakening of the blood supply and muscle contraction, due to which edema occurs, nerve endings are compressed.

If treatment is started in a timely manner, the baby will feel better after three days of proper therapy. If the disease is not treated, after a while, children's muscles will begin to atrophy.


The main symptoms of myositis in children:

The appearance of severe pain that restricts movement.

Muscle spasms.

Increase in body temperature.

Symptoms of intoxication of the body.

General weakness.

Redness and swelling of the skin.

Most often, the symptoms of the disease make themselves felt in the morning. The child cries, suffers from apathy, is capricious. When changing the position of the body begins to cry even more.

Cervical myositis causes headache or toothache, numbness or tingling of the face. The child is unable to turn the neck or tilt the head.

With cervical myositis, the muscles of the shoulder girdle become inflamed. It is painful for the child to move the shoulder joints.

Dorsal myositis is characterized by the constant lying of the baby on his back. When changing position, severe back pain appears.

Myositis of the chest muscles leads to damage to the intercostal muscles, because of which the pain bothers the child not only when moving, but also when breathing. The pain is localized in the intercostal spaces.

Myositis of the lower extremities

Since the child moves a lot, myositis of the legs makes itself felt very sharply. The symptoms of leg injury are as follows:

  • local reddening of the skin;
  • legs hurt a lot;
  • the temperature of the skin in the affected area rises;
  • motor activity decreases or completely disappears;
  • headaches, muscle spasms may appear.

Polymyositis of the legs manifests itself in the calf muscles, which are actively involved in walking, running and other vigorous activities.

If the muscles of the legs are affected, their weakness and pain when walking are often noted.


It is important to identify the cause of the inflammation. Only by eliminating it, you can achieve a successful recovery. Treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor, having carefully studied all the symptoms.

Treatment of leg myositis in children is carried out as follows:

It is important to create muscle rest. Try to do everything so that the child observes bed rest. It is important to put it in such a way that the leg muscles relax.

To relieve pain, you can apply special ointments. Adults and children over 12 years old are given painkillers with Ketanol or Voltaren.

Warming ointments are applied externally according to the age of the child. Preparations for the treatment of legs should be selected by a doctor.

If myositis is due to trauma, children over 12 years of age are given a novocaine blockade with corticosteroids.

Children's polymyositis is treated with thermal or physiotherapy in the case when there is no pronounced swelling of the tissues.

As soon as the acute period of the disease subsides, children are given massage and reflexology courses. It is important to show the child to the doctor at the first symptoms of leg disease. To relieve pain, you can lubricate the legs of a small patient with Doctor Mom holy ointment. After that, it is important to wrap them in a warm blanket and put the child to bed.

During pregnancy, not all drugs can treat myositis. Treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account the duration of pregnancy and the safety of the drug.

Often, during the period of bearing a baby, expectant mothers are recommended to treat polymyositis with plant-based ointments.

It is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Only Paracetamol is allowed.

To relieve muscle spasms, No-shpu should be used, which has an antispasmodic and analgesic effect.

Under the ban during pregnancy, the treatment of myositis with Apizartron, Viprosal and Dimexide.

It is allowed to do massage and thermal procedures with dry heat.


Cervical myositis, polymyositis of other parts of the body are treated with ultra-high frequency therapy, ultrasound therapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises. To make the massage more effective, pine, lavender, rosemary and eucalyptus essential oils are used to perform it.

Treatment of the disease in children at home is carried out with the help of home ointments:

Mix lard with dry horsetail grass in a ratio of 4:1. Lubricate the affected areas of the body with the resulting ointment four times a day.

Mix 400 grams of honey with 20 grams of sulfur. Use the resulting mixture to massage affected areas.

Combine the yolk with 5 grams of turpentine and 20 milliliters of apple cider vinegar. With the resulting ointment, lubricate sore spots that have been damaged by polymyositis.

Polymyositis is treated not only with ointments, but also with decoctions. To do this, pour one part of the buds and willow leaves with ten parts of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour. Let's drink a decoction to the child 10 milliliters five times a day.

Cervical myositis in children after consultation with a doctor can be treated with potatoes. Boil potatoes in their skins. Peel it up and lay it out on the fabric. Tie the compress tightly around your neck and secure with a woolen scarf. After the potatoes have cooled, remove the compress and warm the sore spot. After the procedure, put the child to sleep.

If you do not know how to pray to a holy icon correctly, ask believers about it, or pray to the saint as best you can.

Now you know what are the main symptoms of myositis, as well as what treatment is used for this disease. Polymyositis is treatable if therapy is started as early as possible. It is important not to self-medicate, but strictly follow all the doctor's instructions and listen to the doctors, and then myositis can be completely cured.


