Pain in forehead and pressure on eyes. Headache in the forehead and eyes: how to cope

If the head hurts in the forehead, the reasons can be different - from simple overwork to serious diseases of the eyes or brain, discomfort also occurs with cardiovascular pathologies, inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. Help relieve discomfort medications and alternative medicines.

For prolonged headaches, you should consult a specialist, do not pull

Why does the head hurt in the forehead

A short-term headache in the forehead occurs with stress, overwork, a long stay near the TV or computer. Frequent attacks indicate a violation in the work of the heart, blood vessels, brain, signal ophthalmic pathologies, osteochondrosis, inflammation of the sinuses. Unpleasant sensations are accompanied by a number of additional symptoms, which allows you to quickly deal with the diagnosis.

Sharp pain in the frontal region

The causes of a sharp pain syndrome in the forehead are bruises, fractures, craniocerebral injuries.

With a bruise of the frontal region, only soft tissues, abrasions, bruises, bumps and hematomas appear on the skin, a sharp pain passes quickly, but can be aggravated by pressure. After minor injuries, the discomfort disappears within a few days, if the discomfort increases, is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness - these are symptoms of a concussion.

A fracture of the frontal bone is a severe injury that will be accompanied by severe pain.

- a severe injury that occurs after a blow, accompanied by severe pain and bruising of the brain. Signs - an extensive hematoma, deformation in the frontal zone, double vision, bleeding from the ears, swelling of the bridge of the nose.

Concussion and brain injury- a consequence of a fall, a blow. Pathologies are accompanied by a long or short-term loss of consciousness, weakness, vomiting, nausea, visual impairment, numbness of the extremities.

Pain in the forehead in inflammatory and infectious processes

Acute and chronic diseases of the sinuses, colds, viral infections are always accompanied by pain in the forehead and bridge of the nose, this is due to swelling of the tissues that compress the nerve endings in the frontal zone, severe intoxication of the body.

What diseases cause pain in the forehead area:

  1. Frontitis - inflammation of the frontal sinuses occurs against the background of viral pathologies, respiratory diseases, often diagnosed in children and adolescents. Pain in the center of the forehead intensifies in the morning, is unilateral, accompanied by fever, nasal congestion, swelling of the bridge of the nose.
  2. Sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, pain in the forehead and above the bridge of the nose occurs at the same time, increases when the head is tilted forward. The disease progresses against high temperature, weakness, stuffy nose on one side, secreted mucus with impurities of pus.
  3. Etmoiditis - the focus of inflammation is localized in the ethmoid sinus, pain covers the forehead and nose, intensifies when you press the bridge of the nose, there is an increase in temperature, rhinitis.
  4. Typhus, malaria - intense pain in the frontal part, accompanied by the manifestation of other signs of pathology.
  5. - inflammation of the lining of the brain, accompanied by severe, intense pain in the forehead, ears, neck, as many nerve endings are affected. The general condition is rapidly deteriorating, the temperature rises to 39.5 degrees or more, the person loses consciousness. The disease is transmitted by contact-household and airborne droplets, therefore it is considered contagious.
  6. Encephalitis - an inflammatory process is caused by various pathogenic microorganisms, so the disease manifests itself with different signs. Against the background of a sharp pain above the forehead and in other parts of the head, drowsiness, dizziness attacks, tingling in the limbs, hallucinations, and coma develop.

Meningitis is accompanied by a strong fever and intense pain in the frontal part.

Pain in the forehead, temples, superciliary arches is one of the main first signs of the flu. Its appearance is due to the penetration of the virus into the blood, which leads to the development of intoxication of the body. Temperature and muscle weakness make themselves felt after a few days.

Changes in intracranial pressure

Severe headaches occur with an increase or decrease in intracranial pressure. With an increase in intracranial pressure in the vessels, irritation of the nerve endings occurs, which provokes the appearance of a severe headache, nausea, dizziness, and ache in the temples.

Additional symptoms - the pulse quickens, sweating increases, pulsating, pressing sensations appear in the eyes, the skin becomes pale, fainting is possible.

