If the evening sun was written by Lina Kostenko. Biography

, Ukraine

Lina Vasilievna Kostenko(* March 19, Rzhishchev, Kyiv region, Ukraine) - Ukrainian writer, poetess. Winner of the Shevchenko Prize ().

Born in a family of teachers. In 1936, the family moved from Rzhishchev to Kyiv, where she graduated from high school. She studies at the Kiev Pedagogical Institute, the Moscow Literary Institute named after O. M. Gorky, from which she graduated in 1956.

He is an honorary professor of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", an honorary doctor of the Chernivtsi National University (); Laureate of the National Prize of Ukraine named after Taras Shevchenko (, for the novel "Marusya Churai" and the collection "Repetitiveness"); Petrarch Prize (Italy,); International Literary and Art Prize. O. Teligy (). She was also awarded the Distinction of the President of Ukraine () and the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise V degree in March 2000.


  • Poems on line (ukr.)

A beautiful, confident strong woman - this is how her relatives, relatives, friends and colleagues know her.

Lina Vasilievna Kostenko was born on March 19, 1930 in the town of Rzhishchev in the Kiev region in a family of teachers. In 1936, the family moved to Kyiv, where the future poetess graduated from high school on Kurenevka and, as a schoolgirl, began attending a literary studio at the Dnepr magazine, which was edited by the famous Ukrainian poet Andrei Malyshko.

Soon the father was arrested and taken away from the family for ten whole years.

In the post-war years, Lina began attending a literary studio at the Writers' Union of Ukraine.

After graduating from high school, the young poetess studies at the Kiev Pedagogical Institute, and later at the Moscow Literary Institute. O. M. Gorky, who graduated in 1956. Lina Kostenko was one of the first and most notable in the galaxy of young Ukrainian poets who appeared at the turn of the 50s and 60s.

The collections of her poems "Prominnya zemlі" (1957) and "Vitrila" (1958) aroused the interest of the reader and critics, and the book "Mandrivka of the Heart", published in 1961, not only consolidated the success, but also testified to the real creative maturity of the poetess, set her name is among the outstanding masters of Ukrainian poetry.

In 1962, the collection Zoryaniy Integral was subjected to ideological censorship and did not see the light of day. Another collection "Knyazha Gora" was banned in 1972. This was not strange, because the sound of the poetry of the collection was so bold for that time that one cannot even imagine that these works could be printed.

1964-1965 was, obviously, a time of reassessment of values, in particular ideological ones. L. Kostenko did not belong to any dissident organizations, but when the arrests of the Ukrainian intelligentsia began in 1965, she signed letters of protest. When Vyacheslav Chornovol and his friends were tried in Lvov, she was at the trial. In 1969, a large collection of poems was published in the diaspora, which included all the best created by the poetess at that time, in particular poems that were distributed in "samizdat" through the prohibition of the then censorship. Books by L. Kostenko "Over the Banks of the Eternal River" (1977), "Marusya Churai" (1979), "Repetition" (1980) became outstanding phenomena of modern Ukrainian poetry, phenomena that noticeably influence all its further development.

Restrictions on the freedom of creative opinion, various "disgrace" during the stagnation led to the fact that for quite a long time the poems of L. Kostenko practically did not get into print. But it was precisely in those years that the poetess, in spite of everything, worked hard, in addition to lyrical genres, on her most outstanding work to this day - the novel in verse "Marusya Churai", for which she in 1987p. was awarded the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR named after T. G. Shevchenko.

Peru poetess also owns a collection of poetry "Garden of unfading sculptures" (1987) and a collection of poems for children "Elder King" (1987). Lina Kostenko lives and works in Kyiv.

In 1994, Lina Kostenko was awarded the Francesca Petrarca Prize for the book "Incrustations", published in Italian, in 1994, which the Consortium of Venetian Publishers celebrates the works of outstanding writers of our time. In 1998, in Toronto, the World Congress of Ukrainians awarded L. Kostenko with his highest distinction - the medal of St. Vladimir. In 1999, a historical novel in verse "Berestechko" was written and a lecture "Berestechko" was published as a separate brochure. In 2000, Lina Kostenko became the first laureate of the International Literary and Creative Prize. Elena Teliga. She was also awarded the Honorary Badge of the President of Ukraine (1992) and the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise V degree in March 2000.

Daughter of Lina Vasilievna Oksana Pahlevska is a literary critic, author of articles on Italian literature, translator of many Italian and Spanish poets.

