Germanium organic compounds are unique patented components of FEMEGYL ® cosmetics. Organic germanium and its use in medicine

For medical needs, germanium was the first to be used most widely in Japan. Tests of various organogermanium compounds in animal experiments and in human clinical trials have shown that they positively affect the human body to varying degrees. The breakthrough came in 1967, when Dr. K. Asai discovered that organic germanium, the method of synthesis of which was previously developed in our country, has a wide spectrum of biological activity.

organic germanium. Discovery history

The chemist Winkler, having discovered in 1886 a new element of the periodic table germanium in silver ore, did not suspect what attention this element would attract from medical scientists in the 20th century.

For medical needs, germanium was the first to be used most widely in Japan. Tests of various organogermanium compounds in animal experiments and in human clinical trials have shown that they positively affect the human body to varying degrees. The breakthrough came in 1967, when Dr. K. Asai discovered that organic germanium, the method of synthesis of which was previously developed in our country, has a wide spectrum of biological activity.

Among the biological properties of organic germanium, its abilities can be noted:

ensure the transport of oxygen in the tissues of the body;
improve the conduction of nerve impulses;
increase the immune status of the body;
exhibit antitumor activity

Thus, Japanese scientists created the first drug containing organic germanium "Germanium - 132", which is used to correct the immune status in various human diseases.
In Russia, the biological effect of germanium has been studied for a long time, but the creation of the first Russian drug "Germavit" became possible only in 2000, when Russian businessmen began to invest in the development of science and, in particular, medicine, realizing that the health of the nation requires the closest attention, and its strengthening is the most important social task of our time.

« Germavit is the most reliable and effective source of germanium!

So, in order to strengthen the immune system, to rid ourselves of the problems associated with an insufficient amount of germanium entering our body with food, it is necessary to significantly increase its consumption.
To eliminate the germanium deficiency, Germacenter LLC, together with leading Russian scientists, developed the Germavit vitamin-mineral complex based on the germanium organic compound - 2-carboxyethylgermsesquioxane.

In addition to germanium, the drug contains potassium, phosphorus, antioxidant vitamins A, E and C, the action of which is aimed at suppressing free radical oxidation of membrane lipids, which plays a significant role in hypoxic tissue damage, and vitamin B6, which is involved in the mineral metabolism of the human body and promotes more complete absorption germanium and a group of antioxidant vitamins.

"Germavit" is indicated for patients suffering from oxygen deficiency.
"Germavit" strengthens the immune system, prevents the occurrence of colds and viral diseases.
"Germavit" is effective for the prevention of influenza.

The trace element germanium, which is part of the drug "Germavit", prevents aging and death of body cells, protects the human body from poisoning with lead, mercury, arsenic and other heavy metals.
Tests of the biological effectiveness of "Germavit" in the laboratory of physiology and biochemistry of sports have shown that the drug has a powerful antioxidant and adaptogenic effect, is an excellent means of preventing harmful environmental influences, helps maintain a high level of physical and mental performance in various stressful situations and can be recommended to those experiencing heavy physical activity for athletes.

The drug "Germavit" is registered as a dietary supplement by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (registration certificate No. 001881.Р.643.07.2000 dated June 28, 2000). There is a conclusion of the Head Testing Center for Food Products at the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences on permission for use on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Thanks to the use of domestic raw materials and technologies, Germavit is much cheaper than imported drugs, therefore it is available to many who care about their health.

The packaging of the drug is a polymer jar containing 30 tablets. The jar is packed in a box with instructions for use.

The course of admission - 2 - 3 weeks, 1 tablet 3 times a day with meals. Prolongation of taking the drug "Germavit" is allowed for chronic diseases, intoxication.

The use of the drug will allow you to reach the optimal level of germanium and important vitamins in the human body, which will help strengthen your immune system, prevent the development of many diseases associated with immunity, slow down the aging of the body, make you internally healthy and externally attractive.
The distribution of organic germanium in the body and the mechanisms of its effects on the human body

In experiments determining the distribution of organic germanium in the body 1.5 hours after its oral administration, the following results were obtained: a large number of organic germanium is found in the stomach, small intestine, bone marrow, spleen and blood. Moreover, its high content in the stomach and intestines shows that the process of its absorption into the blood has a prolonged effect, i.e., the action is extended over time.