Headache due to irritation of nerve endings

Causes of increased pressure inside the skull:

  • a sharp increase in arterial parameters, hypertensive crisis;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • thrombosis, atherosclerosis;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms in the brain;
  • intoxication against the background of poisoning with drugs, toxins;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • overwork is one of the main causes of headaches in children;
  • disorders in the work of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland.

Against the background of a decrease in intracranial pressure, the pain in front of the head is girdle in nature, it can be weak and constant or strong, painful, sharp, and there is a feeling of heaviness. Pathology develops against the background of hypotension, VSD, brain tumors, endocrine diseases. Symptoms - nausea, weakness, fainting, tinnitus, flashing spots before the eyes, unpleasant sensations are less disturbing in a standing position.

Neurological diseases

Violations at work nervous system is one of the most common causes of headaches.

Pathologies of the nervous system and pain in the forehead:

  1. Migraine - chronic illness of unknown origin, manifests itself in the form of a strong, sharp throbbing pain on one side of the head, starts from the temple, gradually covers the forehead, eye area, and back of the head. During an attack, a person feels sick, he does not tolerate bright light, loud sounds, some smells, stuffiness, he is disturbed by tinnitus, intense flashing of flies before his eyes, there is a feeling that the skin in the affected area is baking.
  2. cluster pain- attacks occur spontaneously, are sharp, intense, pass on their own within a quarter of an hour, most often the pathology is diagnosed in men and women aged 30-40 years. The pain affects the left or right side, there is a narrowing of the pupil, the eyeball becomes red, one eyelid swells and drops, the pulse becomes very quick.
  3. trigeminal neuralgia- sharp pains in the face are given to the frontal zone.
  4. neurosis, neurasthenia- pathologies are more often diagnosed in women during pregnancy, they occur against the background of increased suspiciousness.

Neurological diseases often lead to forehead pain

Drinking alcohol, smoking, staying indoors for a long time are the main provocateurs of migraine attacks and cluster pains.

Other causes of pain in the frontal region

Unpleasant sensations in the head occur with prolonged muscle tension, being in an uncomfortable position, due to incorrectly selected diopters in glasses, and when poisoned by certain chemicals. In women, severe headaches are associated with hormonal imbalances during PMS, pregnancy, menopause, and teenagers also worry about such discomfort.

Why does the forehead hurt:

  1. Osteochondrosis of the cervical region- pulling, shooting, aching pain occurs due to compression of the roots of the spinal cord by bone outgrowths, covers the back of the head and forehead. Discomfort in the forehead and neck area is aggravated by hypothermia, during intense physical activity, after an uncomfortable position during sleep.
  2. Pain of tension- presses in the area of ​​​​the forehead and crown, girdle pain occurs with excessive tension in the muscles of the neck, face, intensifies in the second half of the day. The reasons are prolonged stress, depressive states, overwork, constant work in a monotonous position.
  3. Ophthalmic problems- sharp, throbbing or dull pain in the forehead and eyes occurs with an increase in intraocular pressure, glaucoma, visual impairment, trauma, eye tumors, the presence of a foreign body, unpleasant sensations accompany inflammatory processes.
  4. Poisoning with nitrates, histamine, monosodium glutamate, caffeine. Chocolate, nuts, some types of cheese contain tyramine, this substance also provokes the appearance of a headache.

Prolonged stress can lead to headaches, neurosis and other serious illnesses.

If the pain occurs every day, does not go away after taking painkillers, this indicates the development of tumor processes in the pituitary gland and the frontal lobe of the brain, paranasal sinuses, in the eye sockets, chronic discomfort occurs with hemangioma.

Which doctor should I contact?

Prolonged headache- reason, . After examination and primary diagnosis, the infectious disease specialist will deal with the treatment.


During an external examination, the doctor fixes the presence of swelling of the tissues, abrasions, hematomas in the forehead and bridge of the nose, runny nose and cough, the condition of the pupils and the eyeball. If discomfort is accompanied by dizziness, fainting, vomiting, this must be reported to a specialist.

