How to treat a husband's gambling addiction. Child gamer, husband gamer - why do they choose virtual reality? Signs of gambling addiction

Modern entertainment infrastructure offers many ways to relieve stress and forget about a heap of everyday problems for a while. However, not all of these methods can be called harmless. Some time ago, it was impossible to surprise anyone with a large number of casinos and gaming clubs located in almost every basement. Now all this “splendor”, thanks to the law on gambling, has moved to the Internet, which has not reduced its activity at all.

Gambling addiction (ludomania) is no less terrible addiction than alcoholism or drug addiction. Its particular danger lies in the fact that it is very difficult to recognize a gamer, and in some cases almost impossible.

A gamer husband is a real grief for his wife and children, because such an addiction often leads to very disastrous results. Lotteries, card games, slot machines, sports betting and other entertainment for money can cause dramatic changes in a man and lead to the collapse of a family.

Gambling, like any other addiction, does not appear out of nowhere. In order for a man to go headlong into gambling, there must be reasons. Still, when a person has an active social life he has no time to indulge in card games or roulette.

Psychologists say with confidence that there are a great many factors that provoke the occurrence of gambling addiction, but among the most common it is worth highlighting:

  • Environmental influence. Not every representative of the stronger sex, unfortunately, has a strong will and is able not to fall under the influence of others. Remember how in childhood the boys love to take each other on "weak". To some extent, adult men are also prone to the desire to “beat their neighbor” into some kind of stupidity. If a colleague starts praising online casinos and showing off his winnings, then it is quite possible that there will be men in his environment who, in order to satisfy their interest, will also decide on a couple gambling. That's just not always limited to just a couple of games.
  • External influence. It has long been no secret that men are no less than women susceptible to bright and aggressive advertising. You will not see huge billboards with calls to visit a virtual gaming club, but almost every movie on the Internet begins with a commercial for a casino with safe games or a sweepstakes with gift coupons. Considering that the Internet is literally replete with such advertising, then it is not surprising that a man will sooner or later become interested and try to understand what is so exciting in this way of leisure.
  • Parenting Mistakes. Not all parents treat the issue of raising children with due responsibility. Many mothers and fathers turn a blind eye to the fact that their children can play cards with friends for hours. They do not see anything dangerous in this, but in vain. It is children's interest that can develop into addiction and have a detrimental effect on later life. Do not forget about particularly strict parents who seek to control every step of their child and are rarely generous to allocate pocket expenses. Children who are brought up with an excessive fixation on material values, while limiting their opportunities, can also grow up to be players.
  • Envy of more successful acquaintances. Not every person is able to rejoice in other people's achievements. Some are haunted by the fact that a close friend can be richer and more successful. Not wanting to make any special efforts, envious men begin to actively visit gambling establishments in the hope of improving their financial situation as soon as possible.
  • Depressive disorders. Some men who are experiencing emotional problems, in search of a way to drown out mental discomfort, go headlong into gambling. The thrill they experience while playing in a casino or sweepstakes helps them disconnect from negative thoughts.

A gambler is to some extent similar to a drug addict. His whole world focuses solely on the pleasure of the game, and the euphoria of a possible win completely overshadows healthy emotions, such as the joy of communicating with loved ones and love for his wife.

How to recognize gambling addiction

The warmth of a family hearth, healthy children and a beloved man nearby are the most valuable things in the life of every woman. loving wife and the mother always tries to pay attention to the well-being and change in the behavior of her household, because it is in this way that she expresses her concern for them.

When the children are healthy and happy - they smile, when the husband is satisfied with life and loves his life partner - he hurries home and enjoys evenings with his family. But sometimes the behavior of a beloved man can change, and quite dramatically, and then the woman begins to worry and worry.