The high content of organic germanium in the blood allowed Dr. Asai to put forward the following theory of the mechanism of its action in the human body. It is assumed that organic germanium in the blood behaves similarly to hemoglobin, which also carries a negative charge and, like hemoglobin, participates in the process of oxygen transfer in body tissues. This prevents the development of oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) at the tissue level. Organic germanium prevents the development of so-called blood hypoxia, which occurs with a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin capable of attaching oxygen (a decrease in the oxygen capacity of the blood), and develops with blood loss, carbon monoxide poisoning, and radiation exposure. The most sensitive to oxygen deficiency are the central nervous system, the heart muscle, the tissues of the kidneys, and the liver.

As a result of the experiments, it was also found that organic germanium promotes the induction of gamma interferons, which suppress the reproduction of rapidly dividing cells and activate specific cells (T-killers). The main areas of action of interferons at the body level are antiviral and antitumor protection, immunomodulatory and radioprotective functions of the lymphatic system.
In the process of studying pathological tissues and tissues with primary signs of diseases, it was found that they are always characterized by a lack of oxygen and the presence of positively charged H+ hydrogen radicals. H + ions have an extremely negative effect on the cells of the human body, up to their death. Oxygen ions, having the ability to combine with hydrogen ions, make it possible to selectively and locally compensate for damage to cells and tissues caused by hydrogen ions. The action of germanium on hydrogen ions is due to its organic form - the form of sesquioxide.

Unbound hydrogen is very active, therefore, it easily interacts with oxygen atoms found in germanium sesquioxides. The guarantee of the normal functioning of all body systems should be the unimpeded transport of oxygen in the tissues. Organic germanium has a pronounced ability to deliver oxygen to any point in the body and ensure its interaction with hydrogen ions. Thus, the action of organic germanium in its interaction with H + ions is based on the dehydration reaction (the splitting off of hydrogen from organic compounds), and the oxygen participating in this reaction can be compared with a “vacuum cleaner” that cleanses the body of positively charged hydrogen ions, organic germanium - with a kind of "Chizhevsky's internal chandelier".

Where is germanium found

It should be noted that in the process of geochemical evolution of the earth's crust, a significant amount of germanium was washed out from most of the land surface into the oceans, therefore, at present, the amount of this trace element contained in the soil is extremely insignificant.
Among the few plants capable of absorbing germanium and its compounds from the soil, the leader is ginseng (up to 0.2%), which is widely used in Tibetan medicine. Germanium also contains garlic, camphor and aloe, traditionally used for prevention and treatment. various diseases person. In vegetable raw materials, organic germanium is in the form of carboxyethyl semioxide. At present, organic compounds of germanium, sesquioxanes with a pyrimidine fragment, have been synthesized. This compound is close in structure to the natural germanium compound found in ginseng root biomass.
Germanium is a rare trace element present in many foods, but in microscopic doses.
The recommended daily dose of germanium in organic form is 8-10 mg.
An estimate of the amount of germanium in the diet, carried out by analyzing 125 types of food products, showed that 1.5 mg of germanium is ingested daily with food. In 1 g of raw foods, it usually contains 0.1-1.0 mcg. This trace element is found in tomato juice, beans, milk, salmon. However, to meet the daily needs of the body in germanium, it is necessary to drink, for example, up to 10 liters of tomato juice per day or eat up to 5 kg of salmon, which is unrealistic due to the physical capabilities of the human body. In addition, the prices for these products make it impossible for the majority of the population of our country to regularly consume them.
The territory of our country is too vast and on 95% of its territory the lack of germanium is from 80 to 90% of the required norm, so the question arose of creating a germanium-containing drug.
Developer company

As part of the investment and industrial group Siberian Aluminum in 1999, a business unit LLC Germacenter was established.

