Ant life cycle. How Do Pharaoh Ants Reproduce?

Until recently, not so much was known about the life of these insects. In ancient times, ants in some countries served as an object of worship, and it is no coincidence that these creatures are one of the oldest insect species that exist on Earth. During excavations, fossils of these arthropods were found dating back over a hundred million years! And today, scientists studying the world of insects know for certain all the stages of ant development, the life expectancy of various individuals, and the strict hierarchy that exists inside the anthill. And they still never cease to amaze.

Complete transformation

In the anthill, life is seething and constantly updated. Like any insect, this one goes through a series of transformations in its life. Moreover, the stages of his life are significantly different functionally and externally. Four stages of ant development are known:

  • egg;
  • larva;
  • chrysalis;
  • adult (adult).

That is, all belong to insects with a full cycle of transformation, which is called holometabolism. As a rule, in most species, the entire development process takes about a month.

Ant developmental stage: egg, larva

The life of every insect begins with an egg. At this stage of ant development, the female (womb) lays eggs. They are small (length up to about a millimeter), oval, yellowish or whitish. They are cared for by worker ants: they sort the brood, find the optimal conditions so that larvae can develop from eggs. Usually the eggs are stored not one by one, but whole small packages. This is how the incubation period lasts.

At the end of the eggs, worm-like larvae emerge from the eggs, not too similar to adults. At first, the larvae can also be located together, in packages. After more adults - already separately. On this ant (photo - below) there is an enhanced feeding of the future arthropod. The larvae are again fed by working ants, delivering food abundantly and on time. It is characteristic that during the entire stage the larva does not excrete excrement, and defecation occurs only during pupation.


Ant developmental stages: egg, larva, adult. But between the second and last stages, there is also a pupal stage (in some insects it is absent - this is called a larva that stops feeding, excretes feces (meconium), weaves a cocoon. By the way, subfamilies of these insects are known in which the larvae of cocoons do not weave.


An adult ant (imago) emerges from the cocoon at the end of its development. Scientists have learned that the young individual is pulled out of the shell by relatives - worker ants, since it cannot open the cocoon on its own. At the beginning of the journey, the adult ant has a lighter color, and after a few days it already acquires a body color indistinguishable from the rest. Since then, the worker ant does not grow, but feeds mainly on carbohydrate food. This completes the developmental stages of the ant.


In any anthill there are three categories of insects: the uterus, male drones and worker ants. Males emerge from eggs that have not been fertilized. Their main role is participation in reproduction and fertilization. For mating flight, they need wings. They differ from worker ants in body size.

Worker ants are the basis of the strength of the anthill. They bear all the economic duties of the colony.

The uterus in comparison with the working ant is a real hulk. She first has wings, and then, after mating flight and fertilization, she bites them off, becoming "non-flying". Her entire life is devoted to laying eggs and procreation. "Ant queens" (wombs) under favorable conditions can live up to 5 years (in some species even longer). Whereas the worker ant lives only a few months (in some species - several years). Male drones live less: having mated, they die, or they are destroyed by other relative ants.

Theme at school

When working on the topic “Stages of development of an ant” (environment world, cf. school), you should pay attention to the fact that there are 4 periods in the life of an ant (and not three, as in some other insects). We tell about each of them in more detail, using photos and slides. You can also pick up a video about life in an anthill.

Some interesting facts

  • Some of the species of these arthropods can be under water without air for 4 days, as if in a preserved state. Removed from the liquid, they come to life again and continue to exist.
  • The legs of an ant (there are 6 of them, and each has 3 joints) are very strong. They are, as it were, intended by nature for hard work and the movement of goods. By the way, if this insect were as tall as people, then in proportion to physical data it could run at speeds up to 60 kilometers per hour and lift loads of one and a half tons!
  • Ants, according to some researchers, have a collective mind, and the total number of their brain cells (for a single anthill) is comparable to the number of the same cells in humans.