Basic diagnostic methods:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • clinical analysis of urine;
  • test for tumor markers, biopsy followed by histology;
  • x-ray of the skull, paranasal sinuses;
  • CT, MRI of the brain, sinuses;
  • electroencephalography;
  • measurement of arterial, intraocular pressure;
  • eye examination, fundus examination;
  • Doppler study of the vessels of the head and neck;
  • puncture of cerebrospinal fluid;

MRI can detect brain tumors and some other serious diseases

If a concussion and brain injury is suspected, a thorough neurological examination is carried out - the specialist checks reflexes, the reaction of the pupils to light, counts the pulse, asks the person to bare their teeth and stick out their tongue, during diagnosis it is important to exclude the development of paresis, muscle paralysis.

The Romberg pose is one of the quick tests for diagnosing brain injuries. It is necessary to stand up straight, close your legs, stretch your arms forward, spread your fingers wide. Minimum steady state time - 15 sec.

What to do with a headache in the forehead?

Since the pain syndrome in the frontal part is not an independent disease, but a symptom of various pathological conditions, therapy is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. Based on the results of the examination, medicines are selected, folk remedies will help to strengthen their therapeutic effect.

Drug treatment

Drug therapy is aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome, other unpleasant sensations, and fighting the underlying disease.

How to treat a headache:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs- Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Diclofenac, quickly eliminate pain, reduce temperature;
  • antispasmodics- Papaverine, No-shpa;
  • antibiotics in the form of drops, injections- Isofra, Polydex, Cefazolin, prescribed for bacterial diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • antiviral agents- Amizon, Aflubin, help to cope with headaches with flu, colds;
  • antihistamines- Zirtek, Suprastin, eliminate the swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • migraine pills– Rapimed, Zolmigren;
  • eye drops- Xalacom, Fotil, prescribed for glaucoma, increased intraocular pressure;
  • antihypertensive drugs- Captopril, Enalapril;
  • sedatives- Persen, Novo-passit, help with neuroses;
  • combination medicines- Migrenol, Solpadein, Caffetin.

Folk remedies for pain in the frontal part

Non-traditional methods of treatment eliminate headaches well, but if attacks of cephalalgia are often disturbing, it is better to combine folk remedies with medications.

How to treat a headache at home:

  1. Dissolve 15 ml of vinegar in 200 ml of water, make a compress on the forehead and back of the head, change as the fabric dries. Continue the session until the discomfort disappears.
  2. Dissolve 150 clays with 50 ml of water to a thick cream, add 3-5 drops of mint and lavender oils. Place the mixture between several layers of gauze, make a compress on the forehead and temples, hold for 20-30 minutes.
  3. With a strong, sharp headache, lubricate the temples and the nose with garlic juice.
  4. Brew 1 tbsp. l. chopped St. John's wort 250 ml of boiling water, leave in a sealed container for half an hour, strain. Drink the entire portion of the medicine during the day in 3 divided doses.
  5. Important!

    For chronic headaches, you need to drink 100 ml of fresh carrot juice in the morning, eat 2 tsp before each meal. honey.

    Possible consequences and complications

    Frequent and prolonged discomfort in the forehead, temples, and back of the head is a sign of serious illness, without proper treatment, the pathology will turn into chronic form. If your head constantly hurts, this negatively affects your working capacity, mood, ability to concentrate, memory deteriorates.

    Problems with intracranial pressure will lead to stroke, hypertensive crisis, cerebral hemorrhage, paralysis. Against the background of protracted neurosis, neuropsychiatric pathologies develop.


    To avoid headache attacks, you must adhere to healthy lifestyle life:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • pay close attention to the choice of food;
  • exercise regularly;
  • observe the daily routine;
  • consume at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

The right lifestyle will help you forget about health problems

When working at a computer for a long time, you need to monitor your posture, do gymnastics for the eyes and neck every hour. Meditation, art therapy, yoga will help prevent the development of cephalalgia - these methods increase stress resistance., Improve cerebral circulation.

