What is hemorrhoids and how to treat it. Fast hemorrhoids treatment at home - hemorrhoids treatment at home

According to medical statistics, 20% of the world's inhabitants (mainly adult men of working age) suffer from hemorrhoids. Since not everyone sees this as a problem requiring medical attention, the number of such patients is much higher. What is this disease, how to recognize it, how dangerous it is and how to get rid of hemorrhoids, it is useful for everyone to know.

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the rectum. The disease is localized in the anorectal zone (in the anus). It is based on degenerative-dystrophic changes in the venous plexuses of the mucous surface of the rectum, characterized by the formation of hemorrhoids. These protrusions increase over time, become inflamed, injured, bleed, move towards the inlet and fall out.

It is also possible to pinch nodes and form blood clots during blood stasis. All of these consequences do not just bring discomfort to the patient - they can pose a real threat to his ability to work and even life. The tendency of the cavernous bodies to stagnation of blood, which coagulates, forming inflamed nodes, may be congenital or acquired.

Causes of hemorrhoids

Doctors distinguish between vascular and mechanical prerequisites for the development of the disease. In the first case, the cause is excessive accumulation of blood due to impaired venous outflow, which provokes hypertrophy of the cavernous bodies and the formation of hemorrhoids. Provoke vascular changes sedentary lifestyle, eating habits that contribute to chronic constipation, inadequate physical exercise, alcohol abuse, pregnancy.

Mechanical prerequisites arise under the influence of adverse conditions that provoke stretching and dystrophic disorders of the muscle tissues of the rectum. This contributes to the displacement of hemorrhoids and their promotion to the anus until they fall out of it.

Hemorrhoids - a disease
multifactorial, one of the reasons for its appearance is a genetic predisposition. Other prerequisites include:

  1. Hypodynamia, sedentary or standing work (drivers, teachers, salesmen, hairdressers, office workers);
  2. Violations of the rhythm of defecation;
  3. Unbearable physical activity (loaders, builders, athletes);
  4. Unbalanced diet with a predominance of salty, spicy, fatty, canned foods;
  5. Obesity, mainly of the abdominal type (fat is concentrated in the abdomen);
  6. Violation of the drinking regime;
  7. alcohol abuse;
  8. Pregnancy and natural childbirth;
  9. Constant hypothermia of the pelvic organs;
  10. Cardiovascular insufficiency;
  11. inflammation in the urinary system.

According to the features of localization, internal, external and combined types of the disease are distinguished.

Internal is a varicose vein above the sphincter of the rectum. For this reason, it is impossible to see the changes on your own. You can think about the presence of the disease with periodic painless bleeding from the rectal canal (traces can be seen on toilet paper or feces), discomfort during defecation, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine.

When external, they are localized below the anal sphincter, the patient has the opportunity to see and feel them. In this case, there may not be blood, but intense pain in the anus due to the slightest negligence is present.

The name "combined hemorrhoids" speaks for itself: the problem is present both inside, on the hemorrhoidal veins of the rectum, and outside, on the saphenous veins of the anus. This type combines the symptoms of the two previous types.

Clinical picture of the disease

Untreated in a timely manner, it quickly acquires a chronic form, characterized by alternating phases of exacerbation and remission. If the disease is allowed to take its course, it will progress, causing irreversible changes in the venous system of the anorectal zone of the intestine.

The disease creeps up imperceptibly and gradually. When the first signs appear, only a few turn to the proctologist - those who are without complexes about the "uncomfortable illness". Exacerbations in the initial stage are short-term, without pronounced symptoms. Itching, heaviness in the anus, bleeding, pain bother with constipation, pregnancy, physical overload, alcohol and spicy food abuse, and in other critical situations. Frequent bleeding quickly leads to anemia.

They go to the doctor out of fear
before bleeding (after all, the option of oncology is not excluded!), As well as in case of serious exacerbations, when there is no strength to endure, and the disease completely unsettles. In such situations, hemorrhoids are diagnosed in the later stages, when medical methods are no longer enough.

Without adequate therapy, serious complications can develop: thrombosis and tissue necrosis, purulent paraproctitis, oncological problems.

From 1961 to the present day, without much change, hemorrhoids are classified into four stages:

  • Hemorrhoidal thickening slightly hypertrophied, may protrude into the lumen of the anus. During defecation, patients can sometimes complain of traces of scarlet pure blood from bursting blood vessels.
  • The nodes have increased significantly, during defecation they fall out of the anus, spontaneously repositioning then back.
  • fall out both when visiting the toilet, and during physical exertion, coughing, sneezing. They can no longer adjust on their own, you need to help with your hands.
  • Knots fall out constantly, it is possible to set them only for a short time. The stage is characterized by painful symptoms: infringement, thrombosis, infection, dangerous to health and life.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

Often the disease is asymptomatic, and this is its insidiousness, since it is seriously worried already in the later stages, when conservative therapy is powerless. How in time not to end up on the operating table?

What is dangerous hemorrhoids

Varicose veins of the rectum for the time being can be tolerated, but at the first complications this will have to be regretted.

Bleeding with bursting vessels is usually insignificant, with pure scarlet blood, in rare cases - profuse, dark in color, with clots. It all depends on at what stage of the disease the symptom manifests itself. It is expressed, as a rule, during defecation. There is no pain, the condition is normal, but anemia is possible with regular bleeding.

The symptom manifests itself from the second stage. Initially, this is associated with going to the toilet, then with any muscle load or straining (laughing, coughing, sneezing). Over time, without the help of hands, the bumps no longer set.

Node damage. With an inflammatory or reflex spasm of the anal sphincter, cones may be pinched. Patients complain of acute pain and prolapse of nodes. In the absence of timely and adequate assistance, vascular thrombosis is possible.

Plexus is the most severe complication of hemorrhoids. There are not just local disturbances in blood flow, but also a deterioration in the general condition of the patient. When examining the problem area, hemorrhoidal bumps look tense, swollen, enlarged. Color - dark red, there may be signs of tissue necrosis. The general health of the patient is unsatisfactory: severe pain, dyspeptic disorders, fever, poor appetite, weakness.

Methods for diagnosing hemorrhoids

The absence of severe symptoms, especially at the initial stage of the disease, complicates the diagnosis. The simplest and available method that proctologists use is palpation. The examination is carried out after the relief of acute pain syndrome. The patient is placed on their side in the fetal position. The doctor immerses the index finger in a glove lubricated with petroleum jelly into the anus and feels all the bulges adjacent to the sphincter: their size, location, pain, density.

In addition to the condition of the tissues of the rectum, the performance of the sphincter, the relief of the mucous surface with all damage (nodes, cracks), and the likelihood of bleeding are assessed. The method allows you to determine the Hilton line separating. The proctologist assesses the tone of the sphincter: if it is weakened, the risk of knots falling out is high. Unfortunately, this accessible method allows us to assess the situation only partially: the bumps are palpated mainly at the entrance of the rectum.

For further examination, instrumental techniques are used:

  1. Anoscopy. A mirror and lighting are installed on a special device. The device allows you to view rectal canals up to 12 cm in depth.
  2. Sigmoidoscopy. Examination of the mucous surface with an endoscope helps to see cavernous formations at a distance of up to 30 cm. An additional device will take a sample for a biopsy if there are suspicions of neoplasms in the rectum.
  3. Ultrasound examination. Ultrasound is performed using a special sensor that allows you to assess in detail the condition of the intestines and anus.
  4. If necessary, they can also send for an X-ray examination of the pelvic organs.

Before the examination, the patient must prepare the intestines. You can clear it with a bowel movement, but it doesn’t hurt to make a cleansing enema as well. If the lower intestine is full, the diagnosis is useless. Complete the preparation for the visit to the clinic with hygiene procedures.

In addition to these methods, hemorrhoids are also tested in the laboratory: a blood test is taken to detect anemia, a coccogram showing intestinal functionality is evaluated, a test for hidden internal bleeding is performed, and feces are examined.

Differential diagnosis must exclude the oncological factor, since malignant neoplasms can also bleed and cause a feeling of heaviness in the anus. At the first stages of the development of the disease, the clinical picture of pathologies is identical.

If there is a suspicion of hemorrhoids, do not postpone a visit to the proctologist for a long time: only early diagnosis will tell you how to get rid of hemorrhoids forever without complications and invasive operations.

Modern methods of treatment of hemorrhoids

Assessing the patient's state of health in general and the results of the examination, the proctologist draws up a treatment regimen. In traditional medicine, two approaches to the elimination of pathology are used: conservative and operative.

Drug therapy is advisable in the early stages of the development of the disease. Medicines are treated both during exacerbation and at the chronic stage. Surgical treatment, especially invasive operations, is used only under strict indications. For example, only 15% of all hemorrhoid sufferers are prescribed hemorrhoidectomy. Most often this happens in the fourth stage, when large nodes fall out, dilated veins are infringed, blood clots form, and an infection joins.

The choice of means for treatment
hemorrhoids - the area of ​​responsibility of the attending physician. So many drugs have been developed for varicose hemorrhoidal veins that it is not easy for an experienced doctor to evaluate their safety and effectiveness. And on the advice of friends - just a crime.

At the first or second stage of the disease, complex treatment of hemorrhoids is used, drugs of the following groups are usually prescribed:

  • Venotonics. The funds are designed to strengthen weak veins - the main cause of hemorrhoids. Flebodia 600, Detralex, Venarus will help to increase their elasticity, improve blood flow, and get rid of congestion. At the local level, Troxevasin gel is used.
  • Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. To relieve symptoms, relieve inflammation, suppositories and ointments are applied locally. Of the drugs of the NSAID class, hemorrhoids are treated with Relif, Indomethacion, Levomekol, Vishnevsky ointment. Of the hormonal analogues - means based on hydrocortisone: Ultraproct, Relief Ultra, Proctosedil M. The second option is higher in efficiency, but such medicines have more unforeseen phenomena.
  • Antiseptics. Drugs of this class are prescribed for infection of the process. A bioactive natural complex (calendula, sea buckthorn, propolis), supplemented with chemically active compounds (zinc, bismuth) is designed to inhibit the spread of pathogenic microbe colonies. At the local level, they are disinfected with suppositories based on sea buckthorn, ichthyol or Anuzol, Neo-Anuzol, Anestezol.
  • not worth enduring. Even at home, the doctor will offer to anesthetize the inflammation with Nise, Ibuklin, Pentalgin. Suppositories with novocaine, belladonna or Anestezol, Relief Advance, Ginkor Procto, Neo-Anuzol, Procto-Glivenol also help. External bumps can be treated with Bezornil ointment.
  • Wound healing medicines. Stimulate the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues suppositories with methyluracil, sea buckthorn oil, propolis and shark liver oil.
  • Hemostatics. Medicines are designed to stop bleeding. In tablet form, Vikasol is prescribed, in the form of suppositories - suppositories with adrenaline. Advance, Relief, Relief Procto-Glivenol, Natalsid are also suitable for narrowing the venous network and restoring damaged muscle fibers.
  • Anticoagulants. With the threat of the formation of blood clots, the blood is thinned with ointments and suppositories based on heparin.