Back pain is experienced by people of all ages and professions. This problem remains relevant even in countries with a developed system of medical care. Doctors hear such complaints every day, but, unfortunately, not all patients turn to specialists in a timely manner, which only aggravates their condition and prolongs the disease.

Pain in the back can be associated with various pathologies, among which myositis is often found - inflammation of the muscles. Some consider this a mild disease, but even it can cause serious trouble to a person.


When myositis of the back appears, most people consider it to be the result of ordinary hypothermia, when it blew or blew through the lower back. Prolonged uncomfortable postures, physical strain, working in adverse weather conditions are indeed common causes that many face.

Thus, the disease is a consequence of not only external, but also internal causes. As a rule, one factor prevails, but there are also cases of combined effects on the body.

Myositis of the back muscles has a different origin, which can be determined by the results of a medical examination and an additional examination.


The disease can cover one muscle or several groups. With systemic pathology, not only the back is involved, but also the neck and limbs. Clinical symptoms also depend on the nature of myositis: acute or chronic. But in each of the cases, patients will be disturbed by the main symptom - pain. It may have the following features:

  • Sharp or aching.
  • Moderate or strong.
  • Occurs intermittently or persists for a long time.
  • Localized in the thoracic or lumbar region.
  • Increases with body movements, deep breathing, coughing, change of weather.

Symptoms of acute myositis occur quite unexpectedly. In this case, the patient himself can guess, after which back pain appeared: hypothermia, injury or excessive load. If there was open muscle damage, then the infection penetrates through the wound, provoking purulent myositis. As for chronic forms, the disease can begin with indefinite discomfort and fatigue in the lower back, and pain sensations join later.

Like any inflammatory process, myositis has local signs. In the affected area appear:

  • Puffiness.
  • Redness of the skin.
  • An increase in her temperature.
  • Muscle soreness on palpation.
  • Violation of the mobility of the lower back or chest.

In addition, muscle tension will be an important symptom, which is determined by roller-like thickenings on the back or painful nodules. Such seals become a reaction to inflammation. If the process becomes chronic, then other symptoms are noted:

  • Muscle weakness.
  • hypotrophy and atrophy.
  • Deposition of calcium salts (ossification).

Back pain symptomatic common disease, often accompanied by fever, malaise and general weakness.

Symptoms of myositis are local and general. The main symptom of muscle inflammation is pain.


Myositis must be differentiated from other diseases that have similar symptoms. Therefore, the diagnostic spectrum can expand. In addition to the traumatologist, the patient should be examined by a rheumatologist and a neurologist.


Pain resulting from inflammation of the back muscles requires timely elimination. This is what all patients want. But you can not deal only with the elimination of symptoms, but you should approach the problem in a complex way. First of all, it is necessary to act on the cause that led to the disease. In parallel, an impact on the processes that support pathology should be carried out. Traditionally, the following methods of treatment are used:

  • Medical therapy.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Massage.
  • Physiotherapy.

Starting therapy, it is necessary to try to eliminate those factors that contributed to the appearance of inflammation. This will speed up recovery and prevent a similar situation in the future.

Treatment of myositis should be carried out under the supervision of a physician and in compliance with all his recommendations.

Medical therapy

Treating myositis should begin with medical methods. They are the most effective and cover a wide range of pathological processes. To relieve pain, inflammation and muscle spasm, improve metabolism in soft tissues and stimulate their healing, use the following drugs:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (Movalis, Ortofen, Artrozan).
  2. Muscle relaxants (Tolizor, Mydocalm).
  3. Vitamins and microelements.


Treatment of myositis should include not only medications, but also other methods. One of them is physiotherapy. Procedures that are used to speed up recovery have a mild local effect, improve the flow of biochemical processes in tissues. To eliminate muscle inflammation, the following methods are recommended:

  1. Electro- or phonophoresis.
  2. laser treatment.
  3. UHF therapy.
  4. Magnetotherapy.
  5. Water and mud treatment.

In patients who have undergone such procedures, back pain disappears, blood flow in soft tissues improves, and overall activity increases.

Physiotherapy is contraindicated in acute purulent myositis, but it is possible and highly desirable during the resolution of the inflammatory process.


Massage helps to treat myositis of the back muscles. But they start it only after the elimination of acute manifestations of the disease. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite effect - increase pain and worsen the general condition of the patient. Massage treatment includes various elements:

  • Stroking.
  • Trituration.
  • Kneading.
  • pressure.

In addition to manual exposure, can and roller techniques are used. Positive effect from massage is based on relaxing the muscles, warming them up, improving blood flow. Consequently, the delivery of nutrients necessary for recovery to them is enhanced.


In the acute period, patients are shown to limit the load on the back up to complete bed rest. And when the pain has disappeared, you can start gymnastic exercises. Exercises aimed at stretching the muscles and improving their tone should help restore functional activity. It is possible to treat myositis with physical education at home, but first you need to learn how to correctly perform all the movements prescribed by the doctor. It is recommended to go swimming - it has a good effect on all skeletal muscles.

