Pain under shoulder blades when coughing. Back pain in the shoulder blades when coughing: what is it

Tingling, shooting pain in the back between the shoulder blades can be a symptom of various diseases. Treatment for pain in the interscapular region is prescribed individually, depending on the cause.

Most people, having felt that their back hurts in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, begin to believe that the causes of pain lie in problems associated with the back (spine, nerve cords, intervertebral discs). But the reasons may also lie in diseases of the organs located inside the chest.

Pain wears diverse character. Acute rapidly or gradually increases, and may disappear instantly. Chronic pain bothers a person for a long time.

Sometimes pain occurs due to physical overexertion or being in an uncomfortable position for a long period of time. If the patient suffers from chronic pain between the shoulder blades, then it is necessary to consult a doctor, since such pain signals the development of serious diseases. Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis.

Pain between the shoulder blades is not an independent disease, but a symptom of some kind of chest disease.

Therefore, do not rush to relieve pain with injections or. You should consult a doctor, describe the nature of the pain, all the symptoms that accompany them, which causes them to appear. This information will be required by a specialist in order to establish true reason occurrence of pain.

But, in case of untimely treatment, you may encounter the fact that the patient, in order to identify the causes, will need to pass a large number of costly and often unnecessary tests. This can also happen if the reception is conducted by an incompetent specialist. Therefore, a person needs to know the main diseases, the symptom of which is pain in the region of the shoulder blades.

Back pain between the shoulder blades is a problem that many have faced. But why it occurs, not all people know.

Such a symptom can have various origins, ranging from the common cold to serious spinal problems. But there are accompanying symptoms that help to understand this problem. Let's try to describe possible reasons the appearance of pain in this area. We will try to assess the danger and consequences of these factors.

The main reasons for which the back hurts under the shoulder blades are a variety of injuries and diseases of the spine. In addition, pain in this area can indicate diseases of the lungs and heart, as well as diseases of an infectious origin.

back problems

Reasons for pain in the shoulder blades:

  • spinal injuries (bruises, fractures);
  • hernia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • dystrophic disorders in articular cartilage;
  • spondylarthrosis;
  • overvoltage and hypothermia;
  • myositis.

Hernia and protrusion

Intervertebral hernia at the level of the thoracic region is less common than in the vertebral. In ordinary life, he is not subject to such heavy loads as the cervical or lumbar regions. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo an MRI examination or computed tomography. For the treatment of a hernia, the patient is prescribed a course of anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy exercises and reflexology. If the disease is advanced, surgery is recommended. A feature of pain in the disease is that they are felt in one specific place.

Rarely, the pain radiates to the chest. In this case, the disease can be confused with disorders of the heart or lungs.

No less often does the spine hurt between the shoulder blades due to protrusion of the intervertebral discs. The first manifestations of this phenomenon are numbness and pain in the right or left hand. Another sign of protrusion of the intervertebral discs is constant dizziness. They occur due to lack of oxygen. Jumps in blood pressure are also not uncommon for this disease.

Factors affecting the development of intervertebral disc protrusion:

  • diseases of infectious origin;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • constant load on the spine;
  • posture disorders;
  • various injuries.

Also, the occurrence of pain in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades contributes to a herniated disc. The pain can be localized both to the left and to the right, depending on the location of the damaged nerve root. This symptom is accompanied by numbness and weakness.

A hernia of the intervertebral discs is formed due to disorders of the nerve fibers. The wear of the disc leads to damage to the nerve endings. As a result, the back hurts a lot, and especially its area under the shoulder blades.

Another factor influencing the manifestation of such signs is sciatica. With such a disease, pain comes from the thoracic or cervical region and is given from the right or left side under the shoulder blades. Spasms during sciatica are acute. They appear mainly during movement, but sometimes during rest. In addition to the back, the arm can be very sore, especially the hand. Thoracic sciatica radiates to the lumbar region and hips.


Therapy of the disease consists in massage, therapeutic exercises and wearing a corset. The pain appears only on one side of the chest. Between the shoulder blades begins to hurt after a long stay in a vertical state or after overexertion. Pain can be both temporary and permanent.

Associated symptoms of thoracic kyphosis are:

  • numbness of the upper and lower extremities;
  • stiffness;
  • weakness in arms and legs;
  • dyspnea;
  • dysfunction of the heart muscle.

The cause of kyphosis is the weakening of muscles and ligaments. It occurs due to their insufficient nutrition with essential microelements. This problem can be congenital and postural.


One of the most common problems associated with the spine is osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. Pain in this disease can come from both the left and right sides. Pain is acute. In addition to pain, loss of sensation is possible. If the lower part of the thoracic region is affected, numbness and pain are given to the region of the lower back and hips.

Dystrophic disorders in cartilage can be detected regardless of age.

Osteochondrosis is characterized by aching pain. It can be aggravated by sudden movements (sneezing, coughing, turning) and physical exertion. If the patient straightens the shoulders, a crunch is heard between the shoulder blades. Patients complain of pain. According to the descriptions, the feeling is that there is a stake in the chest. A person begins to breathe with his stomach, as there is a decrease in the mobility of the ribs.

Why does osteochondrosis of the thoracic region occur? The causes of this disease are a decrease in motor activity and abrasion of cartilage tissue due to its insufficient blood supply.

Often, discomfort under the shoulder blades is manifested due to kyphosis of the thoracic region. The spread of pain mainly in the upper back. Spasms of the back muscles may occur.