For more than ten years, Lina Vasilievna has been traveling to the Chernobyl zone with a historical and cultural expedition. What upsets her most of all is that the zone has gone far beyond the fenced 30-kilometer territory. According to the poetess, the lands affected by the catastrophe are left to the mercy of fate, and this is the greatest mistake of the authorities. Kostenko did not get on well with the authorities. Since 2000, when the current President of Ukraine, Leonid Kuchma, made an attempt to award the poetess with an order, Kostenko has rejected government awards, calling them "political costume jewelry."

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    Lina Vasilivna Kostenko Date of birth: March 19, 1930 Place of birth: Rzhishchev, Kyiv region, Ukraine Citizenship ... Wikipedia

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    - (b. 1930) Ukrainian poetess. Creativity is characterized by inner drama, reflections on a person at the crossroads of national and world history, collections of poems and poems Wanderings of the Heart (1961), Over the Banks of the Eternal River (1977), Garden of the Unfading ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Kostenko, Lina Vasilievna- KOSTENKO Lina Vasilievna (born in 1930), Ukrainian poetess. In poetry, drama, reflection on a person at the crossroads of national and world history collections Wanderings of the Heart (1961), Over the Bank of the Eternal River (1977), Garden of Flying Sculptures ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Lina Vasilievna (born 1930), Ukrainian poetess. In poetry, drama, reflection on a person at the crossroads of national and world history, collections of Wanderings of the Heart (1961), Over the Bank of the Eternal River (1977), Garden of Flying Sculptures (1987); ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

Born in a family of teachers. In 1936, the family moved from Rzhishchev to Kyiv, where Lina graduated from high school. She studies at the Kiev Pedagogical Institute, the Moscow Literary Institute named after O. M. Gorky, from which she graduated in 1956.

Lina Kostenko was one of the first and most notable young Ukrainian poets who appeared at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s. The period of the so-called "sixties" in history created the newest styles in Ukrainian literature, forced to create something new, atypical, something avant-garde, but, as always, ruthless and maximally critical in relation to the authorities and the then regime.

The collections of her poems "Rays of the Earth" (1957) and "Sails" (1958) aroused the interest of the reader and critics, and the book "Journeys of the Heart", published in 1961, not only consolidated the success, but also showed the real creative maturity of the poetess, put her name among the outstanding masters of Ukrainian poetry. These bold steps in the "creation of literature" became a green light for the "Cerberus" of the Soviet government. The craftswoman of the Ukrainian word felt and probably knew that for a very short time she would be able to write and publish freely.

The creative development of Lina Kostenko, a poetess of sharp thought and passionate temperament, was not without complicating moments. The restriction of the freedom of creative thought, various "disgrace" during the stagnation led to the fact that for quite a long time the poems of L. Kostenko practically did not get into print. But it was precisely in those years that the poetess, in spite of everything, worked hard, in addition to lyrical genres, on her outstanding work so far - the novel in verse "Marusya Churai", for which in 1987 she was awarded the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR named after T. G. Shevchenko .

Books by L. Kostenko "Over the Banks of the Eternal River" (1977), "Marusya Churai" (1979), "Uniqueness" (1980) became outstanding phenomena of modern Ukrainian poetry, phenomena that noticeably influence all its further development. At the way she looked at the problem of women, her eternal pains, no one ever dared to talk about the stereotype of opinions and traditions. “My love reached the sky, and Grisha walked with his feet on the ground” - deceit, cruelty of everyday life - all this sounded in “Marusya Churai”. Lina Kostenko is a great connoisseur of female nature, an indestructible warrior for the honor of a woman, a kind of knight in iron armor under which a sensitive, tender and beautiful woman is hiding. Sometimes for this she is called a feminist of the mid-twentieth century.

Peru poetess also owns a collection of poems "The Garden of Unmelting Sculptures" (1987) and a collection of poems for children "The Elder King" (1987). Together with A. Dobrovolsky - the screenplay "Check your watch" (1963).

She became an honorary professor of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy".

He has many regalia: Honorary Professor of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", Honorary Doctor of the Chernivtsi National University (2002); Laureate of the National Prize of Ukraine named after Taras Shevchenko (1987, for the novel Marusya Churai and the collection Uniqueness); laureate of the Petrarch Prize (Italy, 1994); Laureate of the International Literary and Art Prize. O. Teligi (2000). She was also awarded the Distinction of the President of Ukraine (1992) and the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise V degree in March 2000.