She was given the task of organizing the production and sale of germanium-containing drugs on the domestic market with a further prospect of cooperation with companies from near and far abroad countries.
In the two years that have passed since the company was founded, some work has been done in this area, and today we can say about real results in the creation of the first Russian drug based on the organogermanium compound of the biologically active complex Germavit.
In the future plans of Germacenter LLC, in addition to the production of biologically active complexes, the task is to create pharmaceutical preparations based on organogermanium compounds.
LLC "Germacenter" sees the solution to the problem of strengthening the health of the nation in the creation and production of new generation drugs containing the microelement germanium.
LLC "Germacenter" invites to business cooperation all interested pharmaceutical companies that are ready to work in the field of popularization of organogermanium compounds.

PhD HELL. Isaev, I.V. Ambrosov, Ph.D. S.K. matelo,
PhD N.Yu. Ukolova, Ph.D. A.V. dirsch

A bit of history

In 1871, D.I. Mendeleev, on the basis of the periodic law, predicted the existence of an unknown analogue of silicon. The "verbal portrait" of the new element, the prediction of its basic physical and chemical properties, were very accurate. The prediction was confirmed 15 years later, when Professor K. Winkler isolated an unknown element, the properties of which almost exactly coincided with those predicted by D.I. Mendeleev. By the right of the discoverer, K. Winkler called new element in honor of their homeland germanium.

Germanium is a rare element. Only a few exotic minerals are known, in which the content of germanium is from one to several percent.

In very small quantities, it was found in the water of mineral springs, in the soil, in the organisms of plants and animals. Back in the first half of the 20th century, it was found that germanium in an amount of up to 0.1% is contained in some varieties of coal.

The biological role of germanium

For animals and humans, germanium is a biologically active trace element. The vital necessity of ultramicrodoses of germanium for the normal functioning of the immune system has been found (WHO, 1998, 2001). Germanium is one of the trace elements involved in metabolic processes in the human body (the recommended daily dose of germanium is 0.4 - 1.5 mg). It is a biologically active trace element and is present in almost all organs and tissues (muscle tissue, blood, brain, lungs, spleen, stomach, liver, pancreas, thyroid gland, kidneys, etc.)

For the first time, the germanium problem became of interest in the 1940s. Japanese scientist Dr. Kazuhiko Asai, considered the founder of germanium-organic medicine.

Dr. Kazuhiko Asai and his collaborators have determined the content of germanium in many useful plants, including those that are eaten or used as medicinal raw materials. They were surprised to find an increased content of germanium in many plants that have long been used in Chinese and Tibetan medicine. It turned out that in some plants the concentration of germanium is only 0.0015-0.0020%, but, for example, in tubular fungi, germanium is 50-100 times higher. Up to 0.02-0.07% germanium was found in ginseng, tea leaves, aloe, bamboo, chlorella, and garlic. By the way, some tubular fungi and lichens rich in germanium ethnoscience has long been used as an anti-cancer agent.

On the Korean Peninsula, however, as in many other places in the East, the population daily eats a lot (by European standards) of garlic, which is known to be rich in germanium. It is possible that this is related to amazing fact: Cancer is far less common there than in industrialized countries.

However, a recent analysis in Russia of several types of food products in terms of the content of germanium in them showed that over 40 years the amount of germanium in food products has fallen hundreds of times (see table), i.e. there is a significant deficiency of this ultramicroelement.

Food product Germanium content, mcg/gram 1967 2007 Tomato juice 5.76 0.051 Milk 1.51 0.082 Garlic 0.75 0.25 Coffee 0.5 0.05 Women's breast milk - 0.17 "Chwanpransha" ( India) - 1.9

Table 1. Comparative assessment of the content of germanium in various food products.

This is largely due to the refinement of food, the impoverishment of soils. However, a fairly high content of germanium remains in a number of wild medicinal herbs, mushrooms growing in the East, especially in Tibet (Lingzhi mushroom, ginseng) and India (Chwanpransha).