Pain in the front of the head- a sign of physical and moral fatigue, intoxication, inflammatory processes in the body or injuries. Analgesics, antispasmodics, migraine medications will help eliminate discomfort, but they should be taken only after a complete examination.

Every day, thousands of people suffer from terrible headaches. Someone has episodic attacks, and someone has to deal with regular headaches, which are also accompanied by vomiting, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms. From impotence and irritation, it seems to many that it is simply unrealistic to defeat the pain in the head. Is it really? Certainly not. There is an exit. And it lies not only in the use medicines. There are many activities, ways by which you can forget about a headache forever. The most important thing is not to delay finding a solution. Waiting for the pain to go away on its own is, at least, wrong.

Most often, a headache in the forehead and eyes occurs after emotional breakdowns. Many experience it in the evening, when the working day ends. As a rule, the cause of such an ailment is banal overwork. It is no secret that more than 90% of all information people receive through vision. It is not surprising that such an important sense organ gets tired. A person plunges into the environment that surrounds him, he constantly examines, studies, analyzes something. If the eyes are mainly focused on one thing, they experience an incredibly strong load, and pain appears in the eye sockets.

Sometimes a headache can become so acute and severe that it literally paralyzes a person. In this case, he experiences discomfort when trying to open his eyes, he is annoyed by the noise in his head, his temples begin to pulsate intensely. The first thing you want to do in such a situation is to take some medicine that would instantly relieve the excruciating, devastating pain. But you should not do this until you identify true reason your headache. After all, often thoughtless actions, uncontrolled intake of medicines can only harm yourself, worsening an already poor condition.

Causes and symptoms of headache in the forehead and eyes

As soon as there is pain in the forehead, it often immediately goes to the eyes. Or sometimes everything happens the other way around: first, the eyeballs tighten, and then the pain moves to the frontal region. Reasonable question: why is this happening? Why does headache appear in the forehead and eyes? What are the reasons for this condition? Any doctor can say that, in fact, a headache is a symptom of a variety of diseases. The reasons for its occurrence are incredibly many. The main causes of headaches are:

high blood pressure;
head injury;
overexertion, fatigue;
cluster pain;
viral infections.

Mental fatigue, banal overwork - these are, perhaps, the very first and obvious reasons. Sending painful signals, the body seems to be saying that it's time to rest. It is worth listening to him. All measures should be taken in a timely manner, and even better to do prevention. So, if you have a slight headache due to a heavy load at work (you feel throbbing, tremors in your head), take time to rest, relax, take a few deep breaths or go out into the fresh air, give your eyes a chance to switch to others " landscapes". As a rule, such a headache can be managed without the participation of a doctor, but you should not ignore it.

Known very interesting fact: Sometimes a headache in the forehead can occur due to the fact that you eat unhealthy foods. Surprised? And this is true. We are talking not only about products containing caffeine (chocolate, tea, coffee), but also about fast food, nuts, cheeses, meat products. And of course, do not forget about alcohol, cigarettes. They have not yet made a single person healthy.