Gambling, like many other addictions, has its own external manifestations, including:

  • Regular breaks after work. Any wife will start to worry if her husband begins to systematically linger after work. Many in such situations suspect the husband of infidelity. However, not everything can be explained by the presence of an affair on the side. If the wife is sure that her husband is not cheating on her, then you should think about a possible gambling addiction.
  • Absences from home. A male player will by hook or by crook look for an excuse to leave home in order to get to the game room, horse races or a club with slot machines. There are times when a man becomes an avid visitor to online casinos. In such situations, he can leave home in an Internet cafe so that no one from his family interrupts his gambling entertainment.
  • money problems. Gambling involves regular cash deposits. A man suffering from gambling addiction loses the ability to adequately distribute money. He will look for all ways to save an extra ruble, which will later go to pay for his destructive passion. So, if you notice that the husband began to “lose” money or suddenly turned into a miser, then pay special attention to this and try to find out what exactly caused such changes.
  • Lack of time for family. A man - a player ceases to pay attention to his family in the same volume, because all his thoughts are directed to thinking about the next bet. His wife, with her demands to solve this or that economic problem, begins to cause persistent irritation in him, and the humming children cause a desire to run away.
  • Missing valuables from home. If your husband is an experienced gamer, and the addiction is at an advanced stage, then with his behavior he begins to somewhat resemble a drug addict. Increased nervousness, emotional imbalance, constant search for additional funds. He can start taking everything more or less valuable out of the house, because he can no longer stop, but he still needs money for the next installment.

A husband suffering from gambling addiction is a serious problem for family relations. A wife should be especially careful and not perceive gambling as something insignificant, because it is gambling that can destroy a hitherto strong marriage.

Many psychologists claim that it is possible to cope with gambling addiction with the help of drug treatment, where preference is given to antidepressants and lithium salts. Such funds are aimed at regulating mood and correcting the general emotional background. However, not all of the fair sex feel the desire to get involved with such a radical method. Most women dream of helping their spouse overcome gambling addiction in more traditional ways.

In such cases, psychologists strongly recommend using the following tips:

  • Family budget control. Having decided to make every effort and help your spouse get rid of gambling addiction, the first thing you should do is take the entire family budget under your control. Husband - the player should not have access to money, because otherwise they will all be used for gambling. Change the pin codes on the cards, hide the cash in a safe place. If your spouse asks you for money, then immediately say that they are not even there for food.
  • Cancellation of spouse's debts. Women are known for their empathy and sometimes even sacrifice. At present, the gamer does not experience any difficulties with obtaining micro-loans, but their return is already in question. In the event of a delay in the next loan installment, you may be surprised to find collectors on the threshold of your apartment demanding to pay off the debt as soon as possible. It is also possible that the husband - the player will borrow money from friends and relatives. You should immediately inform your lover that you are not going to pay for his entertainment. Otherwise, sensing weakness in you, the husband will shift the payment of his debts to you.
  • Denial of support. Addiction is not severe physical illness. This is what you should remember in moments when the despair on the face of your beloved man will push you to the idea that he should be pitied and supported. You must be persistent, because it is your husband who has to solve the existing problem. If you let him know that you are ready to help him, then he will never draw the necessary conclusions.
  • Visiting a psychotherapist. Do not refuse the opportunity to attend both individual consultations and group trainings. A specialist in personal meetings will help you understand the reasons that prompted a man to “go into all serious trouble”, and in group sessions your spouse will be able to look at the situation from the outside, talking with other gamers, and realize the danger of his addiction.
  • Divorce and division of property. In cases where a man is ready to almost mortgage an apartment in search of money, and you have children in your care, you should think about the option of a temporary break in relations. File for divorce and division of property and change your place of residence. Such a drastic way of solving a problem can push your spouse to change. But if he does not stop visiting gambling establishments and does not try to overcome gambling addiction, then you still will not lose anything.

Love is a great force, but even love cannot always overcome addiction. If all your efforts and exhortations have not brought any result, then think about whether you are ready to put your life into the fight against gambling and drag the whole family on yourself.

Remember that you do not have to sacrifice yourself for a ghostly chance to return everything to normal, and if you have children, then your main responsibility is to educate them and take care of their well-being.