The poetess Lina Kostenko is our contemporary, as an artist she is "inscribed" in her time. Her work has become a non-everyday phenomenon of modern Ukrainian poetry, a phenomenon that, before our eyes, noticeably influences all its further development. Having absorbed the national ideals and the best features of the living folk language, ideological weight, figurative perfection, it raises Ukrainian literature to the level of the best examples of European artistic creativity. National problems, which have reached the highest degree of generalization in the poetry of Lina Kostenko, penetrate the reader's mind, causing active empathy.


Lina Vasilievna Kostenko was born on March 19, 1930 in the city of Rzhishchev, Kyiv region. The parents of the future poetess were teachers. In 1936, the family moved to Kyiv, where Lina graduated from school on Kurenevka and, as a schoolgirl, began attending a literary studio at the Dnipro magazine, which was edited by Andrey Malyshko. In the post-war years, Lina began attending a literary studio at the Writers' Union of Ukraine. In 1946 her first poems were published. L. Kostenko entered the Kyiv Pedagogical Institute named after Gorky (now the Pedagogical University named after Drahomanov), but left him and went to study at the Moscow Literary Institute named after Gorky. In 1956, she graduated from the institute, and the following year, the first book of her poetry, The Promise of the Earth, was published. The second collection Vitryla was published in 1958, the collection Mandrivki sertsya - in 1961.

  • promises
  • promises

    promised to go to the barricades

    Writer Lina Kostenko is ready to personally confront the invaders of the icon museum in Radomyshl. She stated this during the concert of Olga Bogomolets in the Ukrainian House.

    I was silent for a long time, but today I will say. My patience has run out. When I imagined that some bandits appeared there, in Radomyshl, in this amazing place that Olya created! I am very sorry that I was not with you. I don't know how it would end. Frankly, this is the case when you need to shoot. If this is left unpunished... I don't really like to get up from my writer's desk - a writer has to write. But I see that they will still provoke and take me out ... even to the barricades. This will be known in France, and in Italy, and everywhere, - the correspondent of LB.ua reports the words of Lina Kostenko.

  • Politician rating
  • Honorary Doctor of Chernivtsi National University (2002); Laureate of the National Prize of Ukraine named after Taras Shevchenko (1987), for the novel by Marusya Churai and the collection Uniqueness); laureate of the Petrarch Prize (Italy, 1994); Laureate of the International Literary and Art Prize. O. Teligi (2000). She was also awarded the Distinction of the President of Ukraine (1992) and the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise V degree (2000), but publicly refused the title of Hero of Ukraine: I don’t wear political jewelry. The works of Lina Kostenko have been translated into English, Belarusian, Estonian, Italian, Lithuanian, German, Slovak and French.

  • Links
  • Compromise on his political power

    Tymoshenko considers Lina Kostenko the morality of the nation The leader of the Batkivshchyna Yulia Tymoshenko called the writer Lina Kostenko the morality of the nation. Yulia Tymoshenko announced this live on the TVI channel. This is the moral of the nation. This is the person who is very lacking in Ukraine, - Yulia Tymoshenko emphasized. She recalled that at creative meetings, L. Kostenko said that it would not be possible to start well from her knees, that this was a bad position for starting. In this regard, Yulia Tymoshenko noted that if we feel an inferiority complex, we are all on our knees. And as Lina Kostenko said, this is a bad pose for a start. And I would like this feeling to disappear at the genetic level, - the leader of the Batkivshchyna VO emphasized. Recall that the all-Ukrainian tour of L. Kostenko in support of her new novel Notes of a Ukrainian crazy man began on January 25. Of the planned seven evenings, the writer spent three - in Rivne, Kyiv and Kharkov. On February 9, a message appeared that L. Kostenko was interrupting his creative tour due to provocative insinuations of some Lviv writers, journalists and theater workers.

    The most popular in modern Ukrainian poetry is the work of Lina Kostenko.

    They get acquainted with her poems already at school, because. they are included for study in the school curriculum.

    Lina Kostenko is one of the first and most famous poets who spoke out for freedom and justice in the 60s.


    The future star of Ukrainian poetry was born on March 19, 1930 in Rzhyshchiv. Parents belonged to the intelligentsia, worked as teachers.

    When the girl was 7 months old, her family was subjected to repression. The father was arrested. The girl had an extremely combative and freedom-loving character.

    Already at the age of 5 she demanded to give her free space. In 1936, together with her mother, Lina moved to Kyiv, where she went to secondary school No. 123.

    The family settled on Trukhanov Island, located on the Dnieper. During the war, he was burned along with the population.