With spondyloarthrosis, the destroyed cartilage tissue is replaced by bone. The spine becomes inactive. This happens due to the fact that bone protrusions form on the vertebrae.


Overexertion of the muscles that support the spine can cause pain between the shoulder blades. Sometimes it feels much lower. Overexertion is not a disease. But it is worth remembering that the causes that provoke pain can lead to the fact that the spine is bent or a hernia will develop. Such reasons include excessive loads and finding long time in a certain state. Most affected are people whose work is exclusively sedentary or standing (seamstresses, salespeople, surgeons, drivers, and others).

If we add to this the effect of hypothermia, which can be provoked by an air conditioner, a draft, etc., then a backache in the area located below or above the localization of the main pain can also be added to the standard pains. The patient is prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, warming ointments, a course of massage.

Hypothermia and back injuries can cause muscle inflammation (myositis). This condition occurs in acute and chronic form. The spine hurts in certain places. The pain is aching, aggravated by palpation, movements or additional load.

Intercostal neuralgia

Pain in neuralgia occurs on one side of the chest, but sometimes they are felt between the shoulder blades or just below. Reasons for this:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • infections;
  • degenerative-dystrophic process in the thoracic region.

These causes cause compression of the nerve roots of the thoracic spine. The manifestation of pain does not depend on the time of day. They can be aggravated by pressure on the chest.

Tuberculosis of the spine

Tuberculosis of the spine is caused by mycobacteria. People are mistaken when they think that tuberculosis can only affect the lungs. This disease, when the immune system is weakened, can penetrate into the spine and affect any of its departments. More than 90% of the population is infected from birth with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which can manifest itself as a consequence of a stroke. Unfortunately, this disease is diagnosed already at the stage when the patient is completely exhausted from severe pain, and tuberculosis itself has led to the fact that not only the spine is damaged, there are a large number of complications. In the damaged section of the spine, a strong, burning pain is felt.

Cardiovascular disorders

Congenital heart defects, ischemic disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia are cardiac causes of pain under the shoulder blades. Congenital heart defects are manifested by acute back pain on the left side. In coronary disease, this symptom also appears on the left.

Stitching and aching pains on the left side in the back and under the shoulder blades are characterized by pericarditis - inflammation of the outer shell of the heart. Diseases of the heart muscle are also manifested by spasms on the left side of the back.

Concomitant signs of cardiac disorders are shortness of breath, numbness and swelling of the fingers, cyanosis of the skin. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is manifested by dizziness, nausea and jumps in blood pressure.

Lung pathologies

The causes of pain under the scapula on the right are a variety of pulmonary pathologies. One of the most common lung diseases is pneumonia. With the development of pneumonia, pain can spread from the left or right side of the back and under the shoulder blade, depending on which lung is inflamed. In addition to pain, during pneumonia, the patient's body temperature rises greatly, breathing becomes difficult. There may be a wet cough.

The patient feels his muscles weak and unable to make the usual movements.

If spasms under the right or left shoulder blade and in the chest appear during breathing, we are talking about pleurisy. Along with these symptoms, the patient's hearing becomes dull.

Lung cancer can also contribute to the manifestation of spasms on the left or right under the shoulder blades. If spasms bother the patient, it is very often possible for him to have a malignant formation, since a benign tumor practically does not manifest itself as a pain syndrome.


With colds, such as bronchitis, spasms under the right or left shoulder blade are also possible. Spasms appear under the shoulder blades if the patient is simply blown away. Most often they are aching or jerking in nature. The back muscles are weakened.

Why do colds cause cramps in the back? When a person is blown away, nerve endings die under the influence of cold. As a result of such processes, pain occurs under the right or left shoulder blade.

Liver pathologies

Violations and serve as one of the main causes of the manifestation of spasms under the scapula. Severe pains are felt on the right, since it is on the right side that the liver is located directly.

Spasms under the right shoulder blade occur during hepatic colic. Also, pain in the back on the right is characteristic of acute cholecystitis. Hepatic colic is characterized by nausea, vomiting, bloating, pallor of the skin. Along with this, the patient manifests profuse sweating, tension in the muscles of the press, severe chills and fever.

A common symptom of cholecystitis is bitterness in the mouth. Along with this symptom, a patient suffering from cholecystitis is tormented by empty belching, frequent constipation or diarrhea. The patient becomes irritable, he is disturbed by insomnia and loss of appetite.

Whatever the cause of the pain syndrome in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and back, this symptom must be eliminated as soon as possible. Only you need to do this not on your own, but with the help of a qualified doctor and after a thorough medical examination. Remember that self-medication is fraught with aggravation of the situation and the appearance of other dangerous diseases. Therapy is always individual. It includes the complex use of medicines, physiotherapy, therapeutic gymnastics. If necessary, surgical intervention is performed.

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Coughing is a symptom present in many diseases. In addition to it, there may be other unpleasant symptoms. Quite often, when coughing, the back hurts in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades. It signals the presence of certain serious illnesses. That is why pain in the shoulder blades needs to be consulted with a specialist. This will prevent irreversible consequences. It is important to note that back pain between the shoulder blades does not indicate one disease, but several at once. It is for this reason that it is impossible to independently establish a diagnosis. When contacting a doctor, the patient will be examined and a complete clinical picture will be collected. In the future, he will be sent for research. Only then will the doctor be able to make a diagnosis. However, in certain situations, additional research may be necessary.