Is it possible to live with a person who, apart from games, does not notice anything around him? You can, if you figure out what is the reason for this behavior and correct it. It is impossible if a person does not want your help and is not ready to be frank with you or with himself.

Not all gambling is a disease. Gambling can be both an addiction and a sign of a person's internal discomfort. However, the problem should not be underestimated either. Women are not so prone to gambling due to their greater responsibility. So when a guy admits to playing before his wedding, many of us turn a blind eye to it.

Until you live with a gamer under the same roof, the passion for games does not seem too serious. Questions begin only later, when the husband, instead of household chores, but what is there, instead of food and sex, hangs at the computer. Or, even worse, lowers the family budget in the casino.

Signs of family dysfunction

You should be wary already at the stage when common interests disappear in the family, coolness appears in intimate relationships, and conversations become formal. Thus, the basic spiritual needs of a person are no longer satisfied - in communication, understanding and intimacy with their partner. If a woman always has a lot of obligations to children, parents, society, then many men tend to hide their heads in the sand in everything related to personal relationships. For some, this manifests itself in addiction to alcohol. Someone withdraws into himself and goes headlong into work. And some prefer to run away from problems in a fictional game world.

If you do not understand in time how serious the current situation is, you can face very sad consequences of your inaction. Gamers gradually degrade as individuals, accumulate debts, lose friends and social status. The family is also falling apart. In general, addiction to gambling is not at all better than any another. And sometimes it is more difficult to cure a gamer than a drug addict or an alcoholic. But everything is possible!

Gambling, its causes and stages

Gambling addiction belongs to the group of severe psychological addictions. At first, this is just an attempt to somehow brighten up life and satisfy your need for pleasure. Then the game becomes more and more attractive, as it helps to hide from problems, sexual dissatisfaction and gray everyday life. Another reason to immerse yourself in the game world is the opportunity to feel omnipotent (in those moments when you manage to win) and correct your mistakes. You can always replay again. At a minimum, the gamer gains confidence that even if he lost now, tomorrow he will certainly win.


So, at first, a person just has fun, plays from time to time, losing interest in the game for a long time after losing. But the process drags on, and the first stage of gambling addiction begins to form in people prone to psycho-addiction. It is expressed in an increased desire to play one more time; raise the bet if the game is for money. At the same time, a person is quite capable of giving up the game when there is such a need. But at the second stage, it becomes more and more difficult to forbid oneself to play with only one strong-willed desire. The length and frequency of games gradually increase. When playing for money, winnings immediately start up again in the game. Gambling rituals and superstitions begin to take shape. Question: "to play or not to play?" in the periodicals occurs, but less and less often. At the third stage, there are no more questions - there is only an unbridled passion to devote every free minute to the game. The gamer may well promise that he will play just a few hours before going to bed, and in the morning you will find him in his place - in front of the computer, completely immersed in the game. Attempts to somehow exhort, call to account, explain the situation to a person will cause an aggressive reaction, and you may well hear something like: “Go mind your own business!”, And, in a much harsher form. In this scenario, trying to save the gamer on your own is already useless - it's time to see a doctor.

Addiction treatment

Psychiatrists are extremely reluctant to treat gambling addiction, because gambling addicts themselves have practically no motivation for treatment. It is easier even for a drug addict to realize that his life is flying into the abyss because of drugs and want to get rid of addiction. The gamer, on the other hand, feels quite comfortable, the brain has adjusted to the new virtual world, there is no need to change anything. The presence of debts, gained extra pounds, loss of friends and a family on the verge of collapse - all these arguments rarely seem significant to gamers, as they lie outside the sphere of their interests. Especially if there is someone close nearby who covers the rear with the last of his strength.

The first three months of giving up the game cause the strongest breakdown in the gamer: thoughts of suicide, aggression, constant anxiety. American doctors at this time prefer to isolate their patients in a house for the mentally ill. Our doctors have no choice but to rely on chance. Most often, coding is used, aimed at making the gamer disgusted with the game. The whole process lasts from two weeks to several years and is not always successful. More precisely, as doctors themselves admit, the percentage of those cured is extremely low.