How ants reproduce is interesting not only to ordinary people, but also to scientists. A large colony of insects delights and terrifies. In the wild, insects build anthills, nests in trees, houses. The development of an ant goes through a full cycle of transformation. The whole process takes about a month.

insect family


The stages of development have a full cycle - egg, larva, pupa, adult. When ants lay their eggs depends on weather conditions. This usually happens with the onset of persistent heat - in May. A second mating season is possible in June.

  • The queen is able to lay up to several hundred eggs of ants. They have special cameras. There are also larvae. Working individuals help to maintain optimal conditions in the anthill.
  • After about a week, ant larvae hatch from the eggs. Adults help to be born by gnawing through the shell. The larvae after hatching are in the form of white worms, extremely voracious. They eat a large amount of plant and animal food. Together with plants, seeds, worker ants carry aphids, carrion, and worms to their larvae.
  • The rapid development of the larvae lasts about 2 weeks. After that, the worm stops eating, turns into a chrysalis. Some species of larvae weave a cocoon. A few days later, the ant emerges from the chrysalis in the form of a full-fledged insect, but white. Under the influence of light, the cover hardens, darkens, ants of the usual black, red color appear.

The entire development cycle from egg to adult lasts about a month. Unfavorable climatic conditions can slow down the process. Insects multiply rapidly, have a clear hierarchy, live in huge colonies, and work together to get food. At the head of all this complex process is a fertile female.

Immediately after birth, future ants fall into a special ant nursery. Let's take a closer look at one of the most mysterious wonders of nature. After a couple of weeks, the ant larvae are carried to the nursery:

After the uterus has laid eggs, they are in special so-called "packages". In these bundles, adult ants carry eggs from one place to another.

As soon as the eggs begin to show signs of life and transform into larvae, they are immediately taken to the nursery, where they are waiting for further maturation. Until the eggs become larvae, the ants keep them in limbo.

Ants constantly care for the larvae, turning them over and observing their condition.

To deal with “young growth” is the business of worker ants.

However, everyone is involved.

Even soldier ants visit the nursery from time to time.

Ants clean the larvae and feed. The main food of reaper ants are grains. Strong soldiers crush whole seeds, breaking them into smaller pieces.

After that, the workers grind the pieces into flour.

Wetting the flour with their saliva, the worker ants prepare a puree that serves as food for both the larvae and the workers themselves.

Sometimes ants lay special food eggs, which they give to the larvae. This happens infrequently.

An ant with an egg hurries to a hungry larva. Here is the feeding process.

It also happens that it is not the future ant that hatches from the egg, but, as it is commonly called, the fodder larva. Such larvae are larger than usual and are nothing more than a large chunk of nutrients. This larva will serve as food for the entire colony.

Difference in size between common and feed larvae.

When the larva matures and the process of turning into a chrysalis begins, the workers take it to the kindergarten.

Video showing the whole process of caring for pupae and larvae.

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Ant family Ant developmental stages

How ants reproduce is interesting not only to ordinary people, but also to scientists. A large colony of insects delights and terrifies. In the wild, insects build anthills, nests in trees, houses. The development of an ant goes through a full cycle of transformation. The whole process takes about a month.

insect family

In the ant hierarchy, the role of each individual is strictly regulated. Already from birth it becomes known who will do what.

  • At the head of the hierarchy is the queen, the uterus. A female fertilized once, which reproduces eggs all her life. Her body size is larger than the rest of society.
  • The most numerous clan is worker ants. One half is engaged in searching, replenishing supplies, building an anthill, the other is raising offspring, ordering inside the cells.
  • Another part of the ant family is young females, males. Each young female after fertilization leaves the family, looks for a suitable place, gives life to a new generation. Males, having fulfilled their main function, die within a week.

A photo of a large family is located below. The life cycle of each individual is somewhat different, starting from the moment of birth. According to scientists, the female lives for about 25 years. Ants that are engaged in obtaining food, about 5 years. Working individuals that raise offspring inside the anthill - 3 years.

On a note!

Least of all, full-fledged males were lucky, their life cycle is only a month. Destined to be born in order to fertilize the female once.

breeding process

The time of mating games comes with the advent of heat. Young males and females develop wings. Mating of flying ants occurs on the fly. The breeding stage lasts approximately 14 days. After that, all the young males die, the female leaves the former family.