    The formation of the personality of Lina Kostenko fell on the war years, which formed the principle and inaccessibility in the character of the poetess.

    At the age of 11, during the fierce battles for the Dnieper, the girl and her family were sitting in a trench. Everyone around was crying and wailing, and Lina began to write her first verse.

    She wrote it on the wall with a branch. Moments later, this wall was blown up along with the text.

    This is how the expression appeared that the words of Lina Kostenko are capable of destroying any barriers.

    The first printed works appeared when Lina was 16 years old. After school, she entered the Kyiv Pedagogical University, but did not finish it.

    In 1952, having passed a big competition, she became a student at the Institute of Literature. Gorky in Moscow. She graduated with a "red" diploma in 1956.

    Poetry: creative way

    After studying, Lina Kostenko began to actively write and publish her collections. In 1957, Rays of the Earth came out, a year later, Sails.

    All of them immediately received the approval of critics and the love of the public. In 1961, Journeys of the Heart became even more successful.

    The name of the new poetess was included in one row with the outstanding authors of Ukrainian poetry.

    However, soon after the success came a period of oblivion. Beginning in 1961, Lina began to be accused of opposing the existing political regime.

    They stopped printing it. However, the popularity of Lina Kostenko in poetic circles only grew. In her works, criticism of the existing government was increasingly manifested.

    In 1965, arrests began, and Lina came to the defense of the persecuted intelligentsia. She did this in her usual manner: she wrote letters, spoke in court hearings.

    Her behavior caused admiration and support from the youth, although such feelings were punishable at that time.

    In the 60s, Lina Kostenko did not publish, but continued to write, and she also actively participated in literary circles and meetings.

    After the end of political repressions, 3 new collections of poems saw the light at once. During this difficult period, the novel "Marusya Churai" was written, published in 1979.

    It became a breakthrough, a masterpiece of the entire work of the poetess. The novel is based on the love story of a Ukrainian girl and a Cossack, which ended in tragedy.

    Most of Lina's poems were published in Poland and Czechoslovakia. The later published books “Over the Banks of the Eternal River” and “Originality” also took their rightful place in the modern poetry of Ukraine.

    In addition to poetry, Lina Kostenko, together with A. Dobrovolsky, took part in writing the screenplay for the film Check Your Watch (1963).

    In 1987, the collection of children's poems "The Elder King" was completed. In the same year, Lina published another book with poems, The Garden of Unmelting Sculptures.

    For a long time she was a member of the Presidium of the Writers' Union. Lina Kostenko decided to try her hand at prose only in 2010.

    Many works have been translated into foreign languages: Estonian, Russian, English, Italian, German, French and Lithuanian.

    Lina turned 86 last year. Now she lives a more unsociable life in Kyiv. She practically does not give interviews, it is extremely rare to see her in public.

    Personal life

    She entered into her first marriage while still studying at the institute. A youthful love for a young Polish writer Jerzy-Jan Pahlevsky ended with the creation of a family.

    Soon they had a daughter, Oksana. However, the question arose before Lina Kostenko: to stay in her homeland or to leave with her husband for Warsaw.

    Lina did not have the determination to follow her husband, and they parted. Now their daughter has a doctorate in philology, and is the head of the department of Ukrainian studies at the University of Rome.

    With second husband

    Much later, Lina Kostenko marries again. The chosen one was the head of the film studio. Dovzhenko, former war hero Vasily Tsvirkunov.

    She considered him the ideal of a man, and named her common son in honor of her husband - Vasily.

    In 1973, her husband was forced to leave the film studio, and Lina supported him as much as she could.

    The poetess loved to travel. She and her husband traveled almost all of Ukraine in the old Zaporozhets.

    She was the only writer who was not afraid to visit the Chernobyl zone after the disaster.

    The poetess was even part of an expedition organized by the Ministry of Emergency Situations to Chernobyl.

    In November 2000, a tragedy occurred in the family, which greatly affected the well-being of Lina Kostenko. Her husband died of a heart attack.

    Son Vasily learned to be a programmer, lives and works in America.


    Kostenko Lina for her novel "Marusya Churai" in 1987. was awarded the prize. Shevchenko. She is an honorary professor at the Kiev-Mohyla Academy.

    In 1994 she received the International Petrarch Prize, and in 2000 she was awarded the Order of Yaroslav the Wise.

    In addition, in 2002 Lina Kostenko was honored to become an honorary doctor of the Chernivtsi National University. Publicly refused the title of Hero of Ukraine.