In case of violations of the rhythm of defecation, the doctor can also prescribe laxatives: Guttalax, Duphalac, Normaze, Portalak. They will help to improve the functioning of the intestines, eliminate stagnation of blood in the veins, reduce pressure on the hemorrhoids due to crowded intestines.

In the last stages of hemorrhoids, medications can only prolong the period of remission - only operations - invasive and minimally invasive - can permanently get rid of varicose hemorrhoidal veins. Among the latter, the most popular are:

  1. Photocoagulation - exposure to nodes with a narrowly focused laser beam (it accelerates the rate of protein clotting in the veins).
  2. Sclerosing - placement of sclerosants in the nodes. They literally stick together the vessels, worsening the nutrition of cavernous formations. Gradually, the node dies and scars.
  3. Ligation - constriction of the legs of the hemorrhoid with a latex ring.
  4. Cryodestruction - freezing problematic veins with liquid nitrogen.
  5. Long's operation - pinching the base of the node with a one-time instrument such as a stapler to worsen its blood supply.

Minimally invasive surgeries take minutes. Due to the low morbidity, they are done without anesthesia, on an outpatient basis. There is no serious interference in the work of the body, therefore the rehabilitation period is short.

If these methods are not enough and the disease is running, hemorrhoidectomy is indicated. is a major operation. It is done in a hospital setting under general anesthesia. The surgeon uses an electric knife as a scalpel. It not only accurately cuts the tissue, but also cauterizes the wound, preventing bleeding. After disinfection of the mucosa, a rectal speculum is inserted into the anus. The knot is removed from the intestine with a clamp, its base is sutured with a catgut thread. The bump is excised and the leg is firmly tightened. The edges are sewn together, the wound is disinfected and the turunda soaked in ointment is injected into the intestine for 6 hours.

After excision of the nodes, the wound is sutured or left open: sometimes it heals faster without unnecessary sutures. The operation is traumatic, as many tissues are affected, so the patient is observed in the hospital for several days, and in general, the recovery period will be long - up to six months or more.

In addition to classical hemorrhoidectomy, the "gold standard", its modified version is also used, which requires a highly qualified surgeon. During the Long operation, a part of the rectum is removed (it is located above the dentate line). The node in this case is not excised, but pulled up due to the excision of part of the mucosa. The edges of the wound are fixed with titanium staples.

In the altered nodes, nutrition worsens, they dry out, they are replaced by connective tissue. The operation takes an average of 20 minutes, the patient stays in the hospital for up to three days. The procedure is less painful than the classic version, and therefore the recovery period takes an average of a week. There are no wounds, there are no sutures, the anatomy of the anal canal is preserved, therefore, the risk of complications is lower.

Possibilities of traditional medicine

Proctologists also recognize the benefits of herbal infusions and other traditional medicine recommended in the treatment of hemorrhoids. But you can use compresses, baths, tampons, suppositories and ointments only after agreement with the doctor, since their task is auxiliary. In combination with medications, they will help to consolidate the effect of treatment or alleviate the patient's condition during the recovery period after surgery. Medicinal herbs also have contraindications, you should check them for compatibility with drugs, conduct allergy tests.

Oak bark, calendula and chamomile flowers, onion peel, wild strawberry leaves, sage and St. John's wort will help alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Medicinal infusions and decoctions from these and other components are used for irrigation in microclysters, for compresses and baths, for the manufacture of home-made ointments and candles. Tea from rose hips and raspberry leaves is useful to take orally, they drink with hemorrhoids and diluted beet juice.

The rectal mucosa can be irrigated with diluted liquid honey and potato juice. Rectal suppositories are made from these ingredients, as well as aloe leaves. Decoctions of herbs and other liquid components must be frozen in paper molds made in the form of a cone. Candles are cut out of potatoes. To facilitate the introduction, they can be lubricated with petroleum jelly, and even better - with sea buckthorn oil, which provides additional therapeutic effect. Candles are administered lying on their side, with bent legs. It is advisable to remain in this position for another half an hour. for the medicine to be completely absorbed.

Olive oil and beeswax can be used to make a homemade ointment. External cones are lubricated by hand; for internal nodes in a pharmacy, you need to purchase a special tip. Before the procedure, you need to clean the intestines and wash your hands and the problem area with soap.

Itching in the anus, which occurs after the release of exudate from inflammation, can be soothed by lotions with chopped fresh rowan berries, a decoction of the mountaineer, or simply compresses with cold water.

Therapeutic nutrition for hemorrhoids

A diet for hemorrhoids is the foundation without which the success of any type of treatment is impossible. It is based on fractional (5-6 times a day) food products that do not irritate the intestinal mucosa, do not disturb the rhythm of defecation, and do not increase gas formation. To avoid constipation, it is also important to control the drinking regime - up to 2.5 liters of pure water per day. Your doctor will help you adjust your rate.

Methods of heat treatment of products must be gentle. Unhealthy are both raw coarse fibers like radish salad or cabbage, and spicy fried or smoked dishes that irritate the inflamed intestines. Boiled, stewed or baked vegetables, mashed semi-liquid soups, viscous cereals, casseroles, as well as fermented milk products (except cottage cheese) should form the basis of the diet. Fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals will help maintain the norm of fiber, which improves intestinal motility. Useful eggs, lean boiled meat and steamed fish.

On the banned list
products - white bread, strong tea and coffee, chocolate and all legumes, hot spices, radish, radish, white cabbage, rice, jelly, potatoes. The use of alcoholic beverages, including beer, is completely excluded.

Food should help medicines, create a favorable environment for the mucous membrane in the intestine, which enhances the effect of medicines.

Prevention measures

How to prevent the progression of hemorrhoids, or at least prolong the period of remission in its chronic form? An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, ancient healers said. Therefore, the best medicine in this case is prevention. Judging by the reviews on thematic forums, many are interested in the question: is it possible to die from hemorrhoids? To avoid an operating table and serious complications, analyze your eating behavior and lifestyle:

  • Do you always control timely bowel movements? After all, its contents create additional pressure on the veins, injure the mucous membrane, with a delay in the act of defecation, some of the toxins are again absorbed into the bloodstream, poisoning the body.
  • Do you know your water limit? If not, check your drinking regimen with your doctor. Lack of fluid provokes a tendency to constipation, which increases the load on the rectum.
  • Do you have enough vegetables and fruits, dairy products in your diet? Do you abuse alcohol, fatty, salty and spicy foods? Not proper nutrition nullifies all the efforts of doctors and creates the prerequisites for a new exacerbation.
  • Do you control your muscle loads, do you lift excessive weights (whether at work or in the gym)? Heavy physical work is one of the risk factors for hemorrhoids.

  • Do you observe the regime of sleep, rest, physical activity? When sitting or standing, you need to take breaks for gymnastics. Swimming and walking in the fresh air at a calm pace are useful.
  • Are you monitoring your weight? Obesity is another reason for the development of hemorrhoids.
  • Do you follow the rules of personal hygiene? After each visit to the toilet, it is necessary to wash the perineum with soap, first with warm water, and then with cold water, to reduce muscles and blood vessels.

Obviously, lifestyle modification is the first step to eliminate varicose hemorrhoidal veins.

The most common problem that comes to the proctologist is hemorrhoids. And all patients are concerned about how to quickly cure hemorrhoids and preferably forever. Pass a complete examination, take courses of venotonics for preventive purposes a couple of times a year, change your eating habits and lifestyle - this will increase the chances of a full recovery.

The article discusses the treatment of hemorrhoids at home. You will learn about the symptoms and varieties of the disease, as well as the causes that cause the disease. We will tell you how to quickly and effectively get rid of hemorrhoids, consider medications, folk remedies and author's methods for the treatment of this disease in women and men.

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins that run through the rectum. With this disease, hemorrhoids can form. The disease is accompanied by severe discomfort and pain in the pelvic area. Hemorrhoids are the most common disease in the modern world. According to statistics, more than 10% of the population suffer from this disease.

There are 4 stages of hemorrhoids:

  • 1 stage- at the initial stage, mild discomfort occurs, nodes begin to form. Can be treated with folk remedies.
  • 2 stage- Uncomfortable sensations increase, nodes increase significantly, they can fall out, itching and bleeding appear. Treatment is medical.
  • 3 stage- all symptoms intensify, mucous discharge appears. Knots fall out more often and with any slight load. At this stage, doping of nodes is used, a surgical operation may be required.
  • 4 stage- a severe form of the disease. The nodes are outside almost all the time, bleed and cause severe pain. At this stage, surgery is required.

Reasons for the development of hemorrhoids:

  • vascular pathology and a tendency to thrombosis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the liver and intestines;
  • frequent constipation;
  • a sedentary lifestyle or frequent weight lifting;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • increased intra-abdominal pressure during pregnancy.

If you have discomfort in the area of ​​the sphincter or streaks of blood in the stool, see your doctor. The specialist will provide first aid and prescribe the necessary medicines. The sooner you start treating hemorrhoids, the faster and easier the disease will pass.

Types of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can be congenital or acquired:

  • congenital - occurs at birth, due to the syndrome of dilated veins in the pelvic area;
  • acquired - occurs due to inflammatory diseases, a sedentary lifestyle, frequent constipation.

Acquired hemorrhoids are divided into primary and secondary:

  • primary - caused by independent diseases of hemorrhoids;
  • secondary - a complication of another disease, for example, cirrhosis of the liver or inflammation of the prostate gland.

According to the nature of the course of the disease, acute and chronic hemorrhoids are divided:

  • Acute - appears as a result of infringement of hemorrhoids or vascular thrombosis. Without timely treatment, it can turn into a chronic form of the disease.
  • Chronic - symptoms increase gradually, periods of remission alternate with exacerbations. The initial stage can last several years. Then the disease progresses.

By location, hemorrhoids are divided into internal and external.

External hemorrhoids

With external or external hemorrhoids, the nodes are on the surface of the anal sphincter already at the initial stage of the disease. Symptoms of external hemorrhoids: itching, burning and hardening of the anal sphincter.

Bloody secretions are less noticeable and appear less frequently than with internal hemorrhoids. The process of defecation with constipation causes pain.

With external hemorrhoids, anal fissures often appear, which increase bleeding. External hemorrhoids lead to thrombosis of hemorrhoids.

For the treatment of external hemorrhoids use:

  • minimally invasive method;
  • conservative treatment;
  • surgical intervention.

A minimally invasive method involves the use of infrared photocoagulation in the early stages of the disease. At stages 3 and 4, ligation with latex rings is performed. A little later we will analyze them in more detail.