If, along with a cough, pain occurs in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, this is a sign of diseases, which are not recommended to be postponed.

Why discomfort appears

The pain radiates to the shoulder blades for a reason. Often this symptom appears only after coughing has occurred. At the same time, the smooth muscles of the bronchi are compressed. This provokes a change in the level of pressure in the chest. That is, pain under the shoulder blades or in the region of them cannot occur before the patient begins to cough. Such a feature directly affects the structures that represent the support mechanism. There is a contraction of the skeletal muscles and stretching of the nerve endings. That is why coughing provokes back pain.

Cough and back pain at the same time cause great discomfort. Such signs can be observed with serious pathologies that can turn into complications. A cough that is accompanied by pain should be treated as soon as possible. Otherwise, negative violations may occur in:

  • respiratory system;
  • cardiovascular system;
  • back
  • nervous system.

Untreated cough with pain in the shoulder blades can adversely affect the condition of the kidneys

Sometimes violations can be irreversible, so the fight against coughing is best done under the supervision of a specialist. There is no single therapeutic approach to get rid of such an ailment. Treatment is selected only on the basis of the cause of coughing and other symptoms that accompany a painful feeling in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades.

Coughing, in which the back or other parts of the body begin to hurt, is always a pathological process.

Such symptoms are not able to occur on their own. Coughing clears the respiratory system. But at the same time, in the process of coughing in a person, the entire body is weakened. His muscles become more tense. In the absence of proper therapy, they cease to cope with the growing pressure. Pain that radiates under the shoulder blade can permanently worsen the patient's quality of life. The sooner therapy is started, the sooner the patient will be able to get rid of uncomfortable sensations.

The appearance of pain in the shoulder blades when coughing may be due to problems with blood flow in the body

It is worth noting that the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades can hurt not only with lesions of the respiratory organs. Often unpleasant symptom also indicates a violation in the blood circulation system. Only a specialist can determine the cause of the disease. It is important to inform him of all the symptoms present. Thanks to this, he will collect a complete clinical picture.

The underlying causes of symptoms

Pain, giving in the back, delivers great discomfort. In this case, coughing can report a variety of ailments. The most common ones are:

  • Physical stress. When this occurs, muscle tissue is torn. Often this root cause is present in patients who first visited the gym or began to play sports intensively.
  • Colds, the treatment of which was started late. In this case, the patient may be diagnosed with bronchitis, pneumonia, or other ailments.
  • Osteochondrosis. Pain can be given not only to the shoulder blades, but also to other departments. A tingling sensation may be present.
  • The presence of such bad habit like smoking. In this case, the pain radiates to the shoulder blades due to the adverse effects of nicotine, and the lungs do not function properly.

To torment back pain when coughing can be with osteochondrosis

  • Malignant neoplasms in the lungs. In this situation, discomfort occurs not only in the shoulder blades. It can be localized in the chest and capture the entire back. It depends on how much the violation is triggered.

When visiting a specialist, the patient will need to talk about the characteristic features of the discomfort and all the symptoms present. Only thanks to this it will be possible to establish an accurate diagnosis in the future.

Pain that radiates to the shoulder blades causes a stomach ulcer. It is diagnosed most often in patients.

In this situation, the discomfort also extends to the thoracic region and the left side of the body. Discomfort with an ulcer is usually periodic. They may appear at certain times of the year. The pain increases gradually, it may disappear for a while after the gag reflex. The disease occurs due to disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The gag reflex appears when the pain is most pronounced. Pathology is accompanied by a large number of symptoms, while getting rid of the disease is quite difficult.

The cause of pain between the shoulder blades when coughing can be a stomach ulcer

In the presence of a disease, pain and cough are characterized by certain features. For example, with deviations in the respiratory organs, the painful feeling intensifies when a person breathes, coughs or laughs. At the same time, patients complain that during the coughing period they had pain in the dorsal region, chest, shoulder blades and ribs.

Features of pain

Pain under the shoulder blades can appear in the presence of psychological disorders. The patient may complain about:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • tingling sensation in different parts of the body;
  • change in blood pressure;
  • bouts of anxiety;
  • fever
  • lack of air;
  • coughing fits;
  • lack of sleep;
  • painful sensation under the shoulder blades.

On a psychological basis, along with pain in the shoulder blades and coughing, breathing difficulties may appear.

Often, this violation manifests itself after the transfer of stressful situations or constant overexertion. It will be necessary to give priority to the restoration of the body. The patient will need to try to rest as often as possible and learn not to take negative events to heart.

Often the occurrence of pain under the scapula occurs with deviations in the functioning of the heart.

Such symptoms indicate a myocardial infarction. With this ailment, discomfort also extends to:

  • jaw;
  • back
  • cervical region.

The cough reflex is dry and obsessive. Discomfort does not disappear in the patient even after the use of drugs that are designed to dilate blood vessels. Pain can be reduced only by potent analgesics. The patient's condition with such an ailment usually worsens after playing sports or emotional overstrain.

The presence of pain in the shoulder blades when coughing may indicate problems with the heart

As mentioned earlier, pain and cough can occur with osteochondrosis. In this case, the discomfort is localized under the shoulder blades. The pain is usually dull. It often affects only one part of the body. Painful sensations are most often manifested in the morning period of time. During the day, they can be observed with sudden movements. A warm bath can help relieve pain temporarily. Usually the patient also complains of occasional dizziness and pre-syncope.