Quite often, acute headaches in the forehead or eyes occur due to the fact that a person is sick with something. There are many diseases that lead to severe pain syndrome:
Migraine. When headaches are felt in the forehead and eyes on one side, this may be a symptom of a migraine. Her attacks do not begin abruptly, but gradually: first, the temples pulsate, then the pain is felt in the brain. A migraine can last from a couple of minutes to three days.
Hypertension. High blood pressure is one of the causes of headaches. You can't do without drugs. If you suffer from hypertension, you should always have a blood pressure monitor on hand. The doctor will prescribe the necessary therapy after you undergo a series of necessary examinations.
Concussion. Headache after a blow is an obvious symptom of a concussion. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Eye diseases. Headache can be caused by myopia, because this disease puts a strain on the organs of vision. What to do in this case? You need to contact an optometrist and order glasses that will improve the situation.
Glaucoma(open-angle, closed-angle) is another disease that causes headache. In this case, the eyes react painfully to light, nausea may occur. If left untreated, glaucoma can cause complete loss of vision. In this case, a visit to a doctor is mandatory.
Dangerous diseases- brain tumor, Horton's syndrome, VVD, trigeminal neuralgia, encephalitis, stroke, temporal arteritis. They are almost always accompanied by a severe headache. The sooner you recognize the disease and begin to treat it, the greater the chance of a successful recovery.
Infections and viruses. Flu, common cold, sinusitis, sinusitis may be accompanied by a headache in the forehead. Of particular danger is meningitis - infection of the brain, accompanied by dizziness, nausea, weakness, fever. In this case, a complete examination is required, it is especially necessary if the headaches were preceded by a serious hypothermia of the body. What causes untreated meningitis? To death. Keep this in mind when you start to doubt whether to see a doctor or not.

It is important to emphasize that in some cases, the cause of a headache in the forehead can be exposure to bright sun or strong wind. Sometimes pain can be caused by dryness in the eye, an injury due to a mote. The best recommendations are personal hygiene, wearing glasses from the sun.

If the head hurts in the forehead of schoolchildren, pupils, students, the guys should be given time to rest. Excessive study loads are harmful to everyone. During the period of control, exams, the brain has to process a lot of information, and during this period it is recommended to visit as often as possible. fresh air take frequent breaks from studying.

Whatever the cause of the headache, you should not leave it unattended. Do not think about how to quickly stop the pain syndrome, it is better to start eliminating the true cause of the pain, start treating the disease that caused this ailment.

Headache in the forehead: home treatment

What to do when there is a headache in the forehead? As noted earlier, you need to understand the nature of this pain, and not just deal with the symptoms.

If the pain is severe, and you still need to endure before consulting a doctor, you can take emergency measures to reduce the pain syndrome:
Take a warm bath with chamomile decoction added to the water (the method should not be practiced at high temperatures).
Take a break from working at the computer, from watching TV. Then the pain caused by overexertion will pass.
Try a head massage.
Relax, drink tea with lemon balm, warm milk with honey.

In the same case, when you have headaches often, you should definitely seek professional help from a doctor. After all, an acute or severe incessant headache can indicate the presence of serious diseases, the development of a dangerous pathology. Having drowned out the pain once or twice with pills, you can only do harm. It is better to trust a specialist. He will conduct a detailed, full-scale examination, determine the diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

With many diseases, a person can very often feel heaviness in the forehead. Many believe that such a condition can only occur if a person has inflammation of the sinuses, for example, sinusitis or frontal sinusitis.

Yes, indeed, with these diseases, the main symptom is pain and heaviness in the forehead. But the list of diseases does not end there. And heaviness in the forehead can be with very many ailments.

Tension headache is another common disease, the symptom of which is pain and heaviness in the forehead. In this case, the headache may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, dizziness and staggering. Such pain occurs most often after emotional or mental overstrain. Often occurs under stress.

The second cause of pain and tension in the forehead occurs with increased pressure inside the skull. In this case, in addition to the pain itself in the forehead, there may be an increase or decrease in pressure. This condition is often associated with a change in the weather, with overwork or stress. However, the cause of increased intracranial pressure can also be in completely different diseases, for example, in diseases of the heart or kidneys.

Heaviness in the forehead can occur in many infectious diseases. This condition is associated with intoxication of the human body with products that microbes secrete during their life. In addition, headache in the forehead and in other parts of the head also occurs at elevated body temperature.

Acute meningitis, or a disease characterized by inflammation of the meninges, is also accompanied by a very severe headache and heaviness in the forehead.

And, of course, migraines. At the same time, no one knows exactly for what reasons this strange disease occurs, which is expressed in a very strong and prolonged headache. In addition, along with heaviness in the forehead, a person with a migraine may experience nausea and vomiting, and pain in the head may radiate to the region of one or the other eye. These attacks can be repeated quite often. In addition, it has been found that migraine is a disease that can be passed on to heredity.