Conservative treatment - taking medications in combination with proper nutrition and adjustment of motor activity. There are several forms of drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids:

  • tablets (Detralex);
  • ointments (Vishnevsky ointment);
  • creams (Posterizan-forte);
  • gels (Troxevasin);
  • rectal suppositories (Relief);
  • local anesthetics (Menovazin).

Of the immunomodulators, the ASD fraction is used - a solution for topical use.

Surgical intervention is resorted to when other methods of treatment have been ineffective, as well as with an exacerbation of the disease and the development of complications, for example, with thrombosis of the hemorrhoid. During the operation, a venous blood clot is removed. The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes and does not require a long recovery.

How to treat external hemorrhoids, the attending physician determines. The disease is not amenable to self-treatment and can lead to adverse consequences.

internal hemorrhoids

Sectional view of external and internal hemorrhoids. Internal - internal, External - external. The expansion of the lower row of vessels of the rectum leads to the formation of internal hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids form under the skin. The main cause of internal hemorrhoids is the stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs.

The initial stage of the disease may pass without symptoms. Weight lifting, frequent constipation, childbirth can affect the development of the disease.

Internal hemorrhoids are characterized by profuse bleeding. In the later stages, hemorrhoids, hidden inside, fall out.

For the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, the same methods are used as for external hemorrhoids: drugs, minimally invasive methods (cryolysis and ligation with latex rings), surgery.

If traditional medicine can be used to treat external hemorrhoids, then home methods are not used for internal ones. The disease is often detected in the later stages, when surgery is needed.

It is necessary to determine how to treat internal hemorrhoids with the help of a specialist. Do not self-medicate to prevent the development of complications.

Hemorrhoids treatment at home

How to cure hemorrhoids at home? We will analyze the known methods of treatment of traditional and traditional medicine.

The first 3 stages of the disease do not have direct indications for hospitalization and surgical intervention, so they can be treated at home. There are many drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids. At the initial stage of the disease, you can use folk remedies. Before starting treatment, consult with a proctologist.

At home, local preparations are used: ointments, creams, suppositories. These drugs quickly relieve painful symptoms. Please read the instructions for use before using any product.

Ointments for hemorrhoids

Ointments are suitable for the treatment of the external form of hemorrhoids. The agent is applied to the hemorrhoids with a cotton swab. The ointment has a deep penetrating ability, so it quickly relieves painful symptoms.

The tool is suitable for the treatment of children and pregnant women, since this dosage form acts locally and is minimally absorbed into the blood.

Name Description Efficiency
Relief Advance It has an anesthetic effect, relieves inflammation and accelerates cell regeneration. The tool is suitable for the treatment of external and internal hemorrhoids. Quickly relieves swelling and pain.
Hepatrombin The drug prevents the formation of blood clots, relieves inflammation and has an analgesic effect. The ointment is effective in the acute form of hemorrhoids, which is accompanied by thrombosis of hemorrhoids.
Fleming's ointment Homeopathic preparation with analgesic, bactericidal and vasoconstrictive action. The tool relieves inflammation and reduces pain. The course of treatment is 7 days.
Vishnevsky ointment The tool reduces swelling of hemorrhoids, has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Suitable for the treatment of external forms of hemorrhoids, has no contraindications.
Bezornil Ointment based on natural ingredients. The tool enhances tissue regeneration, relieves inflammation. The ointment quickly relieves puffiness and dries inflamed skin. Due to the natural composition, it is suitable for insertion into the rectum.
Troxevasin Tones the walls of blood vessels and prevents swelling. Effective only with external hemorrhoids.
Proctosan The ointment has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and drying effects. Does not contain hormones. Quickly relieves pain and increases cell regeneration. The course of treatment is 10 days.
Heparin ointment The tool prevents the formation of blood clots. It is used to treat the acute stage of hemorrhoids.
Aurobin Combined drug based on hormones. Relieves pain and inflammation. Effectively dries inflammation and relieves pain.
Levomekol The ointment has an antimicrobial effect, relieves inflammation. It quickly heals damaged areas of the skin, cleanses anal fissures from decay products and relieves pain.
Nefluan The hormonal drug relieves inflammation and pain. Effective in infectious diseases of the rectum.
Ichthyol ointment Antiseptic drug, has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. The ointment quickly relieves itching and pain, accelerates cell regeneration.
Methyluracil ointment The tool relieves inflammation and accelerates cell regeneration. Helps to quickly cure cracks and ulcers of the anal ring, relieves pain.
posterisan It has a local immunomodulatory effect. Effective for healing anal fissures and recovery in the postoperative period.
Proctosedyl Hormonal ointment with anti-inflammatory action. The drug relieves itching and prevents the formation of blood clots. A highly effective drug that increases the elasticity of blood vessels and is suitable for the treatment of all types of hemorrhoids.

Proctosan, Relif, Posterizan and some other drugs are produced in the form of ointments and suppositories.

Candles for hemorrhoids

Suppositories are the most popular form of medication for treating hemorrhoids. The principle of operation of rectal suppositories is that the active components act directly on the focus of inflammation. They are prescribed for both external and internal hemorrhoids.

The candle gradually softens under the influence of body temperature, then medicinal product distributed in the rectum and partially excreted from the body.

Name Description Efficiency
Relief The tool has anti-inflammatory, wound healing and immunomodulatory effects. Quickly removes puffiness, constricts blood vessels and eliminates discomfort.
Procto-Glivenol The active ingredients improve blood outflow, relieve inflammation and have an antiseptic effect. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of external cones. It relieves pain, itching and inflammation. Contraindicated for use at the stage of thrombus formation.
Anuzol The antiseptic drug has analgesic, astringent and antispasmodic effects. Effectively dries and heals damaged skin, relieves pain.
Ultraproject Hormonal drug with analgesic effect. Quickly anesthetizes and relieves inflammation in the focus of the disease.
Olestezin Powerful analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Effectively relieves pain and inflammation. The course of treatment is no more than 10 days.
Natalsid Hemostatic agent with anti-inflammatory action. Quickly stops bleeding and eliminates discomfort. The drug is used during pregnancy and lactation.
Hepazolon Hormonal drug with analgesic and anti-inflammatory action. The remedy relieves pain and inflammation, but does not cope with bleeding and infections.
Gemo-Pro The homeopathic remedy has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Quickly relieves discomfort in the form of itching and burning, suitable for long-term use.
Nigepan It dissolves blood clots and prevents the formation of new blood clots. It has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The tool quickly relieves pain and discomfort. Suitable for use during pregnancy.
Prostopin Candles tone the walls of blood vessels and show a restorative effect. Helps heal wounds, boosts immunity and eliminates discomfort.

Ointments and suppositories are used for complex therapy, in combination with diet and physical activity. To correctly choose the drug - contact the proctologist.

Folk remedies for hemorrhoids

Traditional medicine offers affordable and effective treatments for hemorrhoids. Judging by the reviews, non-traditional methods of treatment cope with the disease much faster than official ones. Many of the treatments listed below are found in every home. Let's analyze them in more detail.

Name Description and instructions Efficiency

Raw potatoes eliminate itching and burning, and also speed up the healing process. Grated potatoes are wrapped in gauze and applied to the anus for 10 minutes.

Also, rectal suppositories are cut out of raw potatoes, which are inserted into the anus in the morning, evening and after each bowel movement.

The compress is used to treat the external form of hemorrhoids. The tool eliminates discomfort after the first application.

Potato candles effectively dissolve hemorrhoids. The tool is used even for the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids.

Cabbage Cabbage relieves swelling, accelerates blood circulation and reduces inflammation. For treatment, vegetable juice is used, cabbage is consumed fresh and compresses are made from the leaves of the plant. The tool quickly relieves anal fissures and relieves pain.
Cucumber Eating cucumbers prevents constipation. A decoction of cucumber grass has a hemostatic effect. The drug is taken in half a glass 3 times a day. Cucumber effectively prevents constipation and eliminates bleeding.
Honey Honey relieves swelling and inflammation, reduces pain and accelerates cell regeneration. Candied honey is used to make candles, baths or take it inside. In the form of a candle, the remedy is used from 2 times a day. The tool quickly heals cracks, relieves pain. The course of treatment is less than a week.
Aloe Relieves inflammation, accelerates the process of wound healing, has an antiseptic effect. Aloe juice is used for lotions and compresses, which are applied to the site of inflammation. Plant juice is taken orally 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. An effective remedy for healing anal fissures. Quickly relieves inflammation.
Sea buckthorn oil Stops bleeding, relieves inflammation and has an analgesic effect. The oil is taken orally 1 tablespoon and lotions are made on its basis. A cotton swab is moistened with oil and applied to the anal area for 20-30 minutes. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day. The tool quickly relieves inflammation and resolves hemorrhoids. The oil is used to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
Bay leaf The plant has a bactericidal and anti-edematous effect. Bay leaf infusion relieves itching and inflammation. A glass of funds is drunk throughout the day in small sips. Medicinal baths are made with the plant. Plant-based products quickly relieve swelling and discomfort.
Propolis The tool has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. Candles and ointments are made from propolis at home. It is combined with petroleum jelly or used as an independent drug. Propolis effectively heals anal fissures and dissolves hemorrhoids at any stage. It is used to prevent disease.
Mummy The tool exhibits antibacterial and antiseptic properties. It is used for application to the anal area or for oral administration 2-3 times a day. Mumiyo quickly relieves pain and eliminates inflammation. Suitable for use during pregnancy.
Celandine The plant has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Medicinal infusions, decoctions and juice are prepared from celandine. Celandine effectively disinfects and heals anal fissures. Plant-based products dissolve hemorrhoids.
Garlic Garlic relieves inflammation, resolves knots and has an anti-infective effect. It is eaten on an empty stomach one clove at a time or used for baths that effectively relieve pain. The tool quickly relieves pain and inflammation. After 1-2 weeks, the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.
Water Cold water relieves painful and unpleasant symptoms. Water is used for baths or simply washed away after a bowel movement. The method is used to treat external hemorrhoids at any stage of the disease. Quickly relieves discomfort, but the effect does not last long.
burdock The plant relieves swelling and pain. For external treatment, baths and compresses are used, for oral administration, decoctions and infusions are used, which are taken on an empty stomach. Burdock products quickly relieve inflammation and reduce pain. After 1-2 procedures, the symptoms of the disease are significantly reduced.
Hydrogen peroxide The tool disinfects cracks and fights pathogenic bacteria. Peroxide saturates the cells with oxygen. Used for oral and external use. After 2-3 procedures, pain and inflammation disappear. Peroxide stops minor bleeding.
Ice Stops bleeding and reduces inflammation of hemorrhoids. Ice is used after each act of defecation to relieve pain. It does not have a therapeutic effect, but only alleviates the symptoms of the disease.
Calendula The plant stops inflammation, heals cracks and reduces swelling of the nodes. For treatment use infusions and decoctions. On their basis, baths and compresses are made. Plant-based products quickly relieve pain and inflammation. Suitable for use during pregnancy.
Soda Helps with constipation, normalizes the acid-base balance. Used in the form of baths, compresses and as a solution for oral administration. Soda helps to quickly eliminate the symptoms of an acute form of hemorrhoids. Baths with soda are contraindicated in diseases of the prostate gland.
Chamomile The plant relieves inflammation, stops bleeding and has an analgesic effect. Chamomile is used for baths, lotions, enemas. Based on the plant, infusions and decoctions are prepared. Chamomile quickly relieves itching, burning and pain. Suitable for long-term use, has a mild therapeutic effect.
Tar The tool reduces inflammation and swelling, eliminates pain and discomfort. Tar is added to baths. Tar heals anal fissures and eliminates bleeding. It is toxic and should be used with caution.