Finds a suitable place, lays eggs. They should hatch offspring within 2 weeks, mostly working individuals. The larvae feed themselves.

Young insects begin to build an anthill, provide the uterus with food. Prior to this, she had not eaten anything, her vitality was maintained by internal secretions.


The uterus sheds its wings, begins fruitful activity. The entire warm period of time reproduces offspring. The seminal fluid that entered her body once is enough to reproduce all her life. Will constantly allocate a portion of sperm for the fertilization of eggs. Reproduction of ants occurs at a rapid pace, thanks to this feature. Ants mate only once in their lives.

The eggs are fertilized while passing through the genital tract. Females are produced from fertilized eggs, males are produced from unfertilized eggs. Their further differentiation into working individuals and fertile males occurs during development in the larval phase. Depends on food and care.


The stages of development of an ant have a full cycle - egg, larva, pupa, adult. When ants lay their eggs depends on weather conditions. This usually happens with the onset of persistent heat - in May. A second mating season is possible in June.

  • The queen is able to lay up to several hundred eggs of ants. They have special cameras. There are also larvae. Working individuals help to maintain optimal conditions in the anthill.
  • After about a week, ant larvae hatch from the eggs. Adults help to be born by gnawing through the shell. The larvae after hatching are in the form of white worms, extremely voracious. They eat a large amount of plant and animal food. Together with plants, seeds, worker ants carry aphids, carrion, and worms to their larvae.
  • The rapid development of the larvae lasts about 2 weeks. After that, the worm stops eating, turns into a chrysalis. Some species of larvae weave a cocoon. A few days later, the ant emerges from the chrysalis in the form of a full-fledged insect, but white. Under the influence of light, the cover hardens, darkens, ants of the usual black, red color appear.

The entire development cycle from egg to adult lasts about a month. Unfavorable climatic conditions can slow down the process. Insects multiply rapidly, have a clear hierarchy, live in huge colonies, winter interestingly, and work together to get food. At the head of all this complex process is a fertile female.

How Do House Ants Reproduce?

Domestic ants, like their forest counterparts, live in large colonies, although they do not build anthills. The center of the colony of domestic insects is the nest in which the females are. These ant "queens" are engaged in the reproduction of working individuals that feed the females that do not leave the nest, getting food for them. A relatively small ant family can have one female.

  • Features of reproduction of ants

In size, females differ markedly from smaller worker ants. Each female mates once in her life, and ant "queens" can live under favorable living conditions and with good nutrition for up to 12 years and even longer. Initially, the female has the wings she needs for her "nuptial flight". A fertilized individual loses its wings.

Having picked up a secluded place for the nest, the female begins to lay eggs. After 2-3 weeks, larvae appear from them, which after 4-6 months (depending on habitat conditions) pupate. Then the first worker ants emerge from them.

Until the appearance of working individuals, the female, which does not leave the nest, does not feed. With the secretions of special glands, she feeds the larvae, for this, the reserves of the available "fat" are used. The first worker ants that emerge from pupae emerge from the nest and hunt for food for themselves, their "queen" and new larvae. From now on, the female is engaged only in laying new and new eggs. Under favorable conditions, eggs are laid throughout the year.

As for male house ants, they develop from unfertilized eggs. These individuals, like females at the first stage of life, also have wings. The role of males is to make a "nuptial flight" and mate with the female. Shortly after mating, they die, having completed their mission.

  • Ways to deal with domestic ants

Domestic ants, able to get into the premises through small cracks and barely visible holes, cause a lot of trouble. They cause significant harm, in addition, these insects can become carriers of serious diseases. It is extremely difficult to destroy domestic ants living in a large colony on your own. That is why a reasonable decision would be to contact the Dezsluzhba Grand Service company. Our experienced specialists guarantee the destruction of ants by modern methods, repeatedly tested in practice.

All about ants - pests. What do they look like? What do they eat? How many live?

Ants pests: species, features of life and distribution.

General information about ants.