In plants (and living organisms), germanium atoms are associated with organic molecules and exist in natural, including biologically active substances in the form of germanium-organic compounds or complexes.

In scientific laboratories in Japan, Germany, France, Korea and a number of other countries, active research continues on the study of new organogermanium compounds and methods for their preparation, especially with an emphasis on obtaining water-soluble forms, which is the key to high bioavailability and also allows you to create medications based on them with low therapeutic concentrations.

Clinical Experience

Clinical experience with the use of germanium has more than 40 years. The Japanese were the first to use germanium-organic compounds for medical purposes.

In 1967 Dr Kazuhiko Asai synthesized an organic germanium compound known today as germanium-132 (Jp. Pat. 46-2964 (1971), Jp. Pat. 60-41472 (1985), Jp. Pat. 59-25677 (1984 )).

However, Soviet scientists stood at the origins of this scientific and medical direction, in particular, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences M.G. Voronkov and Professor V.F. Mironov, who in the late 1960s. in the USSR, for the first time in the world, he synthesized germanium-organic compounds, which later formed the basis of the drug Germanium-132. Unfortunately, the study of germanium-organic compounds did not receive further development in the USSR, and this development ended up in Japan, whose specialists studied and developed this promising direction in detail.

Dr Kazuhiko Asai proved that the new germanium compound is biologically active: it delays the development of some malignant tumors, acts as an anesthetic, and to some extent protects against radioactive radiation.

The antitumor activity of germanium-132 was discovered in 1968 and subsequently confirmed many times. Further numerous studies in various countries of the world showed a number of other activities (antiviral, interferon-inducing, adaptogenic, cardio- and hepatoprotective, antitoxic, analgesic, hypotensive, antianemic and others). Thanks to its unique properties, germanium can also influence various biochemical processes, in particular, it stimulates the saturation of tissues with oxygen, helps cleanse the body of poisons and toxins, accelerates wound healing, has a beneficial effect on blood composition, strengthens the immune system, etc.

However, it was shown that the germanium-132 compound is prone to polymerization, its high-molecular compounds are slightly soluble in water.

In the 70s. in the United States, another germanium-organic anticancer drug, spirogermanium, was developed and patented. However, its use has been associated with increased neurotoxicity, and it is now largely abandoned.

In the mid-1980s, active work on the study of organic germanium compounds was started in South Korea by Dr. Tsang Uk Sohn. As a result of this activity, the drug Bio-germanium appeared.

Thus, all studies conducted both by the developers themselves and by other researchers also show high biological activity (antitumor, immunomodulatory, antitoxic, antiviral, etc.) of various germanium-organic compounds and the possibility of their practical application in various therapeutic areas.

Theory of one of the mechanisms of action of germanium in the human body

The high content of organic germanium in the blood made it possible to nominate Dr. Kazuhiko Asai follows the theory. It is assumed that organic germanium in the blood behaves similarly to hemoglobin, which also carries a negative charge, and, like hemoglobin, participates in the process of oxygen transfer in body tissues. This prevents the development of hypoxia at the tissue level.

In the process of studying damaged tissues, it was found that they are always characterized by a lack of oxygen and the presence of positively charged hydrogen radicals H+. H + ions have an extremely negative effect on the cells of the human body, up to their death. Oxygen ions, having the ability to combine with hydrogen ions, make it possible to selectively and locally compensate for damage to cells and tissues caused by hydrogen ions.

The guarantee of the normal functioning of all body systems should be the unimpeded transport of oxygen in the tissues. Organic germanium has a pronounced ability to deliver oxygen to any point in the body and ensure its interaction with hydrogen ions. At the same time, germanium organic compounds are non-toxic, do not give side reactions, and function in the body for a long time, which makes it possible to consider them as extremely promising for medicine.

Unique germanium-organic complexes in Femegyl cosmetics

In the composition of cosmetics, germanium acts as an antihypoxant and a powerful antioxidant, accelerates regeneration processes, promotes the launch of defense mechanisms against external influences (i.e., increases the body's immune status, exhibiting an antibacterial effect and bactericidal properties), and has a mild analgesic effect.