Infusion of nettle and buckthorn bark helps relieve inflammation, stops bleeding and relieves swelling. Herbs insist in equal proportions for 20 minutes. Infusion take half a glass up to 4 times a day.

Highlander and yarrow are also used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

The tool effectively eliminates the symptoms of the disease and has no contraindications. The course of treatment is from 7 to 10 days. Infusion can be taken for prevention purposes.
leeches Leeches suck out condensed blood from the focus of inflammation, relieve swelling. The leech is applied to the inflamed hemorrhoid until it falls off. This technique is suitable for removing puffiness, but not for treating the disease. Leeches are used as an alternative to surgery.
latex rings During ligation, the doctor puts a latex ring on the hemorrhoid, which prevents blood flow. This procedure leads to the death of the constricted tissue. An effective method of dealing with hemorrhoids 3 and 4 degrees. Recovery after the procedure takes no more than 3 days.

Despite the high effectiveness of traditional medicine, consult a specialist before using non-traditional methods of treatment.

Author's methods

Name Description and instructions Efficiency
By Malysheva Elena Malysheva recommends for the treatment of hemorrhoids to reduce the intensity of physical activity, eat right, perform certain exercises and apply medicinal ointments and creams. According to Malysheva, venotonic preparations (Venarus) and rectal suppositories (Posterisan) should be used for treatment. The method of treatment of hemorrhoids according to Malysheva has a high proven effectiveness. Comprehensive treatment allows you to get rid of the symptoms of the disease in a short time.
According to Malakhov The doctor recommends the use of complex therapy for the treatment of hemorrhoids, which combines folk remedies and proper nutrition. The technique includes sea buckthorn oil, heating in steam baths, juice therapy. The doctor advises avoiding hypothermia and washing the anal sphincter after a bowel movement with your own urine. Malakhov prescribes Zdorov wax cream to his patients. Some methods of treatment according to Malakhov are not recognized traditional medicine and do not have proven effectiveness, for example, urine therapy. Other methods of treatment effectively cope with the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
According to Popov The doctor developed a method for treating hemorrhoids with the help of cucumber. According to Popov, a rectal suppository is cut out of a peeled cucumber and inserted into the anus all night. The doctor suggests an alternative method - cut or grate a cucumber and apply to the anal sphincter. This method of treatment has caused numerous controversies among adherents of traditional methods of treatment and lovers of traditional medicine. Cucumber helps to eliminate the uncomfortable symptoms of hemorrhoids, but the technique has not been proven effective.
According to Kondakov Kondakov in his technique focuses on strengthening the walls of the veins and toning the vessels. Treatment of hemorrhoids comes down to 4 steps: cleansing the body, herbal medicine, external therapy, physiotherapy. The sequence of steps must not be broken. Along with medicines, the doctor recommends performing a complex exercise. A weekly course of treatment according to Kondakov reduces the severity of the symptoms of the disease. The technique is suitable for the treatment of any form of the disease. Reviews speak about the effectiveness of the Kondakov method.
According to Neumyvakin The professor recommends normalizing the acid-base balance of the intestines. To do this, he advises using soda and hydrogen peroxide. Neumyvakin recommends performing the buttock walking exercise to train the muscles of the pelvic region and stick to a plant-based diet. Peroxide and soda dissolve hemorrhoids in 4-5 days. Professor Neumyvakin's technique promotes a quick recovery and prevents hemorrhoids from complications.

Treatment of hemorrhoids at home in women

According to statistics, women more often than men go to the doctor when the first symptoms of the disease appear, which helps to stop the disease at an early stage.

The mechanism of the appearance of hemorrhoids is not divided by gender, but there are specific causes of the disease that are characteristic only for women. For example, during pregnancy, pressure on the pelvic organs increases, which leads to stagnation of blood in the venous vessels, their stretching and the formation of knots. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, hemorrhoids can provoke frequent constipation, which is caused by fetal pressure on the rectum.

After giving birth, a woman can also begin to suffer from this disease. During the birth of a child, a woman in labor pushes hundreds of times harder than during a normal act of defecation, which can provoke the appearance of hemorrhoids.

For treatment during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, topical agents are prescribed in the form of ointments, creams, suppositories. The list of pharmaceuticals that are approved for use during pregnancy and lactation is small, so traditional medicine comes to the rescue.

For treatment, infusions of calendula and chamomile, sea buckthorn oil and honey are used. When the child is on breastfeeding need to be very careful in choosing medicines so be sure to check with a professional before doing so.

Treatment of hemorrhoids at home in men

Representatives of the stronger sex often postpone a visit to the doctor when the first signs of the disease appear, thereby aggravating the condition. According to statistics, the peak incidence in men occurs at the age of about 40 years.

Most often, men suffer from hemorrhoids due to hard work associated with lifting weights, for example, loaders, weightlifters. Sedentary work also provokes the disease. Drivers, office workers are at risk.

Not only an adult man, but also a teenager can “earn” hemorrhoids. A sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition and hereditary factors can lead to the onset of this disease at a young age.

The treatment of hemorrhoids in men and women is not fundamentally different, although the representatives of the stronger sex are less likely to resort to traditional medicine. This video will introduce you to the methods of treating hemorrhoids in men.

Prevention of hemorrhoids

Follow these tips to prevent hemorrhoids:

  • if during work you sit for a long time, then once an hour take breaks of 5-10 minutes, actively move at this time;
  • regularly perform special exercises to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • For prolonged sitting, choose a hard chair instead of a soft one;
  • eat right - include more vegetables in your diet and reduce the consumption of starchy foods;
  • wash with cold water after each bowel movement;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • do not abuse alcohol, spicy and salty foods.


To prevent hemorrhoids, do simple exercises:

  1. Stand up straight, cross your legs and tighten your gluteal muscles for 5-10 minutes. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times a day.
  2. Lying on your back, lift your legs up in turn for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Get into dog pose, focusing on your palms, elbows and knees. Lower the pelvis in one direction or the other so that the buttocks touch the floor. Do 3 sets of 15-20 reps.

Complication of hemorrhoids

If you do not treat hemorrhoids on time, you can provoke the development of complications:

  1. Thrombosis of hemorrhoids - occurs as a result of stagnation of blood in the venous vessels. At the same time, bleeding increases, weakness, dizziness appear, and blood pressure decreases.
  2. Anemia - regular blood loss can lead to anemia, and as a result, to oxygen starvation of vital organs. There is increasing pain, and swelling increases.
  3. Paraproctitis is a purulent inflammation of the tissues of the anal region. The complication is accompanied by fever, general weakness and intoxication of the body due to urinary retention and defecation.
  4. Infringement of the hemorrhoidal node - may occur due to the contraction of the anal sphincter during the act of defecation with a prolapsed node. In this case, there is a sharp pain, swelling and inflammation around the anal ring increases. Strangulation can lead to prolonged bleeding.
  5. Prolonged bleeding - during the acute phase of the disease, severe bleeding may open. If it does not stop within an hour, then you need to call an ambulance.

What happens if hemorrhoids are not treated

The longer you put off a visit to the doctor, the more difficult the disease will go. Don't expect hemorrhoids to go away on their own. This disease requires mandatory treatment.

Running hemorrhoids leads to a number of complications, which we discussed above. Often it is not possible to get rid of them without surgical intervention. Hemorrhoids without proper treatment can lead to the formation of a malignant tumor.

What to remember

  1. The causes of hemorrhoids are a sedentary lifestyle, heavy lifting, alcohol abuse and poor diet.
  2. At the initial stage of the disease, hemorrhoids can be treated with folk remedies. In the later stages, surgery is necessary.
  3. There are effective methods of disease prevention, including special exercises.
  4. Running hemorrhoids can lead to a number of complications, up to oncology.

Hemorrhoids are painful, but usually not very serious and go away on their own. Here are some tips on how to quickly get rid of hemorrhoids.


Part 1

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

    Find out what hemorrhoids are. Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed blood vessels in the anus or rectum that result from increased pressure in the pelvis and anus and form knots. Common causes of hemorrhoids are chronic constipation and chronic diarrhea. It often affects women later dates pregnancy, and people who are overweight. Hemorrhoids can sometimes occur due to anal sex. Hemorrhoids can be external and internal.

    Learn the symptoms of hemorrhoids. If you suspect that you have hemorrhoids, then it is important for you to know the symptoms of this disease. Here are the signs of internal and external hemorrhoids.

    • Internal hemorrhoids. The most obvious symptom of internal hemorrhoids is bright red bleeding from the rectum during a bowel movement. You will also see traces of blood on the toilet paper. In most cases, these nodes are painless.
    • External hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids can cause itching and burning in the anus. The nodules are often painful and sometimes bleed, especially after a bowel movement. Sometimes, due to external hemorrhoids, it is very uncomfortable to sit.
  1. Learn about other diseases with similar symptoms. While hemorrhoids are not usually a serious problem, bleeding from the rectum can be caused by serious conditions such as cancer, diverticulitis, or a bacterial infection. So if you experience rectal bleeding, be sure to see a doctor so that you can be correctly diagnosed and prescribed treatment.

    Don't sit too long on the toilet. Thus, you increase the pressure on the anus. Do not spend more than 10 minutes in the toilet. If you're constipated, take a break, drink water, go for a walk, and try going to the bathroom a little later. Of course, one should not forget about hygiene measures even after a not very successful attempt.

    Lose weight. If the cause of hemorrhoids is overweight, then weight loss will help you. Talk to your doctor for advice on how many pounds of weight you need to lose and how to do it without compromising your health.

    Do more exercise. Exercise stimulates bowel function and makes stool easier to move. Try doing moderate cardio for 20 minutes a day. Walking is a great place to start. If you have a sedentary job, try to get up every hour and walk for a few minutes. Physical exercise will also help you lose weight.

    Make changes to your diet to make your stools softer. The softer the stool, the less you will need to strain, the less pressure on the perineal area and the less time you will spend on the toilet. You will have to add certain foods to your diet, and some completely eliminate. You may need to experiment with your diet before you find the right balance. Here are some examples:

    Change your diet to maintain vascular health. Many foods and herbs contain substances that strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Some of these foods and herbs also reduce inflammation. For example:

Haemorrhoids- This is a disease that has been known since the time of the great healers of antiquity such as: Hippocrates and Avicenna. To this day, it still brings misery to millions of people around the world. About 5% of the world's population at least once, but experienced the bitterness of this disease. The prevalence among the population of developed countries ranges from 6% to 10%, and in some countries this percentage is even higher. Almost 80% are representatives of the stronger sex, women suffer less often about 20%. The largest percentage of patients diagnosed with hemorrhoids are among people of working age from 21 to 40 years.