So, if during your life with a gamer, you have completely lost respect for your husband and there is no longer any talk of love, it would probably be more correct to leave this person alone with his choice. There is a chance that once at the bottom, he will still come to the decision to quit gambling addiction. In this way, you will help both yourself and your ex-spouse. By the way, after a divorce, it is advisable for you to seek help from a support group for co-dependent people - do not think that life with a gamer has passed without a trace for your psyche!

How to reorient a person

If, in spite of everything, you love your husband and want to save the family, be patient. Remember that sorting things out and making a fuss is almost useless. Moreover, quarrels can lead to the opposite result - the faithful will plunge into the virtual world even deeper. Act smarter - penetrate into his world yourself. Sit next to her when her husband is playing and clarify what the meaning of the game is, what heroes are, who wins. Get to know your “enemy” as best you can, and at the same time surprise your husband by being able to be with him in the play space. Only in this way will you be able to ensure that your loved one begins to listen to you again. If the toy is a network one, get to know his teammates in the game, join the team and arrange a meeting of the players in real life. Your task is to lure people out of a fictional space for a very specific table with tea and cookies. Let, at first, only the nuances of strategies and battles will be discussed at this table.

Those who are addicted to slot machines will help ... buying a machine. This is a big investment, but only in this way you can avoid much more serious expenses and losses. Let him play at home, ad nauseam. In this case, the lost can always be extracted and returned to the family. The senselessness of such a game will gradually nullify all interest. Naturally, the method works only if the husband understands the perniciousness of his addiction and wants to get rid of it. With some, another method works. Every time a person wants to play, he must go to the machine and, instead of dropping the bill into the acceptor, tear it up. Yes, it takes a lot of money to get rid of addiction in this way, but the brain manages to reconfigure and return to normal life.

To make it easier for the psyche to accept the refusal of the game, you can offer your husband to drink soothing teas with motherwort tincture, chamomile, mint or valerian.

Often, churching helps gamers. If all methods have been tried and nothing has helped, you can try sending your husband to a monastery for several months. By observing fasts, devoting oneself to prayer and physical labor, a person is gradually freed from psychological dependence and returns to normal life. Archpriest Igor Fomin recommends that those who are thirsty for healing read the following prayers:

Prayer in Sorrow and Illness of St. Dimitry of Rostov: Save, Lord, and have mercy on Your servant (name) with the words of Your Divine Gospel, read about the salvation of your servant (name). The thorns of all his sins have fallen, Lord, and may Thy grace dwell in him, scorching, cleansing, sanctifying every person in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Do not let me, Lord, Lord, temptation, or sorrow, or illness beyond my strength, but deliver them from them or grant me the strength to endure them with gratitude.

It is impossible to imagine how hard it is for the relatives of an addict. Attempts to help often turn into scandals, while the disease only gets worse, destroying the life of a loved one. By learning how to properly build relationships with a gambling addict, you will help him and yourself to cope with the current situation.

If you find out that your loved one is suffering from addiction, it is best to seek help from a specialist. An experienced psychologist will tell you how to establish contact with a gambling addict, avoid conflicts and push him to the idea of ​​the need for treatment. But if you don’t have such an opportunity, following simple recommendations, you will improve the atmosphere in the house, get rid of nervous tension and inspire the addict to work on himself.

What needs to be remembered?

First of all, you need to make sure that your loved one really suffers from addiction. Watching him, pay attention to such features:

  • he talks only about the game, rejoices at a win or falls into a rage when he loses;
  • playing in an online casino, he cannot be distracted even for a minute. Attempts to tear him away from the game result in a conflict, and if there is no access to the game, the person experiences discomfort, becomes nervous and aggressive;
  • money begins to disappear from the general budget, more and more often he says that he owes many people, valuable things also disappear;
  • a person quit his job (or is about to quit), assuring you that he will soon hit the "jackpot" and be able to fully provide for the whole family;
  • he observes certain rituals before the game, constantly developing schemes with which he hopes to win.