Femegyl cosmetics use unique germanium-organic complexes that increase the solubility, bioavailability of components, activate tissue respiration and have antioxidant properties.

Their presence favorably distinguishes the FEMEGYL line from other manufacturers represented in this cosmetology segment.

The Femegyl line is represented by two germanium-based peels

FEMEGYL ® Delicate peeling Azelogermanium with hyaluronic acid

Azelaic acid is one of the active ingredients in Azelogermanium Delicate Peeling with Hyaluronic Acid.

Azelaic acid belongs to the class of dicarboxylic acids, exhibits antimicrobial properties and reduces the production of keratin, a natural substance that can lead to acne. The exact mechanism of its action is not completely clear. Antibacterial activity may be associated with inhibition of protein synthesis in the microbial cell. When studying the mechanism of action in vitro, it has been shown that azelaic acid is a reversible inhibitor of tyrosinase. Both in experiments in vitro and in vivo, it exhibits antimicrobial activity against both aerobic and anaerobic (Propionibacterium) microorganisms.

Azelaic acid has both anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Long-term use in clinical practice has shown its beneficial effect on various forms of acne. At the same time, azelaic acid has low solubility (0.2%) and bioavailability. Since the concentration in preparations for topical application is 15-20%, their use can often cause irritation and burning at the site of application.

To increase the bioavailability of azelaic acid, research is underway to obtain its chemical derivatives.

In particular, as a result of many years of research, WDS Pharma specialists created unique germanium-organic derivatives.

In combination with azelaic acid, they were first introduced into the WDS-3 cream and gel in different concentrations. Then, in an in vitro experiment, a comparative assessment of the sensitivity of Propionibacterium acnes to azelaic acid preparations was made. The studies were carried out in the Testing Laboratory of Olpharm LLC (Moscow) on the basis of the State Scientific Center for Antibiotics (Accreditation Certificate No. ROSS RU.0001.21FL10 dated 09.10.2009). When setting up the experiment by diffusion into agar, dosage forms of WDS-3 gel and cream containing a complex of germanium and azelaic acid showed greater activity against Propionibacterium acnes than the reference drugs. The results of the comparative evaluation are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Results of a comparative assessment of the antibacterial activity of dosage forms based on azelaic acid by the agar diffusion method against Propionibacterium acnes (dilution of preparations 1:5)

Test microorganisms Diameter of growth inhibition zones of test microorganisms in the presence of drugs (mm) Comparator gel 15% Comparator cream 20% WDS-3 gel 3% WDS-3 gel 5% WDS-3 cream 3% WDS- 3 cream 5% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Propionibacterium acnes 5592 12.5 15.5 17.5 22 18.5 27 Propionibacterium acnes А-1 15.5 15 25 17 24 30

At the same time, it should be noted that the equivalent content of azelaic acid directly in the WDS-3 compound is significantly less than that used in the reference preparations.

It is likely that one of the factors that can influence the high activity of the drug against Propionibacterium acnes may be the higher aqueous solubility (> 10%) of the WDS-3 substance compared to conventional azelaic acid (0.2%). In addition, it is also possible to enhance the action due to the presence of an organic fragment of germanium, which optimizes the structure of azelaic acid.

This made it possible to name azelogermanium as a new antimicrobial agent against acne and to develop a highly effective FEMEGYL delicate peeling based on it.

As part of the unique Delicate peeling Azelogermanium with hyaluronic acid FEMEGYL, azelogermanium works in combination with hyaluronic acid. Peeling is very gentle on the skin, without irritating or injuring it. It has an exfoliating, whitening and moisturizing effect. Stimulates the work of skin cells, including collagen synthesis. Improves microcirculation and restores the skin, effectively combats various manifestations of acne.

A distinctive feature of peeling is the absence of a period of skin rehabilitation after the procedure and the possibility of carrying it out regardless of the period of solar insolation.