So which doctor should you contact if you have pain and heaviness in the forehead? As can be seen from the list of diseases, there can be a great many of these reasons, so do you really have to go to many doctors? No. First of all, you should definitely show yourself to your local therapist, who will later tell you exactly where to go next. Although in some cases, a visit to this doctor is enough to establish the cause of the pain and prescribe treatment.

Heaviness and pressure in the forehead, pain radiating to the eyes and temples are not the most pleasant sensations. Meanwhile, almost every person in his life faced with this. There are many causes of forehead headaches. It can occur even in perfectly healthy people, be acute, pulsating, pressing, stabbing, last for a short time or several days.

Forehead hurts, causes

Pain in the frontal part is one of the most common types of headaches. For effective treatment, it is first necessary to establish the causes of this disease. They can be divided into four groups:

  • Injuries in the forehead;
  • Vascular diseases of the brain;
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • Diseases of the nervous system.

Often, as a result of a bruise, headaches in the forehead can be observed. With this type of injury, only soft tissue damage occurs, and a subcutaneous hematoma (bruise) occurs at the site of the bruise, which subsequently resolves. Sometimes, with a strong blow, a fracture of the frontal bone can occur. Moreover, such injuries are usually accompanied by concussion or bruising of the brain.

If a bone fracture occurs as a result of an injury, then a short-term loss of consciousness, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting may occur. At the site of impact, a well-defined subcutaneous hematoma, bone deformity appears, and the forehead is very sore. Visual impairment is also possible. If there is even the slightest suspicion of a bone fracture or a concussion, then the victim must be shown a computed tomography or x-ray.

Also, the forehead often hurts in the presence of vascular diseases of the brain (venous arteritis, coronary vascular disease). In the cranial cavity is a large number of vessels that carry blood to the brain. It happens that the forehead hurts due to impaired blood flow. With an increase in pressure in the cranial arteries and veins, irritation of the nerve endings occurs, which ultimately leads to severe pain. Other symptoms of high blood pressure:

  • Dizziness;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Weakness, lethargy, pallor;
  • increased heart rate, increased sweating;
  • Sensation of pressure in the eyes.

The forehead also hurts with reduced cranial pressure, and the discomfort is of a girdle character, that is, it is given to the back of the head and temples. This happens as a result of narrowing of the arteries of the brain in atherosclerosis, thrombosis, tumors, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and thyroid diseases.

Severe headache in the forehead may be a symptom of a viral or infectious diseases. With influenza, SARS or tonsillitis, along with the main symptoms (fever, chills, weakness), patients complain of discomfort and tension in the frontal zone. Similar sensations are also characteristic of malaria, typhoid, meningitis, encephalitis.

The most obvious symptom of the presence of inflammatory diseases such as frontal sinusitis and sinusitis is throbbing or aching pain in the frontal part. Frontitis is characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the frontal sinuses, located in the thickness of the bone, right above the nose, and is a complication of colds or viral infections. With sinusitis, inflammation develops in the maxillary sinuses located on the sides of the nose. At the same time, the patient has general weakness, malaise, chills, discharge from the nose, and also his forehead hurts a lot.

Most often, headaches are associated with the development of neuralgia or neuritis of the first branch of the trigeminal nerve. They are paroxysmal in nature, not accompanied by fever, nasal discharge. During an attack, lacrimation, redness of the forehead, pain when pressing on the eyebrow is possible.

Burning unilateral pain in the forehead, the so-called cluster or bundle, usually occurs spontaneously, for no apparent reason, and is very painful. As a rule, attacks last no longer than 15 minutes, but they can occur several times a day.

Another reason that the forehead hurts is a migraine. It is accompanied by sudden, intense and throbbing pain. Quite often during attacks there is a nausea, vomiting. Usually this disease occurs in women and is inherited.

In addition to these diseases, headaches in the frontal zone can occur as a result of prolonged tension in the muscles of the head and neck, nervous stress.

