How to make a boiler with your own hands - the best of the proven methods. Why the "goat" and a homemade boiler are dangerous Homemade boiler from bolts

As a rule, many in the army or in their student years learn various ways of "handicraft" use of electrical energy. Such methods are the "goat" and a home-made boiler. The following description of these two very dangerous devices is not given for you to “experiment” with electricity on your own, but to explain how rude and unprofessional electricity is used in this case and what unpleasant consequences such ingenuity can entail.

In all cases, the thermal effect of electric current is used. As already mentioned, electrical energy is capable of heating the conductor through which it passes. Therefore, if an electric current is passed through the appropriate material, a thermal effect can be achieved. They work on this principle "goat" and homemade boiler.

"Goat" is an asbestos pipe mounted on metal legs, which are easy to make yourself. A door spring is wrapped around the pipe, to the different ends of which a two-wire wire is connected. When plugged into the outlet, the "goat" gets very hot, it can be used as a heating device.

"Goat" can often be found in warehouses, industrial premises, and outbuildings. This is explained by the fact that it is more difficult to take into account energy consumption there than in a separate apartment, therefore, the energy intensity of such a device is simply not given much importance. The organization pays for electricity costs, as for a large organization this is a relatively small amount.

Another thing is the apartment. The inclusion of the "goat" is very noticeable in the operation of the electricity meter, which in this case is spinning like crazy. In addition, it often knocks out traffic jams, since a home-made device consumes a lot of energy.

The negative quality of the "goat" is that it is very flammable. If a household heater has a housing that protects against fires, then the “goat” does not have such a housing, and if it tips over, which happens quite often due to drunkenness, negligence, a fire is possible.

Moreover, in life there are such individuals who do not understand that this heating device is dangerous, and treat it with disdain, placing it close to furniture, wallpaper, and flammable materials.

Another homemade device is the boiler. It can be built with two blades, two matches, a thread pulled out of clothing, a piece of wire. The tradition of arranging such boilers came to us from the army and from correctional labor institutions.

The blades are connected to each other so that there is a distance between them (so that they do not touch each other). This is easy to achieve if you put matches between them. Then the twin-core wire is attached to the blades. Placed in water, such a boiler heats water quite regularly.

If you assemble a boiler from a more serious metal, for example, from window latches, you get a very frightening picture: can you imagine a boiler from which sparks are beating all over the house, a three-liter can of water boils in a minute and a half?

Naturally, the energy intensity of such a boiler is impressive. The boiler is especially dangerous if the water is salty. When connected to the network, an explosion is instantly heard, as a result of which most of the water splashes out. Now imagine what happens if you pour salt into boiling water?

If you ever have to deal with such devices, it is better to refuse immediately, as you are exposed to several dangers at once. Firstly, you spoil state property, for which there is a corresponding liability under the law. Secondly, you risk your life: you can be electrocuted or splashed with boiling water. Be careful, don't put your life in danger!

Ivan Dubrovin. Electrician's advice

A home-made boiler made of two razor blades, two matches and a piece of wire was widely distributed in the Soviet army, correctional labor institutions. Almost everyone who lived in the USSR knew the design of a boiler made of two blades.

The construction of a razor blade boiler is very simple. It is tied to the ends of the two-wire wire along the blade. Both blades are fixed with matches so that they do not touch each other. This water heater heats up water pretty quickly. Boiling a glass of water is as easy as shelling pears, but using such a homemade boiler is extremely careful. Instead of two blades, you can use one, for this you need to break it along. From the halves of the blade, the design will be more flimsy and even more dangerous.

Attention! Precautionary measures:
- In no case, you can not leave the included boiler unattended!
- The blades and bare parts of the wire are not insulated, so when the boiler is on, there is a chance that you may be shocked. In no case should you boil water in metal containers, touch them or water when the boiler is on. You can get a lethal electric shock.
Under no circumstances should salt water be boiled. When you turn on the boiler in the network, an explosion will instantly be heard and most of the water will splash out. And if you salt already boiling water, then you will be doused with boiling water.
— When working, various metals get into the water in large quantities and the quality of such water is very doubtful.

In a word, it is better not to use a boiler made of blades, and if you use it, then at your own peril and risk, only as a last resort, if there is simply no other way out. In doing so, exercise maximum caution. Responsibility for your life, other people's lives and other people's property will be borne by you and your self-made boiler of two blades.

Attention! Material added for informational purposes only. Do not repeat this at home!