These insects belong to the Formicidae family, a group of Hymenoptera of the stalked-bellied suborder. This suborder also includes other flying insects (bees, bumblebees, wasps, etc.); As you know, during the breeding season, ants grow wings for a short time, contributing to the settlement and finding a partner for fertilization.

The family includes, according to some sources, about 7,000 species, according to others - about 12,000 species that exist on the entire planet. These are heat-loving creatures, although they are able to live in cold conditions: the north of the latitude, the smaller the size of the individuals. Ants make up 1/5 of the number of all existing terrestrial living creatures, they are distinguished by the large number and variety of phenotypic characters.

In the climatic conditions of Russia and the republics of the former Soviet Union, 220-300 varieties of these creatures live; the further north, the fewer of them: for example, if more than 160 species of arthropods live in the Caucasus, then at the level of the Arkhangelsk region - no more than 20-24.

At the same time, arthropods can create problems for people: from crop failure to interference in housing, health problems, and so on. You can learn more about the harm they can bring in the article: “Domestic ants: what harm can these insects cause?”.

Attention! In Russian conditions, several types of representatives of Formicides are known that can harm a person or his activity.

Among them are the main ones:

The main features of the life of these and other harmful ants will be considered below.

Features of the lifestyle of insects.

These arthropods are highly developed creatures leading a social lifestyle. Regardless of where they live - in a private or apartment building, in nature - Formicides equip colonies, anthills in which they live and care for. The population of the nest is clearly divided into several groups that perform their functions:

  • the female is the center of the whole family. There can be only one central female in one nest, which constantly oviposites and increases the population of her nest;
  • sexless workers have an important function of keeping the shelter alive. They look after the eggs, feed the larvae, build and repair the anthill, collect food, guard the nest and keep it clean;
  • males are intended only for fertilization of the female. After intercourse, they die.

You can also highlight the so-called scouts, who explore new spaces, search for food. They leave a pheromone trail behind them, which workers then navigate when going for food. Thus, the shortest, most optimal path to the power source is built.

Attention! Having noticed several individuals in their apartment or house, they are, with a high degree of probability, just scouts, soon after whose visit a large number of insects can be expected.

They are omnivorous and eat any food they can get their hands on, especially sweets and sugary foods.

If the house is located in a rural area, forest ants can frequent it: guided by the sense of smell and smelling the smell of food, they will try to pay a visit and take a piece of food with them. Despite the fact that this species of arthropod does not settle in the dwelling itself, finding shelter close to the house can create problems for both the dwelling itself and the garden plot.

If an apartment or house is located within an urban area, then the risk of forest ants appearing is very small, but the risk of settling directly by domestic pests that can build nests in the living space itself, utility rooms or interfloor spaces increases.

Due to its omnivorous nature, Formicides become carriers of bacteria. Microorganisms cover chitinous bodies and fall off them during movement. In other words, the more often pests end up on surfaces that people come into contact with, the more germs they leave behind, and the higher the likelihood of a person being infected with some kind of infectious disease.

  • in the first stocks of food are stored;
  • in the second - the waste products of insects and various wastes.

These places become a serious source of pathogenic bacteria that can be spread by airborne droplets.

Attention! All this significantly worsens the sanitary conditions in the home.

Pharaoh ants.

The creation of a colony occurs in the standard way for these arthropods:

  1. The female chooses a place (dark and damp) where she lays her first eggs.
  2. Helpless larvae hatch from them, which, having matured, begin to build an anthill.
  3. With an increase in the number of colonies, the uterus focuses on the main function - laying eggs, other individuals take care of all the rest.
  4. The population gradually increases its habitat, developing new territories and founding new nests.

Sometimes only joint actions to destroy these pests can help. These are very organized creatures - science knows cases when one nest transferred food to another nest for the survival of the latter.

  • If the female performs her function normally, then she is able to live for about 15 years.
  • Working individuals, which make up the majority of the population, live for about 60 days.
  • Soldiers, builders, cleaners, etc. are able to live up to a maximum of two years.

Attention! Only 15% of individuals leave their shelter, the main mass never leaves the shelter.

That is, those arthropods that you can see in your kitchen are only a small part of the total mass.