FEMEGYL ® Delicate Peeling Lactogermanium with Hyaluronic Acid

The lactogermanium complex and hyaluronic acid included in the composition have a very delicate effect on the skin, without irritating or injuring it. Peeling has a mild exfoliating and deep moisturizing effect, stimulating the work of skin cells, including collagen synthesis. Improves skin microcirculation and tissue respiration. Effectively restores the skin in the period of post-acne.

In addition to peelings, the FEMEGYL cosmetic line is represented by Moisturizing lotion-tonic for the skin of the face, neck, décolleté

It is also developed from an organic germanium compound. Allows you to restore the natural balance and protective function of the skin, has pronounced antioxidant properties. It has a softening and moisturizing effect. Eliminates irritation and tightness of the skin. This highly effective product allows you to complete the process of skin cleansing and is indicated as a daily care for the prevention and correction of age-related skin changes.

In the near future, the FEMEGYL line will be replenished with new preparations based on germanium-organic compounds. FEMEGYL can rightfully be considered a unique combination of advanced scientific developments, implemented on the basis of high-tech production, with the world cosmetology experience of practicing dermatologists, cosmetologists, chemists-technologists.

1. Rebrov V.G., Gromova O.A. Vitamins and trace elements: Moscow, 2003
2. Mironov V. F., E. M. Berliner, and T. K. Gar, "Reactions of trichlorogermane with acrylic acid and its derivatives," Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii, vol. 37, pp. 911–912, 1967.
3. K. Asai, Miracle Cure: Organic Germanium, Japan Publications, New York, NY, USA, 1980.
4. Suzuki F. Antitumor mechanisms of carboxyethyl-germanium sesquioxide (Ge-132) in mice bearing Ehrlich ascites tumors. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho 1987;14(1):127-134.
5. Shangguan G., F. Xing, X. Qu, et al., “DNA binding specificity and cytotoxicity of novel antitumor agent Ge132 derivatives,” Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, vol. 15, no. 12, pp. 2962–2965, 2005.
6. Aso, H., Suzuki, F., Ebina, T. And Ishida, N., 'Antiviral activity of carboxyethylgermanium ses quioxide (Ge-132) in mice infected with influenza virus'. J Biol. Response Mod., 8(2), 180-9, 1989.
7. Unakar NJ, Tsui J, Johnson M. Effect of pretreatment of germanium-132 on Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase and galactose cataracts. Current Eye Research 1997;16(8):832-837.
8. Chang Ki, K., Cha Ho, J. and Jong Ku, K., 'Effects of Geranti (Biosynthesized Organic Germanium) on the Anticancer and Immuno-enhancement'. Chungbuk National University, Korea, Research Institute of Animal Medicine, 1995.
9. Germanium: the health and life enhancer. Sandra Goodman
10. Chang Ki, K., Cha Ho, J. and Jong Ku, K., 'Effects of Geranti (Biosynthesized Organic Germanium) on the Anticancer and Immuno-enhancement'. Chungbuk National University, Korea, Research Institute of Animal Medicine, 1995.
11. Christian Krolla, Andreas Langnera, Hans-Hubert Borcherta; Nitroxide metabolism in the human keratinocyte cell line HaCaT, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Volume 26, Issues 7–8, April 1999, Pages 850–857.
12. Isaev A.D., Manasherov T.O., Ambrosov I.V., Matelo S.K. Complex compounds of germanium with amino acids and carboxylic acids. Patent for invention No. 2476436. Registered on February 27, 2013.

Germanium in the human body Can't imagine how this chemical element affects the body? Then I will tell you interesting facts! Germanium is one of the most powerful healing agents known to man. The results of scientific tests have shown that germanium affects the body at the atomic level and acts as the highest level of electronic therapy.