Often the root cause of pain under the shoulder blades is intercostal neuralgia. The discomfort is paroxysmal. It is able to increase with walking, coughing, breathing and physical exertion. In this case, the cough usually bothers at night. The pain can spread not only to the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades. It is also capable of affecting the heart, the entire back and lower back. The patient may complain of a burning sensation.

Each of the diseases needs special therapy. With the same symptoms, patients may be recommended completely different medicines. It depends on the underlying cause of the symptoms.

Pain localization

Pain when coughing can be given to the left or right shoulder blade. You will need to inform the doctor about the localization of discomfort, since it will depend on what kind of diagnosis the patient will be made. There may be a need for urgent medical attention.

With lung disease, coughing can cause pain in the region of both the right and left shoulder blades.

An ailment localizing in the left shoulder blade usually indicates pathologies of the spinal column. In this case, coughing brings great discomfort, as the unpleasant sensation intensifies. Discomfort can be varied. The pain can be pronounced or aching. Usually relief occurs when the patient is in a motionless state. Some patients complain that the pain first occurs on the left side, and then moves to the area between the shoulder blades. Back problems bother some patients all the time. Discomfort does not disappear or decrease even during the rest period.

The left side of the shoulder blades can disturb the patient in the presence of the following ailments:

  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • deviations in the functioning of the bronchi and lungs;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

All of these diseases are accompanied by coughing. A symptom may differ in characteristic features for a particular ailment.

Unpleasant sensations with these pathologies can radiate to the upper limbs, the back of the head or neck.

The appearance of pain in the right shoulder blade when coughing may be due to the presence of scoliosis

Often, patients complain of pain under the right shoulder blade, which accompanies coughing. Such a sign may indicate:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • violations in the functioning of the excretory organs;
  • inflammation of the lungs;
  • bronchitis.

The manifestation of pain depends on the underlying cause. Often these disorders are also characterized by vomiting, fever and fever. Usually the affected internal organ is located away from the shoulder blades. The symptom may be dull at first and then become acute. The pain can spread to other parts of the body, and sometimes discomfort is given even to the lower extremities.

You can learn more about coughing from the video:

Back pain between the shoulder blades is not a separate disease - it is only a symptom of a rather wide range of pathologies: this includes diseases of the spine, the musculoskeletal system, and the nerve roots "responsible" for this area.

In the interscapular region, pain can also be given when various diseases internal organs.

Rapid and accurate diagnosis of the real cause of pain between the shoulder blades will avoid the development of complications or severe chronic processes.

  • traumatic injuries of the constituent structures of the thoracic and cervical spine;
  • osteochondrotic changes in the thoracic or cervical region;
  • curvature of the spine to the side (scoliosis);
  • kyphosis and kyphoscoliosis;
  • spondylarthrosis;
  • intercostal hernia;
  • hernia between the thoracic vertebrae;
  • humeroscapular periarthrosis;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • herpes zoster and some other infectious diseases;
  • heart diseases: ischemic disease, myocardial infarction;
  • pathology of the mediastinum (organs located between the two lungs);
  • diseases of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum;
  • diseases of the liver and hepatobiliary system;
  • diseases of the lungs and their membranes - the pleura;
  • kidney pathology;
  • frequent performance of a certain kind of action against the background of systemic diseases.

In order to at least a little understand the huge amount of pathology (in order to know which doctor to contact), we will break down the main causes of the pain syndrome according to the characteristics of this pain.

In the chest and between the shoulder blades

They usually show up like this:

  • kyphosis (curvature of the spine in the anterior-posterior direction, bulge back);
  • scoliosis;
  • intervertebral hernia of the thoracic region.

In this case, the pains are present for a long time, have different severity, are usually absent in the morning, and increase in the evening.

In addition, pain can be a symptom of:

  • ischemic heart disease: in this case, the occurrence of pain at the height of physical activity is characteristic; it usually resolves with a nitroglycerin tablet;
  • cholecystitis: then the pain is associated with the intake of fatty foods;
  • hepatitis A: it is also characterized by increased bleeding (for example, after brushing your teeth), discoloration of the skin;
  • pneumonia and pleurisy: there will be another cough, fever, signs of intoxication.

When inhaling

Causes of pain between the shoulder blades when inhaling can be:

  • Intercostal neuralgia. It has a shooting, girdle character. It intensifies with a deep breath, a sharp movement of the body, when probing the diseased area between the ribs. An increase in temperature is characteristic if neuralgia is caused by the herpes zoster virus. At the same time, small bubbles with a clear liquid will be visible on the skin of the diseased area.
  • Lung diseases. In this case, the pain between the shoulder blades is also present when inhaling, increases with a deep breath and is accompanied by fever, most often with cough (lack of cough does not mean the absence of pneumonia), weakness, fatigue, sometimes nausea and lack of appetite.

If the pain intensifies with even a deep breath, and it hurts rather under the right shoulder blade, we can talk about a diaphragmatic abscess.

After sleep

It almost always looks like this cervical osteochondrosis if you slept in an uncomfortable position.

"Check" in this case will be increased pain when rotating the head, its overextension.

Sharp pain in the spine

This symptom in most cases indicates that there is irritation, infringement or inflammation of the roots of one or more spinal nerves.

When you turn your head

This is how diseases of the spine (mainly osteochondrosis) manifest themselves at the level of the lower cervical - upper thoracic vertebrae.