They rarely bite people or pets, only for their own protection. Due to the tiny size of the jaws of ants, bites are not so noticeable, however, they are sensitive to delicate and thin skin (women, children). Bites can be very itchy and swollen, and in some cases, formic acid can cause severe allergic reactions. But the most dangerous thing is that along with a bite, pathogens can enter the body and provoke infection. This can happen to both humans and pets.

House ant thief.

Attention! This variety of Formicide prefers to live at about ground level, they do not rise above the third floor.

Red forest ant.

Representatives of this species like to live in mixed forests, the main habitat is the north of the Eurasian continent. Females and workers, that is, most of the colony, have a reddish, red-brown color. The chitin of the males required for fertilization is colored black. Adults can reach 1.4 cm in length.

They have characteristic features:

  • large nest population. The anthill is capable of reaching 1 million inhabitants, divided into three main roles;
  • the female herself determines who is needed - females, males or workers - based on the needs of the family;
  • degeneration protection. In one nest, the female forms individuals of the same sex - this prevents inbreeding and the appearance of larvae with genetic failures.

These arthropods can cause great harm to fruit plants, as they breed aphids, using the substances they secrete as high-calorie food. Aphids feed on plant sap; the more it is, the more it entangles the roots, leaves, shoots and bark. This leads to weakening of the plant, inability to produce a crop and death.

Of the pests that these ants destroy, caterpillars can be distinguished:

  • scoops;
  • leaflets (oak);
  • pine and winter moth.

Meadow ant.

It looks like a red forest, found in Siberia. It reaches 1.1 cm in size, the whole body is covered with hairs.

It settles in glades and forest edges, erecting nests there. As a basis for their shelter, individuals during construction use the remains of plants and sand. From these materials, the builders create a dome over the anthill, by which this species can be identified.

  1. Already at plus 10 degrees Celsius, the family gets out into the open air and begins its activity: paths are built stretching to the aphid colonies that they breed, separate shelters are built.
  2. At plus 20-25 degrees Celsius, the most comfortable conditions for the life of the anthill are created.
  3. At temperatures above plus 30, arthropods stop leaving their shelter and use underground paths. Too high a temperature causes moisture to evaporate faster from the body of individuals, reducing their lifespan.

The diet contains dead insects and sweet honeydew. They can also eat live arthropods, but do so reluctantly. Therefore, this species of ants is not used to destroy pests.

Attention! For cultivated plants, they are dangerous only if they equip an anthill in the garden.

These arthropods settle quite densely, the territory they need for life is just over one hundred square meters.

Black ants.

This species is distinguished by its abundance and prevalence - they can be found in Europe and Russia up to Mongolia. The average working size is 5 mm. According to their name, their color is almost black, dark brown.

They prefer to build anthills in the ground, but they can settle under stones or in trees.

These insects feed on sweet honeydew, which is secreted by aphids, and they pay great attention to its reproduction. They settle it in the surrounding plants and trees, taking those same secretions at the right time.

During the construction of the nest, there may be several queens in the colony: they provide a rapid increase in the population necessary for the construction of an anthill. Upon completion of the work, the most efficient queen is determined, which stands at the head of the colony, the rest of the queens are destroyed.

Attention! In this case, it is necessary to deal with the original source: if you do not destroy the breeding ground for ant pests, but spray the aphids themselves, the colony will quickly restore its population elsewhere and drive it back.

Pest activity can ruin garden landscaping: ants can establish a colony on the lawn or under trees, eventually leading to drying out and death of plants.

The woodworm is shiny.

It is found in the Crimea, the middle and southern Volga regions. In length from 5 mm to 11 mm, black shiny color.

He likes to settle in shaded areas of various forests (especially oak forests), building anthills in the bodies of fallen trees and stumps. It can also live under the bark and in dry branches. The oral apparatus of arthropods is adapted for cracking wood, creating and expanding passages, cracks, etc.

The size of the colony is not large, usually less than 5 thousand individuals. These creatures feed on a variety of targeted invertebrates, as well as the secretions of aphids that are farmed.

The main harm that insects can bring is the destruction of wooden buildings and furniture. Woodworms can be found in old houses in which all the insides have been eaten away. If you do not treat a wooden house, furniture with special liquids, pests can cause serious damage.