If most of these features can be traced in the behavior of your loved one, you need to frankly talk to him. Don't blame him - this will force it to close. It is important to explain to him your emotions and feelings about his illness.

Once you find out that your loved one really can't stop playing, don't give in to despair. Remember: his illness is not your fault and you are not responsible for his life. Do not react to conflicts, do not try to control the gambling addict, take money from him or forcibly keep him at home - this will only aggravate the situation. If you want to provide real help to a gamer, you need to take care of your peace of mind, maintain a favorable atmosphere in the house and gradually accustom the addict to independence.

decisive action

Helping a gambler cope with illnesses, you cannot show weakness. As soon as the gamer notices that your words are at odds with the deed, he will begin to manipulate you. That is why it is so important to tell all relatives and friends about the problem who would support your family in the fight against addiction.

These tips will help you cope with the growing internal tension and prevent the development of codependency:

  • do not be shy and do not blame yourself for the feeling of anger and resentment that you experience in relation to the gambling addict. These feelings are completely natural. It is important to reconcile with them and let go of resentment;
  • attempts to control the gambler will lead to your suffering. Addiction makes a person a cunning manipulator, you will not be able to defeat the disease, while sacrificing your life energy;
  • communicate with the addict on an equal footing. It is not necessary to emphasize his painful condition. He must be responsible for his actions - the only way he can overcome addiction. Helping, you give him the opportunity to continue the game;
  • never give money to a gamer. It is also a question of responsibility formation. If he owes someone, he will have to solve this problem himself;
  • divide the budget, get a separate card for your income and do not let the gambler use it;
  • it is necessary to make it clear to the addict that they are not obliged to do something for him. In his struggle against addiction, you play the role of an assistant, but not the main character. Say that you are ready to be there, but only he can solve his problems.

Following this advice is not easy: compassion and guilt make many relatives of addicts follow their lead. If you are also afraid of not coping - seek help from a specialist. He will become your support in the struggle for a happy life.

Reading time: 7 minutes

From the article you will learn: the consequences of gambling, how to identify gambling addiction; what to do to help a loved one on your own; How does addiction develop? addiction test.

Gambling addiction is quite a difficult topic to discuss. Because for the most part, people do not notice the seriousness of the problem until they reach devastating consequences in all areas of life.

Only close people living next to a person suffering from this attachment, and then addiction, begin to notice changes. For example, the negative impact of computer addiction on the social qualities of a person: friendliness, openness, desire for communication, a sense of compassion.

What happens when you get addicted to games?

With a pronounced computer addiction, a person degrades, he loses social ties and reference points. He is working (looking for work) or studying less and less. Stops fulfilling social obligations. Serious problems begin at work and in the family. The apparent aloofness of "gamblers" makes them unattractive, which in turn exacerbates the conflict with the outside world.

However, even such consequences are denied and justified by the addict himself, and relatives, out of love, all hope for his prudence.

The player himself explains his dependence to himself with various alibis:

  • games develop logic, attention and thinking,
  • computer games are educational,
  • I'm at home, and not with a neighbor at the garages I drink beer,
  • I will win back and stop
  • so I relax and deal with stress,
  • and much more that you listen to as an excuse.

I repeat.

As with most mental illnesses, it is those around who are the first to notice a change in the character and behavior of a loved one. It is very difficult to convince the gamer himself that he is abusing.

How to identify gambling addiction?

The first step in the solution is the awareness of pathological addiction. It is very important to positively set up an addict for a visit to a psychotherapist, sometimes you can come up with an excuse for this in the form of psychological testing. You can safely entrust the rest of the work to a professional.

As a rule, computer addiction affects people who are not self-confident, have difficulties in communication, dissatisfaction with life, and have low self-esteem. Already after the first session with a psychotherapist, the gamer begins to perceive his addiction more critically.