Stress, like other psychogenic and emotional factors, is a common cause of tension headaches. The nootropic drug Cortexin, which reduces the psychogenic component, contributes both to the relief of an attack of pain and the prevention of the occurrence of new attacks. Cortexin has several effects on neurons:

  • neurotropic - improves cognitive functions (memory, attention, thinking);
  • neuroprotective - protects neurons from damage by toxic factors;
  • antioxidant - increases the survival of neurons under stress and lack of oxygen;
  • tissue-specific - improves the functions of the cerebral cortex and the overall tone of the nervous system.

The drug is administered by injection. Not addictive. The course of treatment is usually 10 days.

Why does the forehead and eyes hurt

Among the main causes contributing to the occurrence of pain in the eyes and forehead area can be called:

  • Fatigue;
  • Overwork;
  • stress;
  • Prolonged work at the computer.

In this case, to get rid of unpleasant sensations and discomfort, it is enough to rest, sleep well, take a walk in the fresh air.

Also, the forehead and eyes often hurt with a migraine, while there is a deterioration in vision or photophobia. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, you can take painkillers, try to relax in a room where there are no bright lights and loud sounds.

Sometimes pain in the eyes and forehead occurs with increased intracranial pressure, intraocular pressure, concussion, intracranial hematoma. To determine the exact cause of the pain, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a specialist.

Other reasons that the forehead and eyes hurt: cerebral aneurysm, a possible pre-stroke condition, meningitis. Each of these listed diseases is dangerous. And if the pain syndrome was not caused by overwork, stress or migraine, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible.

For what reasons do forehead and temples hurt?

Headache that occurs in the forehead and radiates to the temporal lobe is considered a common occurrence. It may come on paroxysmal, a dull, throbbing pain in one or both temples. Such pain is often associated with pressure on the nerve endings in the upper back, neck and jaw, which are connected to the nerves located in the forehead and temples.

But mostly the forehead and temples hurt in the presence of certain diseases:

With regular and severe headaches, you should definitely consult a doctor to prevent the development of more serious diseases.

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Pay special attention if a person has a headache, feels tired, puts pressure on his eyes. This is not always solved by pain pills. Head pain is a multi-type pathology. It is divided into specific categories. When a headache in the region of the eyes and forehead often appears, it is necessary to find out who is its "culprit", what are the features of the painful sensation, how intensely it proceeds. The main question for specialists is whether this condition is safe. Find out how to prevent a headache in the eyes and forehead, to avoid recurrent migraines.

Types of pain

What hides the intensity and nature of painful sensations? Distinguish between common headache and migraine. The second option is accompanied by acute and sharp unilateral pain in the forehead, areas of the eyes, the back of the head, sometimes the attack radiates to the temple. The causes of migraine are not fully understood. Headache is inherited, occurs under the influence of external irritating factors. A person who is tormented by seizures is irritated by surrounding sounds, bright light, smells, because the sensations of a sick person are aggravated.

Find out what they mean different types pain:

  1. Acute. A less common cause of acute pain is frontal sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous tissues of the frontal sinuses. Much more often, a manifestation of intolerable, excruciating pain is a migraine, which is accompanied by an aura. This term means:
    • impaired vision, speech;
    • too heightened perception of the environment;
    • numbness of the legs and arms, to the point that it is impossible to move them;
    • nausea, weakness, vomiting.
  2. Pulsating. If heaviness is felt in the eyes, eyeballs hurt, all this is accompanied by an inflammatory process, increased tearing, then such pains are also called beam or cluster. They often appear in men who abuse smoking. The smoker's feeling is aggravated after taking a glass of alcohol, smoking a cigarette, bad weather. As for women, beam pain often occurs at the age of 40, due to paroxysmal hemicrania.
  3. Stab. With stabbing pain around the eyes, optic neuralgia is diagnosed. Stinging, penetrating sensations appear in response to changes in air or water temperature. The pain may radiate to the bridge of the nose.
  4. Pressing. Main reasons:
  • psychogenic;
  • as a result of pressure drops;
  • brain diseases;
  • infectious lesions.