This condition is not accompanied by a rise in temperature, weakness, loss of appetite.

When tilting your head

This type of pain manifests itself as inflammation of the muscles of the interscapular region, as well as damage to their tendons, ligaments and places of attachment to the vertebrae.

Between the shoulder blades and in the neck

He almost always talks about diseases of the spine (most often - degenerative-dystrophic, that is, osteochondrosis, spondylarthrosis, Bechterew's disease).

The pain can be described as sharp, shooting, and as aching. But it should always be associated with movement, aggravated by turning the head, raising the arms, tilting the neck, or putting the hands behind the back.

Pain may worsen at night.

During pregnancy

Usually, such pain indicates an increase in the load on the spine due to a shift in the center of gravity.

But it passes after rest, is not accompanied by fatigue, fever.

The last symptoms, together with interscapular pain syndrome, may indicate pneumonia or pyelonephritis.

After workout

This is how pains are manifested from overloading either the muscles of this area, or the thoracic (less often - cervical) spine.

In the morning

Aching, dull pain that occurs in the morning and can wake a person, speaks of an exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

It is characterized by a decrease in pain when taking a warm bath, applying a warming cream to this area.

An increase in temperature and intoxication symptoms indicate diseases of the internal organs.

When coughing

Usually pain when coughing is characteristic of intercostal neuralgia.

But it also has:

  • encircling character;
  • paroxysmal;
  • pain when probing the intercostal space.

It can give to the region of the heart, to the lower back, under the shoulder blades, which requires additional studies (ultrasound of the abdominal organs, ECG, X-ray of the lungs) to exclude diseases of the internal organs.

Pain in neuralgia is aggravated in a certain position of the body, when walking, physical activity.

After meal

This is how peptic ulcer manifests itself, mainly of the stomach, but sometimes of the duodenum.

Peptic ulcer is confirmed by the fact that it becomes easier if you drink "Omez" or "Ranitidine" after vomiting, and also if you apply a warm heating pad to your back.

In addition to pain in this pathology, heartburn, belching, and nausea are noted.

When swallowing

The connection of pain between the shoulder blades with swallowing requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor.

These can be such serious diseases as:

  • inflammation or ulcer in the esophagus;
  • inflammation of the organs between the two lungs (mediastinitis);
  • diaphragm disease (then, in addition to pain when swallowing, the pain syndrome will increase with such loads, when intra-abdominal pressure rises).

Giving into the hand

This is a symptom of osteochondrosis of the cervical or upper thoracic region.

In this case, the pain intensifies with a load on the neck, a long uncomfortable position. There may also be dizziness, a feeling of "goosebumps" in the hands.

There should be no fever, vomiting, weakness.

Giving to the neck

This diagnosis is quite difficult.

This symptom can manifest as diseases of the spine, as well as life-threatening pathologies:

  • Shoulder periarthrosis. In this case, pain in the back, in the arm is associated with certain movements. Not accompanied by an increase in temperature or a change in the general condition of a person.
  • biliary colic. It occurs due to blockage of the outflow of bile by a stone. The pain is sharp, stabbing. The general condition also suffers.
  • Disease of the aorta - aneurysm. It is characterized by pain, which is localized mainly behind the sternum, gives under the shoulder blade and in the neck.
  • Myocardial infarction. It can very rarely manifest itself in the form of not retrosternal, but interscapular pain, radiating to the neck. Often, with this life-threatening disease, the pain will be localized behind the sternum, and in the shoulder blade, and in the left arm, and in the neck.

Figure: aortic aneurysm

Giving to the stomach

This is how peptic ulcer disease usually manifests itself - the stomach or upper intestine. Accompanied by nausea, belching, heartburn, a feeling of bloating.

The pain is associated with eating.

After childbirth

Such pains usually indicate the occurrence or exacerbation of the pathology of the spine:

  • kyphoscoliosis;
  • disc protrusion;
  • scoliosis;
  • spondylarthrosis.

But these problems should not cause loss of consciousness, fever, deterioration of health.

The child has

Almost always, this is a sign of developing scoliosis due to a violation of posture.

In this case, you can see that the lower angles of the shoulder blades, as well as the shoulders, are at different levels.

If the pain is associated with eating, there are belching or heartburn, it may be gastritis or peptic ulcer.

The connection of pain with the intake of fatty foods, a feeling of bloating can speak of both biliary dyskinesia and cholecystitis.

In this and the penultimate case, a visit to a pediatric gastroenterologist should not be postponed.

Possible nature of pain

Let us give various examples of diseases according to the nature of pain.

It should be taken into account that there is no direct and 100% guarantee of accurate diagnosis only by this criterion, since the pain threshold and sensations for the same disease are different for different people.


Pain of this nature usually appears in response to infringement, inflammation or irritation of one or more roots of the spinal nerves: this is what used to be called "sciatica".

It is a consequence of other pathological conditions, such as osteochondrosis or scoliosis. Because of this, swelling and inflammation occur in the area of ​​​​the pinched root, which provokes a reflex tension of certain back muscles.

Due to such a muscle spasm, the root is clamped even more.

Biliary colic is also manifested by sharp pains, only they occur not only between the shoulder blades, but also in the region of the right hypochondrium.

In this case, there is a connection between eating fatty, spicy, fried or spicy foods: the pain appears 3-5 hours after such a meal.