This valuable metal has immunostimulatory, anti-cancer and antiviral effects, accelerates wound healing and reduces pain. Germanium is a powerful antioxidant - a blocker of free radicals in the body, a regulator of digestion and intestinal motility. Scientists have proven that germanium helps to extend the life of laboratory animals by 20-35%. Germanium has an unsurpassed effect in harmonizing the imbalance of electrical potentials in unhealthy organs and tissues due to its unique property of biological electrical radiation. Germanium plays the most important role in regulating the movements of electrons in nerve synapses, normalizing bio-balance and improving the functioning of the nervous system. Germanium prevents brain aging, helps prevent sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. Germanium ion radiation effectively regulates the balance of hormones in the blood and supports the smooth functioning of cells the pancreas, which is known to be responsible for the production of insulin. As a result, the level of glucose in the blood is normalized and the development of diabetes mellitus is prevented. The bioelectric radiation of the metal completely blocks the negative impact on a person of electromagnetic radiation from household appliances: televisions, cell phones and computers.

Germanium is well absorbed by the body (about 95%) and its concentration in the human body is approximately uniform. It is excreted from the body mainly with urine (90%). But some of its compounds are toxic to humans. The value of germanium in the human body is as follows: - participates in the processes of oxygen transfer, thereby providing an antihypoxic effect (prevents the development of oxygen deficiency in tissues, maintains a sufficient level of hemoglobin in the blood); - has antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal effects, activates macrophages, stimulates the synthesis of interferon, that is, stimulates the immune system; - is a strong antioxidant, protecting our body from the harmful effects of free radicals; - suppresses the vital activity of cancer cells, prevents the appearance of metastases; - Regulates all valve systems in the body gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system); - By blocking the movement of electrons in neurons, it has an analgesic effect. daily requirement human body in germanium is 0.4-1.5 mg. The need for it increases during infectious diseases, weakness and loss of strength, in the recovery period after surgery and diseases, with anemia, osteoporosis and immunodeficiency states.

Sources of germanium in the human body The highest content of germanium was found in garlic (both in cloves and greens) (in cloves, the concentration of germanium reaches 750 μg per 1 g of dry weight) and ginseng (up to 0.2%). Its concentration is relatively high in the following food products: - bran; - legumes; - White mushrooms; - tomatoes; - fish and seafood (mussels, squid, shrimps); - seaweed; - milk. The synergist (enhancing effect) of germanium is selenium. Lack of germanium in the human body Reasons for the lack of germanium: - insufficient intake with food; - metabolic disorders. Symptoms of germanium deficiency are: - development of osteoporosis and bone demineralization; - increased risk of developing cancer. Excess germanium in the human body In large quantities, germanium compounds are toxic to the body. Divalent germanium compounds are particularly toxic. The most common cause of an excess of germanium is the inhalation of vapors of pure germanium and its oxides in hazardous industries, the MPC of which in the air is 2 mg/m3. Upon contact with germanium chloride, skin irritation may occur; when germanium compounds are ingested in large doses, the liver or kidneys may be affected.

Indications for the use of health products containing germanium: - Obesity; - Malignant neoplasms; - Diabetes diabetes; - Frequent infectious diseases; - High or low blood pressure; - Headaches, migraines; - Weather sensitivity; - Hormonal disorders; - Insomnia, depression, nervousness; - Weakening of memory; - Chronic diseases of internal organs; - Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system; - Allergy. Unfortunately, in Russia from 80 to 90% of the population suffers from a lack of germanium in the body. This is very dangerous, because germanium deficiency inevitably leads to obesity, malfunctions of the body, diseases of the stomach and intestines, atherosclerosis of blood vessels, and most importantly, to malignant tumor processes. Therefore, it is extremely important for every person to know as much as possible about germanium in order to have an idea of ​​its properties, effects on the body and ways to replenish its deficiency in the body - in order to prevent negative consequences for the life and health of all family members.

Germanium- a chemical element that has not been known to mankind for so long. In the 19th century it was discovered, only since the last century it has been actively produced.

The chemical composition of germanium is complex. Laboratory isolated from a combination with other elements, germanium is of high value in physics, optics, radio electronics. But this alloy does not positively affect human health, and in some compounds it can even pose a danger due to its toxicity.

Only pure germanium is suitable for medical use, without impurities and additional compounds.

pure germanium- a microelement obtained by deep purification methods. It is possible to achieve pure germanium only by industrial means; it practically does not occur in nature. This greatly increases the cost of any product requiring pure germanium.

