Animals with disabilities: “We also want to live! The old cat was abandoned to the mercy of fate Dogs and cats.

Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that domestic and wild animals, like people, also become disabled or are born not like everyone else.

In the wild, the harsh law of survival usually works - selection - survival of the fittest. Although sometimes, some animals try to adapt themselves to a difficult life. Someone will be lucky if people help them. Disabled animals that end up in special rehabilitation centers, if they do not fully recover, then remain to live out their lives in them.

But if there is life, there is hope!

I want to give one example. A broken-winged seagull has been living on the Spanish coast for several years. She made friends with who do you think? With local cats! Mustache-striped friends share food with her and even sleep with the seagull.

Another thing is pets. In such cases, the hope is only on the owners. It is the owners who can and simply should take care of them.

Animals with disabilities are much calmer about the loss of their capabilities than people. They have no complexes, they can adapt to almost everything, and the sincere love of the owner will always help to endure all hardships.

Moreover, special prostheses are being created for animals in our time, special carts with the help of which you can regain freedom of movement for those who have it limited. Of course, not everyone can afford the cost of such devices, but who, if not we, is responsible for those whom we tamed?


It happens that animals become disabled as a result of injury or illness. But as a rule, they show incredible stamina, which is even often cited as an example to us people.

I want to introduce you to the dog Dobrik, please read about him!

This is a sad story with a happy ending, and it is

And the American military dog ​​during the fighting in Iraq lost both front legs. And learned to walk on two back! Now, with his master, he visits hospitals, where he demonstrates to everyone an incredible will to live.

In England, the Persian cat learned not only to walk, but also to run on two right legs. And the cat, which had only the stumps from all four limbs after the electric shock, not only successfully moves on them, but even manages to catch mice!

A three-month-old kitten Sonya was crushed by a machine paw. Thanks to kind people, she underwent an operation and, in order to save her life, they cut off her crushed paw to the thigh.

Material about Sonya is on

There are an incredible number of such cases. We had a paralyzed disabled dog in our neighbor's house. True, she didn’t have a stroller, but the owners carried her out in their arms, put her on the grass, and then held her under her tummy when she sat down to do her “dirty deeds”. But she wanted to live, happily wagged her tail and even gave her voice.

But it also happens that babies are already born not quite ordinary. These are also disabled animals.

Experts believe that this is the effect of spoiled ecology and low-quality feed. Kittens, puppies, and even piglets that are missing one leg from birth, as a rule, learn quite successfully to live without them. There are cases when animals manage with two paws.

So we people need to learn from such animals resilience and the will to live!


Doggy Arbat
  • October 16, 2013 I want to show off my pants! My master class was in the magazine! )