In addition to pain, general well-being also suffers, nausea and vomiting appear.


This word most often characterizes pain in such conditions:

  • Protrusion of the intervertebral disc;
  • Intercostal neuralgia, during which a person is even afraid to take a breath;
  • Pancreatitis. It is accompanied by other symptoms: bloating, diarrhea, a violation of the general condition;
  • Myocardial infarction. In this case, well-being also suffers significantly. Often there is a loss of consciousness, arrhythmias, lowering blood pressure.

Fig.: protrusion and herniation of the intervertebral disc


In this case, 2 conditions are differentiated - ischemic cardiac pathology (its subspecies is angina pectoris) and osteochondrosis.

With IHD pain:

  • will be burning, squeezing;
  • does not last long (only with a heart attack);
  • passes within a few minutes after taking nitroglycerin;
  • does not depend on movement;
  • subsides at rest.

When the nerve root is infringed, the pain:

  • associated with movement
  • passes after taking painkillers or when taking a certain position;
  • does not respond to nitroglycerin.


It is observed in such diseases:

  • attack of cholecystitis: appears in response to eating fatty, spicy, fried foods, it also hurts on the right under the ribs
  • gastric ulcer that has opened (penetrated) into the pancreas: in this case, the pain will be not only between the shoulder blades, but also in the abdomen
  • exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region: such pain arose in response to some kind of movement or lifting of weight.


This type of pain almost always speaks of diseases of the spine and bones:

  • kyphoscoliosis;
  • herniated disc;
  • scapular-rib syndrome;
  • fibromyalgia;
  • spondylarthrosis.

In some cases, peptic ulcer disease and coronary artery disease can manifest in this way.


This is pain characteristic of the musculoskeletal structures:

  • myofascial syndrome;
  • osteochondrosis of the thoracic or cervical region;
  • scapular-rib syndrome.


Almost 90% of the causes of pain described by the characteristic "dull" is the pathology of the muscles, tendons and ligaments.

The remaining causes are almost equally divided between osteochondrosis and pathology of internal organs (pneumonia, angina pectoris, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis).

If the cause of the pain is the spine, then it can be described as follows:

  • pain does not radiate to other parts of the body;
  • increases with physical activity in which sore muscles are involved;
  • the area hurts when palpated.


This is a symptom of the following conditions:

  • Pleurisy. Then, in addition to pain, a person will notice a cough, weakness.
  • Incipient perforation of the ulcer. In this case, before that there were pains in the abdomen, heartburn, nausea, bloating.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • biliary colic.
  • Pyelonephritis.

What symptoms may accompany pain?

Additional symptoms will more accurately help you navigate which disease caused the pain in the interscapular region.

The back burns and bakes between the shoulder blades

Reasons for this condition:

  • Osteochondrosis of the thoracic or cervical region;
  • An attack of biliary colic;
  • Reflux esophagitis;
  • Renal colic.

Fig.: reflux esophagitis

Numb back

Causes of these symptoms:

  • chest osteochondrosis;
  • kyphosis, kyphoscoliosis;
  • humeroscapular periarthritis;
  • spondylarthrosis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • pleurisy;
  • pneumonia;
  • biliary dyskinesia.

Itchy back

This is a rather rare combination of symptoms - pain between the shoulder blades and itchy back.

It can occur with biliary colic, as well as with herpes zoster.

Freezing back

This combination of symptoms may be characteristic of one of two diseases:

  • infringement of the root of the spinal nerve, in which sensory fibers also pass;
  • exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis.


If the pain between the shoulder blades is accompanied by an increase in temperature, this is typical for diseases of the internal organs:

  • pneumonia
  • tuberculosis of the lung or bones
  • hepatitis
  • cholecystitis
  • pancreatitis
  • pyelonephritis.


Cough and pain between the shoulder blades are accompanied by diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system:

  • tracheitis;
  • pneumonia with pleurisy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • lung tumor.

Fig.: pulmonary tuberculosis

Breathe heavily

This is a clear sign of lung damage.

This combination of symptoms manifest pleurisy, pneumonia.

Lump in the throat

Indicates that the esophagus is suffering - it can be its inflammatory diseases, tumors or varicose veins of the esophagus with cirrhosis of the liver.


Pain between the shoulder blades, combined with nausea, manifests itself:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • subphrenic abscess;
  • liver disease;
  • kidney disease.


These two signs - pain between the shoulder blades and belching - almost always indicate the defeat of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

So, it can be: gastro-esophageal reflux, cholelithiasis and peptic ulcer.


This is a symptom that in itself indicates that you urgently need the help of a doctor, as the condition is life threatening.

This combination of symptoms is manifested by:

  • pneumonia;
  • pericarditis;
  • pneumothorax.

What to do?

If it is accompanied by shortness of breath, fever, weakness, cough and hemoptysis, you need to call a doctor, and not guess about the origin of such pain.

If there are no such symptoms, you can try to eliminate the pain yourself.


  1. We put our hands on our shoulders, make circular movements with our elbows, several times back and forth.
  2. Raise the hands up, then raise the hands themselves, close the palms above the head. At the same time, the head drops, the gaze is fixed on the hands.
  3. We make turns of the torso to the right and left (twisting).

Video: exercises for back pain


You can do self-massage.

For this:

  • we squeeze the brushes into fists, protruding the thumb, put them on the lower back. We finger it so that the fist slowly moves towards the cervical spine.
  • you can also make stroking movements with one or two hands along the spine.