It is believed that this diagnosis was introduced into medicine by Hippocrates himself. From the ancient Greek language, “hemorrhoids” is interpreted as bleeding. Even in those distant times, this disease was already widely known, studied and described in many medical treatises. For example: ancient Chinese healers described 24 types of hemorrhoids and used different methods of treatment. Centuries passed, medicine was constantly developing and looking for new ways to alleviate the suffering of thousands of people. So what does modern medicine say about hemorrhoids, and what are the most effective methods of treatment for those who suffer today?

Anatomy of the rectum - where does hemorrhoids come from?

First, let's get acquainted with modern knowledge in the field of anatomy. In order to defeat the enemy, you need to study it well. So with the disease, in order to overcome it, you need to know everything about it.
And so under the term "haemorrhoids " understand phlebeurysm in the anus, which manifests itself periodically bleeding, inflammation and pain.

Location and functions of this department gastrointestinal tract determined the peculiarity of its anatomical structure. The anus is the final section of the rectum, which, together with the sigmoid and colon (ascending, transverse, descending) intestine, constitutes the section of the large intestine.

To understand the cause of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to consider in more detail the blood supply to this section of the intestine. This department has a number of characteristic features. The rectum is pierced by a dense network venous plexuses.

There are internal and external plexuses, which have a rather tortuous character, they are full-blooded and the blood flows through them rather slowly. All this creates excellent conditions for their excessive expansion in certain areas, forming hemorrhoids.

Such veins have one important feature; small arteries open in them. This relationship explains the presence of scarlet blood, instead of dark blue blood (characteristic of the venous bed), with bleeding from hemorrhoids.

Thus, the anatomical feature of these plexuses allows a number of reasons to trigger the mechanism of the occurrence of such a disease as hemorrhoids. So what are the most common causes of this pathology?

Causes of hemorrhoids?

The cause of hemorrhoids is vascular dysfunction, increased arterial blood flow and decreased blood flow from the venous plexuses, which in turn leads to their expansion and the formation of hemorrhoids. Essentially, up to true reason modern scientists have not yet reached, but this theory is considered the most reliable.

There are a number of adverse factors that contribute to the development of the disease, we list the main ones:

  • genetic predisposition
  • constipation
  • prolonged standing or sitting position
  • heavy physical labor
  • pregnancy and childbirth
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • various intoxications (alcohol abuse, etc.).
  • errors in nutrition (a lot of spicy, spicy foods).
  • infectious agents (causing: inflammation of the hemorrhoidal veins, colitis)
The absence of such unfavorable factors in your life does not guarantee you freedom from possible disease. But the exclusion of all of the above factors will significantly reduce the risk of its occurrence and the development of a number of very unpleasant symptoms.

Signs of hemorrhoids in women and men

You can suspect hemorrhoids if you have the following symptoms, namely: discomfort in the anus, bleeding, pain, itching. Typically, these symptoms develop in the following sequence:

Discomfort in the anus
Sensation of a foreign body, discomfort are usually harbingers or occur as the first symptoms of hemorrhoids and appear at the very beginning of the disease.

Bleeding with hemorrhoids
It is the main symptom, occurs during the act of defecation or immediately after it, scarlet blood is not mixed with feces, it is usually located on top of the feces. Intensity varies from a few drops to copious streams. Prolonged and heavy bleeding can lead to the development of anemia (decrease in hemoglobin and blood cells in the blood).

Pain with hemorrhoids
A symptom that occurs after the development of certain complications, such as: inflammation of the hemorrhoids, their infringement or the development of an anal fissure. Pain accompanies the act of defecation and lasts for some time after it.

Itching with hemorrhoids
Itching is possible as a result of irritation of the skin of the perineum and the area around the anus with a high probability of developing eczema (a non-contagious inflammatory skin disease). Constant scratching can lead to infection and the development of various purulent diseases. Prolonged mechanical irritation and tissue damage increase the risk of developing tumor processes.

These symptoms may come in waves. During periods of calm, a person suffering from hemorrhoids practically does not complain and feels quite comfortable. But when exposed to adverse factors, such as alcohol, hard physical labor, or others, the disease again manifests itself with its own unpleasant symptoms. Signs of hemorrhoids in women and men are no different.

Types of hemorrhoids - internal, external, stages of hemorrhoids

According to the clinical course, they will distinguish: acute and chronic hemorrhoids. But in essence, these are phases of the same process.

Types of hemorrhoids

They also distinguish 3 types of hemorrhoids, according to the location of hemorrhoids:
  • internal hemorrhoids, the nodes are located under the mucous membrane of the rectum, above the dentate (rectal-anal) line, at the site of the internal venous plexus.
  • External hemorrhoids, the nodes are located under the skin, below the rectal-anal line.
  • Combined hemorrhoids combination of external and internal hemorrhoids.

Degrees of hemorrhoids

In the process of development, hemorrhoids go through a number of stages. Stages reflect the degree of complication of this disease.

There are 4 successive stages:

  1. In the first stage nodes protrude into the intestinal lumen (but do not fall out), during defecation, blood is released from the anal canal.
  2. In the second stage nodes fall out during bowel movements and self-reset.
  3. In the third stage nodes fall out even with slight physical exertion, they do not reset themselves, it is necessary to set them by hand.
  4. In the fourth stage the nodes that fell out of the anal canal are not reduced.

Why are hemorrhoids dangerous?

The progression of the disease without proper treatment will lead to a number of very unpleasant complications.
Complications of hemorrhoids:
  • Anemia(develops with a long course of the disease with heavy bleeding).
  • Inflammatory processes in the surrounding tissues, up to the development of paraproctitis (inflammation of the fiber around the rectum). Paraproctitis is considered a very serious complication requiring serious treatment.
  • Fissures in the anus. The most common cause of severe pain in hemorrhoids. Cracks create favorable conditions for the development and penetration of various infections deep into the soft tissues. This fact can lead to the development of a formidable complication such as an abscess (limited purulent inflammation, which is accompanied by general malaise, fever and severe pain). This complication requires mandatory surgical intervention.
  • Itching. A very unpleasant complication that acts not only as a strong negative psychological moment, undermining the psycho-emotional state of the patient. Constant mechanical irritation of the anal area can significantly aggravate the course of the disease. In addition, permanent tissue damage increases the risk of developing various tumor processes.
  • Anal sphincter insufficiency, gas and fecal incontinence (often in the elderly).

From this it follows that hemorrhoids need early diagnosis and immediate action to address this problem.

Diagnosis of hemorrhoids

The diagnosis of "hemorrhoids" is not difficult for an experienced doctor. In most cases, the diagnosis is made after questioning and examining the patient. Examine the patient in the knee-elbow position and in a squatting position. Inspection is supplemented with a digital examination of the rectum, anoscopy, rectoscopy, irrigoscopy. These research methods in more carried out in order to exclude other pathologies of the large intestine, which often accompany hemorrhoids or are hidden behind a mask of symptoms characteristic of hemorrhoids.
Finger research - a valuable diagnostic method, only after this study, the proctologist prescribes and performs anoscopy and rectoscopy. This study is both indicative for assessing the possibility of carrying out the most complex diagnostic maneuvers, and purposeful for detailing local signs of pathology.

Anoscopy- a method of instrumental examination of the rectum using an anoscope (special tool), to a depth of 12-14 cm from the anus. The procedure is absolutely safe.

Rectoscopy(Sigmoidoscopy) is one of the leading methods of instrumental research in which the entire rectum and part of the sigmoid colon are examined, thus the proctoscope penetrates to a depth of 25-35 cm from the anus. A rectoscope is a special device in the form of a tube, equipped with an optical system and lighting elements. Depending on the indications and the presumptive diagnosis, a flexible or rigid (rigid) proctoscope is selected. When using a flexible proctoscope, it becomes possible to examine the overlying sections of the intestine (up to the caecum). Modern rectoscopes have a high level of visualization of the mucosal surface, which allows diagnosing many abnormalities at the earliest stage.

Irrigoscopy- an x-ray method of research in which the large intestine is filled with a contrast agent (barium mixture), and x-rays are taken. This study is of great diagnostic value, as it allows you to clarify or exclude a large number of diseases of the large intestine.

Any instrumental diagnostic methods must be supplemented with laboratory tests. For such a pathology as hemorrhoids, especially with frequent and heavy bleeding, it is necessary to conduct a general blood test to detect anemia, which is characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood.

Prevention of hemorrhoids

Daily walks 25-45 minutes.
Breaks during long-term work, especially sitting, preferably every 45 minutes, for 10-15 minutes, get up to walk or do a set of light physical exercises, this will not only be an excellent prevention of hemorrhoids, but will also significantly improve your ability to work.
Sports that do not require significant effort, jogging, swimming, etc.

Mode of work and rest
Lifting weights is not for you. Excessive effort leads to an increase in intravascular pressure, which is one of the main factors in the occurrence of hemorrhoids. So it's time to use the help of friends and your loved ones.
It is necessary to beware of hypothermia, as this leads to impaired blood circulation, and hence to new exacerbations.

Rejection bad habits
It is necessary to limit yourself in the use of alcohol and smoking. These factors greatly reduce the protective and restorative functions, which will make healing difficult and even worsen the situation. Often alcohol consumption becomes the main factor that causes exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

Anus hygiene
An important condition in the prevention of hemorrhoids is personal hygiene. Which must be observed from day to day, it is advisable to wash the anus area well after each act of defecation. It is also useful to carry out this procedure before bedtime.

Treatment of hemorrhoids: we treat hemorrhoids at home

For complete healing of hemorrhoids, treatment must be approached very thoroughly. First of all, treatment should start as soon as possible from the onset of the disease, secondly treatment should be comprehensive., which means at the same time, to act on all links of the chain that causes the disease. There are no unimportant things in the treatment, everything is of great importance. With regard to lifestyle, work and rest regimen, as well as diet, these are key points in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Without changing seemingly simple things, it will be almost impossible to achieve a complete recovery, using even the most modern and most complex types of treatment.

Diet and proper nutrition for hemorrhoids

With hemorrhoids, nutrition has some features, namely: the exclusion from the diet of spicy, spicy, fried, smoked foods, as well as strong alcoholic beverages, since all this contributes to the expansion of the vessels of the venous network and disruption of local blood flow. The water-salt balance is also important. Excess fluid and salt intake leads to an increase in total blood volume. And the excessive volume of circulating blood increases the pressure in the venous system, which leads to prolapse of hemorrhoids.