The characteristic features of dependencies of various types are:

  • withdrawal syndrome,
  • the desire to get the object of dependence,
  • behavior aimed at acquiring an object of dependence,
  • reducing the critical attitude to the negative aspects of addiction,
  • loss of interest in the social side of life, appearance to meet other needs.

The main thing is not to criticize yourself. A person does not see what is happening to him!

Stages of development of psychological dependence on computer games

Each stage has its own symptoms. All stages inevitably progress. If nothing is done, then attachment will take on the character of obsession and illness.

Situational game. A person is carried away by the game, but can refuse it if the situation requires it. Plays when there is free time, when someone offers or in a company for the sake of competition.

episodic game. A person sometimes spends time playing. In his own hierarchy of values, he gives more and more priority to games. Strives to spend more time at the computer, but still does not deny the importance of other areas of life.

systematic game. The desire to spend time at the computer becomes so strong that it begins to interfere with daily activities, personal and business relationships. The game takes precedence. There is a remorse for wasted time without a game.

Addiction. The game becomes the "master" of a person's life. When you try to remove him from the computer, you are faced with a manifestation of aggression or other ways to protect the game space. Here a person suffers serious losses in various spheres of life. Doesn't see a problem with it. Doesn't recognize her. Denies.

How to solve the problem with gambling addiction on your own?

If at first you are trying to solve this problem on your own, without a therapist, then these tips will help you:

  • Invite your friends over more often
  • Take care to reduce the speed of the Internet provider. It will be annoying. In the end, the game will become boring and you will want to turn off the computer.
  • Arrange a meeting with a couple of "game" friends. Most likely, in live communication, they will disappoint him.
  • Make a schedule for your overall online presence, set a limit on the amount of time you can spend online.
  • Use a special program to block access to certain Internet resources.
  • Set a rule: do not use the Internet at work if it is not part of his official duties.
  • Go away for the weekend to where there is no Internet.
  • Start the renovation you've been putting off for so long.
  • Do not bring food for the computer, even if it asks. Do not contribute to the aggravation of the disease.
  • Food only in the kitchen and no gadgets.

Think about it, if your spouse is trying to feel his importance with the help of a computer game, is everything so good in your family life? A man needs to feel strong, and online games give him this opportunity, making him an invincible warrior, sweeping away legions of enemies with one click.

Do not hush up the problem, talk to everyone about it. Let all your loved ones help you.

Internet addiction test (S.A. Kulakov, 2004)

Take this internet addiction test with your man. The results will be your call to action.

Answers are given on a five-point scale: 1 - very rarely, 2 - sometimes, 3 - often, 4 - very often, 5 - always.

1. How often do you find yourself online longer than you intended?

2. How often do you abandon your household chores to spend more time online?

3. How often does your education and/or work suffer because of time spent playing?

4. How often do you check your email before you do something else?

5. How often do you push negative thoughts about your life into the background, replacing them with soothing thoughts about the Internet?

6. How often do you fear that life without the Internet will become boring, empty and uninteresting?

7. How often do you get annoyed, yell if something interrupts you when you are online?

8. How often do you lose sleep when you're online late?

9. How often do you find yourself saying “just a few more minutes…” when you are online?

10. How often do you prefer to be online instead of meeting people?

With a score of 25-39, you should consider the serious impact of the Internet on your life. With a score of 40 or more, you are highly likely to have an Internet addiction and need specialist help.

Literature for reading

  • Moskalenko V.D. "Addiction: a family disease", Moscow, PER SE, 2002
  • Sweet Corinne "Off the Hook: How to Get Rid of bad habits and addictions”, St. Petersburg and others: Peter, 1997
  • Yusuf Ibrahim Ahmed "Chat addiction as a psychosocial problem", Moscow, 1991

If you feel that you cannot cope on your own, be sure to contact a psychotherapist who works with addicts. I can help you with this.