The correct motor regimen will be a good therapeutic factor and will prevent the appearance of myositis in the future.

If there are signs of back myositis, then you should trust a specialist, and not rely on your own strength. Proper and timely treatment will quickly relieve the patient from suffering and return him to an active life. And when all the symptoms are left behind, it's time to pay attention to prevention, which mainly concerns the correct mode of work and rest.

Orbital myositis is a pathological condition in which the oculomotor muscles undergo acute or chronic inflammation. A variety of factors can lead to the development of such a disease. Quite often, it is not possible to identify the starting moment for the occurrence of this pathology. The danger of this pathological process lies in the fact that with a long course it can lead to irreversible cicatricial atrophic changes, as well as to a persistent increase in intraocular pressure.

For the first time, myositis of the orbit was described back in 1903. It has now been established that in about thirty-three percent of cases it is not possible to identify the cause of the development of such a disease. In sixty-seven percent of cases, inflammation of the oculomotor muscles is of a secondary nature. This suggests that it is preceded by some underlying disease, traumatic impact, and so on. The obscure nature of orbital myositis is most often encountered by males over forty years of age. As for the secondary form of this disease, it can be diagnosed absolutely at any age. There is also no gender dependence.

As we have already said, inflammation of the oculomotor muscles most often has a secondary nature. In the event that it is not possible to establish the cause of its development, they speak of an idiopathic form. There is an assumption that various autoimmune reactions underlie the emergence of an idiopathic pathological process. However, this point is still open to question.

The secondary form of such a disease is most often the result of a local traumatic effect on the fibers of the oculomotor muscles. Sometimes infectious diseases, burns and hypothermia, as well as surgical interventions, can lead to the development of this pathological process. Inflammation of the oculomotor muscles in some cases is formed due to alcohol intoxication or poisoning with any chemicals. The use of low-quality cosmetics and a low level of hygiene can also become a trigger for the emergence of this pathology.

An interesting point is that each of the above factors has its own mechanism for the development of an inflammatory response. As an example, it can be said that with the infectious nature of myositis, toxins secreted by pathogens play a decisive role, and when hypothermia starts a number of neurogenic reactions.

Depending on the duration, it is customary to distinguish its acute and chronic forms. In the acute form, there is a sudden and rapid increase in the clinical picture, which is present for no more than six weeks. The acute form ends with a complete recovery or acquires a chronic course. The chronic form lasts more than two months. It is accompanied by periodically replacing each other exacerbations and remissions. Most often, the chronic course of the disease is noted in its idiopathic nature.

Symptoms of myositis of the orbit

The intensity of the symptoms that occur with orbital myositis largely depends on the provoking factor, as well as on the strength of its impact. The idiopathic form, first of all, is manifested by sudden pain in the eye. The pain syndrome is acute and significantly disrupts the patient's habitual lifestyle. As a rule, it increases with movements of the eyeball. On examination, you can find that the eyelids are swollen and ptosis has appeared. In the event that the pathological process is unilateral, there may be complaints of double vision. The eyeball moves forward fairly quickly. As the oculomotor muscles thicken, the pain becomes more severe and bursting.

Without fail, there are symptoms such as redness of the conjunctiva of the eyeball and limitation of its motor activity. In the most severe cases, the patient cannot move the eye at all. Sometimes the clinical picture is complemented by increased sensitivity to bright light and profuse lacrimation. It is interesting that all the above manifestations become much more pronounced after hypothermia or emotional overstrain. In the case of a severe course of this pathology, subfebrile fever may be present.

Most often, with a secondary form of orbital myositis, the symptoms are more moderate. At the same time, a clear relationship can be traced between the influence of a provoking factor and the development of an inflammatory process in the oculomotor muscles. As a rule, in the case of an infectious or toxic nature of the disease, it is enough just to eliminate this factor, after which the clinical picture subsides on its own.

First of all, this disease is diagnosed on the basis of complaints of a sick person and his examination. To confirm the diagnosis, it is mandatory to conduct an ultrasound examination of the eye, non-contact tonometry, biomicroscopy of the eyeball, ophthalmoscopy and gonioscopy. In doubtful cases, computed tomography may be required. If an infectious nature is suspected, a variety of serological tests are used.

Treatment of such inflammation directly depends on its cause. In the event that the disease was provoked by an infection, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. In case of traumatic etiology, surgical intervention is indicated. For other applicable medicines include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticosteroids and angioprotectors. After subsiding of acute inflammatory manifestations, various physiotherapeutic procedures are indicated.

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Ocular myositis is a disease during which one or more external eye muscles become inflamed. This is a rare disease that most often affects one eye. Young people and people in middle age get sick. Men are more often ill. Such a disease develops in people whose work is sedentary (this is the work of representatives of the musical sphere, people associated with working at computers).