In some regions of Russia, this species is listed in the Red Book.

Pale ants.

This type of arthropod is most often found in the Caucasus and in some European countries. Light brown shade, 3-7 mm long. A feature of the creatures are large compound eyes.

They prefer to settle in lawns, under stones, paving slabs. They dig out small craters in which they equip moves. Thus, they harm the lawn: the grass dries up, because its root system is gnawed, Formicides constantly move underground.

These are quite secretive creatures, preferring to eat dead insects.

Ant breeding

  • 1 Reproduction
  • 2 Stages of Ant Development
  • 3 Choosing a profession
Ant reproduction Stages of ant development

Reproduction is an important stage in the life of any living being. And for such numerous colonies as those of ants, the replenishment of the family is a paramount task for the maintenance and development of the anthill. Observations of how ants breed prove the uniqueness of this insect species.


It is a known fact that all members of an ant colony are working females unable to reproduce. And only one or a few queens produce this offspring. Fertilized eggs produce females, while unfertilized eggs produce males. The latter have a prejudiced position in the ant community and often become a victim of their fellow tribesmen. Why there is bewilderment of how ants mate.

Once a year, newly winged males and females are allowed to perform a love dance. It is during a short flight that mating of ants occurs. Immediately after this process, the male is killed by the tribesmen, and the female leaves the anthill to establish her colony.


Wings are needed by ants during mating and by females to find a place for a future nest. After that, the uterus gnaws off its wings as they are unnecessary.

Ant breeding

Once fertilized, the queen ant finds a safe place where she can lay her first eggs. She takes care of them herself, using her fat reserves. After hatching, already formed adult insects look after the next offspring of the uterus and begin to develop an anthill. Throughout her life, the queen is capable of reproduction.

Ant developmental stages

Like many types of insects, ants appear as a result of several transformations. Ant developmental stages:

  • egg;
  • larva;
  • chrysalis;
  • imago.

The first stage is provided by the uterus when they lay their eggs in a special "birth compartment". Ant eggs are oval translucent capsules half a millimeter in size. The sticky surface of the egg allows the working insects to carry them in bunches to the incubator, where they will be under the supervision of "nannies" for 30-35 days. The duties of the "nannies" include controlling the temperature and humidity of the chamber, as well as protecting the eggs from enemies.

At the second stage, ant larvae should appear from the eggs - sedentary white worms, unable to feed on their own. Nurse ants distribute the larvae according to their size and keep them in separate compartments. Adults feed worms with pieces of leaves or regurgitate chewed food. Depending on the care and nutrition, future working females, males or queens are formed in the larvae. This process is controlled by adult ants.

After 7 days of the life of the larva, the life cycle of the insect moves to the next level - pupation. At this stage, the larva stops eating and freezes. In some species of ants, the larva may be covered with a cocoon. The formed pupa secretes waste products in the form of a dark dot at the end of the body. This signals that the digestive system of the larva has formed. The development of an ant in the pupal stage lasts at least three weeks.

On a note!

All stages of the development of an insect from an egg to an adult can be seen clearly in the photo on the pages of specialized sites.

Ant developmental stages

At the fourth fastest stage of development, the ant emerges from the pupa in the form of an adult. He is helped to hatch from the cocoon by other insects that bite off the upper part of the formed shell. When adults hatch, they look like adults, but are light in color and have soft body parts. After a few hours, the ant acquires a color and a chitinous shell like that of an adult tribesman.

Choice of profession

Reproduction of ants depends not only on the uterus, but also on the coherence of the actions of all members of the colony. Any failure at least at one of the stages of insect development can lead to the death of all offspring. Therefore, after the ants appear, they must choose a specific role for themselves and immediately begin direct participation in the life of the anthill. In order to have the right to live under a common roof with a colony, a newly minted individual is offered a choice of one of the professions:

  • babysitter to care for eggs and larvae;
  • builder;
  • security guard;
  • food provider;
  • transporter;
  • aphid herder;
  • scout;
  • warrior and others.