It is very important to avoid constipation, a key factor in causing hemorrhoids. Constipation greatly increases intracavitary pressure and pressure in the hemorrhoidal plexuses, which triggers the unfortunate mechanism for the development of hemorrhoids. Therefore, it is recommended to eat foods containing fiber and coarse fibers, such as black bread, raw vegetables and fruits, prunes, oatmeal, buckwheat and barley groats.

Often one regimen and diet is not enough to defeat the disease, then medicine comes to the rescue with the whole arsenal of modern medicines and treatment methods.

Of decisive importance in the treatment of hemorrhoids are the clinical course of the disease (acute or chronic).

pills for hemorrhoids

As systemic treatment drugs are used that strengthen the wall of blood vessels, improve blood circulation and increase lymph outflow. This all leads to a reduction in inflammation and pain. This group of drugs includes: detralex, glivenol, rutoside, etc.

Detralex - a remedy for hemorrhoids

Considered one of the most effective drugs to date in the treatment of hemorrhoids. They belong to the group of drugs that have a protective effect on blood vessels. Detralex has the following effects: reduces the extensibility of veins, thereby increasing their tone, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces their fragility. With prolonged use, blood circulation in the vessels improves and lymph outflow increases. Thus, the drug has a direct beneficial effect on the main link in the development of hemorrhoids. Side effects of the drug are extremely rare. It is prescribed 2 tablets per day with meals. During an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, 6 tablets per day for 4 days, then 4 tablets per day for three days.

Candles and ointments for hemorrhoids

For local treatment, suppositories for hemorrhoids are used, as well as ointments for hemorrhoids, such preparations as: suppositories (ointment) relief, ointment (suppositories) ultra-proct, ointment aurobin, etc. are used. These drugs relieve inflammation, swelling, itching, and also have a hemostatic effect and contribute to the rapid restoration of damaged tissue.

Candles from hemorrhoids relief

An excellent remedy for hemorrhoids, tested by time. The composition includes shark liver oil and phenylephrine (a substance that has the property of constricting blood vessels). The components of the drug perfectly relieve all the symptoms of hemorrhoids, eliminating inflammation, swelling, itching, pain, improve the ability of tissue repair. Thus, the drug significantly increases the degree of comfort with such an unpleasant disease. Side effects occur very rarely, redness, itching in the anal area may appear. Candles are applied up to 4 times a day (in the morning, at night and after each act of defecation).

Read more about Relief candles in the article:


Candles for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

During pregnancy, any medication should be justified as much as possible. And the drugs of choice should be absolutely harmless to the health of the mother and child. In the treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women, it is advisable to use natural-based suppositories, such as suppositories with sea buckthorn, with propolis.

Candles for hemorrhoids with sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn oil, contained in candles, is a unique biological substance that includes a whole range of valuable biologically active components. Sea buckthorn has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, effectively relieves redness, swelling, and pain. In addition, it has an antibacterial property, protecting the body from possible infectious processes and eliminates those present.

Sea buckthorn oil perfectly strengthens the immune system, increases the protective properties of the body, improves the body's ability to heal wounds. Whatever the harmless drug, its use during pregnancy always has some risks, in this case, you just need to consult a specialist doctor. Your health and the health of your child is in your hands.

Candles for hemorrhoids with propolis

Propolis is just a gift of nature for man. It has a huge amount of healing properties. And this is a great way to help in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Propolis perfectly harmonizes all processes in the body. Candles with propolis have a local anti-inflammatory effect, relieve pain, itching, have a resolving effect, restoring normal blood circulation. Propolis increases the protective properties of the body, strengthens the immune system, has antibacterial activity. Promotes rapid healing and self-healing of damaged tissue. Extremely rarely there are adverse reactions. If you are allergic to propolis, suppositories are contraindicated. Thus, suppositories with propolis will become a harmless and very effective assistant in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Gepatrombin G ointment

The drug is a combination of three active substances, heparin, prednisolone and polydaconol. Heparin has a pronounced antithrombotic effect, thins the blood, and prevents the formation of blood clots. Thus, it improves blood circulation through the vessels, reducing stagnation in hemorrhoids. Prednisolone is a hormone that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling, itching and pain well. Polidocanol has an analgesic effect and promotes the subsidence of the node. In general, this ointment is very effective tool, but it contains a hormonal drug that, with prolonged or excessive use, can cause many undesirable effects. It is prescribed at the beginning, 2-4 times a day, after the disappearance of pain, 1 time per day for 7 days. It is better to discuss the use of such a drug with a doctor.

Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids

A good remedy for symptoms of complicated hemorrhoids. Reduces inflammation, prevents the formation of new blood clots and promotes the resorption of old ones. Heparin, which is part of the ointment, acts directly on the mechanisms of the formation of blood clots, blocking the production of a component necessary for the formation of a thrombotic plug, as well as reducing the activity of the cells responsible for the formation of a blood clot (platelets). Ointment significantly reduces the severity of pain. Side effects are not expressed, redness and allergic reactions are possible. The ointment should not be applied to open wounds with purulent processes. Since this will lead to the spread of the purulent process with the blood flow.

Troxevasin ointment for hemorrhoids

This ointment has many necessary effects that are needed in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Increases the tone of the veins, their protective properties, has a good anti-inflammatory effect. The ointment relieves swelling, eliminating pain. Reduces the processes of destruction, improves the recovery processes inside the walls of blood vessels. The drug is non-toxic, widely used and has a good therapeutic effect. Of the possible side effects, the development of an allergic reaction to the drug is possible. The ointment is applied outside, 2 times a day, morning and evening.

All of the above drugs of conservative treatment have temporary effect. Since in case of violation of a normal lifestyle (errors in nutrition, excessive physical activity) in most cases again lead to an exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

hemorrhoid removal surgery

Removal of hemorrhoids with a laser, sclerotherapy, ligation of hemorrhoids.

On the this moment in the world there is a sufficient number of effective methods of treatment of hemorrhoids. Preference is given minimally invasive methods treatments that can be performed even on an outpatient basis.

A typical hemorrhoidectomy (surgical method) is performed only in 20% of patients, the rest receive minimally invasive therapy.

Minimally invasive methods include:

  • infrared photocoagulation
  • sclerotherapy
  • ligation with latex rings
  • electrocoagulation
  • disarterization of hemorrhoids.
Which of the hemorrhoid removal methods to choose?

Thus, the treatment strategy will be determined stage chronic course of the disease. Total distinguish 4 stages.

  1. For first stage shown: conservative treatment with vasoconstrictive drugs, infrared photocoagulation and sclerotherapy.
  1. Second stage: infrared photocoagulation, sclerotherapy, ligation with latex rings.
  1. Third stage: ligation with latex rings and disarterization of hemorrhoids.

  1. Fourth stage: surgery.
This approach to the treatment of hemorrhoids allows you to get good results in 98-100% of patients. .

Information about each of the hemorrhoid removal methods

infrared photocoagulation

With the help of a device that emits a heat flow of energy, the doctor eliminates the hemorrhoid, blocking the flow of blood to it.


The method is based on the use of drugs that have the ability to glue blood vessels. They are injected directly into the hemorrhoidal node, this leads to the closure of the lumen inside the node, and hence to the elimination of the symptoms of the disease. At the first stage, the effectiveness of the method is 85%, at the second - 70%.

Ligation of hemorrhoids

This method consists in throwing a ring on the hemorrhoid, after which it safely falls off along with the ring. Sometimes it takes several repeated sessions to permanently remove a node. In 90% of cases, complete elimination of symptoms is achieved. It is considered an effective and less traumatic method. Well tolerated by patients. After the operation, there is a short rehabilitation period. Low frequency of relapses (repeated cases of formation of hemorrhoids). The percentage of complications after manipulation is insignificant.

Disarterization of hemorrhoids

A simple and affordable method , which allows you to reduce the flow of blood entering the hemorrhoids, and thereby eliminate unwanted symptoms. This is achieved by ligating the arterial vessels above their confluence with the hemorrhoids. This procedure is performed under ultrasound guidance, which significantly reduces the risk of error. In 80% of patients in the second and third stages, there is a complete disappearance of clinical symptoms.

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids

Surgical treatment is the most effective treatment for hemorrhoids in the third and fourth stages.

Surgery to remove hemorrhoids
Surgery to remove hemorrhoids , proposed back in the 30s of the last century, is still used and continues to be modified. In the world, there are mainly two types of operations:

  1. Closed hemorrhoidectomy. Applied in III and IV stages of the disease.
  2. Open hemorrhoidectomy. Also in stage III and IV, but complicated by anal fissure or paraproctitis.
Also in 1993, a new method for the treatment of hemorrhoids was proposed, this was done by the Italian doctor A. Longo, which consists in the circular removal of the muco-submucosal layer of the rectum using a special apparatus.

Patients are discharged on the 3rd-4th day after the operation, recovery occurs on the 5th-7th day. There is also a low percentage of postoperative complications.

Preparing for hemorrhoid surgery

Preparing for hemorrhoid surgery is not difficult. Before surgery, the patient must undergo a series of studies. Performed general analysis blood, urine, an electrocardiogram is taken, a consultation is held with a general practitioner and an anesthesiologist (a doctor who performs anesthesia and induces anesthesia). Also, if necessary, perform rectoscopy or colonoscopy (endoscopic examination of the colon).

Direct preparation for a successful surgical action is to create the most comfortable conditions for the doctor's work and the prevention of postoperative complications in the patient (bandaging of the lower extremities to prevent the formation of blood clots). The operating field is being prepared, for this, the hair from the perineum is shaved, and a thorough toilet of the perineum is performed, and the intestines are cleansed. In the morning on the day of the operation, cleansing enemas are required until the colon is completely cleansed.

Diet before hemorrhoid surgery

As before any surgical intervention, a diet must be followed before the operation to remove hemorrhoids. It consists in eating a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. The food on the eve of the operation should be easily digestible and not burden the digestive tract. It is recommended to include in the diet more carbohydrate foods (sugar, honey, jam, etc.). Strictly exclude foods that cause bloating and flatulence (legumes, smoked meats, flour), you should also exclude spicy, spicy, and very salty foods. Alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited. It is not worth starving before the operation, as the body needs energy reserves for normal functioning during the operation and in the postoperative period. On the day of the operation in the morning, it is even recommended to drink a cup of tea with sugar or eat a spoonful of honey.

Nutrition and diet after hemorrhoid surgery

In most cases, patients after hemorrhoid surgery can start drinking and eating a few hours after the operation. But observe the dietary table (according to Pevzner 1a), exclude foods and dishes that stimulate the secretion of the stomach and irritate its mucous membrane. Food must be cooked in a pureed form, food is steamed or boiled in water, it must be taken in a liquid and mushy state. Exclude: hot and cold, bread and flour products, raw vegetables, fruits, cheese, dairy products, sour cream, cottage cheese, spices, sauces, coffee, tea. Eating 6 times a day in small portions. The restoration of normal bowel function usually occurs on the second day after the operation, therefore, you can switch to a normal diet. But, of course, all spicy and spicy dishes should be excluded, alcohol should also be forgotten. By adhering to these recommendations, you can reduce the recovery time after surgery and reduce the risk of complications.