Dear visitors!!!

Often in everyday life there are such unforeseen circumstances when there is no hot water in the apartment - due to any plumbing work in the boiler room and so on. Of course, for such cases it is necessary to have a good boiler available. How to make a boiler yourself without wasting a lot of your time? This issue is easily and simply solved.

The photo shows a factory-made boiler. Any heating elements burn out over time, the same thing happens with a store-bought boiler. Buy a new boiler or make a homemade boiler - the choice is yours.

How to make a boiler

For example, you have an old electric kettle leaking that cannot be repaired - due to damage to the body of the electric kettle or you just want to replace the old electric kettle with a new one. Do not rush to throw away the old electric kettle.

Check the heating element of the electric kettle, if the heating element is working, then it will be the basis for the future boiler.

What do I need to do? Need:

  1. remove the heating element from the electric kettle;
  2. clean the contacts of the heating element;
  3. solder the wires of the two-core cable PVA 2 * 0.75 to the contacts of the heating element;
  4. Connect the plug to the other end of the cable.

And you will get a wonderful boiler, the power of which is calculated as for an ordinary electric kettle. Water in a zinc bucket is heated by such a boiler in just five to ten minutes. I supplied my relatives and my acquaintances with such boilers - no one complained.

Materials used for the manufacture of the boiler

To make a boiler you will need:

  • soldering iron;
  • soldering tin;
  • pliers;
  • ten electric kettle;
  • soldering acid;
  • plug;
  • PVA cable 2*0.75.

Soldering wires

The ends of the cable wires are pre-cleaned from insulation, etched with alcohol-rosin flux or soldering acid, a layer of tin is applied to the ends of the wires. The heating element contacts are also etched and soldered to the ends of the cable wires. The cable length is up to you.

For a reliable contact connection with the plug, the ends of the cable wires are also etched, followed by tin application.

Contact isolation

As an insulating material for connecting a wire to a heating element, a cambric is first put on a separate wire, then after soldering the wires, the cambric is put on the contacts of the heating element.

Photo and description

To provide information in a more visual way, the topic will be supplemented with personal photographs.

Photo No. 1 shows a homemade boiler that we have been using for more than ten years. To make such a boiler, you will need about fifteen minutes.

In this image \photo No. 2 \ it is clearly seen that terminal blocks are connected to the contacts of the heater from a used electric kettle.

The two wires of the network cable are respectively also connected to the terminal blocks. Everything is quite simple, an unnecessary network cable with a plug and any heating element is taken - a heating element for heating water.

Measurement of resistance-heating element

Diagnostics of the heating element for our example with a boiler is carried out in the following way:

Device The multimeter is set in the range for measuring resistance, two probes of the device can be connected to the plug pins as shown in photograph No. 3. The display of the device in the photograph shows the total resistance - the resistance of the network cable and the heating element \heater\.

The resistance value for this measurement is - 27 ohms.

When measuring the resistance of a separate heating element - a heating element \ photo No. 4 \, the resistance is - 38.1 Ohm.

For both methods of measuring resistance, we can conclude that the reading of the device is satisfactory and corresponds to the resistance of this heating element.

How to check the network cable

Checking a single network cable, both for a boiler and for any type of household appliances, is carried out by the following methods:

For example, we need to check the network cable \ electric cord \ with a plug. To do this, you can short-circuit two wires of the network cable \photo No. 5 \ and connect two probes of the device \ photo No. 6 \ to the pins of the plug.

Photo #6

In this indication of the device \photo No. 6 \, with the integrity of the two wires of the network cable, the device display shows a very low resistance, the resistance in its value is equal to the short circuit mode.

This will mean that there is no break in the network cable and that the cable is suitable for its operation.

Photo #7

The following method for diagnosing the network cable is shown in the image of photograph #7. That is, we also short-circuit one end of the network cable \ photo No. 5 \ and touch one of the pins of the plug with a probe.

In the same way, each individual wire of the network cable is checked:

  • for connection \phase, neutral\;
  • earth \ ground wire \.

And as a reminder to all that has been said, such diagnostics are carried out in a passive way \ without connecting to an external source of alternating voltage \. When diagnosing any electrical circuit- a boiler, an electric kettle, and so on, in the event that the resistance value is zero, the electrical connections should be reviewed.

That's all for now. follow the rubric

Previously, in every home of a Soviet northerner, there was such a home-made boiler. With it, it was possible to quickly heat a bucket of water for drinking livestock, poultry, or melt imported frozen drinking water for people, which was usually stored in 200 liters. iron barrel.