In addition, the finished element is a fragile substance, so germanium can get into the bracelet in only three ways:

No. 1 - germanium is added to the alloy of the strap
No. 2 - add minimal inclusions of germanium to the buckle
No. 3 - add pure germanium to a more durable material, giving it the shape of a stone

Bio Magnet bracelets are produced using third method. Yasht is added to pure germanium - this gives strength to the composition. The formed stone is polished and inserted into the inside of the bracelet buckle to contact the biological points of a person on the wrist.


Germanium interacts with the human body at the cellular level. Entering into a chemical process with a biomagnet, it releases conversion electrons with short wavelength radiation.

In contact with the skin of the wrist, these electrons penetrate through it, provoking even more complex biochemical processes in the blood. One of the main ones is the saturation of red cells with oxygen and its rapid transportation through the bloodstream.

If you have lowered hemoglobin, you will feel the effect of germanium from the first days: headaches, dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness will disappear.

In addition to the effect of blood detoxification, germanium has a vasodilating effect, without injuring, but strengthening the walls of blood vessels, their elasticity.

The blood flow improved with oxygen is also responsible for the immune status. People suffering chronic diseases, often ill with acute respiratory infections, germanium will help strengthen the immune system.

Germanium and the biomagnet mutually reinforce the biological and therapeutic effects each other.

Let's summarize the main properties of germanium with a list:

  • Provides oxygen to the blood, accelerates blood flow, dilates blood vessels
  • Cleanses the blood of toxins (detoxification effect)
  • Improves the functioning of the muscles of the heart, tissues of the kidneys and liver
  • Has an anti-edematous effect

    These two inserts are adjacent in the bracelet. The main property of the IR stone is the release of anions. Germanium and infrared stone are so close because:

  • germanium saturates the blood and tissues with oxygen
  • ir stone - negative ions
  • germanium contributes to the nutrition of tissues of internal organs, primarily the heart and liver
  • IR-stone anions primarily affect the functioning of the brain and central nervous system

  • At the time the periodic table was created, germanium had not yet been discovered, but Mendeleev predicted its existence. And 15 years after the report, an unknown mineral was discovered in one of the Freiberg mines, and in 1886 a new element was isolated from it. The credit belongs to the German chemist Winkler, who gave the element the name of his homeland. Even with many useful properties Germany, among which there was a place for healing, began to use it only at the beginning of World War II, and even then not very actively. Therefore, even now it cannot be said that the element is well studied, but some of its abilities have already been proven and successfully applied.

    The healing properties of germanium

    The element is not found in its pure form, its isolation is laborious, therefore, at the first opportunity, it was replaced with cheaper components. At first it was used in diodes and transistors, but silicon turned out to be more convenient and affordable, so the study of the chemical properties of germanium continued. Now it is part of thermoelectric alloys, used in microwave devices, infrared technology.

    Medicine also became interested in a new element, but a significant result was obtained only at the end of the 70s of the last century. Japanese specialists managed to open medicinal properties germanium and outline ways of their application. After testing on animals and clinical observations of the effect on humans, it turned out that the element is capable of:

    • stimulate;
    • deliver oxygen to tissues;
    • fight tumors;
    • increase the conduction of nerve impulses.

    The complexity of use lies in the toxicity of germanium in large doses, so a drug was required that could have a positive effect on certain processes in the body with minimal harm. The first was "Germanium-132", which helps to improve the immune status of a person, helps to avoid lack of oxygen in the event of a drop in hemoglobin levels. Experiments also showed the effect of the element on the production of interferons, which resist rapidly dividing (tumor) cells. The benefit is observed only when administered orally, wearing jewelry with germanium will not give any effect.

    The lack of germanium reduces the body's natural ability to withstand external influences, which leads to various disorders. The recommended daily dose is 0.8-1.5 mg. You can get the necessary element with the regular use of milk, salmon, mushrooms, garlic and beans.