Modern medicine is currently using more and more low-traumatic surgeries using the latest medical equipment, such as: an ultrasonic scalpel, the Liga Sure device, etc. These techniques can reduce the intensity and duration of postoperative pain, as well as reduce the time after surgical rehabilitation.

Long-term results of surgical treatment of hemorrhoids practically do not depend on the method of its implementation, after any of the above operations, a good result is recorded in 98-99%.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the disease of hemorrhoids is a rather serious disease and requires maximum attention. For this, a person who has met this problem on his life path must make every possible effort to solve it. Namely, as soon as possible, contact a specialist doctor and not self-medicate, as well as change the lifestyle and attitude towards yourself and the world around you.

Frequently asked Questions

Can I drink with hemorrhoids?

Alcohol and hemorrhoids are not compatible concepts. Alcohol is a very strong provoking factor of this disease. Most exacerbations and new cases of acute hemorrhoids are caused precisely by alcohol abuse. Firstly, alcohol mercilessly hits the most important vital centers (brain, heart, liver, kidneys), thereby reducing the body's resistance and its ability to recover from various diseases. Secondly, it directly triggers the mechanisms that lead to the development of hemorrhoids. Namely, when alcohol is consumed:
  • dilation of blood vessels in all parts of the body, including in the venous plexus of the rectum, which leads to excessive blood flow and overflow of hemorrhoidal veins.
  • normal circulation through the vessels is disturbed, due to the detrimental effect of alcohol on nervous system.
  • there is a destruction and gluing of red blood cells right in the lumen of the vessels, which disrupts the normal blood flow, contributing to stagnation and the formation of blood clots.
  • the protective properties of blood vessels are significantly reduced
All of the above mechanisms make the risk of hemorrhoids extremely high. Naturally, the answer to the question is whether it is possible to drink with hemorrhoids - contraindicated! But a person always has a choice to be healthy and happy or sick and suffering. The choice is yours!

Can I drink beer with hemorrhoids?

Beer with hemorrhoids, like other alcoholic beverages, should not be consumed. In addition to the main adverse mechanisms that cause hemorrhoids, such as vasodilation and increased blood flow to the hemorrhoidal veins, beer increases blood pressure. This is due to the fact that beer is usually consumed in in large numbers, and this leads to an increase in the volume of circulating blood, which leads to an increase in pressure in the vascular system. Vasodilation, increased blood flow, high vascular pressure are formidable factors that contribute to the exacerbation and emergence of new cases of hemorrhoids.

Can you have sex with hemorrhoids?

Having sex with hemorrhoids should have some restrictions. Firstly, sex should be vaginal (traditional), so vaginal sex with hemorrhoids is not contraindicated. Secondly, without excessive efforts, which will lead to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. That is, use the most comfortable and convenient postures. Do not get carried away by the long duration and frequency of sexual intercourse. Desirable sex with hemorrhoids end with an orgasm, since during sex there is a significant rush of blood to the pelvic organs, respectively, to the hemorrhoidal veins, while an orgasm contributes to a faster and more effective restoration of normal blood circulation. Anal sex with hemorrhoids not recommended and in most cases contraindicated. Mechanical irritation leads to various damage to the mucosa and blood vessels, which provokes new exacerbations of hemorrhoids. There is also a high probability of developing unpleasant complications, such as anal fissure, proctitis, paraproctitis. But in order to protect yourself and feel calm, you must definitely consult with a specialist doctor who will most correctly and competently determine the measure of what is permitted in your case.

Is it possible to play sports with hemorrhoids?

It is important to understand that any excessive physical activity with hemorrhoids is highly undesirable. Especially the physical activity that leads to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, and this is lifting weights, swinging the press, squatting, etc. Excessive pressure is also distributed to the region of the venous plexuses of the rectum, which contributes to their expansion and active blood flow to them, and this is the main mechanism development of hemorrhoids. Everything is good in moderation, sport is also necessary and even useful if it is performed according to the rules, without overwork and extra effort.

Can you run with hemorrhoids?

With hemorrhoids, it is useful to jog for 30-40 minutes without overexerting. This will improve blood circulation, eliminate congestion and strengthen blood vessels. Running has a positive effect on all body systems, it will strengthen the immune system and increase vitality, which is so necessary in the treatment of the disease.

Can you swim with hemorrhoids?

Need to swim. This is a great activity to strengthen the whole body. It helps to normalize and harmonize many processes in the body, including improving the movement of blood through the vessels of the lower extremities and pelvic vessels. This will significantly unload the veins of the hemorrhoidal plexuses, thereby eliminating the main mechanism for the development of hemorrhoids. Swimming perfectly relieves physical and mental stress, allowing all body systems to work smoothly and efficiently. Swimming is a great helper in the treatment of many diseases, including hemorrhoids.

Can I take a bath with hemorrhoids?

You can take a bath with hemorrhoids, but on condition that there is no bleeding. It is also necessary that the water be warm in no case hot or cold. Herbal baths have a particularly good effect, which relieve pain and spasms well, providing a calming effect, bringing quick relief. Of the herbs used: horse chestnut, chamomile, sage, celandine, etc. It is important not to take baths for a long time, it is recommended no more than 15-20 minutes. Everything is good in moderation.

Is it possible to take a steam bath and go to the bath with hemorrhoids?

Bath and steam room are excellent as a prophylaxis of hemorrhoids. But in the presence of a disease, visiting the bathhouse and steam room should be excluded. fluctuations high temperatures will lead to excessive expansion and overflow of the venous structures of the rectum, which will contribute to swelling and prolapse of hemorrhoids. Fans of the bath and take a good steam, suffering from hemorrhoids should take seriously their own health. As soon as possible, consult a doctor and remove all obstacles that prevent you from doing what you love. With proper and conscientious treatment, you will certainly, soon, return to your usual way of life.

Symptoms and treatment of hemorrhoids at home

Hemorrhoids is an inflammation of the venous sections of the rectum, as well as their bleeding, enlargement and prolapse. According to statistics collected according to official data, every seventh inhabitant of our planet suffers from such an ailment. This makes up 15% of the total population. However, not everyone is in a hurry to see a doctor when the first symptoms of the disease occur. Therefore, it can be assumed that about a quarter of the world's population suffers from hemorrhoids.

Many people have a stereotype that it is simply ugly and uncivilized to talk about such ailments. It is for this reason that most patients are in no hurry to visit a doctor. As a result, they come to a specialist when hemorrhoids have turned into an advanced stage or when there is no strength to fight the disease on their own. It should be noted that both men and women are equally affected by this disease.

Causes of hemorrhoids

To prevent the appearance of hemorrhoids, one should clearly understand the factors that provoke the occurrence of this pathology. For the development of varicose pathology proper (weakness of the vascular walls, varicose veins and the appearance of nodes) in the perianal region, a provocative condition is necessary:

  • inadequate bowel function (frequent constipation / diarrhea);
  • inactivity (a sedentary lifestyle is a direct path to hemorrhoids);
  • alcohol abuse (alcohol increases blood flow to the small pelvis, and its regular use negatively affects the vascular wall);
  • malnutrition (overeating leading to obesity, leaning on spicy / salty foods increases the burden on the intestines as a whole, increases pressure on the rectum and irritates its mucous membrane);
  • non-traditional types of sexual pleasure lead to excessive compression of the hemorrhoidal plexus and stretching of the rectal ligaments, which provokes hemorrhoids;
  • lifting weights professionally or as a hobby (athletes-siloviks, loaders and people engaged in heavy physical labor should understand that their occupation is fraught with the development of hemorrhoids);
  • pregnancy (hemorrhoids in women appear during the bearing of the baby, especially not the first one);
  • inflammatory pathology and tumor diseases of the small pelvis.

It is wrong to believe that hemorrhoidal disease is an exclusively "adult" pathology. In children, the development of hemorrhoids occurs against the background of frequent constipation, prolonged sitting on the potty and regular hysterical crying. However, in children, hemorrhoids are treated more effectively due to timely treatment, age-related elasticity of blood vessels and the ability to recover during the growth period.

Types of disease

Symptoms and treatment of hemorrhoids in 2019 largely depends on its type. There are 3 types of this disease:

  1. External, it is often also called anal. The nodes with it protrude outward in the anus, they are easy to see. This form is characterized by an abundance of unpleasant sensations.
  2. Internal, in which the disease manifests itself in the lumen of the rectum. This form develops relatively slowly, and there is no clear clinical picture.
  3. Combined. It is easy to guess from the name itself that this species is a combination of the first two. Such hemorrhoids are considered the most severe, it develops, as a rule, due to ignoring the advice of doctors and a frivolous attitude to one's own health.

It is not uncommon for hemorrhoids to lead to various complications. Among them can be called anemia, causing a general breakdown, dizziness and fatigue. This is due to the loss of blood and a decrease in the number of red blood cells in it. In some cases, especially neglected forms lead to gangrene, such an unpleasant phenomenon can be observed with the internal form of hemorrhoids. The blood flow is disturbed or even stopped, as a result, the processes of tissue death, necrosis begin.

First signs

The main signs of external hemorrhoids:

  1. Itching and burning.
  2. Unpleasant sensations in the anus and rectum. There may be a feeling of heaviness, incomplete emptying of the intestine, a foreign body inside.
  3. Pain in the anus and rectum. Initially, the pain may be expressed as a slight tingling, after which it turns into a pulling sensation. In this case, swelling of the node can be observed.
  4. Bleeding, which most often begins to occur after a bowel movement.
  5. Prolapsed hemorrhoid.

Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids are often similar to those listed above. The main difference is that with internal hemorrhoids, the nodes do not fall out, which often makes it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis and examination.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

When hemorrhoids occur, the symptoms (see photo) differ slightly depending on the current state - remission or exacerbation. In the remission stage, the symptoms subside and cease to disturb the patient, and with an exacerbation of the disease, the symptoms reappear and cause constant discomfort.