Video of the boiler in operation.

The design of the boiler turned out to be very simple, reliable, maintainable and easily repeatable, all parts (at that time) are easily accessible, every store always had a large selection of nichrome spirals for tiles, heaters, and there were plenty of blown fuses (for the body) in every production.
I propose to repeat this design and make a "turbo" boiler with the maximum possible power for this size of the case.

Item 1. For manufacturing, we need.

Materials and tools:
Nichrome spiral or wire (preferably d = 1 mm).
Industrial fuse PN2 or its ceramic case.
Wood screws 20 mm long - 8 pcs.
Wire with a plug (section not less than 4 mm2).
Spiral winder ().
Knife, screwdriver.

Point 2. Calculation of the power of the incandescent spiral.

For all calculations we need these formulas:
1. Determining the current strength I = P / U
2. Spiral resistance R = U / I
3. The length of the required wire R = ρ l / S
4. Wire cross section S = π d²/4 or S = 0.8 d²

A photo. A coil of nichrome wire.

First you need to decide which nichrome spiral or wire you can get, if any, then your possibilities are simply endless: wink:. The thicker the diameter (section) of the wire, the more powerful the heater, boiler will turn out.

We measure the diameter of nichrome with a caliper and look at the table below.

In the line with the resulting diameter, in the last column, the value of the maximum current for this wire is indicated.

When using a heater in a liquid, this value can be further increased by 1.2 - 1.5 times.

I found a wire d = 1 mm. (S=0.8mm2), according to the table it turns out that for 1000C Current I=19.2A.

We apply the coefficient for liquid (water) 1.4, we will not take the maximum.

(1) It turns out: I \u003d 19.2A * 1.4 \u003d 26.88A. maximum current for the future boiler I = 26.9A.
Let's see what it will be in kW.: P \u003d I * U \u003d 26.9A * 220v \u003d 5918.6 W. \u003d 5.9 kW.
This is how a powerful boiler should turn out, about 6 kW.

(2) We calculate the required resistance for the wire: R \u003d U / I \u003d 220v / 26.88A \u003d 8.18 Ohm.

(3) Now let's calculate the required wire length for winding it into a spiral: l = R S / ρ = 8.18 Ohm * 0.8 / 1.11 = 5.89 m.
ρ - take from the bottom table.

All the necessary data has been obtained, you can bite off 6 meters of nichrome wire and twist it into a spiral on a special device ().

Item 3. Making a boiler.

We take such a fuse PN2 (usually 100A or more).

Their main place of application, these are shields with a handle.

Having unscrewed eight self-tapping screws, pour sand from the inside (by the way, very good quartz sand, maybe someone is looking for this: winked :), we will completely disassemble the PN2 fuse, we get such a ceramic case for our boiler.

Take the other eight, longer self-tapping screws and screw them into place, it should remain under-twisted by about 5 mm.

We put the spiral inside the insulator and bend the end around one of the screws.

We do the same, with a snake, a little with a stretch, around all the screws, on the last one we finish the spiral. If there is too much left, we bite off, if it is short, then we evenly stretch the entire spiral.

We connect a wire with a plug to the starting points of the spiral, be sure to use a wire of large cross section, 4 mm2 is the minimum, which will still heat up noticeably.

There are situations when an electric kettle fails, and a person is in the country or there is simply no opportunity to buy a device that will heat water. Each person can face such a situation, but it will not be difficult to find a way out, because you can make a heating device with your own hands. In this article we will tell you how to make a boiler at home from improvised materials.

Boiler from a teapot

  • TEN from the kettle. It can be pulled out, there are no particular difficulties in this.
  • Two-wire cable with a plug. By the way, you can take it from the kettle.


Please note that you must initially test the heating element when no wire is connected to it. Next, you need to check the already connected device. If everything is in order, then you can safely use a homemade boiler.

Remember! The device is homemade and not entirely reliable, so you need to constantly monitor how it works. If something happens, then even surge protectors may not save you.

How to make a blade boiler

Now we will talk about the dangerous way. Be careful here, in the following cases, such a boiler cannot be used:

  • If you heat water in an iron container.
  • If the water is salty.

These cases are a danger to the body, because it can shock.

Also note that with the help of such a boiler, water for tea should not be heated. If you need hot water so you can swim, then better way do not invent.