AT modern world casinos, slot machines are not found at every turn. However, for those who need them, this is not a problem at all. There is a huge number of underground organizations, various sweepstakes, which are ready to amuse the needy around the clock. For many, this seems to be something alien and indifferent, but what if your own husband turns out to be a gamer.

It is very difficult to recognize this terrible addiction. It all starts with the fact that a loved one, for the sake of distraction, or easy money, sits down at a slot machine. And if luck is on the side of the newcomer, then the excitement draws you in deeper. Losses are temporary failures that force you to recoup. And the long-awaited victories inspire thoughts about earning even more. Only close people can return the victim to the familiar world. The husband of a gamer is a diagnosis, so you need to urgently help such a man.

Husband's gambling addiction: symptoms

There are a number of symptoms that allow you to determine the moment when it is time to help:

  • a man, his passion is necessary for the whole family;
  • the husband is rarely at home;
  • the family is in the background;
  • a man sincerely believes in luck;
  • even in his free time, the young man thinks about virtual reality;
  • the family budget is under threat;
  • there is a sharp change in mood;
  • going on vacation or on a long trip, the satellite begins to “break”. Irritations, anger, take over other emotions;
  • debts appear;
  • work becomes indifferent;
  • constant conversations lead only to a temporary attempt to abandon the hobby. Soon, again, the disruption and continuation of the games;
  • intimate life disappears;
  • relations between spouses become strained;
  • the number of friends is decreasing.

The appearance of several symptoms at the same time means only one thing, it's time to save your loved one.

The player must independently realize his addiction - want to get rid of it

Any gambling addiction: these are four stages

My husband is a gamer, what should I do? You need to pull yourself together and help your spouse with this addiction. It is possible that the man is only at the first stage of gambling. It's time to understand the stages of addiction to gambling or computers:

  1. 1st phase. The overall life cycle changes little. Plays rarely and dreams of winning.
  2. 2nd phase. Games are taking more and more time. Losses happen more and more often, hence debts grow. For the sake of getting money, the spouse begins to steal things from the house.
  3. 3rd phase. Friends turn away, temporary depression sets in.
  4. 4th phase. The final stage is accompanied by complete hopelessness. Thoughts of crime and suicide become constant companions. To somehow drown them out, the unfortunate resorts to the help of alcohol.

How to behave with a gamer?

If the third stage has not come, there is a chance to return the spouse to his former life. To do this, you need to take the advice of experienced professionals:

  • The player must independently realize his addiction - to want to get rid of it. Without his own desire to heal, nothing can be done;
  • without quarrels and scandals, talk with the chosen one;
  • try to distract him as much as possible;
  • come up with a shared hobby. Find an activity that will distract him from the game. Fishing trips, pool trips or nature outings;
  • calmly explain, the help of a doctor is needed. An experienced specialist will be able to find the right approach;
  • avoid pity. The seriousness of addiction must be adequately understood;
  • try to return the guy interest in life, resort to those things that he loved before. They will make him remember that even without games he was happy.

If that doesn't help, take a more drastic step. Tell him that you are giving him one last chance and leave the house for a while. If his family is dear to him, he will take up his mind. Let him realize all the responsibility. The whole family will be under attack if the husband is a gamer. Treatment advice should only be given by specialists.

The playing spouse brings pain and disappointment to all family members. All relatives and friends should join the wife. In this case, the result is sure to be. Gambling is a problem modern people who are looking for relaxation, easy money and detachment from reality.


The main difficulty in treating gambling addiction is the unwillingness of the patient to quit his habit. He simply does not consider her something bad, which means that it makes no sense to refuse her. Should a woman constantly fight for the dream of getting back a loved one? Everything here depends on her.

You must be aware that the treatment will be delayed. During this time, strong feelings may disappear. Only pity will remain, resentment for the undeveloped happy future. There is only one way out - divorce. The husband is a gamer - trouble in the family! The advanced stage of treatment is rarely amenable to treatment, so this should not be allowed.