The main signs of hemorrhoids include:

  1. Itching and burning in the anus. Itching or burning speak of erosion of the walls of hemorrhoids.
  2. Sensation of a foreign body, a feeling of heaviness. People suffering from hemorrhoids often feel a foreign body in the anus, as well as heaviness in the groin when walking. Such symptoms are manifested in people suffering from hemorrhoids, due to blood-filled hemorrhoids.
  3. Pain during bowel movements, walking and sitting. Infringement of the hemorrhoid is accompanied by severe pain, sometimes unbearable. The pain is severe due to the fact that there are many receptors near the anus. Such pain occurs most often during bowel movements, but sometimes when walking. This pain is a sign of an onset attack of acute hemorrhoids.
  4. Bleeding during bowel movements, blood in the stool. With severe constipation, a lot of hard feces accumulate in the intestines, which begins to put pressure on the venous walls. They, in turn, due to pressure, begin to feed poorly on oxygen, and due to their prolonged overflow with blood, they begin to stretch. As a result of stretching, the walls become thinner, and in some places ruptures occur, which leads to bleeding. In this case, the blood flows only before or after a bowel movement. Blood can flow both in small droplets that remain on the paper, and in streams. If the bleeding is intense, then it can result in iron deficiency anemia. It should be noted that the release of blood from the anus is the main symptom of hemorrhoids, which indicates a neoplasm in the large intestine!
  5. Soreness to the touch of hemorrhoids. If touching the hemorrhoids causes you severe pain, and the nodes themselves become purple, plum-colored, then this is a sign of thrombosis. Plum spots can reach two centimeters in diameter. If you have at least one of the above symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor and not wait for miraculous self-healing. Although you can use folk remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids, because even in ancient times, hemorrhoids were not considered a disease at all. Hemorrhoids was such a minor disease that it was perceived as we are now a splinter.

Another main symptom of hemorrhoids is the prolapse of hemorrhoids from the anus, which is a consequence of the development of dystrophic processes. And the development of dystrophic processes is served by a strong and long straining during defecation, as well as simply sitting for a long time in the toilet reading a newspaper. Smoking can be another reason. By the way, if you want to quit smoking - then you are here.

What does hemorrhoids look like, photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in humans.



There are four stages in the development process:

1 stage a person begins to complain about the opening of bleeding from the rectum. This usually happens during the act of defecation. An important difference from other stages is the absence of prolapsed hemorrhoids.
2 stage in addition to bleeding, the patient begins to worry about the prolapse of nodes, which occurs during straining when emptying the intestines. After the act of defecation, the nodes are independently reduced.
3 stage the nodes provoke bleeding, they fall out during defecation, and at the same time they no longer reduce themselves, this has to be done by the patient himself manually. In this case, prolapse is also possible in other situations when the patient has increased pressure in the abdominal cavity, for example, when coughing, lifting weights, sneezing, etc.
4 stage the last stage of hemorrhoids, in which the entire anal region is involved in the pathological process. The patient is concerned about frequent and massive bleeding, nodes that fall out even after minor exertion, while they cannot be reduced. Often at this stage, thrombosis develops, which causes an attack of acute hemorrhoids, in which inflammation captures not only the anus, but also the subcutaneous tissue of the surrounding tissues.


A progressive disease, if not properly treated, usually leads to a number of complications, and they can hardly be called pleasant.

  1. Inflammatory processes localized in the surrounding tissues. In some cases, this leads to paraproctitis, characterized by inflammation of the tissue around the rectum. This disease is a very serious complication, it requires immediate and fairly serious treatment.
  2. Anemia. This disease develops with a long course of hemorrhoids, accompanied by heavy and regular bleeding.
  3. Cracks. This is the main cause of pain in hemorrhoids. It is worth remembering that anal fissures create ideal conditions under which all kinds of bacteria penetrate deep into the tissues and develop there. As a result, such a phenomenon can cause an abscess. This is a limited purulent inflammation, accompanied by severe pain, fever and general malaise. When such a complication occurs, surgical intervention is required.

In the elderly, fecal incontinence and anal sphincter insufficiency may occur.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

With the development of hemorrhoids, there are two methods of treatment: conservative and surgical.

Conservative treatment consists in the use of systemic and local medications and is used in the initial stages of the disease. It is aimed at relieving pain, preventing complications and exacerbations, and is used for preoperative preparation and postoperative rehabilitation of patients.

Drug therapy for hemorrhoids includes the following types of therapeutic agents:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics are used to relieve inflammation and pain in the anus. Patients are prescribed drugs such as Analgin, Diclofenac, Nise, Ibuklin;
  • venotonics to normalize the tone of the venous vessels - Detralex, Phlebodia, Venoton, Troxevasin;
  • hemostatics to stop bleeding from hemorrhoidal cones - Vikasol, Dicinon, Calcium Chloride;
  • ointments based on Nitroglycerin to relieve spasm of the anal sphincter;
  • ointments based on heparin to prevent thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
  • laxatives to normalize stools - Dufalac, Normaze, Bisokadil.

Surgical removal of hemorrhoids is used when conservative therapy is ineffective or in case of complications. For this purpose, minimally invasive techniques and hemorrhoidectomy can be used.

Ointments and suppositories

During conservative treatment, ointments and suppositories are used.

  1. Sea buckthorn candles. They restore immune cells, relieve swelling and eliminate itching. Candles kill bacteria well, have a detrimental effect on histamine (cells that provoke inflammation). Anusole suppositories and Fleming's ointment have the same effect.
  2. Heparin ointment. Its use allows you to relieve symptoms and remove the exacerbation of the disease. Such a medicine is the main component of the treatment of pathology. Especially effective is the use of heparin ointment during inflammation of the seals. It prevents the appearance of blood clots, anesthetizes and relieves swelling.
  3. Proctosan ointment. Proctosan ointment is widely distributed. It is used in the first and second stages of the disease. The agent is applied to the affected areas. An ointment is used to relieve the inflammatory process in the rectum.

Relief ointment, levomekol also well stimulate immune cells and counteract inflammation. They are known for their wound healing and vasoconstrictive effects.

Folk remedies

Folk methods are also effective in practice, it is important to choose the right hypoallergenic composition, to eliminate the risk of an allergic reaction. Suggested below good recipes treatment of cracks and bumps of the anus.

  1. Peel potatoes, cut a candle out of it. Insert at the entrance to the rectum at night, perform the procedure at bedtime. Such "potato sessions" to spend 5-7 nights in a row to completely get rid of hemorrhoids.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil will help with external hemorrhoids. It is necessary to soak a cotton pad with an oil base, and then apply it to the painful lump for the whole night. In total, carry out 10 procedures to completely get rid of hemorrhoids.
  3. Yarrow - folk remedy from hemorrhoids, which should be used in the form natural juice, medicinal decoction. If there is no apparatus for squeezing juice, it is recommended to prepare an aqueous infusion, which can be used for therapeutic baths before bedtime.

Baths for hemorrhoids at home

This is a quick method to stop pain, relieve inflammation. The hemorrhoid bath has no contraindications, side effects are also excluded. Doctors recommend following daily hygiene rules, using toilet soap without additives, and then rinsing the problem area with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and yarrow.

Such a water procedure does not provide emergency assistance, but reduces the number of painful relapses. A particularly effective composition of crushed garlic with fresh milk in water.

Diet and proper nutrition

Nutrition for hemorrhoids is no less important than medication or surgery. You need to eat fractionally - 5-6 times a day in small portions. The drinking regime should be sufficient - 1.5-2.5 liters of non-carbonated water without sugar per day.

  • Food should be processed with gentle heat treatment methods - boiling, baking, stewing, steaming, and also contain a sufficient amount of fiber.
  • With hemorrhoids, the use of products such as "sour milk", pumpkin, zucchini and zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, carrots and other vegetables, fruits, cereals, whole grain bread is welcome. Give preference to cereals, salads, especially vinaigrette, boiled or stewed lean meat, chicken, fish, steamed cutlets, soups, casseroles.


Sphincter gymnastics is also very useful for external hemorrhoids, it should be performed every day, these are just 3 not difficult exercises:

  • The exercise is done lying on your back, squeeze the buttocks, counting slowly to 5, while you should draw the rectum into yourself as much as possible. You should also relax on the account up to 5. Repeat the exercise 15 times.
  • Lie on your stomach, put your hands under your chin - alternately raise one straight leg, 10 times the left, 10 times the right.
  • Lie on the right side, bend the right arm at the elbow under the head, while the left arm is also bent, but in front of the chest, the right leg is also bent. For 4 counts, raise your left leg and bend at the knee, straighten it, pulling it back, then lower it. Do the same exercise on the left side 10 times.

Minimally invasive techniques

Minimally invasive treatment of hemorrhoids allows you to quickly and without serious injury get rid of such a delicate problem. Therapeutic methods in most cases only muffle the symptoms of the disease, delay the moment when it is necessary to apply more radical methods. Before prescribing a particular procedure, the doctor examines the patient's history, conducts a comprehensive examination, and assesses all possible risks.

Minimally invasive hemorrhoid removal technologies include:

  1. Electrocoagulation is carried out under the control of an anoscope. An electrode is brought to the leg of the node and the tissues are coagulated (welded), after which they quickly die. In one procedure, it is possible to get rid of 1-2 pathological foci. After gluing, the hemorrhoid ceases to feed and grow, and after a while it completely disappears.
  2. Sclerotherapy is a low-traumatic treatment of hemorrhoids by means of special sclerosing substances that are introduced into the node, sticking together its walls, due to which it is possible to stop their nutrition and die off in the future. The technique is carried out only at 1-3 stages of hemorrhoids. Does not exclude the risk of recurrence of the disease and is effective only for small hemorrhoids.
  3. Cryotherapy is a short-term effect on hemorrhoids with liquid nitrogen. After that, the hemorrhoid dies and disappears. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, so there is no pain.
  4. latex ligation. With this technology for removing hemorrhoids, special latex rings are used. They are inserted through an anoscope into the anus and tied with a knot. This completely blocks the blood flow in it, and after 1-2 weeks the node itself is rejected along with the ligature. This technique is applied in later stages of hemorrhoids (3 and 4).

Minimally invasive methods of dealing with hemorrhoids can only be used at stages 1-3 of the disease, without necessarily exacerbating the inflammatory process. All procedures are performed after local anesthesia. There is no need to use general anesthesia. Only 1-3 knots can be removed in one session. Sometimes the treatment takes place in several stages, at intervals of several weeks.

Latex ligation

Surgery for hemorrhoids: hemorrhoidectomy

This is the excision of the hemorrhoid, along with part of the mucous membrane, with stitching of its legs. The operation is indicated for chronic hemorrhoids of the last stages, severe bleeding, frequent relapses and thrombosis of hemorrhoids.

The hospital stay is up to 10 days. The duration of the recovery period is 2-3 weeks. Immediately after surgery, pain may appear, postoperative sutures sometimes suppurate and hurt.

To facilitate well-being, special analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, sitz baths are prescribed after each act of defecation.


To prevent the development of hemorrhoids, a balanced diet should be followed. The daily diet should include a sufficient amount of liquid (1.5–2 liters) and dietary fiber plant origin(vegetables, bran, etc.). It is necessary to abandon the use of alcoholic beverages, excessively spicy and spicy dishes.

  1. It is recommended to avoid overloading during defecation (excessive straining), it is preferable to wet the toilet of the perianal area after defecation, preferably with cool water.
  2. During pregnancy, in order to reduce venous congestion, daily exercises, walking, a rational diet with a lot of laxative foods are recommended.

Remember that the treatment of hemorrhoids should be entrusted only to professionals. Do not run this disease or self-medicate.