Be vigilant - if the disease is not cured in time, then there may be various kinds of complication. No one talks about surgical intervention, but the fact that you have to go to the hospital for inpatient treatment is quite possible, especially if complications begin with areas of the body that are on the face.

Remember, everyone needs first aid. Always refer to experienced specialists for any changes on the face.

If we talk about the course of the disease, then all inflammatory processes can be acute or chronic.

Depending on the spread, myositis can be local and diffuse.

With a local ailment, one muscle group becomes inflamed. The disease is accompanied by well-defined pains and muscle weakness that becomes more intense every day. In this case, there may be a small swelling and slight redness of the skin, in the localization of the muscles that are involved in inflammation. Infrequently, local forms of the disease are accompanied by fever and headaches.

Diffuse forms of the disease or polymyositis usually do not differ in the intense manifestation of the pain syndrome. It is more distinguished by a gradual increase in weakness, it is accompanied by swelling of the affected areas. Also, the joints that are nearby may be involved in the process. This can lead to arthritis.

What are the symptoms of myositis of the eye muscle?

There are the main symptoms of myositis that accompany any of its forms and types. Muscles usually hurt. Increased discomfort occurs when changing weather conditions, as well as at night. There are also such symptoms: the muscle areas involved in the inflammatory process are tensed, the joints are limited in movement. Muscles hurt more.

Eye myositis can be acute exophthalmic, chronic oligosymptomatic. There are also neuromyositis. All these factors, if not dealt with, will lead to very serious sores.

The first is the most common. It is characterized by specific symptoms. The onset is acute, when the eye moves, there is prodromal soreness. Also, this form is distinguished by other symptoms, it is distinguished by a person's photophobia, tearfulness is possible. The latter are joined by exophthalmos, they appear due to the thickening of the inflamed muscles. The more muscles involved in the process, the stronger they are expressed.

The mobility of the eyeballs in the direction of diseased muscles is painful and limited. Because of the perifocal edema, it is difficult for him to move into the orbit. Eye irritation leads to chemosis, ptosis, and periorbital pain. They affect what the condition is referred to as myopathic pain exophthalmos.

Most often, the symptoms are mild. After a couple of weeks, the symptoms disappear. If the course of exophthalmic myositis is sluggish, then it can be considered an orbital tumor, since the radiograph shows orbital opacification.

In the second form, inflammation of the muscles of the eyes, the symptoms are not very pronounced (pains of a breaking nature, the presence of diplopia, paresis of the muscles of the eyes). The process is slow.

Ocular neuromyositis is characterized by acute bilateral exophthalmos, eyelid edema, chemosis, and multiple paralysis of the eye muscles.

How to cure myositis of the eye?

It is not difficult to diagnose this disease. A specialist can make an accurate diagnosis using the patient's history.

To see a detailed picture, you can undergo electromyography. Thus, the bioelectric impulses of the patient are examined. They also take a general blood test so that the inflammatory process can be detected.

Before determining the methods of therapy, in each individual situation, the specialist gets acquainted with the nature of the occurrence of the disease or unpleasant sensations of this kind.

The treatment of myositis itself is divided into pathogenetic and symptomatic. Pathogenetic treatment deals with the cure of the cause of the formation of the disease. Symptomatic treatment alleviates the patient's condition.

Among the main methods in the treatment of eye myositis are:

  • physiotherapy treatment;
  • physical education treatment;
  • massage (suitable for any form of the disease, if the form of the disease is not purulent);
  • treatment with a protein diet;
  • treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • medication treatment (painkillers and vascular drugs).

A good effect during the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases is given by Prednisolone, Prednisone, Triamcinolone or Dexamethasone. When the disease is severe, in addition to steroids, the use of salicylates is recommended (so that a person sweats when he is wrapped up), Amidopyrine, Butadion, physiotherapy (diathermy, diadynamics).

To avoid the re-development of myositis, it is necessary to sanitize the infectious focus and harden the body.

Summing up the disease

To prevent myositis, each person should take good care of their health. Do not forget to pay attention to the body. All this will be useful in eliminating a number of factors. These are factors that can contribute to the appearance of such inflammation. Otherwise, the disease can have very serious consequences for the body (muscles can simply atrophy).

Muscles should not be overstressed when doing any work. The same applies to the situation when physical activity takes place (sports, for example). Hypothermia must be avoided. Drafts are undesirable. Work must not be carried out in cold rooms. Optimum temperatures should be maintained.

Specialists recommend treating colds and infectious processes correctly and in a timely manner. This will also be the prevention of the disease. Do not neglect the doctor's prescriptions. By contacting specialists in time, you can begin effective treatment. Then it will be easier and easier to treat the disease. Recovery will come quickly.