If the massage becomes painful, this indicates the presence of inflammation. It needs to be stopped.

Video: self-massage for back pain

Other self-treatment methods

They include applying to the area in which the maximum pain is felt, both ointments prepared independently from herbs, and official medicine:

  • "Fastum gel";
  • or "Voltaren" gel;
  • Take 50 ml of dry mustard, camphor alcohol and vodka, mix with 3 beaten egg whites. Mix all the components, leave for 10 hours in a dark place, then you can use it as a compress.
  • Mix 100 g of honey, 50 ml of aloe juice, 150 ml of vodka. Leave for 12 hours, apply as a compress.

Which doctors to contact?

The list of doctors begins with the internist.

Then the narrower specialists follow:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • vertebrologist or neuropathologist;
  • nephrologist;
  • traumatologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • urologist.

Prevention measures

Depends on what caused the pain syndrome. T

So, if the pain was caused by the most common cause - osteochondrosis, then prevention consists in the following points:

  1. Periodic visits to massage and physiotherapy.
  2. Proper weight lifting.
  3. Sports.
  4. Hypothermia, drafts should be avoided.
  5. Proper nutrition.

Thus, pain between the shoulder blades can be a symptom of a huge number of diseases.

The main culprits are the spine, supporting its muscles and ligaments.

But also such pain may indicate that some of the internal organs are seriously affected, which requires a detailed examination and treatment, often in a hospital setting.

The appearance of pulling or sharp sensations in the upper part of the spine causes significant discomfort in Everyday life. It is especially unpleasant when the back hurts in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades when coughing. At this time, a person tries to refer to fatigue and overexertion, to drink an analgesic, hoping to solve the problem in this way. Self-medication will lead to nothing. The main thing is to find the source of pain in the upper part of the spine.

The sharp onset of discomfort between the shoulder blades, provoked by the tension of the chest, is evidence that pathological changes are developing in the body. They can touch the spine itself or be located in organs close to the upper part of the spine.

It is worth noting that the pain between the shoulder blades is reflective. This suggests that it arose against the background of a disease of the heart, lungs or bronchi. In this case, in addition to pain, other signs of the development of pathologies may appear:

  • fever, sputum production (inflammation in the lungs);
  • burning in the left arm, under the scapula, increased pressure;
  • discomfort when inhaling, bending, moving.

Important! If your back hurts after coughing, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Causes of pain

Acute, sharp, pulling or aching discomfort that occurs during a cough has many causes.

  1. Intercostal neuralgia (pinching or compression of the nerve). In addition to pain between the shoulder blades, it can manifest itself as shortness of breath, temporary immobilization of the upper spine. During this period, there may be a sharp discomfort during palpation of the areas between the ribs.
  2. The development of inflammation in the lung tissue. In this condition, pain occurs between the shoulder blades not only when coughing, but also during a deep breath. Lung diseases can occur with a temperature above 37.5. If it hurts in the area of ​​​​the scapula on the right - we are talking about a purulent process (subdiaphragmatic abscess).
  3. Renal colic. In this condition, pain appears in the upper back even with a slight cough. In addition to severe discomfort between the shoulder blades, colic can cause backache in other organs and parts of the body.
  4. Pathologies of the heart (angina pectoris, ischemic disease, heart attack). Negative processes in a vital organ can be manifested by burning on the left side, giving under the shoulder blade. In addition, the patient develops shortness of breath, the pulse changes (with a heart attack, it is practically not audible).

In addition to these diseases, discomfort in the back can occur against the background of degenerative destruction of bone tissue in the thoracic spine. This condition of the spine is most often the cause of pain between the shoulder blades after or during a cough.

It is worth noting that inflammation of the joints (spondyloarthrosis) and muscles (myositis) can also give back pain. This is due to muscle tension when coughing. Inflamed areas react sharply to sharp contractions of muscle and joint tissue, hence the pain in the shoulder blades.

Note! Discomfort in this area may be due to bruising of the chest, as well as the formation of tumors (lung cancer).

Another important reason for the appearance of back pain after coughing can be smoking. For a long time, the lungs do not receive enough oxygen, which leads to degradation and death of the cells of the respiratory organ. This condition can not only cause pain between the shoulder blades after coughing, but also provoke the cough itself.

It must be understood that discomfort at the top of the spine - between the thoracic and lumbar regions - can indicate both minor disorders in the pleura, and occur periodically, or be a symptom of an overgrown malignant tumor (a feeling of constant burning under the shoulder blades, acute incessant pain with and without coughing) . Therefore, such signs cannot be ignored. Immediate contact with a specialist is a guarantee that the disease will be detected on time.

Treatment of painful symptoms

Unpleasant sensations in the spine are most often the result of dangerous diseases. In order to prevent undesirable consequences, it is important to undergo an examination, after which the doctor will determine how to treat the identified pathology.

If during the diagnosis it is revealed that pain in the shoulder blades is caused by pathologies of the spine (infringement of the nerve roots in the thoracic region, destruction of discs, displacement of the vertebrae), painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, as well as drugs to relieve muscle spasm:

  • nonsteroidal drugs (Ketanov, Movalis, Diclofenac);
  • muscle relaxants (Sirdalud, Mydocalm);
  • B vitamins (Neurubin, Milgamma).

Important! All drugs are selected by a doctor. Self-medication can cause serious complications, as medications have serious contraindications.