Due to the fact that the queens multiply rapidly, the anthill is constantly provided with new members of the colony and can continuously develop. This approach, under favorable conditions, allows colonies to grow to enormous sizes and reach numbers of several million individuals.

June 7, 2016

Until recently, not so much was known about the life of these insects. In ancient times, ants in some countries served as an object of worship, and it is no coincidence that these creatures are one of the oldest insect species that exist on Earth. During excavations, fossils of these arthropods were found dating back over a hundred million years! And today, scientists studying the world of insects know for certain all the stages of ant development, the life expectancy of various individuals, and the strict hierarchy that exists inside the anthill. And they still never cease to amaze.

Complete transformation

In the anthill, life is seething and constantly updated. Like any insect, this orderly of the forest in his life goes through a series of transformations. Moreover, the stages of his life are significantly different functionally and externally. Four stages of ant development are known:

  • egg;
  • larva;
  • chrysalis;
  • adult (adult).

That is, all varieties of ants belong to insects with a complete transformation cycle, which is called holometabolism. As a rule, in most species, the entire development process takes about a month.

Ant developmental stage: egg, larva

The life of every insect begins with an egg. At this stage of ant development, the female (womb) lays eggs. They are small (length up to about a millimeter), oval, yellowish or whitish. They are cared for by worker ants: they sort the brood, find the optimal conditions so that larvae can develop from eggs. Usually the eggs are stored not one by one, but whole small packages. This is how the incubation period lasts.

At the end of the eggs, worm-like larvae emerge from the eggs, not too similar to adults. At first, the larvae can also be located together, in packages. After more adults - already separately. At this stage of the development stage of the ant (photo - below), the future arthropod is fed intensively. The larvae are again fed by working ants, delivering food abundantly and on time. It is characteristic that during the entire stage the larva does not excrete excrement, and defecation occurs only during pupation.


Ant developmental stages: egg, larva, adult. But between the second and last stage there is also a pupal stage (in some insects it is absent - this is called "incomplete transformation"). The larva, which ceases to feed, excretes feces (meconium), weaves a cocoon. By the way, subfamilies of these insects are known in which the larvae of cocoons do not weave.


An adult ant (imago) emerges from the cocoon at the end of its development. Scientists have learned that the young individual is pulled out of the shell by relatives - worker ants, since it cannot open the cocoon on its own. At the beginning of the journey, the adult ant has a lighter color, and after a few days it already acquires a body color indistinguishable from the rest. Since then, the worker ant does not grow, but feeds mainly on carbohydrate food. This completes the developmental stages of the ant.


In any anthill there are three categories of insects: the uterus, male drones and worker ants. Males emerge from eggs that have not been fertilized. Their main role is participation in reproduction and fertilization. For mating flight, they need wings. They differ from worker ants in body size.

Worker ants are the basis of the strength of the anthill. They bear all the economic duties of the colony.

The uterus in comparison with the working ant is a real hulk. She first has wings, and then, after mating flight and fertilization, she bites them off, becoming "non-flying". Her entire life is devoted to laying eggs and procreation. "Ant queens" (wombs) under favorable conditions can live up to 5 years (in some species even longer). Whereas the worker ant lives only a few months (in some species - several years). Male drones live less: having mated, they die, or they are destroyed by other relative ants.

Theme at school

When working on the topic “Stages of development of an ant” (environment world, cf. school), you should pay attention to the fact that there are 4 periods in the life of an ant (and not three, as in some other insects). We tell about each of them in more detail, using photos and slides. You can also pick up a video about life in an anthill.

Some interesting facts

  • Some of the species of these arthropods can be under water without air for 4 days, as if in a preserved state. Removed from the liquid, they come to life again and continue to exist.
  • The legs of an ant (there are 6 of them, and each has 3 joints) are very strong. They are, as it were, intended by nature for hard work and the movement of goods. By the way, if this insect were as tall as people, then in proportion to physical data it could run at speeds up to 60 kilometers per hour and lift loads of one and a half tons!
  • Ants, according to some researchers, have a collective mind, and the total number of their brain cells (for a single anthill) is comparable to the number of the same cells in humans.