Causes of headaches in the forehead and eyes

What factors affect the frontal part and eye area, causing pain:

  • vascular diseases of the brain (migraine, venous arthritis, ischemic disease of the vascular network of the brain);
  • viral infections;
  • influence of bacterial infections;
  • consequences of injuries;
  • violation of the daily regimen;
  • strong prolonged stresses (eyes hurt a lot, a headache in the frontal part after a long nervous strain);
  • anemia;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • meningitis;
  • tumors;
  • hemorrhage.

Features of pain in the frontal part

Why does my forehead hurt? In 60% of people suffering from severe headache, the symptoms are associated with cerebrovascular disease. These symptoms include: pallor, general weakness, nausea and vomiting. At viral infections treatment should be combined, otherwise excessive use of antibiotics only exacerbates the pain. Displaced cervical vertebrae due to poor posture, unnecessary loads and injuries also provoke pain.

On the right side

Tension headache, localized in the right half of the frontal part, is very often associated with such pathologies:

  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • stroke;
  • neoplasms;
  • trauma;
  • Costen's syndrome;
  • tonsillitis;
  • chronic paroxysmal hemicrania.

From the left side

The most common diseases that cause pain in the left half of the forehead:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • tumors;
  • sensitivity to weather conditions;
  • migraine;
  • infectious lesions;
  • stroke;
  • cold;
  • head and neck injuries.

What causes a headache in the forehead area of ​​​​a child

Children's headaches are not uncommon, especially when it comes to high school students. Basically, this is a short-term phenomenon. The main reasons if the head hurts and presses on the eyes of a child are:

  1. Psychological: stress, fear of a new environment, separation from loved ones, aggression from classmates or relatives.
  2. Infection. Concomitant symptoms: fever, cough, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, fear of light, muscle tension, constant desire to sleep, lethargy. Meningitis is especially dangerous for humans.
  3. Hunger.
  4. General fatigue of the body.
  5. Head bruises. If, after a head injury, the child's condition worsens, vomiting occurs, you should immediately seek help from the hospital. This may be a concussion, an increase in intracranial pressure.
  6. Jumps in blood pressure.
  7. Neoplasms.

Which specialist to contact

Depending on the specific features of the headache, the following specialists can help the patient:

  1. Therapist. The first stage of his work is a basic survey, but thanks to detailed information about the patient's problem, the doctor can refer to the necessary specialist of a narrow profile.
  2. Neurologist. Will be engaged in treatment in case of neuralgic disorders detected by the therapist. If the pain bothers a person often, its intensity is high, then you should immediately contact this doctor.
  3. Psychotherapist. He will prescribe the necessary therapy if a person has signs of depression, constant mental stress, migraines that are not caused by injuries.
  4. Reflexologist. After visiting a therapist or neuropathologist, for prevention purposes, you can contact this specialist, who deals with pressing and influencing body points with fingers, magnets or needles.

What to do and how to eliminate discomfort

It is important to remember that persistent headaches in the eyes and forehead are not always a reaction to the weather. Perhaps this is how the body signals about internal diseases. Self-medication and drinking a lot of pills to relieve painful spasms is dangerous for a person. The constant use of strong painkillers can lead to disruption of the functions of the stomach and intestines, the appearance of an allergic reaction, red skin, and adversely affect the kidneys and liver.

Contact specialized specialists who will conduct a thorough survey, send you for tests, examinations. Taking into account all the information collected about the disease, highly specialized specialists make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. Sequencing:

  1. To find out the cause of the pain is carried out:
    • blood tests;
    • ultrasound examination of the vessels of the head, neck;
    • brain tomography.
  2. For the purpose of treatment, the patient is prescribed:
    • acupuncture procedure;
    • manual therapy;
    • therapeutic massage with pressure on biological points;
    • taking medications.

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Headache in the forehead and eyes - what to do. Types of headache in the forehead and eyes and treatment