If the back pain on the right is caused by pneumonia or pleural disorders, experts prescribe a course of antibiotics. In addition, immunostimulants are actively used at this time. This approach is aimed at strengthening the body's defenses, which are very weakened due to inflammation.

Treatment of cardiac pathologies - angina pectoris, exacerbation of coronary disease, pre-infarction condition - provoking pain between the shoulder blades, takes place only in a hospital. Therapy includes:

  • analgesic drugs;
  • medicines to protect the heart muscle;
  • round-the-clock supervision of doctors;
  • bed rest.

Important! You can start treatment when an accurate diagnosis is made, and therapy is agreed with the doctor. Uncontrolled intake of analgesics or other drugs can aggravate the patient's condition.

Pain between the shoulder blades can occur due to many reasons. It should be understood that the appearance of such a symptom may indicate negative disorders in the body. It is important to understand that self-medication in this case can lead to serious consequences.

The cause of pain between the shoulder blades during an attempt to cough can be not only or. It can be provoked by various diseases of the internal organs.

But how to distinguish a mild attack of osteochondrosis, in which you can help yourself, from the onset of another disease? What can cause such pain during coughing? When do you need to see a doctor urgently?

Causes of pain

Pain in the shoulder blades during coughing can be caused by diseases of the following systems:

  • musculoskeletal,
  • digestive,
  • respiratory,
  • cardiovascular.

With each of the diseases, back pain between the shoulder blades and cough will manifest itself differently. For diseases:


  • Pain sensations arise sharply at the time of coughing, subside rather quickly.
  • The pain radiates to the interscapular region.
  • Cough does not depend on the disease, as a rule, not very strong.
  • In children, it can occur only with a serious pathology.
  • Fever is not typical.
  • Acutely there is a "lumbago" and quickly subsides, leaving a slight discomfort.

Respiratory Organs:

  • The pain is aggravated by coughing and breathing.
  • Give in the back, sternum, ribs.
  • A dry cough or a wet one is possible, depending on the process taking place in the lungs.
  • Cough from the lungs with interscapular soreness in children (especially at a younger age) is characteristic of SARS, influenza and other acute bronchopulmonary processes.
  • Pain remains even when the patient stops coughing.
  • The temperature can rise to high numbers.


  • Soreness increases slightly, is removed with the help of nitroglycerin.
  • Gives between the shoulder blades, the left side of the chest, the left arm.
  • Coughing without sputum, sometimes a slight hemoptysis is possible due to stagnation in the pulmonary circulation.
  • Occurs with congenital heart disease.
  • Not accompanied by fever.
  • Dull or nagging pain that quickly passes under the influence of drugs or on its own.

Digestive tract:

  • In the process of coughing, the patient feels pain in the back and "vibration" in the affected organ, which quickly subside.
  • Irradiates to the upper back, diseased organ.
  • Due to the fact that "something is in the throat", the cough can be prolonged, not bringing relief.
  • Almost never occurs in children.
  • Fever is rare, with abscesses or inflammation of the organ (, hepatitis).
  • Painful sensations quickly disappear in the interscapular region, but irritation of the organ remains for a long time, as a result of which the patient takes a forced position.

If you suspect any diseases, you should quickly contact the clinic

Ischemic lesions of the heart tissue

This is angina pectoris or a heart attack, sometimes accompanied by complaints that the back hurts and coughing interferes. The cough reflex is provoked by congestion in the pulmonary circulation, increases when lying down, accompanied by a rapid heartbeat.

Painful manifestations are localized in the interscapular part of the back more on the left. Late treatment can lead to severe pathologies or even death.

Pneumonia, pleurisy and other inflammatory processes of the lung tissue

They are especially dangerous if they occur against the background of hyperthermia and intoxication (weakness, muscle pain, loss of appetite).

Both unilateral and bilateral soreness of the scapular region is possible, which increases significantly when the patient tries to cough. Chest cough causes shortness of breath and pain in the back and chest.

With pleurisy, sputum discharge is not observed. If you do not seek medical help in time, then there is a risk of complication of the disease by the addition of secondary infections or its transition to a chronic form.

Pancreatitis, hepatitis, gastric ulcer and other digestive pathologies

They can provoke a respiratory syndrome that provokes unrelieved attempts to cough up.

There are cases when the consequence of diseases gastrointestinal tract untreated, becomes a perforated ulcer or abscess of the pancreas.

If, when trying to cough, such sensations arise, then this should serve as a reason for an immediate visit to the clinic or, if pain occurs on the left, call an ambulance.

Diseases of the spinal column

If, during movement, the spine hurts more, and coughing only provokes an increase in unpleasant sensations, this most likely indicates pathological processes in the bone and cartilage tissue:

  • hernia,
  • displacement of the vertebrae
  • rear rib fractures.

An attempt to cough at the same time will provoke severe pain, either due to irritation of the nerve endings by the tissues of the pleura, or due to a short-term blood flow to the inflamed nerve.

Such pain manifestations between the shoulder blades do not pose a threat to life, but self-medication or a late treatment process can lead to disability, disability.

Any soreness that occurs in the upper back during coughing should be examined with the help of clinical and laboratory studies. ECG, fibrogastroscopy and X-ray images are used for differential diagnosis.

Perhaps doctors will not find serious pathologies and will only reassure, or perhaps timely drug therapy will help to avoid serious complications or even death.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for medicinal purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, internist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.
